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CatholiSCHOOc CburcL NEWh S Current Comaeat

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•Si.*' . . . v r •'•.•; ? .v "••• , ^ v : ; ^ s MKH№AN MW&Ofc Tou can tafluenece legislation more than yon realize. Your senator ei state representative wants to hear from you. They vote on hund ei bills a year. They can't know /thing contained in all ct them. TlJey would like to know what you think about them. The best way to contact the*n is by letter. Telephone calls and telegrams are also affect ive Form letters are least effective. On# mportant point. Don't threat en him. He nay vot« negatively, (iive him mcts. Letters to your rep rt*enttitive should be addreesed to tl c state house and to your senator to thfc state senate^ Tha biggest battle in Washington !, • i •!):> h e line: 100m of th« Atom U Inorgy Commission, It is desired to build a $40 million dollar atomic trover plant at Iviomoe, Micii. uni now the question is will it en. danger millions of lives in the Det , roit and Toledo area? Ihe 26 companies who will buiU the plant say No. Three of the AFL CIO union say yes. A permit has been i»»ued to the fcempaniea but it is for construction frnty Permission withheld until vhe plant is completed in 1960. The bigg est abjection is the report on Reac tor safeguards. They say not niucd Is known about the type of reactors te le built here. It is a fast breu fcr and ereate» more fuel than it uue^. One I.as been built at Arco, Idaho, During a test it got out of cone, ol but no one was hurt. The Monvoe plant will be five times more pov erfut than that one. The Monroe b eation is 80 miles from Detroit and 20 from Toledo. A second ftxperim«n *•! reactor station goes into opei ation next year and should prov:dt information. T, Ike conservation dept. is studying a *urvty whiceh indicates the jjab Ui'ii willing to ftirance state parks through users' fees. 85 percent WITK >A favor of it. Most favored th* $2 ear sticker proposal. The average park user visits th* parks 4 time* a y» ar. Forest fires ««t an all time lo,v in 1( »06. 702 fires fburned over 34.10 aerea. Smokers only cauael 211 fires, Persons burning dobi is cau*ed J2d. Nearly a million trees were plant ej en 80,000 acre* of state lands in The first known recovery of a ba*d *i TI owning dove has taken place. It was one of ten banded at Fenii vilU in June 1966 and wai shot at ft. Lauderdale October d. Nont of Hit others have b«en heard from. an perscHs were arrested for vio jkt/ng the special doer season. Thjy l»aid fines totalling $1442 and co»U ei №0. CARD OF THANE• T» my many ffiiend* who so derfully remember«»d me at birthday Unit I wish to say many saany tbauks. Mary Teeple COUNCIL PROCEEDING! January 8, 1957 Called to* order by President Dink «). Present : Swartheut, Shirley, Tip fe'iy and Kennedy. Absent: Read aid Lavey Motion by Kennedy, supported by Shirley to build sidewalk oa Sojtk ssu East side of high school also one lot north jM~lJnadil]a on Howell Strait, expense to be shared by the village and property owners.Carried Motion bjr • Shirley supported by TipJady to appoint SUntey Dinkel street administrator. Carried. Motion By Shirley, tupportod by •wsrthout to allow following bi'.U: Kobert Vsdder, labor Xmas. doa. 12* Pineknoy Meta? rrod. use dec ..7..V0 Soy Clark, use of t'. c 7.50 Phil Gentile use slec. . 7.50 Tan's Motor Sales use of else. 7 60 Ohio Oil Company, oil 35.69 Aobort Egeler, marshall 126.00 LesS Gulf, misc. 9.09 JaYay Hardware, misc 49.65 Atla* Supply Co. 20 sax aquagsl for rink 0.18 Motion to adjourn carried. Mildred Ackley, Clerk ( v., •. No. Chroaobfy of 1956 \':' Catholic Cburch SCHOOL NEWS *. J 50th wedding anniversary. Common cement. Glenn Hinehey, William Dixon die William Jeffreys retire and >a given a dinner by aehool. Pinekney kiwanis boys league* hs> gin. June 13 Pineknoy wins opener in ''county league 11 to l, Houghton*?* pitcher, Meriarity hommers. Pinck j Kiwanis Girls forfeit. Charlos .;>,' Adams, Hub Lee die. Herb Bryan* o) >serve 26th anniversary. IXlpk Higgs picked on all league teem. j June 20 Pinckatsr wins 2nd count? J laague game from City Service 4 to 0. Southwell pitches. Kiwanis Gitia , boat Citizens Mutual. 25 local Ma, liunis announce fsons attend Stockbridge Strsjwborr^ of their daughter, j Festival. 75 Masons and families, to Robert Darrcw, son v>f I put on program at Alma MasoDjt Mis. Iva Dai row, of Pinckney.Bot*i ! Home. 8 file for Pineknoy school are graduates of Pinekney high hign ! board school. She is employed in Jacob . . son's Ladies Apparel in An n Arbor ' Jne ^ W««*"»y **** Hamburg h. is » fedflral hank «v«mWTh. i 3 t o ° in overtlmo Burns triple and Reader'* fly does it. Elmer Witty dies. Harry Marshall of Dexter diesf at Clear Lake. Board of Superviv* ! ors consider purchase* of" Pihck'»Toy at June 6 Irvin Kennedys •JflsiiriU ^ JTAlbert Sohmitt, Pastor | David Gehringers daddy has now Sunday Masoea: 8:1)0 and 10:00 *.m. ( coon dog Gerald Swarthout and his Devotion* Friday evening dad went skiing. David Singers' fain , ra. ! ily went to the ski tow.Mrs. Parks Friday evening aHjM t and her husband are in Florida f c?r Eovolfons and Saturday from ' S weeks and Mrs. Clark is subsuiut ». m. and Sunday bo— ing for her. Amanda's canary died. 1 Mary Jo has a fan tailed fish.. Jaun ' vi&itud his sister in Saline Sunday. 7:30 fore the 8:60 M»~t. itfemuHifte Church Gary Burg's puppy is named Tuify He went tobogganing. May Plumri Bsra ft S. Mermir tmim, litfe Janica Burns Mr an . 1.,... is a federal bank examiner. wedding is June 15. L.A T j Sanitarium for home for aged. ( .July 4 ' Pinekney loset» first league i te?«t to City Service 8 to 2. y ton loser. Dorothy Head and Wayne | Stone, Barbara Stone and Gordon i Foster married at Church of God. : Audrey Klikott and Allen Dinkel ; married. Edwin Booth, LyU Hen ( dee, Charle* Hodge die. OUn Robin son in hospital. July ll Rev. J. M. McLuca* die* j in Alberta. Funeral Saturday at Bi'yhton. Livingston Lodge o*B dweta grp,ye«ide services. Max Ruift ell and Tester McAfee elected to th* . scbool board. June Wilson and John . Scturis married. Donald Staiuttfek lK 6W rff^ Servile . Cong'!, Church BSJV. *. W. Winger, i er was 6 year old Sunday, Howe has new brown jeans Fira* CraeM, »Th* KibxMff Becky Henry went to Obio last week. Patty Sprout pulled her own tooth. Shi went with her mother to fi et the car license Pamela Koch's night prayer raeetteg at t&o ebttfsh not need to do that as she has anoth er way to earn money. Penny Rey nolds stayed all night with Jatki© Linda Whitley visited her cou*ins in Detroit. Alvin MeCarty'* father is in the hospital. Judy Hill Hl€ PftODtaf ChiUTh * ' roller-skated at her aunt's. Emily i **§**•«»» - M:II.,.. Kw/Mio-Vit Viar txiv tvr>ewriter to Current Comaeat " Pack in our distant youtfa you iould buy a lot <rf things for Se or a niekeUncluding an ice cream todt loaf of bread, half a dozen cookiea, half a dozen eggs,, a street car rid* admission to the picture show tfctA aivl many of the thirst pavlors ha<J -iuns stating they sold the biggest ij'Li-s of tecr in town for 5 centa. Those days «re gone foreverj About the only thing a niekel is good for io<iay is to make change. Postmas- ter General Summerfield has evolr ed a plan tc bring- back the nickel froai the land of forgot! A things. He would raise 3 cent letter postage to 5 certs, bring back the nickel and pay off the postal deficit at the sii>ae time. He will have to convince and congress will need a lot of convincing-. M-W Wact, Wftwean VBadMa and Matettreetc Rev. fteitb -Ho«fietfffer, Pacter iimday Seheal %m a. ». p. m. Th«'-?day Jr. fifoeir * * * * • * • * • '' **!? ?' "' \ Amburgey"w«nt'to"Howoll with his With the tactic support this country Premier Nasser of Egypt IS> still strutting about. The canal is being slowly cleaned out in spits of the road blocks he has throws op., The workman have been fired by Egyptian troops several times. About every day ho issues an ulti. •naium. The las test was that Groat liiitian and France will not be allow 1O use the canal until Israel give us) all the land she took froon Egypt. Merer* has new^lo'vol Toby' Shett | i*™*\'was long ago barred from ths chool.Joe i use oi the can * J - Premier Nasser is Eisenhower's baby. Miller brought her toy typewriter to school. John Tasch had company Sunday. Jimmy iiuu^hn's birthday was Tues day. Bonnie Curts visited grandma, her aunt had birthday party.Willie elroe brought his to>s to sc PaaetKi m *! watUer. Karen Kaiser's sister l ]i * 1 iceakate.Billy Josephson has nviv d John KOberta Ackley ^•Tv. and Mrs. Robert Ackley a n - ounce the engagement . of their Roberta Jeanne to Thom- j defeated by General Motor* in tho Ed ' IMt JUWIU8TLAY d Lo D y x t e r < T i Sprouts eousin Pinekney doctors, both of ytstor , d Sunday.They want year and today, including th. nativt , . u Unfc w Lhi(Ja Qa rh sons, who hav« gone into other areas . , * , n ,, M . .. .7 . . . .. Jimmy Baughn and Debby Mowots to practise the art of heahng,were honored st the Mgh school audi.or last week whan the junior play was dedicated to thom. Announ had boon sent to several of have new ice skates.Florinc* v/jatt has new shoes. Frank Zszulkas dad had pneumonia. Fourth, Mrs. Johnson and his. broth- devoted public servants and aecom ompanied by cash donations ram? •*y< J. iN'eff, son of Mr. and Mrs. v.'ird Vefj of Ann Arbor. Mias Ack i«y is a senior in Pinekney hign ounty league. ^uly 18- ^Southwell throws S hitter to school. Mr. Neff is a graduate of j Fowlerville in county league. Bob Amburg-ey hommare. Ground broken Arbor high school and is em •iioyed by Edwards Bros. Inc. of | ffor new county hospital. Prank Aim Arbor. The wedding is next ' Zieglcr announces for sheriff. July 26~Ever»tt Haramels horse wins wins & vacos^at Northrile.Haui burg beats Pinekney in oouhty leag v+ 4 to 0. Mrs. Ora Hainos and