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Cellasto Components Complete ... - BASF Polyurethanes... · Perfect products are either … 2...

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Cellasto ® Components Complete Industrial Products
Page 1: Cellasto Components Complete ... - BASF Polyurethanes... · Perfect products are either … 2 Contact discs coated with Cellasto are em-ployed for rough-ing and grinding work carried


Components Complete Industrial Products

Page 2: Cellasto Components Complete ... - BASF Polyurethanes... · Perfect products are either … 2 Contact discs coated with Cellasto are em-ployed for rough-ing and grinding work carried

Pe r f e c t p r o d u c t sa r e e i t h e r …


Contact discscoated with Cellasto are em-ployed for rough-ing and grindingwork carried out byautomatic grindingmachines. Cellastois highly resistantto abrasion and so its durability is several timesgreater than that of rubber.

When they reachtheir mechanicalend stop, cranebuffers made ofCellasto are com-pressed by up to75% of their origi-nal length. Thislarge spring excur-sion ensures thedesired short delayand thus safe oper-ation of the crane.

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… p u r e l y n a t u r a l o r n a t u r a l l y o u t o f P U r e C e l l a s t o


l Modelled on nature

Why is an egg oval shaped and notround or square? Why do certain kindsof animals have their eyes on the sidesof their heads and others at the front?Why is the coat of the Polar bear whiteand that of the Grizzly a greyish-brown?

Nature has adapted each detai l per-fectly to suit the ›specif ic require-ments‹ of l i fe. Only the best solutionssurvive. The ›Survival of the Fittest‹principle has successful ly establ isheditself over mil l ions of years of evolu-tion.

We at BASF work on the basis of a similar principle. We want to improvetechnical products, to perfect them andto prepare them well for the ›batt le ofl i fe‹. This is what we are well armed todo� with the mult i-talented material

Cellasto, a special microcellularelastomer made by BASF and

� with the know-how of our engineerswhich has grown over decades

l BASF and Cellasto: since goodis just not good enough

We only develop solutions which areboth state-of-the-art and economical.The units responsible for development,construction, production and sales ofsemi-f inished products and compo-nents ensure that this motto is observed at al l t imes through� products which meet the require-

ments of the market� r igorous product testing in accor-

dance with the application and uti l ization of the f inished products

� employment of state-of-the-art toolssuch as CAD and FEM MKS

� the competence of BASF, one of theworld’s leading companies in thefield of special microcellular elas-tomers

This brochure aims to give you anoverview of the extensive variety of applications in nearly al l areas of industry.

Dirty bear-ings in-creasewear anddestroy

the precision-finished sliding surfaces. Remedy:seals made out ofCellasto.

Con-veyor belts coated with Cellasto excel due to their excel-lent grip and hightear propagationresistance thusrendering them extremely safe,particularly for thetransportation offlat glass.

Fillersmade ofCellastolevel out

rail grooves at levelcrossings thus enabling cyclists tocross tracks safely.Railway vehiclespress down thefillers with theirwheel flanges whendriving over them.

Impact energy ab-sorption and peakload damping com-bined with supremereliability: applica-tions for Cellasto.

All Cellasto componentsfrom one source: from development and production through tosales and distribution

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N o i s e a n d v i b r a t i o n s c a n g e t o n y o u r n e r v e s …


Anti-vibration andend stop elementsmade of Cellastohave stood the testeven under themost difficult oper-ating conditions.

MouldedCellasto compo-nents are fitted intofriction dampers forvibration absorp-tion. Even whenused under perma-nent high pre-stressthe durability ofthese damping systems matchesthe durability of awashing machine.

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The chain saw roars, the washing ma-chine hums, the razor buzzes … Noiseand vibration everywhere: both at home and at work. Our environment is increasingly ›pol luted‹ with acoustic›rubbish‹. Both acoustic and impact vibrations have a negative effect on our well-being.

l ›Environmental pollution‹caused by vibrations can beavoided.

