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Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Yearbook Collection

Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Yearbook Collection


3 9077 05025 7511

THE I{EY for

JUNE 1938

Rochester Public Library Reference Book

Not For Circulation

Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County

Local History & Genealogy Division 115 South Avenue Rochester, New York 14604






1J l '

Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Yearbook Collection

Democracy is one of the American's most

prized possessions. Protected hy a con­

stitution which is soon to see its one

hundred and fiftieth year, it has become

firmly established in this country.

Today, democracies become dictator­

ships with alarming ease. In cerlain

foreign nations, no person is at any time

secure in his rights. War and revolution

are common and school children receive

/ military training as part of the curriculum.

/ In these countries, government to a great

extent dictates the policies of the school


The student goyernment of Benjamin

Franklin High School is trul, a mod I

democracy. Here individual students may

share in their school government, take an

active part in supervised e "tra-curricular

activitie , and even ha\ e something Lo a)

in regard to their studies. 'With llch

training a student is "ell fI tled to a"SlIIlH'

thr great responsihilities of citizenship

later OIl.

t\. bitler struggle "as "aged to hrillg

to th(~ p<'ople of Llli ' naLion the right , and

privil('g(' to '" hiell (' t'ry fr e lllHIl is

('nlitlrd, Thi hool is dedicated, th {'('fofe,

Lo t.he con titlLtion of the lIited Slale'

and l h spiri t of d cllloerac. "hieh hm l'

opcrated Lo keep Lhes(' right." amI pri'i­

leg(' t'Cllr(' so that til oulh of loda)

lllel) nol onl, poss('s ' Llti ' rich h('riLage

hut nHl) al ~o look for\\ anI to u future 'uch

as free m('ll enjo) ,

Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Yearbook Collection

n e are honored in the privilege of opening

Olll' Key with por'irails of 1\;/,.. Bntlerfield

and AI,.. lVolgasl. Because of their unselfish

devolion to ow' advancelnenl and their sin­

cere interest in llS individually, their place

in our hearts will remain secure.


The cause of democracy adyances with

difficult. , suffers setbacks at times and

places, and at present is under attack over

wide areas. We are of those who believe

in the dignity and worth of individuals,

and that these are recognized best in a

democratic system. Knowledge, courage

and conscience are required that we may

prove our faith by works- knowledge

that we may act wisely in the light of

man's previolls experiences; courage tllal

\\e may stand by our convictions ("veil

though \,,~ e be of a minorit. ; and COJl­

science that we rna. nH'asure our acts and

our ambitions })y the rule of the common




Roy L. Butterfield Principal


Wi ll i!llll W() I ~lIs (,

\ ice-Principul

Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Yearbook Collection

T H E C A Back Row Marian Laley Mrs. Franc Ebray

Charles Colburn Mrs. Rose Blank Lois Lawrence

Carlisle Taylor DeMars Bezant Mrs. Edna F. Daly

Isaac A. Chapell Mary Burns

George Cone Third Row Grace Rowley

Raymond Murphy Edna L. Parker

Emily Thompson Mrs. Ethel S. Abbott Willard H. Clark Harriet Cochrane Carroll Potter

Marian Greenwood

Harvey Thomas Marjorie Pangburn Doris Wilbur Dora Clary

Elston Yaeger Blanche Thompson Leon Leggett Helen Ritz

Front Row

Matthew Lyders Mrs. Celia Willis Sarah Larmer

Carolyn Diemer Marian Blake Fourth Row Bessie Ames Flora Rizzo

Helen Donnellan Mrs. Helene Wondergem 1rs. larlha Kra, elz

Catherine Sullivan Agnes Crowle) Lillian Friedman Mrs. Clara Brasser Grace Brown William Wolgast

Stillman Hobbs Jeny DeWolf Anthony Betten Second ROllI Helen A. Young WalLer Schmitt {~ra('e Lamoree

Marlowe Smith Elizabel h Mears Truby llenry James Kipp l\lartha l\1iddaugh Lottie Finn


Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Yearbook Collection

B I N E T Back Row Fourth Row Second Row

John Clark Frances II. (; affney Marian Tuthill Ingraham Humphrey Rulh Lush Mrs. Clara Tillman Harold Swarlhout Grace McCarthy Dorothy Edwards Edmund Schermerhorn Alta Fisher Pauline Geballe Harold Warner Laura Hoefer Elinor Treble Howard Jennings Lulu Covel Mrs. Fanny Emery Joseph W. Kaiser 1\1rs. Florence Pil ts Florence Metz Donald Rabtjen Bessie Nelson Mabel A. Rodman Francis Henderson Rachel Langworthy Edna Snow Preston Tale -Ruth Denio Irene Hess William l\laxion Dorothy Abert Lillian Samuelsohn Lewis Miller Mrs. J. J. Hall Mrs. Helen Young

Fifth Row Mrs. Olyve Gordon

Joseph lagro Third Row

Donald Clark Domenic DeFrancesco Benjamin Lipson Paul Sleese Front Row Karl \ an Hoe en Grant Cleland Elmer Koster Robert Smith Samuel Zornow Edward Halbleib Miriam Levin Carl Chamberlain J ames Finnegan Helen Scribner Raymond Francis Arthur Bates Abrona Batz Judson Decker Harmon Bulley Roy L. Butterfield Harold Roche Dennis Ruby Ella Davis William Read Atwood DeCoster Mrs. Marguerite May Merlyn Ringwood Effey Riley Mrs. Jane Dunham


Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Yearbook Collection


Back Row S tanding : Mr. SamuelZorno\\, Mr. Ra ymond Francis. GeorgI' Lornbart, Samuel Kolko. William Miller. Charlott ... Weber. Julia "il­Iiams, Haney Sa­now. Second Row Sealed: Mr. Flor­ence Pitts. Ir. William C. Wolgast, Arlene Nory, l\\is RachelLangwol' thy , Mr. Roy L. Bulter­field. Fronl Row Sealed: Ho\\afll Watkins. Edna Sf'­\-ille, Eugene Guar­ino, Mary JaDI' Se-


The Junto and the executive council are symbols of democracy in our school government. The Junto consists of two representatives from each hume room, elect.ed each term. They meet. Lo olfer uch criticisms and ideas foT' the bettermenL uf school alTairs as are suggested Ly their classmates.

The president, vice-president, ancl secretary uf the school hold t.he same respecLive offices in the Junto. From the newly-elected Juntu, six represen la live ' from the senior high and two from the junior high das es are chosen to make up the executive council. Under the guidance of faculty advisers the execu live council makes suggestions which are submitted Lo tbe Junto for final appru\ al. All students are welcome at J unto meetings, and are urged to voice lheir opinions.




Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Yearbook Collection

~ -=---------;. ~ -


Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Yearbook Collection


During our last year as studenLs of Benja­nun Franklin High School we, Lhe mem­bers of Lbfl class of June 1938, have been advised and aided hy Mrs. Edna F. Daly and 1\11'. Robert SmiLh.

Habrrl Smith

Custodian of the Flag CarnH'la Cost.l:IfIZ0

Standard Beal'er Chnr'lcs Kamin


Back How: Pelf'r Fiore, .l ane Tennenl, ElnlPr Cha frer. Front Row: William Wis man (Vicp­Presidenl), Samul'l Knlko (Trea~urr'r), Rulh Wolgasl (Socia l Chairrnan), LaVerne Graning

(Pre~idl' lIl ) .

Mrs. Edna F. Daly


We wi h Lo expre sour appreciation Lu l\.Irs. Daly and to 1\1r. ~l\liLh not only for tht' p\ce l)plJL cOUDsrl WI'

ha"t' recpivf'cl, but al1'o for t.he \ alut'cl friend­ship we have enjoyed with them.

Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Yearbook Collection

HIT \. \Ch. EH" \ '\ ... 9 Lang Stn.'l't ... Conidol' Aide 3, \ arslly ~luh 3, 1

:\1 un JA E ALLE:\i ... 1011 :\forlh Goodman Slrcrt ational Honor Sociel 4; Latin Ilonor 'ociel)' 2, 3, ·t;

ouran!, Editorial StaiI 3, I; Kl'\ I: Girls' Leadership 1, 2, 3, t: Srnior horus 4; Guid'c 'en ice I ; Lost and Fuund 2, 3, I; Choral Club 4.

~I un ALT\YK\_\ ... 5 ~lilLer lrcet ... l~ir),,' Leader­hip 1, 2, Rcnaissancl' 2.

TIl \DDEt: II. A:\,TCZ.\K ... 1118 ~orton Street ... Juntu 2, 3, Buok.store 3, 4.

'lAIUO"l A:\,TI"I \RELLI ... 91 Rosemary Drive ... hcy ~tafT; ~cniur Clas. Council: Junlo 2, 3; A Capella

hoir 2, 3, 4; Inter-High Prl'p Choir 1. 2; Inler-High Chuir 3, 1: Greg~ .. hard" 2, 3: Opera Guild 3, 4; Renai -:;anct' ~Ucil't) 3; enior Girls' Glee Club -1.

JO_EPIIL\E:\1. AH:\,AO ... 1621 Clifford A,enue ... Renaissance ociely:1: Italian I1onor Society .1,.

)IOHRIS J. AROESTY ... 21 :\fye Park ... Corridor AiM 4; Senior Council 4: Fr nch lIonor ociety 3, 4; Italian Honor Society 2, 3; Boys' Leader Corps 2, 3, 1; Senior Play.

E\ EL Y~ AYERS ... 249 Ern:;t Street ... Les Babillard 1,2,3.

'I'\HIE AZZOLI:\A ... 72 Sy lvestf'r treet ... J unlo 1,1; English Book Room 3, 4; Renaissance 2.

PETER AZZOLll'iA ... 72 Sylvester Street ... Track 3, ,1.

PATHICK P. R\D .. DII ... 991 ',Torlon Street ... Senior Cla"s COlInc'il, Junto 3: Italian Honor Society 3; Latin Honor Society 2, :3, 4; Renaissance Sucicty 3, 4; Boys' Leadership 3. 1

C.\RL .\. BALCERAK ... 1139 Hudson A\enue ... IIorspshol' T('am 3,!.

H.E"A BALT ... 1527 Clifl'ord A\enuf' ... Girls' Leader-hip 3,1' Junto 2, 1; Corridor Aide 1; Kpy StafT.

GOLl'\ \. B \HO,\ \S ... 28 Townsend Sln'pt ... Studrnt Aui\ iti/'s f:oIllJllilleC' 1, 2, 3, 1., ('('frIary 2, 3; Library Aide' 1, 2, 3, 1: Junto 2; Optimates 2,3,4; 'ational Honor .'()(·il'!, :3, I; (;errnan Honor Societ) 3,1; Corridor Aide I ..

;\J\HY C. B\RR.\'LE ... 67 LeFrois Stf('(,t. . Circolo Dantl' 3, I; Excc'utivc Council of H('naissanc'{' Socil'ty 3; Rrnai ~anre SociPly 2, 3; ocial Sciencl' Library \ide 1,2,3.

SALV -\.TOHE B \. TT \.GLI \ ... 971 "orlon SIred. Hl'nai~sHllc'C' 3, \ ar"ity Club 3, 1.

nEJ{:\'ICE L. BEEHS ... 136 Turpin Slrel'l ... Cregg \\\ Hfds :3; Kc~ 1.

WAH HE:\, II. BEl ·WEl\GE B .... 22 Flo\\rr Street.

~L\HTII\ BEl\. \SI"~K[ . )371 Cliliion Awnul' "01'111 • • ./111110 I; Optirllalp,' 4.

LO\\ ELL BE:\:\ETT •.. 201'11\\11 Slrt·c·t, ')"11 Brp(·zt· ... ./111111) 2.

l\L\HI\t\ BEHC;hH ... 1:3!l SIr01lg Slrpel ... CorridOl' .\idc· 1.


Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Yearbook Collection

LILLIAN BERKE ... 378 Alphonse Street ... Social Science Library Aide 3, 4; Library Aide 4; Gregg Awards 4.

BERNARD BERNHARDT ... 22 Athens Street ... Key, Editor-in-Chief: Courant, Publicity Manager 3, 4; A Capella Choir 1, 2; Stage Crew 3, 4; National Honor Society 3, 4; Guide Service 4; Tennis Team 3; BasketbalJ Team, Assistant Manager 4; Latin Honor Society 2; Opera Guild 2; Boys' Glce Club 1.

DORIS BELCKMAN ... 227 Lux Street ... National Honor Society 4; Latin Honor Society 2, 3, 4, Scribe 2, ConsuJ 4; French Honor Society 3, 4, Vice-Prf'sident 3: Guide Service 4; Courant 4; Junto 2; Key Stalf; Girls' Leadership 3.

LEONARD BIRACREE . . . 26 Scrantom Street . . . Courant, Circulation 4, Reporter 4; Senior Play; Dramatic 3,4; National Honor Society 4.

LILLIAN BITTEN ... 58 St. Jacob Street ... Courant t; Craft Guild 3. 4; Corridor Aide 4; Varsity Club 4.

JOSEPH R. BLEIER ... 219 Weaver Street.

STANLEY L. BLOOM ... 124 Weyl Street ... School Orchestra 1. 2, 3. 4; Inter-High Orchestra 1, 2. 3 .. 1; A Capella Choir 1, 2, 3.4; Courant 4; Key Stalf.

BERNICE BOGART ... 965 A\enue D ... Junlo 1.

ELIZABETH DO ROTH Y BOLGER ... 217 Elizaol'th Street. Sea Brel"'ze ... Latin Honor Societ) 3, 4; horal Club 3.

CASIMIR BONLS ... 899IJucison A\enll~ ... HpSI'f\I'

Basketball 2; Courant ·1; Bowling 3, Captain ~ ; Corridor Aid\' 4; Boy,;' Leadership 3; (;olr Team it .

MAHY BORYSEWSKI ... 21 Bradford Stre"l.

FHANCES BOLClLAB.D ... 24 Delamailll' Dri\ (' ... Latin Honor ocil,ty 3, 1. Al'llill' 3, (Jtlae~l('r I: .IUllt!) 2; Courant. Cireulntiol1 Stall' k

I\ULD}{EO BOWMAN ... 99 lllllhro"kl' Slrl'l'l.

JOHN W. BB.ACli ... H3H orton Sll'Pl'l

DOHOTIH BHAln ... 23t2 Clill'md A\Plllll'

1f,\ZEL BETTY BI{ETSTEI'II ... 2<) HI'IIIIIl Stll'l'l National lIonor So('il'\ ~ k (;('rrnflll Hmwl' SllI'if'1 ~ :{ ~ : L<ltin lIonor SOl'il'ty ~, 3; A Cappello Choir :!.:L .lllnl'~ t, COLlnlnl, ssul'inll' Editor I; IVy Stall.

lun E. BBOCh .. I\IAI\I ... L7n:) Hidfit' nond E, lrllllti,'­tjl10it ... Corridol' Aidl' :3, \..

