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CEF Proposal

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  • 8/12/2019 CEF Proposal


    Ministry for the Environment

    Community Environment Fund

    Application Form for CEF Round 5 (September20!"

    CEF 00050

  • 8/12/2019 CEF Proposal


    #efore completin$ this application form

    %his application form is for pro&ect proposals to the Ministry for the Environment'sCommunity Environment Fund CEF Round 5 (September 20!")

    *ou must have re$istered on the online fundin$ portal and completed theeli$ibility chec+ to submit an application for fundin$ to the CEF Round 5(September 20!")

    Please read the Community Environment Fund Guide for Applicants CEF Round5 (September 201!before completing this application form.

    *ou must complete this application form electronically,and submit it by email.Applications that are not completed electronically and submitted by email -illnot be accepted)

    If you need help to complete the application form, refer to the Guide for Applicants inthe first instance.

    For any further information, [email protected], or phone 000 !"" #00.

    All applications to CEF Round 5 (September 20!" must be completed usin$this application form)

    .hen your application is complete

    %he deadline for the submission of application forms is 2/00 noon, Monday 21anuary 20) .e encoura$e you to submit your completed application form -ellahead of the deadline) 3ate or incomplete applications -ill not be assessed)

    *ou must include your uni4ue CEF reference number on the front cover of yourapplication form and in the application summary table (4uestion ") *ou received thisuni4ue CEF reference number by email -hen you submitted the online eli$ibilitychec+ for each application you are submittin$)

    Email each completed application form in a S673E email -ith the letters of support,to

    $ommunity %nvironment Fund& Application Form for $%F 'ound ( )*eptember +0- +

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 8/12/2019 CEF Proposal


    %he sub&ect of the email must include the uni4ue CEF reference number and the -ord8application' (for e9ample 8CEF:0002! Application'")

    *ou must use the uni4ue CEF reference number for any correspondence -ith theMinistry about your application)

    $ommunity %nvironment Fund& Application Form for $%F 'ound ( )*eptember +0- -

  • 8/12/2019 CEF Proposal


    ;fficial nformation

    mportant/Information presented to the /inister for the %nvironment or the /inistry for the%nvironment is subect to disclosure under the 1fficial Information Act "+ )1IA. $ertaininformation may be 2ithheld in accordance 2ith the grounds for 2ithholding information underthe 1IA. Further information on the 1IA is available at222.ombudsmen.parliament.nz.

    Information held by the /inister and /inistry may have to be released under the 1IA inresponse to a re3uest from a member of the public )or any other body for that information. Ifyou 2ish to provide sensitive information to the /inister or /inistry 2hich you do not 2antreleased, it is recommended you consult 2ith the /inistry as to 2hether the information isnecessary for the application, and 2hether there may be grounds in the 1IA for 2ithholding theinformation. For instance, if release of the information 2ould disclose a trade secret, or be li4elyto unreasonably preudice the commercial position of the person 2ho supplied or 2ho is the

    subect of the information, then there may be grounds to 2ithhold the information. 5he /inistry2ill endeavour to contact you to discuss an 1IA re3uest relating to your application if one isreceived, and 2hat the implications of releasing your information are.

    5he grounds for 2ithholding must al2ays be balanced against consideration of public interestthat may ustify release. Although the /inistry does not give any guarantees as to 2hetherinformation can be 2ithheld under the 1IA, it may be helpful to discuss 1IA issues 2ith the/inistry in advance, if information provided 2ith an application is sensitive.

    $ommunity %nvironment Fund& Application Form for $%F 'ound ( )*eptember +0- !

  • 8/12/2019 CEF Proposal


    SEC%;6 ;6E/

  • 8/12/2019 CEF Proposal


    reuestin* from te CEF.

