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Carpathian Mountains

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Carpathian MountainsCarpathian MountainsCarpathian MountainsCarpathian MountainsCarpathian MountainsCarpathian MountainsCarpathian Mountains
Carpathian Mountains For other uses, see Carpathian (disambiguation). The Carpathian Mountains or Carpathians are a range of mountains forming an arc roughly 1,500 km (932 mi) long across Central and Eastern Europe, making them the second-longest mountain range in Europe (af- ter the Scandinavian Mountains, 1,700 km (1,056 mi)). They provide the habitat for the largest European pop- ulations of brown bears, wolves, chamois and lynxes, with the highest concentration in Romania, [2][3][4] as well as over one third of all European plant species. [5] The Carpathians and their foothills also have many thermal and mineral waters, with Romania having one-third of the European total. [6][7] Romania is likewise home to the largest surface of virgin forests in Europe (excluding Rus- sia), totaling 250,000 hectares (65%), most of them in the Carpathians, [8] with the Southern Carpathians constitut- ing Europe’s largest unfragmented forested area. [9] The Carpathians consist of a chain of mountain ranges that stretch in an arc from the Czech Republic (3%) in the northwest through Slovakia (17%), Poland (10%), Hungary (4%) and Ukraine (11%) to Romania (53%) in the east and on to the Iron Gates on the River Danube between Romania and Serbia (2%) in the south. The highest range within the Carpathians is the Tatras, on the border of Slovakia and Poland, where the highest peaks exceed 2,600 m (8,530 ft). The second-highest range is the Southern Carpathians in Romania, where the highest peaks exceed 2,500 m (8,202 ft). The Carpathians are usually divided into three major parts: the Western Carpathians (Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia), the Eastern Carpathians (southeastern Poland, eastern Slovakia, Ukraine, Romania), and the Southern Carpathians (Romania, Serbia). [1] The most important cities in or near the Carpathians are: Bratislava and Košice in Slovakia; Kraków in Poland; Cluj-Napoca, Sibiu and Braşov in Romania; and Miskolc in Hungary. 1 Name In modern times, the range is called Karpaty in Czech, Polish, Slovak and Карпати in Ukrainian, Carpați [karˈpat ͡ sʲ] in Romanian, Karpaten in German and Dutch, Kárpátok in Hungarian, Karpati in Serbian and Карпати in Bulgarian. [10][11] Although the toponym was recorded already by Ptolemy in the 2nd century AD, [12] the mod- ern form of the name is a neologism in most languages. [10] For instance, Havasok (“Snowy Mountains”) was its me- dieval Hungarian name; Rus’ and Romanian chronicles referred to it as “Hungarian Mountains”. [11][10] Other sources, such as Dimitrie Cantemir and the Italian chron- icler Giovanandrea Gromo, referred to the range as “Transylvania’s Mountains”, while the 17th century his- torian Constantin Cantacuzino translated the name of the mountains in a Italian-Romanian glossary to “Rumanian Mountains”. [10] Carpathian mountain range The name Carpates may ultimately be from the Proto Indo-European root *sker-/*ker-, from which comes the Albanian word kar(rock), and the Slavic word skála (rock, cliff), perhaps via a Dacian cognate which meant mountain, rock, or rugged (cf. Germanic root *skerp-, Old Norse harfr “harrow”, Middle Low German scharf “potsherd” and Modern High German Scherbe “shard”, Old English scearp and English sharp, Lithua- nian kar~pas “cut, hack, notch”, Latvian cìrpt “to shear, clip”). The archaic Polish word karpa meant “rugged irregularities, underwater obstacles/rocks, rugged roots or trunks”. The more common word skarpa means a sharp cliff or other vertical terrain. The name may instead come from Indo-European *kwerp “to turn”, akin to Old English hweorfan “to turn, change” (English warp) and Greek καρπός karpós “wrist”, perhaps referring to the way the mountain range bends or veers in an L-shape. [13] In late Roman documents, the Eastern Carpathian Moun- tains were referred to as Montes Sarmatici (meaning Sarmatian Mountains). The Western Carpathians were 1
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Carpathian Mountains

For other uses, see Carpathian (disambiguation).