(;t ssm llHONTi\IAN ... I,ll n. I\. . '1'1'1'1'11< '1' .. Enl-\'Ii..,h B!JI)kroOill 1; Varsity nul, 2, :3, 1. l\('~ .

['11\ LLIS H. llHOOI"S .. Ill!)\) HI. Paul Stn'pl Sol'i!-ll Sril'n('l' Librury A..idl' :3. l. utitlnal \lontlr Sol'i!'l \ t.

JOSEPH J. nHOWN .. :)7 Duman Slrl'''! .. .1111110 I, E\('I'uLi, (' COlllleil I: Tnlt'k I. 2. I ; S()('L'I'r 2. :1. \.: Btl\\ ling I ; Lil.rnr~ Aidl' \..

JOSEPllINE CLOIU ,\ BHOWN ... hI Lukl' I,'rllnl. SIIIIlItWI'\ illl' ... C lfl'idllr Aidl' ~.


Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Yearbook Collection

ELSO'\ en \HLES Bin LE. . ~o \\ l'a\l'r 'lreel . . . Horst'shor Tt'arn :~, l.

nlELU 'I. BL B,\ [~ .. . fl1 \lolTili lrcrl .... J unto 1 3; ,ational Honor Socirl, :~, l; Comllwrciul Honor

oeiet) 3. I; Crart (~uild 4; Bookslore 4; Corridor ide :3; l~regg '\'\l\rds 3. -I,

ROBERT Bl RKELL ... 3 Iroquois Streel, 51'a Breeze.

'IARIO"" \. Bl R,\~ ... 77 Orland Road .

\VILLI.HI S. CALKI='IS ... 130 Delamaine Driye ... Orchestra -1,; Band 1; A Cappella Choir 4; Inlpr-TIigh Prep Band 1.

GLADYS CARLEY ... 289 Crossfield Road ... Latin Honor -'oriety 2. 3.4; Library ~ide 3; Corridor Aide I; Leader I. H t. 1. .

PROVIDE='ICE CATALDO ... 81 Lo\\ ell Street ... Renais~ance 2,3; Corridor Aide ! ; (iregg A,"ard. 3.

LICIA R. CELLI .. . 108 Pelro~si Dri\ c ... . Junto 2 ; Renaissance Socieh 2. 3. 4. Social Chairman :~; Corridor Aide 3, -1,; Gregg A" ards 2. 3; Key Slall"; Senior Class Council; \\ ardrobe Mistress or Senior Pia) .

JOSEPH CESARO"llE ... ~1, Moha\\ k Sl reet ... Corridor \..ide 4 ; Crart Guild 3, 1.

EL~IER n. CHAFFER ... 114 Lodge Dri\ e, Point Pleasant ... Band 3, 4; Orcl1l'slra 3. 4 ; lntpr-lligh Band 3. 4 ; Inter-High ()rrhpslra 3. t; Clas. Sori,,1 Chairman l; Junto 3.

TA:"LE\ F. CII~ \LEK . . :39 Peckham Str!'!'t

JOSEPH COCCA ... "15.) Bay Slr!'et ... Band 1. ~; Orchestra 1. ~ ; Hrnaissance Socil'l) 1 , 2.3; Junlo 2.

, IOLET COLE\I..\.,\ ... ~30 Furlong lrppl .. Bookslorl' 4; Junlo 1; Corridor "-ide-I; (;n'gg A\\arcb I ; Dramatics 3, "alional Ilonor , ocil'ty I.

JOH'I J. COLLI,\S ... IlO Barberry T('rnl('p .. . Honor Crart Guild L

:\IAR \ COLL CCELLI .. 61.1 Hohr Sln'l'! ... E\e-I'uti\ (' Council 1 ; .J unlo 1

Jl.A"\,\E CO:\II'\i{\TO .. (,1 "lilll'r StrPl't ... A I.appe-lla Choir ~ . 3,1; Courant Starr :!, :3; nl'nais~!1nt"1' Socir·t) :!. 3, I: .Junlo 3; Corridor Aid!' 4 ; h!')- Slalr.

~'\'Df\E CO"\I<: .. 38 (h~ais,a Dri\l', Irondl'ljuoit .. Junto :3; A Cappl'lIu Choir ~ :3 1. Chnral Cluh ~ . Inll'r­High Choir ~ 3 1

JOH'\ COOKE ... 2B IJl'rnld Stn·(' 1.

C\R:\IELA COST\"\ZO \;)1) I\andulph Slm' t .. JllotC) 1. 2, :1: Frr'n("h I1onor S()( 'il'l) ~ , :1. 1; '\Hliorlfll lIoor)r SUI' it'( y :1. 1; Circolo Danlt' :1. 1; DraJllal i(', Cluh I: H .. nais Hnr'" Soci .. l \ ~; (iuid(' SI',", i( '1' 1; f)aul{hlt'r of' tlH' Flag] • :I'nior C;irl~ ' (;1,,1' Clul) 1: CIJllrunl 2

K\HL COSTICJI :!17l C;1l"I',. IlIJad l"IJntil'q(I(JlI . Latin Illlrlor SOI'i!'l\ 2, :3, I ; (:or,.idor Aid!' 1; Bnnd :1. t ; Ordll' trH 1; Inll'r-r"Jigh !'/'I'P Band 1; hI') ..

A THO""", n. ua (;"\ \L1~ 11) CUrlllninl{o; Str!'l'l . , . Engli,h Hc)()k Iloorti 1.2, :1. ~,Junlo 2

] I

Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Yearbook Collection

,JOSEPHI E CL I ELLI ... 1.387 Clifford A\enur ... Key Staff; Orchestra 2, 3; Renais, ance 3; Executive Coun­cil 4,; Gregg Awards 2, 3.

JOSEPHINE C. CYCKIEWICZ ... 56 Pulaski Street.

ELEANOR CZARNIAK ... 1481 orth treet ... Junto 1; Gregg Awards 2, 3; I1oDor Craft Guild 3, 4; Commercial IIoDor Society 3, 4; National Honor Society 4.

ANGELA F. CZYZEWSKA ... 55 SL. Stani laus Street ... Latin IlonaI' Society 2,3,4; aLional HaDar Sodety 4; Corridor Aide 3; Courant 3; Key Staff.

)lILTON DAITZ ... 65 Jewell Street ... Ke) '- taIL

LILLIAN J. D\.LY ... 113 Vermont Strrct.

HAZEL DAt.:B ... 1000 linton A,pnuc orth. h.C)


\IICHAEL J. DE CARLO . .. 160 ichols trept ... Band 1, 2.

MARGAB,ETROSE DECKER ... 59 Dickinson, lret't ... Inter-High Choir t; Junto 1; <\. Cappella Choir 3, 4. Girl' Leadership 3,1.

AHTIll ({, DELL .. . 1:>9 Conk .. ) A.\ enuc. . S('nlor Cla"s Council; Courant 4; Corridor Aide 2; Boy' Leader hip :3.

LETITIA DE 'IATTEIS ... 217 Peart "-H'nur, Point Plr8sanl . .. Corridor A.id .. 3, I; Gregg Awards 2, 3; h.py StafT.

IILT01\ DEI{'\I.\N ... 311 Iloll('nlw('k Sln'c! ... Jnnto 2; Choral r.luu 1; A CIl[lp!'lla huir 1. 2, 1; 'alional HOllor Sorie! y 4; Fn'll('h Honor Socil'l y 2, :3; Opcrn l; uilJ 2, :3, I; I\('~ lall'.

'\'\-ILIll H DE H\h.E .. IHO A.\l'lIIl1' "-.

LILLI \. DES(O . III BH' Sln'p! ... Iialian TIonul' SO('il'l) 2, :3, 1, Ht'nui"sHII(,1' S;"'il'ly 2, a, I, Sl'l'I'I'Iur) :3, Tn'asurl'r I.

"\HIE C. DE' E\ .. Ih30 Hidge !loud Eilsi ... (~I't'g:.: A"urd:< :\, \..

nOHOTII\ D'1I0'\{)T .. . 11:311 COllk!' \\1'111 ...... (;n'g/t "-"urd 1,2.

S \" IH tHO . 261 I\undolph ~ll'.'!'1 .1111110 ~; 1\('llllisSIIIll'C Soci!'t) 2.3, \, \ nl'"it) Bnsketbllll "Ianll~.'r I; Cin'olu Dunk 2; BII~s' L"Hdl'['silip 2. :1, I; S.'niur CU\llll'il,

H \ '\ '10'\1) IHEBEHI(,II . ~hOIl PUl'k,'r HOHd ... .Iunlo 1,2,3. Sl'nior C lllss COUlli'd I. Euglish Bnukl'llolll~; Sl'nior PhI) :i .

CLE\IHTO"'I\SO . :I.)Collk.,\ \\.'1\11(' • H.'nai,,· SillH'I' S'H'il'l~ I. IllIliuull()n()r SOl'il'l~~. 3, I; I.nlillllllllllr SOl'il'l\ ~

1HHHELL ])OIlBERTl'\ SUl'I'!'r 2, :~. I; Truck 2, 3, I

91)\ SI. Puul Stn'l'! .. ,

E\ EL \ '\ IUmmH . II.) .Ios!'ph "Iun'. . Corridor \ili· I. 2, :1; (:uid,' SI'f\ icl' I. (:irl,,' "I hid i!' CU1Il1llitl1'1' 2, :1, I; (;(,I'IlIIIIl lIolior S()('i\'t\ 2, :1, Slicilli ChuirlllHll 2; L,\lin Jl onor S()cil' I ~ 2. :1; H't iOllnl 1I0nol' Soci,'1 \ :I. I ; COIll'ilttl

2, :1. I , \ IIn .. il·\ Cilib 2, :\. I. SllIlklil \ ('Ii\ i'lit's COllllllillt'., I ; h, ('~ Slnlr;' .IulIl() I. <:irl ... L!'ndl'r-.hip I. ~, :1; 1101101 Husk"lllall 2, :1; Chol'lIl C1111> I , nrlllltllli!'s I.


Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Yearbook Collection

OLG.\. E\\ .\ClIOW ... 13 Fairbank trcet ... Gregg A\\ards 3: Lo t and FOlmd 3, 4; Junto 1, 3.

A'RO'1 L. FALK ... 8 A,enue A West ... Track 3' Bo) .' Leader"hip :!, 3, 4. '

FLORE:\CE FALK ... ,<j Requa Street ... Girls' Glee Club 1; Junior Chorus 1; Choral Club 1; A Cappella Choir ~. 3,4; luter-High Prep Choir :!; Student Acti, ities Com­milll'e 1: Courant 4; Opera Guild 3.

A:\"THONY F ANALE ... :!39 Elisson Street ... Key 4; Choral Club :2.

THEODORE FEDKEW ... In St. Ca imir Streel ... Courant, AS ' i tant Adyertising Manager 4; Corridor Aide 3: Guide enice 4; ~ ational Honor Society 3, 4, Social Chairman 1; Junto 3; Dramatics 3; Key, AdY(~rtising Stall'.

DOROTHY L. FED RAt: ... 111 Grafton Street ... English Bookroom 1, :2, 3. 4; Junto 4; Girls' Glee Clu]) 1.

ARLENE FELERSKA ... 9:25 Hudson Avenue ... Latin Honor Society 2, 3,4; French Honor Society 2; Key Stafr.

ASSl~TA FERRARO ... 138, orton Stref't ... Latin Honor ociety~; Girls' Leadership 1, 2; Renai ance

ociety 3, 1.

LEONARD FILlPPO~E ... 966 Clinton A\'enue orth · .. Circolo Danle 3, 4: Courant, Circulation Starr 3; Corridor Aide 4. '

PETER FIORE ... 9 'Wright Terrace .. , enior Glass Council 4; Golf 2, 3. 4, Co-Captain 4; Boxing Leadership 3. 4: Cross Country 2; Class Publicity Manager 4; Key

tall'; Track tanager 4,

FRANCIS CLARENCE FLASIE SKI ... 306 Alphonse Street. , . Key Stan',

RA Y'JO:\"D FLlGEL , , . 90 ~Iiller , treet ... German Honor So iel) 4; Courant 4; Ke) Staff 4; alional Honor • ociel) 4,

JERALD FLYN"I ... 54 Durand Boulpvard, Point Pleasant.

JOII;,\" H. FOSTER ... 2t Mouison Street ... German Honor Society 3,4, Presidpnt 3; alional IIonor Society 3,4; Corridor Aidp 2, 3,4; Corridor Insppctor 3, 1\.; GuidI' 4; Key. talf, Circulalion Manager; DramaLi's 3; Steuben A"ard 4; Franklin Day Committee 1\.

ELEANOR '1. FOX ... 232 Carter Street ... Gregg A\\ard 3,

SHIRLEE D. FHEK\TAN ... 1 Carl Street .. , Couranl2; Gff'gg A\\ard 3; Varsity :3, 1.

(;ERTRlDE FRIED;\IA~ ... 1~O Jluntington Park ... Corridor Aidp 3; Junto 4; Courant Heportpr 4; Gregg Award 3; Girls' Leadership 4·.

ELAI~E FJUSCH ... 31 Farbridge Strf'et . , . Library Aide 1, 2, 3, 4; .Junto 1; Sludpn[ Aelivilil's Corrunillpc 1,2,3,4: 'Jalional Honor Society :3,1; Oplirnate ' 2, 3, 4.; KI') Starf; Corridor Aide ·1; (;prrnan lTonor SouieLy 3, 4.

',\1{ \1I .\1. FLSTA 10 ... 37 Ow,ida Strpf'L , , . (iirb' Leader,.,hip 1; Corridor Aidt, 1.

HICH\I{J) GABLElt ... Hill Hlldson AwnlJf' ... .Junl o 1, I,; OPl'tu (iuild ], ~, 3, 4; A Cuppl'lia Chuir J, 2, 3, 4.

El'liCE GALIl'oISK Y ... 6()2 A\I'TlIIP D .. , (;irls' Athlc'Lic Committel' 1,2,3,4, Chond Club]; L<tlin Honur SI)('il'ly 2. 3, 4; <llinna! Honor Socil'Ly 3,4; (;uide SCI' ice 4; Corridor Aid,. 3; Varsity Cluh 2, :~, 1; Courant, Cids' • porls Editnr 4,


Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Yearbook Collection

HARlUET L. GALLUP ... 207 Avenue C ... Latin Honor Society 2, 3; National lIonor SoeieLy 3, 4; German Honor SocieLy 3, 4; Girl,:;' Leadership 2, 3, 4; LosL and Found 3, 4; Glee Club 1; Key Stall.

EUGENIA G. GA WLOWICZ ... 819 Avenue D ... Gregg Awards 4; Clas Council 1.

ELEANOR GEJAC ... 1906 Clifford Avenue ... Clas' Council 1; Girls' Leadership 1.

JAMES GILMARTIN ... 63 Chapin Street ... Craft Guild 4.