Mrs. Hub L*e die - Agatha. Henry and Jim Knight, Dolores Bokros and Law rence McKenzie ^announce ments. Pinekney beats City Service here in non-leagno game. . Aug. 1 - Pinekney tosos to Claire Campbell \ burg in county league. John are and Julia Krahn mswrtod. NaH ie Gardner given recsptien for 48 years service, orgaaist at St. Marys Church. George-~F»»*r dioa. Engago. ment of Rosamond Oafton and George Aschenbrenner announced. Aug. 8-Pinekney boats City Serivoo 6 to ? in league gamft.AJso Hamburg -Dorothy Donnaleo Swarthout and Edward Stapleton ] Ann Harmon and Perry Cooper mar 'ied. Mrs. Rebecca Culhane and £m< •j C to 0 in non-league game. i 2'ancer and John Sprout, The engagement of Claire Elaine t meU Harris die. CuDipbeli is announced by her par- ! ff r °up formed. Summer Theatre entt, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Campbell, to John Daniel Johnson, son and Dr. and Mrs. Frank Johnson of Filnt. Ciaare graduated from Pincknay high school and is a senior in the- University of Michigan school of nur xing. Mr. Murphy graduated from Flint Central -high school and is now in the school of medicine sit the Uni \eisity of Michigan. He is a pledge of Alpha Kappa Kappa, a medical fraternity. Aug. 14-Pinckney beats Fowler villa in final laague game. City Ser ice wins title, Pinekney aecond.Donk with their grandmother, Gehringer. ~Hnas went tobogtfatitrtg with which covered th» fee i»n the production wai from Dr. Cyrus Gardner of Lansing. Ths members of the east perform admirably from Don Winger wh;> his Sunday school class Sunday.Juxy and Cindy Borovaky's grand parents* royalty j frQm [)etr(yit visited them. Rhola a flying saucer. Gene C:\llison his married sister in Saline. Margh went to tin Dux f .T rnovi#. Diane Hoy entertained thy had <be title roll off "Old Doc" to 8 ] 2nd and sd^grsdVpupils on her birth uth ld L l G h t h mouth old Lyls Gsarhart who was borrowed for the occasion. Laugh- ter, tears and euspencc were inter— fled with drama and the audion reaction beipoke the success of the presentation. No* lass enjoysblt day Friday with icecream and c .k Fosrtli Grsds, Mrs. CsmpbeU W« were snowed in one day last week. In arithmetic wt have started the fours. Some of us know them already. We finish the story of tho Vice Pesident Nixon threw a in th^ ranks of the filbuatOi* f' rcea last week when b« goid that in bi< opinion the filbuster is an. conjftitutonal. That in his opinion or.* senate could not pass a rule iJmL would apply to all succeeding and successive senates. So the matt HI may eventually find its may to lite supreme court and if the court vc.'da the filbuster the wrath of the south against that body will ex. itttMMisv-Miaooft QSUO hatted was the vocal trio which appeared \ Amazon Bai8in thii wgek and sta - t between acts, Barbara Mas s ey,Nan ^ our next unit> ,, h e L a n d of the Ebki cy Nash and Alan Rosa. mo."We are studying ways of tra- Following the Ssturday night play v#1 Richard Klein and" Francis tht cast personal of 40 wers enter | Tripp were 10 yaars old last week. Uined by the Rev. Wingers st a bufJet SUnley Kourt made a powdsr horn C^l E d i l •upper at tne Cong^l. Educational-, f rom a #ow . § Unit The Junior class dinner WAS him. hig fjlthir was held at the school Tuesday nite. RAINBOW GIRLS INSTALL Fourth and Fifth, Mrs. GouUt Pam Seefelds mother has a new washer and dryer, Frank Sehafor Tho Pinekney Rainbow Girls will i W i i i c t f i a h i n ? a t Rush Lakd _ Cathy hold a public installation of their Reason visited Judy Reynold* or, officers at the Masonicc temple st Friday night. Mrs. Reynolds gave 8 p. m. Saturday nite. The follow. fffg will install: at Thayer, Marilyu Guxtafaon, Mary Boyd, Roberta Ack ley, Ek»y<te Campbell musician, Wesley Reader, soloist. Those to be installed art Pat thom tickets to the play 'Old Doc". Dick McCarty visited Pat Tessmer. They played hockey on Silver i.ake The 5th grade is studying and the 6th grade the sixes and mul tiplicaiion. Our room now has chalk Palmer W.A.; Elizabeth MiarsAWA; ' boad.s. bulletin boards and book cams. Tht walla are painted light It is very attractive. Mrs. MSor LIBRARY New books are 1956 Michigan StaU> Manual, American Guide Ser ie>, Michigan and Indiana, donated f-by Woodrow O'Dell of Ann Arbo.-, Mrs. Mary Amburgey ontortain- •t dinner Sunday for her son, Janv- «a, who left for Grosnlsnd Tusodar. tao MsWin Bright Angel by Carle, Bar* on lier Shoulder by Stansbury,Long street by Jesse, donated by Mrs.Ted Gray. Two handbooks for machin i>st.s md auto service men by Lowis Muiphy and a large number by Mrs. Ella Campbell of. Ann Arbor.includ- ing the Nile by Ludwig. IRENE GREINER sary. otbal practise starts. Aug. 23-Pinckney beats Dexter 12 to 3 Gentile hommors. Kiwanis Girls Leat Whitmor* Lake. Kittio Griero ^hephord,Mrs Alfred U n e and Glon Smith die Lolg. Boachy »nd PauP Paul Yako married. Aug. 29-Rov. Arthur Caniburn, * former pastor dies, also Myroft SchoenSals, Mrs. Allco Fdproidor. Patricia Umphr< J<rry Lodwidgo and married. V TO BOYSVtLLB FRIDAT Pinrkney started too slow at Boysvillo Friday night and . g»vs a 26 to 10 lead a^ 15 a»d Tony Segora Too iJon Burno favmily TNjoodoy in honor of Doa's *a Btna tassiMos •tylt. last half but could «ot catch up. Wakoflold had U, Simon, wn TO, Htll 9 and Tom Wylia 8 points'for ~ Sally Utley.charity; Karen Beck, hope; Shirley Wylie. faith; Marilyn Guwtafaon recorder; Mary Boyd, trea«; Judy Root chaplain; Karon < We are taking tests this week Wa XJustafaon, drill loader;Nellie Slay- | began a unit on Michigan and are studying ita early history. We are le8nin * t<> Play chess. Thomas An. feion; Joyce DeCroix, nature; GaiP taya taught us. Sciene units are in Guatufson, immortality; Nancy SUy the nJanning period We divided in din, fidelity; Natalie Witake, patriot granpi with our Science Fair com isnt: Sharon Borovsky, service ;Ru^h ing up, Arithmetic i» easier now we Murphy, inner obsorvsr; Sharon All- knotr our mulviplicaton tables We en outer observer; Ptt Thayer, mus- are planning a Michigan Mural for oua- bulletin bd.Report cards next w*ek. Hope they are better. { Fifth and Sixth, Mrs. Hoatosj John Biery says the weather is ths worst in 10 years. The high school p!a<> last week was nice. The conaer vstion Club had a venison dinner a; Hamburg Saturday night. Richard Blades helped serve. Monday John I Biery wont to Jackson with his par ati Taft and McCarthy m*n is moving more and more to tho left. He is expected to be a candidate for president in 39(>O and has apparent- ly -fen the light and concluded that th* Taft philosophy is outmoded. Ncit so his fellow Californian Sena- uor Knowland who also aspires to 'Jic presidency and has put himself '..; ward as a leader of the Taft rvt'jwfrd Although he is the Re pub li'in floor leader he -has opposed President Eisenhower on nearly all points of his foreign policy. He has announced he will not run for reel- ection in 1958. He is expected to run fur gr° v ernoi o f California then and the presidency in 1950. He should watch out that while he aad Nixon ae duelling a third party e'oa't cop *.he nomination. Investigations into gambling and corruption are common in our c i t - ies where these things flourish Do jcian SHERIDAN UADLEY Sheridan Hadloy, 08. died Jackson hospital Monday, at a | «mw«am uutiiMli, utuiiUBf, iUllUWli^ Md NeiT.Baughn. ! tn operation there ths Wadneiday nd ^ Uo * Olsote^f Hi h His homo was in Parma aad belonged to the Masonic lodgs anil also ths Knight Templars of Jackson. ' JJa was empoyed by the Jackson JSO ™**- Saturday the Bethel Bap'tiot rsjtay of state* oHee 25 years and Cuureh had a toboggan party near —. ^ wi~ :. w .u Brighton. Wo had a lot of fmThero ware 7 toboggans, 9 aleds. and a pair last week where she was living. Sur-— . •» is a son, George, a daughter, and a brother, John Sullivan of Detroit. Her body was aont to D«- lajt wsek wktt aha w i lhrin«. 9m * to retire in February. Saving is his wife-the fomiar Mm Bunkor.Ho was an uncls of Mrs. Lucille Camburn of Pincknsy. s*d well known here in Masonie and ' O. £. S. drclos . ; Th« funeral was at tho Weather.. boo funeral Homo this afternoon watk tho Jftdcaon Commsadry hi a*suvt. Bmkl was is. Para* Ce« of ak'es. Seventh Grades, Mrs. Carr Tho 7th grade is doing a unit on tho United States, We had no school Thursday on account of tho snow, Thursday Verms Hotben and red Kellenberger will bMlr«t has had a number of them and several downriver communites there ,'uv being investigated now. One is : taking place in Flint and Mike Ca. land circuit judgo of tbis diatrict ..;:; eon .met it. It is the old familiar •'•.' i•< mLination the charge being that tht gamblers and police are working hand in hand, the latter getting pay tiffs tc "allow gambling to flourish. Jui]?.e Mike has come rapidly to the front the last few years,A few years i£G he was unheard of. When Judge c.oliing died he was a candidate to ac-rve out his term but loot oat to •Ib.dg6 Willis Lyons. In 1058 ho ran •or the full term and won. He soon made the front pages. The logialat ure had passed s law that all tho candidates in the primsry had to file citizenship oaths. Undor this Jaw ihe county election com. ban* :•(] all the Democrat candidates from ballot and a number of Repub* i candidates who had lot run before. They started suit is circuit rourt. The attorney general a Rep ublican defended the kw» Judge Car mnd ruled the oath unconstitutional. Me said when candidates take otft thfir petitions they take such taj oath,the attorney general announced an appeal but it was newer take* and the ruling still atandsj Jodg*^ Car'and i% rapidly gainiog ** "" ion sa one of ths jurists. •male, Mia). . Wa enjoyed tho play "OU * It *vas good, We AM studying states and when they were *jdod~-« to toe union. L«st weak We | M | wm > school Tnureday OB aoMpU m t.~* W. '
Page 1: CatholiSCHOOc CburcL NEWh S Current Comaeat


