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Case1 Final

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Zach, Rob, Eric, and AJ's CFH.
Click Here for Case 2 Why Did the United States Enter World War 1? View Sources Here Click Here for Case 1
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Why Did the United States Enter World War 1?

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Case 1

Instructions1. Scroll down. Read the background information about Case 1.

2. Consider the issues listed following the short reading.

3. Review each person's perspective on the issue at hand.

4. Draw a conclusion on the topic of US involvement in World War I

and explain your reasoning. 5. When you have viewed the perspectives click here to go to the end

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Case Article

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Grieving Widow

Commander of German U-Boat

Arthur Zimmerman

The United States desired neutrality during World War I and was able to do so for most of the war. Even after 128 Americans died in 1915 when the Lusitania, a British ship, was sunk by a German U-Boat the United States remained absent from combat. President Woodrow Wilson claimed that “America was too proud to fight” however in April of 1917 Congress declared war on Germany. This declaration can be attributed to the actions of Germany both at sea and involving Mexico. Despite the United States’ threat to participate in the war, the Germans continued to sink ships with US citizens aboard without warning. This along with the Zimmerman Telegram infuriated both the American people and President Wilson. The Zimmerman Telegram was a message that was intercepted and decoded by the British. The telegram offered Mexico German aid in reclaiming Arizona, Texas, and New Mexico. In exchange for their help Germany asked Mexico to declare war on the US so as to prevent the United States from being able to send troops and supplies overseas to Europe. The British showed the document to the Untied States who at first thought it was a fake. Eventually, Zimmerman himself confirmed it to be genuine and shortly there after the US declared war on Germany. To make matters worse for Germany, Mexico declined the offer.

US President

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President Wilson

Hello and good day to you my fellow Americans. It is with great remorse that I proclaim to the United States’ policy of neutrality has met it’s end. We the people of the United States of America will not tolerate the unnecessary loss of Innocent American lives. It was, for awhile, possible to accept the German attacks as honest mistakes however we shall no longer pardon their ruthless and unprovoked attacks. The men lost in the sinking of the Lusitania shall forever be missed but never, ever forgotten. We shall avenge their deaths once and for all with swift militant actions.

Two short months ago it was brought to my attention that Germany had decided to attempt to form an alliance with our Mexican brothers and sisters to prevent the American Participation in the most devastating war the world has ever known. It was in a telegram intercepted by the British that I first discovered the German attempt to instigate a war between Mexico and The United States of America. So to my fellow Americans I am here speaking to you today not to inform you of the now infamous Zimmerman Telegram or the unspeakable sinking of the Lusitania but instead to tell you all that on this day, April 7 th, 1917 the United States is declaring war on Germany.

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Grieving Widow

Commander of German U-Boat

Arthur Zimmerman

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US President

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Grieving WidowDear Diary,

Last week, I received news regarding my husband. He is dead. My husband was one of the unfortunate 128 Americans that died a horrible death on the British ship, the Lusitania. When he told me that he would be traveling on the British ship, I was somewhat worried because I had heard of German U-Boats attacking and sinking such ships. He assured me; however, that the Germans would not dare attack a ship carrying American passengers. He told me that the Germans had been warned before not to attack our ships, but he was wrong. In a tragic turn of events a U-Boat attacked the Lusitania and killed 1,198 people. How is it possible that the Germans can attack us despite our neutrality? They must pay for their reckless attacks. Unfortunately, President Wilson is a coward. He has decided not to declare war on Germany. Instead he has sent a formal warning to the Germans explicitly stating that if another boat carrying American passengers was attacked than we would enter the war. How many more American lives have to die until we start taking German lives? My husband was a great man, and he was murdered simply because he was on the wrong boat. An act like that should have consequences and President Wilson is letting the Germans get away with murder. I can only hope that it doesn’t take another 128 American lives to get us into this war.

-A grieving widow seeking revenge

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Grieving WidowCommander of German U-Boat

Arthur Zimmerman

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US President

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Commander of German U-BoatDear Mother Germany-

I am writing you in an effort to report my most recent successful attack. Our crew sank the Lusitania on May 7. The death toll is likely high; however there were slight complications. It appears as though there were Americans aboard the ship. I know that we have warned the Americans not to ride on the British ships, but it is unfortunate nonetheless that they were so ignorant. Despite this complication my mission went as planned. I met the great ship eight miles off the Old Head of Kinsale, Ireland. We promptly torpedoed the ship and it took a mere 18 minutes meet its resting place at the bottom of the ocean. I would approximate that over 1000 people perished in the attack. Whether or not “Jane’s Fighting Ship” (as the Lusitania is rumored to be known as) was carrying weapons and ammunition cannot be determined at this point, but I strongly expect that it was. I am currently awaiting further instructions as to my next target. Congratulations on a beautiful attack.

