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CASE STUDY SHEG @ Archdiocese of Lipa

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  • 8/3/2019 CASE STUDY SHEG @ Archdiocese of Lipa



    Unleashing Human Potential

    in the Road Less Travelled

    Is Self-Help Group Approach effective as program/project component in the Diocesan SocialAction Centers in journeying with the poor people of God towards a self-nourishing, self-governing, self-sustaining Basic Ecclessial Community/ies?

  • 8/3/2019 CASE STUDY SHEG @ Archdiocese of Lipa


    Is Self-Help Group Approach effective as program/project component in the Diocesan SocialAction Centers in journeying with the poor people of God towards a self-nourishing, self-governing, self-sustaining Basic Ecclessial Community/ies?Summary

    Who : Self-Help Groups (SHeG)

    Where : Archdiocese of Lipa

    When : Site Visit (May 10-14, 2011)

    What : Self-Help Groups (SHeG) is an informal association ofpoor women in acommunity usually composed of 15-20 members voluntarily coming

    together to make small regular savings contributions over a few

    months until there is enough capital in the group to begin lending.

    Funds are lent back to the members to meet their emergency needs on

    the basis of mutual help.

    SHeG is generally has broad anti-poverty agendas. SheGs are seen asintruments for a variety of goals including empowering women,

    developing leadership abilities, economic and social development such

    as micro-enterpreneurship, increasing school enrollments, improving

    houses, linking partnerships and building strong communities.

    As an individual, the poor are voiceless,

    powerless and vulnerable. By bringing them

    together as a homogenous collective, they have

    tremendous strength- SHeG cornerstone

    Every human being has tremendous potentialin himself/herself. This hidden potential inthe poor can be unleashed if the right

    environment is provided SHeG cornerstone

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    Self-Help Groups (SHeG), also known as mutual

    help, mutual aid, or support groups, are groups of

    poor women from the same socio-economic

    background who provide mutual support for eachother. In a SHeG, the members pool in their

    resources to become financially stable by taking

    loans from the money collected by that group and by

    making everybody of that group self-employed.

    (Generally), the group members use collective wisdom

    and peer pressure to ensure proper end-use of credit and

    timely repayment.

    Although financial intermediation is normally seen more as an entry point, SHeG share a

    common objective of working together not only for their economic development but also take

    account of their social growth and empowerment.

    SHeG has proven helpful in liberating the likely capacity and

    capabilityof the poor especially women who are deprived of choices,

    rights, opportunities and are often recipients of discrimination,

    disparity, domination, displacement and de-humanizaton. In the

    credit scheme for women, it is almost negligible because of

    certain misconception about the poor people that they need

    loan at subsidized rates of interest on soft terms, they lack

    skills, capacity to save, credit worthiness and therefore not

    bankable. Nevertheless, the experiences of SheGs reveal that

    rural poor are actually efficient managers of credit and finance.

    The principle of generating their own funds from themselves

    alone is the heart of the success.

    SHeG in principle is more than building a platform for the poor

    people to improve their economic situation. It goes beyond financial

    stability. It is creating empowerment among women, promoting them

    to move from positions of marginaliztion within household decision-

    making process and exclusion within community, to one of greater

    centrality, inclusion of voice. The social processes of SHeG reveal

    and strengthen womens self-esteem and self-worth, instill a

    greater sense of awareness of social and political issues leading to

    increase mobility and reduce traditional seclusion of women. They

    women become active partners of their husbands and active decision-

    makers in their respective community.

    In the Philippines today, there are numerous organizations promote and implement SHeG

    model where some of them modify and alter some principles and methodologies. There are at least

    16 organizations that faithfully acted in accordance with its concept, formation and management

    that they called themselves promoters. (In the perspective of programs delivery, promoters are

    implementors or facilitators of SHeG). Majority of the promoters are NGOs whose works focus on

    community development in the marginalized sectors of our society.

