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CCA Newsletter Volume 1, Issue 2 - CCGTCC.COM Newsletter_Issue_2.pdf · David Takach Christopher...

Date post: 30-Aug-2020
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NEWSLETTER Welcome Again, Fellow Club Members!! Our first issue of the CCA Newsletter was a big hit and Jim and I are very grateful for the positive responses we have received. We are very appreciative of all the suggestions that were brought to our attention and we are striving to make every issue better and better. Please keep your MAY 1 ,2019 comments coming. Contact me at [email protected] with all your thoughts and ideas. We are listening. Concerning the Club endeavor to relocate our Corporate Headquarters, we are half way thru the process. The CCA is now a Nevada Corporation and our attorney is in the process of transferring the New York Corporation to Nevada. The process is called domestication of a corporation from one state to another. Our IRS status will be unchanged merely requiring a change of address. Doing this will afford us greater ease in acquiring grants and perhaps reapplying for a state tax exempt license among other benefits. The convention plans are in full swing by Steve Palumbo our Convention Chair. He is way ahead in his planning and has some great ideas for this year?s show. There are many new and exciting events being planned. We now have a Dropbox Account to be managed by Jim PRES IDENT 'S CORNER of the Casino Collectibles Association Volume 1, Issue 2 Whobrey to be 'THE' repository for any and all photographs concerning our Club's functions and events. This is something that has been needed for a long time and the BoD welcomes Jim?s participation. Jim can be contacted at: [email protected] for information concerning photo submittals. To edit your e-mail address and unsubscribe to this newsletter please contact me at [email protected] Jerry Vergatos LM-8093-241 www.ccgtcc.com Visit us on-line at: 1 1
Page 1: CCA Newsletter Volume 1, Issue 2 - CCGTCC.COM Newsletter_Issue_2.pdf · David Takach Christopher Webb and Walter Dirzulitis Sam Wagmeister, Diane Lopez , Mark Russell and William


Welcom e Again, Fellow Club Mem bers!!

Our f ir st issue of t he CCA Newslet t er was a big hit and Jim and I are very grat eful for t he posit ive responses we have received.

We are very appreciat ive of al l t he suggest ions t hat were brought t o our at t ent ion and we are st r iving t o m ake every issue bet t er and bet t er .

Please keep your

MAY 1, 2019

com m ent s com ing.

Cont act m e at vergat os@m sn.com w it h all your t hought s and ideas. We are l ist ening.

Concerning t he Club endeavor t o relocat e our Corporat e Headquar t ers, we are half way t hru t he process. The CCA is now a Nevada Corporat ion and our at t orney is in t he process of t ransfer r ing t he New York Corporat ion t o Nevada. The process is called dom est icat ion of a corporat ion f rom one st at e t o anot her . Our IRS st at us w il l be

unchanged m erely requir ing a change of address. Doing t h is w il l af ford us great er ease in acquir ing grant s and perhaps reapplying for a st at e t ax exem pt l icense am ong ot her benef it s.

The convent ion plans are in fu l l sw ing by St eve Palum bo our Convent ion Chair . He is way ahead in his planning and has som e great ideas for t h is year ?s show. There are m any new and excit ing event s being planned.

We now have a Dropbox Account t o be m anaged by Jim


of t he Casino Collect ibles Associat ion

Volum e 1, Issue 2

Whobrey t o be 'THE' reposit ory for any and all phot ographs concerning our Club's funct ions and event s. This is som et hing t hat has been needed for a long t im e and t he BoD welcom es Jim?s par t icipat ion. Jim can be cont act ed at : j im who55@hot m ail.com for inform at ion concerning phot o subm it t als.

To edit your e-m ail address and unsubscr ibe t o t h is newslet t er please cont act m e at vergat os@m sn.com

Jer ry Vergat os LM-8093-241

www.ccgt cc.comVisit us on-l ine at :



Page 2: CCA Newsletter Volume 1, Issue 2 - CCGTCC.COM Newsletter_Issue_2.pdf · David Takach Christopher Webb and Walter Dirzulitis Sam Wagmeister, Diane Lopez , Mark Russell and William


Summer Issue: May 10,2019 Robb McPherson Fall Issue: July 31, 2019 Steve Miller Winter Issue: November 15, 2019 Robb McPherson Spring Issue: January 31, 2020 Steve Miller

Robb McPherson [email protected] Steve Miller [email protected]

The CCA Newsletter is a monthly publication of the Casino Collectibles Association.

Jerry Vergatos - Content EditorJim Follis - Copy and Layout Editor


Well, The MoGH Board is pleased to announce that plans have been developed to temporarily relocate The MoGH's 'Cheater Devices' Exhibit, currently at the Nevada State Museum, Springs Preserve, to the CCA Convention and Show bourse floor, for our 3-day event in June at the South Point!

