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Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa. Fo rm Fo r Hembers of the Le91s1ature K a m e 0 f Rep res e n tat i v 1. Birthday and place 2. Harriage (s) date place 3. Significant event. for example: A. Buslno •• _________________________________________________ B. Civic r •• pon.ibl1ltle8 __________________________________ ___ A. Local ________________________________________________ _ B. Stato __________________________________________________ __ C. Kational _________________________________________________ 7. O.ath ______ f /

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

Sta~dard Fo rm Fo r Hembers of the Le91s1ature

K a m e 0 f Rep res e n tat i v ' ld'14!;¥Iit.J'!L"_'U'L.lJ~",,,:"£'fIIM~

1 . Birthday and place LfllM~/;*,

2 . Harriage (s) date place

3. Significant event. for example:

A. Buslno •• ________________________________________________ _

B. Civic r •• pon.ibl1ltle8 __________________________________ ___

A. Local ________________________________________________ _

B. Stato __________________________________________________ __

C. Kational ________________________________________________ _

7 . O.ath ______ -7~~~~~~~~~~-,~.-·------------------------

f /

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

10 .Ed ucati o n -----_ ..• _ .. -

--------- .... __ .. _---11. Degrees __________ _ -----------

12 . Other app licabl e information _ .. _ _ _

-~AU{;,a.) - CLL..JiMi - 'cy,,-,,--, ,pt" .rI*"4Y7 - ....Jh L4,? v~.rzb."/ &1.M--'" /'j..i~~~;),*AI'-;t;;,; .:J£itlL'I-di~L!.1.Y 4Jk~&<.cc~~L¥ -- .' Ej) 11!,~:., /'-""'-'- ~,;fL -I1,_f?' ,/ ;z;, (1-'"

) . __ ._-_._---._-_._----------

._------ -_. _----_ ... _-_._-,,- -- ----_.---. _._.- _._-_ .. _-_._--------_._---------"


Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

· .

Sources Log For Legislation Entries


Source Kon Information obtained


Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

Page I of I

[email protected]


~~nt: Subject:

"Elaine Lundberg" <[email protected]> "Helen \!\tlannel" <[email protected]> Sunday, June 26,200510:52 PM CAMPBELL Info l #1

Helen, I will type what the 1920 newspaper states and then will add a few things that might or might not be helpful to you . I don't know if you are interested in W H Campbell's parents and siblings or not. I have an email address of a person researching this CAMPBELL family on the Guthrie County Website about a year ago. I could forward her query if you like. That is will scan and fOlWard what it contained. Let me know if you want this.

I had collected abstracted items from some of the very old Guthrie County Vedette, or Panora Iowa newspaper. The name of the Panora Newspaper did change in those very early years. I think some of this may be on the shelf at the libary but not for sure.

27 Jan 1870 p4c5 Guthrie County Vedette, Panora,lowa

Concerning our servants: Our Representative, biographical sketches of members of the XlIlth general Assemble, Wm. H. CAMPBELL, Panora, Guthrie County; student; born in Indiana; single; Congregationalist; Captain 4th Iowa Inf; 16 years in Iowa; 29 years old; weighs 1731bs. Rep. CAMPBELL is a member of the standing committees on Claims; Military Affairs. He was born 4th of November 1840 near Indianapolis, Ind. came here 13 years later. His father died the year afterward and young CAMPBELL assumed control of his mother's farm, and worked it until the war began, when he enlisted in Col Oodg's reg. 1st LT and Capt. Wounded at Dallas, Georgia. Since war has been a student of Mt Pleasant college, educating for the law.

--------_ ........... __ . 22 January 1920 pBc1 Guthrie County Vedette Panora Iowa

VI. received here this week of Wm. CAMPBELL's death at Tulsa, Okla. Deceased was resident here many years and was a brother of George CAMPBELL east of town. He was veteran of cibvil war. Leaves to mourn, three children, Ambler and Faith, of Omaha, and Willard, of Oklahoma, three brothers, George, Albert and MOrris, all in this state, and one sister, mary TYLER of Woodburn, Oregon .


