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Catalogue Cultural Guided Tours 2010

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Catalogue of guided tours and tourist visits, things to do in Barcelona and Catalonia
Customized Services and Cultural Guided Tours 2010 C/ Muntaner 185, 1-2 · 08036 Barcelona -Spain · Tel.: + 34 93 410 14 05 · Fax: + 34 93 410 85 88 www.iconoserveis.com · [email protected]
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Customized Services


Cultural Guided Tours


C/ Muntaner 185, 1-2 · 08036 Barcelona -Spain · Tel.: + 34 93 410 14 05 · Fax: + 34 93 410 85 88 www.iconoserveis.com · [email protected]

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ICONO Serveis Culturals

General Barcelona

Thematic Barcelona

Some of our special tours

Through the pages of Barcelona, a literary city

Excursions outside Barcelona

Cultural services and special activities

Other services

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ICONO serveis culturals is a company of customized cultural services. We are

based in Barcelona but we provide services all over Spain.

We offer

Tailor made products: cultural and artistic tours based on our client preferences, time and


Teambuilding activities for congresses and incentive meetings.

Design of trips, transfers, escorts and private transport.

We are your PARTNER in Spain.

Direct communication with our clients.

Our team

Native Spanish guides in all languages.

Professional staff in the offices specialized in Arts, History, and Architecture…

Our client

Tour operators and travel agencies.

Cruise lines.

Companies and private entreprises.

Official organisms, Governments, Museums and Public institutions.

Exclusive groups and individuals.

Quality in our services

24 hours availability.

Personal service and operational ability.

Logistic coordination from our offices.

Attention to detail.

FolIow up of pre-event, the event and the post-event.

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Our best panoramic tours

For those who want to discover Barcelona in a global way, following general itineraries displaying the

history and culture of our city, we propose the following tours:

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1. Barcelona 2000 years of history (4 hours tour)

This is a panoramic tour of the main historical and cultural points of the city. The tour starts with a

panoramic view of the Sea Front showing the architectural changes of the area. Then the group will

do a walking tour around the Gothic Quarter depicting its religious centre —Cathedral square—, civil

centre —St. Jaume square— and royal centre —King square—. The group will learn of the

importance of Les Rambles and then it will move to Passeig de Gràcia, where some of the most

important modernist façades are situated —la Pedrera and Casa Batlló —. The last point will be the

Sagrada Família and its façades and symbolism.

This tour can include the visit of an interior.

2. Barcelona 2000 years of history (8 hours tour)

This is a panoramic tour of the main historical and cultural points of the city. The tour starts with a

view from Montjuïc Mountain, from where all the urban structure of the city can be admired. The

group will also see some of the buildings of the 1992 Olympic Games. Then the group will be

transferred to the Sea Front, showing the architectural changes of the area. From here the group will

do a walking tour of Les Rambles and the Gothic Quarter depicting its religious centre —Cathedral

square—, civil centre —St. Jaume square— and royal centre —King square—. In the afternoon the

group will visit the Sagrada Família and admire its façades and symbolism. The final point will be

Gaudi’s Güell Park, where Naturalism and Symbolism come together in a perfect recreation of


This tour can include the visit of an interior.

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3. Gaudí (4/8 hours)

This is a unique opportunity to discover the personality and masterpieces of Gaudí in its entirety,

from a historical, cultural and artistic point of view. Both tours, 4 hours and 8 hours offer you

outdoor and indoor visits to the most representative buildings designed by the genius, such as

Güell Palace, Batlló House, La Pedrera, Sagrada Familia, Park Güell or the Güell House.

4. Montjuïc - Fundació Miró - Poble Espanyol

This is a panoramic tour of the main historical and cultural points of the city. The tour starts with

a panoramic view from Montjuïc Mountain, from where all the urban structure of the city can be

admired. The group will also see some of the buildings of the 1992 Olympic Games.

One of the fixed stops on this tour is the Miro Foundation,

one of the most important museums in Barcelona. Then the

group will be transferred to the Sea Front, showing the

architectural changes of the area.

