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Catalogue jumbo us 2015 v2

Date post: 24-Jul-2016
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COLLECTION 2015 - 2016
  • COLLECTION2015 - 2016

  • S U M M A R Y

    The Original ............................ 4 - 7

    Original UK & US................... 8 - 11

    Printed Bag.................................. 12 - 15

    Swimming Bag........................... 16 - 19

    Cube .............................................. 20 - 23

    Scuba XXL ................................... 24 - 27

    Chilly Bean .............................. 28 - 31

    Bowly ........................................... 32 - 35

    Soul .............................................. 36 - 39

    Blues .............................................. 40 - 43

    Cruiseline ................................ 44 - 45

  • The Jumbo Bag comfort


    16 Colors available

  • Truly legendary, this must-have bean bag is designed to suit all your fancies! The Original Jumbo Bag is an indispensable interior design feature that perfectly fits your mood: ideal for a cosy evening with friends, great when resting on the patio or cocooning at home, it is your best relaxation companion.

    Its high quality beads provide you with assured comfort. Its water-repellent PVC, anti-UV treated canvas ensures one-of-a-kind resistance and flexibility. All of this with a matte look and a touch which you wont want to miss anytime soon. Whether you are sitting, lying down, or on the edge, there are many possibilities.

    Lgendaire et incontournable, voil un pouf qui sait se plier toutes vos envies ! Accessoire indispensable dune dcoration design, leJumboBag saccorde lhumeur du moment : ambiance cosy, dtendue ou cocooning, il est votre compagnon idal.

    Ses billes haute qualit vous procurent un bientre assur. Sa toile PVC dperlante et traite anti U.V. lui assure une rsistance et une souplesse unique. Tout ceci accompagn dun aspect mat et dun toucher dont vous ne pourrez bientt plus vous passer.

    En position assise, allonge ou sur la tranche, les possibilits sont nombreuses.



  • Le coussin gant JumboBag shabille et se dshabille au gr de vos envies. Sa poche interne fournie lorigine vous permet de nettoyer la housse externe en machine, ou bien simplement dassortir sa couleur avec votre nouvelle dcoration. Vous pourrez la changer aussi facilement et aussi souvent que votre taie doreiller. Ltiquette faisant office de poigne de transport permet de faciliter ses dplacements.

    Si toute la gamme JumboBag bnficie dun tel confort, cesten partie grce la bille vierge qui la compose. Aprs chaqueutilisation, celle-ci retrouve sa forme initiale et vous assure unconfort long terme ingal.

    Material: 100% Polyester with PVC coatingWaterproof and fire-resistant

    Filling : 100% Polystyrene

    Use: Indoor/Outdoor

    Dimensions: 130x170 cm 380 L

    The Jumbo Bag giant cushion can be dressed and undressed to suit your desires: itcomes with a supple internal liner enabling you to machine wash the outside cover, or simply coordinate it with your new decor. You can change it as easily and as often as your pillowslip.

    The label acts as a carrying handle making it easy to take places. The entire JumboBag line enjoys such comfort thanks in part to the virgin beads that make it up. After each use, it returns to its original shape and ensures unrivaled long term comfort.



















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    USA and UKJumboBag


    Material: 100% Polyester with PVC coating

    Waterproof and fire-resistant

    Filling : 100% Polystyrene

    Use: Indoor/Outdoor

    Dimensions: 130x170 cm 380 L

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    Discover the collections prints!

    Its similar to The Original bag, so it benefits from all of the same qualities.

    The cover is entirely removable, and it stands out because of its new design. The printed bag has the solid color and material of the original Jumbo Bag on one side. The other side makes it unique due to its printed pattern.

    And why not collect them ?

    Dcouvrez les imprims de la collection !

    Similaire au pouf The Original, il bnficie donc de toutes ses qualits.

    Entirement dhoussable, il se dmarque par son nouveau design. Le printed bag possde une face aux couleurs unies et la matire du Jumbo bag original. Sa deuxime face le rend unique grce son motif imprim.

    Et pourquoi pas les collectionner ?

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    Material: 100% Polyester with PVC coating Waterproof and fire-resistant

    Filling : 100% Polystyrene

    Use: Indoor/Outdoor

    Dimensions: 130x170 cm 380 L

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  • Le premier coussin gant de piscine par Jumbo Bag SWIMMING BAG

    10 Couleurs disponibles

    Hacienda Na Xamena

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    The floating beanbag!

    Close your eyes and imagine the comfort provided by thousands of polystyrene beads that perfectly conform to your body, lying on a giant cushion. Add the suppleness of the water on which it floats, softly lapping, and a ray of sunshine. Open your eyes you arent dreaming! Youre relaxing on the brand new Swimming Bag by Jumbo Bag, the most comfortable bag in the world.Your concept of comfort, brought to its top, will never be the same.


