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Carp Fishing Is Made Easy With Your Own Homemade HNV Baits! by Tim Richardson

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Did you know that carp we train up carp every time we bait-up in many ways, both positively
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Carp Fishing Is Made Easy With Your Own Homemade HNV Baits! by Tim Richardson Did you know that carp we train up carp every time we bait-up in many ways, both positively and negatively?! To gain the most competitive edges it seriously pays off to be able to bait with free baits that condition carp to come back looking for more of your bait rather than other anglers baits and fish bearing in mind how fish behaviours are formed? This is an in-depth article so read on! Big carp have a higher energy requirement than smaller carp and this is a vitally important fact to exploit! Bigger carp have to therefore http://www.dfg.ca.gov/fishing/ eat more food than smaller carp so they are in many ways more vulnerable to capture than small carp. One of the big reasons some carp fishing baits produce more big carp is because they supply more energy to carp. Many angler mistakenly think this means such baits are made from carbohydrates and of course, many low nutritional value baits teamed with concentrated flavours catch fish. But carp get far more value from protein based foods as these are the dominant food sources they have in the aquatic environment and are most evolved to be most sensitive to detecting too! Often balanced or high nutritional value baits supply a minimum oil content and this factor is extremely energy-efficient. Unfortunately the kind of baits designed for salmonids and other species having a higher lipid energy requirement means carp all over the UK are being mass fed things like halibut pellets. Where used so much carp often suffer horribly expanded fatty livers that look so ugly sticking our of the sides of carp in altogether too many photographs! (Instead of simply being copycat drones, why do not more carp anglers exploit lower oil pellet baits specifically designed for optimum carp health and nutrition for God sake?) Most vitally, many of the most productive carp baits have the kinds of protein content that carp can actually digest and use in their bodies for all their needs at least energy cost to them by actually finding, consuming and digesting it. Most carp baits drain energy from carp because the bulk of them are actually to a large degree indigestible. This is due to poor design and low quality of ingredients manifested as all those commercial baits being limited by carp essential amino acids not being present in high enough levels to enable carp to digest these baits. This is where sound bait design is a vital competitive edge and also where so many commercial bait designers lose their way. I do not mean every bait has to be sorted to the third limiting amino acid but the ratios, levels and choices of combinations and individual substances makes all the difference between an average bait and a seriously outstanding big fish-hauling bait that truly lasts! Smaller carp may well feed hard much more frequently over any given 24 hour period. In contrast, a big old highly wary carp in a very much angling-pressured environment may well really binge feed on free baits intended for carp for maybe just half an hour in a 4 day period, or sometimes much longer than that! The big difference between much bigger and much smaller carp is generally the much longer amount of time the older bigger fish have had to develop defensive behaviours in order to avoid hook baits and hooks! Avoiding hooks is made very easy for wary big (and many smaller carp) because on many carp waters they are practicing this art 24 hours a day so they can get to masters at it. In fact some old smaller carp can be extremely difficult to catch.
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Carp Fishing Is Made Easy With Your Own Homemade HNVBaits! by Tim Richardson

Did you know that carp we train up carp every time we bait-up in many ways, both positively andnegatively?! To gain the most competitive edges it seriously pays off to be able to bait with free baitsthat condition carp to come back looking for more of your bait rather than other anglers baits andfish bearing in mind how fish behaviours are formed? This is an in-depth article so read on!

Big carp have a higher energy requirement than smaller carp and this is a vitally important fact toexploit! Bigger carp have to therefore http://www.dfg.ca.gov/fishing/ eat more food than smallercarp so they are in many ways more vulnerable to capture than small carp. One of the big reasonssome carp fishing baits produce more big carp is because they supply more energy to carp. Manyangler mistakenly think this means such baits are made from carbohydrates and of course, many lownutritional value baits teamed with concentrated flavours catch fish. But carp get far more valuefrom protein based foods as these are the dominant food sources they have in the aquaticenvironment and are most evolved to be most sensitive to detecting too!

Often balanced or high nutritional value baits supply a minimum oil content and this factor isextremely energy-efficient. Unfortunately the kind of baits designed for salmonids and other specieshaving a higher lipid energy requirement means carp all over the UK are being mass fed things likehalibut pellets. Where used so much carp often suffer horribly expanded fatty livers that look so uglysticking our of the sides of carp in altogether too many photographs! (Instead of simply beingcopycat drones, why do not more carp anglers exploit lower oil pellet baits specifically designed foroptimum carp health and nutrition for God sake?)

