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INCLUDING Bank & Quotation Section Railway Earnings Section Railway & Industrial Section Bankers’ Convention Section Electric Railway Section State and City Section A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER Representing the Industrial Interests of the United States* JULY TO DECEMBER, 1910, INCLUSIVE VOLUME LXXXXI. L AM B. DANA COMPANY, PUBLISHERS. F bont , P ine & D epeystee S ts ., New Y oek . Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
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Bank & Quotation Section Railway Earnings Section

Railway & Industrial Section Bankers’ Convention Section

Electric Railway Section State and City Section

A WEEKLY NEW SPAPERRepresenting the Industrial Interests of the United States*


V O L U M E L X X X X I .

L AM B. D AN A C O M P A N Y , PUBLISHERS.F b o n t , P i n e & D e p e y s t e e S t s ., New Y o e k .

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Copyrighted in 1911 according to A ct o f Congress, by


ln lo ffice lo f Librarian o f Congress, W ashington, D. C.

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J uly-D ecember , 1910. I N D E X . h i


N I N E T Y - F I R S T V O L U M E .JULY 1 TO DECEMBER 31 1910.


A grfculture and E lectricity.............. _ ...........3G8A m e r ica n Bankers to Invade Foreign

Fields (F . S .)__________ ________________ 753American Finance, a Foreign View of the

Situation ........... 555American Sugar Refining Co., Supreme

Court (U. S .) Decision Against and ItsBearing on Other Cases (F. S .)____________1594

Anthracite Anti-Trust Cases Decided in Favor o f Roads, but Temple Iron Co. Heldan Unlawful Com bination_________________1547

Anti-Trust Law, New Prosecutions (F . S.)4, 1594, 1732

Anti-Trust Prosecutions, Attorney-General VVickersham Prides Himself on His R ec­ord (F. S .)______________________ _______ . . 4

Arbitrage Operations between New York and Europe— Action of Stock Exchange. 1(581

Argentina New Railways in . . '_____________ 1739Argentina’s Promising Future (F. S .) ...............487Argentine Progress_________ 1G80Art Commission, New York, W ork It Can

Do (F. S .)_________________________________1731Atchison and R ock Island Employees Peti­

tion Inter-State Commerce Commission to Permit Some Rate Advances (F . S . ) .— 425

Atchison Topeka A Santa Fe R e p o rt ..............914Atlantic Coast Line R lt . R eport____.’ ______ 1359Aviation, an Epochal Week, A c. (F . S .).42G , 613

Baltimore & Ohio R ll . and Business R e­vival ........... 997

Bank Absorptions in England (F. S .)_______ G77Bank Clearings at Leading Cities, Monthly,

74, 31G, 5G7, 919, 1223, 1491 Bank Clearings, Monthly Feature o f (F . S .),

G4, 302, 552, 909, 1209, 1478 Bank Clearings by T e legrap h ..73, 5G7, 919,

1222, 1490Bank of France Lends to Bank of E ngland .1122 Bank Guaranty Deposit Law—

Kansas_________ 1219Oklahom a_______ ___________________ 312, 437

Bank Note Circulation, Tax on, Not Equal­ized -------------------- 14

Bank Note Issues, Mr. Ithett’s Plan for------ 1218Bank Notes, Changes in Totals of, Ac.

(m on th ly ).193, 373, 4 4 1 ,5G9, 921, 1225, 1087 Bank Reserves Not Required against Time

D e p o s its___________________________________ 311Bank Stock Sales. 14, 70, 130, 189, 249,

311, 436, 496, 562, 633, 688, 764, 841,916, 1000, 1071, 1134, 1219, 1301, 1363

1417, 1487, 1549, 1607, 1681,1740Bank Tax Assessment for 1907 Upheld------ 130Banks, Liability o f for Misuse of Checks by

Corporation Officials______________________1677Banks, N. Y. City, Large Reserves (F. S .)_ 486 Banks and the Treasury, Facilitating Opera­

tions Between______________________________ 916Bankers’ Convention at Los A ngeles..830, 1000 Bankers’ Convention at Los Angeles, Report

o f Proceedings and Addresses in Full. See Bankers’ Convention Section, Oct. 15.

Bankers’ Convention Section. Nee follow­ing articles, &c.:

Editorial Articles—Bankers and Currency.H istory Los Angeles Banks.Frisco Banking Growth.

Banking Section —Commercial View of Currency.Pacitic Coast and Currency.Bankruptcy Law.

Banker as Public Servant.Southern View of Currency.

The Monetary Commission.Report of Secretary.'Report of General Council.Report of Treasurer.Protective Committee.Fidelity Bonds.Report Executive Council.Bills of Lading Committee.Report on Express Companies.Standing Law Committee.Currency Commission.Legislature Committee.Detailed Proceedings.

Trust Company Section—Prepared Addresses.Detailed Proceedings.

•Savings Bank Section—Prepared Addresses. ,Detailed Proceedings.

Belgium, Bank of, Advances Discount Rate(F . S .) ..............................- _____________ 831, 1060

Bills of Lading, Railroad Responsibility for,Mr. Milton II. Smith o n ---------------------------246

Bills o f Lading Controversy. .116, 130, 190,238, 311, 373, 633, 688, 764, 917, 1072,

1487, 1549Bills of Lading Matter— Issue of Validation

Certificates____238, 250, 437, 503, 088, 764Bolivia, New Railways in .................................. 1739Brain Control o f Electric Machinery. See

Electric R y . Section, Oct. 1.Brazil, Mutiny of Small Proportions in

Navy (F . S .) -------------------------------- .1410, 1597Breadstuffs Receipts at Western Lake and

• River P orts .129, 309, 371,620, 999, 1300, 1546

. , , Page.British. See also “ English” or “ Great Brit­

a in .”British Budget Introduced in House of

Commons (F . S .) ..........— -------------------------- 6British Elections and Sobriety o f Thought,

&c. (F. S . ) _______________________ .1537, 1597British Foreign Trade Returns (F . S .)_364, 1537British Politics, the New Turn in ------------- 1357Brooklyn Rapid Transit Co., Development

o f ______________________________________ 495Bryan, William J ., Repudiated----------219, 1236Bucks Stove & Range Co. Reaches Under­

standing with Labor Organizations (F . S .) 178 Building Construction Operations, Monthly Features o f (F. S .) . .1 2 ) , 428, 754, 1002, i

1355,15981Business, Federal Policy in Its Relations to . 1541 Business Hesitancy Due to T im idity, En­

gendered by Political Influences (F. S . ) . . 1761 Business Interests, Not Political Affairs,

Should be Promoted (F. S .) --------------------- 1181Business Situation, No Element o f Unsound­

ness ______________________________________ 424

Canada, Commercial Relations o f U. S.with ______ 179 ,1289 ,1353 ,1409

Canada, Tariff Negotiations with (F . S .) ._ 675 Canadian Bank Clearings..7 3 , 315, 566,

919, 1222, 1490, Canadian Pacific’s W onderful Growth and j

Prosperity _________________________ 761Canadian Parliament Opened (F . S .) -----------1353Capital, a New Impediment to O bta in in g .. 836Carlisle, John G ., Death o f (F . S .) -------------- 299 (Carnegie Peace Fund (F . S .) ------------------------1596!Cassatt, Late President o f Penn. R R .,

Statue in New Terminal (F . S .) ----------------- 299 !Census Figures of Population------------1656, 1787!Central Bank, Paul M. W arburg o n _____ ..1 3 5 0 'Chesapeake A Ohio R y . R eport------------- 763;Chicago Burlington A Quincy IIR . and Its

Operating R e su lts ..-------------------------------- 12161Chicago Milwaukee A St. Paul R y . Annual

Report ................................— ...................... 682Chicago A North Western Report and the

Rise in Operating Cost----------------------------- 837!Chili, Death of Prest. Montt in Berlin (F .S .) 426China, Closer Financial Relations w ith_____ 1544China, Loan by U. S. Bankers_______ 1134,

1214, 1289, 1544;Chinese B oycott Against American Goods

Proclaimed at Canton (F . S .)____________ 301Chinese Demand an Elective Parliam ent(F.S) 6 Cholera, Scrutiny Here of Passengers from

Infected Areas Wise (F . S .) _________677, 908Cholera in Southern Russia and Italy (F . S .)

427, 614, 755, 833,“ Chronicle,” The, and P ublicity------------------ 1120!Cloakmakers’ Strike, Justice G olf’s Decision

(F . S .) ____________________________________ 549;Coal— The Decision in the Anthracite Cases.1547! Commerce Court, President’s Appointm ents 1681: Comptroller of Currency Institutes Reforms,

191, 633, 689, 765, 832, 842, 1740Concrete, Multiplying Uses o f ----------------------1679Congress— A Deputy Congress, W orking by

P r o x y ._____ _______________________________ 617Congressional Elections— Defeat o f Repub­

licans ......................................................... 1286Conservation of the Country’s Resources,

Divergent Views on (F . S .) ................... 609Consols (British), the Low Price o f_________ 1126Copper Production, Monthly (F . S .)___361,

609, 1288, 1535Copper Situation in the United States (F.S.)1354 Corn, Wheat and Other Food Crops of 1910.1297 Cotton Bills of Lading— See Bills of Lading. Cotton Consumption of Europe and the

W orld (by C able)__________________ 1062, 1071Cotton Crop, Annual Report for 1909-10.613, 621Cotton Crop Condition o f, A c. (F . S .)____5,

300, 550, 909, 1121Cotton Crop Estimate of Department o f

Agriculture (F . S .)______ 1536Cotton Ginning Report and Advance in

Price (F . S . ) _ .______ U.407Cotton High Under Manipulation (F . S .)___179Cotton “ Leak” Cases Prosecuted by U. S . . 15Cotton Manufacturers’ (National Associa­

tion) Semi-annual Meeting (F . S .) ............. 755Cotton Manufacturing at Fall River— Mill

Dividends, A c . . . ..........677, 692, 1298, 1421;Cotton Manufacturing in Japan and India. .1738 ! Cotton Manufacturing— Lockout in Lan­

cashire and Settlement ( F . S . ) _____ 832, 910 iCotton Mills, Proposed Curtailment of Pro­

duction (F . S .)___________________________ 1670Cotton P ool, Proceedings against__________ 1550Cotton Receipts at Southern P orts____128,

309, 371, 619, 999, 1299, 1546 Cotton, Southern Textile Association Meet­

ing (F . S .)_____ __________________________ 1478Court Decisions—

American Sujjar Refining Co. Conspiracy Under Anti-Trust Law May be a Con­tinuing Offense............................................. 1594'

Anthracite Anti-Trust C a s e s . .___________1547Combination to Force Closed Shop Illegal 549 Insurance Companies and Indiana Anti-

Trust L a w . . ......................... ........................1121Kansas Guaranty Law.................. ...... ...........1219!

PageLiability of Banks for Misuse o f Checks

by Officials_________J............. ................... 1677Minnesota Com m odity Rates Held by

Master to be C on fisca tory_____________ 752Nebraska Law Fixing Fidelity Rates In­

va lid _____________________________1351, 1414N . Y . Bank Tax Assessment for 1907

U pheld_______________________ •_________ 130Pi'ivate Banking Law o f Nevada Uncon­

stitutional ___ 1682Private Banking Law o f New Y ork De­

clared U nconstitutional____________ ___ 1001Private Banking Law o f New Y ork Up-„ held ............ ............................................ 564, 1418Private Banking Law o f New York Up-

held by U. S. Supreme Court— see next vol. Credit Bureau to be Established by Comp­

troller o f Currency (F . S .) . 832Crops, Condition o f (F . S , ) _ .6i , 3'(52~, 611,

995 1536Currency Associatipns and Commercial Paper 562 Currency Associations Recom mended and

Established..1 3 0 , 178, 189, 249, 311,436, 496, 563, 689, 842, 917, 1072,

„ „ 1220, 1681 Currency Question, Address by Mr. W ar­

burg (F . S .) .................... 1350Customs Revenues, Suggestion for Paying

in Certified Checks................................. 916

Dana, William B ., His Life and P olicy .986 1120 anbury Hatters’ Case, Open Shop Aban-

d o n e d ..___________ 178Debt Statement, U. S ..2 5 2 , 440, 693, 920,

1304, 1685Democratic Convention in Nebraska, Brvan

Rebuffed (F . S .)____ 239Democratic Party Victorious at E lection s..1286 Denver A R io Grande R lt ., Prosperity o f . . 493

Elections— Triumph o f Conservatism and aRebuke to Radicalism .......................1286, 1293

Electric Street Railway Progress in England See "E lectric R y . Section” Oct. 1.

Electric Traction, the Need o f Standardiza­tion— See "E lectric R y . Section” Oct. 1.

Electrical Trust (so-called), Contemplated Attack by Government on (F . S .) ..1 5 9 4 , 1732

Electricity and Agriculture________________ 368Emergency Currency Associations, Sugges­

tion by Sec. of Treas. as to Forming (F .S .) 178 Emigration and Immigration, Monthly Fea­

tures of (F . S .) ____________ ______. . . . . 5 , 305England Bank o f, Advances Discount Rate

(F . S .)_______________________________ 831, 1059England, Bank of, Lowers Discount Rate

(F . S .)____________________________________ 1476England, Electric Street Railway Progress in

See “ Electric R y . Section” Oct. 1.England, Oath to be Taken by King

Amended (F . S .) ..........................................7 , 240English Elections, After the...............................1675English P o l it ic s .._____________ 1481Equitable Life Assurance Society New

Trustees Not Yet A ppoin ted_____ _______ 1550Erie R R ., the Transformation o f . ................... 1066European Banks Advance Discount Rates

(F . S .) ______________________ 831European Discount Rates, Changes in (F .S .) 992 European Investors Large Purchasers of

Our Stocks (F . S .)________ 240Express Strike Settled (F . S .)______ 1213, 1354

Failures, Monthly Features o f (F . S .),.1 2 0 ,363, 613, 922, 1210, 1479

Fall R iver Mill D iv id en d s ..677, 692, 1298, 1421 Farquhar-Pearson Security Holdings Taken

Over _____________________________________ 238Federal Corporation Tax Returns, How to be

Made Public______________________________ 1487Federal Railroad A ct— A Deputy Congress

W orking by P rox y_________________________ 617Fidelity Insurance, State Regulation of

Rates U nconstitutional___________________ 1414Finance, American, a Foreign View o f the

Situation .......... 555Finland Antagonizes the Czar (F . S .) ------------ 677Finland, Threatened Russian Absorption of

(F . S . ) . _____________ 489Fire Insurance Companies and Fire Under­

writers’ Assn. (F . S . ) . . ----------- 241Fire Insurance Companies and State of

Indiana (F . S .)_________________ 1121Fire Insurance. See also Insurance.Fire Insurance in Texas, Efforts to Repeal

New State Rating Law (F . S .) _____________364Fisheries A w ard................................... .612 616Fisk A Robinson Resum e....................... 131, 1488Foreign Banks Increase Discount Rates

(F . S .) .......................... .831, 1059Foreign Trade, Our, Monthly Features o f,

185, 427, 677, 679 ,98 9 ,1 0 61 ,1 0 6 2 ,13 5 4 ,1 59 8Foreign Trade of U. S. in 1 9 0 9 -1 0 ................ 185Foreign View of Railroad Com binations____368France, Cabinet Changes in (F . S .) ................. 1208France Discussing Flotation o f Large Loans

(F . S .) ________________ ________ _______610, 753France, Strike o f Railroad Employees

(F . S ) __________________ 991, 1123Freight Rates, Reasons for Advance in Cited

•by President McCrea of P. R R (F . S . ) . . 989

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Page.Freight (Special) Transportation Cars. See

" R y . and Ind. Section ,” Oct. 29.Fuller Chief Justice, Death o f --------------------- 68

Gaynor, Mayor, the Attack o n .......................367erman Emperor and Nicaraguan Affairs

(F . S . ) _________________ 119German Potash Controversy..... ...........1290, 1672Germ any, Bank o f, Advances Discount Rate

(F . S .) ___________ 831Germany, Em peror’s Speech at Koenigsberg

(F . S ) ______ 552Germany, High Cost of Living in, Begets

Trouble (F . S .)_____________________ .1352Germany Refuses to Curtail Expenditure on

Naval Armament (F . S ) ______________ 179Germany— Tariff Matters Affecting the U . S.

to be Discussed in Reichstag (F . S .)_____ 1409Germany, W arning Against Expansion of

Bank Credits (F . S .) _____________________ 992Gold Imports from London (F . S .)_________ 62Gold Movement to London (F . S .)_________675Gold Production o f the W orld , Six and Nine

Months o f 1910....................... ............... 244, 1127Gold, Sec. o f Treasury Recom mends Some

Be Kept in Form of B ullion______________ 1740Government (U . S .) Bonds, the New Powers

Regarding the Issue o f ___________________ 13Government H ostility to Railroads the Only

Present Cause for Apprehension (F . S .) ._ 424 Government Revenue and Expenditures,

193, 441, 695, 921, 1225, 1688Graft Legislative Com m ittee--------------- 70Grain Crops, Condition of (F . S .) . .6 1 , 362,

611, 995Grain Crops o f 1910____________________995, 1297Grain Harvests in 1910.................................. ..-1604Grand Trunk Ity. Strike__________ 176, 180, 298Great Britain— The Low Price o f Consols- ..1 1 2 6 Great Britain’s Parliamentary Election

(F . S . ) ________________________ 1409Great Northern Ity. R eport-------- ---------- 1068Greece New Loan (F . S .) ............... ...................1290

Harriman, Mrs., Transfers Land for Inter-State Palisade Park (F . S . ) . ....................1207

Harvests in 1910----------- 1604Hearst, William It., Suffers D efeat--------------- 1286High Cost of L iving___________ 430, 1352, 1409Hill, James .1., on Conservation (F . S .) ---------- 609Hill, James J ., and Outlook for 1911 (F .S .) 1475 Hudson River Tube Extension Open for

Traffic (F . S .)_____________________________ 1288

Illinois Central R R . R eport--------------------------- 839mmigration and Emigration, Monthly Fea­

tures of (F . S . ) . .5 305, 487, 838, 1210,1538 1733

Im ports and E xports of U. S. M onthly.316,845, 1074, 1421, 1744

India, Retirement o f Viscount Morley, andHis Successor (F . S .)______________________1209

Industrialism, New, Mr. B . F . Yoakum on(F . S .)______ _______________________ ______906

Inheritance Tax Law, New, in New Y ork ,243, 558, 1474, 1731

Insurance, Fidelity, State Regulation ofRates Unconstitutional....... .............. 1414

Insurance, Fire, New Underwriters, Move­ment for Reduction o f Expenses-------------- 12

Insurance, Life, New York State Act Lim it­ing Business Amended (F . S .) ................. 5

Insurance Rates, Decision in Nebraska Mak­ing Regulation by State Unconstitutional(F S .)_________ 1351

Interborough’s Subway Proposition (F . S .).1535 Interest Rates Paid and Received by Na­

tional and Other Banks_____ ______ 1740Inter-State Commerce Commission Advances

Wages (F . S . ) . . . _________________________ 60Inter-State Commerce Commission Argu­

ment for Higher Railroad Rates (F .S .) .6 0 ,1 7 7 Inter-State Commerce Commission Dawdling

Away Its Time in Rate Hearing (F . S .) ..1 4 7 5 Inter-State Commerce Commission a Deputy

C on gress_________________________________ 617Inter-State Commerce Commission Expected

to Favor Moderate Advances in Rates(F . S .) ........ .1206

Inter-State Commerce Commission Hearing Upon Proposed Advances in Freight

• Rates (F . S . ) _ .___________________________ 989Inter-State Commerce Commission H ostility

to Railroad Management Belittles Lossesin Net Earnings (F . S .) ............... 360

Inter-State Commerce Commission Permits Higher Rates in South in Some Old Cases.1294

Inter-State Commerce Commission Petitionedto Permit Some Rate Advances (F . S .)___425

Inter-State Commerce Commission ReducesPacific Coast Rates ( F .S . ) ----------------------- 2

Inter-State Commerce Commission Not to Suspend Advanced Commutation Rates on New Jersey Railroads (F . S . ) . . 3 , 117, 180

Iron Production, Country’s Large------------------ 245Iron Production (Monthly) (F . S . ) . . 6 l , 298,

610, 1288, 1535Irrigation Certificates, Issue o f by Govern­

m ent_____ ______________________________ 14,190Italy , Severe Storm on Island o f Ischia(F .S.)1123

Japan Annexes Korea (F . S .) ................ 488, 552apan, Floods in (F . S .)___ 427

Japanese-Russian Activities in the Far East 125Japan’s Financial Rehabilitation (F . S .)___ 1673Judicial Powers and Limitations, Justice

Lurton o n ............................................................1737

V 'o re a Annexed by Japan (F . S .)_____ 488, 552^ u h n , Loeb & Co. Take Over Farquhar-

Pearson Holdings of American Secur’s 238

Labor, Novel Wage Scale in Great Brit­ain (F . S .) ------------------ 1407

Labor Troubles in England and Germany(F . S .) ------------------------------------- 832

Land W ithdrawals by U . S. Government,70, 312, 842

Legislation Not Corrupted by Railroad In­terests (F . 8 . ) . ...................... 1058

Lehigh Valley’s Period of Prosperity...............369Life Insurance— See also Insurance.

PageLife Insurance Companies and Physical Val­

uation of Railroads (F . S .)_____________ 830Living, High Cost o f, a Social and Financial

Problem (F . S .)______________430, 1352, 1490London Discount Rates Higher (F . S .) ---------725Lords, House o f, Reform of (F . S .) ------ 300,

1288, 1476Louisville & Nashville’s Excellent Showing 913Lurton, Justice, and Judicial Pow ers-----------1737Lurton, Justice, Speaks of Constitutional

L im its .....................................................................548

McA doo Subway Offer W ithdrawn (F .S .).1595 aine Election a Political U pheaval(F .S .) 674

Mauretania’s Twelve-day Round Trip a Les­son in Ocean Travel (F . S .)_____________..1671

M exico, Attack on American Citizens in Mexico City Over Lynching in Texas(F . S .)______________ __________ .. .1 2 9 1 , 1354

M exico, Eighth Inauguration o f PorflrioDiaz (F S .)_______________________________ 1477

M exico, Uprising in ....... ........... .1412, 1597, 1673M exico’s Centenary__________________________ 680Minnesota Commodity Freight Rates Pre­

scribed by Minn. It It. Comm . Declared Unconstitutional and Confiscatory byU . S. Circuit Court (F . S .)__________________ 752

Monetary Conditions Abroad Im proving(F . S .)____________________________________ 1353

Monetary Conditions Throughout the W orldGenerally Comfortable (F . S .) ----------425, 488

Monetary Outlook for Second Half o f 1910(F . S .)____________________________________ 62

Monetary Position of the U. S., UnnecessaryUneasiness About (F . S .) ----- 990

Monetary Strain on European Banks (F .S .) ,907,1122

Money Markets, International, America’s Position Improved Through Decline inForeign Exchange (F . S .)________________ 118

Money Stock in the C ou n try ..193, 441,695, 922, 1305,1554

Montenegro a Kingdom (F . S .)______________ 551M oody, Justice of Supreme Court of U . S.,

Resigns (F . S .)_ .__ 906Morgan, J. P ., & Co., Mr. Perkins R etires ..1607 Mortgage Bonds of New York Corporations

Can Now Escape Yearly Taxes---------------- 1413Municipal Bond Sales 106 226, 349, 665,

738 ,'973, 1272, 1585, 1656

National Currency Associations— See Cur­rency Association.

National Lead Co. Suddenly Reduces Quar­terly Dividend (F . S .) ............. 176

Nationalism, New— See Rooseveltism . Newfoundland Fisheries Dispute Settled by

International Court__________________ 612. 616New Haven Road Not to Interfere in Politicsl058 New Industrialism, Remarks by B . F .

Y oakum ______ ____ 906New Jersey Legislature Not to be Called in

Special Session (F . S .) ............... 63New Orleans Mint, Coinage at, Suspended..1219 New Jersey Railroad Advanced Commuta­

tion Rates Not to be Suspended (F . S .)1 1 7 ,180 New York Banks Holding Exceptional Re­

serves____________ 486New York Central’s School of Courtesy for

Employees (F . S.)_ 676New York City Banks, Large Reserves(F .S.) 486 New York City, Expenditures by Railroads. 1358 New Y ork C ity’s Increased Tax Rate (F .S .) 180 New York Law as to Reserves Against Time

Deposits M od ified ... ____________ 311New York Mortgage Bonds Can Escape

Yearly Taxation________ 1413New York State Bond Sale, Apathy of O ffic’ls llS New York State Canal Bond Sale Meets

with More Success (F . S .) ........... 424New York State Political Conventions_____ 912New York State Tax Law Amendment E x­

empts Mortgage Bonds of New York Cor­porations from Yearly T a x _______________ 1413

New York Stock Exchange Listings FirstHalf o f 191 0 ................... " ________________ 126

New Y ork Stock Exchange, Revival of Speculation and Rise in Values, Explana­tion for (F . S .)____________________________1058

New York Stock Exchange Share and Bond Sales (M on th ly )..773, 315, 567, 919, 1491

New York Stock Transfer Tax Amendmentand Voting Trust Certificates_____________ 1741

New Y ork ’s New Inheritance Tax Law,W ide Application o f_______ _________ 243, 558

New Zealand New Loan (F . S .)_____________ 1290Nicaraguan Revolution, Estrada Triumphs,

489, 491 ,614 , 676Norfolk & Western Ity. Makes Obsolescence

Charge (F . S .) ..................... 675Norfolk & Western’s P rosperity .................... 685Northern Bank of New York Fails_________ 1741Northern Pacific’s Results in an Unfavor­

able Y ear................. 1131

Obsolescence Charge Against Income byNorfolk & Western I t y . ..........- ...............675

Orinoco Claim Settled by Hague Court (F.S.)1123

Pacific Coast Rates and Inter-State Com­merce Commission (F . S .)________ 2

Palisade Park, Inter-State, and Mrs. Harri­man _________ 1207

Panama Canal Bonds, Advisability of Fixing Interest Rate High Enough to Insure Their Absorption being Considered (F.S.)1477

Panama Canal, Progress in ConstructionSatisfactory (F . S .)______ 1408

Panama Republic Assured by Prest. Taft that Annexation by U. S. is Not Con­templated (F . S . ) ____________ 1353

Passenger Fares Here and in E urope..............1216Peace Commission Authorized by Congress. 16Peace Fund, Carnegie (F . S .)_______________ 1594Pennsylvania R R . Earnings and Expenses

(F . S .) ............. . 8 302, 553, 833, 1210, 1479Pennsylvania R R . to Entertain Passengers

While W aiting for Trains (F . S . ) ._ ............1731Pennsylvania R R ., Threatened Strike on,

Settled (F . S .)_ ................ ........................117, 180Pennsylvania Station (New Y ork ) and Sub­

way N eeds................................. 1486

Page.Pennsylvania’s New York Im provem ent,

Completion of— See “ Ity. & Ind. Sec.” July 30 Pennsylvania’s Tunnel to Long Island

Opened (F . S .)______ _____________________ 610Pliila. Bond Sale a Success (F . S .)__________ 178Pbila. Rapid Transit Co. Annual Report

(F . S . ) ..................................................................... 754Pliila. Street Railways, Financing___________1128Political Radicalism (F . S .)__ .2 9 9 , 1058, 1286 Political Situation Im proving V alues.1058, 1206Population, Census Figures o f ............... 1656, 1787Population, Urban Growth of— See "State

and City Section” N ov. 26. • ”Portugal, General E lection in (F . S .)________ 551Portugal, Republic Declared, A c.907, 990, 1122Portgual and the Vatican (F . S .) ...........364, 489Portuguese R evo lu tion ._____ __________994, 1478Postal Savings Bank Law, Text o f, A c.,

9. 70, 248, 1134, 1363 Potash Tariff, Our Controversy with Ger­

many (F . S .) ................... 1290, 1672President’s Message................. . . .1 6 4 1 , 1543Private Bankers, New Y ork , Law Upheld,

p 373, 564Private Banking Law of Nevada Unconsti­

tutional ___________________________________ 1682Private Banking Law of New York Uncon­

stitutional ________________________________1001Private Banking Law, Scope o f ....... .............. .1134Private Banking Law U pheld....... ................ .1418Prosperity and Population___________ .1735Public’s Investment Interest in R ailroads.. 758 Public Service Commission’s Policy in Phys­

ical Valuation of Railroads (F . S .)________ 675Public Service Corporations, Regulation of

Capitalization on Reorganization_________ 431

Railroad A ct, Federal. See Federal, ailroad Capitalization and the New Fed­

eral Commission_____________ 123Railroad Combinations, Foreign View o f ___368Railroad Conductors and Engineers Ask

Higher W ages_____________________________ 1730Railroad Credit Being Threatened by Fed­

eral Policy— Remarks of Robert Mather. 1670 Railroad Earnings, Applying o f, to Im­

provements ________________________ 915Railroad Earnings, Character o f Current

Returns (F . S .)______________298, 1206, 1475Railroad Rate Controversy and Business..1737Railroad Earnings, Gross (M onth ly)___128,

309, 370, 618, 998, 1299, 1545Railroad Earnings, Net (M onth ly)___188,

434, 559, 686, 1069, 1361, 1605 1 Railroad Employees’Favoring Higher Freight

Rates (F . S .)__________________ 425, 830, 989! Railroad Freight Rates, Slow Headway in

Securing Advances (F . S . ) ._ ................ ...... 177Railroad Freight Rates, Testim ony Being

Taken on Proposed Advances (F . S .).492 550 Railroad Income, Norfolk A Western Makes

Obsolescence Charge .................................. 675Railroad Management Hampered in 1910 by

Demands for Wage Increases (F . S .)___ 1730Railroad Operation Expenses Consuming or

Outrunning Gross Earnings--------424, 624, 764Railroad Rate Advances, a Better Outlook

for the Problem __________________________ 1416Railroad Rate Problem , Mr. Hines o f the

Atchison on (F . S .) ----------------------------------- 1534Railroad Rates. See also Inter-State Com­

merce. ' •Railroad Rates, Advance in W ill Benefit.