Helen, I think there may be some information in the 1884 GuthrieCounty History book, I am thinking there should be one on the shelf. I have a lot of the pages here at home, but naturally the one I wanted to look at 1 don't have. Might want to check that since it was written after W H Campbell was a Representative.

His parents were Hugh CAMPBELL and Cynthia KIMBERLY CAMPBELl. Hugh Campbell died 10 June 1854 and his wife, Cynthia died 21 April 1878 .. The mother, Cynthia death notice states that they were member of the Baptist church for fifty years. There was a Baptist church in the country just east of Panora a ways. It states that she left 8 grown children.

A brother's obituary - George Campbell d ied in 1927 and it states that this George was the fourth of eleven children born to Hugh and Cynthia Kimberly Campbell. etc etc

I am going to email you another letter because have something kind of interesting about 'vVm H Campbell to tell you.

Elaine Lundberg


Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

[email protected]


bt:nt: Subject:

"Elaine Lundberg" <[email protected]> "Helen Vv'hannel" <[email protected]> Sunday, June 26, 200511 :46 PM CAMPBELL Email #2

Page I of2

Helen there are a couple other short items from the newspapers and I also went on the Heritage Quest for the 1900 and 1910 census with the 1910 stating some additional info. 1 hope this does not scramble too badly for you because I realized I should halle typed it in Word and did an attachment of the information. Sorry. Because I already have it typed below now.

Wrn H Campbell actually died in 1919 before the 1st of January. Anyway this;s what the person that sent a query had listed and made sense.

5 June 1890 p5c2 Panora Vedette William Campbells children who have been staying with George Campbell and family since their mother's death started Monday for their grandparents in the west.

{so far I have not found or figured out if his wife is buried here at Panora, that would take some more looking.}

15 June 1893 p1c3 Capt W H Campbell of Or1ando OK who was visiting here with his brother, C M Campbell left for his home Monday.

1900 census you will find living in 12gan Co OK Or'1ando twp ED 144 sheet 28

\\ . .• dm H Campbe1159 Nov 1840 Ind marr 8 years with wife Bertha H age 35 {on this census she lists 3 children born and 3 children living, but on the 1910 census she lists 1 child born and 1 living. Perhaps because there are three children living in the household and she just included his children by a previous marriage} . Henry A. Campbell son July 1879 20 Iowa Ind Ohio Faith Campbell April 1881 19 Iowa Ind Ohio Willard H. August 1894 5 OK Ind OH son

1910 census finds them in Caddo county OK Anadarko {not sure on the spelling??} ED 47 Sheets A & B West Boulevard 415/428

line 49 line 50

W H Campbell 69 bom Indiana ml2 18 years Ind Virginia Ohio Postmaster Bertha A wife m/118 yl'S 1/1 Ohio Mass Ohio assistant postmaster

{Under the census pJH1.e at the bottom states this; Unes 49 and 50 W.H. Campbell is a Lawyer and his wife Bertha A Camp-bell is a Regular graduate Phxsician and they want the census to show this.}

Next page cont: Willard H.?? Campbell son 15 OK Iowa Ohio Charlotte M. Hastings mother-in-law female 67 wd 414 Ohio Connecticut Massachusetts Alice A .. sister-in-law female 25 single Ohio Mass Ohio teacher in Public school •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• * ••••••••••••••••••••••••

LOOK WHERE W.H. CAMPBELL is found on the 1880 census ---- Missouri

Census Place: St. Joseph, Buchanan, Missouri Source: FHL Film 1254675 National Archives Film T9-0675 Page 1840 r 'ion Sex Marr Race Age Birthplace

w. H. CAMPBELL Self M M W 38 IN Dec: Lawyer Fa: VA Me: IN


Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

Nellie CAMPBELL Wife F M W 35 OH Dce: Keeping House Fa: ENG Mo: OH Henry CAMPBELL Son M S W 11M IA

Fa: IN Me: OH

Page 2 of2

{t ,1, I think it is quite possible that the son, Henry A Campbell could be the Ambler Campbell listed in the death notice.}

If you have any questions email back, OK. Hope this helps you a little bit. He does have family buried here in Guthrie county. win look at the library at Jamaica next time I am there, if I remember now, and see what added things they may have. Elaine


Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

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-,. .'