- . . . v

r •'•.•; ?.v -"••• , ^ v : ; ^ s

MKH№AN MW&OfcTou can tafluenece legislation

more than yon realize. Your senatorei state representative wants tohear from you. They vote on hund-

ei bills a year. They can't know/thing contained in all ct them.

TlJey would like to know what youthink about them. The best way tocontact the*n is by letter. Telephonecalls and telegrams are also affect-ive Form letters- are least effective.On# mportant point. Don't threat-en him. He nay vot« negatively,(iive him mcts. Letters to your rep-rt*enttitive should be addreesed totl c state house and to your senatorto thfc state senate^

Tha biggest battle in Washington!,-• i •!):> h e l i n e : 1 0 0 m of t h « A t o m -

U Inorgy Commission, It is desiredto build a $40 million dollar atomictrover plant at Iviomoe, Micii. uninow the question is will it en.danger millions of lives in the Det ,roit and Toledo area?

Ihe 26 companies who will buiUthe plant say No. Three of the AFLCIO union say yes.

A permit has been i»»ued to thefcempaniea but it is for constructionfrnty Permission withheld until vheplant is completed in 1960. The bigg-est abjection is the report on Reactor safeguards. They say not niucdIs known about the type of reactorste le built here. It is a fast breu-fcrand ereate» more fuel than it uue .One I.as been built at Arco, Idaho,During a test it got out of cone, olbut no one was hurt. The Monvoeplant will be five times more pov-erfut than that one. The Monroe beation is 80 miles from Detroit and20 from Toledo. A second ftxperim«n*•! reactor station goes into opeiation next year and should prov:dt


T,Ike conservation dept. is studying

a *urvty whiceh indicates the jjab-Ui'ii willing to ftirance state parksthrough users' fees. 85 percent WITK

>A favor of it. Most favored th* $2ear sticker proposal. The averagepark user visits th* parks 4 time*a y»-ar.

Forest fires ««t an all time lo,vin 1(»06. 702 fires fburned over 34.10aerea. Smokers only cauael 211 fires,Persons burning dobi is cau*ed J2d.

Nearly a million trees were plantej en 80,000 acre* of state lands in

The first known recovery of a ba*d*i TI owning dove has taken place.It was one of ten banded at Fenii-vilU in June 1966 and wai shot atft. Lauderdale October d. Nont ofHit others have b«en heard from.

an perscHs were arrested for vio-jkt/ng the special doer season. Thjyl»aid fines totalling $1442 and co»Uei №0.

CARD OF THANE•T» my many ffiiend* who so

derfully remember«»d me at birthdayUnit I wish to say many saanytbauks. Mary Teeple


Called to* order by President Dink«). Present : Swartheut, Shirley, Tipfe'iy and Kennedy. Absent: Readaid Lavey

Motion by Kennedy, supported byShirley to build sidewalk oa Sojtkssu East side of high school alsoone lot north jM~lJnadil]a on HowellStrait, expense to be shared by thevillage and property owners.Carried

Motion bjr • Shirley supported byTipJady to appoint SUntey Dinkelstreet administrator. Carried.

Motion By Shirley, tupportod by•wsrthout to allow following bi'.U:Kobert Vsdder, labor Xmas. doa. 12*Pineknoy Meta? rrod. use dec ..7..V0Soy Clark, use of t'.-c 7.50Phil Gentile use slec. . 7.50Tan's Motor Sales use of else. 7 60Ohio Oil Company, oil 35.69Aobort Egeler, marshall 126.00LesS Gulf, misc. 9.09JaYay Hardware, misc 49.65Atla* Supply Co. 20 sax aquagsl

for rink 0.18Motion to adjourn carried.

Mildred Ackley, Clerk (

v., •.

No. •

Chroaobfy of 1956 \':' Catholic Cburch SCHOOL NEWS* .


50th wedding anniversary. Commoncement. Glenn Hinehey, WilliamDixon die William Jeffreys retireand >a given a dinner by aehool.Pinekney kiwanis boys league* hs>-gin.

June 13- Pineknoy wins opener in''county league 11 to l, Houghton*?*

pitcher, Meriarity hommers. Pinck-jKiwanis Girls forfeit. Charlos .;>,'Adams, Hub Lee die. Herb Bryan*o) >serve 26th anniversary. IXlpkHiggs picked on all league teem.

j June 20-Pinckatsr wins 2nd count?J laague game from City Service 4 to

0. Southwell pitches. Kiwanis Gitia, boat Citizens Mutual. 25 local Ma,

liunis announce fsons attend Stockbridge Strsjwborr^of their daughter, j Festival. 75 Masons and families,

to Robert Darrcw, son v>f I put on program at Alma MasoDjtMis. Iva Dai row, of Pinckney.Bot*i ! Home. 8 file for Pineknoy schoolare graduates of Pinekney high hign ! boardschool. She is employed in Jacob . .son's Ladies Apparel in Ann Arbor ' J n e ^-W««*"»y **** Hamburgh. is » fedflral hank «v«mWTh. i 3 t o ° i n overtlmo Burns triple and

Reader'* fly does it. Elmer Wittydies. Harry Marshall of Dexter diesfat Clear Lake. Board of Superviv*-

! ors consider purchase* of" Pihck'»Toy


June 6-Irvin Kennedys •JflsiiriU ^ JTAlbert Sohmitt, Pastor | David Gehringers daddy has nowSunday Masoea: 8:1)0 and 10:00 *.m. ( coon dog Gerald Swarthout and his

Devotion* Friday evening dad went skiing. David Singers' fain, ra. ! ily went to the ski tow.Mrs. Parks

Friday evening aHjM t and her husband are in Florida f c?rEovolfons and Saturday from ' S weeks and Mrs. Clark is subsuiut

». m. and Sunday bo— ing for her. Amanda's canary died.1 Mary Jo has a fan tailed fish.. Jaun' vi&itud his sister in Saline Sunday.

