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Board of Publications, I.C.P.F.Post Box. 100. Changanacherry, Pin. 686 101

India. Ph: 0481-2423796E-mail: [email protected] www.icpf.org

EMPOWERING THE NEW GENERATION Volume 10 Issue 08 June 2012

Layout & Design :Board of Publications, ICPF,Post Box-41,

Mount Olive Centre, Muttumon.Pin: 689 547Ph. 0469-2668225

Hope for the best Dr. J. Varghese


Board of Publications

Chairman : Dr. J. Varghese

Editor :Prof. Mathew P. Thomas

Gen. Editor : John Philip

Asst. Editors : Dr. D. JoshuaPrakash V. MathewProf. Oommen George

Members :Prof. Raju KorulaDr. James GeorgeGeo VergheseDr. Sini Joys Mathew

Sub Editors : M.C. JosephJomon K. Varghese

Promotional Co-ordinator :Kuruvilla Varghese

Production : Aji A.S

Circulation : Biji John

Marketing : Moncy T.Kunjumon Mathews

This publication is solelysupported by the subscrip-tion and voluntary dona-tions of its readers and wellwishers. Your contributions-intellectual and financialare most welcome.

Grace thatoverrides genes Dr. Paulson Pulikottil



Salvation is of theLord


Hell from BiblicalPerspective Yumri Taipodia


What Parents shoulddo if their Children..

10 ssZhw Xcp-∂-sX√mw \∑bv°v kpP AeIvkv, tIm´bw


A Centenary withoutJesus


Xncp-h-√m-bnse ]kwKw tUm. kn.‰n. eqbnkvIp´n


Good-bye toPan Masala

c£n-Xm-°tf i≤n-°tW... tUm. s^enIvkv tPm¨kv


The Road not Taken Prakash V. Mathew


Dr. D. Joshua

\n߃°v \nß-fpsS Ip´n-sb-

°p-dn®v D¬°-WvT-bp-t≠m? tUm. tXmakv hn. tXmakv



kphn-ti-j-th-ebpw sP^n F. tPm¨



Neither the organisation nor the Editorial Board shall be responsible for the views expressed byauthors in their articles which appear in the issues of Collegiate Fisherman. EDITOR

Jeevan Sahara Kendra (a project of the Bethany Trust, Thane) is an urban home-based HIV careprogramme helping people with HIV/AIDS in Thane (next to Mumbai). We are deeply involvedin the lives of over 150 HIV positive people and their families, and want to see people with HIVbeing cared for and contributing to local church fellowships.

Since June 2011 Jeevan Sahara Kendra is operating a Community Care Centre at the LokHospital premises in Thane. We provide in-patient care to people with HIV, help them start andmaintain their medications and follow families affected by HIV in the community.

We are looking for the following people to join our core team immediately:

a) Doctors – 2 (MBBS or above)

b) Trained Nurses – 4 (preferably GNM, or govt. recognised ANM)

c) Family case managers – 3 (women esp. encouraged to apply)

Candidates must have a clear commitment to serve the Lord Jesus, and a desire to serve withpeople with HIV/AIDS. Salaries will be commensurate with qualification and experience.

Please send application, bio data and personal testimony by post or email to the followingaddress:

Dr. Bethsheba Eicher

Jeevan Sahara Kendra, Lok Hospital Building, Smt. Gladys Alvares Marg, Thane 400610

Tel. (022) 25899248 or 9323712065 [email protected] www.JeevanSahara.wordpress.com

Do you want to make a difference for God through urban HIV care?

1. Sudheer Kumar (ICPF StudentCounsellor, Karimnagar, A.P) andSravanthi were united with holymatrimony on 9th June, 2012 at Warangal,A.P.

2. Kessy. K. Philip (eldest daughter of Pr.K.M. Philip – ICPF Senior Forum, Delhi)and Tony C. Kurian were joined togetherwhen they exchanged their nuptial Vowson 14th June, 2012 at Thiruvalla, Kerala.ICPF family wish them the best for theirwedded life.

Houston (USA): ICPFHouston Senior ForumSecretary Bro. Tiju Thomas’sfather, Bro. K.V. Thomas,K a n j i k u z h i m a l i y i l ,Vadavathoor, Kottayam wentto be with the Lord on 5th

June, 2012 at Houston.Funeral Service was held on 16th June, 2012 underthe auspices of IPC Hebron, Houston. He issurvived by his wife and children. Kindly pray forhis bereaved family.Wife: Kunjamma, Children: (late) Jaya, Suja(Kottayam), Shiney (Houston) and Tiju (Houston).

Promoted to Glory Wedding Bells



Dr. J. Varghese, Chairman

Hope for the best

Once again we observe Anti Drugs Day on June 26 toconscientize the minds of the people against the use and abuse

of drugs hoping to curtail the ratio of menace or mishap by it.Observance of this day has made some kind of awareness among thepeople and has considerably reduced the number of users day byday. The Anti Pan Masala rally from Kasaragod to Trivandrumconducted by the Social Awareness group (Angelos) of ICPF hasalso contributed in banning the product in Kerala. During the lastacademic year we conducted similar rally against the use and abuseof drugs, smoking, alcohol, mobile phone etc. have evoked goodresponse from college/school students and received warmappreciation from people from all walks of life. This also paved wayfor some kind of stringent action from the authorities concerned.Some day or other people will realize the real threat against themankind seeing the increasing number of casualties by its use.

The observance of one day is not enough but a constant andsteady effort to mobilize people on a war foot basis. All theplatforms should be used for raising the slogan against substanceabuse.

We have to strive hard for a drug free world, a drug free society.Advanced communication techniques or devices have to be used tospread the message against substance abuse through SMS, MMS, e-mail etc. The social networks can also be used for this campaign.Govt. authorities can play a pivotal role in banning the sale of thesesubstances. Stringent measures have to be taken against those whomake substance abuse. Let us work hand in hand for a drug freesociety without limiting our efforts in the observance of this day


Spiritual food from Jonah

One of the greatest truths Jonah reveals is that “Salvation isof the Lord” (2:9). He got it in the depths of the great fish,

and in the depths of the greatest trial that ever came to him. In thehour of our greatest trials, truths are made real to us. This greattruth reveals that salvation is of the Lord. The power toappropriate salvation is also of the Lord, the grace to perseverein salvation is of the Lord. Salvation, from start to finish, is ofHim, and is revealed to us in His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. Heis the Author and Finisher of our faith in Him (Heb. 12:2).

The Saviour of the world (Jn. 4:42)

Jesus is the Saviour of sinners of every nation, including Nineveh.The Jews, and Jonah, fancied that God’s salvation was confinedonly to them. But, thank God, it is sent to the gentiles as well.There is no difference between the Jew and the gentile, all havesinned and come short of God’s glory. All need salvation. Jesusis able to save all, and all are welcome to seek and find salvationin Him. The Gospel excludes no one. There is no sinner that Christcannot save. There is no sinner He is not willing to save, if thatsinner is willing to be saved by Him, His way. But how does Hesave? He fulfilled the precepts of the Law in His own life and Hepaid the penalty by His death. His one sacrifice once for all madean infinite atonement for sin. It met and satisfied all the claims ofdivine justice. In His life and death He did all that was necessaryto procure the pardon, justification, and eternal life of poor sinners.His resurrection and ascension to heaven prove this. He nowplaces to the account of every sinner who believes on Him themerit of what He did and suffered. Thus, ‘as by one man’sdisobedience many were made sinners, so by the righteousnessof one shall many be made righteous.

Salvation is of the Lord


Grace thatoverrides genes

Dr. Paulson Pulikottil

To a large extent our behaviour is geneticallyconditioned. People who belong to certain

ethnic groups have common physical and evenemotional characteristics because of the genes thatcontrol biological and emotional aspects of theirlife. Certain groups of people are prone to certaindiseases while other groups totally immune tothese because of their particular genetic structure.This also means that human behaviour ispredictable and to a large extent unchangeableunless there is genetic modification.

Paul talks about another factor that overridesgenetic conditioning that decides humanbehaviour. That is grace. Paul was intolerant,violent and possibly a psychopath too. He couldnot tolerate a group of Jews who consideredthemselves as followers of Jesus of Nazareth. Heconsidered this new faith called Christianitysomething that should be destroyed. He resortedto violent means of arresting them and killingthem. To achieve this aim of annihilating all theChristians he went on a tour to the neighbouringlands too.

However, we find an entirely different Paulafter his dramatic transforming experience of risenJesus on the Damascus road. It was natural thathis stand toward Christians was softened becausehe became one of them. However, this man hasbecome someone who willingly suffered and evenrejoiced in suffering (Romans 5:3). His attitudetowards his opponents was very accommodative(Philippians 1:15-18).

Paul attributes his transformation to “grace”.He said, “But by the grace of God I am what Iam” (1 Corinthians 15:10). It was grace that

transformed him, or says that overrode the geneticconditioning of him. The genes may control ourphysical look, biological factors and our behaviourbut grace that is available to us overrides “genes”.Grace is that divine element in our life, which issolely available with God and is given to us as hewills.

So many people with inherited diseases werehealed by the miraculous intervention of Godwithout any genetic modification. The Gospel ofgrace has transformed people with criminalinclinations and who have served prison terms topeople who serve humanity sacrificially. Here alsograce has overtaken genes. The greatest of theseis the change in character that grace can bringabout. Jesus Christ has ushered in this newpossibility that makes new persons out of the old;that is called of the grace of Jesus Christ.

People who belong to certain ethnicgroups have common physical and evenemotional characteristics because of thegenes that control biological andemotional aspects of their life. Certaingroups of people are prone to certaindiseases while other groups totallyimmune to these because of theirparticular genetic structure. This alsomeans that human behaviour ispredictable and to a large extentunchangeable unless there is geneticmodification


Hell from BiblicalPerspective

We as Christians tend to focus a lot onGod’s salvation and His love. But

sometimes when we focus on just these aspectsof God, it is dangerous. It does not give us acomplete picture. This God, who is very loving,is also a just God; and because He is a just God,there has to be a hell.

Every Christian must have a clear and properunderstanding of hell. Hell can be compared toprison here on earth. Prisoners have no specialprivileges, rights, opportunities. But even this isnothing compared to how horrible hell will be.Even the Bible clearly states this.

There are a few things about hell that shouldbe remembered. Firstly, there is no peace in hell.All the demons, and those who rejected God onearth, the Devil will be hating each other evenin hell. Everything that has to do with God willbe very far away. There is no Bible, no Church,no help, comfort, or advice. There is also noopportunity for salvation; it would be too late,the chance for salvation is on earth, not in hell.

There is also no rest in hell. There is onlyconstant torment, night and day, by the gnawingworm, in everlasting fire (Mk 9:48). So therewill be no resting place in Hell. It will also beeternally dark (Jude 13). The everlasting flame

Yumri Taipodia

Firstly, there is no peace inhell. All the demons, andthose who rejected God onearth, the Devil will behating each other even inhell. Everything that has todo with God will be veryfar away. There is no Bible,no Church, no help,comfort, or advice. There isalso no opportunity forsalvation; it would be toolate, the chance forsalvation is on earth, not inhell



of fire does not give light, but it burns. So therewill be no light in hell.

There will also be no pleasure in hell, theway we have here on earth. No flowers, rivers,trees, fruits, food, music, cities, towns andvillages. It is a lake which burn with fire andbrimstone (Rev. 21:8).

For those in hell, there is no escape at all.Jesus said so, who has the key, knows andcannot lie. There is an escape available here onearth, but not in hell. There is no second chance,once soul departed from the body.