    Le pouf qui flotte sur leau !

    Fermez les yeux et imaginez le confort procur par des milliers de billes de polystyrne qui pousent parfaitement votre corps, allong sur un coussin gant. Ajoutez-y la souplesse de leau sur lequel il flotte, de doux clapotis, un rayon de soleil. Ouvrez les yeux, vous ne rvez pas, vous tes en train de vous prlasser sur le tout nouveau Swimming Bag de JumboBag, le pouf le plus confortable du monde. Votre conception du bien-tre, porte son paroxisme, ne sera plus jamais la mme !

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    Material: 100% Polyester

    Filling : 100% Polystyrene

    Use: Indoor/Outdoor / Aquatic

    Dimensions: 130x170 cm 380 L

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    Sa poigne de transport vous permettra de le retirer de leau

    aisment, laissez simplement les billes scher au soleil, leau

    contenue sera naturellement vacue grce aux alvoles de la


    Il est galement entirement dhoussable, ce qui vous permettra

    de linstaller aussi bien sur votre terrasse ou dans votre salon, tout

    simplement en changeant de housse.

    Parfaitement insubmersible, la housse en polyester alvole du

    Swimming Bag est conue pour filtrer leau.

    With its carrying handle, you can easily take it out of the water. Just let the beads dry in the sun, because the water will naturally be released through the pores in the cover.

    The cover is also totally removablemaking it possible for you to put it on your deck as well as in your living room, quite simply by changing the cover.

    Completely unsinkable, the Swimming Bags porous polyester cover is designed to filter water through.

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    Avec toutes leurs couleurs, les petits Cubes Jumbo Bag sont

    le meilleur moyen de donner votre maison une ambiance vive

    et colore.

    Noir, Anthracite, Bleu, Aubergine, Vert, Anis, Bleu Ptrole, Orange,

    Rouge, Rose, Chocolat...le choix est large et les possibilits de

    composition nont de limite que votre imagination. Son tissu

    et sa forme vous apportent la touche dco contemporaine

    indispensable votre intrieur.

    With all their colors, the little Jumbo Bag Cubes are the best way to give your home a lively and colorful atmosphere.

    Black, Anthracite, Blue, Aubergine, Lime Green, Petrol Blue, Orange, Red, Pink, Chocolatethere is a wide selection and the creative possibilities are only limited by your imagination.

    Its fabric and shape bring an essential contemporary decorative touch to your interior.

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    Material: 100% Polyester with PVC coating Waterproof and fire-resistant

    Filling : 100% Polystyrene

    Use: Indoor/Outdoor

    Dimensions :40x40x40 cm 60L

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  • The Scuba XXL is the best pear-shaped pouf. A classic from the 70s, it is back with the suppleness and quality of the fabric that makes up the original Jumbo Bag. At ease in your living room or by the pool, it can go everywhere you go, without a hitch, thanks to its highly durable and resistant cover. Waterproof, resistant to UV rays and fireproof, it is the most solid pouf of its generation.

    The comfort of its tiny beads will surprise you. Go ahead and put it to the test: nobody can resist it!


    SCUBA XXLJumboBag

    Le Scuba XXL est le pouf en forme de poire par excellence.

    Classique des seventies, il est revisit avec la souplesse et la

    qualit du tissu qui habille le JumboBag original. son aise dans

    votre salon comme au bord de la piscine, il vous suit partout, sans

    accroc, grce sa housse ultra-rsistante.

    Waterproof, rsistant aux UV et au feu, il est le pouf le plus

    solide de sa gnration. Le confort de ses microbilles va vous

    surprendre, mettez-le lpreuve : rien ne lui rsiste!

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    Material: 100% Polyester with PVC coating Waterproof and fire-resistant

    Filling : 100% Polystyrene

    Use: Indoor/Outdoor

    Dimensions :80x130cm 300L

    Material: 100% Polyester with PVC coating Waterproof and fire-resistant

    Filling : 100% Polystyrene

    Use: Indoor/Outdoor

    Dimensions :80x130cm 300L

  • 28

    Both an armchair and a pouf, the Chilly Bean has its place in your home! A true object of comfort for the indoors as well as the outdoors, it will awaken your curiosity with its comforting and attractive shape.

    Perfect in even the smallest details, its resistant and waterproof coverprotects against UV rays for deep, long-lasting colors.


    la fois fauteuil et pouf, le Chilly Bean a sa place chez

    vous ! Vritable objet de confort aussi bien lintrieur

    qu lextrieur il veillera votre curiosit avec sa

    silhouette rconfortante et attrayante.

