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Ceremonies of theUnited Religions and Military Orders of the Temple and Hospital including the...

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Ceremonies of the Order of Knight Hospitaller of St. John of Jerusalem, Palestine, Rhodes, and Malta. Privately printed for the Great Priory of ENgland and Wales.
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\the (teremon ies of tbe 'Ul.ntteb 1Religtous anb of \temple anb 1bospttnl tnclulltng 'Ube <:teremontes at Great anD !Drtll 1936.***** PlliVATELY PRINTED FOR T il E GREAT PRIORY OF ENGLAND AND WALES, &c. Copyright.] [.'Ill Hi!]hts lte.<erved. School of Divinity Library

\the (teremon ies of tbe

'Ul.ntteb 1Religtous anb ffiilttnr~

~rbers of

~be \temple anb 1bospttnl


'Ube <:teremontes at Great ~rtorl?






Copyright.] [.'Ill Hi!]hts lte.<erved.

School of Divinity Library St. Louis, Missouri 63108 t



a. Cross b, c. Candl.s. d, e. Flower Vases. r. Alms dish. ~:. v. or n.o.


I . Triangle

2. CruciHx

S. V. or TI .G.

4. B. and Xbns.

6. Cup or Wine.

6. Lamb.

7. J>ovc.

B. Cock. p Cul.>c nod i>en.

10. Delt.

11. Drenst-plnt e.

12 Spurs.

13. Shield.

14 . flelmet.

1.>. S"or<l.

Hi. D8J:J!er.

O~'FIC il i\S.

A Emit1cnt l're.:eptor.

fl . Chaplain.

C. 1st Constable.

D. 2nd . Constable.

E. Tre:tsur ·r.

En. Hegistrar.

F. ) lnrshnl.

l•'a. Dep. Marshal.

0. Almoner.

11 . 1st Herald.

J . 2nd Herald.

K. I st Standard llenrcr

J,. 2nd Standard nearer.

l l. Captain or Guard.

1\. Or~noist .

E.P:S Banner. E ":\ +

~· OffiCers ' E.P. A

'·: L Jt

,b .. d, a e :Ci ' :; .... f •·· . g:. ALTAR Chaplain

CJ Kneeling stool for Accolade


Kneel1ng sTool


• w

F ci Standard+

B • lnoor


__ ........... .., .... -..--

1Religtoua an~ ffiuttar\? ~rber of tbe ~emple

Jl)t'elfminar}? lDtt·ecttona

T lze apartment represents a Chapel of the Order. bt the East is placed an Altar on which are :-a Bible, a Cross, two lighted Candles a11d an Alms Dish. The S. is in the centre of the Chapel (see plan opposite).

In the West is placed a table on which is provided Bread and WateT.

T lze E1ninent Preceptor's Chair is in the N.E. on the North side of the Altar. The Chaplain is stationed in the S.E. on the South side of the Altar.

The First and Second Co1Zstables are sta­tioned in the S. W. a1td N. W. respectively, with the Marshal between them, who has the Deputy Marshal on Jzis left.

The Treasurer sits at the table in the N.E. on the left of the Registrar.


The Marshal draws and returns his sword on all occasions when the Knights are called " To Order" or told to "Be seated," except where stated.

Whenever possible tlze Candidate should be on the Marshal's left.

The Rubrics of this Ritual are framed for a Preceptory in which a Deputy Marshal has been appointed.

Where no Deputy Marshal is appointed, the Marshal will be assisted by the 1st Herald.

The Deputy Marshal may, if it is desired, take charge of the Candidate when there is only one; in which case he will be assisted by the 1st Herald and the Marshal will act in the capacity of Director of Ceremonies. The E. P. or M. directing the movements of the Knights and the M. directi1zg the Arch of Steel, Salutes, etc., as laid down i1z the Ritual.

It is desirable that the M. should be a Past Preceptor, when a Deputy M. is appointed.

The Captain of the Guard is stationed within the entrance of the Chapel. He draws his sword when the Knights are first called "To Order." He keeps it drawn until the Knights '' Return Swords '' after the Preceptory has been closed. When the Knights are called " To Order " he stands with his sword at the "Carry." When the Knights are "seated," he sits "at ease " i.e., with blade of his sword


resting on his Right shoulder, the Right hand holding the hilt of the sword, being crossed over the Left, in front of him.

The other Officers are stationed in the positions shown in the Plan.

Reports (other than those for the Candidate) are dealt with as follows:-

GUARD.-Knocks (11111 11).

CAPT. OF GUARD.-Reports-Brother 2nd Constable there is a report.

2nd CONSTABLE.-Brother Captain of the Guard, see who seeks admission.

CAPT. OF GUARD.-To Guard.-Who comes here?

GUARD.-The Knight .....

CAPT. OF GUARD closes door a1Zd reports with the S. of Cr.-E. P. the Knight ..... seeks ad­mission.

E. P. -Admit him, Brother Captain of the Guard.

The Knight is admitted, draws his sword, salutes the E. P. with the S. of Cr., returns his sword and takes his seat.

jform of ®pentng a ~recepton: of tbe <Drl>cr

An "4rch of Steel is formed in the West under the direction of the Marshal (see Drill).

E.P . enters under the Arch of Steel and takes the Chair.

Order of Procession-Dep. Marshal

Great Officers (Juniors leading) Chaplain

2nd Constable. lst Constable E.P. (Marshal)

E.P.' s Banner Bearer. The Knights forming the Arch of Steel

resume their stations under the direction of tlte Marshal.

E. P. rises. Brother Knights. To-order. Marshal sets time for drawing swords if there has been no Arch of Steel. Assist me to open this~~·

E. P .-Pi.re the approaches properly guarded? Marshal proceeds to tlze entrance, sees Capt.

of Guard at his post. He opens the door and sees Guard at his post. He closes the door, retums to his place and reports (no sign).

M.-Eminent Preceptor, the approaches are properly guarded.

E. P .-See that none are present but Brethren of the Temple.


M arshallooks round Preceptory and satisfies himself that it is so. He gives the S. of Cr. and reports,

M.-Eminent Preceptor, none are present but true Brethren of the Temple.

E. P.-B'rother Registrar, Call the Roll. Each Knight, on hearing his name, says

''Here" and gives the S. of Cr. E. P.-Bro. Knights, let us pray to God to

send His Holy Grace amongst us. CHAPLAIN, standing in front of the Altar,

facing East.-Let us-Pray. }ferciful Redeemer of perishing mankind,

who has promised that Thou wouldst be in the midst of those assembled in Thy Holy Name; look down upon us, Thy hm~1ble servants, with an eye of tender compasswn, and so direct us that our labours may be begun, continued and ended in love to Thee, affection to our companions, protection to the distressed, and obedience to our Order. ii\men.

Tlze Prayer for the King's Most Ezcellent J![ ajesty may be read by the Chaplain.

0 Lord our Heavenly Father, high and mighty, King of kings, Lord of lords, the only Ruler of princes, Who dost from Thy Throne behold all the dv.:ellcrs upon earth. Most heartily we beseech Thee, with Thy favour to behold our Most Gracious Soverei;;n Lord King GEORGE and so replenish him with the grace of Thy Holy Spi rit that he may t


alway incline to Thy will and walk in Thy way. Endue him plenteously with heaven! gifts, grant him in health and wealth long to hve, strengthen him that he may vanquish and ~vercome all his enemies, and finally after thi hfe he may attain everlasting joy and felicity • Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. '


Our Father, which art in heaven, Hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, in earth, as it is in heaven. Give U$

this day our daily bread. And forgive us ou~ trespasses, As we forgive them that trespass agamst. us. And lead us not into temptation l But dehver us from evil: For thine is the king­dom, The power, and the glory, For ever and ever. A-men. (The Knights carry swords.

E. P .-Exhorting you, my Brethren, to bea~; always in mind the solemn and sacred ties by which we are bound to the Order and to one another, I now, in the name of the Holy, Blessed and Glorious Trinity, and in the name of *Christ our Prophet, *Christ our Priest, •Christ our King, declare this 14eeee.i ~to be open. ~~

*The E.P. pronounces these words slowly. He and the Knights salute with the S. of Cr.

The E. P. takes his seat.

M.-Bro. Knights, I call upon you to salute our E. P. with three.

Which is done.

t· t t. t :· t t·. t. t. t ·. t . t t ·t t . t· t"t t ·, PRAYER for our aost Illustrious ,~. Knit;ht , :iJD..ry Gordon ~. uirhec.1.d Hope t ~~~-~":-4"·~,·~?.~r~t4~~~J,._.t~··~~)': ·~: J J~J., ~c-4;.~~~~.4~ .. ~~ ... ~~.,rf..ol!.~~~ .. ~~ f

0 GOD t \Jho art tho Lord ~n' Life ~ Li0ht and. of Love ; have fol' over t

_ Tlc:l Lovin,~ Care ou1· Illust:J:ious t other, :~ry Gordon uirhoud Hope; o , for the greater Honour and t

ILory of ri'hy lLOGt Holy Na~o I illilug- t, rated for wonen thio Order of The '

-t 1 r.:p le; that wo boinf, inspired by t

t t

· ob le ideals and. q_ucots , as were t , he .:\:nigh to of Old. , nay t:~.~co unto t ~rsulvcs the Sword. n.nd A:.cinour o£' he S~irit; with which to ovcrcoDe hu f'orc.es of evi l and darkn 0c0 , 1us h[~stonin.:; th0 eor:.inc of Thy d.ngdo:'l ,

We bcoeoch 'lhcc to hc.ve her _1'c l y in 1hy Y.:eopin(~ o.ncl to \trcngthen and comfort her throuzh­ut tho ~~nifold tria ls of existence;, p thJ.t sr1c oay re:ceivo fron Thee

Crov.r.::1 of Glor~.r o..nd ma.y dwell with hoe i'or uvcr in the Eternal Light !f Lii'c JJudc .t:ierfect .

~'hrough Jesus Christ, our Lord ,

AJ..lEN .

t ~ t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t --~~~~~----~~~~-


M.-Bro. Knights. Be-se11ted. Tlze Clraplain opens the Bible on tlte Altar.

Tlte Marshal that on the 5. at St. Joltn, Chap. I.

N ote.-Preceptories which used tlze Qld method of Opening previous to 1900 are at liberty to co1ztimte to use that Ritual.


jform of <tlosing n J!)receptol'})

(Alms having been previously collected.)

E. P.-Bro. Knights, have you aught to propose for the advancement of the Glory of the Cross, or for the Honour of our Order?

.4ny propositions are now made.

~k· P *o. Knights, we may now close this ree~ry, for, praise be to God, all is well,

and God grant that it may so continue, and goodness be every day increased.

E. P.-Bro. Knights. E. P. rises.-To order.-Listen to our Precepts.

CHAPLAIN, standing in his place, facing West. -Love, honour, and fear God; walk after H is commandments . Maintain and defend the Christia11 Faith, and the honour, dignity and interests of our Order. Be loyal to your Sovereign, dutiful to the Grand Master, and obedient to those who rule over you. Prefer


honour to wealth. Be just and true in word and deed. Give no willing cause of offence to any; but, while opposing wrong and injustice, deport yourselves courteously and gently. Assist the distressed, the widow and the father­less. Eschew all debasing employment, recrea­tion and company; abhor pride and selfishness and so raise the standard of chivalrous honour, striving for the welfare of your Brethren.

Psalm CXXII may now be read. I was glad when they said unto me, Let us

go into the house of the Lord. Our feet shall stand within thy gates, 0

Jerusalem. Jerusalem is builded as a city that is compact

together; Whither the tribes go up, the tribes of the

Lord, unto the testimony of Israel, to give thanks unto the name of the Lord.

For there are set thrones of judgment, the thrones of the house of David.

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem; they shall prosper that love thee.

Peace be within thy walls, and prosperity within thy palaces.

For my brethren and companions' sakes, I will now say, Peace be within thee.

Because o f the house of the Lord our God, I will seek thy good . .

CHAPLAIN standing in fro ut of I lze A.ltar, and facin g East. Let us-Pray.


0 Merci-ful Lord, grant Thy Holy protection and salutary blessing to this Preceptory. Enlighten its rulers with the rays of Thy Brightness, that they may see the just ways of our Heavenly Captain, and may by their example teach the Knights committed to their charge so to follow them through this wilderness of temptation, that, being armed with the Shield of Faith and the Breastplate of Righteousness, they may overcome the enemies of Thy Holy Name, and finally arrive at the Heavenly Jerusalem, through Jesus Christ our Saviour. A-men. (The Knights carry swords.)

E. P.-In the name of the Holy, Blessed and Glorious Trinity, and in the name of *Christ our Prophet, *Christ our Priest, *Christ our King, I close this Preeef'tory .--+-

£ n.e"'-D""(."-\ · *The E.P. pronounces ~hese words slowly.

He and tlze Knights salute with the S. of Cr.

CHAPLAIN closes the Bible and stands itl front of the Altar, facing West.-

May the blessing of our Heavenly Captain descend upon us, and remain with us now and evermore. Amen.

OR If Chaplain is in H oly Orders-

Pax et Benedictio Dei Omnipotentis, 'Patris, Filii, et Spiritus Sancti, in vos descendat, et vobiscum mane_;tt in s<ecula s<eculorum, Amen.


M. closes Bible on S .

An Arch of Steel is formed in the West under the direction of the Marshal, and the E. P. retires.

Order of Recession-Dep. Marshal

E. P. 2nd Constable. l st Constable

Chaplain Great Officers (Seniors leading)

Marshal remains in the Temple .

Knights not forming the Arch of Steel stand to order at their stations. They return swords under the direction of the Marshal and disperse when the Arch of Steel is dismissed. It there is no Arch of Steel, the Knights return swords under the direction of the Marshal when E. P. and his recession have left the Preceptory.

Both during the Opening a?Zd the Closing appropriate music ma.y be introduced.

N.B.-When the foregoing Ceremonies are used in GREAT P RIORY or a PROVINCIAL PRIORY the titles of the various Officers must be changed accordingly, and all the Prayers and Scripture Extracts read.


<teremott)] of 3-nstaUatton PAR'.r I.

Tl~ Candidate zs prepared, habited as a Pilgrim, wearing a mantle of brown, with a cord round his waist; a scrip over his left slwulder; a wallet over his right shoulder; a pilgrim's hat,· and lze carries a pilgrim's staff in his right hand. He is conducted IQ the entrance of the Preceptory by the Guard. The Alarm ( 1 I 1 1 ) is sounded without.

C. OF G.-Brother Second Constable, there is an alarm.

2nd C.-Ascertain the cause thereof.

The C. of G. opens the door and seeing Can. closes it and reports with the S. of Cr.-

C. OF G.-Eminent 'Preceptor, a stranger is endeavouring to enter our Preceptory.

}. E. P.-Be cautious, and see who the intruder IS.

C. OF G. opening the door, says to Guard a1zd Candidate without.-Who comes here?

GUARD.-Companion .... , a pilgrim on his travels, weary and fatigued, having heard of this Preceptory of Knights Templar, is anxious to take refuge therein, and, if possible, to be admitted to the privileges of the Order.


