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Endocarditis of the Aortic Valve PRELIMINARY PROGRAMME Forum Guido Monzani Centro di Formazione e Cultura Via Aristotele, 33 Modena Italy 19 th - 20 th MAY 2017 WORKSHOP UNDER THE AUSPICE OF
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Endocarditis of the Aortic ValvePRELIMINARY PROGRAMME

Forum Guido Monzani • Centro di Formazione e Cultura • Via Aristotele, 33 • Modena • Italy

19th - 20th mAy 2017


Under the aUspice of

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Hesperia Hospital

Modena, Italy

Cristina Mussini

University hospital of modena - UNImorE

Modena, Italy

Guglielmo Stefanelli

hesperia hospital

Modena, Italy

Cesare Beghi

ospedale di Circolo e Fondazione macchi

Varese, Italy

Roberto Di Bartolomeo

s.orsola hospital

University of Bologna

Bologna, Italy

Gaetano Gargiulo

s. orsola hospital

University of Bologna

Bologna, Italy

Cristina Mussini

University hospital of modena - UNImorE

Modena, Italy

Josè Luis Pomar

hospital Clínico

University of Barcelona

Barcelona, Spain

Guglielmo Stefanelli

hesperia hospital

Modena, Italy

Elena Ferrari

Italo Ghidoni

Alina Olaru

Fabrizio Pirro

Vincenzo Smorto

hesperia hospital

Modena, Italy

Andrea Bedini

Mauro Codeluppi

Luca Corradi

University hospital of modena

Modena, Italy

Comune di Modena

Università degli Studi di Modena

e Reggio Emilia

Regione Emilia Romagna

SIMIT - Società Italiana di Malattie

Infettive e Tropicali


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Endocarditis of the Aortic ValveWorkshop

Despite a larger and wider prevention, acute bacterial endocarditis remains responsible for an increasing number of cardiac valves related complications, often leading to unfavourable outcomes.

Involvement of native or prosthetic cardiac valves by infectious processes, in fact, it is a life threatening process, requiring a prompt diagnosis and an adequate medical and almost always surgical intervention.

This workshop focuses on the diagnosis and medical and surgical treatment of the aortic valve localization of acute bacterial endocarditis.

The experts will present and discuss with the audience the various aspects related to epidemiology and etiology of ABE and will illustrate the more updated protocols for an optimal medical treatment of the disease. Anatomical details of the infected native and prosthetic tissues will be explored through a presentation of interesting anatomical specimens by an undisputed, skilful pathologist.

The most recent and innovative diagnostic procedures will be presented, like mrI, pET-scan with labeled leukocytes, increasingly associated with the TE and TT Echocardiography, still to be considered the gold standard for detection of heart valve diseases.

Finally, skilled infectivologists, cardiologists and surgeons will discuss the choice of proper timing for surgical intervention, still an highly debated topic, in order to minimize the risk and the damages related to the infectious process.

A consistant series of different clinical and pathological scenarios will be reported by expert surgeons, along with the more appropriate surgical approach, particularly in complex cases of advanced disease, involving multiple and important cardiac structures, like the aortic annulus, the aortic root, the interventricular septum, and the intervalvular fibrosa of the heart.

The meeting setting is based on a complete interactive participation, allowing for open questions and discussion with the panellists.

We look forward to seeing you in modena, a beautiful and hospitable city in the northern Italian countryside, land of Ferrari, pavarotti, Aceto Balsamico and great food.

19th - 20th mAy 2017

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09.00 Welcome and Introduction to Workshop CrIsTINA mUssINI, Modena (Italy)

José LUIs pomAr, Barcelona (Spain)

SESSION 1 Epidemiology, Etiology and Medical Treatment of ABEChAIrmEN

mAUro CodELUppI > Modena (Italy)

CrIsTINA mUssINI > Modena (Italy)

09.20 Epidemiology of Aortic ABE GABrIELLA orLANdo, Modena (Italy)

09.50 Treatment of Bacterial Endocarditis EmANUELE dUrANTE mANGoNI, Naples (Italy)

10.10 Treatment of Fungal Endocarditis ANdrEA BEdINI, Modena (Italy) 10.30 Panel Discussion

10.50 Coffee break

SESSION 2Diagnosis of Aortic Valve ABE ChAIrmEN

ALBErTo BENAssI > Modena (Italy)

FoLIEro pIGNATTI > Baggiovara (Italy)

pAoLo pIsI > Modena (Italy)

11.10 CT scan in ABE

GUIdo LIGABUE, Modena (Italy)

11,30 TT Echo in ABE

ALINA oLArU, Modena (Italy)

