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doi:10.1016/j.jacc.2008.07.051 2008;52;1527-1539 J. Am. Coll. Cardiol. Bellomo Claudio Ronco, Mikko Haapio, Andrew A. House, Nagesh Anavekar, and Rinaldo Cardiorenal Syndrome This information is current as of May 24, 2010 http://content.onlinejacc.org/cgi/content/full/52/19/1527 located on the World Wide Web at: The online version of this article, along with updated information and services, is by on May 24, 2010 content.onlinejacc.org Downloaded from
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doi:10.1016/j.jacc.2008.07.051 2008;52;1527-1539 J. Am. Coll. Cardiol.

Bellomo Claudio Ronco, Mikko Haapio, Andrew A. House, Nagesh Anavekar, and Rinaldo

Cardiorenal Syndrome

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Journal of the American College of Cardiology Vol. 52, No. 19, 2008© 2008 by the American College of Cardiology Foundation ISSN 0735-1097/08/$34.00P


Cardiorenal SyndromeClaudio Ronco, MD,* Mikko Haapio, MD,† Andrew A. House, MSC, MD,‡ Nagesh Anavekar, MD,§Rinaldo Bellomo, MD¶

Vicenza, Italy; Helsinki, Finland; London, Ontario, Canada; and Melbourne, Australia

The term cardiorenal syndrome (CRS) increasingly has been used without a consistent or well-accepted defini-tion. To include the vast array of interrelated derangements, and to stress the bidirectional nature of heart-kidney interactions, we present a new classification of the CRS with 5 subtypes that reflect the pathophysiology,the time-frame, and the nature of concomitant cardiac and renal dysfunction. CRS can be generally defined as apathophysiologic disorder of the heart and kidneys whereby acute or chronic dysfunction of 1 organ may induceacute or chronic dysfunction of the other. Type 1 CRS reflects an abrupt worsening of cardiac function (e.g.,acute cardiogenic shock or decompensated congestive heart failure) leading to acute kidney injury. Type 2 CRScomprises chronic abnormalities in cardiac function (e.g., chronic congestive heart failure) causing progressivechronic kidney disease. Type 3 CRS consists of an abrupt worsening of renal function (e.g., acute kidney isch-emia or glomerulonephritis) causing acute cardiac dysfunction (e.g., heart failure, arrhythmia, ischemia). Type 4CRS describes a state of chronic kidney disease (e.g., chronic glomerular disease) contributing to decreased car-diac function, cardiac hypertrophy, and/or increased risk of adverse cardiovascular events. Type 5 CRS reflects asystemic condition (e.g., sepsis) causing both cardiac and renal dysfunction. Biomarkers can contribute to anearly diagnosis of CRS and to a timely therapeutic intervention. The use of this classification can help physicianscharacterize groups of patients, provides the rationale for specific management strategies, and allows the de-sign of future clinical trials with more accurate selection and stratification of the population underinvestigation. (J Am Coll Cardiol 2008;52:1527–39) © 2008 by the American College of Cardiology Foundation

ublished by Elsevier Inc. doi:10.1016/j.jacc.2008.07.051




large proportion of patients admitted to hospital havearious degrees of heart and kidney dysfunction (1). Primaryisorders of 1 of these 2 organs often result in secondaryysfunction or injury to the other (2). Such interactionsepresent the pathophysiological basis for a clinical entityalled cardiorenal syndrome (CRS) (3). Although generallyefined as a condition characterized by the initiation and/orrogression of renal insufficiency secondary to heart failure4), the term CRS is also used to describe the negativeffects of reduced renal function on the heart and circulation5). The absence of a clear definition and the complexity ofhis cluster of conditions contribute to lack of clarity withegard to diagnosis and management (6). This is unfortu-ate, because recent advances in basic and clinical sciencesave improved our understanding of organ crosstalk andave demonstrated the efficacy of some therapies in atten-ating both cardiac and renal injury (7). Thus, a morerticulated definition in terms of clinical presentation, patho-hysiology, diagnosis, and management is needed to explorehe complex nature of CRS and its different clinical subtypes.

rom the *Department of Nephrology, St. Bortolo Hospital, Vicenza, Italy; †Divisionf Nephrology, Helsinki University Central Hospital, Helsinki, Finland; ‡Division ofephrology, London Health Sciences Centre, London, Ontario, Canada; §Depart-ent of Cardiology, Northern Hospital, Melbourne, Australia; and the ¶Department

f Intensive Care, Austin Hospital, Melbourne, Australia.

wManuscript received June 12, 2008; revised manuscript received July 14, 2008,

ccepted July 28, 2008.

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RS: A Definition

he simplistic view of CRS is that a relatively normalidney is dysfunctional because of a diseased heart, with thessumption that, in the presence of a healthy heart, the sameidney would perform normally (8). This concept has beenecently challenged, and a more articulated definition of theRS has been advocated (5). The CRS includes a variety of

cute or chronic conditions, where the primary failing organan be either the heart or the kidney (9).

