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f Thro* of * Kind. Pnpres, the great but ill favoroi Preach tenor, WRS ouce walking from the Grand Opera House in Paris with the baritone Baroilhet, who was not en Apollo either. They happened to meet Perrot, the dancer, a man of very great ability, but sbort and thin and so ugly that a manager once said he £Lmljw t&L raorosmos wit* or war* t«wat, orra * n the Jardia des Flantes,.(zoological gar- dens), as he engaged ao monkeys. ^Perrot told them the story, and when Duprez laughed at him Perrot said: "Why. surely you need not laugh. If I am ugly I am certainly not so ugly as either of you." "You moukey." said Duprez, "this difference shall soon be settled." And, peeine a stranger pass who appeared to be a gentleman, "Monsieur," said be, "will you be so good "as' to arbitrate In ft little difference of opinion be- t•preen as?" "With pleasure," said the stranger, -it I caa." "Well," said Duprez, "Just look at us and say whom you consider to foe the ugliest of the three,*' J The gentleman looked for some ilme from one to the other and then said, "Gentlemen. I give it up: I cannot ^ possibly decide," and went away roar- j te lag with laughter. OOTOBSR hone* • l w «»jr «, WW, i si the OOTCHM*. Pa*** by a 1 Tb* People «f th* Stxts of ] seated la •*••*• and AM* ssdttonJL,^ TSer* sh*fl tmmi, Is «••*•*»- Bstt»r"Latc Than Not at AH, . j,iv< i" o f the 1'ttle^ country church ]»*• uiiT I) IPIWJM !>* baying the uhvis. w.' IU 1 ? to/yri^at < n straggle inc 'fter tbe Be n i c e had begun. '- pl>\ 'honjing wh*ii he felt that r ' r ,AI» no" vritli rb3* fault was i -i* if he fended to rebuke some •I ' 'U<* of* n<ier 41*o!it twenty mi tLai» Vie proper hour » at! "* ' i w d i annered little on < •) t*k.' n attendants > -I t <ju f e incorrigible of not to OEOMd fora- per irtrioh tetonat *«n p.^ r OM dtr ol K«w Tort; mid bott^i abtll imo*l for « tert» <rf «rtr r«« «w thrtr drte «« im •nd atMlfVaot b* sold lor loa thaa par Th» emnptroHar I* hewaf eaavawl <Ht» UM o««r »f stillatr mHA bonrf. to O t Uc%«*t btdtav aftor •dvcrttatoc fcr a p«4od at imnrj uuawuuttu d«ri (Sodkyi ascnrtad) ta at Mat tt» (tally tn the etl? of ttar York, cad b* at a MMr at taa 4+ af Aftaaa-, Jfe l «W rsar «• f « «t» baasbatf aai mZ mwfssnair ioU had before the Upon the m&mef «# fmdgrn em ayaiati «1«R t* *»* ana* *f fit*** fUmmmd mltt«4 to Cha peopte far tppnvnl at tte g«Mr«l thattaa to B*M to tota y*ai ttln*te«n ttundrad •ed «*a te aooontaao* with tb« prortetoai <* ta* i i , x>ked up, i<! and re- nh behind - so late in smiled r cinfu Stete el How Tost, la»Sen*t*, April a, 190».~ Tbe for«going resolution was dtOy pasted, a ma- jority o i t D O t Senator, elected voting in favor thereof. By order of the Seas**, HORACE WHITE, President. State of Hew Tort. In Aasmbly, Aprilft.1008. —The foregoing resohrttoo was duly paswd, a majority of all the members elected to tbe A* Nobly ^oowfr Is Siw thereof, By onKt* of flu Assembly, J. W. WADGWORTH, Jr., Speaker. 0t*t* of Mew Tort, Office af the Secretary of State, sa.; I b*t« compared tb* preceding copy ot oaaomHSrt rmtMtm wlta the original eon- cmnmt NMfarttoe on Me ia this office, and I te tb* dty of Albany; said *dr*rti**i»ent» fe hereby eerttfy that th* SOB* IS a correct fheJH contain a provisidB te tb* effect that th* j transcript tbererrora, aad «f th* whole thereof. *• discretion may raieet say j Qlrm under my hand and t*e seal of o«e* of i s pommanc* of said adrerti**- the 8*m*t*r> ef 8tat* at th* ctty of Albany, July, la the year of thousand nine hvodred sad ten. or all bids isad* menta, aad is tbe event of such rajsetfea th* oomptMOar Is authorised to nadwrtiae for bid* Lord, on* in the manse*' above described, as many times [L. s.] SAMXTKL & a* is his Judgment may be necessary to effect a ; satistaatory *al*. There is hereby imposed lor { PORK TOR M7BMISBI0H' OF AMXNDKKKT •acb year after this act goes into effect. mM'l NUMBER ORB. provision is folly made for the payment of tht Shall tb* proposed amendment to *ectton Interest a»d prinrlpaJ of said bonds, a dtreot j of arttd* six erf tbe eonatftntion, designated in annual tax sufficient to pay tbe interest on seoh the election notice as amendment number one, J bonds, or tb* debt represented by soch bonds, providing lor the election of two additional! - " """- '-- - • '• • - Associate Judge* of tb* Court of Appeals; also i X.4aV% ^mpa#e< tk* yMsdUig JHqt, •t n&tion wKa «• aHdaai %M> Mtaaa ftle In tbai a«oa, aai t «» af erttala aae of taa Ooaatltaltoa «t «• of He* Taik It («f«Ml to dwtiglliaii 11 to he oheaea at At nextffeaacalHjftttaa at aaa. atoaa to Oil Itaat to be held oa *m ~ ' '^S«k *- u it falls dm, and also to pay aad the principal of soch boeda, or tbe dabt nprV amted tb*r*by, within fifty years from tb. tte* vt th* issoaao* of «na teaiav*** wit: A tax of oa* bundr*d and tweoty-Bv* ten ttirwsMiiirrhs of a mill upon e*oh dollar of rahsation of roil •nd persona] property in this state, aubjost t* taxation, wbieh taws shall .nd collected by tbe affinal ismsjiiint and «*• 'eetion of taxes la mch «rf said yoan to the manner prescribed by law, «ad shall bs paid by the several county tmsmmi teto th* treasury <rf the stats. Tb* proceeds of said tax shall be inrwted by the comptroller, aad together with the interest arising therefrom, any premium* »eo*iv*d on tb* sal* of said besjds aad tat*r**t Ired (U th* t oi artici* oa* of th* to read as toUowst | t* shall be takM-ttr say fssll* to be ~oad* thor*tar. was* 1* not mads by ta* sUte, bT a Jory, \ iout a fury or by as* Isas than thn* oasamisBioners appointed by a of record, a* shall be prescribed by mm rat* roads may be opened in th* mannerft*b* prescribed by law; hut in every can th* sity of the road and thr ainotint of *B i to be sustained by the opening thereof shall be first detetmi&sd by a jury of tree-bold***, sad such amoont, together with the «tpeaas* of " proceeding, shall & paid by th* penoa to bt beaefited. General lawn may ba passed psrmK- titijS ua^iWunii or oocupuits Of B^ltellMTIflJ iande tooooettwst and maintain for th* drs thereof, necessary drains, ditches and dike* tbe lands of others, under proper restriction* and with j<i*t csmpenwtion. bat ao special law* snail be enacted (or euch purposes. |t solved (if th* Senate concur). That going araendmeat be referred to th* to be cbosss at tb* atora, and in conformity with section oa*, arti- cle fourteen of tbe constitution, b* three month* previous to the tim* tion. Bt*U of New York. In Assembly, April Mia—Tbe foregotos resolution was duly passed, a majority of all tbe members elected to tht Assembly rottng in favor thereof, three-firthi being preseat. fiy order of th* Assembly, I. W. WAD8W0RTH, Jr., Speaker. SUte of Mew York. In Senate, May tl, U1*.- The foregoing resolution was duly passed, majority of all the Senaton elocted voting far favor tbereof, three-riftha being 'present. Bj order of the Senate, HORACE WHTTE, President State of New York, Office of the Secretary ol State, ss.: I have compared the preceding copy M «iaU tHv toym «» Mm* a af »• aboam a*, tha pm taassaj totiriaSlate to ba bald « mt ata*i* stt at th* ********* #t u * NfwTMkb ssjsmi •> ta* LaiMat •a obaasa at th* mm fttaiMd rtiaHw «1 mm- af arttole st« of tb* iiainniiil of tajtmaj of • » Wspectal andteftgtma fsottoa asvaajat srttes* mm* at t W «aMaV i •%• misiilas to M i as liWisKjt «Masi laalaM br mm& Wum> mA ka aasaaaaf «ai aaaalte yaaalattwi as aasaty aFaaay ba, teat #vl*k«F«f th* saaxsa* o*ta% hsitfoas m fj» atst •spartwai •rah* other «a> shall osnsmi o* af a m eh*H k* si Many te s owe* taaa fire testtoes shall m m tern of «Oo% aa4 sbaD b* a rsaldoat af taa doyaiimei* The etber Jvstioat sball b* designated for tern* of AM ymm sr tb* o provldtog te.tb. tomination of the protMo. | t ^ ^ ^ ^ m rn lt Sd?omc?Sa 1^ for th* designation of Justices of the Buprem* T^T^l^SS^Z^ ^ ^U!? Lt! Ooort to serve as Associate Jttdges of th. Ooort j *"*** ***** that the same ia a correct tew rc trea" > hl- jie«e v "ira«- v Euro _j^he& oecause no dw ^io the Chi- z. uau J- The in- "n f r u a Danish •• _'^ codified the \ ne»e characters, ; ' ujinerals. Thus 1 4 ' ' ra^L" became * 2^ ' perator had K > s trucu for that. Rao*. - J c act at. t tie aad wiiug- id of a can sak of said bonds or bom aa arees, If any, shall coostitate a MnldBg fnn<! wtlch « hereby awted for the paytaant af ti» Interest •a «*d tbe extingnishmwrt of the prteelpal of vocb bonds or the debt ' ftttefc sinking tmd •fely invested by the , with the istereat arising tbsrafrom sbaS be oV voted and used solely for the purposs of paying 1 the prtiKSipal and interest of bonds tewed fa ; aocordanoe with the prorislons of thto sot as afonsaM, and shall not be approprfcrted or iwed is any other manner wbatenri pnMded, how- 1 ever, that when seoh flnklag had sball oqoal is amoont tae debt for wWeh It was created, ne ; farther dlroct U i i u l l b , WrUd « aocount of add staking fmd and tbe tax hereinbefore pro- ! ridad for shall be rwiaced te an aBoont ocroal ; te tbe aoontfng interest on said debt * i, Tbe j aani of two mHiicm flr. hundred tboosaad 4s*. ! Ian (fMOO^OO), cr so rnrnA tbanof as may be Moasaury, is bersby appraprtated, payable oat of tbe money* realised under tbe sal* of beads ss pro-Tided by etction two of this set, to be es» oended by the coamissionen of tbe Palisades In- terstate park for the extension and Improvement of tbe park under their jurfjdictlou as from tine to time «nab park may exist. Said su» of two fBfHioa Srt hondred tbooaaad dollar. sbaO be paid by tar treasurer on tbe wamnt of the of Appeal*; aad also providing for tbe Increase j of the salary of th* Chief Judge of the Court ot Appeals (now ten thoonod five hundred dollars three fittasaad seven hundred m Hec ot suiiwsajQ, to fifteen thousand flv* hundred dollm par annum, and for tb* crease of tb* salary of the Associate Judges of the Oowrt of Appeals (BOW ten thousand dol lart per amnan and tfar** thousand wrai has- dred dollars in Urn of cr^enses}, to fifteen thousand do£fcan par annron, which salsrt«s shall be paid to H « of aad shaD excJnde all other ipt therefrom, and 'of th* whole theroot Giren under my hand and tb* seal of offio* at tbe Secretary of State at tb* dty of Albany, thia twes*yfifOi daj of July, in th* ytar oi our Lord, one thousand nls» hsudnd and tea. [L. &] 3AMUEL a KOENIO, Secretary of State. id tbe Legislature being prohibited bsmaftir from tooaasbtg said salaries, b lT EXPLAKATTOW—KATTEB Of ITALICS IS VEW. STATE 0# MEW YOBK, OFFICE OF TH1 •scwitary-of atate, Albany, July 88, 1910.