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Careerpatri_Presentation For Schools And Colleges

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Index Page Psychology Based Approach To Career Deve lopment Self Running Mechanism Benefits: Schools & Colleges Benefits: Users (Students) 4 Stages of Career Planning Program Overview Program Detail: Secti on A Career Theories: Holland Theory Career Theories: Prediger's Dimensio nal Model Career Theories: Theory of Work Adjustment Research Based Assessments Administrator & Distributor (Operations) Student & Administrator (Operations) Student (User) Account Overview Administrator (School/College) Account Overview Section B Section C Support System
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Index PagePsychology Based Approach To Career Development

Self Running Mechanism

Benefits: Schools & Colleges

Benefits: Users (Students)

4 Stages of Career Planning

Program Overview

Program Detail: Section A

Career Theories: Holland Theory

Career Theories: Prediger's Dimensional Model

Career Theories: Theory of Work Adjustment

Research Based Assessments

Administrator & Distributor (Operations)

Student & Administrator (Operations)

Student (User) Account Overview

Administrator (School/College) Account Overview

Section B Section C

Support System

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Scale of Time


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…..Schools & Colleges to set global standards in Student Counseling and Career Guidance.

based Program in Education and Career Development

…..students to take the most logical approach to Career Decisions.

…..students to perform at the highest level of their potential.

A Program that empowers ....

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Based on the most widely accepted theories in student guidance and

counselling practices.

Proven Success Pillars in the field of Education and Vocational Psychology.

Holland theory of VocationalPersonality

Prediger’s DimensionalModel

Theory of Work Adjustment

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Internet Based Self Running Mechanism

• Internet Based System

• Fully Automated

• Interactive and Personalised

•No classroom activity

The Only Requirement - A Student and an Internet Connection

•No administrative or clerical work for schools/colleges

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Effortless System for Schools & Colleges

•No Classroom Activity

•No Administrative Control or Supervision

•No Guidance or Instructions needed

•Full Flexibility of Time and Pace

•Students can work at home

Very easy to Implement and Maintain

Only requires a STUDENT, a PC and INTERNET

Fully Integrates with the Educational System

•Requires only 15 minutes a day

•Hassle Free Payment Management System

•No Ledger Books, No Manual Records.

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... Set World Class Standards In Student Counselling and Guidance Systems at your Institution

Set International Standards

Make Student Growth Measurable

Extremely easy to implement and maintain

Replace the need of a School Psychologist

Get Quality Student Information

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Set international standards

Make Student Growth Measurable

Extremely easy to implement and maintain

Replace the need of a School Psychologist

Get Quality Student Information

Growth process of child in your school gets measurable, well directed, sustained and accountable.

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Set international standards

Make Student Growth Measurable

Extremely easy to implement and maintain

Replace the need of a School Psychologist

Get Quality Student Information

Get quality student information (Analysis) for teachers, counsellors or parents

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Career decision making with a very logical approach

Informed Career Decisions

Linking Academics with Personal Interests

Self Motivation

Making Learning a Passion

Purposeful Learning

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Creates connection between classroom curriculum and student’s personal interest

Informed Career Decisions

Linking Academics with Personal Interests

Self Motivation

Making Learning a Passion

Purposeful Learning

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Students feel secure and self-confident.They become natural learner and self motivated.

Informed Career Decisions

Linking Academics with Personal Interests

Self Motivation

Making Learning a Passion

Purposeful Learning

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Links academic pursuits with passion, rather than burden & Eliminates stress caused by performance pressure

Informed Career Decisions

Linking Academics with Personal Interests

Self Motivation

Making Learning a Passion

Purposeful Learning

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Makes education and classroom learning more purposeful and interest oriented

Informed Career Decisions

Linking Academics with Personal Interests

Self Motivation

Making Learning a Passion

Purposeful Learning

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Use of psychometrics to measure the most powerful psychological aspects of a student, that influences one’s performance.

Self Assessment

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Use of psychometrics to measure the most powerful psychological aspects of a student, that influences one’s performance.

Explore work areas that are in harmony with one’s personality and also to understand the level of academic and personal competencies (foundational) required to attain an exponential career growth.

Self Assessment Exploration

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Use of psychometrics to measure the most powerful psychological aspects of a student, that influences one’s performance.

Explore work areas that are in harmony with one’s personality and also to understand the level of academic and personal competencies (foundational) required to attain an exponential career growth.

360 degree self survey (with feedback from parents, teachers and friends) that measures student SWOT(Strength Weakness Opportunity & Threats). It becomes a personal portfolio and shows the mirror image of an individual in terms of personal attributes of SWOT.

Self Assessment Mirror ImageExploration

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Use of psychometrics to measure the most powerful psychological aspects of a student, that influences one’s performance.

Explore work areas that are in harmony with one’s personality and also to understand the level of academic and personal competencies (foundational) required to attain an exponential career growth.

360 degree self survey (with feedback from parents, teachers and friends) that measures student SWOT(Strength Weakness Opportunity & Threats). It becomes a personal portfolio and shows the mirror image of an individual in terms of personal attributes of SWOT.

Create and work upon a career action plan with the purpose of consolidating the strength, converting Weakness & Opportunities into Strength and minimise Threats.

