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CARM 2015 Membership Directory and Buyers' Guide

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2015 Membership Directory Buyers’ Guide &

2015 MembershipDirectory Buyers’ Guide&



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Table of Contents

2015Membership Directory

& Buyers’ Guide

CARM Membership Directory & Buyers’ Guideis published byDEL Communications Inc. Suite 300, 6 Roslyn Road Winnipeg, Manitoba R3L 0G5

President & CEO David Langstaff

Publisher Jason Stefanik

Sales Manager Dayna Oulion

Advertising Account Executives Gary Barrington Corey Frazer Michelle Raike Anthony Romeo

Managing Editor Cindy Chan

Production services provided by S.G. Bennett Marketing Services

Art Director Kathy Cable

Layout & Design Joel Gunter

Advertising Art Dana Jensen Sheri Kidd © Copyright 2015 DEL Communications Inc. All rights reserved. The contents of this pub lica tion may not be reproduced by any means, in whole or in part, without prior written consent of the publisher.

While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the

information contained herein and the reliability of the source, the publisher in no way guarantees nor warrants the information and is not responsible for errors, omissions or statements made by advertisers. Opinions and recommendations made by contributors or advertisers are not necessarily those of the publisher, its directors, officers or employees.

Publications mail agreement #40934510 Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to:DEL Communications Inc. Suite 300, 6 Roslyn Road Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada R2L 0L5 [email protected]


CARM Board of Directors & Directors-at-large ............................................. 2CARM Contact Information ................................................................................. 3CARM Objectives .................................................................................................... 4Member Benefits .................................................................................................... 52015 Event Schedule ............................................................................................. 7Planroom Operations ............................................................................................ 7Safety Program ........................................................................................................ 8COR™ Certified Companies ...............................................................................10COR™ Certified Equivalency .............................................................................16Construction Safety Officer Courses ..............................................................18Western Association of Safety Professionals ..............................................19Manitoba Construction Sector Council ........................................................20CARM Members ....................................................................................................21Construction Buyers’ Guide ..............................................................................63Associate Classifieds ............................................................................................81Architects ................................................................................................................85Engineers .................................................................................................................91Government Contacts ........................................................................................94Industry Associations ..........................................................................................95Index to Advertisers ......................................................................................... 107


Aaron JacksonB.D.R. Services Ltd.

Brad DoddsB.G. Dodds Building &

Contracting Ltd.

Carla MilneMNP LLP

Cheryl SchwalmGuild Insurance Brokers Ltd.

Chris FortierExcel Design & Construction

Derek CullenMeighan Haddad LLP

Mike PetersKC&B Build

Glen NewtonG.D. Newton and Associates Inc.

Rob GreenwoodC & R Sheetmetal Ltd.

Steve McMillanJacobson & Greiner

Group of Companies

Todd SzafronAble Eavestroughing Ltd.

Zac PennerT.L. Penner Construction Inc.

2015 CARM Board of Directors

PresidentChris Johnston

Centec Electric & Controls Ltd.

Vice-PresidentKelvin Orr

Horizon Builders Ltd.

TreasurerJared Jacobson

Jacobson & Greiner Group of Companies

SecretaryChuck Judd

Jamieson-Judd Limited Electrical Construction & Maintenance Ltd.

Past PresidentKen Hardy

Hardy Electric Ltd.



CARM Contact Information

Construction Association of Rural Manitoba Inc.

Unit B, 950-10th StreetBrandon, Manitoba

R7A 6B5

Telephone: (204) 727-4567 Fax: (204) 727-1048

Toll Free: [email protected]

Executive DirectorKaren Roe

(204) [email protected]

Planroom AdministratorRobyn Gibb

(204) [email protected]


CARM Objectives

Objectives of the Construction Association of Rural Manitoba Inc.1. To provide services to rural-based construction companies and allied businesses

that are tailored to best meet their needs, given the unique conditions under which these rural firms function. Further, to ensure that these services and programs meet or exceed standards normally set for such services or programs.

2. To provide for the timely exchange of information between the buyers and sellers of construction services, and between the various parties involved in the construction process.

3. To promote better understanding of the construction process by consumers, and better communication between buyers and sellers, with the aim of assuring fair and equitable treatment for all concerned.

4. To gather facts on issues that affect the construction industry and to determine particularly what implications these issues hold for the rural-based contractor.

5. To allow for a forum to consider these issues and to enable individual contractors’ input, while arriving at a consensus position to be put forth on behalf of the rural construction industry.

6. To conduct such forums – whether they’re focus sessions held in a specific location or interactive surveys conducted by the association – in a manner that will allow contractors to participate.

7. Having gathered the facts, discussed the issues involved, and having arrived at a consensus position, to represent that position to the government (or other) body involved.

8. To keep rural contractors informed as to proposed legislation and the potential effect it will have upon them.

9. To represent the position of the rural construction industry to government, and to its departments and agencies such as the Department of Labour, Employment Standards, Rural Construction Wages Board, Workplace Safety and Health, Workers’ Compensation Board, Apprenticeship Manitoba, Manitoba Housing Renewal Corporation, Manitoba Hydro, etc.

10. To represent the rural construction industry, and its individual practitioners, to governments at the local level, always bearing in mind, however, that on matters of a purely local nature, the association will become involved only at the request of the local company or companies involved.

11. To recommend to various government agencies the names of individuals who would reflect the viewpoint of the rural construction industry to fill CARM board or committee positions.


CARM offers three levels of membership. You choose the level that best suits your needs.All CARM members receive the following membership benefits:• Rural Report newsletter• AnnualBuilding Rural Manitoba magazine• AnnuallistingintheCARM Membership Directory and Buyers’ Guide• Discountprogramsforfuel,workclothes,hotels,etc.• Discountedratesonwide-formatcopyingandscanning• Accesstoindustry-specificgroupbenefitsplan• CommissionerforOathsservicefree-of-charge• Accesstolibrarymaterial,educationandtrainingsessions• Interactionwithpeersthroughregularlyscheduledsocialeventssuchastheannual

banquet, golf tournament and curling bonspiel• Representationtogovernments,ownersanddesignauthorities• FreejobpostingsontheCARMwebsite

Regular MembershipRegular membership is for companies engaged in construction or those who distribute orsupplytoconstructioncompaniesforworkonjobsites.Thesemembersreceiveour weekly Project News email newsletter and have full access to the planroom in the CARM office for viewing or borrowing of hard-copy plans.

Online MembershipOnlinemembershipisforcompaniesengagedinconstructionorthosewhodistributeorsupplytoconstructioncompaniesforworkonjobsites,andthosewhowanttohave24-hour electronic access to all construction information, drawings and specifications andautomatednotificationsthroughaccesstoouronlineplanroom.Onlinemembersreceive the weekly Project News email newsletter and have full access to the planroom in the CARM office for viewing or borrowing of hard-copy plans.

Associate MembershipAssociate memberships are for companies that support the work of construction companiesbyprovidingproductsorservicesusedonjobsites.Thesecompaniesinclude businesses such as accountants, lawyers, engineers, banks and insurance companies. Associate members receive those benefits listed in the “All CARM Memberships” section above; however, they do not have access to the online or physical planroom at the CARM office.

Group Health: A Flexible, Service Driven ProgramBenefits programs are individually designed with flexibility and your unique organizational needs in mind. Extended health, dental care, life insurance, short- and

Member Benefits


Education and TrainingCARM offers training programs on a variety of topics of interest to its members. Recent courses include:• Preparationfortradequalificationexams• Builders’LienActbasics• Profitablecontracting• Introductorysupervisorprogram• Onlineplanroomorientation

CARM has partnered with the Manitoba Construction Sector Council, Employment Manitoba, Apprenticeship Manitoba and Assiniboine Community College to provide these opportunities.

Networking OpportunitiesCARM hosts several social events throughout the year which provide our member companies the opportunity to network with other members, government, design and supply representatives.

long-term disability, critical conditions coverage, employee assistance plans, and health spending account access can all be covered under the multi-optional program. By choosing options suited to the particular firm, each CARM member company can obtain a customized program at lower-cost rates than fixed, large-scale health plans. Member companies are also eligible for the powerful AQuity 360 program, ensuring rate sustainability and time-saving services.

Group Retirement SolutionsDesigned to help you attract, retain and provide affordable retirement planning for your employees, the CARM group RRSP/DPSP program enables member companies of all sizes to design tax-advantaged group retirement savings programs with the flexibility your business requires.

Some additional features are:• Easyset-upandadministration• Flexibleandtailoredtofityourcompany’sneeds• Lowermanagementfees• Immediatetaxsavingstoemployerandemployee• Professionalinvestmentmanagement• Accesstoindividualfinancialcounseling

For more information on these programs, please call:AQ Group Solutions220-226OsborneStreetNorthWinnipeg, MB R3C 1V4Telephone: 1-888-989-2006, (204) 989-2006 Fax: (204) 989-2009Email: [email protected]

Member Benefits continued


Event Schedule for 2015:

CARM Annual General Meeting Thursday, February 26th, 2015 ~ CARM Boardroom

31st Annual Curling Bonspiel Saturday, February 21st, 2015 ~ Riverview Curling Club, Brandon, Man.

33rd Annual Golf Tournament Thursday, June 18th, 2015 ~ Shilo Golf & Country Club, Shilo, Man.

102nd Annual CARM Banquet Thursday,October22nd,2015~RoyalOakInn&Suites,Brandon,Man.

For sponsorship information or event information, please contact the CARM office at (204) 727-4567.

Planroom Operations

The CARM planroom is available to regular and online members to vieworborrowprojectdocuments(plans,specifications,addenda).

1) Projectdocumentscannotleavethebuildingunlesstheyhavebeensignedout. Onecompletesetwillremainintheofficeatalltimesandcannotbeborrowed.

2) Documents MUST be returned by 9:00 a.m. the following business day.3) Companiesreturningprojectdocumentsafter9:00a.m.thefollowingbusiness

daywillberequiredtopayfortheentiresetofprojectdocuments.Acreditcard pre-authorization for late fees will be required prior to borrowing. (Pending implementation of an after-hours drop box.)

4) Planroom privileges will be revoked for companies until fines/fees have been paid. (Pending implementation of an after-hours drop box.)

5) ProjectdocumentscanbereservedforborrowingbyphoningoremailingtheCARMoffice between 9:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Bookings will be considered final even if projectdocumentsarenotpickedupasscheduledastheycannotbesignedouttoothers while they are reserved. Twenty-four-hour notice is required for cancellation.

6) Therewillbenoconsecutivebookingsbyonecompany.Projectdocumentscannotbe booked for more than one day.

7) Projectdocumentsarenotavailableforviewingorpurchasingelectronically,exceptwith an online membership.

8) Do not mark documents with pen, pencil, highlighter, etc. Do not fold/bend/tear pages or take bindings apart. All documents borrowed must be returned together (specs, plans, addenda). Items returned with marking on them will be charged per page marked up.

9) Abuse of the planroom rules may result in suspension of privileges.

If you are aware of projects that are not available in the planroom, please make CARM staff aware and they will attempt to receive them from the consultants/owners involved.


Safety Program

“Practical Solutions for a Safer Workplace”

Initiated in 1989, the Construction Safety Association of Manitoba continues to be governed by the Winnipeg Construction Association’s board of directors and the CSAM advisory committee:

TheobjectivesoftheCSAMareto:• Provideinformationregardingaccident-preventionmethodsandchangestohealth

and safety regulations;• Developinformation,resources,toolsandtrainingprogramstoenablecontractors

to meet their legislated responsibilities;• Provideguidancewithrespecttoestablishingcomprehensivesafetyprograms

tailored to meet the needs of individual companies both large and small; and• ActasanauthorityhavingjurisdictiontograntCOR™CertificationandSmall


All construction-related companies are encouraged to take advantage of the many tools, information, resources and training available through our program.


COR™ CertificationTheCertificateofRecognition(COR™)programisanationallyrecognizedoccupationalhealth and safety certification program for industry employers aimed at reducing the human,financialandlegalcostsassociatedwithworkplaceaccidentsandinjuries.Itisdesigned to assist companies in the development, implementation and maintenance ofacompany-widesafetyprogram.COR™mayalsobeusedasapre-qualificationrequirement for contractors working in and out of province.

SECOR™ CertificationTheSmallEmployerCertificateofRecognition(SECOR™)programisaprocesswhereby a company develops and implements an effective safety and health program which meets provincial standards. It is a simple, straightforward approach to safety, helping avoid the human and financial losses implicated with incidents while helping you meet your legal responsibilities as stipulated in the Workplace Safety & Health Act.

SCOT THE Safety PassDesigned and developed to meet the growing needs of industry, CSAM’s online construction orientation training program provides all construction workers with a basicunderstandingofconstructionhealthandsafetyapplicabletoManitobajobsites.This brand-new, interactive program is available through the Internet 24-7 and provides


the basics in construction safety, helping employers reduce time spent on generic orientations and ensuring consistent safety information is provided to workers and subcontractors.

Safety PassportThe Safety Passport is another tool created to help you in the creation and promotion of a safe workplace. CSAM’s Safety Passport will provide you with a quick reference toverifythesafetytrainingandeducationofpeoplecomingontoyourjobsite.Eachindividual worker will be issued their own personal-user passport, complete with digital photo and verification of safety training and education received – all maintained and verified by the CSAM.

Each safety passport will include safety training and education conducted by the Construction Safety Association of Manitoba and other sources, such as CSAM – The Safety Conference, Workplace Safety & Health Division, MBCTC, Merit, etc.


Head Office Westman Office 1447 Waverley street 950-10th street Winnipeg, manitoba R3t 0P7 Brandon, manitoba R7a 6B5 P: (204) 775-3171 P: (204) 728-3456 tf: 1-877-343-6753 tf: 1-877-343-6753 f: (204) 779-3505 f: (204) 571-0678

Safety Program

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Manitoba COR™ Certified Companies (A-Z)

• A & B Builders Ltd.• A & B Mechanical Ltd.• A and S Construction Ltd. (A & S Homes)• A&J Mechanical• A-1 Renovating Ltd.• A-Post Aluminum Fabricators Inc.• A. Nederhoed Transport Ltd.• A. Sapach Trucking Ltd.• AA Sturgeon Construction Ltd.• AAA Electric 1988 Ltd.• ABC Fire & Safety Equipment Limited• Abco Supply & Service Ltd.• Abesco Ltd.• Able Eavestroughing Ltd.• Able Crane Services Ltd.• AAccurate Dorwin Inc.• Above All Roofing & Renovations Inc.• Ace Insulation Services• Acme Demolition Ltd.• ADM Marketing Inc. o/a ADM Storage• AECOMCanadaLtd.(WinnipegOffice)• AGRA Foundations Limited• Air Unlimited Inc.• Air Wise Inc• Air-Rite Inc.• Akman Construction Ltd.• Alice Roofing Ltd.• All Around Plumbing & Electrical• All City Exteriors Ltd.• All Points Electric Ltd.• All Weather Windows Ltd• All-Fab Building Components Inc./

OlympicBuildersSupply• Allan’s Glass & Aluminum Products Ltd.• Allco Electrical Ltd.• Allied Roofing Inc.• AllmarInc./ReliableOverheadDoor-

A Division of Allmar• Allscape Ltd.• Alpha Masonry Ltd.• Altered State Scaffolding Ltd.• Alternative Landscaping Ltd.• Ambassador Mechanical Corp.• Ambrosie Lighting Services Ltd.• Amec Foster Wheeler Environment &

Infrastructure• Ames Tile & Stone• Anderson Demolition & Construction Ltd.• Andy Lapointe Trucking• Andy’s Home Renovations Inc.• AnH Development Ltd• Anseeuw Brothers Ltd.• Antex Western Ltd.• Arcweld Industries Inc.• Arlt Homes Ltd.• Armtec• Artista Homes Ltd.• Artistic Deck Corporation

• Asphaltec Paving Ltd.• Atlas Roofing Ltd.• AXIS Inspection Group Ltd.• B & F Masonry Canada• B. Rocke Landscaping Inc.• Ballingall Brothers Ltd.• BARCOLControlsLtd.• Basar Heating & Air Conditioning Ltd.• BDR Services Ltd.• Bell Electric Ltd.• Ben Sawatzky Electric Ltd.• Ben Wiebe Construction (1985) Ltd.• Bergen Reinforcing (2000) Inc.• Bergmann Plumbing & Heating Ltd.• Bestway Builders (1981) Ltd.• Big Sky Enterprises and Service Inc.• BIL Security Services Canada Ltd• Bill Knight Flooring Ltd.• Bird Construction• Bison Fire Protection Inc.• Bison Mechanical Ltd.• Black & McDonald Limited• Blerot Masonry (2000) Ltd.• Bockstael Construction Limited• Boisco Enterprise Ltd.• Boni Construction Ltd.• Border Glass & Aluminum• Border Ridge Trucking Inc.• Border View Electric Ltd.• Boretta Construction 2002 Ltd.• Bornhorst Mechanical Inc.• Boulet Sheet Metal Ltd.• Boyko Builders Ltd.• Brandon Heating & Plumbing (1998) Ltd.• Bree-Dan Construction Ltd.• Bresara Window Cleaning Ltd.• Broadstreet Properties Ltd.• BSD Solutions Ltd. (Building Systems

Design Solutions Ltd.)• Buhle Painting & Decorating• C & T Rentals and Sales Ltd.• C.I.R. Mechanical Installations Ltd.• Calado Construction Ltd.• Calado Crane Rentals Ltd• Callidus Construction Group Ltd.• Canadian Dewatering LP• Canadian Quality Inspections Ltd.• Cancade Restoration• Cando Rail Services• Canotech Consultants Ltd.• Capitol Steel Corporation• Caren Clearing & Spraying Inc.• Carlson Commercial & Industrial Services Ltd.• Caspian Construction Inc.• CaspianProjectsInc.• CCM Design Built Inc• Centec Electric & Controls Ltd.• Central Canadian Decorating Ltd.


Manitoba COR™ Certified Companies (A-Z)

• Central Canadian Structures Inc.• Central Manitoba Interiors Ltd.• Century Cranes & Services Ltd.• Century Steel Fabrications• CertainTeed Gypsum Canada Inc.• Certified Green Cleaning Inc.• Cervus Equipment• Chad Enterprises Inc.

o/a Century Petroleum Construction• Champion Ironworks Ltd.• Chateau Roofing & Siding Ltd.• Chubb Edwards• CIC Inc.• CIMCORefrigeration• Civic Roofing Inc.• CMS Services Inc.,

Western Mechanical Services• Cobalt Industries Ltd.• Cobbe’s Plumbing & Heating Ltd.• CobbleStone Homes Inc.• Collyer Construction/ 4526031 Manitoba Ltd.• Community Contractors Ltd.• Community Electric Ltd. (CEL Electric)• Compass Contractor Ltd.• Compass North Safety Services• Con-Pro Industries Canada Ltd.• ConcordProjectsLtd.• Concrete Restoration Services Ltd.• Confidence Management Ltd. -

FWS Group of Companies• Connelly Signs & Service Ltd.• ContecProjectsLimited• Contempora Steel Builders• Cornerstone Construction Ltd.• Cox Construction Co. Ltd.• CP Construction Limited Partnership• Crane Steel Structures Ltd.• Criti Care Inc.• Crystal Construction Ltd.• Curtis Carpets LP• Cyr Construction 1998 Ltd.• D&D Excavating & Hauling Ltd.• D&D Sewer & Water Ltd.• D. J. Plumbing Ltd.• D.A. Loewen Electric Ltd.• D.B. Higginbotham Electric,

Plumbing & HVAC• D.M. Custom Metal Works• Daniel Trucking Ltd.• Danron Enterprises Inc.• Darryl Switsky Enterprises Inc.• Datum Builders LTD• DDC Electrical Contracting Ltd.• DDS Consulting Ltd.• Demac Painting & Decorating Ltd.• Denare Beach Mechanical Ltd.• Denson Janitorial Services• Deputy Electric Ltd.

• Derksen Plumbing & Heating (1984) Ltd.• Di-Tech International Inc.• Di-Tech Restoration Inc.• Diaser Management (2006) Ltd.• Dinicola Enterprises• Direct Connect Electric Inc.• Discovery Homes• DMS Industrial Constructors Inc.• Dominion Construction Company• Don Cullen Masonry & Tile Ltd.• Doortech MFG & Distributors Ltd.• Double A Construction Wpg• Dove Industries Ltd.• Dowalt Custom Homes Inc.• Duncalfe Mechanical Ltd.• Durango Construction Inc.• DyTerra Corporation• East Side Ventilation Ltd.• Econo Wall & Ceilings Ltd. /

TCMProjectsLtd.• EDA Mechanical Services Ltd.• Electra Sign Ltd.• Electric2000 Ltd./INS Group• Elite Safety Services Inc.• EllisDon Corporation• Ellwood-McRorie Ltd.• Elmhurst Drywall Ltd.• Emond Siding & Roofing Co. Inc.• ERA Enterprises Ltd.• ENEX Siding Inc.• Eric J Goodman Construction Ltd.

o/a Goodman Homes• Euro-Can Enterprises Ltd.• Excel Design & Construction• Exclusive Builders• Exco Ventures Ltd. / Exco Ventures West Inc.• Extreme Electrical Ltd.• Extreme Glass Ltd.• F.C. WoodWorks Inc.• Fast Plumbing & Heating Ltd.• Fast Track Construction Ltd.• Federated Cooperatives Ltd. - Winnipeg• Figol Electric Ltd.• Firstonsite Restoration L.P. - WPG• Flynn Canada Ltd.• Fontaine Landscaping Inc.• Forest Park Electric (1997) Ltd.• Fort Rouge Glass Ltd.• Forum Construction Services Ltd.• Fountain Tire• Fox Insulation Inc.• FreshProjectsDesignBuilders• Friesen Drillers Ltd.• Frontier Power Products Ltd• Frontier Refrigeration &

Mechanical Services Ltd.• Ful-Flo Industries Ltd.• FWSIndustrialProjectsCanadaLtd.


• G & K Electric Inc.• G&E Homes (1994) Inc.• G. Mallin Electric Ltd.• G.A. Cabling Services Ltd.• G.D. Newton & Associates Inc.• G.R. Prism Home Renovations Inc.• Gaiser Construction Specialists• Gardon Construction Ltd.• Gateway Construction & Engineering Ltd.• Gateway Mechanical Services Inc.• GCS Energy Services Ltd.• Gerald Marten Contracting Inc.• Gibraltar Concrete Canada• Gill’s Plumbing & Heating• Gino’s Homes• GKW Construction Inc.• Glen Hartman Construction Ltd.• Glendale Industries Ltd.• Global Electric Ltd.• Global Mechanical Inc.• Golder Associates Ltd.• Gower Electric & Heating Ltd.• Graham Construction and Engineering Inc.

(Graham Construction and Engineering, L.P.)• Graham Design Builders (Graham Design L.P.)• Graham Infrastructure LP• Grand Valley Mechanical Ltd.• Granite Concrete Services Inc.• Great West Ventilation Inc.• Groundstar Systems Ltd.• Guaranteed Electrical Management Ltd.• GW Vacuum Truck Service• Gypsum Drywall Interiors Ltd.• Hallmark Real Estate Company Limited/

Hallmark Homes• Hamilton Iron Ltd.• Hanover Homes• Harris Rebar Winnipeg• Harrower Enterprises Ltd.• Hay Decorating (1972) Co. Ltd.• HB Construction Company Ltd.• HB Electric Ltd.• Hearth Homes (Wickstrom Enterprises Ltd.)• Hedman Construction Ltd.• Henderson Excavators/ V & V Services Ltd.• Hepburn Enterprises Inc.• Heritage Lane Builders Inc.• Hertz Equipment Rental - WPG• Hertz Equipment Rentals - BDN• Hi Tech Installations Ltd.• Hi-Lite Electrical Contrators Ltd.• Hi-Rise Carpentry Limited• Hillside Construction Inc.• Hilton Custom Homes Inc.• Holz Constructors Inc.• Homenko Builders Inc.• Horizon Builders Ltd.• Horizon Glass Ltd.

• Huntington Homes• ICS Group Inc.• Imperial Cabinet (1980) Co. Inc.• Imperial Flooring Ltd.• Imperial Metal Industries Ltd.• In-Ex Plastering & Stucco Inc.• Industrial Ventilating Contractors Ltd.• Inland Audio Visual Limited• Integrated Power Services Inc.• Integrity Construction• Interlake Electric Ltd.• Interlake Power Line Contractors Ltd.• Inukshuk Industrial Services Inc.• Irwin Homes Ltd.• J & D Penner Ltd.• J & G Homes Ltd.• J & J Penner Construction Ltd.• J&M Industries Ltd.• J. Hansen & Son Ltd.• J.C.V. Mechanical Inc.• J.G. Janitorial Services Ltd.• J.J. Electric Limited• J5 Construction Ltd.• Jade SignWorks Inc.• Jamieson-Judd Limited• JEDS Construction Ltd.• Jenkyns Electric (2008) Ltd.• Jerry’s Concrete Works Ltd• JH Holdings Inc• Jilmark Construction Ltd.• JML Roofing & Renovations Inc.• John Krueger Enterprises Ltd.• John’s Electric Ltd.• Johnson Controls LP• JWH Water Service Ltd.• K. Sleva Contracting Ltd.• K. Streu Homes Ltd.• Kal Tire• Kanpor Construction• KauenhowenProjectsLtd.(KPL)• kc&b build• kc&b Concept• kc&b geoexchange• KDR Builders (Commercial) Inc.• KDR Design Builders Inc.• Kel-Gil Electric Ltd.• Kelsey Construction (1996) Ltd.• Kelvin Kartage Ltd.• Ken’s Home Improvements Ltd.• Kensington Homes• Kindret Landscaping• Kinetic Machine Works Ltd.• KMJ Builders Ltd.• Kornerstone Masonry (2007) Ltd.• Krest Carpentry Inc.• L. Friesen Const. Ltd.• L.D. Builders Ltd.• Ladel Construction Ltd.