, , --'-" --;i, ..... '::;;'~

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, Parent , Teo.cbeMl' ·· £UIBOClauon faculty. ',r .~ ... . ~... .. , UCI I .. " •• ,,"" ~-- . _- .,.'8

an ,Op&D' meOUnr; In the 'CUI- the Vo'ook and bnR takeD up hid of tlie public ochoal at dUtiOll, He will not brlDg hi. wife UD

Friday, Janua.ry 30. , tot" 0. tew weeks yet, an be &-Queetlon ,_. ... - .. _. -.1.-- .. .._-_.- ou.·

one la to bring any Drotber Vall , ot Jefterson , .a torm- h.u thQ" -wertaro· ot er ' newflpn.per' publJsb'er'1iere;- ,.. .. rurlif ~f

. teacbers, AchooJ or IUS- lown yeAtorday calling .on· old trlond~: ta~ .' wblch they . wt~h to hear Mr, Vail went trom here to Jetferson gr

:Don't tor'get the purp06Q, to publish the Free Lance. whlcb be er or place. arterward HOld. nnd Hlnce tben he ' to'

E. Finley, w:ho wiII be remem- houtte. .~ .. ;,. , p3 , here b .... /t' Ia.rgo niJmber or our ;. ',.~ Oc

: b;u:\ . b~n fm-nde preeldent of Harry Kinne,. haR decided ' to.' Qhti · .. : . Nat10nal bo.nk o.t J'fiimpa. tnnning and try city Ute tor a. whUc.-I: .. ~

,: T~e newe ot bft4 AUCCeM there He wl1r have a closing out sale 'nt , his .h,1 gratltying" ' to .hw' old time place northeast ot · Panora ThUTsUY ' m

In Panora. He Wrul cashier of next w~k. 'otterlng 85 ' hood ' 01'· 11, bank ·tor a. Dum,ber ot years l1vootock. He intends to ' move to ' I~

~ th!s ' elcction oomee ' aa :l promo- Perry to 11\'e and - ""1Il occu "pY~ hiB . b· lJU<>o,'" ,. Mr. F~nley was principal In time this Bummer bulldln'g a new I tt

blgh Acbool here tor 'tour y~.3:.rH home 011 Wartord street. " ,"I . . -'.:' .' Thompson Lake haa dlflpo~d! ot the 6. ~~f~[~~~~~ here about" 16 yea rs agO '" ,,-'"- I ' • wna received here lhis 'week I pro~rty In liOutheaat ,PanorCL- 'whtch , t:

~,,·.<t.b.e deatb ' ot Wm. CampbelJ at Tul • . ~or many yeal'8_ "-'.'.aH_owned.and. oceuj d Okla,. Deceased pied- by- htaparentH. ChaR. Cramer . c . I

waa a brother was the purchaoor find tbfl consider- , f: %S~:::~~~.Geo. Campbell, OOl8t ot town . . He allan was $1,200. We understand ' r: '\" a, vetcrnn ot the civil war and CharIey 18 planning to tear the old , t i'2'if·'WiU · be-r"mem,be're.H,y ·ml1ny~ot-the· rihed-ott- the -rear-end.;,of4he-lot- nndf t \l~~;:::~ resld.ents . . He le:aves to mourn, ~rect a .garage there a.nd thn:t later I' ~~; children. AmbkJr and Faith, ot he mny build :l modern cQttnge on ' tbe (

!~!~.'i nnd· "Wlllard, 0':. Oklahon·,a .. l.placo: The corner Ie regarde'd a.a one ; I ~.:; . brothers,' George. Albert and o[ -l,be moat desirable buIlding 61)Ot9 I

