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Center for Electronic Correlations and Magnetism University of … · 2019-11-12 · • Dynamical...

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Dieter Vollhardt The art of modeling in solid state physics Johannes Kepler Universität Linz; November 6, 2019 Center for Electronic Correlations and Magnetism University of Augsburg
Page 1: Center for Electronic Correlations and Magnetism University of … · 2019-11-12 · • Dynamical mean-field theory ... and electricity which is very crude but has some merits."

Dieter Vollhardt

The art of modeling in solid state physics

Johannes Kepler Universität Linz; November 6, 2019

Center for Electronic Correlations and MagnetismUniversity of Augsburg

Page 2: Center for Electronic Correlations and Magnetism University of … · 2019-11-12 · • Dynamical mean-field theory ... and electricity which is very crude but has some merits."

• Modeling in the natural sciences

• Step 1: From materials to models

• Electronic correlations

• Dynamical mean-field theory

• Step 2: From models back to materials


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Modeling in the natural sciences

Observation Interpretation Modeling→ ↔

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Micro-cosmos Macro-cosmos

Observation and interpretation

• What is observed?• How to interpret it?• How can it be explained?

Fundamental research

Requires idealization and abstraction (“reductionism“) models↔

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The art of modeling

Weighing scale

Model (Archimedes)

Every-day use

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Spherical lodestone: model of Earth

⇒ Earth is a magnet

1600 William GILBERT of Colchester

De Magnete

(“Father of magnetism“)

1269 Pierre PELERIN de Maricourt: spherical lodestone (=magnet) has poles

The art of modeling

Earth‘s magnetic field





Known since antiquity

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Papin (1680)




The art of modeling

Steam engine

Every-day use

Simple models

Mechanical models: very successful

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The art of modeling


Allowed to discuss the displacement current, but… Maxwell equations: 1864

J. C. Maxwell (1857):"I have been grinding at … a vortical theory of magnetism and electricity which is very crude but has some merits."

electrical current of particles rotation of vortices gh opposite motion of particles above gh

(induced opposite electric current) anti-rotation transmitted to vortices kl, …

layers of particles(“rolling contact”)

“It seems to me that the test of ‘Do we or do we not understand a particular point in physics ?’ is, ‘Can we make a mechanical model of it ?’ “ Lord Kelvin (1884)

Most models are not successful

Maxwell’s mechanical model of electromagnetism: Vortices in a molecular medium

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The art of modeling

Bohr model of the atom Bohr (1913)

Circumference de Broglienu nλ=

+ Postulates:• discrete energies• frequency of emitted light • quantization condition for orbits

/n mE E h= −

• Correspondence principle• Semiclassical limit of quantum mechanics

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Example: Iron (Fe)

Microscopic view: O(1023) interacting electrons + ions

The art of modeling

Properties of solids

Macroscopic view:

How to investigate/model?



How to understand the• origin of ferromagnetism in Fe• T-dependence of the magnetization M ?

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Simplest quantum model for interacting electrons in a solid:




eld, 2004

Theoretical investigation of materials

Fe: Interacting many-particle system Maximal simplification needed(… more art than science)

Hubbard model (1963)to explain ferromagnetism in transition metals

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Step 1: From materials to models

How to explain ferromagnetism in transition metals?

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Weiss model of magnetic domains (1906)

Alignment of “elementary magnets” in each domain due to a “molecular field“

(Weiss mean field)

Microscopic origin?

How to explain ferromagnetism in transition metals?

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Z. Physik 31, 253 (1925)






Exact solution in d=1: no order (also in d=3?!)

Ising(-Lenz) model (1925)

But: Magnetism is a quantum effect Bohr (1911), van Leeuwen (1919)

How to explain ferromagnetism in transition metals?

Classical spin model

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Z. Physik 49, 619 (1928)

But: Electrons are mobile Bloch (1929)

Heisenberg model (1928)

Weiss molecular field originates fromquantum-mechanical exchange processes







must include their kinetic energy + Coulomb interaction

How to explain ferromagnetism in transition metals?

Quantum spin model

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Next year: Hubbard model ??

Not for another 34 years!


Development of many-body theory for condensed matter:

• Field-theoretic/diagrammatic methods (Feynman 1949)

• Superconductivity (Bardeen, Cooper, Schrieffer 1957)

• Single-impurity model (Anderson 1961)

• Elementary excitations/quasiparticles, Fermi liquid theory (“Standard model of condensed matter physics“) (Landau 1956)

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Non-interactingconduction (s-) electrons

+Immobile d-electrons with

interaction U on a single site ("impurity")

Single-impurity Anderson model Anderson (1961)


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Us,d-hybridization V


• Characteristic 3-peak structure• non-perturbative energy scale("Kondo physics")

Bulla, Hewson, Pruschke (1998)

Single-impurity Anderson model Anderson (1961)

Non-interactingconduction (s-) electrons

+Immobile d-electrons with

interaction U on a single site ("impurity")


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Two fundamental unsolved problems

Beginning of the 1960s

Ni,V 3d electrons form narrow bands (“correlated”): How to model?