C. OF G.-What recommendation does he bring?

GUARD.-The sign and first word of a Royal Arch Mason.

C. OF G. to Can.-Show me that sign, and communicate· the word.


C. OF G.-Wait, while I report to our Eminent Preceptor.

C. of G. closes the door, faces the E. P., salutes him with the S. of Cr. and says-

Eminent Preceptor, Companion . ........... , a pilgrim on his travels, weary and fatigued, having heard of this Preceptory of Knights Templar, is anxious to take refuge therein, and, if possible, to be admitted to the privileges of the Order.

} E. P .-What recommendation does he bring?

C. OF G.-The sign and first word of a Royal Arch Mason .

/E. P.-Let him be a~mitted with caution.

~E. P. or M.-Bro. Kmghts. T~rder.

The pilgrim is admitted by the C. of G., received by the Marshal, and conducted to the Second Constable, who, presenting his sword to the Pilgrim's breast, thus addresses him :-

Who are you who dares to penetrate thus far into our Preceptory?

MARSHAL, parrying the thrust.-Companion .... , a pilgrim on his travels, weary and fatigued, having heard of this Preceptory of Knights Templar, is anxious to take refuge therein, and, if possible, to be admitted to the privileges of the Order.

2nd C.-What recommendation does he bring?

MARSHAL.-The sign and first word of a Royal Arch Mason.

2nd C. to Can.-Show me that sign and com­municate the word.

Done. 2nd C., carries sword.-Pass m the Name

of ........ . The Marshal then leads the Pilgrim to tile

First Constable, who challenges him in the same words as the Second Constable, and receives the same answer. The Marshal then places the Can. in tlte West (between the Constables) and thus directs him. M.-Salute the Eminent Preceptor with the same sign and word.

I E. P.-Welcome in the Name of--; rest yourself and partake of bread, the staff of life, and water, the only refreshment we can at


resent proffer you.

1 E. P. or M.-Bro. Knights. Be-seated.

The Pilgrim is then seated in the Marshal's chair, and refreshed with bread and water from the table in the West which are brought to M.


and replaced by Dep. M. After the Pilgrim has partaken thereof, he is instructed by the Marshal to rise.


E. ~-PiJ.g!}~, you have sought refuge in our ~c~~ and desire to be admitted to the privileges of our Order, let me therefore demand of you, on whom in the hour of danger do you rely?


I E. P .-And in whom do you put your trust for eternal salvation ?

PILGRIM.-In our blessed Saviour Jesus Christ.

) . E. "!?.-Can you give me any proof of your


PILGRIM.-! am willing to undertake any task, however perilous, which may entitle me to admission under your banner as a Soldier of the Cross.

E. P .-Then, as a proof of your faith, I enjoin you a seven years' pilgrimage. This

\ you will figuratively perform, by proceeding

~seven times round the ~Z:!;e~

~. P. or M.-Brother Knights. To-order.

ard the S. ---The E. P., Chaplain, and the 1st and 2nd C., remain at their '~'respective stations. The re-mainder of the Knights, or those who formed tlte Arch of Steel (see Drill), f orm round tlte


S. and stand to order, faci1lg outwards. The Mars/tal conducts the Pilgrim round the Precep­tory, preceding him with a drazo•n sword.

After the third round:-2nd C.-to Marshal-Halt. M. and Candidate face East. 2nd C. salutes with the S. of Cr.­

Eminent Preceptor, the Pilgrim has performed three years of his pilgri~age, and havmg evinced great zeal and fi.dehty, I beg to request that you will remit the remamder of the term.

\ E. P.-Brother Second Constable, I readily accede to your request, and remit the

1 remainder of the term.


E. P. or M.-Bro. Knights. Resume your stations.

CHAPLAIN-standing in front of Altar and facin g East. Let us-Pray.

(~· Pilgrim assumes the Sign of Ficielity.)


0 Great Emmanuel, our heavenly Captain, look down we beseech Thee, on this Precep­tory and i~part Thy Holy Grace to the Cand~­date now before Thee, that he may acqu1t himself as a good and faithful Soldier of the Cross and henceforward wi~ a fi.rm resolution shun 'an occasions of offending Thee, and so become worthy of Thy acceptance and salva­tion. A-men.


I E. P .-Let the Pilgrim now approach th::.

Holy Sepulchre and, kneeling on both knees and placing both hands on the Holy Gospels, enter into a solemn obligation.

The Marshal removes Pilgrim's hat and staff which he lwnds to Dep. M. who places them itz the West. He instructs him to advance, kneel

•1 at the foot of the Sepulchre, and place his lzands on the Holy Gospels; the 1st and 2ttd Constables leave their stations, and cross thei1 drawn swords on Pilgrim's hands. 0 ther Kniglzts remain with their swords at the "Carry.''

t E. P.-Pilgrim, you will st ate your Christian I Names and Surname, and say after me:-


I, ... , in the name of the Holy, Blessed and Glorious Trinity, and in the presence of the Knights here assembled, do hereby and hereon most solemnly promise and swear never to reveal the secrets of a Knight T emplar to anyone beneath that rank, unless&e~an­didate for the same, in a lawful ..-.<. ~ of Knights Templar, and thl!n onlwilst acting as a regularly installed I?te'Cep'tor.. ·I further­more solemnly promise, that I will faithfully defend and maintain the holy Christian faith against all unprovoked attacks of its enemies ; that I will not sred the blood of a Knight Templar in wrath, unless it be in the just wars of sovereign princes or states; but, on the contrary, will defend him, even at the risk of


my life, where or whensoever his li~e or his honour may be in danger. That I will, to the utmost of my power, protect the. near and dear relatives and connections of Kmghts Templar, and if possible prevent all harm, danger or violence to which they may be . exposed. Lastly, I do most sincerely prc:n~use to be obedient to the supreme authon~Ies of. the Country in which I do, or may, reside; stn~tly to observe and maintain the Ancient Laws and RegulatWkM~~~hd Statutes of the G:Pe • ~~ ~ and to answer and obey, so far as bes in my power, all summonses sent to me, .the same being duly marked. T? all the~e pot!lts I swear fidelity, without evas10~, eqUivocatiOn or mental reservation of any kmd, under no less a penalty than the loss of life, by. having my h .. d s .... k off and placed on the pomt of a p ...... e or s ... e; my s .. .1 s .. n a ..... r, and my b .... s e ..... d to the s ...... g r .. s of the s.n, as a warning to all infidels and traitors. . So h~lp me Christ, a,nd keep me steadfast m thts my solemn obligation.

I E. P.-You will seal that solemn obligation seven times with your lips on t;h~ Holy.Gospels. No vice does so, Constables razszng. thezr swords

' and '' engaging • • them over novzce' s head. E. P .-Arise, Novice of our Ord.er. ~on-

1 stables carry swords and resume thezr statzons. I Novice rises. 11 E. P. or M.-Bro. Knights. Be-seated. . E. P. sits. Novice remains standing.


E. P.-Let the Novice be divested of his pilgrim's habit and assume the garb of a Soldier of the Cross.

Marshal, assisted by Dep. M., takes off the Pilgrim's Habit, etc. Dep. M. places them in the W., and hands tunic to M. who invests Novice.

The Standard Bearers take post at the North and Soutlz sides of the S.

Dep. M. takes post behind Novice.

J E. P.-The Novice will now attend to a por­tion of Holy Scripture.

CHAPLAIN standing in his place, facing West , reads-St. Paul's Epistle to the Eplzesia11s, chap. vi., vers. 10-17 inclusive.

Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against th~ !ulers C!f the dar~nes~ of this world, against spmtual Wickedness m high places. Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand, there­fore, having your loins girt about with truth * and having on the breastplate of righteou~­ness, * and your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace*; above all, taking the


shield of faith * wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the frery darts of the wicked. And take the helmet of salvation,* and the sword of the Spirit,* which is the Word of God.

'* :ls each piece of armour is named the Chap­lain pauses while tlze Novice is invesied there­with by the Marshal, assisted by the Standard Bearers. M. hands the breastplate, spurs and helmet to Dep. M. who places them in the West, tlzey are not restored; to their . former places untit after the N ovzce has retzred at end of Part I.

Tlze Novice retains the Belt, Shield and Sword. The cap is placed on Novice's head by Dep. 111. directly the Helmet is removed.

Dep. M. and Standard Bearers resume their P,laces.

E. P. or M.-Bro. Knights. To--order.

E. P .-Being now armed as a soldier of the , Cross, I must request you first to make those

professions which were made by our sai_n~ed

I predecessors; you will repeat after me, sUlttng the action to the words :-

Novice is directed by Marshal to place his sword by his left side as if sheatlzed.

E.P. rises, and draws his sword ca11ymg zt to the right front above lzis head to the full extent of tlze anll and says-l draw my sword in defence of the Holy Christian Faith.


Novice copies the action of E . P., repeats the words, and returns sword to his side.

E;. P.-I draw my sword in defence of all V Kmg~lh bef.,Jt . .; ·~

E. ~ I elraw my. S"'Otd i.A defeHee of the nea_r and dear relatives and connections of Kmghts Templar. As b.sore ~ut s e-tur.(zM. to "Crrr11~ ' eq_ ~ . a.~ !':1 ') ,p" * b,

{ E. P.-You are now'7'bout to proceed OD a . seven years' W<~;rfare, and as you may be stopped and subjected to an examination as a Sol<;her enrolled under the banner of the Cross, I Will entrust you with the sign and word of a Crusader, whereby you will gain confidence and support.

The sign is given thus-. Novice copies.

This . sign should always be given when addressmg the E. P. or on entering or leaving the Prec~ptory .. It may be given with the hand on certam occaswns when the Sword is not drawn.

The word is-. Novice repeats.

E. P. returns his Sword and resumes his seat.

E. P.-Thus prepared, you may prosecute your crusade, whi~ you will figuratively f§~~by proceedmg seven times round the ~~""'"~"".~.,.<¥-, and be prepared to defend your-

1 self With your sword .


· d by the Marshal, The Novice, accompant~ and is stopped

Proceeds round the Precep ory d by a p P in d · th first roun · ·

and challenge • tn ed d by the 1st Co1t-h S E ·n the secon roun d b

t e · .. , t 5 W d in the third roun Y stable m the · ·• an N W the 2nd Constable in the · ·

Challenge-Who comes here? Reply-A Soldier of the Cross. Challmge .-Give me the S. and W. of a

C der Done. Pass ....... · ·· rusa · b t pped and Aft the Novice has een s 0 d C

challe!~ed for the third time by the 2n on-

stable: -1st C.-to Marshal-Halt. Marshal and Novice face East. C -

C z tes with the S. of 1·

1st . sa u th Novice has zealously Eminent Preceptor • ~ p to the present prosec~tt:d the clampaig~ ~mit the remainder time; lS lt your p easure of the term? · ·

.11. ly I remit the remammg E p -Most Wl mg C d

. . f his probation as a rusa er. four years o . h f t

The Marshal conducts the N ovzce to t e oo

of the S. d you P w·th the point of your swor d

.E. :- hl M shal to unveil the cross, an w111 ass1st t e ar h

"11 then notice the scroll t ereon. you w1 f th S M.

The Novice is pla~ ed at l!t· Wd . :y Me u~veils t SW Novtce assts e . ll

goes o · ·h 5 d M points to the scro the cross on t e ·• an · with his sword.


E. P .-That scroll bears the initials of the Latin inscription placed over our Saviour at his

I Crucifrxion. t E. P. or l\f .-Bro. Knights. Be-seated. Novice is conducted by the Marshal to posi­

tion between the Constables in front of M.' s chair where he stands facing East. He is divested of shield and sword, which are placed in the West by Dep. M.


E. P. or CHAPLAIN.-\Vorthy Brother, now a Novice of our Order, the ceremonies in which you are engaged are calculated to impress your mind deeply, and I trust will have a lasting influence upon your future character. You were frrst, as a trial of your faith and humility, enjoined to perform a seven years' pilgrimage; it represented the pilgrimage of life, through which we are all passing; we are all weary pilgrims, advancing toward that haven where we shall cease from our labours, and be at rest for ever. You were then, as a trial of your courage and constancy, directed to perform seven years of warfare. This repre­sented to you the constant warfare with the lying vanities and deceits of this world, in which it is necessary for us always to be en­gaged. You are now about to perform a year of penance as a further trial of your humility and of that faith which will conduct you safely over the dark gulf of death, and land your

enfranchised spirit in the peaceful abodes of the blessed.

Let the emblems of life and death which lie before you remind you of the uncertainty of our earthly existence, and teach you to be pre­pared for the closing hour of your mortal life; and rest assured that a firm faith in the truths revealed to us will afford you consolation in the gloomy hours of dissolution, and insure your ineffable and eternal happiness in the world to come.

I E. P.-Bro. Knights. E. P. rises. To­order. M. does not draw ltis s<cord, but moves to tlze S. Reverse-swords.

T!u~ ligl/t.r, except thosp 011 tireS . and Altar, may bP e,1:tinguished, in wlzich case the Preceptory is not re-illumi11ed until Novice lw.r retired at t/ze end of Part I.

E . P .-You are now to undergo one year of penance and mortification; you will therefore take that s .. .l in your left hand,* and one of those small lighted tapers in your right,* an cl banishing all worldly thoughts, and mentally invoking the blessing of heaven on your under­taking, you will figuratively perform a year of penance by walking slowly round the Precep­tory, keeping your eyes fixed on those emblems of life and mortality.

*'The s ... l with face to Novice and the small taper from the West end of the N ortlz side are here presented to the Novice by the Marshal.

27 The Novice proceed l l

rormd the Prece I s s ow y by himself once positiorz facing th: J!Yp aAd returns. to his be pLayed during the Pe~anc/olemn dzrge may

I . E. P.-:-You will now repeat ft ImprecatiOns : _ a er me these

May the spirit which · . s .. .1 rise up and te t. f on.ce mhabtted this wilfully violate m s I braga~nst me, if ever I Templar. y 0 Jgabon of a Knight

t theE~. ~i~Seal it with your lips seven times on

The Novice does so th l . on tlze S. by the M ar;Jra/ s. · · zs then replaced

E. P.-May my 1' ht 1 among men, as was :~at a so be exting.uished

I betraying his Lord a d Mf 1 udas Iscanot for I extinguish this light.n aster, and as I now

The Novice blows out the tap . replaced, unli 17hted b 1 , M er, whzch zs

, /J "' ' Y /le arshal.

J ,E. P.-Bro. Knights. Carry-Swords .

E. P.-You are abo t t · upon the ceremony thro~ h o h~thJre to meditate passed a d t g w Jc you have just of Knigh~hoo~.pre~ar~ yourself for the honour r~-admission, I wili ~ntr~~t ~:~bl\~dho~ to gain

1 stgn and o-rand passwo d f e casua Chaplain \~ill rea cl a por~. o fOtHtr Order.: the

Ion o oly Wnt.


CHAPLAIN standing in his place, facing West, reads-Isaialz, chap. l., part of ver. 6, I gave my back to the smiters, and my cheeks to them that plucked off the hair; I hid not my face from shame and spitting.