7:30fore the 8:60 M»~t.

itfemuHifte Church Gary Burg's puppy is named TuifyHe went tobogganing. May Plumri-

Bsraft S.Mermirtmim, litfe

Janica BurnsMr an . 1.,...

is a federal bank examiner.wedding is June 15.



j Sanitarium for home for aged.( .July 4-

' Pinekney loset» first leaguei te?«t to City Service 8 to 2.y

ton loser. Dorothy Head and Wayne| Stone, Barbara Stone and Gordoni Foster married at Church of God.: Audrey Klikott and Allen Dinkel; married. Edwin Booth, LyU Hen( dee, Charle* Hodge die. OUn Robin-

son in hospital.July ll-Rev. J. M. McLuca* die*

j in Alberta. Funeral Saturday atBi'yhton. Livingston Lodge o*Bdweta grp,ye«ide services. Max Ruiftell and Tester McAfee elected to th*

. scbool board. June Wilson and John

. Scturis married. Donald Staiuttfek lK6W rff^


. Cong'!, ChurchBSJV. *. W. Winger,

i er was 6 year old Sunday,Howe has new brown jeans

Fira* CraeM, »Th* KibxMffBecky Henry went to Obio last

week. Patty Sprout pulled her owntooth. Shi went with her mother tofiet the car license- Pamela Koch's

night prayer raeetteg att&o ebttfsh - —

not need to do that as she has another way to earn money. Penny Reynolds stayed all night with Jatki©

Linda Whitley visited h e r

cou*ins in Detroit. Alvin MeCarty'*father is in the hospital. Judy Hill

H l € PftODtaf ChiUTh * ' roller-skated at her aunt's. Emilyi **§**•«»» - M:II . , . . Kw/Mio-Vit Viar txiv tvr>ewriter to

Current Comaeat "Pack in our distant youtfa you

iould buy a lot <rf things for Se ora niekeUncluding an ice cream todtloaf of bread, half a dozen cookiea,half a dozen eggs,, a street car rid*admission to the picture show tfctAaivl many of the thirst pavlors ha<J-iuns stating they sold the biggestij'Li-s of tecr in town for 5 centa.Those days «re gone foreverj Aboutthe only thing a niekel is good forio<iay is to make change. Postmas-ter General Summerfield has evolred a plan tc bring- back the nickelfroai the land of forgot! A things.He would raise 3 cent letter postageto 5 certs, bring back the nickel andpay off the postal deficit at thesii>ae time. He will have to convince

and congress will need alot of convincing-.

M-W Wact, Wftwean VBadMa andMatettreetc

Rev. fteitb -Ho«fietfffer, Pacteriimday Seheal %m a. ».

p. m.Th«'-?dayJr. fifoeir * * * * • * • * • '' **!? ?' "' \ Amburgey"w«nt'to"Howoll with his

With the tactic support Q£ thiscountry Premier Nasser of Egypt IS>still strutting about. The canal isbeing slowly cleaned out in spits ofthe road blocks he has throws op.,The workman have been fired 0»by Egyptian troops several times.About every day ho issues an ulti.•naium. The las test was that Groatliiitian and France will not be allow1O use the canal until Israel give us)all the land she took froon Egypt.

Merer* has new^lo'vol Toby' Shett | i*™*\'was long ago barred from thschool.Joe i u s e oi t h e can*J- Premier Nasser is

Eisenhower's baby.

Miller brought her toy typewriter toschool.

John Tasch had company Sunday.Jimmy iiuu^hn's birthday was Tuesday. Bonnie Curts visited grandma,her aunt had birthday party.Willie

elroe brought his to>s to sc

PaaetKi m*! watUer. Karen Kaiser's sisterl ]i*1 iceakate.Billy Josephson has nviv


J o h n

KOberta Ackley•Tv. and Mrs. Robert Ackley a n -

ounce the engagement . of theirRoberta Jeanne to Thom- j defeated by General Motor* in tho

Ed '

IMt JUWIU8TLAY d Lo D y x t e r < T i Sprouts eousinPinekney doctors, both of ytstor • ,d Sunday.They want

year and today, including th. nativt , . u U n f c w Lhi (Ja Q a rh

sons, who hav« gone into other areas . , * , n , , M

. .. .7 • . . . .. Jimmy Baughn and Debby Mowotsto practise the art of heahng,werehonored st the Mgh school audi.or

last week whan the junior play wasdedicated to thom. Announhad boon sent to several of

have new ice skates.Florinc* v/jatthas new shoes. Frank Zszulkas dadhad pneumonia.

Fourth, Mrs. Johnsonand his. broth-

devoted public servants andaecom

ompanied by cash donations ram?

•*y< J. iN'eff, son of Mr. and Mrs.v.'ird Vefj of Ann Arbor. Mias Acki«y is a senior in Pinekney hign

ounty league. •^uly 18-^Southwell throws S hitter to

school. Mr. Neff is a graduate of j Fowlerville in county league. BobAmburg-ey hommare. Ground brokenArbor high school and is em

•iioyed by Edwards Bros. Inc. of | ffor new county hospital. PrankAim Arbor. The wedding is next ' Zieglcr announces for sheriff.

July 26~Ever»tt Haramels horsewins wins & vacos^at Northrile.Hauiburg beats Pinekney in oouhty leagv+ 4 to 0. Mrs. Ora Hainos and Mrs.Hub L*e d ie- Agatha. Henry and JimKnight, Dolores Bokros and Lawrence McKenzie ^announcements. Pinekney beats City Servicehere in non-leagno game. .

Aug. 1 - Pinekney tosos to

Claire Campbell

\ burg in county league. Johnare and Julia Krahn mswrtod. NaHie Gardner given recsptien for 48years service, orgaaist at St. MarysChurch. George-~F»»*r dioa. Engago.ment of Rosamond Oafton andGeorge Aschenbrenner announced.Aug. 8-Pinekney boats City Serivoo6 to ? in league gamft.AJso Hamburg


Swarthout and Edward Stapleton] Ann Harmon and Perry Cooper mar'ied. Mrs. Rebecca Culhane and £m<

•j C to 0 in non-league game.i 2'ancer and John Sprout,

The engagement of Claire Elaine t m e U Harris die.CuDipbeli is announced by her par- ! ffr°up formed.

Summer Theatre

entt, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Campbell,to John Daniel Johnson, son and Dr.and Mrs. Frank Johnson of Filnt.Ciaare graduated from Pincknayhigh school and is a senior in the-University of Michigan school of nurxing. Mr. Murphy graduated fromFlint Central -high school and is nowin the school of medicine sit the Uni\eisity of Michigan. He is a pledgeof Alpha Kappa Kappa, a medicalfraternity.

Aug. 14-Pinckney beats Fowlervilla in final laague game. City Serice wins title, Pinekney aecond.Donk

with their grandmother, Gehringer.~Hnas went tobogtfatitrtg with

which covered th»fee i»n the production waifrom Dr. Cyrus Gardner of Lansing.

Ths members of the east performadmirably from Don Winger wh;>

his Sunday school class Sunday.Juxyand Cindy Borovaky's grand parents*

royalty j f r Q m [ ) e t r ( y i t visited them. Rholaa flying saucer. Gene C:\llison

his married sister in Saline.Margh went to tin Duxf.T

rnovi#. Diane Hoy entertained thyhad <be title roll off "Old Doc" to 8 ] 2 n d a n d sd^grsdVpupils on her birth

uth ld L l G h t hmouth old Lyls Gsarhart who wasborrowed for the occasion. Laugh-ter, tears and euspencc were inter—

fled with drama and the audionreaction beipoke the success of

the presentation. No* lass enjoysblt

day Friday with icecream and c .kFosrtli Grsds, Mrs. CsmpbeU

W« were snowed in one day lastweek. In arithmetic wt have startedthe fours. Some of us know themalready. We finish the story of tho

Vice Pesident Nixon threw ain th^ ranks of the filbuatOi*

f' rcea last week when b« goid thatin bi< opinion the filbuster is an.conjftitutonal. That in his opinionor.* senate could not pass a ruleiJmL would apply to all succeedingand successive senates. So the mattHI may eventually find its may tolite supreme court and if the courtvc.'da the filbuster the wrath ofthe south against that body will ex.

itttMMisv-Miaooft QSUO hatted

was the vocal trio which appeared \ A m a z o n B a i 8 i n t h i i w g e k a n d s t a -tbetween acts, Barbara Massey,Nan ^ o u r n e x t unit> ,,he L a n d o f t h e E b k i

cy Nash and Alan Rosa. mo."We are studying ways of tra-Following the Ssturday night play v#1 Richard Klein and" Francis

tht cast personal of 40 wers enter | Tripp were 10 yaars old last week.Uined by the Rev. Wingers st a bufJet SUnley Kourt made a powdsr horn

C ^ l E d i l•upper at tne Cong l. Educational-, from a # o w . §

Unit The Junior class dinner WAS him.h i g f j l t h i r

was held at the school Tuesday nite.


