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Part of Organizational Communication (CMST 366) Career Goals Portfolio Greta Erickson Winona State University Fall 15
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P a r t   o f   O r g a n i z a t i o n a l   C o m m u n i c a t i o n   ( C M S T   3 6 6 )  

Career Goals Portfolio Greta Erickson Winona State University

Fall  15  

08  Fall  

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 Executive  Summary                        p.  3    Career  Goals  and  Qualifications                                  p.  4-­‐5    Industry  Profile  and  Career  Outlook                            p.  6-­‐19      Shadowing  a  Professional                        p.  20-­‐  32    Communication  Challenges  in  Training  &  Development                    p.  32-­‐39    References                                p.  40-­‐45                                                

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Executive Summary     This  section  of  my  portfolio  presents  research  regarding  the  role  of  a  

Training  and  Development  Specialist.  Arranging  this  portfolio  and  participating  in  

the  Dream  Job  Project  at  Winona  State  University  allowed  me  to  explore  career  

options,  and  learn  about  the  daily  life  of  an  Instructional  Designers.    

While  working  on  this  project,  I  was  able  to  participate  in  a  job  shadow,  

explore  the  industry  of  Health  Care  and  Social  Assistance,  give  a  presentation  about  

my  dream  job,  as  well  as  explore  the  challenges  that  are  included  in  this  industry.  I  

now  know  what  to  expect  from  this  career,  and  also  am  aware  of  what  is  expected  of  

me  as  I  step  into  the  role  of  an  Instructional  Designer.    

  Throughout  my  time  creating  this  section  of  my  portfolio,  I  have  gained  

immense  knowledge  that  has  helped  me  prepare  to  enter  the  job  market.  Included  

in  this  section  of  my  portfolio  is:  

v Industry  Profile  and  Career  Outlook  

v Shadowing  a  Professional  Report  

v Communication  Challenge  of  the  Industry  



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Career Goals and Qualifications  Career  Goals       My  career  goal  is  to  work  as  a  Training  and  Development  Specialist,  and  

more  specifically  pursuing  the  role  of  becoming  an  Instructional  Designer.  Upon  

graduation  in  May  of  2016,  I  plan  to  fill  the  role  of  an  Instructional  Designer  for  a  

hospital,  or  another  health  care  institution.    

  I  have  developed  a  strong  passion  for  health  care  and  helping  my  

community’s  overall  health.    I  am  looking  forward  to  educating  health  care  

professionals  through  instructional  design,  in  order  to  equip  them  to  educate  the  

general  public  about  health  issues.    


  My  acquired  academic  qualifications  for  this  profession  include:  

v Bachelor  of  Arts  Degree  in  Organizational  Communication  from  Winona  State  

University  in  May  2016.  

v Completion  of  Training  and  Development  related  course  work:  

v Training  and  Employee  Development  

v Management  of  Human  Resources  

v Software  Applications  

v Organizational  Communication  

v Training  Techniques  and  Media  

v Health  Communication    

Additionally,  I  have  extra-­‐curricular  activities  that  have  enhanced  my  experience  

and  helped  to  prepare  me  to  become  a  Training  and  Development  Specialist:  

v Vice  President  of  WSU’s  Communication  Studies  Club  

v Winona  State  University  New  Student  Orientation  Leader  

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v Marketing  and  Design  Assistant  for  Winona  State  University’s  Integrated  

Wellness  Complex    















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Industry profile & career outlook  







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I n dustry Prof i l e Much like every industry in the United States, the Health Care and Social

Assistance field is rapidly changing while being expanded and transformed by outside

factors. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (2014):

The Health Care and Social Assistance sector comprises of establishments

providing health care and social assistance to individuals. The sector

includes both health care and social assistance because it sometimes

difficult to distinguish between the boundaries of these two activities (¶1).

Within the health care field, I am interested in holding a Training and

Development Specialist role that would allow me to design and conduct training and

continuing education for health care professionals, including doctors, nurses,

administrators and more. I have a passion for healthcare, and educating those who work

in the healthcare field to further their knowledge and understanding of medicine,

insurance, and other important health care systems.


Miller (2015, p. 149) states that stakeholders include “workers, investors,

consumers, suppliers, host communities, and the world economic community.” The

Health Care and Social Assistance industry holds many stakeholders.

◊ Physicians: Physicians are at the forefront of the healthcare industry, and largely

affect the way that health care is defined and formed in the United States. A

physician, or a professional licensed to practice medicine, is a major stakeholder

in the health care industry, by being the direct liaison between patients and the

health care industry. Physicians are largely responsible for patients’

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understanding and comprehension of the care that is being given. By physicians

practicing proper communication practices to patients they are increasing health

literacy. According to the National Network of Libraries of Medicine health

literacy can be defined as “the degree to which individuals have the capacity to

obtain, process, and understand basic health information and services need to

make health decisions” (Eberle, 2013, ¶2).

The future of health care will largely be impacted by the extreme shortage of

physicians in the coming years. By the year 2025, the United States could see a shortage

of as many as 90,000 physicians, creating a massive gap in the health care industry

(Bernstein, 2015, ¶1).  Included in this shortage is the need for specialized physicians

who are able to treat an aging population with many cases of chronic illness and diseases.