Previous terminology did not allow physicians to identifynd fully characterize the chronology of the pathophysio-ogical interactions that characterize a specific type ofombined heart/kidney disorder. A diseased heart has nu-erous negative effects on kidney function but, at the same

ime, renal insufficiency can significantly impair cardiacunction (9). Thus, direct and indirect effects of each organhat is dysfunctional can initiate and perpetuate the com-ined disorder of the 2 organs through a complex combi-ation of neurohormonal feedback mechanisms. For thiseason, a subdivision of CRS into 5 different subtypes seemso provide a more concise and logically correct approach.

RS type 1 (acute CRS). Type 1 CRS is characterized byrapid worsening of cardiac function, leading to acute

idney injury (AKI) (Fig. 1). Acute heart failure (HF) maye divided into 4 subtypes: hypertensive pulmonary edema

ith preserved left ventricular (LV) systolic function,

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acutely decompensated chronicHF, cardiogenic shock, and pre-dominant right ventricular fail-ure (10). Type 1 CRS is a com-mon occurrence. More than 1million patients in the U.S. areadmitted to the hospital everyyear with either de novo acuteHF or acutely decompensatedchronic HF (11). Among thesepatients, pre-morbid chronic re-nal dysfunction is a common oc-currence and predisposes them toAKI (12,13). The mechanismsby which the onset of acute HFor acutely decompensated chronicHF leads to AKI are multipleand complex (4) (Fig. 1). Theclinical importance of eachmechanism is likely to vary frompatient to patient (e.g., acute car-diogenic shock vs. hypertensivepulmonary edema) and situationto situation (acute HF secondaryto perforation of a mitral valveleaflet from endocarditis vs.

orsening right HF secondary to noncompliance withiuretic therapy). In acute HF, AKI appears to be moreevere in patients with impaired LV ejection fraction com-ared with those with preserved LV function, achieving anncidence �70% in patients with cardiogenic shock (14).urthermore, impaired renal function is consistently founds an independent risk factor for 1-year mortality in acuteF patients, including patients with ST-segment elevationyocardial infarction (15). A plausible reason for this

ndependent effect might be that an acute decline in renalunction does not simply act as a marker of illness sever-ty but also carries an associated acceleration in cardiovas-ular pathobiology through activation of inflammatoryathways (9,16).In CRS type 1, a salient clinical issue is how the onset of

KI impacts on prognosis and treatment of acute HF. Therst clinical principle is that the onset of AKI in this setting

mplies inadequate renal perfusion until proven otherwise,hich should prompt clinicians to consider the diagnosis oflow cardiac output state and/or marked increase in venousressure leading to kidney congestion through the use ofhysical examination, ancillary signs, imaging, and labora-ory findings.

The second important consequence of type 1 CRS isecreased diuretic responsiveness. In a congestive state,ecreased response to diuretics may result from the physi-logical phenomena of diuretic braking (diminished diureticffectiveness secondary to postdiuretic sodium retention)17) and post-diuretic sodium retention (18). In addition,

Abbreviationsand Acronyms

ACE � angiotensin-converting enzyme

AKI � acute kidney injury

ARB � angiotensinreceptor blocker

BNP � B-type natriureticpeptide

CKD � chronic kidneydisease

CRS � cardiorenalsyndrome

GFR � glomerular filtrationrate

HF � heart failure

ICU � intensive care unit

IL � interleukin

LV � left ventricular

NGAL � neutrophilgelatinase-associatedlipocalin

TNF � tumor necrosisfactor

oncerns of aggravating AKI by the administration of acontent.onlinejDownloaded from

iuretics at greater doses or in combination also can act as andditional, iatrogenic mechanism. Diuretics are best pro-ided to HF patients with evidence of systemic fluidverload with the goal of achieving a gradual diuresis. Loopiuretics may be titrated according to renal function, systoliclood pressure, and history of chronic diuretic use. Highoses may cause tinnitus, and a continuous low-dose di-retic infusion might be more efficient (19).Measurement of cardiac output (arterial pressure monitoring

ombined with pulse contour analysis or by Doppler ultra-ound) and venous pressure may help ensure adequate andargeted diuretic therapy (20–22) and allow safer navigationhrough the precarious situation of combined HF and AKI.f diuretic-resistant fluid overload exists despite an opti-ized cardiac output, removal of isotonic fluid can be

chieved by the use of extracorporeal ultrafiltration (23,24).The presence of AKI with or without concomitant

yperkalemia may also affect patient outcome by inhibitinghe prescription of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE)nhibitors, angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs), and aldo-terone inhibitors (drugs that have been shown in largeandomized controlled trials to increase survival in theetting of heart failure and myocardial infarction) (25).owever, provided there is close monitoring of renal function

nd potassium levels, the potential benefits of these interven-ions often outweigh their risks, even in these patients.