Fourth and Fifth, Mrs. GouUtPam Seefelds mother has a new

washer and dryer, Frank SehaforTho Pinekney Rainbow Girls will i W i i i c t f i a h i n ? a t R u s h Lakd_ C a t h y

hold a public installation of their Reason visited Judy Reynold* or,officers at the Masonicc temple st Friday night. Mrs. Reynolds gave8 p. m. Saturday nite. The follow.fffg will install: at Thayer, MarilyuGuxtafaon, Mary Boyd, Roberta Ackley, Ek»y<te Campbell musician, WesleyReader, soloist.

Those to be installed art Pat

thom tickets to the play 'Old Doc".Dick McCarty visited Pat Tessmer.They played hockey on Silver i.akeThe 5th grade is studyingand the 6th grade the sixes and multiplicaiion. Our room now has chalk

Palmer W.A.; Elizabeth MiarsAWA; ' boad.s. bulletin boards and bookcams. Tht walla are painted light

It is very attractive.Mrs. MSor

LIBRARYNew books are 1956 Michigan

StaU> Manual, American Guide Serie>, Michigan and Indiana, donated

f-by Woodrow O'Dell of Ann Arbo.-,

Mrs. Mary Amburgey ontortain-• t dinner Sunday for her son, Janv-«a, who left for Grosnlsnd Tusodar.tao MsWin

Bright Angel by Carle, Bar*on lier Shoulder by Stansbury,Longstreet by Jesse, donated by Mrs.TedGray. Two handbooks for machini>st.s md auto service men by LowisMuiphy and a large number by Mrs.Ella Campbell of. Ann Arbor.includ-ing the Nile by Ludwig.


sary. otbal practise starts.Aug. 23-Pinckney beats Dexter 12

to 3 Gentile hommors. Kiwanis GirlsLeat Whitmor* Lake. Kittio Griero^hephord,Mrs Alfred Une and GlonSmith die Lolg. Boachy »nd PauPPaul Yako married.

Aug. 29-Rov. Arthur Caniburn, *former pastor dies, also MyroftSchoenSals, Mrs. Allco Fdproidor.Patricia Umphr<J<rry Lodwidgo andmarried. V

TO BOYSVtLLB FRIDATPinrkney started too slow at

Boysvillo Friday night and . g»vsa 26 to 10 lead a


a»d Tony SegoraToo iJon Burno favmily

TNjoodoy in honor of Doa's* a B t n a tassiMos•tylt.

last half but could «otcatch up. Wakoflold had U, Simon,wn TO, Htll 9 and Tom Wylia 8points'for ~

Sally Utley.charity; Karen Beck,hope; Shirley Wylie. faith; MarilynGuwtafaon recorder; Mary Boyd,trea«; Judy Root chaplain; Karon < We are taking tests this week WaXJustafaon, drill loader;Nellie Slay- | began a unit on Michigan and are

studying ita early history. We arel e 8 n i n * t<> Play chess. Thomas An.

feion; Joyce DeCroix, nature; GaiP taya taught us. Sciene units are inGuatufson, immortality; Nancy SUy the nJanning period We divided indin, fidelity; Natalie Witake, patriot granpi with our Science Fair comisnt: Sharon Borovsky, service ;Ru h ing up, Arithmetic i» easier now weMurphy, inner obsorvsr; Sharon All- knotr our mulviplicaton tables Ween outer observer; Ptt Thayer, mus- are planning a Michigan Mural for

oua- bulletin bd.Report cards nextw*ek. Hope they are better.

{ Fifth and Sixth, Mrs. HoatosjJohn Biery says the weather is ths

worst in 10 years. The high schoolp!a<> last week was nice. The conaervstion Club had a venison dinner a;Hamburg Saturday night. RichardBlades helped serve. Monday John

I Biery wont to Jackson with his par

a t i Taft and McCarthy m*n ismoving more and more to tho left.He is expected to be a candidate forpresident in 39(>O and has apparent-ly -fen the light and concluded thatth* Taft philosophy is outmoded.Ncit so his fellow Californian Sena-uor Knowland who also aspires to'Jic presidency and has put himself'..; ward as a leader of the Taftrvt'jwfrd Although he is the Re publi'in floor leader he -has opposedPresident Eisenhower on nearly allpoints of his foreign policy. He hasannounced he will not run for reel-ection in 1958. He is expected to runfur gr°vernoi of California then andthe presidency in 1950. He shouldwatch out that while he aad Nixonae duelling a third party e'oa't cop*.he nomination.

Investigations into gambling andcorruption are common in our cit-ies where these things flourish Do


SHERIDAN UADLEYSheridan Hadloy, 08. died

Jackson hospital Monday,at a

| «mw«am uutiiMli, utuiiUBf, iUllUWli^M d NeiT.Baughn. !

t n operation there ths Wadneidayn d ^U o* O l s o t e ^ f Hi hHis homo was in Parma aad

belonged to the Masonic lodgsanil also ths Knight Templars ofJackson. '

JJa was empoyed by the Jackson JSO ™**- Saturday the Bethel Bap'tiotrsjtay of state* oHee 25 years and Cuureh had a toboggan party near— . ^ w i ~ :. w.u Brighton. Wo had a lot of fmThero

ware 7 toboggans, 9 aleds. and a pair

last week where she was living. Sur-—

. •»

is a son, George, a daughter,and a brother, John Sullivan

of Detroit. Her body was aont to D«-lajt wsek wktt aha w i lhrin«. 9m

* to retire in February.S a v i n g is his wife-the fomiar

Mm Bunkor.Ho was an uncls ofMrs. Lucille Camburn of Pincknsy.s*d well known here in Masonie and

' O. £ . S. drclos . ;Th« funeral was at tho Weather..

boo funeral Homo this afternoonwatk tho Jftdcaon Commsadry hia*suvt. Bmkl was is. Para* Ce«

of ak'es.Seventh Grades, Mrs. Carr

Tho 7th grade is doing a unit ontho United States, We had no schoolThursday on account of tho snow,Thursday Verms Hotben andred Kellenberger willbMlr«t

has had a number of them andseveral downriver communites there,'uv being investigated now. One is :

taking place in Flint and Mike Ca.land circuit judgo of tbis diatrict..;:; eon .met it. It is the old familiar •'•.'i•< mLination the charge being thattht gamblers and police are workinghand in hand, the latter getting paytiffs tc "allow gambling to flourish.Jui]?.e Mike has come rapidly to thefront the last few years,A few yearsi£G he was unheard of. When Judgec.oliing died he was a candidate toac-rve out his term but loot oat to•Ib.dg6 Willis Lyons. In 1058 ho ran•or the full term and won. He soonmade the front pages. The logialature had passed s law that all thocandidates in the primsry had tofile citizenship oaths. Undor thisJaw ihe county election com. ban*:•(] all the Democrat candidates from

ballot and a number of Repub*i candidates who had lot run

before. They started suit is circuitrourt. The attorney general a Republican defended the kw» Judge Carmnd ruled the oath unconstitutional.Me said when candidates take otftthfir petitions they take such t a joath,the attorney general announcedan appeal but it was newer take*and the ruling still atandsj Jodg*^Car'and i% rapidly gainiog ** ""ion sa one of thsjurists.

•male, Mia). .Wa enjoyed tho play "OU *

It *vas good, We AM studyingstates and when they were *jdod~-«to toe union. L«st weak We | M | wm >school Tnureday OB aoMpU m


W .


Page 2: CatholiSCHOOc CburcL NEWh S Current Comaeat

< I

• • • • • • . < $ ? * •





Admission Student'





I L A D I E S A N D C H I L D R E N * D R E S S B f

$2.98 to $8.98 NOW $1.»8Ladies Dark Cotton Dresses $S»« NOW ftf.M

fr OFT ON ALL LINGERIE HOSIERY AND ROBK1and many more bargains

47M MIDLAND DRIVB Tel Aeadeaw f - M *Op.n Suudaya, .Lakf and, « • - " - «

STAT* ftp^rebate

BAHsW BALLsnchetter C8,Hartland l8;South

Lye» §2t Dexter 42; (iraxul Led^e•t , Howell 61; Brighton 49, Clarenoevills II; Roosevelt 770, University44; Dundee 77, Chelsea 49; Milan*1, Lincoln 46; Saline 56, Flat Roc*Roc* 46; An" Arbor 60, Jackson 44;St. Thomas 57, St. Alphonsus 56;Britton 35. Adrian Catholic :].S;Di»n»vills 85 Leslie 56; FowIerviJlt 47,Webberille 44; Ha»lett 78, Stock*.


f«r Mie fVaa

Mn. Bonnie Henry entertaincU0. E. S.PaSt Matrons Monday.

Me*daniM Beulah Miller, Eloy<«eCampbell, Mae Daller and MarioaPearson were co-hostessea.

The builders »how sponsored l>ytae Howell Jaycees IH at th« armorytliere April 5, 6, 7,

Tht Livingston Southweit SuilConservation and Election in at UioGregory Elementary School Jan.2o at 7:30 p.m. George Greenleaf ofMichigan State Univevrsity it thespenVer.

The Milton Carver family wers iec*nt fue«t« of Vern Button ariflwife in Jnckson.

William Schmidt attended 'liesupervisory banquet at the FordMotor Company Central Officeim Jjearborn Saturday eveniag.