Charitable Institutions (F . S .)____________1207Railroad Rates, Some of the Pieas Against

Increase Far-Fetched (F . S . ) ._ ............ 1352Railroad Rates— W hy They Need to be A d­

vanced ___________________________________ 68Railroad Rates Problem , the Alleged "E con ­

om y” Solution o f _________________________ 1601Railroad Rates Problem , the Broader

Concern in_________ 1485Railroad Securities Not to be Sold at Less

than Market Value__________ ______ _____ 836Railroad Securities, W ide Distribution of,

758,1206Railroads Agree to Suspend Rate Increases. 177 Railroads and Agricultural Improvement-_1671 Railroad Surplus— Appropriations for Taxes 840 Railroads, Foremost, Need Authority to

Raise Rates (F . S .) ........................................ 608Railroads, Federal Regulation Has Put

Them in Unfavorable Position (F . S . ) . . 1670 Railroads, Government’s Hostility to the

Only Adverse Industrial Factor (F . S .)_ . 424 Railroads Not Padding Their Expenses

(F . S .)____________ ________ _ . . . 360Railroads as Promoters o f Agricultural Im­

provements (F . S .) ---------------------------------- 1671Railroads, Public’s Investment Interest in . 758 Railway Econom ies and Louis Brandeis,

1352, 1601Railway Expenditure for Improvements—

Great Object Lesson and Its T eachings..1358 Railway Maps American, and Western De­

velopment. See “ Ity.A Ind .’ ’Sec. Oct. 29. • ■ Railway Returns, American and English. • •

See " I ty . A Ind.” Section, Oct. 29.Railway Statistics of the U. S. for 1908-09.. 247 Railway Values, a Doctrinaire Attack o n . . 081 Railways, New, in Bolivia and Argentina . 1739 Rate Regulation, The New Responsibilities

o f _________________________________________ 1214Rates, Higher, the Foremost N e e d . . ..........- 608Reading’s (C o.) Diversified Growth........... 759Referendum Ballot o f South Dakota, Size of 1206Republican Convention in Ohio (F . S .) ------239Reserves of Some New York City Banks are

Large (F . S .) ------------------------------------- 486R hett’s, Mr., Plan for Bank Note Issues — 1218R ock Island C o., The Record o f . . ................. 1132Roosevelt Attacks the Courts....... ....................548Roosevelt a Disturbing Element A gain____486Rooseveltism Rebutted at the Elections

(F . S .) ................ - ............... - ................. 1206, 1286Rubber B oom , Collapse in (F . S .) ..................... 362Russia, CholertTin (F . S .) .......................... 614Russia, Investment of American Capital in

(F . S .) ________________ - .................................1672Russian Exhibition Devoted to Electric • •<

Railway Appliances (F . S .)__________ 833Russo-Japanese Activities in the Far E ast. . 125

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July-D eoember. 11)10. I N D E X 'Page

Sim Francisco, Imports and Exports of Goldand Silver....... ..4 4 0 , 845, 1304, 1422, 1686

Sanitary Convention, Intel national, TardyNotice o f Cholera in Ttalv (F S .) ------------833

Savings Banks’ Lower Interest R ates. 1549,1607 8avings Banks, Onr. Need of Reinforcing

the Surplus o f ____________________ 1482Social and Financial Problem ..... ...................... 430Socialistic Tendencies, C om batting ..............1677South America, Fostering Trade W ith ---------- 684Southern Pacific Co, R e p o r t ------------- HS02Southern Railway’s Favorable Showing— 990Spain and Premier Canalejas (F . S .) ----------- 991Spain and the Vatican (F . S .) ------ 301 364, 489Spanish Ambassador to Vatican Recalled

(F . S . ) ____________________________________ 301Standard Oil Co. Receives Support of State

Department in Its Fight for Fair Play inAustria-Hungary (F . S .) ........... 909

Steel Car Situation, Demand and Supply in.See “ R y. & In d .” Section, July 30.

Stock Exchange, New Y ork . See New Y ork . Stock Market Favorably Affected by Maine

Election and Other Political Factors (F .S .) 674 Stock Market Improvement (F .S .) 238, 424, 674 Stock Market (New Y ork ), Is Depression

Being Accentuated by Inheritance TaxLaw, &c. (F . S .) ----------------- 1474

Stock Market Unsettled by Political Affairs(F . S .) _______________ 486

Storm in the South (F . S .) ----------------------------1061Strikes in Germany and Spain (F . S .) ----------551Strikes in the Public Interest------------------------1213Sub-Treasury Figures Unreliable (F . S .),

1406, 1594Subway Building by A ssessm ent..183, 306, 436 Subway Building in Greater New Y ork , the

Parting o f the W ays______ ________ 1296Subway, Building o f in Greater New Y ork ,

Retarded by Restrictions (F . S .)________ 1059Subway (New Y ork) P rop os ition ._________ 1676Subway Situation (New Y ork) Improved

(F . S .) . . __________________________ 1408, 1535

Page.Suffrage Problem in E ngland_________ 304, 1410Superheaters and E conom y in Operation.

See “ R y. & In d .” Section, Oct. 29.Supreme Court of U. S ., Justice Lurton's

Address (F . S .)_______ ____ ________ ______548Supreme Court o f U. S ., Pres. T aft's A p­

pointments to Vacancies (F . S .) ..1 5 3 4 , 1595

Taft’s, President. Message____ ____ 1543elegraphic Transfers by U. S. T reasu ry .. 916

Telephone. See Train Despatching.Textiles, Speedy Settlement o f Samples

Question Likely (F . S ) . _____ ____________ 612Third A ve. R I t „ Regulation o f Capitaliza­

tion on Reorganization_______________ . 431Train Despatching by Telephone. See “ R y.

& Ind .” Section, July 30.Trans-Andean Tunnel to be Duplicated

(F . S .) ----------- 1121Transportation, the Buyer o f _______________ 492Treasury and the Banks, Facilitating Opera- I

tions Betw een.............. ........................ 916,Treasury Currency H o ld in g s ..253, 440, 693,

920, 1305. 1686Treasury Finances for the Fiscal Y ea r............ 66Treasury (U . S ) R e p o rt ................................... 1540Trust Companies’ Right to Maintain

Branches _________________________________ 436 ’Turkey and Its New $30,000,000 Loan

(F S .)___________ __________________ 1123, 1289 !Turkey and the Rest of E u ro p e .............. 1065 (

Union Pacific’s Record of Prosperity------1129nited States Bonds, Issue of Irrigation

Certificates....... ...................... ..................14, 190U. S. Government W ithdraws L ands.70, 312,842 |U. S. Notes, New 81 Issue----------------------------- 1134 jU. S. Paper Currency, Saving by Reducing 1

Size _______________________________________ 689U. S. Secretary o f Treasury Names Bonds to

be Accepted as Security forG ovt.D eposits.1681 U. S. Sec. o f Treasury Recommends that

Some Gold be Kept in Form of B u llion .. 1740;

........................... PPage.U. S. Secretary o f W ar Submits Secret Re­

port Expressing Solicitude Regarding Con­dition of A rm y___________________________ 1601

U. S. Steel Corporation Quarterly Statement(F . S .)________________________________ 239, 361

U. S. Steel Corporation’s Pension P lan_____1484U. S. Supreme Court Appointm ents, Presi­

dent Consulting W ith Insurgents________ 1534U . S. Supreme Court, Functions o f . . 906, 1737 U. S. Supreme Court, President’s Appoint­

m ents________________________1595, 1607, 1681U. S. Treasury, Plan to Im prove Depart­

mental E fficiency___________ 1418U. S. Treasury and Rate on Panama B o n d s .1477

Vatican and Spain and Portugal (F . S .),301, 364, 489

Wage Scale, N ovel, in Great Britain(F . S .) _______ 1407

W ages, Advance in, by Inter-State Com­merce Commission_____________ 60

W ages, Advances on Pennsylvania R R .1 1 7 , 176W arburg, Paul, and Central B ank.................1350“ W ar Spirit” and Official W ashington______1600Washington Savings Bank (New Y ork City)

F a i ls ........................................ 1743W estern Railroad Rates. See Inter-State

Commerce Commission.W heat, Spring, Crop, in Poor C ond ition '

(F . S .) ___________ 62W heat, W inter, Condition o f (F . S .)________ 1536W hite, Justice, Appointed Chief of U. S.

Supreme Court (F . S .) ___________________ 1595Wickersham, Attorney-General, Feels Proud

of the Number o f His Trust Prosecutions. 4 W om en’s Suffrage Movement in.Great Brit­

ain Can No Longer be Ignored (F . S .)____ 120“ W orkm en’s Compensation,” the New Laws

f o r ........................................................ 556

Yoakum , B. F ., on Railroads and New In­dustrialism ............. 906


Aberdeen, S. I)., Clearing-House Association__________ 311

Adams, Frederick T ., Death o f . .1550 Alabama Bankers’ A ssociation.. 1744American Bankers’ Assn___131,• 503, 634,1705, 841, 017, 1000,

1304, 1549, 1607, 1682

Baldwin, Joseph C., Death of . . 918 ank Circulation under Emer­gency Law Subject to 5% Re­demption Fund---------------------- 496

Bank Condition, National andState, at Samo Tim e------------- 70

Bank Deposit Guaranty Law—Colorado..............................Kansas----------------------------31-• 1219Oklahom a------------------------ 312, 437

Bank Note Circulation, Tax on,Not Equalized________________ 14

Bank Reserves Not Requiredagainst Time Deposits_________311

Bank Statements, National, InNew Form___________________ 089

Bank Tax Assessment for 1907U pheld________________________ 130

Bankers’ E ncyclopedia-------------- 1418Banking Assets, A Plan to Im­

prove _________________________1417Banks and National Currency

Associations__________________ 130Barker, John II., Death o f--------1551Bill of Lading Bill Falls of Pass­

age ............. 14Bills of Lading, Perfecting of

Plans to Safeguard..116, 130,190. 238, 250, 311, 373, 437,497, 563, 633, 688, 704, 841,

017, 1072. 1219, 1487, 1549 Blaney, William Osgood, Death- o f . . . ..............- .......... - ...........-.-1 3 05Boston Stock Exchange Decides ■ to Reduce Commission R a te ..1741Bonn, William B., Death o f____1134Borne, John E., Death o f _____ 131Bownc, Samuel VV., Death o f— 1302Bray, Joseph Z., Death o f ------------438Brown, A. O., & C o--------------------- 312Brown, Major. A. M., Death o f . 430 Buchanan, Edward F., Death o f .1550 Bucket-Shops in Nebraska Re- ■ strained from Using Chicago■ Board of Trade Returns---------1364Building and Loan Associations,

Mutual, and Federal Corpora­tion T ax------------ }072

Burke, B. J.. Death o f .................1301Burr Brothers___________ 1418Business Conditions Satisfactory

In Mississippi Valley and on• PacI lie...............................................766

P I -1 ..........................................................Cameron, Currie & Co__________ 373

atnpalgn Publicity B lit................... 14Capital Investment Co.(Chicago) 1685Central Banking Plan__________ 1488Chicago Board of 'Trade__________ 842Chicago Clearing-House Assn____ 766Chicago Clearing-House Banks

and the Walsh C la im ... 1221, 1301 Chicago Police Pension Fund

Committee ---------- ----------,-------- 314Chicago State Bank D ep osits ... 72 Chicago (U. S.) Sub-Treasury.. 691 Chinese Loan by U. S. Bankers

1134, 1214, 1219, 1289, 1301,<>1488, 1544

Circulation Taxation Bill Fails ofEnactment___________________ 14

Coal Lands Withdrawn from Pub­lic Entry......... .............. 312

Cohen, Benjamin I., Death of . . 373, 440

Cole, Lucius A ., Death o f ________565Color, W . N. Jr.. Death o f ..........1488Columbus (O.) Street Car Strike,• Bankers Denounce Disorder.. 564

Commerce Courts, President’s Appointment............... 1681

I • GEN ERAL— (Continued.)Page.

I Commercial Paper, Decision of Treasury Department as toWhat Constitutes____________562

Coombe, T . G., & C o . . ________1002Corporation Tax Law, Condition

under Which Returns Arc Opento Inspection________________ 1487

Corporation 'Tax Law, Amounts Paid to Government under.14, 130

Cotton Bills of Lading. See Bills of Lading.

Cotton Operators Indicted andArralgued_____________________ 1549

Court Decisions—N. Y . City Assessment on

Bank Capital, &o., Upheld. 130 Credit Bureau Planned by Comp­

troller of Currency____________ 842Curran, James Ross, Death o f . . 251 Currency Association, National.

See National.Currency Associations and Com­

mercial Paper________ 562Currency, U. S .— New Issue of

Onc-Dollar Notes_____________1134

Daniel, John W ., Sen., Death of 15 avis, N. Henchman, Death of.1365

1 Dill, James B ., Death o f________ 1550Dlx, John A ., Gov.-Elect of N .Y .

Resigns Bank Vice-Presidency,&o______________________1489, 1551

Drlggs, Marshall S., Death o f__ 690Durant & Elmore_____ 15, 251, 1220

Edinger, W . II., Death o f_____ 132mergency Currency Act of1908, Rulings Bearing on ____917

Engel & Eckert and Private Banking Law. See Private Banking Law.

Equitable Life Assurance Society1418, 1550

Fairchild, Charles, Death o f— 71edcral Corporation Tax Re­turns, How to Be Made Public.1487

Fisk & Robinson, Discharge InBankruptcy......... ................... 15, 131

Fisk & Robinson Resume Busi­ness___________________________ 1550

Fuller, Chief Justice, Death o f . . 70 Future Delivery Transactions In­

dispensable Factor In Grain Trade__________________________311

Gary (Ind.) Clearing House___69011 lett, Simeon P ., Death o f . -.1489

Glthens, BenJ., Death o f_________918Gold Coinage, Suspension of,

Being Considered______________634Gold, Secretary of Treasury

Recommends that .Some Be Kept In Form of Bullion_____ 1740

HafTen, John, Death o f__________ 843aliam, I. S., Death o f ..................766

Hanhart, William, Death o f____1549Harris, N. W ., Educational Oder 497 Harris Safe Deposit Co. (Chicago)

’ 691, 918, 1073Hearn, Arthur II., Death o f____1743Ilcinze, Arthur P ___________ 71, 1135Ilelnze, F. A -------------------------------1550Ilelnzc (Otto) & Co_______________ 766Hole, Leonard Hanna, Death o f . 131 Holidays on Exchanges.14, 496,

1607, 1681Holmes, Edwin S. Jr., Associate

Statistician, Fined and released 15 Iloughtellng, James Lawrence,

Death o f_______________________ 314Hutton. E. F. & Co., Restored to

Prlvlleg s of the N .Y . StockExchange_____________________ 1301

Iluyler, John S., Death o f________918

Illinois Bankers’ Association• • - . 3 ’ ’ ’ BM1220,il303,J1551

GEN ERAL— (Continued.)Page.

Inman, Hugh 1’ ., Death o f ---------1420Insurance, Limit of New Business

R em ov ed ___________________ 5, 15Inter-State Commerce Commis­

sion, New Members___________ 1681International Finance Co________1418Irrigation Projects and Certificates

of Indebtedness___________ 14, 190

Jourdan, James, Death o f_____ 1220udson & Judson______________1682

Kansas National Banks hold State Deposits Subject toState Examination________ 1741

Kentucky Bankers’ Ass’n______ 132Kentucky to Have State Bank

Inspections__________________ 312Kingsbury, Frcd’k J., Death o f . 918Knapp Brothers____________ 16, 1489Knapp, Martin A .. Judge of U. S.

Circuit Court_________________ 1681Knight, John W . (of Knight,

Yancey & Co.) Indicted______ 1418Knight, Yancey & Co___________ 1683

Lands (U. S.) Withdrawn from Entry In California andColorado__________ 70, 312, 842

Latham Alexander & Co. Assigns.1073Lathrop, Haskins & Co_____ 192, 251Legislative Corruption Investi­

gation In N. Y . State, Com­mittee Named, &C..70, 130,

564, 634Llstnan, Anthony A ., Death o f . . 1364 Lombard, Isaac G., Death o f___439

McEnery, Samuel, Senator,Death o f ....... .............. 15

Malcolm, George Idc, Death o f . . 1002Maryland Bankers’ Ass’n ___16, 844Maryland Banking Law, N ew .. 191Mason, William A .. Death o f____1136Massachusetts Banks Examlna-

atlons— Officers or EmployeesNot to Assist In________________842

Maxwell, John Rogers, Death o f. 1608 Meredith (C.) & Co.. Ltd.,

Montreal______ _______ 1364Meyer, Cord, Death o f__________ 1073Mines, Bureau o f______ 70, 634, 1681Mint, Director o f ____564, 688, 1681Minnesota Bankers' A ss'n______ 192Minnesota Banking Department-1609 MInzcshelmcr, Charles & Co.,

Assigns_______________________ 1073Monetary Commission, National;

see National.Moody, Justice of Supreme Court

of U. S., Resigns_______________918Morgan, J. P., Made an L .L .D .

by Harvard__________________ 15.Morgan, J. P ., & Co., Changes In

Firm___________ 1607Morris, William J ., Death o f____ 1135

Nashville Clearing House________842ational Bank Audit Co________1417

National Bank E xam iners.. 191,633, 689, 765

National Banks to be Instructed to Employ a Better Book-kceplnglSystem_______________ 1740

National Banks May Not InsureLives of Officers________ 765. 917

National Banks, Securities Accept­able for Government DepositsExtended____________ 1681

National Credit Men's Ass’n ____ 1551National Currency Assocatlon

Recommended and Established 130, 178, 189, 249, 311, 436,496, 563, 689, 842, 917, 1072,

1220, 1681National Currency Problem Con­

ference__________________ 1072National Monetary Commission ^ 12 2 0 , 1363, 1418, 1488, 1549,11681

GEN ERAL— (Continued.)• • • • Page.Nevada Statute Regulating Priv­

ate Banks Declared Unconsti­tutional ______ 1682

New Orleans Mint, OperationsTemporarily Suspended_______1219

New York Assay Office_________ 14New York Central R R . Officials

Dined by Bankers____________ 1364New York Chamber of Commerce

917, 1134, 1220New York City Assessment on

Capital, Surplus, &c., o f Banks Upheld by Court o f A ppeals .. 130

New York Clearing House Ass’n . 918 New York Law as to Reserves

Against Time Deposits Modi­fied ____________________________ 311

New York Law Providing for Stricter Supervision over Priv­ate Banking Concerns----------------190

New York Private Banking Law,&c.. see also Private Banking.

New York State Bankers’ Ass’n131, 191, 1741

New York Stock Exchange.70,130, 189, 373, 436, 496, 633,688, 841, 1000, 1072, 1134,1219, 1301, 1363, 1488, 1607,

1681, 1740New York Time Deposits and

Cash Reserves_________________ 311Nlckersln, F. E ., Treasurer of

Stoneham, Mass., Resigns as Savings Bank Official_________ 1684

O’ Brien, Miles M., Death o f___1682dell, John J. P ., Death o f____1744

Ohio Bankers’ Association andClearing Houses________________373

Ohio State Bank Superintendent 15 Oklahoma Bank Commissioner. .1420 Oregon Banks Not Permitted to

Include in Assets Certain Se­curities ________________________ 565

Paper Currency to Be ReducedIn Size_______________________ 689

Peace, Universal, Resolution Passed by House and Senate.. 14

Penn.— Central Bankers' A ssn .. 312Phila. Clearing-House Assn_____ 71Phila. Stock Exchange.14, 1418, 1681Postal Savings Banks____14, 70,

1134, 1363Private Banking Law of Nevada

Unconstitutional______________1682Private Banking Law, New York

State, U p h e ld ............ . . .3 7 3 , 564Private Banking Law, New York

State, Unconstitutional.......... 1001Private Banking Law, Scope o f . 1134

Reclamation (of Arid Lands) Service, Consulting Engineer

A ppoin ted___________________ 190Rhode Island Savings Banks,

Auditing________ 312Ridgeley, Charles, Death o f____439Riggs, E. Francis, Death o f ____ 72Robinson, John Franklin, Death

o f______________________________ 844Robinson Brothers (Pittsburgh) . 374 Rockwell, William, Death o f . . . 1365 Rosslter, Edw. V. W ., Death o f . 1608 Rothbarth, Adolph, Charged

with Grand Larceny____690, 1002

Sailer & Stevenson (Phila.)____1609avlngs Banks (N. Y . City), Lower Interest R ates..1549, 1607

Savings & LoanSoc. (San Fran.) 1222Schcftels, B. II., & C o____842, 1302Scott Anti-Option BUI Passed by

House _______________________ 14Seattle Clearing-House Assn____191Shepard, Edward D _____ _______ 1419Shoenberg, Joseph E ., Death of 565 Simmons, J. Edward, Death o f . 311 Smith,jw . B., & Co......................... 497

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G EN ERAL— (Concluded.)Page.

South Carolina State Bank Ex-■ a m ln cr_______________________ 1741

State Banks, National Associa­tion of, Supervision o f_________689

Steele, Miller & Co., Corinth,Miss______ __________ 251, 312, 633

Stevens, Henry C., Death o f____690Stock Transfer Tax Claims Dis­

approved ______________________ 497Stock Transfer Tax and the New

York Stock Exchange________1302Stocks Transferred In N. Y.State

Subject to Tax Even Where Transfer on Books Takes PlaceIn Another State_____________ 764

Styles, Samuel D., Death o f____ 71Sullivan, John J., Death o f______ 439

Texas— Better System of Ac­counting Proposed__________ 311

Texas Bill of Lading MeasureSigned_________________________ 765

Texas Commissioner of Insuranceand Banking_____________ 373, 564

Tracy & C.) :_____________ 15, 1002Treasury (U. S.) Enactment of

Law Recommended Allowing to Hold Foreign Coin and Bul­lion as Security for Gold Cer­tificates ______________________ 1740

Trust Companies, Right to Main­tain Branches________________ 436

Turner, Theodore Campbell, Death o f................................. 1608

U. S. Bonds, Issue of IrrigationCertillcates_____________ 14, 190

U. S. Government WithdrawsL a n d s________________70, 312, 842

U. S. Paper Currency, Saving byReducing Size..... .............. 689

U. S. Secretary of Treasury Recommends that Some Gold Be Kept In Form of B ullion .. 1740

U. S. Steel Corporation_________ 14U. S. T rea su ry ... .1072, 1418,1488 U. S. Treasury, Department of

Efficiency and Econom y_____ 1418U. S. Treasury Plan to Improve

Department E fficiency..1072,1418, 1488

Valentine, David H ., Death o f . 1683 an Oss & Co. (Hague, IIoll.).1744

Virginia State Banking Dept— 70Voting Trust Certillcates Suojcct

to Transfer Tax in New York-1741

W ard, Dr. Leslie D., Death o f . 131 ashington (State) Bankers’

Association_________133, 437, 1421W ebb, James A ., Death o f --------1220Westchester County (N. Y.)

Bankers’ Association_________ 1608White, Edward Douglass, Chief-

Justice U. S. Supreme Court1607, 1681

Wilson, Richard T ., Death o f---- 1488Wisconsin Bankers’ Association. 497 Wright, James North, Death o f .1365

Yale Corporation______________ 1682oakum, B. Y ., on "New In­

dustrialism” (F. S .) ------------------906BANKS.

Abilene (Kan.) State-------- 766, 1551lamo State (Muskogee, Okla.) 692

Allegheny (Pa.) N at--------------------1684Am . Exchange N at------------------------15,1Am. Exchange State (Sioux tails,

S. D .)_______________ 1^20Am. Nat. (Indianapolis)--------------252Am. Nat. (Richmond, V a .)------- 1303Am. Nat. (Sioux Falls)--------------1420Am . Nat. (Washington, D. C .)_ . 313Am. Trust & Savings Co. (Spring-

field, Ohio)____________________313Anchor Savings (Pittsburgh)— 635 Ashland Exchange & Savings

(Chicago) -------------------------------- 1303Ashland State (C hicago).. 1303, 1551Atlanta (Ga.) Nat----------------------- 845Atlantic City (N. J.) N at----------313Audubon N at-------------------------------251

Baltimore (Md.) N at____1489, 1743attery Park Nat______________1683

Borough (Brooklyn)___________ 1419Borough Nat. (North Plainllcld,

N. J .)________________________ 131Boston (Mass.) Banking Co------ 918Broad Street (Richmond, V a .) . . 314 Broadway Savings (Toledo, O .) . 313Bronx N at______________________ 1364Brookline (Mass.)--------------- 312, 374Brooklyn (N. Y .) --------15, 690, 1419Brunswick (Md.) Savings----------1420

California Nat. (San Francisco). 193 apltol Savings (Richmond,

V a .)......... ................... 314, 1073Central Nat. (Denver)__________ 1551Central Nat. (Phila.) .313, 690, 1220Central Nat. (St. Louis)----------------692Central Texas Nat. (W aco)---------- 497C entury.......................... 191, 690Charing Cross (London, Eng.)

1072, 1220Chase N at_______________________ 1608Chatham N at......... ..4 3 8 , 766, 1682Chemical N at___________ .1741Chicago (111.) N at_________ 1489, 1685Citizens’ (New Orleans)___1136, 1420Citizens’ Central N at......... ........... 131Citizens’ Nat. (E vansville)..16, 1551 Citizens’ Nat. (Johnstown, P a .). 1419 Citizens’ Nat.Watcrbury,Conn.) .1220City (Bayonne, N. J .)___________ 565City (Richm ond)_________________ 72City, Nat. (Cambridge, Mass.)

192, 313, 1302, 1684City, Nat. (Chicago)______ 766, 1551City, Nat. (Grand Rapids, Mich.)

132, 439, 566City Nat. (Knoxville)..... ...............1685City Nat. (Omaha)________844, 1420City Nat. (St. Louis)....... ............. 1303City, Nat. (Washington, D. C.)_ 439 City Trust & Bankg. Co.(Balt.) .1419 City Trust & Savings (Grand

Rapids, M ich.)-------------------------252Claremont National_____________1302Coal & Iron N at-------- -------------------191


BANKS— (Continued).Page.

Collins, William & Sons (Ventura,Cal.)__________________________ 1304

Columbia Nat. (Buffalo)_______ 1135Commerce, Canadian (Toronto) .1610 Commerce & Deposit (Clnn.)

844, 1220, 1551Commerce, Nat. (Atlanta)_____ 1136Commerce, Nat. (El Paso. Texas) 252Commerce, Nat. (Louisville)____ 17Commerce, Nat. (Norfolk, V a .). 692Commerce, Nat. (St. Louis)------1609Commerce Trust & Savings

(C h icago)_________________ 17, 72Commerce & Trusts (Richmond)

72, 1073Commercial (Vancouver, Wash.). 1744 Commercial & Farmers’ Nat.

(B alt.)__________16, 252, 313, 374Commercial Nat (A lbany)......... 1743Commercial Nat. (B o s to n ... — 1551 Commercial Nat. (Columbus, O.) 313 Commercial Nat. (New Orleans) .1221 Commercial Nat. (Washington,

D. C .)___________ 844Commonwealth (R ichm ond)------------- 73Conrad Trust & Savings (Helena,

M o n t .)_______________________ 1490Continental Nat. (C hicago).. 16,

72, 252. 375Continental & Commercial Nat.

(Chicago). . 16, 252, 314, 564, 691 Continental & Commercial Trust

& Savings (Chicago) .314, 1609,1685 Continental Savings (Memphis)

252,1420Corn Exchange............690, 1550, 1683Corn Exchange Nat. (Phila.)

1002, 1220Cosmopolitan (Chicago)— 566, 1685 Cosmopolitan Nat. (Pittsb.) 313, 691 Crocket Nat. (San F ra n cisco )... 1304Cuba, Nat. (H avana)------------------- 251Cumberland Val. Nat.(Nashville) 1073

ay & Night (Balt.) .....................313_ eposit (Winona. M inn .)......... 17Deposit, Nat. (Phila.)----------------- 691Deshler Nat. (Columbus, ( ) , ) . _ . 16Dexter-Horton Nat. (Seattle) 133, 410Dime Savings (Detroit)...................566Drexel State (Chicago).................1303Duluth (M lnn.)State............. 439

Eagle Savings & Loan Co.(Brooklyn)------ -------------------- 1119

Emigrant Industrial Savings------ 1549Enterprise Nat. (Allegheny)------ 691Essex County Nat. (Newark, N.J.) 15 European-Amerlcan — 15, 374, 1608 Exchange, Nat. (Washington,

D. C .)............- ------------------------- 72

Farmers’ & Mechanics’ Savings(Sacramento) ------------------------- 1685

Farmers’ & Merchants' .Nat. (Mt.Pleasant, P a .)------------------------- 1220

Farmers’ & Traders’ Nat. (LaGrande, O re.)------------------------ 252

Federal Bankg. Co.(Mexico City) 1304 Federal Nat. (Washington, D.C.)1303Fifth Avenue----------------- . . .8 4 2 , 1364Fifth A vc. Savings (Columbus,

Ohio) ________________ 16Fifth-Third Nat. (Clnn.)................ 374First Nat_______________________ 1135First Nat. (Akron, O .)...................1609First Nat. (A lbany)----------1489, 1608First Nat. (Billings, M on t.).72, 1551 First Nat. (Birmingham, Ala.)

1221, 1489First Nat. (Boise, Idaho)------------439First Nat. (Brooklyn)------1073, 1713First Nat. (Canton, O.) — ............313First Nat. (Chelsea, Mass.)......... 1684First Nat. (Chicago)----------------- 17First Nat. (Cleveland)...................1420First Nat. (Detroit). . . ............ 1002First Nat. (Dresden, O . ) . .............. 313First Nat. (El Paso, Texas)------ 252First Nat. (Ironwood, M ich.)— 313First Nat. (Jersey C ity).................1489First Nat. (Los Angeles) .1490First Nat. (Mineral Point, W is.). 566 First Nat. (Minneapolis). 132

l u u \ t 1 Do 5First Nat.(Paterson, N. J.) .1608, 1743 First Nat. (Phila.). 71, 251. 313First Nat. (Richmond, V a.)------ 314First Nat. (San Francisco)............845First Nat. (Yonkers)-------- . ..1302First-Second Nat. (Akron, O , ) . . 1609 First Trust & Savings (Billings,. M o n t .)________________________ 315

Flatbush Savings (Brooklyn) ...1 30 2 Fletcher Nat. (Indianapolis) . . . 252 Fletcher-American Nat. (Indian-

anolls)_____________ 2o2t *66, 691Fort Pitt Nat. (Pittsburgh) .192,1135 Fourth Nat. 373, 1135J601736^ 8oFourth Nat. (Macon, Ga.) . ’ 439Fourth Street ^Franklln'Nat. (Phila.) .16, 1073, 1220 Franklin.(Pa.) Savings.192, 439, 1609

BANKS— (Continued).Page.

Idaho State (Halley, Idaho)_____ 845mperlal (Canada)_______________ 440

Indian Head Nat.(Nashua, N.II.) 1743International Banking Corp____ 1741Inter-State Savings (Denver)_______ 72Italy (San Francisco)______ 192, 1304

K entucky (Lexington)_________1551entucky, Nat. (Louisville)___1420

La Salle Street Nat. (Chicago),375, 691

Lake View Tr. & Sav. (Chicago) 132Lakewood, State (Chicago)_____ 1221Lebanon (Ind.) Nat_____________1136Liberty Nat_____________________ 1608Lincoln (Springfield, 111.)________691Lincoln Nat. (Detroit)__________ 314L ivestock Exch. Nat. (Chicago) 1303 Lorain Street Sav. (C leveland).. 16 Los Angeles (Cal.) Hibernian Sav. 315 Los Angeles (Cal.) Trust & Sav. .1490

Madison Square_______________ 1136arine Nat. (Buffalo) . . .4 3 8 , 1608

Market Stat ^(Minneapolis)____1685Market Street Nat. (Phila.)____132Marshall & Ilsley (M ilwaukee).. 845 Mechanics’ & Metals Nat., 71, 766Mechanics’ Savs. (San F ra n .)..1304 Mellon Nat. (Pittsburgh), 844,

1419, 1684, 1743Mercantile (Kan. City, M o.)____1489Mercantile N at___________ 1488, 1550Mercantile Nat. (Evansville)___252Mercantile Nat. (St. Louis)_____ 132Mercantile Trust & Savings Co.