Manitoba COR™ Certified Companies (A-Z)


Manitoba COR™ Certified Companies (A-Z)

• LaFurlane Construction (1999)• Lakehead Tower Erectors Ltd.• Lance Roofing Ltd.• Langreen (2005) Ltd.• Lansard Bros. Roofing (2006) Ltd.• Laurin Sheet Metal Ltd.• LCL Construction Ltd.• Lee’s Construction Ltd.• Len’s Landscaping Ltd.• Les Thomson Ltd.• Lighting Dynamics Ltd.• LineSide Electric Ltd.• Liqua-Jet Industries• Livingstone Landscaping Ltd.• Loewen Drywall Ltd.• Loewen Mechanical Ltd.• Louis Duval• Lowe Mechanical Services Ltd.• LRB Consulting Inc./LRB Electric• LTNC Construction Services Inc.• LX Construction Inc.

o/a G&B Portable Fabric Buildings• M&L General Contracting Ltd.• M&M Roofing & Exteriors Inc.• M.D. Steele Construction Ltd.• M.R.B. Masonry Ltd.• M.Z. Contracting Ltd.• Mac - Tower Inc.• Mac’s Rentals (1986) Ltd.• Madsen Electric (1978) Ltd.• Manitoba Floodway Authority/

East Side Road Authority• Manitoba Infrastructure &

Transportation - District 1• Manitoba Infrastructure &

Transportation - District 2• Manitoba Infrastructure &

Transportation - District 3• Manitoba Infrastructure &

Transportation - District 4• Mannington Custom Homes Ltd.• Manshield Construction LP.• Maple Leaf Drilling Ltd.• Mar-Dee Enterprises• Marc Maynard Backhoe Service Ltd.• Marrbeck Construction Ltd.• Master Roofing Ltd.• Matix Lumber Inc• Maxim Home Improvements Ltd.• Maxwell Landscaping• MaxxPro Builders• Mayer’s Contract Interiors Ltd.• McCaine Electric Ltd.• McEwen Bros. Ltd.• Merit Construction Services Ltd.• Merit Iron Ltd.• Metal-Tech Industries (1989) Inc.• Metro Plastering & Acrylics

• MG Electrical/Mechanical Services Ltd.• Midwest Residential Fencing Ltd.• Mikkelsen-Coward & Co. Ltd.• Millennium Mechanical Contracting• Miller Paving Ltd.• Milne Homes Ltd.• Minerva Painting & Decorating Ltd.• Minic Drywall Ltd.• Minish Construction Ltd.• Minty’s Moving Ltd.• MJ Roofing & Supply Ltd.• MMM Group Limited• Modern Acrylic Systems Ltd.• Modern Industrial Structures Brandon• Moonlight Construction Ltd.• Morden Concrete Works Ltd.• More-Lite Electric Ltd.• Moskal Electric Ltd.• MPD Glass & Vinyl Graphics• MSOConstructionLimited• MuddRuckers Inc.• Municipal Waste Management Ltd.• MW Construction & Electrical Inc.• MX Renovations Ltd.• Mytec Industry Ltd.• NAS Construction• Nasta Investments Inc. - Nasta Construction• National Firestop Ltd.• National Industrial Communications Inc.

(NICI)• National Refrigeration Heating -

AINSWORTHCompanies• NDC Construction Ltd.• NDL Construction Ltd.• Neepawa Plumbing & Heating (1979) Ltd.• Neufeld’s Carpentry Installation Ltd.• New Generation Homes Inc.• Newton Enterprises (1983)• Newton Mechanical Inc.• Next Generation Foresters Ltd.• Nickel Electric Ltd.• Nor-Man Electrical/

Mechanical Construction Ltd.• Nor-Tec Group• Normandeau Roofing Ltd.• North Perimeter Construction Ltd.• Northern Specialties Ltd• Northstar Scaffold Inc.• Northwest Ventilation & Air Conditioning

(1977) Ltd.• Northwestern Roofing Ltd.• Norwest Metal Fabricators• Norwin Roofing Ltd.• Nova-ConProjectsLtd.• NRG Management• Nu West Decorating Inc.• OakwoodBuildingSystemsLtd.• OakwoodRoofing&SheetMetalCo.Ltd.


Manitoba COR™ Certified Companies (A-Z)

• OB1ContractingLtd.• OdessyHomesLtd.• OS76DevelopmentsInc• OtisCanadaInc.• P.C. Home Restoration Ltd.• P.J.’S Electric Inc.• P4 Electric Ltd.• Pace Electrical Contractors Ltd.• Paddock Drilling Ltd.• Pagura Company Inc.• Paladin Security Group Ltd.• Paradigm Custom Homes Inc.• Parkhill Homes• ParkwestProjectsLtd.• Paul’s Construction (2009) Ltd.• PCL Constructors Canada Inc.• Pellaers Ventilation Inc.• Pembina Consumers Co-op (2000) Ltd.• Penfor Construction (2015) Ltd.• Penn-Co Construction Canada Ltd.• Penn-Lite Electrical & Mechanical Inc.• Penta Protective Coatings Ltd.• Peter Kiewit Infrastructure Co.• Pine Creek Homes Inc.• Pinecone Construction Inc.• Pioneer Window & Door Mfg. Ltd.• Playgrounds-R-Us/ M3 Contracting Ltd.• PM Ventures Inc.• Point West Electrical Mechanical Services Inc.• Powell Construction Ltd.• Power Baron Electrical Ltd.• Power Up Electric Ltd.• Prairie Fire Steaming• Prairie Grove Stair Manufacturing Ltd.• Prairie HVAC Inc.• Pre-Con Builders• Prego Builders Ltd.• Prelude Enterprises Ltd.• Priority Restoration Services Ltd.• Pristine Home Renovations Ltd. /

Pristine Roofing• Pro-Fit Renovations and Property

Management Ltd./Contractors Corner• Purkess Electric• Pydee Engineering Co. Ltd.• Pyramid Steel Construction• QSI Interiors Ltd.• Qualico Group of Companies/Streetside

Development Corporation• Quality Air Control Ltd.• R.C.W. Environmental Ltd.• Racka Roofing Inc.• Rakowski Cartage & Wrecking Ltd.• Randall Homes• Randall Plumbing & Heating Limited• RaymondVauclairProjectsLtd.• Razar Contracting Services Ltd.• RBS Electrical Contractors (1992) Ltd.

• Red Lake Construction Co. Ltd.• Red River Siding & Eavestroughs Ltd.• Redi-Form Construction Ltd.• Regency Floor Store Ltd.• Regent Construction Inc.• REL IV Ltd• Reliance Home Comfort Ltd. Partnership

o/a Superior Heating & Airconditioning• Rick’s Electric Inc.• River East Electric• Robin Electric Co. Ltd.• Rocky Mountain Dealerships Inc.• Roger Branum Construction• Rolly’s Mechanical Services Inc.• Roma Masonry Ltd.• Romyn Plumbing & Heating Ltd.• Roofmart Prairies Ltd.• Rosehill Woodcrafters Ltd• Rosewood Welding Inc• Royal Stewart Ltd.• RSL Electrical Contracting Ltd.• S & J Construction Ltd.• S. Maric Construction Ltd. o/a Maric Homes• Saber Industries Inc.• Safway Services Canada ULC• Saturn Industries Ltd.• Schmuland Crane Rentals• Scott Howard Contracting Ltd.• Secure Fire Stop/ 5260290 Manitoba Ltd.• Security Decorating Co. Ltd.• Security Glass Ltd.• Seer Logging Inc.• Seine River Telecom Inc• Selectric Electric Ltd.• Selkirk Machine Works (1982) Ltd.• Serenity Safety Consulting• Serv-All Mechanical Services Ltd.• Settarc Welding & Septic Sevices• Seymour Pacific Developments Ltd.• Shanahan’s Limited Partnership• Sharp Bridges• Shelmerdine Ltd.• Shermco Industries Canada Inc. /

Magna Electric• Shopost Iron Works (1989) Ltd.• Shorty’s Plumbing & Heating Inc.• Signature Homes Ltd.• Signex MFG Inc.• Silverton Homes Ltd.• SimplexGrinnell• Skyhigh Canada• SM Industries Ltd.• SNC Lavalin Constructors Pacific Inc.• South Central Plumbing & Heating• Southern Comfort Mechanical Inc.• Southside Electric Ltd.• Southwestern Flowtech & Environmental

(1999) Ltd.


Manitoba COR™ Certified Companies (A-Z)

• Southwind Construction Ltd.• Southwynn Homes Ltd.• Sovereign Construction Ltd.• Sparks Sand & Gravel Ltd.• Sperling Industries Ltd.• St. Vital Plumbing & Heating Co. Ltd.• Standard Electrical Contractors Limited• Stankewich Drywall Painting &

Decorating Ltd.• Stantec Consulting Ltd.• Star Building Materials Ltd.• Star Ready to Move Homes• Star Truss Systems• Starlite Communications Inc• Static Electric Ltd.• Stefan Home Builders Ltd.• Structure Scan Inc.• StuartOlsonConstructionLtd.• StuartOlsonContractingInc.• Studio Floors• Suderman’s Concrete• SunCo Sunspaces Inc.• Sundance Construction & Safety Consulting• Superb Construction Group Ltd.• Superblinds & Draperies

o/a 3862152 Manitoba Ltd.• Superior Propane• Supreme Steel LP• Sussex Electric Ltd• SWS Detention Group Inc.• Sych Drywall Ent. Ltd.• Syscon Computer Consultants & Data /

Voice Cabling Specialists Inc• Sytko Homes Inc.• T.L. Penner Construction Inc.• TAJ Industrial (TMIF) Ltd.• TaskForce Construction Solutions Inc.• Taurcan Construction Inc• TaylorOilfieldServices• Terracon Construction Ltd.• Tervita Corporation• Tetra Tech WEI Inc.• TFJM Construction Ltd• The Fabris-Milano Group Ltd.• The Floor Show Ltd.• The Window Factory (Manitoba)• Thermo Applicators Inc. / Sprayon Systems• Thermo Design Insulation Ltd• Thomas Design Builders Ltd.• Thor Plumbing & Heating Ltd.• Thorpe Construction• Three Way Builders Ltd.• ThyssenKrupp Elevator• Titan Environmental Containment Ltd.• Titan Interiors Inc.• Titanium Custom Homes• TNT Enterprises Ltd. TNT Fenceworks• Tommy’s Welding Ltd.

• Total Co-ordination & Construction Inc.• Total Fire Stop Systems Limited• TransCanada Calibrations Ltd.• Transcona Roofing Ltd.• Transform Safety Inc• Trev’s Electric Ltd.• Tri Clad Designs Inc.• Tri Power Electric Ltd.• Tri-Star Automation Inc.• Tri-Star Electric Company Ltd.• Tri-Star Technical Ltd.• Tri-Star Traffic Controls Systems Inc.• Trikor Enterprises Inc• Trinon Construction• Triple CCC Construction• Triple D Electric Ltd.• Tritec Design Inc.• Trottier Piling (2004) Ltd.• Troy Life & Fire Safety Ltd.• Truenergy Source Inc.• Turnkey Networks Ltd.• Tuscany Construction Ltd.• Tyslau & Son Contracting Ltd.• Unger Roofing (Winnipeg) Ltd.• Unit Mechanical Services Ltd.• University of Manitoba (Physical Plant)• Urecoat Inc.• URS• V.B.G. Distributors Ltd• Valard Construction (Manitoba) Ltd.• Valard Construction LP• Valkyrie Construction Ltd.• Valour Decorating (1988) Ltd.• Vantage Woodwork Inc.• Vector Construction Ltd.• Veert Landscaping Inc.• Vent Air Industries Ltd.• Ventura Custom Homes Ltd.• Viking Fire Protection Inc.• Village Enterprises Ltd.• Vipond Inc.• Vogt Building Construction Inc.• Von Ast Construction (2003) Inc.• Von Ast Construction (2014) Inc• VP Express Inc.• WajaxPowerSystems• Wallace & Wallace Fences Ltd.• Wareham & Crowe Electric Ltd.• Warkentin Homes Ltd.• Wes-Man Mechanical• Wescan Electrical Mechanical Services• Western Construction Services Inc.• Western Industrial Services Ltd.• Western Lightning Protection LTD.• Western Scrap Metals Inc.• Western Specialty Contracting• Western Waste Management Ltd.• Westland Construction Ltd.


Manitoba COR™ Certified Companies (A-Z)

Current as of January 23, 2015.Visit our website www.constructionsafety.ca for the most up-to-date list.

• 332761 ALBERTA LTD. (Thermal Systems) (Alberta)

• AeconConstructors(Ontario)• Alberta Highway Services Ltd. (Alberta)• Ames Construction Canada, ULC (Alberta)• Andritz Hydro Canada Inc. (Quebec)• Andritz Hydro Installations Inc. (Quebec)• Arnett&BurgessOilfieldConstructionLtd.

(Saskatchewan)• Astaldi Canada Inc. (Newfoundland)• Border Insulators (Saskatchewan)• Britco LP (British Columbia)• Brxton Construction LP (Saskatchewan)• Canadian Road Builders Inc. (Lafrentz Road

Marking/ACP/Colasphalt/Gecan) (Alberta)• CarillionCanadaInc.(Ontario)• Carson Energy Services Ltd. –

A URS Flint Company (Saskatchewan)• Cematrix (Canada) Inc. (Alberta)• Centaur Products Inc. (Alberta)• Consbec Inc. (New Brunswick)• Cormode & Dickson Construction

(1983) Ltd. (Alberta)• Cormode & Dickson Construction

Calgary Ltd. (Alberta)• Cormode & Dickson Construction

Edmonton Ltd. (Alberta)• Cormode & Dickson Construction

Fort McMurray Ltd. (Alberta)• Cormode & Dickson Industrial Ltd. (Alberta)• Corrpro Canada Inc. (Alberta)• F&M Installations Ltd. (FMI)

(British Columbia)• FerrovialAgromanCanadaInc.(Ontario)• Flatiron Construction Canada Limited

(Alberta)• Icon Construction Ltd. (Saskatchewan)• Innovative Civil Constructors Inc. (Alberta)

• International Road Dynamics Inc. (Saskatchewan)

• Ledcor Alberta Limited (Alberta)• Ledcor CMI Ltd (Alberta)• Ledcor Foundations Ltd. (Alberta)• Ledcor Site Services (Alberta)• Logan Stevens Construction

(2000) Ltd. (Saskatchewan)• Lynco Eagle Limited Partnership

(Saskatchewan)• McElhanney Consulting Services Ltd.

(British Columbia)• MoncriefConstructionLimited(Ontario)• North American Enterprises Ltd. (Alberta)• OHLConstructionCanadaInc.(Quebec)• Pagnotta Industries Inc. (Alberta)• Poly-Mor Canada Inc. (Alberta)• Potzus Paving & Road Maintenance Ltd.

(Saskatchewan)• Quantum Murray LP (Alberta)• Questic Contracting Ltd.

o/a Playquest Recreation (Alberta)• RobertB.SomervilleCo.Limited(Ontario)• Ruskin Construction Ltd. (British Columbia)• South East Construction (Saskatchewan)• Startec Refrigeration Services Ltd. (Alberta)• Sunco Drywall Ltd. (British Columbia)• Sunco Lath & Plaster Ltd.

(British Columbia)• Tempest Fire Protection Ltd. (Alberta)• Thermal Systems KWC Ltd. (Alberta)• TISI Canada Inc. (Team Industrial Services)

(Alberta)• Top Shot Concrete Inc. (Saskatchewan)• Western Pacific Enterprises GP

(British Columbia)• Yorkton Plumbing and Heating Ltd.


COR™ Equivalency Companies

• Westman Premier Homes Ltd.• Westwood Mechanical Inc.• Wheat City Roofing Ltd.• Winkler Building Supplies (1981) Ltd./

WBS Construciton• Winnipeg Building & Decorating Ltd• Winnipeg Construction Association• Winnipeg Elevator Group Inc.

• Winnipeg Furniture Services Ltd.• WinnPro Construction Ltd.• Winroc, A Division of Superior Plus LP• Winwood Millwork Inc.• Wostco Contractors Inc.• WS Ironworks Inc.• WS Machining & Fabrication Inc.

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Construction Safety Officer (CSO™)TheobjectiveoftheConstructionSafetyOfficer(CSO™)programistoprovideverification of a nationally recognized level of competency in relation to construction safety.TheCSO™programwillprovidepracticaltraininginvariousconstructionsafetymanagementskillsandprinciples.PersonswhoachievetheCSO™designationwill have a combination of formal training and three years’ construction experience in the construction industry, providing a valuable resource to management in the administration and implementation of a company’s safety program.

Compulsory Courses:•PrinciplesofSafetyManagement•LeadershipforSafetyExcellence•SafetyAuditorTraining

(plus completion of an internal audit)•WHMISTraintheTrainer•PrimeContractor•SafetyAdministration•ClaimsManagement•FirstAiderI/CPR•ConfinedSpaceAwareness

Online Courses:(Two of any of the following will equal one elective course) **Maximum of two online courses will be accepted**•CSTS–ConstructionSafetyTrainingSystem •AerialLiftPlatforms•ArcFlashSafetyAwareness •FallProtection•ForkliftOperator •ElectricalSafety•ConfinedSpace •HearingConservation•H2SAliveAwareness •AerialLift•ArcFlash:SafetyAwareness •ConfinedSpaceAwareness•CraneInspection •ElectricalSafety•FallProtection •FireExtinguisher:YourPASStoSafety•ForkliftCertification •GroundDisturbanceTraining•HearingProtection •HydrogenSulfide(H2S)•IncidentInvestigation •IndoorCranes•Ladders •Lockout/Tagout:LightninginaBottle•Rigging:EquipmentBasics •Rigging:Operations•TDG-TransportationofDangerousGoods •WeldingSafety:SafeWorkwithHotwork•WHMISYourSafetyNet •WorkingSafelywithPowerTools Upon completion of the nine mandatory courses, an equivalent of two elective courses and providing the required supporting documentation, an individual may then apply to the Construction Safety Association of Manitoba to obtain the standing of Construction SafetyOfficer(CSO™). NOTE: TheCSO™designationmustbeverifiedeverythreeyears.TomaintainyourCSO™status,youwillberequiredtosubmitdocumentationconfirmingthepracticalapplication of your abilities (i.e.: Inspection; Toolbox Talk and Audit). *There will be an administration fee of $50.00 to verify CSO™ designation every three years for non-members*There is a $50.00 fee in order to re-write the CSO™ exam if passing mark of 80 per cent is not met. CONSTRUCTION SAFETY OFFICER (CSO™) EXAM – April 30, 2015 from 9:00 a.m. to noonPlease contact Marla Fillion, training and program co-ordinator, for more information at (204) 775-3171 or by email at: [email protected].


Elective Courses (plus any two of the following):•TransportationofDangerousGoods•Legislation101•SafetyRep.Awareness/Level1Safety

& Health Committee (with WSH Division)


Western Association of Safety Professionals

Mission Statement“The Westman Association of Safety Professionals is a forum providing leadership in the promotion of safety, health and environmental issues in our communities and workplaces.”

HistoryWASP was founded in 2004 by the Construction Safety Association of Manitoba. Using the example of the CDDE and IPAM (which only hold meetings in Winnipeg), WASP was established to provide Brandon and surrounding Westman communities with an organized forum for individuals interested in safety and health to meet, discuss and network. It has grown from a few dedicated individuals to Westman’s largest and most established professional networking organization for safety and health practitioners, individuals and organizations to promote a greater awareness of safety and health issues in workplaces and communities across the Westman area.

MeetingsMeetings are held on the third Wednesday (with the exception of June, July, August and December) each month. The format for each meeting revolves around a presentation by an invited special guest speaker, along with your opportunity to network and exchange information with safety and health professionals.

There is no membership fee and all are welcome to attend the presentation, open forum or roundtable discussions free of charge. A break-even cost of $20 is required by individualsenjoyingthehotcateredmealanddessert.

For additional information contact:Phone: (204) 728-3456

Fax: (204) 571-0678Email: [email protected]

andD DandD D

Sewer & Water LT


Dean: 204-791-7374Don: [email protected]

Dean: 204-791-7374Don: [email protected]

Serving Winnipeg & Rural Manitoba

Residential & Small Commercial

• New sewer and water installs

• Concrete Breaking

• Installs / Repairs

Serving Winnipeg & Rural Manitoba

Residential & Small Commercial

• New sewer and water installs

• Concrete Breaking

• Installs / Repairs


BUILDING A SKILLED WORKFORCEWhy should my company be concerned about training?Because...• 12,400newentrantswillberequiredinManitobaconstructionbetweennowand

2018;• Trainingimprovesemployeeandcompanyperformanceandproductivityand

provides a direct return on investment.

How can MCSC help me?Created by the CARM and four other industry organizations, MCSC can assist you by providing training opportunities or directing you to a number of programs and services to help address your company’s human resource challenges.

The MCSC can arrange training sessions for your workforce on a variety of topics or engage your company in existing programs such as:• On-the-JobMentorship/TrainingProgram• Level1ConstructionSupervisor:ConstructionSupervisor• Level2ConstructionSupervisor:AdvancedConstructionSupervisor

For more information on these or any other MCSC programs, please call us at (204) 272-5092 or visit our website.


Manitoba Construction Sector Council

S e r v i n g B r a n d o n & A r e a S i n c e 1 9 9 2

Landscape Design (CAD) - Landscape Construction Sod & BELGARD Sales

Fences & Decks - Grounds Maintenance - Snow & Ice Management Lot Sweeping & Line Painting

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CARM Members

ABCO Supply & Service Ltd. TC 1346 Spruce Street, Winnipeg, MB R3E 2V7 Contact: John Nunes, Leo Gratton Tel: (204) 633-8071 | Fax: (204) 633-0639 [email protected] | www.abcosupply.com

Able Eavestroughing Ltd. TC P.O. Box 20034, Brandon, MB R7A 6Y8 Contact: Todd Szafron Tel: (204) 725-2294 | Cell: (204) 573-3604 | Fax: (204) 726-3333 [email protected]

Accent Striping & Lettering Co. Ltd. AS 532 - 1st Street, Brandon, MB R7A 2X1 Contact: Allen Grebinski Tel: (204) 729-8660 | Fax: (204) 725-0591 [email protected] | www.accentautotrim.ca

Advantage Auto and Trailer AS 770 Highland Avenue, Brandon, MB R7C 1A7 Contact: Tod Lacey Tel: (204) 729-8989 | Cell: (204) 724-0099 | Fax: (204) 727-1122 [email protected] | www.aats.ca

AJ’S Maintenance & Supply Ltd. MS P.O. Box 1, 24 Emery Drive, Channing, MB R0B 0C0 Contact: Aaron Johnson Tel: (306) 688-3350 | Cell: (204) 687-0345 | Fax: (306) 688-3351 [email protected]

GC – General ContractorTC – Trade ContractorMS – Manufacturer/SupplierAS – Associate Company

ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS• 24 Hour Service • Total Building Preventative Maintenance

Bus: (204) 633-8071Fax: (204) 633-0639

www.abcosupply.com1346 Spruce Street, Winnipeg, MB R3E 2V7




CARM Members

All Pipe & Mechanical Ltd. TC P.O. Box 1049, Carberry, MB R0K 0H0 Contact: Ron Allen, Laurie Allen Tel: (204) 834-3988 | Cell: (204) 729-1078 | Fax: (204) 834-3979 [email protected]

All Points Electric TC 1126 Princess Avenue, Brandon, MB R7A 0P9 Contact: Darren Wright Tel: (204) 725-1462 | Fax: (204) 727-1685 [email protected] | www.allpointselectric.ca

Allen & Bolack Excavating Ltd. TC 1540 - 14th Street East, Brandon, MB R7A 7V2 Contact: Garry Kaluzniak Tel: (204) 728-6789 | Fax: (204) 729-0491 [email protected]

Alpine Drywall & Plastering (2007) Ltd. TC 305 - 12th Avenue East, Regina, SK S4N 6G9 Contact: Daren Johnson, Bobby Johnson Tel: (306) 721-7155 | Cell: (306) 530-0259, (306) 526-9500 | Fax: (306) 721-2085 [email protected]

Alternative Landscaping Ltd. TC P.O. Box 30, Site 400, RR 1 Southeast corner of 34th Street & Patricia Avenue, Brandon, MB R7A 5Y1 Contact: Chris Griffin, Karin Griffin Tel: (204) 727-7289 | TF: 1-866-727-7289 | Fax: (204) 727-7531 [email protected] | www.alternativelandscapingltd.com

AQ Group Solutions AS 202 - 226 Osborne Street North, Winnipeg, MB R3C 1V4 Contact: Laura Lomow, Kerry McWhinney Tel: (204) 989-2006 | Cell: (888) 989-2006 | Fax: (204) 989-2009 [email protected] | www.aqgroupsolutions.com

P.O. Box 1, Channing, MB R0B 0C0Phone: 306-688-3350 | Fax: 306-688-3351

Email us at: [email protected]


Maintenance& Supply Ltd.