The acute administration of beta-blockers in the settingf type 1 CRS generally is not advised. Such therapy shouldait until the patient has stabilized physiologically and until

oncerns about a low output syndrome have been resolved.n some patients, stroke volume cannot be increased, andelative or absolute tachycardia sustains the adequacy ofardiac output. Blockade of such compensatory tachycardiand sympathetic system-dependent inotropic compensationan precipitate cardiogenic shock with associated highortality (26). Particular concern applies to beta-blockers

xcreted by the kidney, such as atenolol or sotalol, alone orn combination with calcium antagonists (27). This shouldot inhibit the slow, careful, titrated administration of beta-lockers later on, once patients are hemodynamically stable.

In patients with kidney dysfunction, undertreatment afteryocardial infarction is common (28). Attention should be

aid to preserving renal function, perhaps with the sameigor as we attempt to salvage and protect cardiac muscle.

orsening of renal function during admission for ST-egment elevation myocardial infarction is a powerful andndependent predictor of in-hospital and 1-year mortality14,15). In patients who receive percutaneous coronaryntervention or cardiac surgery, even a small increase inerum creatinine (�0.3 mg/dl) is associated with increasedospital stay and mortality (29,30). In this context, an

ncrease in creatinine is not simply a marker of illnesseverity but, rather, it represents the onset of AKI acting as

causative factor for cardiovascular injury accelerationhrough the activation of neurohormonal, immunological

nd inflammatory pathways (9,16). No specific kidney-

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1529JACC Vol. 52, No. 19, 2008 Ronco et al.November 4, 2008:1527–39 Cardiorenal Syndrome

rotective treatments have yet emerged for this condition.espite some initial promising results, the use of nesiritide

emains controversial, and a recent negative randomizedontrolled trial in these very patients (31) suggests that thisgent is unlikely to have significant clinical benefit.

A very specific and common threat to kidney function inhe setting of acute cardiac disease relates to the adminis-ration of radiocontrast for heart imaging procedures. Thisopic, recently reviewed in the Journal (32), would requireeparate detailed discussion and is beyond the scope of thisrticle. Suffice it to say that this high-risk group requiresppropriate prophylaxis to avoid radiocontrast nephropathy.iven that the presence of type 1 CRS defines a populationith high mortality, a prompt, careful, systematic, multi-isciplinary approach involving cardiologists, nephrologists,ritical care physicians, and cardiac surgeons is both logicalnd desirable.

In CRS type 1, the early diagnosis of AKI remains ahallenge (33). This is also true in CRS type 3, where AKI

Figure 1 CRS Type 1

Pathophysiological interactions between heart and kidney in type 1 cardiorenal syngenic shock or acute decompensation of chronic heart failure) leading to kidney inB-type natriuretic peptide; CO � cardiac output; GFR � glomerular filtration rate; K� renin angiotensin aldosterone. Figure illustration by Rob Flewell.

s believed to be the primary inciting factor leading to ccontent.onlinejDownloaded from

ardiac dysfunction. In both cases, classic markers such asreatinine increase when AKI is already established and veryittle can be done to prevent it or to protect the kidney. Annteresting evolution in the early diagnosis of CRS has beenhe discovery of novel AKI biomarkers. With the use of aomplementary deoxyribonucleic acid microarray as acreening technique, a subset of genes whose expression isp-regulated within the first few hours after renal injury haseen discovered (34,35).Neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL) ap-

ears to be one of the earliest markers detected in the bloodnd urine of humans with AKI (36–39). Urine and serumGAL are early predictors of AKI both in adult and

hildren either in cardiac surgery or patients in the intensiveare unit (ICU) (40,41). In these patients, an increase inreatinine is observed only 48 to 72 h later (42). NGALs also a biomarker of delayed graft function in kidneyransplantation (43), AKI caused by contrast-media (44),nd AKI in critically ill patients admitted to intensive

(CRS) or “acute CRS” (abrupt worsening of cardiac function, e.g., acute cardio-CE � angiotensin-converting enzyme; ANP � atrial natriuretic peptide; BNP �

kidney injury molecule; N-GAL � neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin; RAA

dromejury. AIM �

are (45). by on May 24, 2010 acc.org

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Cystatin C appears to be a better predictor of glomerularunction than serum creatinine in patients with chronicidney disease (CKD) because its blood levels are notffected by age, gender, race, or muscle mass (46). Cystatin

predicts AKI and the requirement for renal replacementherapy earlier than creatinine (47). Serum cystatin C haseen compared with NGAL in cardiac surgery-mediatedKI (48). Both biomarkers predicted AKI at 12 h, althoughGAL outperformed cystatin C at earlier time points.onsidering them together, they may represent a combina-