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Why choosing a thematic tour if this is your first time in the city?

Because all our tours refer to general concepts of Barcelona to give a full vision, guided by

professional experts who give you the important information in a unique and original way; because

the thematic tours give particular visions of the real city, and they can’t be found in a tourist guide;

and because the thematic tours give you a mixture of professionalism, fun, history, research and

information that is difficult to find anywhere else.

ICONO serveis culturals starts the year 2010 with new unique tours and innovative

itineraries for Barcelona. Our aim is to offer an original and authentic view of the city. All the tours

can be personally adapted. The duration is of 2/4 hours. All the tours are based on strict research

and historical thesis. We can provide a bibliography of related literature.

With our new tours we continue to approach the secret heritage of Barcelona for the curious and

specialist traveller.

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1. Barcelona 1900’s: the bohemian city

This is a very special tour, as it combinates arts, history,

society and stories related to 1900’s Barcelona, the city that

Picasso found when he moved here with his family. A

Barcelona of art galleries, Modernist art, artists and

intellectuals, strong cultural connections with Paris, secret

districts, literary bars and cabarets.

The tour takes you to some of Picasso’s studios and homes,

as well as old bars and shops of that time and other related places. This tour finishes with the

amazing visit to the Picasso Museum.

2. Walking Gothic Tour

Long before many cities were founded, the kingdom of Catalonia was a

bastion of art and architecture. Barcelona’s ancient city center – which

was surrounded by walls during Roman times – makes up what today is

the Gothic Quarter.

Surrounding Barcelona’s impressive cathedral, medieval palaces emerge

such as Casa dels Canonges, La Pia Almoina, and Casa d’ Ardiaca.

Whether the Gothic Quarter (or Barri Gòtic as it's called in Catalán) is truly

Gothic is the subject of endless debate, but it is one of the most evocative

neighborhoods in Spain and hides lots of bewitching places with many

stories to tell.

Its richly textured streets, quiet squares, attractive corners, gurgling fountains, vintage stores and

ancient fortifications inspired such artists as Pablo Picasso and Joan Miró (who was born in this

neighborhood). This tour will include a guided tour to the Cathedral (entrance fees not included in

the tour price).

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3. Gaudí’s Barcelona

After the success of The Year of Gaudi 2002 we continue to offer a wide range

of exclusive tours of Gaudí’s Barcelona. We want you to discover the genius of

the architect, his historical and artistic influences, his social life and his

mentality. We propose the visit of an interior and a walking tour to complete

the visit. Some of our Gaudí visits are:

Gaudí and the Güell Family: a visit to Güell Park and to Güell Palace

to understand the social and artistic relation between Gaudí and the

Güell family, real art patrons of their time.

Personality and stories of a genius: a visit to la Pedrera or la Casa

Batlló explaining stories and anecdotes of Gaudí’s life and work.

The nature and Gaudí: a visit to Park Güell to discover its technical

innovations and symbolic relationship with nature.

Gaudí, the architect of God: a visit to exteriors and interiors of the

Sagrada Família through Gaudí’s original project and the present

state of the works. We will hear about the influence of religion and mysticism in Gaudí’s works.

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4. Ribera Quarter, the secret tour

This is the way in to one of the most magical and personal parts of the old city (Ciutat Vella): the

Ribera quarter, the area of the medieval and powerful guilds and merchants. This tour will follow the

old medieval streets to discover how the artisans still live and work in the quarter: we will visit old

century studios, a museum of Magic, old century shops and other special and hidden treasures.

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5. Chinatown: A wander around the most flamenco

district in Barcelona

Neither the lower districts of Genoa, nor the port district

of Marseilles, nor the Parisian Vilette, nor Whitechapel in

London can be compared to our wonderful Chinatown,

or to the atmosphere of this forbidden area, where the

heart-rending lament of flamenco will follow you

everywhere. What’s more Barcelona’s barrio chino

surpasses them.

There’s no other district in the whole world with more sparkle.

