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CDC Workplace Health Resources List - Wh-resources

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  • 7/29/2019 CDC Workplace Health Resources List - Wh-resources



    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)Workplace Health Resources List


    The NCCDPHP Workplace Health Promotion

    toolkit (www.cdc.gov/workplacehealthpromotion ) isdesigned to educate business managers, humanresource staff, corporate wellness managers, andpublic health professionals working with employerson approaches to improving employee health, suchas changes in health care benefits or on-site healthpromotion programs. The toolkit pulls together thebest CDC science and resources to provide timelyand relevant information to employers to keep their workforce healthy, increase productivity, controlhealth care costs, and effectively engage theorganization at all levels.


    A Purchasers Guide to Clinical PreventiveServices: Moving Science into Coverage (http://www.businessgrouphealth.org/preventive/ ),developed by the National Business Group onHealth in collaboration with the CDC translatesclinical guidelines and medical evidence into layterms, providing employers with information toselect, define, and implement preventive medicalbenefits for 46 unique health conditions. An articleis also available that describes how to use thePurchasers Guide (http://www.cdc.gov/PCD/issues/2008/apr/pdf/07_0220.pdf ). The Guide is only availableelectronically.


    The Guide to Community Preventive Services(http://www.thecommunityguide.org/ ) summarizes what is known about theeffectiveness, economic efficiency, andfeasibility of interventions to promote communityhealth and prevent disease. Several reviewshave been done for worksites. Based on theevidence gathered in the rigorous andsystematic scientific reviews of publishedstudies conducted by the review teams of theCommunity Guide, The Task Force onCommunity Preventive Services makes

    recommendations for the use of variousinterventions. The findings from the reviews arepublished in peer-reviewed journals and alsomade available on the Internet.


  • 7/29/2019 CDC Workplace Health Resources List - Wh-resources



    The Essential Elements of Effective WorkplacePrograms and Policies for Improving Worker Health and Wellbeing (www.cdc.gov/niosh/TWH/essentials.html ),developed by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH),identifies twenty components of acomprehensive work-based health protectionand health promotion program and includes both

    guiding principles and practical direction for organizations seeking to develop effectiveworkplace programs.


    Investing in Health: Proven Health PromotionPractices for Workplaces (http://www.prevent.org/Worksite-Health/Investing-in-Health-Workplace-Guide.aspx ), developed by the Partnership for Prevention in collaboration with the CDC,provides guidance on effective policy,environmental, and health benefit strategies thatcan improve employee health by controllingtobacco use, promoting cancer screening andearly detection, and encouraging physicalactivity and healthy eating.


    CDC Healthier Worksite Initiative(http://www.cdc.gov/nccdphp/dnpa/hwi/index.htm ) addresses a wide range of workforce healthpromotion topics, including the planning andimplementation of program, policy, andenvironmental change strategies for severalhealth topics.


    The CDC Community Health Resources (www.cdc.gov/communityhealthresources ) Website is a searchable database with a worksitewellness section that includes communicationsand marketing campaigns, cross-cuttingprograms, data and statistics, guidelines andrecommendations, and policy, partnership, andplanning tools.


  • 7/29/2019 CDC Workplace Health Resources List - Wh-resources



    The Community Health Promotion Handbook: Action Guides to Improve Community Health(www.prevent.org/actionguides ) is an evidence-based tool that consists of an introduction andfive Action Guides. Each Action Guide translatesa specific recommendation from The Guide toCommunity Preventive Services (Community Guide ) into how to guidance to help publichealth practitioners and others interested inpromoting health implement effectivecommunity-level health promotionstrategies. The five Action Guides addressdiabetes management, physical activity, andtobacco-use treatment. Each Action Guidecontains an overview of the recommendationand supporting evidence, links to tools andresources for planning and implementation, tips

    for implementation and overcoming potentialobstacles, suggested resource needs, andquestions and potential data sourcesfor evaluation planning.


    The CDC Healthy Communities Programdeveloped the Community Health AssessmentaNd Group Evaluation (CHANGE)(http://www.cdc.gov/healthycommunitiesprogram/tools/change.htm ) assessment tool to providecommunities with a picture of the policy,systems, and environmental change strategiescurrently in place throughout the community,where gaps exists and facilitate action planningfor making improvements. The CHANGE tooladdress five community sectors includingworksites and health indicators related tophysical activity, nutrition, tobacco use, chronicdisease management, and leadership.


    Leading by Example: Creating Healthy Communities through Corporate Engagement (http://www.prevent.org/Initiatives/Leading-by-Example.aspx ) published in 2011 by thePartnership for Prevention with support fromCDC features 19 businesses and businessgroups who are providing leadership andreaching out to improve the health and wellnessof their communities providing many benefits totheir organizations.


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    Leading by Example: The Value of WorksiteHealth Promotion to Small- and Medium-sized Employers (http://www.prevent.org/Initiatives/Leading-by-Example.aspx ) published in 2011 by thePartnership for Prevention with support from

    CDC provides best practices and strategies for creating or enhancing a worksite healthpromotion program as well as worksite healthprogram descriptions from almost 20 smallemployers.


    Heart Disease and Stroke The Successful Business Strategies to Prevent Heart Disease and Stroke Toolkit (www.cdc.gov/dhdsp/pubs/employers_toolkit.htm ),

    developed by the CDC, provides employers withguidelines and recommendations to reduce coststhrough investing in comprehensive cardiovascular health programs and services in worksites, healthcare settings, and communities. It also includesways to collaborate and establish partnerships withstate and local health departments and other organizations. Contained within the toolkit is a six-step guide to show employers how to reduce costsby investing in worksite health promotion.