Most vitally, many of the most productive carp baits have the kinds of protein content that carp canactually digest and use in their bodies for all their needs at least energy cost to them by actuallyfinding, consuming and digesting it. Most carp baits drain energy from carp because the bulk ofthem are actually to a large degree indigestible. This is due to poor design and low quality ofingredients manifested as all those commercial baits being limited by carp essential amino acids notbeing present in high enough levels to enable carp to digest these baits.

This is where sound bait design is a vital competitive edge and also where so many commercial baitdesigners lose their way. I do not mean every bait has to be sorted to the third limiting amino acidbut the ratios, levels and choices of combinations and individual substances makes all the differencebetween an average bait and a seriously outstanding big fish-hauling bait that truly lasts!

Smaller carp may well feed hard much more frequently over any given 24 hour period. In contrast, abig old highly wary carp in a very much angling-pressured environment may well really binge feedon free baits intended for carp for maybe just half an hour in a 4 day period, or sometimes muchlonger than that!

The big difference between much bigger and much smaller carp is generally the much longeramount of time the older bigger fish have had to develop defensive behaviours in order to avoid hookbaits and hooks! Avoiding hooks is made very easy for wary big (and many smaller carp) because onmany carp waters they are practicing this art 24 hours a day so they can get to masters at it. In factsome old smaller carp can be extremely difficult to catch.

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This point demonstrates just how misleading and utterly pointless success really is when it is onlybased on the weight of fish. You can go fishing for a week to a French lake and haul out 10 fiftieswhile not catch a certain 23 pound fish from Redmire in 10 years of trying. Size is always relativeand bait is a really vital edge in overcoming fish feeding caution and multiplying the chance a wayfish will make a mistake on your hook bait.

Often a water might appear to have a so-called mug big fish or two that seems to fall to fishing baitsfar more often than average. Other carp may not see the banks more than once or twice a year andsometimes not get banked for some years. (This applies to smaller carp also.) The fact is that eachand every carp is not just a dumb fish but an individual. Each carp has its own personal preferencessuch as particular tastes and smells, and with a unique set of levels of sensitivities, geneticrequirements and sensory abilities as well as varying degrees of strengths at adapting to situationsinvolving danger. It is frequently the case that upon changing to a new bait you will hook a fish youhave been fishing for and not caught previously due to all these aspects combined!

Carp use anything and everything internally and externally within in their aquatic environment andeverything about the non-aquatic external world that they can sense in order to detect and associatewith opportunities and threats. Carp instinct for survival over-rides everything else and this is whycarp can appear oblivious to us at spawning times when you can literally touch them as they pusheach other almost onto the banks in a spawning frenzy. I saw fish damage themselves severely onthe bankside gravel at Dream Lakes in France and get very scratched on snags and rushes in manyother lakes over the decades because the carp desire to procreate has been so very strong!

We humans are their biggest threat and therefore everything we do at the waterside is extremelyimportant. This is because every single action we take and all we do dynamically conditions futurecarp behaviours and sensitises them even more to our tackle, baits and bankside presence andmovements more and more! The old art of stealth in carp fishing seems to be as dead as the dodo onmost carp waters today and it seems to me that the average carp angler is so manically driven to getin a swim set up and cast out they have no idea it is far better to think like the fish and not an anglerfirst and truly give carp the respect they deserve that will guarantee to give them the catches theirstrive so manically for.

Detrimental actions and presence on the bank includes human voices; this may seem contrary to theold wives tales about them not being able to hear us but carp are proven to hear within the samefrequency band in which we humans speak. It is all about danger by association by repetition so ifyou happen to turn up and play loud live rock music on the banks this may well have no effect oncarp feeding whatsoever. This is because as a one-off thing for instance, it is not associated with anypotentially dangerous fishing activities and. So, you are welcome to Deep sea fishing tackle Tackle ifyou fancy sea fishing tackle Dungeness and District. We have been located at Greatstone-on-Sea fiveminutes on the bay from ..The home of Okuma Saltwater fishing tackle Tackle, manufacturer offishing rods a and reels.has one of the better displays of sea fishing tackle tackle in britain. We stocka large amount of Sea sea fishing gear tackle, Coarse fishing tackle tackle, Match deep sea fishingtackle ...Since 1958, The American Sea fishing tackle Tackle Company has received one goal:produce quality offshore sea fishing gear tackle and premium fishing tackle gear. What startedgreater than ..Quantum Performance Tuned sea fishing gear tackle. Your best option for freshwateror saltwater fishing reels and rods. Offering premium quality rods, apparel and reels for ....youwould most likely catch in the margins despite the loudest notes (within reason that is!)