The Carpathian Mountains or Carpathians are arange of mountains forming an arc roughly 1,500 km(932mi) long across Central and Eastern Europe, makingthem the second-longest mountain range in Europe (af-ter the Scandinavian Mountains, 1,700 km (1,056 mi)).They provide the habitat for the largest European pop-ulations of brown bears, wolves, chamois and lynxes,with the highest concentration in Romania,[2][3][4] as wellas over one third of all European plant species.[5] TheCarpathians and their foothills also have many thermaland mineral waters, with Romania having one-third ofthe European total.[6][7] Romania is likewise home to thelargest surface of virgin forests in Europe (excluding Rus-sia), totaling 250,000 hectares (65%), most of them in theCarpathians,[8] with the Southern Carpathians constitut-ing Europe’s largest unfragmented forested area.[9]

The Carpathians consist of a chain of mountain rangesthat stretch in an arc from the Czech Republic (3%) inthe northwest through Slovakia (17%), Poland (10%),Hungary (4%) and Ukraine (11%) to Romania (53%) inthe east and on to the Iron Gates on the River Danubebetween Romania and Serbia (2%) in the south. Thehighest range within the Carpathians is the Tatras, on theborder of Slovakia and Poland, where the highest peaksexceed 2,600 m (8,530 ft). The second-highest range isthe Southern Carpathians in Romania, where the highestpeaks exceed 2,500 m (8,202 ft).The Carpathians are usually divided into three majorparts: theWestern Carpathians (Czech Republic, Poland,Slovakia), the Eastern Carpathians (southeastern Poland,eastern Slovakia, Ukraine, Romania), and the SouthernCarpathians (Romania, Serbia).[1]

The most important cities in or near the Carpathians are:Bratislava and Košice in Slovakia; Kraków in Poland;Cluj-Napoca, Sibiu and Braşov in Romania; and Miskolcin Hungary.

1 Name

In modern times, the range is called Karpaty in Czech,Polish, Slovak and Карпати in Ukrainian, Carpați[karˈpats͡ʲ] in Romanian, Karpaten in German and Dutch,Kárpátok in Hungarian, Karpati in Serbian and Карпатиin Bulgarian.[10][11] Although the toponym was recordedalready by Ptolemy in the 2nd century AD,[12] the mod-

ern form of the name is a neologism inmost languages.[10]For instance, Havasok (“Snowy Mountains”) was its me-dieval Hungarian name; Rus’ and Romanian chroniclesreferred to it as “Hungarian Mountains”. [11][10]Othersources, such as Dimitrie Cantemir and the Italian chron-icler Giovanandrea Gromo, referred to the range as“Transylvania’s Mountains”, while the 17th century his-torian Constantin Cantacuzino translated the name of themountains in a Italian-Romanian glossary to “RumanianMountains”.[10]

Carpathian mountain range

The name Carpates may ultimately be from the ProtoIndo-European root *sker-/*ker-, from which comesthe Albanian word karpë (rock), and the Slavic wordskála (rock, cliff), perhaps via a Dacian cognate whichmeant mountain, rock, or rugged (cf. Germanic root*skerp-, Old Norse harfr “harrow”, Middle Low Germanscharf “potsherd” and Modern High German Scherbe“shard”, Old English scearp and English sharp, Lithua-nian kar~pas “cut, hack, notch”, Latvian cìrpt “to shear,clip”). The archaic Polish word karpa meant “ruggedirregularities, underwater obstacles/rocks, rugged rootsor trunks”. The more common word skarpa means asharp cliff or other vertical terrain. The namemay insteadcome from Indo-European *kwerp “to turn”, akin to OldEnglish hweorfan “to turn, change” (English warp) andGreek καρπός karpós “wrist”, perhaps referring to theway the mountain range bends or veers in an L-shape.[13]

In late Roman documents, the Eastern Carpathian Moun-tains were referred to as Montes Sarmatici (meaningSarmatian Mountains). The Western Carpathians were


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called Carpates, a name that is first recorded in Ptolemy'sGeographia (2nd century AD).In the Scandinavian Hervarar saga, which relates ancientGermanic legends about battles between Goths and Huns,the name Karpates appears in the predictable Germanicform as Harvaða fjöllum (see Grimm’s law)."Inter Alpes Huniae et Oceanum est Polonia" by Gervaseof Tilbury, has described in his Otia Imperialia (“Recre-ation for an Emperor”) in 1211. Thirteenth to 15th cen-tury Hungarian documents named the mountains Thor-chal, Tarczal or less frequently Montes Nivium.

