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Carcinomas Presentation

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Carina Dudas (Petricau) and Maria Anastasapolu Carcinomas
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Carina Dudas (Petricau) and MariaAnastasapolu


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Defnition• A carcinoma is a malignant growth that

arises rom the _____________.

 Two general classes: – Epithelial Membranes  co!ering"lining o

organs•  ________________ 

 – Glandular Epithelium # epithelial cells growdown into the connecti!e tissue and ormglands•  ________________

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Classifed $% epithelium t%pe

• Columnar" Cu$oidal epithelium – &' tract (e: Colorectal carcinoma) – Th%roid (e: th%roid carcinoma) – Trachea (e: Adenoid c%stic carcinoma ) – idne% (e: *enal cell carcinoma+ urothelial carcinoma o

renal pel!is)

• ,-uamous epithelium – ,in (e: /asal cell carcinoma) – 0agina" outer cer!i (e: adenos-uamous carcinoma o

cer!i) – Distal urethra (e: s-uamous cell carcinoma o distal urethra) – 1sophagus (e: s-uamous cell carcinoma o the esophagus) – 2ar%n (e: lar%ngeal carcinoma)

• &landular epithelium – /reast+ cer!i+ allopian tu$es+ o!aries+ prostate+ pancreas3

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6rothelial (transitional cell)tumors• *epresent a$out 789 o all $ladder tumors• Ma% appear an%where $etween the renal

pel!is to the distal urethra

6rothelial tumors !ar% $% orm (papillar%+nodular+ at) and $% depth (nonin!asi!e+in!asi!e)

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Morpholog% o urothelialtumors

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;istological criteria: Transitional cell carcinoma

• ;%perplasia (increased num$er) o epithelial cellla%ers

• 'ncreased papillar% olding o urothelium• A$normalities o nuclear morpholog%


;%perchromatic nuclei• 2oss o cellular polarit%• A$normalities o the normal cellular maturation

rom $asal to superfcial la%ers• Presence o giant cells• 'ncreased nuclear to c%toplasm ratio•  4re-uent mitotic fgures• 2oss o cellular cohesi!eness• <idened intracellular spaces

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Papillar% urothelialcarcinomas

Low-grade papillary urothelialcarcinoma with an o!erallorderl% appearance+ a thicerlining than in papilloma+ andscattered h%perchromatic nucleiand mitotic fgures.

High-grade papillaryurothelial carcinoma withmared d%scohesi!e cells+ largeh%perechromatic nuclei+ re-uentmitotic fgures

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Carcinoma in situ ( at)

Normal urothelium with uniorm

nuclei and well#de!eloped um$rellacell la%er

Flat carcinoma in situ withnumerous cells ha!ing enlargedand pleomorphic nuclei+ loss ocellular cohesi!eness+ h%perplasiao urothelium

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'n!asi!e urothelial cancer

6rothelial carcinoma whichin!ades the lamina propria ordeeper

Associated with either high#grade papillar% urothelial canceror with carcinoma in situ

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Colorectal Cancer

7>9 o colorectal cancers are adenocarcinomas

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Colorectal cancer• Distri$ution o the colorectal cancers:

 – ==9: cecum"ascending colon – 559: trans!erse colon – ?9: descending colon – @@9: rectosigmoid colon –

?9: other sites• All colorectal carcinomas $egin as in situ lesions+ $ut

e!ol!e into dierent morphologic patterns (grosspatholog%): – *ight#sided colonic adenocarcinomas# etend along one

wall o the cecum and"or ascending colonB usuall% noo$struction is present

 – 2et#sided colonic adenocarcinomas# annular+ encirclinglesions that produce constrictions o the $owel (lumen isnarrowed and proimal $owel distended)

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&ross Patholog%

Carcinoma o the cecum

Carcinoma o the descending colo

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,u$t%pes o colorectal cancerMucinous carcinoma,ignet ring carcinoma

/asaloid carcinoma

Anaplastic carcinoma1ndocrine dierentiation,cattered endocrine cells

,mall cell carcinoma

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;istopatholog% o colorectalcancer

• <ell#to#moderatel% dierentiated adenocarcinoma secreting!aria$le amounts o mucin

•  Tumor cells are a com$ination o  – Columnar cells and go$let cellsB occasional endocrine cells

• Consistent inammator% and desmoplastic reaction: – prominent at edges – Presence o inammator% cells:

• most T l%mphoc%tes• Ma% also fnd:

 – / l%mphoc%tes – plasma cells – ;istoc%tes

occasionall% numerous eosinophils• 1dge o tumor:

 – ma% show oci o residual pol%p – h%perplastic change in glands:

 – taller – more tortuous –

more go$let cells – alterations in mucin secretion

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Pathologic staging o colorectalcancer

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,in CancerMost common t%pes:/asal cell carcinoma,-uamous cell carcinomaMelanoma

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/asal cell carcinoma

• Common+ slow#growing tumor+ not painul and does not itchB rarel%metastasies $ut destro%s adEacent tissue $% etending downward intothe dermis

• Clinicall%: pearl% papules oten containing telangiectasias (nodularsu$t%pe)

Fpen sore# rodent ulceration

4igure G

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Morphological changes o/CC

 Tumor cells resem$le the normal $asal cells oepidermis+ $ut tumor cells ha!e larger nucleus :c%toplasm ratio and h%perchromic nuclei

•  Two maEor patterns are seen:

 – Multiocal growths# originating rom epidermis and

etending o!er sin surace – Hodular lesions# growing downward+ deep into dermis

as cords and islands

•  The cells orming the peripher% o the tumor cell islands

ha!e a palisading arrangement $ut the central cell areirregular or spindle shaped with intracellular $ridges

• /asal cell nests or islands are separated romsurrounding stroma $% clets

Mitotic fgures are !er% rarel% o$ser!ed

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/asal Cell Carcinoma

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,-uamous cell carcinoma

• Common+ deri!ed rom eratinoc%tes o theepidermis+ in!ades the dermis

• Clinicall%: raised+ frm+ pin#to#eshcolored

eratotic papule+ oten ulcerated

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Morphological changes in,CC Tumor cells are large and ha!e

h%perchromatic+ pleomorphic nuclei

D%splasia o cell in the ull depth o epithelium

<hen these cells $rea through $asementmem$raneI in!ade dermis

Most cells are well dierentiated and producelarge amounts o eratin

eratin pearls (onion lie swirls) in the dermis'ntracellular $ridges (space)# loss o

homot%pic cell adhesion

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,-uamous Cell Carcinoma

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http:""www.ilpi.com"msds"re"carcinoma.html umar et al.+ JPathologic /asis o DiseasesK Lth edition+ *o$$ins and Cotran.


4igure 5: Dangle et al. World Journal of Surgical Oncology  =88> 6:58

 Da!ison et al.+ Ford tet$oo o cinical nephrolog%+ 0olume 5. =88@.

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4igure : http:""sincancer#act.com"sin#cancer#t%pe#$asal#cell#carcinoma#$cc"

http:""emedicine.medscape.com"article"5585@@#o!er!iew 4igure G: http:""dermnetn.org"lesions"img"$cc#ace"source"5.html