Th« beauty of R. W. Wylie hasllesn temporarily marred by poUon»ui<kc acquitred at a toboggan party. 'lis cousin, Tom Wylie extends hin>iis sympathy.

The Martin Phillip* family of Ypsilanti spent Sunday with th« Har-old Perters

ia tk« Matter ef the Estate ^Lena Robesen, Smith. Deceased.

At a setsie* U said Ceart* keld attk« F • » > • Of«ee at fee Cis? • 'Howell, in taid county on the 11thday of January , 19S7.

Preteat: M»« Strata » fari*,Judge ef Predate.

Notice is Korea? %iw\, T^tt allcreditors el sat4 eVeeasoa1 are Hquir-§4 t« present tkek claims k writtaB

and under eat*, te said €e«rt, a«d to |to stv* A copy thereof on Luada 'A;:L: --hall. Gregory, Mich, fidieua'y»aid tsiat«>hak suea eiaima will i tke*rr* at the Piefce* •*>•« onMun-h 19, 1957 at tsn A. M.

U u •t4ere«, H u t aetiee frkerefLe |ftv«a »y »u»li«atiea e/ a «ep|rhtreof f*r taree weeks eeaseeMvelfor«vi«u» le said day • /;b« Piaekney ftitpatcs,fiduciary M U M a —M *i *•'• ••ti<«le »t strata • • • • ea«a kaewn party'* iRttiMt at liis last ka*w« addressi i^gistaree1 «aii, reiuni r—ipt deby registered mail, return receipt de -aianded at Isast fourteen (14) dayspiier t« ruck kea«tec «r by pevseaalt>«rvite a; least five (fc) dafs prit te<uck kearing.

tutmi* R. 8»itk* Jmrfffe e/Deputy Rofuter e^ PrebateHelea M.

The Brighton village eeoncil appiopiiated $2689.75 from A e park-,ing meter fund to impre*» to park-ing lot

Brian Watson is tko faBsfeg teoi -er on the Brighton high sfbool bft«.ket ball team. He has avoreged 20.1j- .nU per game for 7 games.

The Dexter firemen have prepar-ed a lighted skating link fteBind **•th« new fire hall there.

Foster C. Waite has retired after43 year and 11 months atTVke as acarrier at the Ann Arbor pritoffice.He lives at Dexter ..

John Aiber has been installed athead ef the Chelsea Kiwutis Club.

The Chelsea police dept. made tlSarrests during the past fear-

There were 58 traffJg toth inDetroit in 1956.

A move is underway te form acounty athletic club which wouli

j sponsor football, baseball, baskettall and softbail. Robert J|T*hall ishe* ling it.

Henry Wallace, former vfce pres.ident is the speaker at Farmer tWe«k ~t Michigan SUte College onJanuaiy 28--Feb. 1.

A number of tthe Howett Commandry Knight Templars will march intht inaugural parade of PresidentEisenhower at Washington f). C. onJanuary 21.

T'-ree Howell people were hurt nan auto accident at Whiteiish PointlM*t week. Drain Com. Floyd Munsellmas the least hurt. Mr. and Mrs. C.E.Poninp were taken to the) fewberry

hospital.Ex-Congressman Seymew Person |

is still a patient at St. Lawrence hos II»ital, Lansing-. \

The Bx-own-McClaren Hejunnj ofhas elected Ray Smith executiveice president and Lincoln SnUth, vieepresident in charge of salea.

In Ue Circnit Ce*rt | t r tk« Cowitye#


J R ,



ion of said Court hold inthe County building, b the City of

~ Michigan, on tkis 2tth day ofDecember, 19M.

Present: Hon. E. Read Fletcher,Circuit Court Commiaaioner

tat the above entitled cauae it ap.pear that the d«fpapal ,May Bhaa-beth H#ytv?«U)i8 not a l»«ident of thisSUtte, but that her address it 24*St. liOuis A^nue, l^as Vegas, Nevada.

It Is Hereby Ordered, Adjudgeda»d Docroed that the Defendant, MayElizabeth Reynold*, enter her appearantee in said cause o s or beforethreo (S)months from ttit date of thU•rder, and that within forty (40)inyt, the plaintiff, Gnj R. ReynoldsJr. cause this ordev to be publishedia a newspaper eirculatod and publisned -vithin said county, e*id pubicatioa

Friday, 8at«rday, Jan«ary 18, i tDouble Feature ..

Watt Disney's


•well, Hkfc.


' in Technkossr


. WML, Thar. Jam. It, 17I Tab Mw%m and NataMoiVarloe* and


Rod Cameron, J. Carol Naiahand Mary Castle

M, MSunday, Monday, Januarygun. Shows 2 p. m. Cont.

Gregory Peck -

aday, Saturday, January 16, It

John Afar and Cynthia Pttriokte


[ MaboMy aa4 Martha | ^ « r



"MOBY DI€K"in CinemaScooe ann Technicolor

t y,te be continued onto ! i eaehfer s»x(§)weeks in succession, andfurther, that a eopy Qf this order besetved upon the defendant, May £ i u -abosh Reynold*, at th« above addrotaHy R«fi«t«red Mail, Bttura Receipt

%. Rt«d Fletcher, Cir*»it Court Cem-

A True CopyS9vtn« R. DanielsCounty Clark

He./ell, Mieh.

Richard Baaehart and Leo G«ftnNovelty Late News Color Cartoon

Taes., Wed., Thura., Jan. 22, 21. 24Danger's Own Port of Entry

"PORT AFRIQUB"in Technicolor

withPier Angell and Phil Carey

Novelty Late News Color Csrtooa

Sunday, Monday, January H, 11June Allyaon and Jack Lomnion


PROM IT"in Teohnioolor and Viesa

Tut*,, Wed., Thurs., Jan. 21, H. UDeRorah Kerr and John Kt*r

to•• TEA AND SYMPATHY"in CinemaSeope and CoUr


The Clayton Mussonsdinner ?ue#A» of th#

Dinkels.4rs. June Hendee attended a

shower last Thursday for Mrs. Rob•rt Grover g-iven by Mre. Esther

m Lan^fs. Audrey Dinkelsine- Saturday.

Melvin Toti and wtfe of Detroitspent Suru'ay with th# Bob Tasch

family. The Cy AtLee family ofGladwin called Thursday em*outehorn« from Florida.

• •

irfnt of East Main St. te the NoIT1 Cook family. i

The Craftsmen's ^nnrtette -of 1Oorge (iaidner, Haroid Rigg», Orland Win.-low and Don Mor.y aaiUfai, the i-ocreation banquet at. theHamburg: fire hall Saturday night.The Homer Abneys attended,

Mrs. Howard Read entertained''her bridge club last Thursday.

0,car Beck has sold the Plaikoplace on M-36E to Rudolphen.called to Jackson last week b /illness and death of her UAefo, SheriJan Hadley.

j Ed Bennett has . bought tfc Pric?Mohilo! gas station.

Notes of 48 Years Ago• Margaret Lnych is the proud poss-essor of a fine new piano.

1 he First State A Savings BaJUvi Howell has declared a n 8 percentdividend.

XbVjohn Dinkels entertained WillDunning and family and John Gard-ner and wife at dinner Sunday., Mr. and Mrs. Otto Poole gave B

surprise party Friday for their net>-hftv, Thomas Poole, Friday on his21M birthday.

The M. E. Church held « dinner atthe church Wednesday and will holda Valentine party at the W. H. Clar.cborne Feb. L»l . They have chosen' upsides and/will put on a contest. The

The Jack Sharps of Lansing andMm. Mae Metz of Howell were>&inday guests of the Lee Laveyt.

Ona Campbell and wife were inLanding Friday.

TV Merwin Campbell entetainedSunday in honor of their son, whoieaves fcr Humboldt Colleges Miuieapolis, Minn. Thursday at dinnerSunday the James Hall family andElaine Glover of Stockbridge. ThoAco factory where he works gave aparty ior :him Friday. Dinner wasserved and he was given a pen andpencil set.

Mrs. Julia Kahn Wer.e has resign!ed her-position at the Aco Co. hhe'was givon a farewell dinner last f • •>

and peaented with a high chair' U V U M f t tand -Janbv clothes. 1 '

Mrs. Clare Palmer wi« eailed toDetroit Sunday by the death < heraunt, Mrs. Ethel LaPletchaf,

ftobbit Reason spent the woak endwith Dennis SDiLna^U t t Lakeland.

Addiaf MacttMsType Wiiters



* •



Plumbing1, H


pj are Mesdsvmes Leal

and Rose Parker. The winner will be}the one who gets closest to a mileof nennies.

iS^nator Frank Shields has beann 'dc chairman of the Rules and Mt.JH^asant Normal committees .

Born to CUude Reason and wifeJan. Id a boy and to Ross Hinchey«n"d wife ian A i7 , a girl.

"Sirs. Patrick Famani has been visiting her daughter, • Mrs. Kate Fitzpa'ttirk in Detroit.

Mi*s Jessie Greed entertained ther.'liance Club Friday night.

The John Dinkels entertained Mis*Fannie Monks, Grace and Nellie Gardner Friday night.

Frank Dolan has an opening adv.for his grocery store in this issue.

Luther Pollok who bought theDave ChaJker farm at PattersonLake has the same advertised forsale.