(E vansville)______________16, 252Merchants’ (Canada)____________ 315Mcrchants’Nat.(Harrisburg,Pa.) 313 .Merchants’ Nat. (Phila.), 71,

251, 313Merchants’ Nat. (Providence) ..1419Merchants’ Nat. (San Fran.)____1304Merchants’ Nat. (Worcester)___192Metropolitan Trust & Savings

(San Francisco) z_____ ______ 845Middlesex County (Perth Am­

boy, N. J .)____________________1302Middletown (Conn.)Nat_________ 71Minnesota Nat. (Minneapolis). . 691Mobile Banks________ 132Molson's (Montreal)............ 1222, 1421Monroe (L a .)-------------------------------1304Monroe Nat. (Chicago)____314, 1609Montreal (C a n a d a )............ 375, 1551Mount M orris-......... ....................1608M u tu al-...............................................918


1488 1302918


142111361489 1683

Nassau -------------------------------------assau Nat. (Brooklyn)______

New Amsterdam Nat___________New London (Conn.) City N a t..New Netherland....... ...............71,New York, N; B. A ....... ............ ..New York County N at_________New York Produce Exchange..Nlederdeutsche (Berlin)_________Night & Day (Los Ang.)__1221,Night & Day (St. Louis)_______Norfolk (Va.) N a t..............1136,North America, Nat___________North Hudson, Nat. (West Ho­

boken, N. J .) ------------------------North Penn (Phila.), 843, 1135,North River Savings.........131,North Scranton (Scranton, P a .). North Side Sav. (Columbus, O.)North West State (Chicago)____N orthern......... ................................Northern Liberties, Nat. (Phila.) Northwestern Nat.(Minn.), 566, Nova Scotia (Halifax, N. S .),


1302 1489 1002 1419

16 1609 1741 8 13



Garfield Savings (Cleveland O.) 844 erman Insurance (Louisville)

192, 439German Nat. (Allegheny, Pa.)

1135, 1684Germania Nat. (Milwaukee)------ 72Germantown .-Nat. (Phila.)-------- 16Grand Rapids (Mich.) N a t..72,

132, 439Grand Rapids (Mich.) Nat. City

132, 439Grccnpoint Nat. (Brooklyn)------ 843Greenwich______ 192, 635, 1550, 1683Gulf Nat. (Beaumont, Texas)

845, 1421, 1490

Hamilton Nat. (Chicago)----------132amllton Nat. (Denver) .1221, 1420

Hanover N at------------------------------ 1683Hennepin Co. Sav. (Minneapolis) 692 Hermitage Nat. (Nashville) 1420, 1685 Hibernian Banking Assn. (Chic.) 1609Hochelaga (M ontreal)....................845Home Savings (A lbany).................1365Home Savings (Des Moines)------ 691Home Security Savings (Belling­

ham, W ash.)____________ 315, 1304Hungarian-Amerlcan..690, 842, 1302

Oklahoma City (Okla.) StockYards Nat _ . . 919

Old Nat. (Battle Creek, M ich .).. 691Omaha (Neb.) Nat___________ ..1303Ontario (Toronto, Can.)________1304Oriental--------------------------------------- 842Ossining (N. Y.) Nat___________ 1364Ottawa (Canada)________________ 315

Packers’ Nat. (South Omaha,N e b .)______________________ 1685

Park Junction State (KansasCity. K an.)_____ _______ 1303

Park, Nat---------------- 251Paterson (N. J.) Sav. Instltut.. 16Pearl St. Market (Clnn.)________1420People’s (Portsmouth, V a .)____692People’s Nat. (Charleston,S.C.) .1221 People’s Nat .(Frankllnvllle.N.Y.) 438 People's Safe Dep. & Savings,

Bath, Me_____________________1489People’s Savings, Trust & Bank.

Co. (New Orleans)____________ 375People’s Trust & Savings (Chi­

cago)----------------------------1365, 1489Phenlx Nat------------------ .. .1 6 8 2Philadelphia (Pa.) Nat_________ 1135Pittsburgh Nat. (P a .) ...................1220Planters' (St. Louis)............ 692Prairie Nat. (Chicago).........314, 374Public----------------------------------------- 15Pynchon Nat. (Springfield,Mass.) 312/Q uebec (Canada)......................... 73

Real Estate (Savannah)______ 132ichmond (V a.)................. 72

Ridge Ave. (Phila.)....... ..................132Rlverhead (L. I . ) _______________ 71Rockport (Mass.)Nat., 192,1073,1609 Royal of Canada (Montreal),

133, 315, 566, 845, 919, 1421Russo-Aslatiquc________________ 1134Russo-Chlnese..............251, 497, 1134

Saco (Maine) Savings.................. .1684an Francisco (Cal.) Nat., 193, 1304

Savannah (Ga.) Nat_____________1420Savings Union (San Fran.)......... 1222Scandinavian-Amer. Nat. (Minn.) 17Seaboard Nat---------------------- 71, 766Seaman’s Savings----------------------- 1549Seattle (Wash.) Nat_____ _______ 1685Second Nat. (Akron, O .)________ 1609Second Nat. (St. Paul)'_________ 1609Second Nat. (Toledo)____________1420Second Nat. (Wash’ ton, D. C.)_ 72

BANKS— (Concluded).Page.

Security Nat. (Minneapolis)------ 566Security Savings (Columbus, O.) 313Shawmut Nat. (Boston)------------ 1743Sherman N at____________________1073Southbridge (Mass.) Savings------ 438Southern Nat. (Louisville) ,72,132,375 Southwest Boulevard State

(Kansas City, K an .)__________ 132Spring Valley (111.) N a t................1303Standard of South Africa_________ 497Standard Trust & Savings (Chi­

cago)_________72, 439, 691, 1551Star Nat. (R ichm ond)___________ 692State (Chicago)_________________ 72State, Nat. (Richmond, V a .)___ 72State & City, Nat. (Richmond,Va.) 72State Savings (Butte, M ont.)___497State Savings (Hartford)_________ 251Swedlsh-Amer. (San Francisco) .1304 Syracuse (N. Y .) National_____ 1608

Third Nat. (B a lt .)..438, 1489. 1743 Idl'd Nat. (Louisville)..72 ,132,375

Third National (Pittsburgh)____132Tradesmen’s National (P ld la .).. 132

Union (Brooklyn)............... 565nion (Canada)_____ 133, 315,

845, 1222, 1744 Union Discount Co. (London) — 193Union Exchange National___497, 918Union (Nat. (B oston )____1609, 1684Union Nat. (Watertown, N. Y.).1302 Union State (Muskogee, O kla.). 692United Empire (Canada)------------ 1744U. S. Nat. (Deer Lodge, M ont.).1490 Utica City (N. Y.) N at____192, 1002

Vereins (Frankfort-on-tlie-Oder,Germ any)_________________ 1487

Virginia Nat. (Norfolk)-------------- 1489Virginia, Nat. (R ichm ond)— 72, 375

Washington Nat. (Pittsburgh). 192 ashington Nat. (St. Louis). . 132

Washington Park Nat. (Chicago) 1303Wayne (Lyons, N. Y . ) ---------------- 1302West Philadelphia Nat. (Phila.) .1135Westchester A ven u e______ 690. 1135Western Exchange (KansasClty) 845 Western Metropolis Nat. (San

Francisco) _____________________ 845Western Nat. (San F ra n .) ..845, 1304 Western Trust & Savings (Chi­

cago)_______________ 314, 374, 691Whitney-Central Nat. (New Orl.)1685 Wild, J. F., & Co. State (Indian­

apolis) _________________________ 844Wisconsin Nat. (Milwaukee)____566

Yokohama Specie (Japan)--------1222onkers (N. Y.) N at----------565,

600, 1002, 1608York Co. Savings (Blddcford,

M e.).................... ‘198, 565, 843, 1303


Aetna Banking & (Butte,Mont.) 1421 rlington (Lawrence, Mass.)..1303

Anierica . _________—_______ — — — 188 3American (Lebanon, In d .) .- - - -1 1 3 6 American (Morristown, N. J .)..17 4 3 Amer. Bank & (Portland, O re.). 133 American Deposit & (Pittsburgh) 1220 Asbury Park (N. J .) -------------------

Bankers’ ______________________ 1683ankers’ (H ouston )..........192, 1073

Boston (Mass.) Safe Deposit & .. 131B roadw ay------------ 74Brooklyn (N. Y . ) ----------------------- 1683

Camden (N. J.) Safe D ep.&.565, 843apitol (Columbus, O .)________ 1609

Carnegie_____ 71, 131, 251, 765, 1002C entral_____________ 252, 1364, 1683Central (San Antonio, Texas)— 133Central of Illinois (C hicago)------ 17Chicago (III.) Title &----------844, 1685Chicago (111.) Savings Bank & ..1685citizens’ (Brooklyn)--------------------1302citizens’ (Utica, N. Y .)_ .................438Citizens’ Bank & (New Orleans)

1136,City Bank & (M ob ile )---------------City Bank & (New Orleans)------City Savings Fund & (Lancaster,

P a . ) ..... ................................ ........Colonial Bank & (Roanoke, Va.)Colum bia----------------------------------Commonwealth (Boston). --------Commonwealth (Pittsburgh) . . . County (White Plains, N. Y .)_ .

Equltablo------------ 800xchange (Boston)--------------------1684

Farmers' Loan &-------------1002, 1135arwell (Chicago)................. .-...1303

Federal (Newark).................. ........ 1550Fidelity------------------------------- 018, 1683Fidelity (Buffalo)..................... .. .1 3 6 5Fidelity (Louisville) . . . 132, 252,

566, 1136, 1480Fidelity (Philadelphia)................1609Fidelity (T a com a )........................ 1744Fifth Avenue____________ . . 634First Sav. Bank & (Nashville)-. 439 Fulton ....................... 1073, 1608

Girard (Philadelphia)....... ........... !884irard Ave. Title & (Phila.)— 438

Guarantee Bank & (Binning-- ■ham A la i 252, 1136

Guaranty . . . 1111 - 7 i , 312, 634, 1002

Haddington Title & (P h ila .)--- ’ 691 Ibernla Bank & (New Orleans) 634

Hlllycr (Atlanta, Ga ) - - - — -439,'766 Huguenot (New Rochelle)----------1419

International (Boston)------766, 1743nter-State (Cumberland, M d .). 374

jen k iffs (Brooklyn)....................... 1419

Kensington (Phila)_____________1303nickerbockcr........... 15, 131, 1072

Kokom o (In d .)............... 844

Lafayette (Brooklyn)___________ 312Incoln (Boston)__________ 132,11608





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J uly-D ecember , 10 L0. I N D E X - VII

TRUST CO’S— (Continued).Page.

Logan (Phlla.)___________________1489

Madison___________________ 15, 766adison (N. J .) -------------------------766

Marine (Atlantic City, N. J . )— 56oMercantile_________________765, 1682Mercantile Trust & Deposit Co.

(B a lt .)_______________________ 1002Merchants’ (Lawrence, Mass.) ..1684Merchants’ (Phlla.)--------------------1609Merchants’ Loan & (C h ica go)... 72 Merchants’ Savings & (Pittsb.) .1073Merchants’ Union (Phlla.)--------1609M etropolitan---------------- 1073Metropolitan Bank & (CIn.)------ 374Michigan Avenue (Chicago)------ 1221Milwaukee (VVis.)----------------------- 17Minneapolis (Minn.)--------------------1420Minnesota Loan &;(Mlnneapolts) 1221Mississippi ValleyJGSt. Louis)___1136Montclair, (N. J .)________________ 1684

TRUST CO’S— (Continued.Page.

Mutual Alliance__________1302, 1608

Nassau (Brooklyn)______________374assau County (Mlneola, L .I . ) . 843

National (Washington, D. C.),1684, 1743

New Haven (Conn.)_____________1684New York Life Ins. &__________ 1550Norfolk County (Brookline,Mass.)

312, 374, 1302Northern (Chicago)_____________1365Northern New York (Watertown,

N. Y . ) ............... .. .1 3 0 2Q h io Valley Bank & (CIn.).72, 374

People’s (Brooklyn)......... ........... 1743eople’s Bank & (New Orleans) 497

Pike County Bank & (McComb City, M is s .) . . ._____ 766

TRU ST CO’S— (Continued).Page.

Pioneer (Kansas City, M o.)_____ 1303Plainfield (N. J . ) ________ 251Portland (O re.)____________ 73, 1073Provident Savings Bank &(CIn.) 565

Queen City Savings Bank &(Cin)565 ueens County (Jamaica, L .I.) 15

j^epubllc (Phlla.).................843, 1365

Sangamon Loan & (Springfield,111.)....... ..................... ........ 252, 691

Scranton (P a .)_________________ 1419Southern (H ouston)______________252State (North Plainfield, N. J . ) . . 131 State Savings Bank & (Colum­

bus, 0 . ) _ . _ ................... 566, 1609Suffolk County (RIverhead.L.I.) 71 Sullivan Bank & (Montgomery,

A la .)............................. _ ! ____ _ 919

TRUST CO’S— (Concluded) .■«• Page.

Texas Bank & (Beaumont)____1421itle Guaran. & (Portland, Ore.)11421

Union (Chicago)________________ 252nlon (Jersey C ity)____________ 843

Union (New H aven)_____________1684Union (P h iladelph ia )..................1609Union Bank & (Portland, O re .). 133 U. S. Mortgage & ...7 6 6 , 1302,11488

Van Norden..............................15,1766irglnla Bank & (Norfolk) .439,'.566

\XJashington__________ ..........1550y y ashlngton (Seattle) _____ S 440West End (Phlla.)____ ____1419Williamsburgh (Brooklyn) . . . .1683Workingmen’s Savings Bank|& **

(Allegheny, P a .)____ ......... 1220r7 lon Savings Bank & (Salt^ Lake City, Utah) . . . . 315


Breadstuffs,"T|Agricultural '^R e­ports o n . .105, 413, 663, 1045,

• • • • 1340, 1583 Brcadstuffs, British Prices, &c.

(weekly). See "M onetary and Commercial English News.”

Brcadstuffs— Exports from U. S.(monthly)286,890, 1191, 1521,1652

Brcadstuffs— Market & Statistics (weekly) ..4 7 , 104, 163, 223,285, 347, 412, 474, 537, 597,662, 735, 814, 891, 971, 1045. 1111, 1193, 1270, 1339, 1396, 1463, 1522, 1583, 1653,1719, 1785

Butter. See “ Commercial Times” (weekly).

Cheese. See “ Commercial Times” (weekly).

Coffee. See “ Commercial Times (weekly).

Commercial Epitome. Sec “ Com­mercial Times” (weekly).

Commercial Times (w eek ly )..43,99. 159, 219, 281, 342, 408,469, 533, 593, 658, 731, 810,886, 960, 1041, 1107, 1188, 1265, 1335, 1392, 1460, 1518,

1579, 1649, 1716, 1780 Corn and Corn Meal. See “ Bread-

stuffs Market” (weekly).Cotton—Agricultural Reports on •

48, 346, 596, 970, 1582 Do Census Bureau Reports

on Ginning, &C..1192,1338, 1463, 1784

Do Consumption In Europe.102. 411, 735, 1395, 1653

Do Consumption & OverlandMovement (m onth ly)..

103, 346, 970, 1269, 1522

Page.Cotton— Crop In sight (weekly).

Do East India Mills........... ..1521Do Egyptian Crop_____ 661,

1044, 1719, 1783 Do Egyptian Report by Cable

(weekly).Do Exports In Detail from

U. S. ports (weekly).Do Exports of Yards and

Goods from Great Brit­ain_________285, 1268, 1783

Do Exports from U. S.(m onthly)____286, 890,

1191, 1521, 1652Do First Bales__________ 346, 412Do Freight Rates (weekly).Do Future Markets at New

York, New Orleans and Liverpool (weekly).

Do Height of Rivers (weekly).Do India Receipts and Ship­

ments (weekly) byCabloDo In sight 1909-10............... 662Do Interior Towns Move­

ment (weekly).Do Japanese Cotton Mills___1783Do Liverpool Market (wkly.)Do Manchester Market.Do Manufacturers’ Exports

from U. S ___223, 889,1044, 1269, 1653

Do Market and Statistics (weekly).'

Do Mexican Mills_____________163Do New Orleans Option

Market (weekly).Do Overland Movement,

Spinners’ Takings, &c.. (weekly).

Do Porto Rico Crop_________ 889

Page.Cotton— Port Receipts and Dally

Crop Movement (wkly.)Do Print Cloths Market

(weekly). See in "D ry Goods Market.”

Do Production by States In1909-10________________813

Do Quotations at New York (dally).

Do Quotations for Middling at New York for 32

_ Years (weekly).Do Quotations for Middling

at Other Markets.Do Receipts Dally & Weekly

at U. S. Ports.Do Revision of Quotations at

New Y o r k ____________ 1396Do Sales of Spot & Contract

at N . Y . (weekly).Do Shipboard Not Cleared

(weekly).Do Stocks at United States

Ports (weekly).Do Visible Supply in W orld

(weekly).Do Weather Reports by Tele-

graph (weekly).Do W orld ’s Supply and Tak-

ings (weekly).Crops of the Y e a r .. . .1720Dry Goods Market and Statistics

(w eek ly )..49 , 105, 164, 225,286, 318, 413, 475, 538, 598,664. 737, 815, 892, 972, 1046, 1112, 1194, 1271, 1341, 1397,

1465, 1524, 1584, 1655,1721, 1786

Eggs. Sec “ Commercial Times.”Flour. Sec “ Brcadstuffs” (wkly.)

Page,Grain. See "Brcadstuffs” (wkly.)Iron. See "Commercial Times”

(weekly).Jute Butts, Bagging,&c.(weekly)

See “ Cotton R eport."Lard Market. Sec “ Commercial

Times” (weekly).Lead. See “ Commercial Times”

(weekly).Meats. Sec “ Commercial Times”

(weekly).Merchandise Stocks at N. Y .

(m on th ly )..99, 342, 593, 966,1265, 1518

Metals. See “ Commercial Times” (weekly).

Naval Stores. See “ Commercial Times” (weekly).

Oats Market (weekly). See “ Brcadstuffs.1’

Petroleum. Sec "Commercial Times” (weekly).

Petroleum Exports from U. S'. ' 1(m onthly)____286, 890, 1191,

„ , „ 1521, 1652Pork. See "Commercial Times”

(weekly).Provisions Exports from U. S.

(m onthly)____280, 890, 1191,„ , , 1521.1652Provisions Market (weekly). See

"Commercial Times.”Sugar. Sec “ Commercial Times”

(weekly).Tin. See “ Commercial Times”

(weekly.)Tobacco. See “ Commercial

Times” (weekly).Wheat Market (weekly). See

“ Breadstuffs.”


Auction Sales of Securities. See "Commercial and Miscel­

laneous News” (weekly).

Baltimore Stock Exchange Prices (weekly). See Bank­

ers’ Gazette.Bank Clearings. See In “ Edi­

torial Articles.”Bank of England Statements

(weekly). See "Monetary and Commci-clal English News.”

Bank Notes, Changes In Total of,&c. (monthly). Sec “ Edi­torial Articles.”

Bank and Quotation Section for July 2, Aug. 6, Sept. 3, Oct. 8,

Nov. 5 and Dec. 3. Bank Statements of N. Y ., Bos­

ton and Philadelphia (weekly).Sec “ Commercial and Miscel­laneous News” (weekly).

Bank and Trust Company State­ment, Chicago. Sec “ Bankers’ Gazette” (weekly).

Bank and Trust Company Stocks, Prices In N. Y. Sec “ Bankers’ Gazette” (weekly).

Banks of England, France, &o. (weekly). See “ Financial Sit­uation” (first editorial each week).

Banks, National. See also Na­tional Banks.

Banks, National Abstracts, from Reports to the Comptroller,

444, 445, 446, 501, 925, 1749 Bankers’ Convention Section,• Oct. 15.Bankers’ Gazette, 21, 78, 137,

197, 257, 320, 379, 447, 502,572, 638, 698. 771, 850, 926, 1007, 1077, 1140, 1228, 1309, 1368, 1427, 1494, 1557, 1614,

1692, 1750Bonds, Prices of All Classes. See

"Bankers’ Gazette” (weekly).Sec “ Bank and Quotation" Section (monthly).

Bonds. See "Titles U. S., State, Municipal and Railroad.”

Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Chicago Stock Exchange Prices (weekly). See "Bank­ers’ Gazette.”

Canal and Miscellaneous Stock and Bond List. See “ Rail­

way and Industrial” Section (quarterly).

Chicago Banks and Trust Com­pany Statement. Sec “ Bank­ers' Gazette” (weekly).

City Bonds, Prices of. Sec "Bank and Quotation” Section (m onthly).

Coin and Bullion Prices In N. Y .See “ Bankers’ Gazette.” Pri­ces In London, see "Monetary & Commercial English News.”

PageCommercial Epitome. See "Com­

mercial Times.”Commercial and Miscellaneous

News. 17, 75, 134, 193, 254,317, 376, 441, 498, 569, 635,694, 767, 846, 921, 1004, 1074, 1137, 1224, 1306, 1365, 1424,

1491, 1552, 1611, 1687, 1745 Consols, Dally Prices of, In Lon­

don. See “ Monetary and Com­mercial English News.”

Currency Holdings of U.S. Treas­ury. “ Editorial Articles.”

Debt Statement of U. S. See In “ Editorial Articles."

Dividends Declared (weekly).See “ Commercial and Miscel­laneous News.”

Electric Co. Stock. See “ Bank & Quotation” Sectlon(monthly).

Electric R y. Section Oct. 1.England, Bank of. See “ Bank.” English Correspondence andCablc

Reports (weekly). Sec “ Mon­etary and Commercial English News.”

Exchange. See “ Foreign Ex­change.”

Exports and Imports of Mer­chandise and .Specie at N. Y ., Value of (weekly). Sec "Com ­mercial and Mlsccll. News.”

Exports and Imports of Mer­chandise and Specie for U. S.Sec “ Editorial Articles.”

Foreign Correspondence on Mar­kets (weekly). Sec “ Monetary

& Commercial English News.” Foreign Exchange .Market and

Prices (weekly). See "Bank­ers’ Gazette.”

Foreign Exchange. Sterling Dally Prices of (m onthly). See “ Bank and Quotation” Section.

Foreign Government Bonds. See “ Bankers’ Gazette” (weekly), “ Bank and Quotation” Section

Gas Stocks. See “ Bankers’ Ga­zette” (u/eekly). See “ Bank

and Quotatlon” Scc.(monthly).Gold Exports and Imports at N.

Y . (weekly). Sec “ Commercial and Miscellaneous News.”

Gold Exports and Imports, U. S.Sec "Editorial Articles.”

Government Revenue and Ex- • pendltures (m onthly). See • “ Editorial Articles."

Imports and Exports of Mer­chandise and Specie at N. Y.

(weekly). See “ Commirclal and Miscellaneous News.”

Imports and Exports of Mer­chandise and Specie, United States (monthly). Sec “ Edi­torial Articles.”

Industrial Stocks, &c.. Prices of.Sec “ Bankers’ Gazette” (wkly) and “ Bank and Quotation” Section (m onthly).

Insurance Stocks, Prices of. See Bank and Quotation” Sec­


London Letter (weekly). See “ Monetary and Commercial

English News.”

Manufacturing Stocks. See “ Bank and Quotation”

Section (m onthly).Merchandise Imports and Ex­

ports at New York (weekly).Sec "Commercial and Miscel­laneous News.”

Merchandise Imports and Ex­ports, United States (monthly)See “ Editorial Articles.”

Mining Stocks, Prices of. See “ Bank and Quotation" Section (m onthly).

Money Market (weekly). See “ Bankers’ Gazette.”

Miscellaneous Securities, Quota­tions of. See "Bankers’ Ga­zette” (weekly) and "Bank and Quotation” Section (m onthly).

Monetary and Commercial Eng­lish News, 17, 74, 133, 193,253. 316, 375, 441, 498, 567,635, 693, 766, 846, 920, 1002, 1074, 1136, 1223, 1305, 1365, 1422, 1491, 1551, 1610, 1686, 1745

Money Market In London, &c. (weekly). Sec “ Monetary and Commercial English News.”

Money Stock In United States.See “ Editorial Articles.”

Municipal Bonds. Sec "Bank and Quotation Section (monthlji).See "State and City” Section May 30.

National Banks Organized, &c.17, 75, 194, 254, 318, 376,

569, 635, 694, 846, 922, 1004,1137, 1306, 1424, 1491. 1552,

1611, 1688, 1745 New York City Bank Statement

(weekly). See Bankers’ Ga­zette” and “ Commercial and Miscellaneous News.”

New York City Exports and Im­ports (weekly). See "Com­mercial and Miscellaneous News.”

N. Y . City Foreign Trade, 194,441, 695, 846, 1225, 1424, 1687

N. Y . Stock Exch’ge. See Stock.kutsldc Securities. S ce ” Bank- " ers’ Gazette" (weekly).ihlladclphla Bank Statement

and Prices of Stocks and Bonds (weekly). See “ Bank­ers’ Gazette.”

PagoRailroad Earnings. See “ Edi­

torial Articles” (monthly).See “ Investment and Railroad Intelligence” (weekly).

Railroad Stock and Bond List.See "Railway and Industrial” Section (quarterly).

Railroad Stocks and Bonds, Prices of. See "Bankers' Ga­zette” (weekly). See “ Bank & Quotation” Sec. (monthly).

Railway Earnings Section, July 23, Aug. 20, Sept. 17, Oct. 22, N ov. 19, Dec. 17.

Railway and Industrial Section for July and October.

Silver and Gold Exports and Im­ports at New York (weekly).

See “ Commercial and Miscel­laneous News.”

Silver and Gold Exports and Im­ports of U. S. (monthly) See "Editorial Articles.”

State Bonds. See “ Bankers’ Ga­zette” (weekly). “ Bank and Quotation” Section (m onthly).

State and City Section, Nov. 26. Sterling Exchange. Sec “ Foreign

Exchange.”Stock and Bond Market and

Prices, N. Y ., Boston, Phlla., Baltimore and Chic, (weekly).See "Bankers’ Gazette.”

Stock and Bond Tables. See Railway and Industrial” Section (quarterly).

Stocks and Bonds, General Quo­tations. See "Bank and Quo­tation” Section (m onthly).

Stocks, Bonds, &c., Volume of Business on New York, Boston and Philadelphia Exchanges (weekly), 29, 88, 145, 205, 265,330, 387, 455, 512, 582, 648.708, 779, 860, 936, 1015, 1085, 1150, 1238, 1317, 1378, 1435,

1504, 1565, 1624, 1702, 1760 Stocks (American), Dally Prices

In London. See "Alonetary & Commercial English News.”

Street Railway Securities. See “ Bank & Quotation” Section.

Street Railway Section. See “ Electric Railway” Section.

Street Railway and Traction Earnings (weekly). See “ In­vestment and Railroad Intelli­gence.”

Telegraph & Telephone Stocks,&c., Prices of. See "Bank

& Quotation” Section (m thly). Trust Company Stocks. See

“ Bank and Trust Co. Stocks.”

United States Securities Market and Prices (weekly). See

"Bankers’ Gazette.” Prices In London (weekly). See "Mone­tary and Commercial English News” (monthly). See “ B and Quotation” Section.

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Page.A cuslinet Mill Corp., New Bed-1255

dams (J. H.) & Co., LosAng.1770 Aeolian W eber Plano & Pianola

C o ............................. - ...............--1573Agar Packing Co., Chicago......... 465Arkon (O.) W ater-W orksCo____1162Ala. Consol. Coal & Iron Co.590,

1448, 1575A la . Great Southern R y-_1156, 1628Ala. Tenn. & Northern H R _____ 716Alabama & Vicksburg Ry.1159, 1248Alameda Sugar Co., San Fran___591Alaska Packers’ Assn____________ 395Albemarle & Chesapeake Canal

C o .-947, 1027, 1329, 1631, 1770 Alberta & Great Waterways R y.

153, 213, 1710Albla & Centerville R y . . ...........1710Algoma Central & Hudson Bay

R y .9 3 , 716, 1327, 1159, 1327,1511, 1573

Allegheny & WestmorelandBridge Co., P a ......... ................. 591

Alliance Realty Co_____________ 40AUIs-Chalmers C o____277, 1249, 1255Alton Jacksonville & Peoria Ry-1765 Amalg Asbestos C o ..277, 1027, 1513Amalg. Copper C o___216, 277, 1575Am cr. Agrlc. Chem. Co.586, 791, 1575Amer. Book C o________________ 791Amer. Brake Shoe & Foundry Co. 212Amer. Car & Foundry Co------------ 34Amer. Caramel C o________________ 216Amer. Cement Co_________335, 1712Amer. Cities R y. & Lt. C o----------1628Amer. Coal Products C o ..1513, 1712Amer. Cotton OH C o_____ 1325, 1334Amer. Dock & Trust Co— 872, 1027Amer. Express Co-------------- 591,

1162, 1329. 1387 Amer. Farm Products C o .465,

791, 1329Amer. Fork & Hoe Co--------338. 591Amer. Gas Co., Phlla.465, 872, 1575 Amer. Gas & Elect. Co_96, 338,

520, 791, 1770Amcr. Glue Co_______ 155, 213, 1162Amer. Grapliophonc Co-------------- 40Amer. Hardware Corp......... .91 , 1448Amer. Hide & Leather C o ..653, 1329Amer. Ice Co----------------------- 591, 718Amer. Light & Traction C o--------338Amer. Linseed C o-------------- 714Amcr. Locom otive C o --------586, 947Amer. Malt Corp____791, 1249. 1329Amer. Malting C o------ 792, 1162,

1250, 1329Amcr. Meter C o------------------- 96, 718Amer. Mtllg. Co., Phlla.398, 520,1448 Amer. Naval Stores Co., Savan’h.1575 Amer. Oilfields Co., Los Angeles,

591, 718Amer. Petrol. Co., Los Ang.96, 216 Amer. Pipe & Construction C o .. 718 Amer. Power & Light Co— 465, 718Amer. Pneumatic Service Co------ 334Amer. (Elect.) R y. Co., Phlla.,

716, 789. 1445, 1511, 1573, 1710 Amer. R lv. Elect. Co., Cal.1575, 1712Amer. Rolling Mill Co_____ 947, 1329Amer. Seeding Machine C o-------- 1631Amer. Shtpbldg. C o .278, 1027, 1250 Amcr. Smelters’ Securities Co.

465, 517, 532. 1162, 1327. 1329 Amer. Smelting & Refining Co.

465, 517,531. 1162, 1329, 1448Amer. SnutI Co_____________655, 1575Amer. Soda Fountain C o ..1513, 1573Amer. Steel Foundries--------947,

1443, 1513, 1712 Amer. Sugar Refining Co., N. Y .

216, 1387, 1513, 1571, 1631 Amer. Telep. & Tclcg. Co— 35,

40, 150. 216, 338, 872 Amer. Textile Co., Pawtucket,

R . I ......... ........................ .1097, 1631Amcr. Thread C o . . --------------------- 91

'Annual Reports are Indexed in Black-faced Figures.Page. I Page.