BERENICE GLENDE . .. 189 Avenue B ... Corridor Aide 4.

DONALD GLIDDEN ... ·t88 Crossfield Road ... Base­ball 3.

LILLIAN GOLDMAN . .. 19 Carthage Drive ... Glee Club 1; Junior Chorus]; Choral Club 1; French Honor Society 2 ; German Honor Society 3, 4; National Honor Society 3, 4 ; Senior Play; Leaders 2; Guide Sen'ice 4; Girls' Senior Choir 4; Courant 4.

ETHEL GOLDSTEIN . . . 105 Hollenbeck Street .. Glee Club 1; Junto 1; French Honor Society 2,3; Girls' Leadership I. H. T. 1; National Honor ocicty -1.

RUTH GOLDSTEIN ... 8 Trenaman treet ... nlee Club 1; Choral Club 1; A Cappella Choir 1, 2; Latin Honor Society 2, 3; French Honor Society ~, 4; National Honor Society 3, 4; Student Acti\ iLies CommitLee 3, 4; (~uide Sen icc 4; Leader, l. II. T . 3; Senior Play Cast; Courant, Reporter 2, Ad\'(~rtising 3,4, Ad, ertising Manager /1. CirCll­lation Staff 2, 3, 4; Dramatics 2, 3, 4; Gregg Awards !\; Tntcr-High Prep Choir 2; Uppra Guild 1; Key Slall'; Franklin Day Committce 4.

ANTHONY GOLEBIOWSKI . . . '12 Peckham Streel.

EVELYN GORDON ... 34·0 Hidge Road Ea~t ... Junto 2; Courant 2,3,4; Girls' Leadl'I'ship 1, 2, 3; Gregg ward ' 2,3; Bookstor(' 3, 4; Key Slafl'.

LA VEHNE GRANING ... 119 High Slr!'et ... COlll­mercial lIonor Society 3, 4., President t; alional Jlonor Societ 1; Bookstore 1, ; Cla~s PresidL'nl 4; Junto 1.

PETER GRECO . .. 118 Aurora Street. .. horul Cluu Z, Corridor ide 4; Key StaIr.

FRANCES GRELLO ... 38 Da\ i:-; In·pL ... Corridor Aide 1 ; .J unto 1.

LOllIS GHELLO ... 38 DHyj" Street. •. irco\o Dllnte ~, ~.

EUGENE GHYCZ ... 5,\. Dayton 81.rl'el .

Jl NE GUBJA SKY ... 57·1 Conkc A,cQuC' .. Junior (~l(" Club 1, 2; Junto); Latin HOllin' Sucil'l" 2, ;\,\., (jcrml;\J\ HOllOI' Soci('ty :3, 4; aliuflfli Honor So'riel y 3. \.. 1\l'Y, A~sisLflnt EditOl'-in-Chipl'; CorridOl' Aidr t; Junior Choru" 1, 2; Guide 8('r\ icc 1; Courant 1.

FLOHELLE GUTllIEL ... 377 Sj Ih ' Lrel'\.

nOHOTlIY GUTZI\1EH . .. 1762 Clifl'ol'fl A,elllH' ... Latin HUllol' Socil'ty 2, 3.

IIELI~N E. GWIZlTN .. 108 Berlin ~Irel'! ... Hand J, 2, a, 4; Urch(;stra 1,2,3, \·; Inlpr-lIigh Prt'P Bund 3, Inter-High Band 4; Gn'gg AWllrd 3, 4.

LOTTI E GWOZDZ ... 8U Fflirbnnk ' Stret't.


Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Yearbook Collection

JE.\ "<NETTE ELINOR IL\EFELE ... 107 Fa~n Street Sea l'he~ze ... Choral Club 2; A Cappella Choir 2, 3, 4~ Opera Guild 3: Junto 3: Typing Award 4: Courant 4; Dramatics 3; Latin Honor SociE't) 2: Key Starr ,to

'UHTIN IL\EFELE ... 422 A\ ellUe D.

SARA HX'lBl RG ... 197 Lincoln Street.

EDWARD A. HAMIL TO ... 305 Hur tbourne Road ... Junto 2; Courant 3, 4; Corridor Aide 4; Key 4.

CAR.'II HARARI ... 114 Willins Street.

BALFREDA H..<\.RRISON ... 1541 X Goodman Street.

"CLA Al''N HEINI~GER ... ,115 -orton Street ... Glee Club 1; Choral Club 1; A Cappella Choir 1, 2, 3, 4; Inter­High Choir 4; Inter-High Prep Choir 3: Opera Guild 3, 4; German Honor Society 3,4; Commercial Honor Society 4; l'iational Honor Society 4; Shorthand Awards 3; Junto 1,4; Senior CIa Council 4; Corridor Aide 4; Key Still, In­di, idual Photography 4; Bookstore 3; Dramatics 3.

WILLIAM HERPICH ... 144 Hur tbourne Road ... Junto 1, 2 ; Corridor Aide 4; Social Science Library Aide 2,3, 1.

MARY HEUSNER ... 272 Avenue C ... Girls' Leader­hip 1, 3, 4; Junto 2; Courant 4; Craft Guild 4; Key 4.

BETTY HILTS ... 26 Abington Road.

JEANE ELIZABETH IHRSHMAN ... 4187 Culver Road ... Girls' Leadership 2, 3, 4.

MAGDALENA HOLCZIl\1l\IER . .. 115 Cummings Street ... Choir 1, 2, 3, 4; Choral Club 1; Glee Club 1; Opera Guild 3; Inter-High Prep Choir 1, 3; Inter-High Choir 3, 4.

RUTH FLORENCE HOLLAND ... 74 Carter Street ... A Cappella Choir 3, 4; Craft Guild 4; Girls' Leadership 4; Junto 4; Glee Club 4; Gregg Awards 4.

ROBERT E"CGE E HOLLENBACH ... 925 Joseph Avenue.

CECILIA A. HURYSZ ... 75 Pulaski Street.

HAROLD IlL TTER ... 26 Galusha Street ... Junto 3, 4; Golf Team 3, 4; Senior Council 4; Corridor Aide 3; Traffic 'quad 3.

JOlIN ILARDO .•. 354 neck Avenue ... Corridor Aide 4.

IRENE JAGLA ... 46 Klein Street ... Junto 1; Corridor Aide 3.

BOGDA: JAKl..BOWSKI ... 259 WI·yl Street.

RO\'LLDA JASNOWSKI ... 1223 Hudson Avenue .. Frl'och ]fooor So iety 2,3; Lalin IIonor Society 3, 4.

CELESTINE JAWORSKI ... 1 Peckllam Strret .. Gregg Award 3; Lost and Found 4.


Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Yearbook Collection

ELSA JUNGE ... 37 Fairbanks Stre(>t ... Choral Club 1, 3; Leaders 1,2,3; Senior Girls' Glee Club 4; Key 4.

MAUGHET JUNKEH ... 53 Bayclif Drive ... Latin Ilonor Society 2, 3, 4; ationall1onor ociety 3, 4.

BEATRICE KALIN ... 60 N ye Park ... Latin Honor Society 4; Courant 4; Corridor Aide 1; Leaders 1; Key 4.

MICHAEL KAMB ... 65 Harri Street.

CHARLES G. KAMIN ... 57 Jewel Street ... Standard­hearer 1, 4; alional Honor Society 3, 4; Pre;,;ident 4; German Honor Society 3; Latin Honor Society 2, 3, 4; A Cappella Choir 1, 2, 3, 4, President 3; Opera Guild 2, 3, 4; Inter-High Prep Choir 3 ; Inter-High Choir 4: Junto 3; Executive Council 3; Guide Service 4; Boys' Leader hip 1; Cheerleader 4; Key 4; Varsity 1, 2. 3,4.

LEE KAl\IINSKE ... 312 Sixth Street ... Latin Honor Society 2; National Honor Society 4; Corridor Aide 4.

MARY KAMINSKY ... 15 Duman Street ... Corridor Aide 3; Girls' Leadership 4; Gregg Award 3.

LESTEU KAPLAN ... 116 Norton Street •.. French Honor Society 3.

UA Y1\IOND KASPER ... 25 St. Ca>;imir Street.

lUCllARD KASSEL ... 241 Hollenbeck Street ... Truck Team 3, 4; Junto 1, 2; Senior Cla'i' Council 4; Boy '! Leadership 3, 4.

JACK KATZ . .. 1125 St. Paul Slreet ... Junto 1. 2,3,1,; Latin Honor SOl'iet) 3; Corridor Aide t; Var-ity Basket­ball , Assistant Manager 1; Boys' Leadership 3; K!') 1

LE A 1\1. KEGEL . . . 177 Huntington . trect, Sea Breeze ... Cral't Guild 3, 4.

1\IAIUO KE NEB ... bi2 Alenlll' U . .. Cnppt'lla Choir 1, 2. 4; Inter-LJigh Prep Choir 3; Intl'I'-l1igh Choir It,; Opera Guild 1.

HOBEHT 1':. KESEL ... 1757 Hidgl' Hoad E, lronill'lllloiL ... Cia" E\ecutil (' Council ·1; Corridor i\idl' 3, t; 'Ja­tionaillunor Socil>ty 4.

GEOHGIANA KETCHUM ... 129 S\h·(" ter StlWt. . Orch(,Rtra 1,2,3, ·1,; Cuurant 3, 4; Latin Ilonor ~ocie ty 1, (~irls' Leauel'"hip 1, 2; A Cnppl'llaChoil'2, 1; ChoralCllIh 1

1\1 \IlION KIl\G .. 5;~ Erm;\. St.I'I'(,\. .. ,Juntu 1; Corridor Aide 1; (~irls' Lelldl'rship 1 ; (;rp~1-( i\\\llnls 2, 3; \ nrsit.y Club J; h .. ey -1,; Couran\., .irclIlatio[\ 1,.

JOSEPH I([SELESKI ... 31 Cl'nlUbi' Slr('(~t.

./lINE KISKE ... 1 ~R Wa),wl' HOlld, lrondl'qlJuil . Lat.in Honur So!;il'l) 2, :~, 1,; Nulio!lulllo!loJ' Sllcil'l~ I; Junto 2 Clll~:S Council l.

STELLA h .lSSEL ... 4 Lnnghuill Street.

;\ N H. KLASS ... 1,7!l:i Lllkl' 'hl'lIl1l' .. (;il'is' Ll'lIdt'J' ship!, 2, 3; English Huok Boolll 1,2, 3; (~irl,.: (;1,,1' Club 1; !-ipnillr Pill) BII"in!'ss lanng!'!' I.

FHANCIS h.LEIIH.. . I:! \\ ('Il\<'I' SIred.


Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Yearbook Collection

ETHEL KLEI,\ " ~O~ "-'cnllC E .. <.;lee Club 1,~; ,omanl ~tHn' 1. ~. :3; Frf'ndl lIonor Sclt'iPI) ~, 3; Losl and

bl\md ~, :~, German HOllor ,- OCiel) :~; hI') 1; '\fulional BOlioI' ~uci('I) I.

, lIH;I'..I.\. KLE\I ... ') 1 lIller IreC't ... Girls' GII't' Uull I , ~; Corridur \ide 3.

'1 \.H.JORIE KLICK ... 10:> Dickinson Slrc'et ... Junto 3, 1: .ourant, Circulation 1; h .e)' 1: Latin lIonur Sociel) I:

eniOJ' lIa-.s Couneil ·L

FK\ "K J, KLDIASZE\\ SKI ... 188 \\ea\er treet ... 'arit) Ba"ketball~, 3,1; \arsit) Bal;f'ball 3; He8ene Ra",h(ill ~ ; '\ational IIonor OCiel) 4; Ke)

J.~ ET KOHL ... ~:-8 .\., enue C ... Crafl (;uild 1; Seniur PIa) 1: Cuurant 3,1; Girl' Leadership 1,~ ; \arsil)~, 3, q; • alional Honor Soei!'t) q.

OR BERT KOLB ... h Lang Street .•. Traffic quad], Captain ~, 3, ·1; Junlo 3.

SA \ll EL W. KOLKO ... "j~ Hunlington Park ... Clas,.; TrpaslJrf'f 4: tudenls' ssociation President 4; ~ational Honor ~oci!'ty 4: Latin Ilonor Sociel) ~, 3; Junto 1,1; EwculiH' Council 1. 4: ourant:!. 3: Manager 4; A Cap­ppUa Choir I, :!. 3, 1: Choral Cluj) 1: Op('ra Guild 2, 3; BaskPlball ~Ianag!'r 3. 1; occer \lanager 3; Tenni' Team :!. 3, 1: Bo)s' Leadf'rship 2, 3, 4; 9A CIa s President 1; CIa" Council 4.

STELLA P. KOP.\.CKI ... 18~ To\\nsend, lreet ... Band 1,2. :3, 4: Orcheslra I, 2. 3, q ; Inter-High Prep Orchestra 3. ·1: Lil)ran Aide 3.1: Commercial Honor ocif'l, 3. 1; Publici I) \Ianager 4; Cregg A\\ards~, 3; Choral Chill 1.

~IAHY KO~\I1CK ... ~1:! Durnan Streel ... .Junlo 3,1; Grl'gg A" ard 1.

E;\I1L"\ KOWALSKI ... 66 Klein treet .. LiLran ill.' ~. 3. 1: Latin Honor ociet)~, 3, 4: Cl'rnHln Honor ocil'lY 3, 1: ' tudent ' Acthitip Commilte!' 1, ~, :3,4; Corridor

id,' I' I\c'),t.

FH'\' K II. KOZLOW SKI ... 111 Da) ton treeL

JOSEI'll KHEJEI{ .. 120 Remington ' tn'el ... Courant n."'port('r 2; Engli. h Book Hoom 3; Traflie Squad 3

GLOHI \ KHL 'IW n~DE .. 1 ~~O Clil\'ord A, .. nup . (;ir!s' Lf'adf'rship 3, 4: Corridor Aid!' 3; Dramatics 3, I ; Junto 1; Fn'lIch Honor SociP1y 3.

ED\\AHD KlB\.Ch.I ... ]7 Ho)C'rofl Dri\('.

\. ,,'\ LADELF.\. ... ](.9 \\ intE'rrotb , tr('C'l ... (;rpl!l! 1 2, H .. nai" ane!' 1.

• ))0 ,\LD F. L\"J-..•. 296 Durnan Strrc'\,

PHILI P J. L \. "Z.\ 11-~LL \. . ~:> t \1011\\ uk Str('pt . Hl'nai san('l' 3, 1; S(wial Chairman t , A CIIPIll'lla Choir 1.

LOl J~E L.\.PJ. 82 lfol\isl<'r ' tr,'('t HC'nnissanc(' :-;oci('t y ::!, 3, 4; J t:tliall J IOrlor S(J('il't)' :3, t; ( : .. rridor idl' 1.