  • 8/3/2019 CASE STUDY SHEG @ Archdiocese of Lipa


    Among the 16 promoters, Lipa Archiodesan Social Action Commission (LASAC) in the

    Archdiocese of Lipa, Batangas embarked institutionalization of poorest women using SHeG approach

    in 2007. In almost three years (based on the record LASAC submitted) of implementation, impressive

    outputs are conspicuous in the pilot areas/communities where indications of improvement (pls. refer

    to LASAC Champs in Transforming Communities using SHeG Approach for details) in all aspect of

    human development are measurable. The LASAC performance through SHeG is remarkablysuccessful that produces many hows from the viewpoint of social action workers knowing that the

    promoters are church-based which at all times grant financial assistance or provides micro-

    enterprise development program to its pilot communities.

    The road often travelled by the pastoral workers in journeying with the poor is closely

    interlinked with the works of mercy, works of development and works of justice that are wrapped up

    with monetary support. To replicate SHeG approach is a tough mission considering that the

    supposed beneficiaries are not actually benefiary because not even a single cent, nor a one -piece

    bondpaper, nor a single ballpen is given to them from the promoters.

    But LASAC experience brings hope to those who would love to take the challenge in exploring

    all the possibilities in unleashing the human potentials of Gods people in responds to Hispreferential option for the poor, thus this case study of SHeG is conducted.

    LASAC Champs in Transforming Communities usingSHeG Approach(as of 2nd Quarter of 2010)

    Description and Operation of the ProgramIn search of improving the community development programs in

    targetting the poorest of the poor, LASAC came to know the Self-Help Approach

    of Kindernothilfe in Germany and started to implement in 2007.

    The very poor members of a community are organized to form SHeG.

    The entire community played a role in selecting the poorest households among them using criteria

    that they themselves develop aided by a facilitator. The numbers of members are 15-20 generally

    homogeneous and bounded by affinity. This approach normally works with women.

    Weekly meeting gives each member a new identity. The once voiceless, powerless and

    isolated poor women appreciate the sense of belongingness, contrary to their daily experience of

    feeling left alone. Openness among the members of the group is developed; sharing their problems

    and discussing social issues in the community are commonly expressed. Trust and belongingness

    are built. The process of social development is experienced among the members.

    Weekly savings no matter how small it may be trigger the members to financial discipline.

    Once they made commitment to save and start savings, they push themselves to work more and

    raise more to keep faithful of their commitment. This unlocks the economic development process.

    Capability building inputs such as leadership and facilitating skills are provided to the

    individual members. The process of empowerment is gradual, yet it is noticeable.

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    Growth and Performance of SHeG in the Financial AspectAs of the 2nd quarter of 2010 (in its almost 3 years of implementation), there are 60 SheGs

    formed with a total members of 773 women in the Municipalities of San Juan and Lobo. A total fund

    of PhP2,870,560.70 is generated where 703 (91%) of the members availed loan from PhP50.00 to

    PhP21,000.00. The total loan given out and total repayment is PhP10,596,133.60 andPhP7,634,526.00 respectively. The total interest earned is PhP611,826.70. Loans are used by the

    borrowers as capital for small business, house consumptions, schools needs of children and


    To illustrate clearly the numerical data, table 1 is shown below:

    Table 1: SHeG Approach to women groups in almost 3 years of ImplementationDate started : November 6, 2007

    Data shown : as of 2nd Quarter of 2010

    # of SheGs formed : 60 groups

    # of SHeG members : 773 women

    # of Cluster Level Association(CLA) formed : 5 CLA (around 10 SheGs per CLA)

    Availed Loan

    from PhP50.00- PhP21,000.00 : 703 (91% of the total members)

    Total Fund Total Loan Given Out Total Repayment Total Interest EarnedPhP2,870,560.70 PhP10,596,133.60 PhP7,634,526.00 PhP611,826.70.