—Pur- suant to tb* proviakms of section ~ one of sttiek fourteen of th* Obnstlttrtion of the State of New York, aad asctkai two hundred aad nicetyfin of the Election l*w, noOoe ia hareby given that the (otlatrtng proposed amendment to soctk« an) of article on* <V tbe Constitution of tbe State of New York is referred to tbe Legislature to be cfcoan at tbe next general election of Senators in thia State to be held on the eightb d f R d d day of Rovember, nineteen hundred and SAMUEL S. KOENIG, Secretary of State. AMENDMENT NUMBEB TWO. Ooacumot Resolution of the Senate aad As- sembly, Proposing an amendment t* aectiosj seven of article one of the constitution, te rela- tion to tbe drainage of lands. Section L Resolved (it the senate concur), That section seven of article one of the constitu- tion be amended to read as follows: { 7. Whes private property shall be taken for any public use, the compensation to be made therefor, when such compensation is not made t>y the state, shall be ascertained by a Jury, or by no! less than three commissioners appointed by * onirt of record, as shall b< prescribed by law. Private roads may be opened in the manner to be pre- scribed by law; but in every case the necessity of the road and th* amount of all damage to be sustained by the opening thereof shall be first determined by a Jury of freeholder*, and met amount, together with tbe expenses otfeepro- ceeding, shall be paid by tbe person to be bene j next genera] flted. General laws may be passed permitting Jormity with the vmuen oar occupants of agricultural lands te u pjh su an c Cc !< t ( ] '- «r-o« c I 1 1 J ' UiL UUt i^ Horn the ->- J a hoise i -ov v.hi liave tit bafftj of a i f ^uf h abuses ' upt 1 eu to pass <-ii h gambling ii_n iosses by lie cincd. tion of such oommiasioaer* upon for tb* payment of tbe whole of such sum or of suefc portions thereof as front time tim* such regulations may require, and soch moneys shall be depodted by such coaraissioncn in on* OT more bankj or tnat coajpaaies* to the dty <d he* York, to be desigiiated by the eomptioller, and Rhtli be paid oat as d3reot*d by such com miwioners by taeir proper officers. &ien oom- miMioners shall fnrniah to tfie comptroller item- l«*d Temcbeni ior all expenditures made from the money* hereby appropriated and thall report tc thm legislature diring tbe month of January in each year a detailed- statement ot all expendi- tur**, together with a statera«»t of the proceed- ings of such commissioner*. {"i^Bbto l»w shell not take effect until it shall have been submit- ted to the people of this state at the general election to be/ held in November, nineteen hun- dred tnd teah the ballot; to be firrnitked for tb* use of vvtgfr »pon the subnii««ioTj' of thia law shall be inTO-Toimt prescribed by the eleo- tion Uw, and the proposition or question to be c .-- „ - -— submitted shall be printed thereoD 1B subctan- ingoing amendment be referraia to ike legialatuw BXPLANATION—MATTER IN ITALICS IS KEWj MATTER IN BRACKETS [ ] 18 OLD LAW TO BE OMITTED. STATE OF NBW TORE. OFFICE OT THB Secntatjr Of State, Albany, July U, 1910.—Pur suant to th* provisions of esctloo oa* of artid. fourteen of the Constitution of tb* State of New York, aad section two hundred and ninety-flv« af the election law, notice te"hsrsby givea thai th* following proposed amendment to Motion all of article tbiae of the Constitution of the State of Now York if reined to tb* Legislature to b* ebosen at die next General Election ol Senator* is this State to be held November eighth, ni» teen hundred and ten. SAMUEL & KOSNIO, Secretary of State. '<- AMENDMENT NUMBER tlVB. OoncunrftBt Resolution of taa Senate and As- sembly, Proposing an amendment to section six of article tbn* of tbe oonstitution, in niattoa to tb* compensation of members af tb* lagiala- B«»lved (U tb* That sectioo six of artioi* thro* of tb* owbathw tion be amended to read aa follow*: 8 member of tb* teglalatan shall ssulues an anrraal salary fof on* tandred doItKr*.} fellow: Bach member •/ Me tmau the turn of three Uto*uamd ftm htm- dred dollars and each member of the a«*embtf the mm of three thousand donate.' Th* mem- bers of either house shall also receive the sum of' three emtt for each mile [on* dollar for every ten miles] they shall travel in going to and re- turning from their place of meeting, once in •ach ictek at actwa otUndemee ef the season, o& the, most usual route. Senators, when th* senate alone i* convened in extraordinary ses- sion, or when serving as members of tb* court tor th* trial of impeachment*, and such members of the assembly, not exceeding nine in number, as shall be appointed managers of an impeach- ment, shall reeeiv* an additional allowance of the department. He may also ta*aor*ry designation* i a caw of tbe abeene inaWHty to act of any justice te taa appal dMaton, or te caas the presiding jnatk» of any •ppallate division sball certify to Wm that co* or mow additional Justices art) needed far tbs •pasdy dtapdaltion of the buataa» bofai* ft Wbanavar tb* appellate dMsfan la any depart- •MBjt sbaU be unable to dbpose af its tmstaess within a rsaaonabla time, a majoslty of the pre- aMing iaHUm of the several departments at a meeting called by til* pnaidlng Justice of th* department in arrears may transfer any pending appeals from such department to any other de- partment for hearing aad determination. Ko hartto* of tb* appellate dJviatoo shall, within tbs <Wpartnwm to which b* may be designated te perform tb* dottes of aa appellate jastle*, «t*r (d*t any of the powers of a jxatlct of tbe supreme oaart, atbar tban the*, of a justice out of coorV and those pertaining to tb* appellate dlvisioe, or to tbe heaxtng and decision of- moUona submit lad by consent of emaaeL but aay *oeh J«stio*, wben not sctually engaged te psrtswsim the be is daatgaata* aaa/ WM say tern of tb* supreme court aad aisiilii any of the powers af a justto* «f ts# p o t is an county m JwHdal dWrio* to any other depart- ment of the state. ¥ - ' of Daoambar, «ightea tbe appellate division shall bare tbe jurisdiction now exercised by th* anprom* court at Its g w aral terms and by tb* general tens* of tbc of aaeuaoa plea* Car th* city and eoua Maw York, . On mpertor court of the city of Hear York, th* mpertor eottrt of Buffalo aad the oity of BxeoUyn, aad soch addttlonal Jortsdlctiot. as may be conferred by the legislature, ft snail haw power to appoint and [Th* Justice* of tb* apfMBate dfvialo partmaot shall lams power te Ox th* times aad plaoes for holding aaoelal tenaa thmtB, and to assign tb* Jaattoe* to tb* departmeats to hold each terms; «rtomate nte therefer.] | J. »»- solved, (if a * aswmiMj ODMV), That tbe lore- going smendrrymt be referred t* th* l te beebown at taa n foBrteaaof ta* ooostituiioB. b* publWiod tar thn* moadw prrriow to th* time of such election. State ot New York, In Sanate, April 1ft, IS10. -JTh* fovegoing resolution was duly passed, majority of ;afl th* Senaton elected voting favor thereof. By order of the Senate, QE0H< HL COBB, Temporary President. State of New York. In Assembly, May U, 1910 -Ti* foregoing resolution was duly passed, _ majority of all th* members elected to the As- sembly voting In favor thereof. By order of th* .Assembly, J. W. WADSWORTH; Jr., Speaker. State of New York, Office of tbe Secretary of«- State, as.: I have compered the preceding copy of concurrent resolution with the original con- current resolution oa fil* in this office, and I do hereby certify that tb* same is a correct tran- « aav Maa4 ay law, shaft b* Issvaar kwrni p^y d n «f Ch»e»u»ay, or tixe\purpo»© of cDmpletlne: tlta section \>f.*be town Hall 4ad ih«Jl th t Btad tWt f Cht town of Chateaueray for said amount of fifteen thousand dollar* and shall there be raised annually by tax a sum sufficient to pay th« interest and principal upon said bonds aa the •ante shall become - vfde4 by Section law?" Dated Sept, 20, 19X0.\ C. W. HARRICA. _ OF - New. Y*rts, br the ^race ot - , _ free and lndepecden*. To UJUe fi. Smith Cameron, Courtis Ihirltam »unty, Canada, Leoa A, Smith, Bell- mont, New York, William G. Smith, ba erected mSUr mny amda mm Bellmont, New York, Wallace W.^ appellate division ef the am- Jackson, Bellmont, New York. court far the deportment §m mkkm at te , Send Greeting: You and each of is •* m+mttd shoii after m heaHmf ^dfrndfi you are hereby cited and required the mm ef state land therefor imuisJBrs per personally to be and appear before mm astUte wetter*. The peopie mmm\ isttt.Me our surrogate of the county of Prank vt'f the court, private permme^mm Un, at the surrogate's court of said JM •* parties to the prmceadim* and J*V -county, held at the court house at Malone, in the county of Franklin on the 7th~ day of November, 1910, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day, then and there to show cause mem U rmkmei *p the court * im~ pat IT ri&te or prvfwrtf of Mr ***** totjaaer SMMI fr o*f tmh improemmm et «ka*t far fhe eenota, Ma MAM flsersof «r a/ - ' - - - - mpr*** fi aaa* i**> (V •**» treasury-im-arom ar fcy mnmml flma* ohmrpa ma ahotr be provided am of etname ehmU M far a*,« J&Jto* ' . ... property to the Mtfeat of (ha ^mefUs tfrnatmitary conditions shall not be mmttnmmt by mn^auek reaewoir. A af this section may be restrained mt tha amk of tbe people or with the consent of the su- preme eourt im appellate division on notice to la* attorney-general at the sutt of a otUaam, | 1 Banhred (if tbe Senate concur). That ta* Jcwgoing anendmsnt b* referred fo the legitfa- to be cho - - - senaton. and, ta coatormity with awtUm oaa. arttd* tottrtosn of th* constitution, be published for three months prrviou* to tb* tin* of saah State of 5*w York, In BenaU, May *», TW foregoing resolution was duly passed, a majority of all tb* Senatprs ateetod voting arder af ttenate, BO&ACB WHITE, Stete af Kew York, fa Assembly, May U, Wla.~Tb* loregoiac rosotottoo was duly paassd, majority V aU the members ejected to tb* Assembly voting is being present. By arder of th* Assembly, J. WAD6WOBTH, Jr., Spoator. State af Kew fm% (Mm at gtate, •-? I tew compared tb . _ af •miimiiwii rawhrttoa with the original oon- «sjssant resolDtion oa 111* In this offlc*, and I do bsnby oertify that th* MOW IS S - - - * «f - my aiMl aad th* seal of of&e* tb* iNtttr/ af State at ta* «Jty of Albaay, Lord, on* thousand ida« aundred and ton. CL. 8.1 SAMOKL S. KOCra. Bwretary af State. election of senatoi* and in eon- j ection one. article fourteen of the] constitution, be published for three months pr*> \ e of such election. construct and maintain tor the drainage thereof, necessary dr&ina, ditches and dykes upon tht lands of others, under proper restrictions, and with just CMBpetttttfon, but no special law* majority o* ali shall be enacted for such purposes, and tht { favor thereof. drainage of private land for the Improvement; order of the Senate, GEORGE H! COBB, thereof U hereby constituted a public use, for which land may be acquired for fust compen- sation and the expense assessed to the per- sons or property benefited, by the state or a tnvnicipaUty, under appropriate tatcs. | S. Resolved (if the senate concur), That the fore- thousand nin* hundred and ten. DL *] S&tfVSL & SOEKIO, Secretary of State. r i/uuunwu ujtr torn? "Hw^vfig (irr i ->——•*• » —• *• •• —-*^*-^*- M —*-• vious to tb« time of such election. I j State of Sew York, In Senate, April 1, 191ft.