President :Jerry Vergatos

Complaints/SuggestionBy-Laws Changes

1981 Rockledge Dr.Las Vegas, NV [email protected]

Vice-President :Jim Follis

Claims Processing

5466 Jacobs Field StLas Vegas, NV [email protected]

Treasurer :Steve Asrilant

Financial Reports

23343 Vanowen StWest Hills, CA [email protected]

Secret ary:David Spragg

Committee ReportsGeneral Club Information 38 Oak Tree RoadMarlow, Bucks SL7 3EE, [email protected]

Mem bership Of f icer :Roy Nelson

Club DirectoryAddress Changes

4338 Grey Spencer DrLas Vegas, NV [email protected]

Legal Counsel:Vacant



Page 3: CCA Newsletter Volume 1, Issue 2 - CCGTCC.COM Newsletter_Issue_2.pdf · David Takach Christopher Webb and Walter Dirzulitis Sam Wagmeister, Diane Lopez , Mark Russell and William

Har ley Davidson Poker Chip Ar t icle

Article was reviewed and no objection was made to it being submitted to the magazine for publication. Proposal for Mark Amirault to be given a free membership in the CCA. Action - Not approved / Unanimous

Dropbox Account

The CCA Board has authorized the purchase of a Dropbox Account for the accumulation and storage of photographs of CCA events. Jim Whobrey, CCA Photography Committee Chairman will manage the account.

Action - Approved / Unanimous Life Mem bership.

A proposal was made to allow CCA Members of 18 years of age, to become Life Members. Action - Rejected / Unanimous (Note: requires a Constitutional Amendment)

Digit al Market ing Service Proposal brought to President Vergatos, concerning social media management.

Action- Proposal tabled by President Vergatos pending further information to be presented to the CCA Board for future consideration. Action - Tabled

Book of Club Hist ory Proposal for Publishing company to author a book of History of the CCA. Information is being sent for consideration. Action- Tabled until further discussion and information.

Convent ion 2021/2022 New South Point contract for 2021/2022 was submitted to the CCA Board by President Vergatos for consideration and discussion. Possible new sites will also be considered.

Action - Tabled Nevada Corporat ion.

The BOD was notified by our attorney that the CCA Corporation was officially made a Nevada Corporation.

Paperwork has been submitted to transfer our legal entity to Nevada (domestication of a corporation). Once complete, we will reap many benefits. Our IRS status as a 501 (c) (3) will go unchanged and only require a change of address. Action - Tabled

CCA Board Act ions t hrough Apr i l, 2019



Page 4: CCA Newsletter Volume 1, Issue 2 - CCGTCC.COM Newsletter_Issue_2.pdf · David Takach Christopher Webb and Walter Dirzulitis Sam Wagmeister, Diane Lopez , Mark Russell and William

We are now accepting votes for who is most deserving of the Greg Susong award for 2018. Please visit the Club?s website

main page for the off icial ballot or use this direct address: http:/ /www.ccgtcc.com/2018SusongBallot.pdf

The follow ing Club members have been Nominated for this year's ballot: John KallmanDoug Saito,Jay SandsThe Greg Susong Memorial

Award is given to the person that you feel has made the greatest contributions to the CCA and the

casino collectibles hobby throughout the 2018 calendar year. Let's continue to honor Greg's legacy and vote for the person you think has contributed the most to our great hobby during 2018!Votes are due by May 15th!


Volunt eers NeededThe Convention needs you! We still have some spots open for set up, tear down and general help on the Show Floor.All volunteers will receive a free pass to the Mob Museum or the Neon Museum as well as admittance to the Volunteer Reception on Saturday June 22.Volunteering is a great way to meet new people and help our great Club. Short shifts available.Contact Scot Parriott at: [email protected] for more details 4

Page 5: CCA Newsletter Volume 1, Issue 2 - CCGTCC.COM Newsletter_Issue_2.pdf · David Takach Christopher Webb and Walter Dirzulitis Sam Wagmeister, Diane Lopez , Mark Russell and William

Have you heard?Elv is is going to be in the bui lding. He w i l l be there to help cut the Grand Opening ribbon as w el l as doing some meet and greet w i th our Convention attendees on the Show Floor. There are sti l l Tables avai lable for the Show ! Please contact Steve Palumbo, Convention Chairman, at st loathome@aol .com for rates and location avai labi l i t ies. The Show is a great w ay to sel l some of your surplus col lectib les, as w el l as display your col lection. You can partner up w i th a f riend and get a table together.

See you at the Show !!!!

Convention and Show Update...