    2) Contact details for this application

    Provide a primary contact and a bac$up contact for tis application /e 4inistry may contact te nominatedperson to as$ information about tis application

    Primary contactperson

    Andre2 *inclair *econdarycontact person

    Paula $ross2ell


    5andline andmobile

    0" +-D- D!# Phone

    5andline andmobile

    0" +-D- ++0

    %mail address [email protected]

    %mail address patumahoe+0([email protected]

    Physical address "c 9ald Eill 'oad

    '8 -, Pu4e4ohe +D#

    Physical address $ 7 ! 8ay 'd, Patumahoe

    Pu4e4ohe +D#"

    ! ) Appl ican t detai ls

    Provide details of te or*anisation submittin* tis application

    1rganisation name Patumahoe 6illage Incorporated

    1rganisation type

    Please tic$ teappropriate box

    $ommunity I2ihap 9usiness Hocalcouncil

    *chool 1therpleasespecify

    8escription of theorganisation

    Provide a briefdescription of teor*anisation applyin*for fundin* )nclude itsmain activities andrelevantenvironmentalexperiencema"imum #0 $ords!

    5here are + involved.

    Patumahoe 6illage Incorporated is a community group focussed onsustainability, community 2ellbeing and sound planning, formed ! years ago2ith a 2ide catchment. )Governance 9ody.

    ?ha4aupo4o Handcare is a registered charity and thriving Handcare Groupformed 0 years ago 2ho 2ould be responsible for the

  • 8/12/2019 CEF Proposal


    ou #ill be reuired tosubmit proof of le*alentity status if yourapplication is invitedto proceed to 6ta*e ))

    Himitedliability orcooperativecompany


    G*5 number na

    Physical address ofthe organisation

    ! 8ay 'd, Patumahoe, Pu4e4ohe +D#"

    Postal addressif different!

    P1 9oB #+, Patumahoe +!!0

    5elephone 0" +-D- ++0


    0+ +D"0!

    4obile pone

    ?ebsite address 222.patumahoe.org.nz

    ) =etai ls of the proposal

    /ell us more about your proposal trou* te uestions belo#

    ?hat is theenvironmental

    opportunity or problemthat you plan to address2ith the proectJ

    ma"imum #00 $ords!

    In :e2 ;ealand 2ith biodiversity enhancement, much of the focus at a'egional and :ational level is driven by $ouncil and Governments.

    5here is a focus on :ationally o2ned land $ouncil 'eserves etc. Eereis an opportunity to engage more 2ith the public and to have an impacton the significant area of land that is in private o2nership throughout thecountry.

    As 00K volunteers for 0 years 2e have been involved 2ith severalintiatives on this issue. 5his is due to our interest in biodiversity and ouro2n

  • 8/12/2019 CEF Proposal


    deeper understanding of the scientific 2or4 in an appealing 2ay. As aresult of this open, net2or4ed and trans7disciplinary scenario, science7society7policy interactions are improved leading to a more democraticresearch, based on evidence7informed decision ma4ing as is scientificresearch conducted, in 2hole or in part, by amateur or non professional

    scientists.N /any citizen7science proects serve education and outreachgoals.

    A 4ey opportunity is to eBtend beyond simply ust recording informationbut also to&

    Present results in a standard format that can be used nation2ide

    gps mapping of monitor sites

    Available on line

    'esults that are clearly understood by all and can demonstrate trendsover time. 5his is inclusive of community participants and fundingorganisations.

    + In :e2 ;ealand to improve biodiversity, mainland pest control is a4ey re3uirement and opportunity. 5his re3uires in our opinion,engagement of the community and mobilising of volunteer people po2er.

    /uch of the focus in :; is on islands, sanctuaries, small poc4ets of localbush reserves or larger remote 81$ estates. In the 2ider Auc4landarea, li4e 2ith the ?ellington, arori sanctuary, there is a gro2ing spillover of threatened native bird species. 5his is from predator free islandsclose to Auc4land and intensive A4ld $ouncil pest control programmes inthe Eunuas 2ith the li4es of the 4o4a4o programme. /issing from thismiB is privately o2ned land.

    5he opportunity eBists to mobilise volunteer people po2er, due to theproBimity of a large human population close to us. 5his is 2ithestablishing community based intensive pest control programmes onprivately o2ned land 2ith easy to measure outcomes. Privately o2nedland has more people close to it compared to much of the 81$ estate. Itcovers a considerable part of :e2 ;ealand and by starting in theAuc4land area has the added advantage of most of the properties beingreasonably small and lots of people.