One of the worst features of hell is that thereis no time there. There is only a beginning, butno end. Day and night, month, year, seasons, donot exist in hell. It is endless and eternal.

All this talk about hell might seem verynegative. Sometimes we even feel it is better tonot talk or even think about it. But if we are tobe true Christians, it is impossible to deny this.

But the focus is not on hell. We do not focuson hell to scare people or to condemn them.

A Centenary withoutJesus

A poor Christian from a backward community was transferred to a city where therewas a Church of his own faith. But its members were rich and fashionable. He went

to the pastor and asked for membership in that Church. The pastor knew that hiscongregation members would not like to give membership to this stranger. The pastorasked the new comer to pray about it and seek an answer from God. After a few days, hecame to the pastor for a reply. The pastor asked him “Son, did you pray about it.” He said“Yes?” “What reply did you get from the Lord?” he said, “Jesus told me as follows-son,don’t be disappointed. You have weeks. I have been trying to enter there since itsfoundation 100 years ago, and I have not yet been admitted there.”

Even as we consider hell, we also rememberthat our God is a loving God, a God who saves,a God who does not want us to go to hell. Thechoice is up to us.

Be on your guard, so that you will not be ledaway by the errors of lawless people and fallfrom your safe position to thus. Lake of firewhich will never get extinguished.


All the preventive measures in the world cannot assure that our children will not experimentwith drugs. If parents suspect that their child is already using drugs, the followingpractical suggestions should be followed.

• First, don’t deny your suspicions. Drug addiction takes time but occurs much faster with achild than an adult. Some of the newer drugs (especially crack) can quickly lead to addiction.Parents should act on their suspicions. Denial may waste precious time. A child’s life may bein danger.

• Second, learn to recognize the symptoms of drug abuse. The warning signs listed above areimportant clues to a child’s involvement with drugs. Some readily noticeable physicalsymptoms include a pale face, imprecise eye movements, and neglect of personal appearance.Some less noticeable symptoms involving social interaction include diminished drive orreduced ambition, a significant drop in the quality of schoolwork, reduced attention span,impaired communication skills, and less care for the feelings of others.

• Third, be consistent. Develop clear rules in the areas of curfew, accountability for anallowance and where your teen spends his or her time. Then stick with these rules. Consistentguidelines will allow for less opportunity to stumble into sin of any kind.

• Fourth, open up lines o communication with your child. Ask probing questions and becomeinformed about the dangers of drugs and the potential risk to your child. Finally, be tough.Fighting drugs takes patience and persistence. Don’t be discouraged if you don’t makeheadway right away. Your unconditional love is a potent weapon against drugs


Painkillers are drugs commonly prescribedfor pain and are only legally available by

prescription.Painkiller abuse can be dangerous, even

deadly, with too high a dose or when taken withother drugs, like alcohol. Short-term effects ofpainkiller abuse may include lack of energy,inability to concentrate, nausea and vomiting, andapathy. Significant doses of painkillers can causebreathing problems. When abused, painkillers canbe addictive.Depressants

Depressants, or downers, are prescribed totreat a variety of health conditions includinganxiety and panic attacks, tension, severe stressreactions, and sleep disorders. Also referred toas sedatives and tranquilizers, depressants canslow normal brain function.Health risks related to depressant abuse includeloss of coordination, respiratory depression,dizziness due to lowered blood pressure, slurredspeech, poor concentration, feelings ofconfusion, and in extreme cases, coma andpossible death.Stimulants

Stimulants, or uppers, are most commonlyprescribed for attention deficit/hyperactivity

disorder (ADHD), but they are also used to treata variety of conditions such as asthma,respiratory problems, obesity, and sleepdisorders such as narcolepsy. When taken inhigher doses, these drugs can produce euphoriceffects and counteract sluggish feelings.Health risks related to stimulant abuse includeincreased heart and respiratory rates, excessivesweating, vomiting, tremors, anxiety, hostilityand aggression, and in severe abuse, suicidal/homicidal tendencies, convulsions, andcardiovascular collapse.Steroids

Steroids are used to medically treat peoplewith abnormally low testosterone levels orsymptoms of body wasting, as is the case withcancer patients. Abuse of steroids is oftenrelated to physical appearance, such as a desireto build muscle or change body shape.While health effects vary by individual, they caninclude liver cysts and cancer, kidney cancer,jaundice, severe acne, and hair loss.


Prakash V. Mathew

The Road not Taken‘But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up withwings as eagle; they shall run and not be weary; and they shall walk, and notfaint.”(Isaiah 40:31)

“The road not taken” is a small but beautiful poem of the famous American poetRobert Frost. The poet describes a traveler (himself!) who takes a road less traveled byothers. It’s ofcourse, a daring experience to take such an untraditional path. Taking aroad less traveled by others is the mark of those who are special in their mental make-up and attitude. In psalms .4:3, we read: `know that the Lord hath set apart him that isGodly for himself”. Godly men, naturally will be special people, in their own lonelyway!

Eagle is a bird which prefers to fly high in the air. It must be free to soar in theopen space to be happy. As there are not many birds which can reach such heights, itseems lonely up there! But the eagle is not discouraged by the quietness, for it is notits nature to mingle with the multitude. It is a voluntary choice to be alone.

The Word of God promises that we have the opportunity to reign with Christforever, but we must linger in His presence. The mounting up activity is a reference toovercomers who are in harmony with the throne of God. All believers may not havethis honourable place, for they will not step out into the unlimited area of heavenlytruth and associated experiences. God has predestined a bride for His son, and He haspurposed that His glory shall be manifested in her. What a high calling!

Those who rise on wings of eagles have discovered freedom in Christ. This is achallenging experience, as we have not traveled through this road before. But the HolySpirit is within us to give proper direction. The Lord sometimes takes us out of ourcomfort zone and puts us into heights we never dreamt of!

“Heights of great men reached and keptWere not achieved by a sudden flight,But they, when their companions slept

Were toiling upward in the night”









Dr. D. Joshua

Good-bye to Pan Masala

It was a common sight in every shop near and far of schools and colleges theavailability of Pan Masala with different names such as Passpass, Hans, Shambu,

Tulasi etc. These varieties of Pan masala contains, Cumin seed (Jeera), rock sugar,Clove, tobacco, areca nut and various levels of drugs. Passpass is less harmful butdangerous. Hans is most popular among the youth. In fact college and high schoolstudents have a love affair with Pan Masala and its variants and now even those whichdo not contain tobacco and just areca nut have been known to cause oral sub mucousfibrosis, a pre-cancerous condition in the month.

On May 25, 2012 the Government of Kerala made a landmark decision to bangutkha, and Pan Masala products. The Government would lose Rs 15 crore in taxrevenue because of the ban. But remember as a result of the ban we can expect theincidence of oral cancer will be on the decrease. The Government has set up tobaccocessation centres to help chronic users come out of addiction. Kerala had become thesecond state in the country after Madhya Pradesh to ban gutkha products.

While we congratulate the present Government for this radical step we shouldlook to the circumstances that led to this noble decision. Parents and all good peoplewere grieved to see the children and youth fall victims to these gutkha products andbecoming potential cancer patients

Inter Collegiate Prayer Fellowship has got a mobile platform called ANGELOS (ANational Gospel Endeavor of Liberation of Students) in Kerala ever since 1990. Alongwith several other campaigns, they initiated a state wide campaign against Pan Masalafrom Kasargod to Trivandrum in 2006 through 2010. They waged war against gutkhaand Pan Masala products through skits, music, speech and posters lead to cancerouscondition in the mouth. Thousands of posters were on demand by various organizations.More than two lakhs tracts were printed and distributed to youngsters in all the 14districts of Kerala. At the end thirty thousand signature from students and public werecollected and submitted to the then Honourable Health Ministers Shri P. Sankaran.Messers Kunjumon Mathew, Sunil Zachariah and K. V. Jomon and leaders of ICPFwere behind this noble venture. Many churches, and various other religious and socialorganizations followed the good examples of ICPF.

This has proved once again the fact that social evils can be eradicated if we unitetogether and fight against them with determination and trust in God. Let us hope thatthe officials will enforce the ban effectively.


c£n-Xm-°tf i≤n-°tW...Ip´n-Isf \nc-¥cw ho£n-°p-I, kvt\ln-°pI

Dr. Felix Johns M.D. (Vellore)

apXn¿∂ Xe-ap-dbpw amX-a√ _meyIuamc-L-´-ßfn¬ amXw

FØn-b-hcn¬ t]mepw ]ecpw C∂v aZy-Øn-te°v Xncn-bp∂

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sNdp-]m-bØn¬Øs∂ aZyØns‚ \ocm-fn-∏n-Sp-ØØn¬ AI-

s∏´m¬ hcm-\n-cn-°p∂ Zpc-¥Øns‚ Kuchw Duln-°m-a-t√m.

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apXn¿∂ AwK-ßtfm aZy-]-sc¶n¬ AtX-ho´n¬ hf-cp∂ Ip´n

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jhpw ]I-Sn-∏n-°m\pw Nne Ip´nIƒ aZy-]n-s®-∂p-h-cmw. AXp

ItaW ioe-am-bn-am-dpw.

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CXn-t\°mƒ A\p-Iq-e-amb Ah-ÿ-bp-t≠m? Hfn®pw ]mØp-

sams° aZyØns‚ cpNn-b-dn-bp∂ Ip´n ]ns∂-∏ns∂ ]c-ky-

am-bn-Øs∂ aZy-]n-s®∂p hcpw.

amXm-]n-Xm°ƒ XΩn-ep≈ Ie-l߃, ho´nse Akp-J-

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W-ß-fmWv ChnsS Ip´nsb aZy-Øn-te°v BI¿jn°p-∂Xv.

aZyØns‚ cpNn-b-dn™ Iq´p-Im-cpsS t]c-Wbn¬ aZy-

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fm-Ip-Ibpw sNbvtX-°mw.

Ip´nIƒ°v kvt\lw ]I¿∂p \¬Ip-I-bmWv G‰hpw

Bh-iyw. kvt\ln-°-s∏-Sp-∂p-s≠∂ hnizmkw Xs∂ e£y-

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]cn-K-W-\bpw Ip´nIƒ°v \n¿_-‘-ambpw \¬In-bn-cn-°-Ww.

AØcw Ip´nIƒ kz¥w hy‡n-Xz-hn-I-k-\Øn¬ i≤n-°pw.

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]m\w t]mep≈ Zp»o-e-ß-fn-te°p \oßn-s√∂v Dd-∏n-°mw.

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^en-°msX hcp∂ kµ¿- -ßfpw D≠m-hmw. Ip´n t\¿h-gn°v

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am-\n-°p-Itbm sNøp∂ Hcp hy‡n-bpsS t]c-W-bmWv

Bhiyw. Ip´n°v hfsc Xm¬]-cy-ap≈ A[ym-]-Is‚ tkh-

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kwcw`Øn¬ Xm¶ƒ°pw ]¶m-fn-bmImw.

Xm¶ƒ sNtø≠Xv CX amXw:

Xm¶ƒ ]Tn®/a°ƒ ]Tn°p∂ tImtfPv/

kv°qfn-te°v Hcp Iymºkv Iu¨kn-esd

Ab-°p-∂-Xn-te-°mbn 2000 cq]m \evIn-

Xm¶ƒ°v B tImf-Pns\ Cu ]≤Xn

apJm¥cw kvt]m¨k¿ sNømhp∂XmWv.