    Parfait dans les moindres dtails, son revtement

    waterproof est rsistant aux U.V. pour des couleurs

    intenses de longue dure.

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    Material: 100% Polyester with PVC coating Waterproof and fire-resistant

    Filling : 100% Polystyrene

    Use: Indoor/Outdoor

    Dimensions :108x75x70 cm 300L

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    With a certain family resemblance to the Scuba XXL, the Bowly revisits its original shape and reasserts itself with its dualcolored side. In your living room or on your deck, it shows off in original, avant-garde fashion.

    Available in 3 colors, it adapts to your tastes while remaining comfortable. It doesnt matter whether you use it inside or outside, because its water resistant.

    Your Bowly is just waiting for you.


    Un certain air de famille avec notre Scuba XXL, le Bowly

    revisite sa forme dorigine et saffirme avec son ct bicolore.

    Dans votre sjour ou sur votre terrasse, il saffiche de faon

    originale et avant-gardiste.

    Dclin en 3 coloris, il sadapte vos gots tout en tant

    confortable. Intrieur ou extrieur peu importe, il rsiste


    Votre Bowly nattend que vous !

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    Material: 100% Polyester with PVC coating Waterproof and fire-resistant

    Filling : 100% Polystyrene

    Use: Indoor/Outdoor

    Dimensions :70x70cm 350L

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    Envotant et lgant, le soul ajoutera la touche raffine votre

    dcoration. Dclin en noir ou blanc, il sublime les intrieurs

    les plus design grce son toucher simili cuir.

    Rsistant toute preuve, il est lalliance parfaite entre qualit

    et modernit. Vous ne pourrez bientt plus vous en passer !

    Charming and elegant, the soul will add the refined touch to your decor. Available in black or white, it elevates the most stylish interiors thanks to its imitation leather touch.

    With unwavering resistance, it is the perfect combination of quality and modernity. Soon you wont be able to do without it!

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    Material: 78% PVC 15% Polyester 5% Viscose 2% Polyurthane

    Filling : 100% Polystyrene

    Use: Indoor

    Dimensions :70x70x70cm 240L





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    Blues The haute couture armchair

    Trendy and distinguished in its chocolate and hazelnut colors, its the chair that begs for your living room. A little gem of interior design, it combines comfort and softness with its peach skin effect.

    A uniquely comfortable piece, they thought of everythingto give you unequaled pleasure and comfort. Glamorous, sexy, stylish: when quality is synonymous with perfection, theres nothing more to add.

    Blues - Le fauteuil haute couture

    Tendance et distingu dans ses couleurs chocolat ou

    noisette, cest le fauteuil que rclame votre salon. Petit bijou

    de dcoration intrieure, il allie confort et douceur grce son

    effet peau de pche.

    Pice unique de bien-tre, tout a t pens pour vous procurer

    un plaisir et un confort ingal. Glamour, sexy, design : quand

    qualit rime avec perfection, rien de plus nest ajouter.

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    Material: 100% Polyester

    Filling : 100% Polystyrene

    Use: Indoor

    Dimensions :Seat: 120x92x70cm - 400LFootstool : 70x70x30cm

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  • NEW!


    Cruiseline has been designed for extreme outdoor utilization. Inspired by boat equipment, its outdoor coating makes it weather resistant.

    Available in 6 elegant and sober colors, cruiseline will be a perfect mate for your boat trips or your garden.

    Le coussin gant Cruiseline a t conu pour une utilisation

    extrieure intense. Inspir des quipements marins, son

    revtement lui permet de rsister aux intempries et aux

    alats climatiques.

    Prsent en 6 couleurs sobres et lgantes, Cruiseline est

    lalli idal de votre confort, que ce soit sur votre bateau ou

    dans votre jardin.

    Material :20% Polyurethane 80% PVCfire-resistant

    Filling:100% Polystyrene

    Use :Indoor / Outdoor

    Dimensions :130x170 cm - 380 L

  • CREDITSJumboBag

    Models :

    Alice PrevostAlix CantenotAngelo BonifasClara RojewskiClment GinesteDavid LerebourgEglantine AloElose Labarbe-LafonHlose CoquaudHugo SanchezIngrid RivesLna BoreuxLouise RopagnolMaliss DemaisonSophie MolestiYannick MarrotSkippy le Chien

    Photographs :

    Yannick MarrotPierre Dantant

    Make-up & Hair Artist :

    Arnaud Dandrau

    Design :www.justmakeitpop.com

  • www.jumbobag.frwww.jumbobag.fr
