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CCDA Nius Bulletin 2021 UNI SUMATIN NIUS

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1 CCDA Nius Bulletin A quarterly newsletter of the Climate Change & Development Authority Managing Directors Com- ments >>>>Page 2 Commissioning of ACSE Pro- jects >>>>Page 4 Picture Gallery >>>>Page 8 Mr William Lakain appointed top post CCDA Nius Bulletin September 2021 September2021 Climate Change and Development Authority 3 rd Floor, Dynasty Tower Waigani Drive Savannah Heights P O BOX 4017 BOROKO National Capital District Papua New Guinea Volume 4, Issue:2 Stories and Pictures by: Billy Kang & Shirley-Anne Getsi According to the Decision Number 200/2021, on July 28th, 2021, the National Executive Council based on the revocation of Managing Director, Climate Change and Development Authority and appointment of Acting Managing Director. The council noted that the term of appointment of Ruel Yamuna, as the Managing Director for Climate Change and Development Authority, published in the National Gazette No. G392 of 18th May, 2017, has ex- pired on 18th May 2021. Approval has been given to advise the Head of State to appoint Mr. William Lakain, as the Acting Managing Director for Climate Change and Development Authority for not more than 12months effective on and from the date of the Decision. During Mr Lakain’s dedication service held at CCDA Ground Level conference room, on the 24th of July 2021, he as- sured the staff of Climate Change and Development Authority that he will work with them to bring this organization to a level higher with much needed support from everyone. “A leader is first and foremost a servant. His concern is not for himself, his concern is not to give orders, to boss other people around, to have his own way. His concern is to meet the needs of others”, said Mr Lakain during the dedication service. CCDA Acting Managing Director, Mr Lakain, Church leaders and staff of CCDA during the Dedication Service, CCDA Groud Floor.



CCDA Nius Bulletin

A quarterly newsletter of the Climate Change & Development Authority

Managing Director’s Com-


>>>>Page 2

Commissioning of ACSE Pro-


>>>>Page 4

Picture Gallery

>>>>Page 8

Mr William Lakain appointed top post

CCDA Nius Bulletin September 2021


Climate Change and Development Authority

3rd Floor, Dynasty Tower

Waigani Drive

Savannah Heights

P O BOX 4017


National Capital District

Papua New Guinea

Volume 4, Issue:2

Stories and Pictures by: Billy Kang & Shirley-Anne Getsi

According to the Decision Number 200/2021, on July 28th, 2021, the National Executive Council based on the revocation of Managing Director, Climate Change and Development Authority and appointment of Acting Managing Director.

The council noted that the term of appointment of Ruel Yamuna, as the Managing Director for Climate Change and Development Authority, published in the National Gazette No. G392 of 18th May, 2017, has ex-pired on 18th May 2021.

Approval has been given to advise the Head of State to appoint Mr. William Lakain, as the Acting Managing Director for Climate Change and Development Authority for not more than 12months effective on and from the date of the Decision.

During Mr Lakain’s dedication service held at CCDA Ground Level conference room, on the 24th of July 2021, he as-sured the staff of Climate Change and Development Authority that he will work with them to bring this organization to a level higher with much needed support from everyone.

“A leader is first and foremost a servant. His concern is not for himself, his concern is not to give orders, to boss other people around, to have his own way. His concern is to meet the needs of others”, said Mr Lakain during the dedication service.

CCDA Acting Managing Director, Mr Lakain, Church leaders and staff of CCDA during the Dedication Service, CCDA Groud Floor.


CCDA Nius Bulletin CCDA Nius Bulletin September 2021 September 2021

Managing Director’s Comments News

Welcome to the Second Edition of ‘Climate Change and Development

Authority Nius Bulletin vol 4 2021.

Papua New Guinea is endowed with over 7% of the world’s biodiversity

contained within 1% of the world’s landmass. It is a globally important

biodiversity hotspot with the third largest tropical rainforest.