E. P.-The sign is given thus--.

Novice copies.

The Chaplain will read a further portion of Holy Writ.

CHAPLAIN standing in his place, facing West, reads-Isaialz, clzap. viii., ver. 1. Moreover the Lord said unto me, Take thee a great roll, and write in it with a man's pen concerning Maher-shalal-hash-baz.

E. P.-The grand password is ...... , and is contained in the portion of Scripture which has just been read to you by the Chaplain. It is in the Hebrew language and it signifies, In making speed to the spoil he hasteneth the prey.

You may now retire.

The Novice gives the S. of Cr. with ltis hand and retires.

/ E. P .- Bro. Knights. J sits. Be-seated. E. P.


If tit~ Preceptory has b now re-zllumined. een darkened, it is

D The armour is replaced by M

ep. M. · assisted by

If!. Places the dagger in ft" satzsfies himself that th S zs_ o_wn belt and that the Regalia of the Nton_e zs_ zn order, and

e ovzce zs ready.

The scabbard is pl d · Novice's belt before h ace zn the frog of the

te re-enters by the Guard.


PAll.T II.

Guard without gives 11111 11

G.-Brother Second Constable, there


is a report. . 1 5

of Cr . witlt his C · gtVes l1ze · 2nd . r~ses, p t there is a report.

l d -Emment recep or, rzan . . . . h eeks admlSSlOn. E p -Inqmre w o s

· · C of G -See who 2nd C. sits and says to . .

seeks admission . d'd t h door sees Can t a e,

T /ze C. of G. opms £ e po;ts to E. p. with closes the door and t en re the 5. of Cr. . ·

G E p Our new Compamon-tn-

C. OF .- . . ,

1\rms. . E. p. to C. of G.- Admit h1m.

. d and gives the casual The Novice is admttCte •f G He is then con-

. d G p W to . o . l 5 s:gn an . . M . A l to West of ttze . ducted by the ars za f C

h E p with the S. o r., 11.-Salute t e · · · th your hand· . v.. 1 . . Arms will now

P Our new Compamon-m-. E .. - . f Holy Scnpture.

attend to a portion o . · · h · place factng West'

CHAPLAINstandtngt1t ~~. s1ll-17.

d 1 5t Peter chap. tt. ver . rea s- · '


CHAPLAIN .-Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul; having yo•1r conversation honest among the Gentiles; that , whereas they speak against you as evil-doers, they may by your good works, which they shall behold, glorify God in the day of visitation. Submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord's sake: whether it be to the kmg, as supreme; or unto governors, as unto them that are sent by him for the punishment of evil-doers, and for the praise of them that do well. For so is the will of God; that with well-doing ye may put to silence the ignorance of fo0lish men: as free, and not 1•.sing your liberty for a cloke of maliciousness, but as the servants of God. Honour all men . Love th(" brotherhood. Fear God. Honour the king.

E. P.-Brother Marshal, let the cup of memory be presented to our new Companion-in­Arms.

Marshal presents the cup of wine to the Novice warnitzg him in a whisper that he will havP to sip se11e1l times when he directs lzim to do so.

I E. P.-Bro. Knights. To-order. M. does \ not draw his S1t·ord.

E. P .-Worthy Brother, at your first admis­sion you were refreshed with bread and w;:~ter: we now invite you to refresh yourself with thP cup of memory. You will repeat after me.

E. P. rises.


E. P .-To the memory of Moses, Aholiab and Bezaleel, the three Grand Masters who presided over the Holy Lodge.

E. P.-To the memory of Solomon I~ing of Israel, Hiram King of Tyre and H~ram Abif the three Grand Masters who presided

' over the Sacred Lodge.

E. P.-To the memory of Zerubbabel the prince of the people, Haggai the prophet and T oshua the son of J osedech the High P riest, the three Grand Masters who presided over the Grand or Royal Lodge.

E. P.-To the memory of St. John the Baptist, the Forerunner of Christ.

E. P .-To the memory of St. J ohn the Evangelist, the Beloved A~ostle of Our Lord, who finished by his learnmg what St. John the Baptist had commenced by his zeal.

E. P .-To the pious mem.ory .of a~l tho~e valiant knights who sealed their faith with their blood, under the banner of the Cross.

E. P.-To all Knights Templar, whereso­ever dispersed over the face of earth or water.

f Marshal takes cup and replaces on the S.

E. P.-Bro. Knights. Be-seated.

E. P. sits. E. P .-You will now attend to another por­

tion of Holy Scripture.


CHAPL~IN standi~z.g in his place, facing West, Teads-Aev. chap. lt., ~·erse n.

He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches: To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden ~anna, and will give him a white stone, and m the stone a l!ew name written, which no man knoweth savmg he that receiveth it.

Marslzal gets pen and stone.

E. P:-\Vorthy Brother, it was customary at the penod of the institution of our Order for each Novice to be required to sign his name with ~is b ... d on the North-East Corner of the Mystical Stone before he could obtain the Sacred word which it enshrines; are you pre­pared to sign* your name on the Stone* which JS now presented to you?

*Marshallzands pen and stone to Novice.

.M., jacing Novice, but slightly to his left, w~tlz h.zs ~eft hand takes Novice's left wrist, wtth hzs rzght hand he directs the point of the dagger thereto.

l\1~.-Are you prepared to conform to the ancient ceremony of the Order?

N.-I am.

M.-Whence will you h ... the b ... d ... ?

N.-My a ...

M.-E. P. The Novice is ready.



E. F.-Worthy Brother accepting your ready acquiescence as a suffrcient proof of your devotion to our Order, we dispense with the observance of the custom,* further than to require you to moisten the pen with your lips, and write your initials with it upon the Stone.

*M. releases Novice's wrist and takes ltis place at Novice's side.

The Novice writes his initials on the Stone, '2nd is shown the W ... by tlze Marshal who re­places stone and pen o;z tlte S. and presents a small stone to tlte Novice in the customary

~?f(l~~~. ~~~k~"t"H-M~,__~~~ E. P.~';;' w'iTfcarefu~preserve that

memorial, for should you wish to gain admis­sion into a Preceptory of Knights Templar, you will, on presenting that Stone and explaining the circumstances under which you received it, be recognised and admitted as a Knight of our Order.

Approach my Brother and receive the highest honour I can at present besto\v upon you.

M. tells Novice to put the small stone irz his


E. P. or M.-Bro. Knights. To-order. Marshal assembles an escort in the N. W. in

following order, Standard Bearers, Novice, Constables carryi1zg regalia on cushions (2nd Constable carries the Ribbon, Cross and Star, 1st Constable the Mantle and Sword). When formed, Marshal gives the order " Escort-



March." On arrivin · h Bearers take post f g_ tn t_ ze E., the Standard leaves his eh . daczng znwards. The E p A atr an stands . I . .

/tar, facing W T h N . zn rant of the with the Constables o: .ovzce faces the E. P., in rear of him Th e;Jher stde a1td slightly him. . e arshal stands behind

The Novice, instruct d b kneels on both kn bef Y the Marshal

· ees e ore th E p • gzves the Accolade · . e · ., who Purpose from the M ::::~~-tng a sword for this

E. P.-In the name of h H and Glorious Trinity a d t be oly, Blessed vested in me as a p' n Y the authority make thee a Knight ~fc~htoT of the Order, I Sepulchre. e emple and Holy

The E. P. lays the sword fi left shoulder then on h. . ~st on theN ovice' s ltead, as he pronounces ~~ rzfg ltl an~ then on his

E p e o owzng words:-. .-Be loyal, brave and true'

it. E. P. hands sword to Marshal, .who returns

E. P. takes the New K · h -Arise Brother Knight. ntg t by right hand

The Constables th to the E. P., who den present th~ Regalia, etc., K?zight, saying- ecorates and znvests the new

E. P.-Wear this Ribbon h . Order, this Cross and th. , t e ensign of our the reward which' th Is Star, an emblem of

e great Captain of our

Salvation has p, omised to those who conquer in His Name· He being the Bright Morning Star, whose rising brought peace and salvation to mankind, and light to those who sat in darkness and in the shadow of death. Bear this ever in mind, and continue His faithful soldier until death.

\Ve clothe you"' with this mantle of pure white, ennobled with the Red Cross of the Order; symbol of the Christian's Faith and

Hope. *Marshal takes the mantle from the Ct~shi01z

and places it over new Knight's shoulders, handi1zg the cords to E. P.

Lastly, I present you with this sword.

E. P. presents hilt to new Knight. Tlzr Knight grasps the hilt with his right hand. E. P. retains his hold of the blade with hts right hand.

Never draw it without cause nor sheath it without honour.

Return your sword, Brother Knight.

E. P., before releasing his hold of the blade, directs it towards its scabbard.

E. P.-I will now entrust you with the Grand Sign, the Grand Grip and the Grand Word, of the Order. Which is done.

E. P. resumes his seat.


.The ~lew Kniglzt is conducted to the 1\' t wzth hzs escort in tlte reverse order to ~~, former pr~cession. When escort is forme:/ .lfarshal gzves the order, "Escort-March." '

wh~~e '!Jew Knight is seated in Marshal's chazr


5ep. M. moves forward towards West

u t11e .

. . c onstablel· resume their Stations. Marshal, uztlzdthe Str:-ndard Bearers on either side of him stan sbehmdtlzeNewKnight alltl. f . ' East T 1. S d , zree acmg

. te. tan ard Bearers dip their Standards slzglztly towards the East.

E. P .-Heralds, you will now proclaim.

E. P. rises.

.1! · draws lzis sword.

The Heralds take post.

T_he ~tandards are raised, and the new Kmglzt zs proclaimed.

l st HERALD, in the S. W., facitz East­BBretthhren ofdthCe Temp~e. Be it know~ that ~ur

ro er an ompamon l·s th' d . t 11 d K . ' .... , IS ay m I a fJ a mght of our Illustrious Order and

f ea tuhpo11~ you to salute him, taking th~ time

rom e marshal.

~he K1tights give the salute of tlte 0 d t_Jmce, "under direc~ion of the Mars/tal ~:; .alls, Brother Kmghts, with three." '

L 2nd .HERALD, in the N. W., facing East.­ong hfe, honour and prosperity to our M.E


& Supreme Grand Master, the Great Officers and all other Knights of our Order, and I _call upon you to salut~ our newly installed Kmght . . .. , taking your bme from the lv1arshal.

The Knights salute tlzrice under the direction of the Marshal, as before.

The Standards are replaced and the Heralds and Standard Bearers resume their places.

E. p. or M.-Bro. Knights. Be-seated.

M. directs New Knight to rise. Dep. M. restores chair to its place.

E. P. leaves his place and stands a_t N.E. of the S., and M. conducts the New Kmght to the foot of the S.

E p -I will now explain to you the symbols of the Order. The Three Great Lights placed at the angles of the equilateral triangle r~pre­sent the three favourite apostles of our Sav10ur; namely Peter, James and John, of whom ~he last named was the most beloved; f?r , leamng on our Saviour's bosom, he. received th.ose instructions which he commumcate~ so faith­fully to the other disciples. The Nme Smaller Lights, distributed equally . between thc;>se already noticed, are emblemabcal of the mne other Apostles, of whom one, represented by the taper extinguished by you, betrayed h1s Lord and Master. You will now relight and replace the taper. The New Knight does so.

Chaplain,* advances ~o the S.E. corner of S. and, with right hand ratsed, says


So may our Saviour lift up the light of His reconciled countenance upon you, and keep you from falling .

Chaplain returns to his seat.

*This sentence may be said by E.P. The right hand will not be raised unless the speaker zs in Holy Orders.

E. P. continues.

The skull and cross-bones, the emblems of mortality, are placed at the foot of the cross ; these collectively remind us of the place called m the Hebrew Golgotha, unto which Simon of Cyrene •vas constrained to bear the Cross on which our Saviour was crucifi.ed. The skull also reminds us of the fate of one Simon of Syracuse, who was admitted into our illustrious Order, but violated his obligation by betraying his trust to the Infi.dels. They, although they profited by the treason, despised the traitor and caused his head to be struck off and sent to the Grand :Master of the Knights Templar, who ordered it to be placed on the point of a pinnacle or spire, the skull to be laid open, and the brains exposed to the scorching rays of the sun, as a warning to all others. It is in allusion to this circumstance that the Penal Sign of a Knight Templar had its origin. Gives sign.-New Knight copies.

The Lamb, the Dove, and the Cock are sacred symbols of the Order. The lirst is emblematical of the Paschal Lamb, slain from

the foundation of the world. The Dove. ts symbolical of the Almighty Com f~rtcr, \vluc_h descended like a Dove on Chnst at . Ht_s baptism, whereby His divine mission was _mdt­cated to St. John the Baptist. The _Cock ts ~e monitor of the Order for as hts crowmg heralds the morn so let it at that still hour call to our rememb;ance our duties as Knights Templar, and remind us thus early to ask for assistance to perform them throughout the coming day. May we ever welcome that sound as a friendly caution . and n~t have reason to fear it as the periodtcal reromder of a broken vow.

E. P. returns to lzis seat.

Marshal conducts tlze new Knight to the East, where the E. P. shows the Warrant and gives him a copy of the Statutes and also tlze By­Laws of the. Preceptory.

E. P. then says-In a former part of the ceremony your attention was called to the inscription on the Cro~s. :Whenever that ma~k is on your summons 1t w_tll ~e your duty, m accordance with your obligation, to. attend.

If this is not possible, you must mform the E. P. of the reason.

The new Knight is tlwz conducted to a _seal in the North West of tlze Preceptory, ettlter behind or 011 1 !te East of I he N ortlz Column of the Arch of Steel.



<Ieremon)] of ~nstnllatton of an JEmtnent {Preceptor

P.Ps. must occupy the Offices of 1st and 2nd Constable, Marshal and Capt. of the Guard. M., witlz drawn Sword, presents P, Elect from W est of S . He salutes with liteS. of Cr. and thus addresses him:-

:\1.-.t.minent Preceptor, I have great pleasure in presenting to you our worthy Knight ...... , the P. Elect of this Preceptory, to receive at your hands the benefi.t of Instal­lation, the better to qualify him for that illustrious position.

M. Salutes, returns Sword and resumes his seat.

E. P.-Bro. Knight, by the unanimous voice of the Knights of this Preceptory you have been elected to preside over them as their E. Preceptor during the ensuing year; it is therefore my duty to inquire of you whether you are ready to accept that honour, and to dis­charge the duties of that responsible situation to the best of your ability ?

Ans.-I am. E. P.-Do you promise to maintain and

cause to be maintained, the ancient laws, rites, and ceremonies, handed down to us by our sainted predecessors, with fi.delity, piety and zeal?


Ans.-I do. E. P.-Do you promise to preserve the

honour and dignity of the Order, and never to admit any candidate for Installation unless with the full assurance that he is worthy of that distinction ?

Ans.-I do. E. P.-Are you ready to enter into a solemn

engagement to adhere to the promises you haYe just made [and never to divulge the secrets about to be entrusted to you as a Preceptor, unless it be to him or them who may be lawfully entitled thereto]?