    Outputs/Results/Impacts of the Program

    Collaboration: Linkages, cooperation and coordination among stakeholders (LASAC),LGUs and NGOs, SHeG members are built and strengthened that contributes to the

    development of the program.

    Cultural Impact: There is evidence of change in themindsets, attitudes and behavior of persons

    in the community (especially the SHeG

    members) such as the spirit of

    volunteerism, from just being recipients to

    being givers, thinking more of others than

    of their own, clearer visions of their values,

    boosting self-confidence of their potentials

    and their significant contribution to the

    project and to their communities,

    awareness of their rights and duties, theconfidence as agent of change

    Long-range Social Impact: Basic needs are mostlymeet. Members gradually participate in governance in their locality. Community

    experiences peace and order (lesser crime rates, juvenile delinquency, drug-related

    cases, etc).

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    Sustainability: The project helps create social structures that respond the need of thepoor like employment, education, housing, availability of safe and clean water, sufficient

    food, on-going local leadership and more.

    Innovation: The project has brought about significant social change of transforming traditional ineffective practice to the development of a pattern-changing idea and its

    successful implementation. SHeG is new and effective. It is a creative way of partnering

    with the poor where new programs strengthen human and spiritual values, uplift moral

    standards of living in the community, promote good governance, and recognize by

    different GAs, NGOs, other institutions, international bodies as outstanding projects for

    poverty alleviation.

    Replicability: The project can be adapted to solve similar problems in other places. Thephilosophy and spirituality that strength the project, the strategies that it employ, and the

    techniques that it implement can be applied in any marginalized communities in the


    Problems Encountered Presence of micro-finance in the community where recruiting members is hard to

    convince since they still inculcate the system of micro-financing from the outside


    Bad experience of some communities in financing scamLessons Learned

    The tremendous potential that lies dormant of every poor person can be unleashed to avery productive ends by organizing them and building their capacity.

    Each person especially the poor has extraordinary coping mechanism. Very often, theexternal development players undermine this strength; instead they offer quick solutionsto the problems which also have quick end. The wisdom and strength of poor people is

    their big asset. Savor their gifts.

    The poor women can perpetuate the culture of saving and invest viable incomegenerating activities by generating their own money through mutual contribution.

    Sustainable development has strong point in the internal initiatives rather than from theexternal sources where they can get money not from their own pockets.

    Communities re-establishing dying values of closely-knit practice.

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    Field Interviews conducted by NASSA and LASAC Director and his

    staff to consider its possibilities and effectiveness of SHeG Approachas project component in delivering programs

    and services to other Diocesan Social Action


    The hows, the whys and the wows of SheGs success

    implemented/facilitated by LASAC is the turning point why this

    case study is conducted. One highlight question that pushes such

    study is Can other DSACs do it too? As workable and as effective

    like LASAC?.

    Last May 10-14, 2011, one staff from NASSA together with

    LASAC Director and Staff conducted the field interview randomly

    at the pilot communities. Most of the interviews carried out are at

    the place far-flung from the town or at the city that theinterviewers had to walk 3-4 hours to reach the area. Some roads

    travelled are hilly and elevated. Delayed meals are experienced.

    Six (6) major components are gathered from the

    respondents (the SHeG mambers) that are shown below in Table

    2. Remarks are added as some sort of findings and observation

    from the sharing expresssed by the respondents.

    In the sharing part, translation to English is avoided to

    retain the originality of the words articulated by the respondents.

    Fifteen (15 ) SheGs were interviewed, including the 5

    SheGs of LAKAS Cluster Level Association (CLA). One (1) CLA

    with 5 SheGs members conducted their monthly meeting so the

    interviewers only observed the process. Although some

    clarifications and questions are raised during the meeting.