ion of structural and functional damage of the kidney.Kidney injury molecule 1 is a protein detectable in the

rine after ischemic or nephrotoxic insults to proximalubular cells (49–51) and seems to be highly specific forschemic AKI. Combined with NGAL which is highlyensitive, it may represent an important marker in the earlyhases of AKI.Biomarkers such as N-acetyl-�-(D)glucosaminidase (52),

nterleukin (IL)-18 (53) and others reported in Table 1 haveeen proposed as an interesting and promising contributiono diagnosis of AKI and progression of CKD. The mostikely evolution will be a “panel” of biomarkers that includeeveral molecules both in serum and urine that combineheir best characteristics in terms of specificity and sensitiv-ty of each marker molecule.

RS type 2 (chronic CRS). Type 2 CRS is characterizedy chronic abnormalities in cardiac function (e.g., chronicongestive HF) causing progressive CKD (Fig. 2). Wors-ning renal function in the context of HF is associated withdverse outcomes and prolonged hospitalizations (32). Therevalence of renal dysfunction in chronic HF has beeneported to be approximately 25% (54). Even slight de-reases in estimated glomerular filtration rate (GFR) signif-cantly increase mortality risk (54) and are considered a

arker of severity of vascular disease (55). Independentredictors of worsening function include old age, hyperten-ion, diabetes mellitus, and acute coronary syndromes.

The mechanisms underlying worsening renal functionikely differs based on acute versus chronic HF. Chronic HFrotein Biomarkers forhe Early Detection of Acute Kidney Injury

Table 1 Protein Biomarkers forthe Early Detection of Acute Kidney Injury

Biomarker Associated Injury

Cystatin C Proximal tubule injury

KIM-1 Ischemia and nephrotoxins

NGAL (lipocalin) Ischemia and nephrotoxins

NHE3 Ischemia, pre-renal, post-renal AKI

Cytokines (IL-6, IL-8, IL-18) Toxic, delayed graft function

Actin-actin depolymerizing F Ischemia and delayed graft function

�-GST Proximal T injury, acute rejection

�-GST Distal tubule injury, acute rejection

L-FABP Ischemia and nephrotoxins

Netrin-1 Ischemia and nephrotoxins, sepsis

Keratin-derived chemokine Ischemia and delayed graft function

ST � glutathione S-transferase; IL � interleukin; KIM � kidney injury molecule; L-FABP � L-type

Hatty acid binding protein; NGAL � neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin; NHE � sodium-ydrogen exchanger.

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s likely to be characterized by a long-term situation ofeduced renal perfusion, often predisposed by microvascularnd macrovascular disease. Although a greater proportion ofatients with low estimated GFR have a worse New Yorkeart Association functional class, no evidence of associa-

ion between LV ejection fraction and estimated GFR cane consistently demonstrated. Thus, patients with chronicF and preserved LV function appear to have similar

stimated GFR than patients with impaired LV (ejectionraction �45%) (55).

There is very limited understanding of the pathophys-ology of renal dysfunction in the setting of even ad-anced cardiac failure. In this setting, where one wouldntuitively consider hemodynamic issues to be dominant,he ESCAPE (Evaluation Study of Congestive Heart Fail-re and Pulmonary Catheterization Effectiveness) trial (56)ound no link between any pulmonary artery catheter-easured hemodynamic variables and serum creatinine in

94 patients. The only link was with right atrial pressure,uggesting that renal congestion may be more importanthan appreciated. Clearly, hypoperfusion alone cannot ex-lain renal dysfunction in this setting. More work needs toe performed to understand the mechanisms at play to developargeted and physiologically sound approaches to treatment.

Neurohormonal abnormalities are present with excessiveroduction of vasoconstrictive mediators (epinephrine, an-iotensin, endothelin) and altered sensitivity and/or releasef endogenous vasodilatory factors (natriuretic peptides,itric oxide). Pharmacotherapies used in the managementf HF may worsen renal function. Diuresis-associatedypovolemia, early introduction of renin-angiotensin-ldosterone system blockade, and drug-induced hypoten-ion have all been suggested as contributing factors (4).

More recently, there has been increasing interest in theathogenic role of relative or absolute erythropoietin defi-iency contributing to a more pronounced anemia in theseatients than might be expected for renal failure alone (57).rythropoietin receptor activation in the heart may protect

t from apoptosis, fibrosis, and inflammation (58,59). Pre-iminary clinical studies show that erythropoiesis-timulating agents in patients with chronic HF, CKD, andnemia lead to improved cardiac function, reduction in LVize, and the lowering of B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP)60). Patients with type 2 CRS are more likely to receiveoop diuretics and vasodilators and also to receive greateroses of such drugs compared with those patients withtable renal function (61). Treatment with these drugs mayarticipate in the development and progression of renalnjury. However, such therapies may simply identify patientsith severe hemodynamic compromise and, thus, a predis-osition to renal dysfunction rather than being responsibleor worsening function.

