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catalago de tubos usiminas.pdf

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  • 8/11/2019 catalago de tubos usiminas.pdf





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    Solues Usiminas. Completas, integradas e personalizadas.

    Solues Usiminas. Complete, integrated and customized.

    Tubos de ao inoxidvel

    Stainless steel tubes

    Gesto da qualidade

    Quality management


























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    Unidade Campo Limpo Paulista/SPCampo Limpo Paulista/SP Unit

    Unidade Porto Alegre/RSPorto Alegre/RS Unit

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    Solues Usiminas is a company aligned with the

    global strategy of Usiminas, which operates in the fullsteel production chain: from mining and logistics to

    steel-making and steel processing to capital goods.

    Originated from the merge of companies that already

    operated in the industry, in 2010 Solues Usiminas

    emerged as one of the most important Brazilian

    companies in the steel processing and distribution

    industries. With a modern steel processing

    infrastructure, Solues Usiminas is prepared to meet

    specific needs of several market segments in any

    quantity and format.

    The 12plants strategically distributed throughout

    Brazil allow for Solues Usiminas to be near to major

    consumer and business centers, always with the most

    complete integrated portfolio in the steel-making

    industry: coils, plates, rolls, blanks, welded assemblies,

    roofing tiles, profiles, metal structures, tubes, steel

    housing solutions, among others, everything custom-

    made. It is all about carefully worked steel, with the

    latest technology, and customized services.


    The tube production supplies the industries of

    autoparts, mechanical construction and industrial

    equipment, agricultural equipment, civil works,

    road transportation, white goods, sugar and

    alcohol, automotive, pulp and paper, chemical and

    petrochemical, among others.

    Service Center

    Here your steel is transformed into more advanced

    products, being crafted into the size, shape andquantity you need. It is through the Service Centers

    that Solues Usiminas serves the main automotive,

    white goods and furniture industries in Brazil.


    It serves many industries, such as autoparts,

    mechanical construction for industrial equipment

    manufacturing, agricultural equipment, road

    equipment and civil works equipment, offering

    products with or without primary processing.


    Solues Usiminas uma empresa alinhada com a

    estratgia global da Usiminas, que atua em toda acadeia produtiva do ao: da Minerao e Logstica Siderurgia e Transformao do Ao e Bens de Capital.

    Resultado da unio de empresas que j atuavam nosetor, a Solues Usiminas surgiu, em 2010, comouma das mais importantes do pas na transformaoe distribuio do ao. Contando com uma modernainfraestrutura de processamento, a companhia estpreparada para atender, de forma customizada, sdemandas de diversos segmentos do mercado em

    qualquer quantidade e formato.

    As 12unidades industriais espalhadas estrategicamentepelo Brasil permitem que a empresa esteja prxima dosgrandes centros consumidores e de negcios, semprecom o portflio mais completo do setor siderrgico,de maneira integrada: bobinas, chapas, rolos,blanks,conjuntos soldados, telhas, perfis, estruturas metlicas,tubos, solues em moradias de ao, entre outros, tudofeito sob medida. ao trabalhado no capricho, comtecnologia de ponta e servios personalizados.

    TubosA produo de tubos abastece os segmentos deautopeas, construo mecnica e equipamentosindustriais, mquinas agrcolas, construo civil,transporte rodovirio, linha branca, acar elcool, automobilstico, papel e celulose, qumico epetroqumico, entre outros.

    Centro de ServiosSeu ao transformado em produtos mais avanados,

    sendo trabalhado no tamanho, no formato e naquantidade que voc precisa. em seu Centro deServios que a Solues Usiminas atende as principaisindstrias automotivas, alm das de linha branca emoveleira do pas.

    DistribuioAtende diferentes indstrias, como a de autopeas, deconstruo mecnica para produo de equipamentosindustriais, de mquinas agrcolas, rodovirias e deconstruo civil, oferecendo produtos com ou sem

    processamento primrio.

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    O processo de fabricao dos tubos inoxidveis daSolues Usiminas obedece s normas ASTM, sendofornecido certificado de qualidade, fundamentadopelos testes exigidos em cada norma.

    As espessuras podem variar de 0,70a 7,11mm eos dimetros de 12,00a 812,80mm. Sob consulta,podero ser fornecidas diferentes faixas deespessuras e dimetros das tabelas apresentadasneste catlogo.

    Alm dos tubos de seco circular, a SoluesUsiminas dispe de uma linha de tubos quadrados,retangulares, oblongos, semioblongos e elpticos,amplamente utilizados nas indstrias: bioqumica,moveleira, de papel e celulose, de bebidas, alimentcia,farmacutica, bem como da construo civil earquitetura.

    Sob consulta, tambm podero ser fornecidostubos com formatos e seces especiais. A SoluesUsiminas produz tubos de ao inoxidvel atendendoas normas da tabela a seguir:

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    The manufacturing process used by Solues Usiminas

    stainless steel tubes follows the ASTM standards with

    a quality certificate based on the tests required by the

    standard being provided.

    The thickness standard ranges from 0.70to 7.11mm

    and the diameter from 12.00to 812.80mm. In addition

    to the values listed in this catalog, other thickness and

    diameter ranges can be supplied on request.

    In addition to the round tubes, Solues Usiminas has

    a line of square, rectangular, oblong, semi-oblong,and elliptic tubes, which are widely used in the

    biochemical, furniture, pulp and paper, beverage, food,

    drug, as well as civil works and architecture industries.

