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Casting considerations for The Wahabian Worship

Date post: 18-Jul-2015
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Arrow Wahab Arrow Wahab is an 18-year-old genius. He is of Indian heritage and has been trying to grow a moustache from the age of 12, to carry on his father's 'legacy'. He was blinded when he was young in an accident that involved his father's death, so Arrow has some ghosts. These 'ghosts' are portrayed through his deadpan expressions, matter-of-fact speech and the rarity of happiness. Despite his seemingly lackluster personality, Arrow is passionate about a spectrum of different things. Including table tennis, art (both traditional and contemporary), music - he is a fine guitar player and enjoys singing, and he also has an impressive collection of vinyls. Arrow studied at The Royal School of Contemporary Art in Gothenburg, Sweden from the age of 15 and has been in love with his nanny from the age of 8. Considerations: Name: Sam Bartlett Age: 23 Height: 6ft 2" I considered Sam for the role of Arrow initially because he fit the age range suitable to portray an 18 year old. He is able to quickly grow an efficient moustache, which is an important piece of symbolism in my production, and so it is essential. However, being extremely tall, it would be difficult to portray Sam as the younger version of himself in flash backs which is also essential. He also has no acting experience and works full time, so his reliability as well as his availability would be a risk to take on.
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Arrow Wahab Arrow Wahab is an 18-year-old genius. He is of Indian heritage and has been trying to grow a moustache from the age of 12, to carry on his father's 'legacy'. He was blinded when he was young in an accident that involved his father's death, so Arrow has some ghosts. These 'ghosts' are portrayed through his deadpan expressions, matter-of-fact speech and the rarity of happiness. Despite his seemingly lackluster personality, Arrow is passionate about a spectrum of different things. Including table tennis, art (both traditional and contemporary), music - he is a fine guitar player and enjoys singing, and he also has an impressive collection of vinyls. Arrow studied at The Royal School of Contemporary Art in Gothenburg, Sweden from the age of 15 and has been in love with his nanny from the age of 8.


Name: Sam Bartlett Age: 23 Height: 6ft 2" I considered Sam for the role of Arrow initially because he fit the age range suitable to portray an 18 year old. He is able to quickly grow an efficient moustache, which is an important piece of symbolism in my production, and so it is essential. However, being extremely tall, it would be difficult to portray Sam as the younger version of himself in flash backs which is also essential. He also has no acting experience and works full time, so his reliability as well as his availability would be a risk to take on.

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Name: Scott Abbott Age: 23 Height: 5ft 7" I considered Scott to play Arrow because he has the advantage of being able to look younger as well as older both because of his young looking face and shorter height. The disadvantages of choosing Scott however, is that he does not have any facial hair and so I would have to rely on using a fake moustache throughout the entire production. Where he looks like he could portray an 18 year old well, I felt he could not convey the deadpan expressions and emotionless portrayal required for Arrow.

Name: Eden Welland Age: 23 Height: 5ft 11" I considered Eden for the role as Arrow based on the fact he is easily available as he works flexible hours, and can grow a moustache quickly. He is also in the same age range as the other considerations, which makes him suitable to play an 18 year old. However, I feel 18 is as young as I can make him look, even with the help of make up, and so he would not be suitable to play the flash backs that include Arrow's younger self. He also has no acting experience and has never seen a Wes Anderson film so he would not be able to grasp the unique style that I am trying to replicate. Name: Devan Crawford Age: 18 Height: 5ft 8" Devan is the same age as the character I am considering him for which is a major advantage as it would be easier for him to relate to the character and get into the right mind frame. I feel Devan and Arrow have a similar personality, and he looks like I imagined Arrow (small, yet is able to take things seriously) so it

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would be easy for Devan to act, however he does not have any knowledge on Wes Anderson films so it may be difficult for him to understand what kind of style I want him to portray. Another major positive is that Devan is of Indian nationality, which is common in Wes Anderson films; therefore it would make it seem more legitimate. The two main disadvantages of casting Devan is that he is unable to grow a suitable moustache so I would have to rely on the fake one, and also the fact he goes to university, so would not often be available to film, which is a major hold back. Name: Aaron Smith