11.50 PET Scan in ABE

NApoLEoNE prANdINI, Modena (Italy)

12.10 Main Lecture TE and 3D Echo: Ideal tools for Diagnosis of ABE

LUIGI BAdANo, Padua (Italy)

SESSION 3 Surgical Treatment of ABE: Timing of SurgeryChAIrmEN

CEsArE BEGhI > Varese (Italy)

ErIC rosELLI > Cleveland (USA)

Guidelines and Timing for Optimal Treatment 12.40 The infectivologist point of view EmANUELE dUrANTE mANGoNI, Naples (Italy)

13.00 The cardiologist point of view

FABrIZIo moNACo, Milan (Italy)

13.20 The surgeon point of view

CArLos mEsTrEs, Abu Dhabi (Emirates)

13.40 Panel Discussion

13.50 Lunch

15.00 Main Lecture Pathology of Infective Endocarditis of Native Aortic Valve GAETANo ThIENE, Padua (Italy)

SESSION 4Surgical Treatment: Aortic Valve Replacement ChAIrmEN

CArLos mEsTrEs > Abu Dhabi (Emirates)

Josè pomAr > Barcelona (Spain)

15.30 Choice of Prosthesis in ABE

ThEodor FIsChLEIN, Nuremberg (Germany)

15.50 Biological Prosthesis - Stented

rUGGEro dEpAULIs, Rome (Italy)

16.10 Biological Prosthesis - Stentless

GUGLIELmo sTEFANELLI, Modena (Italy)

16.30 Biological Prosthesis - Homografts

JohN pEppEr, London (UK)

16.50 Mechanical Prosthesis

oTTo dApUNT, Graz (Austria)

17.10 Complex Aortic Valve Replacement in ABE

GINo GErosA, Padua (Italy)

17.30 Panel Discussion

17.50 Presentation of the Italian Registry for ABE roBErTo LorUsso, Maastricht (Netherlands)

GUGLIELmo ACTIs dATo, Turin (Italy)

Friday - May 19th, 2017


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Saturday - May 20th, 2017

SESSION 5Surgical Treatment: Aortic Valve RepairChAIrmEN

CArLo ANToNA > Milan (Italy)

ALEssANdro BELLIsArIo > Rome (Italy)

08.00 Aortic Valve repair and reconstruction domENICo mAZZITELLI, Munich (Germany)

08.20 Ross Operation in ABE pAsCAL dohmEN, Oldenburg (Germany)

08.40 Prosthetic ABE and Reoperations

FrANCEsCo mUsUmECI, Rome (Italy)

09.00 Main Lecture Complex Reconstruction of Left Ventricular Outflow and Mitro-Aortic Continuity ErIC rosELLI, Cleveland (USA)

09.30 Panel Discussion

VIdEo sEssIoN: sUrGICAL TIps ANd TrICks 1ChAIrmEN

GINo GErosA > Padua (Italy)

ELVIo poLEsEL > Treviso (Italy)

09.40 7’ Presentation + 3’ Video discussion

09.40 VIDEO 1

GIUsEppE dI BENEdETTo, Salerno (Italy)

09.50 VIDEO 2

GIUsEppE FAGGIAN, Verona (Italy)

10.00 VIDEO 3

dAVIdE GABBIErI, Modena (Italy)

10.10 VIDEO 4

CArmELo mIGNosA, Catania (Italy)

10.20 VIDEO 5

CEsArE BEGhI, Varese (Italy)

10.30 Coffee Break

SESSION 6Surgical Treatment: Complex Aortic SurgeryChAIrmEN

ThEodor FIsChLEIN > Nuremberg (Germany)

ErIC rosELLI > Cleveland (USA)

11.00 Bentall Operation in ABE

roBErTo dI BArToLomEo / CArLo sAVINI

Bologna (Italy)

11.20 ABE of Bicuspid Aortic Valve

CArLo ANToNA, Milan (Italy)

11.40 ABE in Paediatric age


Bologna (Italy)

12.00 Treatment of abscess cavities UGoLINo LIVI, Udine (Italy) 11.50 Panel Discussion

VIdEo sEssIoN: sUrGICAL TIps ANd TrICks 2ChAIrmEN

GIUsEppE FAGGIAN > Verona (Italy)

GIUsEppE dI BENEdETTo > Salerno (Italy)

12.10 7’ Presentation + 3’ Video discussion

12.10 VIDEO 1

GIoVANNI CAsALI, Lecce (Italy)

12.20 VIDEO 2

mAUro dEL GIGLIo, Cotignola (Italy)

12.30 VIDEO 3

FrANCEsCo sANTINI, Genoa (Italy)

12.40 VIDEO 4

ANNAChIArA ALdroVANdI, Carpi (Italy)