We are facing a climate emergency. It is no longer just a challenge, a prob-

lem or a threat, it is an emergency. Never before in our history have we

experienced such levels of biodiversity loss and suffered so much from the

impacts of climate change. It is accelerating. Reversing this trend does not

require few policy decisions, but a fundamental shift in our relationship

with our planet.

Climate Change occurs on a global scale, but you can feel it on a local scale. It is due to huma n activity that alters the

composition of the global atmosphere. It is a global phenomenon, so burning fuels or increasing the private fuel-based

cars in any part of the world has impacts.

The continuous rise in Green House Gas (GHG) emissions will lead to adverse effects such as temperature rise, sea level

rise, precipitation change, droughts and floods which ultimately translate in a significant negative impact on human and

natural symptoms such as food, water, biodiversity, human health, economic and social development.

Addressing climate change raises two challenges for most countries. A necessity to diminish Green House Gas (GHG)

emissions which is mitigation, and the need to anticipate and diminish effects of a changing climate, which is adaptation.

Mr Willaim Lakain

A/Managing Director

Climate Change Development Authority

On the 24th to the 29th May, 2021, a delegate arrived at the

Buka Airport. The team was led by Hon. Minister Wera

Mori, Minister for Environment Conservation and Cli-

mate Change, Managing director CCDA Mr.Ruel Yamuna

and the key development Partners Representatives, to

launch the Mangrove Planting program and also make

awareness and advocate communities about the impact

posed by Climate Change. This was a lead up event to the

World Environment Day which was celebrated some

weeks after.

Delegates were welcomed by the lovely people of the Au-

tonomous Region of Bougainville, dancing in their beauti-

ful traditional attires. This was the perfect occasion for

Environment Conservation and Climate Change Minister,

Hon. Wera Mori ,CCDA Managing Director Mr. Yamuna

and Team to officially present the Papua New Guinea

Sustainable Development Goal 13 Roadmap Action 30 by

2030 to the President of Autonomous Region of Bou-

gainville government Hon. Ismael Toroama.

CCDA Managing Director, Mr Ruel Yamuna,, mentioned

that Papua New Guinea, including other Pacific Islands, is

experiencing drastic impacts of climate change. It does

not It does not only threaten the survival of our people

but it also affect our development endeavors. Its more

significant our key development partners and international

state agencies are with us to share our burden together

with us by working collaboratively.

Hon. Minister Wera Mori, mention that PNG recognizes

the relationship between the people and nature and at In-

dependence, provision was made in the constitution for

“all necessary steps to be taken to give adequate protec-

tion to the environment.” (4th Goal of the National Con-

stitution and its Directive Principles) PNG including other

Pacific Islands is experiencing drastic impacts of Climate

Change. It does not only threaten the survival of our peo-

ple but it also affecting our development endeavors.

Hon. Minister Wera Mori added that Government of

PNG looks forward to working closely with development

partners and international organizations such as UNDP to

address these challenges and further strengthen and devel-

op policies, initiatives and more projects that promotes

green growth and sustainable development in the country

during the Launching of Mangrove Planting at Buka


The team made a visit to the Tinputz Climate Refugee

Relocation Area where the Carterets Islanders were relo-

cated to. This is where the transit camp set-up for the cli-

mate refugees through the effort under BRCC program.

There are ten families from Carterets Islands residing in

this area with ten homes been built through or facilitated

through the above-mentioned program.

On the final days of their stay in Bougainvile, the delegates

led by Hon. Minister Wera Mori and AROB President

Ismail Toroama, accompanied by British High Commis-

sioner Mr. Keith Scott, Aus AID Director, Governor Pe-

ter Jnr. Tsimalili, CCDA Managing Director Mr. Yamuna

and other distinguish guest also visited CARTERETS IS-


Minister Mori pays a visit to the Autonomous Region of Bougainville

Minister Mori, ABG President, Ishmael Toroama, Members of BHOR and

Development Partners, taking a photo shoot on the beaches of Carterets Islands.


