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Cartegraph Live HTML, CSS, JavaScript and jQuery Training

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Technology training for Cartegraph on HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and jQuery delivered in Dubuque, IA on October 11th-13th, 2011
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HTML/CSS, JavaScript, and jQuery For Cartegraph Live
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HTML/CSS, JavaScript, and jQueryFor Cartegraph Live

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IntroductionsShane Church | Technical [email protected]

Website: http://www.s-church.net


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Session 1HTML 5 and CSS 3

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Session 1 Agenda - HTML• Semantic Markup• HTML 5• Page Structure• Tag Display Types• Accessibility

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Session 1 Agenda - CSS• CSS

• Box Model• CSS Selectors• Classes vs. IDs?• CSS Positioning• Using a Reset CSS• CSS 3• Cross Browser Pitfalls and CSS Optimization

• How do I use HTML 5 and CSS 3 today?

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Semantic Markup• What is it and why should I use it?• When should I use certain tags?• Example discussion

• http://www.effectiveui.com/who-we-are/• http://www.cartegraph.com/index.php/solutions• http://www.blueangels.navy.mil/• http://www.s-church.net

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Page Structure• Document Object Model (DOM)

• Doctype – <!doctype html>• <html>• <head>• <body>• <header>• <nav>• <section>• <footer>

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Tag Display Types• Block

• Examples: <div>, <p>, <header>, <footer>, <ul>, <ol>, <li>• Inline

• Examples: <a>, <span>, <input>, <label>

• Discussion• Cartegraph Live EUI Wireframes

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Accessibility• Video• Section 508 Compliance• Guidelines• http://webaim.org/standards/508/checklist

• Semantic markup is crucial in making your site accessible

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CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)• What are they used for?• Cascade, Inheritance, Specificity• What are best practices for using them?

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CSS Box Model

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CSS Selectors• Selector Structure• Point Weighting

• Tag = 1 point• Class = 10 points• ID = 100 points• Inline Styles = 1000 points• !IMPORTANT = 10000 points

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Classes vs. IDs?• What are the rules for each?• When should I use them?

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Positioning• Quick Demo:


• Static Positioning• Relative Positioning• Absolute Positioning• Floats

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Using a Reset CSS• What does a reset CSS do?• Why should I use one?• http://meyerweb.com/eric/tools/css/reset/index.html

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CSS 3• New styling tools where we would have previously needed images and

more markup or JavaScript• Rounded Corners• Drop Shadows• Backgrounds (Multiple Images, Gradients)• Text Overflow and Wrapping• Fonts• 2D and 3D Transforms• Transitions

• Browser Specific Extensions• -webkit- = Chrome and Safari• -moz- = Firefox• -ie- = IE

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Cross Browser Pitfalls and CSS Optimization• Box Model Variations• Uneven CSS implementations

• How do I avoid them? Answer: Well structured, semantic markup

• Why do we use image sprites?• CSS (and JavaScript) combination and minification

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Use HTML 5 and CSS 3 Today• Feature Detection

• Modernizr – http://www.modernizr.com• Polyfills (JavaScript Shims)

• CSS3 PIE – http://css3pie.com/• Explorer Canvas - http://code.google.com/p/explorercanvas/

• Graceful Degradation/Progressive Enhancement• No Browser Left Behind: An HTML5 Adoption Strategy – MSDN

Magazine, September 2011 - http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/hh394148.aspx

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WorkshopBuild a demo web site using only HTML and CSS

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Workshop ReviewBuild a demo web site using only HTML and CSS

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Session 2JavaScript Basics

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Session 2 Agenda• What kind of language is JavaScript?• Object Types• Variables• Prototype Inheritance and Namespacing• Closures• Events and Callbacks

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What kind of language is JavaScript?

• Object Oriented Dynamic Language• No classes• Functions are objects

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Object Types• Built-in Types

• Number• String• Boolean• Object

• Function• Array• Date• RegExp

• How do I figure out what type I have?