    Only electronic copies of the Toolkit arecurrently available. Hard copies of the six-step guide are available at this time.

    (www.cdc.gov/dhdsp/pubs/docs/six_step_guide.pdf ).


    Moving into Action for Employers(http://www.cdc.gov/dhdsp/moving_into_action.htm ) provides a range of actions employerscan take to promote heart-healthy and stroke-free worksites and communities. Included areexamples gathered from states andcommunities.


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    Diabetes at Work (www.diabetesatwork.org ) is atool designed to engage the businesscommunity and help them make decisions aboutdiabetes. This easy-to-use Web site helpsbusinesses understand diabetes and assess itsimpact in the workplace. The site also providesresources and tools to create and implementworksite education programs to prevent andcontrol diabetes. Diabetes at Work wasdeveloped in collaboration with the CDC, theNational Diabetes Education Program, the

    National Business Group on Health, the NationalBusiness Coalition on Health, and AmericasHealth Insurance Plans.


    School Health

    School Employee Wellness: A Guide for Protecting the Assets of Our Nations Schools(www.schoolempwell.org ), developed by theDirectors for Health Promotion and Education incollaboration with the CDC, is a comprehensiveguide that provides information, practical tools,and resources for school employee wellnessprograms. This guide will help schools, schooldistricts, and states develop and support theimplementation of school employee wellnessprograms that promote employee health,improve workforce productivity, and reduce thecosts of employee absenteeism and health care.


    Tobacco Use Cessation

    A Practical Guide to Working with Health-CareSystems on Improving Tobacco Use Treatment.(http://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/quit_smoking/cessation/practical_guide/pdfs/practical_guide.pdf ) wasdeveloped by state experts working with health caresystems to improve the treatment of tobacco use.State health departments and businesses are

    uniquely positioned to expand the provision of tobacco dependence treatment through partnershipsand purchasing strategies. The guide reviews whatis known about implementing comprehensivetobacco-control and treatment strategies in theUnited States.

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    Telephone Quitlines: A Resource for Development, Implementation, and Evaluation( www.cdc.gov/tobacco/quit_smoking/cessation/quitlines/ ) is designed to provide assistance tohealth departments, health care organizations,and businesses to contract for and monitor telephone counseling services for tobaccocessation.


    Save Lives, Save Money: Make Your BusinessSmoke-Free(www.cdc.gov/tobacco/basic_information/secondhand_smoke/guides/business/index.htm ) provides reasons for going smoke-free, keypolicy content areas, and strategies and

    resources for implementation.


    Tobacco, the Business of Quitting ,(www.businessgrouphealth.org/tobacco ), a Website developed by the National Business Groupon Health and supported by the CDC, listsmultiple tobacco control resources and is

    publically available.


    Tobacco Cessation Benefit Coverage and Consumer Engagement Strategies: A CaliforniaPerspective(http://www.pbgh.org/storage/documents/reports/PBGH-CDC_TobaccoCessation_06-2008.pdf ) summarizes current employer coverage of smoking cessation benefits, examples of implementation strategies of several PacificGroup on Health (PBGH) large member employers, and results from the eValue8 surveyof cessation benefits provided through the major PBGH member health plans.

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    Make It Your Business: Insure a Tobacco-FreeWorkplace(http://www.ndhealth.gov/tobacco/Businesses/ToolkitBooklet.pdf ) provides employers withtobacco cessation information, includingcoverage, promotion of the benefit,development and support for smoke-freepolicies, and resources to assist in developingthe process.


    Healthcare Provider Reminder Systems,Provider Education and Patient Education:Working with Healthcare delivery Systemsto Improve the Delivery of Tobacco-UseTreatment to Patients, An Action Guide(http://www.prevent.org/data/files/initiatives/tobaccousetreatment.pdf ) providesstrategies for working with health caredelivery systems to improve the delivery of tobacco-use treatment in both inpatient andoutpatient settings.


    Nutrition, Physical Activity and Obesity

    CDCs LEAN Works! (www.cdc.gov/leanworks ) is a free Web-based resource that offersinteractive tools and resources to helpemployers design effective worksite obesityprevention and control programs. The sitecontains an obesity cost calculator to determinehow much obesity costs your organization andhow much you could save by establishing an

    obesity prevention and control program at your worksite.


    Improving the Food Environment ThroughNutrition Standards: A Guide for Government Procurement (http://www.cdc.gov/salt/pdfs/DHDSP_Procurement_Guide.pdf ) developed by the Centers for Disease Controland Prevention (CDC), the Procurement Guide provides practical guidance to states andlocalities for use when developing, adopting,implementing, and evaluating a foodprocurement policy and can provide valuableinsight into the appropriateness andacceptability of these policies in other worksitesettings.

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    The Health and Sustainability Guidelines for Federal Concessions and Vending Operations (http://www.cdc.gov/chronicdisease/resources/guidelines/food-service-guidelines.htm ) is a

    collaboration between U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and theGeneral Services Administration (GSA). Thegoal of the Guidelines is to assist contractors inincreasing healthy food and beverage choicesand sustainable practices at federal worksites.Specifically, they aim to increase the healthyoptions available at cafeterias and vendingmachines; align food available at HHS and GSAfacilities with the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for

    Americans ; inform customers about what they

    are eating and which choices are healthier andmore sustainable; and increase sustainability of HHS and GSA operations and supportsustainable agricultural practices.


    Steps to Wellness: A Guide to Implementing the2008 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americansin the Workplace (available Fall 2011) providesemployers interested in creating or expandingtheir wellness programs with easy andunderstandable steps on how to increase thephysical activity of employees in the workplace.


