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Career Management Secrets

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Book summary & review on Career Management secrets
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APPLIED ORGANISATIONAL BEHAVIOUR 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS ABOUT THE BOOK……………………………………………………………….02 ABOUT THE AUTHOR…………………………………………………………..02 SUMMARY /ANALYSING (PART 1) ……………………………….………03 SUMMARY /ANALYSING (PART 2) ……………………………….………04 SUMMARY /ANALYSING (PART 3) ……………………………….…..….05 SUMMARY /ANALYSING (PART 4) ……………………………….………07 SUMMARY /ANALYSING (PART 5) ……………………………….………08 SUMMARY /ANALYSING (PART 6) ……………………………….……...08 SUMMARY /ANALYSING (PART 7) ……………………………….………10 COMPARISON OF BOOK …………………………........................…...11 READERS REVIEW…………………………………………………………..…...12 REFERENCES………………………………………………………………………..13




ABOUT THE BOOK……………………………………………………………….02

ABOUT THE AUTHOR…………………………………………………………..02

SUMMARY /ANALYSING (PART 1) ……………………………….………03

SUMMARY /ANALYSING (PART 2) ……………………………….………04

SUMMARY /ANALYSING (PART 3) ……………………………….…..….05

SUMMARY /ANALYSING (PART 4) ……………………………….………07

SUMMARY /ANALYSING (PART 5) ……………………………….………08

SUMMARY /ANALYSING (PART 6) ……………………………….……...08

SUMMARY /ANALYSING (PART 7) ……………………………….………10

COMPARISON OF BOOK …………………………........................…...11

READERS REVIEW…………………………………………………………..…...12





TITLE : Career Management Secrets

AUTHOR : Carolyn Boyes

PUBLISHER : Harper Collins




Carolyn is a Master Practitioner in Hypnosis, Time Line Therapy ® and Neuro-Linguistic

Programming (NLP) and a Certified Trainer of NLP. She is registered through the UK General

Hypnotherapy Register (GHR) and the General Hypnotherapy Standards Council (GHSC).

Carolyn has made a lifelong study of different ways of thinking and the mysteries of the

human mind. Her studies of philosophy and metaphysics have taken her around the world

and include Eastern and Western forms of mysticism and healing. While working in the

corporate world in 1995 she began to study various forms of practical psychology as well as a

number of spiritual development systems.

Carolyn works internationally as a coach and trainer with a variety of clients from government

and business as well as private clients. She is a body language expert and has over ten years’

experience as a career and leadership coach working up to Board Level.

As a trusted advisor and source of knowledge and wisdom Carolyn always listens to your

needs and draws on her broad exploration of the world’s ancient and modern knowledge

systems to provide you with a simple tool kit to help you achieve the results, success and

happiness you want.

“Carolyn is a wonderful lady, someone who is inter-culturally intelligent, genuine

and truthful! She is a person of mindfulness”.

Business woman, China

Some of the books written by Carolyn

- Cool Careers

- Need to Know? Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

- Need to Know? Body Language

- Need to know? NLP






1.1 Be an Entrepreneur

1.2 Take a Personal Inventory

1.3 Discover your STARs

1.4 Discover your 3 Ps

1.5 Carry out your own 360


The world is changing so rapidly now that there is no guarantee you will have a job for life,

nor that the company you join will continue to exist, nor even that industry will exist in the

next decade or so. You need to think like an entrepreneur if you want to make the right kind

of progress in your career Entrepreneurs don’t let things happen to them, they make things

happen for them.

Personal inventory, here which means looking at what you are really good at. Which includes

skills, knowledge, natural talent & personal strengths. The most through way to do is to list

each job role or activity which you have carried in the past and analyse each. List out the skills

& knowledge you have gained. This gives you an inventory of the strengths you will be selling

in your career.

The word achievement can sound quite scary to a lot of people. An achievement is something

you have undertaken with a result attached. An achievement is simply an action you have

taken with a successful ending.

The ingredients that make a career both fun and successful are PASSIONS, PURPOSE &

PRNCIPLES. Get to know what yours are and make sure you include them in your career plan.

Take a 360 degree report pick a handful of people, ask for honest opinions & keep things

objective. Take the feedback without being defensive and you will become aware of your

potential weak arear as well as your strengths.


The author has started the book with an interesting quote

“The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering

his attitude of mind” William James, psychologist



The author highlights the current situation like closing of the old industries & new business

opportunities, by which he tries to motivates the reader to think & act like an Entrepreneur.

He tries to explain the current situation in CAUSE & EFFECT method, and gives the reader a

choice on which side he wants to choose.