Bangor & Aroostook R R .............1155 j Central Gas Co., Ft. Scott, K an . 465Bartholomay Brewing Co., Central Georgia Power Co----------873

Rochester ............................... 872 Central ot Georgia R y._396 , 516,Batopilas Mining C o______________520Bartlett-Florence R R ------------------- 396Bates Mfg. Co., Barling----------------872Bath (N. Y.) Elect & Gas Lt.Co. 872 Bay Cities Home Telephone Co.,

San Francisco_________________ 655Bay ol Qulnte R y ----------------------- 1511Bay less Pulp & Paper Co------------ 1771Beach Mfg. Co. (Ga. and F la .) .. 872Beaumont Gas Light Co----------------718Beaumont & Great Northern R R . 588 Beaumont Sour Lake & W. R R . 588Bedford (Ind.) Quarries Co_____ 1330Beech Creek Coal & Coke Co.216, 1514Bell Telephone Co. of Canada________ 35Bell Telephone Co. of Missouri.. 36 Bell Telephone Co. of P e n n ..36, 1631Bclvlderc Delaware R R .................1765Berkeley Springs & Potomac RR. 716Berwick (Pa.) Consol Gas Co____591Berwind-Whlte Coal Mining C o ..1255Bessemer Coke Co----------------------- 1575Bethlehem Steel Corp.........278,

1027, 1514, 1771 Big Horn Basin Development Co.1770Bingham & Garfield R y ------ 654, 716IJInghamton (N. Y.) R y --------------275Birmingham Coal & Iron Co____465Birmingham (Ala.) R y. Light &

Power Co_____________________ 37Bituminous Coal Companies.655, 1449Bogota (Columbia) City R y ____1765Bolivia R y . .............................. 716Booth Fisheries Co............1449, 1509Borden’s Condensed Milk Co____ 1097Boston & Albany R R .335 , 396, 945Boston Belting Co....... ................. 1764Boston Elevated R y ----------335, 869Boston & Lowell R R .....................1710Boston & Maine R R ..7 1 6 , 864,

945, 1024, 1095, 1253, 1384,1628, 1765

Boston & Montana Consol.Copper & Silver Mining Co___1771

Boston Railroad Holding Co.153, 945, 1511

Bost. Revere Beach & Lynn RR.1384Boston Suburban Elect. Cos____ 37Boston Towboat C o .____________ 520Boston W harf Co________________ 398Boston & Worcester Electric Cos.1764 Boston & Worcester St. Ry.869, 1628 Boston Woven Hose & Rubb. C o.1387Brazeau Collieries, L td_________ 40Brazil R y _ . - ...................................... 396Brinson R y ----------------------------------335British Columbia Packers Assn

394, 1387British Columbia R y ____1024, 1710British Col. R y . & Develop. C o .1327 British Westlnghouse Electric &

M fg., L td ......... ....................520, 591Broadway (N. Y .) Realty C o ...1514 Brockvlllc W estport & North­

western R y ---------------------- 153, 275Bronx Gas & Electric Co., N. Y . 155Brooke-Scanlon Lumber Co____718Brooklyn City R R ......................... 93Brooklyn & N. Y . Ferry Co____1712Brooklyn Rapid Transit C o .516,

529, 1511, 1710 Brooklyn Union Gas C o ..1097, 1387Brunswick SS. Co--------------398, 465Bryan (Texas) & College Inter-

urban R y ........................................ 716Bucks Stove & Range C o .......... 216Buffalo General Electric Co......... 1514Buffalo Lockport & Rocli. Ry__i710 Buffalo Rochester & Pittsburgh • R y.276 , 392, 400, 588, 1024, 1445 Buffalo & Susquehanna R y .214, 1765 Buffalo & Susqueh. Ry.37, 153, 214Bullfrog-Goldfield R R ...................1628Burgess Mills of Pawtucket......... 1631» - i t \ T *■ \ G a o I I rrht o *■» OAmer! Tobacco Co".’. 1 0 2 7 , 1255 Burlington (Vt.) Gas Light C o .. 873

Amer. Tube & Stamping Co------ 718Amcr. Typefounders Co-------------- 1159Amcr. Water-Works & Guar.Co. 155 Amer. Window Glass C o . .1027, 1097 Amer. Woolen C o .96, 520, 1162, 1770Amcr. Writing Paper C o--------------872Amer. Zinc Lead & Smeltg. C o. 1027 Anaconda Copper Ming Co.216, 655Anglo-Amcr. ’Telegraph Co--------1712Anglo-Newfoundland Develop­

ment Co______________________1770Ann Arbor R R ............945. 1333,

1511, 1710, 1765 Appleton (Wls.) W at-W ks. C o .. 591 Arkansas Natural Gas C o .1329, 1449 Arkansas Water Co., Little Rock 339 Armour & Co. (Chic.) .216, 792, 1708 Armstrong Cork Co., Pittsburgh,

P a ................ ..................... .1329, 1514Arnold Print W o rk s ..588, 1329, 1387 Associated Merchants C o ..591, 654 Associated Oil Co., Los A ngeles.1027Astoria Southern R y ___________ 1765Atchison (Kan.) R y, Lt. & Pow.

Co_______________1024, 1094, 1628Atchison Topeka & Santa Fe R y.

93, 588, 716, 939, 949, 1024, 1159 Atlanta BIrm. & Atlantic R R . . 945 Atlantic City (N. J.) Electric Co.

• • 1329, 1449Atlantic City (N. J.) Gas Co.40, 1330Atlantic Coast Line of Conn____1091Atlantic Coast Line R R ..1 3 8 2 , 1389Atlantic Fruit C o................1330, 1449Atlantic Gulf & West Indies SS.

Lines................. 465Atlantic & Lake Superior R y ____1327Atlantic Quebec & Western R y ..l2 5 3 Atlantic Shore Line R y ., Sanford,

Me.........716, 869, 1159, 1253, 1511Atlas Phosphate Co_____________1514Atlas Portland Cement Co. .278, 1097 Augusta-Aikcn R y. & Electric

Co......... - ............................1095, 1384Aurora Elgin & Chicago RR.517, 1095 Austin (Tex.) Gas Light Co......... 339

Baker (Ore.) Light & Pow. C o .1770 aldwln Locom otive W orks— 40

Baltimore County Electric C o . . . 872 Baltimore Co. Water & Elect.Co. 872 Balt. & Ohio R R ___1020, 1037, 1327

Bush Terminal Co-------------------- 1771Butler Mill, New Bedford............ 1330Butte Coalition Mining Co............ 1771Butte Electric & Power C o............1449Butte & Superior Copper Co.278, 1771

Caldwell & Northern R y ...........870allfornla Wine A ssocia tion ... 40

Calumet & Arizona Min. Co.274, 1631 Calumet & HeclaMin. Co— 271,

465, 1575Calumet & South Chic. R y .1628, 1710 Campbell Coal Mining Co., At­

lanta, G a________________873, 1330Canada Cycle & Motor Co............ 1510Canada Iron C orp ora tion ...655, 715 Canada Machinery Corp., L td .. 278 Canadian Car & Foundry Co.

465, 719. 1387, 1449, 1764 Canadian Cereal & Milling C o ...1449 Canadian Colored Cotton Mills

Co . . . . . - — . . . —339, 465Canadian Cottons. L td --------465, 719Canadian Light & Power Co.,

Montreal_____ 591, 655, 1255, 1712Canadian Nor. Branch Lines C o .1511 Canadian Nor. Pacific Fisheries.1330 Canadian Northern R y — 37, 93,

153, 336, 716, 1095, 1253,1322,1511

Canadian Northern Ontario R y . 462 Canadian Pacific R y — 394, 396,

517, 711, 716, 727, 945,1093, 1095, 1384

Cananea Central Copper Co......... 273Canton-Akron Consol. Ry.1628, 1765Canton Co., Baltim ore................ 395Canton (Md.) Iron & Steel C o .. 465 Cape Breton Electric Co., L td ..1097 Carbon Steel Co., P ittsburgh ... 155Carlton Consol. Lumber Co_____ 873Carolina & Northwestern R y___870Carthage (N. M.) Fuel C o .......... 873Carthage Watertown & Sacketts

Harbor R R -----------------------------1765Cedar Rapids (Iowa) Gas Lt. C o .1330 Central Arkansas & Eastern R R . 396Central Coal & Coke Co................ 92Central Colorado Power Co......... 1514Central District & Printing Tele­

graph Co., Pittsburgh---------36, 40Central Foundry Co]....... ............ - 398

527, 1628 Central Illinois Public Service

Co., Mattoon City, 111________ 654Central Leather Co______________ 1449Central Maine Power Co..... .......... 1514Central Mexico Light & Pow. C o.1771Central New England R y ___153,

396, 654, 870, 1253, 1765Central Oil Co., Los Angeles____947Central Ontario R y _______________ 276Central Park North & East R iv­

er R R ., N. Y . ....................790, 1253Central R R . ot H a it i____________ 276Central R R . of New Jersey_.93,

790, 864. 1710Central & South American Tele­

graph Co------------ 873, 1771Central Union (Bell) Teleph. C o .1514Central Vermont R y _____ 1253, 1324Chalmers Motor Co_____________ 339Chambersburg Engineering C o .. 719 Chanute (Kan.) Cement & Clay

Product Co_____________________873Chanute Cement Co..... ....................873Charleston (S. C.) Railway &

Lighting Co............ 214, 1327Charlotte (N. C.) Electric Rail­

way, Light & Power Co______ 1511Chattanooga Southern R R ..2 1 1 ,

336, 1628Cherryvalla Okla. & Texas R y . . 870 Chcsap. & Albemarle Canal C o . .1771Chesapeake Beach R y __________ 1628Chesapeake & Ohio R y______ 93,

153, 214, 393. 396, 654, 786,802, 870, 945, 1095, 1159,

1574, 1629, 1765 Chesapeake & Ohio R y. of Indi­

ana.................... ............ 153, 654, 870Ches. & Potomac Telephone C o .1162 Chester County Electric C o ..339, 591 Chicago & Alton R R ..2 1 4 , 396,

1024, 1095, 1154, 1253 Chic. Aur. & DcKalb (Elec.) R R . 517 Chicago Burl. & Quincy R R .

276, 517, 1024, 1242, 1259, 1710 Chicago Clncln. & Loulsv. R R .37 , 93 Chicago City & Connecting Rys.

1629, 1710Chicago City R y ...........................1629Chicago Consol. Traction C o .37.

153, 214, 336, 462, 517, 945,1025, 1095, 1159, 1253,

1384, 1511, 1629, 1765 Chicago & Eastern Illinois R R ..1 24 3 Chicago Great Western R R .214,

, 1160. 1243, 1445Chicago Indianapolis & Louis­

ville R y ___462, 518, 790, 866, 1095Chicago Junction Rys. & Union

Stock Yards C o . .1027 1095, 1712 Chic. Lake Shore & Eastern Ry_l446 Chicago Memphis & Gulf R R . . . 153 Chicago & Milwaukee R R . . 518, 1025 Chic. Milw. & Puget Sound R y . . 651 Chicago Mllw. & St. Paul R y. •

38, 651, 870, 1095, 1710 Chicago & North Western Ry.

785, 790, 806, 1095, 1385, 1574 Chicago Pneumatic Tool C o .520, 947Chicago Railways------716, 1025,

1160, 1385, 1629, 1765 Chic. River & Indiana R R ..3 8 , 1095 Chic. Rock Island & Pacific Ry.

711. 1095, 1154, 1181. 1629, 1766 Chic. St. Paul M. & O. R y.786 , 1160 Chicago & Southern Traction Co.

462, 518, 1025Chicago & Southeastern R R ____1253Chicago Southern R y._333. 336,

870, 1253, 1327, 1446 Chic. Suburban Water & Lt. C o. 398Chicago Subway.......................... 462Chicago Telephone Co__________ 36Chic. Terre Haute & South­

eastern R R . ..................1446, 1766Chicago Transfer & Clearing C o. 870 Chicago & Western Indiana R R.

211, 396, 1327 Childs’s (Restaurant) Co., N. Y .1449 Chippewa Valley Ity., L. & P. Cul327 Cicero & Proviso St. Ity., C h ic.. 214Cincinnati Abattoir C o_________ 1256Cin. Blullton & Chic. RR .1385, 1(129Cin. Ham. & Dayton R y__ 588,

1091, 1095Cin. New Orl. & Tex. Pacific Ity.

1095, 1246Cincinnati Street R y ............. 1446Cincinnati Traction C o .94, 154, 1327 Cincinnati Union Depot & Ter­

minal Co........... 154, 462, 518, 1574Cities Service Co., N. Y ____656,

873, 1255, 1330. 1632 Citizens’ Gas Co., Indianapolis

520, 1576, 1712 Citizens’ Gas Co., Kankakee, 111.1771 Citizens’ Heat & Light Co., El-

wood, Ind___________ 1576Citizens’ Light, Heat & Power

Co., Johnstown_______________ 1576Citizens’ Light, Heat & Power

Co., Montgomery__ 339, 398,466. 792, 1028, 1097

Citizens’ Telephone Co., Houston 466 City of Chicago Brewing & Malt­

ing Co______________ 1771City R y. of Los Angeles................1766Clallin (H. B.) Co......... ................. 156Clarksburg Fuel Co..... ..................1771Cleveland Cincinnati Chicago &

St. Louis R y ___________1446, 1710Clcve. & Eastern Trac. C o ..154, 336Cleveland Electric Ilium. Co____1387Cleveland Furnace C o ................ 466Cleveland (Elec.) R y.214, 1327. 1710Cleveland & Pittsburgh R R ____1446Cleveland Short Line R y ................ 654Cleveland Stone Co......... ............... 1330Cleveland Term. & Valley R R ..1 32 4 Cleveland Underground R . T . Co.1385 Clow (James B.) & Sons, C h ic.. 398Clyde S. S. C o ..................... 466, 1387Clyde Steamship Terminal C o .. 1387Coal & Coke R y _________ 1160, 1246Coallnga (Cal.) Water ifc Elec.Co- 873 Colonial Paper Co., N. Y. & Clnn, 873

Pag 3Colorado Fuel & Iron Co___947,

1444, 1772Colorado & Southern R y ___214,

333, 462, 1155, 1186Colorado Springs Electric Co_____ 462Colorado Springs, Light, Heat &

Power C o___________ 466,719, 1097Colorado (Bell) 'Telephone Co_______ 37Colt’s Arms Co_________________ 1772Columbia Gas & Electric Co.,

Cincinnati___________________ 1097Columbia Plate Glass Co., Blalrs-

villc. P a _________________ 719. 1097Colum. Delaw. & Marlon R y.336, 945 Columbus & Hocking Coal & Iron

Co____156, 216, 339, 656, 874,1028, 1097, 1514

Columbus Marlon & BucyrusRR.1574, 1629

Columbus Mt. Vernon & Mans­field Traction Co_____________ 1629

Columbus New Albany & Johns­town Traction Co______ 1160, 1629

Columbus (O.) R y. & Light Co.870, 1095, 1766

Columbus (Ga.) Watcr-WorksCo.1632 Commonwealth Edison Co. (Chi­

cago) _____________________49, 1444Commonwealth Power, R y. &

Light Co., Michigan------------ 38, 214Compania Naclonale de l ’obacco.1449 Conasauga (Tenn.) Lumber C o .. 156 Concord & Montreal R R ..1 0 2 5 , 1629 Coney Isl. & Bklyn. H R — 336, 1629Congress Hotel Co., Chicago------ 96Connecticut C o -------------------- — 870Connecticut Valley Lumber C o .. 874 Connecticut Valley Street R y ..

Northampton, Mass------ . . .3 8 , 716Conrad Land & Water Co.,M ont. 278Consol. Cotton Duck Co.............. 278Consol. Gas Co.. N.Yi . . - :V63928 , i7 i 2Consol. Gas, Electric Light &

Power Co., Baltimore.41, 719,947, 1028, 1093, 1251, 1632

Consol. Light, Heat & Power C o -Ottawa ------------- - - -------rr-;r, 772Consolidation Coal Co., Balti­more______ 1256, 1330, 1514, 1632

Consumers’ Gas Co., Toronto1256, 1326

Consumers’ Light & Heating Co.,Fort Worth, 'Texas___________ 96

Consumers’ Match Co., Passalo.. 466 Consumers’ Power Co., Chicago. 520 Cook County Trac. Co., C hicago.1706Copper Range Consol. C o_________273Copper River & Northwest. R R .1253Corn Products Refining C o.1097, 1712 CornelKJ. B. & J. M.) Co., N. Y .• City............................. 90, 1449, 1772Covina Valley (Cal.) Gas C o------339Cramp (W m.) & Sons Ship &

Engine Bldg. Co., 41, 92, 874,947, 1256

Crawfordsville (Ind.) Water &Gas Co____________ 1772

Crex Carpet Co_________________ 1256Cripple Creek Central R y ----------1157Cripple Creek & Pueblo R y --------716Crocker-Wheeler Co., Ampere,

N. J . .................. .................150, 1632Crow’s Nest Pass Coal C o------------339Crucible Steel Co., Pittsburgh,

874, 947, 1023. 1097, 1250,1449, 1712

Cuba R R .................. 38, 585, 588, 1253Cuban Amer. Sugar Co., N. Y .,

1708, 1712Cudahy Packing Co_____________1576Cumberland Coal & Coke Co------ 1449Cumberland R y. & Coal Co., 94,

1570, 1629, 1706 Cumberland Tel. & Tel. Co., 97, 1032Curtis Publishing Co., Phlla------ 1765Cuyahoga Telephone Co----------------588

alias Electric Corp--------- 045artmouth & Westport Street

. H y _________________154, 462Davls-Daly Copper C o .- - - - - 9 7 , 520Davis (John R.) Lumber Co------ 41Dawes Bros. ( Inc.) . - - - - - - - - - - - 8 3 9 Dayton & Michigan R R ..13^ 7 , 1416Decatur R y. & Light Co.............. 38Deere & Co., Moline, III— - - — } 77“ Defiance (O.) Gas & Elec. C o . . .1330 Delaware & Eastern R R - - - - - - - 462Delaware & Hudson C o .---7 9 0 , 1706 Delaware L a ck a w a n n a^ W e s t -^ ^Denver"City T ram w ay.---8 7 0 . 1710Denver Gas & El. Co., 41, l.>6, Denver eras 554, fi50i 7 , flDenver & Intermountain H R — 1629 Denver Irrlg. & Reservoir C o.,97, 150 Denver Northwestern & Pacific

1. _____ _______ _ . _ . .045, 1446Denver & Rio Grande R R ., 515, 523Denver 'Tramway Term. Co____1160Denver Union VVater Co_________ 656Derby (Conn.) Gas Co__________ 1032Deschutes (Ore.) Irr. & Pow. Co. 1028Des Moines City R y ------ -- 1574Des Moines & Ft. Dodge R R ., 34, 38 Detroit Edison C o . . . 398 1387. 1570 Detroit Grand Haven & Mil. R y - »70 Detroit & Mackinac R y ” 1247 1511Detroit 'Toledo & TrolR? n , l, & ’396, 403, 518, 589, 870, 1025,

1160, 1383. 1446, 1511 Detroit United R y .. 397. 790,870, 945Development Co. of America— 947 Diamond Match Co., 278, 947,

1256, 1325. 1570, 1632Diamond Rubber Co------------------1162Diamond State Steel Co...................466Distillers’ Securities Corp........... 943Dodge Mfg. Co., Mishawaka, Ind. 97Dolose & Shepard C o ...................... 150Dolores Mines Co., N. Y . C ity ..1772 Domestic Gas Co., Los Angeles. .1772Dominion Atlantic R y ......... ........... '16Dominion Canncrs C o......... - - - - -J 7 7 2Dominion Iron & Steel Co., 1028,1632Dominion Oil Cloth Co----------- 466Dominion Steel & Coal C orp .-41, 97


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J uly-D eoember, 1910.] I N D E X [X

Page.i omlnton Steel Corp., 07, 1250,

1330, 1515, 1772 Dominion Textile Co., Montreal. 710 Duluth South Shore & Atl. R y .,397, 788Duluth-Superior Traction .Co., ^Duluth Winnipeg & Paclfl’o R y !.15 4, 1574Dunbar Furnace C o .- - - - - - - - - 278Dunkirk Allegheny Vail. & Pitts._________3oO, 13227Du Pont""(B ."7 .) <le Nemours

Powder Co., 278, 300, 406,520, 710, 1102, 1330

East Butte Copper Mining C o .. 273 ast Creek (N. Y.) Electric Lt.

& Power Co------------------------- 1772East Jersey Water Co......... 710, 1772East Ohio Gas Co---------- ..1515 , 1632Eastern Kentucky Coal Lauds

C o rp __________________________1256Eastern Penn. (Elec.) Rys. Co.,

1327, 1385Eastern SS. Co., B o s to n ..1007, 1515Eastman Kodak Co______________874East St. Louis Light & Power Co. 300 East St. Louis & Suburban C o .. 307Easton (Pa.) Gas & Elec. Co------1632Econom y Light & Power Co.

(Joliet, 1 11 .)............. .. .1 4 4 0 , 1503Edison Elec. 111. Co., Boston,

710, 702, 1159 Edison Storage Battery C o.1163, 1256 Edison United Phonograph C o .. 520Electric Boat C o________________ 1440Electric Properties C o___________ 583Elec. Securities Corp., N .Y . 715, 1772Electrical Utilities Corp-------------- 1772Elmira Corning & Waverly

(Electric) R y ---------------------------1710El Paso (Tex.) Gas & El. Co.719, 1632 Empire District Electric Co.,

Joplin, M o________ 656. 1632, 1713Empire Steel & Iron Co_________ 1632Enid Ochiltree & West. H R ------ 1766Equitable 111. Gas Light Co.,

Phlla_______________ 1576Equitable Light & Power Co.,

San Francisco_________________ 656Erie H R ., 393. 045, 1020. 1029, 1511 Espcranza Consol. Oil Co., San

Francisco -------------------------------- 874Eureka & Palisade R y ----------------138oEvansvlllcdnd.)Public ServiceCo.339 Evansville & Terre Haute R R „

654, 1242

Farquhar-Pcarson Syndicate— 276ederal Biscuit Co----------------------- 501

Federal Coal & Coke Co-------------- 1028Federal Furnace Co., C h ica go ... 710 Federal Lt. & Trac.Co.,N .Y .,38, 336 Federal Min. & Smelt. Co. 1023. 1007 Federal Tel. & Tel. Co., 216, 501,

719, 869Fifth Ave. Bldg. Co., N. Y --------156Firestone Tire <5c Rubber Co.,

A kron ,O ----------------- 1772Fitchburg R R -------------------- 716, 870Flint (Mich.) Electric Co------------ 1713Florida East Coast R y., 589,

1416, 1508, 1620 Fonda Johnstown & Gloversvllle

R R . . . ......... ..3 8 , 336, 870, 1324Fore River Shipbuilding Co____ 92Fort Smith & Western R R _____ 1116Fort Worth (Tex.) Gas Co., 97, 156Fort Worth Light & Power C o._ 702 Forty-second St. Manhattanvlllc

& St. Nicholas Ave. R R ., 463,518, 700, 1025. 1385, 1766

Fountain Cotton Mills, Tarboro,N. C__________ 1632

Frankford Tacony & liolmesburgR y _____________________________ 276

Franklin (Pa.) Natural Gas C o .. 1256Frederick (Md.) R R _____________1446Freehold Investment Co., Spring-

Held (M o.)......... ................. ........ 177Freeport (III.) R y. & Lt. C o------716Fremont (O.) Power & Lt. Co. .1772 Fulton County (N. Y .) Gas &

Electric C o------------------------------ 1772Fulton (N. Y.) Light. Heat &

Power C o_____________________ 1772

Gainesville Midland Ry.1511, 1574 alncsvllle (Tex.) Water Co.

710, 1256Galveston Beaumont & Nor. R y. 94 Galveston Ilarrlsb. & San Ant R y. 38 Galveston-llouston Electric C o .1327 Gary (Ind.) & Interurb. El. R y.1385 Gas Co. of Montgomery Co., Pa.

874, 1773Gas & Elect. Securities Co., N .Y . 466Gas Securities Co. of N. Y ----------335Geary Street Park & Ocean R R .,

San Francisco-------------------88, 790General Chemical Co----------399, 656, 1632General Electric Co--------------------- 270General Motors C o . .592, 657,

710, 874, 017, 1028. 1098,1163, 1387, 1449, 1576

Gcncva-Sencca Electric Co.,Geneva, N. Y . ............................1773

Georgia & Florida R y ___________ 1385Georgia R y. & El. Co., Atlanta,

Ga.......................... ............ 1160, 1385Georgia So. & Florida Ry.1160, 1247 Glmbel Bros., New York City,

Department Stores------------------- 279Gold Held Consol. Mines Co.212,

330, 657, 1388Goodrich (B. F.) Co., Akron,

O h io ..216, 270, 592, 1256, 1632 Goodyear Tiro & Rubber Co ,

Akron_______ 216, 466, 520, 1765Goshen (Ind.) Gas Co------------------1632Granby Consol. Mining Smelting

& PowcrCo., Ltd-948, 1250, 1576 Grand Forks (Dak.) Gas & Elect.

C o _____________ 466Grand Haven (Mich.) Gas Co— 309 Grand Rapids (Mich.) Hydraulic

C o ______________________ 1713Grand Rapids & Indiana R y ....... 1160Grand Trunk R y. of Canada. 154,

336, 307, 518, 1025, 1005, 1442 Grand Trunk Paclflc Branch

Lines Co.........................................1327Grand Trunk Pacific Develop. Co.1449

Page.Grand Trunk Paclflc R y ___214,

276, 463, 518Grand Trunk Western R y ______ 1095Great Eastern Telephone Co____1773Great Lakes Engineering Works,

Detroit___________________592, 1515Great Northern Iron Ore Proper­

ties................... 466, 1330Great Northern R y._154, 518,

790, 1025, 1091, 1099, 1160, 1446 Great Shoshone & Twin Falls

YVater Power Co_______________ 339Great Western Cereal Co___466, 792Great Western P ow crC o..1028, 1163 Great Western (Beet) Sugar Co.,

Denver___________________156, 1577Greeley Square Realty Co., N. Y.1773 Green Bay (YVls.) Gas & El. Co. 592Green Bay (YVls.) Water Co------ 151aGreene Cananca Copper Co--------272Greene Consol. Copper Co----------272Greenhut-Slegel Cooper Co., N .Y .1713 Greenville (S. C.) Traction Co— lo l l Guanajuato (Mex.) Power &

Elect. Co., Colorado Spgs.217, 1773Gutfey (J. M.) Petroleum Co------217Gulf & Chicago R y ........................... 463Gulf Compress Co-------------- 466Gulf & Inter-State R y .of Texas. GoaGulf Refining C o .. ...............- - - - 8 5 9Gulf & Ship Island RR.655, 109.),1245 Gum Supply Co_________________ 1449

Hackensack (N. J.) Water C o .. 874allfax & Eastern R y __________ 518

Hall Signal Co_______________- — 048Hamilton (Ont.) Steel & Iron Co. 279 Hammond Chicago Heights &

Southern Traction Co_________276Hanford Irrigation & Power Co.,

Page.Inter-State Light & Power Co.,

Galena, 111......... .................340, 1632Inter-State Power Co., Elberton,

Ga ___________________________1773Inter-State R R ., Virginia______ 1629Inter-State R ys., Philadelphia

589, 1095, 1385,1446,1512, 1711 Investment and Railroad Intelli­

g e n ce ...32, 89, 148, 208, 268,331, 390, 458, 513, 583, 649,709, 782, 861, 937, 1018, 1088, 1151, 1239, 1320,1379, 1438, 1505, 1568,

1625, 1703, 1761 Iowa Central R y.518 , 790, 1095, 1442 Irondale Bancroft & Ottawa R y . 276 Iron Steamboat Co., New Jersey

1256, 1331, 1444Iron & Steel Products Co___399, 875Iroquois Iron Co., Chicago_____ 1773Isabelle-Connellsvllle Coke C o .. 1773 Island Creek Coal Co., Boston

948, 1163, 1450

Jackson Co., Nashua, N. H ____1773ackson (Geo. YV.), Inc., Chi­

cago ______ ______________41, 217Jacksonville (Fla.) Electric C o .. 38Jacksonville (Fla.) Gas C o______ 1633Jacksonville (111.) Gas Light &

Coke Co______________________ 1713Jamestown Chaut. & L. E. R R . . 214Janesville (YVls.) Street R y _____ 1160Janesville (YVls.) Traction Co___1254Jefferson & Clearfleld Coal & Iron

C o ....................... 279Jenney Electric Mfg. Co----------------875Jersey City Water Supply Co— 1450 Joplin (Mo.) Gas Co_____________1633

Seattle ° ___- 719 j anawha Bridge & Term . C o. . 1629Harblson-Wafke'r'RcfractoriesCo.1449 IVanawha & Mich. R y.94 , 276, 1095 Harrison Bros. & Co., Inc., Phlla.

1028, 1510, 1713Hartford (Conn.) Gas Sccur. Co. 592 _Hartford & .Springfield St. R y . . l l6 0 K . C. I t . Scott & Mem. R y ..3 8 , lo4

(Mass.) Gas Light Co. 719 Kansas City Home Teleph. C o . . 537

Kankakee (111.) Gas & Elec. Co.720, 875. 1577

Kansas City Breweries Co----------335

Haverhill ______| ______ _Hawaiian Commercial & Sugar Co.466 Heat Light & Power Co. of

Munclc, Ind....... .................. 339Helena (Mont.) Light & Ry.Co.109o Helena (Mont.) W ater-WorksCo. 1098 Ilendce Mfg. Co., Spring!., Mass.1773Hibernia Mine R R ______________1766Hicks Locom otive & Car W orks. 792 H igh-R ock Knitting Co., Phil-

mont, N. Y ___________________1515Hilo R R ., Honolulu______________336Hoboken (N. J.) Land & Improve­

ment Co_________________ 279, 1773Ilocklng-Sunday Creek Tract.Co.1766 Hocking Valley R y.154, 863,

884, 1253liolmesburg Tacony & Frank­

ford Electric R y _______________ 276Holton Power Co., Redlands,Cal.1515Ilomestake Mining Co_____ 792, 869Iloosac Cotton Mills, North

Adams, Mas.s_________ ..1330Houghton County (Midi.) Gas

& Coke Co___________________ 97Houston Gas Co_________________ 719Houston Oil C o_________________ 1331Houston & Texas Central R R ___336Hudson Co. (N. J.) Water Co.

1577, 1773Hudson & Manhattan R R ..2 7 6 ,

589„ 790, 1025, 1095, 1160,1253, 1574, 1629

Hudson Motor Car Co___________ 1388Hudson NavIgatlonCo__________ 1773Hudson River Electric Power Co.

466, 874, 1515, 1713 Hudson River Telephone Co------156

Kan. City Long-Dlst. Teleph.Co. 587 Kansas City Mexico & Orient Ry.

38, 94. 1025, 1446 Kansas City R y. & Light Co.

589, 714, 790, 871, 1629Kansas City Southern R y ___940, 953Kansas City Terminal R y ___518,

589, 1025, 1386Karpen (S.) Bros., Chicago_____ 1773Kellogg Switch Board & Supply

C o . . . _____________________279, 467Kentucky Electric Co., Louisville 97 Kentucky & Indiana Bridge &

Railroad C o . . .............38, 214, 589Keokce Consolidated Coke C o ..1450 Kern River Oilfields of California 217Keystone Coal & Coke Co----------1773Keystone National Powder C o ..1774Keystone Telephone Co____ 217, 587Keystone W atch Case Co., Phlla. 720 Kings Co. Elec. Lt. & Power C o. 217 Kings Hill Extcn. Irrlg. Co..Ltd. 520Kirby Lumber Co_______________ 41Kittanning & Lecchburg R ys— 94Knox Automobile Co___________ 1388

La Belle Iron W orks.715, 720, 1256 ackawanna Bridge Co.,BulIalol774

Lackawanna Steamship Co--------1331Lackawanna Steel C o .......... ..9 7 , 948Laclede Gas Light Co., St. Louis

156, 467, 1331 Lacom bc Electric Co., D enver.. 657Lafltn & Rand Powder Co----------1331Lake Erie & Western R I l . ......... 1025Lake Shore Electric R y ----------------790Lake Shore & Mich. South. Ry_1766

Ilucbner-Toledo Breweries C o ..l3 8 8 Lake Superior Corp.97, 467, 792, 868Humboldt (Cal.) Gas & Elect.Co.1577 Huntington Land & Impt. Co.,

Los Angeles________ 719, 874, 918Huron (O.) Steel & Iron C o--------1773Hydraulic Power Co., Niagara

F alls................................................. 340

Idaho & Washington Nor. R R ..1 71 0 lllnols Central R R ..9 4 , 397,

863, 879, 1160. 1710 Illinois Traction C o.38,211, 589, 1328Illinois Tunnel Co------------------------- 870iiiinois Valley Gas & Elect. C o .. 41Imperial Oil Co-----------------------------217Imperial Window Glass Co.,

P ittsburgh___________________ 1449Independent Brewing Co., Pitts­

burgh ....................... 467, 1325, 1450Independent Telep. Co., Seattle. 9 18Indian Refining Co., Clnn----------520Indiana Union Traction Co_____ 212Indianapolis & Clnn. Traction

Co___________ 518, 945, 1025, 1385Indianapolis Newcastle & Toledo

Electric R y ___________________1254Indianapolis Union R y __________ 1511Indlanapoiis Water Co____1331, 1713Ingersoll-Rand Co., N. Y ____719,

1028, 1098, 1388, 1450, 1515, 1632 Inland Steel Co., C hicago..792, 1326 Interborough-Mctropolltan Co.38, 790 Interborough Rapid Transit Co.

