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Ccsit cyberlympics 2017 workshop 3 - presentation

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Muhammad Nasir Mumtaz Bhutta College of Computer Science and Information Systems King Faisal University, Saudi Arabia Email: [email protected], Tel: +966 – 13589-9207 Office: 2088, first floor, CCSIT Building www.kfu.edu.sa CCSIT Cyberlympics 2017 Infrastructure Penetration Testing - Hands On Training 28 March 2017
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Muhammad Nasir Mumtaz Bhutta

College of Computer Science and Information Systems

King Faisal University, Saudi Arabia

Email: [email protected],

Tel: +966 – 13589-9207

Office: 2088, first floor, CCSIT Building


CCSIT Cyberlympics 2017

Infrastructure Penetration Testing

- Hands On Training

28 March 2017

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Dr M Nasir Mumtaz Bhutta www.kfu.edu.sa

Presentation Overview

• Reconnaissance 45 Minutes

• Vulnerability Analysis 45 Minutes

• Threat Modeling 15 Minutes

• Exploitation 45 Minutes

• Post Exploitation 20 Minutes

• Reporting 15 Minutes


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Overview of Infrastructure


• Infrastructure Penetration Testing usually involves:

– Gaining Access to the system or network Devices.

• Steps Usually Involve: – Finding IP address(es) of machines to hack.

– Finding information about users (Email Addresses or Usernames).

– Finding out the running soft wares on the system.

– Finding Vulnerabilities on the target system.

– Deciding attack vectors and executing attacks.

– Maintaining access to system by opening back doors after exploitation.

– Reporting

• List of Tools and Their Usage Guidelines

– Many tools available on following website. Please learn more and more tools

according to your interests. – http://www.pentest-standard.org/index.php/PTES_Technical_Guidelines


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Experiment Lab Setup

• Attacking Machine

– Virtual Machine running Kali Linux.

– Kali Linux is Linux distribution with lot of Penetration

tools pre-configured.

– Most stable and advanced Penetration Testing Linux


• Victim Machine

– Virtual Machine running Metasploitable 2.

– Metasploitable 2 is a Linux distribution pre-configured

with lot of vulnerabilities to practice hacking.


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Important Things to Understand

• Penetration testing does not always involve all


– Any part of the above described can be given as a

hacking task to ethical hacker. For example,

• Cracking a username and password.

• Gaining Access via some service like FTP etc.

• Please remember to try different approaches to

each part.

• Only one way: Try, Try and Try.

– Learn advanced programming to advanced your

hacking and attack launching capabilities. 5

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Reconnaissance (Intelligence


Penetration Testing Execution Phases


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Information Gathering

• Usually in this phase more and more

information is gained about target


– We shall learn different techniques here.

– But, our workshop focus is to find out:

• IP address of our target machine.

• Whether the target machine is alive or not.

• We shall use already existing tools for this



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Information Gathering - II

• So you are given the name of company

and assigned task to check the security of

this company.

– How will you progress further?

• Try to gain public information as specified


• So how let’s learn some techniques.

– Remember to remain within scope.


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Information Gathering – III

• Finding URL of the company?

– Usually provided by hiring company or

– Search on internet.

• How to find IP address of machine hosting the


– Ping URL e.g. ping www.google.com

• How to find IP address of main server of organization,

owner name, technical contact, DNS server information?

– Whois URL e.g. Whois kfu.edu.sa

– Practice on syngress.com e.g. whois syngress.com

• Prefer to practice on your local setup website.


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Dr M Nasir Mumtaz Bhutta www.kfu.edu.sa

Information Gathering – IV

• Another way to translate hostname into IP


– Host URL (host name) e.g. host syngress.com

• Now you have IP address of main contact

point (Public IP) of target organization.

– What next?

• Find out information IP addresses of

internal networked machines and more

information. How ? 10

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Information Gathering – V

• Domain Name Server (DNS) ?

– Translates host names into IP addresses.

– Contains information about organizations

internal networks, hosts and their IP


– Main target of malicious attackers, Why ?

• What if DNS is compromised by attacker?

• Will they be very powerful then?

– Many commands exist for DNS (Please see

Linux documentation to learn further). 11

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Information Gathering – VI

• How to find out Email server address from DNS?

– Find email server address of syngress.com?

• Play with Email server, learn commands to

extract information from email server.

– If you have passion, learn this.

• Our focus in this workshop is to find IP address

of target machine and we know it already


– NetDiscover can be used to find internal network

hosts. (learn if you have passion )


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Scanning (Vulnerability Analysis)

Penetration Testing Execution Phases


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Scanning – I

• First of all check whether target host is alive.

How ?

– Ping IP Address e.g. ping

• If Alive, we can progress further for our task.

• But here we first learn some tools in general for

purpose of scanning.