    Tubes with special shapes and cross sections can be

    supplied on request.

    Solues Usiminas manufactures stainless steel tubes

    in accordance with the standards listed in the table


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    A-249 A-268 A-269 A-270


    Condensadores, superaquecedores,caldeiras e trocadores de calor

    Condensers, super-heaters,boilers, and heat exchangers

    Trabalhos em ambientes corrosivose altas temperaturas,escap. de automveis

    Corrosive environmentsand high temperatures,

    car exhaust tubes

    Conduo e servio geralem ambientes corrosivos

    e em altas ou baixas temperaturasLine tubes and general purpose

    in corrosive environmentsand high or low temperatures

    Tubos sanitrios destinadosa indstrias de laticnios,

    alimentcia e farmacuticaSanitary tubes intended to the dairy,food and pharmaceutical industrie.


    Solda longitudinalsem adio de metal

    Longitudinal weldwithout filler metal

    Solda longitudinalsem adio de metal

    Longitudinal weldwithout filler metal

    Solda longitudinalsem adio de metal

    Longitudinal weldwithout filler metal

    Solda longitudinal sem adiode metal

    Longitudinal weld withoutfiller metal

    Tratamento trmicoHeat treatment

    Recozimento a 1.040C mn.Resfriamento brusco

    Annealing at 1.040 C min.Quick cooling

    Recozimento a 650C mn. quandoexigido

    Annealing at 650 C min. whenrequired

    Recozimento a 1.040C mn.Resfriamento brusco

    Annealing at 1.040 C min.Quick cooling

    Recozimento a 1.040oC min.Resfriamento brusco

    Annealing at 1.040oC min.Quick cooling


    Superfcie lisa decapadaSmooth pickled surface

    Superfcie lisa decapadaSmooth pickled surface

    Superfcie lisa decapadaSmooth pickled surface

    Polido interna e/ou externamenteInternally and/or externally polished

    Trabalho a frioCold forming

    Laminao interna da soldaInternal weld rolling

    - -Laminao interna da solda

    Internal weld rolling

    Ensaio destrutivoDestructive test

    Achatamento, flangeamento,trao, dureza, achatamento reverso

    Flattening, flanging, tensile test,hardness, reverse flattening

    Flangeamento, trao, dureza,achatamento reverso

    Flanging, tensile test, hardness,reverse flattening

    Flangeamento, dureza,achatamento reverso

    Flanging, hardness, reverseflattening

    Achatamento reversoReverse flattening

    Ensaio no destrutivoNon-destructive test







    100mm -0+5mm Up to 100 mm -0+3 mm

    >100mm -0+5mm

    Altura cordo desolda interna

    (mx.)Height internal

    weld bead (max.)

    At 50,80 mm (incl.) = 0,15 mmAcima de 50,80 mm = 0,25 mm

    Up to 50,80 mm (incl.) = 0,15 mmAbove 50,80 mm=0,25 mm

    - - -


    0,8 mm para cada 900 mm0,8 mm for each 900 mm

    Razoavelmente retosReasonably straight

    Razoavelmente retosReasonably straight



    Lisas e livres de rebarbasSmooth and free of burrs

    Lisas e livres de rebarbasSmooth and free of burrs

    Lisas e livres de rebarbasSmooth and free of burrs



    At 25,40 mm (incl.) = 0,5mmAcima de 25,40 mm = 2%

    Up to 25,40 mm (incl.) = 0,5mmAbove 25,40 mm = 2%

    Tabela 6 e item 12.2da normaTable 6 12.2, in accordance with


    Tabela 3e item 12.2da normaTable 3 12.2, in accordance with


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    A-312 A-358 A-409 A-554 A-778

    Conduo de lquidos corrosivose trabalhos em altas e baixas

    temperaturasCorrosive liquid conveying

    and high and low temperatureapplications

    Trabalhos em altas temperaturase trabalhos em ambientes

    corrosivosHigh temperature

    and corrosive environmentapplications

    Trabalhos em altas temperaturase trabalhos em ambientes

    corrosivosHigh temperature and corrosive

    environment applications

    Tubos redondos, quadrados,retangulares e especiais

    para aplicaes estruturaisRound, square,

    rectangular and special tubesfor structural applications

    Trabalhos em moderadas ebaixas temperaturas

    Moderate and low temperatureapplications

    Solda longitudinal por fusosem adio de metal

    Longitudinal weld by fusionwithout filler metal

    Solda manual com adio de metalManual weld with filler metal

    Solda longitudinal e circunferencial

    manual ou automtica com ousem adio de metal

    Longitudinal and circumferentialweld, automatic or manual, with

    or without filler metal.

    Solda longitudinalsem adio de metal

    Longitudinal weldwithout filler metal

    Solda longitudinal ecircunferencial, manual ouautomtica

    Longitudinal and circumferentialweld, automatic or manual

    Recozimento a 1.040C mn.Resfriamento brusco

    Annealing at 1.040 C min.Quick cooling

    Recozimento a 1.040C mn.Resfriamento brusco

    Annealing at 1.040 C min.Quick cooling

    Aquecimento a 1040 C mn.resfriamento brusco

    Heating to 1040 C min. withsharp cooling

    Quando solicitadoWhen required

    Sem recozimentoNo annealing

    Superfcie lisa decapadaSmooth pickled surface

    Superfcie lisa decapadaSmooth pickled surface

    Decapado, livre de rebarbas esuperfcie lisa

    Pickled, free of bursand smooth surface

    Decapado, livre de rebarbase superfcie lisa

    ou outro se solicitadoPickled, free of burs and smooth

    surface or other on request

    Superfcie lisa decapadaSmooth pickled surface

    - -

    Laminao interna da solda,quando solicitada

    Internal weld rolling whenrequested


    Achatamento, dobramento, traoFlattening, bending, tensile test

    Dobramento e traoBending and tensile test

    Dobramento, traoBending and tensile test

    Dureza e trao se solicitados comorequisitos suplementares S1e S2

    Hardness and tensile testif required as supplementary

    requirements - S1and S2

    Dobramento e traoBending and tensile test


    Hidrosttico, raio X para classes1, 3e 4(100%), classe 5spot.