2 Geography

The Carpathians begin on the Góra Świętego Marcina384 m. in Tarnów - northern edge of Pogórze Ciężkow-ickie. They surround Transcarpathia and Transylvania ina large semicircle, sweeping towards the southeast, andend on the Danube near Orşova in Romania. The totallength of the Carpathians is over 1,500 km (932 mi) andthemountain chain’s width varies between 12 and 500 km(7 and 311 mi). The highest altitudes of the Carpathi-ans occur where they are widest. The system attains itsgreatest breadth in the Transylvanian plateau and in thesouth of the Tatra group – the highest range, in whichGerlachovský štít in Slovakia is the highest peak at 2,655m (8,711 ft) above sea level. The Carpathians cover anarea of 190,000 km2 (73,359 sq mi) and, after the Alps,form the next most extensive mountain system in Europe.

Portrait of Hutsuls, living in the Carpathian mountains, c. 1872

Although commonly referred to as a mountain chain,the Carpathians do not actually form an uninterruptedchain of mountains. Rather, they consist of severalorographically and geologically distinctive groups, pre-senting as great a structural variety as the Alps. TheCarpathians, which attain an altitude of over 2,500 m(8,202 ft) in only a few places, lack the bold peaks, exten-sive snowfields, large glaciers, high waterfalls, and numer-ous large lakes that are common in the Alps. It was be-

lieved that no area of the Carpathian range was covered insnow all year round and there were no glaciers, but recentresearch by Polish scientists discovered one permafrostand glacial area in the Tatra Mountains.[14] The Carpathi-ans at their highest altitude are only as high as the middleregion of the Alps, with which they share a common ap-pearance, climate, and flora. The Carpathians are sepa-rated from the Alps by the Danube. The two ranges meetat only one point: the LeithaMountains at Bratislava. Theriver also separates them from the Balkan Mountains atOrşova in Romania. The valley of the March and Oderseparates the Carpathians from the Silesian andMoravianchains, which belong to the middle wing of the great Cen-tral Mountain System of Europe. Unlike the other wingsof the system, the Carpathians, which form the watershedbetween the northern seas and the Black Sea, are sur-rounded on all sides by plains, namely the Pannonian plainto the southwest, the plain of the Lower Danube (Roma-nia) to the south, and the Galician plain to the northeast.

2.1 Cities and towns

Important cities and towns in or near the Carpathians are,in approximate descending order of population:

• Vienna (Vienna Woods, Austria)

• Kraków (Poland)

• Bratislava (Slovakia)

• Cluj-Napoca (Romania)

• Braşov (Romania)

• Košice (Slovakia)

• Oradea (Romania)

• Bielsko-Biała (Poland)

• Miskolc (Hungary)

• Sibiu (Romania)

• Târgu Mureş (Romania)

• Baia Mare (Romania)

• Tarnów (Poland)

• Râmnicu Vâlcea (Romania)

• Uzhhorod (Ukraine)

• Mukachevo (Ukraine)

• Ivano-Frankivsk (Ukraine)

• Chernivtsi (Ukraine)

• Drohobych (Ukraine)

• Piatra Neamţ (Romania)

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2.2 Highest peaks 3

• Nowy Sącz (Poland)

• Suceava (Romania)

• Târgu Jiu (Romania)

• Drobeta-Turnu Severin (Romania)

• Reșița (Romania)

• Žilina (Slovakia)

• Bistrița (Romania)

• Banská Bystrica (Slovakia)

• Deva (Romania)

• Zlín (Czech Republic)

• Hunedoara (Romania)

• Martin (Slovakia)

• Zalău (Romania)

• Smederevo (Serbia)

• Przemyśl (Poland)

• Sanok (Poland)

