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CEI Brochure 2012

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  • 7/31/2019 CEI Brochure 2012



    7- 16 years

  • 7/31/2019 CEI Brochure 2012


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    About CEI

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  • 7/31/2019 CEI Brochure 2012



    CEI are privileged to run supplementary classes in the subjects of Mathematics, English and

    Islamic Studies for all children between the ages of 7 16 years.


    CEI runs three terms a year starting and ending at Ramadhan, where each term consists of approximately 12 weeks.

    In each term, CEI holds a mid term activity session, an end o term examination and a fnal parents consultationsession where parents have the opportunity to review test results and speak with the individual teachers to discuss the

    progress of their child and enrol their children into the following term.

    The classes are divided into children of similar age and or academic ability where each class consists of a maximum

    o 20 children. Many sessions are smaller in number which allows the children to beneft rom close contact tutoring.

    Each lesson is divided into 35 minute sessions for each of the three subjects, Mathematics, English and Islamic Studies.


    Apart from traditional classroom based learning, CEI has recently introduced monthly workshop sessions. These are

    project driven and aim to up skill students in their ability to work with others as part of a team, present ideas verbally,

    through written articles and digital media.

    Exams and Parents Consultation

    CEI believe it is vital that all students attend the end of term examinations. This allows parents to review the material

    taught during the term, encourages students to prepare and familiarize themselves with taking exams, with the aim of

    improving their exam technique from an early age as well as conditioning all students to regularly attend, revise and

    present the material learnt during the course of the term.


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    The Parents Consultation session is mandatory or all parents to attend with their children and provides a orum or

    open discussion with students. CEI provides a register of student attendance as well updating parents with all CEI

    programs, future events and term details. Registration for the following term is also conducted at these, allowing any

    new prospective parents to join the consultation session to review the CEI Saturday Supplementary Classes and meet

    with the CEI teachers.

    Islamic Conduct

    At the heart of the CEI Supplementary Classes is providing knowledge in an appropriate Islamic environment and

    conduct. All students are encouraged to come to class in ablution (wudu) and are taught Islamic Studies. As many

    students receive Quran and Tajweed lessons as part o their extra curricular studies, CEI ocuses on providing

    teachings on Islamic history (Seerah), basic Islamic principals and traditional texts that have been taught during the

    CEI adult classes.

    Activity WeekEach term consists of a mid term activity week, where CEI aims to vary the activity for students. In the past we have

    conducted rounders, ootball and various other tournaments on Hazelwick School feld during the summer months. In

    the winter months, we have organised general knowledge quizzes, Hollywood ten pin bowling tournaments as well as

    hosting Islamic DVD cinema day! Activity week is important as it allows the students of different ages to interact with

    each other outside the classroom environment. In our most recent term, CEI hosted introduction to Archery followed

    by an Archery tournament with the support o a qualifed group o specialists, providing personal and proessional

    archery training to people of all ages and abilities. We also visited the IMAX cinema in London to watch Journey toMecca by Ibn Battuta in our second term.

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    CEI are privileged to run supplementary classes in the subjects of Mathematics, English and

    Islamic Studies.


    The teachers use learning study aids to supplement the curriculum taught. We follow the materials as advised in

    key stage books covering the basic fundamentals such as addition, fractions and telling the time with the youngergroups. For the two older groups we cover year 9 and 10 material such as basic algebra, numbers and sequences,

    percentages, shapes, areas and volumes which leads to the GCSE level involving further algebra, statistics, graphs and



    We aim to realise the potential of our students in the use of the English language. A vast array of material is availableand can be drawn upon to illustrate the means by which the reader is informed, persuaded and generally uplifted

    by messages contained in the text used in the lessons. The two fundamental elements are reading and writing. We

    encourage students to orm a habit o daily reading. We also seek to build a students ability to write coherently in

    developing an argument involving all the points to be made. These techniques include use of counter argument, gaining

    attention through selective and appropriate use o a question within an answer and the power o the negative.