- Kapitänleutnant Walther Schwieger

- Commander of U20

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Grieving Widow

Commander of German U-Boat

Arthur Zimmerman

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US President

Page 8: Case1 Final

Arthur ZimmermanWhen I saw an opportunity for us to make an advance in the war and possibly deal a crushing blow to the Allies I jumped on it. I, like most of Germany, was indeed nervous about the United States and their participation in this War To End All Wars. The United States had placed limits on our naval attacks that at the time of the agreement seemed trivial at the time; however, as the war progressed I began to realize how difficult it would be to continue to warn in advance those that we planned to sink with our lethal U-Boat technology. Eventually, the disadvantage this created for us became to large to ignore and so I began to devise a plan that would allow us to resume unrestricted submarine warfare and still prevent the United States from joining forces with the Allies. After many long hours of hard work I was able to devise a strategy that would accomplish both of my goals to the fullest. I sent my idea to Mexican President Venustiano Carranza asking him to declare war on the United States so that the US would be forced to devote their time, money, and troops to the efforts at home. In exchange for their declaration we would shoulder the bulk of the financial burden brought on by their attempts to regain Texas, Arizona, and New Mexico. Unfortunately, this proposal back fired when Great Britain was able to intercept and decode the message. They then informed the US of their findings and in a rage the United States has declared war on us. Now, we find ourselves at war with an even bigger and more powerful force. I do regret sending my telegram, however, it is not because it offended the Americans but instead because it has slimmed our chances of victory over the Allies.

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Grieving Widow

Commander of German U-Boat

Arthur Zimmerman

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US President

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Case 2 Some would say the United States got involved in WW1 because

they wanted to make the world “safe for democracy”. President Wilson addressed congress, providing this as his reason to enter the war. Many people in the country were outraged and some protested. Others fully supported the presidents decision.

President Wilson wanted to spread democracy, the government of the United States, to European countries who were thought to be unstable.

“The world must be made safe for democracy. Its peace must be planted upon the tested foundations of political liberty. We have no selfish ends to serve. We desire no conquest, no dominion.” This quotation from Woodrow Wilson shows he had no intention to achieve anything besides spreading democracy.

US Citizen Overseas Leader Citations

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President Wilson

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Woodrow WilsonI do not see any other option. Going to war is the only way

to keep the country and world safe. “…we shall fight for the things which we have always carried nearest our hearts - for democracy…bring peace and safety to all nations and make the world itself at last free.”

As the president of the country, with such a successful government, I thought it was necessary to spread this form of government to other countries such as those in Europe. At this time, however, the only chance to achieve this was to go to war. We had been attacked by the Germans, along with other complications, leading us to the declaration of war.

We were also allies with some of the countries at war. Because they were at war, we felt obligated to help them. War was the only option, and I fell was the right choice.

Case 2 US Citizen Overseas LeaderPresident Wilson

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US CitizenI am John Turnbaum, and I am an American citizen. We

are in a time of turbulence, within and outside of the country. I am speaking on behalf of American citizens when I say that we strongly support President Wilson’s decision to enter the First World War. Although the President has tried to keep neutrality and isolation, the recent event regarding the Lusitania has forced America to bring peace to the world by the spread of democracy.

To the American people, Wilson is seen as a man of peace, whereas his recent opponent in the election, Charles Evans Hughes, is seen as a warmonger. I trust President Wilson will succeed in leading this great country out of the war, and into world peace.

Case 2 US Citizen Overseas LeaderPresident Wilson

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Overseas Leader

As the leader of Germany, Kaiser Wilhelm II, I believe the actions taken by the empire towards the United States and rest of the world were just and reasonable. We are in the First World War. The main word is “war”. There is nothing saying we weren’t “allowed” to attack the United States or any other country for that matter.

This is worldwide turbulence we are experiencing. To say the German submarine attack on a United States ship was the main reason for the United States involvement in the war would be ridiculous. As far as anyone is concerned, the United States got involved for themselves. The attack on the United States ship may have been a helping factor, but we all know the reason they got involved was because the United States cant keep themselves out of war.

Case 2 US Citizen Overseas LeaderPresident Wilson

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In Conclusion

Now that you have viewed our presentation we would like you to take this time to consider the many perspectives you have read and formulate an opinion in regards to whether or not it was appropriate for the United States to enter World War I.

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