  • 8/3/2019 CASE STUDY SHEG @ Archdiocese of Lipa


    Table 2. Field Interview Data

    Name ofSHeG/CLA


    # ofMembers



    Sharing Remarks



    13(8 at the


    June 5,2010

    > LGO-P13,821.00> MITB-P11,910.00

    Preparatoryphase:> nagulat kasi bakitbabae lahat> kung hindi galingsimbahan, hindi akomagtitiwala kasimaraming nghulogan namagbibigay kami ngpera para takasanlang.> may agam-agamfactor kasi walangang binigay

    LoanExpenditures:> nangutang ngP2,000.00 nanakakatulong salivelihood gaya ngpagtatanim ng tubo,pambayad ng labor

    > pambili ng gatasng anak> pandagdag satindahan> gastusin ng bahay> ginamit sapagpaayos ngbahay> ginawang capitalsa bigasan> daily householdexpenditures

    Effect/Changes:> nakakalabas nang bahay> makaligo natuwing huwebes> noon, ang asawaay palaging

    > no othermicro-financegroupsoperating theircommunity> they did fundraising, pabingo which theprizes were allhouseholditems; and wasparticipatedfromneighboringsitios/barangays> out of the 60households, 25are members(13 from theinterviewedgroup, 12 fromthe other group)> they will still

    continue even iftheres nofacilitation fromLASAC

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    nagrereklamo;ngayon aymagpaalala na sameeting> may asawangnagdududa, ayaw

    nang utang perongayon palagi nangnagtatanong samga updates> hindi pressure sapagbabayad, hulog-hulogan lang samakakayangbayaran> nakapunta na sastage, sasayaw atnagka-uniform pa

    > nakilala na pokami ng mayornamin, sinabihan pakami na magandaang grupo namin> masaya angpaluwagan

    Dreams/Aspirations> sanamadagdagan pa

    kami aabot ng 15.(13 presently)> skill training onmanicure, candy-making, etc

    Riles SHeG Dalima 20 Dec. 7,2010


    Preparatoryphase:> saglit lang, nabuokaagad> sasali pa rin kahithindi galing sasimbahan, depende

    sa paliwanag

    LoanExpenditures:> pambili ng bigas> pambaon eskuylang mga bata> pambayadkuryente kasi

    > reacted whenLASAC saidthey would letgo of them, yetthey would stillcontinue evenw/o the help of


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    maputulan na> pambayad satubig, etc.> capital satindahan na maliit> bayad pangtuli

    > nagpamisa

    Effect/Changes:> may kaluwaganna ang buhay,madali nangmakautang> hindi na kamiuutang sa iba, kasiang interest ay hindimapunta sa amin ,tapos obligado ka

    pang magbabayad> maramingnatutunan> lingo-linggomagkikita> may bonding na> hindi na kokontraang mga asawa,ayaw na nila samicro-finance kasisapilitan daw angpagbabayad

    > may gusto pangsumali, tutulunganto make new group> ang mga lalaki aygusto nang sumaliDreams/Aspirations> magkaroon ngpangkabuhayan napangmatagalan

    Labanan angKahirapan

    SHeG(LAKAS)Cluster Level

    Asso (CLA)with 5 groups

    1. BayanihanSHeG


    23 Apr2010


    ***(sharing weregathered from the 5


    Preparatoryphase:> may reactiontalaga sa mgaasawaLoanExpenditures:

    > the 5 groupshave a total ofP329Kplus inthe MITB

  • 8/3/2019 CASE STUDY SHEG @ Archdiocese of Lipa


    2. SarilingSikap SHeG


    4. MasaganaSHeG



    Feb 26,2010

    Sept26, 10

    Oct 30,10

    Nov. 9,10





    > nagpagawa ngterrace sa bahay> nagpagawa ngkulungan ng baboy> majority aynapunta sa

    pambaon atkagamitan saschool like papel, attuition fees.> pang-ulam> pang negosyo,hihiram ng 2K lingo-linggo> pambili ng bigas> pambayad ngkuryente