    Students are also encouraged to build up their own vast bank of information by paying attention to their own lives and

    surroundings and by comparing the knowledge gained from their reading to that of their own experience.


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    Islamic Studies

    Islamic studies is comprised of the Seerah, stories of the Prophets, basic Islamic principals and various traditional texts.

    Students are taught the stories and principals with the aim of understanding the morals and principals behind these

    and to incorporate them in their lives.

    Currently the oldest group are studying The Book of Numbers by Imam Bahraq which was a course completed in the

    Friday adult classes. Students are taught to analyse Quran and Prophetic statements and present material covered inthe orm o essays. This benefts not only their Islamic knowledge, but provides the necessary skills to tackle essay-

    based subjects they will encounter at GCSE level.

    CEI is currently devising an optional one-year Arabic language module or interested students. This module will aim to

    provide students with an introductory understanding of Quranic Arabic, focusing on selected Suras from the thirtieth




    I enjoy studying Islamic studies at theclasses because its not something weget to do in school...I also love the quiz-zes and sports days

    (Haleema, 11)

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    It is at the heart of CEI that all teachers providing tuition are heavily involved in attending the CEI

    adult programs and continue to increase in their knowledge and spiritual growth by attending

    and supporting the CEI classes. We ensure all teachers are deemed profcient in teaching their

    subject and as is Islamic tradition, they teach only those texts and subjects which they have

    previously studied under a teacher.

    The core teacher group work on a voluntary basis without charging for their time. The costof the CEI Saturday Supplementary Classes ensures a minimum contribution can be made

    towards the venue hire, material and other adult classes. The CEI teachers are committed to CEI

    and contribute a fx amount in donations on a monthly basis to acilitate not only the Saturday

    Supplementary Classes but all other CEI programs.

    Saquab AshrafArchitectBA and BArch, The University of LiverpoolMA, SOAS, The University of London

    DPhil, The University of Oxford (currently studying)

    Saquab, by proession is a qualifed Chartered Architect and has recently established his own Architectural Practice

    in London. He is profcient in Arabic language and studied at The Badr Institute, Tarim, Yemen and SOAS where he

    focused his studies on the Quran. He has taught short courses in Arabic and continues to teach adult courses on the

    commentary of the Quran throughout the UK. Currently he is a completing a part time doctorate at the University ofOxford where he continues his research into the linguistic style of the Quran.

    Saquab has been heavily involved in many community projects such as sitting on the local mosque committee, project

    managing the build of the local mosque and working with other charitable organisations throughout UK.


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    Saquab originally started CEI in 1996 with the aim of bringing Islamic learning and knowledge to Crawley and is heavily

    involved in acilitating adult classes in Crawley and throughout the UK. He manages the Supplementary Childrens

    classes and teaches Islamic Studies to eldest age group 10 16 years.

    Intikhab KhanBA, SOAS, The University of London (currently studying)

    Intikhab is currently studying for a BA in History at SOAS (University of London), with a focus on Islam and the Arabiclanguage. Prior to this, he spent a year studying Arabic at the Qasid Institute in Amman, Jordan, after having completed

    his A-Levels at Ardingly College in Haywards Heath. Intikhab has also worked as a Civil Servant in the Home Ofce,

    dealing with the Governments approach to immigration.

    Intikhab has been teaching English and Mathematics since 2009 and hopes to begin offering lessons in Beginners

    Arabic for selected students next term.

    Awais OmarAccountant

    BSc, LSE, The University of London

    Awais Omar has over 18 years experience in the fnancial services industry. Awais started his career as a Chartered

    Accountant qualifying with Deloitte and Touche and then moved into the commodities industry with Enron and has

    worked with numerous organisations including both Hedge Funds and Private Equity funds. Currently Awais works for

    Deutsche Bank in the Finance-COO group looking ater the Management Review Process in London.

    Awais completed his undergraduate degree in Economics, BSc (Econ) Hons, at The London School of Economics after

    having sat A and S Levels at Collyers College in Horsham. Awais has resided in Crawley and the surrounding area or

    all his lie and became involved with CEI since 2005 when CEI activities were re-initiated and now teaches English and

    Mathematics at the Saturday Classes.

