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cBridge Connection 1503...to the Queen of Heathcote. Above right: Shirley Hob-ley is ready for High...

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Edition 63 March 2015 A community owned newspaper Harley riders made Paul’s day Bridge Connection Barfold, Baynton, Derrinal, Elphinstone, Glenhope, Heathcote, Kyneton, Langley, Mia Mia, Metcalfe, Redesdale, Sidonia, Sutton Grange. Australia Day 2015 was the best for 90 year old Paul Sageischek. Paul’s day began when his wife, Betty, said ‘out of bed’ at 7.30am so they could attend the Australia Day breakfast at Mia Mia. Betty said: “On our way home to Redesdale, after a very enjoyable break- fast, we stopped outside the Redes- dale Rural Cafe for morning tea. Paul noticed motorbikes, his earlier love, when seven or eight riders from the Geelong Harley Club appeared. He couldn’t wait to get over to them, soak up the sight, and chat with the owners. They set him up with a jacket from Paula, and a helmet. Paul was then given a joy ride and was in Seventh Heaven. What a great bunch of people. A few days later photos of the event arrived in an airmail envelope with a Christmas stamp. To add to our enjoyment we were told the Geelong Harley Club visited Echuca each Australia Day weekend and they hoped to meet us same place same time next year. It is on our bucket list, provided Paul hasn’t kicked it. Paul ownd his first bike in Austria. He came to Australia in 1952. Paul soon had work and saved thirty pounds ($60 dollars). One Friday after work he was looking in a bike shop in Elizabeth Street, Melbourne thinking he would buy a second hand bike. However, the shop assistant suggested he had more than enough to buy a new BMW. He was told to return on Saturday morn- ing and the bike would be registered and ready to go. He was able to keep ten pounds for petrol. Paul had a wonderful ride sightseeing through Gippsland and in 1961 he and his bike sailed for Peru. He rode solo through South and Central America to the United States, and on to Canada, from where he was deported back to Australia, a story for another time. Paul has told me, during our 50 years together, of his many adventures,” Betty said. Above: Paul Sageischek, right, with Geelong Harley Club member. Below: Betty and Paul Sageischek
Page 1: cBridge Connection 1503...to the Queen of Heathcote. Above right: Shirley Hob-ley is ready for High Street, Heathcote. Annual cricket challenge at Redesdale Bridge Connection March

Edition 63 March 2015 A community owned newspaper

Harley riders made Paul’s day

Bridge Connection Barfold, Baynton, Derrinal, Elphinstone, Glenhope, Heathcote,

Kyneton, Langley, Mia Mia, Metcalfe, Redesdale, Sidonia, Sutton Grange.

Australia Day 2015 was the best for 90year old Paul Sageischek. Paul’s day began when his wife, Betty,said ‘out of bed’ at 7.30am so theycould attend the Australia Day breakfastat Mia Mia.Betty said: “On our way home toRedesdale, after a very enjoyable break-fast, we stopped outside the Redes-dale Rural Cafe for morning tea.Paul noticed motorbikes, his earlierlove, when seven or eight riders fromthe Geelong Harley Club appeared.He couldn’t wait to get over to them,soak up the sight, and chat with theowners.They set him up with a jacket fromPaula, and a helmet.Paul was then given a joy ride and wasin Seventh Heaven.What a great bunch of people.A few days later photos of the eventarrived in an airmail envelope with aChristmas stamp.To add to our enjoyment we were toldthe Geelong Harley Club visitedEchuca each Australia Day weekendand they hoped to meet us same placesame time next year.It is on our bucket list, provided Paulhasn’t kicked it.Paul ownd his first bike in Austria.He came to Australia in 1952.Paul soon had work and saved thirtypounds ($60 dollars).One Friday after work he was lookingin a bike shop in Elizabeth Street,Melbourne thinking he would buy asecond hand bike.However, the shop assistant suggested

he had more than enough to buy a newBMW.He was told to return on Saturday morn-ing and the bike would be registeredand ready to go.He was able to keep ten pounds forpetrol.Paul had a wonderful ride sightseeingthrough Gippsland and in 1961 he andhis bike sailed for Peru.He rode solo through South and CentralAmerica to the United States, and on toCanada, from where he was deportedback to Australia, a story for anothertime.Paul has told me, during our 50 yearstogether, of his many adventures,”Betty said.