Coinciding with the universal exhibitions of 1888 and 1929, Barcelona would be able to count on

having one of the raciest districts in Europe, and its soundtrack would be flamenco. From this same

district such gems as Carmen Amaya, a gypsy born in Somorrostro and who prided herself on her

Barcelona roots, would shine. She would become the most universal bailaora – flamenco dancer.

In those days you could hear Manuel Torre or Antonio Chacón coming from the gramophone in the

Ca’l Manquet; the upper echelons of the Bullfighting world would gather at the Hotel Oriente; and

Carmen Amaya, just a girl, who was described by Sebastià Gasch as “the interpretation of the soul

through dance”, would show off her talent in any one of the fifty bars in the area which offered


We will discover the Barri del Portal, nicknamed ‘La Islita’ by Vázquez Montalbán, the cradle of the

Rumba Catalana, where the stars of this musical genre are still living today: Peret; Los Amaya;


However, hardly anything remains of the gloomy, sombre and seedy barrio chino depicted by so

many authors. Amongst others: Jean Genet in ‘The Diary of a Thief’; Pieyre de Mandiargues in ‘La

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Marge’; Vázquez Montalbán in almost all of his novels about Detective Carvalho; and more recently

Maruja Torres in ‘Un calor tan cercano’.

Discover the little that remains of this quarter before

it’s too late, since a large part of this cultural legacy

will be lost when its last inhabitants pass away; after

that books and documentaries will be all that we will

have. Today the superheroes of the district, friends

of Camarón de la Isla, and fans of Bullfighting (a

dying species) still wander the streets. Social

phenomena like flamenco that live on, surrounded

by the multiculturalism that the district transpires nowadays, which advances are relentlessly

extinguishing any trace of Maritime Barcelona’s street-life past.

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6. Barcelona, the Movie Walking Tour!

“Barcelona: the movie walking tour” shows the main

locations where popular scenes from “Vicky, Cristina,

Barcelona” and other master films have been shot. At the

same time, this route discovers films that used the city as

the set to construct other atmospheres, such as “The

Shangai spell” or “The parfum”. You will learn about actors

and actresses who have been in Barcelona while filming:

Javier Bardem, Penélope Cruz, Scarlett Johansson, Rebecca

Hall, Cecilia Roth, Ben Whishaw, Dabiel Brühl, Claudia

Cardinale, Rita Hayworth or John Wayne, among others.

Did you know that the first film ever shot in Spain took place in Barcelona in 1896? Would you like to

enter the locations and talk to people who worked in the shootings? Do not hesitate to discover

Barcelona like you have never seen it.

You will walk through tourist and emblematic places with the guide of well-known film characters.

The walking tour focuses on directors’ and actors’

anecdotes as well as filming situations. The guide

provides pictures in order to visualize every scene

that is commented.

Itinerary: Monument to Columbus, Moll de la

Fusta (harbour with locations of “The Shangai

spell”, “L’Auberge spagnole” and “Manuale

d’amore”), we will get inside the Raval quarter

with “En Construcción”, walking through emblematic squares such as the one of Duc de Medinaceli

(“All about my mother”), Plaza Real (Royal Square), the hundred-year-old herbalist’s “El Rey”, Ferran

St. (“The parfum”), Plaza Sant Just I Pastor, Plaza Sant Jaume, Plaza Sant Felip Neri, Catedral,Quatre

Gats, Palau de la Música Catalana until we get to the modernist Eixample of Woody Allen in “Vicky,

Cristina, Barcelona”.

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7. The Ghost Walking Tour

What do the streets of Barcelona hide when night falls? Which

stories marked our ancestor’s lives forever? Let yourself become

absorbed by the paranormal mysteries of Barcelona with the

explanations of an experienced guide.

The Ghost Walking Tour is a night visit around Sant Pere, Santa

Caterina and la Ribera quarters, based on the book “Fantasmes de

Barcelona” written by Sylvia Lagarda-Mata. The tour tells the

mysterious and hair-raising stories that have been taking place in those areas for decades.