- I ^PtiJRATIOSF—MATTES IH ITALICS IS OT?Wj Tb* foregotog wmolutJob was duly paaffid, a ' " *" ~ " ,h« Senators elected voting is three-fifths being present. By to be csosen at the next genera} election ttelly th* following form, namely: "Sball chap- . .„ _._. w. .. . tar (her* insert the number of this chapter) of I senators, and. in conformity to section one oi th* laws of nine<#*n ; hundred and ten, entitled j article tourt^fn of the constitution, be published 'Aa act making provision for Issuing bcSds u> \ an amount not exceeding two million nve hue- j and thousand dollars, for th* use of th* com- 1 ith* previous to the time of suet k, in Assembly, March 80, majority of all the members elected Social Slights 11 i v^^ she c in lemember r 1 <-hi';'iat k Cururox family < . ^ \%1*»»> tin n\i\t iuea| was for three election. State of New the Palisades Interstate park In , the extension and improvement of the park by { under their jurisdiction as from time to time < Assembly voting Rich park may erlst, and providing fee a sub- , being present. By order of tbe Assembly, mission of the same to the people, to be Toted ! WADSWOF rn, Jr., Speaker, upon at the geneifci election to be held in the j " ' - . - - year nineteen hundr*d and ten,' be approved V | State of New Yortt, ©Bee of the Secretary ot \ State, am.! I have compared the preceding with ' tia* original law os -file in this office, and do ' hereby eerttfy that the same is a correct trar.- sartpt tberef»m,^and the whol^ of said origiesi taw. OlTsn unoer sty band ««nd th* saal 4? oAoa of the Secretary of State, at tht dty ef porary President. State of New York, In Assembly, April 11, 1910.—The foregoing resolution «u duly passed, a majority of all the members elected to th* Assembly voting is favor thereof, three-fifths be- ing present. By older of tbe Assembly, i. W. WADSWORTH, Jr., Speaker. State of Kew York, Offic* of tbe Secretary ot State, ss.: I h»ve ^ompar*! tb* preceding copy of concurrent isolation with the original there- of on file in thia office, aad I do hereby certify that the same is a correct transcript therefrom, and of the *ho!e thereof. Given under my band \JHOWLOI BRACKETO [ J » OI4> MATTEP TO BE OlflTTED. STATE OF KEW TORE, OFFICE OF TH1 Secretary of Stete, Albany, July 26, 1810.—Por- suant to the prorisions of section one of article fourtem of th* Constitution of the State of New York, and section two hundred and ninety-five of the Election Law, notice is hereby given that the following proposed amendment to section fourteen of article six of the Constitution,.©* tbe State of Hew York is referred to the LegOtatur* to be chosen at the next general election of sen- ators in this State to be held on tbe eighth'day of November, nineteen hundred and tea. 8AM8EL S. KOENIG, Secretary of State. AMENDMENT NUMBER EIGHT. Concurrent Resolution of the Senate and A*> 1809.-The Joregoia* resolution was duly passed,, «»* th « •*•! of «>«»*• •! th* Secretary of Stete-at-nembly, PropoBfig aa-ameBdmeat-to sec^jon four- " " to th* i tjw dty of Albany, this twwnty-«ftb day of July, teen of article six of tbe coaBtitution, in rela- members elected w> me; sr -—' * l favor thereof, three-flfth. i l n t h « 7** of our U»d, OB* thousand nin* bun- dred and ten [L &3 BAlftm S KO2HIO dred and ten [L» &1 of State. BAlftm S. KO2HIO, State bt Vew York, In Senate, April The foregoing resoluticn was duly paraed, a ma- jority of ail the ^natorc elected voting in favot thereof, thnr-ftftb*, being* preseat. By order « the Senate, HORACE WHITE, President. State of Kew York. <wBce o t t h e Secretary otj Secretary SUte, as.-. I ht\e 'compared <be preceding oops fXPLASATTOH—MATTEB IK RAUCB 18 » MATTBB IN BRAOK3ETB { J IS OLD MATTt TO BE 0TOTTKD. BTATB Cfr KEW TOBX, OFFICE Qt Secretory af State, Albany, M y 28, ma-Pur •out to the proHalom of section on* oi artid fcortew at tit* Canatttutfott ot the BUte of Me* York, sad section two hundred aad ninety-fire «w Election Law, notice is hereby givar tha the following proponed amendment to aocft eight of article seven of the Constitution of tL State of New York is referred to the Legislator to be chosen at the next general election of Sea atom in this SUte to b* held on the eighth da} of November, nineteen hundred and tea. CXL S. SOENIQ, Secretary oi State. ^AMENDMENT NUMBEB TEN. CMcunent Resolution of th* 8enate and As semtrV Proposing an amendment to article mr •action tight, of th* constitution, ia relation n aadd bond* am the) e duet all a* pro- 84© of the lowta why the account of Bert Lyons for the support, care and maintenance of said infant, Leon A. Smith, should not' be paid from the estate of said infant, and such of you as are hereby cited, as are under the age of twen- ty-one years, are required to appear by your guardian, if you have one, or if you have none, to appear and ap ply for one to be appointed, or in tha event of your neglect or failure to do so, a guardian will be appointed by the Surrogate to represent and act for you in the proceeding. In testimony whereof, we have caused the seal of the surrograte'a court of the said county of Frank- lin to be hereunto affixed. Hon. Frederick G Pad- ock, Surrogate of our said countyT at the county of Franklin, the 12th. day of September, in tbe year of our Lord [L.S.] one thousand nine hun- dred and. ten. FIJORENCE BOYCE BRYANT Clerk of the Surrogate's Court. 406 p pg p of concurrent r^sohitioi* with the original con current resolution on 6<« in this office, and I de hereby certify that tbe sad**is a correct tran- "Is Mrs. calier.' "Yes, ma' all work in at present : ''Are you "Yes, ma Audible Sleep. Schuorer in-?" am." answered asked the the the boarding boust in her room." sure?" 'am. I just o> taking a v<np." .•erh maid of i. "She's eard her had brought'the elui rago Record-Herald. •ges a liar."—Obi- I ! of th* laws ot vlnmtM hundred and , _ I titUd *An act making prorMon for issuing bonds i te an amount cot exceeding two million fiv* : hnadred thousand dollars, for the us* of t U I oommislwiers of th* Palisade* Interstate park ia j tb* extension nd improvement of the park under I tbeir Jurisdiction jts from time to tim* tteas 1 park may exist, and providing for a submisjioa ! i of the earn* to tbe people, to be Toted upon at i th* general election to. be held in tbe year nlne- i teen hundwd >ndten, 1 be approved?" '•What defend" asked' the grafter's ! «XPWJATION-^TTEIUIN ITALICS IS mrtr. wife, "did you Wke when you faced ; ^ of sS" AS^ .^TZ J2 the investisatiiig conimifteeT* —] wBnt-to- ttw piwisioas of «ctton ot»..af articda . "I vehemently called tbe CMS who i <®urte«n of the Oooatitution of th* State oi ajar : York, and section two hundred and nln*ty-nvi ; f the Election Law, notio* ia hereby glnn that ta« foUowiag /ffe£ofe«^^ amendment to section rt ssrea of artieje' Sir of ittie Owatitsnion at tb* KotMag is more disgraceful than in- State <rfK«r Tjjrk it to be submitted to tbe , A- * ~. , «-• I people for approval at the next general etocUao sincerity.-Cicero. j in this Stete to b* held on t h e ^ h t h day_of A Come-back. | November, nineteen hundred and ten. SAMUEL "Honesty, my eon." said the million- i s. KOENIG. Secretary of "state, aire, "is the, best policy." j AMENDMENT NUMBER ONE. "Well, perhaps it is, dad," rejoined j concurrent Resolution of the Senate and As- the JOUtbful philosopher, "but it j ecmbly. Proposing an amendment to section strikes me yo« have done pretty well, | seven of article six of tbe constitution, in itsla- nerertbeless." Loodon Tii-Blts. | tion to ) w i ^ B of the coart of appals and j UB - i-tictts of the supreme court. S&ption 1. Resolved (if the senate concur), That section seven of article six of the constitu- tion be amended to read as follows: S "- The court of appeals is continued. It shall^oonsist of the chief judge and associate jadfpes now in office, wbo shall hold their offices lifitil the ex- piration of their respective terms, and their successors, who shall oe chosen by the electors of the atate. The official terms:'of the chief judge and associate judges shall be fourteen years from and including the first day of Jaau- ary next after their election. Rye members of the court ghall form a quorum, and the con- currence of four shall ba necessary to a decision The court shall have power to appoint and to remove its reporter,cierk and attendants. When- CASTOR IA lor Infante aad Children* Ha Had You Han Always BwgM Bears the Signature of Qiven under in} liand at id the *&1 ot office of tlu Secretary of State u.i the city «C-albany, tbif twenty-fifth day of, July, in the year of our Lord, one thou-Jnd tine hnndred and ten. th. 8.] SAMUEL > KOKNFG, Secretary of State. EXPLANA riOX-^MATTJER IN ITALia3 IB MEW. STATE OF NEW YORK, OFFICE OF THS Secretary of Stated Albany, July 25, lWC—No- tioe is hereby given that tbe following proposed amendment .to section six of article one of tbt Constitution of tbe State of Sew York is re- ferred to tb« legislature to fee cnosen at tat next general election of Senators in this 8tat4 to be held on tb* eighth day of November, nineteen hundred and ten. . SAMUEL & KOXNIQ, Secretary of St&te. AMENDMENT NUMBEB THREE, Concurrent Resolution of the Senate and anobly, To amend section six.of article an! the oonaHtution, in relation to, taking private property for public use. 'The Pg©t>le ^ tbe State of New -York, repre- toltows: . EAplved (If tb?'Senate concur), atr or-arttde on* «f ta* ooestltu tion be amended #y adding thereto a clause tc read a* follows: WXen nrtomte property shall be ta*em for public use by a municipal eorpo- propertf ma* be tahm mmSmr oontitUm* to b$ prescribed by the legislature «v gtmenH low. Property thtu taJeem- $hoU be 4teme4 to te taken for pmWc wfc | l Eesohr*d (tt th* St Tht th toi be ntond to th* legialatnr* to be eaoaam stt tb* next fstMNl election of onctm. an* it «a> tevttar with awtioB on*, article fourtoca at OM ooostitartioTv be pvblisbod for tikra* aoatbs rtooa to the tim* of sues daetloa. 9tot* of New York, la isssm>ly, *Uy t, itUL -Tb* foragoing reaolotioe wai duly paaw meiorttf ot all ta* lanabm daeted to ta* _ mv&fy TPttog io faro* tbwtri, tbreo-ftftto being proamt By order af the Ussswily, 9. W. State «f Kew Tork, In Senata, May *. lltt- w*. «0y P>os*d, a a»- jyMy jai«B th* Mam SSIMSS, HOaAOE W E I R . 