Above: Paul Sageischek, right, with Geelong Harley Club member. Below:Betty and Paul Sageischek

Page 2: cBridge Connection 1503...to the Queen of Heathcote. Above right: Shirley Hob-ley is ready for High Street, Heathcote. Annual cricket challenge at Redesdale Bridge Connection March

Page 2. Bridge Connection March 2015

IndexPage 3.

Redesdale Post Office upgrade to full electronics,Greylight Olde Time Dance.

Page 4.School page.

Page 5.Scooters, friendships, and freedom. (Louise Joy).Annual Cricket challenge at Redesdale.Twilight markets.

Page 6.Heathcote Lions to host Harold Baigent art show.Heathcote U3A.Heathcote Market.

Page 7.April chance to burn off.

Page 8. Redesdale Hall Bush Market photographs.Redesdale Hall activities.

Page 9. Redesdale Hall Bush Market photographs.Page 10. Redesdale Hall Bush Market photographs.

Market sponsor was a top supporter.Quilt project will create a historic keepsake.Concern about European Wasp activity.

Page 11. Farmers’ markets.Page 12.

Cannakkale, Gallipoli, a place, lest we forget.Rock heritage listing.

Page 13.Diary dates. Rainfall.Desexing vouchers available.

Page 14. Sharing birthdays can be fun.

Page 15. Please take care in school zones.

Page 16. The April salary packaging. (Cara Hall).

Big turnout to Redesdale’sannual market day

Redesdale Store 24/75425 3154 if store is closed.


Organisers said up to 1500 people attended the annualRedesdale Bush Market on the Sunday of Labour Day week-end.Patrons enjoyed the sunny conditions during the enjoyableand successful day run by the Redesdale Hall Committee.The market was sponsored by ‘Mark Weragoda Signs’, the‘Rural Cafe’, ‘Redesdale Roofing and Plumbing’ and‘Hardwicks Meats’.Bendigo and District Concert Band delighted the crowdswith a diverse range of music, while an animal farm, jump-ing castle, and face painting kept the young entertained.A special attraction this year was the display of historic vehi-cles from the Kyneton Vehicle Appreciation Society.The display was joined by some passing enthusiasts whodropped in for a chat.Food ranged from a barbecue lunch, pizza, salads, icecreamand coffee, through to a Devonshire tea, which was served inthe all foyer; all of which proved very popular.There was a wide range of stalls offering something foreveryone; many of the stallholders returning each year toenjoy the special atmosphere.The Redesdale Fire Brigade was present with raffles. Thisyear the brigade volunteers were proud to offer market-goersphotographs of their children taken on ‘Tanker 2’, the newestaddition to the Brigade.The hall committee would like to thank all who attended andcontributed to make this such a successful day.“The sponsors, Bendigo and District Concert Band, the var-ious children's entertainment, Kyneton Vehicle AppreciationSociety, stallholders, volunteers, and of course the publicwho came to enjoy the market on the day. “A special thank you must go to the various media outlets

who continue to help us with the promotionof the market each year, including the‘Bridge Connection’.“Committee members greatly appreciatethis support.” the committee said.

Redesdale Hall is available for hire.

Carolyn5425 3194

Page 3: cBridge Connection 1503...to the Queen of Heathcote. Above right: Shirley Hob-ley is ready for High Street, Heathcote. Annual cricket challenge at Redesdale Bridge Connection March

Bridge Connection March 2015 Page 3

Greylight Olde Time DanceThe fourth annual ‘Greylight Olde Time Dance’ will be heldfrom 1.30pm to 4pm on Tuesday 12 May at the Kyneton TownHall. More than 100 older residents are expected to enjoydancing or just listening to the music. Even if you don’tdance, this is a wonderful social occasion; a chance to catchup with old friends and make new ones. The ‘Greylight’Dance is a police-initiated event, held in partnership withMacedon Ranges Council. Light refreshments will be provid-ed and you are encouraged to book early as numbers are lim-ited. Transport will be available, but must be booked.Bookings close at 4pm on Monday 4 May. Contact StephanieHarper on 5422 0258 or email [email protected]

Redesdale Post Office isfully eletronic.Proprietors, Jenny andDino said customerswould now be able to domore at their local PostOffice.Business can be processedinstantly, including CityLink passes, phone re-charging, electronic parcellabelling, banking withmost major institutions,postage tracking, sendingmoney orders, and faxing.They said this meant nomore time wasting in trav-elling to the major PostOffices and having to waitin line.“We look forward to see-ing you and being able toserve you better,” theysaid.