    Hydrostatic, X-ray for classes 1, 3and 4(100%), class 5spot.

    Teste hidrostticoHydrostatic test

    Se solicitado, como requisitosuplementar S3

    If required as a supplementaryrequirement S3

    Mediante solicitao dosuplemento S4, hidrostticoOn request of supplement S4,


    10,29 48,26mm (incl.) -0,8mm+ 0,4mm8,26 114,30mm (incl.) 0,8mm14,30 219,08mm (incl.) -0,8mm

    + 1,6mm219,08 457,20mm (incl.) -0,8

    mm + 2,4mm457,20 660,40mm (incl.) -0,8

    mm + 3,2mm660,40 863,60mm (incl.) -0,8

    mm +4,0mm863,60 1219,20mm (incl.) -0,8

    mm +4,8mm

    0,50% do dimetro externoespecificado

    0,50% of the specified OD

    P/ espessuras < 4,8 mm 0,20%do especificado

    P/ espessuras acima de 4,8 mm(incl) 0,40% do especificado

    For thickness < 4.8mm 0.20%ofthe specified

    For thickness of 4.8mm and above, 0.40% of the specified

    Dim., ovalizao ou outrasgrandezas, para tubos redondos,

    quadrados e retangulares,ver tab. de toler. dim. ASTM A-554

    Diameter, ovality or otherdimensions

    for round, square, and rectangulartubes, see ASTM A-554dimensional

    tolerance table

    10,29 48,26mm (incl.) -0,8 mm+ 0,4 mm48,26 114,30mm (incl.) 0,8mm114,30 219,08mm (incl.) -0,8mm

    + 1,6 mm219,08 457,20mm (incl.) -0,8mm

    + 2,4mm457,20 660,40mm (incl.) -0,8mm

    + 3,2mm660,40 863,60mm (incl.) -0,8mm

    +4,0mm863,60 1219,20mm (incl.) -0,8mm


    12,5% da espess. especificada 12,5% of the specified thickness

    -0,3mm da espessura especificada-0,3mm of the specified thickness

    0,46 mm da espessuraespecificada

    0.46mm of the specified thickness

    10% da espess. especificada 10% of the specified thickness

    12,5%da espessura especificada 12,5%of the specified thickness

    - 0+ 6,0 mm

    - 0+ 6,0 mm (comp. fixo)

    100(outros)-0+ 6,0 mm (fixed length)


    0 + 6 mm (comprimento fixo)

    100 mm (outros)0 + 6mm (fixed length)

    100mm (others)

    < 3,00 mm(incl.) -0+3,00 mm

    Acima de 3,00 mm-0 +5,00 mm < 3,00 mm (incl.) -0+3,00 mm

    Above 3-0+5,00 mm

    -0+6,0 mm para tubos recortados.Demais tubos, por acordo entre

    fabricante e adquirente.-0+6,0 mm for cut tubes.Other tubes by agreement

    between the manufacturer andpurchaser.

    - - - -

    3,2 mm para cada 3metros3,2 mm for each 3 meters

    3,0 mm para cada 3metros3,0 mm for each 3meters

    4,8 mm para cada 3metros4.8mm for every3meters

    0,76 mm para cada 900 mm0,76 mm for each 900 mm

    6,0 mm para cada 3 metros6,0 mm for each 3meters

    Lisas e livres de rebarbasSmooth and free of burrs

    Lisas e livres de rebarbasSmooth and free of burrs

    Planas ou quando solicitado 371/2 2 1/2

    Flat or 37 1/2 2 1/2whenrequested

    Lisas e livres de rebarbasSmooth and free of burrs

    Lisas e livres de rebarbasSmooth and free of burrs

    1,5% do dimetro externoespecificado

    1,5% of the specified OD

    1% do dimetro externoespecificado

    1% of the specified OD

    1,5%do dimetro externoespecificado

    1.5%of the specified OD

    Ver tabela de tolernciasdimensionais para ASTM A-554See dimensional tolerance table

    for ASTM A-554

    1,5% do dimetro externoespecificado

    1,5% of the specified OD

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    Tabela de composio qumica e de propriedades mecnicas da matria-prima conforme norma ASTM A 240Raw material chemical composition and mechanical properties in accordance with ASTM A 240standard


    Composio qumicaChemical composition (%)

    Propriedades mecnicasMechanical properties





    Si(mx.) Cr Ni Mo




    % em 2pol.(mn.)

    Elongation(%) for 2in.


    Dureza HRB(mx.)



    Lim. resist.





    Yield strength(min.)