12.50 VIDEO 5

Josè ArAmENdI, Bilbao (Spain)

13.00 Conclusions: What did we learn? LUIGI BAdANo, Padua (Italy)

CrIsTINA mUssINI, Modena (Italy)

José LUIs pomAr, Barcelona (Spain)


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ramazzini Carpi hospitalCarpi, Italy

s.orsola hospitalUniversity of BolognaBologna, Italy

Luigi sacco hospitalMilan, Italy

hospital de CrucesBilbao Spain

padua hospitalPadua, Italy

University hospital of modenaModena, Italy

University hospital of Circolo Fondazione macchiVarese, Italy

European hospitalRome, Italy

hesperia hospitalModena, Italy

Vito Fazzi hospitalLecce, Italy

University hospital of modenaModena, Italy

medical UniversityGraz, Austria

Villa maria CeciliaCotignola, Italy

Europen hospitalRome, Italy

University hospitalOldenburg, Germany

san Leonardo hospitalSalerno, Italy

monaldi hospitalUniversity of CampaniaNaples, Italy

ospedale Civile maggioreVerona, Italy

klinikum Nürnberg, paracelsus medical UniversityNuremberg, Germany

hesperia hospital Modena, Italy

s.orsola hospitalUniversity of BolognaBologna, Italy

University hospital of paduaPadua, Italy

University hospital of modenaModena, Italy

University hospital of santa maria della misericordiaUdine, Italy

heart & Vascular Centre maastrich UniversityMaastricht, Netherlands

deutschen herzentrumMunich, Germany

heart and Vascular Institute at Cleveland ClinicAbu Dhabi, Emirates

Ferrarotto Alessi hospitalCatania, Italy

san raffaele hospitalMilano, Italy

University hospital of modena - UNImorEModena, Italy

san Camillo-Forlanini University hospitalRoma, Italy

hesperia hospital Modena, Italy

University hospital of modenaModena, Italy

royal Brompton hospitalLondon, UK

ospedale CivileBaggiovara, Italy

hesperia hospital Modena, Italy

s. maria di Ca’ Foncello hospitalTreviso, Itlay

hospital ClinicUniversity of BarcelonaBarcelona, Spain

University hospital of modenaModena, Italy

Cleveland Clinic heart and Vascular InstituteCleveland OH, USA

University of Genoa medical schoolGenoa, Italy

s.orsola hospitalUniversity of BolognaBologna, Italy

hesperia hospital Modena, Italy

University hospitalof paduaPadua, Italy


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on-line registration at www.noemacongressi

(excluding 22% VAT)

BEFORE AFTER 27/03/17 27/03/17


perfusionists E 200,00 E 250,00

Trainees E 100,00 E 100,00

The registration fee includes: Admittance to all sessions, Access to the exhibition, Workshop materials, Certificate of attendance and Conference dinner (for registrations before 27/03).

FORUM GUIDO MONzANICentro di Formazione e Cultura AuditoriumVia Aristotele, 33 – modena (Italy)www.formguidomonzani.it

By pLANE: Bologna – Guglielmo marconi International Airport connects to major European destinations. A direct bus service is operated between Bologna Airport and modena.

By TrAIN: please visit http://www.raileurope.com and the official website of the Italian train service (http://www.trenitalia.it) for further information to reach modena by train.

By CAr: modena is on the main A1 and A22 motorways that connect Italy to most European destinations.

Attendance certificates will be issued to participants by the organizing secretariat at the end of the Workshop.

The official Workshop language is English.

Provider: Noema srl unipersonale (Id. 891)Id. event: 189899Number of Credits: 8,4Categories included in CME accreditation: Physicians (specialties’ list available on Age.Na.s.website),Nurses and Perfusionists.

Those people interested in presenting contributions on topics related to the Workshop may send their material exclusively uploading it on www.wetransfer.com (recipient’s e-mail address: [email protected]) no later than April 10th, 2017.Works will be evaluated by the scientific Committee. Acceptance will be sent by email to the first author indicated, contextually to the date of display.presenters must be regularly registered to the Workshop, unless ‘part of the faculty’.

Conference dinner will be on Friday, 19th May. detailed information about the Conference dinner will be available in the Final programme.

If you need information concerning accommodation please write an email to [email protected].

BoLoGNA TAxI +39 051 372727

modENA TAxI +39 059 374242

BoLoGNA FLIGhT INFormATIoN +39 051 6479615

rAILWAy INFormATIoN +39 892021


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Via orefici, 4 - 40124 Bologna - ItalyTel. +39 051 230385 - Fax +39 051 221894

[email protected] - www.noemacongressi.it