N.B.-For a P. P. omit the words in brackets.

Ans.-I am. E. P .-Then let me ask you to JOin us in

supplicating the assistance of the Divine Power.

E. P. or M.-Brother Knights. E. P. rises. To--order.

P. Elect does not draw his sword. The Chaplain standing before the Altar and

facing East :-CHAPLAIN .-Let us-pray. 0 God, the King of Glory, who hast exalted

Thine only Son Jesus Christ with great triumph unto Thy Kingdom in Heaven, we beseech Thee to cast Thy bright beams of light upon this our Brother, that he, being enlightened by the


doctrine of the blessed apostle and evangelist St. John, may so walk in the light of Thy truth that he .may. at length attain to the light of everlastmg ltfe; through J esus Christ our Lord. A-men.

E. P.-You will now advance to the Altar. M. conducts P. Elect to the Altar.

Kneel and place your right hand on the Holy Gospels; grasp that naked sword with your left hand, and* say after me:-

* _[Fo.r a P. P. change to :-recite your Obltgat10n.]

The P.Elect, kneeling before the Altar places his right ~and 01z the Holy Gospels, hi.; left hand gr'!sPtng a .sw~rd held horizontally by M. standtng 01t Ius rtght, and enters into the O.B. :-


I, .. . ... , in the name of the Holy Blessed and Glori.ous -r:rinity, do hereby sole~nly swea; that I w1ll faithfully adhere to the promises and engagements into which I have just en~e.red; and. th~t I wi~, to the best of my a.Q?~<i~cie?hously discharge my duties as ~~. until a successor shall have been duly el~ted and installed in my stead. To all these pomts I pledge fidelity on my Knightly honour. So help me Christ and keep me steadfast in this my solemn ~ngagement.


E. P .-You will seal that engagement seven t imes with your lips on the Holy Gospels. P. Elect does so.

E. P .-Arise, my brother and successor. E. P. or M.- Brother Knights.-Be-seated. E. P. resumes his seat. M . seats P. Elect in a co1zvenient seat. E. P.-I now request all below the rank of

Installed Preceptor to withdraw.

* * * * * * Here follows the Inner Working.

* * * * * *

The Knights are now admitted. Visiting Knights fi rst, who salute with the S.

of Cr. with the hand, independently, and r-eturn to their places.

The Knights of the Preceptory are _formed in the West facing East, under the dzrectzon of the Marshal.

I. P. or M.-Brother Knights. Tcr-order. M . sets the time, I. P . does not draw_ his

Sword. The P. P.s and visiting l\.mglzts remain seated.

I. P .-During your temporary absence, the Eminent Knight .. .... has been duly Installed and I now proclaim him Eminent Preceptor of the .. .. .. Preceptory No . ...... on the Roll of the Great Priory of England _and Wales .a~d the Dominions and Dependencies of the Bntlsh


Crown, until a successor shall have been duly elected and installed in his stead. l\nd I call upon you to salute him, taking the time from the l\larshal.

M.-Brother Knights-with three.

I. P.-E. P. I now entrust to you the War­rant of the Preceptory. E. P. stands to receive it. Also the Statutes of Great Priory and the By-laws of this Preceptory.

I. P. or M.-Brother Knights. Be--seated.

The Knights return S words, taking the time from M. and resume their places.

I. P .-E. P . you will now appoint and invest your Officers . He Salutes E . P. with the S . of Cr. with his hand and takes nis seat.

M. standing at West of the S. d raws his Sword, salutes with the S. of Cr. and says:-

E. P., whom do you appoint as your 1st Constable? Etc.

M. conducts the appointed Knight to the E. P. in the East. (See Drill, "Investiture of a Knight.")

When the times comes for the office of Treasurer or Guard, M. says: -

E. P .-The (Eminent) Knight ...... having been elected Treasurer (or Guard), is it your pleasure to invest him ?

When all the Officers have been appointed M. says:-


E. P ., that concludes the appointment and investiture of your Officers.

M. salutes with the S. of Cr. returns Sword and takes his seat.

A Past Preceptor's f ewel may now be pre· rented to the I. P. P.


a.e+ A.+ r.e+ R+ d .•

15 .•




' I . I

Kneelm<J stoo l.


·.:.- ''

000~------~----------------~ w.


1. Eminent Prior.

2. Captain General.

3. Lieut. General.

4. l!t Li~uteoant.

5. 2nd Lieutenant.

6. Chaplain.

7. llareschal.

ia. Dep. llare•chal.

8. llospitaller.


10. Conservator.

11. Baillie.

12 Turcopolier.

18. Chancellor

U . Treasurer .

15. Captain of Outpost s.


p. Ship.

q. Ladder & a.t.

r. Ski. Swd. Spear .

s. IT and & Viper

x. Bible.

ll.L.D.R.A. llannera.

b.l.d.r.a. Guards to Banners.

..: 0

rt.i ::::


"' :>1 I .., ~ c " :.. c :.. "E 0 r.l


~· g...o ·i: n.o :;,;


-~ llJ, 0

fZ 0 b

f .. c ..



.;; c. " u


f .; c .. " " il ~ 0 ;;

.; ;4 ~ .., ;4 .!l

.; .... . ..,.. L

• N

~be ®rber of 1knigbts 1bospitaller of St. 5obn of

5erusnlem, l()alestine, 1Rbo~es nnb .tmaltn ALSO

1Jmigbt of St. l()aui or meNtenanean {Pass

IPreltminarp li'>irecttons No one can be admitted to the Order unless he has previously been installed a Knight Templa1. He must also have the Mediterranean Pass given to him.

F 01 the propu performance of this Cere­mony, two chambers are necessary-the larger representing the Chapter House, or Council Chamber, of the Prio1y and the otlter the Gua1d Room,· and, if convenient, there should also be a small waiting or preparation room. There should be fifteen officers present to form a per-

. feet Chapter in which the Order of Malta is given, but four with the E. Prior can install a Knight. The E. Prior, the Clzaplain, and the Mareschal must wear the clothing of the Order. Knights of Malta may appear in the clothing of Knights Templar.



In this apartment must be a Table, covered with black cloth, on which are placed, subse­quently, a N.T., opened at the 27th chapter of the Acts of the Apostles, and a drawn sword. !n this chamber- the Mediterranean Pass is given.


Inside the door on the North side of the Priory, five banners are placed in rests. plan facing page 47.) As follows :-


1st White PALESTINE 1099 B 2nd Red CYPRUS 1291 L 3rd Black RHODES 1310 D 4th Purple CANDIA 1523 R 5th Golden MALTA 1530 A

The banners are guarded by five Knights during the Installation.

At the eastern or upper end of the Chapter House is placed a pentagonal table with a red cover, in the centre of which is worked or painted in white the upper limb or portion of a cross (head towards the E.) with lines drawn on it meeting at a spot within. A Bible is placed at


the Western Apex . When the Priory is op£ne~, the following five officers are seated at thts table.-(See plan facing page 47):-

1. The Eminent Prior.

2. The Captain-General.

3. The Lieutenant-General.

4. The First Lieutenant.

S. The Second Lieutenant.

At the West of the Chapter House t~ere is an octagonal table with a red cover,. m the centre of which is worked or paznted. a white eight-pointed star (Maltese Cross) hav_zng a centre circle divided into four eq"!al portzons in which are depicted- 1. an anczent galley,· 2. a ladder of fi ve rounds, with letters on each round corresponding to those on the five ban­ners, and a speaking trumpet; 3. a hand and viper; 4. a skull with a spear and a sword . . At the eight corners of thzs table the followrng officers are placed:-

7. The Mareschal. 8. The H ospit all er.

9. The Admiral.

10. The Conservator.

11. The B aillie.

12. The Turcopolier 13. The Chancellor. 14. The Treasurer.


These eight officers represent the Heads or Priors of the respective Langues of which the Order consisted, viz. : -

1. Provence. 3. France . 5. Aragon. 7. Germany.

2. Auvergne. 4. Italy. 6. England. 8. Castile.

The Chaplain, who must have with him, for use in the Guard Room, a Vol. of N.T ., is seated in the East of the Chapter House (6) .

The Deputy Mareschal will sit in the West, facing East 7A. He will assist the M. as and when required. He may take charge of tlze Candidate when tkere is only one,· in which case the M. will act as Director of Ceremonies and perform all the duties as laid down in the R itual other than the actual conducting of the Candidate.

It is desirable that the M. should be a Past Prior, when a Deputy M. is appointed.

The Captain of the Outposts is seated in the West, tzear the door (IS). He draws his sword when the Knights are first called " To Order" in the Opening and he keeps it drawn until the Knights " return " swords when the Priory is closed. W hm the Knights are called " To Order " he stands with his sword at the "carry." When the Knights are "seated " he sits " at ease."

Great Officers and P. P.s are seated in the East, the former on the North and the latter


on the South of the P entagonal table. The rest of the Knights are seated on the North and South sides of the Priory.

"ty lten called T. 0. and in all Prayers the Knzghts stand as in the K .T. Degree.

The two Banners of the Order are the "Standard of St. John" and the "Standard oj Mal~a." These are to be placed one on eztlrer szde of tlze Prior in the East, that of St. John on. the North Side, and other Banners of the Kmghts attending may be hung on the North and South sides of the Chapter House.

The sign of the degree is given with the hand and not with the drawn sword.

Reports (other than those for the Candidate) are dealt wzth as follows :-

GUARD.-Knocks- 1-12. C. OF 0 .-E.P. There is a report. _E .. P.-Brother C. of 0. see who seeks ad­


C. OF 0.-T o Guard.-Who comes? GUARD.-The Knight ...... .

ThC.KoF. 0.-Closes door and reports.-E . P.

. e mght .... .. seeks admission. E. P .-Admit him, Brother C. of 0.

_ThhPe Knight is admitted, salutes the E. P. wzt .S. and takes his seat.

<Ieremon'Q of ®pentng tbe '!Prior'Q The Knights are seated. J\:1.-Bro. Knights. To-Order. The E. Prior, attended by the Officers of the

Pentagonal and Octagonal Tables and accom­panied by the Chaplain and the Great Officers, enters.

Order of Procession Dep. M. .

Officers (Juniors leadmg) Gt.

Chancellor Baillie Admiral

2nd Lieut. Lt.-Gen.



E. Prior

Turcopolier Conservator Hospitaller

1st Lieut. Capt. Gen.

(Mareschal) Procession halts and faces inwards .vhen

Dep. M. reaches the space between the two tables.

E. P. followed by the Officers of Pent . Tab~e from the West pass to tlzeir places. Chaplazn passes to his, followed by tire Great Officers fron: the West. Officers of Oct. Tab~e take thezr places when Chaplain has passed.

l\L-Bro. Knights. Be-Seated. E PRIOR.-Worthy Captain-General, :vhat is

the frrst and most essential care of a Kmght of Malta?


CAPT.-GENL.-To see that our Brethren-in­Arms are properly protected from all opposers of the Gospel of the Saviour of fallen man.

E. P.-Worthy Lieutenant-General do your duty and see that the Priory is properly guarded.

The Lieut.-Genl. goes to door and knocks, 1-12. Guard replies. Lieut.-Genl. returns and reports. (No sign):-

LIEUT.-GE!\L.-Eminent Prior all is properly guarded without. Resumes his seat.

E. P.-Worthy Captain-General what is our next duty?

CAPT.-GENL.-To see that every Warrior present proves himself a true brother of our Order.

E. P.-See that they be so. l\lARESCHAL.-Bro. Knights. To-Order. All

Stand to Order except Officers at tables. The Captain-Genl. and Lieut.Genl. rise, r'raw swords and prove the Knights (R .. g s .. n; K. of K., L. of L.) They then return to their places, return swords and report.

CAPT.-GENL. (with P. 5.).-E. P., the Comp. \Varriors present have proved themselves true Brethren of our Order. They resume their seats.

E. P.-Let us implore a blessing upon our present meeting.

Officers at tables rise and draw swords. CHAPLAIN.-Standing in his place. Let us-pray.



PRAYER. CHAPLAIN .-0 Thou Great Emmanuel an~

God of Infi.nite Goodness look down upon th1s Priory with an eye of tender coml?as~10n, and incline our hearts to Thy Holy W1ll m all our actions, through Jesus Christ our Lord. A-men.

E. P.-In the name of the Holy Trin.ity, I declare this a duly opened and constituted Priory of Knights of Malta.

33 knocks given in form. Each of the five senior officers gives five knocks on th.e Pentagonal table with the pommel ~~ hzs sword; the eight other officers eaclt gwe one knock on their table.

MARESCHAL.-Bro. Knights. Be-seated. The five officers at the pentagonal table

deposit their swords on the lines marked on th.e table, and the eight other officers place thetr swords in order on the octagonal table.

Deputy Mareschal opens the Bible on Pent. Table at the Holy Gospels.


tmebtterranean }Pass or 1knigbt of St. !Paul

The Priory being opened, when the Can. is ready the Guard knocks (S-2), and the Captain of Outposts goes to the door and receives ftom the Can. the sign and word of a Cr., and then requests him to wait without while lze makes a report.

C. OF 0.-Eminent Prior, Bro. . ..... , a Knight of the H.eligious and Military Order of the Temple, stands without, humbly soliciting to be admitted to the Secrets and Privileges of the Mediterranean Pass and if found worthy he hopes to be elected a Member of tbc Ancient Order of St. John of Jerusalem Palestine, Rhodes, and Malta. '

~· P.-Worthy Captain of Outposts, far be 1t from us to interpose any obstacle to the fulfilment of his desire. Can you vouch that he JS in possession of the S. and \V. of a Cr.?

C. OF 0.-I can, Eminent Prior.

E. P.-Is it your pleasure Brother Knights that Bro. .. .... , be elected a Member of our Order?

T lte Brethren signify their assent by show of hands.

E. P.-I declare Bro ....... , duly elected a ~.fembe~ of our Order; and you our Worthy Chaplam, and you our Worthy Mareschal, will


me to the Guard Room ; and do accompaWorthy Captain-General be pleased to you our d . temporary absence assume my seat unng: my . and take charge of thts Pnory. .

DEP.M. rises and says-Bro. Kmghts, nse while the E. P. retires.

1, l E p Chaplain and M areschal leave rze · ., h G d Room

the Chapter House and enter t e u~r . N.B., E. P. and M. take thezr swords,

Chaplain takes tlte Vol. of N .T. DEP. M.-Bro. Knights-Be seated.


E p and Chaplaitz enter. E. P. _places '// swo;d ~n the front of the table, htlt ~~ t e South, and takes his place on the North szde of

the Table: V l f N T on the C haplam places o · 0 • . • A

Table behind the swo~d, he openh zt5

atth ~Y~ chap. 27, and takes Jus place on t e ou st of the Table. b" d

The Can., who must be. ha zte . as a K T nd have provided hzmself wzth the M.ali~ Jewel, is conducted into the f?uard Room by the Mareschal, and is placed factng tl~e. f J.-He salutes E. P. with the S. of Cr. wzt zs hand. .

