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Carpentry Joints_Thierry Descamps.pdf

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  • 7/24/2019 Carpentry Joints_Thierry Descamps.pdf


    Universit de Mons 1

    University of Mons - BelgiumFaculty of engineering - Department of Structural Mechanics

    Carpentry connectionsTraining school on assessment and reinforcement of timber elements

    Thierry DESCAMPS

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    Universit de Mons

    What aout strength !

    Design and reinforcement

    What aout stiffness!

    Structural assessment of old timber structures

    What is it !

  • 7/24/2019 Carpentry Joints_Thierry Descamps.pdf


    Universit de Mons


    Natural material (timber): ariability

    Decay and M!

    Structural comple"ity: !omple" geometry and #oints (more comple" thanmasonries $)

    % simplified analysis considering only plane parts ofthe system& is often hard to reali'e or completelyimpossible

    eometry and #oints are characteristic of

    %n area and a period of time

    !arpenters and engineers *no+ledge: daringengineering ,

    Mind blo+ing timbre structures are not al+aysne+ ,

    Timer frame"or#s$

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    4/62Universit de Mons

    Carpentry joints connect timber elements, often without any dowel type fasteners.

    Forces are transferred within the joints via contact pressure and friction. The smartcutting of the joint by the carpenter create notches and contact surfaces between the

    connected members.

    Within the connections, there is an interaction in terms of stiffness and strength betweenthe different pathways in which the forces are transferred.

    Eccentricities are inherent in this kind of connections to be considered.

    Carpentry connections can be classified in families but there is a huge amount ofcarpentry joints probably as much as major timber buildings and carpenters.

    Carpentry %oints$

    et.s ha/e a loo* at some carpentry #oints (non e"hausti/e)0

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    5/62Universit de Mons

    Pinned Tenon and

    mortise (wooden pegs)

    Pin number and placement varied

    with the size of the memberand the preferences of carpenter

    Drawings: Sobon J.

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    6/62Universit de Mons

    Through tenon with outside wedges(flatwise bending of the tenon)

    !f one piece (here the post) is wider than the the

    other" the tenon can be housed into it.

    The tenon can be centered or be flush with the

    la#out face of the post.

    Drawings: Sobon J.

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    $edged Dovetail Through %ortise and Tenon

    &rom tenon an' mortise %oints to 'ovetails %oints

    Partiall# housed wedged dovetail

    through mortise and tenon

    Drawings: Sobon J.

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    8/62Universit de Mons

    Through %ortise and Tenon with Dovetailed Shoulder

    Drawings: Sobon J.

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    !nverted lapped dovetail

    &apped half'dovetail girder oint

    Drawings: Sobon J.

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    Drawings: Sobon J.

    otched beams (the simplest oint to craft and insert" and

    conse*uentl# the most common)

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    +alved and unders*uinted scarf

    (to improve bending strength and resistance

    to seasoning twist)

    Drawings: Sobon J.

    +alved scarf with four pins (simplest to fashion).

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    +alved and bladed scarf

    with pinned tenons

    +alved" bladed and cogged scarf(helps align the scarf and increases its bending

    strength against horizontal loads)

    Drawings: Sobon J.

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    Universit de Mons

    he sloped& lapped portion isstopped before it feathers out to


    !ompared +ith the half-lap&shear strength is /astly impro/ed

    by the sloped surface

    Spla#ed scarf oint (the lapped surfaces are sloping).

    Drawings: Sobon J.

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    Universit de Mons

    Spla#ed" unders*uinted and cogged scarf oint

    Drawings: Sobon J.

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    Universit de Mons

    $edges act as a reinforcement.

    The tensile capacit#" torsion" andbending strength in both directions are

    greatl# increased (cog).

    The pins (and their position) increase theoint,s overall performance.

    The butts need not be unders*uinted.

    Spla#ed" -nders*uinted and $edges

    Drawings: Sobon J.

    P. &eml#n

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    Universit de Mons

    The conscientious builder locates the scarf where bending forces are low...