Listing of the strengths & weakness helps the reader to know where he stands, which are the

arears he need to be improves by which he can achieve his aim/goal. Listing out

strengths/weakness can be done in people, Ideas, Things & Data.

The STAR method helps the reader to know his achievement by which he can know his

strengths much faster & which helps the reader to have a general idea as in which area he is

strong. Passion, Purpose & Principles helps the reader to choice a correct field of his choice

where his career would be fun & successful. To have a better status on the strength &

weakness we can do 360 degree feedback, the report should be taken in a positive manner.




2.1 Be Visionary

2.2 Be SMART

2.3 Step Forth

2.4 Commit 100%

2.5 Find a Role Model


Having a long term vision for your career gives you focus. It helps you to come up with short

term goals and plan. The only limitations are ones you have created in your mind. A vision will

provide a focus point for you to guide your whole career. Break down your vision into SMART

goals means that you can use them as milestones over the coming years. Remember that

goals have to be really desirable and compelling otherwise you are more likely to give up early

A plan is great, but nothing can happen unless you take the 1st step. Every journey, however

long, start with a single step.

Think of a 1st step you could take immediately for each goal. To grow your career you will

sometimes need to move a little or perhaps a lot outside your existing comfort zone. To try

and experiment new thing in order to create new success in life. Only 100% commitment will

put you in control of achieving meaningful goals.

No one is going to have exactly the same goals as you but there may be people who have

taken a similar path or who you can regard as role models.




An interesting quote

“The future you see is the future you get” Robert G Allen, author of 1 minute Millionaire

Here the author tells us to dream big have bigger goals, the goal shows the path to achieve

it. The author tell the reader to get rid of the false fear & limitations, he suggest to use

(SMART Method) to plan our short term and long goals which would help the reader to fulfil

his vision.

Every long journey starts with a small step, converting the thoughts into actions is very

important, taking big or small steps depends on the goals and the vision.

The author emphasis on the 100% commitment and the will to change, he warns the reader

not to be in the comfort zone which does not allow the reader to give his full potential & he

says to learn the art about he will to change.

Having a role model in the same chosen field or in any other field would help the reader to

have alive inspiration & he can refer the methods used by his role model to achieve




3.1 Brand Yourself 3.6 Create a Buzz

3.2 Leave a Lasting Impression 3.7 Link in for Luck

3.3 Have an Elevator Pitch 3.8 Be Visible Inside your Company

3.4 Act As If 3.9 Write it well

3.5 Maintain a Broad Network


Think of yourself as a unique brand that brings value to an organisation.

Think about your USP- Unique Selling point, once you know your USP, you can go out and sell

yourself on your CV and around your company, highlight what is distinctive and valuable

about you. Consider yourself as a brand, a brand is only effective if it is well communicated.

Being able to introduce yourself succinctly and articulately is a vital part of self-marketing.

Always be ready to say something interesting about yourself in less than a minute. The idea



is not to talk fast and boast yourself, but to describe yourself in an interesting manner to other

people. To have a good elevator pitch- practise, practise & practice again in the only method.

Confident people are liked everywhere because they are more comfortable to be around, Let

it be any career successful people are not struggling alone. They have wide networks inside

work and also outside work and they know not only how to build a strong network but also

how to leverage it getting yourself a name for what you do inside your chosen industry is a

great career enhancer.

Always look for opportunities to help others and you will soon make now friends across the

industry. The internet opens up a while new world for the net workers, we are more and more

visible on the web nowadays.

Successful employees have strong networks inside their own companies. Networking in a

company doesn’t mean being a ruthless politics. A broad, loose network is better than a small

tight network for creating opportunities in your career.

The ability to communicate in speech is going to make a huge difference in our career. Being

a good written communicator sells you very effectively whether you are in a company or

looking for a new job.


The Author suggest the reader to think about his USP “strengths” by which he can be more

confident while attending the interviews, authors tells the reader to considering yourself as a

brand and approach to others. Self-marketing is the best method for effective communication

The author talks on etiquettes, good introduction with an interesting facts about you would

boost you impression.

To do the same you need to have a good elevator pitch, practising is the only method for

delivering good elevator pitch

Being confident is the basic to attend any kind of interview and meeting clients, Confident

people are liked because they are more comfortable to be around. Having a wide network of

friends in the within & outside the industry will help you to get bigger & better work

opportunities, a great career enhancer.