Redesdale Post Office upgrade to fully electronic

Connected to the world for all matters, Jennyis ready to help.

Page 4: cBridge Connection 1503...to the Queen of Heathcote. Above right: Shirley Hob-ley is ready for High Street, Heathcote. Annual cricket challenge at Redesdale Bridge Connection March

Page 4. Bridge Connection March 2015

Page 5: cBridge Connection 1503...to the Queen of Heathcote. Above right: Shirley Hob-ley is ready for High Street, Heathcote. Annual cricket challenge at Redesdale Bridge Connection March

Scooters, friendships, and freedomMy 88 year old friendShirley is the Queen ofHeathcote, waving gra-ciously from her electricscooter in High Street,Heathcote.We have been told HighStreet is the longest mainstreet, not only in Victoriaor Australia, but theSouthern Hemisphere.Probably in the world.Shirley is supreme as shenegotiates pedestrians, tab-les, and other scooters. The bikies from Echucaand Melbourne huddle inthe shadows of the scoot-ers; more to the square inchthan anywhere in Victoriaor the Southern Hemis-phere so the story goes.My 88 year old friend Joyce

in Melbourne told me herchildren stopped her driv-ing after a minor bingle inher car. She was so shocked shecould not say anything andfelt she was sitting at homewaiting to die. One friend takes her toProbus, and another takesher shopping, but she can-not do those spontaneousoutings.I told Joyce about Shirleyand the friendships she hasmade from her scooter. Before we had finishedtalking of the scooter’ssupremacy, Joyce was al-most out the door to buyone. Now Joyce will be the newQueen of Oakleigh thanksto the Queen of Heathcote.

Above right: Shirley Hob-ley is ready for HighStreet, Heathcote.

Annual cricketchallenge atRedesdale

Bridge Connection March 2015 Page 5

Church servicesCatholic Church.St Laurence, Redesdale.Service at 11am on secondSunday each month.Uniting Church.First Sunday.Barfold.Second Sunday.Metcalfe.Third Sunday.Mia Mia.Fourth Sunday.Sutton Grange.

All services at 11am.On the fifth Sunday theUniting Churches com-bine with Kyneton for a10am service at Kyneton.

The annual Redesdale versusAxe Creek cricket challengematch will be held at theAgnes Mumford Reserve,Redesdale on Saturday 18April.Play starts at 11am.A barbecue lunch and drinkswill be on sale at the ground.Further information is avail-able from Rod Gibson on0418 130 206.

Kyneton will hold a twilightmarket from 1pm to 7pm onSaturday 4 April.Woodend’s Twilihght marketwill be from 1pm to 7pm onSaturday 11 April.

By Louise Joy

Twilight markets

Page 6: cBridge Connection 1503...to the Queen of Heathcote. Above right: Shirley Hob-ley is ready for High Street, Heathcote. Annual cricket challenge at Redesdale Bridge Connection March

Page 6 Bridge Connection March 2015

Heathcote Lions to host Harold Baigent Memorial Art ExhibitionHeathcote Lions Club willhost the official opening ofthe 2015 Harold BaigentMemorial Art Exhibition at7pm on Friday 1 May.This annual event will beheld in the HeathcoteSenior Citizens’, and GuideHalls, in the historic HighStreet precinct.The late Harold Baigentfounded the Heathcote Art

Show in 1988.Harold, known as ‘Baige’,was noted in theatrical cir-cles as an actor, producer,and director.He was also renowned forhis art work and lived hislife entertaining, teaching,and contributing to the artsand culture of his commu-nity. He lived the last 20 years of

his life in Heathcote.Highlights of the art showwill be the $500 Lions Clubof Heathcote Best in ShowAward, the $350 GreatIdeas awards and giftsAcquisition Award, the$250 Judges’ Highly Com-mended/LCH Inc. Award,and a People’s ChoiceAward. Primary Schoolswill also be representedwith the judges awardingthe Excellence Award to anoutstanding junior artist. For those wishing to exhib-it at this signature Heath-cote event, further informa-tion is available from Lor-raine Speirs 5433 2237, orChris Cail 5439 7654.Please join the Lions Clubmembers and exhibitingartists for wine and cheeseat the opening on Friday 1

May. Admission is $10.Or drop in during the week-end to view the work oflocal and regional artists.Showing times are:- 10amto 4pm on Saturday 2 Mayand Sunday 3 May. Entry isby gold coin donation.