Aßs\ ZsØ-Sp-°p∂ kv°qfn-te°v/tImf-

Pn-te°v Iymºkv Iu¨kne¿ F∂ amknI

tImfPv sse_-d-nbn-eqsS hnZym¿∞n-I-fpsS

hnhn[ ]iv\-߃°v DØcw \¬Ip∂p.-

Hcp "Iymº-kv Iu¨kn-esd'

kvt]m¨k¿ sNøq!AtXm-sSm∏w Xm¶ƒ°v tImtf-

Pntb‰v ^nj¿am≥ amknI kuP-

\y-ambn e`n-°p-∂p.

Xm¶ƒ ]Tn®/a°ƒ ]Tn°p∂

kv°qfn¬/tImf-Pn¬ "Iymºkv Iu¨kn-

esd' FØn-°m-\p≈ Cu Ah-k-cw

]tbmP\s∏SpØpat√m. CXn-te°mbn

Kƒ^n-ep-≈-h¿ 10,000 cq]bpw bp.-F-kv.-

F. bnep-≈-h¿ 300 tUmfdpw \evIp-tºmƒ

Xm¶ƒ°v A©p tImf-Pp-Isf ZsØ-Sp-


C¥y-bnse 22,000 tImf-Pp-Ifn¬‘Iymºkv Iu¨kn-esd’ FØn-°m-\p≈ -

Cu ]≤-Xn-bn¬ tNcp-hm≥ BK-ln-°p-∂-

h¿ apI-fn¬ ]d-b-s∏´ XpI (sN°v/

Um^v‰v) tImf-Pn-tb‰v ^nj¿am≥, t_m¿Uv

Hm^v ]ªn-t°-j≥kv F∂ t]cn¬ FSp-Øv

Xmsg sImSp-Øn-cn-°p∂ hnem-k-Øn¬

Ab®p Xcphm≥ At]-£n-°p-∂p.

Rß-fpsS hnemkw:


Post Box # 100, Changanacherry,Kerala, India - 686 101

sIm≠v IqsS-°qsS c£n-Xm°ƒ CØcw Ip´n-I-fpsS

ImcyØn¬ i≤n-°-Ww.

IpSn-°p-∂h¿ IqSp-∂p, hen-°p-∂h¿ Ipd-bp∂p

Btcm-Kyhpw amdp∂ PohnXssienbpw

BtKm-f-hym-]-I-amb t_m[h¬°c-WØns‚bpw \nb-a-

ß-fp-sSbpw e-ambn ]pI-h-en-°p-∂-h-cpsS FÆw Ipd-™p-

sIm-≠n-cn-°p-∂p. F∂m¬ aZy-]n-°p∂ sNdp∏-°m-cp-sSbpw

Ip´n-I-fp-sSbpw kwJy Iam-Xo-X-ambn h¿[n-®p-sIm-≠n-cn-°p-

∂p-sh-∂mWv ]T-\߃ ImWn-°p-∂Xv. IpSpw-_Øns‚bpw

kaq-lØns‚bpw BtcmKyw \ΩpsS Ip´n-Ifn¬ ]Xn-^-en-


temIm-tcm-Ky-kw-L-S-\-bpsS (1948) \n¿h-N-\-a-\p-k-cn®v,

BtcmKyw F∂m¬ tcmK-an-√mØ Ah-ÿ-sb-∂√ ico-

cØns‚bpw a\kns‚bpw kaq-lØns‚bpw ]q¿Æ-amb

BtcmKyw F∂mWv. ac-W-\n-c-°pIƒ Ipd-™-Xp-sIm≠pw

kmwI-an-I-tcm-K߃ \nb-¥n-®-Xp-sIm≠pw amXw Btcm-

KyØns‚ ]Xn-^-e\w BIp-∂n-√.

Pq¨ 26 temI-e-l-cn-hn-cp≤ Zn\w

IpSpw-_-ßfn¬ Bflo-bm-¥-co£w ][m\w

ASp-ØnsS temIm-tcmKy kwL-S-\-bpsS \n¿h-N\w

IqSpX¬ taJ-e-I-fn-te°v hym]n-∏n-®n-´p≠v. AXv Bflob

taJ-e-Ifn¬ Btcm-Ky-I-c-amb Ahÿ kwPm-X-am°n ]q¿Æ

Btcm-Ky-ap-≈-h-cm°n Ip´n-Isf hm¿sØ-Sp-°phm≥ klm-

bn-°p-∂p. amXm-]n-Xm-°-fpsS PohnXssien Ip´n-Isf hf-

sc-b-[nIw kzm[o-\n-°p-∂p. Ip´n-I-tfm-sSmØv kabw sNe-

h-gn-°p-∂-Xn\pw Ah¿°v kvt\lw ]¶p-h-bv°p-∂-Xn\pw

amXm-]n-Xm°ƒ kabw Is≠-Øp-∂n-√. Ip´n-I-fpsS F√m

[XpS¿® t]Pv ... 21]


\n߃°v \nß-fpsSIp´n-sb-°p-dn®vD¬°-WvT-bp-t≠m?


tUm. tXmakv hn. tXmakv

sshIm-cnI ]IzX

\ΩpsS Ip´n-Ifn¬ sshIm-cnI ]IzX hf¿-Øn-sb-

Sp°m≥ Fßs\ Ign-bpw? sshIm-cnI ]Iz-X-sb-°p-dn®v

hnip≤ ]usemkv Cßs\ ]d™p: "Rm≥ inip-hm-bn-cp-

∂t∏mƒ inip-hn-s\-t∏mse kwkm-cn-®p, inip-hn-s\-t∏mse

Nn¥n-®p, inip-hn-s\-t∏mse \ncq-]n-®p, ]pcp-j-\mb tijtam

Rm≥ inip-hn-\p-≈Xp XyPn-®p-I-f™p' (1 sImcn. 13:11).

F¥mWv Cu sshIm-cnI ]Iz-X. sshIm-cnI ]IzX F∂m¬

Xs‚ hnIm-c-ßsf ]q¿Æ-ambn \nb-¥n-°p-∂Xn¬ Hcp hy‡n-

bpsS am\-kn-Ihpw lrZ-b-]-c-hp-amb \ne-]m-SmWv.

sshIm-cnI ]Iz-X-bpsS Bh-iy-I-Xsb \mw AwKo-I-cn-

°p-∂p-t≠m? Cu temI-Ønep≈ _‘-ßsf hnP-b-I-c-ambn

ssIImcyw sNøm≥ G‰hpw k¶o¿-ÆX A\p-`-h-s∏-Sp-∂Xp

am\p-jnI _‘-ß-fpsS Imcy-Øn-emWv. \mw amX-amWv Cu

`qap-J-sضn¬ PohnXw A\m-bm-khpw Blvfm-Z-I-c-hp-am-bn-

cn-°ptam F∂v Btem-Nn®p t\m°m-hp-∂-XmWv. kwL¿-j-c-

ln-X-am-bn-cn-°ptam B Pohn-Xw. \ΩpsS hnIm-c-ßsf apdn-

th-ev]n-°mt\m Dd°w sISp-Ømt\m Bsc-¶nepw D≠m-Ip-


Hcp a\p-jy\pw a‰p≈hcn¬ \n∂pw thdn´p \n¬°m\m-

hn-√. ssZhw a\p-jys\ krjvSn-®t∏mƒ Ah≥ H‰s∏´p Pohn-

°Ww F∂v ssZhw BK-ln-®n-√. ""A\-¥cw btlm-h-bmb

ssZhw a\pjy≥ GI-\m-bn-cn-°p-∂Xp \∂-√, Rm≥ Ah\p

X°-Xmb Hcp XpW D≠m-°n-s°m-Sp°pw F∂v Acp-fn-

sNbvXp' (D¬-]Øn 2:18). \man-jvS-s∏-´m-ep-an-s√-¶nepw AtX-

°p-dn-®m-tem-Nn-®m-ep-an-s√-¶nepw Cu ssZh-\n-›-b-]-Imcw

a\pjy≥ kmaqly Pohn-bmbn Xo¿∂v a‰p≈h-cp-ambn kl-I-

cn-°p-hm-\pw, Ah-cn-sem-cm-fm-Ip-hm\pw GtXm ss\k¿-Kn-I-

amb hnImcw \sΩ t]cn -∏n -°p-∂p. a‰p≈h-cp-ambn

HØptN¿∂p Pohn°m≥ ]Tn-t°-≠Xv AXym-h-iy-amWv. Cu

s]mcp-Ø-s∏S¬ kzm`m-hn-I-am-sW-¶nepw AXn-\p≈ Adnhv

kzbw t\Sm-\m-hn-√.

Pohn-X-hn-P-bØns‚ Xmt°m-emWv sshIm-cn-I-]-Iz-X.

a‰p a\p-jy-cp-samØv kulm¿Z]q¿∆w hnP-b-I-c-ambn Pohn-

°p-∂-Xn\v CXv AXym-h-iy-amWv. hnip≤ ]usemkv tdma¿°v

Fgp-Xnb teJ-\Øn¬ Ah-tcbpw \tΩbpw Cßs\ Hm¿Ωn-

∏n-°p-∂p. "Ign-bp-sa¶n¬ \nßfm¬ Bthmfw kIe a\p-

jy-tcmSpw kam-[m-\-am-bn-cn∏n≥' (tdma¿ 12:18). Fßs\ CXn\p

Ign-bpw? As√¶n¬ Fs∂-¶nepw B¿s°¶nepw CXn\p

Ign-bp-tam? sshIm-cnI ]Iz-X-bpsS ]cn-Xym-K-amb LS-I-sa∂

\ne°v \mw Ft∏mgpw Hcp Imcyw Hm¿t°-≠-Xp≠v.

ssZhØns‚ kvt\l- m-P-\-ß-fmb Ip´n-I-fmWv Cu qanbn¬

InkvXphns‚ ]Xn-\n-[nIƒ. \msa√mw Ah-tcm-sSm-∏-amWv

Pohn -X-hn -P-bØns‚ Xmt°m-emWv

sshIm-cn-I-]-Iz-X. a‰p a\p-jy-cp-samØv

kulm¿Z]q¿∆w hnP-b-I-c-ambn Pohn-°p-

∂-Xn\v CXv AXym-h-iy-amWv. hnip≤

]usemkv tdma¿°v Fgp-Xnb teJ-

\Øn¬ Ah-tcbpw \tΩbpw Cßs\

Hm¿Ωn -∏n -°p -∂p. "Ign -bp -sa¶n¬

\nßfm¬ Bthmfw kIe a\p-jy-

tcmSpw kam-[m-\-am-bn-cn∏n≥'. Fßs\

CXn\p Ign-bpw? As√¶n¬ Fs∂-¶nepw

B¿s°¶nepw CXn\p Ign-bp-tam?