• Vršac (Serbia)

• Alba Iulia (Romania)

• Zaječar (Serbia)

• Sfântu Gheorghe (Romania)

• Turda (Romania)

• Bor (Serbia)

• Mediaș (Romania)

• Poprad (Slovakia)

• Petroșani (Romania)

• Negotin (Serbia)

• Miercurea Ciuc (Romania)

• Făgăraș (Romania)

• Odorheiu Secuiesc (Romania)

• Petrila (Romania)

• Zakopane (Poland)

• Târgu Neamț (Romania)

• Câmpulung Moldovenesc (Romania)

• Gheorgheni (Romania)

• Vatra Dornei (Romania)

• Rakhiv (Ukraine)

2.2 Highest peaks

This is an (incomplete) list of the highest peaks of theCarpathians (limited to summits over 2,500 m), theirheights, geologic divisions and locations.

2.3 Highest peaks by country

This is a list of the highest national peaks of the Carpathi-ans, their heights, geologic divisions, and locations.

2.4 Mountain passes

In the Romanian part of the main chain of the Carpathi-ans, the most important mountain passes are (startingfrom the Ukrainian border): the Prislop Pass, RodnaPass, Tihuţa Pass (also known as Borgo Pass), TulgheşPass, Bicaz Canyon, Ghimeş Pass, Uz Pass and OituzPass, Buzău Pass, Predeal Pass (crossed by the railwayfrom Braşov to Bucharest), Turnu Roşu Pass (1,115 ft.,running through the narrow gorge of the Olt River andcrossed by the railway from Sibiu to Bucharest), VulcanPass, Teregova Pass and the Iron Gate (both crossed bythe railway from Timișoara to Craiova).

3 Geology

The area now occupied by the Carpathians was onceoccupied by smaller ocean basins. The Carpathianmountains were formed during the Alpine orogeny inthe Mesozoic[15] and Tertiary by moving the ALCAPA,Tisza and Dacia plates over subducting oceanic crust (seemaps).[16] The mountains take the form of a fold andthrust belt with generally north vergence in the westernsegment, northeast to east vergence in the eastern portionand southeast vergence in the southern portion.The external, generally northern, portion of the orogenicbelt is a Tertiary accretionary prism of a so-called Flyschbelt created by rocks scraped off the sea bottom andthrust over the North-European plate. The Carpathianaccretionary wedge is made of several thin skinnednappes composed of Cretaceous to Paleogene turbidites.Thrusting of the Flysch nappes over the Carpathian fore-land caused the formation of the Carpathian forelandbasin.[17] The boundary between the Flysch belt and in-ternal zones of the orogenic belt in the western segmentof the mountain range is marked by the Pieniny KlippenBelt, a narrow complicated zone of polyphase compres-sional deformation, later involved in a supposed strike-slip zone.[18] Internal zones in western and eastern seg-ments contain older Variscan igneous massifs reworkedin Mesozoic thick and thin-skinned nappes. During theMiddle Miocene this zone was affected by intensive calc-alkaline[19] arc volcanism that developed over the sub-duction zone of the flysch basins. At the same time,

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Vrátna dolina, Slovakia

the internal zones of the orogenic belt were affected bylarge extensional structure[20] of the back-arc PannonianBasin.[21]

Iron, gold and silver were found in great quantities in theWestern Carpathians. After the Roman emperor Trajan'sconquest of Dacia, he brought back to Rome over 165tons of gold and 330 tons of silver.[22]

4 Divisions of the Carpathians

Main article: Divisions of the CarpathiansSee also: Romanian Carpathians

The largest range is the Tatras.A major part of the western and northeastern OuterCarpathians in Poland, Ukraine and Slovakia is tradition-ally called the Beskids.The geological border between the Western and EasternCarpathians runs approximately along the line (south tonorth) between the towns ofMichalovce, Bardejov, NowySącz and Tarnów. In older systems the border runs morein the east, along the line (north to south) along the riversSan and Osława (Poland), the town of Snina (Slovakia)and river Tur'ia (Ukraine). Biologists, however, shift theborder even further to the east.