9tm SXPLANATION—MATTES IK ITALICS IS HEW; MATTER IN BBA.CEBTS £ 3 IS OLD LAW TO BE OMITTED. STATE OF NEW TOBE, OFFICE OP THE .„ But*, Albaay, July 86, 1910.—Pur- j ftwo] four county Jud(rei ind tbe addittoBSi f i t til ~ tioo to the county eourt ot Kings county. Section 1. Resolved (if trie Senate concur), Tbat section fourteen of article six of tbe con- stitution be amended to read as fpUowa: | li. Th* existing county courts are continued, aad tbe judges tbereof now in office shall bold their ot tee* until the expiration of their fespeetlTe In tbe county of King* there sball be , y, y , tfa. proTisioM of sootioo one ot article ot the Qbostitatioa of the State of New York, and section two hundred and ninety-fire of the election Saw, Bfftire is hereby given that JWadwirt to section ton of article (our of th* Omstitatloa o< the State f of New York^s referred to the Legislature to be chosen at tbe next general election of senaton in this SUte to be bald cm the eighth day of No- Tember, nineteen aand»a aad tan. SAMUEL & KOENIG, SecreCirJ^Rtota. AMENDMENT KUMBEB SIX. Concurrent RewlutJgA of the Senate and As- sembly, Proposing an^amdment to section fow of article four of that aoastttutioa, in relation to tbe salary erf governor. Section i. RmoUwf <lt Jj^ §foaU concur), Tbat sPtion four of article tour of tbe oonsUtu- tiou be amenda* to read at follows; 8 4. The governor shaJl t* oommander-ln-<hl«f of tb* mil- ltary and naval forces of the stat*. H« shall have power to convene ttm legislature, or' the senate only, on extra ordinary occasions. At extraordi- nary seasons no aflfefcet sball be acted upon, ex- cept such aa th* jstfwnor may recommend for consideration. Be *bsiJK«c*miunlcate by message to the I«ri3latur* a* t r a y session the condition of tiie BUte, and reepqaaend such matters to it as he shall Judjr* expedient. He ahall transact all necessary bigness wffl* tt» oGeer* of go**m- ment, civil smA mflftary. He sbaU expedite all, each measures as way ba tmsobnA upon by the legislature, and shall take oar* tbat the law* art faithfully exerted. He shall recede for hit services an snnual satey of hoemty [ten] thon sand dollm, aid tbor* sball be providedforhi* Dae a suitable tad tamla%e4 MtecotlT* residence. I 4| Besomed (tf tbe Ssnate cowur). That the of Xew Tork, tat Asawitily, Maroa It, U* rwohrttoa V M *aly passed. fe*t*r of an th* ombors aWud to ta* btyjroting iB SSwORTR , SUte of Nev York, In frnaia. Man* « . l « a -Tbia reaolutioe w«* do^y «Ma*4, a majority ol *S tbe Senators *JMM W«ng to Am* tlwmdf, emmty judgt* sSaJl be ebosen at the Inexi] gsn- enU election heM in on odd-numbered year after the adoption of fthls article.] the amend- ment to IMM section for the term of aim peon from mni toctodino the first dam of Jamnor* ne*t after their election, The s cotmty judges sball be cboam by tb* electors of the counties for the term of six year*. Oousty courU shall hare tbe powen and Juris- diction they now poem, and also original Juris- dictloB ta actions forftbe recorery of money only, where th* defendant raslde in tb* comity, and ia which tb* complaint demand* ........ for a man not exceeding two thousand dollars. Tb* legislature may hereafter enlarge or restrict the Jurisdiction of th* county coorta. provided, towerer, that, their jnrbdfetkm shall not bt so extended _as Jto_»uthoriae the recovery of money orfyT fa wbicntfie ten demanded exceeds two tbouautd dollars, or ia wnich any person not a resident of the county Is defendant Courts of sessicra, except in t.« county of New York, are abolished from aad after tbe last day of December, one taoosaad eight hundred and ainety-flve. AH tbe tion of the court of sessions in each county, ex- cept tbe county of Kew Tork. thalli^therewpoB be *e«ted_In_ the. epoaty:_ etmrt thereof* aad *B actions and proceedinfa than pending to eucb . .. . eourt* of sessions s^aU b* tnasferred to said He shall expedite all^ oounty «mrt« for b35ing and determination. Brery oaaaty judge shall perform «ac* duties as may b* required by law. His alary shall be established by law, payabl* out ol taa oousty treasury. A county Jodg* of any oousty may bold county courts,* a*y otaar oOanty wbea requested by ib* j«dg* of sneb otbar cocaty. M leaolred (If the Benate «mcur). met tat for» going amendment referred to tb* a> be cboetn at tb* next ftacn! skwtloa oi •natora aad. In conformity with wetta* on* o\ articie fourtem of tb* constitatioo. U yalVman thmmmt moA *w thm awatbt prarioM to J^te« at sat* L Beaotod (If th* Assembly <x» That ascttoa eight of article seven of th* a tattoo be amend** te read as follows: f ft. kgldatws aball eot sell, leas* or otberwiai _ pom «t th* Ed* casal, the Oewago canal, tar ObamplaiB canal, tb* Oayoga and Seeeca on (or} tte Black Birer canal [.;] or any part •aid eanaU. or any lands, *Upe, docka, « other structures, basins, harbors, or term* mala connected with and appurtenant to saU eonats hereafter provided,' acquired or t ttructed by the state to aid commeroe u eaid canals, or upon tide waters, lakes, canalized wtterways, including all that por- tion of the Brie oanal *n the city of BuffaU from the guard took therein to and tncludint Commercial (flip and the slips leading from the carnal to the Brie basin, but Ahey shall re- main the property of the state and under Ut management forever. The word "oanal," « weed heroin, includes eUps. harbors and tm eanaU a* constructed and improved undet and pursuant to chapter one hundred one forty-seven of the lam of nineteen hmnarep and three, aa heretofore amended, and mnSm and pursuant to chapter three hundred an4 ninety-one of the law* of nineteen hundrei and nfcier No vert of any of «^ eaid omnaU nor of aaid lands, t>Ups, doc**, or othm structures, baHns, harbors or terminal*, shot, be abandoned, until the eome ehall have oea*ei to be a portion thereof and shaU home btm declared abandoned by an act of, the legisla- ture, based upon m certificate of the oammi board, itot it ta «• longer a portion thereof AU funds that map bt derived from mm leoea, •afe ar other disposition, of any oanat nd •bone mentioned, or f mny pdrtff imp ammmM. lands, sUps, docks, me ether THE PBOPiai OF THB STATE OF NEW YORK to Vitilen Taylor, Er- Bt Taylor, Eva D. Taylor .and Alice B. Hastings, residing at Malone, N. Y., and Joel E. Taylor, whose res- idence is unknown, constituting ail the husband, wife, heirs at law and next of kin of Herbert M. Taylor, late of tne town of Malone, in the county of Franklin and State of New York, deceased, send -greeting: Whereas Vitilen Taylor and John Hapgood,"~ the executors named in the last will and testament of th . said Herbert M. Taylor, d-eceaaed, have lately applied to our surrogate of our county of Franklin to have the said will proven as a will of real and personal property, in pursuance of the statute in such case made and. provided: You, and each of you, are therefore cited and required, person- ally, to be and appear before our said surrogate, at hjs office in Ma- lone village, in tn* county of Frank- lin, on the 31st day of October nex% at ten o'clock in the forenoon, then and there to attend the probate of said last will and testament. And if any of the aforesaid persona are under the age of twenty-one years-, they will please* take notice that they* are required to appear by their general guardian, if they have one, and if they have none, that they appear and apply for the appoint- ment of a special guardian, or in the event of their failure or neglect to do so, a special guardian will be appointed by the surrogate to repre- sent and act for them In the pro- ceedings for the probate of said will. In testimony whereof, -we have hereunto affixed the seal of our said surro- gate. Witness, Frederick Q, Paddock, surrogate of said county, at the surrogate's office, in Malone village, in aaid county, tlie 8th day of FT September, 19 lfr. /F9LORENCE BOYCE BRYANT, »-€*terk of the Surrogate's Court. BADGER & SON, Attorneys, Malone, N. Y. 39w7 [L. S.] NOTICE TO CREDITORS—Pursu&at to an order of Frederick Q. Pad- dock, surrogate of the county of Franklin, and according to th* statute in such case made and pro- vided, notice ia hereby given to all txaaed to ba m portion thereof'and dammrmt •teademctf as above provided, shall •* up persona b&ving claims Against Charles M. Kelly, late of Burke, In. said county, deceased, that they are required to exhibit the aame with tha ^ vouchers thereof, to the undersign- ed, Jean M. Ttelly, at her residence ia the town of Burke, in said coun- '7, on or before the 3rd day 61 December next. Dated May tl, 1910, JUAN H..ICKU.T, MOORE & O'NEIL, Attorneys fat Administratrix, Malone, N. T. repair af the ,ti»aming c tion of lease, sal* or oQ ooBtsiaad, shaii not apply t* tbe canal k a s n tb* Hate and Hamburg street eanal, sjtmtad It tb* ctty of Bnffals^ aad which extends aw from tat westerly MB* of Mai* stnwt t* w«*t«rly lia* of Hamburg street. AU tods may b* maxhma from any saca Imm. sai " ' of any axnl shall be iaptt»J t* g«ing amanrtmcirt be teferrW U tas.kgMc^pi te be ebosen at tte next genera! *J*esloB at aaa sadfa>conformity wttb r.kg««fep. OB < Aioaotssa b«r, mmm^^am ^»UUa«vi« Wllajp IIIH— HUfaj vsaaaa^aWa 9*J W •\n if tin fjm.i,, nfmimimilrtjnaiisiii aut* of B*w Yark, Oatos mt Om Wetammtr .- - .. --. i* terabf «Mttlr «st ttevwa* It s oamat asrt*t «aa?s»W«sc of ta. wboU ttenof 'teas cad tbs eatl «f ef AUEtadi of The Farmer Offioe U*one of the b«Bt eqx^pped plants in this section. OrOttnt promptly filled %t t>rioe« that .wttl *wtve you morx«7. Forward ori«r NOTICE,—Punm&nt to an order ot Frederick Q. Paddock, surrogate ol the county mt Franklin, and aeoosd- ing to tha statute fa sach case roa" and provided, notice is hereby g-iv,»» to all persons havtnt: claims atalast W Watson Ayers, luttt of Malone, in aa!4 i county, 4eeea«ed, that they are re-i quinsi t» exhibit the same, with tlttj vouchers' thereof, to the undersigned, I Nettle P. Ayera at office of McClary 1 A AM*n ID Malone. ia said county, 1 or before the 1st Jlay of Nov ens K", next. Dated April 35th, 1910. NBOTHB P. A.YERS, iCcCLARY _ Sxecutor. M&lo&a, Attorne Y. fo» i t7 ' NOTICE TO CRBDITOR&--Pttr«uan> j to" an tktd.nr of" Pp dock, sarroirat© of uy Franklin, and aeeoxtttsc to the i ute in such case rAada and ed, notice is her^y t*rea persons having claiJ^ against en Csrtta, lats ot MfeleSr*, to • county, deewnaa, tfcat th*y w* quired to exhiWt the sa»e, with ; • vouchers thereof, to U » t tha rs*td«nc« of Rwt in Baasor, tn SBH cimnty, «a & 1 ton the Tt* da*' J j asis for , Ma- Tht ****** mm «t» 90*1*31 «NN««