General ly i t is impossible to el iminateal l vibrations, yet i t is definitely possi-ble to reduce their negative impact:through sophist icated design of thedamping elements and through the useof the vibration-absorbing material Cellasto.

l Cellasto absorbs the vibra-tions

Enhanced acoustic isolation has beendemanded for many applications in thefield of Noise, Vibration and Harshness(NVH). The goal: on the one hand toachieve low damping at low amplitudesand high frequencies and on the otherto achieve rapid damping for strongmovement of large masses. Cellastomeets the challenge of these seeminglycontrasting requirements.

l Good vibrations with Cellasto

In the f ield of vibration and noise isola-t ion, Cellasto support elements dampenimpact noise. Cellasto makes its markdue to its extremely low dynamic st iffening even at high frequencies.

… C e l l a s t o c a n s o o t h e t h e m


With moulded Cellasto compo-nents, vibrations intumble driers canbe dampened directly at the pointof origin.

Reliable enginebearing in confinedstructural space.Noticeable benefitsfor the user: the razor is much quieter and its vibrations are reduced.

Fatigue-free workwith the vibrationcompactor: damp-ing elements madeout of Cellasto reduce unpleasantvibrations to handsand arms.

Vibrationscaused by loadchange of engines are effi-ciently reducedthrough torquesupports madeof Cellasto.

Amplitude Selective Damping



le [



amplitude [mm]

Clearly visible: the steeprise in loss angle with in-creasing amplitude for allmaterial densities.

MH 24-35

MH 24-45

MH 24-55

MH 24-65

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E v e r y t h i n g h e c a n d o . . .


Maintenance-freesuspension sys-tems for industrialtrucks: the Cellastosuspension ele-ments absorb severe impacts, re-duce vibration andnoise whilst main-taining driving dynamics.

Optimal tuning ofdriving comfort inhigh-performanceshock absorbers of mobile homesthrough progres-sive Cellasto springaids.

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A double linkaxle withCellastosprings:good damp-ing effect

with both full andempty tanks. Level-ling is not neces-sary as the springtravel differencebetween full andempty load is minimal.

l When powerful energies bumpinto one another

When Sumo wrestlers bump into eachother colossal impact forces are released. Weighing 180 to 200 kg thewrestlers try to bounce off the bulk oftheir opponents whilst putt ing moreforce into their own attack. What theseflesh and blood giants can do by occu-pying a lot of space, a l i t t le lump of de-l ightful roly-poly made of Cellasto cando much better and in a much smallerspace.

l The trump card is volumecompressibility

Due to its cel lular structure Cellastocan be compressed so much that thecells virtual ly disappear and a homoge-nous-elastic structure is achieved. Thisproperty al lows for a spring deflectionof 80 % of their original height for Cellasto components whilst hardlychanging its transverse dimension. This

volume compressibi l i ty gains impor-tance against the background of a con-fined surrounding structural space,such as inside a spring strut. Both vol-ume compression and energy absorp-tion of the material can be adjustedthrough the density of the Cellastosprings. Remember: compact materialssuch as rubber are not compressibleand therefore show extreme transverseexpansion when under pressure. Evensteel coi l springs attain well below thevalues achieved by Cellasto.

l Second to none

Apart from its volumecompressibi l i ty thepolyurethane elas-tomer Cellasto alsostands out with anumber of furtherproperties:� high tensi le

strength andbreaking strain

� excellent impact strength� high abrasion resistance� maintenance of elasticity at low tem-

peratures and resistance againstoi ls, grease, petrol, ozone and ageing

� high impact resi l ience� high reset force – even under long-

term loads� low compression set� no coagulation of cel l walls

Cellasto is extremely well suited forspring and damping elements in roadand rai l vehicles.

. . . C e l l a s t o c a n d o b e t t e r


It limits the axlemechanisms anddampens the start-ing impact. Cellas-to in aircraft towingtractors.

More comfort andsafety on twowheels: this sus-pension fork damp-ens the effects ofuneven road sur-faces through Cellasto spring elements.