CCDA Nius Bulletin CCDA Nius Bulletin September 2021 September 2021

News News

CCDA and OSS Drafts Regulations for PNG’s Nationally Determined

Contributions (NDC) Implementation Plan

The Enhanced Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) 2020 was the key milestone towards describing Papua New Guinea’s commitments to reduceing Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHG) under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). PNG has clearly shown its commitment in maintaining its climate change commitment to the Paris Agreement as the sixth (6th) country to submit its Enhanced NDC. The next step for Parties to the Paris Agreement (PA) is ensuring the implementations of targets in which parties should be on the path towards a net-zero emission future. Net-zero emission means achieving a global balance between greenhouse gas sources, mainly the burning of fossil fuels and the destruction of forests and greenhouse gas sinkers which are mostly plants, our oceans and soil.

As one of these supports, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the Climate Change and Devel-opment Authority (CCDA) through the PNG’s Office of the State Solicitor (OSS) are supporting PNG in the devel-opment of mitigation and adaption regulations that are in line with the enhanced NDC and PNG’s Climate Change Management Act of 2015 (CCMA).

To commence the drafting of PNG’s NDC Regulations, CCDA and OSS through the financial support of UNEP held a Three-Day Drafting Lockdown session at Tuhava Town, Napanapa, Central Province from 14th-16th July, 2021. The main object of this workshop was to develop the legal basis for the implementation of PNG’s 2020 Enhanced NDC. The participants comprised of Legal Officers from the Office of the State Solicitors -International Law Divi-sion and CCDA’s NDC Coordination team.

The PNG NDC National Focal Point, Mr. Alfred Rungol, said these sessions were very timely to review the baseline report compiled by the UNEP Consultant and to also come up with a draft of regulations in the identified priority areas in the Enhanced NDC Implementation Plan. Mr Rungol thanked UNEP and other Development Partners in supporting the PNG’s NDC Implementation Plan 2021-2030. He also highlighted the efforts of the government and other key stakeholders to align NDC Implementation Plan with the national development policies and 2030 agenda on Sustainable Development Goals.

The workshop was a success for the participants as a “zero draft “of the NDC Regulation was compiled and soon to be circulated to key stakeholders and development in the coming weeks. A planned National Consultation and Validation Workshop for the NDC Regulation is expected in the coming months.

Firstly, the REDD.plus Platform was launched at the

Conference of Parties (COP) to the United Nations

Framework Convention of Climate Change

(UNFCCC) during its 25th meeting, by the Coalition

for Rainforest Nations (CfRN) on December 10,

2019 in Madrid. The platform allows all CfRN coun-

tries to upload their UNFCCC verified carbon credits

for potential buyers to purchase. This is similar to

items being put on the shelves of shops for customers

to buy but on a negotiated price.

Papua New Guinea is the Chair to the Coalition

which consist of all tropical rainforest nations. The

signing for the MOU on the 17th of March 2021, at

the Stanley Hotel, was to kick- start our understand-

ing of how a carbon market functions on monetizing

REDD+ results through such market platforms.

Secondly, the 9 million carbon credits that PNG up-

loaded on the REDD.plus platform are the same

REDD.plus credits submitted and verified by UN-

FCCC. These credits do not include any voluntary

carbon projects as they are verified under different

standards to UNFCCC, and also to avoid double

counting. CCDA has considered managing double

counting and will endeavor toward “nesting” project

level REDD+ activities to the national level REDD+


The UNFCCC verified credits are credits generated at

the national level under the requirements and through

the process set by UNFCCC, the compliance market.

Under the voluntary market, carbon credits, such as

those issued by VERRA, do not count as carbon

emission reductions for PNG under the Paris Agree-

ment and therefore must be discounted from the na-

tional REDD+ programme results.