Age: 19 Height: 5ft 11" Being 19, I included Aaron as he is younger than the other considerations and so thought it would be easier to make him look younger in the flashbacks. The only disadvantage with him being younger is that he is unable to grow a moustache quickly and therefore I would have to rely on a fake one. He also has no acting experience and works long hours so it would be difficult to arrange for him to film. He has also never seen a Wes Anderson film, and I fear he would not be able to grasp the concept of the unique acting style he would need to portray and rather try and act in a more traditional way. Name: Jamie Tahir Age: 20 Height: 5ft 9" I considered Jamie for a number of reasons. For starter's, he is of Indian nationality and so suits the common theme of a native lead role in Wes Anderson productions. He has a moustache, which he has been growing for a while and so that is readily available and he is also willing to shave it off in order for me to make him look younger. He is older than the character but younger than some of the other considerations I

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have chosen, which eliminates any of the cons I had with the older ones (like not being able to make them look younger). Not only is it Jamie's physical appearance that makes him an attractive consideration for this role, but he is also very similar to Arrow in that he has an extreme passion for music, he can play guitar at an expert level and so I would not need to fake the guitar scenes, he has a solid understanding of British Invasion music which is what I will be using, and he also has a large collection of vinyl’s, much like Arrow. He has seen every Wes Anderson film so understands perfectly what kind of style I want to achieve and how he needs to act. I have experienced his acting first hand and he showed that he takes it seriously so

I would not need to worry about him being unreliable. The only disadvantage about casting Jamie is that he works very unpredictable hours, therefore we would not be able to plan in depth when the filming would take place, but rather plan things little by little and possibly in the wrong order to suit Jamie's schedule, and then put it all together at the end. This is an inconvenience for me and makes the challenge harder. Based on the amount of advantages there were, including the fact he is experience with Wes Anderson films and also has the appearance I am looking for, I chose Jamie Tahir as Arrow Wahab.

Jamie Tahir

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Giovanetta Amoretti Giovanetta is a 29-year-old child therapist who finds excitement in all things glamorous. She lived in Italy up until the age of 18 until she moved to study psychology in a more metropolitan country. She served the Wahab's house as a cleaner and nanny for Arrow after his father died which is how she managed to pay for her college fees. She left in her mid 20's to move to Ebeltoft in Denmark, (around the same time that Arrow moved to Sweden); she has written a successful book on child's psychology and has made a name for herself.

Considerations: Name: Aimee Wilson Age: 18 Height: 5ft 5" Aimee fits the stereotype of a young, blonde, glamorous and intelligent young lady, which is how Giovanetta is represented. However Aimee is 11 years younger than the character, therefore I would fear she would not be able to convey an accurate representation of a more mature 29 year old as a pose to the older considerations. Despite seeing a range of different Wes Anderson films and being educated in film and media studies, it is a risk casting Aimee as Giovanetta purely because she could not relate to the character in any way, and the audience may also agree the Aimee doesn't look older than Arrow which is a requirement for the character of Giovanetta. Aimee is also not easily accessible as she attends university, so it would be hard to arrange filming dates with her. Name: Tiffany Brownlow Age: 26 Height: 5ft 4"

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I considered Tiffany to be Giovanetta because she fits the age range and would be available to film on a regular basis. She has a petite figure and blonde hair, which is what I was looking for, however she looks a lot younger than she actually is which is a disadvantage in this case because the audience need to be aware that Giovanetta is older than Arrow, and I fear that some of the audience may question whether Tiffany looks older than any of the Arrow considerations. One major issue is that Tiffany can't talk a different language so it would take a while for her to learn the lines required for the film, although there are not a lot of lines in a different language, it is still difficult to grasp certain sentences and sound fluent in the language too, which

is what I would prefer. Tiffany also hasn't seen any Wes Anderson films, despite seeing a vast range of other contemporary films; she doesn't know the unique style of Anderson. Name: Lana Moulding Age: 29 Height: 5ft 9" I considered Lana to play Giovanetta because she is older than my other considerations and is also the same age as the character. Lana works in the same profession that I have portrayed Giovanetta to work in (dealing with young people), and she also enjoys glamour, has expensive taste and is often dining out, therefore I feel their personalities are quite alike and so Lana could feel connected to Giovanetta and represent her better. Lana has the trademark 'blonde' look I am trying to achieve, she is tall, slim, has blonde hair and is naturally pretty, and these are all conventions of a protagonist. A disadvantage is that Lana is not available very often and so scheduling filming with her may be difficult, nor is she willing to dress up in the costumes I am supplying for her. Name: Claudie Cantellow