94, 271, 713, 870, 1254, 1385,1574, 1629, 1711

Intercontinental Rubber C o .156,; 657, 871, 9 18, 1325, 1388,

1515, 1577International Agricultural Corp.

41, 97, 1450, 1515 International Cotton Mills Corp.

279, 467, 1773International & Great Northern

1 • lty _______ 463, 589, 655, 871, 945Internat.* Harvester Co___1098, 1773International Lead C o--------------- 217Internat. Mercantile Marine C o. 35Intcrnat. Nickel Co..............792, 1713Internat. Paper C o ..467, 653, 1163 Internat. Steam Pump C o ..279, 720Internat. Text Book C o .4 1 ,____

1326. 1331Internat .-Time Recording Co.

1388, 1632Internat. Tract. Co., BulTalo.38, 945 Internat. Water Co., El Paso,Tex. 657 InteroceanlcRy.of Mexico. 1328, 1441 Inter-State Gas Co., Pittsburgh. 217 Inter-State Independent Tele­

phone & Telegraph Co.. Joliet 875, 1256, 1388, 1516,11713. 17731

Lake Superior Iron & ChemicalCo.................. ........41, 97, 156, 1774

Lake Superior & Ishpemlng Ry_1447 Lake of the Woods Aiming Co.,

Ltd., Alontreal_______________ 592Lancaster (Pa.) Gas Lt.& I'uclCol774 Lancaster Oxford & South. R R . 945 Lancaster Co. R y. & Lt. Co.463, 1447 Landers, Frary & Clark, New

H a v e n _______________________1713Lansing (Mich.) Fuel & Gas C o .. 875 La Prcle Ditch & Reservoir C o .. 875 Laramie Hahn’s Peak & Paclflc

R y _______ _____________1574, 1766Laurentldc Paper Co., Grand

Alere, Quebec____________ 467, 657Lawyers’ Alortgage Co......... ........ 92Leavenworth Terminal R y. &

Bridge Co________________ 214, 397Lehigh Coal & Nav. C o . . . 1098, 1388 Lehigh & Hudson River Ry.

1328, 1386, 1763 Lehigh & New Eng. R R ..1 32 8 , 1386Lehigh Valley Coal C o __________394Lehigh Valley R R .94 , 276, 393,

402, 463, 1386, 1447, 1574,1711, 1766

Lehigh Valley Transit Co., Allen­town, P a_____154, 716, 1025,

1096, 1328, 1574, 1629 Lehigh & Wilkes-Barre Coal Co.

792, 867Lewiston Augusta & W aterv. R y. 94 Lexington & Eastern R y — 589,

*1025, 1447Lexington (K y.) Water-Works

Co......................................... 399, 1774Library Bureau (of N. J.),Boston 875Licking River R R — .......... 336Llma-IIoneoyc Electric Light &

R R . Co_______________________ 589Lincoln (Neb.) Traction Co-------- 94Linn & Lane Timber Co_______ 97Long Acre Electric Light & Pow­

er Co., N. Y ______ 875, 1450, 1577Long Beach (Cal.) Consolidated

Gas Co__________________ 399. 1774Long Beach (N. Y.) Pier Co------875Long Island R R ......... 463, 1512, 1766Loose-Nlles Biscuit C o......... — 592Lorain Ashl.cld & Southern RR.1512 Lord & Taylor C o ..41, 157, 217,• • • 467, 521Los Angeles Gas & Elec. C orp ..1264Los Angeles Interurban R y --------1767Los Angeics R y.717, 1096, 1160,

1254, 1386, 1767 Los Angclct, & Redondo RR.717, 1767 Louisiana A Arkansas R y ..4 6 3 .

, 1323,11447

Page.Louisville & Eastern R y — 463. 1447 Louisville Henderson & St. Louis

R y . _____________ 717, 788Louisville (Ky.) Lighting Co------ 97Louisviiie & Nashville R R ..1 5 4 ,

397, 518, 940, 953, 1025,1447, 1512, 1711

Louisville (K y.) Water Co-------- 97Lower Yakima Irrigation Co.,

Richland, W a s h ........... ............. 657Lukens Iron & Steel Co_________ 1633Luzerne Co. (Pa.) Gas & Elec.Co. 217 Lynn (Mass.) Gas & Electric C o. 217

McCahan (N. J.) Sugar RefiningCo., Philadelphia_________ 1577

McCrum-Howell Co____399, 592,875, 1098, 1163, 1331, 1450

Macon & Birmingham R y ------------ 945Macon (Ga.) Gas Light & Water

Co......... ................................ 792, 1577Macon (Ga.) R y. & Light Co— 945 Madison (Wis.) Gas & Elco. C o .. 1028 Mahoning & Shenango R y. &

Light Co______________ 1711Maine Central R R ____717. 788, 1096Makaweli Sugar Co., San F ra n .. 521 Alanhattan Bridge (N. Y.) Threo-

Ccnt-Fare Line_________ 154, 1767Manhattan Navigation Co------------ 521Manhattan Railway, N. Y ---------- 94

I Manila R R .214 , 276, 717, 1025, 1711| Alanistlque R y _______ 519, 946, 1025Manitowoc (Wis.) Water-Works

I C o ____________________________1774M anufacturers’ Coal & Coke Co..j Tunnelton, YV. V a____________1450I Manufacturers’ Light & Heat Co.,

Pittsburgh_____ 157, 217, 340,1163, 1633

1 Alarconi YVireless Telegraph Co.,| Ltde., London__________________279! Marion (Ind.) Light & Ileat’g Co.1774

Maritime Coal, R y . & Power Co.,Ltd ................. 213

Market St. Elevated Pass. Ry__1629 Alarlborough-IIudson (Mass.)Gas

C o ________ 521Marquette County Gas & Elec­

tric Co., Ishpemlng, &c_______1767Marseilles Co., East Moline, III..1774Maryland Coal Co________ 97Maryiand Del. & Va. R y .,1 62 9 , 1767 Alassachusetts Brew. Co.,Boston.l775Alass. Coal & Power Co___1163, 1264Alassachusetts Electric Cos. 1254,

1328, 1570, 1574, 1767 Massachusetts Gas Cos .218, 521,

792, 1023, 1028| Massachusetts Lighting Cos---------- 875! Alasslllon Coal Mining Co_________ 461i Alasslllon Electric & Gas Co-------1775i-Massillon (O.) Iron & Steel C o .. 3991 Mattoon City (111.) R y ___________ 655.May Department Stores Co---------- 720Meadvllle & Cambridge Springs

: R y __________________ 336, 397, 589M em phis Dallas & Gulf R R ____1541 Alemphls Union Station Co__________ 94Mergenthaler Linotype Co_______1094Alcrldian (Aliss.) Light & R y. C o. 336 Alct. Gas & Elec. Co., C hic.340, 720Aletropolltan Securities Co__________ 38Aletropolitan Street R y, N. Y .,

38, 94, 336, 717, 1254, 1386,1512, 1574, 1711, 1767

Aletropolltan YVcst Side Elo-! vated R y., Chicago------------------- 336! Alexican Central R R ----------215, 1630Alexican International R R.1383,

1441, 1456Alexican Light & Power Co.,Ltd.,

92, 399, 1331, 1577 ; Alexican Aline Development C o. 875 Alexican Nat. Gas Co.. Los An-

I geles, Cal_____________________ 1775Alexican Nat. Packing C o .97, 157, 340Alexican Northern R y __________ 1026

. Mexican Petroleum Co.. L td____ 1450Alexican R y _____________________ 1026Alexican Southern lty __________ 1711Alexican Telegraph Co....... 875, 1775Mexican Tramways Co___________ 397Alexican Union R y __________39, 215

j Alexlco North YVcstcrn R y _____ 790Mexico Tramways____________ 91, 94Miami Copper C o___________ 467, 592Alichigan Central R R ..2 7 6 , 1026,

1160,1328Allchigan-Lakc Superior Power

Co.......................... 1445, 1516, 1577Michigan State Teleph. Co___37, 218Alichigan Stove Co_____________ 98Alichigan Sugar Co_______ 1331, 1577Mich. United R y s ..1026, 1096, 1157

| Middletown Unionville & WaterGap R R ......... .......... 154, 1447, 1512

Alldland Pennsylvania R R --------463AHdland Steel Co., Pittsburgh..1775 AlIlford & Uxbridge St R y., 463,1160 .Miller & Lux, Inc., of N evada .. 720Miller & Vldcr Lumber Co______ 98Milwaukee Gas Light Co_________ 157

1-Mineral YVells (Tex.) Elec. C o .. 397; Mines Co. of America, N. Y ____ 98.Minneapolis General Elec. Co___ 98.Minneapolis & St. Louis R R .,

790, 946, 1096, 1508. 1630 Minn. St. P. & Sault Stc. Alarie

R y ________________787, 790. 1026Mississippi Valley Telephone Co.,

Keokuk, Iowa-------------- 1516AUssourl & Kansas Tel. Co.150, 1775

I -Missouri Kansas & Texas R y.94 ,336, 394, 786,799, 1160, 1254,

1630, 1768AUssourl Kansas & Texas Termi­

nal Co., St. Louis________463, 519I AUssourl Oklahoma & Gulf Ry_.1328 j Missouri Pacific R y_ ..2 7 6 , 337, 1705 j AUssourl YVater, Light & Trac-; tlon Co., Nevada, M o_________ 39Mobile Electric Co__________ 521, 657Alobllc Jackson & Kansas City

R R ____________ 463, 717.Mobile & Ohio R R ______ 1026, 1156-Mobile Terminal & Ry Co________717Alohawk Hydro-Electric Co.,

N. Y ___________________ 1775Alohlcan OH & Gas Co__________ 1450-Moline (111.) Plow Co___________ 1633Monongahela River Consol. Coal

j & Coke Co_________399, 592, 1633'M onterey County (Cal.) Gas &

ElectrioJCo....................... 1633

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Page.Monterey Fresno & Eastern R y . 397 Montgomery (Ala.) Light & W at.

Power Co_________________ 340, 399Montgomery (Ala.) Trac. Co___1026Montreal Light, Heat & Power

C o ..........................1163, 1264, 1450Montreal Steel W orks, Ltd.,

399, 521, 1775Montreal Street Ry__589, 655,

871, 1160, 1249, 1254, 1711Montreal Tramways & Power

Co--------------- ------------------1711, 1768Montreal Water & Power Co.,

462, 1028, 1775Morris & Co. (Packers), Chicago,

1163, 1510Motion Pictures Patents Co. 875Mt. Airy & Eastern R y ____397,

1447, 1630Mt. Morris Elec. Lt. Co., N .Y 1516 Muncie (Ind.) Gas Lt. & Fuel Co. 340 Municipal Water Works Co., Ft.

Smith, A rk___________________ 521, 1388Muskegon Grand Rapids & Indt- • a n a R R _____ __________________ 39VTapoleon (O.) Home Tel. C o .. 467lia sh u a Mfg. Co_________________ 98, 1775Nashville Chattanooga & St. L.

R y --------------------------------------------717, 865Nashville R y. & Light C o______ 791Nassau (Co., N. Y.) Light &

Power Co_______________ . . 467Nat. Biscuit C o____________ 592, 876Nat. Boat & Engine Co_________ 1633Nat. Carbon Co_________________ 1331Nat. Casket Co_________________ 944Nat. Composltype Co.. Balt_____ 876Nat. Drug & Chemical Co________280Nat. Enameling & Stamping Co.,

399, 461Nat. Fuel Gas Co_______________ 1264Nat. Gas Electric Light & Power

Co., Phlla........................ 1633Nat. Lead Co_______ 218, 720, 1633Nat. Licorice Co___________ 792Nat. Packing Co_________________720, 1775Nat. Rys. of M exico. .39 , 589,

717, 943, 946, 1160, 1382,1441, 1452

Nat. Starch Co....... ........................ 98Nat. Sugar Refining C o------ 1577Nat. Surety C o., N .Y .1331,1388, 1776Nat. Telephone Corp., Wheeling,

98, 1326, 1776 Nebraska (Bell) Telep. Co. . 4 1, 151 Neb. Trac. & Pow. Co., O m aha.1254Nevada-Callfornia Power Co____340Nevada-Callfornla-Oregon R y — 865 Nevada Consol. Copper C o . .280,

521, 1450, 1509, 1776 Nevada Co. Nar. G. R R ..1 25 4 , 1768 Nevada (Mo.) Water, Light &

Traction Co________________39, 276Newark & Bloomfield R R ______ 1630New Bedford (Mass.) Gas & Edi­

son Light C o . ._______ 521New Bedford Martha’s Vineyard

& Nantucket Steamboat C o .. 1098 New Britain (Conn.) Gas Lt. C o .1516New Brunswick (Can.) R y _____ 397New Brunswick Southern R y___717New Castle (Md.) L .,H .& P .C o .. 948 New England Investment & Se­

curity Co________________ 157, 946New England (Bell) Telephone

& Telegraph C o--------- .'----151, 592New Hampshire Electric R ys___215New Haven (Conn.) Gas Lt. C o .1516 New Haven (Conn.) Hotel Co— 218 New Jersey & Hudson River R y.

& Ferry Co_______________95, 946New Orleans & Northeastern

R R _______________717, 1161, 1323New Orleans R y. & Light Co.,

1161, 1328, 1768 New Philadelphia (O.) Water Co.

720, 1264Newport News & Old Point R y.

& Electric Co____791, 1254, 1447Newport & Richford R R ___946, 1026New River Lumber Co., CIn____1331New River & Pocahontas Consol.

Coal Co.............................. 1264N. Y . Air Brake Co_____________ 41N. Y . & Albany Transportation

Co___________ 521, 792, 876, 1028N. Y. Bank Note C o .467, 1163,1264N. Y . Central Lines______ 1447, 1630N. Y. Central & Hudson River

R R . .337, 655, 1026, 1254, 1328 N. Y . Chicago & St. Louis R R . . 154N. Y . City R y ___________ 39, 276, 519N. Y . Dock C o _________________ 944N. Y. Electric Lines Co_________ 1098N. Y . & Harlem R R ___________ 717N. Y . & Long Island R R ......... .. 871N. Y . Mutual Gas Light Co_____ 1713N. Y . N. H. & Hartford R R.154,

337, 871, 941, 946, 1026, 1161,1254, 1328, 1386

N. Y . & New Jersey Water C o .. 340 N. Y . & North Shore Trac. Co._ 871 N. Y . Ontario & Western R y.,

39, 393, 652, 871 N. Y . & Pennsylvania Telephone

& Telegraph Co__________ 157N. Y. & Queens County Electric

Light & Power Co________ 157N. Y. & Stamford R y _______ 946N. Y . State R ys......... ...................1711N. Y . State Realty & Ter. Co___792N. Y. Susquehanna & Western

R R ________________95, 1026, 1156N. Y . (Bell) Telph. Co____ 151, 157N. Y . Terminal Co......... ................1633N. Y . Transportation Co___ 1776N. Y . Westchester & Boston R y.,

337, 1161, 1630Niagara Falls Hydraulic Power

& Mfg. Co----------------------- 341Niagara Falls Power Co____ 1331, 1713Nlles-Bement-Pond Co_____1388, 1634NIpe Bay Co------------ 41, 1163, 1251Noiseless Typewriter Co., Middle-

town, Conn_____________ 521, 1776Norfolk & Portsmouth Traction

C o ............................95, 1328, 1630Norfolk & Southern R R ___ 655,

1254, 1768Norfolk & Southern R y .. . l0 2 6 ,

1161, 1447, 1630Norfolk & Western R y ------- 333,

463, 712, 722, 1026 Northampton Tr. Co., Easton,Pa. 589 North Butte Mining C o . . ......... .. 274 |

Page.North Carolina Electrical Po.Co. 1776No. Caro. Pub. Service Co..........1512North Coast R R ________________1447North Laramie (W yo.) Land Co. 876 North Shore Electric Co., Chi­

cago....................................1508, 1516Northern California Power Co.,

Consol___________ .341, 1516, 1764Northern Central R R ., 154, 337,

464, 871, 1026, 1161, 1254,1516, 1630, 1768

Northern Coal & Coke Co______ 1264Northern Heating & Electric Co.,

St. Paul -------- ------------ 467, 592Northern Idaho & Montana Pow­

er Co----------------------------------------- 341Northern Ohio Traction & Light

C o_______________ 519, 1512, 1711Northern Pacific R y ., 39, 943,

1153. 1175Northern Pacific Terminal Co___154Northern R y. of Costa R ica____464Northern Securities Co____1386, 1574Northern States Power Co., Chic. 592 Northwestern Elevated R R.,

, 791,866,1768Northwestern Ohio Natural GasCo---------------------------- 41, 98, 876

Northwestern States Power Co. 467 Northwestern Telegraph Co. 1028 Nova Scotia Car VV’ks Co., L td . .1331Nova Scotia Eastern R y _________519Nova Scotia Steel & Coal Co/]

218, 341, 792

Oakland (Cal.) Traction Co.,155, 464, 1331, 1512, 1630

Oak Park (111.) Light, Heat &Power Co___________________ 1516

Ocean Falls Co., L td______ " l4 5 1Ocean Shore R y ., Cal., 276, 337'

519, 871, 1026, 1161, 1255,’ l447O’ Gara Coal Co....... ............ 1451 1577Ogilvie Flour Mills Co____1098.’ 1326Ohio Copper Co_______ 522Ohio Fuel Supply Co . 41, 213,' 876Ohio & Texas Sugar Co____ 1776Ohio Traction Co., C lnn.. . 871Oklahoma Central R R ____ 39 ' 155Oklahoma Fuel Supply of Pitts’ 1776 Oklahoma Gas & Elec. C o .. ' 657 Oklahoma Natural Gas C o .. 1577Old Colony R R ________ 'lO T .Old Colony Street R y ____1630" 1768Omaha & Council Binds St. R y . 791 Omaha Elec. Lt. & Power Co 1776Omaha Water Co__________876, 1331Ontario & Ottawa R y _____276,’ 464Ontario Power Co., Niagara Falls

280, 399, 720, 792, 1028, 177o’ Ontario Power Transmission Co 720Ontario Steel Co........... ............ \naOrange & North Western R R _ . 'io96Oregon Power Co________________ g8Oregon R R . & Nav. Co., 1447/

1512, 1711Oregon Short Line R R ., 871,1026, 1512, 1711

Oregon & Washington R R. &Nav. Co., 1447, 1512, 1630, 1768

Orensteln-Arthur Koppel Co.,Pittsburgh ---------------------- ’ 467

Otis Elevator Co....... .............399, 4934Overton County R R __________ 1026Owego (N. Y.) Gas Light Co____1334

Pabst Brewing Co_________42, 720achuca (Mex.) Lt. & Pow. Co 1331

Pacific Coast Co____1028, 1094, linaPacific & Eastern R y . . ......... .. 949Pacific Elec. R y ., Los Angclcsl~i386 Pacific Gas & Elec. Co., 215, 519,1930 Pacific Hardware & Steel Co.]

San Francisco______________ 1776Pacific Light & Power Corp.,155/ 17(19Pacific Pass Coal Fields C o____ 344Pacific Pow. & Lt. Co.,467,1163] 1934Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co______ 152,’ 7^0Paducah (Ky.) H om cTel. C o .. 1779Pan American R R _______________ 539Parke, Davis & Co., Detroit____1934Parker Mills Co., S. C_____ 1634, 1743Parral & Durango R R . . . ..........44.47Pasadena (Cal.) Rapid TransltCo. 717Pas ale & New York R R ________ 1542Passaic Steel Co________________ 1773Passaic Structural Steel Co_____957Paul J. Rainey Pier Co.,LongB’ch 876 Pay-as-You-Enter Car Corp.,

N. Y ______________ 792, 809, 1516Penman’s, L td., Montreal________395Pennsylvania Beech Creek &

Eastern Coal Co________________ 218Pennsylvania Co___________ 946, 1769Pennsylvania Canal C o__________ 157Pennsylvania Coal & Coke C o__ 522 jPennsylvania LightIngCo..218, 876.Penna.-New Jersey R ys ---------------599Pennsylvania R R ., 155, 337, 397,

655, 946, 1026, 1161, 1513, 1769Penna. Sugar Refining Co........... 218Penna. Water Co., Pittsburgh.. 1516 Penna. Water & Power Co., 468,

948, 1098, 1634 Penn Yan (N. Y .) Gas Lt. C o . . . 948 Pensacola (Fla.) Elec. Co.1711, 1769Penwood Coal Co----------------------- 1776People’s Electric Light & Power

Co., Oakland, Cal---------------------720People’s Gas & Fuel Co., Cedar

Rapids, Iowa_________________ 1332 IPeople’s Gas Light Co., Man­

chester, N. H ....... ...................... 1332People’s Gas Light & Coke Co.,

157,720,792. 876 People’s Portland Cement Co.,

Sandusky-Spokanc___________ 1776 iPeople’s Water Co., Oakland,Cal. 1451Peoria R y. & Terminal Co______ 215 jPeoria Water-Works Co_________ 1777 :Pere Marquette R R ., 946, 1026, 1092 Phelps, Dodge & Co., N. Y ., 280,

720, 1577|Phila. Co. for Guarantee’gMtges.1517 1 Phlla. Rapid Transit Co., 337,

789. 946, 1161, 13t6, 1574,1630, 1711

Phlla. Suburban Gas & Elec. Co.,218, 876

Phlla. Traction C o_______________397Phlla. & Western (Elec.) R R ___519Phillips Sheet & Tin Plate Co.,

Wclrton, W. Va--------------------- 1777Phoenix Iron Co________ — 41, 592Pierce, Butler & Pierce M g. Co.,

Syracuse, N. Y _______ 1028, 1098

Page.Pike s Peak Hydro-Elec. Pow.Co. 468 Plllsbury-Washburn Flour Mills

Co., Ltd ., London______ 395Pioneer (Bell) Tel. & Tel. Co 152 Pitts. Binghamton & East. R R 1711Pitts. Brewing Co__________ 522, 1325Pltts.-Buffalo Co_________ .1765Pitts. Cln. Chic. & S t .L .R y _ m 337Pitts. (Land) Co_______________ 1577Pitts. Ft. Wayne & Chic. Ry__ I 155 Pitts. Plate Glass Co.,280, 468, 876Pitts. R ys------------------ 589, 1328Pitts. Shawmut & Northern R R .,

39, 1161, 1255Pitts. SS. Co____________________1934Pitts. Steel Co____________ 1388, 1451Pitts. Summerville & Clarion RR.1255 Pitts. Wheeling & KentuckyRR. 946

Page.St. Louis Iron Mtn. & So. Ry.39, 155 St. Louis Merchants’ Bridge Ter­

minal R y ..................... 1448St. Louis Montcsano & So. Ry__ 155 St. Louis R ocky Mountain & Pa­

cific Co___________ 1161, 1244, 1513St. Louis & San Francisco R R .,

155, 337, 590, 1242, 1257,1328, 1448, 1711

St. Louis Southwestern Ry_393,397, 942, 1575, 1631, 1769

St. Louis Terminal Elec. R y ____1769St. Mary’s & Western Ont. Ry._1162Salem (Ore.) Water C o . . ............522Salisbury & Spencer R y .............1513Salisbury Steel & Iron Co.,

Utica, N. Y . . . ...........................1028Pitts. Youngstown & Ash tab/Uy] 791 San Antonin n\n r ° Tamn WlV 1769Planters’ Compress Co----------42, 341 ]sa An t o o m ?vk ‘w-imr Sn n rv.'19? xPia7.i Onsratinor on TTr>_ | gan Aiitomo( i ex.) water Sup.Co. 218

San Diego Cons. Gas & Elec. Co. 468

Portland (Ore.) Gas * Coke C o .. 1028 1 ^ ^ g aklanU & » an 155Portland (Me.) It It— _------------- 871 : oqn rnnnnin r itriif r ~ y;Portland (Ore.) R y ., Lt. & Power ^ 9 6 5 ? 1632Porto R IooR vs-------- ’ loon r , r Sftn Pedro Los Ang. & S. L. R y . 590Portsmouth Berklev" &'SiMTolif1 h ‘ Santa Cecilia Sugar Co--------399, 876I ortsmouth Berkley & Sulfolk Sapulpa (Olda.) Electric Co____657Portsmouth (OJ Gas C 6 I I I I .'.' 1634 | Sch warzschtld & Sulzberger Co..

1 °LIght°Coh _(. ° : ). . UI397* 4011 SC}ut b ^ s fl< . ^ C'U.°.11. <5° " C°~ 871

Power T ranslt& ^fght Co.'.'Bak"-1 ’ ‘ ' feaboard Air Line'Ry ' 461 *87i 10° ° ersfield, Cal__________________ 948 Seaboard Air U iie Ry . 461, 871,

P°PowereCo.e_(.N / “ *' & 1777 Seaboard C o .. . . _ 337Prairie Pebble Phosphate Co____1517 yS’ ’ Inc l634>Pressed Steel Car Co ()48 1 Sears-IvOeuiick Co-----------------------1388Price Bro. & Co., Ltd'.', QGei332,'l45l , ^ £ 0,dthe,ry S 7 *Princeton (N.J.j Lt., lit . & Pow Sebastlcook & Moqsehcad R R__ 717

Co .Procter

399& Gamble Co., 1098,

1163, 1451Producers’ OH Co., Houston____592Providence (R . I.) Teleph. Co___152Providence Warren & Bristol R R . 940 Public Securities Co., C hicago.. 42 Public Service Corp. of New Jcr.,

sey---- 95, 397, 717, 871, 916, 1513Publishers’ Paper Co___________ 1777Pueblo-Rocky Ford Irr. Co.,Cal. 876 Pullman Co., 157, 280, 1158,

1332, 1517, 1777 Pure Oil Co...........................1451, 1577

Quakertown Traction Co. 1096, 1161ucbcc Central R y . . __________ 1090

Quebec & Lake St. John R y.,337, 519, 791

Quebec Oriental R y ______________464Quebec R y., L t., l it . & Power

Co., L td___________ 95, 215, 1328Quebec Southern R y ___________ 1161Quemahonlng Coal Co., Somer­

set, Pa_______________________ 592Quincy (111.) Gas, Elec. Lt. &

Heating Co___________________1634Quincy Mining Co___________271, 1451

Railroad Construction_________ 1769allways Co. General_____867, 1448

Railway Steel Spring C o . . . 522, 1264 Ralston Steel Car Co.,Columbus,

Ohio______________________876, 1517Randolph-Macon Coal Co_______1332Rapid Transit In N. Y . City, 590,1096 Rates, 39, 155, 215, 276, 464, 590, 655 Ray Consolidated Copper Co.,

1250, 1264, 1388, 1634 Reading Co., 95, 785. 793. 1248. 1630Reading (Pa.) Standard Co_____ 522Reading (Pa.) Transit Co_______1513Realty Associates, Bklyn., 468, 1509Red River Power Co., Minn___ 468Republic Iron & Steel Co., 586, 1098 Republic Rubber Co., Youngs­

town, Ohio____ _________ 1332Rhode Island Coal Co., B oston .. 1388 Richardson Paper Co., Lock-

land, O ......... .......................... 876Richelieu & Ontario Nav. Co. of

C an ada ........... ....................522, 1264Richmond & Henrico (E Icc.)R y. 276 Richmond (Cal.) Lt. & Pow. Co.1517Richmond (Md.) Nat. Gas Co___468Rio Grande Iiy ..2 70 , 337, 1026, 1161Rio Grande Southern R R ............397Rio de Janeiro Tramway, Light

& Power Co_______ 464Robert Johnson & Rand Shoe Co. 1777 Rochester & L. Ont. Water C o .. 1777 Rochester Syracuse & Eastern

(Electric R R . ) . . ................... 1711Rock Island C o . .276, 717, 1096,

1153, 1513Rock Island Ark. & La. RR.717, 1161Rockford (III.) Electric Co_____ 42Rockford & Interurban R y _____ 1513Rockingham Power C o_____657,

1028, 1264, 1517 R ocky Mountain (Bell) Tel. Co. 152 Roland Park Electric & Water

Co., Balt____________ 721

Second A ve. R R ., N. Y ____398,519, 946, 1255

Security Invest. Co., Pittsb’gh . 341 Sedalia (Mo.) Light & Traction

Co_____________ 39, 519, 717, 871Selma (Ala.) Lighting Co______ 721Shamokin & Coal Township Light

Heat & Power Co______________218Shannon Copper Co______ 399, 1388Sharon Steel Co_________________ 721Sharon Steel Hoop Co_________ .1517Sharp Mfg. Co., New Bedford,

M ass___________________________877Shawinlgan Cotton Co___________ 877Shawlnlgan Water & Power Co.,

157. 721, 877, 1577, 1635Sheboygan L t., Pow. & Ity. C o. 871 Sheboygan R y. & Electric Co. . 871Shelby Iron Co_________________ 1714Shenango Iron & Steel Co_______1333Sherbrooke (Quo.) R y.& I’ ow.Co. 95 Sherwin-Williams Co., Clcvel’d . 877Shults Bread Co., N. Y ................ 157Siegel Stores Corporation......... .. 721Sierra Nevada W at. & Pow. Co. 157 Sierra Pacific Electric Co., Ne­

vada and California......... ........... 341Sierra & San Francisco Power Co.

157, 218, 342SUllker Car Co., Halifax...............1333Sloss-Shcffleld Steel & Iron Co.,

280, 1333Somerset R y ________ 791South Alabama Lumber Co_____ 399South Atlantic Car & Mfg. Co.,

Waycross, Ga_________________ 468South Bufialo (N. Y.) R y ______ 1027South Pittsburgh (Pa.) W at.C o.1714 South Porto Rico Sugar C o.,N .Y . 721 Southern Bell Telephone & Tele­

graph C o_________ .468, 1635, 1714South California Edison Co., Los

Angeles___________407, 1517, 1577Southern California Gas Co......... 1777Southern Cotton Oil C o__________ 150Southern Electric Securities Co.,

590, 1096Southern Indiana R y .. l5 5 , 215,

277, 333, 337, 655, 717, 791,871, 1162, 1255, 1448, 1769

Southern Iron & Steel C o . .407,657, 1517, 1573

Southern New England R R ------ 155Southern New England (Bell)

Telephone Co______ 152, 522, 965Southern Pacific of Mexico......... 1770Southern Pacific C o . .393, 590,

1027, 1386, 1628, 1631,1637, 1770

Southern Power Co--------1451, 1517Southern Ity . .718, 046, 1020,

1034, 1096, 1631, 1711Southern States 'I’el. Co., B a lt .. 468 Southern Street R y.. C h i.1631, 1712 Spang, Chalfant & Co., Inc.,Pitts 399Spanlsh-Amerlcan Iron Co--------1577Sparks Western R R ------------------- 1386Spokane Gas & Fuel Co----------------657Spokane * Inland Empire (Elec­

tric) R R . .........................94 6 , 1513Spokane Portland & Seattle R y . 519 Spreckels Sugar Co. of Cal. . _ 1577

si.isajM; I 5 « SSSBSMis;Rome Gas. Elec. Lt. & P . C o .-.1634 sp rV n ^ k fY d .') 'L ig h t ''H e a l;9 & 4<HR<T?T? Watertown & ° g( crnS277^ 464' Power Co______ _ * 468, 1714RoscoeSivder" & PacTftc R y -1096 Sprlngfleld (Mass.) St. B y -277, 1513 R o X n ; f ^ \ ecrg r t p h C o - ^ : : - 280 Standard Cordage Go 657.877Rutland R v ' Lt ’ & Power Co ’ 464 Standard Gas & Electric Co., Del 1708Rutland K y., Lt. & 1 ower e,u_- standard Gas Light Co., N. Y ..1 6 35Cacramento Valley Power Co., Standard Milling Co., N. Y,'78,7i7 ’ i 777 ^ Ppflrltno* Pol 721 1109, 1714, 11(<Safetv Car H eating '& Lighting Standard Motor Construction C o.1333Safety Car Heating & E tgnuug^^i standard Oil C o . .965, 1040.