E p -Bro. . ..... , before I place you m ss~ssi~n of the Secrets of the M .. p "! are you

~llin to pledge you.rself to keep tnvtolate the Secret~ and Mystenes of the degree of a Knight of St. Paul?

Can.-1 am.


E. P .-Then you will assume the stgn of Fidelity.

Do you solemnly promise on your Knightly honour that you will never improperly reveal the secrets which we are now about to impart to you ?

CAN .-I solemnly promise. Drops sign.

E. P.-You will now attend while the Chap­lain reads a portion of Holy Scripture.

The Chaplain takes up Vol. of N.T. and reads the 27th chapter of the Acts of the Apostles and also the 28th chapter to verse 6 inclusive. The portions within the brackets may be omitted.

And when it was determined that we should sail into Italy, they delivered Paul and certain other prisoners unto one named J ulius, a centurion of Augustus' band. And entering into a ship of Adramyttium, we launched, meaning to sail by the coasts of Asia; one Aristarchus, a Macedonian of Thessalonica, bemg with us. [And the next day we touched at Sidon. And J ulius courteously entreated Paul, and gave him liberty to go unto his friends to refresh himself. And when we had launched from thence, we sailed under Cyprus, because the winds were contrary. And when we had sailed over the Sea of Cilicia and Pamphylia, we came to Myra, a city of Lycia. And there the centurion found a ship of Alexandria sailin£r into Italy; and he put us

ss therein. And when we had sailed slowly many days, and sc~rce were c?me ove: against Cnidus, the wmd not s~ffenng us, "'~ sailed under Crete, over agamst Salmone, and, hardly passing i~, came unt? a place which is called The Fair Havens; mgh where­unto was the city of Lasea.] N.~w when much time was spent, and when smlmg was now dangerous, because the fast was now _already past, Paul admonished them! and said .unto them, Sirs, I perceive that th1s voyage w1ll be with hurt and much damage, no~ only of the lading and ship, ~ut also_ of our hves. Never­theless the centunon beheved the master _and the owner of the ship, more than those thmgs which were spoken by Paul. A!ld h~cause the haven was not commodious to wmter m, the more part advised to depart thence a~so, if by any means they mig~t a~tain to Phemce, and there to winter; which lS an haven of Crete, and lieth toward the south-\~est and north-west. And when the south ":'md ble':" softly, supposing that they had ~btamed then purpose, loosing thence, they sailed close. by Crete. But not long after there arose agamst it a tempestuous wind, called Euroclydon. And when the ship was caught, an~ could not

~ bear up into ·the wind, we let her d~Ive .. [And running under a certain island which IS called Clauda, we had much work to come by the boat : which when they had ta~en up, they used helps, undergirding the sh1p; a:nd fear­ing lest they should fall into . the qu1cksands, strake sail, and so were dnven. And we

59 being exceedingly tossed with a tempest, the next day they lightened the ship; and the third day we cast out with our own hands the tackling of the ship.J And when neither sun~ nor stars in many days appeared, and no small tempest lay on us, all hope that we should be saved was then taken away. But ' after long abstinence Paul stood forth in the midst of them, and said, Sirs, ye should have hearkened unto me, and not have loosed from Crete, and to have gained this harm and loss. And now I exhort you to be of good cheer: for there shall be no loss of any man's life among you, but of the ship. For there stood by me this night the angel of God, whose I am, and whom I serve, saying, Fear not, Paul; thou must be brought before Cresar; and, lo, God bath given thee all them that sail with thee. Wherefore, sirs, be of good cheer: for I believe God that it shall be even as it was told me. Howbeit we must be cast upon a certain island. [But when the fourteenth night was come, as we were driven up and down in Adria, about midnight the shipmen deemed that they drew near to some country; and sounded, and found it twenty fathoms: and when they had gone a little further, they sounded again, and found it fifteen fathoms. Then fearing lest we should have fallen upon rocks, they cast four anchors out of the stem, and wished for the day. And as the shipmen were about to flee out of the ship, when they had let down the boat into the sea, under colour as thou~h they would


have cast anchors out of the foreship, Paul said to the centurion and to the soldiers, Except these abide in the ship, ye cannot be saved. Then the soldiers cut off the ropes of the boat, and let her fall off. And while the day was coming on, Paul besought them all to take meat, saying, This day is the four­teenth day that ye have tarried and continued fasting, having taken nothing. Wherefore I pray you to take some meat: for this is for your health : for there shall not an hair fall from the head of any of you. And when he had thus spoken, he took bread, and gave thanks to God in the presence of them all: and when he had .broken it, he began to eat. Then were they all of good cheer, and they also took some meat. And we were in all in the ship two hundred threescore and sixteen souls. And when they had eaten enough, they lightened the ship, and cast out the wheat into the sea. And when it was day, they knew not the land : but they discovered a certain creek with a shore, into the which they were minded, if it were possible, to thrust in the ship. And when they had taken up the anchors, they committed themselves unto the sea, and loosed the rudder bands, and hoisted up the mainsail to the wind, and made toward shore.] And ~

I falling into a place where two seas met, they 4 ran the ship aground; and the forepart stuck fast, and remained unmoveable, but the hinder l part was broken with the violence of the waves. [And the soldiers' counsel was to kill the prisoners, lest any of them should swim out,


and escape But th . Paul, kept .them fro~ c~ht~non, willing to save manded that th . elr purpose; and corn­cast themselves frY w!uch could swim should land : And the resrtst mto thebsea, and get to

b ' some on oards a d

on roken pieces of th h. A , n. some to pass th t h e s lp. nd so 1t came And wh ili t ey escaped all safe to land J that the eisland :::~e c~~~d~iel~~en thAey dkne.\v barbarous peo 1 h d

1 a. n the

for they kindle~ sa efi:: us dno lit~le kindness: one, because of the ' an re.ceived us every of the cold. And ,Jh~e~ept ram, and because bundle of sticks a d 1 .daulh had gathered a th , n ai t em on the fire

ere. came a viper out of the h t d f ' on Ius hand. And wh h ea h an . astened th~d venomous beast ha;; ~ne hi~r~a;~~Cs thaw sat among themselves, No doub th' ' ey a murderer, whom, though h '~ thiS man IS the sea y t e a escaped And h ' he kvenffgeance suff~reth not to live.

f e s oo o the beast mto th fi.

elt no harm. Howbeit the l k e re, and should have swollen or f~ll oo ed when he suddenly: but after th 1 d T down dead while, and saw no h ey 1a ooked. a great h d h . arm come to him th

c ange t eu minds and 'd h , ey god. ' sat t at he was a

Chaplai1t replaces Vol. of N.T.

T E. p .-I will now entrust you with the S. · and W. of this Degree.

The S. is s g th h d . v ... r, as S. P ... did. e ... , as If s ... g off a


. . h ... d of the 1.. .e The G. or T. 1S g1venhbyst .. ~~d then, with the

f.. .s and t .. l t upb thalte~;;ately 1.. .g h ... d o f the f .. . e f...r anb . k , f each other's h ... d. s ... n on the ·.. 0 p

. . th p w. are F. n. · The M. p. 1S M .. a, e . d . 1 king the Swor

The E. P. and Chaplr:m, a . e and return and Vol. of N. Td. respectwtehlyef/ :!:,;,. the M are-

p · an resume to the rto~y 'th the Candidate . schal remams wt

<teremon}] of 3-nstallatton


As E. P. a?Zd Chaplain enter, Dep. M. rises and says.

DEP. M.-Brother Knights-rise. lV hen E. P. and Chaplain have resumed their

seats in the Priory , Dep. M. says.

DEP. M.-Brother Knights-Be seated. The five Knights acting as Guards to the

Banners (see plan facing page 47) take post with drawn swords opposite their respective Banners. These five Knights and the Banners form an avenue up which the M areschal and Candidate approach the East.

The Mareschal and Candidate approach the door of tke Chapter-house and the Mareschal knocks. (5 and 2.)

C. OF 0 ., opening the door, inquires-Who comes?

:MAR.-A worthy Knight and Soldier of the Cross seeks admittance.

C. OF 0.-To what Order does he belong? MAR.-The Knights Templar.

C. OF 0.-Has he the necessary qualifica­tion ?

MAR.-He has.


C. OF 0.-Halt whi~e I report to the E. P. and Knights in Council.

C. of 0., closes door and reports. .

C. of 0.-E. P. a wo.rthy Knight and Soldier of the Cross seeks admittance.

E p -Admit him. . . 0 opens the door and says-! have

C: odf ord. ers to admit you. Give me the p. w. receive

Can.-F. n. P. d C d ·date enter and The M areschal a1t an t A they

d the Banners. s advance touJar s K . ht uarding that approach ~he fzh~st, thed a;ztanlidate' s breast banner poznts zs swor and challenges:-

G.-Give me the m. P·

Can.-M ... a.

The Guard carnes . sword and gives the word of his Banner.

G -Palestine.

0~ approaching tlze 2nd Banner the Knight guarding it challenges: -

G.-Give me the word of the 1st Banner.


T lte Guard canzes . sword and gives the word of his Banner.



On approaching the 3rd Banner, the Knight guarding it challenges: -

G.-Give me the word of the 2nd Banner. Can.-Cyprus.

The Guard carries sword a11d gives the ;t·ord of his Banner.


01t approaching the 4th Banner the Knight guarding it challenges:-

G.-Give me the word of the 3rd Banner. Can.-Rhodes .

The Guard caTTies S?Vord and gives the word of his Banner.


01z approachi11g the Sth Banner the Knight guarding it challenges :-

G.-Give me the word of the 4th Banner. Can.-Candia.

The Guard ca11ies sword mtd gives the word of his Banner.


Alter passing the last Guard the Candidate is Placed between the Pent. and Oct. tables facing the E. P.

The Guards take post on the East of tlzeir respective Banners, facing South, and Stand at Ease.



. l t is it your wish to E. p .-Brother Kfrtgh1t, against all opposers

join our Order and f d and Saviour under of the Gospel of ?our _or our Holy Banner

CA:'\.-lt is. of thereof? E. p .-Have you any pro .

E p and pomts to the CAN. bows to the · :• 1 have this.

Emblem on his breast, saymg-

d f the 5th Banner. E. P.-Give me the wor o

Can.-l\lalla. d to conform your­

E. p .-Are you prep~~lations and to walk self to our rules and re"' ·n ' in strict accordance thereWl l .

CAN.-1 am.

E. P.-Will you swear?

CAN .-I will. . . k 1 nd enter mto E P -Then you wtll nee , a

0. .B f a Kni<Tht of Malta. the . · 0 "'

K · ht To-Order. ~1 -Bro. mg 5 ·

• · C to the faldstool at The M. conducts t/ze a7i ble M tells him

the West~~ tlze Pen~~-;Jm~ac: it ~eras~ the open to draw ltzs sword, h pth B and sword, and

'bl t p t his r 011 e · r 0 B Bt e, o u . · · k. Can repeats ltze · · to kneel on Ius lr.. . A o stands in his place after the C /zap am, w z facing West.


CHAPLAIN.-!, ...... , do hereby and hereon promise and vow, on the honour of a Knight Templar, never improperly to divulge the secrets about to be entrusted to me; and in all respects to conform to the rules and regulations of this Ancient Order, as contained in the Statutes of the Great Priory of England and Wales, under no less a penalty than that of having my S.C. from C. to C. So help me God.

E. P.-You will seal this O.B. three times on the Holy Gospels. Done.

E. P. leaves his place and stands in the East, facing West.

M. raises Candidate, tells lzim to retum his sword and conducts him to the E ast in front of E. P. He instmcts him to kneel on both knees.

The E. P. then placing a S?t•ord, received from the M., on the right shoulder of the Can., invests him with the honour of knighthood of Malta, saying:-

E. P.-By virtue of the power and authority vested in me by the Great Priory of England and Wales, and in the name of St. John the Baptist, the Patron Saint of the Order, I make thee a Knight Hospitaller of St. John of Jerusalem, Palestine, Rhodes and Malta.

E. P. transfers the sword to his left hand while he raises the Knight with the words: -


Be Valiant, Bold and Arise, Bro. Knight, True.

B Knight draw your sword. ro. ' . and S of

I will entrust you with the G., W. .

the Order. . R H interlace The G. is given thus-Sw. m · ·

F. of L. H. as if R. K f Ks which are answered The \V. are · o ·

by L. of Ls.

B Knight return your sword. ro. , E. P. ha1tds the sword back to M.

The G. W. is J. E. F Th P S is given thus: Draw Th. down .

e · · 'th The S. of A. is given by p. upward wl

I. F. . ·th the Jewel of our Order. I now mvest you w1

M.-Bro. Knights. Be-seated. M. sets time for returning swords.

E p resumes his seat. C~nd~date is placed by M. on South Side of

Chapter House' opposite the cent~e of ~het~pace between the two Tables and faczng or .

d t " Atten· The Guards to tlze Banners stan o B . " When the E. p. refers to eac~ ann er

tzon. d 't n the point of hts Sword. ~~ ~:::fr/:r:J;: B~n~er and re_turns to .

1 t~~

" Carry , when the e:r:planatton of t completed.

Ht>t>ress b~ tbe .E.JP. Worthy Bro. Knight, it is now my duty to

direct your attention to a brief resume of the history of the Order, and its bearing on our present Ceremonies.

This Order was originally founded in Jerusalem, during the first Crusade, about the year of our Lord 1099, by the association of many pious Knights with the Fratres of St. John's Hospital-an establishment previously founded in 1048 for the relief of Pilgrims proceeding to worship at the Holy Sepulchre.

The name Palestine, and the date on the B. of B., commemorate the country of our Lord's Nativity, and have reference to this the earliest period of our Order, and also to the place where the Order was founded. After a troubled existence of nearly 200 years in the Holy Land, and in consequence of being de­prived, by the wars raging in Europe, of their looked-for assistance, the Order was compelled to evacuate Palestine and, in the year 1291, established itself in the Island of Cyprus.

The name and date on the B. of L. are in memory of this refuge of the Knights of St. John.



In 1310, the Island of Rhodes became the property of the Forces of the Order, which had a few years before (in 1307) been strengthened in numbers and enriched by the properties of the Templars, who were at that time suppressed by the cruelty and avarice of Pope Clement V and Philip le Bel, King of France. The remains of the fortilications erected in Rhodes by the Knights still bear testimony to their architectural talent and their engineering ability. The ll. of D. has reference to this period of our history.

In 1522, the Island of Rhodes was besieged by the Turks, under the Emperor Solyman Il., and after a memorable defence fell into the hands of the Inlidels; the garrison, however, was permitted to depart with all the honours of war. From 1523 the Order found refuge in the I sland of Candia and elsewhere; and in 1530, the Emperor Charles V. ceded the Island of Malta to the Order, on condition of using all their abilities to repress the ravages of the Moorish rovers, who at that period infested the southern part of the Mediterranean. These periods of our history are designated by the B. of R. and the B. of A.