Pohn-t°-≠Xv. \bn-°p-∂h¿°pw \bn-°-s∏-Sp-∂h¿°pw

A≤ym-]I¿°pw hnZym¿-∞nIƒ°pw hym]m-cnIƒ°pw sXmgn-

em-fnIƒ°pw D]-t`m-‡m°ƒ°pw ]ptcm-lnX¿°pw CS-h-

I°m¿°pw ktlm-Z-co-˛-k-tlm-Z-c∑m¿°pw km[m-cW

P\߃°pa-S°w B_m-e-hr≤w P\߃°panXv _m[-I-


XnI™ ka-`m-h-\bpw Ipeo-\-Xbpw Ie¿-∂-hn[w P\-

°q- -tØm-sSm-∏hpw hy‡n-I-tfm-sSm-∏hpw k©-cn®v Ahsc

]Tn-∏n-°p-Ibpw [¿Ω-t_m-[\w \S-Øp-Ibpw sNøp∂ tbip-

In-kvXp-hns\ \ap°v kphn-ti-j߃ hmbn-°ptºmƒ

ImWmw. "Cu a\pjy≥ kwkm-cn-°p-∂-Xp-t]mse Bcpw Hcp-

\mfpw kwkm-cn-®n-´n√ (tbm-l. 7:46). F√m Imcy-ßfpw

At±lw anI-thmsS sNbvXpXo¿Øp. Ah≥ kI-ehpw

\∂mbn sNbvXp. sNIn-Ssc tIƒ°p-am-dm-°p∂p: Duasc

kwkm-cn-°p-am-dm-°p∂p' (a¿-s°mkv 7:37). kw -h-hn-Im-k-ß-

fpsS BI-kvan-Iam‰ßƒ At±-lØns‚ \nb-¥-W-Øn-em-

bn-cp-∂p. c≠p kµ¿-`-ßfn¬ amX-amWv At±lw £p`n-X-

\m-Ip-∂Xv \mw ImWp-∂Xv. ]≈nbn¬ I≈-°-®-hSw \S-Øn-

b-hsc At±lw B´n-∏m-bn-®p. "blq-Z-∑m-cpsS s]kl

kao]w BI-sIm≠p tbip sbcp-i-te-an-te°p t]mbn

ssZhm-e-bØn¬ Imf, BSv, ]mhv F∂n-hsb hnev°p-∂-h-

tcbpw AhnsS Ccn-°p∂ s]m≥hm-Wn-`-°m-tcbpw I≠n´p

Ib-dp-sIm≠v Hcp NΩ´n D≠m°n BSp-am-Sp-I-tfbpw Bfp-

I-tfbpw ssZhm-e-bØn¬ \n∂pw ]pd-Øm-°n. s]m≥hm-Wn-

`-°m-cpsS \mWyw XqIn-°-f-™p, tai-Isf adn-®n-´p, ]mhp-

Isf hnev°p-∂-h-tcmSv: CXv Chn-sS-\n∂v sIm≠p-t]m-Iphn≥,

Fs‚ ]nXmhns‚ Be-bsØ hmWn-`-ime B°-cpXv F∂v

]d™p' (tbm-l. 2:13- 16). I]-S- -‡n-°m-cmb ]co-i-∑m-tcbpw

Ah-cpsS Ip_p-≤n-tbbpw \b-Im-]-Sy-tØbpw At±lw A[n-


"Ah≥ kwkm-cn-°ptºmƒXt∂ Hcp ]coi≥ Xt∂m-Sp-

IqsS apØmgw Ign∏m≥ Ahs\ £Wn®p, Ah\pw

AIØp IS∂v `£-W-Øn-\n-cp-∂p. apØm-g-Øn-\p-apsº

Ipfn-®n-√m-sb∂v I≠n´v ]coi≥ B›-cy-s∏-´p. I¿Ømhv

Ah-t\mSp ]co-i-∑m-cmb \n߃ In≠n-In-Æ-ß-fpsS ]pdw-

sh-Sn-∏m-°p-∂p. \nß-fpsS D≈ntem Ih¿-®bpw ZpjvS-Xbpw

\nd-™n-cn-°p-∂p. aqV-∑m-sc, ]pdw D≠m-°n-bh≥ A√tbm

AIhpw D≠m -°n -bXv ? AI-Øp-≈Xp `n£-bmbn

sImSp∏o≥, F∂m¬ kI-ehpw \n߃°v ip≤amIpw F∂p

]d-™p. ]co-i-∑m-cmb \n߃°p Atøm IjvSw, \n߃

Xpf-kn-bnepw Acq-X-bnepw F√m Noc-bnepw ]Xmcw sImSp-

°bpw \ymbhpw ssZh-kvt\-lhpw hn´p-I-f-Ibpw sNøp-∂p.

CXp sNøp-Ibpw AXp XyPn-°m-Xn-cn-°p-Ibpw thWw. ]co-

i-∑m-cmb \n߃°v Atøm IjvSw, \n߃°v ]≈nbn¬

apJym-k-\hpw Aßm-Snbn¬ hµ-\hpw ]nb-am-Ip-∂p.

\n߃°v Atøm IjvSw, \n߃ Im¨am≥ Ign-bmØ I√-

d-I-sf-t∏mse BIp-∂p, Ah-bpsS aosX \S-°p∂ a\pjy≥

Adn-bp-∂n-√. \ymb-im-kvXn-amcn¬ HcpØ≥ Ah-t\mSv: Kptcm

Cßs\ ]d-bp-∂-Xn\m¬ \o Rß-tfbpw A]-am-\n-°p∂p

F∂p ]d-™p. AXn\v Ah≥ ]d-™Xv, \ymb-im-kvXn-am-

cmb \n߃°pw Atøm IjvSw: FSp∏m≥ ]bm-k-ap≈ Npa-

SpIƒ \n߃ a\p-jy-sc-s°m≠p Npa-∏n-°p-∂p. \n߃ Hcp

hnc¬sIm≠p-t]mepw B Npa-Sp-Isf sXmSp-∂n-√. \n߃°v

Atøm IjvSw, \n߃ ]hm-N-I-∑m-cqsS I√-dIƒ ]Wn-bp-

∂p, \nß-fpsS ]nXm-°∑m¿ Ahsc sIm∂p. AXn\m¬

\nß-fpsS ]nXm-°∑m-cpsS ]h¿ØnIƒ°p \n߃ km£n-

I-fm-bn-cn-°p-Ibpw kΩ-Xn-°p-Ibpw sNøp-∂p. Ah¿ Ahsc

sIm∂p, \n߃ Ah-cpsS I√-d-Isf ]Wn-bp-∂p. AXp-

sIm≠v ssZhØns‚ ⁄m\hpw ]d-bp-∂Xv Rm≥ ]hm-N-

I-∑m-scbpw As∏m-kvX-e-∑m-scbpw Ah-cpsS ASp°¬

Ab-bv°p-∂p. Ahcn¬ Nnesc Ah¿ sIm√p-Ibpw D]-Z-

hn-°p-Ibpw sNøpw. lmt_ens‚ c‡w XpSßn bmK-]o-T-

Øn\pw Be-b-Øn\pw \Sphn¬h®v ]´p-t]mb skJ-cymhns‚

c‡w-hsc temI-ÿm-]-\w- apX¬ sNmcn-™n-cn-°p∂ kIe

]hm-N-I-∑m-cp-sSbpw c‡w Cu Xe-ap-d-tbmSv tNmZn∏m≥ CS-

h-tc-≠-Xn\p Xt∂. AtX, Cu Xe-ap-d-tbmSv AXp tNmZn°pw

F∂v Rm≥ \nß-tfmSp ]d-bp-∂p. \ymb-im-kvXn-am-cmb

\n߃°p Atøm IjvSw, \n߃ ]cn-⁄m-\Øns‚

Xmt°m¬ FSpØp If-™p, \n߃Xs∂ IS-∂n-√, IS-°p-

∂-hsc XSp-Øpw-I-f™p (eq-s°mkv 11:37-˛52)..

t£m`n-°p-∂-Xn-eqsS tbip-InkvXp Xs‚ A[n-Im-c-ap-

]-tbm-Kn®v klm-\p- qXn ]I-cp-I-bm-Wp-≠m-bXv. CXv a‰p≈h-

cpsS s\mº-c߃°v Bizmkw ]I-cm-\mWv. A√msX

a‰p≈hsc apdn-th-en-]n-°m\pw AI‰n\n¿Øm\p-a√ CS-bm-

°n-bXv. CXp Xs∂-bmWv sshIm-cnI ]Iz-X. Cu ]IzX

t\Sn-sb-Sp-t°-≠Xv \ΩpsS IS-a-bmWv. kl-Po-hn-I-fmb a‰p

a\p-jy-cpsS CSbn¬ InkvXphns‚ ]Xn-\n-[n-bmbn Pohn-°p-

∂-Xn\v CXv IqSntb Xocq.

t£m`n-°p-∂-Xn-eqsS tbip-InkvXp

Xs‚ A[n-Im-c-ap-]-tbm-Kn®v klm-\p-

`qXn ]I-cp -I -bm -Wp -≠m-bXv. CXv

a‰p≈h-cpsS s\mº-c߃°v Bizmkw

]I-cm-\mWv. A√msX a‰p≈hsc apdn-

th-en-]n-°m\pw AI‰n\n¿Øm\p-a√ CS-

bm-°n-bXv. CXp Xs∂-bmWv sshIm-cnI

]Iz-X. Cu ]IzX t\Sn-sb-Sp-t°-≠Xv

\ΩpsS IS-a-bmWv. kl-Po-hn-I-fmb a‰p

a\p-jy-cpsS CSbn¬ InkvXphns‚ ]Xn-

\n-[n-bmbn Pohn-°p-∂-Xn\v CXv IqSntb



Xncp-h-√-bnse ]kwKw

tUm. kn.‰n. eqbn-kvIp´n

tUm. kn.‰n. eqbn-kvIp´nbpsS ""hnizmkw, hniz-kvXX, hnizm-ko-bX'' F∂ ]pkvX-IØn¬ \n∂pw)

ASp-ØnsS Hcp Znhkw Rm\pw mcybpw IqsS imtcm-\nse

sIm®-Ωsb (an- nkv ]n.sP. tXma-kn-s\) Ib-dn-°-≠p.

IÆn\p \√ ImgvN-bn-s√-¶nepw Rm≥ Bcm-sW∂v t]cp

tI´t∏mƒ ]nb amXm-hn\v ]gb Hcp kw`hw Hm¿Ωbn¬

h∂p; AXmWv BZy-ambn kwkm-c-hn-j-b-am-bXv. Iønepw

s\‰nbnepw Hs° Ipcnip ]Xy-£-s∏-Sp-∂p-sh∂v Ah-Im-

i-s∏´ hntZi anj-\dn ]kw-Kn® I¨h≥js\∏‰n ]d-™-

tijw ssZh-Zmkn ]d™p: ""A∂v eqbnkvIp´n ]kw-Kn-®Xv

Rm\n-t∏mgpw Hm¿°p∂p.'' B I¨h≥j≥ Fs‚ kvac-

Wbn¬\n∂v Hcn-°epw ambmØ Hcp kw`hw Bbn-cp-∂p.

F∂m¬ a‰msc¶nepw AtXm¿-Øn-cn-°p-sa∂p Rm≥ Nn¥n-


kw`hw \S-∂Xv 1958˛tem 59-˛tem BWv. F\n°v ]Xn-

aqt∂m ]Xn-\mtem hb- p-]m-bw. ]me-°m´v anj≥

sslkvIqfn¬ ]Tn-®n-cp∂ Rm≥ ]p\-eqsc ho´n-te°p hcp-

∂-hgn Xncp-h√ imtcm\n¬ h∂p]‰nb kml-Ncyw Hm¿°p-

∂n-√. GXm-bmepw c≠p-aq-∂p-Zn-hkw AhnsS Xma-kn®p

I¨h≥j\n¬ kw_-‘n-®p. A∂-dn-bm-hp∂ Cw•ojn¬

hntZi anj-\-dn-am-tcm-sSms° kwkm-cn-°p-Ibpw sNbvXp.

Ah-cpsS DW¿hpw tcmK-im¥n ipiq-j-bp-sams° CjvS-

s∏´p. F∂m¬ AXn-semcmƒ s\‰nbnepw Iønepw Hs°

cXw s]mSn®v Ipcn-ip-cq-]Øn¬ shfn-s∏-Sp-∂p F∂-h-Im-i-

s∏-´Xv AXbv°p Zln-®n-√. ""Ipcnip ImWp-∂nt√'' F∂p

tNmZn-®t∏mƒ Cs√∂pXs∂ adp-]-Snbpw sImSp-Øp.