Renal insufficiency is highly prevalent among patientsith HF and is an independent negative prognostic factor inoth diastolic and systolic ventricular dysfunction and severe

F (62). The logical practical implications of the plethora

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1531JACC Vol. 52, No. 19, 2008 Ronco et al.November 4, 2008:1527–39 Cardiorenal Syndrome

f data linking CKD with cardiovascular disease are thatore attention needs to be paid to reducing risk factors and

ptimizing medications in these patients and that under-reatment due to concerns about pharmacodynamics in thisetting may have lethal consequences at an individual levelnd huge potential adverse consequences at a public healthevel. Nonetheless, it is equally important to acknowledgehat clinicians looking after these patients often are facedith competing therapeutic choices and that, with the

xception of MERIT-HF (Metoprolol Controlled-Releaseandomised Intervention Trial in Heart Failure) (63), large

andomized controlled trials that have shaped the treatmentf chronic HF in the last 2 decades have consistentlyxcluded patients with significant renal disease. More on these of specific agents is covered in the sections on type 3 andCRS.RS type 3 (acute renocardiac syndrome). Type 3 CRS is

haracterized by an abrupt and primary worsening of kidneyunction (e.g., AKI, ischemia, or glomerulonephritis), lead-

Figure 2 CRS Type 2

Pathophysiological interactions between heart and kidney in type 2 cardiorenal syne.g., chronic heart failure) causing progressive chronic kidney disease (CKD). Figursin aldosterone.

ng to acute cardiac dysfunction (e.g., HF, arrhythmia, ccontent.onlinejDownloaded from

schemia). Type 3 CRS appears less common than type 1RS, but this may only be due to the fact that, unlike typeCRS, it has not been systematically studied. AKI is a

rowing disorder in hospital and ICU patients. When theIFLE (risk, injury, and failure; loss; and end-stage kidneyisease) consensus definition is used, AKI has been identi-ed in close to 9% of hospital patients (64). In a large ICUatabase, AKI was observed in more than 35% of patients65). Acute kidney injury can affect the heart througheveral pathways (Fig. 3), whose hierarchy is not yetstablished. Fluid overload can contribute to the develop-ent of pulmonary edema. Hyperkalemia can contribute to

rrhythmias and may cause cardiac arrest. Untreated uremiaffects myocardial contractility through the accumulation ofyocardial depressant factors (66) and pericarditis (67).cidemia produces pulmonary vasoconstriction (68), which

an significantly contribute to right-sided HF. Acidemiappears to have a negative inotropic effect (69) and might,ogether with electrolyte imbalances, contribute to an in-

(CRS) or “chronic CRS” (chronic abnormalities in cardiac function,tration by Rob Flewell. LVH � left ventricular hypertrophy; RAA � renin angioten-

dromee illus

reased risk of arrhythmias (70). Finally, renal ischemia by on May 24, 2010 acc.org

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tself may precipitate activation of inflammation and apo-tosis at cardiac level (9).A unique situation leading to type 3 CRS is bilateral

enal artery stenosis (or unilateral stenosis in a solitaryidney). Patients with this condition may be prone tocute or decompensated HF because of diastolic dysfunc-ion related to chronic increase of blood pressure fromxcessive activation of the renin-angiotensin-aldosteronexis, renal dysfunction with sodium and water retention,nd acute myocardial ischemia from an increase inyocardial oxygen demand related to intense peripheral

asoconstriction (71,72). In these patients, angiotensinlockade is generally required to manage the hyperten-ion and HF. However, the GFR is highly dependentpon angiotensin and significant decompensation of kid-ey function may ensue. Although the management ofhese unusual patients has not been subject to scrutiny inarge randomized trials, those exhibiting renal decom-ensation with ACE inhibition or ARB are likely candi-ates for renal revascularization (72).Sensitive and specific biomarkers of cardiac injury may

elp physicians to diagnose and treat type 3 CRS earlier anderhaps more effectively (73). Cardiac troponins are bio-

Figure 3 CRS Type 3

Pathophysiological interactions between heart and kidney in type 3 CRS or “acuteor glomerulonephritis) causing acute cardiac disorder (e.g., heart failure, arrhythmFigure illustration by Rob Flewell.