The author suggests the reader, to make a wider network 1st you need to help others by which

you can widen your network. Being in the internet helps to a major extent for getting new

friends and widening the network, networking here should not be misinterpreted with the

politics. To leave a good impression our communicate level should be good in both verbal and







4.1 Align Yourself with your Organisation 4.5 Become Your Own Coach

4.2 Always Deliver 4.6 Keep Career Records

4.3 Be Positive 4.7 Update your CV

4.4 Find Niche 4.8 Sell your Ideas


An employment contract isn’t just a legal contract. Behind it lies another deal: an emotional

contract. Be clear about what you need in your career and what your organisation values most

in its employees. In business the people who deliver most efficiently are those who work hard

and also keep an eye on objects. Everywhere you are being judged for what you do & how

you do it. One of the 1st thing that makes an impression is your attitude. Be positive and you

will win over the people who matter

Create a niche for yourself so that everyone wants to work with you. If you are against

someone who hasn’t carved a nice niche for themselves then who is going to win the

promotion. Self-coaching will build your confidence and make you aware of your strengths

and weaknesses. Your CV can open doors for you if you treat it like a marketing broucher.

Your ability to communicate and influence other is indispensable to achieving your career

goals, Offer people more pleasure and less pain if you want them to buy your ideas


The author invokes the emotional side as a job contract is not only legal but emotional also.

He suggests the reader to be clear on what he wants from the organisation and in return what

he can give. If in a business those who work hard are the one who is in the pinnacle.

Being positive is the only way to win over people create a niche for yourself which can impress

others & makes them to work with you.

Interesting Quote-

“When defeat comes, accept it as a signal that your plans are not sound, rebuild those plans

and set sail once more towards your coveted goal” Napoleon Hill, American author

Things might not go correct all the time, Self-coaching is the only method to rebuild our

confidence & concentrate on our weakness to convert them to strengths. The author gives a

hint how to sell our ideas, by offering more pleasure and less pain/stresses we can easily sell

our ideas & make others to buy.






5.1 Know Your Priorities

5.2 Get Ready For Risk

5.3 Do it Your Way

5.4 Be a Career Juggler

5.5 Trust Your Instinct


Knowing your priorities will make you more effective as a negotiator in your career and allow you to

make choices that are tight for you. Always be aware of the risk level you are prepared to live with in

any career change. Trying to avoid risk may backfire.

Risk aren’t always obvious, be a great negotiator by selling your results not the length of time you put

in at the office, you have only 2 things to sell to an employer Time & knowledge.

Portfolio careers allow you to be flexible and develop interests in new ways, exercise your intuition to

make sure your career vision is both logical and feels instinctively right


The author tells us to recheck on the priotries by knowing the priotries we know what we need by

which we can negotiate in our career and can take a good decision.

Risk taking is a crucial decision before taking a decision the author suggest to know the level of the

risk, the outcome pros & cos, being logical would give us an instinctive right feeling & can take a wise

decision on the career.




6.1 Be Flexible 6.6 Prepare for Interviews

6.2 Open up Your Options 6.7 Be Memorable and Likeable

6.3 Plan Your Campaign 6.8 Know Your Fit

6.4 Keep Research Records 6.9 Get Ready for Green

6.5 Buy a Coffee




Some people love the challenges of new experiences others hate the loss of familiar ways of

doing things. Instead of trying to resist change, put new routines and structures into your life

as soon as possible. Be alert to new forms of work that have been created in the 21st century,

You are most likely to hit a bull’s eye if you aim at it rather than everything on the board. Once

you have your target job & organisation clear in your mind, it’s time to get out there and meet

people together information and hopefully get an interview. Keeping records will stop you

wasting time and energy when job-hunting.

Make use of referrals. You can get a lot of answers in the duration of a coffee break, an

interview starts the moment you walk into the reception, so be prepared. Matching and

mirroring are actions that build rapport and leave the interviewer with a good impression.

Rapport is the secret to being likeable and memorable (in a good way) Rapport is that feeling

of chemistry you can get when you meet someone for the 1st time Make sure you know your

fit with the organisations needs in terms of skills and culture. When you see a green signal,

respond quickly to keep the interview in your favour. Skilled negotiators get the jobs they



Change is the only thing which doesn’t change. Whatever changes according to the time will

survive & rest will not. The author suggests instead of resisting the change, flowing with

change is a better idea, need to be open for new options as a lot new forms of works have

been created.

Here the author guides us to take a much better decision on the type of the company, size,

profile & location by which our target is clear and we can start to collect the records, updating

your resume to the recruitment agencies & to know the current industry news according to

the profile and the company we have selected.

An interview starts the moment you walk into the reception, so be prepared. Author talks on

the topic of preparing to interview by giving some tips like doing research on the company,

checking the dress code, being punctual & being confident.