Guards to tlte Banners resume tlzeir seats. The legend of the approach of the Knights

to this their linal resting-place has given rise to the distinguishing w ..... s of the Order. The story runs, that on coming to take possession of the island they approached the shore rowing their galleys, two men to an oar, the oars in


their left han.ds and their swords in their right ~~.ands, smgll1g a psalm in the ,,·ords-

K: of Ks. <l:nd L. ?f Ls." The natives of the. tslanc;l seemg their approach in a warlike gUI~e, hatled them through a speaking-trumpet saymg in the Arabic tongue: __ -, which mea?s, D · Y · C. I. P ·; to this the Knights rep~ted: --:-:--, W. D. C. I. P.; to which the natives reJomed: __ -, T. C. I. P. It is worthy of remark that these are to this day the common forms of salutation between an Arab and a stranger.

. The M. P., which you have received in the ~ntn?ductory degree of Knight of St. Paul was mstituted at an early period of the 0 cl ' that th p·J . . r er, so e 1 gnms mtght distinguish one another. from the Moorish rovers who tried to bar Lheir passage to the Holy Land.

Fiv~ officers of the Priory' namely the E. P. and his b?dyguard, are seated in the East of the Council Cham~er at a table on which is repre-sented the upper llmb of a Cross Thet· d 11 · · · r swor s arc a pomtmg to one spot, that where the fi.X ... J:e ... ~ ... X.·· v,:as supposed to have rested

gurative m a degree of the holy character of the ~rder. The number 5 has also an allusion tot e 5 ... X ... X ... X ... , and is again repeated in the number ~f .r~unds of the ladder, depicted on one of the diVISions of the orle forming part of the J ewe] represented on the second table These five officers formed the personal staff i~ attendance on the Grand Master of the 0 d r er .

--- --- --~~=--==---------


The eight other officers are placed at an octaRonal table in the West. This table has on it the eight-pointed star or cross which is well kno·wn as the Emblem of the Order.

H ospitaller points u·itlt lzis sword t o each object as it is mentioned by E. P., repl~cin~ his sword on tlze table u:lzcn the explanatzorz zs fi1lished.

On the centre are four divisions, with repre­sentations of a ship, or ancient galley; a ladder of five rounds, with the letters B.L.D.R.A. on the rounds, and a speaking-trumpet; a cloven skull, a double-handed sword, and a spear; and a hand and viper. The ancient galley is a representation of the vessels formerly used in carrying corn from Egypt to Rome; the ladder has letters in the rounds corresponding with those on the five Banners; the skull is typical of the penalty of death to traitors to the Order: the double-handed sword was in use by the Knights in the earlier period of the Order; the spear reminds us of the weapon which oierced the side of our Lord; and the hand and ~iper refer to the history of St. Paul in connec­tion with the Island of Malta.

The eight officers sitting there represent the heads of the eight Langues or Tongues into which the Order was divided. These were:­Provence, Auvergne, France, Italy, Aragon, England, Germa ny and Castile. These eight Priors also held the several offices in the Order


of Mareschal, Hospitaller, Admiral, Conserva­tor, Baillie, T urcopolier, Chancellor and Treasurer.

The 33 knocks given at the opening and closing of the Priory refer to the 33 years of the life of Our Lord on earth.

The practical lessons to be drawn by us from the study and contemplation of the B. L. D. R . and A. of our Blessed Lord and Saviour will be more particularly brought to your notice during the Ceremony of closing the Priory, to which your attention will presently be directed.

My Brother be seated.

M. seats Candidate i1: N. W. and resumes !tis place at t!te Oct. Table, placing his sword in position.


<Ieremonl] of mostng tbe ~rtorl]

E. P,,....-Worthy Captain-General, what is the last duty of our Brethren-in-Arms?

CAPT.-GENL.-To close the Priory in peace and good-will with all our Companior.s-in­Arms, and in Christian charity with all man­kind.

E. P .-How can we best effect this noble and Godlike purpose?

CAPT.-GENL.-By proving to friends and foes the B. L. D. R. and A. of C . .. t, the S ... r o f m ... d .

E. P.-Pray, Worthy Captain-General, what do we learn from His B.?

CAPT .-GENL.-That the great Captain of our salvation was born to redeem fallen mankind.

E. P .-Worthy Lieutenant-General, what do we learn from His L. ?

LIEUT.-GENL.-All requisite for us to follow -He being the Way, the Truth and the Life.

E . P.-Worthy 1st Lieutenant, what do we learn from His D. ?

1st LIEUT.-That our debt of na ture is fully paid, and the rigour of the law satisfied.

E. P.-Worthy 2nd Lieutenant, what do we learn from His R.?


2nd LIEUT:-He, being the Day Star of Mercy, has nsen to conduct our feet into the paths of truth and peace.

E. P.-Thus, my Companions-in-Arms, by the B. L. D. and R. of our Blessed L. and S., we are taught to live and die as Christians; and it is now my province to close this Priory, previously declaring that, by His glorious A. He is gone before to open the Door of Ever­lasting Life; for He bath said: " In My Father's house are many mansions, but I go to prepare the way, and open the gates of Para­dise, that where I am My servants may be also."

M.-Bro. Knights. To-Order. The Chaplain advances to the centre of the

Chapter House, betweett the two Tables and fa.cing E., receives from the Dep. M. the Btble, he presents the 0 .T. with his r. h. to the five senior officers, who advance towards him, kneel on their r. k., and place the points oj their swords on the O.T.

Tlzey thetz salute the O.T., rise, and resume their seats, replacing their swords on the Table.

The Chaplain turns to the W. and with his l. lt. presents the N. T. to the eight other officers zt•ho advance, kneel on their l. k., placin" the points of their swords on the N. T. "'

They salute the N.T., rise and resume their seats, replacing their SU'Ords on the Table.

Dep. M. closes and replaces Bible. The Chaplain retunzs to his place hz the E. CHAPLAIN.-Let us-Pray.

N.B. The Officers at the Tables rise and raise the left hand (covered with the mantle) to their foreheads, but do not take up their swords.


CHAPLAIN .-Most merciful God, grant, we beseech Thee, that we may ever show forth in ourselves the lessons taught by the B.L.D.R. and A. of Thy Son Jesus Christ our Saviour, so that, at the last, we may be found acceptable in Thy sight and worthy to be numbered with Thine elect. A-men.

E. P.-In the name of the Holy Trinity I declare this Priory of the Knights of Malta duly closed, to remain so until it is my will and pleasure, or the will and pleasure of some other dul~ authorised person, to open the same agam.

The officers take their swords from the tables and the 33 knocks are given in form. Pent. S x S. Oct. 8 x 1.

MARESCHAL.-Brother Knights - Return -Swords. Brother Knights, you will remain standing while the E.P., attended by the Officers of the Pentagonal and Octagonal Tables and accompanied by the Chaplain and the Great Officers, leaves the Chapter House.


Dep. M. takes post in the South by the space between the two tables, facing West.

Order of Recession.

Lt.-Gen. 2nd Lieut.

Admiral Baillie Chancellor

Dep. M. E. Prior



Capt. Gen. 1st Lieut.

Hospitaller Conservator T urcopolier

Gt. Officers (Seniors leading) Mareschal

The E.P. retires and the Knights disperse.


a:eremon}? of 5nstallation of an JSmtnent l))riot:

Statute 163 lays down that every Priory shall annually elect its Prior from among those of its members who are Installed Preceptors, provided always that the Preceptor of the Preceptory to which the Priory is attached, if he is a Knight of Malta, is ex-officio to be installed as Prior.

P.P.s must occupy the offices of Chaplain, Mareschal and Captain of tlze Outposts.

The P. Elect is presented to the E. P. from the West of the Octagonal table by the Mareschal, who has risen from the Octagonal table and returned his sword.

N.B.-lf P. Elect is an Officer at one of the tables he takes his Sword from the table and retums it.

').'f.-Salutes with P.S. E. P. I present to you the Knight ......... for installation as E. P. for the ensuing year.

E. P .-Brother Knight ........ before proceed-ing to install you, it is my duty to inquire whether you are ready, able and willing to


accept and discharge the duties and respon · sibilities of the office of E. P.

P. E.-I am.

E. P.-Then you will advance to the Pentagonal table.

M areschal conducts P. Elect ta the apex at the West of the Pentagonal table, and the11 lakes post behind lzim.

E. P. or M.-Brother Knights. To-order.

N.B.-0//zcers at the two tables rise but do not take up their swords.

E. P. to P. Elect.-You will draw your sword and lay it, hilt to the South, on the Vol. of N.T. which is before you.-Done.

You will place your right hand on the sword and N.T., stand and *repeat after me the following O.B.

*[For a P.P. substitute recite your obliga­tion.]


I, .. .... ... solemnly agree to accept the office of Eminent Prior of this the ......... Priory of the Order of S. John of Jerusalem, Palestine, Rhodes and Malta, and the duties thereof fait_hfully to discharge to the best of my abilit~ untll a successor shall be duly appointed and installed in my stead. So help me God.

----- ·======--=...,.-----==--------


E. P.-You will return your sword and seal t..~at O.B. once on the Old and once on the New Testaments. P. Elect does so.

E. P. or M.-Brother Knights. Be-seated. P. E. is conducted to a convenient seat in

the Chapter House by the 1l1 areschal who also resumes his seat.

E. P .-I now request all Knights belo-v'.' the rank of E. P. to retire.

The Officers at the tables, except the E. P., rise, take their swords and return them.

P. Ps. from the tables occupy convenient seats in the Chapter House. E. P. alone remains seated at the Pentagonal table.

* * * * * * Here follows the bmer Working.

* * * * * * The Knights are re-admitted.

Visiting Knights first, who salute witlz P.S. ittdependently, and take their seats.

T lte Knights of tlte Priory are formed in the West facing East, under the direction of the Mareschal.

I. P .-Brother Knights, I call upon you to salute your newly installed E. P. with the P. S. taking the time from the Mareschal. Done.

I. P .-E. P., the Priory is held under the Warrant of the ......... Preceptory and that con­stitutes your authority from the M. E. and S. Grand Master.



I. P. or M.-Brother Knights. Be seated.

I. P.-E. P. you will now appoint and invest your Officers.

/. P. salutes E. P. witlz the P. S. and takes his seat in the S.E.

M. from West of Octagonal table, draws his Sword and says :-

M.-E. P., whom do you appoint as your Captain General? Etc.

When E. P. names each Officer, the Knight rises, draws his sword and is conducted by M. to the right of E. P. (to the left of E. P. if tlze Ktzight is a P. P.)

E. P. rises. The Knight stands and presents tlze hilt of his sword ov11r his left forearm to E. P. who takes it atzd retums it to the Knight. The Knight is then conducted by M. to his place where he lays his sword itz position on the table and takes his seat.

(N.B.-E. P. shakes lzands with Chaplain toJho has tzo s<vord. Tlte Captain of the Out­posts keeps lzis sword drawn.)

When M. comes to the o.f/ice of Tuasurer or Guard he says :-

l\~.-E. P The (Eminent) Knight ......... havmg been elected Treasurer (or Guard), is it your pleasure to invest him ?

( , I

When all the O ffic ers have been appointed, M. says:-

~L-E. P. that concludes the appointment and investiture of your Officers.

M. then takes his place at the Octagonal table, laying his sword in position.


++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + =~ Great t + + + + :.t Priory. t + + + + + + + + + + ~ + + + + + + + + + + + :i: The following details are pub· J.: ~} ! •. shed f h f · f + ·:- or t e in ormahon o + ~ those concerned and as a t + guide to Provincial Priories + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++

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M.E. & S. (Pro) O.M.

V.H. & E. Ot. Seneschnl.

Ot. Prelate.

at. Chancellor.

1st at. Constable.

2nd Ot. Conot nble.

G. a t. Treasurer.

H. Ot. Registrar.

I Ot. Vice-Chancellor

J . Ot. ~farshnl.

K. Dep. Ot. )larshal.

L. Ot. Almoner.

M. r.t. Herald.

K . Ot. llerald.

0. Ot. Std. Br. (B.).

P . Gt. Std. Dr. (V.B.)

Q. a .M.'s. Banner Br.

R. Gt. Sword Dr.

S. Dep. Gt. Sword Dr.

•r. Ot. A-de-e. 1

U. Ot. A-de-C. 2

V. Gt. A·dc-C. 3

w. Ot. A-de-e . 4

X. Ot. Warden or Regalia.

Y. Gt. Chamberlain.

z. Gt. Capt. of Guard.

zo. GL. CapL. or Guard.

Z2. Gl. Guard.

A' . Com<lr. Bdy. Od.

R' . Dep. Coondr. U<ly. Got.

c'. Cross Beare r.

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1<1 c; u :.. r;: ,; r.i "" 0 ~ ~

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Prov p,ors

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Great Priory

THE GREAT OFFICERS of the year are stationed in Great Priory as shown on the accompanying plan.

Before Great Priory opens, all Bannerettes, Wands, the Grand Master's Banner and the Great Sword are placed in their respective places in Great Priory.

The Great Standard Bearers, G.M's. Banner Bearer and the Great Sword Bearer obtain their appropriate Bannerette, Banner and Sword and report to the Great Marshal in the Processional Corridor thirty minutes before the opening of Great Priory. They form part of the Procession and Recession of the M.E. and S. Grand Master.

The Great Aides-de-Camp obtain their Wands and report to the Deputy Great Marshal at the same time and place. They take part in all Processions and Recessions and collect the Alms. They assist the Great Marshal at the Investiture of Great Priory Officers in May and with other duties if required. They carry their Wands on all these occasions and do not draw their swords.

The Grand Master's Body Guard is sized and formed into North and South Columns in the West. At Great Priory in May the tallest members are at the West and in December at


the East of each Column. The Body Guard provides the Cross Bearer, the Escort for the Great Prelate, the Arch of Steel for the Procession and Recession of the M.E. and S. Grand Master and the Guards to the Banners in Great Priory of JHalta.


1. The. Great Prelate.

The Cross Bearer detailed from the Body Guard takes no other part in its Drill. He lS

seated in the S.E. on the West of the Gt. Sword Bearer.

An Escort of eight is detailed fr~m the Body Guard consisting of the four Kmghts at the West of each Column.

The two Western-most Knights of each Column act as Train-bearers; the other two from each Column form the Armed Guard.

Twenty-five minutes before the opening of Great Priory the Deputy Great Marshal warns the Deputy Commander of the Body Guard who, standing in the West, assembles the Escort.

Dep. Cmdr. of the Body Guard­

" Escort." The Escort rises.



The Escort draws Swords. Dep.Cmdr. sets the time.

.. March."

The Escort marches to the centre of the Temple, turns to the West without further order and follows the Dep. Cmdr. out of the Temple.


" About Turn."

" T rain-bearus-Return Swords"

The Cross Bearer rises with the Escort, marches out of the Temple behind it and obtains the Cross.

The Deputy Commander of the Body Guard , Armed Guard, Cross Bearer, Train-bearers and Great Aides-de-Camp take their places in the Procession.

Dep. Gt. Marshal forms the procession as f oJlo,,·s : -

Gt. A.-de-C. 3. Gt. A.-de-C. 4. Dep. Cmdr. Bdy Gd.

