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Cert Ig Unit2 Jan2011

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  • 8/10/2019 Cert Ig Unit2 Jan2011



    In this unit you will learn about:

    Fire Chemistry: ow !ire o""urs# "lasses o! !ire# an$ "hoosin% the "orre"t &eans to

    e'tin%uish ea"h ty(e o! !ire)

    Fire and Utility Hazards: *otential !ire an$ utility ha+ar$s in the ho&e an$

    wor,(la"e# an$ !ire (re-ention strate%ies

    CERT Sizeup: ow to "on$u"t the "ontinual $ata.%atherin% an$ e-aluation (ro"ess

    at the s"ene o! a $isaster or e&er%en"y

    Fire Sizeup Considerations: ow to e-aluate !ires# assess !ire!i%htin% resour"es#

    an$ $eter&ine a "ourse o! a"tion

    Portable Fire Extinguishers: Ty(es o! (ortable !ire e'tin%uishers an$ how to

    o(erate the&

    Fire Suppression Safety: ow to $e"i$e i! you shoul$ atte&(t to e'tin%uish a !ire/

    how to a((roa"h an$ e'tin%uish a !ire sa!ely

    Hazardous aterials: ow to i$enti!y (otentially $an%erous &aterials in stora%e# in

    transit# an$ in your ho&e

  • 8/10/2019 Cert Ig Unit2 Jan2011


    0This (a%e intentionally le!t blan,1

  • 8/10/2019 Cert Ig Unit2 Jan2011


    !"#ECT$%ES At the "on"lusion o! this unit# the (arti"i(ants shoul$ be able to:

    E'(lain the role o! CERTs in !ire sa!ety)

    I$enti!y an$ re$u"e (otential !ire an$ utility ris,s in the ho&e an$


    now the nine ste(s o! the CERT si+eu( (ro"ess)

    Con$u"t a basi" si+eu( !or a !ire e&er%en"y)

    O(erate a (ortable !ire e'tin%uisher "orre"tly)

    Un$erstan$ &ini&u& sa!ety (re"autions# in"lu$in% sa!ety

    e3ui(&ent# utility "ontrol# bu$$y syste an$ ba",u( tea&s)

    I$enti!y the lo"ations o! ha+ar$ous &aterials in the "o&&unity

    an$ ho&e an$ re$u"e the ris, !ro& ha+ar$ous &aterials in theho&e)

    E'tin%uish s&all !ires usin% a !ire e'tin%uisher)

    SC!PE The to(i"s that will be $is"usse$ in this unit are:

    Intro$u"tion an$ Unit O-er-iew

    Fire Che&istry

    Fire an$ Utility a+ar$s

    CERT Si+eu( Fire Si+eu( Consi$erations

    Fire!i%htin% Resour"es

    Fire Su((ression Sa!ety

    a+ar$ous 4aterials

    E'er"ise: Su((ressin% S&all Fires

    Unit Su&&ary



    2 hours 56 &inutes

  • 8/10/2019 Cert Ig Unit2 Jan2011



    U)$T,: F$RES&FET*&)'UT$($T*C!)TR!(S


    As an intro$u"tion to !ire sa!ety# the instru"tor will $es"ribe !ire"he&istry an$ the "lasses o! !ire# e&(hasi+in% the i&(ortan"e o!

    sele"tin% the "orre"t &etho$s or a%ent !or !ire sa!ety)Then# the instru"tor will (resent an o-er-iew o! ha+ar$s in the ho&ean$ wor,(la"e# in"lu$in% ele"tri"al ha+ar$s# natural %as ha+ar$s# an$!la&&able an$ "o&bustible li3ui$s# an$ lea$ a $is"ussion o! ha+ar$&iti%ation an$ (re(are$ness)

    The instru"tor will then $es"ribe CERT strate%ies !or assessin%$isaster or e&er%en"y situations usin% the "ontinual# 7.ste( si+eu((ro"ess) *arti"i(ants will learn !ire si+eu( "onsi$erations an$ how touse the !ire si+eu( "he",list when "on$u"tin% a si+eu( !or a situationin-ol-in% !ire)

    The ne't to(i" will be a $is"ussion o! !ire!i%htin% resour"es# in"lu$in%(ortable !ire e'tin%uishers an$ "reati-e resour"es su"h as (ools# $irtor san$# an$ a %ar$en hose) E&(hasis will be (la"e$ on (ortable!ire e'tin%uishers be"ause they will be the &ost "o&&on resour"ea-ailable to CERTs) Dis"ussion o! (ortable !ire e'tin%uishers willin"lu$e ty(es# e'tin%uisher "o&(onents# $e"i$in% to use a !iree'tin%uisher# an$ "orre"t e'tin%uisher o(eration)

    Fire su((ression sa!ety will be the ne't to(i") The instru"tor willintro$u"e the use o! !ire sa!ety e3ui(&ent an$ will (la"e s(e"ial

    e&(hasis on !ire!i%hter sa!ety rules# in"lu$in% the 8.se"on$ rule#usin% the bu$$y syste& an$ a ba",u( tea an$ te"hni3ues !or!i%htin% !ires 9e)%)# "on!ine the !ire# stay low to the %roun$# i$enti!y ase"on$ e'it route# et"))

    The instru"tor &ay "hoose to show a -i$eo at this (oint to rein!or"ethe (resentation on !ire sa!ety an$ !ire e'tin%uishers) 9;i$eoresour"es are in"lu$e$ in the E3ui(&ent se"tion below)

    Ne't# the instru"tor will lea$ an intera"ti-e $is"ussion o! ha+ar$ous&aterials# in"lu$in% where they are !oun$# (la"ar$in%# stora%e# an$$e!ensi-e strate%ies !or ha+ar$ous &aterials a""i$ents)

    Finally# the unit will en$ with an e'er"ise in whi"h the (arti"i(ants willo(erate in tea&s o! two an$ use a (ortable !ire e'tin%uisher toe'tin%uish a %as !ire)

    P&+E,-, #&)U&R*,.// CERT "&S$CTR&$)$)+: $)STRUCT!R+U$'E

  • 8/10/2019 Cert Ig Unit2 Jan2011



    U)$T,: F$RES&FET*&)'UT$($T*C!)TR!(S


    Community Emergency Response Team Instructor Guide

    Community Emergency Response Team Participant Manual

    *ower*oint Sli$es 2.6 throu%h 2.52



    I! ti&e (er&its# the eb site#www)"iti+en"or(s)%o-?"ert?)

    E0U$PE)T In a$$ition to the e3ui(&ent liste$ at the !ront o! this Instru"tor @ui$e#you will nee$ the !ollowin% e3ui(&ent !or this unit:

    A "o&(uter with *ower*oint so!tware

    A "o&(uter (roe"tor an$ s"reen

    Sa&(les o! NF*A B6 Dia&on$ an$ other ha+ar$ous &aterials

    (la"ar$s# i! (ossible

    One roll o! "otton swabbin%

    One *yre'ar with li$

    One bo' o! woo$en ,it"hen &at"hes

    One water !ire e'tin%uisher One $ry "he&i"al !ire e'tin%uisher

    *ortable Class A::C !ire e'tin%uishers 9

  • 8/10/2019 Cert Ig Unit2 Jan2011



    U)$T,: F$RES&FET*&)'UT$($T*C!)TR!(S

    )!TES A su%%este$ ti&e (lan !or this unit is as !ollows:

    Intro$u"tion an$ Unit O-er-iew))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  • 8/10/2019 Cert Ig Unit2 Jan2011



    U)$T,: F$RES&FET*&)'UT$($T*C!)TR!(S



    One method for setting up this exercise is shown below.Consult your local fire department for any

    additional assistance required in building andoperating the fire pan. Check with your State firemarshal about guidelines for open burning.

    CERT "&S$CTR&$)$)+: $)STRUCT!R+U$'E #&)U&R*,.// P&+E,-6

  • 8/10/2019 Cert Ig Unit2 Jan2011



    U)$T,: F$RES&FET*&)'UT$($T*C!)TR!(S

    Unit ,: Fire Safety and Utility Controls

    $)STRUCT!R+U$'&)CE C!)TE)T

    'isplay Slide ,-.