Hcp cmXnbn¬, A∂sØ tbmKØn¬ Ipd-®p-k-abw

]kw-Kn-°phm≥ ]mkv‰¿ ]n.sP. tXmakv Ft∂m-Sm-h-iy-s∏-

´p. henb Bƒ°q-´-ap≈ I¨h≥j\n¬ ]kw-Kn-°phm≥

In´nb Ah-kcw Rm≥ kt¥m-j-tØm-Sp-IqsS kzoI-cn-®p.

At±lw ]d™p Rm≥ Cw•ojn¬ ]kw-Kn-°-W-sa∂v. Rm≥

]Tn-®n-cp-∂Xv ae-bmfw aoUnbw sslkvIq-fn-em-bn-cp-∂p. tImf-

Pp -hn -Z ym -` ym -khpw ap∏-sØm∂p h¿jsØ Ata-

cn°≥hmkhpw Ign-s™-¶nepw Ct∏mgpw sX‰n√mØ Cw•o-

jn-emtWm kwkm-cn-°p-∂-sX∂p kwi-bn-°m-dp≠v. At∏mƒ

A∂sØ ÿnXn ]d-tb≠ Imcy-an-√-t√m. GXm-bmepw Adn-

bm-hp∂ hn[Øn¬ ]kw-Kn-°phm≥ XpS-ßn-bt∏mƒ ]cn-`m-

j-s∏-SpØm≥ Ib-dn-h-∂Xv ]mkv‰¿ ]n.Fw. nen-∏m-bn-cp-∂p.

Rm≥ hf-sc-tbsd _lp-am-\n-®n-cp∂ Cu henb ]kw-KI≥,

Hcp _me≥ "s]m´nw-•ojn¬' ]kw-Kn-°p-∂Xv ]cn-`m-j-s∏-Sp-

Øphm≥ h∂p-\n-∂Xv F\n°p hniz-kn°m≥ Ign-™n-√.

As∂-¥mWv ]d-™-sX-∂-sXm∂pw Rm≥ Hm¿°p-∂n-√.

F∂m¬ Ahn-kva-c-Wo-b-amb Hcp Zn\-am-bn-cp∂p AXv.

Nne h¿j߃°ptijw Fs‚ ]cn-`m-jIs‚ A\-¥-

c-hsf Rm≥ hnhmlw sNbvXp. ]g-b-]-kwKw hnhm-lm-

tem-N-\sb h√-hn-[-Ønepw kzm[o-\n-®n-cpt∂m F∂p ]e-

t∏mgpw Nn¥n-®n-´p≠v. tNmZn-°p-hm-\p≈ ss[cyw t]mcm-Ø-

Xn\m¬ Hcn-°epw tNmZn-®n-√.

sNdp-∏-°msc Bflo-b-ip-iq-j-bv°p-th≠n t]m’m-ln-

∏n-°p-∂Xn¬ ]mkv‰¿ ]n.sP. tXma-kn\pw ]mkv‰¿ ]n.Fw.

^nen-∏n-\p-ap-≠m-bn-cp∂ Xmev]-cyØns‚ DZm-l-c-W-amWv Cu

kw`-hw. Cu tijvT ssZh-Zm-k-∑m-tcm-Sp-IqsS ]kw-K-]oTw

]¶n-Sm-\p≈ mKyw ]n¬°meØv D≠m-bn- p≠v. F∂m¬ _me-

\m-bn-cp-∂t∏mƒ \S∂ kw -h-amWv kvarXn-]-YØn¬ ambmsX


Hcp cmXnbn¬, A∂sØ tbmKØn¬ Ipd-®p-k-

abw ]kw-Kn-°phm≥ ]mkv‰¿ ]n.sP. tXmakv

Ft∂m-Sm -h-iy-s∏-´p. henb Bƒ°q-´ -ap≈

I¨h≥j\n¬ ]kw-Kn-°phm≥ In´nb Ah-kcw

Rm≥ kt¥m-j-tØm-Sp-IqsS kzoI-cn-®p. At±lw

]d™p Rm≥ Cw•ojn¬ ]kw-Kn-°-W-sa∂v.

Rm≥ ]Tn-®n-cp-∂Xv ae-bmfw aoUnbw sslkvIq-

fn-em-bn-cp-∂p. tImf-Pp-hn-Zym- ym-khpw ap∏-sØm∂p

h¿jsØ Ata-cn°≥hmkhpw Ign-s™-¶nepw

Ct∏mgpw sX‰n√mØ Cw•o-jn-emtWm kwkm-cn-

°p-∂-sX∂p kwi-bn-°m-dp≠v


cmP-m[n-cm-Pm-hn-s\bpw I¿Øm-[nI¿Ømhn-s\bpw tkhn-°p-

∂-Xp-t]mse tijvT-ambn as‰m∂pw C√. Cu `qan-bn-te°pw

G‰w sh√p-hnfn Db¿Øp∂-Xm-b, \n¿_-‘n-X-amb I¿Ø-

hyhpw kz¿K-Øn-te°pw tijvT-amb ]Xn-^ew e`n-°p-∂-

Xp-amb A\p- -h-atX I¿Øm-hmb tbip-hns\ tkhn-°p-∂Xv

(a¿s°mkv 10:29,30) I¿Ømhns‚ the-°m-cpsS ]Zhn AXn-

ti-jvT-atX! InkvXphns‚ ÿm\m-]-Xn, ssZhØns‚ kl-

]h¿ØI¿ Iq´p-th-e°m¿ a\p-jysc ]nSn°p-∂h¿ .

\ap°v Htc-sbmcp Pohn-X-ta-bp-≈q. AXv AXn-thKw IS-

∂p-t]m-Ipw. F¥v \mw I¿Øm-hn-\p-th≠n sNbvtXm, AXv

amXw \ne\n¬°pw. InkvXo-b-th-e-btX G‰hpw kt¥m-

j-I-c-amb A\p- hw. AXv Hcp sImbvØp-Imcs‚ kt¥mjw

t]msetbm As√¶n¬ Xs‚ \jvS-s∏´ aIs\ XncnsI e`n®

]nXmhns‚ kt¥mjw t]msetbm \ap°v D]-an -°mw.

InkvXob thebn¬ ]c-a-]-[m-\-am-bXv Xs‚ the XnI-®-

Xn-ep≈ kwXr-]vXn-b-tX. ]cn]q-¿Æ-amb kzmX¥yw, Iq´mb

]h¿-Ø-\w, kvt\lm¿Zamb Iq´m-bva. ssZho-IX C√mØ

DtZym-Kÿs‚ Iev]-\Iƒt]mse A√, adn®v D’m-ln-∏n-°p-

∂, ssIØm߬ Xcp∂ am¿KZ¿iI≥.

F¥mWv \nß-fpsS Xme¥pw A`n -cp -Nn -bpw?

I¿Ømhns‚ ap¥n-cn-tØm-´Øn¬ the sNøm≥ \n߃°v

DX-Ip∂ [mcmfw I¿Ø-hy߃ D≠v. \n߃°v mjm-hm-‹nXz-

ap-t≠m? \n߃°v kmln-XyØn¬ Xm¬]-cy-ap-t≠m? F¶n¬

\n߃°v Xo¿®-bmbpw Hcp thZ-]p-kvX-I-hnh¿ØI≥

BIphm≥ km[n-°pw. C¥y-bnse 200˛¬]cw `mj-Ifn¬

C∂pw thZ-]p-kvXIw e`y-am-bn-´n-√. \n߃°v kwKoXw Be-

]n-°phm≥ Ign-hp-t≠m? F¶n¬ Xo¿®-bmbpw Hcp kphn-tij

kwL-Øn\v \n߃ Hcp apX¬-Iq-´m-bn-cn-°pw.

Xm¶ƒ Hcp tUmIvS¿ BtWm? FX saUn°¬ anj-W-

dn-amsc I¿Øm-hn\v Bh-iy-ap≠v! Iºyq´¿ t]mKm-w sNøp-

∂-hsc I¿Øm-hn\v Bh-iy-ap≠v!

tUhnUv enhnMvkvS¨ Hcp tZi-]-cy-th-jI≥ (explorer)Bbn-cp-∂p. At±lw Hcp anj-Wdn BbnØo¿∂p. kn.‰n.

kv‰Uv Hcp ]i-kvX-\mb In°‰v Ifn-°mc≥ Bbn-cp-∂p.


kphn-ti-j-th-ebpwsP^n F. tPm¨

F¶nepw At±lw I¿Ømhns‚ the Gs‰SpØp. hn√yw

tIdn Hcp sNcp-∏p-Ip-Øn-bm-bn-cp-∂p. At±lw Hcp thZ-]p-

kvXI hnh¿ØI≥ BbnØo¿∂p. AXn-i-b-I-c-ambpw

Xr]vXn-I-c-ambpw I¿Øm-hns\ tkhn-°p∂ Bbn-c-°-W-

°n\v I¿Ømhns‚ the°m¿ Cu temI-Øn-em-I-am\w D≠v.

AXp-t]mse kvXoIƒ°pw Hcn-°epw I¿Ømhns‚

thebn¬ \n∂v Hgn-™p-amdm≥ km[y-a-√. Mary Slessor,Ida Scudder, Pandit Ramabhai Ch-sct]mse-bp-≈-hsc

C∂pw \ap°v Bh-iy -ap≠v. tbiphns‚bpw

]utemkns‚bpw Hs° anj≥ kwL-ßfn¬ kvXoIfpw

Dƒs∏-´n-cp-∂p. thZ-]p-kvX-I-]-cn-io-e-\-tam A\p-`-h-ßtfm

Cs√∂v IcpXn \n߃ Hcn-°epw `mc-s∏-tS-≠. ][m-\-am-

bp≈ F√m anj-\nepw ani-kw-kvImc kphn-ti-jo-I-c-W-

Øn\pw thZ-]p-kvX-I-]-cn-`m-j-bv°p-am-bp≈ lrkzIme ]cn-

io-e\ ¢m pIƒ \¬I-s∏-Sm-dp≠v.

I¿Ømhns‚ thebn¬ ]th-in-°p-∂-Xn\v apºmbn

\n߃°v B[n-Im-cn-I-amb Hcp thZ-]p-kvX-I-]-T\w Bh-

iy-am-sW∂v tXm∂p-∂p-sh¶n¬ \ΩpsS `mc-X-Øn-ep≈ \√

coXnbn¬ ]h¿-Øn-°p∂ Xntbm-f-Pn°¬ skan-\m-cnbn¬

tNcp-∂Xv ]tbm-P\w sNøp-∂-Xm-bn-cn-°pw. A`n-]m-b-kzm-

X-¥y-ap≈ Hcp tImfPn¬ ]th-i\w t\Sm-Xn-cn°m≥ i≤n-

°p-I. ]m›m-Xy-cm-Py-ßfn¬ D≈ ]T\w Xnc-s™-Sp-°m-Xn-

cn-°p-I. AhnsS [mcmfw \√ tImf-PpIƒ Ds≠-∂p-≈Xv

bmYm¿∞ya-tX. F∂m¬ AhnsS thZ-]-T-\-Øn-\mbn

FØp∂ C¥y≥ hnZym¿-∞n-I-fpsS \jvS-s∏-Sp∂ \nc°v

hfsc hep-X-tX. At\I¿°pw Xß-fpsS D≈nse bYm¿-

∞-amb Z¿i\w \jvS-s∏-Sp-∂p. ]ecpw AhnsS ÿnc-Xm-a-

k-am-°m-dp≠v. ]ecpw ]d-™Xv Rm≥ i≤n-®n-´p≠v; "Rm≥

I¿Øm-hns\ ]q¿Æ-k-abw tkhn-°pw, Fs‚ tPmenbn¬

\n∂v hnc-an® tijw.' tPmenbn¬ \n∂v hnc-an-°p-tºm-tg°pw

\nßsf tkhn°m≥ a‰v BfpIƒ Bh-iy-ambn hcpw. anj≥

tkh-\Øn¬ Im¬\-S-bm-XIƒ sNtø-≠n-h-cpw, ssk°nƒ

bmXIƒ Bh-iy-ambn hcpw, Hcp-]mSv ÿe-ßfn¬ k©-cn-



\nß-fpsS Pohn-XØns‚ G‰hpw hne-tb-dnb kabw

I¿Øm-hn\p sImSp-°p-I.