In stalled, Servietd, Repaired 4

Water System• ? ' . •

^ • - • r

Not's of 25 Years AgoMneknor nigh school beat S

Mary4! of Chelsea 29 to 13. StanleyDinkel had 13 points for Pinckntyand Marshall Meabon l4.

The Pinckney Independents werebeaten by the South Baptist -Churchteam of Lansing 55 to 27. Don Swarthout had 15 points for Pinckney andRoy Reason 12.

The Community Player* made $70on their play "Valley Farm" .Adm.was '£T,c and 15c.

The Annual Father A Son Banquet






The Aiuiual Friends' Ni^rt Dinner (Venison Banauet) will t»

AH Master Masons are invited to come and bring a friend (Masonicor non-Masonic) for an evening of fellowship and enjoyment.

Tickets are priced at $1.75 each and reservations should be in myhands by February 5, 1957, and can be picked up at the door on thenight of the dinner. It would be appreciated if remittance could ac-company reservation.

w i ^°nly *• a limited number of tickets available *t the door,

/ • • •

'~y '. Gentile Home CenterS:v,,-

ware, AppHaac<indowi PituV

• • • • *

is ut the Cong l. church Feb. 3.The Junior Kings Daughters have

elected the following officers: Pres.Jean Graves; Vice Pres., Lois Kennedy: Sec., Virginia Darrow; Treai.Janit Carr; Leade Mrs. Mae Daller.

The bam on the Gene Mclntyrefarm was struck by lightning Fridayand burned .

Mrs. John Dunbar, 86, died atherhome here Monday. She leaves herfeu*b*nd and a ton, Will, of Jackson.

}irn. EOe* Pearson Peach died atjfecr home In Brighton Jan. 4.} THe first robbin is reported teenj here again in various placet.

Doll Ball of Kalaroazoo is visitingrelatives here.

Ed Bowers, brother of Frank willleajve lor Europo Fob. 1. He worksfor fhe fttmington Arms Co.

Kbdney Hubbol of Howell iea collection of old aAitoetv He

rhn« used hp Aahrey Gili on the nail risjle, made it mn and: wUl tat* it in ft» Defiroh Auto Skew.(Me wanted Dr. B. F. SgkrV «H

so it is urged that reservations be in early.^ 2 ; Sincerely and Fraternally,

^ 6-9667 H a r o l d A p o r t e r9686 Winston Drive Junior WardenPinckney, Michigan Livingston Lodge No.

Ihe lodg« secretary has tickets tell. UP 8f . h A.

WEBSTERMr. Webster defines a true* as "an automotive vehicle for

long distance hauling" and this ia technically true. Butto the millions of Americans whose everyday life is gearedto the flow of motor transport a truck is much more ttorathis.

It's a shipment of supplied tor me corner drug storewhere you buy; a crate 4 spare parte lor the auto Ttjuhgarage you patronize; a load of foodstuffs for your favor-ite grocery; shoes for little Junior tyt-glaates for Miry,paint for that bedroom you're doing ov«r, the TV set you'vebeen waiting for..

l i fe in Michigan fr* couldnt go *n'm H dee» todafwithout truck*. Agrkult«rt and indvttiy dtpend on tikemSo do th« butcher, ths) bai(t*# the candkttiek maker, feyou


Page 3: CatholiSCHOOc CburcL NEWh S Current Comaeat



Th Peoples, January 16, 1967



GOODS• • • • ' • » : « • • .



Mrs. Jolm Rahrtec, Lakeland isi s visiting her parents the MarkHohnsiss at Santa Maria tosild,Florida.

The Javea Whitley family spentSunday to Dearborn wit* the JohnMeGuiroj|r.Steve Brown e W daughtflv, MarftyR* <J Detroit wens aleethere.

The Harold Henry family sfjafttthe. week end in Bellafouta&e.Ohio

Harold Henry was in Addison lastTuesday and acted as senior deaeonwhen his.father reteived a Masonicdegree.

Henry Collins and wife of Ypsilanti called at the Dispatch office onSaturday. They informed us thatBeverly Tupper, daughter of theWard Tuppers of Dexter, had tohave part of her leg removed, foi l .vwing an auto accident.

Neman Clark jr. who recently returned from Floida, expects to goback soon. He will drive a car thru.

*lhe L. J. Swarthouts called onMrs .Edith Gallup in Fowlervilie onSunday. .

Mrs. {Catherine Heath has soldher bouse on East Putnam St. toSam Gentile.She has gone to Jackaonville, Florida to visit ^her son

I The Blue Water Laundromat and StoreWinter and Svi»»«*—* .-en toc«u»ay&

|SrtU Road off M-^d, Lukeland, MWater, Family W?sb,Lry Fum i!/ \\ asL, Dry - Cleaning, fcettoa

Rugs, C.I Spreads andUtu^s. L*t us re-coior vr**h ourProcess!!:. .!





I f 0 M

Orla Hinchey baa gone to Florida| with the McCabe boys of ttunith.

William Euler has been appoint,ed to take the dog census In Putnamtownship.

Dick Wylie, Cathy Wiltse andDonna Basydlo took the General Mo

I tors scholarship examination at;' Jackson SatuWay.Bay Mortarity;4 went with them;-

Clarenee Deal of Dtnsville calledon William Shehan Tuesday.tha.Francis Shehans Saturday and Dr.Harkw Shehan and wife of Jackson

, on Sunday.J The Gerald Bauer family of Webb< erville were Saturday guests of

Mrs. Edna Spears.Tho Ather Wylies ealled on the

Ned Sehauflee of Btoekbidge- Sun -I <iay.

The George VaiNormana ww«Sunday guests of th»« Paris Carversat Roisman near oledo

Guests of Mrs. Emma EHnkel emsday last week were Mrs. FloreneeBoyce of Chslsea and Isabelle Dun-bar of Jackson.

The Lambert Hunrys of Detroitand Keith Bradbury* of Chelseafpsnt Sunday with the L.J. Henry's.

The G. W. Meyer family of Sto«khridf* were Sunday guests of W. H.Meyer and wife.

Mark Swarthout who has been illfor some ttme was taken to MePfcer-•br, hospital Saturday in th« ambilance.

Ths Jack Clark family of Dexterwere unday Sunday gueste at theMark Kash htfhre.

Olin Robinson sr. returned home

Wagoners Grocer}6066 PD4CKNSY ROAD

Quality MerchandiseLOW PRICKS

Beer a»l Wine To Take Owl

\- -w..+, •


LUMBER ANDEverythtag in Sherwfci Wfll»nw P

b. E HOIY 4 SONS! t

( :



i Check hist for yourankina Needs


]uer sw


ed on him Sunday.The Olin Robinsons, jv. bays mov

ed from Ann Arbor to Ypsilan ti,Thoiv son.Gregory, spent last woehwith his grandparent*,the Robinsonsat Rush Lake .

Mra, Howard Rtopelle of RuisLake who has been ill lajiome fromMelhjs hospital.

Lester MeAfee and wiffe were inLanding last Tuesday.

James Boyd of Lakeland eamehom^ from Sw Joe hospital, Ann Arker.

iWre. Anna Seefeld of Ann Axborvisited the Robert Seefelde laatweek. They called on Hths owar«beefelds in Brighton.

Ws were in error la**-week. TheClifford Millers Winston Baughasand Harold Henrys and wivei

Lawrence Camburn and wife weredid not go to Lovelis. They go

Moaty OrdersPtr*on*l Mosey OrdersBalk DraftsEisoiand C«rti/leam •£Certified Cb««kiTim* C&.*ifi<.vuec ef Depesl^starings AteountsCaristmas Clus AeceuatsCoio Bank*Aato Loaaibusinses LoaasFHA Till* I Leaat (.'i «nt)

U' Y o u t>**iipt

A k > a r t C o u * o n ftnd

Psr^nal LoaBa№•«] K«Ute Lsaas (Uan<a«e)

- TF •[iX* stafrr .qDtUtU e. ?A»p]iaae« Loans (isr pejfefcaseLceal GelltetteasOttWW-tewa CelkeMasA , * ^ I * - . F^rr^.t. TraralUsji

bafeky Deposit BKigat Dapeslloay2s HourL' 3.P»r«Da«« A gal*

aa r

•' »ae! We w * »e f»*|

/ am WOM; 0/ rnv^eak





ShopG#orge Gardner and wife ef

Strawberry expeet to leare for Floeida Feb. 9 for two weeks.

Th# Gerry Eichman family calledea the Russell Glovers in Webber.ville Sunday.




Six Days a Week

Bum pi Repairing, Duco



Sises S-6, 7-14, h-UResinced to as low as


Sises 4~Mfcedueed to as lew an





1 and 2 piece SNOW SUITS

Siies »~-fReduced to as tow as


Sixes 3-7Woo's sad Water Repellaate





Redneed to as lew aa


1..S, »..«, 7-14Sub Teen aad Jrtrfer



SOX par pair


Many Otha* Itama too Numer oua <o UatAil naUsjmil Mo Knha&Ce or Rcfttda.