An experienced guide leads the visit. Exorcisms, witchcrafts, bewitched convents and records of

phantom apparitions invade the streets of Barcelona. Participants will have the chance to discover

those baffling phenomena in a funny and entertaining way.

Come and walk through a hidden city: meet Barcelona’s ghosts. This mysterious tour has the

possibility of including actors. A night that you will never forget, that will mark forever your

memories of Barcelona. Do you dare?

Start point: Arc de Triomf.

End point: C/ Esparteria, 7, beside Santa María del Mar Church.

Metro: L4, Jaume I or Barceloneta.

Itinerary: Arc de Tiomf, Portal Nou, Sant Pere square, Flor de Lliri St.,

Santa Caterina market, Marcús square, Neu de Sant Cugat St., Rec St.,

Moncada St., Paseo del Borne and Espartería St.

Duration: 2 hours

At the end of the visit, there will be the possibility to have a very

special dinner for a “paranormal price” in a restaurant around the

area of the tour.

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8. Following the steps of a genius: the secret

Barcelona of Gaudí

““The most brilliant architect, inexhaustible

creator, always unpublished, and always logical,

but in his own world”

ICONO presents its new itinerary: we would like to invite you to

discover the secrets hidden behind Gaudí’s creations and his time.

Beginning in the place where he met his death run over by a tram, we

will introduce ourselves to the universe of Don Anton, a charismatic

character not only for his strange behaviour, but for his incredible

imagination capable of turning dreams into stone.

Anecdotes, secrets and the passion for his job are the three pillars that will lead us on this tour that

introduces us to the Gaudinian universe. Do you dare to follow a genius?

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1. Contemporary Architecture Tour

Barcelona has lots of faces: apart from

the Gothic quarter and the modernist

one, there is a contemporary city that

looks to the future, another Barcelona

where the most renowned architects all

over the world have been challenged to

build their buildings. The purpose of this

itinerary is to discover the recent

patrimony of both 20th and 21st centuries.

We start visiting the Pabellón Mies van der Rohe, initially conceived for the Universal Exhibition in

1929. We continue along Montjuïc Mountain having a look at the Olympic ring and the Sport

facilities where the Olympic Games where held in 1992: the Stadium, Sant Jordi Palace by Arata

Isozaki, the Tower by Santiago Calatrava. The tour will continue with the Miró Foundation, a

beautiful Mediterranean construction, inaugurated in 1976 and designed by Josep Lluís Sert. We will

stop in a window of the bay to enjoy the views of the harbor and the city from the heights. Arriving

to the entrance door of Barcelona’s harbor, there is the World Trade Center, inaugurated in 1999, a

work by Li Pei’s.

Following the maritime façade we arrive to the Olympic Village, a new

neighborhood by the sea, where we can find masterpieces by, Bohigas-Martorell-

Mackay (Olympic harbour, Folch’s Chimney), Franck Gehry (hotel Arts and Golden

Fish Sculpture), Álvaro Siza (Meteorology Centre), León-Ortiz (Mapfre Tower), Enric

Miralles and Benedito-Mateos (The Temple of Abraham). We will walk across,

where the new icon of Barcelona is situated, Torre Agbar by Jean Nouvel.

Finally we will traverse the new and modern Diagonal Mar quarter where the Centro Internacional

de Congresos de Barcelona was built, the biggest in the South of Europe, inaugurated in 2004 and

designed by Mateo & Asociados and the Forum Building by Herzog y De Meuron. We can go inside.

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2. Barcelona Gourmet Tour

Gastronomy shapes our culture and with this tour we

offer you a spicy itinerary that will allow you to discover

Barcelona from another point of view. The itinerary

begins in the Boqueria market where one can admire the

shapes and colours of our food and you can try some of

the exotic fruits sold in this emblematic market.

From there we will wander around the gothic quarter

admiring the most reputable gourmet shops. A sweet

and salty itinerary that ends in the Ribera Quarter

next to Santa Maria del Mar. This tour can be

completed with a wine tasting session and a

“pinchos” appetizer.