The purpose of CfRN platform is to provide visibility only

for PNG and other rainforest nations to individual and cor-

porate buyers to accelerate the sale of credits. The REDD+

Platform delivers 100% of the carbon income to PNG and its

communities. The forests belong to PNG and her people, so

100% of the benefits from conserving our forests should too.

Previous experience saw almost no transparency around in-

come-streams from Voluntary Carbon Project initiatives.

Given that there has indeed been increased interest from for-

eign companies and NGO’s to participate through Voluntary

Carbon Market Platforms such as VERRA, the CCDA is

working closely with stakeholders to rectify transparency is-

sues in a holistic manner.Should there be other similar sales

platforms, like the REDD.plus platform, that wish to provide

visibility for PNG’s REDD+ or carbon credits to interna-

tional buyers, then PNG can at any time promote their cred-

its on other reputable platforms as well. There is no specific

commitment or exclusivity under the MOU that limits the

exposure of PNG’s nationally issued credits to the

REDD.plus Platform alone. But double counting must be

avoided under the Paris Agreement.

Thirdly, CCDA as the National Development Authority

(NDA) for all climate change agenda, especially REDD+, has

the power to approve or reject/decline any transactions per-

taining to issuance of its credits. Once a country signs the

MOU with the CfRN Secretariat, the Secretariat offloads the

registry to the country to upload its credits and has no access

to it. The registry becomes a National Registry, and the CfRN

secretariat can never at any time independently perform a

transaction into the PNGs national registry. PNG is currently

working on the national Benefit Sharing Distribution System

(BSDS) through CCDA.

Understanding REDD+ to accelerate carbon income in PNG

CCDA MD, Ruel Yamuna and team, during the NDC Drafting Regulations Lockdown


CCDA Nius Bulletin CCDA Nius Bulletin September 2021 September 2021

News News

The commissioning of the EU GIZ Adapting to Climate Change and Sustainable Energy (ACSE), Integrated Water and Sus-tainable Energy (IWASE) project is scheduled to take place on the 6th and 8th July 2021 in the Rigo District, Central Province. This event will see the villagers acquire basic services of water supply, and aid post cooler and lighting fixtures. It will also ca-ter for the reduction on their vulnerability against climate change impacts through the provision reliable, integrated water and sustainable energy. The focus of the project was on Climate Change adaptation and sustainable energy targeting the sectors of water and sanita-tion, water security and sustainable energy. The three sites or targeted communities chosen for implementation of the project includes Keapara, Kalo and Imuagoro Village in the Rigo District of the Central Province. The project has been implemented through the Climate Change and Development Authority (CCDA) with financial and tech-nical support from the European Union (EU) though GIZ in Suva, Fiji. The overall objective of the project was to support the socio-economic development of three rural communities in the Rigo District and to reduce their vulnerability to climate change impacts through the provision of reliable, integrated water and sus-tainable energy.

Capacity strengthening workshop on CRGG mainstreaming into Provincial

On Tuesday 20thJuly 2021, a Capacity Strengthening Work-shop on Mainstreaming Climate Resilient Green Growth into Provincial Plans and Budget was held at the Amphitheatre, Wabag, Enga Province to work towards strengthening Papua New Guinea’s capacity to mitigate its contribution to climate change and adapt to the adverse impacts of climate change. This event was also a great moment to witness the

handover of CRGG Assessment report of Enga Prov-

ince to the provincial government by Dr Achala

Abeysinghe, Country Representative, Global Green

Growth Institute, Port Moresby, to Hon. Peter Ipatas,

Enga Provincial Governor and Dr. Samson Amean,

Provincial Administrator of Enga Province.