Map of the main divisions of the Carpathians.1. Outer Western Carpathians2. Inner Western Carpathians3. Outer Eastern Carpathians4. Inner Eastern Carpathians5. Southern Carpathians6. Western Romanian Carpathians7. Transylvanian Plateau8. Serbian Carpathians

The border between the eastern and southern Carpathiansis formed by the Predeal Pass, south of Braşov and thePrahova Valley.Ukrainians sometimes denote as “Eastern Carpathians”only the Ukrainian Carpathians (or Wooded Carpathi-ans), meaning the part situated largely on their territory(i.e., to the north of the Prislop Pass), while Romanianssometimes denote as “Eastern (Oriental) Carpathians”only the part which lies on their territory (i.e., from theUkrainian border or from the Prislop Pass to the south),which they subdivide into three simplified geographicalgroups (north, center, south), instead of Outer and InnerEastern Carpathians. These are:

• Carpathians of Maramureș and Bukovina (Roma-nian: Carpaţii Maramureșului și ai Bucovinei)

• Moldavian-Transylvanian Carpathians (Romanian:Carpaţii Moldo-Transilvani)

• Curvature Carpathians (Romanian: Carpaţii Cur-burii, Carpaţii de Curbură)

5 Tourism

Bukovel is one of the largest ski resort in Carpathians.

6 Notable people• Ludwig Greiner, an influential 19th-century lum-

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Synevyr, Eastern Carpathians, Ukraine

Heroes’ Cross on Caraiman Peak, Romania

Morskie Oko in the High Tatra Mountains (Poland)

Iron Gates at the Serbian-Romanian border

8 See also

• Geology of the Western Carpathians

• Tourism in Ukraine

• Tourism in Poland

• Tourism in Romania

• Transylvania

9 References[1] About the Carpathians - Carpathian Heritage Society

[2] Peter Christoph Sürth. “Braunbären (Ursus arctos) in Eu-ropa”. Archived from the original on 8 October 2007.Retrieved 10 March 2011.

[3] Peter Christoph Sürth. “Wolf (Canis lupus) in Europa”.Archived from the original on 8 October 2007. Retrieved10 March 2011.

[4] Peter Christoph Sürth. “Eurasischer Luchs (Lynx lynx) inEuropa”. Archived from the original on 8 October 2007.Retrieved 10 March 2011.

[5] “Carpathian montane conifer forests - Encyclopedia ofEarth”. Retrieved 4 August 2010.

[6] Bucureşti, staţiune balneară – o glumă bună? in Capital,19 January 2009. Retrieved: 26 April 2011

[7] Ruinele de la Baile Herculane si Borsec nu mai au nimicde oferit in Ziarul Financiar, 5 May 2010. Retrieved: 26April 2011

[8] Salvaţi pădurile virgine! in Jurnalul Național, 26 October2011. Retrieved: 31 October 2011

[9] Europe: New Move to Protect Virgin Forests in GlobalIssues, 30 May 2011. Retrieved 31 October 2011.

[10] Moldovanu 2010, p. 18.

[11] Blazovich 1994, p. 332.

[12] Buza 2011, p. 24.

[13] Room, Adrian. Placenames of the World. London: Mac-Farland and Co., Inc., 1997.

[14] Gądek, Gradiecz, Bogdan, Mariusz. “Glacial Ice andPermafrost Distribution in the Medena Kotlina (SlovakTatras): Mapped with Application of GPR and GSTMea-surements” (PDF). Landform Evolution in Mountain Ar-eas. Studia Geomorphologica Carpatho-Balcanica. Re-trieved 3 February 2013.

