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Capping Liturgy 2011 (1)

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  • 8/4/2019 Capping Liturgy 2011 (1)


    Introduction:Shekah A. Burguete

  • 8/4/2019 Capping Liturgy 2011 (1)




    Faculty and Staff


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    Here in the presence of the Lord, here in this

    holy place giving Him thanks for all Hes

    done, quietly seeking His face. So many times

    weve seen His hand guiding each step of the

    way. God put us here to take a stand to serve

    Him every day.

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    We will serve Him for the rest of our days; we

    will serve Him with the highest of praise.

    Well be His witness no matter the cost. Well

    be His beacon His light to the lost. We will

    serve the Lord our God, for the rest of our


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    He is the light at break of dawn He is the onetrue way. He is our strength when hope is

    gone, He shepherds us when we stray. God

    gave to us His only Son, the selfless sacrifice.

    How can we pay for all Hes done when Jesus

    paid the price?

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    Fr. Vic: In the name of the Father, and of theSon, and of the Holy Spirit.

    All: Amen.

    Fr. Vic: Peace be with you.

    All: And also with you.

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    PENITENTIAL RITEFr. Vic: Coming together as Gods family full of

    gentleness and compassion. (pause) I confess

    All: to Almighty God, and to you, mybrothers and sisters, that I have

    sinned through my own fault (strikeyour breast) in my thoughts and in mywords, in what I have done, and in

    what I have failed to do; and I askBlessed Mary, ever Virgin, all theangels and saints, and you, mybrothers and sisters, to pray for

    me to the Lord our God.

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    Fr. Vic: May the Almighty God have mercyon us, forgive us our sins, and bring

    us to everlasting life.

    All: Amen.

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    Kyrie eleison, Kyrie eleison,

    Kyrie eleison.

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    Glory be to God on high, glory be to God. Glory

    be to God on high, and on earth peace to all.

    Peace to all who are Gods friends we praise you,

    we bless you, we adore you we adore you, we

    glorify you. Give thanks for your great glory; give

    thanks for your great glory.

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    Lord, God heavenly King, God the

    Almighty Father. Lord, Jesus Christ, Lord,

    Jesus Christ, Lord, Jesus Christ only

    begotten Son. Lord, God, Lamb of God

    Son of the Father, Lord, God, Lamb of

    God Son of the Father.

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    You who take away the sin of the world

    have mercy on us. You who take away the

    sin of the world receive our prayer. You who

    are seated at the right hand of the Father.

    You who are seated at the right hand of the

    Father, have mercy, have mercy, have

    mercy on us.

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    For you alone are the holy one, youalone are the Lord. You alone are the

    most high, Jesus Christ with the Holy

    Spirit in the glo---ry of Godthe

    Father. Amen. Amen.

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    Fr. Vic: Let us pray.God our Father, you redeem us and make

    us your children in Christ. Look upon us, give

    us true freedom and bring us to theinheritance you promised.Grant this

    All: Amen

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    Liturgy of the Word

    First Reading: (1 Timothy 1:12, 12-14)Reader: Jamaica B. Cagatan

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    How lovely is your dwelling place O

    Lord, mighty God, Lord of all?

    Psalmist:Prince Heddi L. Odbina

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    Alleluia, alleluia, praise His Name forever.

    Alleluia, alleluia, bless His Word forever.

    Give thanks to Him for He is good His loveis everlasting, He alone performs great

    things, His love is everlasting.

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    GOSPEL READING Luke (6:39-42)

    Fr. Vic: The Lord be with you.

    All: And also with you.Fr. Vic: A reading from the Holy Gospel according

    to Luke.

    All: Glory to you, Lord.

    Fr. Vic: Jesus told His disciples a parable: . . .The gospel of the Lord.

    All: Praise to you, Lord

    Jesus Christ.

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    Rev. Fr. Vic F. Payuyo, C.M.

    Director, St. Joseph High School

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    Prayers of the FaithfulFr. Vic: Knowing by faith that God has already

    come to us in Jesus Christ, pray that Hiskingdom will fully come. Let our responsebe: Lord Hear us.