arkers for ischemic myocardial injury (74,75), and they ocontent.onlinejDownloaded from

orrelate with outcomes in the general population andpecifically in renal patients (76–78). A marker of myocytetress is BNP and allows the diagnosis of acute and acutelyecompensated chronic HF (79). It also is an independentredictor of cardiovascular events and overall mortality inhe general population (80,81) and also in patients withenal insufficiency (82–84). In HF, despite high levels oferum BNP, its physiological effects (vasodilatory, diuretic,nd natriuretic) do not appear sufficient to prevent theisease progression and CRS. Recent findings suggest aesistance to BNP (85) and/or a relative preponderance ofhe biologically inactive precursor of BNP (86). In CRSype 4 (discussed in the following text), an associationetween increased levels of BNP and the accelerated pro-ression of nondiabetic CKD to end-stage kidney diseaseas been observed (87).Myeloperoxidase is a marker of altered myocyte metabolism,

xidative stress, and inflammation, especially in acute coronaryyndrome (88). Oxidative stress may cause myocyte apoptosisnd necrosis, and it is associated with arrhythmias and endo-helial dysfunction with a potential role in the pathogenesis ofRS (89). Cytokines such as tumor necrosis factor (TNF),

L-1, and IL-6 may have a diagnostic role as early biomarkers

rdiac syndrome” (abrupt worsening of renal function, e.g., acute kidney failureonary edema). MPO � myeloperoxidase; other abbreviations as in Figure 1.

renocaia, pulm

f CRS, but also a pathogenic role causing myocardial cell by on May 24, 2010 acc.org

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njury and apoptosis (90,91) and mediating myocardial damagen ischemic AKI (92).

The development of AKI can affect the use of medica-ions normally prescribed in patients with chronic HF. Forxample, an increase in serum creatinine from 1.5 mg/dl130 �mol/l) to 2 mg/dl (177 �mol/l), with diuretic therapynd ACE inhibitors, may provoke some clinicians to de-rease or even stop diuretic prescription; they may alsoecrease or even temporarily stop ACE inhibitors. Thisay, in some cases, lead to acute decompensation of HF. It

hould be remembered that ACE inhibitors do not damagehe kidney but rather modify intrarenal hemodynamics andeduce filtration fraction. They protect the kidney by reduc-ng pathological hyperfiltration. Unless renal function failso stabilize, or other dangerous situations arise (i.e., hypo-ension, hyperkalemia) continued treatment with ACEnhibitors and ARBs may be feasible.

Finally, if AKI is severe and renal replacement therapy isecessary, cardiovascular instability generated by rapid fluidnd electrolyte shifts secondary to conventional dialysis cannduce hypotension, arrhythmias, and myocardial ischemia93). Continuous techniques of renal replacement, whichinimize such cardiovascular instability, appear physiolog-

cally safer and more logical in this setting (94).RS type 4 (chronic renocardiac syndrome). Type 4RS is characterized by a condition of primary CKD (e.g.,

hronic glomerular disease) contributing to decreased car-iac function, ventricular hypertrophy, diastolic dysfunc-ion, and/or increased risk of adverse cardiovascular eventsFig. 4). Today, CKD is divided into 5 stages based on aombination of severity of kidney damage and GFR (95).

hen these criteria are used, current estimates of CKDccount for at least 11% of the U.S. adult population (96),hus becoming a major public health problem. In fact CKDoday includes individuals with serum creatinine levelsreviously dismissed as not representative of significantenal dysfunction.

Individuals with CKD are at extremely high cardiovas-ular risk (97). More than 50% of deaths in CKD stage 5ohorts are attributed to cardiovascular disease. The 2-yearortality rate after myocardial infarction in patients withKD stage 5 is estimated to be 50% (98). In comparison,

he 10-year mortality rate post-infarct for the generalopulation is 25%. Patients with CKD have between a 10-nd 20-fold increased risk of cardiac death compared withge-/gender-matched control subjects without CKD (98–00). Part of this problem may be related to the fact thatuch individuals are also less likely to receive risk-modifyingnterventions compared to their non-CKD counterparts (101).

Less severe forms of CKD also may be associated withignificant cardiovascular risk. Evidence for increasing cardio-ascular disease morbidity and mortality tracking with mild-o-moderate renal dysfunction (stages 1 to 3) has mainlytemmed from community-based studies (102–105). These

tudies documented an inverse relationship between renal r

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unction and adverse cardiovascular outcomes (consistentlyccurring at estimated GFR levels �60 ml/min/1.73 m2).

Among high-risk cohorts, baseline creatinine clearance issignificant and independent predictor of short-term out-

omes, namely death and myocardial infarction (99). Similarndings also were noted among patients presenting withT-segment elevation myocardial infarction (106), an effect

ndependent of the Thrombolysis In Myocardial Infarctionisk score (107).

In large-scale studies (e.g., SOLVD [Studies Of Leftentricular Dysfunction], TRACE [Trandolapril Cardiacvaluation], SAVE [Survival And Ventricular Enlarge-ent], and VALIANT [Valsartan in Acute Myocardial

nfarction]) in which the authors excluded individuals withaseline serum creatinine of �2.5 mg/dl, reduced renalunction was associated with significantly greater mortalitynd adverse cardiovascular event rates (108–111).