~)~"rl'l" , nIl In this state, nnd one filS-: JO "1'OWIl. :- . ' II . Mary ·Tyler . ot Woodburn. Ol~ . · • ,

week about , seeing ' Q, meadow the ,dOlY beforo. \Vo nove, caught I

lying to uK 'yet and_be appeared ;-;/i: .. u. b • . In· hi" right mind while talkln~

·. UR; but It Hounded Uke a fltrotch "the imaglnatlon, You enn ' t .. '1.kc

':;'i/I'bl. v.'"O.rd for It It you want to 'but tbe·flnme It 18 3, ' long wbiJe 'until

Attend Bible Sch

WHI '. ;'~:\'t;~:'~!~:;e yet nnd it Joe hnH nny In-

~; with the Lark he will induce

r,i!;,;,{;''f a : .. Whlle.ba~,k to. warmor .cllmate tor·I;t;--,.,+ CHURCH OF .. ' ~ropel'ty to tbe , value of . $114,000 a- good ,dcal .tor one man to dlepose by the public sale method, but that

hns .~ce~ ,renched- by O. S. Mey­lives :eilflt .ot .Panther BtoTe.

~~::~'~ ' lo. l> t March . . wben » alspo!:;c'd ;ot $37.000 worn, ,or ' l!l~lnly.:JlycS lock ot coUr!'>C, i n

.. We . had aapleDdidatten. . ~~.

hundred. Several 'newell .: .:

Come ~ollt next Stinda)

_ ..... ..... - ... -.- 1.

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.


OHio. of Th. Adluta"1 O.".ral


" . O. IIOK II. OU "'OINU. 'OWA to>o'


Cmmty of Burial. __ O.::.:.:k::lc::a:.:h:.:o:::m:::a=-__ War Served in ___ C:'~::' ;.v=i=l'-___ _ Full Name of Deceased CAMPBELL , William

(l.ut) (Fir.lt)

H. (lId.ddlo)

Age Nearest Birthday _....."._ Race SSAN_----'N"o"'o"'e"-______ _ Last Known AddreSs __ ~~P~a~o~o~rra~.C-=I~o~w~a~-_,~OT------T,C~~--

(City or TOlIn) (Ste.te) (Coomt;y)

(Stree t N\IIDb$r, Eta. ) Place of Death _-;:::-:-:-________ Date of Death ______ _

Place of Burial_-=O:.:k::l:::a::h.:o:::m:::a;;.;;======= __________ _ (Cau.nty~1ty...TOIIn or T""'lUIhiP)

Name of Cemeter)'--_--.o=====;-;;;;-;;;;-;;;=;;;;; _______ _ (Gran Loca~Kt.1oo, . lDt and 8lo<:k 110',)

Date of Burial _ ____________________ _ Father of Deceased _________________________ _

Mother of Deceased (maiden name)' _________________ _

Wife or Husband (maiden name) _________________ _

Other Bl ood Relatives _____ -;;;=:-====,-_________ _ (N_a. and lLd.drDu ... )

Membership Veterans Organizations _____ -,c=~=c~~--------(II.".,. and Year)

Serial Number in Armed Forces _~-_c~N~o~o~e=----------------Rank at Time of Discharge __ ~C~afP~t~a~~~·o~ ____ ~~~~-------B th f I ndi a na ir 0 Deceased, Date Place_~~:.:.~ ______ _ Induction into Armed Forces , Date 6(26(6lPlace __________ _ Discharged from Armed Forces , Dat e July 24 , 1865 Place Discharged Louisville . Kentucky

Branch of Armed For ces __ ~A~r~m~yL-~~o_-_,-;_-~~~~c-=_-----Organization Served with Co. C, Fourth I owa Vol . In£. Type of Discharge ______________________ _

Remarks: __ ~R~e~-=e~o~l3i~s~t~e~d~J~a~o~.~2;5~.~1~8~6:4~~--~ ____ ---------------Wounded May 29. 1864, Da llas , Georgi a Entered servi ce at 20 years of age

Registered hy _______________________ _

AGO Form GR..1 (Rev May 77)