II \HHIET \I. LE ..... :l"j ()Sl!I!(' Slno,,[ P'"lIt PIl'Hsltnl .. 0

( '{jJJlIIII'f('wl Jl onor S(wj('l. :~ . 4; (;f('l!~ ,'"nI4 .

I-H \ ('E~ LU\IBI-. H<;EH .. , HI E\"r~f('(,11 Stm't.

Fit '\ '\CE~ \, LE~I\I \ I\. ., 97 ~o,('ills"o ,11'1 0,, [ •

(,JI'I!I! \\\ Hrd 2, 3; COlIllIlI'rc'ia l \101101' S'lI'il't) 3, 1· ,",PflIOi



Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Yearbook Collection

SHIRLEY R. LEVE ... 1621 SL. Paul Street ... Glee Club 1; Girl.' Leadership 1, 2, 3; Junto 3; German Honor So­ciety 2. 3; Bookroom 3, 4; Corridor Aide 3, 4; Student A LiviLies CommiUee 4; Courant 2,3,4; Varsity Club 3, 4.

JUNE LILLIAN LINK ... 89 Alice Street, Sea Brel'ze ... Junto 2, 3, 4; Corridor rude 4.

SHIRLEY M. LISSON ... 49 Ayenup D ... Corridor rude 2; Glee Club 1; Girls' Leadership 2; Library rude 3. 4; Key 4.

:\HLL Y LO BIONDO ... 1080 Norton Street ... Girls' Leadership 1; Library rude 2; Henais ance Society 3, 4.; Italian Honor Society 2,3; Corridor rude 4.

CHARLES LOl\IBART ... 67 Hesolute Street ... Bowling Team 4; Corridor rude 2,3; Inspector 4.

GEORGE A. LOl\IBART ... 67 He olute Street ... Choral Club 1, 2; A Cappella Choir 3, 4; Inter-High Prr'p Choir 3; Inter-High Choir 4; Junto 3, 4; Eexpcuth e Council 4; Key 4; Corridor In pee tor 4; Opera Guild 3, 4; Boys' Leadership 3,4; Track 4.

PIIILIPV. LOVULLO ... 1363 CliITord Avenue ... Latin Honor Society 3; Cireolo Dante 2, 3,4; Corridor rude 4; Key 4; Baseball 4.

EUPHROSYNE E. LUPKIEWICZ . . . 65 Zimbrich Street ... A Cappella Choir I, 2. 3,4; Opera Gillid 1. 3,4; Inter-High Prep Choir I; Inter-High Choir 2, 3; Lo t and Found 4; German Honor Society 3, 4; Glee Clob 1; Key 4; Nat.ional Honor Society 4.

RITA S. LUSTYK ... 72,1, Norton Street ... Girls' Glee C luh 1,2; Choral Club 2. 3; Corridor Aide t; Girls' Leadrr­sh ip 3; Library rude 4; CraCt Guild 4; Sernor Councilt .


. 1321 Cli[ord Avenue.

EAHL l\IAGNt:S ... 79 Gothic Street ... Junto ·1; Corridor rude 3.

ALDO A MALDEIKIS ... 62 Dayton Street ... Grl'gg Awards 3; Ke).

LEO MANTEGNA ... 774 Jay Stl'f'et ... Craft Guild 2, 3, 4,; Track Team 3; .Junto 1,2, :3; h.ey \..

DOIC\ l\1ARINETTI ... 33 Emmptt treeL .. Italilln Honor ociety 3. 4.

, n IAN '\IAHKIIAl\l ... 122fi Clifford Awnue 11-[ional Honor Society 4.

LEO J. 1\1 J\RZEC ... 34 Perkham Street ... Track T(,1I11I 3; .Junlo 2, :3; Swimming Team 1,.

DOHOnn. l\IATTIES ... 2,t6 AV!'lluP C ... En~lish Hook Hoom 1. 2; c.orritlor Aidc' 4,; Key I,' Choral tub ~, (;irls' Leudl'rship ], !!. '

AHT l\lAllPIN ... t~ro\ t" Seu Bre('z!'.

HO 'ALIE ,\JAZZOLA ... 1171 . Clinton "-H'nuc . S[lIdenl !\cliviti!'''; COIllIlIil lee, H!'erl'lun t. Chairmnn 1: Lihrary Aidr 1, 2, 3, t; JOlli o 1. COllflmt 1; Cil'l'olo Danle 4; HcnaisRRoce 4.

HLINE l\lcl\lULLEN .•. 321 Hock ,t Street Cnp-prlla hoir 2, 3, 4.

HUTn MEliNE ... 20 Cnrl • lrel'l.


Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Yearbook Collection

ESTHER ;\lEL TZEH. ... 1701 St. Paul Street ... Glee Club 1; Choral Club 1; Choir 2, 3; Librar)' Aide 4.

HELEN l\IERCl RIO ... 3~7 ixlh Slreel ... Choral Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Gregg Awards 1, 2, 3; Corridor Aide 3; Junto 1.

JACQl.'EL YN MEYER ... 169 Huntington Street, Sea Breeze ... Girls' Leadership 1; Latin Honor Society 4; Class Council 4.

BERNARD l\IICHLIN ... 29 Harris Street ... Boy' Leadership 2, 3,4; Tennis Team 3, 4; Junior Basketball 1.

HELEN ;\IICOLI ... 533 Sixth Street ... A Cappella Choir 2, 3, 4; Inter-High Prep Choir 1, ~; Inter-High Choir 3, 4; Opera Guild 1; Renru sance 4; Varsity 2,3,4.

CASl\IER l\IIETUS ... 58 Clean Street ... Junto 3; Corridor Aide 4; National Honor Society 4.

ALBERT MIGLIORE ... 205 Dickinson Street ... Op­timates 1, 2; Corridor Aide 2, 3,4; Circolo Dante 2, 3,4; Reserye Basketball 2, 3; Varsity Basketball 4; Key 4; Bo), , Leadership 2, 3,4; Renaissance 4.

STANLEY l\IIKIEWlCZ ... 27 Wad worth Street ... Craft Guild 3, 4.

LAURA ;\IILLER ... 140 Conkey Avenue ... German Honor Society 3; Corridor Aide 3, 4.

MARGARET Rl.."TH MILLER ... 56 St. Jacob Street ... La t and Found 3; Corridor Aide 4.

ARTHllR l\lISSELL ... 60 Laser Street.

CLARA J. MOGAVERO ... 103 Remington Street ... Junto 3; Corridor Aide 3; Bookstore 4; Commercial Honor Society 3, 4; Ke)' 4; Gregg Awards 3; National Honor Society 4.

ELSIE :\10LHOEK ... 190 Willmont Street ... Latin Honor Society 2, 3; Choral Cillb 2.

RICHARD MOLL ... 175 Avenue A., Point Plpasant ... Junto 2, 4.

ISABELLE MOOHE ... 373 Fernwood Avenue ... Junto 1.

WILLIA;\I LOLlS MURPHY ... 77 Rohr Street.

VERONICA GAIL NABOZNY ... 57 Zygmcnt Strept.

IDA NASELLO ... 8 Diamond Plaee ... Choral Club 1, 2, 4; nenai~sance Society 4.

JEAN l\lAE NIEWOOD ... 10 Hivprbank Placl' ... Inter­High Prep Choir 2; Inter-High Choir 3; Opera Guild 3,4.; Courant 4; A Cappella Choir 2, 3, -1; (3If'e Club 1; Choral Club 1; Girls' Leader hip 1; Kpy 4.

HELEN ORKELl'NAS ... 1006 Cli fford Avenue ... Craft Guild 4.

JOII ,I. OLlSZUK ... 235 Klein Street.


Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Yearbook Collection

BETTY OSBUHN ... 4 Boomingdalf' SW'et ... A Cap­pella Choir 2; Latin Honor Society 2; Corridor Aide 4.

MARIAN OUZER ... 1609 t. Paul Street ... Girl " Leadership 4; Girls' Glee Club]; Courant 3; Varsity Club 3,4.

ALFnED J. OZMINKOWSKI ... 252 Weaver Strf'et ... Latin Honor Society 2, 3; Honorary Craft Guild 4.

SANFORD PACKARD ... 536 Hollenbeck Street ... Track 3; Junto 3; Corridor Aide 4; enior Play 4; Boy ' Leadership 2, 3, 4; Key 4.

JOSEPHINE PAL LON[S ... 9 H.eed Park ... Corridor Aide 4; Gregg A"ard 4; Girls' Leader hip l.

SAM F. PARISE ... 1848 orton Street.

MARGARET PARK ... 240 H eberle Road , Irondequoit .. . Latin Honor Society 2, 3; A Cappella Choif 4; Lo t and Found 3; Senior Girls' Glee Club 4; Courant, Reporler 3.

LLCY PASKUS ... 21 Loolllis Street ... Orche lra 1, 2, 3.

HOSE C. PATANE ... 1633 St. P a ul Street ... Circolo D ante 3, 4; Honor Craft Guild 4; Lo. t and Found 3, 1; Junto 1; Drama tics 3.

ROBERT H. PEIFFEI{ ... 635 Joseph Avellue .. , Honor CraIt Guild 4; Key Stall''\,; Class Council .1-; arsity Club 1

FLORENCE PERTICON E .. , 4-14 Fern" ood A \l'nue , Gregg Award' 2, 3; Rpnai~sanel' 4.

CHARLES PETRANTO ... 222 Helllington ~lrpel Band 3.

SAM PICCIONE ... 48 F('rnWOOlI A, (,rlLll'.

l\[AIUANNE PLEHN ... lOOt) S(. Paul trct't. Nu­tional 1I0nor SocielY 3, 4; Latil! lIollor Soril'L) 2. :3, I.; CouranL, n.cporl.er 2, 3, Ci!'cullllioll :3; (;il'l,,' Let'tdl'rship I , 2, 3, 4; German Ilonor So ipLy 2, 3; (:uide 'en ie(' 1.; Corridor ide 2,3,1; WI'!' C luh 1; lIrsil~ Club :~, l.

BEATHICE ]>OKOWSI~ \ .. , llt Hl' mingl()n Slrl't't ... Fr('nch Ilunor 'ol' il't) 2, :L Corridor "'ilil' :1; I\alillual Honor Soriety 3, t ; (:uidc Sen in' I ; Los t und Fuund 1; h(') 1 ; Latin Honul' Su(;iet) :~, 1.

, INCENT 11. POLITO, .. 9:3 Ellison Sln'pl .. COl'ridor Aide 1; "unto I.

ELEANOH-\ POHTI! ... 1911 Lincoln Sll'<'et. " Corridor Aid!' :3; CournnL ~, . \.; h .. ('y I ; (;n'gg Award I.

1I 1\ltOLD I'OWEHS , .. ~1t) Ii' urlong Sll'l'l't.

IHENE \. I'I{ESN-\L ., , 130 eml!'!' Sln'PI ... .Iulllo 1, :l, \.; Nal iooal lIonlll' Soci"l) :1. I ; SI'(Tel nr'i I , CnnlJ1ll'fl·inl IInllor Soei('l'r :t 1, \ il'(,-Prpsitil'1I1 I , (;,'rmun IIunor S()t'il'ly~, 3; 1~I'Y . Bu"ilH 'ss I\lanagt'!' 1; (;('t'gg A\lnrcl .... 2, :1: Boukslof(' 3. 1.

ELE \l\OHE L. PH I CE . 1:1 (lsngl' Sln'd, Poiul Plt'as. anI ... llollllr ~ ral'l (;(lild :l, I ; (;irl,,' L('nd"rship:!,:l I Librll!,), idl' 2. :1; Corridor i\ ide 1

J \~IES PBOrE'!',), \ .. , :!:l Slmd,'r "111'('1'1 lIolloI'Soc'i!'l) ).


Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Yearbook Collection

lIARLES PL HYES ... 128 Versaille::; Hoad ... A Cap­pella Choir L 2, 3. 4; Junior Orchestra 1; Senior Orchestra 1,2; Inter-High Orche Lra 2; Track 2, 3, 4; Corridor Aide 2.

WILLIA~I ANDREW RAAB ... 56 Edgeland Street ... Junto 1, 2.

AGNES RACNOWSKI ... 773 Avenue D ... Girls' Leadership L

EARL RAETZ ... 147 Bedford Street ... Boys' Leader-hip 3.

HANS REBISCHKE ... 34 Treyrr Street ... Latin Honor Society 2; German Honor Society 3, 4, Vice-President 3; Corridor Aide 3, 4; Junto 1; BoY" Leadership 3, 4.

ARLENE ALVA REDDY ... 577 Hollenbeck Street ... Corridor Aide 3, 4; English Bookroom 1; Glee Club 1; Key.

MARGARET REISER ... 7 Buchan Park ... A Cappella Choir 4.

SYLVIA REZNICOFF ... 1396 North Street ... Library Aide 1; Lost and Found 2.

THELMA RICHA.RDSON ... 332 Avenue A ... Cus­todian of The Flag 1; National Honor Society 3, 4; French Honor Society 2, 3; Gregg Shorthand Awards 3, 4; Book­store 4; The Courant 4; Glee Club 1, 2.

IDA RICKLESS ... 19 EilTel Place ... National Honor Society 3, 4; Latin Honor Society 2, 3, 4; German Honor Society 4; Junto 3, 4; Guide Service 4; Courant 3, 4; Key, Publicity Manager; Franklin Day Com. 4.

AGNES RIDLEY ... 34 Moulson Street.

DO~ALD JOSEPH RIVERS ... 165 James Street, Sea Breeze ... Cia s Council 4.

PHILIP 1\[. RIZZO ... 240 Nichols Street .. . Renais­sance, Vice-Prpsident 4.; Circolo Dante 3, 4, Social Chair­man 4.

ALFRED I. ROBINSO~ ... 169 Mitchell Street.

MARJOHIE ROBINSO~ ... 26 Burbank Street .. . Cor-ridor Aide 3.

ELEA~OH ROEGNER ... 55 Farbridgc Strret ... Gregg A\\ards 2,3.

URI'\ 'I R. ROSENBAUM ... 22 Harris StrePL ... Ger­man Hunor Socil>ty 3, 'f.; Girl~' Lpadpl'ship 2, 3,4; Choral Club 1; Junior GIN' Club]; Junior Cborus 1; Seniur Choir 4; Courant 3, 4; Corridor Aidp 4; J\.!'y 1\; Librury Aide 4; Senior Play.

Jl ~E HOSE1\jBLOOM ... 65 AVf'nIlP C ... The Courant 4; Girls' Lf'8,krship 1, 2, 3, I,; Girls' (~Icp Cilib 1, 2; Vat'sity Cillb 2, 3, 4; Kpy 4; Spnior Play.

EVA UOTII ... 1000 .Jmwph A\pnu(' ... A Cllpprila Choir 1,2,3; Lwt and Found 4; (;lee Cillb 1; .JuJlior Chorus 1; Choffil Club 1; OpI'ra Guild 1; Varsity Club :3,1.