Adverse cardiovascular outcomes in renal patients aressociated with plasma levels of specific biomarkers112–114). Troponins, asymmetric dimethylarginine,lasminogen-activator inhibitor type 1, homocysteine, na-riuretic peptides, C-reactive protein, serum amyloid Arotein, hemoglobin, and ischemia-modified albumin areiomarkers whose levels correlate with cardiovascular out-omes in patients with CKD (115–117). These observationsrovide a mechanistic link between chronic inflammation118), subclinical infections (119), accelerated atherosclero-is, heart–kidney interactions, and negative cardiovascularnd renal outcomes.

The proportion of individuals with CKD receiving ap-ropriate cardiovascular risk modification treatment is lowerhan in the general population. This “therapeutic nihilism”120) is based on the concern of worsening kidney function121,122) and leads to treating �50% of patients with CKDith the combination of aspirin, beta-blockers, ACE inhib-

tors, and statins (123). In a cohort involving �140,000atients, 1,025 with documented CKD were less likely toeceive aspirin, beta-blockade, or ACE inhibition afternfarction than patients without CKD. Yet CKD patientsad 30-day mortality risk reductions similar to non-CKDatients when receiving the drug combination (123).Potential reasons for this subtherapeutic performance

nclude concerns about further worsening of renal function,nd/or therapy-related toxic effects due to low clearanceates (124,125). Many medications necessary for manage-ent of complications of advanced CKD generally are

onsidered safe with concomitant cardiac disease. Thesenclude regimens for calcium-phosphate balance and hyper-arathyroidism, vitamins, and erythropoiesis-stimulatinggents (126–129). The same appears to hold true for novelegimens, for instance, endothelin system antagonists,denosine and vasopressin receptor antagonists, and in-ammation suppressors (130 –133). For immunosuppres-ive drugs, controversy exists regarding the effects ofertain agents on the heart, indicating a need for more

esearch in the area (134).

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Bleeding concerns contribute to the decreased likelihoodf patients with severe CKD receiving aspirin and/orlopidogrel despite the minor bleeding risk and benefits thatre sustained in these patients (135). Other medicationsequiring thorough considerations of pros and cons includeiuretics, digitalis, calcium-channel blockers, and nesiritide136–141). Nevertheless, when appropriately titrated and

Figure 4 CRS Type 4

Pathophysiological interactions between heart and kidney in type 4 cardiorenal synchronic glomerular disease, contributing to decreased cardiac function, cardiac hyEPO � erythropoietin; LDL � low-density lipoprotein. Figure illustration by Rob Flew

onitored, cardiovascular medications can be safely admin- m

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stered to CKD patients with benefits similar to the generalopulation (142).Lack of CKD population-specific treatment effect dataakes therapeutic choices particularly challenging. In particu-

ar, in patients with advanced CKD, the initiation or increasedosage of ACE inhibitors or ARBs can precipitate clinicallyignificant worsening of renal function or marked hyperkale-

(CRS) or “chronic renocardiac syndrome” (chronic kidney disease [CKD], e.g.,hy, or increased risk of adverse cardiovascular events). BMI � body mass index;


ia. The latter may be dangerously exacerbated by the use of

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1535JACC Vol. 52, No. 19, 2008 Ronco et al.November 4, 2008:1527–39 Cardiorenal Syndrome

ldosterone antagonists. Such patients, if aggressively treated,ecome exposed to a significant risk of developing dialysisependence or life-threatening hyperkalemic arrhythmias. Yet,f too cautiously treated, they may develop equally life-hreatening cardiovascular complications.

It is comforting to note that up to a 30% increase inreatinine that stabilizes within 2 months was actuallyssociated with long-term nephroprotection in a systematiceview of 12 randomized controlled studies (143). Thisesult leads to the practical advice that ACE inhibitors andRBs can be cautiously used in patients with CKD,rovided the serum creatinine does not increase beyond thismount and potassium remains consistently �5.6 mmol/l.egarding patients with end-stage renal disease, and inarticular those with anuria and a tendency to hyperkalemianterdialytically, the administration of ACE inhibitors orRBs may be problematic; however, even the combinationf these medications has been used safely in select popula-ions (144). At present, most end-stage kidney diseaseatients with LV dysfunction seem to be undertreated withCE inhibitors or ARBs (145).

Sympatsystem ac



Perfusion pRVR




ExogenousHeme proteins


LPS/endoMonocyte a




Systemic diseasesDiabetesAmyloidosisVasculitisSepsis

Figure 5 CRS Type 5

Pathophysiological interactions between heart and kidney in type 5 cardiorenal syn(systemic condition, e.g., diabetes mellitus, sepsis, causing both cardiac and renaFigure illustration by Rob Flewell.