    Introduction and Unit Overview


    Intro$u"e this unit by wel"o&in% the (arti"i(ants to Unit 2o! theCERT !asic Training)

    Intro$u"e any new instru"tors who will be assistin% withthis session)

    rie!ly re-iew Unit

  • 8/10/2019 Cert Ig Unit2 Jan2011



    U)$T,: F$RES&FET*&)'UT$($T*C!)TR!(S

    $)STRUCT!R+U$'&)CE C!)TE)T

    Corre"t res(onses:

    Da&a%e to trans(ortation#stru"tures# "o&&uni"ations#utilities# water ser-i"e# !uelsu((ly# !inan"ial ser-i"es

    Ho< might a disaster impa8t a 8ommunity>sinfrastru8ture

    Dis"uss res(onses)

    'id you loo9 for potential stru8tural and non-stru8tural hazards

    7hat did you find


    Ho< might you mitigate those hazards

    This is a %entle re&in$er to(arti"i(ants that they shoul$be $oin% these thin%s)

    Ha?e you started to prepare a disaster supply 9it

    Ha?e you started to

  • 8/10/2019 Cert Ig Unit2 Jan2011



    U)$T,: F$RES&FET*&)'UT$($T*C!)TR!(S

    $)STRUCT!R+U$'&)CE C!)TE)T

    'isplay Slide ,-/

    Tell the (arti"i(ants that at the en$ o! this unit# theyshoul$ be able to:

    E'(lain the role that CERTs (lay in !ire sa!ety)

    I$enti!y an$ re$u"e (otential !ire an$ utility ris,s in theho&e an$ wor,(la"e)

    Des"ribe the 7.ste( CERT si+eu( (ro"ess)

    Con$u"t a basi" si+eu( !or a !ire e&er%en"y

    E'(lain &ini&u& sa!ety (re"autions# in"lu$in%:

    Sa!ety e3ui(&ent

    Utility "ontrol

    u$$y syste&

    a",u( tea&s

    I$enti!y lo"ations o! ha+ar$ous &aterials in the"o&&unity an$ the ho&e an$ re$u"e the ris, !ro&ha+ar$ous &aterials in the ho&e

    E'tin%uish s&all !ires usin% a !ire e'tin%uisher

    P&+E,-B #&)U&R*,.// CERT "&S$CTR&$)$)+: $)STRUCT!R+U$'E

  • 8/10/2019 Cert Ig Unit2 Jan2011



    U)$T,: F$RES&FET*&)'UT$($T*C!)TR!(S

    $)STRUCT!R+U$'&)CE C!)TE)T

    'isplay Slide ,-,

    Unit Topi8s

    *re-iew the unit to(i"s by tellin% the %rou( that the unitwill (ro-i$e the& with the ,nowle$%e an$ s,ills that theywill nee$ to re$u"e or eli&inate !ire ha+ar$s an$e'tin%uish s&all !ires)

    The areas that they will learn about in"lu$e:

    Fire "he&istry

    Fire an$ utility ha+ar$s in the ho&e# wor,(la"e# an$nei%hborhoo$

    CERT si+eu(

    Fire si+eu( "onsi$erations

    Fire!i%htin% resour"es

    Fire su((ression sa!ety

    a+ar$ous &aterials

    Tell the %rou( that# at the en$ o! the unit# they will ha-ean o((ortunity to use a (ortable e'tin%uisher to (ut out a!ire)

    'isplay Slide ,-1

    Role of CERTs

    E&(hasi+e that CERTs (lay a -ery i&(ortant role in !irean$ utility sa!ety by:

    E'tin%uishin% s&all !ires be!ore they be"o&e &aor


    This unit will (ro-i$e trainin% on how to use an

    e'tin%uisher to (ut out s&all !ires an$ how to

    re"o%ni+e when a !ire is too bi% to han$le) As a%eneral rule# i! you "anGt (ut out a !ire in 8se"on$s# it is alrea$y too bi% to han$le an$ youshoul$ lea-e the (re&ises i&&e$iately)

    CERT "&S$CTR&$)$)+: $)STRUCT!R+U$'E #&)U&R*,.// P&+E,-

  • 8/10/2019 Cert Ig Unit2 Jan2011



    U)$T,: F$RES&FET*&)'UT$($T*C!)TR!(S

    $)STRUCT!R+U$'&)CE C!)TE)T

    Althou%h CERTs assist withe-a"uations# the (ro"e$ures!or "on$u"tin% e-a"uations arenot "o-ere$ in this "ourse) Itis re"o&&en$e$ thate-a"uation be "o-ere$ insu((le&ental trainin%)

    *re-entin% a$$itional !ires by re&o-in% !uel sour"es

    This unit will also $es"ribe how to ensure that a

    !ire# on"e e'tin%uishe$# is "o&(letely e'tin%uishe$an$ stays e'tin%uishe$) This (ro"ess is "alle$o-erhaul)

    Shuttin% o!! utilities when ne"essary an$ sa!e to $o so

    This unit will re-iew utility shuto!! (ro"e$ures

    tau%ht in Unit hen a !ire is beyon$ the ability o! CERTs to

    e'tin%uish# CERT &e&bers nee$ to (rote"t li-esby e-a"uatin% the area an$ establishin% a(eri&eter)

    'isplay Slide ,-3

    CERT Priorities

    Stress the i&(ortant role that CERTs (lay innei%hborhoo$ an$ wor,(la"e !ire an$ utility sa!ety)CERT &e&bers hel( in !ire. an$ utility.relate$e&er%en"ies be!ore (ro!essional res(on$ers arri-e)>hen res(on$in%# CERT &e&bers shoul$ ,ee( in &in$the !ollowin% CERT stan$ar$s:

    Res"uer sa!ety is always the nu&ber one (riority)

    There!ore# CERT &e&bers always:

    >or, with a bu$$y

    >ear sa!ety e3ui(&ent 9%lo-es# hel&et# %o%%les#

    N78 &as,# an$ stur$y shoes or boots The CERT goal is to do the greatest good for the

    greatest numberD

    P&+E,-/. #&)U&R*,.// CERT "&S$CTR&$)$)+: $)STRUCT!R+U$'E

  • 8/10/2019 Cert Ig Unit2 Jan2011



    U)$T,: F$RES&FET*&)'UT$($T*C!)TR!(S

    $)STRUCT!R+U$'&)CE C!)TE)T

    ire Chemistry

    'oes anyone 9no< ithouto'y%en# &ost !uels "oul$ be heate$ until entirely-a(ori+e$# yet woul$ not burn)

    E'(lain that wor,in% to%ether# these three ele&ents#"alle$ the fire triangle# "reate a "he&i"al e'other&i"rea"tion# whi"h is !ire)

    P; PD ,-3Re!er the (arti"i(ants to the Fire Triangle!i%ure in the*arti"i(ant 4anual)

    Stress that i! any o! these ele&ents is &issin% or i! any ista,en away# !ire will not o""ur or will e'tin%uish)

    CERT "&S$CTR&$)$)+: $)STRUCT!R+U$'E #&)U&R*,.// P&+E,-//

  • 8/10/2019 Cert Ig Unit2 Jan2011



    U)$T,: F$RES&FET*&)'UT$($T*C!)TR!(S

    P; PD ,-3 Fire Triangle




    ire !riangle" uel# oxygen# and heat create a chemical reaction# which causes fire.