    For biodiversity enhancement, community based initiatives thatincorporate privately o2ned land are a 4ey and to date not much focushas gone into this area on a coordinated , nation2ide basis.

    ?hat is the solution oraction you areproposingJ

    ma"imum #00 $ords!

    5he solution is based around the follo2ing&

    8eveloping further some $itizen *cience monitoring tools that 2ehave initiated. 5his is simplified 4ey indicator species ( minute bird countmonitoring and a $he2 $ard protocol for land o2ners.

    5he litmus test is that all the tools must be tested 2ith primary schoolage children 2here 2ith fe2 instructions they can&

    $arry out the tests

    %nter results from the tests in standard fields on line or even via cellphones.

    Eave results presented that can be easily interpreted and understoodby those doing the monitoring

  • 8/12/2019 CEF Proposal


    'esults are in a standard format that can be added to over time andshared and understood 2ith other users nation2ide.

    + A Flagship simple pest control strategy for

  • 8/12/2019 CEF Proposal


    fluffy. All but the most avid of cat fans no2 at least ac4no2ledge thatthere is a dar4 side to cats in terms of their fit 2ith the :; environment.5his has brought about a permanent shift in public attitude that promiseslasting benefits and 2ith more to follo2.

    - 5he intention is that 2e 2ould achieve a 2ide level of publicity,

    )ideally nation2ide, 2ith the initiatives. 5his is 2or4ing 2ith variousmedia and organisations 2e have lin4s 2ith.

    Are you a2are of anyother proect of this typein your region or in :e2;ealandJ

    ma"imum 100 $ords!

    /onitoring and Pest $ontrol is not ne2. $he2 $ards are a relatively ne2tool. ?e are a2are of some organisiations revie2ing involved inmonitoring and 2e are a2are for instance that 81$ is trying to find 2aysto engage more 2ith the volunteer community.

    1n private land most of the pest focus is on possum control especially2ith the 59 influence. Eo2ever it is the rat that is the :o pest in termsof threatening biodiversity. 9y focussing on the ship rat, possum controlbecomes relatively easy as much the same toBins can be used via baitstations. Also the possum breeding cycle and ability to regenerate

    numbers, is much slo2er than the rat.

    ?ai4ato 'egional $ouncil )?'$ are trying re 2oolly nightshade and itis listed as a

  • 8/12/2019 CEF Proposal


    value etc.

    ma"imum 100 $ords!

    eBceeding 0,000ha.

    5he $itizen *cience tools developed 2ill be 2ell tested in at least - local*chools and have application across all of :e2 ;ealand for biodiversitymonitoring and pest control.

  • 8/12/2019 CEF Proposal


    5) ey performance indicators (>

  • 8/12/2019 CEF Proposal


    out. )refer 222.patumahoe.org Po2erPoint for ?ha4aupo4o Handcare.

    $he2 $ards are a relatively ne2 tool andoffer a simple, lo2 cost, easily interpretedoption for blan4et surveys of all relevantareas on privately o2ned land.

    + /onitoring 5ools

    8evelop a simplified ( minute birdcount 2ith 4ey indicator speciesthat can be used nation2ide. Alsodevelop the $he2 $ard protocol forHandcare groups. Available on lineas a tool 2ith easy data recordingand data presentation options.

    5here 2ill be a simplified ( minutebird count 2ith 4ey species indicator

    options that can be used nation2ide2ith fe2 if any barriers to entry.Hi4e2ise for the $he2 $ard Protocolfor Handcare Groups. 5hey 2ill beavailable on line as a tool providingoptions for easy to understandinstructions for use. %asy data entryoptions, easy instructions for datapresentation easy to understand datapresentation that can be readilyshared and updated on line.

    5his 2ill be measured in - local schoolsover a period of at least + years so that

    updating trend monitors can also beevaluated. 5his 2ill be 2ith guidance fromourselves during the process.

    It 2ill also be measured in - schools overa period of at least year 2here there isno more than phone and or internetguidance.