• Two activities to perform in Scanning:

– Port Scanning

– Vulnerability Scanning


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Scanning – II

• Port ?

– Port is location or address for services to run on the


– It can be understood as an entry point to the system.

– As many ports, as many possible entry points to gain

access to the system.

• Port Scanning?

– To find out active ports.

– To find out services running on the target system.

– How this information can be helpful?


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Scanning – III


Common Ports and

their Corresponding


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Scanning – IV

• Perform Port Scanning on our target machine to get

status of ports.

– Use Nmap tool to perform this task.

• Nmap uses different techniques to perform port


– Three Way Handshake

– TCP Connect Scan

– SYN Scan

• Run nmap –sS –p- -Pn

• To know in detail about these and other scans like Xmas

Scan, Null scan (passion ).


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Scanning – V

• Nmap has scripting engine as well to add your

own customized scripts.

– Learn network programming (Passion ).

• Another approach is service scanning.

– To find more detailed information about services.

– Nmap –sV –p- -Pn

• Now you have list of ports, their status and

running services.

– What is next ? (Vulnerability Scanning)


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Dr M Nasir Mumtaz Bhutta www.kfu.edu.sa

Scanning – VI

• Vulnerability Scanning

– What is Vulnerability?

• Weakness in the system.

• Weakness can exist in any thing e.g. software, protocol,

algorithm, implementation etc.

– These weaknesses are exploited by some attack to

compromise the system.

– Why we have found list of services?

• To find out any weaknesses in those services.

• It will help to gain access to system depending upon its



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Dr M Nasir Mumtaz Bhutta www.kfu.edu.sa

Scanning – VII

• What weaknesses are present in found services and

How to find them?

– Many companies maintain databases of found vulnerabilities.

– They store vulnerabilities with reference to software and its


– Many tools are developed to search these databases for specific


• Nessus: Most advanced and frequently used tool to find


– Not available by default in Kali Linux, have to install it.

– Good guidelines available https://uwnthesis.wordpress.com/2013/07/31/kali-how-to-install-nessus-on-kali/

– My configured tool has : Username: nasir, Password; CCSIT


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Scanning – VIII

• Scanning using Nessus to Find Vulnerabilities:

– Run Nessus server first installed on kali Linux

machine by command /etc/init.d/nessusd start

– Now, access web interface in browser by typing (you can specify remote server

IP address or URL there as well).

– Let’s do some practical to learn this tool and explore

vulnerabilities for our target machine’s services.

– No one can stop you to learn more details and more

tools, if you have passion .


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Penetration Testing Execution Phases


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Exploitation - I

• Exploitation:

– Executing the threat to attack the target


– Process of gaining access to the target


• Payload: software written to launch the

selected attack.

– Payload can help us to do any thing e.g.

gaining access to system, installing software,

installing backdoor etc.


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Exploitation - II

• rLogin vulnerability is there.

– Exploit it to gain access to machine as


• Try rlogin –l root

• If command prompt changes, you have

administrative access to remote machine.

• Done, so simple.

• Another vulnerability there is:

– Telnet running VSFTPD

– telnet

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Exploitation - III

• Very important tools to learn:

– Wireshark

– Medusa

– Metasploit (most important)

– Password Crackers

• John the Ripper

• Learn more tools in details and learn

different exploitation tricks, payloads,

– Write your own scripts, payloads.


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Penetration Testing Execution Phases


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Post Exploitation - I

• Maintaining Access to Compromised Machine

– You have gain access to this compromised Machine

so maintain access.

– Later on can get into this machine easily even if the

attacked vulnerability is protected.

– Install some backdoors to gain access later on.

• Installing Backdoor

– Use Netcat tool (a strong backdoor tool which can

give file transfer facility and work as communication


– Netcat already available in most Linux distributions.


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Post Exploitation - II

• Connect with Netcat

– Gained access to metaspoitable 2,

– Start netcat in listening mode in Metasploitable 2

• nc –l –p 2500

– Now to demonstrate from Kali Linux, connect using


• Nc IP address port no

• Terminal screen goes blank, it means connected.

• Type text and enter to show on other side.

• No permanent connection can be made with this free version.

Have to purchase licence of netcat.


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Post Exploitation – II

• Transfer virus to compromised machine using

netcat ?

– Nc –l –p 2200 > virus.exe

– From attacking machine, send the file to

Metasploitable 2,

• Nc 2200 < virus.exe

• Learn more details about netcat ( if have


• Learn more tools if have passion e.g cryptcat,



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Penetration Testing Execution Phases


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• Write a Detailed Report on:

– Your approach

– Your findings

– Raw output of process done

– Vulnerabilities found and exploited

– Proposed solutions to protect against these



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Thanks for listening !

»Questions ?