    All: LORD, HEAR US.

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    Precious Jewel C. AdjaraniJane A. Araa

    Xandra Michelle BazarMelissa Gail V. Francisco

    Gene L. Oliveros

    Khristine Joy R. Villar

    Lord, hear us.


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    Fr. Vic: Lord, guide our conscience so that

    we will hold firmly to Your truthand love. Give us the confidenceto open our lives to all men so thatthey may know as Christians, a

    free people who have chosenYour path, through Christ ourLord.

    All: Amen

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  • 8/4/2019 Capping Liturgy 2011 (1)


    Take and receive, O Lord, my liberty. Take all

    my will my mind, my memory. All that I have

    You have given all to me.

    Now I return it to be governed by Your will. Just

    say Your word to me, at once I will obey. Your

    love is wealth enough for me, all else will I


  • 8/4/2019 Capping Liturgy 2011 (1)


    Take and receive, O Lord, my liberty. Take all

    my will my mind, my memory. All that I have

    You have given all to me.

    Now I return it to be governed by Your will. Just

    say Your word to me, at once I will obey. Your

    love is wealth enough for me, all else will I


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    Fr. Vic: Pray, brethren, that our sacrifice may

    be acceptable to God, the AlmightyFather.

    All: May the Lord accept the

    sacrifice at your hands

    for the praise and glory

    of his Name, for thegood, and the good of all

    His Church.

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    Fr. Vic: God of peace and love, may our offeringbring you true worship and make us one

    with you.

    Grant this

    All: Amen.

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    EUCHARISTIC PRAYERFr. Vic: The Lord be with you.

    All: And also with you.Fr. Vic : Lift up your hearts.

    All: We lift them up to theLord.Fr. Vic : Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.

    All: It is right to give himthanks and praise.

    Fr. Vic : Father, all powerful . . .

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    Holy (9X) Lord God of hosts. Holy (7X) Lord

    God of hosts. Thy glory fills all heaven and

    earth (3X). Hosanna (4X) in the highest.

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    Blessed, blessed is he, who comes in the

    name of the Lord. (2X). Blessed, blessed,

    blessed is he, who comes in the name of

    the Lord. Hosanna (4X) in the highest.

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    Fr. Vic: Father, You are holy indeed, and all

    creation rightly gives you praise

    Let us proclaim the mystery of faith.

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    Christ has died,Christ is risen, Christ

    the Lord will come


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    Fr. Vic: Father, calling to mind the

    death Your Son


    Fr. Vic: Through Him, with Him, in

    Him, in the unity of theHoly Spirit, all glory and

    honor is Yours, Almighty

    Father, forever and ever.

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    Great Amen

    Amen. Amen. Amen.

    Amen. Amen. Amen.Amen.

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    Our Father

    Our Father in heaven holy be YouName You Kingdom come Your

    will be done on earth as in

    heaven. Give us today our daily

    bread and forgive us our sins as

    we forgive those who sin againstus to not bring us to the test but

    deliver us from evil.

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    For the kingdom,the power and the

    glory are Yours,now and forever.

    Deliver us, Lord, from every evil

    and grant us today Your peace:


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    SIGN OF PEACEFr. Vic: Lord, Jesus Christ, you said to your

    apostles: I leave you peace, my peace I giveyou...

    All: Amen.

    Fr. Vic : The peace of the Lord be with you always.

    All: And also with you.

    Fr. Vic : In communion and solidarity with theChurch, let us offer each other the sign ofpeace.

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    Lamb of God

    Lamb of God You

    take away the sin of

    the world have

    mercy on us. (3X)Lamb of God grant

    us peace.

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    Fr. Vic: This is the Lamb of God who takes away

    the sins of the world. Happy are those

    who are called to His supper.