    5here is very limited monitoringof pests and birds at primary

    schools throughout :e2;ealand

    - ?oolly :ightshade elimination

    In the 2ider ?ha4aupo4o Handcarecurrent catchment, mobilise the

    community to target and achievecontrol of ?oolly :ightshade.Patumahoe 7 ?oodhouse 'd 7Eunters 'd 7 *prings 'd 7 'ogers'd 7 ?ylie 'd 7 /asters 'd 7?aiu4u 'd 7 *ommerville 'd 79asset 'd 7 Findlay 'd 7 /au4u 'd7 8ay 'd 7 ingseat 'd 7

    1n all pest control cluster propertiesafter - years there 2ill be no 2oollynightshade over m tall.

    1n all other properties fe2er than (K2ill have 2oolly nightshade plantsabove m tall after - years.

    5here 2ill be a road visual surveycompleted at the end of each year andfollo2 up 2ith land o2ners 2ith any 2oollynightshade sightings. An eBtrapolation 2ill

    be re3uired to be calculated to provide arelationship that has relevance to the (Ktarget.

    9oth ?ai4ato 'egional $ounciland Auc4land $ouncil have

    2oolly nighshade listed as acontainment pest. ?'$ ta4e

    more active measures 2ithcontrol 2here there is ongoingresistance from lando2ners.For Auc4land $ouncil a +0mboundary clearance is re3uired.Given that the seed is spreadby birds the effectiveness ofthis is debatable.

    $ommunity %nvironment Fund& Application Form for $%F 'ound ( )*eptember +0- -

  • 8/12/2019 CEF Proposal



    ! $itizen *cience and Pest$ontrol Publicity

    %stablish publicity around theproect beyond local. 5his providesgood opportunity for the toolsdeveloped to not only haveapplication but also to be used

    nation2ide by various landcare >community groups, lando2ners andschools.

    5here 2ill be a2areness of theproect among many organisationsincluding the belo2 7 all of 2hich 2ehave already had some contact 2ithin recent years&

    Auc4land $ouncil

    Hocal 9oard

    ?ai4ato 'egional $ouncil

    A2hitu Peninsula Handcare

    ?hangaroa Handcare

    ?ai4ato 9iodiversity Forum


    Fran4lin $ounty :e2s ?aiu4u Post

    56 > 56 -, :; Eerald

    :; Handcare 5rust

    Animal Eealth 9oard

    Handcare 'esearch

    Forest > 9ird

    ?orld ?ildlife Fund

    /organ Foundation

    O% + 5rust

    :ature *pace

    ?here appropriate 2ithin + years 2e 2illestablish internet based lin4s 2ithorganisations inclusive of the list. ?e 2illestablish communication lin4s 2ith arange of media organisations includingthose listed by the end of + years

    ?ha4aupo4o Handcare 2asrepresented at a 22f meetingclose to + years ago. 5his 2asto present our efforts 2ithregard to simple monitoring.Also to oin a panel discussionon options for more biodiversitymonitoring to be simplified 2ithfe2er barriers to entry. 5hesubse3uent email discussionfollo2ing the meeting broughtup the topic of $itizen *ciencein the =*. 5his 2as from%lizabeth Eeeg, O%+. *incethen $itizen *cience is no2being referred to 3uite often inthe media via the li4es of 'adio:e2 ;ealand and it has openedup the opportunity for morepublicity to be readily accepted.

    5here is the Forma4 4itavailable that does include amore compleB ( minute birdcount monitor tool. AnimalEealth 9oard have a code of

    practise that they have given usaccess to for ho2 they usethem. Handcare 'esearch haveinformation available on $he2$ard research.

    $ommunity %nvironment Fund& Application Form for $%F 'ound ( )*eptember +0- !

  • 8/12/2019 CEF Proposal



  • 8/12/2019 CEF Proposal


    people fre3uent such as houses, sheds andalong drive2ays and continue to trial Good:ature 4ill traps. Include cluster boundarypest control management 2ith the li4es ofmore fre3uent spacings of bait stations, )eg(0m vs 00m

    'evie2 page ( minute bird count 4ey

    indicator record sheet 2ith input from Forest> 9ird, A$, :ature *pace81$, :; Handcare

    5rust and ?'$. Also revie2 draft $he2 $ardProtocol for Handcare Groups 2ith Handcare'esearch and AE9. 5his is to ensure thatthey are robust and have applicationnation2ide.