JEANETTE ROTH ... 70 St. Jamb Strrrt ... Junto 2; Grl'gg A"ard tI; A CfJppI'lla 2, tI.

GEOHGE ){OTOLO ... 587 BiJY Strf'('t ... [l/'naissanc(' 1, 2, :~. tI,; Latin Tfrmur Suif'C,t y 2; .Junto 1,2,4; Soccer 3, 4·; Tr8r·k 2, 3; Cr)rridor Aidl' :3.


Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Yearbook Collection

ELEANOHE Hl DY ... 684 J()~f'ph A,~'nue ... Curridor Aide t ; Lost and Found 3; K~'y 1; Courant 4.

BETTY nL.~IPFF ... 171 Walz~'r Hoad, Irondequoit .. A Cappella Choir t ; Junto 2; Class Council 4.

AGNES HlTKOWSKA ... tiO Carlpr Strcpt ... ~a­tional Honor Socirly 3, 1: Frt'nch Honor ocid) 2; The Key 1; Corridor Aide 1; Girl,,' Leadprship.

STA LEY SAITTA ... 399 Ba, Strl'('t ... Tknaissanl'I' 2, 3, 1. President 1; J untu 2. .

JOlI:"I SAK ... Ri 1\loha\\k Stn'pt ... Latin Honor 0-

cil'ty 3; Craft (~uild 4.

GHACE SALVAGGIO ... 6:~ Dl' Lamaint' Drin' ... Cor ridor Aidp 1: Key 1.

HL.TH SANDLEI{ ... 19 Lud\\ig Park ... IntC'r-High Prcp Choir 3; A Cappf'lIa Choir 1. 2, :3. 4; Courant 1: Opera Guild 2,3: Glel' Club 1: Junior Chorus 1; ' horlhand A\\ards 3: Kc),

HARVEY !sA~OW. .102 Eilft'l Place .. , Junto t : Ex­ecuti, (' Council 1: Chef'rleadt'rl: Courant 3, 1: Latin Honor ocid, 2, 3. I, Consu l 4, ( ual'stor 3: h," ~lafr. Organizations'; National Honor ~ol'il,ty 1, Tn'asllI'l'r I. St'llior Pia), Prop,'rlies lanagf'r: varsil ~ Cluu l; Cor­ridor Aide 3, 1: Guide Sl'n ict'l; Corridur Inspl'ctor :3, .t.

IlER'IA SA!SS,., 20 i,' lson t-hrl'l't.

JOSEPH JOH"J SC\RDILL.\ .. 21R9 ClilrDrd \\('ntll'

ANN\ SCIIICK-EH ... 2h I1olhmokl' Slrpp[ . .IunlD :3; Uirls' Lt'adl'rship :3; h.l') t

"\RGAHET SClIICKEH ... 2h lIolhrookl' ,'In'pl Cirls' L .. adl'r~hip :3, \\.1') 1

IS \OOHE !SCII EJI)EH .. 2i lIarris Stn'l'l

"OHTO,\ 0\\ [J) SCII,\EIBEH. . ~7 I1urri.., Strl'l'l,

FH\'\CES SEEGEH 19:) Turpin ~trl'l'l Latin Honor S'lI'il'l~ 2, :~. 1. .I"nto :~, I.

\I \J{IO" SEIJ)E'\ \"1) 1:{0 B"riin Stf('('l . h"n"h 111lI1CIt' S"l"id~ :~. I ; Co"rllnt 1. 1\.('), Cir('"lntlllll I , "II tional IlIllHlt' SIIl'il'l)- 1

(;EOHGE !SEIFEI{1' III B,'rn Stn,,'t nllllllal 1loTlnl" So('il'l) :~, I : I ["'"ICl"'~ (:rllf"1 (iuild 2, :!, 1

JOSEI'III"''': SEn I .:; 1 \\hll<' Stn·,'t, S"II BrI"'?'· llonor Crllf"t (i"ild :\, I : \\1'\ 1

1\.\TlIln,,\SII\CEI\. . 7h\\lItkinT,'rt'ltt'" .IUlltll:! , SI"Tt'IIII') of"St"d"lIh' \l'li,iti",t 'llIl1 l11illt 't' 1;(; 1""('11110 I , I,,'~ ( :in 'ldalion SInn' 1

J)O"l/ ·\L!) E. SII\FF ., li:l l't'"rt \,, ' nul' , Poinl Ph'iI--11111 BlIlId :!

ELiZ \1110:1'11 SII \ .. IHO .. li:\ Portlalld ''''III1t' . (in'g"g" 1\\\11\'11 2, :\

Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Yearbook Collection

no\ ~ILL ... UI ILl'mlll'l Stre,'t , .. Corridor Aidt· :~; Junto) 4, Urdll'stra 1

JOll ~IPLO ... 473 Hudson \ H'!ltH' , , . .J unto 1: E\.e,'u­ti\l' Council 1. ~.

JO~EPln'E RtTII :5HUGt SA , 80 Helllpel Strt"'!.

EI E'\ 'OltE Sit DARA ' , ,806 orton Stn'ct , , , Latin Honor ~ol'ipt~ 2.:3,4; A Cappella Choir t; Tlw Courant 3. I; Corridor Aid!' 3; Senior Cirl' Glee Club I; Lo~t and Found 1

\.LDO:X \. SKILI:\S ., 158 \lorrill tm' t ,., l;rt'~g A"ard ~; t;irl< L('ader"hip 1.

ELEA:\On ,I. Sh.ILl,\S " 158 '\lorrill Strpl'l ... Junto ~. A Cappella ~ .

'IAH) SKOHOCHODA . , , 1332 St. Paul Street, . , (~irls' Ll'ad"r"hip 1.

Rt Til .\G"iES SLATEH ' .. 1,38 Titus !\'I'nue, lrond,·-qlloit ' (;irls ' Leadprship 4; Choral Club~,

J ,UIES S'IALLHIDGE . , , 164 Heberton Road . h'ondp­quoit . . Latin Honor . oC'i!'t) ~ . :~. k f:urridor Aide :~. Honor Craft Guild I

EDW<\HD 5'IYKE, .. 1~2 \\ilkin,.; Strp('l , . , Junto t : I1onor Craft Guild 3,4: S,' imming Team ~ , 3. ,t-

ED" 1,\ SOBt 5 ,. I B9 '<orth Stn'!'t . , , School ()r­c\lPstra 1. ~ . 3. 1; Int l' r-High (Jr('hestrH 2. 3. 1,

" \."i 0\ C. SOKOLSK \. ... 11:)1l orton Stred .. Honor Craft Soeipt, ~; Social Scil'nC',' Lihrar)o\idl' I ; (in'gg A"ard 1. 2,3,'

'\'\OHE\\ L. SP .\OO,\I . , , 9f) lJ .. rald Stro'pl , , , Inl l'r­lligh PrPf) Choir I; Intl'r-High CIHJir ~.:3 I : Renaissan, ',. Socil'l) 2. :3; Courant 2 ; \ Cappella 2,:3. 1. Opl'ra (;uild 3, 1

Jl LlA SPAI'IiO , , , 18 Municipal Dri,,' , , ,f: ircolo Dant .. 2 :3, Choir I

.\ '\OHE~ JOSEPH SP\I{<\CI 0 :361 Fl'rn\\ood \'I'nllf' , English Bookroolll:3; f:OI'ridor "-ide L \arsi l, Clllb :~, I. f:hl'erLpad"r .... . f:ouranl I

I( \LI'If L. SPIE(;EL" 1 \liugl' \loau I ~asl

CECILI \ "iTA'\LE'I ,. 100 \\alkin TI'rra(',' " Book­... l"r' · 2.:~ I . COllllllf'f'('ial Honor Socil'1 ~ :~ , I ; (a,·,.. Club I. Corridor .\iut' ~; h. .. ~ ~ ; (;I'('gg \\\"rel ... 2.:~

.Jl STI"oiE ST\S.\ITIS , , 1132 Clifl'"rd \ "'rllH' " .JIlI,llo 1: Choral Clu" 1. 2 : ~ Cfl [wlla Choir 2. :\, I : I nll'r-lIlgh J>n'pHralory Choir 2,:3 Jnt .. r-High Choir I ; Lfllin HOII"r Scwil'l;r 2.:3

HOBEHT "iT\';.UTlS ... Il:l2 Clill"rel \"'11111' , •• llIlItl) 1, C .hl,ir 1 Bb .. ball 2, :~. I

SIIIHLI', , ". "iTEI'\EH :3:\9 1\'('11111' B .J'IIII" I . .J unior (.1 .... Club I . .I IInior ( :horlls 1 2. Choral Clllh I : (;irl .. : L"IHI .. r ... hip :~, 1: Corridor "Id,' :1. 1, S"lIior (;1(" , (:1111. I;K .. ;. 1

BE\TI((CE STILES 211 Hiall" Slr .... 1 .Illlllo 1,2: ElIgli h B""kro:ml I 2. :3. 1 1\.";' 1 (;irls ' L .. ati .. r,hill I ; C;ro.gg J\"anb I 2: (;irl,' (;1 .. [' Clllh I . 2 . SI'lIior elliS" C"III\I'i1 I : VHr ... il)- (Jill, 1

Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Yearbook Collection

DONALD STOFFEL ... 131 Peart Awnue, Point Pll'as­ant .. Swimming Team 4; Junto 2; Typing A\,ard 4; Choral Club 2.

BELLE STOLER ... 266 orton Street ... Gregg A\\ard 3.

HElnlAN STRASS:\lAN ... 2S Harris Strpl~t . Ivy Stall'; Choir 1,2,3,4; Opera Guild 2,3; Corridor Aidf' 3, -l; Boys' Leadership 3, 4; Class Council <t; Senior Play,'tage l\1anager; ~ational I1onor ociety 4.

A.t~~E STRILEC ... 321 Awnue B ... Glee Club I, 2; Girls' Leadership 3.

IIOWA1{D J. SULLIVAN ... 1164 Bay Street ... Junto 1,2,3; Executi\ e Council 3; Pre ident of Student I\ssocia­tion 1,; Latin Honor Society 2; National Honor ~ociet~ t; Courant 4; enior Play Cast 4; Corridor Aide 4; (;uide Sen ice 4; Key 4; Boy' Leadership 3, 4; Traffic Court, Judge 4.

WILLIA:\( SYWLLSKI ... 802 Clifford Avenu!' Bowling 3, it; Junto I, 2; Horse-shop Captain.

DOROTHY ;\IARIE TARLEY ... :3 Payne treet ... Henaissance Society 3; Italian Honor ociety 3.

JANE TENNENT ... 1587 St. Paul Slreet ... Junto 1, 2. 3; Executi\ e Committee I; Girls' Leadership I, 2, 3; (:ir\';' Athletic Committee 3, 4; (;irls' Ba. ketball 2, :3; Latin I1onor Societ y 2, 3, Srcrelary 3; German Honor oriet y 2, 3; ational Honor Society 3, 4, Vic('-President 4; English Bookroom 1; Cuide Sen icc 3, 1: Corridor "-idt> 2, 3. 1: Student Acli\ ities Commill!'(' <t: Class Council 1, -I; c.illss Secretary 4: Couranl2, 3, t; Varsity Club :~, 1.

ElNICE TEPAS ... 1080 Portland A'enuc ... Junto 1; The Kf') 1; ational Honor Society 1

DOROTHY TERlIAAH . . . 212 LlI\. Stred. Junto 1,2; Com 1l1('rcia I Tlonor ociely -I; Honor Craft (.\Iild I, Cnr­ridnr Aide 3; (:regg Shorthand !\wards 2, 3; Thp h.t'~· 1; Varsity Club 3, 4; NalionallIonor SOl:iptyt.

VICTOR TEI{l{\l\!\ ... 1-10 Taft Stre!'t ... COl'1'idor Aid' 1; Junto 1.

VIHGI 1\ THIB \t LT. . 131 POIl1!'ro\ :-'lrl'l'l • English Bookroolll 2; Bookstor<, I;.J unto 1, ~, 1 Corridor Aidp 3; I\..py L

HOY E. TIIO'IP~O'\ .. 31 Fil'HI \ "'1I1H', Poi lit. Pll'a~alll.

CIHHLES THO' \1'0,. 1535 Clillurd \H'IlIH'.

BEH!'.ICE tl\OEHBEHG .51 t\\p11I1I')) •• (:irl' Ll'adership :!. 3; CUllI'flnt 3, 1; Frellch Ilonor ~Ol:it'l \ 2; Corridor ;\idl' :3, 1; (;\ee Cluh 1; Choral nllb 1; St'lliol' Choir t; 1\.1') I.

FH\~K \.' \"IiDE1{\OOHT .. 30 POIllI'rO) ~trl't'\ . . , TrlllIi· 8CllWd I, 2; Corridor Aide :l, 4, Corridur inspedtlr 2, :3, 1.

DOlUS .\. , \ ~ Ol ~EH. . 119 Cross!Jl'ld Hoad, hOlld,·­quoit ... Corridor Aide t; Courant Slalr I; LI'IIIh-rs I; C l'I'gg "urds 3.

l\OH" \ ~ T. , .\ DlSE1{ . 119 Croslil'ld Ilond, Irondl'quuit . .. Band :3,1,; ()rdlcbtra :3.t. Corridor \it/,' I; Junto 1; Varsit) Club 1; Boys' L"l\(ll'rsl\ip :1. I; Publicity l\lannger, h.c).

])\\10' \"IIIOH"l ... lthlCllhl'rHol1d,~l'ann"·/t' ... llLiona lllollor SO('il't y t.; .IUlIto :3; Hllnd 2, :1, I ; ()rdlt'stru

2; Jnt{'r-Ifigh Bund 2, :1, ,I; h .1' Stnl1'; Chuwl Cluh 2.

HELENA" \N 'HLUEGIlE'[ . . 11 lInllo\( '!' Sl\t·,,1.

E\ EL) ""N 'lEt HS ... III I\O\cwl'l ])mt' .. I,ngg A \\ flrd I; (; iris' Lead!'r ·hip. .


Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Yearbook Collection

'\'\THO'\\ YAS~ALLO ... ]39 Fifth SIJ'(,C'l.

, ICTOH , ER"ifA ... 16:;6 Cli[ord A\ rOtH> ... Junto 1, ~; Corridor ide 4; Orcht'stra 1, ~; Senior Pia).

" ILLl.\:\( H. YETTER ... 3()~ Seneca Hoad

THEHESA VITALE ... 36 Roycroft DriH' ... Dramatics 1; Choral Chili 1, :'!: Junto :,!, 3'; Gregg A"ard 3; Couranl 3, .j,; Corridor Aide 4; Library Aide 'l; Ke).

JACK J. YOLK ... 36 "ifas au Street ... Courant 3, 4; Kr) 1; Junto ~: Corridor Aide :'!: Bo),,' Leadership 3; Propert) tage Manager for enior Pia).