Page 4: CatholiSCHOOc CburcL NEWh S Current Comaeat

y •:. ' • < ' • • • • • ; • • • y

- • • • *


Wodaesday, N

For the heort of your home, buy a


When you remodel, build or buy beyond the city watermains, plan for future water needs. Think of all the ' extras"you may want to add later on. Dishwashers, automaticlaundry equipment, new fixtures will make a smalt pumpwork too hard, reduce water pressure, cause costlybreakdowns.

When you »r* making plans, we will be gUd to reoem-mend a thrifty Myers watersystem with adequate ca- i

> < • • • * : <

~*.if •'•••% v

pacity for expansion. It maysave you expensive changeslater.

Writ* ortoday.obligation.

FOR ?ALE Youth Bed, springssprings $20.00. -.Hobera Ainbvrgay, phone UP 8-3106

FOR SALE-Reasonable.- ReasonableElectriclux sweeper and attachments

i Sparton 21 in. floor model T. V.,table model, white motorola radio•resser with large mirror,new silverware, Bervice lor eight.Mrs. Menvin Campbell Ph. UP8-31K6

| FOR SALE-Large white eggs 50c a[ dozen. Live Leghorn hens $1.00 each.\ Woo< roe Massey, 938 Rush Lake Rd.

Phone UP 8 3237

WAIMTED- A tfaby Sitter for twoweek December 19 to January 2.Fhone UP 8 5539

BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY- Me- Ichanirally minded men interested i»small well paying bus^ess, conduct-1ed fxom home. No selling hut bonatied business pay $15 to $30 a day.. \Write postoffice but No. 32, Howeli, !


VV AMTED^WilTbaby sit your hou«or mine. Washing, done reaSoaable.

Mrs. VanSkiver. ^FO^RENT^-FurnTshed room. A!s°

s House trailer for sale Mrs Heath141 St*art St. Phone UP • - *


The Pincknty Sanitarium

Raj M. Diffy, M. D.Fiaekmtj Hichigaa

Gall 11:00' A. H. to 2:00 P. M.Xxcopt Wednesdays

ttottu Tuea^ Fri, Stu .9:00 to 8:00 P. M.

Hitter i.VJSales-ServiceUAD1U *i


DM C SwartktfllDirector

Modem KquipnioMAmbulance Service


pl ajnd C<mrteoa&I'ten* VI* i-5M» 12& WelMiter



Office 211H £a»t Grand RiverPhone 1661-W How«il,

W. MuiibeU,

Fred 6. ReioklwH, SOPtOMETKk>'i

120 West Grand RiverHowell,358







HINT ApartaiealMarvU Shkey

S(8 E. Main St. Retf.

I.I:T ME SHOW YOU -W in busines for yourself O» an myest.ment ef under $6* I«a4i*« t» i»-cem« ef $500 a montk or »•!•• wit*i«ar.y retirtment possibltb |tu»»»ndane wift werk t»feth«r.


Residence 814gs by


V\'etbiy Madtt to


Roger J* O U T AgencyCOMFUiTX INSURANCE e b m


Edith R.Carr1 4 S MILL ST., Hick. Phtou UP


SALB-Wnita ^ l l l e s s P°P c° r n |Bros. Phone UP 8-3277 I


ell, Mich.


furaisiet, r> room home, id#, \\ for aa .small family er yeung


SALE- -Blonde OUK " Bedroomui. at 9890 Blue Water Drive BassLake, Lekeland, Phone, AC 7-52d4FOR S A L E - ^ e T - f a r ElectricSteve, Ironer, Trailer for Sent .

George VanSkiver n

Mrs. Dorothy Dinkel and Mrs.Fann'e Kavanaugh were in Jackso)

F l Dt y 'Winger gave a dinner for

; so glniJand dancing, in addtnox^toth. east Rev. and Mrs Winge , jMr and Mrs. Louis Stackable, Mr.Reader and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Tascn I

W Z : A^en SiUrleys had for Sondav dinner guests the Ken MoliL

" Leonard Lees and Bob Ambui

Dr. H P HolmquistCjhiroprar.tor X-RajTuesday Through Satur^ty

11 to 3 and 5 to 7and by Appointment

AC 7-2931300 West Giand P.ivtr



Uarald Reason— 20i> Nortii



4y sod 8a2nr4*f

by Appotpt»fOt•136 Chiton Rond, %mi. ti. 4t i

w BrirAton AC >M&

LEE UVEYGeneral insurance



T 9ST--A black leather prayer »e*'<, FOR SALE-R«al Estate of AU4%\V'i Mcke8, ceataining ma»y car«ir,, LiH;.np;» Wanted.at St. Mary's Ofcurch New Years . r

DMV Reward Sale-man for C. B. Smith I.e.

Mrs. William Brennan, Lakeland phono UP S--S146

n V

Ftf R SALE— Steksteel cle«et. Very

NO.-2--611S, Ana



AC 7--7M8


SALE-Electric Ranee. $li?5. luzzara UP 1-3135

ABNT-—Modern S t»«mshewer, ene eedreoai aae will furaisa,Beat, will furnish, pas er electricrang*, pleaty ef *ot water, real cozyfer nice ceuple. M.F. Shirey UPB

R E N T — Twe »«<ii-oo» •h««»or, M - 3 6 East of Pinckney. GallDetroit Kenwood B-480t

W A N T E D - S t a m p i n r foreman, m i s t •be pioduction minded with good working: knowledge of die maintenancea i d repair. P. 0 . Bex SS, Hewell' iowcl l Industries

F#R SALE—Yellew shelUilie M 1». «»11 ea N. J.Pheat VP f—3139

WANTfiB—Te «emy h*me by day er..r'heae ¥P t-MI2 .

. .in

FftR RALE-Manure 8»neihrBKeeUent ieadi^em|. '- ' • ? i

2412 M-30 West


geys.Mesdames Sadie Moran, Roberta

and Eva Kngquist areipecial O.E.S. Grand

mpn-, „ at Grand Rapids.The Joe Griffiths spent the wet>k

wiih the Don Griffith family at Mt.Peasant.

Mrs. Khanor Ledwidge entertain-ed Sunday Mrs. Nan Meabon anddaughter, Susan, of Ann Abbor andthe Kevin Ledwidge family.

G»rald Kennedy and wife of Howell were Sunday guests of the Irvin.Kennedys.

The Pinckney Rainbow Girlsheld a board meeting- Sunday nightat the home of Mrs. Sadie Moran.

The Misses Nellie Gardner andFannie Monks were Sunday dinnerquests of the Andrew Nesbitts. Mr*1.Joe Howell and children of Brightoncalled.

.CLASi i tEDTony MaBdcIls SawFiliug ShopLAWN MOWER SHARPEN1NGG1 1 5 2 4 Hiverbanfc B >w«d Lake

WANTED TO BUY - U s *and lifles. AlsoMione UP8-3128

< WANTED-Baby Sitting.I J*l»en« UP !

FORPoitag. Lake



FOR SALE-Singer Sewing Ma«h>ne F 0 R S A L E . . ^ ^ j ^ B % m f 9 iwith motor. Apply Howard Craig %\ l i v 8 oi. fa^tf, UP *..****2909 W- M-36. " ; - . •

FOR SAI E-Portablt "^Automatic WAiVTBD-Parms *Llectric Rsdiator. heat lrsdroom of AIVA. Have Betr«it *a4 e«t wt ior bath. Original price $55. Sal* buytia. A poat ««r« w « i h i fprice ^25. Fr*<\ V. Fish, Pinckiwy, '1«piie»cntatve U y«nr 4*ec.Mich. Phone UJP 8 3291 At«hin»on

— _ — — « ~ •• '*•'•>- West M R in Slt-eet,WANTED—AU Kinds of raw fur*.'ul.,o beef hidog nad deer skins. WANTED-Maa or ^*iSM« U Mat

Lucius J. Doyle phone UP 8-511W_ u-am yeu /«« er salt

P'OR SALE--Two wheel trailer.dual A.tehin«enwheels,7x 5 bed, all oak floor bed for JO2 v/tit Mam Street,?50.00, House Trailer, - Zimmermaamake, sleep*. 4, bottle gas Stevens* ANNdU _box, oil heatrr, trunk bread box and of Flerftt Arraa§e«««tts.







. Te pay decter or dentist

. . Te defray teftool expemes

. . Te fet en your feet and fmake a fresh start! !

(Neu—budfeted expenses have to temet (whether yon see them cominfor not). The cost is low because wemake so many loans. Terms are adjusted to income. The transactionstrengthens your credit here.Call aay time.

. Te Meet yeur taxis..

s.s cupboaid good tirea, insulatedS22P. Living room smte, $10. t\2 beds 3 shair and table $2, Loua^eChair $3. ? Springs $4. Set of difthec,new, Sofr ^tand $5, Mirror rack ft-Wilton rug 9x12 $10; Studte eeittffc20, Zenith ra^ie $10. $74 er take allfer $50. ,ilobert Harbo'.dt 114HHi-land Lake, Phone UP M f IS




132 MAIN ST.






fed***!JleeaW erf Fadtrall

~ a>d FederaJkMam.Insured

• - • - * •


. . . . . Branch OfficeHenry Krahn.

at tke Pinckney Oftice

*M Sa. Main Ann A


Glass Sbld and vIntftalkd

Grand RiYtjr.Phoa* i « *Howefi,




Cenpiete Feed ir iadhf Serviee



'• *

X " »»