    8evelop tools for internet for recording and

    presenting $itizen *cience results. $ombinethis 2ith 2ritten simple instructions for allsteps so that there is not the need for aninstructor teacher

    5est monitoring in - local schools using

    $he2 $ards and simplified ( minute birdcount.


  • 8/12/2019 CEF Proposal


    $arry out a $he2 $ard survey as per the

    protocol on all cluster properties duringAugust +0!. Follo2 up 2ith pest control andfurther monitoring as re3uired.

    8evelop a 2ay of recognising varying levels

    of pest control that includes zero and thebelo2 K target. 'esults can be sho2n online and presented clearly and easy tounderstand. Incorpporate this 2ith localmedia publicity.

    Initiate a ?oolly :ightshade $ontrol strategy

    2ith input and support from ?'$ > A$.

    Initiate a volunteer group for regular )eg

    fortnightly, 2oolly nightshade control,combined 2ith educational interestHandcare activities. Incorporate some birdmonitoring and pest control activities. 5heemphasis on

  • 8/12/2019 CEF Proposal


    Annual survey for 2oolly nightshade 2ith

    local media publicity.

    ) Support and collaboration from community and sta+eholders

    Provide te name and details of involvement of te or*anisations:individuals excludin* councils! providin* support to your project /e CEF provides fundin* to projects

    tat support collaboration and partnersips, so projects tat can demonstrate support from at least four or*anisations:individuals are preferred

    F;R EAC ;R7A6SA%;6@6=B=A3 %A% *; 3S%, *; MS%

  • 8/12/2019 CEF Proposal


    2ith the :P$A pest control guidelines for all pests. ):ational Possum $ontrol Agency.9ruce Allen is the contact person for this proect.

    A2hitu Peninsula Handcare Handcare$ommunity Group

    $lose to us and one of thelongest surviving groups 2iththeir +0thyear coming up

    5hey share a similar environment, similar goals and similar vie2s. 5heir involvement is 2ithhaving both an ongoing peer revie2 role in this proect and 2ith one of the cluster groups forintensive pest control being located in their area. 5hey have eBtensive 4no2ledge andeBpertise in ho2 to engage 2ith their community and achieve results. 5heir secretary, Anna?hite is their point of contact for this proect.

    Polhill 'estoration Group Handcare volunteercommunity group

    /arc *lade is the contact person for this proect. /arc leads this volunteer group as avolunteer. Ee 2as 2ith 22f as the $%1 2hich is 2here 2e had original contact via a simplemonitoring $itizen *cience Forum in ?ellington + years ago. It 2as gathering momentumbut ran in to a bit of a 2all 2hen the contact person 2ithin 81$ ust did not get the conceptof $itizen *cience etc.

    /arc is no2 Proect Header for the 81$ proect :ature *pace. Hi4e A2hitu PeninsulaHandcare /arc is 4een to be involved as a landcare representative in a peer revie2 role and

    2ith their group participating as a cluster group. *ince 2e met /arc has gained practicaleBperience 2ith the use of $he2 $ards, has become a big fan and can fully appreciates thepotential that they offer along 2ith other $itizen *cience tools.

    ?ith his and the groups involvement in the proect it provides an eBcellent satellite to test theproect

  • 8/12/2019 CEF Proposal


  • 8/12/2019 CEF Proposal


    D) Counci l support

    Provide te name and details of involvement of local, district and:or re*ional councils! providin* support to your project

    F;R EAC C;6C3 %A% *; 3S%, *; MS%

  • 8/12/2019 CEF Proposal


    sta$eolders can*in* reuirements after te project asstarted, ris$s to te industry or sector to #ic teor*anisation belon*s!

    #or$! allocated to complete eac tas$:activity andte project as a #ole!

    5he proect is dependant on primarily one personcoordinating it )Andre2 *inclair and there are notmany others 2ithin Patumahoe 6illage Inc or?ha4aupo4o Handcare capable of completing theproect to a high standard. *ome of those that dohave the capability are currently employed full time

    and 2ould not necessarily have the available timecommitment.

