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Case Analysis Methodology by Sir Balach Jamali

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  • 8/11/2019 Case Analysis Methodology by Sir Balach Jamali


  • 8/11/2019 Case Analysis Methodology by Sir Balach Jamali


    Case Analysis DeliverablesMS Power point Presentation covering the

    Management Dilemma and ManagementResponse along-with answers of the casequestions

    Report in MS Word in hardcopy formmentioning detailed Case Analysis with all

    necessary facts !gures relating toManagement Dilemma and associated actionswith Management Response as well as withthe Case "uestions

  • 8/11/2019 Case Analysis Methodology by Sir Balach Jamali


    Management Dilemma#he a$sence or presence of a concept in the

    case relating to the relevant chapter% Plsremem$er e&ects such as employee turnoveror loss of sales are not dilemma instead areconsequences of the pro$lem%

    All associated facts and !gures mentioned in

    the case which support the dilemma $ementioned

  • 8/11/2019 Case Analysis Methodology by Sir Balach Jamali


    Management ResponseAction or procedure adopted $y management

    in the case or possi$le solution proposed $yyou%

    Mentioning action such as '(ternal recruitingis not su)cient* action $e supported $yrelevant processes as mentioned in the

    relevant chapter e%g% College recruitingactivities detail

    C 0

  • 8/11/2019 Case Analysis Methodology by Sir Balach Jamali


    Case 01: Jac Ne sonsProblem

    Management Dilemma:A$sence of +R Strategy in the $an,* leadingto decline in internal coordination and non-ful!llment of +R needs of the organiation*

    despite its increasing $usiness and sie Associated facts.

    /ac, of role clarity in individual 0o$s 1e%g%Ruth 2ohnson3s e(planation regarding

    equipment she operates45o systematic orientation 6 training system

    5o Centralied hiring 1e%g% each $ranchsupervisor was doing individual hiring

    whenever the need arose4

  • 8/11/2019 Case Analysis Methodology by Sir Balach Jamali


    Case 01: Jack Nelsons

    ProblemAssociated facts.

    +igh 'mployee turnover

    /ac, of coordination $etween +ome o)ceand $ranches in relation to employeematters

    5etwor, of 77 $ranches and 8rganiational

    strength increase from 79 to :;: in

  • 8/11/2019 Case Analysis Methodology by Sir Balach Jamali


    Case 01: Jack NelsonsProblem

    Management Response:

    'sta$lish an +R department which shouldaddress +R needs of the organiation

    Associated Actions.

    Centralie recruitment for all $ranchesthrough +R to adhere to current $usiness

    needs and future strategic needs'mployee Advocacy issue will $e addressed

    $y new +R department 1where employeescan easily report their issues4

  • 8/11/2019 Case Analysis Methodology by Sir Balach Jamali


    Case 01: Jack Nelsons

    ProblemManagement Response (contine!""#2Ds will $e developed which will help in resolving

    employee role clarity and support in formulating a

    planned orientation and training program forensuring employee3s quic, understanding oforganiational systems and individual 0o$ needs

    +R department will review all e(isting +R systemsin the $an, such as hiring* training* performanceappraisal and rewards to understand the causesof the high employee turnover and ta,e adequatesteps in solving each of the matters

  • 8/11/2019 Case Analysis Methodology by Sir Balach Jamali


    Case 01: Jack Nelsons

    Problem":% What do you thin, is causing some of thepro$lems in the $an,3s home o)ce and$ranches>

    Ans:% Management Response addresses thequestion


  • 8/11/2019 Case Analysis Methodology by Sir Balach Jamali


    "7% Do you thin, setting up an +R unit in themain o)ce would help>

    Ans7% ?es* esta$lishing an +R department will

    help in resolving the matters% @ene!ts of +Rdepartment formation are mentioned inManagement Response

    Case 01: Jack NelsonsProblem

  • 8/11/2019 Case Analysis Methodology by Sir Balach Jamali


    "% What speci!c functions should an +R unit carryout> What +R functions would then $e carried out$y supervisors and other line managers> What roleshould the Bnternet play in the new +R organiation>

    Ans% +R nit3s unctions.