""]q¿Æ-_-e-tØmsS I¿Øm-hns\ tkhn-°p-I.'' Hcp-

]t£ \n߃ ]d-bp-am-bn-cn-°pw; ""Fs‚ tZiØv kphn-tijw

tIƒ°mØ At\Iw BfpIƒ ]m¿°p-∂p≠v.'' hnj-an-

t°≠! Ft∏mgpw F√m-°m-e-Ønepw kztZ-iØv \n¬°m≥

[mcmfw BfpIƒ ImWm-dp≠v. B tPmen Ah¿°v sImSp-


""Fs‚bpw Fs‚ IpSpw-_Øns‚bpw uXnIm-h-iy߃

Fßs\ \nd-th-dpw?'' AXv Hcp \√ tNmZy-amWv. Hcp

Kh¨sa‚ns\tbm Hcp Iº-\n-sbtbm \n߃°v hniz-kn-

°m-sa¶n¬ Xo¿®-bmbpw \n߃°v ssZhsØ hniz-kn-°mw.

""kphn-tijw Adn-bn-°p-∂h¿ kphn-ti-jØm¬ D]-Po-

hn-°Ww'' F∂v I¿Ømhv ]d-™n-´p≠v (1 sImcn. 9:14) ITn-

\-amb £ma-Ønepw Gen-bm-hns\ t]m‰nb ssZhw C∂pw

Pohn-°p-∂p. ssZhw Xs‚ the-°m-cpsS kar≤n BK-ln-

°p∂p (k-¶o. 35:27). \n߃ Hcp ]t£ `uXnI-ambn

kº∂≥ BI-W-sa-∂n-√. F∂m¬ ssZhw \nß-fpsS Pohn-

X-Øn\v Bh-iy-amb hy‡n-Isf IcpXpw (sb-i. 43:4).

""F∂m¬ Rm≥ Fßs\ Fs‚ P\-sØbpw kztZ-i-

sØbpw hn´p-t]m-Ipw?'' A_lmw Xs‚ "]nXr-tZiw' hn´p,

Bb-Xp-sIm≠v At±lw `qan-bnse kI-e-Ip-Spw-_-Øn\pw

Hcp A\p-K-l-am-bnØo¿∂p (D¬∏Øn. 12:1,2). ]m›m-Xy-cm-

Py -ßfn¬ \n∂p≈ anj-W-dnam¿ Xß-fpsS `h-\hpw

kpJkuIcy-ßfpw F√mw Dt]-£n® tij-amWv kphn-tijw

\ΩpsS ASp°¬ sIm≠p-h-∂Xv. Ah¿ Hcp-]s£ h∂n-

√m-bn-cp-s∂¶n¬ Rm\pw \nßfpw C∂pw Hcp hnK-lsØ

Npw_n-t°≠n hcp-am-bn-cp-∂p. A‘-Im-cØn¬ Ign-bp∂ P\-

Øn\v ]Im-i-taIm≥ \n߃°v Ign-bp-tam?

""Fs‚ Ip™p-ß-fpsS hnZym-`ymkw Fßs\ \S-°pw?''

\n߃ t]mIp∂ tZiØv Hcp \√ hnZym-e-b-an-√m-bn-cn-°mw.

anj-W-dn-am-cpsS a°ƒ°mbn amXw Xma-kkuIcy-ap≈ hnZym-

e-b-ßfn¬ \nß-fpsS Ip™p-ßsf ]Tn-∏n-°mw. At\Iw

amXm-]n-Xm°ƒ Xß-fpsS Ip™p-ßsf C¥ybn¬ hnt´®v

hntZ-i-cm-Py-ßfn¬ A[nIw s]m∂pw sh≈n-bp-sams° kºm-

Zn°m≥ t]mIp-∂p. Aß-s\-sb¶n¬ I¿Øm-hn\v th≠nbpw

\in-®p-t]m-Ip∂ Bflm°ƒ°v th≠nbpw AX-sb-¶nepw

sNøm≥ \ap°v km[n-°n-t√? ""apsº Ahs‚ cmPyhpw

\oXnbpw At\z-jn∏n≥, AtXm-Sp-IqsS CsXm-s°bpw

\n߃°p e`n°pw'' (a-Øm. 6:33).

\n߃ ]d -bp -am -bn -c n -°pw, " "Rm≥ A¥yw -hsc

\ne\n¬°ptam F∂p Rm≥ `b-s∏-Sp-∂p.'' \n߃ Hcp

]s£ ]Xn-k-‘n-Ifpw ]cm-P-b-ßfpw t\cn- n- p-≠m-bn-cn-°mw.

CXv ZpjvS -\mb ]nimNns‚ X¥-amWv. F¥n-\mWv

CukvItcymØ bqZsb t\m°p-∂Xv ? ]¥≠n¬ ]Xn-s\m-

∂p-t]cpw \ne-\n-∂n-t√? AXv \√ Hcp iX-am\w At√? Nne

ssZh-Zm-k∑m¿ anj-Wdn Nn¥m-K-Xn-°m-cmWv. Ah¿°mbn

ssZhsØ kvXpXn-°p-∂p. F∂m¬ a‰p Nne¿ buh\-°m-

cpsS IØp∂ Z¿i-\߃°pw BK-l߃°pw apIfn¬

XWpØ sh≈w tImcn-sbm-gn-°p∂ A\p- -h-°m-cmWv. D’m-

ln-I-fmb Xß-fpsS k`mw-K߃ Ipd-™v t]mIp-sa∂ oXn

Bbn-cn°mw Hcp-]s£ Ah¿°p≈Xv. ]cn-⁄m\w D≈-h-

cm-bn-cn°! ]e anj-W-dn-am-cp-sSbpw A\p- -h-ßfn¬ \nd™p

\n¬°p-∂Xv knwlØns‚bpw Ic-Sn-bp-sSbpw a‰pw `b-s∏-

Sp-Øp∂ IY-I-fm-bn-cn-°mw. AXv tI´v N©-e-s∏-S-cpXv.

]Icw IqSpX¬ D’m-l-tØmsS Fcn-bp-I, tcmam©w

sIm≈p-I. Cu hn[-Øn-ep≈ A\p-`-h-ß-fp≈ hy‡n-Isf

t]mbn ImWp-∂Xv hfsc \√-Xm-bn-cn-°pw. ""Rmt\m temIm-

h-km-\-tØmfw F√m \mfpw \nß-fpsS IqsS D≠v.'' Cu

hmKvZØw tbip \¬In-bXv "t]mIm≥' Xøm-dm-bh¿°v amX-

amWv (aØmbn. 28:19,20).

""F∂m¬ Rm≥ I¿Ømhns‚ the-°mbn hnfn-°-s∏-´-

Xm-bn-cn-°p-tam?'' AsX, hnfn Cs√¶n¬ \n߃ t]mI-cpXv.

Dr. Christian Weiss \ΩpsS ta¬ D≈ \mep-Xcw

(\m-en-c-´n) hnfn-sb-°p-dn®v ]d-bp-∂p. H∂v, \ΩpsS D≈nse

temIw Xs∂ \sΩ hn-fn°p-∂p. \n߃ G¿s∏-´n-cn-°p∂

sXmgn-en-t\mSp Db¿-∂p-h-cp∂ Akw-Xr-]vXnbpw I¿Øm-hn-

\p-th≠n A[nIw ]h¿-Øn°m≥ hf¿∂p hcp∂ HSp-

ßmØ BK-l-hpw. c≠m-a-Xm-bn, Np‰pap≈ temIw \sΩ

hnfn-°p-∂p. tImSm-\p-tIm-Sn-P\w kphn-tijw e`y-am-ImsX

Pohn-°p-∂p. Bh-iy-Øn\v sImbvØp-Im-cn-√m-Ø-Xn\m¬

At\Iw hnf-hpIƒ \jvS-ambnt]m-Ip-∂p. aq∂m-a-Xm-bn,

\ΩpsS Iosg-bp≈ temIw \sΩ hnfn-°p-∂p. H∂p Nn¥n®p

t\m°q, tImSn-°-W-°n\v P\w tbip C√mØ \nXy-X-bn-te°v

t]mbn-°-gn-™n-cn-°p-∂p. Xs‚ ktlm-Z-c-ß-fpsS Acn-In-

te°v emk-dns\ Ab-bv°-Wta F∂v [\hm≥ ]mXm-fØn¬

\n∂v \ne-hn-fn-®Xpt]mse Ah¿ \ne-hn-fn-°p∂p (eq-s°m.

16:27,28). Ah-km-\-am-bn, Db-cØn¬ \n∂p≈ hnfn. ssZhm-

flmhv \nßsf \S-Øp-Ibpw \bn-°p-Ibpw sNøp-∂p. Ah≥

\nß-fpsS D≈n¬ Hcp hyK-Xbpw D’m-lhpw \¬Ip-Ibpw

ssZh-h-N-\-Ømepw kml-N-cy-ß-fmepw \nß-fpsS hnfnsb

BgØn¬ Dd-∏n-°p-Ibpw sNøp-∂p. Xocp-am-\-sa-Sp°m≥

km[n-°p-tam? ssZh-i_vZw i≤n-®mepw! ssZhw \nß-tfmSp


Ahs\ A\p-k-cn°q! Ct∏mƒØs∂! Rms\mcp

InkvXob anj-W-dn-bm-tWm? kphn-ti-j-th-ebn¬ mK-hm-°m-

Ip-∂Xv Hcn-°epw C—m-\p-kr-X-amb Hcp Imcy-a-√. adn®v Hmtcm

InkvXym-\n-bp-tSbpw Hgn-™p-amdm≥ Ign-bmØ I¿Ø-hy-



taJ-e-I-fnepw Hcp Xpd∂ kao-]\w Bh-iy-am-bn-cn-°p-∂p.

apXn¿-∂-h-cpsS Pohn-X-Øn-c°n¬ Ip™p߃ GIm-¥-X-

bnepw sshIm-cnI sshI-ey-ß-fnepw FØn-t®-cp-∂p. Ah¿

aZyk¬°mc߃°v aqI-km-£n-I-fm-Ip-∂p. Ah¿°pw aZyw

cpNn°m≥ Aev]w Ah-kcw e`n-t®-°mw. Iq´q-Imcpw am[y-

a-ß-fpsS kzm[o-\hpw Ahcn¬ kz`mh cq]o-I-cWw \S-Øp-

∂p. B[p-\nI IpSpw-_-ßfn¬ \n∂pw hcp∂ Ip´nIƒ

bYm¿∞ambn e`n-t°≠ kvt\lhpw kt¥m-jhpw In´msX

hcptºmƒ amXm-]n-Xm-°fn¬ \n∂pw AI-∂p-sIm-≠n-cn-°pw.