Page 6: CCA Newsletter Volume 1, Issue 2 - CCGTCC.COM Newsletter_Issue_2.pdf · David Takach Christopher Webb and Walter Dirzulitis Sam Wagmeister, Diane Lopez , Mark Russell and William


How would you like to have a part of your collection on display at a World-Class Museum? Here is a great opportunity for items from your collection to be seen by 10s of thousands of visitors every year. If you would like to loan some item(s) that fit the request below please contact: Mike Quinlivan, MoGH Chairman at:

MQPROD54@gm ail.comDo you have any Howard R. Hughes casino(s) or hotel(s) items with both the Hughes name and property name on them? The Hughes name being prominently displayed is preferred. Here are the casino/hotels of interest.DESERT INNTHE LAST FRONTIERTHE SANDSTHE CASTAWAYSTHE LANDMARKHAROLD'S CLUB (RENO)Examples: coffee mugs, ashtrays, change buckets, chips, menus, promotional literature, letterhead, etc.

Howard Hughes it em s are needed by The Mob Museum ...

Above images are courtesy of The MoGH's ChipGuide 6

Page 7: CCA Newsletter Volume 1, Issue 2 - CCGTCC.COM Newsletter_Issue_2.pdf · David Takach Christopher Webb and Walter Dirzulitis Sam Wagmeister, Diane Lopez , Mark Russell and William

The Trail of t he MoGH...

Artwork by Kevin Norris

The MoGH is pleased to announce that a series of 6 chips (octagons) and 7 plaques, commemorating the ?Trail of the Museum of Gaming History? will be available for sale at the MoGH table at this year?s CCA convention. Each set commemorates the opening dates of each of the 6 current Exhibit locations. Stop by the MoGH Table during the Convention and show your support of the Museum of Gaming History by purchasing a full set of the chips and/or the plaques. These are limited in quantity and newer issues are planned.

Com m on Reverse

Com m on Reverse

Our sincere THANKS t o Kevin Nor r is for t h is wonder ful ar t work !

Pr icingPlaque Set s (7* ) - $75

Chip Set s (6) - $30

* Not Shown is a larger , 7t h plaque t hat t ies t he 'Trail of t he MoGH' t oget her . 7

Page 8: CCA Newsletter Volume 1, Issue 2 - CCGTCC.COM Newsletter_Issue_2.pdf · David Takach Christopher Webb and Walter Dirzulitis Sam Wagmeister, Diane Lopez , Mark Russell and William

CHIPGUIDE News f rom Char les Kaplan...The ChipGuide has moved into a direction to help collectors manage their collections and assist in making trades with other collectors.First, ChipGuide members were empowered to tag ChipGuide items that were also in their own collection, as MC - My Collection, WL - Want List, and TL - Trade List. The ChipGuide Query was then updated to allow collectors to view each other 's Lists, with permission, of course.More recently, we have established the ChipGuide Trade Maker function, which matches one collector 's WT/TL lists with another collector 's TL/WL list and generates an email to both to kick-off a possible trade.Tracking your Lists and Trade Maker is available to all memebers of the CCA, at no charge, as a part of everyone's automatic membership in the Museum of Gaming History!


WANTED Convent ion Exhibit ors...There is still t ime to become a Convention Exhibitor! Our present roster is at 6 and we can handle more! Exhibits are an integral part of the Club's Educational Mission and you are in a position to share your knowledge and experience with attendees to the Convention and Show. Moreover, we will be documenting (photography) all the Exhibits in the Club's permanent records. For more information just contact:Jim Follis at: [email protected]


Page 9: CCA Newsletter Volume 1, Issue 2 - CCGTCC.COM Newsletter_Issue_2.pdf · David Takach Christopher Webb and Walter Dirzulitis Sam Wagmeister, Diane Lopez , Mark Russell and William

Long-time CCA Member, Alex Cilento, (LM-1243-93) has graciously loaned the Bob Maheu plaque below to the Mob Museum to be used in an updated Maheu Exhibit. The plaque is expected to be placed in the Exhibit in the next few weeks. This will be a wonderful addition to the Maheu Exhibit and the MoGH and the CCA thank Alex for generously sharing this valuable piece of memorabilia with the rest of the world. Be sure to visit the Mob Museum the next time you are in town and see all of the other MoGH items on display from CCA Members.


The MoGH...Always m oving forward!


Page 10: CCA Newsletter Volume 1, Issue 2 - CCGTCC.COM Newsletter_Issue_2.pdf · David Takach Christopher Webb and Walter Dirzulitis Sam Wagmeister, Diane Lopez , Mark Russell and William

The Convention cost the Club $48,160 last year? ? The Magazine costs the Club $26,526.08, annually? .. Both of these numbers represent a large part of our overall Club expenses. Steve Asrilant Treasurer [email protected]

Did You Know ?...