This report is a document where the GGGI team un-dertook a comprehensive assessment that used a trans-parent and evidence-based methodology to identify pri-orities for enhancing resilience towards the adverse im-pacts of climate change and relevant interventions to address these priorities. The assessment uncovers four priority sectors, namely, agriculture, water, energy and transport. The Climate – Resilience Green Growth (CRGG) pro-ject is a climate change project that is implemented by the Government of Papua New Guinea’s Climate Change and Development Authority (CCDA), with fi-nancial support from the Australia Department of For-eign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), and executed by the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI). The project is implemented at the sub-national level with the support of the Provincial Governments of Milne Bay, New Ire-land and Enga.

During his opening remarks, Mr Ruel Yamuna, Climate

Change and Development Authority Managing Director men-

tioned that the journey to unlock the potential and promises

of green growth started in 2020 already. This workshop will

equip us with the right approaches and tools and further

strengthen our capacity to mainstream climate-resilient and

green growth practices into planning and budgetary frame-

works at national, subnational and local level government.

“Today, undertaking a climate-resilient approach is a necessity

rather than just choice. We can chart new climate resilient

pathways to unlock the value of green growth in achieving

economic, environmental and inclusive social development”

Mr Yamuna said.

Given the long-time bilateral relationship, Mr Yamuna

thanked Australia Government for funding the CRGG project

in Papua New Guinea. He also thanked DNPM and DPLGA

for their continued guidance in the CRGG project.

Dr Achala Abeysinghe, Country Representative, Global Green

Growth Institute, Port Moresby, highlighted that together with

un-ending support from the Provincial Government, CRGG

interventions will contribute to climate resilience and green

growth value in the four-priority areas.

“I strongly believe that Enga Province will be the model prov-

ince in unlocking the potential and promises of climate – resil-

ient green growth economic model”, she said

Commissioning of ACSE Integrated Water and Sustainable Energy (IWASE) project in Rigo District, Central province.

Participants of the CRGG Capacity Strengthening


Hon. Lekwa Gure, CCDA MD, Mr Ruel Yamuna, staff and community representatives showcasing the recently commissioned


CCDA Nius Bulletin CCDA Nius Bulletin September 2021 September 2021

News News

On the 17th of March 2021, at the Stanley Hotel, Climate

Change and Development Authority, witnessed by the

Ministry of Environment Conservation and Climate

Change, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)

between the Coalition for Rainforest Nations (CfRN) to

kick- start on transferring credits through the REDD.

Plus platform recently launched by the Coalition for

Rainforest Nations (CfRN) on December 10, 2019 at

COP 25 in Madrid.

This platform is an online mechanism which enables the

tracking and reporting of the ownership and lifecycles of

REDD+ results for emissions reductions and removals

(RRU’s) obtained from REDD. Plus actions/activities

under the Paris Agreement. It aims to incentivize rainfor-

est countries to produce REDD+ credits, and to rally

richer countries to finance REDD Plus credits.

“Given being the third largest rainforest country on plan-

et earth, we have the potential for carbon credits because

of our rainforest. It is very important to actually get the

value that we deserve for the country’’ said

Minister for Environment, Conservation and Climate

Change, Hon. Wera Mori during the MoU signing.

The Registry is operated by IHS Markit Ltd, a com-

pany that provides analysis on energy and forest to

provide solutions and has a ten-year history of host-

ing forestry credits on its platform.

The registry has different users with different access

limits. Firstly, the Enhanced Users such as the gov-

ernment bodies who have full read and write access

to the account. Second, the administration, this is

the IHS Markit team, who is the second approver

after the government for exchange of credits ensur-

ing that all entries are done properly. Finally, the

Public Users for general viewing of the registry

where all information is open to public. This auto-

matically accounts for transparency.

Thus, this MOU actually puts rainforest nations in-

cluding PNG in a better position to take stock and

to take control of the potential we have in terms of

carbon credits

The Executive Director of Coalition for Rainforest Na-

tions, Mr Kevin Conrad in his remarks mentioned that

Grand Chief started this idea in 2005, and it has taken us

this long until we get the world to understand and put all

the systems implaced and Papua New Guinea will be the

very first country that is selling in public, credits coming

out of that mechanism.