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Age: 19 Height: 5ft 6" Despite being a younger consideration and possibly not being able to convey the maturity that I am looking for in Giovanetta, I felt Claudie may be option since she is tall, and so looks older, is blonde, and is very pretty - therefore all of the conventions of a protagonist. She is also available to film at any time, which is convenient. A disadvantage is that she has not seen any Wes Anderson films so she doesn't know the unique style I am looking to replicate, and she also has no acting experience so she may be unreliable when it comes to trying to get the precise style of acting perfect. She also cannot speak another

language so there is the issue of learning the lines in Italian too. Name: Donka Aleksandrova Age: 23 Height: 5ft 5" I considered Donka because she is able to speak fluent Portuguese. Although my script is written in Italian, I would be willing to change the language of the foreign parts in order to fit in a foreign character, rather than make them learn the Italian from scratch. Donka also has a degree in film studies and so is very aware of the process of film making and what would be required of her as an actor, e.g - to listen to the director, to follow conventions etc. A disadvantage of choosing Donka is that she is not always available which may make it difficult for her to be filmed, and also she has brown hair whereas I am looking for someone with blonde hair, but this isn't a major problem. She is quite young compared to the character and this raises the fact that she may not be able to portray a mature woman like Giovanetta. Another issue that could arise is that Donka doesn't know any of the considerations I've chosen for Arrow, therefore when it comes to filming they may be awkward around each other and there may not be chemistry which is vital for my production.

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Name: Sara Fink Age: 25 Height: 5ft 6" I initially considered Sara for the role of Giovanetta based on the fact she speaks fluent Italian. This is the language I based around Giovanetta so the fact Sara does not have to learn anything beforehand is convenient. In appearance terms, she is blonde, young and considered attractive, which are conventional features for a protagonist. She is also in the correct age group. Other advantages include the fact Sara knows all of the actors considered to play Arrow, this is a huge

benefit because they will comfortable around each other which is what I need to convey the chemistry between Arrow and Giovanetta. An added plus is that Sara is willing to wear the costumes I have supplied and is also able to offer her house for filming since it is large and grand and fits the themes of a Wes Anderson production. Sara is very flexible with work and would be able to film whenever I schedule it for which is extremely useful. The only con is that Sara has never seen a Wes Anderson film so she may not know the kind of character she needs to portray. I decided to choose Sara Fink to play Giovanetta based on her availability, the fact she has offered a lot of filming space, and her ability to talk fluent Italian.

Sara Fink

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Yvonne Wahab Yvonne Wahab, aged 48, is the mother of Arrow Wahab. She may be small but she is quite the alpha female. She tried to keep Arrow under control for the majority of his life, in fear that his adventurous and curious nature may push him to the same fate as his father. This caused a rift between the two and Yvonne grew increasingly bitter towards both Arrow and Giovanetta when Arrow decided to follow him dream. She is a stern, dominant female and will not stand for what she thinks is unacceptable. Considerations: Name: Sharon Wilson Age: 47 Height: 5ft 6" I considered Sharon Wilson to be cast as Yvonne Wahab because she is almost the same age as the character. She also has a son and a daughter the same age as Arrow, therefore she knows the stresses and experiences of motherhood so she can relate to the character. However, Sharon looks quite young for her age, she has clear skin, is blonde and is quite tall, and she also has a kind face and gentle personality, all of which are not

suitable features for a bitter, selfish antagonist. To make Sharon suitable for the role, a lot of make up would be needed to make her look older and angrier, a wig to show her hair going grey, and unflattering clothing would need to be supplied, as well as making her look shorter. Sharon does not have any experience with Wes Anderson films so it may be difficult to understand the kind of role I would need her to portray. Another disadvantage is that she also works full time therefore it would be difficult to make time for her to film.

