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Cashbox Finance SMSF Limited Recourse

Date post: 06-Apr-2016
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[email protected] www.cashboxfinance.com.au

What is a Limited Recourse Borrowing Arrangement?A limited recourse borrowing arrangement is a specific type of borrowing arrangement that allows an SMSF trustee to borrow for investment purposes.

To qualify, the borrowing must be established under an arrangement that satisfies the following criteria;

[1] The borrowing must be used to acquire a single acquirable asset

[2] The acquirable asset must be held on trust for the SMSF so that the trustee acquires a beneficial interest in the asset

[3] The trustee must have the right to acquire the legal ownership of the asset after making one or more payments

[4] The rights of the lender, or any other person, against the trustee in relation to a default on the borrowing must be limited to the asset acquired with the borrowing

[5] The acquirable asset must not be subject to any charge other than that provided in relation to the borrowing

[6] The acquirable asset must not be replaced with another asset other than in certain specific circumstances

Under the rules a borrowing can also be used to pay for any transaction or borrowing costs, such as legal fees, loan application fees and stamp duty, and to fund repairs and maintenance to the asset but not to improve the asset.

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[email protected] www.cashboxfinance.com.au

IntroductionUntil recently the Superannuation Industry Supervision Act 1993 prohibited a Self Managed Superannuation Fund (SMSF) from borrowing money to purchase assets. Recent amendments to the SIS Act were introduced to allow Super Fund’s to invest in any kind of asset and to borrow, charging those assets so long as there is no recourse for the borrowing against the Super Fund.

New sections of the SIS Act, 67A and 67B, permit a Super Fund to borrow money if:

[1] The borrowed money is applied for the purchase of an asset

[2] The asset is held on trust so that the Super Fund acquires a beneficial interest

[3] The Super Fund has the right to acquire legal ownership by making payment

[4] The rights of the lender against the Super Fund for default are limited to the security

Basic StructureThe Super Fund can only borrow money to purchase an asset. To do this it must comply with the following;

[1] The Super Fund may select any property, residential or commercial. The purchase must be an ‘arms length transaction’ (i.e. the property is purchased from a ‘stranger’). There is an exception for ‘business assets’ (i.e. property leased to a tenant who conducts a business in the property). In this case, the property may be purchased from a ‘related party’ of the Super Fund

[2] The legal title to the property must be held on trust by an independent trustee

[3] The beneficial title to the property will be held by the Super Fund

[4] The lenders recourse will be limited to the property, thereby providing the Super Fund absolute protection for its other assets). Certain lenders will also require a personal guarantee from all members of the Super Fund.

[5] All rents will be paid directly to the Super Fund

[6] The Super Fund will make loan repayments to the lender

[7] Super Fund’s can deal with the property however and whenever they like, in the same way as you can deal with ‘normal’ investment properties (e.g. lease, repair, or sell).

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[email protected] www.cashboxfinance.com.au

[8] The Super Fund can pay out or reduce the mortgage at any time (subject to the terms of the relevant loan)

[9] When the mortgage is paid out in full, title to the property may be transferred to the Super Fund by the Property Trustee, or the Property Trustee may continue as registered proprietor.

It is important that the structure clearly complies with all the above requirements. Failure to do so may result in the Super Fund being declared ‘non-compliant’ within the meaning of the SIS Act.

It is also important to adhere to the lenders varying trustee requirements when establishing the legal structure (certain lenders require a corporate trustee for the Super Fund, whilst the others will allow individual trustees).

Limited Recourse Borrowing Arrangement StructureThere are several entities that complete the structure. The following diagram illustrates a typical borrowing arrangement used to acquire property.

Once the loan has been repaid the arrangement can be unwound and the legal title of the propertytransferred to the Super fund.

SMSF Lender



Limited Recourse Loan

Principal andInterest Repayments



Lender’sSecurityLimited toProperty Property Held on

Trust for SMSF

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[email protected] www.cashboxfinance.com.au

Loan StructureCashbox Finance can negotiate on your behalf to secure the most favourable deal within the large selection of Super Fund lending products on the market. We can;

[1] Structure the loan to enable you to purchase the asset within the Super Fund

[2] Comply with the Government Legislation

[3] Protect your other Super Fund assets with a ‘Limited Recourse’ loan

[4] Loan to Value Ratios (LVR) are available up to 80% for residential property purchases and 65% for commercial property purchases

[5] Loan periods up to 30 years for residential property and 15 years for commercial property

[6] ‘Mortgage Offset’Accounts are available

Loan products are typically restricted to variable loan rates or fixed rate loans of 1-5 years.

Loan restrictions also exist with this type of borrowing arrangement. This will also includethe types of assets the lenders will accept as security;

[1] No construction or refurbishment

[2] No vacant land

[3] No increase in the loan amount post settlement. Borrowings cannot be used to refinance an existing super fund property or improve/change an existing property held within the super fund

[4] The property purchase must be on a ‘Stand Alone’ basis, no other assets inside or outside of the fund can be utilised

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[email protected] www.cashboxfinance.com.au

Legal Structure

In order for a Super Fund to purchase an investment property and borrow money, it will be necessary to have a special legal structure in place.

Super Fund deeds have adopted significant changes over the last four years to not only ensure SIS Act and regulatory compliance, but to also accommodate the individual requirements of the lenders.

Cashbox Finance can arrange all of your Super Fund deeds to guarantee they will pass legal scrutiny by any lender.

The Property Trust (Bare Trust Deed) is a key component within the legal structure and extreme care is required so to ensure there are no adverse GST, taxation or stamp duty consequences.

The SIS Act requires where an asset is acquired with the proceeds from a loan, the asset "is held on trust” with the Super Fund being the beneficial owner to the asset at all times. Once the loan is repaid in full the asset can then be transferred to the Super Fund.

Cashbox Finance can assist you with providing the required legal structure through our partnered legal firm, which may include a new Super Fund or updating the governing rulesof an existing fund, a new trustee company etc. We can help you with the following;

(1) Property / Bare Trust Deed

(2) SIS Act S67A & 67B, Auditors 'Letter of Compliance'

(3) Full Legal Backup

(4) Minutes of Meeting for Corporate Trustees (5) Beneficial Owner Statutory Declarations (6) Trustee Statutory Declarations

(7) Trust Deed/s 'signed off' by major banks/lenders (8) All documentation individually prepared by a Lawyer

The Super Fund’s Trust Deed contains the rules that govern the Super Fund. This being the case, the Trustee of the Fund must ensure that the Trust Deed contains all of the provisions required under the section 67(A&B) of the SIS Act.