Sac f y’ K f n ? T f * CabiC 280 ' Standard Sanitary M f^ c ’o ' . m ’, 1777st )’ Street R v ..........1096 Standard Transportation Co____ 877s t ' cuZlVcn fin ) Gas & Electric Stanislaus Consol. Wat.&Pow.Co 721 s rrih t C o ' 1451 Stearns (Ky.) Coal & Lumber Co. 98

1!: ISco!1St. Lawrence Power Co., Ltd., Stock Quotation Telegraph 22

Montreal - 157 New York.................. z ‘ 9 'St Louis (kr"Co.."."-'-'_'_--"l264. 1332 Stockton (Cal.) Gas AEUsc. CO.J517 St. Louis Electric Bridge C o ...1328 Stone Canon Pacific R R — 50U,

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Page 11: cfc_1910_v91index.pdf

July-D ecembek , 1910.] I N D E X XI

Page. 1Stonega Coke & Coal Co----------- 1333Street’ s Western Stable Car Line,

Chicago_________________965.Submarine Signal Co., Boston 1333Sulzberger & Sons Co--------1451, 1714Sunday Creek Co------------ - - - - - - - 1 ^ 6 5Superior & Plttsb MlntngCo 274, l;>/7 Susquehanna Bloomsburg & Ber­

wick R R ________ - - - - - - - -------i38bSusquehanna R y., Light & I ower

Co .. .4 6 5 ,5 9 0 ,6 5 3 ,1 7 1 2Swift & Co__________721, 1517, 1577Switching Rate Agreement at

Chicago....... .......... - - - - - - - - - - -.1447Symington (T. H.) Co., Balt— 171o Syracuse (N. Y .) Lighting Co— 342 Syracuse (N. Y.) R. 1. Ry. C o ..1712

Taber Mill, New Bedford............ 1205acoma Eastern R R . ..................... 655

Tanana Valley R R ----------------------1328Taylor Iron & Steel Co., High

Brldee, N .J ------------------------------ 877Tefft-W cllcr Co., N. Y ......... 42, 157Temlscouta R y _________________ 1328Temple Iron Co___________ 1577, 1777Temple & Northwest. R y._95 , 590Tennessee Central R R ______ 718, 940Tennessee Coal, Iron & R R . Co.1778 Tennessee Copper C o .272, 1333,

1451, 1577, 1715 I Terminal R R . Ass’n of St.L.39, 1448 Terre Haute (Incl.) Indianapolis

& Eastern I'ractlon C o--------------718Texarkana Gas & Electric Co— 721 Texas Central R R ..9 5 , 155,

590, 652, 871, 1102, 1255, 1631Texas City (Tex.) C o------------------1778Texas City Transportation C o .. 342 Texas (Oil) Co., Houston .517,

532, 877, 900, 905, 1451, 1578Texas Pacitlc Land Trust______ 396Textile Mills Corp. New Orica ns.1778 Third Avc. R R .39 , 95, 338, 465,

718, 1090, 1102, 1255, 1575, 1770 Toledo Bowling Green & Southern

Traction Co__________________ 155Toledo Peoria & Western R y ____856Toledo St. Louis & Western R R .

1328, 1386, 1441Toluca Marq. & North. R R --------1027Tomblgbee Valley R R . . ------------- 718Tonapall Extension Mining C o ..1635 Tonopah & Goldfield R R ..1 02 7 ,

1245, 1631Tonopah Mining Co------------------- 158Tonopah & Tidewater R R ----------1712'I'oronto Electric Light Co., L td . 390 Torrlngton Co. .715, 721, 905,

1035, 1715Trenton Bristol & Phlla. St. R y . 871Trenton (N. J.) Street R y ----------1513Trl-Clty Ry. * Lt. C o .338, 590, 1448 , Tri-County Natural Gas Co.,

Pittsburgh ------------------------------ 1778Triumph Electric Co., Clnu--------1778Trow-Directory Printing & Book-

Binding C o --------------------------------905Tuscarawas Co. (Ohio) Elect.

Light A Power C o .. ----- - . . . 593Twenty-Eighth A Twenty-Ninth

Streets Crosstown R y. N. V'.90, 155, 1027

Page. Page. Page.Twin Falls (Idaho) Land A U. S. Radiator Corp------ 42, 158, 468 West Canadian Collieries, Ltd — 1098

Water Co 158 U. S. Realty A Improvement Co. West End St. R y ., Boston. _ 155,158, 657, 1098, 1517 277, 655, 718, 791, 872, 1513,

Underground Electric R ys., U. S. Steel Corporation------ 219, 1575, 1631London____465, 517, 718, 1090 271, 280, 407, 522, 721, 809, West Penn R ys_____________ 39, 590

1098, 1158, 1333, 1517, 1636, 1778 West Penn Traction C 0 . . .3 9 , . .United States Worsted Co---------- 42. 398, 590, 1027, 1255, 1329, 1712United Water A Light Co., Pitts. 158 West St. Louis Water A Lt. C o .. 219Utah Consol. Mining Co------275, 1630 West Side Belt R R ., Pittsburgh,Utah Copper Co.280, 407, 522, 947, 1575, 1031

1335, 1451 Western Canada Flour Mills CO..1098Utah-Idaho (Beet) Sugar Co------ 1578 Western Electric (Telep. Mfg.)Utica Gas A Electric Co_________1715 Co------------------------- 731, 1578, 1636

^Western Gas Improvement C o._ 058

nderground Electric Rys.,London____465, 517, 718, 1096

Union Bag A Paper Co__________ 99Union Carbide C o _______________1388Union Electric Light A Power Co.

of St. Louis_______ __________ 1517Union Ferry Co., N. Y __________ 1715Union Gas A Electric Co., C in n .. 98 Union Lt.A Wat.Co.(Reno, Nev.) 407 Union Oil Co., Los A ngeles.877,

1205, 1333Union Pacific R R ____303, 718,

872, 1027, 1153, 1164, 1448,1513, 1712

Union R y ., New York___________ 655Union Steel Co____________________721Union Stock Yards Co., Balt------ 1578Union St. R y ., New Bedford.465,

519, 718, 1090Union Switch A Signal C o. 1040,

1333, 1635, 1715 Union Traction Co., Coileevllle,

K ansas________________________ 590Union Traction Co., Phlla---------- 1575Union Utilities Co., .Morgantown,

W . Va________________________ 342

V era Cruz A Isthmus R R ____ 590 Western Ice Co_____________ 99, 342era Cruz Terminal Co................ 465; Western Maryland R y -------- 277,

Vermont Valley R R ____________ 791 338, 1097, 1707Vicksburg Shreveport A Pacific Western New York A Penn.

R y ....... ............... ...............1102, 1324! Traction Co_____________1162,1712Victor-American Fuel Co______ 1251 Western Ohio R y _____ 40, 155, 872Virgtnla-Carolina Chemical Co. Western Pacific R y ___21G, 590, 1513

99, 150, 1630 Western Power Co_____________ 1163Virginia Coal A Iron Co_________1630 Western States Gas A ElectricVirginia Iron C. A C. Co____966,12511 Co______________________1518, 1578Virginia R y A Power Co________ 1328 1 Western (Bell) Telep. A Teleg.Co. 153Virginia A Soutlnv. Ry___1096, 1247 Western Union Telegraph Co.Virginian R y _____ ______.. .2 1 5 ,1 0 9 6 ! 731, 966, 1022, 1451. 1636, 1715

| Wcstlnghouse Air Brake Co.809, 867 ^ y a b a s h R R ..3 9 , 277, 6 5 2 ,__. Wcstlnghouse Electric A Mfg. Co.

1020, 1328, 1770; 99, 280, 809United Box Board Co., Chicago . , , -------- , „ „ „1518, 1578 Wabasli-Pittsburgh Terminal R y. 1 Wcstlnghouse Machine C o ..906, United Copper Co 275, 522 39, 96, 215, 277, 398, 655, 718, 1518, 1636, 1715, 1779United Coke A Gas C'o.".'_______ 15171 791, 946, 1027, 1097, 1162, Wheeling A Lake Eric R R . . 40,United Dry Goods Cos 42, 158, 654 1255, 1386, 1513, 1575, 1631, 1712 j 96, 216, 712United Electric Securities Co., W a g e s ..96. 216, 277, 398, 465, Wheeling Mold A Fdy. Co.342, 1779

Boston .1451 520, 1770 Whipple Car Co-------------------------- 1779United Engineering “A Foundry : Warner (Charles) Co., Wilming- Whltall-Tatum Co. ------------- 1636

Co. 878,1388 ton, D e l.. . __________________ 1715 White Pass A Yukon R y -------------- 872United Fruit Co 42, 731, 878, Warwick Iron A Steel Co., P h lla .1098 ! White River Light A Power Co.,

1265, 1391 1443 1458, 1635 Washington Alexandria A Mt. Noblesvllle, Md--------------- 658,1265United Gas A Electric Co. of Vernon R y ------------947 ,1027 ,1097 W hitney Co., North Carolina,

N. .1 _ 1040 Washington Arlington A Falls I 1188, 1578, 1636, 1715United Gas Impt. C o""" ' ..21 9 , 9051 Church R y _______________ 947 , Wichita Falls A NorthwesternUnited Illiiing. Co., New Haven. 1778 1 Washington Baltimore A Annap. R y ................ .............465, 1329. 1708

Electric R y_.155 , 590, 947, Wilkes-Barre Co__________ 658, 7151162, 1328, 1386, 1631 Wilkes-Barre Gas A Electric C o. 658

Washington Berwyn A Laurel ; Wilkes-Barre R y ________________1513(Electric) R R ________________ 947 Wilmington (Del.) Gas C o ..342, 407

____ _________ ___ _________ Washington County R y _________791 j Wilmington New Castle A South.M exico . . ___718 Washington (D . C.) Gas Light I R y_.872 , 1162. 1448, 1712, 1770

United Railways of St. L ou is .. . 718 C o----------------- 219, 1098, 1333, 1518 ; Wilmington A Phlla. TractionUnited Railways A Electric Co., 'W ashington (I).C .) R y. A El. Co. 947: Co--------------------------------------40, 1513

Baltimore__________39, 1631, 1770 ; Washington-Virginia R y ...............1097 Winnipeg Electric R y ------------ .1448United Railways Investment Co. 398 VVatcrs-PIcrce OH Co___________ 158 Winston-Salem Southbound R R .1448United ServiccCo., Scranton, Pa. 407 W atertown (So. Dak.) Light A ; Wisconsin Minn. A PaclflcrRR .1027United Shoe Machlncrv Corp., ! Power C o____________________ 468 Wisconsin Traction Light Heat A

158, 878, 965, 1333 Watertown (S. D.) Water Co___1778, Power Co_________________ 96, 1770United States Bobbin A Shuttle Watsonville (Cal.) Transp. C o .. 791 Wolverine Copper Mining Co-------342

Co. ._ .219, 1511 W ayne Co. (N. Y.) Gas A El. Co. 1174 W ood (Alan) Iron A Steel Co. . 8<8

U n ited_____ __ _______ .United Power A Transport. C o._ 590 United Railroads of San Fran­

cisco______________ 338, 465, 872United Railroads of Yucatan

U. S. Cast Iron Pipe A Fdry C o. 468U. S. Coal A Oil Co_________878, 944U. S. Envelope Co__________219, 1163U. S. Express Co________________ 1384U .S . Finishing Co......... ........ 721, 1252U. S. Gas A Electric C o-------------- 1333U. S. Glass Co ______ 219, 407, 461U. S. Independent Telephone Co.,

Rochester, N. Y __ .......... 878U. S. Lumber Co________________ 1040U. S. Motor Co______ 394, 468, 868

W ebb City A Cartcrville Gas C o .1636 W ood Worsted Mills_______ 522, 1188Weed Lumber Co., Cal__________ 1778 Worcester Consol. Street R y -------- 398Welscr Val Land A Water Co___ 878 Worcester Electric Light Co-------1715Wellington Grey A Bruce R y ___ 39 W yatt Lumber Co______________ 99Wells Fargo A C o .. 1040, 1098,

1158, 1163, 1391, 1451 v ^ 200 & Mississippi Valley R R .Wclsbach Co....... ..................721 ,1715 I 1242,1261Welsbach Incandescent Gas Light Yonkers (N. Y .) R R ----------------- 872

Co., Ltd., Canada______ 469, 1333 Youghiogheny A Ohio Coal Co.,Westchester County W ater-Wks. Cleveland-------------------------------- 878

Co., White Plains, N. Y ______ 878 Youngstown Iron A Steel RoofingU. S. Natural Gas Co___________ 4 2 | West Chester Kenneth A Wilm. C o ------------------------------------------1578U. S. Playing Card Co 1715,1778 Electric R y . . 1 575, 1631, 1712 Youngstown A Ohio Riv. RR.40, 947U. S. Printing Co. of N. J ______ 1636. Westchester Lighting Co., N. Y . 657 Yuma (Ariz.) Irrigated Land Co. 522


Aberdeen, Sask.................. 483berdeen, So. Dak_______ 1788

Aberdeen, Wash______1271, 1788Abernethy, Sask__________ 231Abilene, Kan________ 1047Abilene, Tex...........................600Abington, Mass...... ............ 600Acacia Sch. Dlst., Cal...........816Ada, Okla................... 1195, 1788Adanal, Sask........................ 544Adel, Ga_______ 600, 810, 1659Adrian, Mich_________1399, 1585Alton School Dlst., Okla____227Aiken, So. Car___ 287, 350,

114, 539, 1399, 1520, 1788Akron, la _________ 414Akron, Ohio..49, 165, 287,

414, 476, 1113, 1195 Akron S D.. Ohio 49, 740, 1195 Albany, N.Y.49,229, 1585, 1659 Albany, Ore. 165, 600, 1274, 1059Albany County, N. Y----------1659Albert Lea, Minn_____1274,

1585, 1788Albertville, Ala_______ 740, 1195Albion, Pa------------------------ 107AlbornS. D., Minn.................350Alexandria, La.......................414Alexandria S. D., Neb------- 816Alfalfa Co. S. D., Okla___ 105Allegheny County, Pa. 1274,

1342, 1658Allen, Okla....................894, 1275Allen County, Tnd................ 665Allen Ind. S. D,, Tex.......... 600Allentown, Pa.............. ..350, 665Allentown S. D., Pa__ 810,

1659, 1788Alliance, N eb...................49, 740Alliance, Ohio----- 287, 539,

600, 975, 1275, 1399 Alliances. D., Ohio.. 1275, 1466Alton, 111......... 107, 287Altoona, Kan___________49, 600Aitoona, Pa_____ 287, 816, 894Alturas, Cal................... 350Alvarado, Tex................287, 740Alvin, Tex...... ..................49, 105Alvord, la . ....................600, 1195Amador, Minn........................ 740Amarillo, Tex.......... 49, 165,

287, 816, 1195Ambrldge, Pa................ .894, 975Americas, Ga.._975, 1275, 1460Amesbury, Mass.................. 49Amherst, N. S ........................235Amherst County, Va___ .1195Amherstburg, Ont._ 1202, 1340Amite City, La..................50, 414Amory, Miss-----------------105, 350Anadarko H. D., Okla____ 1520Anaheim, Cal........ ........228,414Anaheim S. D., C a l...975. 1788

Page.Anderson, Ind____________1195Anderson Co .Com 8.D.,Tex.ll95AndersonS. D., Ind ____ 539Anderson S.D.No.434,Alta. 982Andover, Mass_____________ 50, 1047Andover, Ohio...... ................ 1585Andrews County, Tex........... 1788Angola, N. Y . ............ 1659, 1788Annapolis, Md__________50, 105Ann Arbor, Mich................... 1788Anniston, Ala...................... 50Ansley, Neb................... 350, 1659Anson, Tex............................ 165Ansonla, Conn____ 50, 228,

414, 476, 539Antelope 8 D., Cal____476. 810Antlgonlsh, N. S.................. 670Appleton, \VIs..................... 599Aransas Pass, Tex_________ 350Archer Co. Com. S. D., Tex. 287Areola S. D., Cal.....................351Areola S. D., I l l .................. 287Arden S. D., Man................ 173Ardmore, So. Dak............... 1788Arizona....................... 49, 1657Arkansas........................... ..1047Arkport S. D., N. Y ............. 1312Arlington, Mass_____ 1466, 1526Arlington S. D., Neb__________ 50Armstrong Co. Com. S. D.

No. 5, Tex..................... 1466Armstrong Co. Com. S. D.

No. 7, Tex........................ 50Arnprlor, Ont...............420, 1794Arrawanna S. D., Alta____ 183Artesla S. D., C a l. .______ .1659Arthur, Ont_______________ 112, 295Asbury Park, N. J......... 287,

1195, 1275Ashboro, No. Car____ 287, 1047Asherton S. D., Tex------------ 816Ashland, Mass................— 1342Ashland, Ohio.................287,351Ashland, Ore.166, 287, 600,

1047, 1275, 1526, 1788 Ashland County, Ohio..350, 414 Ashland S. I)., Ohio...166,

287, 1195Ashtabula, Ohio.......... 1074,

1342, 1585, 1788Ashtabula S. I)., Ohio........ 1788Atchison, Kan_______ 1275Athens, O . .50, 1113, 1399. 1723Athol, Mass................ 228, 1659Atlanta, Ga.................1113, 1399Atlantic, la ...........................1659Atlantic City, N. .1.228, 414,

816, 894, 1047, 1400 Atlantic Co., N. J.351, 414,

894, 975, 1526, 1585Attica, Ind...................... 975Attleborough, Mass.50, 351,

414, 1275, 1342

rage. |Auburn. Me..50, 228, 894, 1788Auburn, N. Y .................. 50, 351Audubon, N. J . ........... — 1526 |Auglaize Co., Ohio.816, 895, 975Augusta, M e......................... 1723Aurora, 111........ ............. 50, 1195!Austin, M inn................351, 539Austin, Texas ............. 1788Aurora, Mo.......... ...... 287Avis S. D., Pa.......... ............ 1017 jAvoyelles Parish S. D. No.

35, La.................................1195Aylmer, Ont..................295, 420 iAzusa, Cal................-.1585, 1059 ;

Babylon, N. Y ................... 1787agley, Minn------------------- 1659 ;

Bainbrldge, Ga.......... .......... 1526 1Baker City, Ore. .893, 1113, 1659 Bakersfield, 9. D., Cal.740. 1275 Balcarrcs.Sask.. 670. 982, 1054Baldwin City, Kan............. 166Balgolnc S. D., Sask...............982Ballinger, Tex.........................816Ballston Spa, N. Y — 1047, 1275Baltimore, Aid----- 49, 166,

176, 1113, 1195, 1342, 1399Bandon, Ore_______________ 600Bangor, Me________50,351, 539Banning 9. D., Cal----- 351, 600Barberton, Ohio..740, 816,

895, 1047,1399 Barberton 9. D., O h io . . . , . 1399Bar Harbor, Me.......... .......... 50Barons, Alta__ 1054, 1202, 1340Barre.Vt___________ 1059, 1723Barrie, Ont_______________1794Barry, Tex...............................476Bartholomew Co., Ind.........351Barton Twp., Ont__________ 350Basano, Alta................... 1727Bassano 9. D., A lta............1202Bastrop Co., Com. 9. Dlst.

No. 37, Tex.......... ..............816Batesburg 9. D. No. 18,

So. Car.......... .....................810Battle Creek, la .817, 1342, 1399 Battle IIUls 9. D., No. 2521

Sask ........................... 826Bay City, Mich.............107, 228Bayonne, N. J . . ......... 287, 1047Bay 9t. Louis, Miss............... 1048Bav Township, Ohio___ _. . 166Beach City, Ohio_____ 351, 539Beach City 9. D., Ohio........ 287Bears Hill 9. D., Alta_____ 1666Beatrice, Neb........ ............. 166Beaumont Navigation Dlst.,

T e x ................ 351, 1275, 1659Beaverhead Co. 9. D., Mont. 665Beaverton, Ont----------------- 56Beckham Co.. Okla.50, 166, 1113 Bccklcy, W. Va.......................351

Page. |Bedford City, V a ........... 287, 3511Bedford Twp., O h io ...228,

287, 6001Bee Co., Tex.287, 476, 600, 1788Beecher, 111__________600, 1048Beevllle, Tex.......... 50, 287, 600Beevllie Ind. S. D., Tex----- 817Belfast, N. Y .............. ..539, 600Belgrade, Neb_____________ 740BclgraveS. D., Sask...........1591Bell Centre, Ohio...........895,

976, 1195, 1275 Bell Co., Com. S. D.. Tex.,

351, 976, 1788 Bell Co. Com. 9. D. No. 45,

Texas__________________1659Bell Co. Com. S. D. No. 42,

Texas ...............................1788Bellatre, Ohio.287, 817, 895,1585BellalreS. D .,oh io ............... 1399Bellcfontalne, Ohio__ 1195, 12751Bellefontaine 8. D., Ohio,

740, 970, 1399 ; Belle Fourche, 9o. Dak.539,

600, 740, 976 IBelleville, Ont...............295, 749Bellevue, Ky_____ ______ 476Bellevue, Pa____ 50, 287,

47Q. 600, 1788!Bellows Falls, Vt.............50, 351Belmar, N. J . . . ......... .817, 976Belmont Co., Ohio___ 476, 6001Beloit, Wis___ 1526, 1659, 1788Beloit S. D., Ohio........ ........ 740'Belton, Tex....................817, 1195;Beltrami Co. S. D., Minn.. 600Beraldjt. Minn___ 228, 287, 600 ,Ben Avon, Pa________ 817. 895Bent* Prowers Irr.D., Colo. 1659 j Benton Co. S. D. No. 13,

Wash.................. 1466, 1659Benton Co. S. D. No. 32,

Wash__________ 665, 817Benton Co. S. D. No. 60,

Wash............. .... - 976Benton Harbor, Mich..895, 1275Berea, Ohio.......... ..........228, 287Bergen Co., N. J---------817, 895Berkeley, Cal---------------------- 816Berkeley S. D., Cal.................476Berlin, Ont...........420, 615, 1054Berlin, N. H_________1526, 1659Bernalillo Co., N. Mcx.........166Bessemer, Ala-------------476, 740 ■Bessemer, Mich.......... .......... 1526Bessemer S. D., M ich..287, 414 Bethlehem S. I). No. 15, N.Y. 50Betterton, Md.......... ............ 166Beverly,Mass228,288,1113, 1195Bibb Ind. 9. D., Tex............. 1195Blggar, Sask...........................1591Big Horn Co. 8. D., Wyo— 1195 Biggs, Cal........................740, 12751

Page.Big Rapids, Mich.............50, 414Big Sandy S. D., W. Va___ 50Big Spring Twp., Ohio........ 166Billerica, Mass________ 414, 476Billings, M ont...............476, 665Bingham Co. S.D.No.40,Ida_ 895Binghamton, N. Y.351,___

1113, 1399, 1659Birch Trees. D., Mo___ 50, 414Birmingham, Ala__________ 540Blrtle, Man.......... ...................295BIsmark No. Dak.476, 540, 600Blackhawk Co., Ia............... 1275Black River Falls, Wis........ 50Bladen, N eb ......................... 1342Blake S. D. No. 94, Man.,

356, 483, 982Blakely, Pa........ ........ 1195Blanchard, Man___________ 1666Blanchester, Ohio_________ 1275Bloomfield, N. J_____ 288, 414Bloomlngdale, N. Y __ 895, 976Bloomington, 111.1195, 1275/1723Blue Hill, Neb............... 600, 1113Bluffs S. D., Ill.......................288Boardman Twp. S. D., Ohio 50Boaz, Ala_____ ___________1466Bogue Hasty Dr. Dlst., Miss. 107Boise, Ida____________ 600, 740Bolssevaln, Man................. .1117Bonham, Tex.50, 414, 895, 1342Boone, Ia_________________1788Boonvllle, Ind_____________ 228Boston, Ga.....................288, 351Boston, Mass..50, 107, 160,

351, 895, 1526 Bottineau Co., No. D ak ..50, 476 Boulder, C0I0.6OO, 895, 1047, 1398Bountiful City, Utah.............. 288Bowbeils, No. Dak_________ 107Bowden 9. D., Sask________ 544Bowling Green, Ohio_____ 1466Bowmanvllle, Ont.356, 670, 982Bracken Co., Ky_____ 288, 740Brackenrldge 9. D., Pa___ 600Bradford, Pa_____________ 1342Bradley, So. Dak___________ 540Bradley Beach, N. J__ 414, 895Brady Ind.S.D., Tex.288,414, 740Braintree, Mass..................... 1723Brandenburg Graded 9. D.,

Ky....................... 1275Brandon, Man___ 56, 1202, 1666Brawley, C a l............... 817, 1195Brazil, Ind_______ 817Brazoria Co., Tex................ 50Brazoria Co. Dr. Dlst., Tex.,

228, 600, 1399Breckenrldge, Pa ..................600Bremen, Ohio__ 976. 1275, 1466Bremerton, Wash___ 1399, 1659Brewster Co. Com. 8 . D.,

Tex.......................... 540, 1659

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XII I N D E X [ V o l . l x x x x i .

Page.Brlarellff Manor. N. Y .10-18. 1195 Bclckburn S. 1). No. 998,

Man.................... ......902, 1054Hriilgeburg, O n t..826. 902,

1117, 1591Bridgeton, N .J _______ 976, 1113BridgevlUe, Del............ ....... 817Bridgewater, Mass------------ 50Bristol, Va___ 817, 1195, 1399Bristol Co., Mass___________ 414Broadwater Co. S. D., Mont. 740Brockton, Maas_______ 166, 1196Brockvllte, Ont_______ 295, 1053Broken Arrow, Okla__ 107,

166, 740, 1659Broken Bow, Neb____ 288,

601, 895, 1399, 1659Bromley Twp., Ont............. 1794Bronson. Mich........ 601, 665,817Bronxvllle. N. Y .......... 895, 1585Brookings Co.. So. Dak.740,

1399, 1723Brooklet, ( l a . . . .817, 1585, 1723 Brooklyn Heights Ind. S. D.,

T e x ........ ...........................1723Brookvllle, Miss .................. 107Broome Co., N. Y ............_. 351Brown Co., T ex .1275, 1466, 1723 Brown Co. Com. S. D. No. 8,

T ex ........................ 1342Brown Creek S. D., VV. Va. 414Browns, 111........................... 665Brownsville. Tex. .414,740, 1190 Brunswick, Mil. .351, 817,

976, 1399, 1059 Brunswick Co., No. Car_____414

Page. Page.Carrlzozo S. D. No. 7, New Cohoes, N. Y ___ 741, 896, 1276

Mcx..............................288, 415 ! Coitsvillc Twp. S. D., Ohio.1526Carroll, Ohio.........................1342Carter Co., M o...........895, 1789Cashmere, Wash____ ______ 601Casper, Wyo___ 228, 288,

601, 817, 1342Cass Co., Ind.......................... 976Cass Co., Iowa.................. 1789Cass Co., No. Dak............... 1526Casseicnan, Ont.....................1471Castor, Alta.. 1202, 1282, 1666Castor S. D., Sask...................982Catasauqua, Pa_______895, 1113CatlettsburgCom. S. D., Ky.,

51, 288, 601 Cavalier Co., No. Dak_____ 1660

Colchester North Twp., Ont. 982Coldwater, Kan ........ ..... 1276Coldwater, Mich.......... 601, 1018Coldwater, O hio__________351Coldwater, Ont............. 56Coldwater S. D., Ohio........ 1048Colebrook Spec. S. D., N .II. 51 Coleman, Tex............ .601, 1467

Page, j Page.Dawson, Tex ............... 896, 1197 EUensburg, Wash___ 1276, 1790Dawson Co. 8 D.No.6, Mont. 289 Ellensburg S. D., Wnsh.890, 1049 Dawson Co S.D.No.34, Mont. 818 (Ellice, Man . . . 1 1 2Dawson Co. S. D. No. 38, Ellis Co., Tex.52,107, i049,'l586

Mont.......... ...8 18 977, 1114 , ElUsvllle. Miss...............167, 712Dawson Springs, K y........ ..1399 Elmira, Ont_____ 902, 1202, 1591Dayton, New Mexico.......... 1060i Elmore Co., Ida . 1586Dayton, Ohio........ 228, 289, j Elmore Co. S. 1)., Ida.1276, 1400

896, 977, 1018, 1276, 1400, ] Ellsworth Twp., Ohio.. 107,1527, 1586 I 229, 289

600 167

1790 . 818

Coleraine, Minn................ . 1071 Dedham, M ass........... 229, 601 " (> 1197^1400Cave Springs, Ark_________1660 Collin County, Tex.............. 107Cecil Co., M d ...895, 1275, 1660 ~ ‘ ~Cedar Falls S. D., Iowa___ 166Celina, Ohlo.741, 817, 895, 1048Central Irr. Dlst., Neb___ 1660Central Park Or. S. D., Ky.1789Centralla, 111................. 415Centre, Tex_____ 51, 415, 1600Centre Point Ind. S. D.,Tex. 895 ! Colorado Springs, Colo. Chadbourn Dr. Dlst. No. " ' - -

C ar............. ........... 1526, 1660Chamberlain, So. Dak____ 1585Chambers Co. Com. S. D.,

Tex..................... 895,1196Chambersburg.Pa 51, 228, 1526 j Columbia Heights, Minn Champaign Co., Ohjo..741,___ | Columbia S. D., Mo

Collax, la________________ 970 Deerpark Un. Fr. S. D., N. Y.540, 668, 818

Collin Co. Com. S. D. No. 3, [ Dekalb Co., Ga.............. . 818T e x .____ ________ 1467 Delaware........ ......... ...... . . 893

Collingwood, Ont__ 1727, 1794 1 Delaware, Ohio__ 415, 601,Colli ngswood, N .J .228, 289, 352 [ 818, 1048, 1276, 1660Colorado___ 165,893, 1195, Delaware Co., Ohio____977, 1197

1399, 1525 Delisle,Sask..................... ..1202Colorado City S. D., Colo.. 1399 I Deloraine, Man_______ 173, 421Colorado Springs, Colo-------- 51 j Delta Co , Mich.1400, 1467, 1723Colorado Springs S. D., Colo. Demlng, N Mex..................1790

167,415,741,896, 15861 Dennison,Tex.. .818, 1049, 1400Colton, Cal_____ ______ 167, 741! Denver, t'olo.165, 167, 476,Columbia, Mo___ 741, 976, 1276 ! 665, 739, 975, 1195.1342, 1659Columbia, So. Car.. .1660, 1723 Derby S. D . TeX_____ 229, 818

511 DeSotoS. D , M o..

El Paso Co., Colo.................. 1197El Paso Co. Com. S. D., Tex.