Pressure (4 kbar/division)

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Electronic Correlations

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quantifies correlations


Correlations are present when

Wigner (1934)

Definition of electronic correlations (I): Effects beyond factorization of the interaction (Hartree-Fock)

e.g., 2( ) ( ') ( ) ( ')n n n n n≠ =r r r r

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Narrow band systems :

Interaction correlations magnetismkin intW E E<

Pauli principle

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Unusual properties of correlated electron materials

• huge resistivity changes• gigantic volume anomalies• colossal magnetoresistance

• high-Tc superconductivity

• correlated metallic behavior at interfaces of insulators, …

• sensors, switches• thermoelectrics• high-Tc superconductor devices• functional materials: oxide heterostructures, …

Interesting for technological applications:

• How to explain these properties?• What is the minimal model?

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Diagonal in momentum space(waves)

Diagonal in position space(particles)


, UH n D D n nσσ

ε ↑ ↓= + =∑ ∑k i i i ik i


Gutzwiller (1963)Hubbard (1963)Kanamori (1963)• tight binding

• extreme screening: local interaction allowedby Pauli principle

no classical analogue

Hubbard model

Minimal lattice model for correlated electrons

• How to solve?• No fully numerical solutions possible• Find good approximation (mean-field?)

Single-band model:

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1. Construction by factorization

- Spin models (finite range interaction), e.g., IsingFactorization Weiss MFT

Mean-Field Theory (MFT)

- Spin S- Degeneracy N- Range of interaction R - Spatial dimension d or coordination number Z

}2. Construction by exaggeration


Hypercubic lattices: Z=2d

- Electronic models (local interaction), e.g., HubbardFactorization Hartree MFT

Ising model: all yield Weiss MFT

n n n n↑ ↓ ↑ ↓→i i i i

S S S S→i j i j

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Mean-field theory of the Hubbard model

( )ωΣ

Metzner, DV (1989)

, ,σ σ

σ↑ ↓= +− ∑ ∑H c c n nt Ui j i i

i j i

Purely local interaction:independent of d,Z

,d Z→∞→ • what simplifications arise ?• what type of MFT ?

n n n n↑ ↓ ↑ ↓≠i i i i

Quantum fluctuations neglected static (no correlations)

Local quantum fluctuations always present dynamic

No factorization: very different from Hartree-Fock

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Mean-field theory of the Hubbard model

( )ωΣMüller-Hartmann (1989)

Janiš (1991)

Metzner, DV (1989)

, ,σ σ

σ↑ ↓= +− ∑ ∑H c c n nt Ui j i i

i j i

Strong diagrammaticsimplifications

Purely local interaction:independent of d,Z

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Self-consistent mean-field theory

Georges, Kotliar (1992), Jarrell (1992)

( )ωΣ

Mean-field theory of the Hubbard model

Janiš (1991)Self-consistent mean-field theory

, ,σ σ

σ↑ ↓= +− ∑ ∑H c c n nt Ui j i i

i j i

Metzner, DV (1989)

Purely local interaction:independent of d,Z

Dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT)

Hubbard model single-impurity Anderson model+ self-consistency condition

→∞→,d Z

Strong diagrammaticsimplifications

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• Fully dynamical, but mean-field in position space

• New type of MFT for quantum particles

DMFT of the Hubbard model: Summary

,d Z →∞• Exact in

( , )ωΣ k ( )ωΣKotliar, DV (2004)

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Characteristic features of DMFT





Atomic limit (no kinetic energy)

( , )ωΣ k ( )ωΣ

Density of states/Spectral function

Kotliar, DV (2004)

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lowerHubbard bandincoherent

upperHubbard bandincoherent

Excitations at Fermi level


fermions (with kinetic energy)

U( , )ωΣ k ( )ωΣ

Kotliar, DV (2004)

Characteristic features of DMFT

Density of states/Spectral function


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Definition of electronic correlations (II):• transfer of spectral weight• finite lifetime of excitations

U( , )ωΣ k ( )ωΣ

Kotliar, DV (2004)

Characteristic features of DMFT

Density of states/Spectral function

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Application of DMFTMott metal-insulator transition

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Intermediate-coupling problemin





lowerHubbard band

upperHubbard band


Mott metal-insulator transition

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ParamagneticMott insulator

P←Kotliar, DV (2004)

Mott metal-insulator transition: phase diagram

V2O3κ-organics, ...