Ip´n-I-fpsS kz`m-h-cq-]o-I-c-W-Øn\v ][m\ ]¶p-h-ln-t°≠

IpSpw-_-Ønse Bflob A¥-co-£hpw ]m¿Y\m Pohn-

Xhpw Fs¥-∂-dn-bmsX Ah¿ Iq´p-Im-cpsS iq\y-amb Ccp≠

temI-Øn-te-s°-Øp-∂p. Cu Ccp´n¬IqSn \mi-Øn-te-°p≈

Nph-Sp-h-bv]pIƒ XpS-ßp-∂p. amXm-]n-Xm°ƒ Xß-fpsS

temIØn¬ hnl-cn-°ptºmƒ Ip´nIƒ°v Ah¿ Ign-°p∂

Hmtcm s]Kv aZyhpw AKm-[-amb \mi-Øn-te-°p≈ Nhn-´p-]-

Sn-I-fm-Ip-∂p. Cu Ime-L-´Øn¬ Ip´n-I-fpsS kplr-Zv_-

‘߃ IcpØp‰Xpw amXm-]n-Xm-°fn¬ \n∂pw hfsc

AIse k©-cn-°p∂ hn[-Øn-ep-≈-Xp-am-bn-cn-°pw. tImf-

Pp-X-eØn¬ h∂p Ign-bptºmƒ Ip´nIƒ Bh-iy-s∏-Sp∂

]Ww sImSp°m≥ amXm-]n-Xm°ƒ \n¿∫-‘n-X-cm-Ip-∂p.

ssewKoI Acm-P-I-Xz-Øn-te°pw Iqc-Ir-Xy-ß-fn-te°pw

Xncn-bp∂ Ch¿ aZyØns‚ F√m _m≥UpIfpw hi-ßfpw

kpe- -ambn Bkz-Zn®p Ign-™n-cn-°mw. Nne kap-Zm-b-ß-fnepw

a‰pw \S-°p∂ ]tXyI hnti-jm-h-kc hncp-∂p-th-f-Ifn¬

t]mepw sIm®p-Ip-´n-Ifpƒs∏sS-bp-≈-h-cpsS ap∂n¬ aZyw

hnfºn IpSpw-_m-`n-am\w \ne\n¿Øp∂ ]mc-ºcy LS-I-hm-Zn-

I-tfbpw I≠n-´p≠v. Ip´nIƒ°v ]I¿∂p \¬Ip-∂n-s√-

¶nepw ASp-Øn-cp∂v apXn¿∂hcpw a‰pw CX lc-ambn hmßn-

°p-Sn-°p∂ CsX¥p km[\w F∂ Nn¥ Ipcp-∂p-Ifn¬

BImw-£- Db¿Øpw. ]mb-ambm¬ CXv e`n-°p-sa∂

Nn¥bpw Ct∏m-gn-sX-¥n\p hne-°p-∂p-sh∂ tXm∂epw Ip´n-

Ifn¬ Akzm-c-ky-ap-≠m-°p-∂p. Hcp \√ Xe-ap-d-bpsS

hf¿®°v hnLm-X-am-Ip∂ CØcw hne-Ip-d™ am\y-Xm-]-

I-S-\߃ Hgn-hm-°p-∂Xp Xs∂-bmWv _p≤n. \jvS-s∏-´p-

t]m-Ip∂ a°sf Hm¿Øv Zp:Jn°p∂ amXm-]n-Xm°ƒ \nc-h-

[n-bmWv. amXm-]n-Xm-°tf! \n߃ bm¥n-I-am-b, Xnc-°p-]n-

Sn® Pohn-XØn¬ \nß-fpsS F√m-sa-√m-amb Hma-\-°p-™p-

ßsf \jvS-s∏-Sm-Xn-cn-°m\pw elcn hncp-≤-Zn-\-ambn BN-

cn-°p∂ Pq¨ 26˛\pw a‰pw Ip´n-I-sf-°qsS Dƒs∏-SpØn

el-cn-hn-cp≤ ]Xn⁄ FSp-∏n-°m\pw ¢mkpIƒ kwL-Sn-

∏n-°m\pw A[n-Ir-X-tcm-sSmØp ]h¿Øn°p-I.

[XpS¿® t]Pv 15˛¬ \n∂v]

sF.kn.]n.F^v. ae-∏pdw Iymºv G]n¬ 23 apX¬ 27 hsc

]mep≠ \yqtlm∏v ss__nƒ tImfPn¬ \S-∂p. ]kvXpX

Iymºn¬ hnZym¿-∞n-Ifpw ko\n-tbgvkpw Dƒs∏sS 60-˛¬

]cw t]¿ ]s¶-Sp -Øp. Pn^n tbml∂m≥, DΩ≥

]n.s¢a‚vk¨, tPmkv amXyp F∂nh¿ ¢m pIƒ \bn-®p.

""Hcp \√ amXr-I-bm-bn-cn-°pI'' F∂-Xm-bn-cp∂p Iymºv Xow.

Cu Iymºn¬ 9 t]¿ tbip-hns\ c£-I-\mbn kzoI-cn-®p. 30

t]¿ kv\m\-s∏-Sphm≥ Xocp-am-\-sa-Sp-Øp. 12 t]¿ ]cn-ip-

≤mfl A`n-tjIw ]m]n-®p. 4 t]¿ ]q¿Æ kab kphn-tij

the-°mbn ka¿-∏n-®p.

ae-∏pdw Iymºv

Manoj K.T.,(Student Counsellor, Malappuram)

Internal Resource Mobilization is gaining momentum, as many of our well wishers and seniorsdecided to join the project so as to promote ICPF ministry. From May 1st to 5th Bro. C.V.Mathai(Gen.Secretary), Prof. M.K. Samuel, Bro. Prakash V. Mathew , Bro. Oommen P.Clementson and Bro.Kuruvilla Varghese visited four northern districts viz. Kozhikkode,Malappuram, Palakkat and Thrissur.

After the first visit, Prof. M.K. Samuel and Bro. Prakash V. Mathew visited Kannur andWayanad districts from June 7th to 9th. During these visits, they could visit Senior Forums,churches and individuals to promote IRM. These two visits were co-ordinated by Bro. BobuN.D. (coordinator, IRM) and Bro. Jose Mathew (Regional Staff). It was reported that thevisits were fruitful and the responses from different stations were encouraging.



School of youth ministry has been a programmewith a difference, where students and thoseinterested in youth ministry gather together fromdifferent parts of India to put their spirit ,soul

and body together for the noble cause of beingequipped for doing an effective youth ministry.

Even though School of Youth Ministry startedon May 13th 2012, but the whole atmosphere ofthis particular event began even before as thearrangements for the same were progressing andthe students started arriving from far off placesby 11th May itself. It was a real joy to see 64participants representing from different states inIndia of our Mount Olive Counselling Centre.

This year’s School of youth ministry startedwith the inaugural address of our GeneralSecretary Dr. Sini Joys Mathew who spoke fromJohn 4:13-15 and exhorted the candidates toquench their thirst not by the worldly means butby drinking from the eternal God (Jesus) whichwill help them not only to quench their own thirstbut also the thirst of others. Thereafter all wereready to listen and receive what God has to offerunto them in this School of youth ministry

Different sessions were taken by eminentteachers and youth ministers - Evg. Sam C.

SCHOOL OF YOUTH MINISTRY 2012Samuel, Prof. Shaji J., Bro. Jomon K. Varghese,Evg. P. T. Thomas, Evg. John Alex, Dr. JohnAbraham, Dr. J.Varghese, Bro. Aji Markose, Prof.Mathew P Thomas , Brig.G. Thomas, Dr. DJoshua, Bro. Prakash V. Mathew, Bro. JamesVarghese, Bro. Simjan C. Jacob, Bro.C.V.Mathai, Bro.Geo Verghese, Bro. Sujith M.Sunil, Bro. Sunil Zachariah , Bro. M.C. Joseph,Prof.T.M.George, Evg.Philip Cherian, Evg. SajiveAbraham, Bro.Joby Joseph. All the participantswere given an exposure to the vital areas of youthministry so that they could become an effectiveYouth Ministers .

Br.Finny Mathew from Rajkot gaveleadership for the singing sessions in which manynew songs and action songs of different languageswere taught and sung which also cheered thewhole atmosphere. The classes, food, stay, games

and friendly atmosphere added joy and allexperienced family atmosphere with the continuedpresence of Brig. G. Thomas Uncle and SumaAunty.

Every individual’s presence ignited a spirit ofbrotherhood and sisterhood as everyone felt to bethe members of one family (ICPF).The presence


\n߃ tI´n-´p-t≠m? sS∂n-knse CXn-lmk ]pcp-j-\mb

B¿X¿ Btj? BZy hnºnƒS¨ t\Snb \ntKm. 1983-˛¬

Hcp Heart Operation \S-tØ-≠n-h-∂p. c‡w sImSp-

Øt∏mƒ Adn-bmsX FbnUvkv tcmKmWp D≈n¬ ]th-in-

®p. Btj Hcp FbnUvkv tcmKn-bm-bn.

temI-saßpw henb Bcm-[-I-Iq- -ap≈ Btj°v Bcm-

[I¿ IØpIƒ Ab-®p-sIm-≠n-cp-∂p. F∂m¬ Hcp Bcm-

[I≥ FgpXn ""CX -h-enb tcmKw Atß°p Xcphm≥ F¥p-

sIm≠v ssZhw Aß-sb-Øt∂ Xnc-s™-Sp-Øp? Bcm[-I\v

apºn¬ Btj Hcp IW°v \nc-Øn.

temIØv 5 tImSn Ip´nIƒ sS∂nkv Ifn-®p-Xp-S-ßp-∂p.

50 e£w sS∂nkv Ifn ]Tn-°p∂p.

5 e£w t]¿ ]^-jW¬ sS∂nkn¬ FØp-∂p.

50000 t]¿ a’-c-ßfn¬ ]s¶-Sp-°p-∂p.

5000 t]¿ Km≥Uvkvfman¬ FØp-∂p.

50 t]¿ hnºnƒSWn¬ Ifn-°p-∂p.

ssZhw Xcp-∂-sX-√mw \≥abv°v

kpP AeIvkv, tIm´bw

4 t]¿ skanss^\en¬ FØp-∂p.

2 t]¿ ss^\en¬ FØp-∂p.

Hcmƒ amXw hnP-bn-°p-∂p. IncoSw t\Sp-∂p.

hnP-bn-°p≈ I∏v Db¿-Øn-∏n-Sn-®p-sIm≠v ""F¥p-sIm≠v

ssZhta Fs∂-Øs∂ CXn-\mbn Xnc-s™-SpØp'' F∂p

Rm≥ tNmZn-®n-√. A∂v B tNmZyw tNmZn-°m-™n-S-tØmfw

C∂v B tNmZy-Øn\v ]k-‡n-bn-√.

Cutøm_pw \ap-s°mcp amXr-I-bmWv. (Cu-tøm_v 2:10).

""]e-t∏mgpw Hcp s]m´n kwkm-cn-°p-∂-Xp-t]mse'' \mapw

kwkm-cn-®n-´n-t√? \ΩpsS hm°pIƒ Poh-\p-≈-h-bm-I-s´.