742, 1343El Paso Co. S. D., Colo____ 1467El Reno, Okla. .602, 1049, 1114El IlenoS. D., Okla___ 819,1276Emporia, Kans.............977, 1527Englewood, N. J.1G7, 229, 1586Enid S. I)., Okla_____ 896, 1276Ennis, Tex...... ............. 477. 1114Enterprise S. D., C al..742, 896Ephraim, Utah........ .1400, 1586Erie Co., N. Y________107, 229Erie Co., Ohio..................... 107E3canaba, Mich____ 1276, 1467Essex Co., Mass.602, 066,

1586, 1660, 1790 Essex Co., N. J . .477, 712, 1660Essex Co., N. Y ............ 602, 977Estevan, Sask__ 112, 826,

983, 1282, 1403, 1531, 1727

. _____ 289, 1660511 Detroit, Mich___ 229, 289,

.817, 1048, 1196 ! Columbia Twp., Ohio..415, 477 1 414, 1276, 1342, 1722Champaign S. D., Ill— 351, 415 (Columbus, Ga___ 167, 352, : Devine Ind. S. IX, Tex_____415

__ . . . Chanute, Kan_741,817,1048! 601,1657 De Witt S. D., Mo 601Brush, Colo.......................... 228! Chanute S. D., Kan............ 51 Columbus, Kan_______818,1343 Do Witt Co. Com. S. D.,Bryan, Tex.................. .228, 476 Chapleau, O n t................... .1403 Columbus, Neb______ 177, 741; Tex ..........................741, 1276 Esthervllte, la ...................... 977Bryan Co., Okla.740, 1275, 1399 Charles City, la ..........817, 1113 Columbus, Ohio...228, 289, I Dexter, N. Y__________ 52, 167 Etna, P a ................... ........... 289Bryant, So. Dak.................. 166 Charles City Ind. S. D., Ia .. 1466 j 896, IO-18, 1276, 1343, 17891 Diamond City, Alta.. 1282, 1472 I Etobicoke, O n t ............ ...1117Bucke Twp., Ont........ ....... 670 Charleston S. D., Mo........... 51: Columbus, Wis............. 352,415 Diamond City S. D., Alta. 1202 Euclid, Ohio . 289,540,Bueyrus, Ohio. .1526, 1723, 1788 Chase County, Neb----- 51, 1660 | Colville, Wash.......................818 j Dickens Co., Tex . . . . 896 742,1197,1790Buena Vista Co , Iowa___ 1399 Chatham, Ont------------------- 1591 Comanche Co. S. D., Tex I Dlokey Co. ,No. Dak.52, 477, 601 Euclid Twp S. IX, OhioBuffalo, N. Y . 107, 166,351, Chatham, Va . . . . .5 1 ,3 5 1 , 1 540, 1048; Dickson City, a_____ 415, 711] 289,819,977

540, 601, 710, 817, 895, 601, 741, 1196 Como Ind S. D .,Tcx . . 1789 Dickson Co., Tenn . . . 289 j Eugene, Ore.......... . - - - - - 107976, 1275, 1526, 1585, 1788 Chatham Twp. S. D., N. J. 1 oncord, Mass .. . .51 ,.352, 1 Dlcterleh S. D., Ill . 1660 Eureka, Mont . . ___ 167,352

Buffalo Co., So. Dak...50 , 1248'Bullock Co., Ala............351, 740Burbank S. D., Cal___ 740,895 ...... ..... , ,____ _ _ _Burkburnett Ind. S. IX, ] Checotah, Okla. 1196, 1342. 15851 Connelisvllle, Pa............... 289 ’ Dodge city, Kan 229 | Eveleth, Minn ...1049

Tex............50, 476, 895, 1585 Chehalis Co. S. D. No. 107, Connelisvllle S. D., P a .540. 741 j Doerun, Ga 1723 Everett, Mess . .1723.1790Burlington, fow a ................ 1399 W ash................... .. 166, 288 j Connelisvllle Twp. S. D., Pa.1586 : Dolgevllle, N. Y 289 , 352 Exeter S. I)., Pa . . . 1277Burlington, No. C ar...288, Chehalis Co. S. D. No. 9, . Conner tv lllc, Ind...........711, 818 Dolores, Colo 666,977, 1787!

740 1659 W ash......... ...........1196, 16G0 Conrad, Mont..............1114,1526 Doniphan S. D., Neb..541Burlington, Vt____________ 1723 Chehalis Co. S. D. No. 28, Conroe Ind. S. D., T ex____ 11961 Donora, Pa

S8 rnamam lwp. » . u ., is. j . 1 oncora, Mass........i-ucterleh S. D., Ill . . . 1660 Eureka, M on t....................................... 167, 35218 1723, 1789 415,71048, 1789! Dillon, So. Car .977, 1343, 1790 Evanston, 111____ ___ 289,10 Chattanooga, Tenn 228, 477, 6011 Conecuh Co., A la..51, 107, 352 ] Dillon Co., So. Car.415, 477, 741 1049, 1270, 1343)5 Ohebanse S. IX. Ill-----415, 665] Conneaut lake.iPa____ 601, 741 j Dinwiddle Co., Va 1586 Evansville, W Is ._ 289, 742

10, 977 pairburg, Neb 289, 602, 1723 .......... 00, 741 Fairfax, Okla...... ............... 52

Fairmont, Minn.............. ......660Fairmont, Vv . Va_____290, 352FalrportS. 1)., Ohio__ 666, 819Falrvlew City. Utah_______290Falfurrlas Ind. S. D., Tex.

819, 1467Fallon. Nev.......... 290, 602, 819

Burlington, VVIs__________ 477 i W'ash............................ ..1789 Contra Costa Co., Cal 51, 415 Dormont S. ix , Pa.............. 229Burlington S. IX, Iowa___ 1466 Chenango, N. Y ......... 1190, 1526 Cook Co.. Ill . . . .976, 1343, 1526 Dorchester lw o.,O ntII____1472Burlington Un.Fr.S.D.,W'ls. 740 i Cherokee, Okla.................... 1585 Cooke Co., Tex___415, 477, 1114 Dorranceton S D., Pa 1790Burnaby, B .C .............1531, 1066 Cberry Creek, N. Y ...97 6 , 1275! Cooper Ind. S. IX, Tex_____ 352, Dothan. Ala..............Y.WY. 52Burnet Co., Tex_____ 976, 1275, Cherryvale, Kan--------1196, 1789|Oopiah Co., Miss..352, 741, DouglasCo., OrelZIZ. ZTIII1700Burnet Co. Com. S. D. No. Chester, Pa....................... .. 51 818, 1114, 1660 Douglasvl le, GaZZZZZl467 " 1527

15, T ex.. ____________ 1788 Chester, Vt----------------— 711 Copperas Cove Ind.S.l)., Tex. 352 Dover. Ohio_____ I58o' 1790Burns S. D., Ore........ ......... ™ “*'■ n " - im o t ~Bushnell. Ill.......... . ..288Butler, Pa____ ______ 895Butler, So. Dak.......... .........Butler Co.. Ala..............50,Butler S. D., M o.. .50, 351.

477 ,. _ . ________________ButlerS.D.,Pa. 1113, 1.526, 17881 665, 895, 1526, 1585, 1780 Corpus Chrlstl Ind. S. D., I 1313 1000~'l790 i “ Man 235,356Butler S. D. No. 5. Neb___ 228 ( Chlckasha, Okla.......... ....... 1722; Texas................................. 477 , Dubuque, la ’ 1527 1660 i Fargo No. Dak 1277Bynum S. IX. Mont............ 895 1 Chico, Cal----- 188, 415, 477, 665 Corvallis. Ore......................... 415 Duluth, Minn 167 602, t Faribault Co., Minn . 167

Chicopee, Mass. 51, 415,,540,601 Corydon, Ia................ -167, 818; 741, 818, 896. 1527 Farmdale S. D.. Cal.......... .1197Cadiz S. D.. O h io ............ 414 I Childress,'lex............895, 15.86 Cottage Grove, Ore. 51, 1527,1586 | Duluth Ind. S. D., Minn 52, 229 Farmersvlllc Ind. S. IX,Tex. 290

adlz Graded S. D., Ky., Chilliwack, B C.670, 1282, 1794 Cottonwood S. IX, Cal 167, 415 ; Dundas, Ont........ 295,483, 1727 I Farmington, M inn...............477288,740, 1113 . Chilton Ind.S. IX,Tex.166, 1723 |Connell Bluffs, Ia. 167, 1196,15861 Dunkirk, N. Y.......... . 1790 FartulaleS. D.,Cal_............ 896

Cairo, G a ............................ 228 Chippewa, Ont ........ 749, 1282 Court House Twp. S. D., Dunkirk, Ohio........... ..'.'29, 289 Farwell Ind.S. I)., T ex.52, 819Caldwell, Ida_____ _______ 665! Choctaw Co., Miss...1275, 1526 So. Car.............................. 107 j DurklinCo. S. 1). No. 2. Mo. 1197 Fenton, N. Y ...1049,1277Caldwell, Ohio___ 414,477, 1585 j Christian County, Ky........... 166 Covina, Cal.................. 415, 1660 Dunmore.Pa 1527, 1586 Fergus, Ont .............. 1795Caldwell,Tex.......... ......... .. 7401 Chrlstlansburg, Va ...1196 , Covington, Ind.............. . . . 289 Dunnvllle, Ont 356, 121, 'Fergus Co. S. 1)., Mont.,Caldwell Co., Tex. 50,817, 1276, 1789 ; Covington, Ky______1276.1399 1202,1347 1277,1724

1342, 1526, 1723, 1789 Cicero. Ind............................ 976 Covington, Ohio............ 289 , 352 | Du Prge Co. S. D., Ill 977. j Fern Bank, Ohio........... 896,Caledonia, Sask.................. 1346; Cicero-Stlckney Twp. S D., | Covington Co., Miss. 1196, 1019,1114 1313,1600,1790Caledonia S. D., Ohio_____ 817 111...... ............................. - 166: 1527.1789 Durand, Mich.......... 1527, 1660' Fernle, B. C______________ 605Calexico, Cal.. 1342. 1526, 1789 (Cincinnati, Ohio— 51,166, Cowanvllle, Ont................. - 56 Durant, Okla............ 477 1774 Filer, Ida .____ ______ 290, 819Calgary, Alta___ 420, 483, i 288. 415, 476,817,896, Oranbrook, B. C .............. ..1606 Durham, Cal________1019 ' 1400 ' Fillmore Utah............. 477W* 544,070,8261 1190,1276,1398,1399, ■ Cranford, Ga___ 818, 1048, 1527 ] Durham S. D., Cal._ 1790' Fillmore Co S. D Mlnii 1277Calhoun Co., Ala.......... ....... 1789 1525, 1526, 1722, 1789 Cranford Co., Ind------------ -6 6 5 Dyersburg, Tenn____ ! 1276 Finch Twp., Ont" 10547*1347Calhoun Co., Towa..............1196 Cincinnati S. IX;'Ohio.. 165, Crawford Co., Ia_____ 1048,1467 Fis'ier Co Com S D No 3Calhoun Co.. T ex........... ..1789] 1342, 1466, 1586 Crawfords vine, Ind............ .1467 jjarlvllle, 111......................... 1600 Tex . . " . . . . . __ I . .1790Calhoun Co S. D. No. 3,Tex. 1466 t lreleVUle, 0.540, 741, 896, Crawfordsvllle Sch. City, *->asley, S.Cnr. 167, 510 977," 1197 Fisher "("0." Coin".*S." FX NoCalhoun Co. Com. S. D. No. I 1048, 1114 Ind................ ............. 289, 415 East Alton, 111 167, 289 ■ 15, T ex._______________ 1790

5, Tex...... ....................... .1196 I Citrus County, Fla............... 1660 Creek Co., O h io ...................601 Eastland Ind 3. IX, 'lex. Flshklll, N.""y I I I . . ............... 49Calhoun Co. Com. S. D. No. City View S. IX, Sask........... 173 ! Crescent City S. D ., Cal -.1399 167,289, 540 ! Flathead Co., Mont___ 167,

Clarke County, Tnd.............. 1660 Crestline S. IX, Ohio. - .477, 601; East Cleveland, Ohio .352, 510, 1019,1790Clarke County, Miss........ .1399 Creston, Neb........................ 352 477,818,1197 Flathead Co. High S. IX,Claremont, Cal...................... 107 Creston, Ohio............... 741, 896 East Denver Municipal Irr • Mont ................................ 742Claremont High S. IX, Cal. (Crete,Neb..................... 228,540 Dlst., Colo ................1114 I Flatonla, Tex............... 896, 1197

166,288,741,976 Crewe, Va..............................1467 East Dundee, I I I ................. 602 Flint. Mich..478, 742, 890, 1467............ 290


q Tex 1196Calhoun Co. Com'. S."D .’ no .

10, Tex___________ 1196, 1466California.. 539, 605, 893,

W 974, 1047,1398Callahan 'Co. Com J* No. 47, Tex.

. S. D. Claremore, Okla..................1723 Crlsfleld, Md ................ 665, 818 East Lake, Ga . . 818 Florala, Ala_____ _____ ___i_______ 1723 Claresholm, A lta ................ 112 Crockett Co. Com. S. D.,Tex. East Liverpool 8. D., Ohio Florence S. IX, Tex_______V.

Callaway, Neb. .740, 1196, 1466 : Clarksdale, Miss.................... 816 167,477.741,970, 1343, 1790 289, 352 Florence Co. S. I)., So. Caro.,Calumet S. IX, Okla______ 665 Claude Tnd. S. D., Tex------- 1789 ; Crosby Co., Tex..................... 1525 Eastman. Ga . . 510,602' 167,742Calumet Twp., Ind ..1342, 1466 Clay Co., Ind........ ■ ............. 288 Crosstlehl S. 1)., Alta.......... 173 East Orange, N.J 229, 289, 1 Floresvllle S. IX, Tex.......... 1343Cambria S. D., W yo______ 166 Clay Co., I a .........665,817, 1342 Crowland Twp., Ont.......... 749 1270, 1400, 1527, 16601 Florida S. IX, Ohio________ 107Cambraln S. I)., C a l...740. 895 Clay Co., Minn.................... 976 Crowley, i.a.818. 896, 1048, 1527 East Palestine, Ohio............17901 Florida Mesa Irr. Dlst., Colo.,Cambridge. O hio.______ 665, 817 Clay 8. D., Cal..............288, 415 Crystal Falls, M ich ..--------- 477 East Peoria Dr. & Levee 352,819Cambridge City, I n d .. .351, 601Camden, N. J .......................1048Camden City, N. J.................228Cameron, Tex...................... 288Cameron Co., Tex___ 1466, 1789Campbell, Neb.......................1196Campbell Co. Third Graded

Com. S. IX, K y_________ 477Camrose, Alta. 112, 356, 420, 544 Canadian, T e x . . .477, 895, 1660 Canadian Co. S. D., Okla.. 817Canajoharle, N. Y _____ 51, 160Caney, Kan................... 740Cannon Falls S. D., Minn., m -*** PS 740, 1196Canonsburg, Pa............... 1196Canora, Sask................ 420, 1727Canton, 111................... 107. 228Canton, K a n ..51, 166, 288,

M 351, 1660Canton, Ohio. 166, 288, 740,*"* 817, 1789Canyon City Ind. S. D., Tex.,

« 51, 166, 601Cope May Point, N. J . . . 414

ClaytonS IX, 111................ 976 Cude Dr.Dlst., Mlss.665, 818, 1276 Dlst., 111. .1790 Floydada Ind. S. D „ Tex.,Clear Lake S. D , WIs........ 741 Cumberland, B. 0 ................. 295 East Rochester, N. Y.1400, 1467 602, 1197Cleveland, Miss.............. 601, 818 ; Cunningham S. D., Cal.352, 477 East Rutherford 8. D., N. J. ; Foam Lake, Sask........... 113, 983Cleveland, Ohio.. . 51,288, (flushing, Okla...................... 352' 352, 1790 Fond du Lac, W is.............. 539

351,601,818,806,1048, Ousseta, Ga.......................... 51 East St. Louis, 111 . . . 896 ! Fontanelle S. D., Neb____ 1681114, 1196, 1274, 1342, | Custer Co., Neb................. -.1527 EastSt.LoulsParkDls.nl. Foraker, Okla.___________ 521398, 1466, 1525, 1526, ] Custer Co. S. D. iNo. 1, Mont. 51 352, 540 Forest, Ont.................................356

1586, 1789 Cuyahoga Co., Ohio. 107,167, East Side Levee & Sanitary 1 Forest City, No. Caro........ .1660Cleveland, Tenn____ _____1048! 289, 415, 665, 741, 896, Dlst., 111...........................1787 Forreston Ind. S. IX, Tex.,Cleveland Heights. O. 177, | 976, 1114, 1190, 1467, East Spencer, No. Car .818, 742 1197

601, 1114, 1526 1586. 1723 077, 1049, 1343, 1527 Forcstvlile S. D., Alta . 1606Cleveland S. D., O h io ..166, 288 Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio.1107, East Stroudsburg S. IX. Pa. 289 Fort Atkinson, W is .......... .. 52Cleves, Ohio.......... .............. 601 1527,1586 Kastvlew, Ont ______ 1795 Fort Bend Co., Tex ...229 ,Clifton Forge, Va................ 415) East Wawanosh Twp., Ont. 1795 ( 290,1400Clifton Heights, P a ... 51, 1343: ~ ’ "Clifton Clinton,Clinton,Clinton, _____ __ . . . . _________ _____Clinton Co., N. Y ----- 1586, 1789 ; Dallas Co., A la .. .52. 896, 1399 , Edimmdston. N. B . . . 112Clinton Township, Ind........... 415 Dallas S. D. No. 2, Ore..........1660 Effingham, 111............. 602,741Clinton Township, O n t----- 1472 ( Dallaatown S. D., Pa.. . . . 1343 Elbertoh, Ga.540, 742, 896, 977Cloquet, Minn........ ............. 288 j Dalton, Ga..........289,601,1197 Elbow, Sask . 1531,1666,1727Clyde, Ohio...... ........... 976, 1196 Danbury Twp., Ohio..107, 167 , El Campo, Tex.......................1723

____________ Clymer S. IX, Pa__________ 107 Danvers, Mass____________ 1342 j El Centro, Cal __________ 1723Caradoo Twp., Ont..1117, 1591 ] Coal County, O’-la................ 51 (Darke Co., Ohio.......... 601. 666 ’ El Centio S. 1)., Cal............. 1527Carberry, Man.....................1531 Coal Grove, Ohio____ 1586, 1789 , Dark Hollow Dr. Dlst. No. 1, Elder. Cal ............ 8181Carbon Co.. Mont.895, 976, 1196! Cobalt, O n t . ................ 544, 670 | A rk ................................... 1048 Eldon Twp., O n t ................. 1347 Fort Sumner S. D., NewCarbon Co. S.D., Mont. 414, 1660 Coblenz, Sask................. 1531 Darllngford S. D., Man. 421, Eldora, la . . . . 742 M cx .................. 478 742Cardiff S. D., Alta............... 112 j Coburg S. D. No. 43, Ore. i 544, 902, 9S2 El Dorado Co.. Cal .......... 1467 Fort William, Ont 749’ 902 1591Carleton Co., Ont........ 295, 1347 I 288, 540, 1196 Darlington, So. Car....977, 1660 El Dorado Spce. S. D , Ark 167 1 Fort Worth, Tex 290, 742,Carlisle, Pa............................1048 Cochise Co. S. D. No. 45, ; Dartmouth, N. S...........483, 070 Elroos. Sask___ 544, 983, 1054! 1049, 1197, 1601, 1724, 1790Carlyle, 111........................... .»I0[ Arlz.......... .............. 818, 1196 , Dauphin, Man..................56,1202 ElglnCo.,Ont . . . 1282, 1531 Fossil, Oro .................... 1724Carmangay S. D.. Alta-------1054 ; Cochrane, O nt. 56, 295 Dauphin S. IX, Man.57, 295, 420 Elgin, Ind S. D „ Tex........... 52 ! Fostorla, Ohio ...896,1114Carml, 111............................... 228 Cody, W y o 51, 415 | Davey Dr. Dlst., Wis........... 8961 Elgin Twp. Un. S. D., III.. 107 I Frackvllle 8. D.. Pa .1467Carml Tw p. Ill..................... 166 ColTeyvllle. Kan.-.289, 741, David City, Neb..................... 415, Elizabeth City, No. Car 107, 352T Framingham, Mass 52.665,1724Carmen. Okla-----477. 741, 776 ( 970, 1196, 1399 Davidson Co., Tenn.. 1048, 1197 Elkton, Md.................. 52, 167 I Frankfort, I n d .................... 1407Caroline Co., Md.. 107* 288, 477 , Cohasset S |IX No. 1, Minn. 172.3 Davison, Mich.......... ........... 1527 1 Elkton,gSo. Dak______ 477, 742 | Frankfort,|N. Y .................... 108

Fort Lee S. D., N. J----------- 1343Fort Myers, Fla-------------------478Fort Payno, Ala.......... ..........602Fort Smith, Ark.......... 539, 1398Fort Smith Ac Van Buren

Dlst., Ark.......... 108, 478,1724Fort Smith Spec. S. IX,

Ark.................. 229, 415, 478

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July—D ecember j 1910. ] I N D E X x m

rage.Franklin, Neb..602, 977,

1049, 1586Franklin, Tenn___________ 1661Franklin Co., Ind.819, 977, 1790Franklin Co., Ia................... 1467Franklin Co., Ohio........ — 1343Franklin Co.Com.S.D.,Tcx..l343 Franklin Co. Com. S. D.

No. 18, Tex.......................1467Franklin Twp., Ind.................416Frankllnton Twp., No. Caro. 290Frederick, WIs_____ 1527, 1661Frederick Co., Md.819,897, 1114Fredericton, N. II...........421, 544Fredonla, N. Y.352, 416, 666Freeborn Co., Minn----- ..--1114Freeport, 111___ 352, 977, 1049Freeport S. D., Ill.......... . <42Freestone Co. ltd. Dlst.,i Tex_________________ lGo, OOZFreewater, Ore............. . 1 7 2 4Fremont, Ohio------------- 229, 290Frontenac Co., Ont............1666'Fulton, N. Y_________ 416, 1114Fulton Co., Ohio--------------- 168 ■Fulton S. D., Mo .168, 478, 602 Fulton Twp. S. D., Ohio,

1049, 1527

Gadsden, Ala____________ 478atnesvllle, Ga...........229,

478, 897, 1790Gainesville, Tex_1467, 1790Gainsborough 8. 1)., Sask.,

1117, 1531Galesburg, 111. .897, 1049,

1197, 1400, 1724 Gallon, Ohio.. 108, 290,352,

416, 897, 1114, 1790Gallatin Co., M on t.......1277Gallatin Co. S. D. No. 62,

Mont. ............. 1343Galt, Ont___ 57, 826, 983, 1202Galveston, Tex............... 1061Galveston Co., Tex____229,

416, 742, 1114 1343 Galveston Co. Dr. Dlst.,

Tex.......... ...4 10 , 897, 1467Galveston Co. Com. 8 1).,

Tex........ ...................742, 1277:Gardner, Mass................ 410, 478.Garfield, N. J .......................1467Garland, Tex.........................1049Garnett, K a n ........... 819, 1049.Garrison 8. D., T e x ........... 1724Gary, Ind.......................229, 416Geauga Co., Ohio__52, 290, 352 ,Geneva, N. Y ____________ 1197 :George Co., Miss_____ 897, 1586Georgetown, Tex.819,1197, 1277Georgia___ 105. 599, 742, 1047Gettysburg 8. D,, Ohio.352, 410 iGibson Co., Ind.......... 416, 1114Gila Co. 8. D „ Arks..1197, 1400Gilbert, Minn__________ 742Gilbert I’ lalns, Man____749,

1060, 1795■Giles Co., Va........ ........... -1277Girard, Ohio___ 108, 919, 1197)Glasscock Co. Com. 8. D.,

Tex...... ..................-.742, 1277 jGleason, Tenn________ 351, 819Glen 8. D. No. 4. N. Y _ 229Glenavon, Sask_____ 1530, 1006Glendale, Ohlo.1277, 1343, 1601,Glendale S. D., Alta........ . 983Glenhlll 8. D., Sask............ 483)Glennena S. D., Man___ _ 356Glen Itldgc 8.D., N.J.1467, 1586, Glen Hose Ind. 8. D., Tex . 1601' Glenvllle tin. Fr. S. D., j

N. Y ...................... ...602 . 8191Glenwood, Minn.478, 819, 1527 | Glcnwood 8. D., M an..421, i

605, 820 jGlobe 8. D., Arlz.......... ....... 108)Gloucester, Mass____ 1197, 1277 |Gloucester City, N. J.... .1467 •Gloversvllle, N. Y ........ .52,

168, 229, 416, 977, 1049, 1114 |Goderich, O n t..____ _____ 1282 |Goldcndalc, Wash.819, 897, 1277 iGolden’s Bridge Fire Dlst.,

N. Y ................................... 108 |Goldfield, Colo.......................1585Goltry 8. D., Okla________ 1790Gooding, Id a ............ 1277, 1467Gordo, Ala...... 1343, 1467, 1724GosfleUl North Twp., Ont.. 1591Goshen, N. Y .......... .1400, 1527Gothenburg 8.D.No.20,Neb. 290Govan.Sask......................... 295Graham 8. D., Cal........ 352, 478Granby, Mo-----------------------1467)Grand Falls, N. D _............... 113 ,Grand Forks, No. Dak.742, j

819, 1661'Grand Rapids, Mich...416,

478, 540, 742, 1400, 17911Grand Rapids, WIs......... 1661Grand Rapids 8. D., Mich., I

52, 1724, 17911 Grand Valley Irr. Dlst., Colo.,

290, 416, 602, 742 1 Grand View, Man. 173, 1403, 1591 ] Grandview Heights, Ohio,

1527, 1791Granite City 8. D., 111..52, 742Granite Co., Mont...................1277 jGranite Falls, Minn............. 2901Granite 8. I)., Utah............ 108Grant Co., Ind.................... 410Grantvtlle, Ga.......................1580Granum 8. D., Alta------295, 356Grassy Bake Dr. Dlst. No. 1,

Ark.................................. -H67Grattan Roman Cath. 8. D.,

Sask.................................. 57Grayson Co., Tex____— 52, 229Grayson Co. Com. S. D.

No. 45, Tex.52, 416, 542, 977 Grayson Co. Com. 8. D.

No. 51. Tex.......................1527Greeley 8. I). No. 6, Colo.

352, 1197, 1277, 1343 Greeley-I’oudrc Irr. Dlst.,

Colo.............. ........... , ....... 540Green Bay, WIs.......................229Grcenburgh, N. Y ...................546Grccnburgh Un. Fr. 8. D.,

N. Y ..................416. 660, 1114Greene Co., I a . . ---------------- 1467Greene Co., Ml.ss.......... ........ 1400Greene Ind. 8. I)., la--------- 742Grcencastlc 8. D., Pa........... 1049

Fagc. Page. ; Page. | Page.Greenfield, Mass.. 108, 168, Highland Irr. Dlst., C olo... 1586 Jordan S. D., Utah................. 666 Lee Co., No. Coro................ 1661

352,1049 Highland Park, 111............ 1198 Josephine Co. S. D., Ore., LceCo.,Va____ 291,1115,1587Greenfield Fire Dlst., Mass. Highland Park, Mich., 108, 478,820,1198 Leetonla, Ohio.................. . .9 7 8

352, 1049 230, 416, 541, 743, 1198, : Julesburg Irr. Dlst., Colo 53, 291 Lehi S. D., Utah__291, 743, 898Greenville, Mich........... 290,540 1277,1661 Leighton S. D., Ia.............. ..1401Greenville, No. Caro............168 ; Highland Park S. D . Mich. 1791 k^alamazoo, Mich., 743, Lenzburg S. D. No. 43, 111.Greenville, So. Car----- 168, 229 High Point, No. Car____ .1468 IV 820, 1277 291, 479Greenville, T e x ..52, 416, __ High River, Alta., 113. Kalamazoo S. D.. Mich., Leola Dr. Dlst., W Is..291, 743

897, 1343, 17241 1203, 1532 53, 108, 897 Leominster, M ass_______ 820GreenvilleS. D.,Ohio........... 977 Hill 8. D., Cal............. 1114 Kamloops, B. C-, 357, 605, Leon, l a ..................... 541,744Greenwich, Ohio.................. 1197 1 IIlll Co. Com. S. D., Tex., 826, 1532 Leon Co. Cora. S. I)., Tex,Greenwich Vll S. D., Ohio, 168, 230, 1724 Kanawha 8. D., Ia ._. 1587, 1661 417,898

1277,1100 Hillman Twp. 8. D., Mich.. 1198 Kansas................. 478,743,1398 Leslie, Sask_________ 1054,1282Gregory, So. Dak............. . . 290 Hillsboro, Ore........................1661 Kansas City, Kan., 230,353, Lester,shire, N. Y................... 53Gretna S. D. No. 336, Man.. 57 Hillsboro, Tex......................14001 1198, 1278,1661,1791 Lethbridge, Alta____ 1347,1472Greybull, W yo....................... 1527 Hillsboro Co., Fla.......... 1198 Kansas Cltv, Mo., 291, 478, Lethbridge Protestant S .D .,Grey Co., Ont...................... 295 Hinckley S. D., Cal., 819, 977 ! 666,1468,1661,1724 A lta .. ........... ....... 1054, 1347Grimsby, Ont...................... 113 Hinckley Twp., Ohio---------- 168Grlnnell, Ia...... ......................819 j Hinds Co., Miss.............168,1791Groesbeck, Ind. S. D. ,Tex., Hobart, Okla............. 353, 541

742, 977, 1467 Iloey S. D. No. 2495, Sask. 356 Gross Point, 111.................... 108 Holland, Mich............... 290

Kansas City Park Dlst., Levey, Sask........................... 1203Kan_______ 1198, 1587, 1724 Lewis Co., N. Y ..230, 353, 417

Kansas City S. D., Mo., 230, Lewiston, 111.............. 1344, 1661743, 978, 1791 Lexington, Ky .1198, 1401, 1587

Karnes Co., Tex.................. 743 Lexington S. D. No. 1, Neb. 1278Grosse Point, Mich___ 352,478 Holloway S. D., Ohio.. 108, 416 Kaslo, B. C .. .................... 235 Lexington S. D., Ohio......... 666Grove City, _Mlnn.________ 1197 Holyoke, Mass---------------- 168 Kaw Twp., Kan................. 1791 Lexington Co. 8. D., So. Car.