Book Group; BeginnersConversation French; Beginners Recorder; ChairBased Exercises; CurrentAffairs Discussion Group;Garden Club; History Group; Lunch Club;Music Appreciation;Science and Technology;Theatre Group; Walk andTalk.Monthly coffee morningsare held at a local café or atthe Guide Hall if we have aGuest SpeakerThe U3A newsletter is avail-able at the council offices, orthe Library.

Heathcote U3APresident Sally Heley. Secretary Barbara Clement.5433 5363 5433 3278.

P.O.Box 758, Heathcote, [email protected]

Bridge Connection Inc.Management Committee.

President; Mary Bennett 03 5425 5551Secretary; Regina Bennett 03 5425 5402

[email protected]; Terry McKenzie 03 5425 3262

[email protected]

Advertising:- Callum Jones 5425 [email protected]

Editorial:[email protected] copy to Box 13, Redesdale, 3444. Founders Berni and Brett Campbell.

Distribution1000 printed copies ofBridge Connection arecirculated in the Mia

Mia RedesdaleRegion, taking inBarfold, Baynton,

Derrinal, Elphinstone,Glenhope, Heathcote,

Kyneton, Langley,Metcalfe, Sidonia,

Sutton Grange.

Monthly activities

2/55 Carrier St, Benalla VIC 3672Email: [email protected]

03 5762 2100

For assistance withstate government mattersplease contact my office



Heathcote Region FarmersMarket will be held from9am to 1pm on Saturday 18April.A wide variety of locallygrown fresh seasonal foodswill be on sale.Further information is avail-able from Sherrie Coote on0417 598 460 or email:[email protected] Venue: Barrack ReservePark High Street, Heathcote.

Page 7: cBridge Connection 1503...to the Queen of Heathcote. Above right: Shirley Hob-ley is ready for High Street, Heathcote. Annual cricket challenge at Redesdale Bridge Connection March

Bridge Connection March 2015 Page 7

CONNOLLY GLASS0428 535 101


Email. [email protected]






Macedon Ranges Managerof Community Safety, Anne-Louise Lindner, said peoplewith 4000 square metre (oneacre) blocks could burn offduring April without a per-mit. The official fire dangerperiod ends on Monday 30March. This provides achance for residents to cleanup after recent storms.Ms Lindner said people mayrequire a permit to burn offon larger blocks.“A permit is required forburns of more than 10 cubicmetres on land up to 10 acresand more than 100 cubicmetres on land over 10 acres.“Landowners should checkthe local law for the full listof restrictions.”

She said residents on lessthan one acre may have dry,fine fuels, such as leaves andtwigs because of the storms.“This is also a good time toburn off any woody weedssuch as gorse and blackberry.“These weeds need to be dis-posed of on site, and burningis the easiest way to do this,”said Ms Lindner. “You must be burning offdry fuels for fire preventionpurposes only. “Please consider neighboursby ensuring your burn off isnot causing a nuisance. “Most importantly, burn-offsmust be monitored for atleast seven days to ensurethey are fully extinguished,”Ms Lindner said.

April chance to burn off

Page 8: cBridge Connection 1503...to the Queen of Heathcote. Above right: Shirley Hob-ley is ready for High Street, Heathcote. Annual cricket challenge at Redesdale Bridge Connection March

Page 8 Bridge Connection March 2015

Top: Firebrigade volun-teers, Lindsay Booker, left,and Brian Paterson, spentthe day selling raffle tick-ets. Centre left: PaulineJudd, left, and GayShannon, worked on thecake stall. Right: DinahFinn from Tooborac Hoteland Brewery found plentyof customers for the localale.Page 9:- Top left: Pam Bra-jevic, from Barfold Olives,offered a top class localproduct at the market. Top right: Mia Mia cactusfarmer, Bryan Pickup, from

the Cuvier Street CactusFarm, presented a largevariety of succulents forsale, plus free advice aboutdry weather gardening.Bottom left: Clare Wardell,and Ian Wardell, came tothe market with an impres-

sive display of metal crafts.They are on 0418 511 694.Bottom right: Trish Max-well, and Geoff Maxwellfrom the Mildura Regionwere in Redesdale visitingfriends.