    All: Lord, I am not worthy

    to receive you, butonly say the word and

    I shall be healed

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    I am Your reed, sweet Shepherd

    glad to be. Now if you will,

    breathe out Your joy in me and

    make bright song or fill me with

    the soft moan of Your love when

    Your delight has failed to call or

    move Your flock from wrong.

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    Your reed is mute. . . I am Your reedsweet shepherd glad to be . . . lay

    down the flute and take repose

    while music infinite is silence in Your

    heart, and laid on it Your reed is


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    In Him Alone


    In Him alone is our hope. In Him alone is

    our strength. In Him alone are we

    justified? In Him alone are we saved?

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    What have we to offer that does not fade

    or wither can the world ever satisfy the

    emptiness in our hearts in vain, we deny.

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    When will you cease running in search of

    hollow meaning. Let His Love feed the

    hunger in your soul til it overflows with

    joy you yearn to know.

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    Prayer ofConsecrationto theBlessed Virgin

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    Leader: Ann Valerie R. EpongO ever Glorious / and Immaculate

    Mother of God / I choose you as my

    Mother / my Patroness / and Ideal, inmy profession. / Realizing that you,

    dear Mother Mary / ever acted as an

    Assistant / to the Divine Physician /

    beg of you / to guide and direct me /

    in every moment of my career.

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    Let all my thoughts / words and actions, /

    every step I take / every breath I draw /

    be directed to the Greater Honor and

    Glory of God. / Walking in your Glorious

    Footsteps / and imitating your purity, /

    your deep humility / your unquestioning

    obedience / and your boundless charity, /

    may I / after life of unflinching service and

    Christ-like sympathy, / merit the favor of

    being close to you and your Divine Son /

    for all eternity. Amen.

    Eunice T. Crispo

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    I will sing with allmy soul and praise

    the Lord, my heart is

    glad because of Godmy Savior, for He

    has looked upon Hishumble servant and

    who am I, who am I,

    to merit His love?

    Eunice T. CrispoJessa Mary R. Cajeta

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    Fr. Vic: The Lord be with you.

    All: And also with you.

    SOLEMN BLESSINGFr. Vic : Bow your heads and pray for Gods blessing.

    God is the glory and joy of all His saints,whose memory we celebrate today. May Hisblessing be with you always.

    All: Amen.

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    Fr. Vic: May the prayer of the saints deliver you frompresent evil. May their example of holy livingturn your thoughts to service of God andneighbor.

    All: Amen.Fr. Vic: Gods holy Church rejoices that her saints

    have reached their heavenly goal, and are in

    lasting peace. May you come to share all thejoys of our Fathers house.

    All: Amen.

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    DISMISSALFr. Vic : Let us go and bless all we meet with the

    liberating love of God.

    All: Thanks be to God.

    Fr. Vic: May almighty God bless you, the Father, and theSon, and the Holy Spirit.

    All: Amen.

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    Refrain: As I sing my hearts thanksgiving

    and my eyes look heavenward, how the

    stars you flung like jewels bid your

    welcome, shine your light. As I marvel at

    your moonrise, Im in awe yet I ask, What

    am I that you should love me, and hold me

    as your dearest love of all?

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    You crown me with honor and

    glory, and you set all things under

    my feet. You have made me a little

    less than angels even if I fly often


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    In my anxious and brow-beaten

    moments you comfort me, fill me with

    peace. When my foes threaten, dare,

    and surround me, youre my strength;

    youre my light and my shield.

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  • 8/4/2019 Capping Liturgy 2011 (1)


    Br. Manny: Our help is in the name of the Lord.

    All: Who made heaven and earth.

    Br. Manny: O Lord, hear our prayers.

    All: And let our cry come to you.

    Br. Manny : Let us pray . . . our Lord.

    All: Amen.

    Blessing of Certificates and PinsBr. Manny Sia, FSC

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    Hail! Hail! Alma Mater Hail to De La

    Salle Well hold your banner high and

    bright, a shield of green and white.

    Well fight to keep your glory bright,and never shall we fail,

    Hail to thee our Alma Mater!

    Hail! Hail! Hail!

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