    Effect/Changes:> may malakingpagbabago sakomunidad.Nagkwentuhan parin pero mayginagawa na> takot mangutangpero ngayonnakapagpatayo nang bahay dahil sautang sa SHeG,

    panggamot, pahilot,etc.> malaking bagayang nagawa ngSHeG sa buhaynamin> noon palagingtagoan lang sabahay, ngayon laginang maykumustahan, bawatisa ay excited na

    magkikita tuwingmay meeting> noon ang somemembers aynakikinig lang sasession, ngayon aynaka report na sasession (CLA)

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    Dreams/Aspirations> na magkaroon ngpangkabuhayantalaga



    2. Kalingag

    3. Anos

    4. Muna

    5. Malvar


    Apar, Lobo






    Jan 27,10

    Apr 27,10

    July 18,10

    Sept 8,


    Sept15, 10

    LGO- P26,636





    ***(sharing were

    gathered from the 5groups)

    Preparatoryphase:> sindikato, iipuninlang ang yaman atkukunin ng projectofficer> galing sasimbahan so maka-Dios

    LoanExpenditures:> pambayad ngkuryente, hospital,eskuylahan> pambili ng gamitsa bahay gaya ngdurabox, kaldero> pambili ng kabayo> pang negosyo> abono sa tubigan,

    pagkain ng baboy atbaka

    Effect/Changes:> naisama kami saawarding nang

    Adamson Universityna ini-award nila saLASAC.> may savings nakami> pakikisama,

    pakikipag-alaykapwa> sama-sama sapapunta saanumang okasyon> disiplina sa oras> natutongmagkwenta,magdasal, mag

    > pagawaan ngwalis tambo saMalvar SHeG

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    > hindi magtatagalang magka-alitan omay kagalit kasitakot ma-agenda> tumutulong sa

    gawaing barangay> kung maymamamatay, maydamayan> may malakingpag- unawa sakapwa ka grupo> nakilala na dahilsa participation sabarangay> ang tubo ay nasakanila, hindi sa

    amin> dito sa amintransparent. Sa ibahindi alam ng ibangmember na maynakautang na> sa iba angcollateral ay ang co-members,nakakasama ngloob kasi hindinaman ang

    umutang> kauntipagkakamali,tulong-tulong talagakami> lahat po aypinuno, lahat po aynatuto kasi paikot-paikot po kami> mahiyain po kaminoon, nangangatalpo pero ngayon

    hindi na> nakadalas naumattend ngbarangay> nagpagawa na pokami ng patubig> yon pong kalsadanamin, pinagrabana po namin,

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    pinasemento poang gilid> empowered na pokami kasi may perana> dumami ang mga


    14(17 noon,with 21

    householdin theircmty.)

    Mar 6,2009



    ------Effect/Changes:> may fiesta na siladahil sa chapel nanapatayo nila> kung may

    birthday, sa chapelna sila magdasal.Hindi na nadayo sacentro na maypamasahe naP100.00> nakakatikim na ngmisa> noon, nahirapanmag sign of thecross ang iba,ngayon hindi na

    > noon, walangpakialaman bastanasa bahay langang ugnayan> tuwing martes,ang P20 aytalagang hindimakalimutan> nakakatulong sakapwa gaya nangwala pa lang bigaskaya ayon

    nangungutang na> kung aalis, alamna naming kungsaan makakuha ngpamasahe

    Dreams/Aspirations> magtatayo ng Day

    > they built achapel with anexpenses of32K plus (15Kwas from theirSHeG money).The rest wassolicited fromthe localresources likemunicipal


  • 8/3/2019 CASE STUDY SHEG @ Archdiocese of Lipa


    Care Center (kasipagod na ang mgabata sa kalalakadng more than 2-3hours)> need

    pangmatagalan nanegosyo> may plano sachapel napakikinabangan salahat


    Biga, Bogo,Hugom, SanJuan


    umalis atbumalik)

    (6 at the

    start )

    Nov. 6,2007

    MITB-P200.00LGO-1.5M(repayment 1.3)