K\IILY WAlDA ... 984 Ayenue D ... l;regg Award,,~, 3; Corridor Aide 3.

ALEX E. WALKEH ... 69 Jerold Street ... Corridor In­~pel'IOr 4.

LOIS JEAN WALLACE .. 66 l\1alling Drive .. A Cappella Choir 2,3: Key 4; Library Aide 4; Senior Choru,; 4.

JO EPII WALLACK ... 2:'!9 Wilkin,:; Street ... Courant Circulation 3: Corridor Aide 3, 4; Corridor Inspector 3, 4; Yarsity Club 4.

ISABEL WALZER ... 1371 Ridge Road, Irondequoit ... Latin Honor Society 2,3; Corridor Aide 4.

PAl'Ll~E WASYLISHYN ... 314 Taft Ayenue, Ironde­quoit ... Girl' Leader hip 1, 2.

JOHN WEBER ... 39 Tindale Drive, Point Plea ant .. Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Orche tra 1, 2. 3. 4; Inter-High Band 3, 4, 5; Inter-High Orche tra 3, 4, 5; Corridor Aide 4; A Cap­pella Choir 5.

JEA WEEGAR ... 90 Vayo Street, Irondequoit ... Junt.o 1, 2, 4; Latin Honor Society 2, 3; Corridor Aide 4 ; Girls' Lel:ldership 2, 3; Key, Adverlj"ing Manager 4,; Courant. 3, 4; Choral Club 1; Varsity 4; National Honor Society 4.

EDITH WEINSTEIN ... 156 orton Strrrt ... Junto 2; Gregg AVlard 3; Co-editor Courant 4 ; Varsity 3; Ke) 4·.

SADIE J. WEINSTEIN ... 99 St. Casimir Stret't .. Gff·gg A \\ arc! 3; Junto 1, 2.

DO'\1ALD WEISSE"ID ... 1509 Clinton A \ ('nut' '\Jorth ... Junto 1,2.

BEnT WELLS ... 202 Rohr Slrc'et ... Circolo Dante 2; Thr· KI') 1.

VEHA WHITING ... 20 NorLhel:lsL AVNIUP .•. Gregg A"I:Ir<l 2. :3.

\J1LTO"" ~ILLEB. ... 916 "<orth !--trl'pL ... BO\lljn~ 1; 80)": L('IHlership 3, 4 .

. FHEDEIUCK WILLIAMS ... 261 Collingwood Dri\(· ... Junto 1,2,3; A Cardia Choir j, 2. 3, 4; Corridor Aid(' 2, 3; Corridor l)l'puLy 4; Track Tl'aru 3. 1; VflrsiLy Cluh 1. 2, 3., 4; 0rr'rll Guild 1,3; Boys' Leadership 2, :3,4; 1\..1')' Sll:ll1, Acl\ c·rtising.

Jl LlA WILLIAMS ... 1020 Clifl'ord A\I·nu(· ... Junto I. 3, ", Exc'C'utjvl' Council 4; Courl:lnt 4.


Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Yearbook Collection

HOBEHT WINKEL'IA .... 97 Barlwrr) Trrrace .Junto 2; Crart (;uild 1.

ROBERT '" I~I'IICK. . nt Chapin'trecL ... Craft (;uild 3; .I unto 1; hee~ 1.

IHENE WIS"IJIEWSKA ... 81n Norton 'treel .. Junto 1,2; Choral Club 3; Corridor Aide 3.

STELL ,\ :\1. WIS IEWSKA ... 1233 Norton Stred. . (;irb' L(>adl'rship 1; LilJrar) Aide 2; Corridor Aidp 3; Honor Craft Guild 3, t; Varsity Club 3,1.

WANDA WISOWSKI ... 128 Thoma treeL ... (;n·gg A"ard 2.

'JARY A." ISS'IA'\ ... :;1" anda Strp\'t . Junto 2, 3; Class Council I; Craft l;uild 4; Circulation StHI!' or CUllr­anL 4.

'HLLLDI J. WISS'I<\'~ ... 51 \'anda Stred .. The hee) 1; S(>nior Council; ham pion (\\ restlin~ Clllb) 3: Class Vice-Prcsiden[4.

E\EL\ 'Ii \\OJCIECHO"SKA ... 9:;111lldsorl \H'nue

ELGENE "OLAN~KI ... 11 Pcckham Sln'ct .... Juntol.

FHAI'I K "OLFF ... 110 Maria Strl'l'l .. Track 1; Studt'nt Acti, itips Comrnill!'!' 1.

Hl Til 11. \\ OLG \ST ... 160 Dt'('r(i('ld Dri\(· Chural 1.I1Il, 1. '\ Cllpp('lla Choir 2. 3. 4:lntl·r·lIif.{h Pro'P Choir 3; Inlpr-lIi!\h Choir I.; .Iunto 1,3; 'iationaillonor !:loci!'I) 3, L Social I.hairlllan :l: i<'n' neh 1 (ullor S()cict, 2. :l. I: Honor Crart (;uild :3. 1: laslt'r Craftslllan I . E';'cut i, (' (:()lIl1cil I. :l; Corridor '\idp 3: C()urant 2. :3. I. (;lIid(' S('n ic'p :\: Lo"t and FOllnd 2: DralllHti('s l. 2. :l. I. S('nior (:lths Counl'il I ; S"niur Ciass Soeial ChHirnwrl I. Opt'ra (;lIild a; "'p~ Slall'

L ,\I)JSLAl S \\ )SO\\SJ..,I Crnrt (;lIild

121l ThollHis SIn'I't .

El '\ ICE) EHJ>E"II . III ClairnwlII SI ... ·t'(

E\IlL' \ Ol '\G .. 29Y I\hlrtill St ... · .. 1.

En\, \Im L. I: .\BELI'I) (:lIild :1. I; l.o1'l'idor \idl' :1

EI)"II \ \. Z \111'1 !In Parspll~ AU'IIII(' (;irls' 1.' ·l" ll·r~hip I. 1. ( :oll rllnl 1

.111111" I.

HIT\ Z \11'1 1:1'j EliZllI)('Ih Sln'l'[ SI'II Hn',·z,· . ( .11'-

ridor Aick:l I. Chol'lll Clllb:!, (;irls' L"Hcll'r"hip 1

\\ \ J) \ Z \ HZECl\. \ . . Ill:i \iorloll SI ,'\'\'I ••. (''' lIralil 1. Lilln"'~ \il'" 1.2. :1. I : 1.",,1 1I11d [<'lIl1nd :1, I : I\ .. ~.

LOllS F\1l\ ,'\ ZIELI"IISh.l . 111:i 1I11t\""11 .\"·lIlh' S"lIior I'lll~.

IIELK Z\\ EHI\ \ 77 EI'II~I ~ln"'1 . (;f'('~~ "'lII'cl2 ; (;(,1'Il1I1I1 J1ollor Sol'il'l~ 2.:1 Soeilll (,huil'll "" I 2; .111111" I.:! . :l, h.1'~ 1. ( ' Illtirillun Ill' S"nilll' Sl·t'l ion

\ 'IELI \ CJIES \ 29 Bar"ns Stn'('1 .. , LibraI' \id .. :! I. Corridor ,\illl':1

l"IIII·I(·d jllsl 111'1'01'1' pll Itlil'H I 1011


Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Yearbook Collection


Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Yearbook Collection

Back Row Standing (;eorge Seifert Carmella Costanza Theodore Fedkew John Foster Charles Kamin Marianne P lehn Jane Tennent

Third Row Standing Milton Derman Frank Klima zewski John Aloi Leo Kamin ke Agne ' Hutkowska Harvey Sanow

Second Row Standing Samuel Kolko Sherwin rsaacson David Yan Horn Buth Wolgast La \ erne (;raning Harriet (;allup

Second Row Standing Doris Beuchman Ida Rickless Dorothy Hyman Lillian Goldman

First Row Standing Phyllis Brooks Eunice (ialinsk:v Ruth Goldstein

Back Row Sealed 1\1 ar) Jane Allen Irene Presnal Margaret Junker (;olina Baronas Elaine Fri ch

Front Row Sealfd June Gurjansk) lla Heininger Amelia Bubnis Thelma Richard~()n l;ertrude (;oldl-ltein Hazel Bretstein

The Franklin chapter of th ational Honor ~()ciet) wa ' formed in the first )ear of our Thoo!';; existence and is one of many similar group throughout the country. It is the purpose of thi or­ganization to give re ognition to student "ho ha\ e Leen outstanding in the field ' of scholarship,

leadership, character, and service.


Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Yearbook Collection




Society Back Row Standing: Frances Lesniak, Dorothy Hyman. Edna PLinz. LaVerne Graning. Irene Presnal. !'.1iddle Row Slanding: June Finzer, Harriet Lee. Miss Abrona Bates, Dorothy Terhaar. Sylvia Kreag. Betty Karchefsky. First Row Standing: Sophie Bukowski, Eleanor Czarniak, Mr. George Cone. Back Row Sealed: Cecelia Stanley. Doris Barron. Stella Kopacki. Middle Row Sealed: Clara Mogavero, Amelia Bubnis. Mary Jane Seville, Betty Jane Howard .

Front Row Sealed: Marian Kellett, Fannie Cohen, Ula Heininger.

The Commercial Honor Society is organized for the purpose of giving recognition to those students in commercial subjects who are outstanding in scholarship, in personal integrity, and in loyalty to the school.

• I •

The aim of the French Honor Society is to promote interest in French culture and language tudy through lectures, plays, songs, and informal good times. This year for the ftr t time the society will entertain in our school the other chapters of the city at the annual banquet of the organization. The society appreciates the aid and counsel of its sponsor, Mrs. Jane Dunham.

Firsl Back Row Standing: Sylvia Caplan, Madelyn Doyle, Evelyn Koop, Carmela Costanza, Stella Madalena. Louis Grello. Second Back Row Slanding: Ethel Goldstein, Blanche Bloom, Helen Morris. Hose Karchefsky. Beatrice Tishkoll', Sylvia Salerno, Ligia Advent, May Collins. Sealed Under Lamp: Paul Kinsella, Victor Becker, Lillian h .evoviLz, Ruth Gold tein. Second Row Sealed: Esther Tein, Muriel Taub, Sylvia Ya lowich. George h.o -cl, Dorothy Uyman, Ursula Lange, Lillian Katlen, Alice Hotmans, Blanche Seigel, Dorothy Champlin , JeanneUe Slolzky. Firsl Row Sealed: Morris Aroesty, Lillian Goldman, Bernice Underberg, Reva Axelrod, Albert Sherman, Magdalcne Paprocki, Hose

KapLin, Adele Van Graafeiland, Jean Sherman. S tanding Under Lamp: Mrs. Jllne Dunham.





Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Yearbook Collection


Craft Guild

Back Row Standing: Palmino Giglio, Charles Andrew, Walter Maslanka, Stanley Mikiewicz, William Costagno, Ladi laus Wy owski, John Aloi, George Seifert, Robert Winnick, John Collins, Edward Kolibab, Paul Wittig. Second Row Standing: Richard Latal, Norman Pett, Peter Geraci, Frank Mirabella, Robert Peiffer, Robert Winkelman, Donald Leze ka, Ruth Wolgast, Ruth HoUand , Lorraine Zientara, Helen Stahura, Wanda Sokolska, Joseph Chiara­monte. Front Row Standing: ArdeU Virku , Jean Eyert, Francis Vacanti, Leo Mantegna, Eleanore Prince, Rita Lustyk, lary Wis man. Back Row Sealed: Marie Rotolo, Gloria Cappelli no, Mary Heusner, Stella Wisnieska, Lottie Coltiniak, Dorothy Terhaar, Eleanor Czarniak. Front Row Sealed: Helen orkelunas, Dorothea Berens, Wanda

McHenry, Miriam Block, Janet Kohl, Audrey Snell, Rose Patane, Amelia Bubnis.

Those chosen for member hip in the Honor Craft Guild are students who possess scholarship, citizen-hip, sportsmanship, and craftsmanship. The purpose of the organization is to encourage sludent

in the practical arts. The Guild teaches an appreciation of the ancient and traditional dignity of the crafts. By safeguarding the practical values in education, it helps serious and re pon ible students to face the problem of securing necessary training for life. The Guild acknowledge a debt of gratitude to ~1r. J ud on Decker and his department for lheir valuable guidance.

• • The purpose of the Renaissance Society is to promote interest in Italian culture, Lo bring to its members through lectures and ocial gatherings the pirit of American in tiLuLion , and to carr) these messages directly and indirectly to the parenL . The presentation of Italian plays Lo the general public has enabled ten or more members to receive scholarship aid for work in college. The excellent leadership of Mr. DeFrancesco has made it po sible for the so iety Lo perform immea ' lIl'able service to the school and the community.

Back Row Standing: Armenio Portella, Philip LanzatcUa, Philip Rizzo, Patsy Romeo, Frank Mirabella, Earl Leonardo, Santo Goodyear. Back Row Sealed: Louise Lapi, Peter Tubio\o, Benny Nicosia, Frances Hivaldo, Mr. DeFrancesco, Grace Castiglione, Mary Faso, am DiDio, Assunta Ferraro, Inez Adorante, Mary Cimino, Jo ephine Arnao, Patricia Filippone, Licia Celli. Second Row Sealed: icolena icosia, Helen MicaLi, Beatrice Bartolotta, JO 'ephine CusineUi, Jenny Proeto, Franci Giordano. Front Row: Thomas Indovina, Leonard Lodico, Sarah Fu tanio, Sylvia Salerno,

There a Cozza, Jennie Blandino, Josephine Banda\ ine, Marion Antinarelli, Mis Rizzo.





Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Yearbook Collection


Y Back Row: June Mikletish, Ella Mae Muntz, Edna Plinz, Joyce Brown. Lorraine Sprague, Miss Metz, Lois Wallace, Eleanor Zientara, Eleanor Prince, Betty Jane Van Graafeiland. Third Row: June Finzer, Florence Vere 'chak, Ellen Sahs, Madeline Doyle, Ruth Cordingley, Doris Beuckman, Arline Hidley, Arlin orry, Eleanor Rudy, Eleanora Porth. Second Row: Georgiana Ketchum, Doris Strieb, June Diel, Betty ill, Helen Hwiecko, Marion Seidewand, Dorothy Matties, Mildred Bahringer, Cecelia Bi~do ' ki. First Row: Janet Kohl. Jeannette Haefele, Wanda Mcn nry.

Carolyn Alt, Marjorie Klick, Phylli Brooks, Betty Jane Howard.

The Benjamin Franklin Tri-Y i open to the girl of the 11th and 12th grade. The purpose of thi club i the development of the body, mind, and spirit according to the traditions of the Young Women's Chri tian Association, through fellowship, clean thoughts and peech, scholarship, leader-hip, and co-operation, 0 that our families, our school, and our communities will be benefited.