Cellasto as a multi-functional spring system toadjust the positionof both seat andbackrest, as endstop and in height-adjustable gaspressure springs.

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G r i p , d y n a m i c s , s e n s i t i v i t y, r e s i l i e n c e , e l a s t i c i t y …


Extremely high re-silience at minimalsetting behaviourrenders Cellastoejectors suitableeven for high-speed punchingmachines.

Cellastoconveyingrolls have along operat-ing life andfold even wafer-thinpaper quickly andwithout creasing.

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. . . C e l l a s t o c o m p o n e n t s w i t h f e e l i n g …


Goodgrip, ab-solute reliability andgood durability arethe demandingspecifications Cellasto transportand counting rollsmeet, e.g. in cashdispensers.

Mortice dead lockwith a multi-func-tional Cellastospring element forsoft stops andsilent spring deflec-tion.

Printing rolls needcompressible coat-ings out of Cellastofor a consistentand high resetforce.

l ... for sensitive machines

There are machines with a sensit ivetouch, cash dispensers, for instance.The sensit ive ›f ingers‹ inside them never make a mistake and always handout the correct sum.

For cash dispensers absolute rel iabi l i tyis crucial. For this reason manufactur-ers bank on Cellasto for their counters.The durable Cellasto rol ls and conveyorbelts always have the right sensit ivity.

How is this feel ing created? The sensi-t ive grip is the result of the vacuum ef-fect between the microscopic structureof Cellasto cel ls and the fr ict ion coeff i-cient of the banknote.

l Even under pressure: soft andelastic

Even during deformation, caused bycompression, for instance, the hard-ness and thus the grip of Cellasto re-mains nearly unchanged, an advantagefor the transportation of paper on con-veyor belts with Cellasto coating.

l Ejectors at the service of diecutters

When packaging material has beenpunched out of cardboard it needs tobe pushed out of the die cutt ing tool.The material which is designed for the job on the die cutter is Cellasto.Cellasto shows the lowest dynamicload-related creep of al l elastomers.The low increase in deformation meansthat Cellasto parts return to their origi-nal posit ion as soon as the compres-sion phase is terminated; and this forover a mil l ion cycles without any lossof performance:

l When Cellasto starts rotating

When Cellasto coatings rotate, for instance on fast moving rol ls in theprinting industry, Cellasto never losesits shape. Being both abrasion-proofand l ightweight, Cellasto simply runsand runs and runs.

Dynamic load-related creep






A l ternating load

Cushioning comfortfor Nordic walkingsticks through a linear coil springcombined with aprogessive Cellastospring.










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F i r s t C l a s s – o f f t h e p e g


Foils which are up to 10 mm thickand 400 mm wideare sliced out ofcylinders.

The basis for agreat number oftechnical items:Cellasto blocks andslabs. The partsand plates areformed by punch-ing as well as waterjet and convention-al cutting.

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C e l l a s t o P r o d u c t s – t a i l o r m a d e


Cellasto cylindersare used for fin-ished parts whichare given their finalshape by cutting,turning and milling.

Cellasto tubes arethe preferred mate-rial to punch orturn tubes andseals.

The Cellasto prod-uct portfolio forlifts: overrun andcable buffers, guide shoes andguide shoe hous-ings tested and approved by theGerman TechnicalInspection Authori-ty (TÜV).

Pre-fabricatedspring elementsmade of Cellas-to for applica-tions which areutilised to cush-ion impact gently and toabsorb high energies.

I t does not matter whether you are tal lor short, big or sl im: many fashionhouses provide f irst class garments directly off the peg in the ›standard‹sizes men and women wear. The advan-tage is obvious: the clothes f i t as if they were tai lor-made, whilst beingmuch less expensive and prêt-à-porter.

l If it is good enough for fashionhouses, it is good enough forCellasto

Our ›ready-to-wear‹ range comprises1,500 different products which wereoriginal ly developed and produced forthe automotive industry world-wide,90 % of which has opted for Cellastodamping elements in their under-carriages.