    Drawings: Sobon J.

    Spla#ed with $edges and %ultiple lapped surfaces

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    Universit de Mons

  • 7/24/2019 Carpentry Joints_Thierry Descamps.pdf


    Universit de Mons

    What aout strength !

    Design and reinforcement

    What aout stiffness!

    Structural assessment of old timber structures

    What is it !

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    Universit de Mons

    Step %oints (rafter an' tie-eam

    %oints or purlin plate)

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    Universit de Mons

    Step %oints

    the slope of the notch must minimi'e the angle bet+een the stresses and the grain direction

    for both connected elements (bisector)

    the depth of the notch (t/) should not e"ceed h23 for s*e+ angles 456 and h27 for s*e+

    angles 8 756 (9t' et al (1;)& D (=557))

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    Universit de Mons

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    Universit de Mons

    Precompression of horizontal beam due to

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    Universit de Mons

    Support reaction

    N tie beam

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    Universit de Mons

    The rear face under compression (/0) is generall# neglected

    ?o+e/er& @arisi and @ia''a (=555) suggest to consider a reduced length d

    (possible concentration of high stresses in a limited length)






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    Universit de Mons

    3 points to check

    Single posterior step

    !rac* $


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    Universit de Mons

    *einforcement of step %oints

    (a) binding strip1 (b) internal bolt1 (c) stirrup1 (d) tension ties ' 2ranco (0344).

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    Universit de Mons

    /orce'displacement curves for unstrengthened and strengthened connections

    with a 536 s7ew angle under monotonic loading. 2ranco et al (0344)

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    Universit de Mons

    /orce'displacement curves for unstrengthened and strengthened connectionswith a 836 s7ew angle under monotonic loading. 2ranco et al (0344)

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    Universit de Mons

    Dovetail %oints

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    Universit de Mons

    *oun'e' Dovetail %oint

    De/elopment than*s to !N! +ood-processing machinery


    >asy to use on site (plug and play #oint)

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    Universit de Mons

    (allAe et al& =515)

    From e"perimental researches& Werner proposed a design guideline (Werner& =55=)

    Since rounded dovetail oints can fail either b# brea7ing of the oist or main beam" thetwo members are designed separatel#:


    3& '(& ),

    ,!* + -,-.& /!* /(0(%

    Where %1 is the effecti/e do/etail area

    hmain& h1 and b1 are in mm and F is in *N& and:

    '( (0 2


    % & /(


    % & /(


    % 0 &



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    Universit de Mons

    annert proposed later on a design guideline that ta*es into account the si'e effect

    for timber strength in brittle failure (annert& =55B)

    %s rounded do/etails #oints are /ery similar to end notched beam supports& he

    proposed a modified design formula based on >urocode 4 formula for notched

    beams +ith the definition of a specific reduction factor */ (>N 14:=554)

    1,5 & 8

    '( ), &




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    Universit de Mons

    he failure is typically brittle& and occurs in the elastic range reinforcements needed:

    tuning the geometry (to reduce stress concentrations)

    using additional reinforcements

    9einforcement with self'tapping screws at an angle of ;< (left)1

    reinforcement with an adhesive la#er between oist and beam (middle)1

    combination of self'tapping screws and adhesive la#er (right). (Tannert 0340).

    *einforcement of roun'e' 'ovetails

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    Universit de Mons

    Ceinforcement +ith self tapping scre+s is /ery efficient (increase stiffness& capacity ofconnections perpendicular to the grain and produce a more ductile failure mode)

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    Universit de Mons

    Tenon an'

    mortise %oints

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    Universit de Mons

    Tenon an' mortise %oint

    he bearing capacity of tapered tenon #oints is a function of the angle

    of the connection& and length of the toe and mortise depth (%man et

    al& =55B& udd et al& =51=& itos et al& =51=)

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    Universit de Mons

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    Universit de Mons

    m is the ratio of G to F

    dditionall#" =+ is the coefficient of friction at the front side" =>the coefficient of

    friction at the bottom face" ? the connection angle" hs the height of the strut" ls thelength of the strut and t@the distance between the bottom surface and the loading

    point of +.