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    Abdul Jaleel MeedinBSc, The University of Leeds

    Abdul Jaleel Meedin brings to CEI English tuition the signifcant experience he has gained rom working in the Pensions

    Industry, managing clients and delivering software solutions to Pension Funds. He is well versed in building arguments

    to promote a business case on the merits o a particular solution. Ater A levels in Mathematics, Physics and English

    he completed a BSc in Physics before eventually spending in excess of 24 years in delivering Pensions Software. He

    has been a member of the teaching staff of the CEI since it began delivering tuition and currently teaches English and

    Islamic Studies.

    Saba AshrafBSc, The University of Birmingham

    GDL (General Diploma Law), The College of Law

    LPC (Legal Practice Course), The College of Law

    Saba completed her Bachelors degree in Geography and Geology from The University of Birmingham after

    completing her A Levels in English, Geography, Mathematics and Chemistry at Hazelwick School, Crawley. After working

    as a geologist for a year, she pursued her interest for Humanitarian projects by completing a GDL and LPC at London,

    specialising in Legal Aid.

    Saba has worked for Imran Khan and Partners offering legal support and conducting various analysis for upcoming

    cases and hopes to continue in employment in a similar role. Saba currently teaches Mathematics and English.


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    Smera AshrafCorporate Development Manager

    BSc, The University of Manchester

    Smera brings 8 years worth o industry experience in the fnance sector working or Fidelity Investments, HSBC and

    currently with Raymond James as a Corporate Development Manager. Having studied English Literature, Mathematicsand History at A-level, Smera went on to complete her Bachelors degree in Mathematics rom The University o

    Manchester. She has subsequently gained urther fnancial qualifcations as well as doing a diploma in English rom

    Birbeck University of London. To further increase her Islamic education Smera has also spent time studying abroad in

    Tarim, Yemen. Smera currently teaches Mathematics and Islamic Studies.

    ,,,,The teachers are really nice

    (Leena, 10)

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    CEI are keen to promote project based learning with students and have therefore piloted two

    workshops to run during Term 3 (Ramadhan 2009 2010) with the help of Horizons, a specialist

    partner group from the University of Oxford. They work with children to encourage academic

    growth through interactive workshops.

    Aims & Objectives

    Horizons is a charity founded by a group of past and current Oxford students; who aim to celebrate and utilise the

    abundance o skills and qualifcations o the current generation o students within the UK, with a view to engaging and

    inspiring the next. Their vision is to deliver a series of educational and extracurricular to young children with a vehicle

    by which they can raise their aspirations and turn their ambitions into reality.

    Horizons operates with the ethos of providing a high quality, specialised service to small audiences. Much of their work

    involves close mentoring between their volunteers and the students they work with, although they understand there is

    also much work to be undertaken with the local community and, in particular, engaging parents.

    The organisation has undertaken and completed several projects at various schools, ranging from UCAS workshops to

    Mathematics Masterclasses, and has received excellent feedback, both on the competency of its volunteers, as well

    as the highly engaging and accessible content delivered.

    Horizons Team

    Horizons has, at its core, a dedicated group of individuals from a diverse background. A brief description of the main

    co-organisers o the project is given below.


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    Imran Mubeen graduated in Physics from Oxford University and then taught Mathematics and Physics at an Islamic

    boarding school. He subsequently qualifed as a Chartered Accountant at PwC where he is now a Corporate Finance

    Advisor. Imran is a former Vice President of the OU Islamic Society, and also founded and currently teaches at a local

    Saturday school in Coventry.

    Junaid Mubeen is a current D.Phil Mathematics student at Oxord University where he achieved the top frst in his

    Mathematics undergraduate degree and now has undergraduate teaching responsibilities. Junaid is a recent

    champion of the TV series Countdown and a former President of the Oxford University Access Scheme which

    mentored state school students through their university applications. He has recently started tutoring young children

    with specialist needs.