We can draw from this pool of 1,500geometries of moulded parts andspring characterist ics to develop a solution for any task you ask us to accomplish.

And this is how we work: in close co-operation with you we develop thespecif ications to get a ›blueprint‹ foryour product. Then we check if we already have a product with similarfeatures in our pool. I f necessary wecan modify i t to meet your require-ments.

Special requests from customers areturned into real i ty without delay. Forcustom-made products our team of designers is at your service.

l Tailor-made products off theshelf

Small quantit ies of rotation-symmetricparts are manufactured at low costfrom Cellasto tubes and bars throughcutt ing, mil l ing and turning.

Plane-surface parts are shaped by water-jet and conventional cutt ing aswell as punching. For special applica-

tions Cellasto is also avai lable assl iced foi l up to 10 mm thick.

Both spring elements and standardsprings with foamed-in mounts, whichcan be used for a wider range of appli-cations, are avai lable from stock. Thisalso applies to our complete range ofmounts for l i f ts and crane buffers.

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Tr i v i a he lps t o h i t t he bu l l s eye …

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. . . y e t h i t t i n g t h e t a r g e t i s n o t a t r i v i a l m a t t e r


Physical testingof Cellastocomponentswith the droptester or hydropulser. De-pending onspecificationsup to severalmillion cycles.

The chemicaldevelopment iskey to successof Cellastocomponents.

l The whole is only as good asthe sum of the parts

The f inished product is only as good asits individual components. For this rea-son you can obtain our products fromone source only: from development andconstruction to component optimisationand production to sales and distr ibutionall steps are both executed and closelymonitored in-house.

l The quality of the components

As an active part icipant in the auto-motive industry BASF meets str ictguidel ines and specif ications. Thismeans in turn that we operate at a level of quality which goes far beyondwhat is demanded of other industries.

To accomplish such demanding tasksBASF draws on a long tradit ion of expert ise and experience in both engi-neering and chemistry. State-of-the-Artcalculation and testing equipment sup-ports our engineers during their work.The facts:� acoustics laboratory� FEM (Finite Elements Method)� FFT (Fast Fourier Transformation)

analyser� hydropulser� shaker� Adams simulation software� test vehicles� specif ic technology for component


l Perfection plus innovation

Striving for perfect solutions and products: our heart beats faster when itcomes to innovative products. Our goalis to make the seemingly impossible areal i ty with our customers. Our offer:you explain your problem. We makeyour task ours and together we devisean innovative solution.

t ime [h]






Static load-related creep

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l Leader in its Field

BASF is the leading supplier ofpolyurethane basic products, systemsand specialt ies. With its global networkof 35 polyurethane System Houses andits comprehensive product and serviceportfol io, BASF is the preferred partnerof i ts customers in many industries.With its world-scale plants BASF secures its leading market posit ion inthe manufacture of polyurethane basicproducts in al l regions of the world.

In the European Economic Area BASFPolyurethanes GmbH is running theBASF polyurethane business via i ts 14 System Houses. In Europe, BASF isboth the market and technology leaderof polyurethane systems and poly-urethane specialty elastomers.

l Working hand in hand with ourcustomers

In the highly service-orientedpolyurethane systems and specialt iesbusiness, experience and expert ise arewhat customers require. With its net-work of System Houses, BASF offersfast local support in the development ofindividual solutions, including technicalservice, sales and marketing. BASF

ensures rel iable supply of basicpolyurethane products l ike MDI, TDIand polyols on a global scale from thecompany's world-scale plants.

l Individual Innovations

No matter which PU application is involved – BASF turns the apparentlyimpossible into an innovative real i ty. In close project-related co-operationwith the customer our special ist teamsof chemists, physicists, engineers and sales experts develop tai lor-made,creative and economic solutions. Wecreate a sol id and rel iable base withour customers through both active dia-logue and combined experience. Oursectoral applications technology whichstretches throughout Europe is str ict lyfocused on value added benefit.

Anmerkung fürLitho: Flaggesauber freistel-len.