With the growing number of older adults in the United States, the rates of diseases such

as cancer will see a steady increase as well, creating an even greater need for surgeons

and trained physicians. Darrell G. Kirch, the president of the Association of American

Medical Colleges stated that, “an increasingly older, sicker population, as well as people

living longer with chronic diseases, such as cancer, is the reason for the increased

demand” (Berstein, 2015, ¶4).  The need for physicians and the gap that is continuing to

grow is a major concern for Kirch and other professionals involved in United States’

medical schools. In relation to a growing population, the Affordable Care Act, which was

put into place to reduce costs and improve accessibility to health care is transforming the

ways that physicians function. Under this act, more Americans will be covered by health

insurance, creating a greater demand for care in all 50  states, which in  turn, creates a

greater demand for specialized care by trained physicians.  This cycle of need and

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shortages will further increase, creating long term and large scale issues for the health

care industry as a whole.  

◊ Patients: Patients are the first in line to feel the effects of health care and the

changes that take place. In health care, patient health and satisfaction is the

ultimate goal. The health care industry can often be difficult for patients to

navigate due to constant changes in terminology, policies and procedures.

According to Gamble in 2012, patient satisfaction in the United States measures

at 77 percent.

◊ Insurance Providers: Health insurance serves multiple purposes to patients and

the general public in the United States. Among the many benefits of health

insurance, protection from unexpected high medical costs and free preventative

care are a few. As health care standards, procedures, and policies continue to

grow and change in the United States, insurance providers are continually

growing and changing along with these policies and procedures. A few of these

health insurance providers include United Health Group, Kaiser Foundation

Group, Health Net, WellCare, and Humana. Under the umbrella of health

insurance fall various types of health insurance plans that provide coverage to

patients, including Health Maintenance Organizations, Point of Service, and

Preferred Provider Organizations. Within these plans there are various coverage

levels that can keep costs minimal for patients. One major way that the insurance

providers are considered stakeholders in the health care industry is how they

determine reimbursement policies. Due to varying reimbursement rates among

insurance companies, health care agencies must hire specialists to translate cost

descriptions to patients and insure that fees are paid correctly and in the full

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amount. With a constantly growing rate of Americans who are becoming insured

by health insurance, there will continue to be a greater need for specialized health

insurance professionals, creating a greater involvement in the health care industry

and visa versa. According to the White House in 2009, “expanding health

insurance coverage to the uninsured would increase net economic well-being by

roughly $100 billion a year, which is roughly two-thirds of a percent of GDP


◊ Community: Through having strong health care organizations the public is

protected from mass spread of disease, infection, and illness. Health care

organizations include public health, or the promotion and protection of health of

the general public as part of their practice. Public health includes preventing

against mass cases of disease and infection, but also encourages and promotes

healthy behaviors among the public. Public health can be defined as “an

organized community effort aimed at the prevention of disease and promotion of

health” (National Conference of State Legislatures, n.d., p.1). The general public

is highly influenced by the health care industry not only by the prevention of

disease, but also the treatment of illness and disease for community members.

Conversely, the health care industry is continuously molded and shaped by the

general public’s health and wellness needs.

◊ Health Care Administration: Health care administration includes the leadership

and management that are behind the scenes of health care industries, public

health, hospitals and related health care networks. Health care administrators

“manage, direct and coordinate medical services in a variety of settings, from

clinics and hospitals to practices operated by groups of physicians” (New

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England College, n.d.). Health care administrators have many roles within many

industries in health care, such as human resources, finance, admissions, and

more. As the health care industry continues to grow more complex, the roles that

are held by these professionals follow in complications as well. As the need for

specialized doctors increases, health care administrators need to examine

situations and develop strategic plans to accommodate. According to Saint

Joseph’s University, “When determining the type of concentration, it is essential

for health care administrators to examine the providers in surrounding areas and

the demographics that the facilities serve” (Saint Joseph’s University, n.d.,¶7).  

The role of health care administration professionals is prone to changes and shifts

as the health care industry is continually changing and adapting to outside forces.

Current Industry Challenges

The health care and social assistance industry is continually changing and

growing, and requires adaptation by all parties involved. The first challenge that faces the

health care and social assistance industry deals with the Affordable Care Act. According

to the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, The Affordable Care Act is

“working to make health care more affordable, accessible and of a higher quality for

families, seniors, businesses, and taxpayers alike” (2014, ¶1). Key features of The

Affordable Care Act include prescription discounts for seniors, free preventative care,

small business tax credits, and protection against health care fraud. The major challenge

that is currently associated with The Affordable Care Act is the increased number of

patients in the health care system. With an increased number of patients, there are many

uncertainties that have risen for the general public. The biggest concern that American

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citizens are faced with is insurance coverage that is distinguished by The Affordable Care

Act. Regulations have continued to evolve and change since the release of the ACA,

creating confusion and misunderstandings for Americans. Marsha Dieckman, CPA, stated

“Regulations have continued to be released and evolved. It has been a maze” (Gillette,

2015, ¶2). Employers and individuals alike have been confused and frustrated with the

system, and seem to have no single adviser to give answers to complicated questions.

This issue will increase in complexity in 2016, as there are increased penalties for

uninsured patients. According to Gillette (2015),

Penalties for those who cannot afford health insurance coverage and don’t

have it go up to $695 per adult and $357.50 per child, which can add up to

$2,085 per family, or a penalty of 2.5 percent of family income, whichever

is higher (¶9).

The increased fees are a major source of concerns for many families, and the

frustrations increase with a complicated sign up process for insurance for many. While

the need for health insurance for Americans continues to increase, the irritations of many

will continue to grow.