    Mohammad Ali is an undergraduate student at Oxford University, where he is studying Medicine. He has a strong

    interest in poetry and literature, receiving several national awards at A-levels, and is a published poet. Mohammad

    won the Best Speaker award at a national public speaking competition organised by the Rotary Club, and is a former

    treasurer of the Oxford University Islamic Society.

    The classes have had a massive impacton my knowledge and understandingof Islam

    (Adilah, 14)



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    About CEI

    Crawley Educational Institute (CEI) was founded in 1996 as a community orientated network

    bringing knowledge and a sense of togetherness for the adults and children of Crawley.

    Throughout this period, CEI has brought many courses, programs, guest speakers, Ramadhan

    iftars and sporting events to Crawley.

    Adult Classes

    CEI has been running weekly adult classes since January 2005 and we have been fortunate to complete a number

    of traditional texts yet untaught in the UK with renowned teachers from across the world. We have been privileged to

    work with some of the most prominent and respected teachers from both the western and eastern world. Some of the

    teachers are;

    Shaykh Aff al-Akiti, Oxord

    Shaykh Ahmed BaBikr, London

    Shaykh Jihad Hashim Brown, USA

    Shaykh Suliman Gani, London

    Shaykh Tanweer Hussain, Banbury

    Habib Ali Jeri, Tarim, Yemen

    Muti Muhammad ibn Adal al-Kawthari, Leicester

    Shaykh Thaqib Mahmood, London

    Shaykh Akram Nadwi, Oxford

    Shaykh Muhammed Samir al-Nass, Syria

    Shaykh Ibrahim Osi-Ea, Liverpool

    Shaykh Faiz Quereshy, WokingShaykh Haytham Tamim, London

    Shaykh Ahmed Saad, London

    Habib Kazim al Saqqa, Tarim, Yemen

    Shaykh Ba Shuayb, London

    Shaykh Yahya Rhodus, USA


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    All lessons are taught in PowerPoint and facilities allow note taking and a question forum in each class. Over the pastfew years, CEI has been running a number of Outreach programs and has taught courses in Birmingham, Oxford

    University, SOAS University as well as separate courses in central London (not afliated with a university).

    Each course is completed with a khatum (closing of the book) which marks the end of the course. It is tradition that CEI

    try and provide light refreshments throughout our courses and facilitate the adult courses for free. CEI celebrate the

    khutum by inviting prominent speakers and members, distribute food as well as publishing the material taught during the


    For more information about the adult classes please visit the CEI website:


    CEI gives a range of skills and helpsyou learn in a comfortableenvironment

    (Mishal, 14)



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    Application Form

    For more inormation on term dates, ees and specifc term events, please see the CEI website;

    www.ceiuk.com. Please note, the fees help contribute towards the cost of the venue, workshops

    and activity week but do not cover the costs entirely. These have been subsidized by CEI.

    I go with a smile and come backwith a smile(Aqsa, 10)




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    Surname (Family Name):...................................................................................................................

    First Name(s):.......................................................................................................................................

    Date of Birth:.........................................................................................................................................


    Post Code:....................................................

    Contact Number:..................................................................................................................................


    Name of School:...................................................................................................................................

    Year at School:..............................................

    Additional Children:

    Name....................................................................................... M/F Age:...........

    Name....................................................................................... M/F Age:...........

    Name....................................................................................... M/F Age:...........

    Signed:.......................................................... Date:..........................

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  • 7/31/2019 CEI Brochure 2012


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    Our Supporters

  • 7/31/2019 CEI Brochure 2012


    For more information contact:

    Crawley Educational Institute, PO Box 1028, Crawley, West Sussex, RH10 1HX

    [email protected]

    www.ceiuk.comFacebook.com/Ceiuk & Twitter.com/Ceiuk

    Uran RafqMarketing Manager


    [email protected]

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    Acquire knowledge andimpart it to the people.

    - Al-Tirmidhi, Hadith 107