    5he reality is that ust 2ith volunteer input over aperiod of 0 years there have been significantsimple monitoring $itizen *cience achievementsand leadership demonstrated. ?ith funding, moretime can be made available to drive this proect toa ne2 level.

    Ho2. 5herehas beencommitmentto thisproectdemonstrate

    d over 0years byAndre2 andthiscommitmentis unli4ely tochange.

  • 8/12/2019 CEF Proposal


    Alternatively the proect lends itself2ell to involvement from the li4es of a=niversity student or even schoolstudent. /ost organisations 2e 2ill be

    2or4ing 2ith have 2eb basecomponents to their business andcould be in a position to assist 7 forinstance ?aicare 2ith the personinvovled in their 2eb development reschools based programmes.

    5he goal of ( cluster groups totalling over ,000haand achieving the re3uired pest control may not beachieved. 5his could be due for instance to notenough interest or pest reinvasion issues fromoutside cluster group boundaries. It is important tonote that over 0 years across the 2hole area and

    2ith ust volunteer input there has been asignificant reduction in pests. 5his is to belo2 (Krtc 2ith possums )from -+K. A D00K increase intui numbers over # years 2hich are a 4ey indicatorspecies for rats. 9ats are relatively common inparts of the area. Also much anecdotal evidencefrom people living in the area

    Ho2. It 2ould dampen credibilityfor the proect. 5his is vitalfor the proect to gainmomentum beyond local andfor it to gain nation2ideimpact

    severe $oordinat ion support for those in thecluster group is seen as a 4ey part ofthe proect. 5here 2ill be strategies inplace to mitigate the potential forreinvasion by ensuring there is a levelof pest control on properties close tothe cluster zones or appropriateborder control. A pool of volunteers 2ilbe mobilised 2ithin the community toassist cluster groups 2here re3uired.

    5here is already a good level ofunderstanding of pest controlstrategies among many of thelando2ners 2ithin the area providing agood base from 2hich to move up toanother level.

    Hac4 of support from organisations and $ouncilsthat 2ould threaten to limit the upta4e of theproect achievements nation2ide

    lo2 As above severe 5he 2or4ing group for

  • 8/12/2019 CEF Proposal


  • 8/12/2019 CEF Proposal


    leadership and coordination s4ills.

    ?ith A2hitu Peninsula Handcare 2eare already tal4ing 2ith Auc4land$ouncil 9iodiversity about changingthe pest status of ?oolly :ightshadeto be in line 2ith ?ai4ato 'egional$ouncil status.

    $ommunity %nvironment Fund& Application Form for $%F 'ound ( )*eptember +0- +(

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  • 8/12/2019 CEF Proposal


    ) 7overnance and mana$ement structure

  • 8/12/2019 CEF Proposal


    SEC%;6 %.;/ Financial nformation

    2) Fundin$ information %otal *ear *ear 2 *ear !

    (A! Qour organisationMs cash contribution tothe proect

    C0 C0 C0 C0

    (&! %Bternal funding sources )confirmed orpending

    C0 C0 C0 C0

    (C! $%F contribution you are re3uesting C(!(!0 C(!#0 C!""0 C!"#0

    %otal cost of pro&ect (A!'(&!'(C! 5,50 5,D0 ,D0 ,D0

    !) E9ternal fundin$ sources

    5ist all external fundin* sources, excludin* te cas contribution from your or*anisation Please specify detailsof involvement of eac funder

    ;r$anisation name Status ofoffer

    )s te fundin*pendin* orconfirmed.

    =ate decisione9pected

    For pendin*offers

    =ate fundin$


    For confirmedoffers

  • 8/12/2019 CEF Proposal


  • 8/12/2019 CEF Proposal



    %otal estimated cash costs for administration for each pro&ect year(e9clusive of 7S%"

    Consultants and contractors estimated brea+do-n of cash costs

    Environmental consultancies, Cro#n researc institutes etc *ear *ear 2 *ear !

    $oordination $osts 7 Andre2 *inclair :o less than ,000 hours @ e3uivalent to C-0hr or less C-0,000 C-0,000 C-0,000

    Internet based tool development for recording, instructions and reporting of $itizen *cience/onitoring that can be available for use remotely nationally )and internationally. $harge rate nomore than C-0hour.