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P →McWhan, Menth, Remeika, Brinkman, Rice (1973)

ParamagneticMott insulator

Fermi liquid

Critical point

P →Kotliar, DV (2004)

V2O3κ-organics, ...


Mott metal-insulator transition: phase diagram

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Pustogow, Rösslhuber, Tan, Uykur, Böhme, Löhle, Hübner, Schlueter, Dressel, Dobrosavljević(arXiv:1907.04437)


ParamagneticMott insulator

Fermi liquid

Critical point

P →Kotliar, DV (2004)

V2O3κ-organics, ...

Mott metal-insulator transition: phase diagram

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Step 2: From models back to materialsApplication of DMFT to correlated materials

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Combination ?


Non-perturbative approaches for real materials


d (2



d (2


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+Local electronic correlations

Double counting correction

(Many-body theory: DMFT)

LDA+DMFTAnisimov, Poteryaev, Korotin, Anokhin, Kotliar (1997)Lichtenstein, Katsnelson (1998)

Material specific electronic structure(Density functional theory: LDA)

Computational scheme for correlated electron materials



Simplest approach:

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Early application of DFT+DMFT

(Sr,Ca)VO3: 3d1 system

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TheoryElectronic structure

180V VO∠ − − = °

162V VO∠ − − ≈ °

No correlation effects/spectral transfer

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LDA+DMFT results

Constrained LDA:U=5.55 eV, J=1.0 eV






l fun


n A

(ω) , CaVO3

Osaka – Augsburg – Ekaterinburg collaboration:Sekiyama et al. (2004)

Pavarini et al. (2004)

Spectral function ( , )A ωkSrVO3:

Byczuk et al. (2007)



Electronic correlations • band narrowing• quasiparticle damping

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occupied states unoccupied states

LDA+DMFT for (Sr,Ca)VO3: Comparison with experiment

Correlation-induced3-peak structure


Sekiyama et al. (2004, 2005) [Osaka – Augsburg – Ekaterinburg collaboration]

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One-band Hubbard model on a generalized fcc lattice ( )Z →∞

Paradox “spins vs. electrons” reconciled

Curie-WeissBrillouin-function-typeferromagnetism of itinerantelectrons with non-integer magneton #

Intermediate-coupling problem


Application of DMFTMetallic ferromagnetism

mean-field critical exponents

( ) , ( )c F cM T T T Tβ γχ −∝ − ∝ −

1 , 12

β γ= =

Ulmke (1998)

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Ulmke (1998)


mean-field critical exponents

( ) , ( )c F cM T T T Tβ γχ −∝ − ∝ −


Microscopic origin of exchange interactions in Fe



Lichtenstein, Katsnelson, Kotliar (2001)

Kvashnin et al. (2016)

One-band Hubbard model on a generalized fcc lattice ( )Z →∞

Brillouin-function-typeferromagnetism of itinerantelectrons with non-integer magneton #

1 , 12

β γ= =

0.35, 1.33β γ≈ ≈Exp.:

Application of DMFTMetallic ferromagnetism

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Ulmke (1998)


mean-field critical exponents

( ) , ( )c F cM T T T Tβ γχ −∝ − ∝ −

LDA+DMFT Fe at Earth’s core conditions


Hausoel et al. (2017)Pourovskii (2019)

One-band Hubbard model on a generalized fcc lattice ( )Z →∞

Brillouin-function-typeferromagnetism of itinerantelectrons with non-integer magneton #

1 , 12

β γ= =







Application of DMFTMetallic ferromagnetism

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- transition-metal oxides- f-electron systems- cuprates, iron pnictides, …

Jacob, Haule, Kotliar (2009,2010)al-Badri et al. (arXiv:1811.05739)

Molecular electronics, quantum chemistry, ligand binding

Bulk materials

Heterostructures, interlayers, surfaces



et a


013) Okamoto, Millis (2004)

Janson, Held (2018)

Ni dimer

Cu nanowire Cu nanowire

Lechermann (2018)

DMFT: Applications from bulk matter to heterostructures






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ca. 150 lecture notes freely available on:https://www.cond-mat.de/events/correl.html

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DMFT: Generic mean-field theory of correlated electrons Wide field of applications

http://gamediv1.weebly.comHemberger et al. (2002)

Bruker: EPR in Life SciencePauli, Willmott (2008)


Perfetti et al. (2006)

Pustogow et al, arXiv:1907.04437