  • 7/24/2019 Carpentry Joints_Thierry Descamps.pdf


    Universit de Mons

    What aout strength !

    Design and reinforcement

    What aout stiffness!

    Structural assessment of old timber structures

    What is it !

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    Universit de Mons


    Natural material (timber): ariability (in the same frame)


    Structural comple"ity: !omple"ity of the global geometry and the connections(more comple" than masonries $)

    ac* of technical dataHs : Sections (I /ariations)

    Strength classes (/isual on site strength grading)

    oints (contact areas& nodes& crac*s0)

    Structural assessment and morpho-chronology:

    % good understanding of the history of the structure isnecessary

    I dendochronology

    +l' timer frame"or#s$

    Drawings P. &eml#n

    C t th '

  • 7/24/2019 Carpentry Joints_Thierry Descamps.pdf


    Universit de Mons

    Component metho'

    @rediction of the stiffness of the #oint For M& N and :

    Definition of a model statically eEui/alent

    >ach component is an area +here contact appears

    % stiffness is associated to each component

    The component 44, is the pair of surfaces 4 and 4,"respectivel# belonging to timber elements and 2.

    This component is composed of two stiffnesses as 4correspond to a compression parallel to grain for the

    element and 4, is perpendicular to the grainA

    E,uivalent spring mo'el

    Three areas of contact appear when theconnection is bend (%B)

    ICR = peg

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    Universit de Mons

  • 7/24/2019 Carpentry Joints_Thierry Descamps.pdf


    Universit de Mons

    Jnder the assumption of small rotations :

    ( )2

    k k k k k k k k

    k k k

    tot k k


    F z k z k z zM

    k k z

    = = = = =

    The gloal rotational stiffness can easily e estimate'from the geometry an' the stiffness of all pairs of

    surfaces in contact$.

    imitations of the method (strictly analytical) :

    he deformation of contact surface can not be estimatedas it is an infinite half space of +ood ,

    /irst enhancement of the method: ssumption of an infinite half space A

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    Universit de Mons

    First method: F>M

    Komatsu (=55) proposed a pure analytical

    correction in his study on traditional apanese

    mud shear +all

    LNu*i #oint LNu*i effect

    modified analytical model

    cut factor m"Cis defined with the help of elastic finiteelement models (/C%) using an orthotropic material"contact and different slenderness of contact areas

    Second method: additional length effect

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    Universit de Mons

    C*uilibrium of forces and a additional length effect E Fomatsu 033G

    Moreo/er& Komatsu proposed a post yielding beha/iour +hich allo+s the definition of a poly-linear%O relationship

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    Universit de Mons

    omparison of initial stiffness obtained from anal#tical and e@perimental results

    (hang 033H)

    h i b t thi fi t h d

  • 7/24/2019 Carpentry Joints_Thierry Descamps.pdf


    Universit de Mons

    &EM an' e/perimentation on real si0econnections give goo' results.

    Component metho' largely overestimate the

    stiffnessInce again" observations made on real size tests

    (bro7en peg) suggest that the peg is not the center ofrotation of the connection

    he comparison bet+een this first enhanced

    model and e"perimentations is disappointing :

    M1 M-

    &EM Component




    &EM Component







    56.78 99.6: 5;.

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    Universit de Mons

    Second enhancement of the method:

    % geometrical research field is defined and an iterati/e process is implemented et.s call u& / and the

    displacements and rotation of any point into this field

    For each supposed position of

    From their stiffness it is possible to computed the contact forces :

    Cesulting forces at the tenon is :

    We finally sol/e this system and the

    ( )2


    , ,



    i i


    kF dl f u v

    l = =

    11 12 13

    21 22 23

    31 32 33

    V k k k u

    N k k k v

    M k k k


    u v+

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    Universit de Mons

  • 7/24/2019 Carpentry Joints_Thierry Descamps.pdf


    Universit de Mons

    Why this focus on stiffness ?