Another growing issue that is pressing the health care and social assistance

industry is health literacy. According to the Eberle (2013, ¶1), health literacy can be

defined as “the degree to which individuals have the capacity to obtain, possess, and

understand basic health information and services needed to make appropriate health

decisions.” Health literacy goes beyond reading and listening to health information, it

includes the ability to “understand instructions on prescription drug bottles, appointment

slips, medical education brochures, doctor’s directions and consent forms, and the ability

to negotiate complex health care systems (¶2).” Along with the listed necessities to be

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health literate, patients also need to be able to assess health care services, calculate

medication dosages, effectively communicate with health care providers, and interpret

test results and more. Health literacy is a pressing issue for the health care and social

assistance industry, with only 12 percent of adults in the United States holding proficient

health literacy skills (America’s Health Literacy: Why We Need Accessible Health

Literacy, n.d.). Additionally, when the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

surveyed adults in the United States, fifty three percent of adults were not able to perform

tasks beyond reading instructions on a prescription label and determine what time a

patient should be taking medication. These alarming statistics are a reality for a majority

of Americans. As the technology and medical advancements that are taking place

continue to grow in the United States, the health literacy gap among Americans will

continue to grow.

Lastly, an issue that is currently being presented and will continue to be a pressing

issue for the health care industry is the rising cost of caring for baby-boomers in the

United States. The soaring cost for Medicare and Medicaid patients are creating a wave

of change in the health care and social assistance industry. According to Calogero and

Halfmann (2008), the “baby boomer” period, refers to:

A bubble of growth in the U.S. population. About 76 million baby

boomers were born. At present older Americans (65 and older) make up

about 12% of the population. By 2030, when the baby boomers retire, the

number of Americans aged 65 and older will more than double to 71

million or roughly 20% of the United States population (p. 4).

The United States will feel an increase in overall medical costs in direct relation

to baby boomers and the need for care in coming years. With the growing number of

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older adults who are eligible for Medicare, the number of those who are paying into

Medicare will decrease dramatically. According to Blunck (2014),  “The  problem  comes  

from  the  fact  that  the  number  of  people  paying  into  Medicare  (people  between  the  

ages  of  18  to  65)  will  drop  from  63  percent  to  just  57  percent  by  2029”  (¶9).  With  

this  major  shift,  the  United  States  will  feel  the  effects  financially  and,  in  turn,  will  

need  to  find  new  ways  to  pay  for  medical  programs. In summary, the health care

industry will feel the major effects of having a large number of Americans turning 65

within the same short time period.

Predictions for the Industry

The health care industry is rapidly changing, and will continue to do so. The first

prediction that I have for this industry is the increased need for trained and specialized

health care professionals. The aging baby boomers are presenting the health care field

with more chronic illness and disease, and will need care that is specialized, creating a

large need for professionals to fill roles. The rapid growth of the oldest age group of the

United States will have a major impact on all fields of health care, including costs and

specialized care (Schneider & Guralnik, 1990,  ¶1). The second prediction that I have for

the industry is an increase in health literacy issues. As the health care industry becomes

more complex, it will become increasingly more difficult for Americans to navigate and

understand the care that they are receiving. Health literacy will becoming an increasingly

important issue in years to come, becoming more of a public health epidemic (Nutbeam,

2000, ¶1). Additionally, insurance coverage explanations will add to the lack of health

literacy, increasing the need for patients’ to have advocates supporting their health

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literacy knowledge. Lastly, I predict that there will be debate and attention drawn to the

Affordable Care Act. With an upcoming Presidential election, health care and the ACA

will be at the forefront of debates and issues.

Career Outlook

Dream Job

My dream job is to be a Training and Development Coordinator in the health care

field, especially a long-term care facility or a hospital.

Job Duties

Organizations are constantly changing policies, procedures, and guidelines for the

way in which the company functions. Due to the nature of organizations and the need to

keep up innovation and new ways of thinking, Training and Development Specialists are

in high demand, to meet the needs of employees. Training and Development Specialists

hold many roles inside Human Resources departments within organizations. According to

the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (2014) Training and Development Specialists mainly

help to plan, conduct and administer programs that center on the training and continuing

education of employees. The role of Training and Development Specialists can be

divided into various categories and roles. The first major role of Training and

Development Specialists includes assessing the educational needs of employees, through

surveys, interviews and consultative meetings. In order to create a new training system

that is the best fit for the needs of employees Training and Development Specialists must

be well educated on the needs of the subordinates who will be benefiting from the

training session.

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Secondly, Training and Development Specialists work to create training materials

through a variety of media and modules. Due to these tasks, Training and Development

Specialists are often classified through different titles, such as Instructional Designer. In

order to fulfill the training needs of a company, Training and Development Specialists

work to design training materials such as PowerPoints, booklets, and videos (Personal

Communication, October 1, 2015). Along with training materials and modules, Training

and Development Specialists work to design and implement other communication

deliverables, such as employee biographies, learning documents, and customizable online

documents that can be distributed during training sessions.

In addition to design elements of training, Training and Development Specialists

work to implement the training modules that have been created. According to the U.S.

Department of Labor Statistics (2014):

Training and development specialists organize or offer training sessions

using lectures, group discussions, team exercises, hands-on examples, and

other training formats. Some training is in the form of video, Web-based

program, or self-guided instructional manual. Training also may be

collaborative, which allows employees to connect informally with experts,

mentors, and colleagues, often through the use of technology (¶4).

The training that is designed by specialists must incorporate creative and innovative

strategies to increase engagement and involvement by employees. According to

Instructional Design Now, Training and Development (2015) “incorporates known and

verified learning strategies into instructional experiences which make the acquisition of

knowledge and skill more efficient, effective and appealing” (p. 3).

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The process of designing, implementing and conducting training takes skillful

planning and innovation. According to Neal (2011), the time period of creating

PowerPoint’s presentations and writing scripts for trainers is long gone. “We have to step

up in the game and show stakeholders what it takes to achieve successful results” (p. 77).