Bdy. Gd. Bdy. Gd. (armed guard). Bdy. Gd. Bdy. Gd. (armed guard).

Cross Bearer. Past Gt. Almoners (in pairs) .

Gt. Almoner (Censer). Bdy. Gd. Bdy. Gd. (train bearers). Past Gt. Prelates (in pairs) .

Gt. Prelate (Pastoral Staff) . Bdy. Gd. Bdy. Gd. (train bearers). Gt. A.-de-C. 2. Gt. A.-de-C. 1.


Dep. Gt. Marshal as the head of the procession mters tlze Temple.

"Brother Knights- To Order."

Dep. Gt. Marshal remains in the West.

The procession enters and passes by the North to the East, here the Gt. Pr~late goes to his seat, attended by his two Tram-bearers.

The rest of the procession perambulates the hall (Gt. A.-de-C. 1 and 2 fall out when pro­cession reaches the West at end of fi.rst peram­bulation and take post in t.lJ.e Entrance).

·when procession reaches the East again thd Dep Comdr. of the Body. Gd. falls out 3:n take~ post at the East end of the S., facmg East.

The remainder of the procession opens out, :,alts and faces inwards, and

Cross Bearer takes post on the sec~nd a. step of the Sanctury, facmg

East. He remains with_ Cro~s raised until the Censmg lS completed.

b. Gt. Almr., attended by his train-bearers, ascends to the Altar and hands Censer to the G!. Prelate. He then goes to hls seat and his train-beare~s re­main in the S.E. untll the Censing is completed.


The Past Gt. Prelates and Past Gt. Almoners follow the Gt. Almoner into the Sanctuary and go to their seats.

The Gt. Prelate then Censes. His Train­bearers hold his Cope so that it is clear of the Censer.

During the Censing the Dep. Gt. Marshal comes up to the East.

When the Censing is completed, the Gt. Pre­late hands the ~enser to the Dep. Gt. Marshal, and goes to h1s seat, attended by his Train­bearers.

Dep. Gt. Marshal takes the Censer to the West where he halts facing East.

The four Train-bearers resume their places at the West of the Armed Guard and draw swords.

The Cross-bearer places the Cross behind the Gt. Prelate and takes post on the \¥est of Gt. A.-de-C. 4.

Dep. Cmdr. Bdy. Gd. who remains at East of tlte 5:-

" Escort- to the West-Turn.''


The Columns march down their own sides of the Temple until opposite their seats.

Cross Bearer marches to his seat.

"Halt." Escort halts and faces in-sarcls. The Dep. Cmdr. returns to his place. Gt. A.-de-C. 3 and 4 follow the Escort and

join 1 and 2 in the Entrance.

Dept. Gt. Marshal from the West. Seats Great Priory :-

"Brother Knights-Be-seated • ,, Dep. Gt. Marshal and the four Gt. A.-de-C.

leave the Temple. . N.B.-ln Provincial Priories, ~f ~here zs no

separate procession for the Provmcz~l .Prelate, lze a1ld I lte Provincial Almoner ~ake tnetr flaces in llze Provincial Pr{or' s proc~sston accordmg to 1/ze seniority of thezr respecttve offices.

2. The Great Prior. Dep. Gt. 11arshal reports to Gt. ~1arshal. Gt. A.-de-C. 3 and 4 ta~e post at the head

of the Great Priors processiOn. Gt. f'\.-de-C. 1 and 2 at the tail of the Great Pnors pro-cession when it is formed. .

The Gt. :Marshal forms the processwn as follows:-

Dep. Gt. :Marshal. Gt. A.-de-C. 3. Gt. A.-de:C. 4. Gt. 2nd Lieut. Gt. 1st Lieut. Gt. Lt.-Gen. Gt. Capt. Gen.

Gt. Sub-Prior. V.E. Gt. Prior.

Gt. A.-de-C. 2. Gt. A.-de-C. 1.


Dep. Gt. Marshal as the procession enters. " Brother Knights-To Order'' The Procession passes via the North to the

East where it halts and faces inwards. Gt. Prior followed by Sub-Prior, the Generals

and Lieuts., from the West, pass to their seats. Dep. Gt. Marshal and the four Gt. A.-de-C.

move to the \Vest.

Dep, Gt. Marshal seats Great Priory­u Brother Knights-Be ~eated." Dep. Gt. Marshal and the four Gt. A.-de-C.

leave the Temple.

Dcp. Gt. Marshal reports to the Gt. MarshaL Gt. A.-de-C. 3 and 4 take post at the head of

the Grand Master's Procession. Gt. A.-de-C. 1 and 2 at the tail of the Grand

Master's Procession when it is formed.

3. The M.E. and S. Grand Master. The Great Marshal forms the Procession as


Dep. Gt. Marshal. Gt. A.-de-C. 3. Gt. A.-de-C. 4. Gt. Chamberlain. Gt. Warden of Regalia.

Dep. Gt. Sword Bearer. Gt. Herald Gt. Herald.

Gt. Vice-Chancellor.


Gt Registrar. Gt. Treasurer. 2nd Gt. Constable. 1st. Gt. Constable.

Gt. Chancellor. K.C.T. (in pairs) . . Provincial Priors (in pam). G.C.T. (in pairs). v H. and E. Gt. Seneschal.

Gt. Standard. Br. (V .B.). Gt. Standard Br. (B.) Gt. Sword Bearer. ~LE. and S. Grand Master. G.~l.'s. Banner Br.

Gt. A.-de-C. 2. Gt. A.-de-C. 1. When this procession is ready to mo\·e off

1 D Gt ~Iarshal warns the Comdr. of the tBlel eGp.d ·;ho then assembles the Arch of ( y. ., Steel. Cmdr. of the Body Guard­

, BodyGuard." Body Guard rises (except the Cross­

bearer who takes no part).

"To Order." Body Guard draw Swords.

"Arch of Steel in the West, '' etc. (See Drill).

D Gt Marshal as tlte lzead of the ep. . procession enters.

.. Brother Knights-To Order.'' Procession enters under the Arch of Steeld ens out and the ~LE. and S. Gran

~aster passes through to the Throne followed by the Gt. Officers from the West.


Gt. A.-de-C. 1 and 2 gradually move up until they reach the Gt. Constables, whom they pre­cede to their respective seats. 1 conducting the 1st Gt. Constable, Yia the South; 2 conducting the 2nd Gt. Constable, via the North.

When the Gt. Constables are in their places, the Arch of Steel is dispersed by the Cmdr. of the Bdy. Gd. (See Drill).


Gt. Marshal summons the "Great Aides-de­Camp."

Gt. A.-de-C. 1 and 2 advance to the foot of the Sanctuary Steps. (Gt. A.-de-C. 2 keeps level with Gt. A.-de-C. 1.) Gt. A.-de-C. 3 and 4 wheel into line with them, and they stand in the order 3, 2, J, 4.

They receive the alms dishes from the Great Almoner.

Gt. :Marshal announces that during the collection of the Alms the Templar hymn will be sung.

Alms are collected thus :-

Gt. Almoner.-The dais. When finished he remains facing West at foot of Sanctuary Steps until he receives the Alms dishes from the Gt. A.de-C.


Gt. A.-de-C. 3 and 4.-From Sanctuary rails in East to the centre gang­way. 3 on North side, 4 on South side. They wait at centre gang­way for Gt. A.-de-C. 1 and 2.

Gt. A.-de-C. 1 and 2.-From the centre gangway to the \Vest. 1 on the South side, 2 on North side. They then join Gt. A.-de-C. 3 and 4 at the centre gangway.

The four having met, advance in line to the East and hand the Alms to the Gt. Almoner at the foot of the Sanctuary steps.

He hands the Alms to the Gt. Prelate.

Gt. Almoner and the 4 Gt. A.-de-C. remain facing East until the Gt. Prelate has presented the Alms to the Cross, when they bow and re­turn to their places. (Gt. A .-de-C. 1 keeps level with Gt. A.-de-C. 2.)



1. The M.E. and S. Grand Master

T lte I< niglzts are standing " T 0 Order."

Gt. Marshal says :-

" Gt. A.-de-C. in the West-you will conduct the Great Constables to the East.''

Gt .. -1..-de-C. 1 and 2 precede their respectivt Gt. Constable from his seat to the East of tlu ~· where the Gt. Constables remain facing

ast. Gt. A.-de-C . 1 and 2 then proceed to the g_angways at t~ze centTf' of tltr Trmp/t> rznd remam there unttl stmzmoned by the Gt Marshal. ·

The ~t. ~larshal then calls for the Arch of Steel which IS assembled by the Commander of the Body Guard.

Cmdr. of the Body Guard:­

"Body Guard. "

"To Order."

"Arch of Steel in the West," etc.

Gt. Marshal forms the Recession as follows :­Dep. Gt. Marshal.

Gt. A.-de-C. 3. Gt. Standard Br. (V.B.). Gt. Standard Br (B.)

Gt. Sword Br.


:\LE. and S. Grand ~!aster. G. M's. Banner Br.

V.H. and E. Great Seneschal. G.C.T. (in pairs).

Prov. Priors (in pairs). K. C. T. (in pairs).

2nd Gt. Constable. 1st. Gt. Constable. Gt. A.-de-C. 4.

Cmdr. of the Body Guard when Recession lras left the Temple:-

" Arch of Steel-Carry Swords."

2. The Great Prior.

Gt. Marshal forms the Recession as follows:-

Gt. A.-de-C. l. V.E. Gt. Prior. Gt. Sub-Prior.

Gt. Lt.-Gen. Gt. Capt. Gen. Gt. 2nd Lieut. Gt. 1st Lieut.

When this Recession has passed through the Body Guard, the member of the Bdy. GJ. at the East of each Column turns inwards between the Columns and faces West.

Dep. Cmdr. Bdy. Gd. takes post between the Columns in front of the t\vo members facing West.

1 I


3. The Great Prelate. Gt. Marshal summons the ''Cross-bearer." Cross-bearer fetches the Cross and takes post

behind the two members of the Bdy. Gd. Gt. I\1arshal forms the recession as follows:­

Dep. Cmdr. Bdy. Gd. Bdy. Gd. Bdy. Gd.

Cross Bearer. Gt. Prelate.

Gt. Almoner. remaining Gt. Officers of the year.

(in pairs, Seniors leading). Gt. A.-de-C. 2.

Cmdr. of the Body Guard when Recession has left the Temple:-

" Body Guard-to the West-Turn. " ''March.'' When outside of the Temple:­"Body Guard-Halt." " Return Swords. " "Dismiss.'' Gt. Marshal remains in the Temple.

Gt. Marshal.-When the Body Guard luzs left the Temple:-

Brother Knights-" Return Swords/' Until Gt. Priory has returned swords no

Kniglzt, other than those designated by th~ Gt. lfarshal, will leave his place.


! I



Great Priory of Malta.

PROCESSIONS. 1. The Great Prior. Great M areschal assembles the procession as


Gt. Treasurer. Gt. Turcopolier. Gt. Conservator. Gt. Hospitaller.


Gt. Chancellor. Gt. Baillie. Gt. Admiral. Gt. .Mareschal. *


Gt. 2nd Lieutenant. Gt. 1st Lieutenant. Gt. Lieut. General. Gt. Capt. General.

Gt. Prior.

*A Knight properly clotJud should take the place of tlze Great Maresclzal at the Octagonal Table.

The Procession marches via the North, opens out and halts when level with the Octagonal Table. The Great Prior passes through to his seat followed by the Gt. Prelate and the Gt. Officers in seniority from the West.

The Great Maresclzal calls tlte Kniglzts " To Order " as procession enters, and seats them when Knights forming lhe Procession are seated.


2. The M.E. and S. Grand Master. The Great .11 aresclzal assembles I he Prous­

sion as follows:-

K. C. T. Provincial Priors.

G. C. T. V. H. and E. Gt. Seneschal.

Gt. Sword Br. M. E. and S. Grand Master.

Grand Master's Banner Br. The Procession passes via the North to the

East and opens out in the customary manner. Tlze Great Mareschal calls the Kniglzts" To

Order " as Procession enlers, and seats them when the Knights forming the Procession are seated.

THE OPENING . . M. E. and S. Grand Master-having takm

Ills seat.-V. E. Great Prior, you have my Command to open this Great Priory of Knights of Malta.

V. E. Great Prior rises and salutes with P . S. .Great Priory is opened as on page 52 of the



The Great Vice-Chancellor is instructed by tl1e ,11. E ,md .<;. G1twd .llosla to read tlu


names of t/t:;se K11ights appointed to Great Office. Each Knight, on hearing his name called rises in his place and is conducted to the East by the Gt. Mareschalwhere he salutes the M.E. and S. Grand Master with the P.S.

THE DEGREE. T he Mediterranean Pass is communicated to

the Candidates in the Guard Room during the time that Great Priory is being opened.


The Sub-Prior and a Chaplain are required. The Deputy Great Mareschal has charge of

the Candidates. His duties are:-

1. See that all the Candidates are present. 2. See that all the Candidates are in posses­

sion of the Malta Jewel and tell them that they will be required to produce it later in Great Priory.

3. Rehearse the Candidates for the cere­mony of the M. P. This consists of:-(a) Arranging them in order along one

side of the Guard Room and in­structing them to retain that order throughout the ceremony.

(b) Forming them across the body of the Guard Room in one rank facing East, or in three sides of a Square, explaining that they will stand thus during the ceremony . Then return-


ing them to (a) above until after the entry of Sub-Prior and Chaplain (Dep. Gt. Maresc/1al leads the Knight nearest the East to his place, the others conform).

4 . Notify tlte Sub-Prior and Chaplain when ready to receive them.

S. Hand a Vol. of N.T. to the Chaplain before he enters the Guard Room.

6. Call the Knights T.O . (without drawing swords) when the Sub-Prior and Chaplain enter.

Sub-Prior and Chaplain enter and take their places.

Sub-Prior.-By virtue of the power vested in me I declare this Chapter of Knights o f St. Paul duly open.

Dep. M. ranges the Knights as in 3 (b) above. Dep. M.-Salutes with S. of Cr. with his

lzand. E. Sub~Prior I present to you these (the number) Kmghts of the Religious and ~1ili­tary Orde~ of the Temple who humbly solicit to be adm1tted to the secrets and privileges of the Mediterranean Pass.

The ceremony commences at " The Guard Room." Page 56 of tlze Ritual.

Dep. M. Prompts the Candidates in the replies to the questions.

(a) I am. (b) I solemnly promise.


Wlzen G. or T. is communicated, Dep. M. leads a selected Candidate forward to Sub-Prior, and instructs the other Kniglzts to tum towards eaclz otlzer and copy.

Dep. M. Sees that all the Kni~hts repeat the M.P. (M ... a) and tlze P. W. (F. n. P. ).

Dep. M. Calls the Knights T.O. (swords not drawn) while the Sub-Prior and Chaplain leave.

Dep. M. Conducts the Knights to the entrance of Great Priory keeping them, or re­assembling them, in the same order. Reporting i1z due course to the Capt. of Outposts the number present.

Dep. M. Leads all, except the selected Candi­date, to their seats in Great Priory when ordered to do so.