We are very grateful to our sponsor, Miss Metz, for the time and thought she has devoted to us. • •

To create, maintain, and extend high ideals of Christian character is the purpo e of IIi-Y. It is the pirit of co-operation between member and adviser that has made Hi-Y playa worthwhile part in

extra-curricular activity. It i with sincere appreciation that we acknowledge the cea eless time and energy of advisors that have made Hi-Y succe sfu\'

Back Row Slanding: Jame Mattifari, George Lombart, Donald M. Clark, Fredrick Williams, Lowell Bennet, lIc'nry Klima zewski, Robert Stark, Richard Kassel, Howard Sullivan, Frank Allan, Hocco Ferrazolli, George MorrcJ\\, Alvin Manc>leis, Archibald Chieslak, Andrew Spara ino, Herbert Altimoo . Second Row Standing: Brooks Stringer, Edward KoliLab, Robert Westfall, John Fo ter .. Iack Clause, Mr. Merlyn Ringwood, H.olJert Howe. Earl {'fIin~{'r, Henry Hope, Gerald Frasier, Alvin Karpis, William Miller. First Row Slandina: Chester Kuhis, Eugene (;uarino, Rolf Toepfer, Peter Greco, Donald Sullivan, Nickolas Batistie, George Hehberg. Sealed UnderLiahl: Theadore Altier, Frank Klima zewski. Standing Under Light: Mr. Stillman M. Hobbs, Darrell Dobbertin. Back Row Sealed: Jack Meyer, Hobert Laurer, Donald Logan, Hichard Youngman, Hobert Wolfcrth. Second How Sealed: Paul h.in~!'lIa, James Meyer, Andrew Spadoni, Charle . Purvis, Alexander Lamutis, Harold Curtis, Mr. Denis (tuby, Victor J llfki{'\~i('z, Gerald Graef, Arnold Pc>hta, Michael Ivanusha . First How Sealed: William Handtk!', Jo eph Mark, Lanle l\lart'hall, Richard Ludike, Jack Fisher, Raymond DiedC'rich, George tront, Robert Steinorth, Edward Stark, (3{'orge h..ossl'l,

Howard Watkins, Lee Graef, Joseph Husso.



Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Yearbook Collection

STUDENT ACTIVITIES COMMITTEE Each year the student activities committee of Benjamin Franklin High School conducts a campaign to awaken interest in clubs and extra-curricular activities. The fine array of clubs shown on this page and the fact that so large a number of the students participate, testify Lo the thoroughness with which this work has been done. Many thanks are due Mrs. Tillman and Mrs. Pitts for their untiring efforts.

Name oj Club

Circolo Dante

French Honor Society


Model Airplane

Fishing .


Tree, Bird, and Flower Astronomy

Traffic Squad

Library Helper

B. F. Club Library Aides


Faculty Sponsor

· Miss Rizzo Mrs. Dunham

Miss Hess

Me. Read

Mr. Bulley

M·". Koster

Miss Parker

Mrs. May

· Mr. Beach

· Miss Bayer Miss Sullivan

Miss Wilbur

Miss Lush, Miss Donnellan

Name of Club Faculty Sponsor

Discussion Group . Miss Da\-i

Social Science Forum and Management

Miss Samuelsohn

Junior Chorus . Mr. Lyders

Senior Girls' Glee Club Miss Morrow

Sub-Deb Club Miss Cochrane, Miss Blake, Miss Ames

Renaissance Society Mr. DeFrancesco Leadership Training and Social Recreation

Riding Club .

Boxing and Wrestling


Camera .

Miss Mabel Smith, Mr. Ulp

Miss Esther Stewart

Mr. Maxion

Mrs. May

Mr. Betten

Slanding Nexl Lo Lamp: Kenneth Goldstein, Arthur Shapiro. FronL Row Sealed: Ro alie Mazolo, Ruth Goldstein. Helen Metulis, Mrs. Tillman, Jane Tennant, Golina Baronas, Shirley Love. Second Row Seated: James DanD, Victor Becker, Donald Sullivan, Evelyn Dreier. Third Row: Albert Sherman, Chester McGahan, Emily Kowal ki, Elaine

Fri ch, Ja on Smith, Muriel Taub. Standing al Righi: Mrs. Florence Pitts.


Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Yearbook Collection

THE SENIOR PLAY It i with particular pleasure that we announce the outstanding success of our senior play, 'The Patsy." In the absence of Jr. Erie Remington, whose erious illne wa lamented by the entire da ' , Mr. Edward Prior wa called upon to complele the direction of the production. The fine performance, on March 25, gave adequate proof that the cast, the slaff, and lhe new director were wiLling and able to work well together under difficulties. To these, and especially to Mr. Remington and ::\1r. Prior, we offer congratulations and our sincere thanks.

Seated Under Light

Herman Stras 'man Lillian Goldman Janet Kohl Howard Sullivan

Back Row Sealed

Licia Celli Sanford Packard Ula Heininger Yictor Yerna


Front Row Seated

Harvey Sanow

Ler nard Biracree

Miriam Ro enbaum

Ann Klass

Standing Under Lighl

Ruth Goldstein

Peter Fiore

Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Yearbook Collection

THE COURANT The Courant aLLempLs to record our school history as it is being made. Six issues are published each term. Much credit is due Mr. Tate for his untiring work in training and supervising the staffs from

'year Lo year.

Back Row Standing

Sam Ciulla DoroLhy Hyman Ray Flugel Eleanor Zientara Sam Kolko

Silting Under Lamp

Esther Tein Ruth Goldstein Eugene Guarino Evelyn Gordon

Standing Under Lamp

Mr. Preston W. Tate Theodore Fedkew

Back Row Sealed

Kenneth Goldstein

Jack Volk

Edith Weinstein

Wanda Zarzecka

Hazel Bretstein

Front Row Sealed

Victor Becker

Stanley Bloom

Florence Kahn

Bernice Goldstein

Eunice Galinsky

Lillian Kevovitz

Albert Sherman


Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Yearbook Collection

THE KEY The h.e) is Franklin" enior annual. It is publi hed primaril J a a record of school actidty, buL to us it becomes a token b) which we may remember the days spent in the Benjamin Franklin High School. \Ye, the editor for June 1938, have endeavored Lo make Lhis edition one which ollr fellow student' may yalue and which we may cherish for many year to come.

Standing Next La Lamp .\Iiriam Rosenbaum Har, ey , anow George Lombart

Back Row Sianding Anthony Finale

Iarianne Plehn Irene Presnal Ray Flugel

Front Row Sianding Theodore Fedkew

tanley Bloom Peter Greco Loi Wallace Ruth Wolga t Robert Peiffer William Wissman

Second Row Silting Jean Weegar Dayid \ an Horn :\Iary Jane Allen


Second Row Silting Evelyn Drier Charles Kamin Dorothy Terhaar

First Row Silling June Gurjansky Bernice Beers Helen Zwerka Jeanette Haefele

adine Cone Ida Rickless Frederick Williams Clara Mogavero

Silling Under Lamp Licia Celli Marion Antinarelli Beatrice Stiles

Sianding Under Lamp anford Packard

John Foster N orman Van D user Ula Heinenger

Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Yearbook Collection

THE A CAPPELLA CHOIR The large number of students enrolled in the A CappeUa Choir and other choral organizations is evidence of the great interest shown in vocal music at Benjamin Franklin High School. The A Cappella Choir, trained by Mr. Marlowe Smith, has earned a reputation in our community and in our slate of which we may well be proud.

President Alice Yates Marjorie Moore Euphra Lupkiewicz

Edwin Jaworski Virginia Sander Eleanor Schmanke Margaret Park BeLty Brownell CharioLte Weber Charles Purves

Secretary Josephine Anzalone Angelina De Carne Betty Rump{f June Withey Anna Orlando John Weber

Mary Celentano Nickolas Battisti Roland White Milton Derman James Dann Jeannette Brown Madalena Holcziummer

Boys' Manager Alfred Orgar Jo ephine Camiola Marion Kenner

Fred William Beatrice Bartolotta Regina Cieslinska George Lombart Lawrence Fassaro Betty Vanderzell Isabelle Moore

Girls' Manager Victor Jurkiewicz Walter Neuer Julia Spano June Finzer Harry Wiersdorfer Eleanore Siudara

Helen Miccoli Lois Koester Florence Anuszkiewicz Justine Stasaitis Yolanda Pierce Magdalene Paprocki Richard Gabler

Members Madalyn Smith Alice Russo Magaretrose Decker Dorothy Lietzau Raymond Greenberg Arline McMullen

Joyce MacKeller Eleanor Zientara Sherwin Isaacson Helen Micoli Helen Morris William Lidman Arnold Kanwischer Margaret Reiser Josephine Nanfra Richard Ludeke Vernon Kastner Marion Antinarelli Dolores Grabb Rolf Toepfer Norman Rose Fred WilLiams Ruth Plehn Sarah Cohen Harold Fishman Ula Heininger Jason Smith Betty Karchefsky Richard Vecchio Ruth Sandler Peter Tubiolo Syl via Kreag Marjorie Barres Andrew Spadoni Freda Dworkin Beatrice Mancuso Mary Ann Oliveri Jeanette Roth John Knack Helen Prietz Jeanette Slutsky Robert Stasaitis Shirley Werner Wilford Scott Ruth Davis Florence Falk Charlotte Vorholzer Sophie Dziubaty Dorothy Hyman Jean Niewood James Chalmers Florence Szpiler Lorena Louth Edwin Jaworski Alvin Klein Doris Tancredi Stanley Bloom Leopold Lorentz Robert Kruse Lorraine Sprague William Calkins Martha Luke Tom Lynch Lorraine Zientara Nadine Cone Philip Russo Sylvia Weiner Celia Bigdoski Jeanne Comparato Catherine Yurkiw There a Gangarosa Mary Celentano J eanette Haefele Ruth McCarthy Carmella Ferraro Marion Hill Ruth Holland Mary Kohn Alice GroLh William Miller Charles Kamin Lee Goldman


Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Yearbook Collection

THE BAND l nder the very able direction of Mr. Karl Yan Hoesen Benjamin Fran klin High School has always been able to display well trained bands and orchestras. These organizations do work of a high order, and their performance in our regular school assemblies is greatly appreciated by us all. Our colorful band is present at all sports events with agile drum majors and clever formations.

Clarinets Trumpets-(Continued) Oboe IN ORCHESTRA ONLY

* tanley Kulpinsky Carl Anuskiewicz *Sheldon Sachs Violins "'John Chiavetta Jack Beale Jeannette Slutsky *Angelina DeCarne Walter Lysko Horns Georgiana Ketchum Mary Cavagratti Stanley Bloom William Antinarelli *John Weber Leonard Bohdanow Arnold Pehta Baritone *Harold Fishman Edwin Sobu' Earl Costich *Charlotte Weber Luke Verna Arthur Rosenbloom *George Gleason *Lois Jane Elston Benny laia Daniel Goldman James Butz Ethel Ma,un Grace Dechau Richard Schooley Dorothy Ogley Amelia Korytko Harold Bruncke Jason Smith Wilbur Stein Trombones Saxaphones

Bernard Ziegler Loui LaMendola Irene Nawrocki Carl Lavalle *William Harter Frank Donaruma Virginia Kowalski Robert Morris *Edward Krolick Leonard Bloom Joe Masling Betty Jane Ulmer *Norman Van Duser Virginia Beale Harry Snyder Lois Durkin *William Calkins Raymond Hyde Miriam Street Armando Cerasani *Charles Mendola David Van Horn Edna Schoth Joe Rizzo Betty Kupfer William Gallup John Hollenbach Rose Datz

Bassoon Elizabeth Stark Bass George Amacker Violas

Trumpets *Merlin Escott Earl Krumwiede

*Bud ChaITer *Earl Reynolds Drums Timothy Verna

*Richard Legler Flute *Helen Gwizin *Jack Harrigan Doris Pease *Carl Charles Flutes *Odette Houston Clarinets Mary Ellen Thornton *Don Nicoliello Philip Sacco George Schmanke *Richard Bloch * Alfred Cona Carmello Lavalle Robert Gray *Bernard Karp *Philip LaGaipa Piano Claude Fry *Stella Kopacki Robert Hahn Mary Jane Leary Arthur Maupin *Robert Schlafer *James Kingsbury Laura Bernhardt

*In both band and orchestra Phylli ' Arena


Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Yearbook Collection

1. S\\('['I" fro II I til!' ~II!'I'I, or ('and~ ~('(' lIuth ~lIIilin~il :.? Phil l'it' lHlS tip :~ Fnmklin's nPII ~f\I11P WOfl1.

• 1. "('lIp/ 'liolls.

:;. Flora und f<\lIna . h. Hulh ~ho".· thl' b()~s lH'r Jlrinlin~ k('\\niqut'. 7 lour puss, plPnst'. H. Trallie directors of Frunklin .

Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Yearbook Collection

• •


• We are pleased to present the following

message from l\!fr. Carl C. Chamberlain,

head of the health education deparlment.

Carl G. Chamberlain

We of Franklin High School have been most fortunate in that our repre 'enlalive interschola l.ie

teams have always kept us in a favorable light before the general public. Every true Franklinite

appreciates the long hours of practice and hard work which 0UI' representatives put in Lo Lhe end

that we may have teams that shall exhibit strong qualities not of athletic skill alone, but of per onal

character as well.

It is the aim of the physical education department Lo oITer a program of activilies lhal will inLere L

every boy and girl in our school. In many respecLs, the recreation program of the 7lh and 8th periods

provides a laboratory for lhe exercise in game situation of those lessons in citizenship lhat ha e been

learned during lhe first six periods of the day. In addition, lhe recrealion program provides a de ir­

able outlet for physical energies; affords fun for all and so adds to the joy of living; is valuable from

the slandpoint of physical activity that builds slurdy bodies; and i a greal reservoir from whkh

we draw the most skilful e>',})onenl of the various sporls for memhership on lhe \ ar 'ity leam .

\\'hatever athlelic succe s we have enjoyed has heen due lo the whole hearted interest and co­

operation of every pupil and teacher in the Franklin fami ly .


Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Yearbook Collection

BASKETBALL Sectional Champions for the last two years, the Benjamin Franklin High School basketball team,

under the tutelage of their great coach Mr. Burns Beach, has always been a powerful one in the

Rochester Scholastic League. And still more important, they are noted not only for their skillful ball

handling, but also for their fine spirit and sportsmanship.

Back Row

Richard Youngman

Henry Brauner

Edwin Jaworski

Frank Klimaszewski

Isadore Shwartz


Front Row

William Seyboth

Donald Leseska

George Pasch

Albert Migliore

Walter Maslanka

Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Yearbook Collection

TRACK Our track teams haye made an excellenl record; some unusual athletes have had their start at

Franklin. Perhaps more than any other sport, track demands rigid preparation. Under the direction

of \1r. Charles Colburn, the boys are trained not only for strength and endurance, but also for the

de' irable qualities of perse\ erance and menlal alerlnes .