More pictures on page 10.

Redesdale Hall market a draw card

Sunday 12 April. 1pm. Redesdale Hall Aft-ernoon TeaDance.Tuesday 14 April. 3pm.Redesdale Hall Com-mitteeAGM. Tuesday 14 April. 7pm.Redesdale Recreation Res-erve Committee monthlyMeeting.Saturday 30 May; Saturday13 June; Saturday 20 June;Saturday 27 June, andSaturday 11 July. RedesdaleRevellers productions.

RedesdaleHall activities

The annual Redesdale HallBush Market drew a steadystream of visitors to thetown for the Labour DayWeekend Sunday.Plenty of stalls provided awide range of items for sale.Patrons saw, and manybought, old pieces of farm-ing equipment and machin-ery from yesteryear; popularthese days for garden art andwall hangings.For the contemporary mind-ed some cleverly made artpieces tempted the buyers.Local grown and made, highquality produce was promi-nent and popular.

Page 9: cBridge Connection 1503...to the Queen of Heathcote. Above right: Shirley Hob-ley is ready for High Street, Heathcote. Annual cricket challenge at Redesdale Bridge Connection March

Bridge Connection March 2015 Page 9

District produce featured at Redesdale Hall Market

Page 10: cBridge Connection 1503...to the Queen of Heathcote. Above right: Shirley Hob-ley is ready for High Street, Heathcote. Annual cricket challenge at Redesdale Bridge Connection March

Page 10 Bridge Connection March 2015

Quilt project will create a historic keepsake

Macedon Council Managerof Community Safety, Anne-Louise Lindner, said con-cerns were being expressedabout the incidence of Euro-pean Wasps.Ms Lindner said residentsshould not disturb waspnests or try to destroy them,but should call a pest con-troller, or ring the council on5422 0333.“Generally, wasps will onlysting if they are provoked ordefending their nest. “They are attracted to mov-ing objects, so to help pre-vent stings, do not swat orannoy wasps. “To minimise the risk ofstings, pour cans of drinkinto a glass, or if you mustdrink from a can, use astraw. “Check before eating food. “They are also attracted tocompost heaps, bins, uncov-ered pet food, and swim-ming pools,” she said.

Redesdale and Mia Mia resi-dents have been discussingthe creation of a commemo-rative wall hanging (or quilt)to celebrate the 150 yearanniversary of the RedesdaleBridge. A meeting on Thursday 26March is expected to movethe project forward.It is envisaged the work will

hang at the Redesdale Hall,Mia Mia Hall, and theSchool, on a rotational basis. Many similar quilts havebeen borrowed by districtTown Halls, and variousexhibitions. Communities,both here and abroad, haveunited groups and used resi-dents’ skills to create perma-nent reminders and celebra-

tions of special events,through quilting. In January2018 the bridge betweenRedesdale and Mia Mia willbe 150 years old, and alreadyplans are being made to cele-brate the milestone.The photographs, at left, areof a quilt made at a school inEngland for its 400 yearanniversary. It is worth viewing them onthe website (redesdale.netand go to Bridge Connec-tion) to see the beautifulcolours. This quilt was ajoint effort between theschool and its community.Suggestions are to create aRedesdale panel, Mia Miapanel, and a Redesdale Prim-ary School panel.Planning the project willinvolve setting up a projectteam, involving artists in de-sign, deciding on timeframes, and working groups.Further information is avail-able from the Redesdale andDistrict Association on 54253272 or 0407 116 899.

Redesdale Roofing and Plumbing supported the market with astand. From left: Debbie Knight, Brett Furness, Michelle Furness,

and Peter Monkhouse. Try them on 0456 721 075

Ron Kruse of Fosterville had a strong stand selling cards andartworks made by he and wife, Fiona.

Contact Ron and Fiona for personalised cards on 0412 025 483

Market Sponsor was a top supporter

Concern aboutEuropean Wasp


Page 11: cBridge Connection 1503...to the Queen of Heathcote. Above right: Shirley Hob-ley is ready for High Street, Heathcote. Annual cricket challenge at Redesdale Bridge Connection March

Bridge Connection March 2015 Page 11

Woodend Community Farmers' Market. Saturday 4 April.Corner High and Forest Streets, Woodend. Sharon Kittson 0487 444 090.Kyneton Farmers' Market. Saturday 11 April. St Pauls Park, Piper Street, Kyneton. Veronica Manifold 5422 1025.Riddells Creek Farmers' Market. Saturday 18 April. Riddells Creek Primary School, Riddells Creek.Amanda Johnson 0419 523 324.Lancefield and District Farmers' Market. Saturday 25 April.Centre Plantation, High Street, Lancefield.Meggs Hannes 0407 860 320. The market will start later at 9.30am,due Anzac Day. One minute of silence will be observed.