When ready to receive the Candidates, the Gt. Maresclzal warns tlze Gt. C. of 0. who notifies the Gt. Gd.

The Gt. Gd. Knocks (1-12).

Gt. C. of 0.-V. E. Great Prior there 1s a report.

Gt. P .-Ascertain the cause thereof. Gt. C. of 0. goes to the d oor and inquires of

Gt. Gd.-Who comes?


Gt. Gd.-The E. Sub-Prior and Chaplain seek admittance.

Gt. C. of 0. closes the door and reports.­V. E. Great Prior; the E. Sub-Prior and Chaplain seek admittance.

Gt. P.-Admit them.

Sub-Prior and Chaplain are admitted. They halt in the West and salute Gt. P. with P.S.

S.-P.-V. E. Great Prior, (the number) Knights of the Religious and Military Order of the Temple stand without, humbly soliciting to be admitted members of the Ancient Order of St. John of Jerusalem, Palestine, Rhodes and Malta.

Gt. P.-V. E . Sub-Prior far be it from us to interpose any obstacle to the fulfilment ~f their desire. Can you vouch that they are m pos­session of the Mediterranean Pass?

S.-P.-I can V. E. Great Prior.

S ub-Prior and Chaplain salute with P. S. and take their seats in Great Priory.

N.B.-The S ub-Prior has his seat in N.E. The Chaplain has his in tlze S.E.

Gt. P .-Is it your pleasure Bro. Knights that these Brethren be elected members of our Order?

The Knights signify their assent by show of hands.


Gt. P .-I declare these Knights dul; elected members of our Order. Let them be admitted according to custom.

Gt. C. of 0. admits Dep. Gt. Mareschal and all Candidates (except one). Dep. Gt. M areschal co1zducts them to seats in S.E. of Great Priory.

Gt. Mareschal retires arzd takes charge of the selected Candidate.

Gt. Mareschal knocks (5 and 2). and cere­mony continues as on page 63 of the Ritual, with tlze following differences:-

For the O.B. Selected Candidate only kneels at Pentagonal table; the other Candidates are supplied by Dep. Gt. Mareschal with suf/lcimt Bibles open at the Holy Gospels, and, standing in their places, they mentally assent to the O.B. and seal it three times on the Gospels.

For the Accolade. When selected Candidate is lead to the East the other Candidates are also ranged successively irz sufficient numbers to cover the kneeling space in the East.

Tlte M. E and S. Grmzd J},f asttr .f!ives the accolade receiving a sword from tlze Great Mareschal and raises the Knights.

The Great Prior invests the Knights with their Jewels, and the Candidates then return to their places in S.E. Selected Candidate ,s placed in the eastern-most seat in S.E.


For G., W.'s and S.'s Gt. Mareschal says to Candidates-Bra. Kts. Draw-swords. Selected Candidate is placed i1z front of Great Prior in the East, Great Prior receives a sword from Gt. Mareschal. G. and W.'s are com­municated. The other Candidates tum towards each other and copy. Great Prior hands the sword back to Gt. Mareschal who says to Candidates - Bro. Kts. - Return - swords. Great Prior shows S's. The Candidates copy.

For the Address. T/ze Selected Candidate takes his place at the East of the Line of Candidates.

Before the explanation of the Octagonal Table" T~e eight other Off1cers," etc., on page 72 of the Rztual. The Candidates are instructed by the Gt. Mareschal to turn towards the West the Dep. Gt. Mareschal then leads them fro~ the West round the Octagonal Table so that they stand in a semi-circle, leaving the East end of the Table open, the Gt. Mareschal and selected Candidate coming last.

At the conclusion of the address, the G. P. says: "My Brothers-Be seated." The Candidates file back to their places led by the Gt. Mareschal conducting the selected C a1ldidate.

* * * * * *



1. The M.E. and S. Grand Master.

The Gt. Mareschal calls the Priory " To Order " and forms the Recession as follows.

Dep. Gt. Mareschal

Gt. Sword Br.

M.E. and S. Grand Master

Grand Master's Banner Br.

V.H. and E.Gt. Senescha!

G. C. T.

Provincial Priors

K. C. T .

The Priory " Returns Swords," under the direction of the Gt. Mareschal, when the Recession has left the Chapter House.

2. The Great Prior.

The Gt. Mareschal forms the Recession as follows:-



Gt. Prior. Sub.-Prior.

Gt. 2nd Lieutenant. Gt. Capt. General. Gt. Lieut. General Gt. 1st. Lieutenant.

Gt. Prelate. Gt. Hospitaller.

Gt. Conservator. Gt. Turcopolier. Gt. Treasurer.

Gt. Mareschal (acting).

Gt. Admiral. Gt. Baillie. Gt. Chancellor.


Until the Great Prior's Retession has left tJze Chapter House, no Knight, other than those designated by the Gt. Mareschal, will leave his place.

++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ! Sword Drill t + +

~ Salutes etc. t + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Publi•hed by the Great Marshal with the + + Authority of the Grand Master's Council + + + ::: Fourt/1 Edition, 1935 t + + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++


All Crosses, Stars and Jewels, except those worn round the neck, are to be worn on the left breast of the Tunic and not on the Ribbon.

The Cross should be on the right, the Malta Jewel next to it and in line with it, and the Star should be just below them.


A bow of black crepe 4" x 1!" worn on the point of the left shoulder above the Emblem on the Mantle.

Sword Drill

Drawing the Sword. 1. Grasp t he scabbard with the Left

hand at the same time passing the Right hand smart! y a Cl ass the body and grasp the hilt of the Sword, draw out the blade until the arm is horizontal across the body, steadying the scabbard with the Left hand.

:1. Raise the Sword slowly until the point is clear of the scabbard, then bring it smartly to the " Recover," cut the Left hand to the side.

3· Lower the Sword to the " Carry." N.B.-Position of " Recover "-hlad~ v~rti­

cal, hack of ilu hand to th~ front, elbow close to the body, cross-bar on lzilt of Sword in line with the mouth a11d about one itzch from it.

Positio11 of " Carry "-forearm hori•o11tal, lzatzd in front of elbow, elbow close to the side, blade vertical, cross-bar resting in the hollow between tit~ thumb and first knuckle joint. (the little finger of the Right hand may be kept behind th~ hill of tlze sword).

Wlzen th~ Jlfarslzal does not draw his Sword, the time will be taken from tlze Knight wlto is nearest to the East 011 tlze South Side.


Standing at Ease. "Stand at-Ease."

Carry the Left foot about twelve inche~ to the left.

Allow the Sword to drop half way between neck and point of the right shoulder by relaxing the grip of the fingers.

Returning the Sword (from the "Carry").

1. Bring the Sword to the "Recover."

:1. Grasp the mouth of the scabbard with the Left hand, leaving the thumb and forefinger free, drop the point of the Sword into the mouth of the scabbard, guiding it thereto with tht thumb and forefinger of the Left hand.

(N.B.-Do not look down, the movement is carried out more easily without doing so).

Lower the Sword into the scabbard until the Right arm is horizontal across the body.

3· Drive the Sword smartly into the scabbard and cut the Right ano Left hands away to the sides.

N.B.-When the llfarslzal's Sword is tzot drawn, the time will be takm from the Knight n~arest to the East on t!ze Soutlz side.


Calling to Order. "Brother Knights."

a. If seated; rise, bring Sword to position " 1 " of drawing the Sword, and look towards the Marshal or the Knight who is nearest to the East on the South Side.

b. If standing; bring Sword to position " 1 " of drawing the Sword and look towards the Marshal or the Knight who is nearest to the East on the South Side.

c:. If standing at ease ; look towards the Marshal or the Knight who is nearest to the East on the South Side.

"To-Order." In a & b. Draw the Sword. In c. Spring to Attention and bring the

Sword to the " Carry."

Be Seated. •• Brother Knights."

Look towards the Marshal or the Knight who is nearest to the East on the South Side.

' 'Be- Seated." Music.

1. 1. Return Sword position 1.

l -3·4·5· 2- Return Sword position l.

6. 3· Return Sword position 3·

7· 4· Sit.


Engage. "Engage" (horn the "Carry.'')

'· Bring the Sword to the " Re cover."

:z Raise the Right arm to its fullest extent with the Sword in line to the front at an angle of 45° and engage the Sword of the Knight opposite.

"Carry Swords" (from the " Engage.") 1. Lower the Sword to the

" Recover."

:z. Bring the Sword to the " Carry."

Reversing Swords. "Reverse Swords."


I . I· Turn the Sword over to the Left until horizontal grasping the blade with the Left hand half-way between the cross bar on the hilt and the point.

2 . 2. Continue to turn with the Left hand until the Sword is vertical, in line with the centre of the body hi.lt upwards. Drop th~ R1ght hand tc the side.

~ 3· Bend the head forward, eyes fixed upon the hilt of the Sword.



'• Carry Swords" (from the " Reverse.")

Music. I.




2 .

Raise the head.

Turn the Sword over to the Right until horizontal and grasp the hilt with the Right hand.

Bring the Sword to the " Carry," droppin~ the L eft hand to the side.

'"Let us- Pray." "Let us"

14 - Pray" 2.

"A-men." Music.

Bring the Sword to " Recover."


Drop the Sword to the front to the full extent of the Right arm. Point of the Sword six inches from the groun d, Sword and fore­arm in line, thumb uppermost. At the same time raise the Left hand (covered with the mantle) to the forehead.

l. I . u A-"

l. l.

Drop the Left hand to the side and raise the Sword to the " Recover."

•• ~- men.'' 11 Carry '' Sword.


Drill. Arch of Steel.

The Knights are arranged in two columns on the !'lorth and South sides of the Temple in the West.

Sufficient Knights only arc needed to covc1 the spa('e between the \Vest l'nd of the S. and the door.

Processions pass from the door under the Arch of StPel via the North to the East.

Recessions pass from the East via the South under the Arch of Steel to the door.

Al'ch of Steel for the Proces--ion. !If. gi11es tlze follo711ing comm1111ds ·

"Arch of Steel in the West."

The Knights forming the Arch of Steel rise and draw Swords taking the time from the Marshal.

14 Flankers take Post." The two flank Knight~ of each column take


The Knight on the East flank of the Soutl column moves to the N. W. end of the S.

The Knight on the \Vest flank of the South column moves to the South side of the door.

The fla nk Knights o( the North column take up their positions facing the flank Knight• of the South column, and nt thrf'e pa('es from them.



" North and South columns, on your flankel'll - March ."

The remaining Knights of the Korth and South columns march forward and fill the space between their flankers.

" Dress " (if necessary).

" Stand at- ease " (if necessary). " To- Order " (if standing at ease). " Engage." \V hen procession enters. "Carry Swords." When procession ha~

passed. " North and South columns- To your stntlom

- March." The columns turn to face their seats and

march back to their places, halt and turn Right about.

Arch of Steel for the Recession. M. gives tlte following commands:­

" Arch of Steel in the West." The Knights forming the Arch of Steel risf'

and draw Swords as before.

"Flankers take Post." The two flank Knights of each column take


The Knight on the East flank of the North column moves to the S. \V. end of the S.

The Knight on the West flank of the North column moves to the North side of the door.

The flank Knights of the South column t ake up their positions facing the flank Knight< of the North column, and at three paces from them.

I I 7

" North and South columna- on your flankers Mar-ch."

The remaining Knights of the ).l"orth and South columns march forward as before and fill the space between their flankers.

" Dress " (if necessary).

•' Engage."

" Carry Swords " when recession has passed through.

·when E.P. has left the Preceptory all the Knights in the Temple " return Swords " under the direction of the Marshal.

"Arch of Steel. Towards the West- Torn." - March."

" Halt " when clear of the Temple. "Dismiss." Arch of Steel breaks off and the rest of the

Knights leave the Temple. N.B.-Tize Arch of Steel will give way to

Bamurs, etc. which are carried througlt it. As t/11 Banner etc. approaches, each pair of Kuigltts will raise their swords by bendiltg the wrist, keeping the Right arm 1xte11ded, and will re-engage as soon as tlu Bamur etc. has passed.

G. the S. Tlte Knights are already sta1Zdi11g "To


On receiving the order " G. the S."; M. givts t/11 followi~Zg Commands:-

.. Bro. Knights- March."



1. The Knights who formed the Arch of Steel take the neces~ary number of pace~ furward, tU! n towards the East and march up the sidc5 of the S.


2. The columns halt when the leading Knight of each column is one pace beyond the East of S.

3· The leading Knight and the W estern.most Knight of each column take one side pace towards the centre.

" Outwards turn."

4· The two Knights at the East end of S. stand fast, the remainder face outwards (those at the \\' e, t end of S. turn Right about).

Resuming Stations. E.P.-" Brother KnightS-Resume your


1. The Knights at the East and West ends of the S. take one side pace outwards.

M.- " Toward the West - Turn."

2. The Knight a t the \Ve:,t of each column ~tands fast, the remainder turn towards the vVest, ( th~ Knight at the East of each column turns H.ight about).

M.- " March."

3· Both columns march towards the West until opposite to their seats, when they turn out­wards, march to their places and halt.

4. Both columns turn Right about.

Salutes S. of Cr.

Details not published.

Generally. A Knight on entering or leaving a Pre­

ceptory, or when addressing the Eminent Preceptor, draws his Sword and salutes the Eminent Preceptor with the S. of Cr.

(This salute may be given with the hand on occasions when the Sword is not drawn).

A B.c.t. Bring the Sword froin the " Carry" to the

" Recover." By three distinct outward move­ments of the wrist, elevate the Sword to the right front giving the "A. B.c.t." at each movement.

The salutes are given in Threes, the Sword being raised higher each time, the Third being at the full extent of the Right arm.

The number of Salutes to be given is to be stated by the Marshal when calling the Knights T. 0. for that salute.

Number of Salutes to be given. The Grand Master ... The Great Seneschal

*Very Eminent Knights Eminent Knights

. .. 9 7 s 3

Newly Installed Knights, at their Install-ation only ... 3


! 20

•Note. - For those K11ights who are " V1ry Eminent " see K. T. Statutes.

Investiture of a Knight • On hearing his name called, the Knight

rises in his place, advances to the floor of the Temple, and draws his Sword, coming to the " Carry."

He is conducted by the Marshal to the foot of the Throne where he halts, and

s. . Turns his Sword over (via the left), point towards the ground.

2. Grasps the blade, near the hilt, with his Left hand.

3· Moves his Right hand from the hilt to the blade, below the Left.

4· Kneels on his Right knee before the E.P., presenting to him the hilt of his Sword, resting the blade (near the hilt) on his Left forearm.

The E.P. takes the Sword, turns it, and pre­~ents the hilt to the Knight, who

5· Takes the hilt of the sword with his Right hand.

6. Rises to his feet, bringing his Sword to the " Carry."

7· Salutes the Investing Officer with the S. of Cr., and

8. Is conducted to his place in the Temple by the Marshal, where he returns his Sword and takes his seat.

N.B.-Capt. of Guard keeps his Sword draw11.

78, II JL H H1lLUOH:N. W.C,1

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