CARM Members

Assante Financial Management Ltd. AS 30A - 1015 - 26th Street, Brandon, MB R7B 2C1 Contact: Bruce McQueen Tel: (204) 725-2300 | Cell: (204) 729-7156 | Fax: (204) 725-2323 [email protected]

Assiniboine Community College AS 1035 - 1st Street North, Brandon, MB R7A 7C6 Contact: George MacLean Tel: 2047258700 Ext. 6615 | Fax: (204) 725-8740 [email protected] | public.assiniboine.net

B.A. Robinson Co. Ltd. MS 420 Van Horne Avenue, Brandon, MB R7A 1C9 Contact: Jerry Johnston, Sean Madill Tel: (204) 725-1935 | TF: 1-800-363-0767 | Fax: (204) 726-0888 [email protected] | www.barobinson.com

Pressure Welding ~ PipefittingBoiler Repair ~ JourneymenQuality Assurance

Ron Allen, PresidentBus: (204) 729-1078Office: (204) 834-3988Fax: (204) 834-3979Fab Shop: (204) 834-2159Email: [email protected] 1049, Carberry, MB R0K 0H0


All Pipe & Mechanical Ltd.

There’s more to learning than what happens in the classroom



CARM Members

B.D.R. Services Ltd. TC D - 381 Park Avenue East, Brandon, MB R7A 7A5 Contact: Aaron Jackson Tel: (204) 727-1197 | Cell: (204) 761-7115 | Fax: (204) 726-9270 [email protected]

B.G. Dodds Building and Contracting Ltd. TC 65 Elmdale Boulevard, Brandon, MB R7B 1B5 Contact: Brad Dodds Cell: (204) 573-5336 [email protected]

Ballingall Brothers Ltd. MS 28 Mulberry Crescent, Brandon, MB R7A 0Y9 Contact: Jason Ballingall, Todd Ballingall Tel: (204) 721-1153 | Cell: (204) 721-1154 | Fax: (204) 726-3476 [email protected]

Battlefield Equipment Rentals – The CAT Rental Store AS 378 Park Avenue East, Brandon, MB R7A 7A8 Contact: Doug Malo Tel: (204) 728-0405 | Fax: (204) 729-1997 [email protected] | www.battlefieldequipment.ca

BDO Canada LLP AS 148 - 10th Street, Brandon, MB R7A 4E6 Contact: Bob Lawrence Tel: (204) 727-0671 | Fax: (204) 726-4580 [email protected] | www.bdo.ca

Behlen Industries LP MS 927 Douglas Street, Brandon, MB R7A 7B3 Contact: Dwayne Schaus Tel: (204) 728-1188 | TF: 1-888-315-1035 | Fax: (204) 725-4932 [email protected] | www.behlen.ca

Members of CARM and Merit Contractors Association of Manitoba.


BUILDING & CONTRACTING LTD.Residental & Commercial Construction

Phone: (204) 573-5336Email: [email protected]


CARM Members

Ben Wiebe Construction (1985) Ltd. GC A - 315 College Avenue, Brandon, MB R7A 1E7 Contact: Rodney Wiebe Tel: (204) 725-1436 | Fax: (204) 729-8824 [email protected] | www.bwc1985L.ca

Blue Hills Trailer & Fabricating Ltd. AS P.O. Box 64, Forrest, MB R0K 0W0 Contact: Brent Farmer Tel: (204) 728-3597 | Cell: (204) 724-3415 | Fax: (204) 728-3597 [email protected] | www.bluehillstrailers.com

Bockstael Construction Limited GC 1505 Dugald Road, Winnipeg, MB R2J 0H3 Contact: John Bockstael, Carmine Militano, SVP of Business Development, Dan Bockstael, Manager of Estimating Tel: (204) 233-7135 | Cell: (204) 795-7067 | Fax: (204) 231-0979 [email protected], [email protected] [email protected] | www.bockstael.com

Unit A, 315 College Avenue • Brandon, MB, R7A 1E7 Phone: (204) 725-1436 • Fax: (204) 729-8824E-mail: [email protected] Website: http:/www.bwc1985L.ca

General Contractors • Construction Managers Pile Driving • Bridge Builders

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WE CAN HELPFor over 100 years, we have worked with our clients to maximize the value of their capital investments. Call 204-235-5311 or visit us at www.bockstael.com.


CARM Members

Brandon Bearing Ag & Industrial Supply Ltd. AS 1303 Richmond Avenue East, Brandon, MB R7A 7A2 Contact: Ron Cumming Tel: (204) 725-0500 | Cell: (204) 729-6073 | Fax: (204) 726-0979 [email protected] | www.brandonbearing.com

Brandon Chamber of Commerce AS 1043 Rosser Avenue, Brandon, MB R7A 0L5 Contact: Carolynn Cancade Tel: (204) 571-5342 | Fax: (204) 571-5347 [email protected] | www.brandonchamber.ca

Brandon Energy Efficiency Program AS 2200 Hilton Avenue, Brandon, MB R7B 4B2 Contact: George McLeod Tel: (204) 729-2490 | Cell: (204) 761-0220 | Fax: (204) 729-2489 [email protected]

Brandon Heating & Plumbing (1998) Ltd. TC 328 Park Avenue East, Brandon, MB R7A 7A7 Contact: Warren Hope Tel: (204) 728-0180 | Fax: (204) 726-0830 [email protected] | www.brandonheatingandplumbing.ca









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CARM Members

Brandon Home Hardware Building Centre MS 1020 - 18th Street, Brandon, MB R7A 5C1 Contact: Trevor Kowalchuk Tel: (204) 728-2230 | Fax: (204) 727-8633 [email protected] | www.homehardware.ca

Brandon University AS 270 - 18th Street, Brandon, MB R7A 6A9 Contact: Gordon Neal Tel: (204) 727-9716 | Fax: (204) 728-5704 [email protected] | www.brandonu.ca

Brock White Canada Co. MS 879 Keewatin Street, Winnipeg, MB R2X 2S7 Contact: Ken Krueger Tel: (204) 694-3600 | TF: 1-888-786-6426 | Fax: (204) 694-0800 [email protected] | www.brockwhite.com

1020 – 18th Street Phone: 204-728-2230 Brandon, MB Fax: 204-727-8633 R7A 5C1 Toll Free: 1-877-723-2837

Home Owners helping homeowners


Tom LuceOutside Sales

Direct: 204-631-3116Cell: [email protected]

879 Keewatin StreetWinnipeg, MB R2X 2S7




CARM Members

Brooks Masonry Ltd. TC 22 Lakeview Drive, Brandon, MB R7B 4G9 Contact: Joey Brooks Tel: (204) 573-7674 [email protected]

Burns Maendel Consulting Engineers Ltd. AS 1331 Princess Avenue, Brandon, MB R7A 0R4 Contact: Daniel Burns, Michael Maendel Tel: (204) 728-7364 | Fax: (204) 728-4418 [email protected] | www.bmce.ca

Business Development Bank of Canada AS 10 - 940 Princess Avenue, Brandon, MB R7A 0P6 Contact: Roy Engel Tel: (204) 726-7576 | Fax: (204) 726-7555 [email protected] | www.bdc.ca

C & C Construction Co. Ltd. MS 2210 Park Avenue, Brandon, MB R7B 0S1 Contact: Jordan Trotter Tel: (204) 728-2699 | Cell: (204) 724-2141 | Fax: (204) 727-4173 [email protected]

C & R Sheetmetal Ltd. TC 360 Park Avenue East, Brandon, MB R7A 7A8 Contact: Chad Zelmer, Rob Greenwood Tel: (204) 728-3274 | Cell: (204) 724-7469 | Fax: (204) 726-5623

204.728.73641331 Princess Avenue, Brandon, Manitoba


Offering complete design solutions for your commercial, industrial, agricultural & residential projects.

Daniel Burns, P.Eng.Civil Engineer

Michael Maendel, P.Eng.Structural Engineer


CARM Members

Cando Rail Services Ltd. TC 830 Douglas Street, Brandon, MB R7A 7B2 Contact: Claude Jacob Tel: (204) 726-4545 | Fax: (204) 727-4100 [email protected], [email protected] | www.candoltd.com

Carberry Sandhills Electric Ltd. TC P.O. Box 328, Carberry, MB R0K 0H0 Contact: Tony Adriaansen, Charles Hofer Cell: 2048413865, 2048413861 [email protected]

Cardinal Signs Ltd. AS 335 Park Avenue East, Brandon, MB R7A 7A4 Contact: Dale Morris Tel: (204) 728-0865 | Fax: (204) 726-1806 [email protected] | www.cardinalsignsltd.com

Centec Electric & Controls Ltd. TC 140 Industrial Drive, Brandon, MB R7A 7S5 Contact: Scott Johnston, Chris Johnston Tel: (204) 729-0747 | Cell: (204) 729-5892 | Fax: (204) 571-0016 [email protected] | www.centecelectric.com

The Bobcat® S750 skid-steer loader gives you legendary Bobcat versatility, maneuverability and

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Bobcat® and the Bobcat logo are trademarks of Bobcat Company.The Bobcat® S750 skid-steer loader gives you legendary Bobcat versatility, maneuverability and

productivity — and the ability to do just about any job faster and better.

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P a r t s . S e r v i c e . S a l e s . R e n t a l .

Bobcat® and the Bobcat logo are trademarks of Bobcat Company.

The Bobcat® S750 skid-steer loader gives you legendary Bobcat versatility, maneuverability and

productivity — and the ability to do just about any job faster and better.

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P a r t s . S e r v i c e . S a l e s . R e n t a l .

Bobcat® and the Bobcat logo are trademarks of Bobcat Company.

A Division of


CARM Members

Central Manitoba Interiors Ltd. (CMI Ltd.) TC P.O. Box 248, Ethelbert, MB R0L 0T0 Contact: Dean Coma Tel: (204) 573-0284 | Fax: (204) 742-8858 [email protected] | www.cmiltd.ca

City of Brandon AS 410 - 9th Street, Brandon, MB R7A 6A2 Contact: Ted Snure Tel: (204) 729-2214 | Fax: (204) 726-8546 [email protected] | www.brandon.ca

CLC Carpentry TC P.O. Box 153, Souris, MB R0K 2C0 Contact: Carey Chudley Tel: (204) 483-2497 | Cell: (204) 724-0545 | Fax: (204) 483-3655 [email protected]

Central Manitoba Interiors Ltd.

Ph: 204.573.0284 • Fx: 204.742.8858Email: [email protected] • www.cmiltd.ca

Dean Coma • PO Box 248 • Ethelbert, MB • R0L 0T0

• Insulation • Vapor Barrier • Steel Stud Framing• Boarding • Taping • Acoustical Ceilings

Plumbing/Heating & Air Conditioning - Backhoe & Septic Tanks/FieldsElectrical/Counter Sales with Fully Stocked Parts Department

Phone: 204-857-6833 | Fax: 204-239-6090 | Email: [email protected]

1800 Saskatchewan Ave. East, Portage la Prairie, MB

Mail: Box 970, Portage la Prairie, Manitoba R1N 3C4


CARM Members

Clint Moffat & Sons Ltd. TC P.O. Box 1639, Minnedosa, MB R0J 1E0 Contact: Kyle Moffatt Tel: (204) 867-3356 | Cell: (204) 867-7040 | Fax: (204) 867-5893 [email protected]

CMS Services Inc. TC 525 - 10th Street East, Brandon, MB R7A 7J6 Contact: Cal Morrow Tel: (204) 725-8103 | Fax: (204) 728-1086 [email protected]

Cobbe’s Plumbing & Heating Ltd. TC P.O. Box 970, 1800 Saskatchewan Avenue East, Portage la Prairie, MB R1N 3C4 Contact: A.F. (Andy) Taylor Tel: (204) 857-6833 | Fax: (204) 239-6090 [email protected] | www.cobbes.ca

Collyer Construction GC P.O. Box 121, Onanole, MB R0J 1N0 Contact: Mike Collyer Tel: (204) 848-2085 | Cell: (204) 761-5246 | Fax: (204) 848-2371 [email protected] | www.collyers.ca

Community Electric Ltd. TC 392 Park Avenue East, Brandon, MB R7A 7A8 Contact: Bruce Elliott Tel: (204) 726-0900 | Cell: (204) 729-7267 | Fax: (204) 726-8226 [email protected] | www.celelectric.com

Conquest Trucking AS P.O. Box 22, Site 405, RR 4, Brandon, MB R7A 5Y4 Contact: Ron Bouchard Tel: (204) 727-1673 | Cell: (204) 725-6031 | Fax: (204) 725-3548 [email protected] | www.conquesttrucking.net

Ph: (204) 725-8103 Fax: (204) 728-1086 Shop: (204) 727-1666 Email: [email protected]

Air Conditioning

Heating – Controls

Steam – Hydronics

Energy Management


Commercial & Industrial HVAC Sales & Services

Cal Morrow 24 Hour Service


CARM Members

Construction Safety Association of Manitoba AS 1447 Waverley Street, Winnipeg, MB R3T 0P7 Contact: Mike Jones Tel: (204) 775-3171 | TF: 1-877-343-6753 | Fax: (204) 779-3505 [email protected] | www.constructionsafety.ca

Contractor’s Corner GC 408 Park Avenue East, Brandon, MB R7A 7A8 Tel: (204) 727-3799 | Fax: (204) 727-3749 [email protected] | www.contractorscorner.ca

Core Group Consultants Ltd. AS 320 - 8988 Frasterton Court, Burnaby, B.C. V5J 5H8 Contact: Sean Carroll Tel: (604) 299-0605 | Cell: (604) 329-5630 | Fax: (604) 299-0629 [email protected] | www.coregroupconsultants.com

Crafts Men Painting Ltd. TC P.O. Box 22031, Downtown Postal Outlet, Brandon, MB R7A 6Y9 Contact: Gord Parley Tel: (204) 727-1440 | Cell: (204) 724-2908 | Fax: (204) 726-8928 [email protected]

Crane Steel Structures Ltd. GC 934A Douglas Street, Brandon, MB R7A 7B2 Contact: P.J. Crane, Jarod Crane, Paul Crane Tel: (204) 725-3588 | Cell: (204) 725-6718 | Fax: (204) 728-8354 [email protected] | www.cranesteel.com

Cumming & Dobbie (1986) Ltd. TC 3000 Victoria Avenue East, Brandon, MB R7A 7L2 Contact: Sean Osterbeck, Wayne Osterbeck Tel: (204) 726-0790 | Cell: (204) 729-7380 | Fax: (204) 727-6075 [email protected]




CARM Members

Darcy Van Damme Construction TC P.O. Box 1695, Russell, MB R0J 1W0 Contact: Darcy Van Damme Tel: (204) 773-6960 | Cell: (204) 773-6560 [email protected]

Dee’s Electric Ltd. GC P.O. Box 965, 110 - 2nd Avenue Northwest, Roblin, MB R0L 1P0 Contact: Colleen McKenzie, Blair Delaurier Tel: (204) 937-4644 | Cell: (204) 734-0267 | Fax: (204) 937-8836 [email protected]

Domtek Manufacturing MS P.O. Box 20078, Brandon, MB R7A 6Y8 Contact: Order Desk Tel: (204) 727-2100 | Fax: (204) 727-4309 [email protected] | www.domtek.ca

ExcavationDemolitionSite ServicesSewer & Water

Black DirtRock

GravelSeptic Systems

In Brandon Since 1911. Proudly Serving Our Friends & Neighbours.

Office: 204-726-0790Toll Free: 1-888-682-4956

Fax: 204-727-6075Email: [email protected]

Manufacturers of Metal Roofing and Siding for the Residential, Commercial and Ag markets.

To see how we can be of assistance to your project, please visit our website at

www.domtek.caP.O. Box 20078, Brandon, MB R7A 6Y8

P: 204-727-2100 Toll Free: 800-665-1027 F: 204-727-4309


CARM Members

Don Cullen Masonry & Tile TC 761 - 24th Street, Brandon, MB R7B 1Y2 Contact: Don Cullen Tel: (204) 727-1168 | Cell: (204) 725-6845 | Fax: (204) 728-9131 [email protected]

Donald Legal Services AS 22 - 6th Street, Brandon, MB R7A 3N1 Contact: Lawrence Donald Tel: (204) 729-4900 | Fax: (204) 728-4477 [email protected] | www.donaldlegal.com

East Side Ventilation TC 1512 Park Street, Brandon, MB R7A 7E8 Contact: Gord Kaluzniak Tel: (204) 728-8070 | Cell: (204) 761-6789 | Fax: (204) 728-8961 [email protected] | www.eastsideventilation.ca


1512 Park St.Brandon, MB R7A 7E8

Ph: 204-728-8070Cell: 204-761-6789Fax: [email protected]

GORD KALUZNIAK1512 Park St., Brandon MB R7A 7E8

Ph: 204-728-8070 Cell: 204-761-6789 Fax: 204-728-8961

[email protected]



OFFICE (204) 857-5871FAX (204) 239-1205

Email [email protected] www.ellwoodmcrorie.ca


CARM Members

EECOL Electric Ltd. MS 660 - 8th Street, Brandon, MB R7A 6Z7 Contact: Curtis Ramage Tel: (204) 728-7238 | TF: 1-800-852-2706 | Fax: (204) 726-1288 [email protected] | www.eecol.com

Ellwood-McRorie Ltd. GC P.O. Box 306, 525 Stephens Avenue, Portage la Prairie, MB R1N 3B5 Contact: Darren Gourley Tel: (204) 857-5871 | Fax: (204) 239-1205 [email protected] | www.ellwoodmcrorie.ca

Emco Waterworks MS 343 Park Avenue East, Brandon, MB R7A 7A6 Contact: Randy Woods Tel: (204) 571-3470 | Cell: (204) 761-0687 | Fax: (204) 728-1141 [email protected]



343 Park Avenue East, Brandon, MB R7A 7A6

Tel: (204) 571-3470 • Fax: (204) 728-1141Toll Free: 1-866-623-6202 • www.emcoltd.com


CARM Members

Excel Design & Construction GC 4000 Richmond Avenue East, Brandon, MB R7A 7P8 Contact: Ed Dornn Tel: (204) 726-0400 | Fax: (204) 727-6891 [email protected] | www.exceldesignbuild.ca

Figol Electric Ltd. TC 264 - 10th Street, Brandon, MB R7A 4E8 Contact: Ken Figol Tel: (204) 727-6556 | Cell: (204) 729-5050 | Fax: (204) 727-3264 [email protected]

Fireball Equipment Ltd. MS 5 Harrington Place, Brandon, MB R7B 3S5 Contact: Monte Welte Tel: (204) 726-8720 [email protected] | www.fireball.ca

Flynn Canada Ltd. TC 1850 - 18th Street North, Brandon, MB R7C 1A5 Contact: Darren McCallum Tel: (204) 726-4207 | Cell: (204) 724-5009 | Fax: (204) 726-8065 [email protected] | www.flynn.ca

Fort Garry Industries Ltd. AS 1440 Highland Avenue, Brandon, MB R7C 1A7 Contact: Hamish Paterson-Tractor Sales, Tyler Cybulsky-Store Manager Tel: (204) 571-5980 | Fax: (204) 571-5982 [email protected], [email protected] | www.fgiltd.com


total building envelope

• Institutional, Commercial & Industrial Roofing• Roof Service & Maintenance

• Contract Glazing & Curtain Wall• Architectural Building Products

+ Green Roofs

+ Solar Photovoltaics

Flynn Canada Ltd., designs, fabricates, installs and

maintains complete building envelopes – the only trade

contractor in the country with the expertise and resources

to work on virtually every aspect of a building’s outer

layer including:

For more information, please visit www.flynn.ca or e-mail [email protected]


CARM Members

Four Seasons Mechanical TC 935 Douglas Street, Brandon, MB R7A 7B3 Contact: Matthew Donald Tel: (204) 728-2004 | Fax: (204) 571-8981 [email protected]

G.D. Newton and Associates Inc. AS 727A - 10th Street, Brandon, MB R7A 4G7 Contact: Glen Newton, P.Eng. Tel: (204) 725-1688 | Fax: (204) 725-3922 [email protected] | www.newtonengineering.ca

Gaiser Construction Specialists GC 399 Braecrest Drive, Brandon, MB R7C 1B4 Contact: Bruce Gaiser Tel: (204) 725-1233 | Cell: (204) 724-6665 | Fax: (204) 726-5751 [email protected] | www.gaiserconstruction.com

Glen Newton, P.Eng. — Senior EngineerPhone: (204) 725-1688 Fax: (204) 725-3922

Email: [email protected]: www.newtonengineering.ca

727 A – 10th Street, Brandon, MB R7A 4G7

Land Development Design

Municipal Engineering

Project Management

Water System Assessments

Construction Surveying

Machine Control Services

Glendale Industries Ltd.1520 Charles Avenue

Brandon, Manitoba R7C 1A4

T: (204) 727-7282 or TF: (800) [email protected]

A Division of Atom-Jet Group


CARM Members

Gill’s Plumbing & Heating TC P.O. Box 643, Rivers, MB R0K 1X0 Contact: Todd Gill Tel: (204) 328-7728 | Cell: (204) 725-6255 | Fax: (204) 328-7647

Glendale Industries Ltd. TC 1520 Charles Street, Brandon, MB R7C 1A4 Contact: Brett Knapp Tel: (204) 727-7282 | Fax: (204) 726-0569 [email protected] | www.glendaleind.ca

Got Mats? MS P.O. Box 1949, Virden, MB R0M 2C0 Contact: Eric Ducharme Tel: (204) 724-0592 [email protected] | www.gotmats.ca

Grace Construction Ltd. TC 1925 - 34th Street, Brandon, MB R7B 4H2 Contact: Stan Waldner Tel: (204) 724-4987 | Fax: (204) 726-0906 [email protected]

We offer the transport, placement, and extraction of mats for a variety of industries such as drilling rig sites, oil pipelines, environmental digs, train derailments, commercial construction, and Hydro projects! Check us out at www.gotmats.ca


CARM Members

Graham Construction and Engineering GC 126 Commerce Drive, Winnipeg, MB R3P 0Z6 Contact: Alex Robinson Tel: (204) 833-2269 | Cell: (204) 794-5182 | Fax: (204) 897-4612 [email protected] | graham.ca

Grand Valley Mechanical TC A - 328 Park Avenue East, Brandon, MB R7A 7A7 Contact: Mike Seddon Tel: (204) 727-2333 | Fax: (204) 726-5858 [email protected] | www.gvmech.ca

Guild Insurance Brokers Inc. AS 2830 Victoria Avenue, Brandon, MB R7B 3X1 Contact: Brett McGregor Tel: (204) 729-4949 | Fax: (204) 728-1515 [email protected] | www.guildinsurance.ca

GVC o/a Grand Valley Contracting TC 183 Waverly Drive, Brandon, MB R7B 4A4 Contact: Gord Paziuk Cell: (204) 761-6162 [email protected]

Providing the Tools you Need to Protect your Business

Guild Specializes in the following Products and Services:

• Business • Commercial

• Risk Management Services

• Bonding • Railroad

• Group Benefits

• 24 HR Emergency Claims Service

• Auto/Drivers Licensing • Mobile

• Life/Financial

• Seasonal • Marine • Travel

• Home • Condo • Tenants

After 21 years in business, Guild Insurance Brokers continues to build on our solid reputation by offering professional advice, value added services and products that meet the needs of every individual and business.

Risk management is an essential part of every business.

A worthwhile first step for a business owner is to find a commercial insurance broker that knows your type of business or is willing to invest the time and effort to study it with you. This cost-effective way of handling risks can be identified and managed. A tool that will benefit your bottom line.

Home Office: 2830 Victoria Avenue | Brandon, MB | R7B 3X1 P. (204) 729-4949 | Toll Free:. 1-866-277-4949 | F. (204) 728-1515

Shoppers Mall Branch: 1570-18th Street | Brandon, MB | R7A 5C5



Construction Insurance & Bonding Specialists:Nate Andrews, CAIB, CRM Construction Insurance & Risk Management

Cheryl Schwalm, CIP, CAIB Contract Surety


CARM Members

Hamilton Iron Ltd. TC 750 Douglas Street, Brandon, MB R7A 7B2 Contact: Jordan Funk, Dan Lyle Tel: (204) 728-4092 | Fax: (204) 725-0740 [email protected], [email protected] | www.hamiltoniron.ca

Hardy Electric Ltd. TC 7 Imperial Crescent, Brandon, MB R7B 3E6 Contact: Ken Hardy Tel: (204) 726-8605 | Cell: (204) 724-5531 | Fax: (204) 728-5723 [email protected]

Hay Decorating Co. Ltd. TC P.O. Box 20112, Brandon, MB R7A 6Y8 Contact: Jean Bradley Tel: (204) 727-2620 | Fax: (204) 729-8336 [email protected] | www.haydecorating.com

Hamilton Iron Ltd.750 Douglas Street

Brandon, MB R7A 7B2P: 204-728-4092 • F: 204-725-0740


7 Imperial Crescent, Brandon, MB P: (204) 726-8605 [email protected] F: (204) 728-5723 COR CERTIFIED

Celebrating 25 Years


Commercial & Residential Maintenance & ConstructionComputer Cabling • Fire Alarm Systems

Ken Hardy


CARM Members

Heritage Woodworking TC 104 - 13th Street East, Brandon, MB R7A 5X8 Contact: Bob Humphreys Tel: (204) 726-4630 | Cell: (204) 724-3232 | Fax: (204) 729-8527 [email protected] | heritagewood.ca

Hertz Equipment Rentals AS 393 Park Avenue East, Brandon, MB R7A 7A5 Contact: Brandon McLelland Tel: (204) 729-8267 | TF: 1-888-777-2700 | Fax: (204) 729-8298 [email protected] | www.hertzequip.com

Hilti Canada Ltd. AS 307 - 70 Dunkirk Drive, Winnipeg, MB R2M 5R4 Contact: Allan Catteeuw Tel: (204) 330-1821 | TF: 1-800-363-4458 [email protected] | www.hilti.com

Winnipeg Office Brandon Office Portage La Prairie OfficePhone: 204-889-8527 Phone: 204-727-2620 Phone: 204-857-7236Fax: 204-889-8501 Fax: 204-729-8336 Fax: 204-239-1227

Painting,Vinyl Wallcoverings


Contact Us

Hay Decorating (1972) Co. Ltd.Over 60 years of experience doing what we love.