Farmers’ markets

Come in and try our coffee atRedesdale Rural Cafe

Phone: (03) 5425 3271Open: 8am to 6pm

Page 12: cBridge Connection 1503...to the Queen of Heathcote. Above right: Shirley Hob-ley is ready for High Street, Heathcote. Annual cricket challenge at Redesdale Bridge Connection March

Cannakkale Gallipoli, a place, lest we forget

Page 12 Bridge Connection March 2015

Sutton Grange will remember itswar hero’s with four wonderfuleventsAnzac Day, Saturday 25 April,marks 100 years since the Gallipolilandings and is our nation’s annualcommemorative day for acknowl-

edging and remembering thosewho served, not only in World WarOne, but in conflicts and opera-tions throughout the last century.The Sutton Grange Communitywill commemorate this anniver-sary with four very special events

over a month period.The community has invited people from thebroader district to be part of the celebration.Do you know who the men and woman on theSutton Grange memorial are? Where did theylive? Where did they serve? What backgroundsdid they come from?This history was shared during a moving serviceat the memorial on Sunday 22 March.On Saturday 18 April at 8pm the Sutton GrangeHall will be alive with a performance fromacclaimed storyteller Jan ‘Yarn’ Wositzky,founder and member of the Bushwakers Band.Cannakkale Gallipoli. Lest We Forget tells thetale from both sides and includes Turkish andAustralian poetry, song and story, side by side.Comments from the recent performance at theNewstead Live Festival were ‘fantastic …brought a tear to my eye … very moving ...thank you … brilliant … excellent, great use ofhats … thank you .. brilliant … a stunning pro-duction.’Tickets are $20, including supper. Seats can bereserved by calling Natalie on 0419 799 987.For the fourth year, a Sutton Grange Anzac Dayceremony will be held at the memorial at 11am.This moving ceremony has been increasing inattendance numbers each year and the commu-nity will again welcome the RSL and a guestspeaker.

Morning tea will be shared atthe community hall after-wards.A Remembrance Day ceremo-ny will also be held at theSutton Grange Memorial at10.30am on Wednesday 11November.

The Albion offers a fine selection of localwines and famous beers on tap. Local

produce from the Macedon region is carefullyprepared for classic Italian dishes. Childrencatered for with a special menu just for their

discerning palates.

Ideal for functions orparties. The Albion offers

dining in the mainrestaurant or outdoors in the


41 Mollison St. Kyneton www.thealbionkyneton.com.au 5422 2066

Hanging Rock Reserve will belisted on the Victorian Heri-tage Register.This provides special protec-tion to Hanging Rock Reserve,but not the East Paddockwhich adjoins the Reserve. Macedon Mayor Jenifer And-erson said the decision recog-nised Hanging Rock’s impor-tant place in Victorian culture.

Rock heritage

Page 13: cBridge Connection 1503...to the Queen of Heathcote. Above right: Shirley Hob-ley is ready for High Street, Heathcote. Annual cricket challenge at Redesdale Bridge Connection March

Bridge Connection March 2015 Page 13

Desexing vouchers available

Friday 3 April. Good Friday.Sunday 5 April.Daylight Saving ends.Monday 6 April. Easter Monday.Sunday 12 April.Gisborne Aquathon. Details 5422 0333.Saturday 18 April.Australian DrillDance championships.

Bendigo Sports Centre.Saturday 18 April.11am. Redesdale v Axedale cricket chal-lenge match at Agnes Mumford Reserve,Redesdale.Sunday 19 April.Australian DrillDance championships.