[15] Plašienka, D., 2002, Origin and growth of the WesternCarpathian orogenetic wedge during the mesozoic. (PDF)in Geologica Carpathica Special Issues 53 Proceedings ofXVII. Congress of Carpathian-Balkan Geological Associa-tion Bratislava, 1–4 September 2002

[16] Mantovani, E., Viti, M., Babbucci, D., Tamburelli, C.,Albarello, D., 2006, Geodynamic connection between theindentation of Arabia and the Neogene tectonics of thecentral–eastern Mediterranean region. GSA Special Pa-pers, v. 409, p. 15-41

[17] Nehyba, S., Šikula, J., 2007, Depositional architecture, se-quence stratigraphy and geodynamic development of theCarpathian Foredeep (Czech Republic). Geologica Car-pathica, 58, 1, pp. 53-69

[18] Mišík, M., 1997, The Slovak Part of the Pieniny KlippenBelt After the Pioneering Works of D. Andrusov. Geolog-ica Carpathica, 48, 4, pp. 209-220

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[19] Pácskay, Z., Lexa, J., Szákacs, A., 2006, Geochronologyof Neogene magmatism in the Carpathian arc and intra-Carpathian area. Geologica Carpathica, 57, 6, pp. 511 -530

[20] Dolton, G.L., 2006, Pannonian Basin Province, Cen-tral Europe (Province 4808)—Petroleum geology, totalpetroleum systems, and petroleum resource assessment.U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 2204–B, 47 p.

[21] Royden, L.H., Horváth, F., Rumpler, J., 1983, Evolutionof the Pannonian basin system. 1. Tectionics. Tectonics,2, pp. 61-90

[22] “Dacia-Province of the Roman Empire”. United Nationsof Roma Victor. Retrieved 2010-11-14.

10 Sources• Blazovich, László (1994). “Kárpátok [Carpathi-ans]". In Kristó, Gyula; Engel, Pál; Makk, Ferenc.Korai magyar történeti lexikon (9-14. század) [Ency-clopedia of the Early Hungarian History (9th-14thcenturies)] (in Hungarian). Akadémiai Kiadó. p.332. ISBN 963-05-6722-9.

• Buza, Mircea (2011). “On the origins and historicalevolution of toponymy on the territory of Romania”(PDF). Revue Roumaine de Géographie / RomanianJournal of Geography (Institute of Geography, Ro-manian Academy) 55 (1): 23–36. ISSN 1220-5311.Retrieved 27 June 2015.

• Moldoveanu, Dragoș (2010). “Toponimie de origineRomană în Transilvania și în sud-vestul Moldovei”(PDF). Anuar de Lingvistică şi Istorie Literară(in Romanian) (Institute of Geography, RomanianAcademy). XLIX-L: 17–95. Retrieved 27 June2015.

11 External links• The Framework Convention for the Protection andSustainable Development of the Carpathians

• Orographic map highlighting Carpathian mountains

• Alpinet - Romanian mountain guide

• Carpati.org - Romanian mountain guide

• Oil and Gas Fields in the Carpathians

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12 Text and image sources, contributors, and licenses