Important Qualifications

Someone who is interested in getting a job as a Training and Development

Specialist has to possess a list of traits and qualities. A Training and Development

Specialist first needs to be innovative, and have the ability to think outside of the box.

The process of understanding how various groups of employees learn differently can be

difficult to master, so finding new ways to help employees grasp new concepts is critical

for a specialist’s success. According to Neal (2011), training and development specialists


Step out of the instructional systems design box and get more involved in

the entire project. We need to think critically and be involved during the

early stages of the project and own part of the decisions made related to

the project scope. (p. 76).

In order to accommodate the learning styles and needs of all training participants, it is

necessary for specialists to be continuously considering new ways of thinking about

training materials.

Adaptable communication styles are necessary when it comes to being involved

in the Training and Development industry. Devari Koenings (Personal Communication,

October 1, 2015) works in the industry in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and states that one of

the most crucial qualifications for individuals wishing to be part of the industry is

adapting communication styles.

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Someone entering this type of role should have the ability to create

materials for multiple audiences. In order to create training, or really even

train someone, you need to change what you’re talking about and put it in

terms that someone can understand.

Communication courses at a university level can greatly contribute to this. Devari, a

recent graduate of Winona State University, attributes her ability to adapt to various

audiences to the classes that were offered in college. In employers’ eyes, there can never

be too many communication classes, and each class offers a different perspective when it

comes to communicating effectively with various audiences.

Aside from communication skills and innovative thinking, individuals in a

Training and Development role need more technical qualifications as well. As stated by

the Bureau of Labor Statistics (2014), a Bachelor’s degree is required in order to achieve

a position as a Training and Development Specialist. The achieved degree can come from

a variety of backgrounds, including human resources, instructional design,

communication, or training and development. There are also more alternative education

routes, such as having a major in organizational psychology or business. The large range

of degrees that can be used to achieve a position as a specialist prove that the first

qualification comes from an individual’s traits and personality. However, a growing

qualification that is included in most job descriptions is an extensive or growing

knowledge of technology. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (2014) states, “as

technology continues to play a larger role in training and development, a growing number

of organizations seek candidates who have a background in information technology or

computer science” (¶2). Like many industries, the growing need for a focus on

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technology and technological advancements is necessary in the Training and

Development field.

Current Career Path Statistics

With nearly 228,800 individuals employed as Training and Development

Specialists, the median annual wage for Training and Development Specialists was found

to be $55,930 by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (2014). In this industry, the lowest

10 percent of individuals earned less than $31,910 and the top 10 percent earned over

$93,470. Among the roles that fall under the descriptions of Training & Development

Specialization, the lowest paid individuals included administrative and support services,

and the highest included professional, scientific, and technical services. As a recent

graduate, with little to no experience, I can expect to make $49,000 in an entry-level

position (PayScale, n.d.).

The Training & Development field is growing and expanding at a rapid pace, and

growing faster than other career industries. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (2014)

projects the employment of training and development to increase by 15 percent until

2022. There are many factors that contribute to the increasing rate of employment in this

field, including the growing number of retiring baby boomers. As these individuals begin

to retire, the need for training and education for new employees will increase drastically.

As there is a large turnover of employees in many industries, the need for increased

human resources staffing will rise as well. Related to technological developments, the

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (2014) states that employment will also rise in the areas

of training and development due to the need for employee training with increased

technology and need for technological knowledge.

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 Shadow a Professional Report        

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Conducting research regarding potential future jobs is crucial to understand the

role as a whole, but experiencing the duties of the job for a full day of work is an

experience that is sure to provide a realistic preview of what is in store post-graduation

for students. For an Organizational Communication class at Winona State University, it is

a requirement to complete eight hours of shadowing a professional. This portion of the

Dream Job Project gave me great excitement, as I am constantly looking forward to

joining the work force in a field that I have already developed a great passion for. For

this assignment, I had the great pleasure of spending the day with Devari Koenings, an

Instructional Designer at Zywave, which is an insurance software company

headquartered in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. On October 13, 2015, I spent the day with

Devari from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. In this paper, I will first describe my day as an Instructional

Designer, including my interview with Devari, interactions and observations. I will

follow this with discussing the organizational communication terms and theories that I

found to be prevalent in my shadow experience. I will close with my learning outcomes

from this experience.

What I learned during my Observations and Interviews

My job shadow experience taught me more than I ever thought I could learn in

one day. Going into my job shadow with Devari, I was not completely sold on the

prospect of becoming an Instructional Designer or Training and Development Specialist

as my post-graduation career. However, my experience not only taught me about the role,

but also gave me the assurance that I was seeking to confirm that this is, indeed, the

career path that I would like to follow upon graduation. The role of an Instructional

Designer carries many tasks within in. According to Instructional Design Central,

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“instructional design is the systematic process by which instructional materials are

designed, developed and delivered” (¶1). Before going to my job shadow, I asked Devari

to send me a write-up of her role as an Instructional Designer so that I could be informed

of the roles that I would be observing throughout the day. Her response was as follows,

My role in my workplace is to create training materials for insurance brokers. I

create training scripts that the trainers use in their virtual classroom training

sessions, I create PowerPoint’s for these sessions, and training booklets that the

brokers use during and after training. In addition, I create training videos that

brokers can watch to learn about Zywave’s products. I also create other

communication deliverables, such as biographies for our employees, one-off

documents that we give to the brokers for more learning, and customizable

training booklets for on-site trainings with brokers.