Bendigo Sports Centre.Wednesday 27 to Saturday 30 May.State CWA conference, Bendigo.Sunday 25 JulyNational Tree Week.Wednesday 19 to Sunday 23 August.Inaugural Bendigo International SquashChampionships.September 2015 (12 days)National Gymnastics festival - Bendigo.OctoberState calisthenics championships - BendigoTuesday 6 October.Elmore Field Day.Wednesday 7 October.Elmore Field Day.Thursday 8 October.Elmore Field Day.Saturday 10 October.Victorian Netball State Titles - Bendigo.Sunday 11 October.Victorian Netball State Ttitles. Bendigo.Thursday 29 Octoberto Saturday 31 October.Redesdale Rocks Festival.Friday 30 October.Redesdale Art Show.Thursday 26 November.American Thanksgiving Day.2016Saturday 23 January.Redesdale Bridge 148th birthday celebration.September 2016 (12 days)National Gymnastics festival - Bendigo.Tuesday 4 October.Elmore Field Day.


2013 538.00

2014Jan 8.00 08.00Feb 1.00 09.00Mar 51.5 60.50April 72.5 133.00May 77.50 210.50June 59.5 270.00July 61 331.00 August 7.5 338.50Sept 52.5 391.00Oct 23.00 414.00Nov 38.5 452.50Dec 5.5 458.002015Jan 55.5 55.5Feb 30.5 86.00

Redesdale2013 514.90

2014Jan 10.50 10.50 Feb 1.00 11.50 Mar 57.00 68.50 April 85.00 153.50May 46.50 200.00 June 72.00 272.00July 71.5 343.50 August 3.5 347.00Sept 67.00 414.00Oct 22.00 434.00Nov 42.5 476.5Dec 18.5 495.002015Jan 76.50 76.5Feb28.00 104.00

Mia Mia

[email protected]@gmail.combridgeconnection.treasurer@[email protected]

Bridge Connection email addressesDo not leave

children in carsunattended.Even for one


For Advertising inBridge

ConnectionPlease callCallum on5425 5574

Tuesday 4 October.Elmore Field Day.Wednesday 5 October.Elmore Field Day.Thursday 6 October.Elmore Field Day.Thursday 24 November.American Thanksgiving Day.2018Thursday 23 January.Redesdale Bridge 150th birthday celebration.

Please support Cystic Fibrosis researchwww.cysticfibrosis.org.au

Cystic Fibrosis Victoria 03 9686 1811

Discount dog and cat desexing vouchers areavailable from the City of Greater Bendigo. Up to 150 vouchers for dog and cat desexingwill save pet owners $40 on a pet desexing oper-ation.They are issued on a first come first served basisfrom the city’s Lyttleton Terrace and Heathcoteoffices. The voucher must be used by Wednesday 17June 2015 and can be redeemed from BendigoAnimal Hospital; White Hills Animal Hospital;Passionate Vetcare on Eaglehawk Road; McIvorRoad Veterinary Centre; Myvet Strathfieldsaye;and Kangaroo Flat Veterinary Clinic.The clinics will also contribute a further 10 percent off the fee.City Manager Parking and Animal ServicesNeville Zimmer said pet owners must renewtheir animal’s registration with the city before itexpires on Saturday 11 April 2015.“Pet owners will receive 66 per cent discount onthe full cost of registering dogs and cats if theyare desexed,” he said.

Diary Dates

Page 14: cBridge Connection 1503...to the Queen of Heathcote. Above right: Shirley Hob-ley is ready for High Street, Heathcote. Annual cricket challenge at Redesdale Bridge Connection March

Page 14 Bridge Connection March 2015

At a recent local gathering,five pairs of people sharedthe same birthdays, but notthe same year of birth.Jock Macrae and Jo Smith-Sargent share a Decemberbirthday. Behind them,Kevin Foley and RobynAbramowski share a Sep-tember date. Centre, are LisaCampbell and Evelyn Mac-

tier, who share the sameApril birthday, while CraigMahoney and Chris Gilliesshare the same date inFebruary. Gloria Pocock andMike Abramowski have thesame birthday in September.Two other pairs of peoplewere sharing the same birth-day at the same party, butdidn’t make the photograph.

Sharing birthdays can be fun


Fire hazards



[email protected]

The Redesdale Recreation Reserve CommitteeBore water availability at the

Agnes Mudford Reserve, Redesdale,as from Wednesday 1 July 2015.

The public bore will be locked and available toresidents between 9am and noon on Sundays.

As advised by Goulburn-Murray Water the droughtrelief bores were drilled for drought relief and

emergency D & S supplies.Once the drought finished the public could stillaccess the bore for emergency D&S supplies.