“This is a big event globally; this is the very first time

credits that have been approved by the UNFCCC are

being marketed in an open forum to all commerce. We

have to continue to do this as part of the Late Grand

Chief’s legacy” he added.

A transaction of US$10 million will be initiated in the

near future just to show and announce that the system is

up and open for potential buyers, stated Mr Conrad. He

highlighted that this will be a demonstration for PNG in

terms of trading and distribution of benefits thus chal-

lenged by the Hon. Minister for Environment, Conser-

vation and Climate Change to work on establishing an

account that is transparent and accountable in this mat-

ter. Also pointing out that all funds generated here will

be closely monitored by the public leaving no room for

mismanagement, as it will only destroy PNG’s future in


This is a step in the right direction and special mention

have been given to the Executive Director of the CfRN,

Mr Kevin Conrad, together with Climate Change and

Development Authority Managing Director, Mr Ruel

PNG, a lead country in transferring credits through the REDD. Plus


Climate Change Adaptation integration into policy development and planning in Papua New Guinea

The Climate Change and Development Authority in collaboration with United Nations Development Program completed the regional stakeholder consultation workshop on 4th – 5th August on adaptation planning at the Highlander Hotel, Mt Hagen. This is following the recently held National, Southern, Islands, and Momase regions workshops to advance PNG’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP) targeting the Highlands Region. This workshop hosted more than 40 participants from government agencies, private sector, and devel-opment partners. The National Adaptation Planning workshop aimed to raise awareness and understanding of opportunities to strengthen adaptation planning and implementation in the context of Papua New Guinea’s legal and policy framework. This also promoted discussions that contribute to a shared understanding on the scope and aim of the National Adaptation Plan document country-specific approaches for sectoral adaptation planning and options for strengthening coordination arrangements in Papua New Guinea. Climate Change and Development Authority Managing Director, Mr Ruel Yamuna, was proud to commend the ongoing productive collaboration and support between CCDA and UNDP in many projects including this National Adaptation Planning “We are now in a deep climate crisis where the current rate of changes in the environment is happening at an alarming rate”, said Mr Yamuna. This National Adaptation Plan is again another strategic document that will outline all our adaptation priorities and go beyond into terms of helping us mainstream climate adaptation into sectoral plans, and budgetary frameworks”, he said The NAP project, with a US$1.7 million from the Green Climate Fund’s Readiness Programme, is in development. The objectives of the NAP process are to a) reduce vulnerability to the impacts of climate change by building adaptative capacity and resilience; and b) integrate climate change adaptation into relevant policies, programmes, and actions. Workshop participants from the country’s Highlands Region, took a deep dive into sectoral and government gaps, vulnerability assess-

ments at provincial levels, knowledge sharing, and explored national coordination and a financing framework for climate change adap-

tation actions for the medium to long term.

Papua New Guinea, as a signatory to the Paris Agreement, the NAP is expected to be a strategic tool to support country compliance

with provisions established in the Climate Change Management Act (CCMA). Also, a guideline to establish specific sectoral adaptation

plans for the four priority sectors of agriculture, health, transport and infrastructure to adequately address climate impacts. The NAP

will strengthen resilience of communities and institutions, and improve capacities at a gender-sensitive and country level.

CCDA Managing Director, Mr Ruel Yamuna, the staff, and participants of the Nationa Adaptaion Plan Workshop in Hagen,



CCDA Nius Bulletin CCDA Nius Bulletin September 2021 September 2021

News News

On Friday 9th of July 2021, the Government of Papua New Guinea, through the Climate Change and Develop-ment Authority, under its BRCC Project signed a Memo-randum of Understanding with the Autonomous Region of Bougainville Government to address risk and vulnera-bilities as a result of climate change.