    $)STRUCT!R+U$'&)CE C!)TE)T

    Use the !ollowin% ste(s to$e&onstrate the "on"e(t:

    ait until the !la&e %oesout)

    5) Re&o-e the &aterial !ro&the ar an$ blow on it to

    $e&onstrate that# unlessthe !ire is "o&(letely outan$ o-erhaule$# a$$in%o'y%en &ay "o&(lete the!ire trian%le an$ re,in$lethe !ire)

    'emonstrating the Fire Triangle

    Tell the %rou( that you will now $e&onstrate the "on"e(to! the !ire trian%le by re&o-in% the o'y%en !ro& burnin%"otton)

    E&(hasi+e the nee$ to ensure that e-ery (ie"e o!burnin% &aterial is "o&(letely e'tin%uishe$) Tell the(arti"i(ants to thin, o! S&o,ey the ear an$ "a&(!ires tore&e&ber this (oint)

    P&+E,-/, #&)U&R*,.// CERT "&S$CTR&$)$)+: $)STRUCT!R+U$'E

  • 8/10/2019 Cert Ig Unit2 Jan2011



    U)$T,: F$RES&FET*&)'UT$($T*C!)TR!(S

    P; PD ,-3 Fire Triangle

    $)STRUCT!R+U$'&)CE C!)TE)T

    'isplay Slide ,-=

    Ree&(hasi+e the nee$ too-erhaul Class A !ires 9i)e)#ensure that e-ery (ie"e o!

    burnin% &aterial is "o&(letelye'tin%uishe$)

    Classes of Fire

    Tell the (arti"i(ants that# to ai$ in e'tin%uishin% !ires# !iresare "ate%ori+e$ into "lasses base$ on the ty(e o! !uelthat is burnin%:

    Class A Fires: Or$inary "o&bustibles su"h as (a(er#

    "loth# woo$# rubber# an$ &any (lasti"s

    Class Fires: Fla&&able li3ui$s 9e)%)# oils# %asolinean$ "o&bustible li3ui$s 9e)%)# "har"oal li%hter !lui$#,erosene) These !uels burn only at the sur!a"ebe"ause o'y%en "annot (enetrate the $e(th o! the!lui$) Only the -a(or burns when i%nite$)

    Class C Fires: Ener%i+e$ ele"tri"al e3ui(&ent 9e)%)#wirin%# &otors) >hen the ele"tri"ity is turne$ o!!# the!ire be"o&es a Class A !ire)

    Class D Fires: Co&bustible &etals 9e)%)# alu&inu&a%nesiu titaniu&

    Class Fires: Coo,in% oils 9e)%)# -e%etable oils#ani&al oils# !ats

    Stress that it is e'tre&ely i&(ortant to i$enti!y the ty(e o!!uel !ee$in% the !ire to sele"t the "orre"t &etho$ an$a%ent !or e'tin%uishin% the !ire)

    'oes anyone ha?e any uestions about fire


    CERT "&S$CTR&$)$)+: $)STRUCT!R+U$'E #&)U&R*,.// P&+E,-/1

  • 8/10/2019 Cert Ig Unit2 Jan2011



    U)$T,: F$RES&FET*&)'UT$($T*C!)TR!(S

    P; PD ,-3 Fire Triangle

    $)STRUCT!R+U$'&)CE C!)TE)T

    ire and Utility $a%ards

    E'(lain that this se"tion will $eal with i$enti!yin% an$(re-entin% !ire an$ utility ha+ar$s in the ho&e an$wor,(la"e)

    7hat are potential fire and utility hazards in homesor

  • 8/10/2019 Cert Ig Unit2 Jan2011



    U)$T,: F$RES&FET*&)'UT$($T*C!)TR!(S

    P; PD ,-3 Fire Triangle

    %ases# an$ e'(losi-es)

    $)STRUCT!R+U$'&)CE C!)TE)T

    E'(lain that si&(le !ire (re-ention &easures will hel(re$u"e the li,elihoo$ o! !ires:

    First# locate(otential sour"es o! i%nition)

    Then# $o what you "an to reduce or eliminatethe


    'isplay Slide ,-A

    Ele8tri8al Hazards

    *ro-i$e the %rou( with e'a&(les o! "o&&on ele"tri"alha+ar$s an$ si&(le ways that they "an be re$u"e$ oreli&inate$:

    A-oi$ the ele"tri"al o"to(us)J Eli&inate tan%les o!

    ele"tri"al "or$s) DonGt o-erloa$ ele"tri"al outlets)DonGt (lu% (ower stri(s into other (ower stri(s)

    DonGt run ele"tri"al "or$s un$er "ar(ets)

    Che", !or an$ re(la"e bro,en or !raye$ "or$s

    i&&e$iately) 4aintain ele"tri"al a((lian"es (ro(erly) Re(air or

    re(la"e &al!un"tionin% a((lian"es)

    CERT "&S$CTR&$)$)+: $)STRUCT!R+U$'E #&)U&R*,.// P&+E,-/6

  • 8/10/2019 Cert Ig Unit2 Jan2011



    U)$T,: F$RES&FET*&)'UT$($T*C!)TR!(S

    $)STRUCT!R+U$'&)CE C!)TE)T

    'isplay Slide ,-B

    Che", with a re(resentati-e!ro& the lo"al utility "o&(anyre%ar$in% lo"al utility (roto"ols)Obtain or $e-elo( trainin%&o$els o! !use an$ brea,erbo'es to allow $e&onstrationsan$ han$s.on (ra"ti"e)

    De(en$in% on your lo"ation#you &ay also "hoose to "o-er(ro(ane %as shuto!!s)

    Responding to Ele8tri8al Emergen8ies

    *oint out that ele"tri"al e&er%en"ies so&eti&es o""ur$es(ite our best e!!orts) E-ery &e&ber o! the househol$shoul$ be aware o! the !ollowin% (ro"e$ures in the e-ento! an ele"tri"al e&er%en"y:

    Lo"ate the "ir"uit brea,ers or !uses# an$ ,now how to

    shut o!! the (ower) *ost shuto!! instru"tions ne't tothe brea,er bo' or !use bo')

    Uns"rew in$i-i$ual !uses or swit"h o!! s&aller

    brea,ers !irst# then (ull the &ain swit"h or brea,er)

    >hen turnin% the (ower ba", on# turn on the &ain

    swit"h or brea,er !irst# then s"rew in the !uses orswit"h on the s&aller brea,ers# one at a ti&e)

    Stress that the (arti"i(ants shoul$ not enter a !loo$e$base&ent or stan$in% water to shut o!! the ele"tri"al

    su((ly be"ause water "on$u"ts ele"tri"ity)

    P; PD ,-B Re!er the (arti"i(ants to the !i%ures Circuit !o$ and Fuse

    P&+E,-/= #&)U&R*,.// CERT "&S$CTR&$)$)+: $)STRUCT!R+U$'E

  • 8/10/2019 Cert Ig Unit2 Jan2011



    U)$T,: F$RES&FET*&)'UT$($T*C!)TR!(S

    $)STRUCT!R+U$'&)CE C!)TE)T

    !o$in the *arti"i(ant 4anual)

    'isplay Slide ,-

    P; PD ,-B Cir8uit "ox and Fuse "ox

    CERT "&S$CTR&$)$)+: $)STRUCT!R+U$'E #&)U&R*,.// P&+E,-/A

  • 8/10/2019 Cert Ig Unit2 Jan2011



    U)$T,: F$RES&FET*&)'UT$($T*C!)TR!(S

    $)STRUCT!R+U$'&)CE C!)TE)T

    P&+E,-/B #&)U&R*,.// CERT "&S$CTR&$)$)+: $)STRUCT!R+U$'E

  • 8/10/2019 Cert Ig Unit2 Jan2011



    U)$T,: F$RES&FET*&)'UT$($T*C!)TR!(S

    'isplay Slide ,-/.