COMMERCIAL CONTRACTOR1040 20th Street, Brandon, MB R7B 1M8

Ph: 204-727-1736 Fax: 204-727-8867

w w w.horizonbuilders.ca


CARM Members

Horizon Builders Ltd. GC 1040 - 20th Street, Brandon, MB R7B 1M8 Contact: Rod Lindenberg, Kelvin Orr Tel: (204) 727-1736 | Fax: (204) 727-8867 [email protected] | www.horizonbuilders .ca

Hunt Miller & Co. LLP AS 148 - 8th Street, Brandon, MB R7A 3X1 Contact: Jack Cram Tel: (204) 727-8471 | Fax: (204) 727-4350 [email protected]

Innovative Plumbing & Heating Ltd. TC D - 934 Douglas Street, Brandon, MB R7A 7B2 Contact: Jeff Bridges, Glenn Jago Tel: (204) 727-7204 | Cell: 2047615753, 2047617741 | Fax: (204) 726-4211 [email protected]




204-727-8491148-8th Street | Brandon, MB R7A 3X1

JEFF BRIDGES GLENN JAGO cell.: 204-761-5753 cell.: 204-761-7741

934 D Douglas Street, Brandon, MB R7A 7B2Phone: 204-727-7204 Fax: 204-726-4211 Email: [email protected]


CARM Members

Irwin Flooring and Tile Ltd. TC 23 - 1st Street Southwest, Portage la Prairie, MB R1N 1Y5 Contact: Adam Joel Irwin Tel: (204) 857-3202 | Cell: (204) 871-5232 | Fax: (204) 857-9688 [email protected]

2404 Park Avenue, Brandon, MB R7A 0S3www.jandg.ca 204-728-2235 [email protected]


I N D U S T R I A LC o n s t r u c t i o n S p e c i a l i s t s



CARM Members

J&M Industries Ltd. TC 528 - 11th Street East, Brandon, MB R7A 7H4 Contact: Ryan Jones Tel: (204) 725-4210 | Fax: (204) 726-0866 [email protected] | www.jmindustriesltd.ca

Jacobson & Greiner Group of Companies GC 2404 Park Avenue, Brandon, MB R7B 0S3 Contact: Jared Jacobson Tel: (204) 728-2235 | Fax: (204) 728-5036 [email protected], [email protected] | www.jandggroup.ca

Jamieson Construction (6832157 MB Ltd) TC P.O. Box 276, Rapid City, MB R0K 1W0 Contact: Scott Jamieson, Mindy Jamieson Tel: (204) 573-4764 jamieson_construction@hotmailcom

Jamieson-Judd Limited Electrical Construction & Maintenance TC 102 Industrial Drive, Brandon, MB R7A 7S5 Contact: Chuck Judd Tel: (204) 728-5843 | Cell: (204) 724-7667 | Fax: (204) 728-5808 [email protected]

Jenkins The Flooring People TC 760 - 1st Street, Brandon, MB R7A 2X4 Contact: Brian Noto Tel: (204) 728-0153 | Fax: (204) 726-5765 [email protected]

John’s Electric Ltd. TC P.O. Box 1226, 140 Rosedale, Neepawa, MB R0J 1H0 Contact: Angus Ford Tel: (204) 476-3391 | Cell: (204) 476-6572 | Fax: (204) 476-3831 [email protected]

www.kcandb.ca [email protected]

Design Build

Construction Management




General Contractor


CARM Members

KC&B Build GC 8A - 1451 Richmond Avenue East, Brandon, MB R7A 7A3 Contact: Lawrence Peters Tel: (204) 725-3691 | Cell: (204) 761-5032 | Fax: (204) 725-4527 [email protected] | www.kcandb.ca

Keller Developments GC P.O. Box 22, Site 325, RR 3, Brandon, MB R7A 5Y3 Contact: Evan Keller Tel: (204) 728-1328 | Cell: (204) 721-2010 | Fax: (204) 727-4963 [email protected] | kellerdevelopments.com

Kempthorne Roofing and Construction Ltd. TC Box 91, Souris, MB R0K 2C0 Contact: Ken Kempthorne Tel: (204) 483-3676 | Cell: (204) 724-2729 | Fax: (204) 483-3676 [email protected]

Ken Beatty Construction Ltd. GC P.O. Box 501, Erickson, MB R0J 0P0 Contact: Debbie Voz Tel: (204) 848-2477 | Fax: (204) 848-2977 [email protected]

Kennedy Floorings MS 135 Paramount Road, Winnipeg, MB R2X 2W6 Contact: Susan Kennedy Tel: (204) 633-5720 | TF: 1-800-665-7424 | Fax: (204) 694-1072 [email protected] | www.kennedyfloorings.com

Kroeger Backhoe TC P.O. Box 838, Rivers, MB R0K 1X0 Contact: Tyson Kroeger Tel: (204) 328-7597 | Cell: (204) 761-8765 | Fax: (204) 328-4457 [email protected]

General ContractorCOR CERTIFIED

PO Box 754Swan River, MB R0L 1Z0

(P) 204-734-4701 • (F) 204-734-4447


CARM Members

Ladel Construction Ltd. GC P.O. Box 754, Swan River, MB R0L 1Z0 Contact: Lance Delaurier, Leanne Delaurier Tel: (204) 734-4701 | Fax: (204) 734-4447 [email protected]

Leech Printing Ltd. AS 601 Braecrest Drive, Brandon, MB R7C 1B1 Contact: Michael Leech Tel: (204) 728-3037 | Fax: (204) 727-3338 [email protected] | www.leechprint.com

Lehigh Cement Ltd. MS P.O. Box 4080, Redwood Centre, Winnipeg, MB R2W 5K8 Contact: Braden Shaw Tel: (204) 334-4300 | Fax: (204) 334-5900 [email protected] | www.lehighhanson.com

Lewis Instruments Ltd. AS 932 Erin Street, Winnipeg, MB R3G 2W5 Contact: Jeff Richmond Tel: (204) 772-0366 | Cell: (204) 223-4683 | Fax: (204) 783-2049 [email protected] | www.lewisinstruments.com

Livingstone Landscaping Ltd. TC, MS 370 Park Avenue East, Brandon, MB R7A 7A8 Contact: Josh Berg, Matt Berg Tel: (204) 578-5291 | Fax: (204) 578-5294 [email protected], [email protected] www.livingstoneltd.com

932 Erin St. Winnipeg, MB R3G 2W5Phone: 204.772.0366Toll Free: 800.883.9984Fax: 204.783.2049W


IPEG 1810B Saskatchewan Ave.

Saskatoon, SK S7K 1P9Phone: 306.955.3947Toll Free: 877.955.3947Fax: 306.955.3945SA




S A L E S | S E R V I C E | R E N T A L S | L E A S E S

Contact us today to learn more.

Our pride lies in our post-sale service and support, it’s the foundation our business has been built on for the last 65 years.

3D Scanners, Total Stations, Multi-Stations, RTK GPS Rovers and Base Stations, Data Collectors, Construction Lasers, Laser Sensors, Levels, Wide Format Printers and Scanners.


We Service What We Sell

932 Erin St. Winnipeg, MB R3G 2W5Phone: 204.772.0366Toll Free: 800.883.9984Fax: 204.783.2049W


IPEG 1810B Saskatchewan Ave.

Saskatoon, SK S7K 1P9Phone: 306.955.3947Toll Free: 877.955.3947Fax: 306.955.3945SA




S A L E S | S E R V I C E | R E N T A L S | L E A S E S

Contact us today to learn more.

Our pride lies in our post-sale service and support, it’s the foundation our business has been built on for the last 65 years.

3D Scanners, Total Stations, Multi-Stations, RTK GPS Rovers and Base Stations, Data Collectors, Construction Lasers, Laser Sensors, Levels, Wide Format Printers and Scanners.


We Service What We Sell


CARM Members

Logan Stevens Construction (2000) Ltd. GC P.O. Box 5018, 200 York Road East, Yorkton, SK S3N 3Z4 Contact: Doug Kitsch Tel: (306) 782-2266 | Cell: (306) 621-5467 | Fax: (306) 782-2021 [email protected] | www.loganstevens.ca

Manitoba Construction Sector Council 1000 Waverley Street, Winnipeg, MB R3T 0P3 Contact: Carol Paul Tel: (204) 272-4595 [email protected]

Manitoba Hydro AS 235 - 10th Street, Brandon, MB R7A 7J8 Contact: Juli Crosson, Brian Denslow Tel: (204) 727-9316 | Cell: (204) 724-7201, (204) 724-7119 | Fax: (204) 571-6657 [email protected], [email protected] | www.hydro.mb.ca


CARM Members

Manitoba Infrastructure and Transportation, Department of Government Services AS 340 - 9th Street, Brandon, MB R7A 6C2 Contact: Donald Johnston Tel: (204) 726-6555 [email protected] | www.manitoba.ca

Mazergroup Construction Equipment AS 1908 Currie Boulevard, Brandon, MB R7B 4E7 Contact: Denny Bouchard Tel: (204) 728-2244 | Cell: (204) 761-8835 | Fax: (204) 728-2276 [email protected] | www.mazergroup.ca

McMunn & Yates Building Supplies MS 1040 Richmond Avenue, Brandon, MB R7A 1M6 Contact: Kevin Marcin Tel: (204) 728-1986 | TF: 1-888-728-1986 | Fax: (204) 726-1590 [email protected] | www.mcmunnandyates.com

Meighen Haddad LLP AS 110 - 11th Street, Brandon, MB R7A 4J4 Contact: Derek Cullen Tel: (204) 727-8461 | Fax: (204) 726-1948 [email protected] | www.mhlaw.ca

Mid-Canada Fasteners & Tools Ltd. AS 1550 King Edward Street, Winnipeg, MB R3H 0R5 Contact: Mike Symak Tel: (204) 697-0635 | TF: 1-888-697-0635 | Cell: (204) 999-3735 Fax: (204) 697-1800 [email protected] | www.midcanadafasteners.com

Mazergroup Construction General Manager Denny Bouchard 204-761-8835 [email protected]

CALL TOLL FREE 1.866.576.8099

HEAD OFFICE 1908 Currie Blvd

Brandon, MB R7B 4E7

DENNY BOUCHARD General Manager


w w w . m a z e r g r o u p . c a


Mazergroup Construction General Manager Denny Bouchard 204-761-8835 [email protected]

CALL TOLL FREE 1.866.576.8099

HEAD OFFICE 1908 Currie Blvd

Brandon, MB R7B 4E7

DENNY BOUCHARD General Manager


w w w . m a z e r g r o u p . c a


Mazergroup Construction General Manager Denny Bouchard 204-761-8835 [email protected]

CALL TOLL FREE 1.866.576.8099

HEAD OFFICE 1908 Currie Blvd

Brandon, MB R7B 4E7

DENNY BOUCHARD General Manager


w w w . m a z e r g r o u p . c a


Mazergroup Construction General Manager Denny Bouchard 204-761-8835 [email protected]

CALL TOLL FREE 1.866.576.8099

HEAD OFFICE 1908 Currie Blvd

Brandon, MB R7B 4E7

DENNY BOUCHARD General Manager


w w w . m a z e r g r o u p . c a


Mazergroup Construction General Manager Denny Bouchard 204-761-8835 [email protected]

CALL TOLL FREE 1.866.576.8099

HEAD OFFICE 1908 Currie Blvd

Brandon, MB R7B 4E7

DENNY BOUCHARD General Manager


w w w . m a z e r g r o u p . c a


Mazergroup Construction General Manager Denny Bouchard 204-761-8835 [email protected]

CALL TOLL FREE 1.866.576.8099

HEAD OFFICE 1908 Currie Blvd

Brandon, MB R7B 4E7

DENNY BOUCHARD General Manager


w w w . m a z e r g r o u p . c a


Mazergroup Construction General Manager Denny Bouchard 204-761-8835 [email protected]

CALL TOLL FREE 1.866.576.8099

HEAD OFFICE 1908 Currie Blvd

Brandon, MB R7B 4E7

DENNY BOUCHARD General Manager


w w w . m a z e r g r o u p . c a


Mazergroup Construction General Manager Denny Bouchard 204-761-8835 [email protected]

CALL TOLL FREE 1.866.576.8099

HEAD OFFICE 1908 Currie Blvd

Brandon, MB R7B 4E7

DENNY BOUCHARD General Manager


w w w . m a z e r g r o u p . c a


Mazergroup Construction General Manager Denny Bouchard 204-761-8835 [email protected]

CALL TOLL FREE 1.866.576.8099

HEAD OFFICE 1908 Currie Blvd

Brandon, MB R7B 4E7

DENNY BOUCHARD General Manager


w w w . m a z e r g r o u p . c a



CARM Members

Millcosteel Ltd. TC 315 Park Avenue East, Brandon, MB R7A 7A4 Contact: Drew Mills, Darren Mills, Andrew Mills Tel: (204) 728-5029 | Cell: (204) 761-8009 | Fax: (204) 726-9639 [email protected]

Minish Construction Ltd. GC P.O. Box 1360, Swan River, MB R0L 1Z0 Contact: Reid Minish, Wayne Fullerton, Clayton Mychalchuk Tel: (204) 734-3404 | Cell: (204) 734-8194 | Fax: (204) 734-4687 [email protected], [email protected] [email protected] | www.minishgroup.com

MLK Construction & Leasing Ltd. TC P.O. Box 26, Carroll, MB R0K 0K0 Contact: Murray Kozak Tel: (204) 483-2475 | Cell: (204) 724-2468 | Fax: (204) 483-3625 [email protected]

We are the Building Supply Partners you can count on for accurately fulfilling and delivering

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CARM Members

MNP LLP AS 1401 Princess Avenue, Brandon, MB R7A 7L7 Contact: Carla Milne Tel: (204) 571-7660 | Cell: (204) 573-2031 | Fax: (204) 571-7126 [email protected] | www.mnp.ca

Modern Industrial Structures Brandon MS 1845 - 18th Street North, Brandon, MB R7C 1A6 Contact: Garry Smart Tel: (204) 480-7458 | Cell: (204) 724-5953 | Fax: (204) 726-9504 [email protected]

Moore Industrial Ltd., (M.I. Construction Supply) MS 169 Omand’s Creek Boulevard, Winnipeg, MB R2R 1V9 Contact: Ron Bowes Tel: (204) 697-9762 | Cell: (204) 228-0292 | Fax: (204) 694-3739 [email protected] | www.mooreindustrial.com

BUILDING A STRONGER FOUNDATION FOR SUCCESS.Contact Carla Milne, CA at 204.727.0661 or [email protected].

1401 Princess Avenue

Gerald [email protected]

Corporate Office 211 Hutchings Street

Winnipeg, MB R2X 2R4Tel: (204) 694-7378

Fax: (204) 694-8233

14715-114 Ave NWEdmonton, AB T5M 2Y8

Tel: (780) 414-5704Fax: (780) 465-7623


CARM Members

Morguard Reit - Shoppers Mall AS 1570 - 18th Street, Brandon, MB R7A 5C5 Contact: Kim James, Garth Van Horne Tel: (204) 571-4530 | Fax: (204) 728-9896 [email protected], [email protected] www.shoppersmallbrandon.com

MW Construction & Electrical Inc. TC 349 - 100 - 1300 - 18th Street, Brandon, MB R7A 6X7 Contact: Paul Whittom Tel: (204) 232-0092 | Fax: (204) 480-4537 [email protected] | www.mwconstruction.ca

Natural Rest Bedding Inc. AS 211 Hutchings Street, Winnipeg, MB R2X 2R4 Contact: Janice Matsko Tel: (204) 694-7378 | Fax: (204) 694-8233 [email protected] | www.naturalrest.ca


Perry Snedden | [email protected] | Cell: (204) 476-6445Phone: (204) 476-3466 P.O. Box 159, 145 Gill DriveFax: (204) 476-5359 Neepawa, Manitoba

Mechanical Contractors

Phone: 727-1177 Email: [email protected] Fax: 725-4214

Residential & Commercial WiringResidential & Commercial Wiring 24 / 7 Service 24 / 7 Service —— Free EstimatesFree Estimates

Electric HeatElectric Heat——TrenchingTrenching Fire Alarm Installation & InspectionsFire Alarm Installation & Inspections Phone: 727-1177

Email: [email protected] Fax: 725-4214

Residential & Commercial WiringResidential & Commercial Wiring 24 / 7 Service 24 / 7 Service —— Free EstimatesFree Estimates

Electric HeatElectric Heat——TrenchingTrenching Fire Alarm Installation & InspectionsFire Alarm Installation & Inspections

Phone: (204) 727-1177Email: [email protected] Fax: (204) 725-4214


CARM Members

Neepawa Plumbing & Heating TC P.O. Box 159, 145 Gill Drive, Neepawa, MB R0J 1H0 Contact: Perry Snedden Tel: (204) 476-3466 | Cell: (204) 476-6445 | Fax: (204) 476-5359 [email protected]

Nickel Electric Ltd. TC 701 - 4th Street, Brandon, MB R7A 3H6 Contact: Len Nickel Tel: (204) 727-1177 | Cell: (204) 724-4494 | Fax: (204) 725-4214 [email protected]

Noble Electric Ltd. TC P.O. Box 239, Creighton, SK S0P 0A0 Contact: Duane Noble Tel: (306) 688-3371 | Cell: (204) 687-0475 | Fax: (306) 688-3387 [email protected]

form | pump | finish 204.727.2810 | powellconstruction.ca

Commercial, Industrial Electrical Contractors

Email: [email protected] Ph: 204-687-0475Fax: 306-688-3387


CARM Members

Off the Wall Signs Inc. AS 1516 - 1st Street North, Brandon, MB R7C 1A4 Contact: Rob Hawkins Tel: (204) 727-0405 | Cell: (204) 761-5020 | Fax: (204) 571-1552 [email protected] | www.offthewallsigns.ca

Pinchin Ltd. AS S - 1700 Pacific Avenue, Brandon, MB R7A 7L9 Contact: Kyle Lamport Tel: (204) 728-2146 | Cell: (204) 720-0042 | Fax: (204) 728-2149 [email protected] | www.pinchin.com

Powell Construction Ltd. TC 1503 Moreland Avenue, Brandon, MB R7C 1A6 Contact: Tyler Rice Tel: (204) 727-2810 | Fax: (204) 727-5811 [email protected] | www.powellconstruction.ca

Specializing in design build projects,construction management, and sales services.



CARM Members

Power Vac TC 1051 - 26th Street, Brandon, MB R7B 2B9 Contact: Darin McWilliams Tel: (204) 725-2886 | Fax: (204) 727-8422 [email protected] | www.powervac.ca

Premier Commercial Builders GC 1514 Rideau Street, Brandon, MB R7A 6Z5 Contact: Matt Bootsman Tel: (204) 573-9600 | Fax: (204) 726-0780 [email protected] | www.westmanpremierhomes.com

Pyramid Steel Construction Ltd. GC P.O. Box 33, Site 410, RR 4, Brandon, MB R7A 5Y4 Contact: Ken Waldner Tel: (204) 725-5660 | TF: 1-855-725-5660 | Cell: (204) 761-2009 Fax: (204) 725-1363 [email protected] | www.pyramidsteelstructures.ca

R & M Homes Ltd. TC 9 - 2010 Currie Boulevard, Brandon, MB R7B 4E7 Contact: Mark Bailey Tel: (204) 573-3432 | Cell: (204) 573-5676 | Fax: (204) 726-4715 [email protected]

RAF Engineering AS 3404 Rosser Avenue, Brandon, MB R7B 2P1 Contact: Ron Fay Tel: (204) 761-6411 | Fax: (866) 354-7804 [email protected] | www.rafeng.com

Rainbow Eavestroughing Ltd. TC 504 Grandview Street, Brandon, MB R7A 7L2 Contact: Leonard Fehr, John Fehr Tel: (204) 727-1639 | Fax: (204) 728-5067

Residental & Commercial

PH. 855-2450 CELL. 724-3952FAX 855-2640



CARM Members

Regier Excavating & Leveling Ltd. TC 137 Willowdale Place, Winnipeg, MB R2G 0A2 Contact: Hardy Regier Tel: (204) 669-8228 | Cell: (204) 981-8598 | Fax: (204) 755-2582 [email protected]

Rob Smith & Son Backhoe & Trucking Ltd. TC P.O. Box 1652, Neepawa, MB R0J 1H0 Contact: Rob Smith, Darla Hanke, Ryan Smith Tel: (204) 966-3463 | Cell: 2044766608, 2044760291 | Fax: (204) 966-3463 [email protected] | www.robsmithandson.com

Roger Branum Construction GC P.O. Box 362, 235 Vyner Avenue, Oak Lake, MB R0M 1P0 Contact: Roger Branum Tel: (204) 855-2450 | Cell: (204) 724-3952 | Fax: (204) 855-2460

Rosehill Woodcrafters Ltd. TC P.O. Box 629, MacGregor, MB R0H 0R0 Contact: Harvey Boehlig Tel: (204) 685-3022 | Cell: (204) 871-4374 | Fax: (204) 685-2421 [email protected]

RTM Transport Ltd. AS P.O. Box 245, 1 Sinclair Drive, Strathclair, MB R0J 2C0 Contact: Robert Moffatt Tel: (204) 365-4740 | Fax: (204) 365-4751 [email protected] | www.rtmtransport.com

Sargent Lock & Safe Ltd. AS 748 - 10th Street, Brandon, MB R7A 4G8 Contact: Travis Powell Tel: (204) 717-1800 | Fax: (204) 717-1801 [email protected] | www.sargentlock.ca


Grain, Fertilizer & Hay HaulingServing Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Northwest Ontario

Alberta, and North Dakota

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Cell 204-365-0125

P: (204) 365-4740F: (204) 365-4751

E: [email protected]

Box 245Strathclair, MB

R0J 2C0


CARM Members

Snow Spruce Construction Ltd. TC P.O. Box 458, Birtle, MB R0M 0C0 Contact: Adam Snow Tel: (204) 821-4678 | Fax: (204) 272-3421 [email protected] | www.snowspruce.ca

South End Lumber (1978) Ltd. MS 1551 - 13th Street, Brandon, MB R7A 4S8 Contact: Tyler Norosky Tel: (204) 728-1570 | Fax: (204) 571-1200 [email protected]

Structure Scan Inc. TC P.O. Box 5, Group 525, RR 5, 1868 Springfield Road., Winnipeg, MB R2C 2Z2 Contact: Tony Brunette Tel: (204) 777-6590 | Cell: (204) 795-1014 | Fax: (204) 222-7177 [email protected] | www.structurescan.ca

Sunrise Framing Ltd. TC P.O. Box 29, Site 405, RR 4, Brandon, MB R7A 5Y4 Contact: Tyler Ursel Tel: (204) 725-3466 | Fax: (204) 725-0392 [email protected]

Superlite Lighting Ltd. MS 1040 Waverley Street, Winnipeg, MB R3T 0P3 Contact: Simon Simkin Tel: (204) 989-7277 | Fax: (204) 633-5443 [email protected] | www.superlite.com


CARM Members

T.L. Penner Construction Inc. GC P.O. Box 2350, Virden, MB R0M 2C0 Contact: Zac Penner Tel: (204) 748-1400 | Fax: (204) 748-2600 [email protected] | www.tlpenner.ca

Tasmanian Gravel Ltd. TC 512 - 23rd Street, Brandon, MB R7B 1V9 Contact: Kevin Lumb Tel: (204) 727-8200 | Cell: (204) 721-0700 | Fax: (204) 727-1293 [email protected]

Thorpe Construction TC C - 730 Richmond Avenue East, Brandon, MB R7A 7G9 Contact: Jason Thorpe Tel: (204) 726-8976 | Cell: (204) 724-4239 | Fax: (204) 725-2704 [email protected] | www.thorpeconstruction.net

General Contractors – Contract ManagementBox 50, Kola, MB R0M 1B0

T: 204-556-1400 F: 204-556-2600E: [email protected] www.tlpenner.com

T. L. Penner Construction Inc. is a family-owned and operated general contracting firm, based in Western Manitoba, at Kola.

Our family has over 40 years of experience in the construction industry. We have experience and extensive expertise in fields ranging from multi-unit residential developments, medical and educational facilities, to sewage and water treatment plants, highway bridges and agriculture complexes. We have successfully completed projects of all types throughout Central, Northern and Western Canada.