    All +R functions including recruitment* selection*training* employee relations* health 6 safety*compensation and performance appraisal*

    Perform Coordinative role $etween managementand employees to address $usiness needs andemployee rights $y e(ercising functionalresponsi$ility

    Case 01: Jack NelsonsProblem

  • 8/11/2019 Case Analysis Methodology by Sir Balach Jamali


    "% What speci!c functions should an +R unit carryout> What +R functions would then $e carried out$y supervisors and other line managers> What

    should the Bnternet play in the new +Rorganiation>

    Ans% +R nit3s unctions 1continued%%4.

    Provide Assistance and advise to line managers

    in performing their +R responsi$ilitiesDevelop +igh Performing Wor, Systems through

    technology and e&ective +R practices as $eingutilied in the industry

    Case 01: Jack Nelsons


  • 8/11/2019 Case Analysis Methodology by Sir Balach Jamali


    "% What speci!c functions should an +R unit carryout> What +R functions would then $e carried out$y supervisors and other line managers> Whatshould the Bnternet play in the new +R

    organiation>Ans% /ine Manager3s +R responsi$ilities.

    Placing the right person on the right 0o$

    Starting new employees in the organiation1orientation4

    #raining employees for 0o$s that are new to them

    Bmproving the 0o$ performance of each person

    Case 01: Jack NelsonsProblem

  • 8/11/2019 Case Analysis Methodology by Sir Balach Jamali


    "% What speci!c functions should an +R unit carryout> What +R functions would then $e carried out $ysupervisors and other line managers> What shouldthe Bnternet play in the new +R organiation>

    Ans% /ine Manager3s +R responsi$ilities1continued%%4.

    Eaining creative cooperation and developing smooth

    wor,ing relationshipsBnterpreting the !rm3s policies and procedures

    Controlling la$or costs

    Case 01: Jack NelsonsProblem

  • 8/11/2019 Case Analysis Methodology by Sir Balach Jamali


    "% What speci!c functions should an +R unit carryout> What +R functions would then $e carried out$y supervisors and other line managers> Whatshould the Bnternet play in the new +R


    Ans% /ine Manager3s +R responsi$ilities1continued%%4.

    Developing the a$ilities of each person

    Creating and maintaining department morale

    Protecting employees3 health and physical condition

    Case 01: Jack NelsonsProblem

  • 8/11/2019 Case Analysis Methodology by Sir Balach Jamali


    "% What speci!c functions should an +R unit carryout> What +R functions would then $e carried out$y supervisors and other line managers> Whatshould the Bnternet play in the new +R organiation>

    Ans% Bnternet3s role in the new +R organiation.

    tilie any of the four ways to enhanceperformance.

    $el%&service 1provide user-friendly software

    application to address employee3s administrative+R needs such as applying for leaves* loans andupdating individual pro!le data personally 4

    Case 01: Jack Nelsons


  • 8/11/2019 Case Analysis Methodology by Sir Balach Jamali


    "% What speci!c functions should an +R unit carryout> What +R functions would then $e carried out$y supervisors and other line managers> What

    should the Bnternet play in the new +Rorganiation>

    Ans% Bnternet3s role in the new +R organiation1continued%%4.

    Call centers 1 to record employee-relatedgrievances and can also dedicate full timeinterviewers for interviewing on phone as well asutilie employee $ac,ground chec,s on phone4

    Case 01: Jack Nelsons


  • 8/11/2019 Case Analysis Methodology by Sir Balach Jamali


    "% What speci!c functions should an +R unit carry

    out> What +R functions would then $e carried out $ysupervisors and other line managers> What shouldthe Bnternet play in the new +R organiation>

    Ans% Bnternet3s role in the new +R organiation1continued%%4.

    Pro!ctivity 'mprovements 1 develop ratiosthrough human resource information system

    1+RBS4 to assess employee turnover rate* trainingdays per employee * time to !ll vacant positionand other standard +R metrics to assess +Re&ectiveness4

    Case 01: Jack NelsonsProblem

  • 8/11/2019 Case Analysis Methodology by Sir Balach Jamali


    "% What speci!c functions should an +R unitcarry out> What +R functions would then $ecarried out $y supervisors and other line

    managers> What should the Bnternet play in thenew +R organiation>

    Ans% Bnternet3s role in the new +R organiation1continued%%4.

    tsorcing1 give di&erent +R activitiesrelating to employee selection testing* payrolland $ene!ts processing* trainings* etc%4

    Case 01: Jack NelsonsProblem

  • 8/11/2019 Case Analysis Methodology by Sir Balach Jamali


    #han, ?ouF