    )atural +as Hazards

    E'(lain that natural %as (resents two ty(es o! ha+ar$s)It is an:

    As(hy'iant that robs the bo$y o! o'y%en

    E'(losi-e that "an easily i%nite

    'isplay Slide ,-//

    )atural +as Hazard &

  • 8/10/2019 Cert Ig Unit2 Jan2011



    U)$T,: F$RES&FET*&)'UT$($T*C!)TR!(S

    P; PD ,-/. )atural +as eter

  • 8/10/2019 Cert Ig Unit2 Jan2011



    U)$T,: F$RES&FET*&)'UT$($T*C!)TR!(S

    $)STRUCT!R+U$'&)CE C!)TE)T

    'isplay Slide ,-/,

    Consult with a lo"al utilityre(resentati-e to $eter&ine(roto"ols an$# i! (ossible#"reate a &o$el %as &eter to$e&onstrate an$ allow(ra"ti"e with the (ro"e$ure !orshuttin% o!! the %as)

    +as Shutoff@as &eter insi$e the ho&e

    E'(lain that i! the %as &eter is lo"ate$ insi$e the ho&e#(arti"i(ants shoul$ only shut o!! the %as !low wheninstru"te$ to by lo"al authorities) E&(hasi+e that i!they s&ell %as or see the $ials on the &eter showin%%as is !lowin% e-en thou%h a((lian"es are turne$ o!!#they shoul$ e-a"uate the (re&ises an$ "all 7

  • 8/10/2019 Cert Ig Unit2 Jan2011



    U)$T,: F$RES&FET*&)'UT$($T*C!)TR!(S

    $)STRUCT!R+U$'&)CE C!)TE)T

    E'(lain that they shoul$ use a !lashli%ht# not a "an$le#i! an a$$itional li%ht sour"e is nee$e$ to lo"ate an$shut o!! the %as -al-e)

    'isplay Slide ,-/1

    L)I)E)S) stan$s !or Li&it#Isolate# Eli&inate# Se(arate)

    Flammable (iuid Hazards

    *ro-i$e se-eral e'a&(les !or re$u"in% ha+ar$s !ro&!la&&able li3ui$s:

    Rea$ labels to i$enti!y !la&&able (ro$u"ts)

    Store the& (ro(erly# usin% the L)I)E)S) &etho$

    9Li&it# Isolate# Eli&inate# Se(arate)

    Stress that (arti"i(ants shoul$ only e'tin%uish a!la&&able li3ui$ usin% a (ortable !ire e'tin%uisher rate$!or Class !ires)

    *ro-i$e the %rou( with

    in!or&ation about sa!e$is(osal o! ha+ar$ous&aterials in your area)

    Tell the %rou( that they shoul$ e'tin%uish a !la&&able

    li3ui$ usin% a (ortable !ire e'tin%uisher rate$ !or that"lass o! !ire) E'(lain that ratin%s !or (ortablee'tin%uishers will be a$$resse$ later in this unit)

    P&+E,-,, #&)U&R*,.// CERT "&S$CTR&$)$)+: $)STRUCT!R+U$'E

  • 8/10/2019 Cert Ig Unit2 Jan2011



    U)$T,: F$RES&FET*&)'UT$($T*C!)TR!(S

    $)STRUCT!R+U$'&)CE C!)TE)T

    'isplay Slide ,-/3

    C&'! Si%eupIntro$u"e this to(i" by e'(lainin% to the %rou( thatsi+eu( is a "ontinual (ro"ess that enables (ro!essionalres(on$ers to &a,e $e"isions an$ res(on$a((ro(riately in the areas o! %reatest nee$) CERTsi+eu( "onsists o! 7 ste(s an$ shoul$ be use$ in anye&er%en"y situation)

    Re!er the (arti"i(ants to CERT Fire Si'eup in the*arti"i(ant 4anual) *oint out that# althou%h the

    "he",list is not e'hausti-e# it $oes in"lu$e &any o! the3uestions that CERT &e&bers shoul$ as, when si+in%u( a !ire situation)

    P; PPD ,-/1 to ,-/6 E'(lain that you will now $is"uss !ire si+eu("onsi$erations an$ re-iew the "he",list with the %rou()

    *oint out that# while si+eu( is a!ire $e(art&ent ter the

    (ro"ess has been tailore$ !orCERTs an$ will be use$ a%ainin other areas o! CERTres(onsibility)

    *ro-i$e se-eral e'a&(les toillustrate the $i!!eren"esbetween !ire $e(art&entsi+eu( an$ CERT si+eu()

    CERT Sizeup Steps

    E'(lain that the 7 ste(s o! CERT si+eu( are:

  • 8/10/2019 Cert Ig Unit2 Jan2011



    U)$T,: F$RES&FET*&)'UT$($T*C!)TR!(S

    $)STRUCT!R+U$'&)CE C!)TE)T

    ) 4a,e $e"isions) ase your $e"isions on theanswers to Ste(s < throu%h 8 an$ in a""or$an"ewith the (riorities that you establishe$)

    B) De-elo( a (lan o! a"tion) De-elo( a (lan that willhel( you a""o&(lish your (riorities) Si&(le (lans&ay be -erbal# but &ore "o&(le' (lans shoul$always be written)

    =) Ta,e a"tion) E'e"ute your (lan# $o"u&entin%$e-iations an$ status "han%es so that you "anre(ort the situation a""urately to !irst res(on$ers)

    7) E-aluate (ro%ress) At inter-als# e-aluate your(ro%ress in a""o&(lishin% the obe"ti-es in the (lano! a"tion to $eter&ine what is wor,in% an$ what"han%es you &ay ha-e to &a,e to stabili+e thesituation)

    P&+E,-,3 #&)U&R*,.// CERT "&S$CTR&$)$)+: $)STRUCT!R+U$'E

  • 8/10/2019 Cert Ig Unit2 Jan2011



    U)$T,: F$RES&FET*&)'UT$($T*C!)TR!(S

    P; PPD ,-/1 T!,-/6 CERT Fire Sizeup

    *es )o

    Step /: +ather Fa8ts


    Does the ti&e o! $ay or wee, a!!e"t !ire su((ression

    e!!ortsK owK


    Are there weather "on$itions that a!!e"t your sa!etyK

    I! yes# how will your sa!ety be a!!e"te$K

    >ill weather "on$itions a!!e"t the !ire situationK

    I! yes# how will the !ire situation be a!!e"te$K

    Type of Construction

    >hat ty(e9s o! stru"ture9s are in-ol-e$K

    >hat ty(e9s o! "onstru"tion are in-ol-e$K


    Are the stru"tures o""u(ie$K

    I! yes# how &any (eo(le are li,ely to be a!!e"te$K

    Are there s(e"ial "onsi$erations 9e)%)# "hil$ren# el$erly#

    (ets# (eo(le with $isabilitiesK

    CERT "&S$CTR&$)$)+: $)STRUCT!R+U$'E #&)U&R*,.// P&+E,-,6

  • 8/10/2019 Cert Ig Unit2 Jan2011



    U)$T,: F$RES&FET*&)'UT$($T*C!)TR!(S

    *es )o


    Are ha+ar$ous &aterials e-i$entK

    Are any other ty(es o! ha+ar$s (resentK

    I! yes# what other ha+ar$sK

    Step ,: &ssess and Communi8ate the 'amage

    Sur-ey all si$es o! the buil$in%) Is the $an%er beyon$ the

    CERTGs "a(abilityK

    a-e the !a"ts an$ the initial $a&a%e assess&ent been

    "o&&uni"ate$ to the a((ro(riate (erson9sK

    Step 1: Consider Probabilities

    +ife *a'ards

    Are there (otentially li!e.threatenin% ha+ar$sK

    I! yes# what are the ha+ar$sK

    Path of Fire

    Does the !ireGs (ath eo(ar$i+e other areasK

    I! yes# what other areas &ay be eo(ar$i+e$K

    ,dditional -amage

    Is there a hi%h (otential !or &ore $isaster a"ti-ity that will

    i&(a"t (ersonal sa!etyK

    I! yes# what are the ,nown ris,sK

    P&+E,-,= #&)U&R*,.// CERT "&S$CTR&$)$)+: $)STRUCT!R+U$'E

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    U)$T,: F$RES&FET*&)'UT$($T*C!)TR!(S

    *es )o

    Step 3: &ssess *our !hat e3ui(&ent is a-ailable to hel( su((ress the !ireK

    >hat other resour"es are a-ailableK

    Can !ire su((ression be safelyatte&(te$ by CERT


    I! not# $o not atte&(t su((ression)