There are many tasks that fall under the categories of designing, developing and

delivering training materials. To better understand the tasks that I observed during my job

shadow, I have placed them into various categories.

◊ Meeting with trainers: When arriving at Zywave, I first sat in on a meeting with

Devari and a trainer. This meeting centered on a current project that included

completely redesigning an existing training program that Zywave holds. The

meeting was an initial consultation between Devari and a trainer. Devari

explained to me that the type of meeting that was taking place was the beginning

of the “re-vamp” process. A re-vamp takes place when there is a current training

that needs to be edited, or in this case, made completely new with updated

information and teaching styles. The majority of the meeting focused on what the

new training should look like, and what should be continued from the previous

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training to the newly designed training. A large portion of this meeting was back

and forth communication between Devari and the trainer. It was interesting for me

to hear how the opinions of both the instructional designer and trainer molded

together to create the training revamp. Zywave sets up their teams in a way that

the design and training are separated, and in this context it made sense why it is

done this way. Devari’s design and technical skills were complemented by the

trainer’s ability to sense what type of training would be successful for the

audience of the training. Without the differing pieces of the puzzle, it was clear

that the training would be incomplete and would lack critical pieces. By the end

of this meeting, Devari and the trainer had a clear understanding of what the

training would look like, and what will be accomplished by trainees after going

through the training session. Both of them explained to me how the rest of the

development process happens, by continuing brainstorming meetings until a

finalized plan is constructed. After this, the team brings various teams into the

meetings to add additional learning insights and advice. After this, training is

molded and is run through practice training sessions before going public to

insurance brokers. I very much enjoyed listening to the initial brainstorming

process of training and learning about training revamps.

◊ Update Meeting with IT: Following the meeting with the trainer, Devari and I

sat in on a meeting with the technology team at Zywave. This meeting was filled

with technological terminology and an “in-culture” attitude. The meeting was

considered to be an update meeting, and gave insight into the current technology

updates and happenings. Devari explained to me that as a designer, it is necessary

to keep up with these updates, in case they will lead to an update in training

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materials. In this case, Devari works very closely with tech writers and

technology specialists to correctly update materials. It was fascinating for me to

listen to all of the terminology that was used.

◊ To-Do List Work: The hours that followed the meetings with Devari included

work on her “to-do” lists that were currently taking place. Devari’s role includes

many small projects for various co-workers and departments. A lot of Devari’s

day-to-day work includes making small adjustments to training materials as

updates to technology and various systems and programs are made. Additionally,

Devari works to support salespeople by creating deliverables for them to hand out

to new clients. During my time, Devari was working to create a deliverable to

send to clients that introduced the sales team, and the assets that were available to

them as Zywave clients. Making these deliverables took a lot of back and forth

communication between salespeople and designers to assure that information was

correct. During this time period, Devari explained to me that she works hard to

make sure she understands what is needed from each of the deliverables she

makes the first time, to avoid having to make smaller edits later on. By doing this,

she is able to meet deadlines that please the salesmen, and also allows her to move

on to new projects in a timely manner. From simply observing Devari’s work, I

quickly realized that Instructional Designers must have excellent verbal and

written communication skills in order to effectively work on and finish tasks.

◊ Project Work: I was lucky to be able to watch Devari take part in the final stages

of editing a training module that she created. In this particular online module,

Devari recorded her voice to go along with computer actions. During this time, I

gained insight into the various technology systems that are used in training

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techniques. It was very interesting to find out what a training module looks like

during the editing process, as well as the final product that was made.

◊ Review of the Day: At the end of my time at Zywave, I had the chance to sit

down with Devari to discuss the overall ideas behind Instructional Design and

Training and Development. I prepared questions to ask Devari to get a better idea

of the qualifications for the job, job roles, and other important insights into her

job. During this time, Devari explained to me the challenges that are currently

facing the industry. The biggest challenge that she named was staffing shortages.

Devari stated:

It’s difficult role to fill because not many people know about it. In addition,

with the rise in technology Instructional Design and Training needs to become

more technology focused by using E-Learning. This is something that costs

money, but in order to stay competitive is crucial.

The issues that Devari brought up sparked a lot of thoughts regarding the growing

opportunities in this field because of the short staffing within the industry. Additionally,

it emphasized my desire to continue to grow my knowledge of technology and E-

Learning. These points led me to my next question for Devari, which asked about the

growth of her role as an Instructional Designer in the future. Devari explained that the

growth would take place in the areas surrounding technology and E-Learning. In the

coming years, Instructional Designers will need to explain knowledge behind technology,

and find new and innovative ways to integrate it into the workforce and into employee

training modules.

Once I found more about the job currently, I asked Devari to provide me with

insight into how to prepare for a job in Instructional Design and Training. In her

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response, Devari explained to me that Instructional Designers must be able to adapt

communication styles to various audiences and teams, both verbally and in writing. In the

role of an Instructional Designer, it is critical for communication to take place both orally

and in writing, and often times a mixture of both is necessary. I saw this take place first-

hand throughout my time at Zywave. Devari then explained to me that it is necessary for

perspective Instructional Designers to have interpersonal skills. This includes finding out

what is needed from Trainers for newly developed training. Treating the conversation as

a personal connection gives Trainers and Instructional Designers a sense of togetherness

and creates concise thoughts and ideas. This brought Devari to another necessary

qualification of her role, which was a task-oriented mind. Devari explained that often

times, she would have more than five training projects going at the same time. In order to

complete them all and meet deadlines, she has learned the need to prioritize and complete

tasks in relation to their importance while still giving each training the attention and focus

that is necessary. In order to prevent feeling overwhelmed, Devari works in the order of

importance and tries to keep projects separate because multitasking in her role becomes

confusing and overwhelming, and can lead to miscommunication of training information.