This MoU signing enables mutual understanding, cooper-ation and collaboration between the parties to effectively and efficiently implement climate change mitigation and adaptation projects specifically to build resilience toward impact of climate change.

To facilitate ABG Disaster Directorate institutional ca-pacity building, for effective implementation, coordina-tion and to facilitate support toward the presentation of AROB’s climate change outlook to attract support for mitigation and adaptation projects and programs to con-tain the impact of global warming, sea level rise and cli-mate risks and change in the region.

The CCDA BRCC Project is strongly emphasizing on achieving transformational change in addressing current and future threats from climate change and related

hazards by mainstreaming climate resilience into develop-ment planning and addressing country priorities that focus on vulnerable atoll and island communities.

Climate Change is real and the Autonomous Region of Bougainville is feeling the brunt of industrialized nations without having due regard to redress the impact of global warming.

The MOU is the way forward for the government of Papua New Guinea through the Climate Change and Develop-ment Authority to collaborate with the Autonomous Re-gion Bougainville Government to build the capacity to ef-fectively address climate change issues in the region. It also reaffirms and strengthens support to ABG building on from an earlier 2016 MoU that was signed.

The MOU complements the ongoing efforts of the Gov-ernment of Papua New Guinea and the Autonomous Re-gion of Bougainville Government to build the capacity of ABG Disaster Directorate to effectively address mitigation and adaptation measures that are aimed at reducing risks and vulnerabilities as a result of climate change.

PNG and Autonomous Bougainville Government sign MoU to address risks and vulnerabilities as Climate Change results

PNG officially wraps up World Environment Day in Simbu, Gembogl District

To celebrate World Environment Day and raise awareness of the importance of protecting nature, the Conservation Environment Protection Authority, together with Climate Change and Development Authority and the National Capi-tal District Commission, organized the final leg of the week-long World Environment Day celebrations on the 8th of June, in Gembogl District of Simbu Province, in line with this year’s theme of “Protecting Our Forest and Marine Eco-systems” Hon. Wera Mori, Minister for Environment Conservation Protection Authority and other dignitories who were present at this high-level celebration included the Member for Kerowagi Hon. Bari Palma, Governor for Simbu, Hon. Mi-chael Dua Bogai, MP. Mr Maurice Knight, Chief of Party, USAID Lukautim Graun Project, Dr. Adrian Tejedor, Country Director, WCS in PNG, Mr Sebastian Kee, Simbu Provincial Administrator, Mr Ruel Yamuna, Climate Change and Development Au-thority Managing Director, and Mr Muguwa Dilu, Deputy Managing Director also attended this successful event. 2021 observance of World Environment Day on the theme of “ecosystem restoration” and the focus on resetting our relation with nature. These events also marked the formal launch of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration 2021- 2030. Speaking as the guest of honour during this event, Hon. Wera Mori, on behalf of the people of Simbu, conveyed his acknowledgement to Mr John Kerry, the US Climate Change Special Envoy, and the US President, Mr Joe Biden

for coming back into the Paris Agreement. Minister Mori commended the United States President for re-entering the Paris Agreement. He added that this is in itself is a milestone achievement. To add on, Paris Agreement is an international accord that was adopted at a United Nations climate conference in Paris in December 2015. It entered into force on November 4th 2016, after a sufficient number of countries had ratified it. In one of his first acts as the President, Joe Biden issued an executive order returning the U.S to the Paris Climate Agree-ment, which became official on February 19th after a 30-day notice period. “Climate Change is all about not only to the changes in weather patterns but most importantly, food security”, he said. “I came and was so priviledged to see mothers and young people showcasing their talents but most importantly, what they can produce”, he added. Papua New Guinea, being a member to the UN, together with other nations in the world to commit to restore and prevent the loss of our unique and some of the pristine eco-systems in the world. Hence, Papua New Guinea localized the theme to be “Protecting our Forest and Marine Ecosys-tems, because PNG has some of the pristine forest and ma-rine ecosystems that sustain the livelihoods of our people.