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Name: Annika Wigholm Age: 38 Height: 5ft 7" Annika is younger than the character of Yvonne, as well as all of the other considerations I made. I chose her because I may be able to have a fresh outlook on how a cruel, bitter lady could be presented. Annika does not have the experience of motherhood and therefore would not be biased in presenting Yvonne in a cruel way whereas the others may sympathize with her as a troubled mother. Annika also has experience watching a lot of films, including old classics, contemporary, independently produced films like the styles of Wes Anderson;

therefore she is educated in how her character is being portrayed. However, her younger outlook on life means she looks a lot younger than the rest of the considerations, and my character needs to look older than she actually is. This would mean using make up and costume to style Annika to make her look 30+ years than she actually is. This is an inconvenience for me as it means I would have to recreate her face structure using prosthetics and I do not have these supplies. Name: Gina Brown Age: 50 Height: 5ft 5" I considered Gina for the role because she has both the perfect age, personality and motherhood experience to play Yvonne but she is also aware of contemporary themes and willing to do research into Wes Anderson films. I would still need to use make up and costume to make her look uglier and older because she has a kind face, however due to her small frame and slim face it would be easy to apply make up to the right places. The disadvantage is that she has no acting experience and this makes her quite unreliable, she also works full time so it would be difficult to fit her into a schedule.

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Name: Mandy Nicholls Age: 51 Height: 5ft 3" Mandy Nicholls was considered to play Yvonne due to her small frame, stubborn personality and general appearance (Older people are generally smaller). Mandy is a mother of two and so knows the way motherhood works and the stresses they can be put through when watching their children grow up. She also comes very close to the age range of the character, therefore there is alot Mandy could relate to the character with when portraying Yvonne. Additional make up will be required to make Mandy look unpleasant to the audience, for example

making her look older and wearing unflattering clothes, as this is conventionally how an antagonist is portrayed. The only major disadvantage is that Mandy has a full time job and works nights, therefore our schedules do not work well together and it would be difficult to find the facilities and time to film with Mandy. Name: Sandy Brittain Age: 68 Height: 5ft 4" I considered someone older to play Yvonne Wahab because it is known that Yvonne is cruel and bitter, this would make her an antagonist in my film, who are conventionally represented as more ugly, older, or have some weakness in comparison to the protagonist (in this case, Arrow). Although Yvonne is only 48, by having an older person play her adds an aspect that suggests she has aged through stress, or stress induced habits such as smoking, eating, and generally not looking after herself, portraying her as the antagonist. The disadvantage to having Sandy play Yvonne is that she has not seen many contemporary films therefore she does not understand the most traditional of styles, let alone the unique acting in Wes Anderson films. She has little acting experience and being older, there is the risk she

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will try and take control and put her own twist on things, therefore this makes her quite an unreliable candidate. Name: Amanda Brittain Age: 48 Height: 5ft 4" I considered Amanda Brittain to act as Yvonne Wahab mainly because she is easily accessible to me. As she is my mother I see her every day and therefore it is easy to arrange filming. Other advantages, which make her a suitable consideration is the fact she is exactly the same age as Yvonne, and has handled many of the experiences as the character including single

parenthood and dealing with the coming of age of her children, this would make it easier for her to relate to Yvonne and get in the right role. Amanda has a petite frame and a slim face, she has also been a smoker for 30 years, so she has small signifiers including a wrinkled face which is what I am looking for, for Yvonne's character. I would need to make her look slightly older and more aggressive so that it's clearer to the audience that she is an antagonist, however because she is already the correct size, weight and has a workable facial structure, this would only mean putting on make up to make her look older, and possibly wearing a wig so she has grey hair. Amanda also has acting experience since she was in my AS production and therefore I know what it is like to work with her, she listens to my directions and takes in what kind of role I want her to play, this makes her very reliable in comparison to the other casting considerations. Based on her availability and suitable appearance for the role, I chose Amanda Brittain to play the role of Yvonne Wahab.

