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Cesar Chavez3

Date post: 04-Apr-2018
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  • 7/31/2019 Cesar Chavez3


    Group 9

    Cesar Chavez

  • 7/31/2019 Cesar Chavez3


    Cesar Chavez Cesar Estrada Chavez

    Born on March 31, 1927 at Yuma,

    Arizona, United States

    Died on April 23, 1993 at the age of

    66 at San Luis, Arizona, United States

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    an American farm worker, labor leader, andcivil rights activist who, with Dolores

    Huerta, co-founded the National FarmWorkers Association, which later becamethe United Farm Workers (UFW).

    buried at the National Chavez Center, on theheadquarters campus of the United Farm

    Workers of America (UFW).

    Chavez worked in the fields until 1952, whenhe became an organizer for the CommunityService Organization (CSO), a Latino civilrights group.

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    became an organizer targeting police brutality.He urged Mexican Americans to register andvote, and he traveled throughout California and

    made speeches in support of workers' rights.

    He became CSO's national director in 1958. Thenfounded the UFW. He even supported the workers

    in having a rally and became the best known Latinocivil rights activist, and was strongly promoted bythe American labor movement, which was eager toenroll Hispanic members.

    His public-relations approach to unionism andaggressive but nonviolent tactics made the farmworkers' struggle a moral cause with nationwide


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    Famous Quotation

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    Scripture Quotation

    Our language is thereflection of

    ourselves. A languageis an exact reflectionof the character and

    growth of itsspeakers.

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    Catholic Social Justice Document

    Once social change begins, itcannot be reversed. You cannotuneducate the person who has

    learned to read. You cannothumiliate the person who feelspride. AND you cannot oppressthe people who are not afraidanymore.

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    1. How does this

    persons life and

    commitment to justice

    demonstrate Gods plan

    for human beings to be

    in a just and loving

    relationship with one


    2. How does this

    persons cause correspond

    to the foundational

    principle for a just

    society as taught in

    Gods law and reinforced

    by the prophets in the

    Old Testament?

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    3. How did this

    persons life

    demonstrate that

    Gods justice reflects

    Gods love and


    4. How did this persons

    action in the worlddemonstrate that the

    Church is a sign and

    instrument of communion

    with God and the unity of

    the whole human race?

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    5. What can you do to help

    continue the heros work in

    creating just and lovingrelationships?

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    1. He never stoppedloving and supportingothers to attain

    justice just like Godwho never ceasedloving human beingsand continued to

    reveal and givehimself to us.

    2. As what the law saidOne must treat foreigners,widows, orphans, and otherpeople in poverty withcompassion and generosity,Cesar Chavez helped theworkers to gain higher wages

    by leading a strike.

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    3. Through Cesars actions, wecan say that Cesar Chavez loveshis neighbors as Gods justicereflects Gods love and mercy

    because first of all, why did hehelp others to gain higher wagesif his benefit from that willnot be that much?And in

    justice, there will be always love

    and mercy.

    4. Many people becamemembers of UFW and havea communion with othersand that communion isrooted in union with God.Each member also becameone as the members ofthe Church became unitedwith each other and also

    have a communion withGod.

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    5. For us to be able to create a just andloving relationship, were going to continueCesar Chavez work by being fair with

    others and do what is right. We will alsorespect, love, and support others. We willtry to be honest in all the times and tobe brave enough to protect our loved onesand those who we cared for. Especially, wewill always have faith in God.

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