By contrast there have been very many times I have been stalking fish where I have literally beencrouching hidden, motionless, perhaps watching from behind reeds watching a big fish gettingnearer a marginal hook bait. Just as many other people do in the excitement of the moment have I

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said out-loud an appropriate expletive and this alone has literally been enough to spook the fishaway!

I used to think this was just a coincidence, that the fish were even more wary than usual being inshallow water where danger is associated even more with them since the days when they were fry inthe margins and most at risk of being devoured or attacked by herons, perch or even their hungrybigger brethren! But having tested talking out loud in many situations with wary fish in very closeproximity it is obvious they are alarmed by it! This is why I get so mad when you get idiots shoutingacross a water because it is obvious to anyone with half a brain that carp will not respond topositively to such abuse and also why all those digital alarms that go bleep 30 times when turned onare so dumb.

Think about and it will become so very obvious carp can detect your lines and locate your dangeroushook baits far easier with these alarms because on tight lines these many decibel sounds travelsalong all your lines down to your leads ? great stuff! Most anglers miss the bigger picture and thinkthat just because carp get caught on almost any bait and on such stupid alarms that that is alright,but they simply cannot appreciate just how much better results can be in actual reality with anactual fish-behaviour related fishing approach instead of a copycat one!

Here is an example. I turn up at a swim on a small water where the fish have due to severe anglingpressure over the years developed extreme sensitivity to anglers? presence and tend to only reallyfeed when they detect all anglers lines have been reeled in! But having already done my homework Iknow my fish (and their extreme caution in response to anglers activities and presence,) I know mychosen swim, weather conditions, exact feeding spots (and the movements of such spots) proven fishroutes in and out of the swim and their timings intimately; and I fish in response to all these factorsand more accordingly!

I very carefully cast out each rod - spot on (just one cast each) knowing that any more casting isfutile and will alert the fish to my presence. I know from hard experience that any more casting willeither make them not enter the swim or maybe if already there, not feed there, or exit the swim, orfeed far more cautiously having been alerted! I test my alarms only after attaching and positioningmy bite indicators to the line where I want them and can hear my low volume alarms at the sounderbox by my head - but no sound vibrates down my lines from the buzzers as they are on minimumvolume which is mute on my old style buzzers.

Next some moron completely dressed like a real tree turns up with an over-loaded tackle barrow inthe swim next door in full view of the fish I have carefully ground-baited for and drawn to the area.Of course he is being fully silhouetted against the sky setting up right next to the water, bang goesin bivvy pegs, bosh goes in10 kilograms of boilies and pellets immediately, thrash goes marker rods,spods, repeated casts with heavy leads, stomping about, shouting down mobile phones. You get thepicture? The excruciating constant repetitive ear-shattering bleeping of fiddling with buzzers andindicators sending shock waves for miles around in and out of the water and down the lines meansthat my fish are gone never to return for duration of my stay. Such people need their headsexamining because this is not fishing but pretty much setting up the living room outside usually obringing a mobile pub along too. (And these neanderthals then complain that their baits don?twork?!)

For many years now I have always turned my buzzers on with the volume turned right down and ithas made a big difference in my catches and not just on small waters and margin fishing as you willsee. In these days of sounder boxes and remote alarms this in possible for everyone although Iactually still use a sounder box with leads as my alarms are the non-digital type that do not bleep a

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thousand times when turned on! (In fact I had a couple of the most well-known brands of these forperiods of times and sold them because they were so bloody annoying and definitely send soundvibrations down the line and not only indicate where dangerous lines are but the location of leadsand rigs and dangerous hook baits too!)

Now carp are also well aware of course of constant vibrations of angler foot falls and the rumble oftackle barrows down the bank and so on. So much about genuinely consistent big fish success isabout reducing carp associations with danger in particular in regard to our own personal approachto fishing as a whole. I laugh all the time at how many turn up and guys cast to the horizon ? or tothe nearest bush, island, or overhanging tree and completely ignore the lake record carefullycruising in and nicking the old baits they pull off their rigs and have thrown in the margin undertheir own rod tips!

Some of my biggest fish have been caught on single-fished washed-out baits positioned just a coupleof feet out under the rod tips and often the closer to my own bank the more confident the fish appearto be too! The success of this is because virtually nobody does this and it takes courage and self-assurance to take the risk to be different and fish very close in and to go with the flow trulyobserving and exploiting what carp behaviours are being expressed, to leverage this to your ownunique advantage and to be different to the herd!

If carp do not associate danger with a particular sound or vibration they will not be so affected by it.For instance, in many carp waters the warier fish can be actually turned off feeding completely ifyou cast a heavy lead more than once anywhere near them.