Hon. Wera Mori, Minister for Environment Conservation and Climate Change and Hon. Jerry Napto, during the MOU signing Hon. Wera Mori, Minister for Environment Conservation and Climate Change, with delegation during the World Environ-

ment Day Closing ceremony, Gembolg, Simbu Province.


CCDA Nius Bulletin CCDA Nius Bulletin September 2021 September 2021

News News

The Ministry of Environment Conservation and Climate Change, in partnership with the United Nations Devel-opment Programme will be hosting the National Envi-ronment and Climate Summit on the 4th June, 2021, at the Hilton Hotel, Port Moresby. This event is also sup-ported by the National Capital District Commission and the Australian High Commission. The purpose of the high-level event is to focus on galva-nizing and facilitating action specifically on biodiversity conservation, climate action and sustainable livelihoods. It will affirm Papua New Guinea’s commitment under international and national environmental and climate change related agreements as well as to act as a call to action to consolidate national and international partner-ships to build a platform for action. Biodiversity conservation, the practice of protecting and preserving the wealth and variety of species, habitats, ecosystems, and genetic diversity on the planet, is im-portant for our health, wealth, food, fuel, and services we depend on. It plays an integral role in supporting many sectors of development.

Biodiversity conservation can help address the effects of climate change. Conserving habitats can reduce the amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere. Conserving mangroves and other coastal ecosystems can lessen disastrous impacts of climate change such as flood-ing and storm surges.

Projects that reduce the vulnerability of species and ecosys-tems to climate change impacts can safeguard essential eco-system services such as air and water purification, pollina-tion and food production, and carbon sequestration. The impact of environmental breakdown is evident, not just in Papua New Guinea, but around the world. This is our moment; this is the time to reverse our doing. Every step-big or small.

PNG hosts Environment and Climate Summit to accelerate action DCJ orders parties to address Environment Damages in WHP

In the National Court of Justice, Mt Hagen, Papua New Guinea, WS NO. 1080 of 2015, between David Kansol and Pas-tor Gabriel Bak representing themselves and the 5097 plaintiffs from Mogie Komonka, Mogie Kuipi, Mogie Akelka and those people living around Mt Hagen Sewage Treatment Plant at Warakum, Mt Hagen, Western Highlands Province and the nineteen defendants listed including the State of Papua New Guinea as the Twentieth Defendant. The Climate Change and Development Authority, the Conservation Environment Protection Authority are working in collaboration with Water PNG and Office of Solicitor General within Department of Justice and Attorney General in rep-resenting the State of Papua New Guinea in this court case. This court is instituted by 5000 plus landowners of the Kum River claiming that the River has been polluted due to the increasing expansion of Mt Hagen city and the Authorities neglect to control waste management and rubbish removal which has made its way into the Kum river especially during heavy rain, causing environmental damage associated to cli-mate change. The court has invoked its powers under section 57 of the Constitution to involve Climate Change and Development Au-thority and Conservation Environment Protection Authority to assist in addressing an issue which all major and expanding cities will be facing in the near future. His Honor, DCJ Kandakasi stated that we must do something that not only us but the next generations will benefit from. He also stated that polluting and littering is a crime under the Summary Offence Act. By consent, the courts ordered that matter returns on the 13th October 2021, at 9:30am. All defendants are to meet in Mt. Hagen on the 18th August 2021 and discuss the respective positions in addressing maintenance, rehabilitation and address-ing the issue of proper water and sanitization system within Mt. Hagen.

Participants of this high level summit, Hilton Hotel, Port Moresby.

Representatives from Office of Solicitor General within Department of Justice and Attorney General representing the State of Papua New Guinea in this court case


CCDA Nius Bulletin CCDA Nius Bulletin September 2021 September 2021

Picture Gallery Picture Gallery
