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Case Studies of Awesome Growth Hacks

Date post: 21-Jan-2018
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Case Studies of Awesome Growth Hacks Brought to you by GrowthHacker.jp Supported by AppSocially

Case Studies of Awesome Growth Hacks

Brought to you by GrowthHacker.jpSupported by AppSocially

"P.S. I love you. Get a free email account." on HotmailHotmail


* Hotmail added a footer on every single email sent via Hotmail.

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"Tagging friends on photos" on FacebookFacebook, Inc.


Facebook's growth team figured out"tagging friends on photos" works most for engagement (and even resurrection).

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"Twitter's landing page optimization" on Twitter.comTwitter, Inc.


* 15% conversion rate 3 years ago* 10%+ 1.5 years ago* 6%+ now; "Less is more." There are only "sign in" and "sign up".

3 years ago

1.5 years ago


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"Congratulations! You are top 5%!" on LinkedInLinkedIn


* Translate the number of users to "attractive" number for engaged users. LinkedIn's focuses on making engaged users more engaged, not making in-active users understand its value.

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"Find Friends" on Path - (iOS)Path, Inc.


* "Suggestions" are selected based on direct suggestion by friends and # of mutual friends.

If the invitee is unknown,

Add message with voice; text

App invitation


* Friends on Facebook and AddressBook are categorized into "Friends/Content on Path" and "All (other) Friends."

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"Invite a Friend" on Path - (iOS)Path, Inc.


* "Top Friends" are selected based on same "Family Names" and interaction on Facebook.

* "All Friends" are all of your friends on both Facebook and AddressBook.

If the invitee is unknown,

Add message with voice; text

App invitation


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"Promote" on Path - (iOS)Path, Inc.

ViralityTag: Brought to you by

"Send link to your mobile device" on Path - (iOS)Path, Inc.


Desktop Mobile

Path User Potential Path User

* Track activation by specifying why new user started using Path.


* Input your mobile phone number into your "Setting"

New Path UserExisting Path User

* Phone # input on Inviter's landing page.

* Phone # of new user.

* Track acquision.

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"Sign up form added on landing page (though it's mobile-fisrt app" on Path - (iOS)Path, Inc.




Dave Morrin's Answer on Quora:

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"Import your AddressBooks" after being connected with someone - (Web)LinkedIn


When successfully connected with someone, LinkedIn asks you to import AddressBooks from many social (emailing products).

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Engage to take action by "social-actioned" message - (Email)LinkedIn


Send message when your connection have event to engage and make the user take action for this social-actioned event.

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Start tracking before signing-up - (Landing Page)Intercom


Make installation easy and start tracking before signing-up. This helps activation rates much bigger.

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Make sharing quote easy- (Web)Quora


Make sharing to social media easy to make more traction.

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"#CrowdFundCanada" by Everlane - (Web)Everlane


Before launching Everlane in Canada, it launched "kickstarter'-like crowd funding campaign on its own site and measured if it's needed with actual local customers.

Monetization Brought to you by