Self Assessment Mirror Image Action PlanExploration

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Psychometric Assessment Test

Choice of Career Option

Explore the Career Options

Conduct Student's SWOT Analysis

Sub-Module 1: Ability Analysis Sub-Module 2: Skill AnalysisSub-Module 3: Knowledge AnalysisSub-Module 4: Style AnalysisSub-Module 5: Task AnalysisSub-Module 6: Activity AnalysisSub-Module 7: Work Context Analysis

PvO Mapping

Creating Career Action Plan

NOTE* : Administrator Remarks(Suggestions or guidelines, made by School Counselor or teacher, based on student performance and action plan)

Module 1 Module 4 Module 6

Module 2

Module 3 Module 5


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To adopt two of the world's most famous and widely practiced theories in the field of student counselling and vocational psychology, and measure student's psychic factors, that are directly responsible for their thinking, behavior and performance patterns.


(To choose any one psychology based test from Interest Assessment, Values Assessment or Personality Assessment)



(Any two Career Options are chosen from the given list of occupations that match student's personality)

To prevent the students from pre-mature foreclosure of the choice of career stream based on incomplete, biased, wrong information or stereo-types. (Choosing personality based career option, is like setting one's sail and moving in a direction that is in harmony with the wind direction. i.e. one's personality, values and beliefs.)

(Explore the Career Options in terms of personal competencies required at foundational and academic level for a student)

To give students a more practical picture of their dreams and allow them to explore their career options in terms of personal and academic competencies required at School/College level.

(Section A)

Psychometric Assessment Test: Choice of Career Option Explore the Career Options

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(Section B)

(360 degree self-survey of those personal effectiveness and academic competencies of the student, that are essential for him/her at School level, as per the personality)

To make student personality absolutely transparent at mental, emotional and at physical levels of existence. Also to create the student's personal portfolio, characterized by the Strength and Weakness that they possess, and Opportunity and Threats that they are likely to face on their career path.

Sub-Module 1: Ability Analysis Sub-Module 2: Skill AnalysisSub-Module 3: Knowledge AnalysisSub-Module 4: Style AnalysisSub-Module 5: Task AnalysisSub-Module 6: Activity AnalysisSub-Module 7: Work Context Analysis

(Each sub-module has a set of 10 multiple choice questions, based on the student's personality and the chosen career option)

(Person versus Occupation Mapping is the probability percentage for achieving success or failure in the chosen Career Option. The percentage is calculated on basis of the current foundational and academic competencies acquired by the student in School/College)

PvO Mapping

It measures the extent (in percentage) to which, the chosen career option complements the student's personality and aptitude as a whole.


Conduct Student's SWOT Analysis

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Creating Career Action Plan


(Section C)

(This is an e-Journal, where student notes down the essence of one's self- interpretation and translates the result into a practical plan of action)

To write down the list of (simple day to day) activities that will be essential to consolidate the strengths, use them to maximize opportunities, improve upon weaknesses and minimize potential threats.

Administrator Remarks


(Place where student reads the comments, suggestions or guidelines, made by School Counselor or teacher, based on student performance and action plan)

To ensure the commitment and quality of student involvement in the Education and Career Development program. And also allow them to have a better self-understanding and to create an action plan that is genuine, workable and challenging at the same time.

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Dr. Holland's RIASEC Model

•Dr. John Holland's RIASEC model has dominated vocational psychology for several decades.

•Most Popular Career Theory in the World.

•A theory that revolutionized the delivery of vocational assistance worldwide.

•A theory that is simple and eminently practical.

Holland Theory

Holland Theory of Vocational Personality And Work Environment

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•6 factor typology describes both persons and work environments.Realistic (R), Investigative (I), Artistic (A), Social (S), Enterprising (E) & Conventional (C).

•An Individual’s career pathway is the expression of his / her personality.

•No one person is of one personality type. Every individual has each of the 6 elements to some degree. Only top 2 - 3 most dominant codes are used for career guidance.

•Holland Codes are therefore used to describe 720 different personality patterns in students.

Theory Says:

Dr. Holland's RIASEC Model

Holland Theory

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Prediger says that the fundamental structure of interests involves two dimensions

Dimension : 2(People Vs. Things)

Dimension :1(Data Vs. Ideas)

Prediger’s Dimensional Model

An Intriguing Reformulation of Holland Theory.

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Dimension :1(Data Vs. Ideas)

This dimension refers to the preference for working with other people versus working with tools, objects, andmachines.

This dimension refers to preference for working with concrete data versus abstract concepts.

The data pole falls between the Conventional and Enterprising types; the ideas pole falls between the Investigative and Artistic types.

The people pole corresponds to the Social type; the things pole corresponds to the Realistic type.

Prediger’s Dimensional Model

Dimension :2(People Vs. Things)

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Theory of Work Adjustment

Has led to the development of some of the world’s best known psychometric instruments in Vocational Psychology.

Developed for extensive research conducted at University of Minnesota (Dawis & Lofquist, 1984)

Evolved over 4 decades of research by renowned psychologists

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Theory of Work Adjustment

Abilities AbilityRequirement




Model for conceptualising the interaction between Individuals & their Environments.

In simple words, it states that people or students derive satisfaction from their environment, when:

1) They have the necessary aptitude and ability to perform the work

2) The Environment satisfies those needs & values of an individual, which are most important to him/her.

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Interest Profiler Values Profiler Personality Profiler

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Interest Profiler Values Profiler Personality Profiler

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