Our company believes in providing the owners with quality workmanship, on time and within the budget


CARM Members

Tim-Br-Fab Industries MS P.O. Box 870, Dauphin, MB R7N 3J5 Contact: George Carrier Tel: (204) 638-9601 | TF: 1-888-638-9601 | Fax: (204) 622-7056 [email protected] | www.timbrfab.com

Total Welding Services TC 1701 Moreland Avenue, Brandon, MB R7C 1A6 Contact: Jackie Hall Tel: (204) 728-3821 [email protected]

Tri-Wave Construction Ltd. TC 3000G Victoria Avenue West, Brandon, MB R7B 3Y3 Contact: Dwayne Fluker Tel: (204) 728-3669 | Cell: (204) 729-7679 | Fax: (204) 727-5995 [email protected]

True Dimensions Contracting GC P.O. Box 66, Shilo, MB R0K 2A0 Contact: Bruce Porter Tel: (204) 763-8889 | Cell: (204) 724-2075 | Fax: (204) 763-8895 [email protected]

United Rentals of Canada Inc. AS 730A Richmond Avenue East, Brandon, MB R7A 7G9 Contact: Kevin Sparrow Tel: (204) 726-8777 | Cell: (204) 724-3925 | Fax: (204) 726-8761 [email protected] | www.unitedrentals.com



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CARM Members

Universal Doors. Ltd. TC, MS 550 Highland Avenue, Brandon, MB R7C 1A9 Contact: Lorne Penner Tel: (204) 729-8252 | Fax: (204) 728-7984 [email protected]

V & R Electrical Ltd. TC 175 - 8th Street Northeast, Portage la Prairie, MB R1N 1C6 Contact: Gerry Barrault Tel: (204) 857-4955 | Fax: (204) 239-1248 [email protected]

Van Heyst Brothers Construction GC P.O. Box 80, Forrest, MB R0K 0W0 Contact: Ron Van Heyst, Ted Van Heyst Tel: (204) 724-2650 | Cell: (204) 724-7611 | Fax: (204) 728-8897 [email protected]

Webber Printing AS 352 Park Avenue East, Brandon, MB R7A 7A7 Contact: Donald Webber Tel: (204) 728-1302 | Fax: (204) 728-1368 [email protected] | www.webberprinting.com

Weizel Security MS 9 - 62 Fawcett Road, Coquitlam, B.C. V3K 6V5 Contact: Robert Whyzel TF: 1-800-308-3627 | Fax: (604) 540-5263 [email protected] | www.securinghospitals.com

BRANDON 1 - 1830 Park Ave | 204-728-8510 SOURIS 6 Crescent Ave East | 204-483-2151

Hey, let’s talk business insurance.

BRANDON 1 - 1830 Park Ave | 204-728-8510 SOURIS 6 Crescent Ave East | 204-483-2151

Hey, let’s talk business insurance.

BRANDON 1 - 1830 Park Ave | 204-728-8510 SOURIS 6 Crescent Ave East | 204-483-2151

Hey, let’s talk business insurance.


CARM Members

Wesman Salvage AS 855 - 49th Street East, Brandon, MB R7A 7R2 Contact: John Pelletier Tel: (204) 726-8080 | Fax: (204) 726-8654 [email protected] | www.wesmansalvage.com

Western Asphalt Products GC 65 Limestone Road East, Brandon, MB R7A 7L5 Contact: Adam Mahaney Tel: (204) 725-9538 | Fax: 1-800-878-9293 [email protected] | www.westernasphalt.ca

Western Concrete Products MS 1540 - 14th Street East, Brandon, MB R7A 7V2 Contact: Rick Golletz Tel: (204) 728-2240 | Cell: (204) 721-1251 | Fax: (204) 725-3762 [email protected] | www.westernconcrete.mb.ca

Western Financial Group AS 1 - 1830 Park Avenue, Brandon, MB R7B 0R9 Contact: Derrall Farmer, Lauren Hiltner Tel: (204) 728-8510 | TF: 1-800-665-4245 | Fax: (204) 727-8948 [email protected] | www.westernfg.ca

Westman Communications Group TC 1906 Park Avenue, Brandon, MB R7B 0R9 Contact: Lawrence Parrott Tel: (204) 717-2263 | Fax: (204) 728-2086 [email protected], [email protected] www.westmancom.com

Westoba Credit Union Ltd. AS 2nd floor, 1020 Princess Avenue, Brandon, MB R7A 0P8 Contact: Commercial Services Centre Tel: (204) 729-2716 | Fax: (204) 729-2719 [email protected] | www.westoba.com


204-717-2839westmancom.com/BusinessHDTV VOICE/PBX INTERNET


CARM Members

Wheat City Concrete Products Ltd. MS 4801 Victoria Avenue East, Brandon, MB R7A 7L2 Contact: Clint Nicol Tel: (204) 725-5600 | Fax: (204) 725-5606 [email protected]

Winnipeg Construction Association AS 1447 Waverley Street, Winnipeg, MB R3T 0P7 Contact: Ron Hambley Tel: (204) 775-8664 | Fax: (204) 783-6446 [email protected] | www.winnipegconstruction.ca

Westoba.com | 1-877-WESTOBA

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Plant: 918 McTavish Ave. E • Office: 4801 Victoria Ave. E Brandon, MB R7A 7L2 • Phone: 204-725-5600 • Fax: 204-725-5606

Sand • Gravel • A-Base • Limestone etc. Washed & Deshaled Aggregate

Midwestern Redi-Mix (1980)Virden - Melita - Deloraine - Elkhorn

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(204) 847-2331

Souris Redi-Mix Souris

(204) 483-3308

Wheat City Concrete Products Ltd.


Wolseley Mechanical Group MS 2312 Park Avenue, Brandon, MB R7B 0S2 Contact: Tony Roy Tel: (204) 571-2300 | Cell: (204) 724-6245 | Fax: (204) 725-5286 [email protected] | www.wolseleyinc.ca

Workers Compensation Board AS 333 Broadway Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3C 4W3 Tel: 1-855-954-4321 | Fax: 1-877-437-4869 [email protected] | www.wcb.mb.ca

Wurtz Bros. Ltd. TC, MS P.O. Box 70, Sidney, MB R0H 1L0 Contact: Katherine Maendel Tel: (204) 466-2824 | Cell: (204) 724-6629 | Fax: (204) 466-2999 [email protected] | www.wurtzbros.com

Zenith Paving Ltd. TC 108 Richmond Avenue East, Brandon, MB R7A 7G1 Contact: David Cumming Tel: (204) 728-3388 | Fax: (204) 727-3748 [email protected] | www.zenithpaving.mb.ca

CARM Members


Brandon, Manitoba R7A 7G1Phone. 728-3388 | Fax. 727-3748

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uyers’ Guide





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Construction Buyers’ Guide

MasterFormat from The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada is the specifications-writing standard for most commercial building design and construction projects in North America. For additional detail on the type of work encompassed in each section, please refer to http://csinet.org/numbersandtitles.

General ContractorsG001 – General ContractorG003 – General Contractor – Alterations &

RemodelingG005 – General Contractor – BridgesG007 – General Contractor – BuildingG013 – General Contractor – HighwaysG015 – General Contractor – MaintenanceG019 – General Contractor – MiningG021 – General Contractor – ResidentialG023 – General Contractor – SawmillsG050 – Construction ManagementG070 – Design BuildG090 – Project Management

Division 01 – General Requirements01 00 00 – General Requirements01 10 00 – Summary01 20 00 – Price and Payment Procedures01 30 00 – Administrative Requirements01 40 00 – Quality Requirements01 50 00 – Temporary Facilities and Controls01 60 00 – Product Requirements01 70 00 – Execution and Closeout

Requirements01 80 00 – Performance Requirements01 90 00 – Life Cycle Activities

Division 02 – Existing Conditions02 00 00 – Existing Conditions02 20 00 – Assessment02 30 00 – Subsurface Investigation02 40 00 – Demolition and Structure Moving

02 50 00 – Site Remediation02 60 00 – Contaminated Site Material Removal02 70 00 – Water Remediation02 80 00 – Facility Remediation

Division 03 – Concrete03 00 00 – Concrete03 10 00 – Concrete Forming and Accessories03 20 00 – Concrete Reinforcing03 30 00 – Cast-in-Place Concrete03 40 00 – Precast Concrete03 50 00 – Cast Decks and Underlayment03 60 00 – Grouting03 70 00 – Mass Concrete03 80 00 – Concrete Cutting and Boring

Division 04 – Masonry04 00 00 – Masonry04 20 00 – Unit Masonry04 40 00 – Stone Assemblies04 50 00 – Refractory Masonry04 60 00 – Corrosion-Resistant Masonry04 70 00 – Manufactured Masonry

Division 05 – Metals05 00 00 – Metals05 10 00 – Structural Metal Framing05 20 00 – Metal Joists05 30 00 – Metal Decking05 40 00 – Cold-Formed Metal Framing05 50 00 – Metal Fabrications05 70 00 – Decorative Metal


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Construction Buyers’ Guide

Division 06 – Wood, Plastics, Composites06 00 00 – Wood, Plastics, Composites06 10 00 – Rough Carpentry06 20 00 – Finish Carpentry06 40 00 – Architectural Woodwork06 50 00 – Structural Plastics06 60 00 – Plastic Assemblies06 70 00 – Structural Composites06 80 00 – Composite Fabrications

Division 07 – Thermal and Moisture Protection07 00 00 – Thermal and Moisture Protection07 10 00 – Damp Proofing and Waterproofing07 20 00 – Thermal Protection07 25 00 – Weather Barriers07 30 00 – Steep Slope Roofing07 40 00 – Roofing and Siding Panels07 50 00 – Membrane Roofing07 60 00 – Flashing and Sheet Metal07 70 00 – Roofing and Wall Specialties and Accessories07 80 00 – Fire and Smoke Protection07 90 00 – Joint Protection

Division 08 – Openings08 00 00 – Openings08 10 00 – Doors and Frames08 30 00 – Specialty Doors and Frames08 40 00 – Entrances, Storefronts and Curtain Walls08 50 00 – Windows08 60 00 – Roof Windows and Skylights08 70 00 – Hardware08 80 00 – Glazing08 90 00 – Louvers and Vents

Division 09 – Finishes09 00 00 – Finishes09 20 00 – Plaster and Gypsum Board09 30 00 – Tiling09 50 00 – Ceilings09 60 00 – Floorings09 70 00 – Wall Finishes09 80 00 – Acoustic Treatment09 90 00 – Painting and Coating

Division 10 – Specialties10 00 00 – Specialties10 10 00 – Information Specialties10 20 00 – Interior Specialties10 30 00 – Fireplaces and Stoves10 40 00 – Safety Specialties10 50 00 – Storage Specialties10 70 00 – Exterior Specialties10 80 00 – Other Specialties

Division 11 – Equipment11 00 00 – Equipment11 10 00 – Vehicle and Pedestrian Equipment11 15 00 – Security, Detention, and Banking

Equipment11 20 00 – Commercial Equipment11 30 00 – Residential Equipment11 40 00 – Foodservice Equipment11 50 00 – Educational and Scientific

Equipment11 60 00 – Entertainment Equipment11 65 00 – Athletic and Recreational Equipment11 70 00 – Healthcare Equipment11 80 00 – Collection and Disposal Equipment11 90 00 – Other Equipment

Division 12 – Furnishings12 00 00 – Furnishings12 10 00 – Art12 20 00 – Window Treatments12 30 00 – Casework12 40 00 – Furnishings and Accessories12 50 00 – Furniture12 60 00 – Multiple Seating12 90 00 – Other Furnishings

Division 13 – Special Construction13 00 00 – Special Construction13 10 00 – Special Facility Components13 20 00 – Special Purpose Rooms13 30 00 – Special Structures13 40 00 – Integrated Construction13 50 00 – Special Instrumentation

Division 14 – Conveying Equipment14 00 00 – Conveying Equipment14 10 00 – Dumbwaiters14 20 00 – Elevators14 30 00 – Escalators and Moving Walks14 40 00 – Lifts14 70 00 – Turntables14 80 00 – Scaffolding14 90 00 – Other Conveying Equipment

Division 21 – Fire Suppression21 00 00 – Fire Suppression21 10 00 – Water-based Fire- Suppression Systems21 20 00 – Fire-extinguishing Systems21 30 00 – Fire Pumps21 40 00 – Fire Suppression Water Storage

Division 22 – Plumbing22 00 00 – Plumbing22 10 00 – Plumbing Piping and Pumps22 30 00 – Plumbing Equipment22 40 00 – Plumbing Fixtures22 50 00 – Pool and Fountain Plumbing Systems22 60 00 – Gas and Vacuum Systems for

Laboratory and Health-care Facilities


Construction Buyers’ Guide

Division 23 – Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning (HVAC)23 00 00 – Heating, Ventilating and Air

Conditioning (HVAC)23 10 00 – Facility Fuel Systems23 20 00 – HVAC Piping and Pumps23 30 00 – HVAC Air Distribution23 40 00 – HVAC Air Cleaning Devices23 50 00 – Central Heating Equipment23 60 00 – Central Cooling Equipment23 70 00 – Central HVAC Equipment23 80 00 – Decentralized HVAC Equipment

Division 25 – Integrated Automation25 00 00 – Integrated Automation25 10 00 – Integrated Automation Network

Equipment25 30 00 – Integrated Automation Instrument

and Terminal Devices25 50 00 – Integrated Automation Facility

Controls25 90 00 – Integrated Automation Control


Division 26 – Electrical26 00 00 – Electrical26 10 00 – Medium-voltage Electrical

Distribution26 20 00 – Low-voltage Electrical Distribution26 30 00 – Facility Electrical Power Generating

and Storage Equipment26 40 00 – Electrical and Cathodic Protection26 50 00 – Lighting

Division 27 – Communications27 00 00 – Communications27 10 00 – Structured Cabling27 20 00 – Data Communications27 30 00 – Voice Communications27 40 00 – Audio-video Communications27 50 00 – Distributed Communications and

Monitoring Equipment27 60 00 – Wireless Transceivers

Division 28 – Electronic Safety and Security28 00 00 – Electronic Safety and Security28 10 00 – Electronic Access Control and

Intrusion Detection28 20 00 – Electronic Surveillance28 30 00 – Electronic Detection and Alarm28 40 00 – Electronic Monitoring and Control

Division 31 – Earthwork31 00 00 – Earthwork31 10 00 – Site Clearing31 20 00 – Earth Moving31 30 00 – Earthwork Methods31 40 00 – Shoring and Underpinning31 50 00 – Excavation Support and Protection31 60 00 – Special Foundations and Load-

Bearing Elements31 70 00 – Tunneling and Mining

Division 32 – Exterior Improvements32 00 00 – Exterior Improvements32 10 00 – Bases, Ballasts and Paving32 30 00 – Site Improvements32 70 00 – Wetlands32 80 00 – Irrigation32 90 00 – Planting

Division 33 – Utilities33 00 00 – Utilities33 10 00 – Water Utilities33 20 00 – Wells33 30 00 – Sanitary Sewerage Utilities33 40 00 – Storm Drainage Utilities33 50 00 – Fuel Distribution Utilities33 60 00 – Hydronic and Steam Energy Utilities33 70 00 – Electrical Utilities33 80 00 – Communications Utilities

Rob Smith & Son Backhoe & Trucking Ltd.

Website: www.robsmithandson.com

Box 1652Neepawa, MB, R0J 1H0

Phone/Fax (204) 966-3463Email [email protected]

Horizontal Directional Drilling


Construction Buyers’ Guide

Division 34 – Transportation34 00 00 – Transportation34 10 00 – Guideways/Railways34 20 00 – Traction Power34 40 00 – Transportation Signaling and

Control Equipment34 50 00 – Transportation Fare Collection

Equipment34 70 00 – Transportation Construction

and Equipment34 80 00 – Bridges

Division 35 – Waterway and Marine Construction35 00 00 – Waterway and Marine Construction35 10 00 – Waterway and Marine Signaling and Control Equipment35 20 00 – Waterway and Marine Construction

and Equipment35 30 00 – Coastal Construction35 40 00 – Waterway Construction and

Equipment35 50 00 – Marine Construction and Equipment35 70 00 – Dam Construction and Equipment

Division 40 – Process Integration40 00 00 – Process Integration40 10 00 – Gas and Vapor Process Piping40 20 00 – Liquids Process Piping40 30 00 – Solid and Mixed Materials Piping

and Chutes40 40 00 – Process Piping and Equipment

Protection40 80 00 – Commissioning of Process Materials40 90 00 – Instrumentation and Control for

Process Systems

Division 41 – Material Processing and Handling Equipment41 00 00 – Material Processing and

Handling Equipment41 10 00 – Bulk Material Handling Equipment41 20 00 – Piece Material Handling Equipment41 30 00 – Manufacturing Equipment41 40 00 – Container Processing and Packaging41 50 00 – Material Storage41 60 00 – Mobile Plant Equipment

Division 42 – Process Heating, Cooling, and Drying Equipment42 00 00 – Process Heating, Cooling and

Drying Equipment42 10 00 – Process Heating Equipment42 20 00 – Process Cooling Equipment42 30 00 – Process Drying Equipment

Division 43 – Process Gas and Liquid Handling, Purification and Storage Equipment43 00 00 – Process Gas and Liquid Handling,

Purification and Storage Equipment

43 10 00 – Gas Handling Equipment

43 20 00 – Liquid Handling Equipment

43 30 00 – Gas and Liquid Purification


43 40 00 – Gas and Liquid Storage

Division 44 – Pollution Control Equipment44 00 00 – Pollution Control Equipment

44 10 00 – Air Pollution Control

44 20 00 – Noise Pollution Control

44 30 00 – Odor Control

44 40 00 – Water Treatment Equipment

44 50 00 – Solid Waste Control

44 60 00 – Waste Thermal Processing


Division 45 – Industry-Specific Manufacturing Equipment45 00 00 – Industry-Specific Manufacturing


Division 46 – Water and Wastewater Equipment46 00 00 – Water and Wastewater Equipment

46 20 00 – Water and Wastewater Preliminary

Treatment Equipment

46 30 00 – Water and Wastewater Chemical

Feed Equipment

46 40 00 – Water and Wastewater Clarification

and Mixing Equipment

46 50 00 – Water and Wastewater Secondary

Treatment Equipment

46 60 00 – Water and Wastewater Advanced

Treatment Equipment

46 70 00 – Water and Wastewater Residuals

Handling and Treatment

Division 48 – Electrical Power Generation48 00 00 – Electrical Power Generation

48 10 00 – Electrical Power Generation


48 70 00 – Electrical Power Generation Testing

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Construction Buyers’ Guide

General ContractorsG001 – General ContractorBen Wiebe Construction (1985) Ltd. ................................. (204) 725-1436 GCCLC Carpentry ........................................................................... (204) 483-2497 TCCollyer Construction .............................................................. (204) 848-2085 GCCrane Steel Structures Ltd. ................................................... (204) 725-3588 GCExcel Design & Construction ............................................... (204) 726-0400 GCGaiser Construction Specialists .......................................... (204) 725-1233 GCGraham Construction and Engineering .......................... (204) 833-2269 GCHorizon Builders Ltd. .............................................................. (204) 727-1736 GCJacobson & Greiner Group of Companies ...................... (204) 728-2235 GCKeller Developments .............................................................. (204) 728-1328 GCKen Beatty Construction Ltd. .............................................. (204) 848-2477 GCLadel Construction Ltd. ......................................................... (204) 734-4701 GCLogan Stevens Construction (2000) Ltd. ......................... (306) 782-2266 GCMinish Construction Ltd. ...................................................... (204) 734-3404 GCModern Industrial Structures Brandon ............................ (204) 480-7458 MSPremier Commercial Builders.............................................. (204) 573-9600 GCPyramid Steel Construction Ltd. ........................................ (204) 725-5660 GCRoger Branum Construction................................................ (204) 855-2450 GCSnow Spruce Construction Ltd. .......................................... (204) 821-4678 TCT.L. Penner Construction Inc. ............................................... (204) 748-1400 GCTrue Dimensions Contracting ............................................. (204) 763-8889 GC

G003 – General Contractor – Alterations and RemodellingGaiser Construction Specialists .......................................... (204) 725-1233 GCLadel Construction Ltd. ......................................................... (204) 734-4701 TCSnow Spruce Construction Ltd. .......................................... (204) 821-4678 TCVan Heyst Brothers Construction ...................................... (204) 724-2650 GC

G005 – General Contractor – BridgesBen Wiebe Construction (1985) Ltd. ................................. (204) 725-1436 GC

G007 – General Contractor – BuildingBockstael Construction Limited ......................................... (204) 233-7135 GCCrane Steel Structures Ltd. ................................................... (204) 725-3588 GCExcel Design & Construction ............................................... (204) 726-0400 GCGaiser Construction Specialists .......................................... (204) 725-1233 GCLadel Construction Ltd. ......................................................... (204) 734-4701 GCModern Industrial Structures Brandon ............................ (204) 480-7458 MS

G013 – General Contractor – HighwaysWestern Asphalt Products .................................................... (204) 725-9538 GC

G015 – General Contractor – MaintenanceGaiser Construction Specialists .......................................... (204) 725-1233 GC

G021 – General Contractor – ResidentialCLC Carpentry ........................................................................... (204) 483-2497 TCCollyer Construction .............................................................. (204) 848-2085 GC


Construction Buyers’ Guide

Gaiser Construction Specialists .......................................... (204) 725-1233 GCJacobson & Greiner Group of Companies ...................... (204) 728-2235 GCJamieson Construction (6832157 MB Ltd) ..................... (204) 573-4764 TCKC&B Build ................................................................................. (204) 725-3691 GCKeller Developments .............................................................. (204) 728-1328 GCPremier Commercial Builders.............................................. (204) 573-9600 GCRoger Branum Construction................................................ (204) 855-2450 GCSnow Spruce Construction Ltd. .......................................... (204) 821-4678 TCVan Heyst Brothers Construction ...................................... (204) 724-2650 GC

G050 – Construction ManagementBockstael Construction Limited ......................................... (204) 233-7135 GCCrane Steel Structures Ltd. ................................................... (204) 725-3588 GCEllwood-McRorie Ltd. ............................................................. (204) 857-5871 GCGraham Construction and Engineering .......................... (204) 833-2269 GCHorizon Builders Ltd. .............................................................. (204) 727-1736 GCJacobson & Greiner Group of Companies ...................... (204) 728-2235 GCKC&B Build ................................................................................. (204) 725-3691 GCLogan Stevens Construction (2000) Ltd. ......................... (306) 782-2266 GCMinish Construction Ltd. ...................................................... (204) 734-3404 GCSnow Spruce Construction Ltd. .......................................... (204) 821-4678 GCT.L. Penner Construction Inc. ............................................... (204) 748-1400 GC

G070 – Design BuildBockstael Construction Limited ......................................... (204) 233-7135 GCCollyer Construction .............................................................. (204) 848-2085 GCCrane Steel Structures Ltd. ................................................... (204) 725-3588 GCEllwood-McRorie Ltd. ............................................................. (204) 857-5871 GCExcel Design & Construction ............................................... (204) 726-0400 GCGraham Construction and Engineering .......................... (204) 833-2269 GCHorizon Builders Ltd. .............................................................. (204) 727-1736 GCKC&B Build ................................................................................. (204) 725-3691 GCLogan Stevens Construction (2000) Ltd. ......................... (306) 782-2266 GCSnow Spruce Construction Ltd. .......................................... (204) 821-4678 TCT.L. Penner Construction Inc. ............................................... (204) 748-1400 GC

Ron FriesenPresident

[email protected]

Cel 204-941-0325Fax 204-685-2891


Box 518, MacGregor, MB R0H 0R0


Construction Buyers’ Guide

G090 – Project ManagementCrane Steel Structures Ltd. ................................................... (204) 725-3588 GCEllwood-McRorie Ltd. ............................................................. (204) 857-5871 GCHorizon Builders Ltd. .............................................................. (204) 727-1736 GCPremier Commercial Builders.............................................. (204) 573-9600 GCSnow Spruce Construction Ltd. .......................................... (204) 821-4678 TCT.L. Penner Construction Inc. ............................................... (204) 748-1400 GC

Division 01 – General Requirements01 00 00 – General RequirementsWestern Asphalt Products .................................................... (204) 725-9538 GC

01 60 00 – Product RequirementsWestern Asphalt Products .................................................... (204) 725-9538 GC

Division 02 – Existing Conditions02 00 00 – Existing ConditionsCumming & Dobbie (1986) Ltd. ......................................... (204) 726-0790 TCGot Mats? ................................................................................... (204) 724-0592 MSStructure Scan Inc. .................................................................. (204) 777-6590 TC

02 20 00 – AssessmentJ&M Industries Ltd. .................................................................. (204) 725-4210 TC

02 40 00 – Demolition and Structure MovingWurtz Bros. Ltd. ........................................................................ (204) 466-2824 TC, MS

02 70 00 – Water RemediationEllwood-McRorie Ltd. ............................................................. (204) 857-5871 GC

Division 03 – Concrete03 00 00 – ConcreteBrock White Canada Co. ........................................................ (204) 694-3600 MSCLC Carpentry ........................................................................... (204) 483-2497 TCDarcy Van Damme Construction ....................................... (204) 773-6960 TCGrace Construction Ltd. ........................................................ (204) 724-4987 TCLehigh Cement Ltd. ................................................................ (204) 334-4300 MSPowell Construction Ltd. ....................................................... (204) 727-2810 TCPremier Commercial Builders.............................................. (204) 573-9600 GCRoger Branum Construction................................................ (204) 855-2450 GCStructure Scan Inc. .................................................................. (204) 777-6590 TCSunrise Framing Ltd. ............................................................... (204) 725-3466 TCThorpe Construction .............................................................. (204) 726-8976 TCWestern Concrete Products ................................................. (204) 728-2240 MSWestman Custom Cabinets and Garage Interiors Inc. ........................................................... (204) 717-4320 TCWheat City Concrete Products Ltd. ................................... (204) 725-5600 MSWurtz Bros. Ltd. ........................................................................ (204) 466-2824 TC, MS


Construction Buyers’ Guide

03 10 00 – Concrete Forming and AccessoriesGrace Construction Ltd. ........................................................ (204) 724-4987 TCPowell Construction Ltd. ....................................................... (204) 727-2810 TC

03 30 00 – Cast-in-Place ConcreteGrace Construction Ltd. ........................................................ (204) 724-4987 TCPowell Construction Ltd. ....................................................... (204) 727-2810 TCZenith Paving Ltd. ................................................................... (204) 728-3388 TC

03 40 00 – Precast ConcreteLivingstone Landscaping Ltd. ............................................. (204) 578-5291 TC, MSPowell Construction Ltd. ....................................................... (204) 727-2810 TC