Applying Terms and Theories of Organizational Communication

In order to understand the role of Training and Instructional Design, I have

connected organizational communication terminology to experiences in my job shadow.

◊ Optimizing Model of Decision Making: According to Miller (2015),

individuals who use an optimizing model of decision making, “decision makers

are attempting to find the single best solution to an organizational problem” (p.

140). When Trainers and Instructional Designers collaborate to create training

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modules, they are working to find the single best way to communicate the

information for training. There are many ways that information can be

communicated to trainees, and it is the job of the Trainers and Instructional

Designers to create a training that will work best for the given audience for

information to be understood and applied. When Trainers and Instructional

Designers meet for brainstorming, they come up with the learning outcomes for

trainees. According to Adam (2006),

Learning outcomes are statements of what a learner is expected to

know, understand and/or be able to demonstrate at the end of a

period of learning. They are explicit statements about the outcomes

of learning-the results of learning. They are usually defined in

terms of a mixture of knowledge, skills, abilities, attitudes and

understanding that an individual will attain as a result of his or her

successful engagement in a particular set of higher education

experiences (p. 2).

In order to complete the learning objectives for any given training, the Trainers

and Instructional Designers must agree upon what it is that they would like

learners to absorb from the particular training course. In order for this to happen,

they collectively utilize the optimizing model of communication.

◊ Sensemaking: According to Miller (2015), sensemaking can be defined as “the

cycles in which organizational members introduce and react to ideas that help to

make sense of the equivocal information environment” (p. 278). Training is

centered on sensemaking and information processing. Collectively, it is the

responsibility of the instructional designers and trainers to create a

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comprehensive training program and materials that will help learners to make

sense of the information that is being presented. In Zywave’s case, it is critical

that the Instructional Designers and Trainers help insurance brokers understand

the technology products that are offered, due to the at times confusing nature of

the information. According to Kezar (2012), “Leaders can put structures and

processes in place that help people to create shared sense of organization, such as

task forces and dialogues” (p. 783). Instructional designers are the leaders in the

training world of organizations, and are responsible for correctly communicating

information for learners to interpret and comprehend. Additionally, trainers and

instructional designers work closely to make sure that equivocal information is

interpreted correctly between one another. Trainers are responsible for making

information clear to designers, so that it can be correctly communicated in

training materials. Within this industry, there is a large communication chain

reaction that takes place to make sure that sense making occurs and is consistent

among all parties.

◊ Organizational Culture: Instructional Designers must always keep in mind the

culture of the organization they are representing, in order to integrate the same

values into training modules. Miller (2015) explains that organizational culture is

centered on the norms, narratives and behaviors that take place within an

organization. When creating training modules, Instructional Designers must work

to integrate the organizational culture and standards into the training. When

speaking with Devari, she explained how she works to make sure the language

and overall feeling of her training sessions are representative of Zywave’s brand

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and culture. By doing this, Zywave’s customers are aware of the organizational

culture and thoughts behind the products they are receiving and utilizing.

◊ Interdependence: Trainers, Instructional Designers, Salespeople, Customers and

other parties all depend on one another to achieve goals and accomplish tasks. If

one of these parties falls short on tasks, other groups and their work suffers. This

is the concept of interdependence. As part of the systems theory of

communication, interdependence can be defined according to Miller (2015) as

“the need of system components to rely on other components in order to

function.” Instructional designers are creating the training manuals, booklets and

modules that are being presented and utilized depend upon trainers, who are

experts in knowing the clientele and needs of learners. This give-and-take

relationship is necessary for the organization to properly train and inform

consumers about Zywave’s products and services. Throughout the meetings that I

attended with Devari, I saw the concept of interdependence come to life by

listening to the individuals disperse tasks and collaborate through dividing

various tasks. Team members depended on one another to achieve goals and

complete tasks. Through interdependence, the team members create a sense of

mutual trust and understanding to accomplish tasks and make training modules

and projects come to life.

Reactions to What I Have Learned

My job shadow provided me with great insight into what my future will soon look

like. Although I have participated in job research, being a part of the organizational

culture for a day taught me more than I could have learned from reading articles or other

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text about the Instructional Design role. I was grateful to learn about the tasks that

Instructional Designers perform, as well as the struggles and complications they face.

Finding out about the major communication challenges, and overall challenges in the

industry was valuable.

◊ There is a widespread need for training. When I first became interested in

pursuing a career in training and development, I primarily thought of the industry

as conducting intra-organizational training for employees. However, what I found

was that there are trainers and instructional designers that create and conduct

training for both organizational members and outside members. For industries

similar to insurance, it is crucial for training to be given to consumers regarding

sometimes complicated and difficult to understand material.

◊ The need for training will always increase. The world we live in is constantly

changing, through technology and innovation. Due to this, organizations need to

adjust policies, products and procedures in order to stay competitive and

informed. The area of training will continue to grow in order to train employees

of the adjustments that are taking place. Additionally, as products are developed

and changed, training for outside stakeholders will also continue to be in high

demand. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (2014), the employment of

those in the training and development field is projected to grow by 15 percent

during the years 2012 to 2022 (¶1). This growth rate is much higher than many

other industry’s current growth rates, proving that the need for trainers and

instructional designers will continue to develop and grow in the coming years.

The high demand for training at Zywave gave me a first hand look into the

industry growth statistics.