By contrast there are quite a few waters where constantly pounding the water with a big spod orother ground bait dropper loaded with free food acts like a feeding bell and in such situations it isnot too unusual for the wariest fish to get used to homing in on just-landed spods and devouring thefree food on the drop. It makes logical sense that if they have never been hooked near a spod theyhave little reason to fear it while it is in action and in some waters many of the biggest wary carp getcaught on zig-rigs with baits fished in the top layers of waters in the region where spods are appliedover head. Specialising in every regions of the sport and supplied by virtually all of the fishing tackletackle manufacturers.Obtain a better deal on saltwater fishing tackle tackle at this time online atWorld's Premier Sea fishing gear Outfitter. Selling the best in premium saltwater, freshwater, andfly sea Free Fishing Games gear tackle. From leading saltwater fishing tackle tackle brands such ...Welcome to Fishing Tackle, the fishing tackle tackle store that focuses on saltwater fishing tacklegear including; Offshore Sea fishing gear Tackle, Inshore Sea fishing tackle, Fly Saltwater fishingtackle and . This is learned behaviour and should be exploited as carp have associated spods with anopportunity of safe free food as opposed to being a threat.

By this is not the case on all waters and on some pounding the water with a spod will not just killyour swim, but many others nearby too! You might think carp have small brains and do not think likeus humans so how can they possibly learn? Consider the fact that where the most bait goes into awater is mostly where the biggest wary fish come from over the years because they constantly feedthere as it is the most energy-efficient food source in the lake. Many times I have tried to avoid themost popular swims for this reason because this is where the fish will often feed most carefully andbe most hard to catch! In such situations very often locating their patrol routes to and from suchareas and their safety areas can be far more productive!

Now onto the HNV bait bit finally! Because carp have the habit of monopolising food sources they

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can be trained by repetition to feed on particular food items o the extent they become natural tothem and be treated with far less caution. This is the entire basis for creating new and unique baitsthat can be regularly introduced to a water to achieve this effect. It has probably proven over somany decades to be the most effective advantage over the carp we can use.

However this can backfire on us if we insist on using popular readymade baits that carp havealready been hammered on a given water, because the first guys on a new bait really do get the bestresults on it before carp feed most cautiously on it. How do you know exactly how many big fish havealready been hooked on your own readymade bait previously by others on your water and whatnegative implications will this most likely have on your catches now?!

Think about it because for instance, big fish angler Dave Lane baited up a water with a ready madebait for a long time at great expense of time and effort and then someone else caught the big fish hewas targeting on the very same readymade bait he was using and completely ruined his chances fora very considerably long time! This is yet another solid reason to use your very own secret andcompletely unique homemade HNV baits!

Just because carp continue to eat a good quality HNV carp bait does not mean they will be anyeasier to catch on them once most of the fish in your water have already been hooked or banked onthem by you (or inevitably by others in the case of readymade baits!) I remember a year when thepopular readymade bait called Active 8 was used by the majority of anglers fishing on a water and itdid very well initially. But as the months went by the bigger fish did not continue to come out atanywhere near the same frequency, until only a small number of small fish came out on it. By thefollowing year you could barely get a bite at all on this bait and blanks on it were so common anglerswent onto to use other baits entirely! This is why using readymade baits is a gamble and why makingand using your own unique homemade bait is such a huge advantage as you will permanently be thevery first person to use your bait and always be the literally the only person to use your unique baits.This way the fish do not get the chance to fear them unlike the popular readymade baits anyone hasaccess to!

When you know far more about making and designing baits you will be able to adapt ready madebaits so they become unique to you and be in effect new baits and this is an extremely vital edge tomultiply your catches in the short and long-terms! This gives your ready made baits a whole newlease of life so if you are keen on using them you can keep them producing more fish all the time!Making your own recipe homemade baits of all kinds including boilies, pellets, all ground baitformats, meat and fish adaptations, special particle preparations, flavour-making, high energy oiland amino acids mixtures, and so on, teach you all the skills, and many substances to exploit. This allmeans you will have incredible competitive advantages over the standard approach straight from thebag instant anglers of today!

Really getting deep into the world of internal and external carp sensory systems upon whichsuperior bait design is actually built teamed with a deeper practical knowledge and understanding ofthe substances that most trigger intensive feeding and which most overcome natural caution in waryfish transform and seriously multiply your big fish catches; literally for life! Find out more abouttopping and adapting readymade baits of all kinds and making the kind of instant and nutritionally-stimulating homemade baits that out-fish the most popular readymade baits. Why not get my uniquebait making and adapting secrets ebooks plus free articles on bait and big fish success at mydedicated big carp and catfish bait secrets website called Baitbigfish, or click my link in mybiography now!

By Tim Richardson.

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