Division 04 – Masonry04 00 00 – MasonryBrock White Canada Co. ........................................................ (204) 694-3600 MSBrooks Masonry Ltd. ............................................................... (204) 573-7674 TCContractor’s Corner ................................................................. (204) 727-3799 GC, TC, MSDon Cullen Masonry & Tile ................................................... (204) 727-1168 TCKempthorne Roofing and Construction Ltd. ................. (204) 483-3676 TC

Division 05 – Metals05 00 00 – MetalsAll Pipe & Mechanical Ltd. .................................................... (204) 834-3988 TCBehlen Industries LP ............................................................... (204) 728-1188 MSBrandon Home Hardware Building Centre .................... (204) 728-2230 MSDomtek Manufacturing ........................................................ (204) 727-2100 MSFlynn Canada Ltd. .................................................................... (204) 726-4207 TCGlendale Industries Ltd. ........................................................ (204) 727-7282 TCHamilton Iron Ltd. ................................................................... (204) 728-4092 TCMcMunn & Yates Building Supplies .................................. (204) 728-1986 MSMillcosteel Ltd. ......................................................................... (204) 728-5029 TCMoore Industrial Ltd., (M.I. Construction Supply) ........ (204) 697-9762 MSTotal Welding Services ........................................................... (204) 728-3821 TC

1540 14th Street East., Brandon, Manitoba R7B 0R9 • Phone (204) 728.2240 • [email protected]



Construction Buyers’ Guide

05 10 00 – Structural Metal FramingCrane Steel Structures Ltd. ................................................... (204) 725-3588 GCKC&B Build ................................................................................. (204) 725-3691 GC

05 20 00 – Metal JoistsHamilton Iron Ltd. ................................................................... (204) 728-4092 TCTotal Welding Services ........................................................... (204) 728-3821 TC

05 40 00 – Cold-Formed Metal FramingB.G. Dodds Building and Contracting Ltd. ...................... (204) 573-5336 TC

05 50 00 – Metal FabricationsHamilton Iron Ltd. ................................................................... (204) 728-4092 TCTotal Welding Services ........................................................... (204) 728-3821 TC

Division 06 – Wood, Plastics, Composites06 00 00 – Wood, Plastics, CompositesBrandon Home Hardware Building Centre .................... (204) 728-2230 MSContractor’s Corner ................................................................. (204) 727-3799 GC, TC, MSDarcy Van Damme Construction ....................................... (204) 773-6960 TCFlynn Canada Ltd. .................................................................... (204) 726-4207 TCMcMunn & Yates Building Supplies .................................. (204) 728-1986 MSTim-Br-Fab Industries ............................................................. (204) 638-9601 MS

06 10 00 – Rough CarpentryB.G. Dodds Building and Contracting Ltd. ...................... (204) 573-5336 TCCLC Carpentry ........................................................................... (204) 483-2497 TCJamieson Construction (6832157 MB Ltd) ..................... (204) 573-4764 TCTim-Br-Fab Industries ............................................................. (204) 638-9601 MS

06 20 00 – Finish CarpentryHeritage Woodworking ......................................................... (204) 726-4630 TCLivingstone Landscaping Ltd. ............................................. (204) 578-5291 TC, MSRosehill Woodcrafters Ltd..................................................... (204) 685-3022 TC

06 40 00 – Architectural WoodworkHeritage Woodworking ......................................................... (204) 726-4630 TCRosehill Woodcrafters Ltd..................................................... (204) 685-3022 TC, MS

Division 07 – Thermal and Moisure Protection07 00 00 – Thermal and Moisture ProtectionBrandon Home Hardware Building Centre .................... (204) 728-2230 MSBrock White Canada Co. ........................................................ (204) 694-3600 MSFlynn Canada Ltd. .................................................................... (204) 726-4207 TCKempthorne Roofing and Construction Ltd. ................. (204) 483-3676 TCMcMunn & Yates Building Supplies .................................. (204) 728-1986 MS


Construction Buyers’ Guide

07 30 00 – Steep Slope RoofingAble Eavestroughing Ltd. ..................................................... (204) 725-2294 TCKempthorne Roofing and Construction Ltd. ................. (204) 483-3676 TCRainbow Eavestroughing Ltd. ............................................. (204) 727-1639 TC

07 40 00 – Roofing and Siding PanelsAble Eavestroughing Ltd. ..................................................... (204) 725-2294 TCBehlen Industries LP ............................................................... (204) 728-1188 MSDomtek Manufacturing ........................................................ (204) 727-2100 MSRainbow Eavestroughing Ltd. ............................................. (204) 727-1639 TC

07 60 00 – Flashing and Sheet MetalDomtek Manufacturing ........................................................ (204) 727-2100 MS

Division 08 – Openings08 00 00 – OpeningsBrandon Home Hardware Building Centre .................... (204) 728-2230 MSFlynn Canada Ltd. .................................................................... (204) 726-4207 TCMcMunn & Yates Building Supplies .................................. (204) 728-1986 MS

08 10 00 – Doors and FramesDomtek Manufacturing ........................................................ (204) 727-2100 MS

08 30 00 – Specialty Doors and FramesUniversal Doors. Ltd. .............................................................. (204) 729-8252 TC, MS

Division 09 – Finishes09 00 00 – FinishesAlpine Drywall & Plastering (2007) Ltd. ........................... (306) 721-7155 TCBrandon Home Hardware Building Centre .................... (204) 728-2230 MSHay Decorating Co. Ltd.......................................................... (204) 727-2620 TCMcMunn & Yates Building Supplies .................................. (204) 728-1986 MS

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Construction Buyers’ Guide

09 20 00 – Plaster and Gypsum BoardAlpine Drywall & Plastering (2007) Ltd. ........................... (306) 721-7155 TCB.G. Dodds Building and Contracting Ltd. ...................... (204) 573-5336 TCCentral Manitoba Interiors Ltd. (CMI Ltd.) ...................... (204) 573-0284 TC

09 30 00 – TilingBrooks Masonry Ltd. ............................................................... (204) 573-7674 TCDon Cullen Masonry & Tile ................................................... (204) 727-1168 TC

09 50 00 – CeilingsAlpine Drywall & Plastering (2007) Ltd. ........................... (306) 721-7155 TCB.G. Dodds Building and Contracting Ltd. ...................... (204) 573-5336 TCCentral Manitoba Interiors Ltd. (CMI Ltd.) ...................... (204) 573-0284 TC

09 60 00 – FlooringsIrwin Flooring and Tile Ltd. .................................................. (204) 857-3202 TCJenkins The Flooring People ................................................ (204) 728-0153 TCKennedy Floorings .................................................................. (204) 633-5720 MS

09 70 00 – Wall FinishesCrafts Men Painting Ltd. ........................................................ (204) 727-1440 TC

09 90 00 – Painting and CoatingCrafts Men Painting Ltd. ........................................................ (204) 727-1440 TCLorne’s Contracting ................................................................. (204) 638-6584 TC

Division 10 – Specialties10 00 00 – SpecialtiesStructure Scan Inc. .................................................................. (204) 777-6590 TCWestern Asphalt Products .................................................... (204) 725-9538 GC

10 50 00 – Storage SpecialtiesWestern Asphalt Products .................................................... (204) 725-9538 GC

Division 11 – Equipment11 10 00 – Vehicle and Pedestrian EquipmentJ&M Industries Ltd. .................................................................. (204) 725-4210 TC

11 15 00 – Security, Detention, and Banking EquipmentWeizel Security ......................................................................... (800) 308-3627 MS

11 70 00 – Healthcare EquipmentWeizel Security ......................................................................... (800) 308-3627 MS

11 90 00 – Other EquipmentFireball Equipment Ltd. ......................................................... (204) 726-8720 MS


Construction Buyers’ Guide

Division 12 – Furnishings12 00 00 – FurnishingsContractor’s Corner ................................................................. (204) 727-3799 GC, TC, MS

12 30 00 – CaseworkHeritage Woodworking ......................................................... (204) 726-4630 TCRosehill Woodcrafters Ltd..................................................... (204) 685-3022 TC

Division 13 – Special Construction13 00 00 – Special ConstructionModern Industrial Structures Brandon ............................ (204) 480-7458 MSPower Vac ................................................................................... (204) 725-2886 TC

13 30 00 – Special StructuresJ&M Industries Ltd. .................................................................. (204) 725-4210 TCModern Industrial Structures Brandon ............................ (204) 480-7458 MS

Division 21 – Fire Suppression21 00 00 – Fire SuppressionB.D.R. Services Ltd. .................................................................. (204) 727-1197 TC

21 10 00 – Water-Based Fire-Suppression SystemsB.D.R. Services Ltd. .................................................................. (204) 727-1197 TC

21 30 00 – Fire PumpsB.D.R. Services Ltd. .................................................................. (204) 727-1197 TC

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Construction Buyers’ Guide

Division 22 – Plumbing22 00 00 – PlumbingABCO Supply & Service Ltd. ................................................. (204) 633-8071 TCAJ’S Maintenance & Supply Ltd. ......................................... (306) 688-3350 MSAll Pipe & Mechanical Ltd. .................................................... (204) 834-3988 TCBrandon Heating & Plumbing (1998) Ltd. ...................... (204) 728-0180 TCBrandon Home Hardware Building Centre .................... (204) 728-2230 MSCobbe’s Plumbing & Heating Ltd. ...................................... (204) 857-6833 TCGill’s Plumbing & Heating ..................................................... (204) 328-7728 TCInnovative Plumbing & Heating Ltd. ................................ (204) 727-7204 TCKC&B Build ................................................................................. (204) 725-3691 GCMcMunn & Yates Building Supplies .................................. (204) 728-1986 MSMoore Industrial Ltd., (M.I. Construction Supply) ........ (204) 697-9762 MSNeepawa Plumbing & Heating ........................................... (204) 476-3466 TCWolseley Mechanical Group ................................................ (204) 571-2300 MS

22 40 00 – Plumbing FixturesB.A. Robinson Co. Ltd. ............................................................ (204) 725-1935 MSWeizel Security ......................................................................... (800) 308-3627 MS

Division 23 – Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning (HVAC)23 00 00 – Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning (HVAC)ABCO Supply & Service Ltd. ................................................. (204) 633-8071 TCAJ’S Maintenance & Supply Ltd. ......................................... (306) 688-3350 MSAll Pipe & Mechanical Ltd. .................................................... (204) 834-3988 TCB.A. Robinson Co. Ltd. ............................................................ (204) 725-1935 MSBrandon Heating & Plumbing (1998) Ltd. ...................... (204) 728-0180 TCC & R Sheetmetal Ltd. ............................................................. (204) 728-3274 TCCMS Services Inc. ..................................................................... (204) 725-8103 TCCobbe’s Plumbing & Heating Ltd. ...................................... (204) 857-6833 TCEast Side Ventilation ............................................................... (204) 728-8070 TCFour Seasons Mechanical ..................................................... (204) 728-2004 TCGill’s Plumbing & Heating ..................................................... (204) 328-7728 TCGrand Valley Mechanical ...................................................... (204) 727-2333 TCInnovative Plumbing & Heating Ltd. ................................ (204) 727-7204 TCKC&B Build ................................................................................. (204) 725-3691 GCMoore Industrial Ltd., (M.I. Construction Supply) ........ (204) 697-9762 MSNeepawa Plumbing & Heating ........................................... (204) 476-3466 TCNoble Electric Ltd. ................................................................... (306) 688-3371 TCPower Vac ................................................................................... (204) 725-2886 TCWolseley Mechanical Group ................................................ (204) 571-2300 MS

23 30 00 – HVAC Air DistributionC & R Sheetmetal Ltd. ............................................................. (204) 728-3274 TCPower Vac ................................................................................... (204) 725-2886 TC


Construction Buyers’ Guide

23 40 00 – HVAC Air Cleaning DevicesPower Vac ................................................................................... (204) 725-2886 TC

23 50 00 – Central Heating EquipmentPower Vac ................................................................................... (204) 725-2886 TC

23 60 00 – Central Cooling EquipmentPower Vac ................................................................................... (204) 725-2886 TC

23 70 00 – Central HVAC EquipmentC & R Sheetmetal Ltd. ............................................................. (204) 728-3274 TC

Division 25 – Integrated Automation25 00 00 – Integrated AutomationCentec Electric & Controls Ltd. ........................................... (204) 729-0747 TCCommunity Electric Ltd. ....................................................... (204) 726-0900 TCEECOL Electric Ltd. .................................................................. (204) 728-7238 MSGrand Valley Mechanical ...................................................... (204) 727-2333 TC

Division 26 – Electrical26 00 00 – ElectricalABCO Supply & Service Ltd. ................................................. (204) 633-8071 TCAJ’S Maintenance & Supply Ltd. ......................................... (306) 688-3350 MSAll Points Electric ..................................................................... (204) 725-1462 TCB.A. Robinson Co. Ltd. ............................................................ (204) 725-1935 MSCarberry Sandhills Electric Ltd. ........................................... (204) 841-3865 TCCentec Electric & Controls Ltd. ........................................... (204) 729-0747 TCCommunity Electric Ltd. ....................................................... (204) 726-0900 TCDee’s Electric Ltd. ..................................................................... (204) 937-4644 GCFigol Electric Ltd. ..................................................................... (204) 727-6556 TCGVC o/a Grand Valley Contracting .................................... (204) 761-6162 TCHardy Electric Ltd. ................................................................... (204) 726-8605 TCJamieson-Judd Limited Electrical Construction & Maintenance ........................................... (204) 728-5843 TCJohn’s Electric Ltd. ................................................................... (204) 476-3391 TCMW Construction & Electrical Inc. ..................................... (204) 232-0092 TCNickel Electric Ltd. ................................................................... (204) 727-1177 TCNoble Electric Ltd. ................................................................... (306) 688-3371 TCStructure Scan Inc. .................................................................. (204) 777-6590 TCSuperlite Lighting Ltd. ........................................................... (204) 989-7277 MSV & R Electrical Ltd. .................................................................. (204) 857-4955 TC

26 10 00 – Medium-Voltage Electrical DistributionAll Points Electric ..................................................................... (204) 725-1462 TCMW Construction & Electrical Inc. ..................................... (204) 232-0092 TC

26 20 00 – Low-Voltage Electrical DistributionAll Points Electric ..................................................................... (204) 725-1462 TCMW Construction & Electrical Inc. ..................................... (204) 232-0092 TC


Construction Buyers’ Guide

26 50 00 – LightingAll Points Electric ..................................................................... (204) 725-1462 TCB.A. Robinson Co. Ltd. ............................................................ (204) 725-1935 MSBrandon Home Hardware Building Centre .................... (204) 728-2230 MSEECOL Electric Ltd. .................................................................. (204) 728-7238 MSMcMunn & Yates Building Supplies .................................. (204) 728-1986 MS

Division 27 – Communications27 00 00 – CommunicationsDee’s Electric Ltd. ..................................................................... (204) 937-4644 GCEECOL Electric Ltd. .................................................................. (204) 728-7238 MSGVC o/a Grand Valley Contracting .................................... (204) 761-6162 TCJamieson-Judd Limited Electrical Construction & Maintenance ........................................... (204) 728-5843 TCJohn’s Electric Ltd. ................................................................... (204) 476-3391 TCNickel Electric Ltd. ................................................................... (204) 727-1177 TCNoble Electric Ltd. ................................................................... (306) 688-3371 TCWestman Communications Group.................................... (204) 717-2263 TC

27 10 00 – Structured CablingB.D.R. Services Ltd. .................................................................. (204) 727-1197 TC

27 50 00 – Distributed Communications and Monitoring EquipmentB.D.R. Services Ltd. .................................................................. (204) 727-1197 TC

Division 28 – Electrical Safety and Security28 00 00 – Electronic Safety and SecurityDee’s Electric Ltd. ..................................................................... (204) 937-4644 GCHardy Electric Ltd. ................................................................... (204) 726-8605 TCJamieson-Judd Limited Electrical Construction & Maintenance ........................................... (204) 728-5843 TC

28 30 00 – Electronic Detection and AlarmB.D.R. Services Ltd. .................................................................. (204) 727-1197 TC

Division 31 – Earthwork31 00 00 – EarthworkAllen & Bolack Excavating Ltd. ............................................ (204) 728-6789 TCC & C Construction Co. Ltd. .................................................. (204) 728-2699 MSClint Moffat & Sons Ltd. ......................................................... (204) 867-3356 TCCumming & Dobbie (1986) Ltd. ......................................... (204) 726-0790 TCKeller Developments .............................................................. (204) 728-1328 GCKroeger Backhoe ..................................................................... (204) 328-7597 TCLivingstone Landscaping Ltd. ............................................. (204) 578-5291 TC, MSTri-Wave Construction Ltd. ................................................... (204) 728-3669 TCWurtz Bros. Ltd. ........................................................................ (204) 466-2824 TC, MS


Construction Buyers’ Guide

31 10 00 – Site ClearingBallingall Brothers Ltd. ........................................................... (204) 721-1153 MSClint Moffat & Sons Ltd. ......................................................... (204) 867-3356 TCLivingstone Landscaping Ltd. ............................................. (204) 578-5291 TC, MSMLK Construction & Leasing Ltd. ....................................... (204) 483-2475 TCRegier Excavating & Leveling Ltd. ..................................... (204) 669-8228 TCRob Smith & Son Backhoe & Trucking Ltd. ..................... (204) 966-3463 TCWurtz Bros. Ltd. ........................................................................ (204) 466-2824 TC, MS

31 20 00 – Earth MovingBallingall Brothers Ltd. ........................................................... (204) 721-1153 MSMLK Construction & Leasing Ltd. ....................................... (204) 483-2475 TCRegier Excavating & Leveling Ltd. ..................................... (204) 669-8228 TCRob Smith & Son Backhoe & Trucking Ltd. ..................... (204) 966-3463 TCTasmanian Gravel Ltd. ............................................................ (204) 727-8200 TCWurtz Bros. Ltd. ........................................................................ (204) 466-2824 TC, MS

31 30 00 – Earthwork MethodsAlternative Landscaping Ltd. .............................................. (204) 727-7289 TC, MS

Division 32 – Exterior Improvements32 00 00 – Exterior ImprovementsCumming & Dobbie (1986) Ltd. ......................................... (204) 726-0790 TCDarcy Van Damme Construction ....................................... (204) 773-6960 TCJ&M Industries Ltd. .................................................................. (204) 725-4210 TCLivingstone Landscaping Ltd. ............................................. (204) 578-5291 TC, MSWestern Concrete Products ................................................. (204) 728-2240 MS

32 10 00 – Bases, Ballasts, and PavingLivingstone Landscaping Ltd. ............................................. (204) 578-5291 TC, MSSharp Bridges ............................................................................ (807) 483-5896 TCZenith Paving Ltd. ................................................................... (204) 728-3388 TC

32 30 00 – Site ImprovementsJ&M Industries Ltd. .................................................................. (204) 725-4210 TCLivingstone Landscaping Ltd. ............................................. (204) 578-5291 TC, MS

32 80 00 – IrrigationCarberry Sandhills Electric Ltd. ........................................... (204) 841-3865 TC

32 90 00 – PlantingAlternative Landscaping Ltd. .............................................. (204) 727-7289 TC, MSLivingstone Landscaping Ltd. ............................................. (204) 578-5291 TC, MS


Construction Buyers’ Guide

Division 33 – Utilities33 00 00 – UtilitiesC & C Construction Co. Ltd. .................................................. (204) 728-2699 MSClint Moffat & Sons Ltd. ......................................................... (204) 867-3356 TCCumming & Dobbie (1986) Ltd. ......................................... (204) 726-0790 TCKen Beatty Construction Ltd. .............................................. (204) 848-2477 GCKroeger Backhoe ..................................................................... (204) 328-7597 TCRob Smith & Son Backhoe & Trucking Ltd. ..................... (204) 966-3463 TCStructure Scan Inc. .................................................................. (204) 777-6590 TCWestman Communications Group.................................... (204) 717-2263 TC

33 20 00 – WellsCarberry Sandhills Electric Ltd. ........................................... (204) 841-3865 TC

33 80 00 – Communications UtilitiesWestman Communications Group.................................... (204) 717-2263 TC

Division 34 – Transportation34 00 00 – TransportationSharp Bridges ............................................................................ (807) 483-5896 TCTri-Wave Construction Ltd. ................................................... (204) 728-3669 TC

34 10 00 – Guideways/RailwaysCando Rail Services Ltd. ........................................................ (204) 726-4545 TC

34 40 00 – Transportation Signaling and Control EquipmentAll Points Electric ..................................................................... (204) 725-1462 TC

34 70 00 – Transportation Construction and EquipmentCando Rail Services Ltd. ........................................................ (204) 726-4545 TC

Division 41 – Material Processing and Handling Equipment41 00 00 – Material Processing and Handling EquipmentAllen & Bolack Excavating Ltd. ............................................ (204) 728-6789 TCCando Rail Services Ltd. ........................................................ (204) 726-4545 TCKen Beatty Construction Ltd. .............................................. (204) 848-2477 GC

Division 44 – Pollution Control Equipment44 40 00 – Water Treatment EquipmentEmco Waterworks .................................................................... (204) 571-3470 MS

Associate Classifieds

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925 Middleton Avenue Brandon, MB R7C 1A8 Tel 204-727-6232 Toll Free 866-958-9898 Fax 204-727-2246 [email protected]

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Choice Privileges Aeroplan Points

925 Middleton Avenue Brandon, MB R7C 1A8 Tel 204-727-6232 Toll Free 866-958-9898 Fax 204-727-2246 [email protected]

3109 Pembina Highway Winnipeg, MB R3T 4R6 Tel 204-269-7390 Toll Free 866-900-7390 Fax 204-261-7565 [email protected]

1770 Sargent Avenue Winnipeg, MB R3H 0C8 Tel 204-783-5627 Toll Free 877-844-7149 Fax 204-783-5661 [email protected] New Level of Comfort


Committed to your satisfaction


Brandon Location

Choice Privileges Aeroplan Points

925 Middleton Avenue Brandon, MB R7C 1A8 Tel 204-727-6232 Toll Free 866-958-9898 Fax 204-727-2246 [email protected]

3109 Pembina Highway Winnipeg, MB R3T 4R6 Tel 204-269-7390 Toll Free 866-900-7390 Fax 204-261-7565 [email protected]

1770 Sargent Avenue Winnipeg, MB R3H 0C8 Tel 204-783-5627 Toll Free 877-844-7149 Fax 204-783-5661 [email protected] New Level of Comfort


Committed to your satisfaction


Choice Privileges Aeroplan Points

925 Middleton Avenue Brandon, MB R7C 1A8 Tel 204-727-6232 Toll Free 866-958-9898 Fax 204-727-2246 [email protected]

3109 Pembina Highway Winnipeg, MB R3T 4R6 Tel 204-269-7390 Toll Free 866-900-7390 Fax 204-261-7565 [email protected]

1770 Sargent Avenue Winnipeg, MB R3H 0C8 Tel 204-783-5627 Toll Free 877-844-7149 Fax 204-783-5661 [email protected] New Level of Comfort


Committed to your satisfaction


Choice Privileges Aeroplan Points

925 Middleton Avenue Brandon, MB R7C 1A8 Tel 204-727-6232 Toll Free 866-958-9898 Fax 204-727-2246 [email protected]

3109 Pembina Highway Winnipeg, MB R3T 4R6 Tel 204-269-7390 Toll Free 866-900-7390 Fax 204-261-7565 [email protected]

1770 Sargent Avenue Winnipeg, MB R3H 0C8 Tel 204-783-5627 Toll Free 877-844-7149 Fax 204-783-5661 [email protected] New Level of Comfort


Committed to your satisfaction


Choice Privileges Aeroplan Points

925 Middleton Avenue Brandon, MB R7C 1A8 Tel 204-727-6232 Toll Free 866-958-9898 Fax 204-727-2246 [email protected]

3109 Pembina Highway Winnipeg, MB R3T 4R6 Tel 204-269-7390 Toll Free 866-900-7390 Fax 204-261-7565 [email protected]

1770 Sargent Avenue Winnipeg, MB R3H 0C8 Tel 204-783-5627 Toll Free 877-844-7149 Fax 204-783-5661 [email protected] New Level of Comfort


Committed to your satisfaction




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Associate Classifieds

AccountingBDO Canada LLP ................................................................................................... (204) 727-0671MNP LLP ................................................................................................................... (204) 571-7660

Aerial Work PlatformsBattlefield Equipment Rentals – The CAT Rental Store ........................... (204) 728-0405Hertz Equipment Rentals ................................................................................... (204) 729-8267United Rentals of Canada Inc. .......................................................................... (204) 726-8777

Arbitration/MediationDonald Legal Services ........................................................................................ (204) 729-4900

Auto WreckingWesman Salvage ................................................................................................... (204) 726-8080

AwningsCardinal Signs Ltd. ................................................................................................ (204) 728-0865

BankingWestoba Credit Union Ltd. ................................................................................ (204) 729-2716

Business and Trade OrganizationBrandon Chamber of Commerce .................................................................... (204) 571-5342Morguard Reit – Shoppers Mall ....................................................................... (204) 571-4530

Construction EquipmentBattlefield Equipment Rentals – The CAT Rental Store ........................... (204) 728-0405Hertz Equipment Rentals ................................................................................... (204) 729-8267Mazergroup Construction Equipment.......................................................... (204) 728-2244United Rentals of Canada Inc. .......................................................................... (204) 726-8777

ConsultingBusiness Development Bank of Canada ...................................................... (204) 726-7576

Consulting EngineersBurns Maendel Consulting Engineers Ltd. .................................................. (204) 728-7364G.D. Newton and Associates Inc. ..................................................................... (204) 725-1688