Download your own copy of t he 2019 CCA Convent ion and Show Post er t o add t o your Facebook post s and ot her social m edia account s.Feel f ree t o use t he l ink below , t o download t he im age at r ight . Pr int copies and use t hem as inser t s t o your eBay m ail ings, or sim ilar 'get t he word out ' dealings.

ht t p:/ /www.ccgt cc.com /2019conv.jpg

Help Prom ot e t he Convent ion!...


Page 11: CCA Newsletter Volume 1, Issue 2 - CCGTCC.COM Newsletter_Issue_2.pdf · David Takach Christopher Webb and Walter Dirzulitis Sam Wagmeister, Diane Lopez , Mark Russell and William


Pict ure Page...

David Takach

Christopher Webb and Walter DirzulitisSam Wagmeister, Diane Lopez , Mark Russell and William Lange

Jim KruseChuck Gajewski

Jerry Vergatos and George D.

All photos this page by Jim Whobrey



Page 12: CCA Newsletter Volume 1, Issue 2 - CCGTCC.COM Newsletter_Issue_2.pdf · David Takach Christopher Webb and Walter Dirzulitis Sam Wagmeister, Diane Lopez , Mark Russell and William

CCA Member Paul Schaffer advises us that based on data extracted from ChipGuide, these are recent new releases. Thanks Paul and Thank You to the ChipGuide Submitters!!!


Page 13: CCA Newsletter Volume 1, Issue 2 - CCGTCC.COM Newsletter_Issue_2.pdf · David Takach Christopher Webb and Walter Dirzulitis Sam Wagmeister, Diane Lopez , Mark Russell and William

Personal Chip of t he Year Cont estGreet ings t o all ent rant s int o t h is years Personal Chip of t he Year cont est . This year ?s cont est should be bigger and bet t er t han last years. I hope t o exceed t he 83 ent r ies we had at last years Convent ion. This year I?m going t o m odify t he rules so m ore ent r ies are allowed.RULESNon-Convent ion at t endees m ay also ent er t he cont est by m ail ing t heir personal chips t o m e by June 15, 2019. (address below)Chips subm it t ed last year w il l not be allowed. If you have personal chips f rom previous years and t h is year you m ay ent er t hem . All ent rant s are allowed up t o t hree chips. If your chips have a dif ferent reverse side, you can subm it an addit ional t hree t o show all sides.All ent r ies w il l becom e t he proper t y of t he MoGH and w il l be displayed at a fut ure t im e.All Convent ion at t endees can subm it t heir ent ry at t he MoGH t able st ar t ing on Thursday June 20, 2019. Ent r ies can be m ade unt i l Sat urday June 22 noon.Judging w il l be conduct ed by t hree independent non-Club m em bers on Sat urday, June 22 at 12 noon. Awards present ed at 2 pm on t he convent ion f loorPost ers f rom last year ?s com pet it ion w il l be available for sale for $9.99 w it h all proceeds going t o t he MoGH. Please join t he fun and get your chips designed now in t im e for t he com pet it ion.There are m any Club dealers who specialize in personal chips so please pat ronize and suppor t t hem . Let t he fun begin!!!!!

Jer ry Vergat os My Mail ing Address:LM-8093-241 Jer ry Vergat osPOTY Chairm an 1981 Rock ledge Dr

Las Vegas, NV 8911913

Page 14: CCA Newsletter Volume 1, Issue 2 - CCGTCC.COM Newsletter_Issue_2.pdf · David Takach Christopher Webb and Walter Dirzulitis Sam Wagmeister, Diane Lopez , Mark Russell and William



Welcom e t o t he 2018 OTY Awards Cont est . Shown here are t he Top Nom inees in 3 cat egor ies for OTY Award considerat ion. CCA Mem bers in good st anding are asked t o review t he 3 cat egor ies and select up t o 3 Nom inees, in each cat egory, in t he pr ior it y order of your m ost favor it e (in each cat egory) being l ist ed 1st , 2nd and 3rd.

Sim ply send an em ail t o Trey War ren at : l ink3779@gm ail.com list ing your 3 favor it es (or less) IN PRIORITY ORDER and by each cat egory t o cast your vot es.For exam ple: COTY - A B C, SSOTY - D E F, CKOTY - G


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Page 16: CCA Newsletter Volume 1, Issue 2 - CCGTCC.COM Newsletter_Issue_2.pdf · David Takach Christopher Webb and Walter Dirzulitis Sam Wagmeister, Diane Lopez , Mark Russell and William

16For m ore info cont act Doug Sm it h at : m sm it [email protected]