    304 0,070 2,00 0,045 0,030 0,75





    - - 515 205 40 92

    304L 0,030 2,00 0,045 0,030 0,75





    - - 485 170 40 92

    316 0,080 2,00 0,045 0,030 0,75







    - 515 205 40 95

    316 L 0,030 2,00 0,045 0,030 0,75

    16,00a 18,0016,00to






    - 485 170 40 95

    317 L 0,030 2,00 0,045 0,030 0,75







    N: 0,10 515 205 40 95

    409 L 0,030 1,00 0,040 0,020 1,00



    0,500 -

    Ti:6x(C+N)0,5mx.Cb: 0,17

    380 170 20 88

    439 0,030 1,00 0,040 0,030 1,00



    0,500 - N: 0,03 415 205 22 89

    444 0,025 1,00 0,040 0,030 1,00






    (Ti + Cb)[0,20+4(C+Ni)]


    415 275 20 96

    As quantidades mencionadas so mximas, exceto faixa ou quando indicado mnimo. Propriedades Mecnicas dos tubos, conformeespecificado em cada norma.The mentioned amounts are maximum, except for ranges or when minimum is specified. Tube mechanical properties, as specified ineach standard.

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    Certificaes de QualidadeA Solues Usiminas a primeira empresa brasileira

    certificada nas quatro normas: ISO 9001, ISO TS 16949,ISO 14001e OHSAS 18001.

    Anlises de LaboratrioA rea Gesto da Qualidade da Solues Usiminasrealiza testes e anlises das matrias-primas emlaboratrio, para garantir o melhor desempenho deseus produtos no uso final:

    anlise metalogrfica; ensaio de trao / anisotropia;

    teste de rugosidade; teste de dureza; teste de achatamento; teste de achatamento e reverso; teste de expanso; teste de dobramento reverso.


    Quality Certifications

    Solues Usiminas is the first Brazilian company to be

    certified in accordance with the four standards: ISO9001, ISO TS 16949, ISO 14001and OHSAS 18001.

    Lab Analysis

    The Quality Management department of Solues

    Usiminas performs lab tests and analysis of the

    raw materials to ensure the best performance of its

    products in the end use:

    metallographic analysis;

    tensile test / anisotropy test;

    roughness test; hardness test;

    flattening test;

    reverse flattening test;

    expansion test;

    reverse bending test.

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    Tubos de ao inoxidvel soldados - Tabela de pesos tericos (kg/1.000mm)Welded stainless steel tubes Theoretical weight table (kg/1.000mm)

    Pol. ind.Ind. inch


    EspessurasThickness (mm)

    0,70 0,80 1,00 1,20 1,50 1,60 1,80 2,00 2,25 2,60 2,77 3,00 3,17 3,5012,00 0,199 0,225 0,276 0,326 0,396 0,418 0,461 0,503

    1/2 12,70 0,239 0,294 0,347 0,422 0,446 0,493 0,538

    13,72 0,260 0,320 0,378 0,461 0,487 0,539 0,589 0,649

    14,00 0,265 0,327 0,386 0,471 0,499 0,552 0,603 0,664

    15,00 0,286 0,352 0,416 0,509 0,539 0,597 0,653 0,721

    5/8 15,87 0,303 0,374 0,442 0,542 0,574 0,637 0,697 0,770

    16,00 0,306 0,377 0,446 0,547 0,579 0,642 0,704 0,778

    17,15 0,329 0,406 0,481 0,590 0,625 0,694 0,762 0,843

    18,00 0,346 0,427 0,507 0,622 0,659 0,733 0,804 0,891

    3/4 19,05 0,367 0,454 0,538 0,662 0,702 0,780 0,857 0,950

    20,00 0,386 0,478 0,567 0,697 0,740 0,823 0,905 1,004

    20,40 0,394 0,488 0,579 0,713 0,756 0,841 0,925 1,026

    21,30 0,412 0,510 0,606 0,746 0,792 0,882 0,970 1,077 1,222 1,282 1,380

    22,00 0,426 0,528 0,627 0,773 0,820 0,914 1,005 1,117

    7/8 22,22 0,431 0,533 0,634 0,781 0,829 0,924 1,016 1,129

    25,00 0,487 0,603 0,718 0,886 0,941 1,050 1,156 1,286 1,464 1,538 1,659

    1 25,40 0,495 0,613 0,730 0,901 0,957 1,068 1,176 1,309 1,490 1,565 1,689

    26,90 0,525 0,651 0,775 0,958 1,017 1,136 1,252 1,394 1,588 1,669 1,802

    28,00 0,547 0,679 0,808 0,999 1,062 1,185 1,307 1,456 1,660 1,745 1,885

    1.1/8 28,60 0,559 0,694 0,826 1,022 1,086 1,212 1,337 1,490 1,699 1,787 1,930

    30,00 0,587 0,729 0,869 1,074 1,142 1,276 1,407 1,569

    1.1/4 31,75 0,622 0,773 0,921 1,140 1,212 1,355 1,495 1,668 1,905 2,004 2,168

    32,00 0,627 0,779 0,929 1,150 1,222 1,366 1,508 1,682 1,921 2,022 2,187

    33,70 0,822 0,980 1,214 1,291 1,443 1,593 1,778 2,032 2,139 2,315 2,432 2,657

    1.3/8 34,92 0,853 1,017 1,260 1,340 1,498 1,655 1,847 2,112 2,223 2,407 2,530 2,764

    35,00 0,855 1,019 1,263 1,343 1,502 1,659 1,852 2,117 2,229 2,413 2,536 2,771

    1.1/2 38,10 0,932 1,113 1,380 1,468 1,642 1,815 2,027 2,320 2,443 2,647 2,783 3,044