    Preparatoryphase:> mahirap angmagbuo dahil maykaranasan na kami> may pag-

    alinlangan kasi hindinaming kilala siCaloy>hindi agad akosumali kasiinobserbahan komuna> umalis kasi hindipa namin alam angtakbo ng grupo> ang mga hindisumali galit ang

    mga asawa

    LoanExpenditures:> nakakapangutangna, may sandalanna> gamot, sahospitalization> natustusan naang pangmatrikula> pambaon sa

    eskuylahan(majority)> pang dagdag sanegosyo kaya nangavon> bagong miembrona hindi pa nag 1month, umutang naipinadala sa

    >40 (2 SHeGPagkakaisa atKaligayahan))with 50households

    > basta maylaman ang box,ipapautangkahit sa mayoutstandingutang pa> no pressure inpayment , hindinagdududa> ipupursege paang MITB> negosyo konti

    lang, may hindinag click> walang policysa pagbabayad.Kung kailanlang gustongbumayad>P3,520 savingbawat isa> multa saabsent P10/P5a day.

    Consecutive 4days P100.00>nakapagpatayona ng Day CareCenter> ayaw nangumutang sa iba(ex. LASAC)

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    probinsya> may umutang naP25K sapagdadamit

    Effect/Changes:> noon kahit saansaan na langmangungutang/manghiram> noon P10/wk langang compulsorysaving, ngayonP20/wk na> walang late (15minutes palugit)kasi takot sa multa

    > may gumagayana, nanganganakang SHeG> sobra angpagbabago. Noon,sa bahay langtalaga ngayon hindina natatakot samga tao> malaki angpakinabang ngbarangay kasi

    tinutulungan naminsila> mapag-unawa(may umalis nanang matagal, nangbumalik tinanggappa rin namin> may malakingpagbabago saasawa at mga anak,may partnership na> may nakatapos na

    sa training ngmanicure/pedicure,massage, 3rd yearcollege na.

    Dreams/Aspirations> bibili ng 2computers sa Day

    > 1ST project:Philhealthmembership(munisipyo angnagbabayadkasi pumunta

    sila doon forhelp)

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    Care Center> Ipapaayos angkalsada



    Biga, Bogo,

    Hugom, SanJuan

    20 > Iba-iba ang

    fixed savingskasi iba-iba angantas ngpamumuhay(mostly are inthe middleclass)


    (theinterviewersonlyobserved/listened totheirmeetings)

    1. LuckySHeG

    2. MasayaSHeG





    Dec 22,2007


    327,803.00(repayment-P323,061.00)I- P15,469.00W-P90,000.00E-P1,000.00(punta ng Lipafor assembly)TF-P38,043.00SV-P2,300.00F-P485.00

    LGO-1,459,00.00(repayment-P1,039,000.00)I- P4,200.00(yearly is sharedto the membersduringChristmas)

    > may nag back-outkasi may baby pero

    may kapalit kaagad

    > created acommittee(water system,skill training of

    out-of-school-youth, day carecenter)> plan to createDay CareCenter (lot isdonated)> they havediscussed theput-up of watersystem in theirsitios/brgys.

    (conductedsurveys)> 25 youth willattend thetraining courses> day carecenter withexpected 25toddlers> fund raising:Halloween andcaroling

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    3. PinagpaladSHeG

    4. MagandaSHeG

    (Class B)majority


    5. Pag-asaSHeG



    14(20, 6


    Dec 16,2007

    Feb 14,2010

    Jan 17,2010

    TF-P38,043.00SV-P38,180 withextra savingsP7,318.00F-P724.00MITB-

    P57,940.75D-P3,550(natutuwa saaming grupo)


    P705,500.00)I- P59,183.00W-P60,000.00E-P8,688.00(bahaypulungan)SV-P60,040.00F-P1,004.00D-P2,000.00 (x-mas party andCLA)

    SV-P2,000.00S-P126,000.00I- P24,900.00Investment 3heads baka(P60,000.00)