Amanda Brittain

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Theodore Wahab Arrow's father, Theodore Wahab, was an adventurous, lighthearted man. He was fascinated by all things science and had a stable job at a chemist in a small suburban town. He aspired to be a scientist and discover things, which is what his job lacked, and so he created his own homemade laboratory where he and Arrow used to spend most of their days. He had a tight connection with his son, they stuck together through the times Yvonne would antagonize them and they found a safe haven in each other. That is until Theodore reached the age of 39 and was killed in an experiment that exploded due to a miss-calculation in the chemicals. Considerations: Name: Ricky Horton Age: 55 Height: 6ft 2" I considered Ricky Horton, my dad, as he has the large build that I'm looking for in Theodore. A large build represents masculinity and this combined with the loving personality in which Theodore possesses, creates a positive representation of a father figure. A disadvantage of choosing Ricky is the fact he

is often not available as he works long hours, he also lives far away so it would be inconvenient to travel a long way to film when there could be a better suited actor closer by. Name: Alan Moulding Age: 59 Height: 6ft I considered Alan to play Theodore because he has a son and therefore can relate to the character. He also knows many of the considerations I have chosen to play Arrow and therefore I would not have to run the risk of it being awkward between the

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two actors. He has a tall and large frame, which makes him suitable to play a conventional father figure role, as the audience will be able to clearly distinguish that he is older than Arrow. The only disadvantages are that he is not available very often and he is not willing to wear the costume that I am supplying, so if there are chances I get to film with him, even then it may be difficult for him to follow what I am telling him to do, as a director. It has been said that Wes Anderson is an extremely hard director to work with as the script and the actions need to be followed perfectly, and with someone who does not seem enthusiastic about playing the role, it is a risk depending on Alan to convey this character.

Name: Alfred Horton Age: 72 Height: 6ft 1" I decided to consider someone a lot older than the character actually is in order to find someone that could portray Theodore as older and crazier, somewhat like a 'mad scientist'. I also thought it would be interesting to transform an older actor into a younger character through make up, rather than transform younger actors into the older characters like with many of my other considerations. The disadvantages of using Alfred would be that he has little knowledge of what contemporary films are like, let alone what Wes Anderson films are like, therefore it would be difficult for him to grasp the unique style I want to convey. He also lives a long distance away and therefore it would be difficult to arrange a filming schedule. Name: Raymond Nicholls Age: 52 Height: 6ft 4" I considered Raymond for the role for the same reason I considered Alan and Ricky. He has a tall build, and a kind face

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which makes him the conventional father figure. He has also experienced parenthood and so would be able to relate to the character when trying to build chemistry with Arrow. Much like the older considerations however, he has not seen a Wes Anderson film and therefore he may not grasp the kind of acting style I want to achieve. He is however available most of the time and so it would be easy to schedule filming times with him. Name: Eamonn Brown Age: 49 Height: 5ft 10"

I considered Eamonn because he is available most of the time and so it would be convenient to film with him. He has two children, one being a boy, so he has the experience of being a father therefore he could easily relate to the role and have chemistry with Arrow. Eamonn is also easy to get along with regardless of whether he knows the person or not so I could imagine he and the actor for Arrow's part would get along straight away. However he doesn't represent the kind of actor I am looking for appearance wise, since he is quite small and has a smaller frame whereas I am looking for someone who is noticeably taller than Arrow. Name: Oliver Moulding Age: 23 Height: 5ft 11" I chose to consider Oliver because he is young and offers a completely different perspective on what it would be like to act as a father, I also considered him to play the role of Arrow but feel his personality is more suited to a character that is more enthusiastic and joyous. Oliver has a solid knowledge of contemporary films and specifically Wes Anderson films so he understands the typical representations of relationships in Anderson's productions, and is likely to be able to replicate

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that. The fact that he is young also isn't too much of an issue because Theodore is only 39 when he was killed, which is only 16 years older than Oliver. This age gap can easily be achieved through the use of make up and a wig. Oliver is available to film most of the film, which is extremely convenient, since most of the other considerations for this role are often working and unable to film whenever I can. Based on his availability and experience with Wes Anderson films, I chose Oliver Moulding to play Theodore Wahab. I plan to make him look older by using lots of make up and an appropriate costume.

Oliver Moulding