It appears a lot of people access the bore for theirongoing D&S needs and are not making any long

term plans for water supply.Further details to be published in future editions of

the Bridge Connection

Public Notice

Cricket MatchRedesdale vs Axe Creek

Saturday 18 April from 11amAt the Agnes Mumford Reserve

RedesdalePlease come and support your

local teamBBQ lunch and drinks

for saleBYO seating and umbrellas

Enquiries: Rod Gibson0418 130 206

Page 15: cBridge Connection 1503...to the Queen of Heathcote. Above right: Shirley Hob-ley is ready for High Street, Heathcote. Annual cricket challenge at Redesdale Bridge Connection March

Bridge Connection March 2015 Page 15

Macedon Council and policeasked motorists to be morecareful in school zones.Council is working with pol-ice because of an increase incomplaints regarding driversnot obeying the 40 kmhspeed zone, incidents ofmotorists either failing tostop or taking off early atchildren’s crossings, drop-ping off and picking up chil-dren, and double parking. Officer in Charge of theHighway Patrol, SergeantGeoff Neil, said drivers wererequired to stop at children’scrossings when a stop sign

was displayed or a pedestrianstepped onto the crossing.“Drivers need to expect theunexpected, particularlyfrom younger children whodo not possess the same levelof safety awareness as olderstudents,” he said. Council manages 19 schoolcrossings across the shire,and employs 34 school cross-ing supervisors. Council Director of Assetsand Operations Dale Thorn-ton asked motorists to appre-ciate the hard work of cross-ing supervisors and respecttheir commitment.

Please take care in school zones


[email protected]

0418 519 747Fine Art Consultant for Valuations

InsuranceDeceased Estates

With 35 years experience

Saturday 18 April. 7.30pm in theSutton Grange Hall. $20 pp.

Tickets reserved by contactingNatalia on 0419 799 [email protected] includes supper

“.... a sustained achievementof texture and depth”

(ABC Radio)

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The April salary packagingIn last year’s Budget, the Governmentintroduced a two per cent ‘debt tax’ onhigh income earners - the temporarybudget repair levy.Unlike many other announced Budgetchanges, the debt tax bill passedParliament in re-cord time - 12 sit-ting days with noamendments.While the debt taxitself only directlyaffects those withtaxable income above $180,000, thereare a number of other tax changesincluded in with the debt tax that affecteveryone else. To prevent high incomeearners planning around the debt tax,the Government increased the FringeBenefits Tax (FBT) rate from 47 percent to 49 per cent from Wednesday 1

April 2015 - bringing it in line with thetop marginal tax rate. Like the debt tax, the FBT rate change istemporary, with the tax scheduled toreduce back to 47 per cent on Saturday

1 April 2017.The gross up ratefor reportablefringe benefits alsoincreases fromWednesday 1 April2015 by 2.1463 per

cent for type one, and 1.9608 per centfor type two; type two is used foremployee payment summaries.What does this all mean?In general, the FBT rate change willmake providing employee benefits moreexpensive and potentially less attractiveover the next fewyears.For those with sal-ary packaging arrangements in place, itis important to review the details ofthose arrangements and ensure they stillachieve the intended goals.For employers: Review all salary pack-aging arrangements and any expenseswhere you have a large FBT exposure.You may even seek to pass on the FBTrate increase to cover the additional taxpayable based on current FBT packag-ing arrangements.For employees: It is essential to under-stand how these rate changes impact on

you. Changes to income and fringebenefits tax over the years have madesalary packaging less effective in gener-al, and in some scenarios, you might beworse off. Employers may also seek to pass on theFBT rate increase which will increasethe amount you are sacrificing andreduce the effectiveness of the packag-ing. If you receive family tax benefitsor other assistance payments from theGovernment, it is essential to reviewsalary packaging arrangements as thechanges may have a direct impact onany benefits you receive.This is because fringe benefits reportedon your payment summary are takeninto account for a number of familybenefit income tests.The FBT gross up rate used to calculate

these reportablefringe benefits hasincreased and as a

result, the reportable fringe benefits onyour payment summary will alsoincrease.Not-for-profit entities: The FBT ratechange will generally not affect not-for-profit entities and other tax exempt enti-ties because the annual maximum valueof the capped FBT exemption has alsogone up - so employees of these entitiesshould be no worse off than before theFBT rate change.

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By Cara Hall CA Dip. FP

Why a tax onhigh income earners

will disadvantage many withsalary packaging agreements.

Where does this leave you?