    MITB-P17,200I- P1,973.00F-P305LGO-P20,151.00W-P33,583.00

    > loan is atleastP10,000.00(mostly fortuition fees)

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    6. MaligayaSHeG

    7. Lucky 2

    Salimpusa 15



    Jan 2,2011

    FS-P15,720.00SV-P3,147.00LGO-P43,773.00I- P12,707.00W-P7,876


    *** LGO Loan given outMITB- Money in the BoxI- interestW- withdrawalsE- expenses

    TF- total fundSV- special savingsF- fines (absent, late)FS-fixed savings

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    Findings and Observations

    Generally, the presiders are equip in holding their meeting. Rotational leadership indeedhelpful for the womens self-worth and self-confidence. Participative financial

    management is more responsive and efficient. There is indeed a flexible democraticsystem of working.

    Wearing uniform during the meetingand other events is a manifestation that their rules are


    The members carried individualnotebook that they readily used in note-taking (this is

    during their meeting).

    Loan is done mainly on trust with abare documentation and without any security.

    The comradery is evident. Sharing of problems, concerns, experiences and aspirationsare openly expressed. Laughters and giggles are heard.

    Visits of their community produce happy faces from the members. The SheGs interviewed are generally 100% in attendance. They are not used to serve snacks/meals (because of the principle that no food is to be

    served fot he promoters/implementers). The presence of Fr. Jun Ramos was an

    exception. However, few groups did the serving of food.

    Social supports emerge especially from the LGUs. Sincere efforts to share the benefits of development to their communities is strong

    (chapel construction, water supply, day care center, road construction)

    Despite the long distance walking, the number of memberscontinues to grow.

    Generally, the selection of SheGs is indeed poorestamong the poor.

    Pilot communities reveal that Archdiocese ofLipa is not as rich as it is known. Poorest among

    the poor are surviving in the very remote places.

    The sustainability factor is developed among themembers. Confidently, they can continue the

    operation without facilitation from the promoters.

    Comments and Recommendations Majority of the SheGs have no stable income generating activities/livelihood. Most are

    micro-business operated in the area. Most of their loans are expenditures.

    There is a great need for livelihood skills training appropriate in the respective area. Poor need not only credit support, but also savings and other services. SheGs should in fact be modified to Self-Help StudyGroup where continuing inputs and

    education is mandated to the group.

  • 8/3/2019 CASE STUDY SHEG @ Archdiocese of Lipa



    Self-Help supplemented with mutual help is certainly a powerful vehicle for the poor to be

    liberated of all their potentials that are hidden within themselves due to poverty in almost every

    aspect of their lives. SheGs is an inspiration to do better what we have done best in our pastoralworks through the years. It is an instrumental to motivate poor people of God to share what they can

    offer to themselves for the common good of their lives and for their community. Self-sustained

    growth is within reach as long as exact ingredients are carried out.

    SHeG Approach is a paradigm shift of the Social Action if it is replicated. Challenges and risks

    are inevitable, but evaluating its success to LASAC is a tempting stimulation that it maybe done to

    other Dioceses as well. One success story is revealed, and there maybe more if one is brave enough

    to take the calling. If it is effective to one Diocese, why not try it to others as well? Who knows.

    Potential Discussion Questions

    What are the possible implications and responses of the target groups in shifting strategy/ies

    from the traditional dole out church to sariling sikap BECs?

    How can we merge the existing micro-enterprise/micro-finance development program to SHeG


    How would an increase SHeG formation impact to our church? What new challenges would likely


    If there is no fund available, how can we strategize SHeG Approach to become a program

    component of our program deliveries?

    This case study is an example of the challenges of sharing ones life (alay) to ones neighbors (kapwa) in the BEC through

    SHeG model. This is written as a basis of discussions, learning and references - not as an illustration of either effective or

    ineffective actions. The effectiveness depends on the viewpoint of the DSAC in their respective Diocese.

  • 8/3/2019 CASE STUDY SHEG @ Archdiocese of Lipa