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Prototype Inheritance and Namespacing

• Prototype inheritance• this keyword• Constructor functions• Inheritance• Polymorphism

• Namespacing• Direct Assignment• Self –invoking function

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Variables• Always declare using the var keyword• Global by default• Scoping• Undefined vs. Null• Equality comparisons

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Closures• A closure is the combination of a function and the scope object in

which it was created.• Used for containing scope of variables• Allow you to save state between calls• Potential problems

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Events and Callbacks• Events and Callbacks are similar• Events bubble through the DOM and are restricted to the JavaScript

host environment’s supported events• Other ‘events’ are really callbacks• A callback function provides a way to message back to the calling

code that a specific event has occurred• We will cover this in more detail in the jQuery session

• A word about handling browser events without jQuery: Don’t!

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Session 3jQuery and ASP.NET MVC 3– Putting it all together

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Session 3 Agenda• What is jQuery?• Getting Started with jQuery• jQuery Selectors• Event Handling• Animation• jQuery Plugin Pattern• AJAX with jQuery• jQuery UI• ASP.NET MVC 3 Architecture Patterns• Putting it all together: AJAX with jQuery and ASP.NET MVC 3

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What is jQuery?• jQuery is a fast, lightweight (32 KB) JavaScript library• jQuery simplifies document traversal and manipulation• jQuery simplifies event handling• jQuery provides many built-in animation effects• jQuery simplifies writing AJAX behaviors

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Getting Started with jQuery

$(document).ready(function () {//do stuff here…


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jQuery Selectors• All standard CSS selectors work – If you know CSS, you can work with

jQuery• CSS 3 is fully supported• Additional CSS style selectors (not standard CSS selectors)

• :contains()• :disabled• :first• :last• :odd• :even• And many more…

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Event Handling• .bind(“eventName”, function (event) { })• .unbind(“eventName”)• .live(“eventName”, function (event) { })• .die(“eventName”)• Named Events• Callbacks

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Animation• .hide() or .show()• .fadeIn() or .fadeOut()• .slideDown() or .slideUp()• .animate()• Callbacks

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jQuery Plugin Pattern• Walkthrough: Open the jquery.plugin.template.js file in the provided

sample project

• Uses the self-invoking function pattern• Use a method array to avoid polluting the jQuery.fn namespace• Context in jQuery Plugins• Using jQuery’s data method to keep track of variables• Calling methods on the plugin• Cautions with 3rd party plugins

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AJAX with jQuery• Basic pattern:

$.ajax({url: url,type: “GET”,success: function (data, status, xhr) {

//Do something here},error: function (request, status, error) {

//Something bad happened here},dataType: “json"

});• Additional options

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jQuery UI• Contains a number of full featured widgets

• Accordion, Autocomplete, Button, Datepicker, Dialog, Progressbar, Slider, and Tabs

• Also contains more complex interactions• Draggable, Droppable, Resizable, Selectable, Sortable

• Completely stylable• When to use jQuery UI?

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ASP.NET MVC 3 Architecture Patterns

Services Project ASP.NET MVC Project

ASP.NET MVC Views ASP.NET MVC Controllers Service Controller

ASP.NET MVC Models (View Models)

Data Persistence Layer

Business Domain Model


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Putting it all together: AJAX with jQuery and ASP.NET MVC 3

• JsonResult• Using the same controller logic to return a ViewResult or a JsonResult• Using jQuery to dynamically load server generated html into a page

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WorkshopBuild a simple ASP.NET MVC service that returns both HTML and JSON, invoke it using AJAX, and display the results in the markup of the calling page.

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Workshop ReviewBuild a simple ASP.NET MVC service that returns both HTML and JSON, invoke it using AJAX, and display the results in the markup of the calling page.

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Thank You!Shane Church | Technical [email protected]

Website: http://www.s-church.net