    Step 6: Establish Priorities

    Are there other# &ore (ressin% nee$s at the &o&entK

    I! yes# list)

    Step =: a9e 'e8isions

    >here will resour"es $o the &ost %oo$ while &aintainin% an a$e3uate &ar%in o! sa!etyK

    Step A: 'e?elop a Plan of &8tion

    Deter&ine how (ersonnel an$ other resour"es shoul$ be use$)

    Step B: Ta9e &8tion

    *ut the (lan into e!!e"t)

    Step : E?aluate Progress

    Continually si+e u( the situation to i$enti!y "han%es in


    S"o(e o! the (roble&

    Sa!ety ris,s

    Resour"e a-ailability

    A$ust strate%ies as re3uire$)

    CERT "&S$CTR&$)$)+: $)STRUCT!R+U$'E #&)U&R*,.// P&+E,-,A

  • 8/10/2019 Cert Ig Unit2 Jan2011



    U)$T,: F$RES&FET*&)'UT$($T*C!)TR!(S

    $)STRUCT!R+U$'&)CE C!)TE)T

    E&(hasi+e that si+eu( is a "ontinuous (ro"ess)

    E-aluation o! (ro%ress M Ste( 7 M &ay re3uire you to%o ba", an$ %ather &ore !a"ts)

    'oes anyone ha?e any uestions about CERT firesizeup

    'isplay Slide ,-/6

    ire Si%eup Considerations

    E'(lain that a si+eu( o! a situation in-ol-in% a !ire will$i"tate whether to atte&(t !ire su((ression an$ will hel(you (lan !or e'tin%uishin% the !ire)

    *oint out that CERT si+eu( is a "ontinual 7.ste( (ro"essthat enables one to &a,e $e"isions an$ res(on$a((ro(riately in the areas o! %reatest nee$)

    E&(hasi+e that the sa!ety o! in$i-i$ual CERT &e&bersis always the to( (riority) Say that e!!e"ti-e !ire si+eu(will allow (arti"i(ants to answer all o! the !ollowin%3uestions:

    Do &y bu$$y an$ I ha-e the ri%ht e3ui(&entK

    Are there other ha+ar$sK

    Is the buil$in% stru"turally $a&a%e$K

    Can &y bu$$y an$ I es"a(eK

    Can &y bu$$y an$ I !i%ht the !ire sa!elyK

    Re&in$ (arti"i(ants that the sa!ety o! in$i-i$ual CERT&e&bers is always the to( (riority)

    P&+E,-,B #&)U&R*,.// CERT "&S$CTR&$)$)+: $)STRUCT!R+U$'E

  • 8/10/2019 Cert Ig Unit2 Jan2011



    U)$T,: F$RES&FET*&)'UT$($T*C!)TR!(S

    $)STRUCT!R+U$'&)CE C!)TE)T

    irefighting 'esources

    7hat 8omes to mind

  • 8/10/2019 Cert Ig Unit2 Jan2011



    U)$T,: F$RES&FET*&)'UT$($T*C!)TR!(S

    $)STRUCT!R+U$'&)CE C!)TE)T

    'isplay Slide ,-/A

    Tell the %rou( that there are !our ty(es o! e'tin%uishers:


    Dry "he&i"al

    Carbon $io'i$e

    S(e"iali+e$ !ire e'tin%uishers

    P; PD ,-/B E'(lain that the ne't se"tion will brie!ly $es"ribe the"hara"teristi"s o! ea"h ty(e o! !ire e'tin%uisher) Re!erthe (arti"i(ants to the Fire Types# E$tinguishing ,gents#and Methods"hart in the *arti"i(ant 4anual !or ano-er-iew o! this in!or&ation)

    Re-iew the ty(es o! !ires an$ e'tin%uishin% &etho$swith the %rou()

    P&+E,-1. #&)U&R*,.// CERT "&S$CTR&$)$)+: $)STRUCT!R+U$'E

  • 8/10/2019 Cert Ig Unit2 Jan2011



    U)$T,: F$RES&FET*&)'UT$($T*C!)TR!(S

    P; PD ,-/A

    Fire Types;Extinguishing &gents;





    !rdinary Solid aterials >ater Re&o-es heat

    Foa& Re&o-es air an$ heat

    Dry "he&i"al rea,s "hain rea"tion

    Flammable (iuids Foa&


    Re&o-es air

    Dry "he&i"al rea,s "hain rea"tion

    Ele8tri8al Euipment CO2 Re&o-es air

    Dry "he&i"al rea,s "hain rea"tion

    Combustible etals S(e"ial a%ents Usually re&o-e air

    2it8hen !ils Che&i"al Usually re&o-es air

    CERT "&S$CTR&$)$)+: $)STRUCT!R+U$'E #&)U&R*,.// P&+E,-1/





  • 8/10/2019 Cert Ig Unit2 Jan2011


  • 8/10/2019 Cert Ig Unit2 Jan2011



    U)$T,: F$RES&FET*&)'UT$($T*C!)TR!(S

    $)STRUCT!R+U$'&)CE C!)TE)T

    'isplay Slide ,-/B

    Extinguisher Rating and (abeling

    Tell the %rou( that (ortable !ire e'tin%uishers &ust berate$ an$ a((ro-e$ by the State !ire &arshal an$Un$erwriters Laboratories 9an or%ani+ation that setssa!ety stan$ar$s !or &anu!a"ture$ %oo$s) They arerate$ a""or$in% to their e!!e"ti-eness on the $i!!erent"lasses o! !ire) Their stren%th an$ "a(ability &ust alsobe labele$ by the &anu!a"turer)

    E'(lain that the label "ontains -ital in!or&ation about

    the ty(e9s o! !ire !or whi"h the e'tin%uisher isa((ro(riate)

    E'tin%uishers that are a((ro(riate !or Class A !iresha-e a ratin% !ro&

  • 8/10/2019 Cert Ig Unit2 Jan2011



    U)$T,: F$RES&FET*&)'UT$($T*C!)TR!(S

    $)STRUCT!R+U$'&)CE C!)TE)T

    'isplay Slide ,-/

    Des"ribe so&e o! the $i!!erent ty(es o! !ire e'tin%uisherlabels that (arti"i(ants &i%ht en"ounter)

    P; PD ,-,.Re!er the (arti"i(ants to the Manufacturers +abelillustration in the *arti"i(ant 4anual)

    P; PD ,-,. anufa8turer>s (abel $llustration

    Sample manufa8turer>s label for a fire extinguisher; sho

  • 8/10/2019 Cert Ig Unit2 Jan2011



    U)$T,: F$RES&FET*&)'UT$($T*C!)TR!(S

    $)STRUCT!R+U$'&)CE C!)TE)T

    Re-iew the ty(es o! !ires an$ a((ro(riate e'tin%uishin%&etho$s with the %rou(# notin% the "a(a"ity# ran%e#an$ (ressure o! ea"h ty(e o! e'tin%uisher)

    Dis(lay a water e'tin%uisher) 7ater Extinguishers

    Tell the %rou( that "o&&on "hara"teristi"s o! watere'tin%uishers in"lu$e:

    Ca(a"ity) Stan$ar$ si+e is 2)8 %allons)

    Ran%e) Stan$ar$ ran%e is 56.6 !eet)

    *ressure) Stan$ar$ (ressure is

  • 8/10/2019 Cert Ig Unit2 Jan2011



    U)$T,: F$RES&FET*&)'UT$($T*C!)TR!(S

    $)STRUCT!R+U$'&)CE C!)TE)T

    I! $is"ussin% or $e&onstratin%how to use a "arbon $io'i$ee'tin%uisher in$oors# note thenee$ !or "aution# as thesee'tin%uishers re&o-e o'y%en!ro& the roo&)

    Co&&on "hara"teristi"s o! $ry "he&i"al e'tin%uishersin"lu$e:

    Ca(a"ity) A((ro'i&ately

  • 8/10/2019 Cert Ig Unit2 Jan2011



    U)$T,: F$RES&FET*&)'UT$($T*C!)TR!(S

    $)STRUCT!R+U$'&)CE C!)TE)T

    Tell the (arti"i(ants that i! they answer YESJ to all o!these 3uestions# they &ay atte&(t to e'tin%uish the!ire) E&(hasi+e that# e-en i! they answer YESJ to allo! the 3uestions but !eel unable to e'tin%uish the !ire#they shoul$ lea-e i&&e$iately) Ree&(hasi+e the 8.se"on$ rule)

    !?erhauling the Fire

    E'(lain that# i! the !ire is e'tin%uishe$ in 8 se"on$s an$the area is sa!e# CERT &e&bers shoul$ stay an$o-erhaul the !ire) O-erhaulin% is the (ro"ess o!sear"hin% a !ire s"ene !or hi$$en !ire or s(ar,s in ane!!ort to (re-ent the !ire !ro& re,in$lin%) Tell the(arti"i(ants how to o-erhaul a !ire by re&e&berin%"ool# soa,# an$ se(arate)J

    CERT "&S$CTR&$)$)+: $)STRUCT!R+U$'E #&)U&R*,.// P&+E,-1A

  • 8/10/2019 Cert Ig Unit2 Jan2011



    U)$T,: F$RES&FET*&)'UT$($T*C!)TR!(S

    $)STRUCT!R+U$'&)CE C!)TE)T

    P&+E,-1B #&)U&R*,.// CERT "&S$CTR&$)$)+: $)STRUCT!R+U$'E

  • 8/10/2019 Cert Ig Unit2 Jan2011



    U)$T,: F$RES&FET*&)'UT$($T*C!)TR!(S

    P; PD ,-,1 'e8iding to Use a Fire Extinguisher

    CERT "&S$CTR&$)$)+: $)STRUCT!R+U$'E #&)U&R*,.// P&+E,-1

    Can I es"a(e 3ui",ly an$ sa!ely !ro& thearea i! I atte&(t to e'tin%uish the !ire an$ $o

    not su""ee$K

    Do I ha-e the ri%ht ty(e o! e'tin%uisherK

    Is the e'tin%uisher lar%e enou%h !or the !ireK

    Is the area !ree !ro& other $an%ers su"h asha+ar$ous &aterials an$ !allin% $ebrisK

    Is the !ire e'tin%uishe$ in 8 se"on$sK

    ST&* &)' !%ERH&U( THE F$RE $F THE

    &RE& $S S&FE




















  • 8/10/2019 Cert Ig Unit2 Jan2011



    U)$T,: F$RES&FET*&)'UT$($T*C!)TR!(S

    $)STRUCT!R+U$'&)CE C!)TE)T

    'oes anyone ha?e any uestions about ho< to usethe de8ision-ma9ing flo

  • 8/10/2019 Cert Ig Unit2 Jan2011



    U)$T,: F$RES&FET*&)'UT$($T*C!)TR!(S

    P; PD ,-,3 Components of a Portable Fire Extinguisher

    Components of a portable fire extinguisher: Hose; 8arrying handle and trigger; pressuregauge; 8ylinder

    CERT "&S$CTR&$)$)+: $)STRUCT!R+U$'E #&)U&R*,.// P&+E,-3/






    an$le Tri%%er






    an$le Tri%%er

  • 8/10/2019 Cert Ig Unit2 Jan2011



    U)$T,: F$RES&FET*&)'UT$($T*C!)TR!(S


    'isplay Slide ,-,.

    De&onstrate *)A)S)S)


    E'(lain that the a"rony& !or o(eratin% a !iree'tin%uisher is *)A)S)S):

    *ull 9Test the e'tin%uisher a!ter (ullin% the (in




    To ensure that the e'tin%uisher is wor,in% (ro(erly# testit be!ore a((roa"hin% any !ire)

    P; PD ,-,6 Re!er the (arti"i(ants to the P,SS$ia%ra& in the*arti"i(ant 4anual)

    E&(hasi+e the nee$ to ai& at the base o! the !ire)E'(lain that ea"h (arti"i(ant will ha-e the o((ortunityto (ra"ti"e this te"hni3ue near the en$ o! the session)

    E'(lain that# on"e use$# !ire e'tin%uishers that ha-ebeen "o&(letely $e(lete$ shoul$ be lai$ $own an$store$ on their si$e so no atte&(t will be &a$e to usethe& until re"har%e$)

    'oes anyone ha?e any uestions about portablefire extinguishers or their operation

    P&+E,-3, #&)U&R*,.// CERT "&S$CTR&$)$)+: $)STRUCT!R+U$'E

  • 8/10/2019 Cert Ig Unit2 Jan2011



    U)$T,: F$RES&FET*&)'UT$($T*C!)TR!(S

    P; PD ,-,6 PD&DSDS





    CERT "&S$CTR&$)$)+: $)STRUCT!R+U$'E #&)U&R*,.// P&+E,-31

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    U)$T,: F$RES&FET*&)'UT$($T*C!)TR!(S

    $)STRUCT!R+U$'&)CE C!)TE)T

    'isplay Slide ,-,/

    $nterior 7et Standpipes

    E'(lain that interior wet stan$(i(es are usually in"o&&er"ial an$ a(art&ent buil$in%s an$ "onsist o!

  • 8/10/2019 Cert Ig Unit2 Jan2011



    U)$T,: F$RES&FET*&)'UT$($T*C!)TR!(S

    $)STRUCT!R+U$'&)CE C!)TE)T

    I! not &entione$# su%%estthese:

    Swi&&in% (ool or s(a

    water an$ bu",ets

    San$ or $irt an$ sho-els

    A %ar$en hose

    !ther Creati?e Resour8es

    7hat other resour8es might be handy to fight afire

    'isplay Slide ,-,,

    ire Suppression Safety

    Intro$u"e this to(i" by re&in$in% the (arti"i(ants that#as CERT &e&bers# s&all !ire su((ression &ay be oneo! their roles) E&(hasi+e# howe-er# that M e-en!ollowin% a $isaster M their (ersonal sa!ety &ustalways be their nu&ber one "on"ern) Stress that theywill be unable to hel( anyone i! they are inure$ throu%h

    "areless si+eu( or unsa!e a"ts)

    P; PD ,-,A-,BRe!er the %rou( to the list o! Fire Suppression SafetyRulesin the *arti"i(ant 4anual)

    Fire Safety Rules

    Stress the i&(ortan"e o! !ollowin% all !ire su((ressionsa!ety rules)

    Use sa!ety e3ui(&ent at all ti&es) >ear yourhel&et# %o%%les# $ust &as,# leather %lo-es# an$stur$y shoes or boots) I! you are not e3ui((e$ to(rote"t your (ersonal sa!ety# lea-e the buil$in%)

    CERT "&S$CTR&$)$)+: $)STRUCT!R+U$'E #&)U&R*,.// P&+E,-36

  • 8/10/2019 Cert Ig Unit2 Jan2011



    U)$T,: F$RES&FET*&)'UT$($T*C!)TR!(S

    $)STRUCT!R+U$'&)CE C!)TE)T

    >or, with a bu$$y) u$$ies ser-e an i&(ortant

    (ur(ose) They (rote"t your sa!ety) DonGt e-er try to!i%ht a !ire alone)

    a-e a ba",u( tea whene-er (ossible) A ba",u(tea& ust &a,es %oo$ sense) A ba",u( tea& "ansu((ort your !ire su((ression e!!orts an$ "an(ro-i$e hel( i! you nee$ it)

    Always ha-e two ways to e'it the !ire area) Fires

    s(rea$ &u"h !aster than you &i%ht thin,) Always

    ha-e a ba",u( es"a(e (lan in "ase your &aines"a(e route be"o&es blo",e$)

    Loo, at the $oor) I! air is bein% su",e$ un$er the

    $oor or s&o,e is "o&in% out the to( o! the $oor# $onot tou"h the $oor)