3. Tapas Tour around the Gothic Quarter

Whether the Gothic Quarter (or Barri Gòtic as it's called in Catalán) is truly

Gothic is the subject of endless debate, but it is one of the most evocative

neighborhoods in Spain and hides lots of bewitching places with many

stories to tell. Discover this Gothic Quarter enjoying tapas and pinchos

during your walking tour.

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4. Century-old shops Tour

One of our star tours, this itinerary visits the interior of century-old

shops still alive and part of the sentimental geography of the city. In

neo-classical, modernist or traditional style, with home-made

products, the shops and their secrets are shown by their owners.

Some of the shops are El Rei de la Màgia, El Indio, Cereria Subirà and

El Cafè de l’Òpera.

5. Modernist designs and colours

No architect in Europe was as fantastical as Antoni

Gaudí y Cornet, the foremost proponent of Catalán

modernism. Barcelona is home to many works of this

extraordinary artist, all of which UNESCO now lists as

World Trust Properties. A recluse and a celibate

bachelor as well as a fervent Catalán nationalist he lived

out his own fantasy in his work. Nothing is more

stunning than his Sagrada Família, Barcelona's best-

known landmark, a cathedral on which Gaudí labored for the last 43 years of his life. Work to

complete the landmark cathedral still continues today, and when it will be finished, "The Sacred

Family" will be Europe's largest cathedral.

This guided walking lecture tour concentrates on his three other most well-known works in

Barcelona including La Pedrera, Casa Batlló, and Park Güell. We are introduced to the genius –

including his historical and artistic influences, his social life and his thinking.

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6. Discovering the artistic heart of Barcelona

Barcelona has been a reference for many artists through

its history. Nowadays lots of them work in our city. The

possibility of visiting their studios is as exceptional as

knowing their works of art presented by themselves.

Three different itineraries will take us through these

studios located in The Old Town, The Born and The Raval


After careful selection we have chosen artists and works of art including painting, sculpture,

ceramics, installations...

After a brief introduction to the tour in a typical café, we will visit their workshops, know their

personality and discover their works of art: content and meaning.

The itinerary can include a break for an appetizer or a cheese and wine tasting session. It has been

planned for groups up to 8 people. We can organise two visits at the same time.

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7. Discover a new city: Barcelona from the heights

It is always amazing to look at things from a different point of view, especially if we are referring to a

city. This tour lets us see Barcelona from its heights, moving around terrace rooves and high points of

the city from where we can admire Barcelona.

Brief description of the tour: we are going to begin walking from different terrace rooves, such as the

Cathedral roof, the roof of the Batlló house, and the roof of the Park Güell. Then, we are going to

climb even up to the Collserola Tower and Montjuïc, among others.

Transport is needed.

Timetable depends on the schedule of the different sites.

It lasts from 3 to 4 hours.

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8. Shopping & Design Tour

The city and its business is one of the most perfect unions that

Barcelona can have when expressing its economic activity and its

most intimate personality. Because, in Barcelona, selling is not only

a commercial transaction, it is also a way to express pleasure,

fashion, and tendencies. In short, and without blushing when saying

it, it is an art. We should not forget that Modernism, one of the

architectural and artistic tendencies that has defined the city was

externally expressed with an impressive force in different

commercial establishments.

Trade in Barcelona has a democratic vocation. A common nexus

exists among the simplest stand in a neighborhood market and the

sophisticated store in its smartest streets that is expressed in the

presentation of the product and in the human treatment. Because in Barcelona, whenever you enter any

shop, the sale is also a public service. A shopkeeper in Barcelona is like a doctor or a fireman: a professional

dedicated to his community. And, next to the good shopkeeper, we find the good buyer who demands redress

when the service or product does not match the price.

Because more than in any other city, the shops here have names. And not

only the name on their entrance sign, but also that of the manager or

assistant who establishes a relationship with the clients and gets to know

their likes and dislikes. And next to the name, there is also a surname.