Portfolio:BASF develops, produces andsells:� PU elastomers as thermo-

plastic specialty elastomers� PU elastomers as cellular

specialty elastomers� PU base products, such as

isocyanates, polyols, cata-lysts, auxillary materials

� PU systems, divided into system groups such as rigid,flexible, integral, compact

Sites (EMEA)� Germany (headquarters)� France� The UK� The Netherlands� Italy� Russia� Sweden� South Africa� Spain � Turkey� Hungary� Slovakia� Dubai

Research and DevelopmentWorld-wide BASF PolyurethaneResearch for PU systems and PU special elastomers has beencentralized in the newly createdResearch Centre in Lemförde.Nearly 200 specialists work inthis think tank of expertise andcreativity for the fields of Research, Development and Applications Technology. With the know-how of this inter-national technology centre weprovide our expertise to otherBASF Group companies in Ameri-ca and Asia which are active inthe field of polyurethane.

A b o u t Po l y u r e t h a n e s a t B A S F

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l Quality Management

Customer satisfaction is the basis forsustained business success. There-fore, we want to meet the customers'requirements for our products and services now and for the long term futures.

To ensure success in a rel iable way, we introduced a quality managementsystem several years ago including al ldivisions.

Each business process is regularly assessed and further developed basedon informative performance indicators.The target is to reach optimum eff i-ciency and almost perfect coordinationof al l activit ies and operations. Eachemployee is asked to make a contribu-tion to quality assurance and continu-ous improvement with its capabil i t iesand ideas at i ts workplace.

Our quality management system isbased on the international standard ISO9001, supplemented by the addit ionalrequirements of the automotive indus-try ISO/TS 16949.

l Responsible Care�

BASF supports Responsible Care, theworldwide init iat ive of the chemical in-dustry, and thus commits itself to con-tinual safety, health and environmentalprotection.

For us Responsible Care is an issue for safety, health and environmentalprotection, which – for the sake of environmental sustainabil i ty – is considered as being a corporate valueas important as economic criteria forboosting the company's success.

The whole process of development,production and storage of our productsas well as their transport, applicationand f inal ly also their disposal or recycl ing is evaluated and continuallyfurther developed with respect to thereduction of possible environmental impact.

This includes, in part icular, the protec-tion of resources as well as preventionof emissions and waste. We appropri-ately inform customers, partners andneighbours about environmental as-pects of products and processes. Ourenvironmental management system is

geared to the guidel ines of ResponsibleCare and meets the requirements ofthe international standard ISO 14001.

l Recycling

Methods for recycl ing polyurethanesare as diverse as their use. In order tof ind the right method, i t is necessary toclarify their specif ic origin and use.

Alongside thermal re-uti l isation of PUproducts, the recycl ing of productionwaste also plays an important role. Thefol lowing processes are already beingintroduced on a practical scale:

� Flock-bond� Particle-bond� Chemical recycl ing� Raw material processes

It is general ly not possible to statewhether such processes are more ecological ly beneficial than thermal re-uti l isation.

A c t i n g w i t h R e s p o n s i b i l i t y

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BASF Polyurethanes GmbHEuropean Business ManagementMicrocellular Elastomers (Cellasto®)P.O. Box 114049440 LemfoerdeGermanyPhone +49 54 43 12-23 02Fax +49 54 43 12-21 05www.pu.basf.eu K







® = registered trademark of BASF Polyurethanes GmbH

The data contained in this publication is based on ourcurrent knowledge and experience. In view of the manyfactors that may affect processing and application of ourproduct, this data does not relieve processors fromcarrying out their own investigations and tests; neitherdoes this data imply any guarantee of certain properties,or the suitability of the product for a specific purpose.Any descriptions, drawings, photographs, data, proporti-ons, weights etc. given herein may change without priornotice and do not constitute the agreed contractual qua-lity of the product. It is the responsibility of the recipientof our products to ensure that any proprietary rights andexisting laws and legislation are observed. (10/10)