    C+,000 C",000 C",000

    *teering $ommittee 7 reimbursed on a contract basis to not eBceed C-0hr for D annualmeetings B + hours

    C,00 C,00 C,00

    Annual Peer 'evie2 and + $luster Groups outside the immediate area. )A2hitu PeninsulaHandcare and /arc *lade, Polhill 'estoration Proect, ?ellington

    C!,000 C!,000 C!,000

    C C C

    $ommunity %nvironment Fund& Application Form for $%F 'ound ( )*eptember +0- -0

  • 8/12/2019 CEF Proposal


    C C CC C CC C C

    %otal estimated cash costs for consultants and contractors for each pro&ect year(e9clusive of 7S%"

    ,0D0 ,0D0 ,0D0

    Benue and e4uipment estimated brea+do-n of cash costs

  • 8/12/2019 CEF Proposal


    %ravel and accommodation estimated brea+do-n of cash costs

    +nly domestic travel and accommodation expenses incurred solely in relation to te project could beeli*ible for CEF fundin* *ear *ear 2 *ear !

    5ravel and accomodation costs associated 2ith meeting other interested sta4eholders in theproect

    C,000 C,000 C,000


    %otal estimated cash costs for travel and accommodation for each pro&ect year(e9clusive of 7S%"

    000 000 000

  • 8/12/2019 CEF Proposal


    sponsorship outside $%F 2ould be sought. If it 2as deemed important then it should berelatively easy to secure the funding sponsorship

    $ommunity %vents 7 yr e3uivalent catered for from $%F funds. All others provided by thecomunity

    C(00 C(00 C(00


    %otal estimated cash costs for promotion and dissemination of information for eachpro&ect year (e9clusive of 7S%"

    000 000 000

    Financial, le$al and information technolo$y (%" e9penses estimatedbrea+do-n of cash costs

    Financial, le*al and )/ expenses incurred solelyin relation to te project *ear *ear 2 *ear !

    5hose contracting 2ould contribute this component free of charge apart from legal andinsurance costs associated 2ith Eealth > *afety Policies > Public Hiability insurance C+00 C+00 C+00

    C C CC C CC C C

    $ommunity %nvironment Fund& Application Form for $%F 'ound ( )*eptember +0- --

  • 8/12/2019 CEF Proposal


    C C CC C CC C CC C C

    %otal estimated cash costs for financial, le$al and % e9penses for each pro&ect year(e9clusive of 7S%"

    200 200 200

    ealth and safety e4uipment and trainin$ estimated brea+do-n of cash costs

    )nclude personal protective euipment, oter ealt and safety euipment, measures and trainin*practical and:or plannin* or teory based! for relevant staff *ear *ear 2 *ear !

    Gro2safe )agrichemical training for volunteers 2here appropriate, $hainsa2 safety, First Aid C+,000 C(00 C(00

    %3uipment C(00 C+00 CC C CC C CC C CC



    C C CC C C

    %otal estimated cash costs health and safety e4uipment and trainin$ for each pro&ectyear

    2,500 00 500

    $ommunity %nvironment Fund& Application Form for $%F 'ound ( )*eptember +0- -!

  • 8/12/2019 CEF Proposal


    (e9clusive of 7S%"

  • 8/12/2019 CEF Proposal


    be sought. $he2 $ards have baln4 space on them for eBample that provide an opportunity forsponsor printing.

    Agrichemical spray e3uipment C(00 C(00 C(00

    6olunteer Incentives 7 small provisions from time to time C(00 C(00 C(00

    *ome start up pest control e3uipment. ?hile bait and e3uipment 2ill largely be provided fromother sources there 2ill be some start up eBpenses capped at C,000year. 5his is for instancesome Pied Piper rat bait stations to test to help 2ith reducing the amount of bait used. Also rat4ill traps for the same reason that could be the part of a campaign for every household tooperate at least one in a fre3uently chec4ed place.