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◊ Importance of Adjusting to Learning Styles: Students in the classroom have

different learning styles and needs, and the same is true for adults in the

workplace setting when learning new skills and information. Helping Devari with

her various training projects showed me the large expanse of training and learning

styles that exist. Evaluating the needs of various learners is a critical piece of this

role, and it is difficult to be successful without this. According to Stitt-Gohdes,

Crews & McCannon (1999), “Individual characteristics of people emerge in their

behavior that provides insight as to how their minds work and thus, how they

learn” (¶1). Just as teachers evaluate individuals in a classroom to access learning

needs, it is critical for trainers to be aware of learning styles of the trainees they

are working with. While listening to Devari’s meeting with a Zywave trainer, it

was clear that the trainer was well educated about the audience of the specific

training that was being edited. A chain of communication was created between

the trainer and Devari, so the training could be designed to match the audience’s

education and knowledge level of the content. During my job shadow, I was

reminded of the need to assess learner’s needs before designing a training session.

Devari advised me that as an Instructional Designer, it is important to sit through

the training that is being edited. By doing this, Instructional Designers are able to

see the gaps in the training and understand where the re-vamp needs to take place.

Conclusion I completed my job shadow portion of the Dream Job project by spending the day

with Devari Koenings, of Zywave in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The day of job shadowing

was filled with meetings, training updates, and great conversations that gave me insight

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into the world of Instructional Design. After my experience, I was able to apply what I

learned to Organizational Communication terms and theories, which helped me to better

understand the role and how this position requires many functions of communication.

This experience gave me fantastic insight into the career that I am looking forward to

pursuing after graduation from Winona State University. Researching this position

assured me that there is a promising future in this career, through the projected career

growth statistics. I’m grateful that I was able to spend my job shadow with an

Instructional Designer, which gave me the reassurance that this is the position that I

would like to hold during my career to utilize my Communication Studies degree.


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Communication Challenges in Training & Development                      

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Description  of  Communication  Challenges  

  The  role  of  Training  and  Development  Specialists  carries  many  

communication  related  challenges.  The  role  has  an  increasingly  growing  collection  

of  responsibilities  within  it,  and  is  continuing  to  grow  in  demand.  The  tasks  that  fall  

into  the  Training  and  Development  Specialist  job  are  dependent  on  communication  

and  competence  of  various  organizational  practices  and  departments.  

Miscommunication  is  among  the  greatest  of  communication  challenges  for  Training  

and  Development  Specialists,  which  can  cause  great  chaos  and  confusion  in  

organizations.  The  frequencies  of  miscommunication  continue  to  grow  as  

globalization  increases  in  the  United  States.  Miller  (2015)  defines  globalization  as  a  

“movement  that  has  led  to  practices  such  as  outsourcing,  in  which  businesses  move  

manufacturing  and  service  centers  to  countries  where  labor  is  cheap”  (p.  3).  

Globalization  and  the  spread  of  businesses  internationally  means  makes  our  world  

feel  and  seem  smaller,  due  to  the  closeness  of  business  partners  in  other  countries,  

but  also  creates  communication  challenges  as  countries  have  varying  

communication  ‘norms’  and  practices,  especially  in  language.  When  speaking  with  

Devari  Koenings,  of  Zywave,  I  learned  about  the  role  of  Training  and  Development  

Specialists  in  relation  to  globalization.  Devari  explained  to  me  that  her  organization  

has  recently  expanded  and  created  branches  in  Canada  and  the  United  Kingdom.  

Although  initially  it  may  seem  that  Canada  and  the  United  Kingdom  are  not  

drastically  different  in  terms  of  communication,  Devari  described  that  there  are  

many  slang  words  that  are  used  in  the  United  States  that  can  be  seen  as  

disrespectful  to  those  in  Canada  and  the  United  Kingdom.  After  speaking  with  

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Devari  about  this,  I  considered  how  our  culture  communicates,  and  the  large  gaps  

that  exist  between  the  United  States’  communication  practices  and  other  countries.                

           Along  with  basic  communication  challenges,  globalization  presents  

complications  in  terms  of  technology  differences.  According  to  Valjataga  &  Laanpere  

(2010),  “We  live  in  a  fast-­‐developing  world  with  rapid  social  and  technological  

changes.  In  many  contexts  of  life  and  work  people  need  to  deal  with  continuously  

developing  environments  and  have  to  be  more  responsive  to  these  rapidly  changing  

demands”  (p.  277).  Communication  among  international  coworkers  becomes  more  

complex  by  adding  in  technology  and  software.  These  technologies  create  a  barrier  

for  Training  and  Development  Specialists  when  creating  training  materials.  Because  

of  the  language  barrier  that  can  exist,  Training  and  Development  Specialists  can  

have  a  more  difficult  time  finding  a  technology  source  that  stretches  beyond  

language  barriers  and  provides  a  source  for  learners  to  comprehend  and  excel  with  

the  provided  materials.  This  challenge  is  difficult  to  overcome  for  many  reasons.  The  

biggest  reason  is  that  globalization  will  only  continue  to  grow  as  business  and  

organizations  become  increasingly  more  diverse  and  international.  Businesses  are  

continuing  to  expand  to  countries  all  over  the  world.  Therefore,  the  problem  is  not  

something  that  can  be  easily  tackled.  Another  roadblock  to  solving  this  difficulty  is  

the  rapidly  increasing  need  for  training.  While  companies  become  more  global,  they  

are  also  requiring  more  training  and  further  employee  development.    