    Feel "lose$ $oors with the ba", o! the han$#

    wor,in% !ro& the botto& o! the $oor u() Do nottou"h the $oor han$le be!ore !eelin% the $oor) I! the$oor is hot# there is !ire behin$ it) Do not enterO(enin% the $oor will !ee$ a$$itional o'y%en to the!ire)

    Con!ine the !ire# whene-er (ossible# by "losin%

    $oors an$ ,ee(in% the& "lose$)

    Stay low to the %roun$) S&o,e will naturally rise)

    ee(in% low to the %roun$ will (ro-i$e you with!resher air to breathe)

    4aintain a sa!e $istan"e) Re&e&ber the e!!e"ti-e

    ran%e o! your !ire e'tin%uisher) DonGt %et "loserthan ne"essary to e'tin%uish the !ire)

    Ne-er turn your ba", on a !ire when ba",in% out)

    O-erhaul the !ire to be sure that it is e'tin%uishe$

    an$ stays e'tin%uishe$)

    P&+E,-3= #&)U&R*,.// CERT "&S$CTR&$)$)+: $)STRUCT!R+U$'E

  • 8/10/2019 Cert Ig Unit2 Jan2011



    U)$T,: F$RES&FET*&)'UT$($T*C!)TR!(S

    $)STRUCT!R+U$'&)CE C!)TE)T

    'isplay Slide ,-,1

    E'(lain that a s&all !ire# unli,ea lar%e !ire:

    Is about the si+e o! a

    waste(a(er "an Can be e'tin%uishe$ with

    one !ire e'tin%uisher

    Re&in$ the %rou( o! theearlier $e&onstration 9usin%burnin% "otton in the *yre'

    ar to stress the nee$ !oro-erhaulin%)

    Stress that what CERTs $onGt $o when su((ressin%!ires is as i&(ortant as what they shoul$ $o) DONGT:

    @et too "lose) Stay near the outer ran%e o! your

    e'tin%uisher) I! you !eel the heat# you are too "lose)

    Try to !i%ht a !ire alone) Re&e&ber that your !irst

    (riority is your (ersonal sa!ety) DonGt (ut it at ris,)

    Try to su((ress lar%e !ires) Learn the "a(ability o!

    your e3ui(&ent# an$ $o not try to su((ress a !irethat is "learly too lar%e !or the e3ui(&ent at han$

    9i)e)# a !ire that is lar%er than the "o&bine$ ratin%so! a-ailable !ire e'tin%uishers)

    Enter s&o,e.!ille$ areas) Su((ressin% !ires in

    s&o,e.!ille$ areas re3uires e3ui(&ent that CERTs$onGt ha-e)

    CERT "&S$CTR&$)$)+: $)STRUCT!R+U$'E #&)U&R*,.// P&+E,-3A

  • 8/10/2019 Cert Ig Unit2 Jan2011



    U)$T,: F$RES&FET*&)'UT$($T*C!)TR!(S

    P; PD ,-,A Fire Suppression Safety Rules

    Use sa!ety e3ui(&ent at all ti&es) >ear your hel&et# %o%%les# $ust &as,# leather

    %lo-es# an$ stur$y shoes or boots) I! you are not e3ui((e$ to (rote"t your (ersonalsa!ety# lea-e the buil$in%)

    >or, with a bu$$y) u$$ies ser-e an i&(ortant (ur(ose) They (rote"t your sa!ety)

    DonGt e-er try to !i%ht a !ire alone)

    a-e a ba",u( tea whene-er (ossible) A ba",u( tea& ust &a,es %oo$ sense) A

    ba",u( tea& "an su((ort your !ire su((ression e!!orts an$ "an (ro-i$e hel( i! younee$ it)

    Always ha-e two ways to e'it the !ire area) Fires s(rea$ &u"h !aster than you &i%htthin,) Always ha-e a ba",u( es"a(e (lan in "ase your &ain es"a(e route be"o&esblo",e$)

    Loo, at the $oor) I! air is bein% su",e$ un$er the $oor or s&o,e is "o&in% out o! the

    to( o! the $oor# $o not tou"h the $oor)

    Feel "lose$ $oors with the ba", o! the han$# wor,in% !ro& the botto& o! the $oor u()

    Do not tou"h the $oor han$le be!ore !eelin% the $oor) I! the $oor is hot# there is !irebehin$ it) Do not enter O(enin% the $oor will !ee$ a$$itional o'y%en to the !ire)

    Con!ine the !ire# whene-er (ossible# by ,ee(in% $oors "lose$)

    4aintain a sa!e $istan"e) Re&e&ber the e!!e"ti-e ran%e o! your !ire e'tin%uisher)DonGt %et "loser than ne"essary to e'tin%uish the !ire)

    O-erhaul the !ire to be sure that it is e'tin%uishe$ M an$ stays e'tin%uishe$)

    >hat CERTs $onGt $o when su((ressin% !ires is as i&(ortant as what they shoul$ $o)DONGT:

    @et too "lose) Stay near the outer ran%e o! your e'tin%uisher) I! you !eel the heat#

    you are too "lose)

    Try to !i%ht a !ire alone) Re&e&ber that your !irst (riority is your (ersonal sa!ety)

    DonGt (ut yoursel! at ris,)

    Try to su((ress lar%e !ires) Learn the "a(ability o! your e3ui(&ent# an$ $o not try to

    su((ress a !ire that is "learly too lar%e !or the e3ui(&ent at han$ 9i)e)# a !ire that islar%er than the "o&bine$ ratin%s o! a-ailable !ire e'tin%uishers)

    Enter s&o,e.!ille$ areas) Fire su((ression in s&o,e.!ille$ areas re3uires e3ui(&ent

    that CERTs $onGt ha-e)

    P&+E,-3B #&)U&R*,.// CERT "&S$CTR&$)$)+: $)STRUCT!R+U$'E

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    U)$T,: F$RES&FET*&)'UT$($T*C!)TR!(S

    $)STRUCT!R+U$'&)CE C!)TE)T

    'oes anyone ha?e any uestions about firesuppression safety

    Tell the %rou( that ne't they are %oin% to learn abouti$enti!yin% ha+ar$ous &aterials)

    $a%ardous (aterials

    Allow the %rou( ti&e tores(on$)

    Ho< do you 9no< if a material is hazardous

    P&+E,-6. #&)U&R*,.// CERT "&S$CTR&$)$)+: $)STRUCT!R+U$'E

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    U)$T,: F$RES&FET*&)'UT$($T*C!)TR!(S

    $)STRUCT!R+U$'&)CE C!)TE)T

    'isplay Slide ,-,3

    E'(lain that &aterials are "onsi$ere$ ha+ar$ous i! theyha-e any o! the "hara"teristi"s liste$ on the sli$e:

    Corro$e other &aterials

    E'(lo$e or are easily i%nite$

    Rea"t stron%ly with water

    Are unstable when e'(ose$ to heat or sho",

    Are otherwise to'i" to hu&ans# ani&als# or theen-iron&ent throu%h absor(tion# inhalation#ine"tion# or in%estion

    E'(lain that ha+ar$ous &aterials in"lu$e# but are notli&ite$ to:


    Fla&&able %ases an$ li3ui$s

    *oisons an$ (oisonous %ases


    Non!la&&able %ases

    O'i$i+ers Ra$ioa"ti-e &aterials

    7hy is it important to 9no< if hazardous materials

    are present

    A",nowle$%e the (arti"i(antsGres(onses)

    I! not &entione$ by the %rou(# e'(lain that ,nowle$%ethat ha+ar$ous &aterials are (resent hel(s to (rote"tCERT &e&bersG sa!ety an$ is -aluable si+eu(in!or&ation !or all !irst res(on$ers)

    CERT "&S$CTR&$)$)+: $)STRUCT!R+U$'E #&)U&R*,.// P&+E,-6/

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    U)$T,: F$RES&FET*&)'UT$($T*C!)TR!(S

    $)STRUCT!R+U$'&)CE C!)TE)T

    'isplay Slide ,-,=

    rea"ti-ity with water 9i)e)# shoul$ ne-er be &i'e$with water or ha-e water s(raye$ on it)4a%nesiu& &etal is an e'a&(le o! a &aterial thatis rea"ti-e to water)