    40,00 0,980 1,170 1,451 1,544 1,728 1,910 2,135 2,444 2,575 2,790 2,934 3,211

    1.5/8 41,27 1,012 1,208 1,499 1,595 1,786 1,974 2,207 2,527 2,662 2,886 3,035 3,322

    42,40 1,041 1,243 1,542 1,641 1,837 2,031 2,270 2,601 2,740 2,971 3,126 3,422

    1.3/4 44,45 1,092 1,304 1,619 1,723 1,929 2,134 2,386 2,735 2,882 3,125 3,289 3,602

    45,00 1,106 1,321 1,640 1,745 1,954 2,161 2,417 2,771 2,920 3,167 3,333 3,651

    1.7/8 47,60 1,171 1,399 1,738 1,850 2,072 2,292 2,565 2,941 3,100 3,363 3,540 3,879

    48,30 1,189 1,421 1,764 1,878 2,104 2,327 2,604 2,986 3,148 3,416 3,596 3,941

    2 50,80 1,252 1,496 1,859 1,978 2,217 2,453 2,745 3,150 3,321 3,604 3,795 4,161

    57,00 1,407 1,683 2,092 2,228 2,497 2,765 3,096 3,555 3,750 4,072 4,289 4,706

    2.1/4 57,15 1,411 1,687 2,098 2,234 2,504 2,772 3,105 3,565 3,760 4,083 4,301 4,719

    2.3/8 60,30 1,490 1,782 2,217 2,360 2,647 2,931 3,283 3,770 3,978 4,320 4,552 4,996

    2.1/2 63,50 1,571 1,879 2,337 2,489 2,791 3,091 3,464 3,980 4,199 4,562 4,807 5,278

    2.3/4 69,85 2,070 2,577 2,745 3,079 3,411 3,823 4 ,395 4,638 5,040 5,313 5,837

    73,03 2,166 2,697 2,872 3,222 3,570 4,003 4,602 4,857 5,280 5,566 6,116

    3 76,20 2,262 2,816 3 ,000 3,366 3 ,730 4,182 4,809 5,077 5,519 5,818 6,395

    3.3/16 80,96 2,406 2,996 3,191 3,581 3,696 4,451 5,120 5,406 5,878 6,198 6,814

    3.1/2 88,90 2,645 3,295 3,511 3,940 4,368 4,900 5,639 5,954 6,477 6,830 7,512

    3.3/4 95,25 2,837 3,534 3 ,766 4 ,228 4 ,687 5 ,259 6 ,054 6,393 6,956 7,336 8,071

    4 101,60 3,028 3 ,774 4,021 4,515 5,006 5,618 6,469 6,832 7,434 7,842 8,629


    Tubos produzidos nas normas: ASTM A-554/ 778/ 358/ 268/ 269/ 249. Podero ser fornecidos com acabamento lixado ou polido.Tubes manufactured in accordance with ASTM A-554/ 778/ 358/ 268/ 269/ 249standards. Can be supplied with sanded or polished finish.


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    Tubos de ao inoxidvel soldados- Tabela de pesos tericos (kg/1.000mm)Welded stainless steel tubes Theoretical weight table (kg/1.000mm)

    Pol. ind.Ind. inch



    1,80 2,00 2,25 2,60 2,77 3,00 3,17 3,50 4,00 4,50 4,75 5,00 5,50 6,00 6,35 7,11

    4.1/2 114,30 5,089 5,645 6,336 7,299 7,710 8,392 8,854 9,747 11,089 12,418 13,078 13,735 15,040 16,331 17,228 21,424

    5 127,00 5,664 6,283 7,055 8,129 8,588 9,349 9,866 10,864 12,365 13,855 14,594 15,331 16,795 18,247 19,255 23,683

    5.1/2 139,70 6,239 6,922 7,773 8,959 9,465 10,307 10,878 11,981 13,642 15,291 16,111 16,927 18,551 20,162 21,282 23,979

    141,30 6,311 7,002 7,863 9,063 9,576 10,428 11,005 12,122 13,803 15,472 16,302 17,128 18,772 20,403 21,537 25,9636 152,40 6,813 7,560 8,491 9,789 10,343 11,265 11,889 13,098 14,919 16,727 17,627 18,523 20,306 22,077 23,309 28,232

    6.1/2 165,10 7,388 8,198 9,209 10,619 11,221 12,222 12,901 14,215 16,196 18,164 19,143 20,119 22,062 23,992 25,336 28,804

    6.5/8 168,30 7,532 8,359 9,390 10,828 11,442 12,463 13,156 14,497 16,517 18,526 19,525 20,521 22,504 24,475 25,846 30,502

    7 177,80 7,962 8,837 9,927 11,449 12,099 13,180 13,913 15,332 17,472 19,600 20,659 21,715 23,817 25,907 27,362 35,040

    8 203,20 9,111 10,114 11,364 13,108 13,854 15,095 15,937 17,567 20,026 22,473 23,691 24,907 27,328 29,737 31,416 37,878

    8.5/8 219,08 10,912 12,262 14,146 14,952 16,292 17,202 18,964 21,622 24,269 25,587 26,902 29,523 32,132 33,951 37,878

    10 254,00 12,667 14,236 17,490 18,925 19,984 22,035 25,133 29,756 31,291 34,351 39,524

    12 304,80 15,221 17,109 21,027 22,755 24,031 26,504 30,240 35,820 37,674 41,373 50,671 47,631