Back Row Standing Joe . apoli Charles Lombart Raymond Greenberg ~Iike Herman Edwin Ziearko Branislaus Dziedziech Arnold Kannwi her

Fourth Row ~Iartin Haefele Warren Rapp Alex Walker Joe Shope Frank Wolfe

Fourlh Row-(Continued) Luke \erna Robert Sugarmen Herman Strassman Erwin Levy Joe Brown William Raab Fred William

Third Row Frank Ziebro Earle Magnus Herman Opiapari \lorton chneider Isadore Schneider

Second Row Peter Azzolina (;eorge Lombart Herbert Altemoos

Firsl Row Timothv Verna Benny Micosia Charles Purves Sanford Packard Sam Ciula \ictor verna Dick Ka sel Darrel Dobberlin Charles Colbllrn

Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Yearbook Collection

BASEBALL The Benjamin Franklin High School furnishes no exception to the statement that baseball is the

great American game. Besides placing strong combinations on the diamond, Franklin has sent

several students possessing special ability into the world of professional baseball. Mr. Torrens, our

able coach, instructs all baseball prospects in good sportsmanship as well as in the fundamentals of

the game.

Back Row

Stanley Galinsky, Manager

William Seyboth Albert Migliore Ray Bohrer Robert Adamski Robert Stasaitis Clarence Fien William Urban


Back Row-(Continued)

Mr. Robert Torrens, Coach

Paul Heinz

Fronl Row

Walter Oryszak Anthony Perry Walter Machnik Walter Maslanka Roy De Marco

Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Yearbook Collection

1. Franklin's If·ading racqurLprrs. 2. LcsLrr in championship form. 3. Bobby Adamski kE't'ps his opponf'nLs' score low. 1. Lpo \1antrgna pn'pares for anothc'r track season.

I , , , , .;c


3. Who Ipads the learn to \ icLory ii o. Our gym c1as ' cs olTcr a lI11'nns of ('scuping bonk

boredom. 7. Our golf team.


Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Yearbook Collection

THE KEY JUNE 1938 Ed itor-in-Ch ief

Bernard Bernhard t

Assislant Editor June Gurjansky

Feature Section Mary Jane Allen,

Chairman Jeanette Haefele Raymond Flugel

Organizai ions Ruth Wolga t Harvey Sanow

Feature Photography William Wissman Sanford Packard

Art Robert Peiffer Edward Hamilton Leo Mantegna

Typists Beatrice Stiles Bernice Beers Clara Mogavero

Senior Secl ion Helen Zwerka, Chairman Eleanora Porth Licia Celli William Root Marian Antinarelli

Senior Seclion-(Conl.) Dorothy Terhaar Anthony Fanale

adine Cone Lois Jean Wallace Marjorie Klick Ruth Sandler

Business Manager Irene Presnal

Publicily Ida Rickless

orman Van Duser

Circulation John Fo ter

Advertising J E'an W eegar, Manager David Van Horn Stanley Bloom Miriam Rosenbaum Marianne Plehn Theodore Fedkew Charles Kamin Peter Greco Fred Williams

r ndividual Photography Evelyn Dreier Dla Heininger

Group Phoiography ,eorge Lombart

The high school students of today are the citizens of tomorrow. It is well, therefore, that their education is now so guided as better to fit them for assuming the great responsibilitie of later life.

We are thankful for these opportunities and hope that we have profited by them. to the end that we

may appreciate and upport eITectively our great democracy. The following pages will attempt to show, from the student's viewpoint, variou aspect of democracy a compared with certain other

forms of government.

• •

The American public is suITering from a great literary stomachache. Into the normal, e, er) da)

reading diet of millions of citizens, a large amount of foreign propaganda eem' 10 haye been injected

under lhe guise of pure merican Lhought and expre sian. It ha been extremel) hard 10 digest and

it has cau ed much lrouble. Money has been seeping out of the l nited Stales to aid belligerent

nation '. People have deprh ed them elves of certain small comforts in order to hoy coil 01 her '.

All thi i delrimental Lo lhe best interesls of the country a a "hole. Who can 'a) but Ihat such lhings are cau ed by propaganda;) It is tIp 10 the American people to help protect OlIr democrat)

from foreign inflnence through lhe imple expedient of thinking while Ihe) read.

• •

There are a great man) peoplc who complain about the amount of adverti 'ing on I he radiu to<ia).

Perhap' they don't realize how fortunate I he) are. In other counlrie , \, here censorship and !Sllp­

pre sian prevail, the gO\ ernment lakes most of I he broadcasling time for the !Spreading- of propa­

ganda. The people I1HI!Sllake it and like il. 1 I ('re, Dccau ' C of wi 'C supcrvision 0) a federal commissiun,

radio slations, privately owned, may be operated in Ihe inlere ,t of the public, to the benefit of holh

listener and advertiser. Since compelition c"isls, slat ions must maintain high. landaI'd , of qualit).

As a resull, at almost any Lime both day and nighl, one i ' able lu find a \ ariely of excellent pw"ram ' ;

he rna) li"ten to what program ' he wishes, or he ma) not lislen at all; lIch is dernoerac).

Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Yearbook Collection


Benjamin Franklin, the guiding influence in the conception of democracy in America, had faith. The "sage of the comention" together with his discerning contemporarie' built the skeleton of American democ­rac). They could do no more. It wa posterity' task to ghe it ubstance and life. It is our ta k to sustain its life. Benjamin Franklin uttered the watchwords; we hall reecho them: "God governs in the affairs of men. If a sparrow can not fall to the ground without Hi notice, i it probable an empire can ri e without His aid~"

If we are firm in the principles of democracy which we have inherited, with His aid the voice of freedom in our nation will rise above the battle cry of bloody revolution. Democracy in the hands of an enlightened people is a tool, an effective tool in a chaotic world. In other countrie the mass thought and action, result­ing from tandardized entertainment on radio and creen, from censored newspapers, and from advertising,

have been instrumental in repressing the masses, but where repression exists, revolution threatens.

The merit of democracy are often intangible. Its ultimate values can be achieved only through intelligent participation in the activities which it implies. Democ­racy tends to develop within us a consciousness of the political, ocial, and economic conditions essential to the advance and progress of a nation. Religious freedom, freedom of peech and pre s, as well a the right of assembly, are privilege which in turn exact a high degree of moral responsibility. Democracy can not fail un I!' we, as a people, fail.

Mary Jane Allen

• •


Klima zewski's a boy of great height­J'worki' bark's worse than his bite­

When we put them together Like birds of a feather

Our team always won in the fight.


John Fo ter, your fate is decided-All the teachers your arguments chided,

But as Prrsident some day You'll have plenty to say

And we'll be glad Vwas with you that we sided.


Mr. Wolgast or shall we say "Wolly" Who reprimands failure and folly

uggests with a smile A cure for ('ach wile

And alway:; is jovial and jolly.


"Chuck" Kamin is first in our das .. lIe rhals the best from the mass.

ITis power>; expansive His intert'sts extensive

ArC' k('ys and his g('nius a pass.



Although mo t Ameri.can citizens enjoy the benefits afforded by our democratic government and our high standard of living, many, perplexed by our modern paradox of want am idst plenty, have criticized our economic, social, and political systems. We admit the exi tence of abuses, but we declare that the American people can correct them as shown by their thus far successful fight for greater democracy and social justice. Becau e the current communistic and Fascist propa­ganda offers a "cure-a ll ," let us examine briefly com­munism and Fascism.

Today in Soviet Russia distinct inequality, actual oppression, and dictatorship exist in contradiction to the promi es of communism, which now strikes at the very moral fiber of the people by its materialistic attitude and utter disregard of God and spir itual life. The millions who have been allowed to starve needlessly and the wretched Living conditions of the average Russian remain a mockery to the avowed purpose of communism-to equalize the distribution of the fruits of production.

Fasci m, jeopardizing world peace today, is a totali­tarian form of government with every economic, social. and poLitical aspect of the nation subject to strict state regimentation under which wages and the standard of li\'ing have been lowered considerably, and taxes and prices increased exorbitantly.

In striking contrast, our American democratic gov­ernment, based upon a separation of powers between the federal and state governments, upon a division of powers among executive, legislative, and judicial de­partments, and upon the Supreme Court as the final interpreter of the Constitution, has furnished the political basi of our nation's expan ion-a development without parallel in the history of democracy and one which has made us one of the most prosperous and contented nations on earth. During the pa t century religious, property, and tax-paying qualifications for voting have been absolished, and powerful blows have been struck for more direct government hy the adoption of the direct primary, the initiative, referendum, recall, and by the addition of constitutional amendments providing for woman's suffrage and the direct election of United States senators.

As we contemplate these democratic victories, we realize that the battlf', although far from won, has ecured for us greater pconomic, social, and poLitical

advantages than are pos ·ihle under any other form of government. Let us therefore hold fast to our demo­cratic tradition and continue this struggle for til(' realization of all the principles of democl"acy.

Raymond F lugel --AND WE'RE ENlOHSI

1. B \licose is dreaded by all nation8. 2. The floor was covered with a huge parapet. 3. Tbe increment took place in Mount Hope Cenll'-

tery. 4. The skyscrapers of ew York are huge edification~. 5. A captiou per on cannot be fooled easi ly. 6. The redolent person always spoiled the party. 7. She washed her clothes in a ba~sinet. 8. Scuppers-part of a fi~h. 9. The second baseman touched the man sliding into

the hassock. 10. Gargoylc--a pt'rson with a greenish look. H. The prisoner madp his escapnd(' uft,('r killing two

guards. 12. He decided that his wife could mollify u new coat

but he would not huy it. 13. A parapet is a bird" ho ean talk . 14. E\erybody should gargoy le with List('rine. 15. lIe tenrts his frel'dum with gr('at pride.

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I_~s-t!J ~--






\ U_._~

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1. "Let's see how you did that." 5. Mr. Butterfield in an important conference wiLh 2. Andy believes in craftsmanship. Helen and Kay. 3. LaVerne extemporizing. 6. Our graduating brothers and siste[·s. Find the two 4. "Howie" and "Al" discussing life. pairs of twins.

7. It Look us four years to learn that teachers are human too. Miss Su llivan provc" it.


Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Yearbook Collection


In Franklin High we place our trust,

The source of our life's aim:

We crown with honor fair and just

Our Alma Mater's name.

Let steady foresighL point the way

And care our actions lead;

Our deeds and not our words will lay

Foundations of our creed.

With loyalty to Franklin High,

With harmony in thought,

We shall wiLh single purpo e strive

For sLrength in honors sought.

Let hope acknowledge no defeat,

And friendship be our rule;

LeL Lime with measured march repeal,

The spirit of our school.

Michael Golben, June '31


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Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Yearbook Collection


Designs for all School Clubs




Manufacturillg Jewelers and Stationers

742 Portland A venue

Orders May Be Left With Mr. Francis Room 140

Would Money Interest You? More and more high school graduates are turning to business fields for lifetime occupations and steady income. To get that income, however, you have to be trained in business essentials. Rochester Business Institute has three excellent courses, anyone of which makes an excellent route to your first important position in business .

rVrzte for a catalog witb details of tbe

following courses:







172 Climon Ave. So. Main 3869


Compliments of tbe


25 East A venue

Completely Air-Conditioned

The Same Good Ot' Quality Hamburg

ilz a New Setting

RITZ HAMBURGS At Our New Building Corner of Norton and


Save Time alld MOlley

Large Selection of Used Cars


1065 N. Clinton


31 Clinton Avenue S.

Wbere Good Food is ALuJays Served



78 Somh Water Street Phone Main 5973- Afcer 6 P.M. Char. 141


65-71 South Ayenue Drafting and Artists' Surrhes Blue Prints

Paint and Hardware Phocostats

Seeds For 1.'0"1' Gem/ell


Corner Srone and Ely Streets

Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Yearbook Collection

THE SCHOOL OF COMMERCE East Avenue at Alexander St.

Courses in


51 Clinton Avenue S. t Business Administration, Accountancy, Book­

keeping, Secretarial Training, Selling and Advertising, Stenography.

The Cost is Less Write for Catalog




On Keuka Lake. Situated in the Finger Lake Region of New York

Compliments of

B.A. and B.S. Degrees-Total Cost $640 THE BENJAMIN FRANKLIN




Beauty Culture is the answer to your search for an inter­esting and profitable career. It is an art that must be learned thoroughly from dependable instructors in an established proven school.

The Roberts School of Beauty Culture is on record for graduat­ing students who have become successful in their profession .

.. A Budget Plall for Every Pltrse"


The Benjamin Franklin Cooperative Bookstore

Has a Full Line of School Supplies for Your Convenience

"Vdue First" is Ottr Motto


Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Yearbook Collection


We Carry a Complete Line of Office Equipment

108 Mill Street

File Personal Papers

in a ~ Record Chest!

This personal file is just the place to keep your bills, receipts , cancelled checks and other im­portant papers-away from prying eyes under lock and key-where they are always in order and readily accessible. Three modern crinkle finishes ro harrnoDlze with home or office furnish­lOgs.

41 Chestnut Street Rochester, New York

Students' Wants in Artists and Drawing Supplies


9-11-13 North Water St.

A Step From Mail:

For Qual,,) and Service COllie to


8S6Joseph Ave. Corner Ave. D

Prescrtpt10ns Srone 6903




~ Gasoline and Oil

All Trackside Stations at These Convenient Locations:


155 Hague St .

400 State St.

280 Exchange St.

191 Mt. Hope Ave.

85 Stonewood Ave.




2-1 HOllr COlfrteolfs Sen'ice



45 East Ave.

Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Yearbook Collection


SAVINGS Dividends have never been less than 21 %

on expiring policies

SERVICE Over 25 years of serving the public

without a loss

E. S. BOHACHEK, INC. Clinton Ave. South at Court St.



57 Mortimer Street

Main 4420 Main 4421



Flowers for All Occasions

Stone 1599 835 Hudson Ave.

We Devote Nearly Half a Floor To the Needs and Whu11S of


On our new, modern, already famous Third Floor of Young People ·s Fashions, you·1I find YOllr very own specialty shop, with JUSt the kind of clothes you waDt. For gi rls of all ages, for boys, for young men, clothes for all occasions, at pnces young budgets can afford!


Main 87


Rochester Theater Bldg.

Compliments of



514-516 Cutler Bldg. 42 East Ave.

A Stol'e

Particttlarly Appealing to

Teachel's and Students

~crantom'~ Books-New, Old, Rare

Educational Supplies

Commercial Stationery

Office and Library Furniture

Art Novelties Social Engraving Games and Toys

Sporting Goods

• E.rtabl is be.! ill 186S

Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Yearbook Collection

HART'S Compliments of






Gradua tes- Remember




81 Conkey Ave .

Compliments of


Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Yearbook Collection

Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Yearbook Collection