f Thro* of * Kind.Pnpres, the great but ill favoroi

Preach tenor, WRS ouce walking fromthe Grand Opera House in Paris withthe baritone Baroilhet, who was noten Apollo either. They happened tomeet Perrot, the dancer, a man of verygreat ability, but sbort and thin andso ugly that a manager once said he

£ L m l j w t & L

raorosmoswit* or war* t«wat, o r r a

* n

the Jardia des Flantes,.(zoological gar-dens), as he engaged ao monkeys.^Perrot told them the story, andwhen Duprez laughed at him Perrotsaid: "Why. surely you need not laugh.If I am ugly I am certainly not sougly as either of you."

"You moukey." said Duprez, "thisdifference shall soon be settled." And,peeine a stranger pass who appearedto be a gentleman, "Monsieur," said be,"will you be so good "as' to arbitrateIn ft little difference of opinion be-t•preen as?"

"With pleasure," said the stranger,-it I caa."

"Well," said Duprez, "Just look atus and say whom you consider to foethe ugliest of the three,*' J

The gentleman looked for some ilmefrom one to the other and then said,"Gentlemen. I give it up: I cannot ^possibly decide," and went away roar- j te

lag with laughter.


hone* • l w «»jr « , WW, isi the OOTCHM*. Pa*** by a 1

Tb* People «f th* Stxts of ]seated la •*••*• and A M *

ssdttonJL,^ TSer* sh*fl b» tmmi, Is «••*•*»-

Bstt»r"Latc Than Not at AH,. j,iv< i" of the 1'ttle country church]»*• uiiT I) IPIWJM !>* baying the

uhvis. w.' IU1? to/yri^at < n straggleinc 'fter tbe Be nice had begun.'- pl>\ 'honjing wh*ii he felt that

r ' r ,AI» no" vritli rb3* fault wasi -i* if he fended to rebuke some

•I ' 'U<* of* n<ier 41*o!it twentym i tLai» Vie proper hour

» at! "* ' i w d i annered littleon < •) t*k.' n attendants

> -I t <ju fe incorrigible

of not to OEOMd fora- perirtrioh tetonat * « n b« p . ^ rOM dtr ol K«w Tort; mid bott i abtll b« imo*lfor « tert» <rf «rtr r « « « w thrtr drte «« i m•nd atMlfVaot b* sold lor loa thaa par Th»emnptroHar I* hewaf eaavawl <Ht» UM o««r»f stillatr mHA bonrf. to O t Uc%«*t btdtav aftor•dvcrttatoc fcr a p«4od at imnrj uuawuuttud«ri (Sodkyi ascnrtad) ta at Mat t t» (tally

tn the etl? of ttar York, cad

b* a t a MMr ata» taa 4+ af Aftaaa-,Jfe l «W rsar «• f «

«t» baasbatf aai mZ

mwfssnair ioU had before theUpon the m&mef «# fmdgrn em

ayaiati «1«R t* *»* ana* *f fit*** fUmmmd

mltt«4 to Cha peopte far tppnvnl at tte g«Mr«lthattaa to b» B*M to tota y*ai ttln*te«n ttundrad•ed «*a te aooontaao* with tb« prortetoai <* ta*

i i , x>ked up,i<! and re-

nh behind- so late in

smiledr cinfu

Stete el How Tost, la»Sen*t*, April a, 190».~Tbe for«going resolution was dtOy pasted, a ma-jority o i t D O t Senator, elected voting in favorthereof. By order of the Seas**, HORACEWHITE, President.

State of Hew Tort. In Aasmbly, April ft. 1008.—The foregoing resohrttoo was duly paswd, amajority of all the members elected to tbe A*Nobly oowfr Is S i w thereof, By onKt* of fluAssembly, J. W. WADGWORTH, Jr., Speaker.

0t*t* of Mew Tort, Office af the Secretary ofState, sa.; I b*t« compared tb* preceding copyot oaaomHSrt rmtMtm wlta the original eon-cmnmt NMfarttoe on Me ia this office, and I

te tb* dty of Albany; said *dr*rti**i»ent» fe hereby eerttfy that th* SOB* IS a correctfheJH contain a provisidB te tb* effect that th* j transcript tbererrora, aad «f th* whole thereof.

*• discretion may raieet say j Qlrm under my hand and t*e seal of o«e* ofis pommanc* of said adrerti**- the 8*m*t*r> ef 8tat* at th* ctty of Albany,

July, la the year ofthousand nine hvodred sad ten.

or all bids isad*menta, aad is tbe event of such rajsetfea th*oomptMOar Is authorised to nadwrtiae for bid* Lord, on*in the manse*' above described, as many times [L. s.] SAMXTKL &a* is his Judgment may be necessary to effect a ;satistaatory *al*. There is hereby imposed lor { PORK TOR M7BMISBI0H' OF AMXNDKKKT•acb year after this act goes into effect. mM'l NUMBER ORB.provision is folly made for the payment of tht Shall tb* proposed amendment to *ecttonInterest a»d prinrlpaJ of said bonds, a dtreot j of arttd* six erf tbe eonatftntion, designated inannual tax sufficient to pay tbe interest on seoh the election notice as amendment number one, Jbonds, or tb* debt represented by soch bonds, providing lor the election of two additional!- " """- '-- - • '• • - Associate Judge* of tb* Court of Appeals; also i

X.4aV% ^mpa#e< tk* yMsdUig JHqt,• t n & t i o n wKa « • aHdaai %M>Mtaaa *« ftle In tbai a«oa, aai t «»

af erttala aae of taa Ooaatltaltoa «t « •of He* Taik It («f«Ml to dwtiglliaii 11

to he oheaea at A t next ffeaacal Hjftttaa at aaa.atoaa to Oil Itaat to be held oa *m ~ '

' S«k *-

u it falls dm, and also to pay aadthe principal of soch boeda, or tbe dabt nprVamted tb*r*by, within fifty years from tb. tte*vt th* issoaao* of «na teaiav*** wit: A taxof oa* bundr*d and tweoty-Bv* ten ttirwsMiiirrhsof a mill upon e*oh dollar of rahsation of roil•nd persona] property in this state, aubjost t*taxation, wbieh taws shall.nd collected by tbe affinal ismsjiiint and «*•'eetion of taxes la mch «rf said yoan to themanner prescribed by law, «ad shall bs paid bythe several county tmsmmi teto th* treasury<rf the stats. Tb* proceeds of said tax shall beinrwted by the comptroller, aad together withthe interest arising therefrom, any premium*»eo*iv*d on tb* sal* of said besjds aad tat*r**t

Ired (U th*t oi artici* oa* of th*to read as toUowst | t*

shall be takM-ttr say fssll*to be ~oad* thor*tar. was*

1* not mads by ta* sUte,bT a Jory, \

iout a fury or by as* Isasthan thn* oasamisBioners appointed by aof record, a* shall be prescribed by mmrat* roads may be opened in th* manner ft* b*prescribed by law; hut in every can th*sity of the road and thr ainotint of *B ito be sustained by the opening thereof shall befirst detetmi&sd by a jury of tree-bold***, sadsuch amoont, together with the «tpeaas* of "proceeding, shall & paid by th* penoa to btbeaefited. General lawn may ba passed psrmK-titijS ua^iWunii or oocupuits Of B ltellMTIflJiande tooooettwst and maintain for th* drsthereof, necessary drains, ditches and dike*tbe lands of others, under proper restriction*and with j<i*t csmpenwtion. bat ao special law*snail be enacted (or euch purposes. | tsolved (if th* Senate concur). Thatgoing araendmeat be referred to th*to be cbosss at tb*atora, and in conformity with section oa*, arti-cle fourteen of tbe constitution, b*three month* previous to the tim*tion.

Bt*U of New York. In Assembly, AprilMia—Tbe foregotos resolution was duly passed,a majority of all tbe members elected to thtAssembly rottng in favor thereof, three-firthibeing preseat. fiy order of th* Assembly, I. W.WAD8W0RTH, Jr., Speaker.

SUte of Mew York. In Senate, May tl, U1* . -The foregoing resolution was duly passed, •majority of all the Senaton elocted voting farfavor tbereof, three-riftha being 'present. Bjorder of the Senate, HORACE WHTTE, President

State of New York, Office of the Secretary olState, ss.: I have compared the preceding copy

M«iaU tHv toym«» Mm*

a af»• aboam a*, tha pm taassaj

to tiria Slate to ba bald «

mt ata*i* stt at th* ********* #t u *N f w T M k b ssjsmi •> ta* LaiMat•a obaasa at th* mm fttaiMd rtiaHw «1 mm-

af arttole st« of tb*iiainniiil of tajtmaj of • »W s p e c t a l and teftg t m a

fsottoa asvaajat srttes* mm* at tW «aMaVi •%• misiilas to M i as liWisKjt «Masi

laalaM br mm& Wum> mA ka aasaaaaf «aiaaaalte yaaalattwi as aasaty aFaaay ba, teat

#vl*k«F«f th* saaxsa* o*ta%hsitfoas m fj» atst •spartwai

•rah* other d ««a> shall osnsmio* af a m eh*H k* si Many te sowe* taaa fire testtoes shall m m

tern of «Oo% aa4 sbaD b* a rsaldoataf taa doyaiimei* The etber Jvstioat sball b*designated for tern* of AM ymm sr tb* o

provldtog te.tb. tomination of the protMo. | t ^ ^ ^ ^ m rnltSd?omc?Sa 1 ^for th* designation of Justices of the Buprem* T^T^l^SS^Z^ ^ ^ U ! ? L t !Ooort to serve as Associate Jttdges of th. Ooort j *"*** ***** that the same ia a correct tew

rc trea" > hl-

jie«e v "ira«- v Euro

_j^he& oecause nod w ^ i o the Chi-

z. u a u J- T h e in-"n f r u a Danish•• _ ' ^ codified the

\ ne»e characters ,; ' uj inerals . T h u s1 4 ' ' ra^L" became

* 2^ ' perator hadK > s trucu for that.

Rao*.- J

c act at. t tie

aad wi iug-id of a can

sak of said bonds or bom aa arees,If any, shall coostitate a MnldBg fnn<! wtlch «hereby awted for the paytaant af ti» Interest•a «*d tbe extingnishmwrt of the prteelpal ofvocb bonds or the debt 'ftttefc sinking tmd•fely invested by the ,with the istereat arising tbsrafrom sbaS be oVvoted and used solely for the purposs of paying

1 the prtiKSipal and interest of bonds tewed fa; aocordanoe with the prorislons of thto sot as

afonsaM, and shall not be approprfcrted or iwedis any other manner wbatenri pnMded, how-

1 ever, that when seoh flnklag had sball oqoalis amoont tae debt for wWeh It was created, ne

; farther dlroct U i i u l l b , WrUd « aocount ofadd staking fmd and tbe tax hereinbefore pro-

! ridad for shall be rwiaced te an aBoont ocroal; te tbe aoontfng interest on said debt * i, Tbej aani of two mHiicm flr. hundred tboosaad 4s*.! Ian (fMOO^OO), cr so rnrnA tbanof as may be

Moasaury, is bersby appraprtated, payable oat oftbe money* realised under tbe sal* of beads sspro-Tided by etction two of this set, to be es»oended by the coamissionen of tbe Palisades In-terstate park for the extension and Improvementof tbe park under their jurfjdictlou as from tineto time «nab park may exist. Said su» of twofBfHioa Srt hondred tbooaaad dollar. sbaO bepaid by tar treasurer on tbe wamnt of the

of Appeal*; aad also providing for tbe Increase jof the salary of th* Chief Judge of the Court otAppeals (now ten thoonod five hundred dollars

three fittasaad seven hundredm Hec ot suiiwsajQ, to fifteen thousand

flv* hundred dollm par annum, and for tb*crease of tb* salary of the Associate Judges ofthe Oowrt of Appeals (BOW ten thousand dollart per amnan and tfar** thousand wrai has-dred dollars in Urn of cr^enses}, to fifteenthousand do£fcan par annron, which salsrt«s shallbe paid to H « of aad shaD excJnde all other

ipt therefrom, and 'of th* whole therootGiren under my hand and tb* seal of offio* attbe Secretary of State at tb* dty of Albany,thia twes*yfifOi daj of July, in th* ytar oiour Lord, one thousand nls» hsudnd and tea.[L. &] 3AMUEL a KOENIO, Secretary of State.

id tbe Legislature beingprohibited bsmaftir from tooaasbtg said salaries,b lT


•scwitary- • of atate, Albany, July 88, 1910.—Pur-suant to tb* proviakms of section ~ one of sttiekfourteen of th* Obnstlttrtion of the State of NewYork, aad asctkai two hundred aad nicetyfinof the Election l*w, noOoe ia hareby given thatthe • (otlatrtng proposed amendment to soctk«a n ) of article on* <V tbe Constitution of tbeState of New York is referred to tbe Legislatureto be cfcoan at tbe next general election ofSenators in thia State to be held on the eightbd f R d dday of Rovember, nineteen hundred andSAMUEL S. KOENIG, Secretary of State.