    14 355,60 17,774 23,067 26,586 28,079 30,973 35,347 39,709 47,950 44,058 48,395 52,719 55,738 62,274

    16 406,40 20,328 26,387 30,416 32,126 35,441 40,454 45,454 54,014 50,442 55,417 60,380 63,846 71,351

    18 457,20 22,881 29,706 34,246 36,173 39,910 45,561 51,200 60,079 56,826 62,439 68,040 71,953 80,429

    20 508,00 25,435 33,026 38,076 40,221 44,379 50,668 56,945 66,143 63,209 69,461 75,701 80,061 89,507

    22 558,80 27,988 36,345 41,907 44,268 48,847 55,775 62,690 72,208 69,593 76,483 83,361 88,168 98,585

    24 609,60 30,542 39,665 45,737 48,315 53,316 60,882 68,436 78,273 75,977 83,506 91,022 96,275 107,662

    26 660,40 33,095 37,218 45,783 49,567 52,363 57,785 65,989 90,402 82,361 90,528 104,383

    30 762,00 38,202 49,624 57,228 60,457 66,722 76,203 85,672 96,466 95,128 104,572 114,003 120,598 134,896

    32 812,80 40,756 52,943 61,058 64,505 71,190 81,310 91,418 101,512 111,594 121,664 128,705 143,973

    Sob consulta / On request.

    Tubos padro Schedule- Norma ASTM A-312Schedule standard tubes - ASTM A-312Standard


    Espessuras (mm) x Peso (kg/1.000 mm)Thickness (mm) x Weight (kg/1.000mm)


    Nom.Pol. ind.Ind. inch


    Schedule5S Schedule10S Schedule40S

    Espessura (mm)Thickness (mm)

    Peso (kg/m)Weight (kg/m)

    Espessura (mm)Thickness (mm)

    Peso (kg/m)Weight (kg/m)

    Espessura (mm)Thickness (mm)

    Peso (kg/m)Weight (kg/m)

    1/8" 10,29 1,24 0,282 1,73 0,372 A 3121/4" 13,72 1,65 0,501 2,24 0,646 A 312

    3/8" 17,15 1,65 0,643 2,31 0,862 A 312

    1/2" 21,34 1,65 0,817 2,11 1,020 2,77 1,293 A 312

    3/4" 26,67 1,65 1,038 2,11 1,302 2,87 1,717 A 312

    1" 33,40 1,65 1,317 2,77 2,132 3,38 2,550 A 312

    1.1/4" 42,16 1,65 1,680 2,77 2,742 3,56 3,454 A 312

    1.1/2" 48,26 1,65 1,933 2,77 3,167 3,69 4,123 A 312

    2" 60,33 1,65 2,433 2,77 4,007 3,91 5,544 A 312

    2.1/2" 73,03 2,11 3,761 3,05 5,364 5,16 8,802 A 312

    3" 88,90 2,11 4,602 3,05 6,581 5,49 11,509 A 312

    3.1/2" 101,60 2,11 5,276 3,05 7,554 5,74 13,829 A 312

    4" 114,30 2,11 5,950 3,05 8,528 6,02 16,383 A 312

    5" 141,30 2,77 9,644 3,40 11,784 6,55 22,182 A 312

    6" 168,28 2,77 11,522 3,40 14,089 7,11 28,800 A 312

    8" 219,08 2,77 15,059 3,76 20,348 8,18 43,358 A 312

    10" 273,05 3,40 23,042 4,19 28,313 9,27 61,455 A 778

    12" 323,85 3,97 31,917 4,57 36,671 9,53B 75,284 A 778

    14" 355,60 3,97 35,085 4,78B 42,146 11,13A 96,358 A 778

    16" 406,40 4,20 42,455 4,78B 48,248 12,70A 125,663 A 778

    18" 457,20 4,20 47,817 4,78B 54,351 14,27A 158,854 A 778

    20" 508,00 4,78 60,454 5,54B 69,960 15,09A 186,937 A 778

    22" 558,80 4,78 66,557 5,54B 77,033 - - A 778

    24" 609,60 5,54 84,106 6,35 96,274 17,48A 260,130 A 778

    30" 762,00 6,35 120,596 7,92 150,100 - - A 778

    - Sob consulta. On request.- Todas as dimenses acima se enquadram na ANSI B 36.19(exceto os indicados A) e ANSI B.36.10(exceto os indicados B). Tabela Orientativa. All dimensions above are in accordance with ANSI B36.19(except those indicated with A) and ANSI B.36.10(except those indicated with B). Table for

    guidance purposes.


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    Tubos de ao inoxidvel soldados - Tabela de pesos tericos (kg/1.000mm)Welded stainless steel tubes Theoretical weight table (kg/1.000mm)

    Dimenso externaExternal dimension

    EspessurasThickness (mm)

    mm 0,80 1,00 1,20 1,50 1,60 1,80 2,00 2,25 2,50 2,60 2,77 3,00 3,17 3,50 4,00 4,50 4,75