    5. >nfluence on the 'esign of the %oint

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    Universit de Mons

    he #oint is statically indeterminate ,

    >Eui/alent model

    ;. >nfluence on the 'esign of the "hole structure

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    Universit de Mons

    Most of the time& connections are supposed to bemoment free (hinges) his assumption :

    Simplifies the computations

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    Universit de MonsUniversit de Mons

    fortified castle of >caussinnes-alaing

    !athedral Q- of ournai

    %bbatiale de la @ai"-Dieu

    1;&;; m

    4&7 m

    B& m

    7&;4 m

    R&7 m

    R&7 m

    %ll are statically indeterminate frames: R"

    !hteau d.>caussinnes-alaing

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    Universit de MonsUniversit de Mons

    @inge Carpent. Do"els Stiff.Ben'ing


    gBorne infrieure

    Borne suprieure

    Variations de contraintes en fonction de la rigidit de lassemblage

  • 7/24/2019 Carpentry Joints_Thierry Descamps.pdf


    Universit de MonsUniversit de Mons 4

    g g

    K. CANT et F. MIN!N" # $er%ice de gnie ci%il et mcani&ue des structures

    %bb ti l d l @ i Di

  • 7/24/2019 Carpentry Joints_Thierry Descamps.pdf


    Universit de MonsUniversit de Mons

    %bbatiale de la @ai"-Dieu

    @inge Carpent. Do"els Stiff.Ben'ing


    !athedrale Q- of ournai

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    Universit de MonsUniversit de Mons

    @inge Carpent. Do"els Stiff.Ben'ing


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    Universit de MonsUniversit de Mons

  • 7/24/2019 Carpentry Joints_Thierry Descamps.pdf


    Universit de MonsUniversit de Mons

    han* you for yourattention

    %man C& West ?& !ormier D (=55B)& %n e/aluation of loose tenon #oint strength /or Prod J& 4B(;):71U73 laV ?& e#t*a

  • 7/24/2019 Carpentry Joints_Thierry Descamps.pdf


    Universit de Mons

    imber Structures& Stuttgart

    ranco M (=55B)&

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    Universit de Mons

    %aterials and Structures DQ< 15171R2s114=R-51;-5547

    9t' K-?& ?oor D& M9hler K& Natterer (1;)& !onstruire en ois - !hoisir& conce/oir& realiser PressesPol#techni*ues et -niversitaires 9omandes& ausanne& S+it'erland

    udd & Fonseca F& Wal*er !& horley @ (=51=)& ensile strength of /aried-angle mortise and tenon connections intimber framesJ Struct Cng 1;R(4):7;7U733

    Komatsu K& Kitamori %& ung K and Mori (=55)& >stimation of he Mechanical @roperties of Mud Shear WallsSub#ecting to ateral Shear Force& c*elman !& >rdil & Q'cifci % (=51=)& >ffect of tenon geometry& grain orientation& andshoulder on bending moment capacity and moment rotation characteristics of mortise and tenon #oints $ood

    /iber Sci33(3):1UB

    Meisel %& Moosbrugger & Schic*hofer (=515)& Sur/ey and Cealistic Modelling of %ncient %ustrian CoofStructures

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    Universit de Mons

    conditions !anadian ournal of !i/il >ngineering& ;3(1=):1755-1754

    annert (=55B)& Structural performance of Counded Do/etail !onnections @hd hesis& Jni/ersity of ritish!olumbia& ancou/er& !anada& %pril =55B

    annert & am F (=55)& Self-tapping scre+s as reinforcement for rounded do/etail connections Structural!ontrol and ?ealth Monitoring& 17(;): ;R3-;B3

    annert& & am& F& and allAe& (=515) Strength @rediction for Counded Do/etail !onnections !onsidering Si'e>ffects >ng Mech& 1;7(;)& ;4BU;77

    annert & Keller N& Frei C& allAe (=51=)& =51=)

    J'ielli (=553)&