AMENDMENT NUMBEB TWO.Ooacumot Resolution of the Senate aad As-

sembly, Proposing an amendment t* aectiosjseven of article one of the constitution, te rela-tion to tbe drainage of lands.

Section L Resolved (it the senate concur),That section seven of article one of the constitu-tion be amended to read as follows: { 7. Whesprivate property shall be taken for any publicuse, the compensation to be made therefor,when such compensation is not made t>y thestate, shall be ascertained by a Jury, or by no!less than three commissioners appointed by * onirtof record, as shall b< prescribed by law. Privateroads may be opened in the manner to be pre-scribed by law; but in every case the necessityof the road and th* amount of all damage to besustained by the opening thereof shall be firstdetermined by a Jury of freeholder*, and metamount, together with tbe expenses ot fee pro-ceeding, shall be paid by tbe person to be bene j next genera]flted. General laws may be passed permitting Jormity withthe vmuen oar occupants of agricultural lands te

u p j h

su an c Cc

!< t

( ] ' -

«r-o« c

I1 1 J ' UiL UUt

i^ Horn the->- J a h o i s e

i -ov v.hi l iavetit bafftj of aif ^uf h abuses

' upt 1 eu to pass<-ii h gambl ingii_n iosses by

lie c incd.

tion of such oommiasioaer* uponfor tb* payment of tbe whole of such sum or ofsuefc portions thereof as front time t© tim* suchregulations may require, and soch moneys shallbe depodted by such coaraissioncn in on* OTmore bankj or tnat coajpaaies* to the dty <dhe* York, to be desigiiated by the eomptioller,and Rhtli be paid oat as d3reot*d by such commiwioners by taeir proper officers. &ien oom-miMioners shall fnrniah to tfie comptroller item-l«*d Temcbeni ior all expenditures made fromthe money* hereby appropriated and thall reporttc thm legislature diring tbe month of Januaryin each year a detailed- statement ot all expendi-tur**, together with a statera«»t of the proceed-ings of such commissioner*. {"i^Bbto l»w shellnot take effect until it shall have been submit-ted to the people of this state at the generalelection to be/ held in November, nineteen hun-dred tnd teah the ballot; to be firrnitked fortb* use of vvtgfr »pon the subnii««ioTj' of thialaw shall be inTO-Toimt prescribed by the eleo-tion Uw, and the proposition or question to be c .-- „ - - —submitted shall be printed thereoD 1B subctan- ingoing amendment be referraia to ike legialatuw


Secntatjr Of State, Albany, July U, 1910.—Pursuant to th* provisions of esctloo oa* of artid.fourteen of the Constitution of tb* State of NewYork, aad section two hundred and ninety-flv«af the election law, notice te"hsrsby givea thaith* following proposed amendment to Motion allof article tbiae of the Constitution of the Stateof Now York if reined to tb* Legislature to b*ebosen at die next General Election ol Senator*is this State to be held November eighth, ni»teen hundred and ten. SAMUEL & KOSNIO,Secretary of State. '<-

AMENDMENT NUMBER tlVB.OoncunrftBt Resolution of taa Senate and As-

sembly, Proposing an amendment to section sixof article tbn* of tbe oonstitution, in niattoato tb* compensation of members af tb* lagiala-

B«»lved (U tb*That sectioo six of artioi* thro* of tb* owbathwtion be amended to read aa follow*: 8member of tb* teglalatan shallssulues an anrraal salary fof on*tandred doItKr*.} o« fellow: Bach member • /Me tmau the turn of three Uto*uamd ftm htm-dred dollars and each member of the a«*embtfthe mm of three thousand donate.' Th* mem-bers of either house shall also receive the sum of'three emtt for each mile [on* dollar for everyten miles] they shall travel in going to and re-turning from their place of meeting, once in•ach ictek at actwa otUndemee ef the season,o& the, most usual route. Senators, when th*senate alone i* convened in extraordinary ses-sion, or when serving as members of tb* courttor th* trial of impeachment*, and such membersof the assembly, not exceeding nine in number,as shall be appointed managers of an impeach-ment, shall reeeiv* an additional allowance of

the department. He may also •ta*aor*ry designation* ia caw of tbe abeeneinaWHty to act of any justice te taa appaldMaton, or te caas the presiding jnatk» of any•ppallate division sball certify to Wm that co*or mow additional Justices art) needed far tbs•pasdy dtapdaltion of the buataa» bofai* ftWbanavar tb* appellate dMsfan la any depart-•MBjt sbaU be unable to dbpose af its tmstaesswithin a rsaaonabla time, a majoslty of the pre-aMing iaHUm of the several departments at ameeting called by til* pnaidlng Justice of th*department in arrears may transfer any pendingappeals from such department to any other de-partment for hearing aad determination. Kohartto* of tb* appellate dJviatoo shall, within tbs<Wpartnwm to which b* may be designated teperform tb* dottes of aa appellate jastle*, «t*r(d*t any of the powers of a jxatlct of tbe supremeoaart, atbar tban the*, of a justice out of coorVand those pertaining to tb* appellate dlvisioe, orto tbe heaxtng and decision of- moUona submitlad by consent of emaaeL but aay *oeh J«stio*,wben not sctually engaged te psrtswsim the

be is daatgaata* aaa/ WM say ternof tb* supreme court aad aisiilii any of thepowers af a justto* «f ts# p o t is a ncounty m JwHdal dWrio* to any other depart-ment of the state. ¥ - 'of Daoambar, «ighteatbe appellate division shall bare tbe jurisdictionnow exercised by th* anprom* court at Its g waral terms and by tb* general tens* of tbcof aaeuaoa plea* Car th* city and eouaMaw York, . On mpertor court of the city ofHear York, th* mpertor eottrt of Buffalo aad theoity of BxeoUyn, aad soch addttlonal Jortsdlctiot.as may be conferred by the legislature, ft snailhaw power to appoint and[Th* Justice* of tb* apfMBate dfvialopartmaot shall lams power te Ox th* times aadplaoes for holding aaoelal tenaa thmtB, and toassign tb* Jaattoe* to tb* departmeats to holdeach terms; «r to mate n t e therefer.] | J. »»-solved, (if a * aswmiMj ODMV), That tbe lore-going smendrrymt be referred t* th* lte beebown at taa n

foBrteaaof ta* ooostituiioB. b* publWiod tar thn*moadw prrriow to th* time of such election.

State ot New York, In Sanate, April 1ft, IS10.-JTh* fovegoing resolution was duly passed,majority of ;afl th* Senaton elected votingfavor thereof. By order of the Senate, QE0H<HL COBB, Temporary President.

State of New York. In Assembly, May U, 1910-Ti* foregoing resolution was duly passed, _majority of all th* members elected to the As-sembly voting In favor thereof. By order of th*.Assembly, J. W. WADSWORTH; Jr., Speaker.

State of New York, Office of tbe Secretary of«-State, as.: I have compered the preceding copyof concurrent resolution with the original con-current resolution oa fil* in this office, and I dohereby certify that tb* same is a correct tran-

« aav Maa4 ay law, shaft b* Issvaar kwrni

p ^ y d n « f Ch»e»u»ay,or tixe\purpo»© of cDmpletlne: tlta

section \>f.*be town Hall 4ad ih«Jlth t Btad t W t f C h t

town of Chateaueray for said amountof fifteen thousand dollar* and shallthere be raised annually by tax asum sufficient to pay th« interestand principal upon said bonds aa the•ante shall become -vfde4 by Sectionlaw?"

Dated Sept, 20, 19X0.\C. W. HARRICA.

_ OF -New. Y*rts, br the ^race ot - , _

free and lndepecden*. To UJUe fi.Smith Cameron, Courtis Ihirltam

»unty, Canada, Leoa A, Smith, Bell-mont, New York, William G. Smith,

ba erected mSUr mny amda mm Bellmont, New York, Wallace W.^appellate division ef the am- Jackson, Bellmont, New York.

court far the deportment §m mkkm at te , Send Greeting: You and each ofis •* m+mttd shoii after m heaHmf ^dfrndfi you are hereby cited and requiredthe mm ef state land therefor imuisJBrs per personally to be and appear beforemm astUte wetter*. The peopie mmm\ isttt.Me our surrogate of the county of Prank

vt'f the court, private permme^mm Un, at the surrogate's court of saidJM •* parties to the prmceadim* and J*V -county, held at the court house at

Malone, in the county of Franklinon the 7th~ day of November, 1910,at ten o'clock in the forenoon of thatday, then and there to show cause

mem U rmkmei *p the court * im~pat IT ri&te or prvfwrtf of Mr ***** *«totjaaer SMMI fr o*f tmh improemmm et«ka*t far fhe eenota, Ma M A M flsersof « r a /

- ' - - - • - mpr***


aaa* i**> (V •**» treasury-im-arom ar fcymnmml flma* ohmrpa ma ahotr be provided am

of etname ehmU M far a*,«J&Jto* ' . . . .property to the Mtfeat of (ha mefUstfrnatmitary conditions shall not bemmttnmmt by mn^auek reaewoir. Aaf this section may be restrained mt tha amkof tbe people or with the consent of the su-preme eourt im appellate division on notice tola* attorney-general at the sutt of a otUaam,| 1 Banhred (if tbe Senate concur). That ta*Jcwgoing anendmsnt b* referred fo the legitfa-

to be cho - - -senaton. and, ta coatormity with awtUm oaa.arttd* tottrtosn of th* constitution, be publishedfor three months prrviou* to tb* tin* of saah

State of 5*w York, In BenaU, May *»,TW foregoing resolution was duly passed, amajority of all tb* Senatprs ateetod voting

arder af O» ttenate, BO&ACB WHITE,Stete af Kew York, fa Assembly, May U,

Wla.~Tb* loregoiac rosotottoo was duly paassd,• majority V aU the members ejected to tb*Assembly voting i sbeing present. By arder of th* Assembly, J.WAD6WOBTH, Jr., Spoator.