    10x20 0,367 0,454 0,538 0,662 0,702 0,780 0,857

    15x30 0,559 0,694 0,826 1,022 1,086 1,212 1,337

    10x40 - 15x35 -

    19x32 - 20x30 0,622 0,773 0,921 1,140 1,212 1,355 1,495

    12x40 0,822 0,980 1,214 1,291 1,443 1,593

    15x40 - 20x35 - 25x30 0,853 1,017 1,260 1,340 1,498 1,655

    20x40 - 25x35 0,932 1,113 1,380 1,468 1,642 1,815

    20x45 1,012 1,208 1,499 1,595 1,786 1,974

    20x50 - 30x40 1,092 1,304 1,619 1,723 1,929 2,134 2,386 2,636 2,735

    25x50 - 30x45 1,171 1,399 1,738 1,850 2,072 2,292 2,565 2,834 2,941

    20x60 - 30x50 1,252 1,496 1,859 1,978 2,217 2,453 2,745 3,035 3,150

    20x70 - 30x60 - 40x50 1,411 1,687 2,098 2,234 2,504 2,772 3,105 3,434 3,565

    25x70 - 33x60 1,490 1,782 2,217 2,360 2,647 2,931 3,283 3,632 3,770 3,978 4,320 4,552 4,996

    30x70 - 40x60 1,879 2,337 2,489 2,791 3,091 3,464 3,833 3,980 4,199 4,562 4,807 5,278

    50x60 2,070 2,577 2,745 3,079 3,411 3,823 4,232 4,395 4,638 5,040 5,313 5,837

    30x90 - 40x80 - 50x70 2,262 2,816 3,000 3,366 3,730 4,182 4,631 4,809 5,077 5,519 5,818 6,395

    30x100 - 40x90 - 50x80 2,406 2,996 3,191 3,581 3,696 4,451 4,930 5,120 5,406 5,878 6,198 6,814

    30x110 - 40x100 -

    50x90 - 50x80 2,645 3,295 3,511 3,940 4,368 4,900 5,429 5,639 5,954 6,477 6,830 7,512

    30x120 - 40x110 -

    50x100 - 60x90 2,837 3,534 3,766 4,228 4,687 5,259 5,828 6,054 6,393 6,956 7,336 8,071

    30x130 - 40x120 - 50x110 -

    60x100 - 80x100 - 70x90 3,028 3,774 4,021 4,515 5,006 5,618 6,227 6,469 6,832 7,434 7,842 8,629

    50x130 - 60x120 -70x110 - 80x100

    5,645 6,336 7,025 7,299 7,710 8,392 8,854 9,747 11,089 12,418 13,078

    50x150 - 60x140 - 70x130 -

    80x120 - 90x110 6,283 7,055 7,823 8,129 8,588 9,349 9,866 10,864 12,365 13,855 14,594

    50x170 - 60x160 -

    70x150 - 80x140 -

    90x130 - 100x120

    6,922 7,773 8,621 8,959 9,465 10,307 10,878 11,981 13,642 15,291 16,111

    60x180 - 70x170 - 80x160 -

    90x150 - 100x150* -

    100x140 - 110x130

    7,560 8,491 9,419 9,789 10,343 11,265 11,889 13,098 14,919 16,727 17,627

    60x200 - 70x190 - 80x180 -

    90x170 - 100x160 -

    110x150 - 120x140

    8,198 9,209 10,217 10,619 11,221 12,222 12,901 14,215 16,196 18,164 19,143

    70x200* - 80x190* -

    100x170* -110x160* -

    120x150* - 130x140*

    8,359 9,390 10,418 10,828 11,442 12,463 13,156 14,497 16,517 18,526 19,525

    80x200 - 90x190 -

    100x180 - 110x170 -

    120x160 - 130x150

    8,837 9,927 11,015 11,449 12,099 13,180 13,913 15,332 17,472 19,600 20,659

    120x200 - 130x190 -

    140x180 - 150x170 10,114 11,364 12,610 13,108 13,854 15,095 15,937 17,567 20,026 22,473 23,691

    150x200* - 160x190* -

    170x180* 10,912 12,262 13,608 14,146 14,952 16,292 17,202 18,964 21,622 24,269 25,587


    * - Tubos Especiais (cantos arredondados).* - Special tubes (round edges). - Podero ser fornecidos com acabamento lixado. - Can be supplied with sanded or polished finish. - Produzidos conforme norma ASTM A-554. - Manufactured in accordance with ASTM A-554standard.

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    Tubos de ao inoxidvel soldados - Tabela de pesos tericos (kg/1.000mm)Welded stainless steel tubes Theoretical weight table (kg/1.000mm)


    Espessura (mm)Thickness (mm)

    0,80 1,00 1,20 1,50 1,60 1,80 2,00 2,25 2,60 2,77 3,00 3,17 3,50 4,00 4,50 4,75

    10 x 10 0,239 0,294 0,347 0,422 0,446 0,493 0,538

    15 x 15 0,367 0,454 0,538 0,662 0,702 0,780 0,857

    16 x 16 0,394 0,488 0,579 0,713 0,756 0,841 0,925

    20 x 20 0,495 0,613 0,730 0,901 0,957 1,068 1,176

    25 x 25 0,622 0,773 0,921 1,140 1,212 1,355 1,495 1 ,668 1,905

    28 x 28 0,822 0,980 1,214 1,291 1,443 1,593 1,778 2,032 2,139 2,315

    30 x 30 0,932 1,113 1,380 1,468 1,642 1,815 2,027 2,320 2,443 2,647

    35 x 35 1 ,092 1,304 1,619 1,723 1,929 2,134 2,386 2,735 2,882 3,125

    37 x 37 1 ,171 1,399 1,738 1,850 2,072 2,292 2,565 2,941 3,100 3,363

    40 x 40 1 ,252 1,496 1,859 1,978 2,217 2,453 2,745 3,150 3,321 3,604

    50 x 50 1 ,879 2,337 2,489 2,791 3,091 3,464 3,980 4,199 4,562 4,807 5,278

    60 x 60 2,262 2,816 3,000 3,366 3,730 4,182 4,809 5,077 5,519 5,818 6,39563,5 x 63,5 2,406 2,996 3,191 3,581 3,696 4,451 5,120 5,406 5,878 6,198 6,814