    OP in$i"ates a &aterial that (ossesses o'i$i+in%

    (ro(erties) A&&oniu& nitrate is an e'a&(le o! a&aterial with o'i$i+in% (ro(erties)

    E'(lain that &aterials that are o'i$i+ers in"rease the(otential !or e'(losion or !ire)

    Tell (arti"i(ants that in a$$ition to the abo-e sy&bolsthat are s(e"i!ie$ un$er the National Fire Co$es# so&eNF*A B6 Dia&on$s will in"lu$e a$$itional sy&bols:

    ACID in$i"ates that the &aterial is an a"i$)

    AL in$i"ates that the &aterial is a base)

    COR in$i"ates that the &aterial is "orrosi-e)

    in$i"ates that the &aterial is ra$ioa"ti-e)

    'isplay Slide ,-,A

    Stress that the nu&bers within the NF*A B6 Dia&on$are use$ to assist (ro!essional !ire!i%hters inres(on$in% to a""i$ents or !ires) CERT &e&bersshoul$ "onsi$er these (la"ar$s a sto( si%n)J

    The only a"tion CERT &e&bers shoul$ ta,e is toe-a"uate (ersons who are $ownwin$# as ne"essary# toan u(hill or u(win$ lo"ation) Do not enter the buil$in%in an atte&(t to e-a"uate (ersons insi$e)

    4ention or use sli$es toillustrate lo"al trans(ortationha+ar$s an$ any !a"ilities thatuse the NF*A B6 Dia&on$# to

    P&+E,-63 #&)U&R*,.// CERT "&S$CTR&$)$)+: $)STRUCT!R+U$'E

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    U)$T,: F$RES&FET*&)'UT$($T*C!)TR!(S

    $)STRUCT!R+U$'&)CE C!)TE)T

    'isplay Slide ,-1.

    As a %eneral rule o! thu&b# i! you see a nu&ber in theNF*A B6 Dia&on$ that is %reater than one# stay away)

    Si%hts# Soun$s# an$ S&ells

    E'(lain that ha+ar$ous &aterials are all aroun$ us an$&ay be (resent re%ar$less o! the lo"ation or whetherthere are (la"ar$s or other (oste$ warnin%s) >hileha+ar$ous &aterials o!ten s&ell# soun$# or loo,unusual# (arti"i(ants &ay not be able re"o%ni+eso&ethin% to'i") *arti"i(ants shoul$ stay away !ro&any uni$enti!iable substan"e an$ alert buil$in%&ana%ers or authorities)

    'oes anyone ha?e any uestions about hazardousmaterials or ho< they are identified in storage ortransport

    &xercise" Suppressing Small ires

    Purpose: This e'er"ise will (ro-i$e the (arti"i(antswith e'(erien"e in two ,ey areas o! !ire su((ression:

    Usin% a (ortable !ire e'tin%uisher to su((ress a

    s&all !ire

    A((lyin% tea&wor, to !ire su((ression

    Ensure that all o! the (arti"i(ants are $resse$ (ro(erlyan$ wear sa!ety e3ui(&ent !or this e'er"ise) Dress !orthis e'er"ise &ay be "asual) owe-er# shorts an$o(en.toe$ shoes shoul$ not be (er&itte$)

    CERT "&S$CTR&$)$)+: $)STRUCT!R+U$'E #&)U&R*,.// P&+E,-6A

  • 8/10/2019 Cert Ig Unit2 Jan2011



    U)$T,: F$RES&FET*&)'UT$($T*C!)TR!(S

    $)STRUCT!R+U$'&)CE C!)TE)T

    *re(are a (ro(ane %as !ire sour"e outsi$e in an areawith at least 6 !eet o! o(en s(a"e u(win$ o! the !iresour"e) *ro-i$e Class A::C (ortable e'tin%uishers)

    This e'er"ise re3uires two instru"tors: Instru"tor < willlea$ the e'er"ise) Instru"tor 2 will obser-e an$ ser-eas the e'er"ise Sa!ety O!!i"er)

    It is a$-isable to $e&onstrate"riti"al ste(s 9e)%)# the rea$yJ(osition be!ore allowin% the(arti"i(ants to "o&(lete thise'er"ise)

    $nstru8tions: Follow the ste(s below to "on$u"t thise'er"ise) Coa8h the parti8ipants through theexer8ise using the instru8tions shohether the !ire is s(rea$in% an$ where it woul$

    be in the ne't 56 se"on$s

    8) As, Tea& 4e&ber < to assu&e the rea$yJ

    P&+E,-6B #&)U&R*,.// CERT "&S$CTR&$)$)+: $)STRUCT!R+U$'E

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    U)$T,: F$RES&FET*&)'UT$($T*C!)TR!(S

    $)STRUCT!R+U$'&)CE C!)TE)T

    (osition# with (in (ulle$# e'tin%uisher ai&e$ an$u(ri%ht# a((ro'i&ately 26 to 28 !eet !ro& the !ire)

    7hen ready to approa8h the fire; Team ember /should say; ReadyDI Team ember , shouldrepeat; ReadyDI

    &s Team ember / begins to mo?e fors shoulder and stay

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    U)$T,: F$RES&FET*&)'UT$($T*C!)TR!(S

    $)STRUCT!R+U$'&)CE C!)TE)T

    B) *osition Instru"tor < between the (arti"i(ants an$the !ire at all ti&es)

    "oth team members should

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    U)$T,: F$RES&FET*&)'UT$($T*C!)TR!(S

    $)STRUCT!R+U$'&)CE C!)TE)T

    'isplay Slide ,-1/

    Unit Summary

    Su&&ari+e the ,ey (oints o! this unit:

    E!!e"ti-e !ire su((ression $e(en$s on anun$erstan$in% o!:

    The ele&ents re3uire$ !or !ire to e'ist

    The ty(e o! !uel in-ol-e$

    The "lass o! !ire

    The resour"es re3uire$ an$ a-ailable to e'tin%uishea"h ty(e o! !ire

    E!!e"ti-e !ire su((ression te"hni3ues

    Fire re3uires heat# !uel# an$ o'y%en to e'ist)

    There are !i-e ty(es# or "lasses# o! !ire:

    Class A: Or$inary "o&bustibles

    Class : Fla&&able li3ui$s

    Class C: Ener%i+e$ ele"tri"al e3ui(&ent

    Class D: Co&bustible &etals

    Class : Coo,in% oils

    It is e'tre&ely i&(ortant to i$enti!y the "lass o! !ire touse the (ro(er e'tin%uisher !or the "lass)

    *ortable !ire e'tin%uishers are &ost !re3uently use$ !orsu((ressin% s&all !ires) Their labels tell the ty(es o!!ires !or whi"h they are e!!e"ti-e an$ the area that they"an su((ress)

    >hen usin% (ortable !ire e'tin%uishers# re&e&ber*)A)S)S): *ull# Ai S3uee+e# an$ Swee() Always testthe e'tin%uisher a!ter (ullin% the (in)

    >hen su((ressin% a !ire# always !ollow the sa!ety rulesestablishe$ !or CERTs)

    CERT "&S$CTR&$)$)+: $)STRUCT!R+U$'E #&)U&R*,.// P&+E,-=/

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    $)STRUCT!R+U$'&)CE C!)TE)T

    To hel( un$erstan$ the ty(es o! &aterials# there are se-eral&etho$s o! (la"ar$in% ha+ar$ous &aterials bein% store$ or

    trans(orte$# in"lu$in% NF*A# DOT# UN# an$ NA) >hen!a"e$ with a""i$ents in-ol-in% &aterials that are (la"ar$e$as ha+ar$ous M or when the &aterial is un,nown M ,ee(away an$ "all !or (ro!essional hel( i&&e$iately)

    'isplay Slide ,-1,


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    U)$T,: F$RES&FET*&)'UT$($T*C!)TR!(S

    0This (a%e intentionally le!t blan,1