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Description  of  Options  

  There  are  multiple  options  that  are  available  for  Training  and  Development  

Specialists  to  overcome  the  communication  challenges  that  are  caused  by  

globalization  and  the  growth  of  international  organizations.  Creating  mutual  

understanding  for  all  employees  across  the  nations  is  critical  and  can  be  done  with  

thoughtful  consideration  and  planning.  During  my  time  speaking  with  Devari  

Koenings,  I  was  able  to  understand  how  she  handles  communication  challenges  

across  nations.  Although  Devari’s  situation  isn’t  completely  representative  of  

globalization  because  Zywave  is  not  currently  located  in  countries  where  labor  is  

less  expensive,  she  works  hard  to  overcome  global  communication  challenges  for  all  

training  needs.  Devari  explained  to  me  that  she  spends  time  working  to  understand  

the  language  norms  and  slang  words  in  both  Canada  and  the  United  States.  Through  

her  research,  she  has  found  that  Canadians  and  the  British  can  dramatically  

misinterpret  even  small  differences  in  sentence  structure.  According  to  Valtjataga  &  

Laanpere  (2010),  “in  an  increasingly  networked  and  technologically  mediated  

world,  people  need  to  continuously  update  their  knowledge  and  skill  base,  so  as  to  

be  able  to  self-­‐direct  their  intentional  learning  projects”  (p.  277).  Being  informed  of  

language  small  differences  is  highly  beneficial  for  Training  and  Development  

Specialists.  Devari  reiterated  this  fact  to  me  by  explaining  her  constant  thirst  for  

more  knowledge  and  growth  in  terms  of  her  organizational  competency.    

  Research  is  central  to  the  next  option  to  this  issue  as  well.  According  to  

Arneson,  Rothwell  &  Naughton  (2013),  it  is  necessary  for  training  professionals  to  

be  competent  in  “anticipating  and  meeting  the  training  and  development  needs  of  

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an  increasingly  global  workforce  and  contributing  to  talent  development  where  the  

organization  most  needs  it”  (p.  44).  Training  and  Development  Specialists  can  

become  competent  in  the  difficulties  that  face  them  by  understanding  the  global  

workforce  and  using  this  knowledge  to  predict  the  future  changes  in  their  respective  


  Tackling  technology-­‐based  workforce  issues  is  something  that  many  roles  

and  industries  are  currently  talking  about  and  adjusting  to.  In  order  to  reduce  

confusion  in  terms  of  language  barriers  and  technology,  it  is  important  to  encourage  

meetings  to  take  place  over  Skype  or  video  based  media  if  face-­‐to-­‐face  

communication  is  not  possible.  This  way,  questions  can  be  addressed  immediately  

and  will  not  have  to  be  asked  over  email  or  another  written  form.  However,  it  is  not  

always  possible  to  connect  face  to  face,  especially  when  oceans  separate  branch  

offices,  like  in  Zywave’s  case.  Castellano  (2015)  stated,  “Organizations  can’t  always  

resort  to  classroom  training  anymore”  (p.  66).  Due  to  this,  Castellano  suggests  

creating  meeting  and  information  platforms  that  are  highly  accessible  on  multiple  

platforms.  Although  technology  is  complex  and  can  be  difficult  for  some  to  navigate,  

it  is  important  for  professionals  to  remember  to  keep  content  in  technology  simple  

and  easy  to  understand.  Creating  simple  information  that  is  communicated  through  

technology  platforms  could  create  a  dramatic  decrease  in  confusion  for  companies  

that  face  a  global  workforce.    




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My  Response  

  Learning  about  the  various  communication  challenges  that  exist  within  this  

role  gave  me  great  insight  into  the  encounters  that  I  will  be  facing  in  my  career  as  a  

Training  and  Development  Specialist.  In  my  role,  it  will  be  crucial  to  be  constantly  

aware  of  the  audience  that  I  am  designing  training  programs  for.  Miller  (2015)  

defines  demographics  as  “statistical  descriptions  of  characteristics  of  a  population,  

such  as  age,  race,  income,  educational,  etc.”  (p.  133).  It  will  be  imperative  for  me  to  

be  mindful  of  the  demographics  within  my  organization,  in  order  to  properly  

address  all  individuals,  despite  their  demographic.  Reaching  across  demographic  

lines  to  reach  all  employees  is  necessary  to  achieve  optimum  training  results.    

  Additionally,  learning  about  these  communication  challenges,  I  have  learned  

the  importance  of  adaptation  in  communication  styles.  Without  assessing  the  

individual  needs  of  each  trainee,  training  sessions  cannot  be  successful.  Within  this  

challenge,  there  are  many  ways  that  information  can  be  communicated.  Learning  

the  ins  and  outs  of  the  organization  and  the  training  needs  is  key.  Looking  at  the  

organization  with  the  metaphor  of  a  machine  is  useful  when  using  a  training  

methodology.  According  to  Miller  (2015),  the  metaphor  of  a  machine  is  useful  by  

looking  at  disparate  objects  that  fit  together  to  form  an  organization  (p.  60).  When  

assessing  the  training  needs,  especially  in  terms  of  globalization  and  global  business,  

it  is  helpful  to  use  the  machine  metaphor  to  assess  how  each  team  member  fits  

together  to  create  a  concise,  and  well  working  organization.    

  While  learning  about  globalization  and  its  impact  on  training,  my  passion  for  

the  role  of  Training  and  Development  Specialist  grew.  Learning  about  the  various  

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problems  that  exist  within  the  overall  issue  is  fascinating  and  deserves  attention.  I  

have  a  great  passion  for  teaching  and  training  others,  and  the  issue  of  globalization  

within  training  has  further  sparked  my  interest  in  the  subject  matter  and  inspired  

me  to  continue  to  grow  my  knowledge  on  the  subject  and  possible  solutions.    


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