    C,000 C,000 C,000

    C C CC C CC C CC C C

    %otal estimated other miscellaneous cash costs for each pro&ect year(e9clusive of 7S%" !000 !000 !000

    %otal estimated cash costs per year (e9clusive of 7S%"

    /ese fi*ures are a sum of te totals of eac bud*et table 5,D0 ,D0 ,D0

    %otal pro&ect bud$et (e9clusive of 7S%"/is is a sum of te totals in te ro# above )t must matc te fi*ure provided in te =Fundin* information% table

    '>&>C! 5,50

    $ommunity %nvironment Fund& Application Form for $%F 'ound ( )*eptember +0- -D

  • 8/12/2019 CEF Proposal


    5) Estimated in:+ind contributions

    8efer to te CEF )uide for applicants for furter information


    %otal dollar value of estimatedin:+ind contribution

    Excludin* ;6/

    possum control, bait stations etc. *ome tools 2ith 2oollynightshade control. %stimate approB C+,000 total 2ith bait the primary cost

    5hose contracted to this proect 2ould contribute communication officee3uipment office materials etc free of charge. An annual cost of around C#00


    Community volunteer time

    Calculated at a rate of ?30 per our

    6pecify total number of volunteers ours

    6olunteer hours are estimated as follo2s over the - years and 2ill varydepending on the area of cluster groups established. $onservative estimatesare&

    9ait station maintenance "00 hours

    $he2 $ard monitoring gps recording of results etc +00 hours

    5raining 7 GP* Pest $ontrol Ag chem etc (0 hours

    Patumahoe 6illage Inc and ?ha4aupo4o Handcare committee > financialmanagement time -00 hours

    P6I 2ebsite updating +00 hours

    Pest $ontrol volunteer cre2 +0 daysyear B ( people B - hours "00 hours


    $ommunity %nvironment Fund& Application Form for $%F 'ound ( )*eptember +0- -#

  • 8/12/2019 CEF Proposal


  • 8/12/2019 CEF Proposal


    SEC%;6 %REE/ Additional nformation


  • 8/12/2019 CEF Proposal


    ) ealth and safety

    ou #ill be as$ed to submit a ealt and safety plan if you are invited to proceed to 6ta*e ))

    8oes your organisation have a health and safety



    Eas your organisation been issued 2ith anynotices under the Eealth and *afety in%mployment ActJ


    Is there currently a health and safety plan for theproectJ

    Qes 7 it is being developed 2ith assistance from?haingaroa Handcare and A2hitu PeninsulaHandcare

    ?ho 2ill be responsible for health and safety forthe proectJ

    Andre2 *inclair

    D) s there anythin$ else -e need to consider about yourapplicationG

    *a"imum 250 $ords

    5his year 2ill see ?ha4aupo4o Handcare celebrate it

  • 8/12/2019 CEF Proposal



    /is declaration must be completed by a person #it te or*anisation%s si*nin* autority 6ee te *uide foradditional information on o# to complete tis uestion

    4mportantPlease contact te Funds team if you ave any ueries about te terms and conditions of te eedof Fundin* for te Community Environment Fund

    As a duly authorised representative of the organisation as per *ection of this $ommunity%nvironment Fund application form&

    I declare that I have read the terms and conditions of the 8eed of Funding for the $ommunity

    %nvironment Fund.

    I declare that I have read the Community Environment Fund ;uide for 'pplicants 8ound @ 6eptember2013!

    I declare that to the best of my 4no2ledge, the information contained in all sections of this

    application form, or supplied by us in support of our application is complete, true and correct.

    I declare that I have the authority to sign this application form and to provide this information.

    I declare that the application is not being made by an organisation that is in receivership or

    li3uidation, or by an undischarged ban4rupt.

    I understand that information presented to the /inister for the %nvironment and /inistry for the

    %nvironment is subect to disclosure under the 1fficial Information Act "+.

    I agree that the /inistry for the %nvironment may collect information about our organisation from

    other parties, and may liaise 2ith local and national organisations in respect of this application.

    I agree that the /inistry for the %nvironment can underta4e a bac4ground chec4 on the


    I understand that an invitation to proceed to *tage II of the funding process is not a confirmation

    of funding, and that the final decision is subect to a successful completion of *tage II.

    6ame Andre2 *inclair

  • 8/12/2019 CEF Proposal