Poh-\n -√mØ hm°pIƒ ]d-b-cpXv. \Ωƒ ]d-bp∂

hm°pIƒ tIƒhn-°m-tc°mƒ BZyw kzm[o-\n-°p-∂Xv \sΩ-

Ø-s∂-bmWv. AXn\m¬ Pohn-∏n-°p∂ hm°pIƒ \Ωn¬

\n∂v ]pd-s∏-S-s´.

and assistance of many seniors and staffs likeProf.M.K.Samuel, Bro.Ommen P. Clementson,Bro. Kuruvilla Varghese, Bro. Binoy, Bro.Sebastian, Bro. Varghese Jacob, Sis. Prabha John,Bro. Abraham Philip, Bro.Jacob Mathews,Bro.Rijomon all added feathers to the success ofthis event.

Lastly on27th of May, 2012 the whole eventcame to its closure with the closing ceremony, inwhich certificates were distributed by Dr. JVarghese to all those who completed thisprogramme and a sparkling closing message byPrincipal of this Programme Dr. D. Joshuawhereby he encouraged them at the end of this

event by the words that they would be in a highground and challenged them to stay in a higherground by daily praying ,daily meditating God’sword ,daily living a holy life so that they wouldbe followed by the word as an example. Thusfulfilling the purpose for their life by attemptinggreat things for God. Closing prayer andbenediction was done by Prof.Mathew P Thomas.Then ICPF Anthem was sung by all gathered there.Now as ever, parting was painful to everyone butall wished each other a blessed youth ministryahead. Bro. Joby Joseph gave the leadership fororganizing the training school.

Saumia Ganeshan, Participant SYM ‘12


tImX-aw-Kew sF.kn.]n.F v. ipiq-j-bnse as‰mcp \n¿Æm-

bI \nan-j-am-bn-cp∂p G]n¬ 22-˛26 hsc \S∂ ‘PathFinder Kothamangalam Camp.’ Ign™ h¿j-ß-fn-te-Xp-t]mse Xs∂, Iogn-√w, sk‚v

tXmakv dnSo‰v sk‚dmWv Iymºn\v thZn-bm-bXv. _Z¿ nen∏v

sNdnbm≥, _Z¿ Um\ntb¬ hneywkv, tUm. Un. tPmjzm,

tUm. kn\n tPmbvkv amXyp, _Z¿ DΩ≥ ]n. ¢a‚vk¨ F∂o

ssZh-Zm-k-∑m-cpsS hN-\-ip-iq-jIƒ bph-P-\-ß-fpsS hy‡n-

]-c-amb ka¿∏W-Øn\pw A`yk-\-Øn\pw it≤-b-amb

kzm[o\w sNep-Øn.

_Z¿ tUhnUv F_-lmans‚ t\Xr -XzØn¬

sF.kn.]n.F^v. Izb-¿ kwKoX ipiq-jbv°v t\XrXzw

\¬In. IqSmsX Ip™ptam≥ amXyqkpw, F©-temkpw

ipiq-j-Ifn¬ ]¶m-fn-bm-bn..

i‡-amb ]cn-ip-≤mfl hym]mcw Iymºns‚ F√m skj-

\p-I-fnepw ]I-S-am-bn-cp-∂p. AtXm-sSm∏w hN-\Øns‚

XojvW-amb ipiq-jbn¬ c£-bpsS A\p-`-h-Øn-te°v

h∂Xv 12 t]cpw Bfl-kv\m\w ]m]n-®Xv 16 t]cp-am-sW-

∂Xv kt¥m-j-I-c-amWv.

""GXv DZy-aØns‚bpw ]n∂n¬ Nne Dt±-i-ß-fp-≠m-Ipw.''

F∂ Xoans‚ ]n∂n-ep-≠m-bn-cp∂ e£yß-sf√mw hN-\-ip-

iq-jbn¬ shfn-s∏- p-h-∂n-cp-∂p. apJy ]mkw-K-I-\mb _Z¿

^nen∏v sNdnbm≥; Xncp-h-N\ kXy-ßsf efn-X-ambn hnh-cn-

°p∂ kplr-Øm-bn-cp∂p thZnbn¬. AIsØ a\p-jys\

Bflo-Im-e-¶m-cØm¬ tim`n-X-\m-°phm≥ At±-lsØ

ssZhw D]-tbm-Kn-®p.

tbip-In-kvXphns‚ kphn-ti-j-a-dn-bn°m≥ tUm. Un.

tPmjzm Xs‚ hN-\-Øn-epsS Blzm\w \¬In-bt∏mƒ AXn-

sF.kn.]n.F v. tImX-aw-Kew Iymºv ˛ 2012

\mbn Hcp-°-s∏´ lrZ-b߃ A\-h-Zn-bm-bn-cp-∂p.

15 t]¿ ]q¿Æ-k-ab kphn-ti-jth-e-°mbn Hcp-

°-s∏- p. Pe-kv\m-\-Øn-\mbn Xocp-am-\-sa-Sp-Øh¿ 15

t]cmWv. ssZh-cm-Py-Øn-te°v buht\m¿÷w kzmX-

¥-am-°-s∏-Sp∂ ImgvN-tbm-sS-bmWv G]n¬ 26

hymgmgvN Iymºn\v ]cy-h-km\w Ipdn-NXv.

sF.kn.]n.F^v. tImX-aw -Kew kv‰pU‚ v

Iu¨kne¿ _Z¿ entPm tPmk^v I¿Ω-\n-c-Z-\mbn

Iymºns‚ ]h¿Ø\߃°v kPoh t\XrXzw

\¬In. At±-l-tØm-sSm∏w _Z¿ tdmbn sNdn-bm\pw

IpSpw -_-hpw, _Z¿ hnt\mZ v sI.bp˛hpw

\nkzm¿∞ambn ipiq-j-Ifn¬ ]¶m-fn-bm-bn. IqSmsX

25 t]tcmfw AS-ßp∂ kv‰pU‚v eotUgvkv Sow

Iymºns‚ Bcw`w apX¬ ]cn-k-am]vXn hsc D’m-

l-tØmSpw ka¿-∏-W-tØmSpw A≤zm-\n-®Xv \µn-

Litty Kezi Samuel, (Student Leader),Nirmala College, Muvattupuzha

tbmsS kvacn-°p-∂p. kIe _lp-am-\hpw k¿∆-i-‡-\mb

ssZh-Øn\v A¿∏n-°p-∂p. XpS¿∂pw ipiq-j-Isf ]m¿∞-

\bn¬ Hm¿°p-I.


sF.kn.]n.F^ns‚ kphn-ti-jo-I-cW

]¶m-fnØ ]≤-Xn-bpsS `mK-amb "kmº-

ØnI kam-l-cW b⁄w': ÿnc-ambn

klm-bn°m≥ Xm¬]-cy-s∏-Sp∂ 5000

t]sc Is≠Øn Ah-cpsS Ign-hn-\-\p-

k-cn-®p≈ XpI kzoI-cn®v ]h¿-Ø-

\sØ hn]p-e-am-°p-hm-\p≈ Hcp ]≤-Xn-

bmWv CXv.

h¿jw-tXmdpw Bbn-c-°-W-°n\v

hnZym¿-∞nIƒ c£m\n¿Wbw ]m]n-

°p-Ibpw InkvXob ka¿-∏-W-Øn-

te°p \bn-°-s∏-Sp-Ibpw sNøp-∂,

Znim-t_m-[-ap≈ Bflob ipiq-j-

bmWv sF.kn.]n.F^neqsS \n¿∆-ln-°-

s∏-Sp-∂Xv. F∂m¬ \ΩpsS hnhn[

]h¿Ø\߃°pw ]≤-XnIƒ°pw

kmº-ØnI ssIØm߬ Bh-iy-

amWv. Cu ipiq-j-bpsS ]m[m\yw

Kln® At\I ssZh-a°ƒ Cu ]h¿-

Ø-\sØ klm-bn-°p-∂p. Xakns‚

i‡nIƒ tX¿hmgvN \S-Øp∂ Iem-e-

bm-¥-co-£Øn¬ ]Im-iØns‚

ssIØn-cn-bp-ambn IS∂p sN√p-∂h¿°v

Hcp ssIØm߬ \¬tI-≠Xv AXy-

¥m-t]-£n-X-amWv. CXn¬ \nß-fpsS

]¶m-fnXzw Xo¿®-bmbpw D≠m-hp-a-t√m.

CtXm-sSm-∏-ap≈ t^mw Zb-hmbn

]qcn-∏n®p Ab-®p-X-∂m-epw. Xm¶-fpsS

kl-I-cWw ]Xo-£n-°p-∂p.

Internal ResourceMobilization


ICPF Karnal Conducted one day retreat on 26th

May 2012 at Beersheba Church Karnal. Themeof the retreat was “BE STABLE & GROW”

(Colo.2:7) Pr. V.V. Daniel and Bro. Roy FelixJoshua were the resource persons. Around 90people attended the program. The program startedwith Prayer of Pr. P.K. James and the worship

session led by Bro. John Samuel and team.Bro. Roy Felix Joshua taught three ways; how

we can be stable and grow in Christ. First weforget our past and second heart of gratitude andthird love and passion for God. After this sessionall youths divided in-to groups for discussion andpersonal counseling.

After the lunch Pr. V.V. Daniel encouragedfrom the theme and he prayed for all.

7 accepted Jesus as the Lord and Saviour. 8decided for water baptism 15 decided to serve theLord.

Buddh Sagar (Student Counsellor, Karnal)

Retreat at Karnal 2012


A\p-tbm-Py-ambXv amXw SnIv sNøpI

Cu ipiq-jsb Hm¿Øv ]m¿∞n°mw

ko\nb¿ t^mdw AwK-ambn ]h¿Øn°phm≥


Xmsg sImSp-Øn-cn-°p∂ XpI amkw tXmdpw \¬Ip-


Rs. 1000 Rs. 750 Rs. 500

Rs. 250 Rs. 200 Rs. 100

Rs. 2000 and above

H‰Ø-h-W-bmbn ............................. cq] \¬Ip-∂p.

Cu amksØ / h¿jsØ XpI-bm-b Rs.....................M.O/ Cash/ Cheque/ Money Transfer/Auto Debit hgn \¬Im≥ BK-ln-°p-∂p.

Inter Collegiate Prayer Fellowship (ICPF)

A/c No: 10370100100309

Federal Bank Ltd., Changanacherry.

IFSC Code: FDRL 0001037




.............................................. ]n≥tImUv ......................

t^m¨ ...........................................................................

C˛-sabn¬ .....................................................................

Commitment Form

I.C.P.F.Post Box 100,

Doctors Tower,Changanacherry - 686 101

Ph: 0481-2423796, 9446017796E-mail: [email protected]


By God’s grace on 2nd June we could conduct ahalf day retreat at Nazarene Church, Jolda,Rourkela.Alltogether 75 students and eldershad attended the program. Worship led by thelocal choir team and Bro. Simjan Jacob spokeform the word of God (Ps.1). Mr. B. Abrahamconcluded the program with the benediction. Arewere blessed by the program. Please pray for us.

Benzamin Nanda(Student Counsellor, Rourkela)

Half Day Retreat

Kolar (Karnataka): ICPF Kolar Chapter organizedby camp at BEML Nagar, ICPF on 13th and 14th

April, 2012. The theme of the camp was“overcome evil with good.” 80 students from 10

different institution participated. Bro. Jomon K.Varghese was the main resource person. 15students accepted Jesus Christ as their seniors and5 received Holy Spirit baptism. Singing sessions,group discussions, games and choreographiesmade the camp more interesting. We couldperceive from the feedback of the students thatthey were riches blessed by the camp. As a resultof the camp we got new openings in differentinstitutions.

Suresh Rajan(Student Counsellor, Kolar)

Camp at Kolar