12.1 Text• Carpathian Mountains Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carpathian_Mountains?oldid=674363534 Contributors: Bryan Derksen,Zundark, Taw, Vassili Nikolaev, Olivier, Someone else, Liftarn, Sannse, Tzaquiel, Dgrant, Stan Shebs, Mihai~enwiki, Bogdangiusca,Alex756, Hike395, Bjh21, AHands, RayKiddy, Pietro, Joseaperez, Joy, Criztu, Qertis, Bearcat, Robbot, Juro, Nico~enwiki, RedWolf,Altenmann, TimR, Rholton, Halibutt, GreatWhiteNortherner, DocWatson42, J heisenberg, Wiglaf, Naufana, Emax, Janosadam~enwiki,Mzajac, Bumm13, Geof, Rich Farmbrough, Vsmith, Pavel Vozenilek, Bender235, RJHall, El C, Markussep, Mentatus, Dungodung,Jguk 2, Darwinek, Caeruleancentaur, Jumbuck, Alansohn, Complex01, Mailer diablo, Alex '05, TaintedMustard, Peter B., Stemonitis,JALockhart, Mel Etitis, CPES, Drbogdan, Rjwilmsi, Lockley, Olessi, Ev, SchuminWeb, Hottentot, Cristibur, Gurch, Atitarev, Larineso,Bred, YurikBot, RobotE, RussBot, John Quincy Adding Machine, Hede2000, Chris Capoccia, BjornVDM, Wbfergus, Gaius Cornelius,Yyy, Jtravise, AdiJapan, Marcin Robert~enwiki, Bota47, Cavan, Orioane, Codrinb, Lt-wiki-bot, Vdegroot, LeonardoRob0t, Curpsbot-unicodify, Ilmari Karonen, Ajdebre, Mejor Los Indios, One, Sardanaphalus, Silar, Attilios, SmackBot, Bomac, Alex earlier account, Por-tillo, Hmains, Squashy, Gracenotes, Androsyn, Mitsuhirato, Rrburke, GeorgeMoney, Stevenmitchell, Khoikhoi, Jan.Kamenicek, DDima,Nasz, LUCPOL, J 1982, Linnell, Mgiganteus1, Highpriority, Ckatz, Frokor, Hvn0413, NeroN BG, Dl2000, ES Vic, Tawkerbot2, Falcon-fly, Ninja neko, Zmjezhd, Reywas92, Vladimir Drzik, Palffy, Flowerpotman, Thijs!bot, Epbr123, Biruitorul, Olahus, Zickzack, Marek69,Bobblehead, Michael A. White, Escarbot, VmoSW, Flibjib8, Random user 8384993, Mutt Lunker, Wayiran, Res2216firestar, JAnDbot,Husond, Turgidson, Eddierubeiz, Magioladitis, VoABot II, Dorum, Korenyuk, The Anomebot2, Gabriel Kielland, Berig, Sesesq, Knea-zles, Halogenated, DerHexer, Enaidmawr, JRWalko, Kkrystian, NatureA16, Dc76, CliffC, R'n'B, Wikitiki89, Svetovid, Bogey97, As-cura, Aleksandr Grigoryev, FJPB, Erdeniss, Alex:D, Idioma-bot, Glossologist, VolkovBot, Ioan-Mihai Gale I, TXiKiBoT, Dawidbernard,FDominec, Sanjivdinakar, JhsBot, PawełS, AlleborgoBot, Jonny5244, Mario1952, EmxBot, SieBot, Mycomp, Ostap R, ToePeu.bot,Gerakibot, RJaguar3, Carca220nne, Oxymoron83, Aycan, Stfg, Sfan00 IMG, ClueBot, Niceguyedc, Cr7i, Xme, Thingg, THeggie, 7,Dan Secrest, Emarke, DumZiBoT, Borsoka, Razvanus~enwiki, Thatguyflint, Addbot, Pelex, Doe, Jon, Selma Kaufmann, West.andrew.g,Peti610botH, Tide rolls, Lightbot, Mlefter, ,ماني Білецький В.С., Legobot, Luckas-bot, Yobot, Darrowco, Adrobnych, Ajh1492, Gate-Keeper, Maxí, KamikazeBot, AnomieBOT, Piano non troppo, Rejedef, Sz-iwbot, Flewis, Furor1, Hunnjazal, ArthurBot, Bugen4, LilHelpa,Xqbot, Sionus, Drilnoth, ITSENJOYABLE, Jjensen1, Skrtzi, GrouchoBot, RibotBOT, Burghiu, Locobot, Lille124, Tobby72, Nadim.alex,SISPCM, Rgvis, Amorphisman, MondalorBot, Kgrad, TobeBot, YoursBadDay, Arwync, Beyond My Ken, Avatarion, CalicoCatLover,EmausBot, Look2See1, Racerx11, GoingBatty, BAICAN XXX, Ida Shaw, Detelina13nn, H3llBot, RonRodex, YellowFF0, EdoBot, An-naJune, ClueBot NG, Andriygreen, Unvanquished, Satellizer, Andriy803, Braincricket, Costesseyboy, Widr, WKS Śląsk Wrocław, Danim,MarcusBritish, Kr1st1deejay97, MitchellRhoades93, Tholme, Gob Lofa, Koertefa, Blueyefinity, Mihaister, Otogi, Folkloreteritive, Hergilfs,EricEnfermero, Smth new, Dexbot, Frank Treak, Crislia, DanHornsby, Mravengerthedoomed, Viol.volka, SamX, Pi3.124, Zahara33e, En-gwikireader, Bogdan Kosar, Fafnir1, Tigran Stepanyan 13, Utdjm, Paleolithic Man, Oleksandr1715, KasparBot, Takkla and Anonymous:251

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