State af Kew fm% (Mm atgtate, •-? I tew compared tb . _ „af •miimiiwii rawhrttoa with the original oon-«sjssant resolDtion oa 111* In this offlc*, and I dobsnby oertify that th* MOW IS S

- • - - * «f -

my aiMl aad th* seal of of&e*tb* i N t t t r / af State at ta* «Jty of Albaay,

Lord, on* thousand ida« aundred and ton.CL. 8.1 SAMOKL S. KOCra. Bwretary af State.

election of senatoi* and in eon- jection one. article fourteen of the]

constitution, be published for three months pr*> \e of such election.construct and maintain tor the drainage thereof,

necessary dr&ina, ditches and dykes upon thtlands of others, under proper restrictions, andwith just CMBpetttttfon, but no special law* majority o* alishall be enacted for such purposes, and tht { favor thereof.drainage of private land for the Improvement; order of the Senate, GEORGE H! COBB,thereof U hereby constituted a public use, forwhich land may be acquired for fust compen-sation and the expense assessed to the per-sons or property benefited, by the state or atnvnicipaUty, under appropriate tatcs. | S.Resolved (if the senate concur), That the fore-

thousand nin* hundred and ten. DL * ]S&tfVSL & SOEKIO, Secretary of State.

r i / u u u n w u ujtr torn? "Hw^vfig ( i r r i ->——•*• » —• *• •• —-*^*-^*-M—*-•

vious to tb« time of such election. I jState of Sew York, In Senate, April 1, 191ft.- I ^PtiJRATIOSF—MATTES IH ITALICS IS OT?Wj

Tb* foregotog wmolutJob was duly paaffid, a ' " *" ~ ",h« Senators elected voting is

three-fifths being present. By

to be csosen at the next genera} electionttelly th* following form, namely: "Sball chap- . . „ _._. w. .. .tar (her* insert the number of this chapter) of I senators, and. in conformity to section one oith* laws of nine<#*n; hundred and ten, entitled j article tourt^fn of the constitution, be published'Aa act making provision for Issuing bcSds u> \an amount not exceeding two million nve hue- jand thousand dollars, for th* use of th* com- 1

ith* previous to the time of suet

k, in Assembly, March 80,

majority of all the members elected

Social Slights11 i v ^ ^ she c in l e m e m b e r

r 1 <-hi';'iat k Cururox fami ly<. \%1*»»> tin n\i\t iuea | w a s

for threeelection.

State of Newthe Palisades Interstate park In

, the extension and improvement of the parkby { under their jurisdiction as from time to time < Assembly voting

Rich park may erlst, and providing fee a sub- , being present. By order of tbe Assembly,mission of the same to the people, to be Toted ! WADSWOF rn, Jr., Speaker,upon at the geneifci election to be held in the j " ' - . - -year nineteen hundr*d and ten,' be approved V |

State of New Yortt, ©Bee of the Secretary ot \State, am.! I have compared the preceding with 'tia* original law os -file in this office, and do 'hereby eerttfy that the same is a correct trar.-sartpt tberef»m,^and the whol^ of said origiesitaw. OlTsn unoer sty band ««nd th* saal 4?oAoa of the Secretary of State, at tht d ty ef

porary President.State of New York, In Assembly, April 11,

1910.—The foregoing resolution « u duly passed,a majority of all the members elected to th*Assembly voting i s favor thereof, three-fifths be-ing present. By older of tbe Assembly, i. W.WADSWORTH, Jr., Speaker.

State of Kew York, Offic* of tbe Secretary otState, ss.: I h»ve ^ompar*! tb* preceding copyof concurrent isolation with the original there-of on file in thia office, aad I do hereby certifythat the same is a correct transcript therefrom,and of the *ho!e thereof. Given under my band


Secretary of Stete, Albany, July 26, 1810.— Por-suant to the prorisions of section one of articlefourtem of th* Constitution of the State of NewYork, and section two hundred and ninety-five ofthe Election Law, notice is hereby given thatthe following proposed amendment to sectionfourteen of article six of the Constitution,.©* tbeState of Hew York is referred to the LegOtatur*to be chosen at the next general election of sen-ators in this State to be held on tbe eighth'day ofNovember, nineteen hundred and tea. 8AM8ELS. KOENIG, Secretary of State.

AMENDMENT NUMBER EIGHT.Concurrent Resolution of the Senate and A*>

1809.-The Joregoia* resolution was duly passed,, «»* th« •*•! o f «>«»*• • ! th* Secretary of Stete-at-nembly, PropoBfig aa-ameBdmeat-to sec^jon four-" " to th* i tjw dty of Albany, this twwnty-«ftb day of July, teen of article six of tbe coaBtitution, in rela-members elected w> me; sr -—' — *l

favor thereof, three-flfth. i l n th« 7** of our U»d, OB* thousand nin* bun-dred and ten [L &3 BAlftm S KO2HIOdred and ten [L» &1

of State.BAlftm S. KO2HIO,

State bt Vew York, In Senate, AprilThe foregoing resoluticn was duly paraed, a ma-jority of ail the ^natorc elected voting in favotthereof, thnr-ftftb*, being* preseat. By order «the Senate, HORACE WHITE, President.

State of Kew York. <wBce otthe Secretary otj SecretarySUte, as.-. I ht\e 'compared <be preceding oops


Secretory af State, Albany, M y 28, m a - P u r• o u t to the proHalom of section on* oi artidfcortew at tit* Canatttutfott ot the BUte of Me*York, sad section two hundred aad ninety-fire«w Election Law, notice is hereby givar thathe following proponed amendment to aocfteight of article seven of the Constitution of tLState of New York is referred to the Legislatorto be chosen at the next general election of Seaatom in this SUte to b* held on the eighth da}of November, nineteen hundred and tea.CXL S. SOENIQ, Secretary oi State.

^AMENDMENT NUMBEB TEN.CMcunent Resolution of th* 8enate and As

semtrV Proposing an amendment to article mr•action tight, of th* constitution, ia relation

n aadd bond* am the)e duet all a* pro-

84© of the lowta

why the account of Bert Lyons forthe support, care and maintenance ofsaid infant, Leon A. Smith, shouldnot' be paid from the estate of saidinfant, and such of you as are herebycited, as are under the age of twen-ty-one years, are required to appearby your guardian, if you have one,or if you have none, to appear and apply for one to be appointed, or in thaevent of your neglect or failure todo so, a guardian will be appointedby the Surrogate to represent and actfor you in the proceeding.

In testimony whereof, we havecaused the seal of the surrograte'acourt of the said county of Frank-lin to be hereunto affixed.

Hon. Frederick G Pad-ock, Surrogate of our said countyT

at the county of Franklin, the 12th.day of September, intbe year of our Lord

[L.S.] one thousand nine hun-dred and. ten.

F I J O R E N C E BOYCE BRYANTClerk of the Surrogate's Court.

4 0 6

p p g pof concurrent r sohitioi* with the original concurrent resolution on 6<« in this office, and I dehereby certify that tbe sad**is a correct tran-

"Is Mrs.calier.'

"Yes, ma'all work inat present :

''Are you"Yes, ma

Audible Sleep.Schuorer in-?"

am." answered

asked the

thethe boarding boustin her room."sure?"

'am. I just o>taking a v<np."


maid ofi. "She's

eard her

had brought'the eluirago Record-Herald.

•ges a liar."—Obi- I

! of th* laws ot vlnmtM hundred and , _I titUd *An act making prorMon for issuing bondsi te an amount cot exceeding two million fiv*: hnadred thousand dollars, for the us* of t UI oommislwiers of th* Palisade* Interstate park iaj tb* extension nd improvement of the park underI tbeir Jurisdiction jts from time to tim* tteas1 park may exist, and providing for a submisjioa !i of the earn* to tbe people, to be Toted upon ati th* general election to. be held in tbe year nlne-i teen hundwd >nd ten,1 be approved?"

'•What defend" asked' the grafter's ! «XPWJATION-^TTEIUIN ITALICS IS mrtr.

wife, "did you Wke when you faced ; ^ of s S " A S ^ . ^ T Z J 2the investisatiiig conimifteeT* —] wBnt-to- ttw piwisioas of «ctton ot»..af articda .

"I vehement ly called t b e C M S w h o i <®urte«n of the Oooatitution of th* State oi ajar: York, and section two hundred and nln*ty-nvi; f the Election Law, notio* ia hereby glnn that

ta« foUowiag /ffe£ofe«^^ amendment to sectionrt ssrea of artieje' Sir of ittie Owatitsnion at tb*

K o t M a g i s more disgraceful than in- State <rfK«r Tjjrk it to be submitted to tbe, A- * ~ . , «-• I people for approval at the next general etocUao

s incer i ty . -C icero . j in this Stete to b* held on t h e ^ h t h day_ofA Come-back. | November, nineteen hundred and ten. SAMUEL

"Honesty , my eon." said the million- i s. KOENIG. Secretary of "state,aire, "is the, best policy." j A M E N D M E N T N U M B E R ONE.

"Well, perhaps it is, dad," rejoined j concurrent Resolution of the Senate and As-the JOUtbful philosopher, "but it j ecmbly. Proposing an amendment to sections tr ikes me y o « have done pretty well , | seven of article six of tbe constitution, in itsla-nerertbe less ." • Loodon Tii -Blts . | t i o n t o ) w i ^ B o f t h e coart of appals and j U B -

i-tictts of the supreme court.S&ption 1. Resolved (if the senate concur),

That section seven of article six of the constitu-tion be amended to read as follows: S "- Thecourt of appeals is continued. It shall^oonsistof the chief judge and associate jadfpes now inoffice, wbo shall hold their offices lifitil the ex-piration of their respective terms, and theirsuccessors, who shall oe chosen by the electorsof the atate. The official terms:'of the chiefjudge and associate judges shall be fourteenyears from and including the first day of Jaau-ary next after their election. Rye membersof the court ghall form a quorum, and the con-currence of four shall ba necessary to a decisionThe court shall have power to appoint and toremove its reporter,cierk and attendants. When-

CASTOR IAlor Infante aad Children*

Ha Had You Han Always BwgMBears the

Signature of

Qiven under in} liand at id the *&1 ot office of tluSecretary of State u.i the city «C-albany, tbiftwenty-fifth day of, July, in the year of our Lord,one thou-Jnd tine hnndred and ten. th. 8.]SAMUEL > KOKNFG, Secretary of State.


Secretary of Stated Albany, July 25, lWC—No-tioe is hereby given that tbe following proposedamendment .to section six of article one of tbtConstitution of tbe State of Sew York is re-ferred to tb« legislature to fee cnosen at tatnext general election of Senators in this 8tat4to be held on tb* eighth day of November,nineteen hundred and ten. . SAMUEL & KOXNIQ,Secretary of St&te.

AMENDMENT NUMBEB THREE,Concurrent Resolution of the Senate and

anobly, To amend section six.of article an!the oonaHtution, in relation to, taking privateproperty for public use.'The Pg©t>le ^ tbe State of New -York, repre-

toltows: . •EAplved (If tb?'Senate concur),

atr or-arttde on* «f ta* ooestltution be amended #y adding thereto a clause tcread a* follows: WXen nrtomte property shallbe ta*em for public use by a municipal eorpo-

propertf ma* be tahm mmSmr oontitUm* to b$prescribed by the legislature «v gtmenH low.Property thtu taJeem- $hoU be 4teme4 to tetaken for pmWc wfc | l Eesohr*d (tt th*St Tht th toibe n t o n d to th* legialatnr* to be eaoaam stttb* next fstMNl election of onc tm. an* i t «a>tevttar with awtioB on*, article fourtoca at OMooostitartioTv be pvblisbod for tikra* aoatbsrtooa to the tim* of sues daetloa.

9tot* of New York, la isssm>ly, *Uy t, itUL-Tb* foragoing reaolotioe wai duly paawmeiorttf ot all ta* lanabm daeted to ta* _mv&fy TPttog io faro* tbwtri, tbreo-ftftto beingproamt By order af the Ussswily, 9. W.