Many premises are known for their architects, their interior designers, their

window dressers or their graphic designers. Trade in Barcelona is a wide

expression of the idiosyncrasy of the city: economic progress, innovation

coexisting with tradition, competition, risk and a sense of pleasure.

We will build a tailor made tour based on your preferences, please have a

look to the options we propose. Please choose some of them, it’s impossible to visit all. Vinçon; Bd Ediciones

de Diseño; Sephora ; Camper; Polopelo; Custo Barcelona; ArtQuitect; Bisazza; Cortana; Desigual and Vitra.

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9. Capture Barcelona and remember your trip


Barcelona is one of Spain's most beautiful cities: the graceful

lines of the cathedral La Seu, deep in the heart of the Barri

Gòtic (Gothic district), the urban whimsy of Park Guell, and the

shops and cafes of Las Ramblas all combined to make a

destination that is rich, lively, and very photogenic.

We want to help you to take home the best memories of

Barcelona with our walking photography tours. Our

experienced professional photographer will lead you on an

adventurous route through the city, showing you the most famous sites and some of the most hidden areas,

while at the same time teaching you the art of great

photography. Learn about Barcelona and local Spanish culture

while picking up great advice and tips on how to use your

camera and getting fantastic photos.

Whether you are an amateur wanting to learn more about

photography, or a more experienced ‘pro’ keen on finding the

best places to take photos in Barcelona this tour is for you!

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1. BARCINO: 2000 years told by the city

Tour with theatre around the Gothic Quarter of


Barcelona is a city with more than 2000 years of history.

Despite owing its name to the Romans: IULIA AUGUSTA

ROMANA PATERNA BARCINO, the city enjoyed its

splendour during Medieval times. We will travel through

time to discover the secrets, legends and old stories that

belong to the laberinthine streets of the old city centre.

The main character of the story will accompany us on our

trip into the past. She will explain the hidden secrets of the

court, the gossip in the streets and show us the mystery of

hidden squares and secret places inside the old city walls

of Barcelona.

An unforgettable way to discover the history of Barcelona...

2. Stories and legends of the Gothic Quarter

Legends, traditions, stories passed down from generation to

generation heard in our streets…Those will come alive in our


We will walk the narrow medieval streets of the Gothic

quarter, discovering how our ancestors lived and how their

relation was with this part of the city.

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3. The Tavern

The Tavern is the history of a strange romance between a

medieval gentleman and a tavern maid in the XVIIth century.

The brief performance offers us moments of emotion and

humour that, together with a tour full of medieval legends,

will make an uforgettable experience.

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Through the pages of Barcelona, a literary city

1. “The Shadow of the Wind” enchanted Barcelona

All books are read but some offer the possibility to walk

into... We present a unique opportunity to wander

around the amazing Barcelona shown in “The Shadow of

the Wind”, a novel that has captivated thousands of

readers all around the world. From writing to words,

from the imagination to reality.

Like Daniel Sempere, Julian Carax, Fermín Romero de

Torres, and the other characters in the novel, we will

walk through a labyrinth of mysteries and surprises

turned into a charming tour, set in a bewitched Barcelona.

We will be the characters of the novel ourselves and we are going to move around the places that

still today keep the charm and mystery of early 20th century Barcelona. Most of these places can be

easily recognised, such as : Santa Anna street, The arch of the Theatre, King’s square, Las Ramblas,

Sant Felip Neri square and Montcada street. However, we will discover hidden treasures like Quatre

Gats café, the Ateneum of Barcelona, the gorgeous Santa Maria del Mar, Santa Llucia asylum, Saint

Gabriel school in Bonanova quarter, Aldaya Palace and Tibidabo Avenue. It is rare that we have the

possibility to turn fiction into reality and this is one such a chance.

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2. The Cathedral of the Sea

From the top of Collserola Mountain, in the old

Roman way that connected the northern city

Ampurias with the southern city of Tarragona,

Bernat discovered for the first time the freedom

and the immensity of the sea! He had never

imagined something that had no end.