By doing we can get a fair idea on the company culture & can decide does the company suit

or not. While attending interview we need to be in the same flow of the interviewer. Author

motivates us by saying us to leave a memorable impression on the interviewer.






7.1 Have Passion and Plan 7.6 Define your Target Market

7.2 Be a Detail Person 7.7 Be Great With People

7.3 Fix Your Fee 7.8 Have a Contract

7.4 Be on the Web 7.9 Be Resilient and Persistent

7.5 Count Your Cash


Probably one of the reasons you are considering being self-employed is to have more time or

more control over what you do, so you can be more yourself or do things your way. Make

sure you have a clear plan and the passion to see it through

You may have the greatest product or service on the market but find you leak away your profit

by not keeping your eye on the day to day running of the business. Know your worth and set

a fee that reflects your brand in the marketplace.

Entrepreneurs need to keep on top of their game and be open to new ways of building and

marketing their business. The internet opens up all sorts of opportunities for any size of

business to compete in every market in the world.

Open a separate business account and manage your money well from the 1st day of self-

employment. Update your marketing strategy regularly to make sure you know your own

business and to stay ahead of the competition.

Develop your communication and interpersonal skills so you can handle a variety of

situations. Once you are out on your own you need to be able to handle clients. A contract is

a safety net that protects both you and the client, make a proper contract with all the required


While being resilient is partly down to your character it also helps if you to stay top on your

profession. The real secret of resilience goes back to the goals, know yourself accountable for

working hard and focusing on success every day.


Final Quote-

“Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life” Confucius

Author again here invokes us to think and be an entrepreneur, revisit your personal goals &

align them with the business goals & suggest us to expand our business by hire people.



Fixing fees – author suggest to know our worth and set a fee that reflects your brand in the

market place. As everything has been digitalised need for the modernisation has been raised

being in the web has been a mandatory. Creating a professional, well focused website will

helps to get more business.

As the business starts maintain a separate financial accounts helps us to know the status of

the company, is the company is going in a good direct and can trouble shot if there are any


Before starting a business the author suggest the reader to fix product, price, location &

promotion & compare & cross check with competitors. Updating the marketing strategy

regularly to make sure that we know our business and to stay ahead of the competition.

Handling people is a major task I the business for which having a good communicating &

negotiating skills I very important. Being agile/ resilient is a very important in the important,

keeping yourself accountable for working hard and focusing on the success every day is the

only method to be in pinnacle of any business.




Career Management book has a wider audience from students to professionals as it covers

areas like Assessing career goals, revisiting existing career plan, networking, how to prepare

for interview, networking & entrepreneur planning & execution of the work. This book has

covered 1% of all the topics & the book flows from topic to topic with case study as examples

& methods.

Social Networking for Career Success book has audience of working professionals only, the

book mainly focus on the social networking & digital world for job searching, online short

term courses. The book has complete updated information on latest social networking sites

where the reader can approach to more number of people & can gain latest knowledge &

gain networks. This book has covered 100% of 1 topic.




This book covers 1% of 100 topics related to career management and tries to helps

student/working professional to choose a goal, on having a vision, selecting ideal job or

becoming an Entrepreneur & how to achieve it with practical tips & methods.

The tips & methods given in the book are simple, practical & logical. I feel the tips & methods

are same to all levels of working professional & students.

The tips given to find out the strength & passion is very innovation, no book related to career

management which I have studied has mentioned this methods.

English language used in the book is simple & easy to understand, the case studies used in the

topics gives us better understanding of the topic & creates interest to try the methods

Inspirational quotes has been used most effectively in the book, which sticks to the topics

and motivates the reader.

The flow of the chapters are designed in easy & sequential manner, each chapter is

interrelated to each other Taking control on yourself, deciding a goal, marketing Yousef,

preparing yourself, striking a balance, changing of career if required & choose a career

according to the passion. For better understanding of topics the reader has to read the book

in a sequential manner.

Sub topics like Link in for Luck, Find a niche & be resilient/ persistent are most interesting

topics in the book. The reader would get more benefit if he follows the methods which are

given in this topics.

The author has justified each topics with clear explanation, case studies & methods to follow

the short comings on that particular area.

The title of the book matches with content as the author has explained all the secrets in the

simplest possible manner.

Time management is very important for any Student, Professional or Entrepreneur the book

doesn’t contain any topic related to it. After thorough reading it is the only short come, I have

noticed in the book.

Over all the book Career Management Secrets is very good & helps the reader to have a

Successful Career both in Business & work life. The book has helped me to know my strength

as well as weaknesses, on the right time of my life I was able to read this book.




Book – Career Management Secrets

Book – Social Networking for Career Success

