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CDC P4 MOU Template for PPPs 12.6.13

Date post: 17-Aug-2015
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Cardno Emerging Markets USA, Ltd. CDC’s Public-Private Partnerships in PEPFAR Countries Project Memorandum of Understanding Template Instructions The purpose of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is to establish the terms of the agreement between all parties to the public-private partnership (PPP) including, describing the partnership goals and objectives, outlining roles and responsibilities, setting forth resource contributions, the governance structure, and the period of performance. This MOU template is designed to help PPP partners draft the MOU by outlining the contents of each section and using a PPP Case Study as an example of how each section is to be completed. Memorandum of Understanding for PPPs between (List all parties to the MOU) I. Purpose, Goals and Objectives This section names the parties to the partnership, states the purpose of the partnership, and provides a brief description of the project and activities to be undertake, along with the goals and objectives and a description of the skills or expertise the parties bring to the partnership. Example This document outlines the terms and conditions of the partnership between PEPFAR (country), the Government of (country), and XXX Corporation (private sector company), each referred to hereafter as a “Partner” and collectively “The Partners” or “The Partnership”. Purpose : The purpose of this MOU is to set forth the understandings and intentions of the partners with regard to collaboration in areas of mutual concern mentioned herein. Nothing in this MOU shall be construed as superseding or interfering in any way with other agreements or contracts entered into between the partners unrelated to this MOU, either prior to or subsequent to the signing of the MOU. The partners further specifically acknowledge that this MOU does not create an obligation to commitment of funds, nor does it constitute a legally (XXX) Memorandum of Understanding – (Date) Page 1

Cardno Emerging Markets USA, Ltd.CDCs Public-Private Partnersi!s in PEP"A# Countries Pro$ectMemorandum of Understanding Template%nstructions The purpose of the Memorandum of Understanding(MOU) is to establish thetermsoftheagreementbetweenallpartiestothepublic-privatepartnership(PPP)including,describing the partnership goals and objectives, outlining roles and responsibilities, setting forthresourcecontributions, thegovernancestructure, andtheperiodof performance ThisMOUtemplateisdesignedtohelpPPPpartnersdraft theMOUb!outliningthecontentsof eachsection and using a PPP "ase #tud! as an e$ample of how each section is to be completedMemorandum o& Understanding &or PPPs between'List all !arties to te M(U)%.Pur!ose, *oalsand(b$ectivesThissectionnamesthepartiestothepartnership,states the purpose of the partnership, and provides a brief description of the project andactivities to be underta%e, along with the goals and objectives and a description of thes%ills or e$pertise the parties bring to the partnershipE+am!leThis document outlines theterms andconditions of thepartnershipbetweenPEPFAR(country), theGoernment of (country), and !!! "orporation (priate sector company), each referred to hereafter as a#Partner$ and collectiely #The Partners$ or #The Partnership$%Pur!ose& The purpose of this '() is to set forth the understandin*s and intentions of the partners withre*ardtocollaborationinareas of mutual concernmentionedherein% +othin*inthis '()shall beconstrued as supersedin* or interferin* in any way with other a*reements or contracts entered into betweenthe partners unrelated to this '(), either prior to or subse,uent to the si*nin* of the '()% The partnersfurther specifically ac-nowled*e that this '() does not create an obli*ation to commitment of funds, nordoes it constitute a le*ally bindin* commitment by any of the partners%*oals and (b$ectives& The President.s Emer*ency Plan for A/01 Relief (#PEPFAR$) (country), and (listall other parties to the '()) share a common interest in reducin* 2/3 infections amon* youth%For thisreason, PEPFAR (country), the Goernment of (country), and (!!! priate sector company(ies) see- toshare their respectie stren*ths, e4perience, andresources withthe collectie *oal of reducin*2/3prealenceamon*youththrou*hapublic5priatepartnership-nownasthe(!!!) Partnershiptobemana*ed by (indicate entity proidin* mana*ement)%Descri!tion o& te Partnersi!, '---) is an innoatie Public5Priate Partnership desi*ned to delier amass multi5media behaior chan*e communication initiatie tar*etin* youth a*es 67 to 89 with 2/3 andA/01 preention messa*es and lin-in* them to ital serices% The (!!!) Partnership leera*es the corecompetencies of the priate sector in deelopin* mass media materials with the public health e4pertise ofPEPFAR (country), local *oernments, and implementin* partners to e4pand and improe youth preentionpro*ramstosi*nificantlyandmeasurablyreduce new2/3infections% This initiatie willcombineeidence5basedpreentionapproacheswiththepriatesector.s86stcenturycapabilitiestopromoteand(&&&) Memorandum of Understanding ' ((ate)Page ) maintain behaior chan*e and positie health see-in* behaiors amon* youth% %%..ackground This section provide a brief bac%ground on the issue being addressed orthe need being met through the partnership *t also states how +The Partners, see% toaddress the issue through +The Partnership,E+am!leE4istin* literature on the 2/3 and A/01 epidemic in (country) indicate that haltin* new infections remainsa comple4 challen*e, particularlyamon*the under58:a*e *roup, whorepresent nearlyhalf of thepopulation%;oun* women remain at increased ris- for 2/3 infection and there is a critical need for youn*people to continue to receie locali