Concrete MixersFort Garry Industries Ltd. ................................................................................... (204) 571-5980

Design ServicesBurns Maendel Consulting Engineers Ltd. .................................................. (204) 728-7364Leech Printing Ltd. ............................................................................................... (204) 728-3037Off the Wall Signs Inc. ......................................................................................... (204) 727-0405Truelove Design & Construction Ltd.............................................................. (204) 743-2309Webber Printing .................................................................................................... (204) 728-1302

Drafting Equipment and SalesLewis Instruments Ltd......................................................................................... (204) 772-0366

Education and TrainingAssiniboine Community College .................................................................... (204) 725-8700Brandon Energy Efficiency Program .............................................................. (204) 729-2490Brandon University .............................................................................................. (204) 727-9716MNP LLP ................................................................................................................... (204) 571-7660

Engine RebuildBrandon Bearing Ag & Industrial Supply Ltd. ............................................. (204) 725-0500


Associate Classifieds

EngineeringBurns Maendel Consulting Engineers Ltd. .................................................. (204) 728-7364City of Brandon ..................................................................................................... (204) 729-2214Core Group Consultants Ltd. ............................................................................ (604) 299-0605G.D. Newton and Associates Inc. ..................................................................... (204) 725-1688Truelove Design & Construction Ltd.............................................................. (204) 743-2309

Environmental ConsultingBurns Maendel Consulting Engineers Ltd. .................................................. (204) 728-7364Pinchin Ltd. ............................................................................................................. (204) 728-2146

FencingBattlefield Equipment Rentals – The CAT Rental Store ........................... (204) 728-0405

Financial PlanningAQ Group Solutions ............................................................................................. (204) 989-2006MNP LLP ................................................................................................................... (204) 571-7660Western Financial Group ................................................................................... (204) 728-8510Westoba Credit Union Ltd. ................................................................................ (204) 729-2716

FurnitureNatural Rest Bedding Inc. .................................................................................. (204) 694-7378

Graphic DesignAccent Striping & Lettering Co. Ltd. ............................................................... (204) 729-8660Cardinal Signs Ltd. ................................................................................................ (204) 728-0865Leech Printing Ltd. ............................................................................................... (204) 728-3037

Gravel EquipmentFort Garry Industries Ltd. ................................................................................... (204) 571-5980

Geosynthetic ProductsBattlefield Equipment Rentals – The CAT Rental Store ........................... (204) 728-0405

Heavy EquipmentFort Garry Industries Ltd. ................................................................................... (204) 571-5980

Hydraulic Hose and FittingsBrandon Bearing Ag & Industrial Supply Ltd. ............................................. (204) 725-0500

Industrial SuppliesBrandon Bearing Ag & Industrial Supply Ltd. ............................................. (204) 725-0500

Insurance/BondingAQ Group Solutions ............................................................................................. (204) 989-2006Guild Insurance Brokers Inc. ............................................................................. (204) 729-4949Western Financial Group ................................................................................... (204) 728-8510Westoba Credit Union Ltd. ................................................................................ (204) 729-2716Workers Compensation Board ......................................................................... (855) 954-4321

LasersBattlefield Equipment Rentals – The CAT Rental Store ........................... (204) 728-0405

Land Development ConsultingBurns Maendel Consulting Engineers Ltd. .................................................. (204) 728-7364Core Group Consultants Ltd. ............................................................................ (604) 299-0605G.D. Newton and Associates Inc. ..................................................................... (204) 725-1688


Associate Classifieds

LegalDonald Legal Services ........................................................................................ (204) 729-4900Hunt Miller & Co. LLP ........................................................................................... (204) 727-8471Meighen Haddad LLP ......................................................................................... (204) 727-8461

LocksmithSargent Lock & Safe Ltd. ..................................................................................... (204) 717-1800

Manufacturers/SuppliersGot Mats? ................................................................................................................ (204) 724-0592Hilti Canada Ltd. .................................................................................................... (204) 330-1821

Planning and Construction ManagementCity of Brandon ..................................................................................................... (204) 729-2214Core Group Consultants Ltd. ............................................................................ (604) 299-0605Truelove Design & Construction Ltd.............................................................. (204) 743-2309

PrintingLeech Printing Ltd. ............................................................................................... (204) 728-3037Webber Printing .................................................................................................... (204) 728-1302

Project ManagementG.D. Newton and Associates Inc. ..................................................................... (204) 725-1688

PropaneBattlefield Equipment Rentals – The CAT Rental Store ........................... (204) 728-0405Hertz Equipment Rentals ................................................................................... (204) 729-8267

Power ToolsBattlefield Equipment Rentals – The CAT Rental Store ........................... (204) 728-0405Brandon Bearing Ag & Industrial Supply Ltd. ............................................. (204) 725-0500

Power Transmission ProductsBrandon Bearing Ag & Industrial Supply Ltd. ............................................. (204) 725-0500

Public FacilitiesBrandon University .............................................................................................. (204) 727-9716Morguard Reit – Shoppers Mall ....................................................................... (204) 571-4530

Real EstateDonald Legal Services ........................................................................................ (204) 729-4900Morguard Reit – Shoppers Mall ....................................................................... (204) 571-4530

RentalsBattlefield Equipment Rentals – The CAT Rental Store ........................... (204) 728-0405Got Mats? ................................................................................................................ (204) 724-0592Hertz Equipment Rentals ................................................................................... (204) 729-8267United Rentals of Canada Inc. .......................................................................... (204) 726-8777

Recycling/Scrap MetalWesman Salvage ................................................................................................... (204) 726-8080

Safety Equipment and ToolsBattlefield Equipment Rentals – The CAT Rental Store ........................... (204) 728-0405Mid-Canada Fasteners & Tools Ltd. ................................................................ (204) 697-0635United Rentals of Canada Inc. .......................................................................... (204) 726-8777Workers Compensation Board ......................................................................... (855) 954-4321

Sandblasting and PaintingBlue Hills Trailer & Fabricating Ltd. ................................................................. (204) 728-3597


ScaffoldingBattlefield Equipment Rentals – The CAT Rental Store ........................... (204) 728-0405

Signage and LetteringAccent Striping & Lettering Co. Ltd. ............................................................... (204) 729-8660Cardinal Signs Ltd. ................................................................................................ (204) 728-0865Off the Wall Signs Inc. ......................................................................................... (204) 727-0405

Steel DistributorsWesman Salvage ................................................................................................... (204) 726-8080

StorageAdvantage Auto and Trailer .............................................................................. (204) 729-8989

SurveyingAltus Geomatics (Manitoba) Professional Land Surveyors ................... (204) 727-0651G.D. Newton and Associates Inc. ..................................................................... (204) 725-1688

Surveying Equipment/SuppliesBattlefield Equipment Rentals – The CAT Rental Store ........................... (204) 728-0405Lewis Instruments Ltd......................................................................................... (204) 772-0366

Tinting and FilmingAccent Striping & Lettering Co. Ltd. ............................................................... (204) 729-8660

Tools – Sales and ServiceHilti Canada Ltd. .................................................................................................... (204) 330-1821

Trailer – RentalsAdvantage Auto and Trailer .............................................................................. (204) 729-8989

Trailer – Sales & ServiceAdvantage Auto and Trailer .............................................................................. (204) 729-8989Blue Hills Trailer & Fabricating Ltd. ................................................................. (204) 728-3597

TrainingAssiniboine Community College .................................................................... (204) 725-8700Battlefield Equipment Rentals – The CAT Rental Store ........................... (204) 728-0405Brandon Energy Efficiency Program .............................................................. (204) 729-2490Hilti Canada Ltd. .................................................................................................... (204) 330-1821Workers Compensation Board ......................................................................... (855) 954-4321

TransportConquest Trucking ............................................................................................... (204) 727-1673RTM Transport Ltd. ............................................................................................... (204) 365-4740

UtilitiesCity of Brandon ..................................................................................................... (204) 729-2214Manitoba Hydro .................................................................................................... (204) 727-9316

Vehicle SalesAdvantage Auto and Trailer .............................................................................. (204) 729-8989

Vehicle GraphicsCardinal Signs Ltd. ................................................................................................ (204) 728-0865

Web DesignLeech Printing Ltd. ............................................................................................... (204) 728-3037

Associate Classifieds



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+white architecture Inc. 113 Chestnut Street, Winnipeg, MB R3G 1R4 Tel: (204) 890-5800 [email protected] | www.whitearchitecture.ca

1x1 Architecture Inc. 103 - 120 Fort Street, Winnipeg, MB R3C 1C7 Tel: (204) 318-2010 [email protected] | www.1x1architecture.ca

5468796 Architecture Inc. 266 McDermot Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3B 0S8 Tel: (204) 480-8421 | Fax: (204) 480-8876 [email protected] | www.5468796.ca

701 Architecture 511 St. Mary’s Road, Winnipeg, MB R2M 3L2 Tel: (204) 287-8585 | Fax: (204) 284-8869 [email protected] | www.701architecture.ca

Affinity Architecture Inc. 200 - 4 Fort Street, Winnipeg, MB R3C 1C4 Tel: (204) 982-6940 | Fax: (204) 453-4556 [email protected]

Allan Coppinger, Architect 219 Dunkirk Drive, Winnipeg, MB R2M 3X1 Tel: (204) 918-4623 [email protected]

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Andrew K. Wach Architect 100 Osborne Street, Winnipeg, MB R3L 1Y5 Tel: (204) 284-6782 | Fax: (204) 284-7541 [email protected] | www.awarchitects.ca

BIOS Architecture Corp. 201 - 205 Alexander Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3B 3C1 Tel: (204) 415-2634 [email protected] | www.theBIOS.ca

Bridgman Collaborative Architecture Ltd. 678 Main Street, Winnipeg, MB R3B 1E4 Tel: (204) 488-3857 | Fax: (204) 488-0216 [email protected] | www.bridgmancollaborative.ca

Calnitsky Associates Architects 124 Nassau Street North, Winnipeg, MB R3L 2H1 Tel: (204) 453-6441 | Fax: (204) 453-3392 [email protected] | www.calnitskyarchitects.com

Cibinel Architect 420A Stradbrook Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3L 0J8 Tel: (204) 989-8910 | Fax: (204) 989-8920 [email protected] | www.cibinel.com

Cohlmeyer Architecture Ltd. 359 McDermot Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3A 0A6 Tel: (204) 943-1394 | Fax: (204) 942-4426 [email protected] | www.cohlarch.ca

Cooper Rankin Architects 103 - 7 Evergreen Place, Winnipeg, MB R3L 2T3 Tel: (204) 453-7841 | Fax: (204) 452-3462 [email protected] | cooperrankin.ca

Daniel Serhal Architecture 201 - 990 Lorimer Boulevard, Winnipeg, MB R3P 0Z9 Tel: (204) 488-5670 [email protected]

David Goyer Architecture Inc. 200 - 909 Dorchester Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3M 0P7 Tel: (204) 475-6736 | Fax: (204) 453-9175 [email protected]

David Penner Architect 120 Yale Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3M 0L7 Tel: (204) 475-8978 [email protected] | www.davidpennerarchitect.ca



DGH Architecture Ltd. 12 Aviation Boulevard, St. Andrews, MB R1A 3N5 Tel: (204) 334-8846 | Fax: (204) 334-6965 [email protected] | www.dghengineering.com

Francois Clauzade Cindy E. Gibson Architects 211 - 161 Stafford Street, Winnipeg, MB R3M 2W9 Tel: (204) 474-2574 | Fax: (204) 453-5042

Friesen Tokar Architects + Landscape + Interior Designers 200 - 300 Waterfront Drive, Winnipeg, MB R3B 0G5 Tel: (204) 885-9323 | Fax: (204) 837-7235 [email protected] | www.ft3.ca

Gerald A. Korzeniowski Architect Inc. 218 Overdale Street, Winnipeg, MB R3J 2G3 Tel: (204) 832-8666 | Fax: (204) 889-1030 [email protected]

GPP Architecture Inc. 10 - 37 Edmonton Street, Winnipeg, MB R3C 1P8 Tel: (204) 943-1055 | Fax: (204) 957-1055 [email protected] | www.gpparch.mb.ca

GW Architecture Inc. 602 - 44 Princess Street, Winnipeg, MB R3B 1K2 Tel: (204) 992-2757 [email protected] | www.gwarchitectureinc.com


H5 Architecture 610A Broadway Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3C 0W8 Tel: (204) 774-0012 | Fax: (204) 774-7092 [email protected] | www.h5architecture.ca

Harold Funk Architect Inc. 401 - 55 Donald Street, Winnipeg, MB R3C 1L8 Tel: (204) 943-5087 | Fax: (204) 949-9231 [email protected] | www.funkarchitect.com

Harry A. Haid Architect A4 - 600 Clifton Street, Winnipeg, MB R3G 2X6 Tel: (204) 989-5920 | Fax: (204) 989-5949 [email protected]

Lanny L.M. Silver Architect 437 Assiniboine Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3C 0Y5 Tel: (204) 944-0464 | Fax: (204) 944-0464 [email protected] | www.mts.net/~silver3/

LM Architectural Group 500 - 136 Market Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3B 0P4 Tel: (204) 942-0681 | Fax: (204) 943-8676 [email protected] | www.lm-architects.com

MCM Architects Inc. 158 - 8th Street, Brandon, MB R7A 3X1 Tel: (204) 727-8853 mcmarchitects.ca

MCM Architects Inc. 141 St. Anne’s Road, Winnipeg, MB R2M 2Z3 Tel: (204) 943-7564 | Fax: (204) 947-0187 [email protected] | mcmarchitects.ca

Michael Boreskie Architect Inc. 403 - 138 Portage Avenue East, Winnipeg, MB R3C 0A1 Tel: (204) 284-5538 | Fax: (204) 477-6769 [email protected]

MMP Architects Inc. 300 - 214 McDermot Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3B 0S3 Tel: (204) 956-0530 | Fax: (204) 943-5704 [email protected] | www.mmparchitects.com

Michael J. Cox 940 Rosser Avenue, Brandon, MB R7A 0L4 Tel: (204) 727-6126 | Fax: (204) 727-1882



Neil Cooper Architect Inc. 10 - 395 Berry Street, Winnipeg, MB R3J 1N6 Tel: (204) 885-3855 | Fax: (204) 831-7148 [email protected]

Nejmark Architect Inc. 2 - 54 Adelaide Street, Winnipeg, MB R3A 0V7 Tel: (204) 947-3775 | Fax: (204) 947-3789 [email protected] | www.nejmark.mb.va

Northern Sky Architecture Inc. 100 - 128 James Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3B 0N8 Tel: (204) 943-6767 | Fax: (204) 956-7979 [email protected] | www.nsai.ca

Number Ten Architectural Group 310 - 115 Bannatyne Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3B 0R3 Tel: (204) 942-0981 | Fax: (204) 947-9626 [email protected] | www.numberten.com

OS1 Architecture Inc. 502 Laidlaw Boulevard, Winnipeg, MB R3P 0K9 Tel: (204) 296-2192 [email protected]

Peter Sampson Architecture Studio Inc. 707 Sara Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3G 0Y8 Tel: (204) 475-9323 | Fax: (204) 477-8514 [email protected] | www.psastudio.ca

Prairie Architects Inc. 300 - 141 Bannatyne Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3B 0R3 Tel: (204) 956-0938 | Fax: (204) 943-5597 [email protected] | www.prairiearchtiects.ca

R.I. Macdonald Consulting Architect and Planner 82 Newcastle Road, Winnipeg, MB R3T 3Y7 Tel: (204) 269-7141 | Fax: (204) 269-7141 [email protected]

Raymond S.C. Wan Architect Inc. 50 Willow Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3N 0G8 Tel: (204) 287-8668 | Fax: (204) 287-8388 [email protected] | www.raymondscwanarchitect.com



Richard R. Prins Architect 206 - 100 Osborne Street, Winnipeg, MB R3L 1Y5 Tel: (204) 452-8774 | Fax: (204) 453-3698 [email protected] | rprinsarchitect.wix.com

Smith Carter Architects & Engineers Inc. 1600 Buffalo Place, Winnipeg, MB R3T 6B8 Tel: (204) 477-1260 | Fax: (204) 477-6346 [email protected] | www.smithcarter.com

Stan Hutton Architect 80 Vanscoy Road, Winnipeg, MB R3R 1H3 Tel: (204) 896-3565 [email protected]

Stanley J. Rhoda Architect 515 South Drive, Winnipeg, MB R3T 0B6 Tel: (204) 475-6118 | Fax: (204) 944-6266

Stantec Architecture Ltd. 905 Waverley Street, Winnipeg, MB R3T 5P4 Tel: (204) 489-5900 | Fax: (204) 453-9012 [email protected] | www.stantec.com

Synyshyn Architecture Interior Design 603 - 63 Albert Street, Winnipeg, MB R3B 1G4 Tel: (204) 947-1100 | Fax: (204) 956-5742 [email protected] | www.synyshyn.com

Syverson Monteyne Architecture 194 Sherbrook Street, Winnipeg, MB R3B 1G7 Tel: (204) 947-3155 | Fax: (204) 947-3161 [email protected] | www.sm-arc.com

Victor Suen Architect 23 Stormont Drive, Winnipeg, MB R3V 1L9 Tel: (204) 228-0230 | Fax: (204) 261-6341 [email protected]

Viridian Architecture 693 River Road, Winnipeg, MB R2M 4A2 Tel: (204) 257-3278 | Fax: (204) 257-3278 [email protected]




A. F. Eshmade & Associates Ltd. 2701 - 83 Garry Street, Winnipeg, MB R3C 4J9 Tel: (204) 942-0039 | Fax: (204) 956-0264 [email protected] | www.eshmade.ca

Almitra Consulting Inc. 103 Cunnington Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R2M 0W6 Tel: (204) 489-0018 | Fax: (204) 489-0018 [email protected] | www.Almitra.ca

AMEC Earth & Environmental Ltd. 440 Dovercourt Drive, Winnipeg, MB R3Y 1G4 Tel: (204) 488-2997 | Fax: (204) 489-8261 www.amec.com

Altus Geomatics 100 - 158 - 11th Street, Brandon, MB R7A 4J4 Tel: (204) 727-0651 | Fax: (204) 727-5247 [email protected] | www.altusgeomaticsmb.com

Appin Associates 1384 Spruce Street, Winnipeg, MB R3E 2V7 Tel: (204) 925-1450 | Fax: (204) 925-1459 [email protected] | www.appin.com

Boge & Boge (1980) Ltd. 268 Ellen Street, Winnipeg, MB R3A 1A7 Tel: (204) 942-7276 | Fax: (204) 942-7288 [email protected] | www.boge-boge.com

Burns Maendel Consulting Engineers Ltd. 1331 Princess Avenue, Brandon, MB R7A 0R4 Tel: (204) 728-7364 | Fax: (204) 728-4418 [email protected] | bmce.ca

Crosier Kilgour & Partners Ltd. 300 - 275 Carlton Street, Winnipeg, MB R3C 5R6 Tel: (204) 943-7501 | Fax: (204) 943-7507 [email protected] | www.ckpeng.com

D.E.M. Allen & Associates Ltd. 30 - 1313 Border Street, Winnipeg, MB R3H 0X4 Tel: (204) 889-9202 | Fax: (204) 831-6650 [email protected] | www.dema.ca

DGH Engineering Ltd. 12 Aviation Boulevard, St. Andrews, MB R1A 3N5 Tel: (204) 334-8816 | Fax: (204) 334-6965 [email protected] | dghengineering.com



Dillon Consulting Ltd. 1558 Willson Place, Winnipeg, MB R3T 0Y4 Tel: (204) 453-2301 | Fax: (204) 452-4412 [email protected] | www.dillon.ca

Dyregrov Robinson Inc. 1555 St. James Street, Winnipeg, MB R3H 1B5 Tel: (204) 632-7252 | Fax: (204) 632-1442 [email protected]

G.D. Newton and Associates Inc. 727A - 10th Street, Brandon, MB R7A 4G7 Tel: (204) 725-1688 | Fax: (204) 725-3922 glennewtonengineering.ca | newtonengineering.ca

G.D. Stasynec and Associates Ltd. 551 Academy Road, Winnipeg, MB R3N 0E4 Tel: (204) 488-1332 | Fax: (204) 488-1337

Hatch 6th floor, 500 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3C 3Y8 Tel: (204) 786-8751 | Fax: (204) 786-2242 [email protected] | www.hatch.ca

J.R. Cousin Consultants Ltd. 91A Scurfield Boulevard, Winnipeg, MB R3Y 1G4 Tel: (204) 489-0474 | Fax: (204) 489-0487 [email protected] | www.jrcc.ca

KGS Group 3rd floor, 865 Waverley Street, Winnipeg, MB R3T 5P4 Tel: (204) 896-1209 | Fax: (204) 896-0754 [email protected] | www.kgsgroup.com

MCW/AGE Consulting Professional Engineers 210 - 1821 Wellington Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3H 0G4 Tel: (204) 779-7900 | Fax: (204) 779-1119 [email protected] | www.mcw.com

MMM Group Limited 111 - 93 Lombard Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3B 3B1 Tel: (204) 943-3178 | Fax: (204) 943-4948 [email protected] | www.mmm.ca

Neegan Burnside Engineering & Environmental Ltd. B - 106 Scurfield Boulevard, Winnipeg, MB R3Y 1G4 Tel: (204) 949-7110 | Fax: (204) 949-7111 [email protected] | www.neeganburnside.com

RAF Engineering (3865810 Manitoba Limited) 3404 Rosser Avenue, Brandon, MB R7B 2P1 Tel: (204) 761-6411 [email protected]


SMS Engineering Ltd. 770 Bradford St., Winnipeg, MB R3H 0N3 Tel: (204) 775-0291 | Fax: (204) 772-2153 [email protected] | www.smseng.com

SNC-Lavalin Inc. 148 Nature Park Way, Winnipeg, MB R3P 0X7 Tel: (204) 786-8080 | Fax: (204) 786-7934 www.snclavalin.com

Samson Engineering Inc. 162 - 10th Street, Brandon, MB R7A 4E6 Tel: (204) 727-0747 | Fax: (204) 725-9870 www.samsonengineering.com

Stantec Consulting Ltd. 905 Waverley Street, Winnipeg, MB R3T 5P4 Tel: (204) 489-5900 | Fax: (204) 453-9012 [email protected] | www.stantec.com

Teshmont Consultants LP 1190 Waverley Street, Winnipeg, MB R3T 0P4 Tel: (204) 284-8100 | Fax: (204) 475-4601 [email protected] | www.teshmont.com

Tower Engineering Group Inc. 1 - 1140 Waverley Street, Winnipeg, MB R3T 0P4 Tel: (204) 925-1150 | Fax: (204) 925-1155 [email protected] | www.towereng.ca

WSP 10 Prairie Way, Winnipeg, MB R2J 3J8 Tel: (204) 477-6650 | Fax: (204) 474-2864 [email protected] | www.wspgroup.com


RAF Engineering (3865810 Manitoba Limited) Engineering Consulting

3404 Rosser Avenue Brandon, Manitoba R7B 2P1

Phone: (204) 761-6411 Fax: (866) 354-7804

E-Mail: [email protected] www.rafeng.com

Ronald Fay, MBA, P.Eng


Municipal Government City of Brandon Planning Department Building Permits/Zoning ...........................................................................204-729-2110City of Brandon, Purchasing .............................................................................204-729-2251City of Flin Flon Engineering Department ..................................................204-681-7511City of Portage la Prairie, City Engineer ........................................................204-239-8346City of Thompson Engineering Department ..............................................204-677-7904City of Winnipeg, Purchasing ...........................................................................204-986-2423

Provincial Government Competitiveness Training & Trade - Apprenticeship Branch Brandon ...........................................................................................................204-726-6365 Winnipeg.........................................................................................................204-945-7906Consumer/Corporate Affairs ............................................................................204-945-3800Corporations & Business Names .....................................................................204-945-2500Infrastructure & Transportation (Government Services) Brandon ...........................................................................................................204-726-6308 Winnipeg.........................................................................................................204-945-7539Infrastructure & Transportation (Transportation) ..........................................204-726-6800Justice ~ Builders’ Liens ......................................................................................204-945-2042Labour .................................................................................................................1- 800-821-4307 Employment Standards .............................................................................204-726-6370 Worker Advisor Office (Workers Compensation Appeals) ............204-726-6480Land Records Agriculture (Minnedosa) ...........................................................................204-867-6561 Natural Resources (Neepawa) .................................................................204-476-7060Land Titles Office ..................................................................................................204-726-6279Manitoba Housing ..............................................................................................204-726-6455Manitoba Water Services Board ......................................................................204-726-6076Statutory Publications ........................................................................................204-945-3101Workers Compensation Board .........................................................................204-954-4321Workplace Safety & Health................................................................................204-726-6361

Federal Government Defence Construction Canada Shilo ............................................................................................. 204-765-3000, ext. 4881 17 Wing Winnipeg .......................................................................................204-833-2500Human Resource Development Labour Programs ..........................................................................................204-983-2389Indian & Northern Affairs ...............................................................................1-800-567-9604Public Works & Government Services Brandon ...........................................................................................................204-726-7541 Winnipeg.........................................................................................................204-983-2372Real Property Contracting .................................................................................204-983-1717Transport Canada .................................................................................................204-983-3152

Government Contacts

Industry Associations


Clear View Concrete & Utility ScanningUnit A, 315 College Ave. • Brandon, MB R7A 1E7

Phone: 204-724-9788 • Fax: 204-729-8824Email: [email protected]

Box 157, Notre Dame, Manitoba | R0G 1M0Office: 204.248.2418 | Fax: 204.248.2650 | Cell: 204.723.0404