14th Century: the city of Barcelona was a prosperous city and had grown towards the shore. The

humble new district of fishermen decided to build, with their own money and efforts, the greatest

temple ever to have existed: Santa Maria del Mar.

The history of its construction runs parallel to the history of Bernat

and his son Arnau, both servants who escape from the abuses of their

fedual lord and arrive in Barcelona, where they become free citizens

for the first time in their lives. The young Arnau works as a dock

worker, soldier and moneychanger. However, his life, always under

the protection of the cathedral dedicated to the sea, will change

when he changes his misery for nobility and wealth.

This literary tour will allow you to discover the scenes of this exciting novel whilst admiring the

Gothic Barcelona.

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Tours of a duration of 8 hours. For other destinations please contact us.

1. Caves and vineyards in the Penedés

The Penedès offers us lots of rich possibilities: its wines, landscape,

restaurants, small and charming vineyards, wine tasting with dinner or

lunches, monuments form the Middle Ages...

2. Girona and Figueres/Dalí Museum

Transfer to Girona and a walking tour of its

impressive ‘Call’ or Jewish Quarter. Visit to

the Cathedral and medieval Arabian Baths.

Transfer to Figueres and visit to the Dalí

Museum, an unmissable collection of

Surrealist art.

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3. Girona: its iumpressive cathedral and Jewish Quarter

Girona is a jewel of culture and history acquired over 2000 years. The medieval town (called Força

Vella) is surrounded by a magnificent wall which is preserved almost in its entirety. The Jewish

quarter, known as the 'Call', spreads out in a maze of small, narrow and very often steeply sloping

streets which still maintain their medieval atmosphere. Its magnificent cathedral boasts the widest

Gothic nave of its kind in the world, with an impressive Baroque façade. The delightful narrow

streets and alleyways of the old city provide an insight into another era, a time when life was moved

at a different pace.

In this tour, you will learn important, humorous and interesting

facts about the history of the city, its various churches and

convents, bridges, narrow streets, impenetrable walls, squares

and, of course, Girona's trademarks - the Cathedral and the

Jewish quarter.

This walking tour is a great way to gain an overview of the city.

4. Montserrat Tour

45 kms. out of Barcelona the mountain and

monastery of Montserrat is a symbol of Catalan

identity. The Monastery houses the famous

Moreneta or black virgin. Montserrat has been

home to the Benedictine Community, now

numbering some eighty monks, since 1025, and to

the Patron of Catalonia, St Mary of Montserrat, who

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is worshipped by hundreds of visitors daily. The monastery contains one of the most important

libraries worldwide, a fine collection of art and the escolans, the oldest boys choir in Europe who

attract visitors from all over the world to listen to their famous virolai.

5. Costa Brava Tour

The car leaves Barcelona in the direction of Pals, province of Girona, a popular medieval town. The

trip then takes you along the coast road to the famous small beaches of Begur: Sa Tuna, Sa Riera and


Transfer to Calella, an impressive seaside town, and Palamós. Lunch at Sant Feliu de Guíxols and a

dirve along the coast to Tossa de Mar (views of its impressive castle). This is a tour of magnificent

views and a coastal scenary.

Romanesque monasteries

Modernist Catalonia

Gastronomic Catalonia

And many others...

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Cultural services and special activities

The workshop of the traditional Catalan culture: visit to a giants and big-heads studio.

Special dinners in special restaurants and other special locations.

Gymkhana of the Gothic Quarter/General Barcelona

Wine tasting and lessons

The tour of the Gastronomic Barcelona: tapas, unique restaurants and gastronomic conference

Speech by a dressed-up actor on any of the tours

Bicycle tours

Art visits to museums and exhibitions

For other special activities please contact us.

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Other services

ICONO serveis culturals provides:

Tickets to museums and other acts and events of Barcelona and Spain.

Transport in private cars with chauffeur, minivans and cars.

Restaurants and special menus for groups.

Aperitifs in special places related to the tour.

Speakers, conferences guides and escorts.

Cultural programs for congresses.

Customized services.