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With respect to aldosterone blockade, drugs such as spi-onolactone have been widely used for severe HF patients withvidence of beneficial effects on morbidity and mortality (146).oncerns have been raised, however, about the use of aldoste-

one blockade, particularly in conjunction with angiotensinlockade, since after publication of RALES (Randomizedldactone Evaluation Study) (146), prescriptions for spirono-

actone and rates of hospitalizations and mortality related toyperkalemia increased sharply (147). Proper patient selection,

ncluding patients with diminished LV ejection fraction andxcluding ones with moderate CKD (creatinine level �2.5g/dl) or hyperkalemia �5 mmol/l, would help minimize

otential life-threatening hyperkalemia (140).RS type 5 (secondary CRS). Type 5 CRS is character-

zed by the presence of combined cardiac and renal dysfunc-ion due to acute or chronic systemic disorders (Fig. 5).here is limited systematic information on type 5 CRS,

lthough there is an appreciation that as more organs failn this setting, mortality increases. There is limitednsight into how combined renal and cardiovascularailure may differentially affect such an outcome com-

Organ damage/dysfunction








(CRS) or “secondary CRS”nction). LPS � lipopolysaccharide (endotoxin); RVR � renal vascular resistance.

hetic tivational stration

c chanfusionressu


ia stressia

toxin, antibmedia


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dromel dysfu

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1536 Ronco et al. JACC Vol. 52, No. 19, 2008Cardiorenal Syndrome November 4, 2008:1527–39

ared to, for example, combined pulmonary and renalailure. Nonetheless, it is clear that several acute andhronic diseases can affect both organs simultaneouslynd that the disease induced in one can affect the othernd vice versa. Examples include sepsis, diabetes, amy-oidosis, systemic lupus erythematosus, and sarcoidosis.everal chronic conditions such as diabetes and hyper-ension may contribute to type 2 and 4 CRS.

In the acute setting, severe sepsis represents the mostommon and serious condition which can affect both organs. Itan induce AKI while leading to profound myocardial depres-ion. The mechanisms responsible for such changes are poorlynderstood but may involve the effect of TNF and otherediators on both organs (148,149). The onset of myocardial

unctional depression and a state of inadequate cardiac outputan further decrease renal function as discussed in type 1 CRS,nd the development of AKI can affect cardiac function asescribed in type 3 CRS. Renal ischemia may then induceurther myocardial injury (9) in a vicious cycle, which isnjurious to both organs. Treatment is directed at the promptdentification, eradication, and treatment of the source ofnfection while supporting organ function with invasivelyuided fluid resuscitation in addition to inotropic and vaso-ressor drug support.In this setting, all the principles discussed for type 1 and 3

RS apply. In these septic patients, preliminary data derivedrom the use of more intensive renal replacement technologyuggest that blood purification may have a role in improvingyocardial performance while providing optimal small solute

learance (150). Despite the emergence of consensus defini-ions (151) and many studies (152,153), no therapies have yetmerged to prevent or attenuate AKI in critically ill patients.owever, evidence of the injurious effects of pentastarch fluid

esuscitation in septic AKI recently has emerged (154). Suchherapy should, therefore, be avoided in septic patients.


n both chronic and acute situations, an appreciation of thenteraction between heart and kidney during dysfunction ofach or both organs has practical clinical implications. Theepth of knowledge and complexity of care necessary to offerest therapy to these patients demands a multidisciplinarypproach, combining the expertise of cardiology, nephrology,nd critical care. In addition, achievement of a consensusefinition for each type of cardiorenal syndrome will allowhysicians to describe treatments and interventions that areocused and pathophysiologically sound. It will also help toonduct and compare epidemiological studies in differentountries and more easily identify aspects of each syndrome.his is a priority for improvement and further research.andomized controlled trials can then be designed to target

nterventions aimed at decreasing morbidity and mortality inhese increasingly common conditions. Developing awareness,he ability to identify and define, and physiological understand-

ng will help improve the outcome of these complex patients.

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cknowledgmentshe authors thank Drs. Alan Maisel, Alexandre Mebazaa,lan Cass, and Martin Gallagher for their useful advice in

he development of the manuscript.

eprint requests and correspondence: Dr. Claudio Ronco, De-artment of Nephrology, St. Bortolo Hospital, Viale Rodolfi 37,6100 Vicenza, Italy. E-mail: [email protected].


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ey Words: chronic kidney disease y heart failure y cardiorenalyndrome y renocardiac syndrome y heart-kidney interaction y

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doi:10.1016/j.jacc.2008.07.051 2008;52;1527-1539 J. Am. Coll. Cardiol.

Bellomo Claudio Ronco, Mikko Haapio, Andrew A. House, Nagesh Anavekar, and Rinaldo

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