    70 x 70 2,645 3,295 3,511 3,940 4,368 4,900 5,639 5,954 6,477 6,830 7,512

    75 x 75 2,837 3,534 3,766 4,228 4,687 5,259 6,054 6,393 6,956 7,336 8,071

    80 x 80 3,028 3,774 4,021 4,515 5,006 5,618 6,469 6,832 7,434 7,842 8,629

    90 x 90 5,089 5,645 6,336 7,299 7,710 8,392 8,854 9,747 11,089 12,418 13,078

    100 x 100 5,664 6,283 7,055 8,129 8,588 9,349 9,866 10,864 12,365 13,855 14,594

    110 x 110 6,922 7,773 8,959 9,465 10,307 10,878 11,981 13,642 15,291 16,111

    120 x 120 7,560 8,491 9,789 10,343 11,265 11,889 13,098 14,919 16,727 17,627

    130 x 130 8,198 9,209 10,619 11,221 12,222 12,901 14,215 16,196 18,164 19,143

    140 x 140 8,837 9,927 11,449 12,099 13,180 13,913 15,332 17,472 19,600 20,659

    160 x 160 10,114 11,364 13,108 13,854 15,095 15,937 17,567 20,026 22,473 23,691


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    Tubos de ao inoxidvel soldados - Tabela de pesos tericos (kg/1.000mm)

    Welded stainless steel tubes Theoretical weight table (kg/1.000mm)


    Espessura (mm)Thickness (mm)

    1,00 1,20 1,50 1,80 2,00 2,60 3,00 3,17 3,50

    20 x 45 0,852 1,017 1,260 1,498 1,654 2,111 2,406

    30 x 60 1,171 1,399 1,738 2,072 2,292 2,941 3,363 3,540 3,879

    35 x 52 1,092 1,304 1,619 1,929 2,134 2,735 3,125 3,289 3,602

    55 x 120 2,645 3,295 3,940 4,368 5,639 6,477 6,830 7,512

    Tubos de ao inoxidvel soldados - Tabela de pesos tericos (kg/1.000mm)Welded stainless steel tubes Theoretical weight table (kg/1.000mm)


    Espessura (mm)Thickness (mm)

    0,80 1,00 1,20 1,50 1,80 2,00 2,60 3,00 3,17

    16 x 30 0,495 0,613 0,730 0,901 1,068 1,176 1,490 1,689

    18 x 43 0,822 0,980 1,214 1,642 1,593 2,032 2,315

    20 x 48 0,855 1,019 1,263 1,929 1,659 2,117 2,413

    20 x 58 1,092 1,304 1,619 1,355 2,134 2,735 3,125 3,289

    22,2 x 37,5 0,622 0,773 0,921 1,140 1,498 1,495 1,905 2,168 2,277

    29 x 58 1,171 1,399 1,738 2,072 2,292 2,941 4,562 3,540

    40 x 77 1,571 1,879 2,337 2,791 3,091 3,980 4,562 4,807



    30 x 60 37 x 157 55 x 120

    Tubos de ao inoxidvel soldados - Tabela de pesos tericos (kg/1.000mm)Seamed stainless steel tubes- Theoretical weight table (kg/1.000mm)


    Espessura (mm)Thickness (mm)

    1,00 1,20 1,50 1,60 1,80 2,00 2,25 2,50 2,60 2,77 3,00 3,17 3,50

    20 x 54 1 ,092 1,304 1,619 1,723 1,929 2,134 2,386 2,636 2,735 2,882 3,125 3,289 3,602

    25 x 60 1,252 1,496 1,859 1,978 2,217 2,453 2,745 3,035 3,150 3,321 3,604 3,795 4,161

    70 x 104** 2,645 3,295 3,511 3,940 4,368 4,900 5,429 5,639 5,954 6,477 6,830 7,512


    ** - Ovalado.**- Ovalized. - Podero ser fornecidos com acabamento lixado. - Can be supplied with sanded or polished finish.

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    A Solues Usiminas tem as seguintes certificaes:

    ISO TS 16949

    Sistema de Gesto de Qualidade para IndstriaAutomobilstica.

    ISO 14001

    Sistema de Gesto Ambiental.

    OHSAS 18001Sistema de Gesto de Segurana e SadeOcupacional.

    ISO 9001

    Sistema de Gesto de Qualidade.

    NBR 5580 E 5590

    Certificao de Conformidade de Norma de ProdutoTubos de Conduo.

    Solues Usiminas holds the following certifications:

    ISO TS 16949

    Automotive Industry Quality Management System.

    ISO 14001

    Environmental Management System.

    OHSAS 18001

    Occupational Safety and Health Management System.

    ISO 9001

    Quality Management System.

    NBR 5580 E 5590

    Compliance Certification for Line Tube Product


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    Assistncia TcnicaTechnical Assistance

    Tel.: 55 (51) 2131-1000Fax: 55 (51) 3374-3863

    Tubo Ao Inoxidvel - Vendas

    Stainless Steel Tubes - SalesRS: 55 (51) 2131-1000SP: 55 (11) 2464-3792

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