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Industry Associations


Architectural & Building Technologists Association of Manitoba Inc. 1447 Waverley Street, Winnipeg, MB R3T 5Y6 Contact: Carol Taylor Tel: (204) 956-4727 [email protected] | www.abtam.ca

Association of Consulting Engineering Companies – Manitoba P.O. Box 1547 Station Main, Winnipeg, MB R3C 2Z4 Contact: Shirley Tillett Tel: (204) 774-5258 | Fax: (204) 779-0788 [email protected] | www.acec-mb.ca

Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Manitoba 870 Pembina Highway, Winnipeg, MB R3M 2M7 Contact: Grant Koropatnick Tel: (204) 474-2736 | Fax: (204) 474-5960 [email protected] | www.apegm.mb.ca

Building Owners & Managers Association of Manitoba Inc. P.O. Box 3107, Winnipeg, MB R3C 4E6 Contact: Tom Thiessen Tel: (204) 777-2662 | Fax: (204) 777-0326 [email protected] | www.bomamanitoba.ca

Certified Technicians & Technologists Association of Manitoba Inc. 602 - 1661 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3J 3T7 Contact: T.J. Gifford Tel: (204) 784-1088 | Fax: (204) 784-1084 [email protected] | www.cttam.com

Construction Labour Relations Association of Manitoba 701 - 161 Portage Avenue East, Winnipeg, MB R3B 0Y4 Contact: Peter Wightman Tel: (204) 775-0441 | Fax: (204) 783-7270 [email protected] | www.clram.ca

Construction Safety Association of Manitoba 1447 Waverley Street, Winnipeg, MB R3T 0P7 Contact: Mike Jones Tel: (204) 775-3171 | Fax: (204) 779-3505 [email protected] | www.constructionsafety.ca


Industry Associations

Construction Safety Association of Manitoba A - 950 - 10th Street, Brandon, MB R7A 6B5 Contact: Trish Carlisle Tel: (204) 728-3456 | Fax: (204) 571-0678 [email protected] | www.constructionsafety.ca

Construction Specifications Canada 1447 Waverley Street, Winnipeg, MB R3T 0P7 Contact: Mike Garlinski Tel: (204) 631-3000 | Fax: (204) 694-5551 [email protected] | www.csc-dcc.ca

Insurance Brokers Association of Manitoba 600 - 1445 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3G 3P4 Contact: David Schioler Tel: (204) 488-1857 | Fax: (204) 489-0316 [email protected] | www.ibam.mb.ca

Landscape Manitoba P.O. Box 1755, Winnipeg, MB R3C 2Z9 Contact: Sharra Hinton Tel: (204) 504-7732 | Fax: (204) 504-7730 [email protected] | www.landscapemb.com

Manitoba Association of Architects 2nd floor, 137 Bannatyne Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3B 0R3 Contact: Judy Pestrak Tel: (204) 925-4620 | Fax: (204) 925-4624 [email protected] | www.mbarchitects.org

Manitoba Building Officials Association Box 2063, Winnipeg, MB R3C 3R4 Contact: John Barnes Tel: (204) 832-1512 | Fax: (204) 897-8094 [email protected] | www.mboa.mb.ca

Electrical Association of Manitoba 104 - 1780 Wellington Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3H 1B3 Contact: Gord Macpherson Tel: (204) 783-4125 | Fax: (204) 783-4216 [email protected] | www.eamanitoba.ca


Industry Associations

Manitoba Heavy Construction Association Inc. 3 - 1680 Ellice Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3G 0Z2 Contact: Chris Lorenc, B.A., LL.B. Tel: (204) 947-1379 | Fax: (204) 943-2279 [email protected] | www.mhca.mb.ca

Manitoba Home Builders’ Association I - 1420 Clarence Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3T 1T6 Contact: Michael Moore Tel: (204) 925-2560 | Fax: (204) 925-2567 [email protected] | www.homebuilders.mb.ca

Manitoba Masonry Contractors Association 1447 Waverley Street, Winnipeg, MB R3T 0P7 Tel: (204) 949-0688 | Fax: 204-694-7505 [email protected] | www.manitobamasonry.ca

A.W.M.A.C. Manitoba Inc. 1447 Waverley Street, Winnipeg, MB R3T 0P7 Contact: Curtis Popel Tel: (204) 231-0890 | Fax: (204) 237-8619 [email protected] | www.awmac.com

Manitoba Ready Mix Concrete Association 3 Park Ridge Drive, East St. Paul, MB R2E 1H7 Contact: Garry W. Winch Tel: (204) 667-8539 | Fax: (204) 668-9740 [email protected] | www.mrmca.com

Manitoba Wall & Ceiling Association 1447 Waverley Street, Winnipeg, MB R3T 0P7 Contact: Chris Precourt Tel: (204) 987-2300 | Fax: (204) 987-2309 [email protected] | www.mwca.ca

Mechanical Contractors Association of Manitoba Inc. 1 - 860 Bradford Street, Winnipeg, MB R3H 0N5 Contact: Betty McInerney Tel: (204) 774-2404 | Fax: (204) 772-0233 [email protected] | www.mca-mb.com


Merit Contractors’ Association of Manitoba 112 - 131 Provencher Boulevard, Winnipeg, MB R2H 0G2 Contact: Harvey Miller Tel: (204) 888-6202 | Fax: (204) 888-6204 [email protected] | www.meritmb.com

New Home Warranty Program of Manitoba Inc. 340 - 530 Kenaston Boulevard, Winnipeg, MB R3N 1Z4 Contact: Lori Crandell Tel: (204) 453-1155 | Fax: (204) 287-8561 [email protected] | www.mbnhwp.com

Roofing Contractors Association of Manitoba, Inc. 1447 Waverley Street, Winnipeg, MB R3T 0P7 Contact: Marian Davidson Boles Tel: (204) 783-6365 | Fax: (204) 783-6446 [email protected] | www.rcam.ca

The Manitoba Association of Sheet Metal and Air Handling Contractors Inc. 24 Trottier Bay, Winnipeg, MB R3T 3Y5 Contact: Geoff McMullan Tel: | Fax: (204) 284-2882 [email protected] | www.masmahc.org

Western Retail Lumber Association Inc. 1004 - 213 Notre Dame Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3B 1N3 Contact: Gary Hamilton Tel: (204) 957-1077 | Fax: (204) 947-5195 [email protected] | www.wrla.org

Winnipeg Construction Association 1447 Waverley Street, Winnipeg, MB R3T 0P7 Contact: Ron Hambley Tel: (204) 775-8664 | Fax: (204) 783-6446 [email protected] | www.winnipegconstruction.ca


Alberta Construction Association 18004 - 107th Avenue, Edmonton, AB T5S 2J5 Contact: Ken Gibson Tel: (780) 455-1122 | Fax: (780) 451-2152 [email protected] | albertaconstruction.net

Industry Associations


Alberta Construction Safety Association 101 - 225 Parsons Road Southwest, Edmonton, AB T6X 0W6 Contact: Dan MacLennan Tel: (780) 453-3311 | Fax: (780) 455-1120 [email protected] | www.acsa-safety.org

Alberta Roadbuilders & Heavy Construction Association 201 - 9333 - 45th Avenue, Edmonton, AB T6E 5Z7 Contact: Gene Syvenky B.Sc., MBA Tel: (780) 436-9860 | Fax: (780) 436-4910 [email protected] | www.arhca.ab.ca

Calgary Construction Association 2725 - 12th Street Northeast, Calgary, AB T2E 7J2 Contact: Dave G. Smith Tel: (403) 291-3350 | Fax: (403) 250-1607 [email protected] | www.cca.cc

Construction Labour Relations ~ An Alberta Association 207 - 2725 - 12th Street Northeast, Calgary, AB T2E 7J2 Contact: Neil Tidsbury Tel: (403) 250-7390 | Fax: (403) 250-5516 [email protected] | www.clra.org

Edmonton Construction Association 10215 - 176th Street, Edmonton, AB T5S 1M1 Contact: John McNicoll Tel: (780) 483-1130 | Fax: (780) 484-0299 [email protected] | www.edmca.com

Fort McMurray Construction Association 304 - 9612 Franklin Avenue, Fort McMurray, AB T9H 2J9 Tel: (780) 791-9288 | Fax: (780) 790-9757 [email protected] | www.fmca.net

Grande Prairie Construction Association 101 - 9815 - 101st Avenue, Grande Prairie, AB T8V 0X6 Contact: Carmen Lemay Tel: (780) 532-4548 | Fax: (780) 539-4100 [email protected] | www.gpca.ca

Lethbridge Construction Association 1705 - 36th Street North, Lethbridge, AB T1H 6L1 Contact: Kerry Pontarolo Tel: (403) 328-2474 | Fax: (403) 329-0971 [email protected] | www.lethconst.ca

Industry Associations


Lloydminster Construction Association 4419 - 52nd Avenue, Lloydminster, AB T9V 0Y8 Contact: Dorothy Carson Tel: (780) 875-8875 | Fax: (780) 875-8874 [email protected] | www.lloydconstruction.ca

Medicine Hat Construction Association 914 - 16th Street Southwest, Medicine Hat, AB T1A 8A4 Contact: Lori Breum Tel: (403) 527-9700 | Fax: (403) 526-0520 [email protected] | www.telusplanet.net/public/mhca

Merit Contractors Association of Alberta 103 - 13025 St. Albert Trail, Edmonton, AB T5L 4H5 Contact: Stephen Kushner Tel: (780) 455-5999 | Fax: (780) 455-2109 [email protected] | www.meritalberta.com

Red Deer Construction Association 3 - 7471 Edgar Industrial Bend, Red Deer, AB T4P 3Z5 Contact: Mary Lu Bryson Tel: (403) 346-4846 | Fax: (403) 343-3280 [email protected] | reddeerconstructionassociation.com

British Columbia

B.C. Road Builders & Heavy Construction Association 307 - 8678 Greenall Avenue, Burnaby, B.C. V5J 3M6 Contact: Jack Davidson Tel: (604) 436-0220 | Fax: (604) 436-2627 [email protected] | www.roadbuilders.bc.ca

British Columbia Construction Association 401 - 655 Tyee Road, Victoria, B.C. V9A 6X5 Contact: Manley McLachlan Tel: (250) 475-1077 | Fax: (250) 475-1078 [email protected] | www.bccassn.com

Construction Labour Relations Association of British Columbia P.O. Box 820, 97 - 6th Street, New Westminster, B.C. V3L 4Z8 Contact: Wendy M. Tel: (604) 524-4911 | Fax: (604) 524-3925 [email protected] | www.clra-bc.com

Industry Associations


Prince George Construction Association 3851 - 18th Avenue, Prince George, B.C. V2N 1B1 Contact: Rosalind Thorn Tel: (250) 563-1744 | Fax: (250) 563-1107 [email protected] | www.pgca.bc.ca

Southern Interior Construction Association 104 - 151 Commercial Drive, Kelowna, B.C. V1X 7W2 Contact: W.E. (Bill) Everitt Tel: (250) 491-7330 | Fax: (250) 491-3929 [email protected] | www.sica.bc.ca

Vancouver Island Construction Association 1075 Alston Street, Victoria, B.C. V9A 3S6 Contact: Greg Baynton Tel: (250) 388-6471 | Fax: (250) 388-5183 [email protected] | www.vicabc.ca

Vancouver Regional Construction Association 3636 East 4th Avenue, Vancouver, B.C. V5M 1M3 Contact: Fiona Famulak Tel: (604) 294-3766 | Fax: (604) 298-9472 [email protected] | www.vrca.bc.ca

New Brunswick

Construction Association of New Brunswick 59 Avonlea Court, Fredericton, N.B. E3C 1N8 Contact: John Landry Tel: (506) 459-5770 | Fax: (506) 457-1913 [email protected] | www.constructnb.ca

Moncton Northeast Construction Association 297 Collishaw Street, Moncton, N.B. E1C 9R2 Contact: Bill Dixon Tel: (506) 857-4038 | Fax: (506) 857-8861 [email protected] | www.mneca.ca

Saint John Construction Association Inc. 263 Germain Street, Saint John, N.B. E2L 2G7 Contact: Krista Collins Tel: (506) 633-1101 | Fax: (506) 633-1265 [email protected] | www.sjcic.ca

Industry Associations



Newfoundland & Labrador Construction Association 201 - 33 Pippy Place, St. John’s, N.L. A1B 3X2 Contact: Rhonda Neary Tel: (709) 753-8920 | Fax: (709) 754-3968 [email protected] | www.nlca.ca

Northwest Territories

Northwest Territories & Nunavut Construction Association Box 2277, 3rd floor, 4921 - 49th Street, Yellowknife, N.W.T. X1A 2P7 Tel: (867) 873-3949 | Fax: (867) 873-8366 [email protected] | www.nwtca.ca

Nova Scotia

Construction Association of Nova Scotia 3 - 260 Brownlow Avenue, Dartmouth, N.S. B3B 1V9 Contact: Melody Hillman Tel: (902) 468-2267 | Fax: (902) 468-2470 [email protected] | www.cans.ns.ca


Canadian Construction Association 1900 - 275 Slater Street, Ottawa, ON K1P 5H9 Contact: Michael Atkinson Tel: (613) 236-9455 | Fax: (613) 236-9526 [email protected] | www.cca-acc.com

Canadian Electrical Contractors Association 460 - 170 Attwell Drive, Toronto, ON M9W 5Z5 Tel: (416) 675-3226 | Fax: (416) 675-7736 [email protected] | www.ceca.org

Canadian Institute of Steel Construction 200 - 3760 - 14th Avenue, Markham, ON L3R 3T7 Tel: (905) 946-0864 | Fax: (905) 946-8574 [email protected] | www.cisc-icca.ca

Industry Associations


Canadian Roofing Contractors’ Association 100 - 2430 Don Reid Drive, Ottawa, ON K1H 1E1 Contact: Bob Brunet Tel: (613) 232-6724 | Fax: (613) 232-2893 [email protected] | www.roofingcanada.com

Construction Association of Thunder Bay 857 North May Street, Thunder Bay, ON P7C 3S2 Contact: Harold Lindstrom, P. Eng. Tel: (807) 622-9645 | Fax: (807) 623-2296 [email protected] | www.catb.on.ca

Grand Valley Construction Association 25 Sheldon Drive, Cambridge, ON N1R 6R8 Contact: Martha George Tel: (519) 622-4822 | Fax: (519) 621-3289 [email protected] | www.gvca.org

Hamilton-Halton Construction Association 100 - 370 York Boulevard, Hamilton, ON L8R 3L1 Contact: Sandy Alyman Tel: (905) 522-5220 | Fax: (905) 572-9166 [email protected] | www.hhca.ca

Kenora Construction Association Box 1710, 101 Park Street, Kenora, ON P9N 3X7 Contact: Kathy Hibbard Tel: (807) 468-7997 | Fax: (807) 468-3056 [email protected] | www.kenoraconstructionassociation.ca

Kingston Construction Association 1575 John Counter Boulevard, Kingston, ON K7M 3L5 Contact: Harry Sullivan Tel: (613) 542-9431 | Fax: (613) 542-2417 [email protected] | www.kca.on.ca

London & District Construction Association 331 Aberdeen Drive, London, ON N5V 4S4 Contact: Dave Baxter Tel: (519) 453-5322 | Fax: (519) 453-5335 [email protected] | www.ldca.on.ca

Industry Associations


Mechanical Contractors Association of Canada 601 - 280 Albert Street, Ottawa, ON K1P 5G8 Contact: Richard McKeagan Tel: (613) 232-0492 | Fax: (613) 235-2793 [email protected] | www.mcac.ca

Mississauga Construction Association 122 - 1900 Minnesota Court, Mississauga, ON L5N 3C9 Tel: (905) 567-1077 | Fax: (905) 567-4114 [email protected] | www.tcaconnect.com

Niagara Construction Association 34 Scott Street West, St. Catharines, ON L2R 1C9 Contact: Karin Sheldrick Tel: (905) 682-6661 | Fax: (905) 688-5029 [email protected] | www.niagaraconstruction.org

Ontario Industrial Roofing Contractors Association 940 The East Mall, Suite 301, Etobicoke, ON M9B 6J7 Contact: Don Marks Tel: (416) 695-4114 | Fax: (416) 695-9920 [email protected] | www.ontarioroofing.com

Ontario Sewer & Watermain Construction Association 12 - 300 - 5045 Orbitor Drive, Mississauga, ON L4W 4Y4 Tel: (905) 629-7766 | Fax: (905)629-0587 [email protected] | www.oswca.org

Ottawa Construction Association 196 Bronson Avenue, Ottawa, ON K1R 6H4 Contact: John DeVries Tel: (613) 236-0488 | Fax: (613) 238-6124 [email protected] | www.oca.ca

Sarnia Construction Association P.O. Box 545, 954 Upper Canada Drive, Sarnia, ON N7T 7J4 Contact: Andrew Pilat Tel: (519) 344-7441 | Fax: (519) 344-7501 [email protected] | sarniaconstructionassociation.ca

Sault Ste. Marie Construction Association 117 White Oak Drive East , Sault Ste. Marie, ON P6B 4J7 Contact: J.R. (Rick) Thomas Tel: (705) 759-8830 | Fax: (705) 759-6783 [email protected] | www.ssmca.com

Industry Associations


Sudbury Construction Association 257 Beatty Street, Sudbury, ON P3C 2H8 Contact: Denis Shank Tel: (705) 673-5619 | Fax: (705) 673-7910 [email protected] | www.sudburyca.com

Toronto Construction Association 70 Leek Crescent, Richmond Hill, ON L4B 1H1 Tel: (416) 499-4000 | Fax: (416) 499-8752 [email protected] | www.tcaconnect.com

Windsor Construction Association 2880 Temple Drive, Windsor, ON N8W 5J5 Tel: (519) 974-9680 | Fax: (519) 974-3854 [email protected] | www.wca.on.ca

Prince Edward Island

Construction Association of Prince Edward Island P.O. Box 728, 223 - 40 Enman Crescent, Charlottetown, P.E.I. C1A 7L3 Tel: (902) 368-3303 | Fax: (902) 894-9757 [email protected] | www.capei.ca


APECQ 2nd floor, 6550 Chemin de la cote de liesse, Saint-Laurent, QC H4S 1E3 Tel: (514) 739-2381 | Fax: (514) 341-1216 [email protected] | www.apecq.org


Lloydminster Construction Association 4419 - 52nd Avenue, Lloydminster, SK T9V 0Y8 Contact: Dorothy Carson Tel: (780) 875-8875 | Fax: (780) 875-8874 [email protected] | www.lloydconstruction.ca

Moose Jaw Construction Association 610 - 1st Avenue Northwest, Moose Jaw, SK S6H 3M6 Contact: Sam Shaw Tel: (306) 693-1232 | Fax: (306) 694-1766 [email protected] | www.mjcaonline.ca

Industry Associations


Industry Associations

Prince Albert Construction Association 70 - 17th Street West, Prince Albert, SK S6V 3X3 Tel: (306) 764-2789 | Fax: (306) 764-3443 [email protected] | www.pacaonline.ca

Regina Construction Association Inc. 1935 Elphinstone Street, Regina, SK S4T 3N3 Tel: (306) 791-7422 | Fax: (306) 565-2840 [email protected] | www.rcaonline.ca

Saskatchewan Heavy Construction Association 1939 Elphinstone Street, Regina, SK S4T 3N3 Contact: Shantel Lipp Tel: (306) 586-1805 | Fax: (306) 585-3750 [email protected] | www.saskheavy.ca

Saskatchewan Construction Association 320 Gardiner Park Court, Regina, SK S4V 1R9 Contact: Mark Cooper Tel: (306) 525-0171 | Fax: (306) 347-8595 [email protected] | www.scaonline.ca

Saskatoon Construction Association Inc. 532 - 2nd Avenue North, Saskatoon, SK S7K 2C5 Contact: Deb Labersweiler Tel: (306) 653-1771 | Fax: (306) 653-3515 [email protected] | www.saskatooncaonline.ca


Yukon Contractors Association 104 - 103 Platinum Road, Whitehorse, YT Y1A 5M3 Contact: Gary Lachance Tel: (867) 335-0374 | Fax: (867) 668-3985 [email protected]


Index to Advertisers

A-Top Custom Metal Installations .........................................Design/Government Tab, Side 2ABCO Supply & Service Ltd...............................................................................................................21AJ’s Maintenance & Supply Ltd. ......................................................................................................22All Pipe & Mechanical Ltd. .................................................................................................................23All West Group ...................................................................................................Members Tab, Side 2AQ Solutions .......................................................................................................... Inside Front CoverAssiniboine Community College ....................................................................................................23B.G. Dodds Building & Contracting Ltd. .......................................................................................24Battlefield Equipment Rentals .............................................................Buyers’ Guide Tab, Side 1Bay Hill Inns & Suites .................................................................Design/Government Tab, Side 2BDR Services Ltd. ......................................................................................Buyers’ Guide Tab, Side 2Ben Wiebe Construction (1985) Ltd ...............................................................................................25Benmarks .................................................................................................................................................85Bockstael Construction Ltd. ..............................................................................................................25Brandon Bearing Ag & Industrial Supply Ltd. .............................................................................26Brandon Home Hardware Building Centre .................................................................................27Brock White Canada ............................................................................................................................27Burns Maendel Consulting Engineers Ltd. ..................................................................................28C&C Construction Co. Ltd. .................................................................................................................29C&E Locksmith & Hardware Ltd. ..........................................................Buyers’ Guide Tab, Side 2C.M.S. Services Inc. ...............................................................................................................................31Cando Contracting Ltd .............................................................Associate Classifieds Tab, Side 1Centra Manitoba Interiors Ltd. .........................................................................................................30Clearview Concrete & Utility Scanning ............................. Industry Associations Tab, Side 1Cobbe’s Plumbing & Heating Ltd. ...................................................................................................30Collet Transport ......................................................................... Industry Associations Tab, Side 1Comfort Inn ..................................................................................Associate Classifieds Tab, Side 1Construction Safety Association of Manitoba .........................................Outside Back CoverCrane Steel Structures Ltd. ................................................................................................................32Cumming & Dobbie 1986 Ltd. .........................................................................................................33D and D Sewer & Water Ltd. ..............................................................................................................19DDS Consulting .....................................................................................................................................63Dick Agencies Insurance Brokers ........................................ Industry Associations Tab, Side 2Domtek Building Products ................................................................................................................33East Side Ventilation ............................................................................................................................34Ellwood-McRorie Ltd. ..........................................................................................................................34EMCO Corporation...............................................................................................................................35Excel Design & Construction ............................................................................................................35Flynn Canada Ltd. .................................................................................................................................36G.D. Newton & Associates Inc. .........................................................................................................37Glendale Industries ..............................................................................................................................37Got Mats? ................................................................................................................................................38Grandeur Housing Ltd. ........................................................... Industry Associations Tab, Side 1Guild Insurance Brokers Inc. .............................................................................................................39Hamilton Iron Ltd. ................................................................................................................................40Hardy Electric .........................................................................................................................................40Hay Decorating (1972) Co. Ltd. ........................................................................................................41Horizon Builders Ltd. ...........................................................................................................................41


Index to Advertisers

Hunt Miller & Co. LLP ...........................................................................................................................42Innovative Plumbing & Heating ......................................................................................................42Insurance Brokers Association of Manitoba .....................Associate Classifieds Tab, Side 2J&M Industries Ltd. ...............................................................................................................................43Jacobson & Greiner Group of Companies ...................................................................................43KC&B Build ..............................................................................................................................................44KanPor Construction ...........................................................................................................................69Keystone Motor Inn ................................................................. Industry Associations Tab, Side 2L. Chabot Enterprises ..........................................................................................................................67Ladel Construction Ltd. ......................................................................................................................45Leech Printing .......................................................................................................................................... 9Lehigh Cement Ltd. .............................................................................................................................47Lewis Instruments Ltd.........................................................................................................................46Livingstone Landscaping Ltd. ..........................................................................................................20Manitoba Wall & Ceiling Association ...................................Associate Classifieds Tab, Side 2Mazer Group...........................................................................................................................................48MB 1 Call ...................................................................................... Industry Associations Tab, Side 2McMunn & Yates Building Supplies ...............................................................................................49Merit Contractors Association of Manitoba ......................Design/Government Tab, Side 1MNP LLP ...................................................................................................................................................50Myphone.ca ................................................................................ Industry Associations Tab, Side 2Natural Rest Bedding Inc. ..................................................................................................................50Neepawa Plumbing & Heating (1979) Ltd. ..................................................................................51New Home Warranty Program of Manitoba Inc. .......................................................................87Nickel Electric Ltd. ................................................................................................................................51Noble Electric Ltd. ................................................................................................................................52Powell Concrete Construction .........................................................................................................52Powerlift Doors Manitoba .................................................................................................................17Pyramid Steel Construction Ltd. .....................................................................................................53RAF Engineering (386581 Manitoba Limited) ............................................................................93Rob Smith & Son Backhoe & Trucking Ltd. ..................................................................................65Roger Branum Construction.............................................................................................................54RTM Transport Ltd. ...............................................................................................................................55Safe Work Manitoba ........................................................................................Members Tab, Side 1Sperling Industries Ltd. ............................................................Design/Government Tab, Side 2Super-Lite Lighting Ltd. .....................................................................................................................56T.L. Penner Construction Inc. ............................................................................................................57Trak Ventures Fire & Safety ................................................................................................................73United Rentals .......................................................................................................................................58WCB .............................................................................................................................Inside Back CoverWestern Concrete Products ..............................................................................................................71Western Financial Group ...................................................................................................................59Westman Communications Group.................................................................................................60Westoba Credit Union ........................................................................................................................61Wheat City Concrete Products Ltd. ................................................................................................61Windsor Plywood .................................................................................................................................75Zenith Paving Ltd. ................................................................................................................................62

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