State «f Kew Tork, In Senata, May *. l l t t -w*. « 0 y P>os*d, a a»-

jyMy jai«B th*



But*, Albaay, July 86, 1910.—Pur- j ftwo] four county Jud(rei ind tbe addittoBSif i t t i l ~

tioo to the county eourt ot Kings county.Section 1. Resolved (if trie Senate concur),

Tbat section fourteen of article six of tbe con-stitution be amended to read as fpUowa: | l i .Th* existing county courts are continued, aad tbejudges tbereof now in office shall bold their ottee* until the expiration of their fespeetlTe

In tbe county of King* there sball be, y, y ,

tfa. proTisioM of sootioo one ot articleot the Qbostitatioa of the State of New

York, and section two hundred and ninety-fireof the election Saw, Bfftire is hereby given that

J W a d w i r t to section tonof article (our of th* Omstitatloa o< the Statefof New York^s referred to the Legislature to be

chosen at tbe next general election of senaton inthis SUte to be bald cm the eighth day of No-Tember, nineteen aand»a aad tan. SAMUEL &KOENIG, SecreCirJ^Rtota.

AMENDMENT KUMBEB SIX.Concurrent RewlutJgA of the Senate and As-

sembly, Proposing an^amdment to section fowof article four of that aoastttutioa, in relation totbe salary erf governor.

Section i. RmoUwf <lt Jj^ §foaU concur),Tbat sPtion four of article tour of tbe oonsUtu-tiou be amenda* to read at follows; 8 4. Thegovernor shaJl t* oommander-ln-<hl«f of tb* mil-ltary and naval forces of the stat*. H« shall havepower to convene ttm legislature, or' the senateonly, on extra ordinary occasions. At extraordi-nary seasons no aflfefcet sball be acted upon, ex-cept such aa th* jstfwnor may recommend forconsideration. Be *bsiJK«c*miunlcate by messageto the I«ri3latur* a* tray session the conditionof tiie BUte, and reepqaaend such matters to itas he shall Judjr* expedient. He ahall transactall necessary bigness wffl* tt» oGeer* of go**m-ment, civil smA mflftary. He sbaU expedite all,each measures as way ba tmsobnA upon by thelegislature, and shall take oar* tbat the law* artfaithfully exerted. He shall recede for hitservices an snnual satey of hoemty [ten] thonsand dollm, aid tbor* sball be provided for hi*Dae a suitable tad tamla%e4 MtecotlT* residence.I 4 | Besomed (tf tbe Ssnate cowur). That the

of Xew Tork, tat Asawitily, Maroa It,U* rwohrttoa V M *aly passed.

fe*t*r of an th* ombors aWud to ta*btyjroting iB

SSwORTR ,SUte of Nev York, In frnaia. Man* « . l « a

-Tbia reaolutioe w«* do^y «Ma*4, a majority ol*S tbe Senators * J M M W«ng to Am* tlwmdf,

emmty judgt* sSaJl be ebosen at the Inexi] gsn-enU election heM in on odd-numbered yearafter the adoption of fthls article.] the amend-ment to IMM section for the term of aim peonfrom mni toctodino the first dam of Jamnor*ne*t after their election, The s

cotmty judges sball be cboam by tb*electors of the counties for the term of six year*.Oousty courU shall hare tbe powen and Juris-diction they now poem, and also original Juris-dictloB ta actions forftbe recorery of moneyonly, where th* defendant raslde in tb* comity,and ia which tb* complaint demand* . . . . . . . .for a man not exceeding two thousand dollars.Tb* legislature may hereafter enlarge or restrictthe Jurisdiction of th* county coorta. provided,towerer, that, their jnrbdfetkm shall not bt soextended _as Jto_»uthoriaethe recovery of money orfyT fa wbicntfie tendemanded exceeds two tbouautd dollars, or iawnich any person not a resident of the county Is• defendant Courts of sessicra, except in t.«county of New York, are abolished from aadafter tbe last day of December, one taoosaadeight hundred and ainety-flve. AH tbetion of the court of sessions in each county, ex-cept tbe county of Kew Tork. thalli therewpoBbe *e«ted_In_ the. epoaty:_ etmrt thereof* aad *Bactions and proceedinfa than pending to eucb

. .. . eourt* of sessions s aU b* tnasferred to saidHe shall expedite all^ oounty «mrt« for b35ing and determination.

Brery oaaaty judge shall perform «ac* duties asmay b* required by law. His alary shall beestablished by law, payabl* out ol taa ooustytreasury. A county Jodg* of any oousty maybold county courts,* a*y otaar oOanty wbearequested by ib* j«dg* of sneb otbar cocaty. Mleaolred (If the Benate «mcur). m e t tat for»going amendment b» referred to tb*a> be cboetn at tb* next ftacn! skwtloa oi•natora aad. In conformity with wetta* on* o\articie fourtem of tb* constitatioo. U yalVman

thmmmt moA *w t h m awatbt prarioM to J ^ t e « at sat*

L Beaotod (If th* Assembly <x»That ascttoa eight of article seven of th* atattoo be amend** te read as follows: f ft.kgldatws aball eot sell, leas* or otberwiai _pom «t th* Ed* casal, the Oewago canal, tarObamplaiB canal, tb* Oayoga and Seeeca on(or} tte Black Birer canal [.;] or any part•aid eanaU. or any lands, *Upe, docka, «other structures, basins, harbors, or term*mala connected with and appurtenant to saUeonats hereafter provided,' acquired or tttructed by the state to aid commeroe ueaid canals, or upon tide waters, lakes,canalized wtterways, including all that por-tion of the Brie oanal *n the city of BuffaUfrom the guard took therein to and tncludintCommercial (flip and the slips leading fromthe carnal to the Brie basin, but Ahey shall re-main the property of the state and under Utmanagement forever. The word "oanal," «weed heroin, includes eUps. harbors and tmeanaU a* constructed and improved undetand pursuant to chapter one hundred oneforty-seven of the lam of nineteen hmnarepand three, aa heretofore amended, and mnSmand pursuant to chapter three hundred an4ninety-one of the law* of nineteen hundreiand nfcier No vert of any of « ^ eaid omnaUnor of aaid lands, t>Ups, doc**, or othmstructures, baHns, harbors or terminal*, shot,be abandoned, until the eome ehall have oea*eito be a portion thereof and shaU home btmdeclared abandoned by an act of, the legisla-ture, based upon m certificate of the oammiboard, i tot it ta « • longer a portion thereofAU funds that map bt derived from mm leoea,•afe ar other disposition, of any oanat nd•bone mentioned, or f mny pdrtff imp ammmM.lands, sUps, docks, me ether

THE PBOPiai OF THB STATE OFNEW YORK to Vitilen Taylor, Er-Bt Taylor, Eva D. Taylor .and Alice

B. Hastings, residing at Malone, N.Y., and Joel E. Taylor, whose res-idence is unknown, constituting ailthe husband, wife, heirs at law andnext of kin of Herbert M. Taylor,late of tne town of Malone, in thecounty of Franklin and State of NewYork, deceased, send -greeting:

Whereas Vitilen Taylor and JohnHapgood,"~ the executors named inthe last will and testament of th .said Herbert M. Taylor, d-eceaaed,have lately applied to our surrogateof our county of Franklin to havethe said will proven as a will of realand personal property, in pursuanceof the statute in such case made and.provided: You, and each of you, aretherefore cited and required, person-ally, to be and appear before oursaid surrogate, at hjs office in Ma-lone village, in tn* county of Frank-lin, on the 31st day of October nex%at ten o'clock in the forenoon, thenand there to attend the probate ofsaid last will and testament.

And if any of the aforesaid personaare under the age of twenty-oneyears-, they will please* take noticethat they* are required to appear bytheir general guardian, if they haveone, and if they have none, that theyappear and apply for the appoint-ment of a special guardian, or inthe event of their failure or neglectto do so, a special guardian will beappointed by the surrogate to repre-sent and act for them In the pro-ceedings for the probate of said will.

In testimony whereof, -we havehereunto affixed theseal of our said surro-gate. Witness, FrederickQ, Paddock, surrogateof said county, at thesurrogate's office, inMalone village, in aaidcounty, tlie 8th day of

FT September, 19 lfr.

/F9LORENCE BOYCE BRYANT,»-€*terk of the Surrogate's Court.

BADGER & SON, Attorneys, Malone,N. Y. 39w7

[L. S.]

NOTICE TO CREDITORS—Pursu&atto an order of Frederick Q. Pad-

dock, surrogate of the county ofFranklin, and according to th*statute in such case made and pro-vided, notice ia hereby given to all

txaaed to ba m portion thereof'and dammrmt•teademctf as above provided, shall •* up

persona b&ving claims AgainstCharles M. Kelly, late of Burke, In.said county, deceased, that they arerequired to exhibit the aame with tha ^vouchers thereof, to the undersign-ed, Jean M. Ttelly, at her residenceia the town of Burke, in said coun-'7, on or before the 3rd day 61December next.

Dated May tl , 1910,JUAN H..ICKU.T,

MOORE & O'NEIL, Attorneys fatAdministratrix, Malone, N. T.

repair af the ,ti»aming ction of lease, sal* or oQooBtsiaad, shaii not apply t* tbe canal k a s ntb* Hate and Hamburg street eanal, sjtmtad Ittb* ctty of Bnffals^ aad which extends awfrom tat westerly MB* of Mai* stnwt t*w«*t«rly lia* of Hamburg street. AU todsmay b* maxhma from any saca Imm. sai

" ' of any axnl shall be iaptt»J t*

g«ing amanrtmcirt be teferrW U tas.kgMc^pite be ebosen at t te next genera! *J*esloB at aaa

sad fa> conformity wttb

r.kg««fep. OB <Aioaotssa b«r,

mmm^^am ^»UUa«vi« Wllajp IIIH— H U f a j vsaaaa aWa 9*J W

•\n if tin fjm.i,, nfmimimilrtjnaiisiiiaut* of B*w Yark, Oatos mt Om Wetammtr •

. - - . . --. i *terabf «Mttlr « s t ttevwa* It s oamat t »asrt*t «aa?s»W«sc of ta. wboU ttenof

'teas cad tbs eatl «fef

AUEtadi of

The Farmer Offioe U*one of the

b«Bt eqx^pped plants in this section.

OrOttnt promptly filled %t t>rioe« that

.wttl *wtve you morx«7. Forward ori«r

NOTICE,—Punm&nt to an order otFrederick Q. Paddock, surrogate ol

the county mt Franklin, and aeoosd-ing to tha statute fa sach case roa"and provided, notice is hereby g-iv,»»to all persons havtnt: claims atalast WWatson Ayers, luttt of Malone, in aa!4 icounty, 4eeea«ed, that they are re- iquinsi t» exhibit the same, with t lttjvouchers' thereof, to the undersigned, INettle P. Ayera at office of McClary 1A AM*n ID Malone. ia said county, 1

or before the 1st Jlay of Nov ensK", next.Dated April 35th, 1910.


iCcCLARY _Sxecutor. M&lo&a,


fo» it7 '

NOTICE TO CRBDITOR&--Pttr«uan> jto" an tktd.nr of" Pp

dock, sarroirat© of uyFranklin, and aeeoxtttsc to the iute in such case rAada anded, notice is her^y t*reapersons having claiJ^ againsten Csrtta, lats ot MfeleSr*, to •county, deewnaa, tfcat th*y w*quired to exhiWt the sa»e, with ; •vouchers thereof, to U » t

tha rs*td«nc« of R w tin Baasor, tn SBH cimnty, «a & 1ton the Tt* da*' J j

asisfor , Ma-

Tht ****** mm «t»

90*1*31 «NN«« t»