820, 1198Liberty, Mo....................... 109Liberty, N. Y .............. 291, 479Liberty, Tex____ __________744Liberty Twp., Kan.............. 1791Liberty Twp , Ohio___ 291, 353Liberty Twp. 8. D., Ohio

1468, 1661

Grove City, P a ..742, 1343, 1791 Homer, La.......... 666, 977, 1587 Kaw Valley Dr. Dlst., Kan.,Groveport S. D., Ohlo.353, 416 Homer, Mich.............. ......... 1115 1344, 1587, 1724Guelph, Ont........ 356, 671, Hood Co. Road Dlst., T ex.. 52 Kearney. Neb., 230, 291,

1282, 1403, 1531 Hood River. Ore---------168, 511 743, 1661Guernsey, Sask______ 1282,1472 Hood River Irr. Dlst., Ore.. 666 Kearney. N. J ..1468,1791Guildford Twp., Ohio.. 168, 290 Hopewell Twp. 8. I)., Ohio. 52 Keene, N. II ...........................230Gull Lake, Sask............ 1202 IJonklns Co. Com. S. D., Kelthsburg Dr. Dlst., Ill___1198Gunthersville, Ala________ 108 Tex_______________ 541, 1049 Kelllher. Sask____________ 1666Guthrie Graded Com. S. D., Hopkinsville, Ky-------666, 743 Kelowna, B. C____________ 671 Libby, Mont............................ 1050

Ky________ 52,416,819,1197 Hopklnton, Mass............. 743 Kelross, Sask....................... 484 Lima 8. D., Ohio...........230, 291Ilornellsvllle 8. D., N. Y., Kemmcrer S. D. No. 10, Wyo. 53 Limestone Co., Tex................... 291

Hackensack 8. D., N. J . . 819 108, 478, 1661 Kemptvllle, Ont_____ 749, 1117 Limestone Co. Com. S. D.,addonflcld, N. J.52, 353, Horry Co., So. Car------------ 897 Kendrick, Ida________108, 291 Texas-------- ----------- 744, 1278

819, 1527 Houston, Tex............ 1468, 1661 Kenesaw, Neb.......................1278' Lincoln, Neb____353, 898, 1468Hallcybury, Ont__________ 902 Houston Co. Com. S. D., Kenlstlno S. D., Sask________671 Lincoln Co., Ida__________ 1662Half Mooii Bay High 8. D., Tex., 168,602,897, 1198, 1587 Kennett S. I)., Mo________1661 Lincoln Co., Miss____1401, 1662

Cal____ _______ 511 Houston Heights, Tex.,743, 1277 Kcnora, Ont_______________1667 j Lincoln Co., Mont_______ ..1791Hall Co., Tex............ ........... 108 Howard Co. Tex------- 743, 978 Kenosha, WIs.............. 541, 820 Lincoln Co., W. Va____169,1401Hamburg, N. Y ____________ 108 Howell, Neb...................... .1277 j Kentland, Ind_____________ 541 Lincoln S. D., Cal_____ 291, 417Hamburg Un. Fr. 8. D., Howell 8. I)., N eb ...1343. 1661 Kenton, O h io ...897, 1115, 1198 Lincoln S. D., Neb__________ 353

N. Y . ............. 168,229 Hudson, Ohio------------1527,1724 Kentwood S. D., La.. .53, 168 Lincoln Un. HighS. D. Cal. 169Hamden, Ohio.......... 1277, 1467 Hudson Twp., Ohio.. 1468, 1527 Kenwood, Kan........... ......... 541 LlndaleInd. 8. D., Tex.744, 1278Hamilton Mo........ ..602, 897 Hulchica S. D., Cal--------168, 897 Keppel Twp., O n t... 1282, 1591 ' Lindsay S. D., Cal________ 53Hamilton, N .Y ___________ 108 Humboldt, Sask------------------ 295 Kersey, Colo_____________ 1198 Llneville, Ala__________ ___169Hamilton, Ohlol.168, 416, Huntington, W. V a . . ......... 353 j Keyser, W. Va., 353, 417, 5411 Llstowel, Ont______________1591

478, 712, 819, 897 1197, Huntington Beach, Cal., 52, 416 Key West, Fla______1278, 16611 Little RlverS. D .,Tex_____ 11151343, 1532, 1591 Huntington Ind. 8. D., W. Killeen Ind. S. D., Tex---- 53 i Little Rock Impt. Dlst., Ark. 109

Hamilton, Ont.. .57, 483, 1666! Va................................52, 168 Kincardine, Ont., 750, 902, 1472 ! Live Oak Co., Tex_____666,1344Hamilton, Tex____________ 977 ; Huntington Park, Cal............ 743 Kincardine Twp., Ont-------- 1118 : Livingston 8. D., Cal. 1528, 1662Hamilton Co., Ind.52, 416, 1277 Huntington Park S. D.,Cal., King Co., Wash., 978,1468, 1724 , Llewellyn 8. D., Cal______ 353Hamilton Co., N. Y ...60 2 , 897 i 1343, 1468, 1791 KingCo. S. D. No. 7, Wash.17911 Lloydminster, Sask........57, 357Hammett S. D., Ida............ 1400 1 Huron, Ohio......... ............... 1400 King Co. S. D. No. 15, ; Lockhart, Tex________S20, 1401Hammond, Ind............742, 1197 i Huron, So. Dak..................... 53 Wash........................ 417, 1468 i Lockhaven, P a ..479, 1198, 1278Hammond, La..290, 742, 1661 Huron Co., Ohio-------- 820, 1198 Klfig Co. S. D. No. 93, ] Lockland, Ohio .53, 1344,Hammonton, N. J.........168, 353 I HuronS. D., So. Dak., 541, 743 Wash....... ........... . .108,- 2911 1400,1662, 1791Hancock, Mich.................... 353 Hutchinson, Kan................ 602 King Co. S. D. No. 162,Wash.168 ; Lockney Ind. S.D., Tex.602, 1115Hancock Co.,, Ga........ ....... 1661 ] Hutchinson, Minn........... .. 820 Kingsbury, Cal_______743, 1587 ! Lockport, N. Y ............. ....... 230Hancock Co., Ohio.................897Hanford, Cal_______ 819, 1791Ilanlan 8. D., Man_________ 983Hannibal S. D., Mo. 1 8, 478, 602Hanover, Ont...... .......... 57Hansford Co., Com. S. D.

No. 6, Tex.......... .............. 1791Harbor Spec.S.D., Ohio.168, 229 Harbor Springs, Mich.1277, 1467Ilarburn S. D., Man_______ 173Harden Co. Com. S .D ., Tex. 742 Hardin Co. Rd Dlst., Tex.. 742 Hardin Co., Ohio.897, 977,

1586, 1661, 1724Hardy, Neb................... 416, 742Harlingen, Tex_______ 290, 743Ilarlowton, Mont..........478, 743Harris, Sask_______________ 826Harris Co., Tex................. .1791Harris Co. Com.S.D. No. 14,

Texas .........................478, 897Harris Co. Com. S. D. No 31,

Texas.........................743, 897Harrisburg, P a .. .666, 897, 977Harrison Co. I a . . ........ ........ 108Harrison Co., Miss.108, 743,

1049, 1468, 1586, 1791Harrison S. D., N. J___ 290, 416Ilarrlston. Ont................. ...1727Hart Co., Ga.............. 1049, 1468

Hyde Co , So. Dak------------ 820 Kingston, Ont............ .57, 1667 Lodi, Ohio__________ _____ 666Hyde Park, Mass---------------- 290 Kingsville, Ont.................... 57 j Logan, Ohio.................... .169,1401Ilyden Graded S. D., ICy.. 743 Kinlstlno S. D., Sask., 983, 1118 i Logan Co., Colo................ 291

| Kinney Co., Tex___________1198 i Logan Co., Ohio............ 898Ida Twp., Mich.........— 1400 Kinsley, Kan........... ............- 2911 Lompoc Grammar S. D., Cal. 602

daho ......... 599 Kiowa, Okla., 602, 743, | London, O n t...1591, 1667,Idaho Falls, Ida.............. . 287 1278, 1661' 1727, 1795Illinois___ 49, 739, 1274, 1525 Kiowa Co., Okla.................. 1791 ! London S. D., Minn...479, 898Illmo, Mo.......................... 820 Klrbyvllle, Tex______ _____ 291! LondonS. D., Ohio_________ 1587Imlay, Mich_______________ 541 Kirkland, N. Y _____________ 53 London Two., Ont.295, 357, 544Imperial, Cal______________1525 Klrksvllle, Mo______________ 53 j Long Beach, C al..230 , 353,Independence, Ore----- 168, 541 Kirkwood, Ga., 1050, 1528, 17911 744,820, 1050, 1401, 1792Indiana....................1398, 1722 Klamath Falls, Ore., 291, Longmont, Colo............. ..... 978Indian Head, Sask----- 173, 1282 820, 1115, 1468Indianapolis, Ind--------------1528 Klickitat Co. S. D. No. 50,Ingleslde S. D., Sask............ 1591 W ash........... ..................... 108Inglewood S. D., Cal..168, 230 Klickitat Co. S. D. No. 63,Inverness, N. S..................... 57 W ash................................. 108Iowa City, la ..........................1343 Knoll IIlll S. D., Sask____ 484 Lorain S. D., Ohio____ 820, 1792IowaCo.,Ia--------------- 417,1198 Knox Co. Com. S. D. No. 1, j Lordsburg, Cal......... .............1662Iowa S. D., C a l . . . . . . ......... 353 T ex_______________ 291 Lorena Ind. S. D „Tex.744, 1587

Longmont S. D., Colo..109, 602Lonsdale, Tenn...... ............. 291Lorain, Ohio..53, 169, 291,

603, 744, 898, 978, 1050,1198, 1468, 1528

Iowa City Ind. S. D., Ia----- 230 Knox Co. Com. S. D. No. 3,Ira Ind. S. D., Tex----- 290, 820 T e x . . ........................ 1528Iredell Ind. S. D., Tex., ; Knoxville, Tenn........ -.53 , 108

290,743,1198 Konawa, Okla............478, 743Irene Ind. S. D., Tex--------- 108 Kossuth Co., Ia.................... 53Iron River, Mich_____ 353, 820 Krebs, Okla_______________ 478Iroquois Co., Ill.......... ....... 1724Irvine, Sask., 484, 671, f achlne, Que.............. 57, 113

1472, 1591, 1727 Liaconta, N. H .__..................353Hartford, Conn..................... 108 Italy Ind. S. D., T ex ..820, 1528 La Crosse, WIs .541, 743, 1400Hartlngton, Neb.....................1661 Itasca Ind. S. D., Tex., 353, 820 La Crosse Co., WIs____ 103, 168Ilartsclls, Ala................ 478, 541 La Fayette, Ga.................... 1468Harvard S. I)., Ill................ 52: tack Co. Com. S. D., Tex., ' Lafayette Co., Mo............ . 53Harvard S. D., Neb.............. 1661 J 820,1528 La Grande, Ore...................... 1724Harve de Grace, Md__ 168, | Jack Pine Valley S. D.,Sask.l282 i,a Grange S. D., Ill............ 291 .. . . . . .

229, 290 Jacksboro Ind. S. D., Tex., Lake Borgne Levee Dlst.,La 166U Lowell, Mass____ 109, 417,Haskell Co., Tex___ 1277,1400 743, 978 I Lake Charles, La., 230, 897, I 1587, 172 ., 1792Haskell Co. Com.S.D., Tex. jJackson, Mich.................. . 230; 1278, 1791 Lower Merlon Twp. S. D.,

LorettoS. D., No. 80. Minn. 53 Los Angeles, C al..230, 353,

667. 1047, 1115 Los Angeles Co., C al..820,

978, 1115Los Nietos S. D., Cal_____ 109Louisiana.. 106, 414, 541,

1274, 1342, 1166, 1658. 1722Louisville, K y___ 169, 291,

353, 541, 603, 744, 1050,1115, 1278, 1344, 1662

Loup Co., Neb____________ 1468Love Co. S .D ., No. 28 Okla. 169Lovell, W yo...........................1115Lovlngton, 111................. 353

I il ill52, 478, 897 1 Jackson, Ohio., 53, 230, ! Lake Co., Ind.............. 291, 602

Hastings, Neb......................1791' 541, 602, 74,3 Lake Co., Ohio............ 820, 978Hastings, Okla.. 1049, 1197, 1400 Jackson, Tenn...................... 1198 Lake Co. S. D. No. 7, Ore.. 169Hastings Co., Ont__________ 605 Jackson Co., Mo................ 1277 ' Lake Forest, 111.....................820Ilastlngs-on-IIudson, N. Y. I Jackson Co., Tenn.............. 1198 Lake Henry Dr. Dlst., Miss. 169

' ’ - “ “ “ Lakeland, Fla...................... 291Lake Preston, So. Dak___ 1661Lakeside Spec. S. D., Ark.,

541, 1661Lakcvlew Municipality, Sask.484 Lakewood, Ohio, 169, 230,

478, 819, 1049, 1114 Jackson Twp., Ind------- 10S, 820Hattiesburg, Miss_________ 108 Jacksonville, Fla________53, 230Haverhill, Mass____________1400 Jacksonville, Ore...290,Havelock S. I)., Man..671, 902 1115, 1198Ilaverstraw Un. Fr. S. D., Jamestown, N. Y., 290,

N .Y ...................... ....666, 743 i 417, 119,8, 1400, 1468, 1787Hawaii--------------- ------------ 1113 Jamestown S D., N. Y.,Hawardon Ind. S. D., Ia__ 290 743, 897, 1661Hawkinsvillc, Ga.................. 168 Janesville, Minn...........-.53, 290Hawthorne S. D., N. J.897, Janesville, Wise....................1343

Pa.................... 820, 898, 105«Lowryvllle S. D., So. Car__ 898Lubbock, T ex ..................... 417Lubbock Co., Tex...................978Lucas Co., Ia___ 53, 1198, 1278Lucas Co., O hio..53, 109,

169, 230, 291, 353, 541,603, 667, 744, 820, 898,978, 1050, 1198, 1401, 1528

Lupkcn, T e x ....................... 1278I.yndhurst, N. J . . . ............. 1792

541, 666, 743, 820, 1528, 1791, Lynn, Mass..169, 541, 744, LakewoodG.D., Ohio, 1344, ) 1047,1587,1662

1528, 1661: Lyon Co., Minn........ 1278, 1468Lamont, Okla...... ............... 16611 Lyon Swamp Dr. Dlst.,

977, 1468 Japan_______________ 476, 1722 Lancaster, Ohio.................. 14001 No. Car............. ...1528, 1662Haytl Ind. S. D., So. Dak.. 1724 JasinanS. I). No. 2236,Alta.l282Haywards, Cal...................... 666 , Jasmin, Sask...................... 1203Hazle Twp. S. D., P a ..229, 290 Jasper, Minn..... .......... 1198llazlehurst, Miss--------------- 108 Jasper Co., Ind............. 168

Lane Co. S. D., O re ...417, 541 Lyons Un. S. D., N. Y.230, 479 L'Anse, Mich....................... 1791 iLansing, Mich............666, 1115 ll^abton. Wash....................1792Laramie, W yo.......... 1278, 1528 IVleArthur, O h io ...1198, 1528

Heard Co., G a .,.................. 743 j Jeff Davis Co., Tex........ .. 1198 Laramie S. D. No. 1, WyO.. 109 McColl S. I). No. 12, SoHearne, T e x ............ 1527, 1724 , Jefferson, Ohio. .53, 541, 1587 Larksvllle, Pa____________ 1400 i Caro.................. ....... 291, 479Ileavener, Okla-------1277, 1791 Jefferson Co., Ala_____ 417, 897 Larksville S. D., Pa______ .1400 McConnelsville, Ohio..291, 353Hebron, Neb.......................... 666 i Jefferson Co., Tex 230 Las Animas Co., Colo. .978, ■ McCracken Co., Ky____ 1468Ilecla, So. Dak.................... 743 Jefferson Co., Wash..1198, 1343 1468, 1587, 1724, 1791 McCulloch Co., T e x ...479, 898Helena, Mont..... 1113 (Jefferson S. D., Cal.. 1198, 1791 'Lauderdale Co., Miss..169, j McCulloch Co. Com. S. D.,Helena S. D. No. I, Mont. I Jefferson Co. S. D.. Mont.. 108' 602,743, 1344 | Tex.............. ............ 603, 978

290, 666, 1198, 1661 Jefferson Co.Com.S.l)., Tex. 743 ; Laurel, Miss______________ 541licit Twp., Ind_____________416 Jelllco, Tenn., 417, 743, 1 Laurel, Mont_____________ 51llemlngsford, Neb.......... ..16611 1277, 1587 La Vita, Colo...................... 478Hemphill Co. Com. S. I)., 'Jersey City, N. J., 1277, ! Lawrence, Kan----------------- 1791

Tex_________743, 1198, 1791) 1344, 1525, 1528 Lawrence. Mass...53 , 165,Henderson Co., Ky................1468 i Jersey Ind. S. D., Ohio, 478, 978 ! 291, 3.53, 478, 820, 898,Henrietta, Tex____________ 168 1 Jerusalem Twp. S. D., Ohio 53 1344,1400,1791. -Henry Co., Ohio, 290, 602, 1198 Johnsonburg, Pa.............. . 53 Lawrence Co., Ohio___ 109, 169 Mcl.eansboro, 111____1468, 1587Herkimer, N. Y .................... llll jjo h a so n City, Tenn., 53, Lawrence Co., So. Dak____ 894 MacLeod, N. S___________ 57Hcrscher, 111......................... 52 230,743,820. 897 Lawton, Okla......................... 666 I Macon, Ga_816,1587,1792Ilespclcr, Ont.........................1727 Johnston Co., No. Car.........291 League City S. D., Tex.........417 McPherson, Kan____ 1050, 1468IlesterS. D., Cal.,416, 819, 1049 Johnstown, Colo.........897, 1661 LearysS. D., Man.................1347 McTsggart, Sask__________ 421IlewittS. D., Minn................ 819 Johnstown. N. Y _____230, 353 Leavenworth, Kan____169,978 Madera S, D., Cal , 667, 744, 898Hickory. No. Car........ 1049 j Johnstown S. D., Pa., 1277, 1528 ' Leavenworth, Wash............. 1791 Madison, N. J . . 1528, 1587, 1662High Bridge, N. J -------- 108, 1661 Joplin S. D., Mo...................... 1344 Lebanon, Pa.....................1401 Madison, So. Dak..........291, 1662Hlghgrove H. D., Cal..168, 353 Jones Co., Ia...........................1661 ! Lebanon S. D., Pa________ 1115 Madison, WIs_______ 1278, 1662Highland, Ohio-----------1400 Jones Co., Tex______ ______ 1528 1 Lee Co. I a . . ........ ...................511 Madison Co., Ala____________291IllghlandjCo., Ohio...416, 4781 Jones Co. Com. S. D., T ex.. 417 | Lee Co., Miss........................ 353 Madison Co.. Ill.......... 820, 1401

Macdonald, Man_____ 235, 357McKees Rocks S. D., P a ... 1724McKinney, T e x ................... 1792Mackintosh S. D., Man____1592McKlttrick S. D., Cal_______ 353McLean S. D.. Tex., 53,

417, 744, 978, 1344

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Page.Madison S. D., Cal___ 292, >117Madisonville, Ohio________599Madlsonvllle S. D., Ohio,

>179, 541Magnet, Neb___ 479, 820, 898Mahoning Co., Ohio............ 1050Malden Hook, Wis.............. 292Malsonneuve, Que.............. 1472Malden, Mass., 1C9, 353,

1528 1587Malden, Mo____ 159, 541, 978Mallards. D., l a . . . ........... .1115Malta Twp. S. L>., Ohio___ 1528Mammoth Irr. Dist., Colo.. 1050Manchester, N. It____ 109, 978Mandan, No. Dak__________ 744Mangum, Okla., 53, 109,

479, 603, 1115 Manhattan, Kan., 479, 820, 1050 Manistee, Mich., 744, 820, 1724Manitou, Colo........................ 898Manltou, Man.... ............ 1403Manitowoc, Wis...................1787Manning. So Car................. 1652Mannsvllle, Okla...... ........... 479Mansfield, Ohio____ _______ 978Mansfield, S. D., Ohio, 54,

353, 1278, 1344! Maple Creek S. D. No. 80,

Saak------- ---------------484, 671;Maple Grove S. D., la ........ 1198Marble, Mlnn_................ 820Marble Cliff, Ohio_____ 230, 417Marblehead, Mass____ 1198. 1278Marcy, N. Y_................541, 978Marianna, Fla.....................1662Marianne S. D., Alta_____ 1532Maricopa Co. S. D. No. 3,

Arlz— ........ .......... 603. 821Marietta, Ga________ 1050, 1278Marlon, Tnd___ 1050, 1662, 1724Marion, Ohio, 230, 603, 821,

1050, 1344Marlon, V a ...................292, 1662Marlon Co., Ga............. 898Marlon Co., Ohio, 603, 1344,1528 IMarlon Co., So. Car________ 292Marlon Co , Tex.................. 667Marlon Co. S. D , Ore., 667, 821Markdale, Ont_______ 421'Marlboro, N. Y ______ 1468, 1528 |Marlboro Grad. S. I)., So. Cal662Marlborough, Mass___353, 417Marlin S D., Tex...... ............230Marmarth S. D., No. Dak.. 1278!Marmora, Ont......... 1472, 1592;Maroa, III_____ ___________1587 !Marquette. Mich__________ 169Marquette Co., Mich.1662, 1725Mars. Pa................. 1662.Marseilles, 111_____________ 54 !Marshall, Tex., 109, 230, i

744, 821, 1199Marshall Co., Minn__541, 1725;Marshall Co., Okla., 821,

898, 1401!Marshalltown, la., 54, 417, 821Marshallvllle, Ga........ 353, 898Martinsville, Va........ .......... 1792Mart Ind S. 1)., Tex., 417,

978, 1344, 1725Martin Co., Minn___ 1468, 1587 !Martinez, Cal.............. 744, 1278Maryland____ 1116, 1468, 1528:Maryland Un. Fr. S. D. No.

4, N. Y___________ 1792Marysville, ICanl____ 744, 898Maryville, Tenn., 109, 541, 14681Ma3onClty, Neb_____ 821, 1528 ;Mason S. D , Ohio............... 1587Mason Spec. S. D., Ohio— 109Masontown, Pa.......... 109, 230Massachusetts__ 353, 898, 1787Massena, N. Y., .353, 667, 1792 Massillon, Ohio, 353, 417,

479, 898, 1278, 1344Massillon S. D., Ohio______744Matagorda Co. Com. S. D.,

T e x .......................... 479, 898♦Matteawan, N. Y ____ 49, 1787Matteawan-Fishklll banding,

N. Y ............................. ...1787Mattoon Twp., Ill___ 541, 898Mauch Chunk, Pa ,230, 603,1199 Maumee, Ohio, 292, 417,

479, 821, 1115 Maxwell S. D., Tex., 109,

1278, 1725Mayes Co S. D., Okla........ 1199Maysvllle, Ky._.292, 821, 1199Mayvllle, Wis............. 1278, 1602Meadows S. D., Ida............. 1528Mehane, No C'ar............. 744Mechanlcsburg, P a .. .978, 1528 Medford, Mass..417, 898, 1199Medford. Ore...............292, 542Medford, W is ..................... 003Medford S. D., Okla...978, 1468 Medicine Hat, Alta., 57,

295, 1203. 1728Medina, Tenn............. 1528Medina S. D., Ohio, 744,

1278, 1344, 1587Megantlc, Que...................... 57Meigs. Ga.............................. 292Meliort, Sask............ 826, 1667Melrose, Mass., 54, 417,

1115, 1199Memphis, Tenn., 49, 54.

109, 292, 744, 1050,1115,1662Memphis, Tex...................... 54Menard Co., Ill..........1278, 1602Mendenhall, Miss........ 479, 1528Mendon, Mich............ 1278, 1662Menominee S. D., Mich___ 479Merced Co. S. I>., Cal.......... 1587Mercer Co., Ky____________ 542Mercer Co., Ohio____ 169, 230Meridian, Miss , 230, 744, tw 898, 1199, 1278, 1341Merrlam S. D., Kan...............978Merrill, la .......... ............ 479Methuen, Miss............ 417, 542Mlamlsburg, Ohio...................542Michigan........ ............ .539, 1658Michigan City S. D ., Ind.. . 1792Midland, Ont............. 1795Middlesex Co., Mass., 230,

292, 667Middlesex Co., N. J .............1401Middletown, Conn.231, 292,744Middletown, Ohio................ 169Middletown, N. Y . ............. 1050Middletown S. D., Conn... 292 Middletown S D., Ohio.169, 3511

Page.Middletown S. D., P a ..744,

978, 1050, 1115Midway, I<y_....................... 1401Milam Co., T ex ................... 603Milam Co. Hoad Dist , Tex. 169 Milam Co. Com. S. D., Tex. 821Miles, Tex___________ 354, 1468Milford, Neb...... ...........109, 744Milford, Clermont and Ham­

ilton Counties, Ohio.231, 417 Milford Ind. S. D., Texas

417, 667, 898, 978 Milford S. D., Ohio.. 1469, 1587 Mill Township, Ohio...479, 603MUlburn, N. J_______ 1587, 1662Miller, Ind............169,1662, 1792Miller, So. Dak___ _____51, 169Miller County, Ark....417 , 1344Millersburg, Ohio_________ 169Milton, No. Dak___________ 417Milton S. D., No. Dak______417Milwaukee, WTs___ 54, 109,

169, 354, 417, 479, 744,1050, 1199, 1278, 1401, 1725

Mlnden, Neb.________ ____1587Mineral Wells, Tex............... 1528 !Miners’ Mills, Pa__________ 354.Mingo County, W. Va------ 1792Minnehaha Co., So. Dak.

978, 1401Minnesota------------------------ 1525Minneapolis, Minn. .54, 231,

354, 603, 898, 1115Minster, Ohio.------------------- 1401Mlnto Township, Ont..235, 296 Mississippi Levee Dist.,Miss. 1401 Mississippi. . 599, 821, 1115,

1278, 1398, 1587, 1787, 1792 Missouri...893, 891, 1398, 1722Mission, Tex______________ 169Missoula Co. S. D., Mont.

51, 109, 292, 1662Mitchell County, Tex.......... 231Moberly S. D., M o . .-----54, 417Mobile, Ala..354, 479, 898, 1662Mobridge, So. Dak ............. 1725Modesto, Cal........ 744, 898,

1199, 1278, 1344Mohawk, N. Y ________ 603, 821Mohnton, Pa_____________ 1278Moncsscn, Pa...... ..................1278 ,Monguagon Two. S. lb.MIch

898, 1050!Monmouth, 111_________603, 744Monmouth S. D., Ill ..354, 417 Monongahela S. D., P a ..54, 417Monroe S. D., Mich ...............354Monroe S. I )., N eb.............. 479 jMonrovia, C al...898, 1587, 1725;MonroviaS. D.,Cal........ 54,

479, 542, 667, 821Montana_________________ 109Montclair, N ,1.1469, 1528,

1587. 1662Montevideo S. D., Minn.603, 744 1 Montezuma Valiev Irr.Dist.,

Colo_______ ____54, 479,898Montgomery, Ala. 169, 354,

417, 816, 1278, 1792Montgomery City, Mo------- 292Montgomery County, Ohio

109, 231, 292, 1115, 1199 ! Montgomery County, T ex .. 107Montgomery Twp., Ohio__ 354Montleello, N. Y ________ ..1725Montpelier, V t _____ .109, 1587Montpelier S. D., Ohio____ 1662 iMontreal Protestant S. D.,

Q u e__________826, 902, 11181MooreS. 1)., Mont___ 978, 1050Moorhead Ind. S. D., la__ 109Moose Jaw, Sask. . . 57, 357,

544, 750, 1403Moose Lake, Minn_________ 1725Moose Lake Ind. S. D.,Minn. 169Mordcn, Man_______ 1667, 1795Morehead City, No. Car___ 898Morrlllton, Ark— .................479Morrlllton Sewer Dist. No. 1,

Ark........ ................ 821Morrison, III............— 667, 714Morrison Co., Minn.. 1199, 1401Morristown, So. Dak__ 821,

898, 1278Mortow County, Ohio........ 1469Morton S. D., Minn__ 417, 1050Moscow, Ida_____ 542, 821, 978Moss Point, W is ...292, 418, 898 Motley Co. Com. S. lb , Tex.

418, 744, 978Mott, No. Dak_____ _____ 170Mott S. D., No. Dak......... 542Moundsvtlle, W. Va_______ 1115Mt. Airy, 0.745, 978, 1050, 1401 Mt. Calm Ind. S. D., T ex .. 109Mt. Carroll, 111............ 745. 1199Mt. Healthy, Ohio.........667, 821Mt. Olive S. D , Cal____292, 479Mt. Pleasant, So. Car.......... 292Mt. Pleasant Ind. S. D.,Tcx.

54, 170, 292, 479, 899,978, 1344, 1725

Mt. Pleasant S. D., Mich.479, 667

Mt. Pleasant S. D. No. 7,N. Y _ ................................ 1792

Mt. Pleasant S. D., Pa........ 1115Mt Sterling, Ohio......... 479, 745Mt. CnlonS. D., Pa............. 1050Mt. Vernon, N Y .109, 821,

899, 979, 1050, 1199Mt. Vernon, Ohio______603, 745Mt. Vernon Ind. S. ID., Tex. 170 Mt. VernonS. D.,0__152S, 1662 Mt. Washington, O ..1278, 1469Mountain Home, Ida.......... 603Mountain View S. D., Cal.. 109Meunster, Sask............. 1203Mulvane, K a n__ 292, 821, 1050Munday.Tex------------- 170, 1199Municipal Bond Sales

(monthly).-106, 226, 394, 665,738,973, 1272,1585, 1658

Murphy, No. Car................ 54Murray. Utah...................... 667Murray S. D. No. 6, N. Y.

821, 1050Murray S. D., Ohio— .821, 979Muscatine,la........................ 54Muskegon, Mich---------745, 1101Muskingum Co., 0 ..5 1 , 231, 292Muskogee, Okla__ 231, 715,

1278, 1311, 1725Muskogee Co.. Okla------603,

||,821, 1050, 1278, 1662

Page. PageMuskoka Twp., Ont___ 671,902 Norwood, Pa________ 1279, 1344

Nacogdoches Co., Tex___ 1279antleokc S. D., P a ..745,

821, 1344Nanton, Alta.545,750, 1054,1472Napa Co., Cal............. 1662Nashua, N. II___54, 170, 1115Nashville, Tenn.. 106, 979,

1101, 1525Nassau Co., Fla.......... 1587, 1792Nassau Co., N. Y______109, 170Natchez, Miss........ - .......... -1278National City S. D., Cal----- 1792Natoma, Kan.................. 292Navarro Co. Com. S. ID., Tex. 1725 Navajo Co. S. D. No. 1, Ariz.

821, 1279Navasota, Tex...................... 292Nay Co. Dr. IDlst., Mo______109Nebraska City S. D., Neb.

231, 1469Neeblng, O n t_____________1203Negaumee, Mich.......... ..........292Neltgh S. ID., N e b ... ...........667Nepiil, Utah........................ .1587NeplgonTwp., Ont.................750Nevada...______________ .1274Newark, N. J.715, 899,1050, 1115 j Ogdcnsbur: Newark Ohio___ 165, 899

Norwoods. ID., Ohio.134 1, 1663 Nottingham, Ohio.480, 745, 899Noxubee Co., Miss........ .. 54NueeesCo. Com. S. ID. No.25,

T e x ............... 231, 715, 1725NueeesCo. Com. S. ID. No.28,

Texas..............231, 715, 1725NutleyS. D ..N J_________ 1199

Oak Bay, B. C.......... 1532, 1592akland, C al.......... 1398, 1658

Oakdale Irr. Dist., Cal.. 54, 170 Oakley, Ohio.480, 603, 1051, 1344OakleyS. D., Ohio___ 979, 1279OakshcliS. D No. 2458,Sask. 545Oborlln, Ohio__________ 54, 170Obion, Tenn______________ 54Ocean City, Md_______ 118, 822Ocean Park, Cal_____ . . 1110

I Oceanside, Cal., 170, 868,979 1529

Ocheyedan, la______ 354,’ 668Oconomowoc, W is .. .1061, 1279 Oconto, W is...1199, 1725, 1792 Ogallalla S. D., Neb., 231,

418, 899Ogden. Utah........ ....... 668, 745

N. Y., 822,1199, 1279

1662, 1725 Ogden Twp., Kan_______.1199New Barbadoes Twp. S. ID., Ohio_______603, 894, 1658, 1787

N. J .............109, 231 Ohio Co., VV. Va_______ 49, 1466New Bedford, Alas.s___ 109. j Oil City, Pa....... ......... ......... 292

170, 603, 607, 1115 ■ Okanogan, Wash., 231, 354,Newberg, Ore____________ 10501 899, 1663New Berlin, Ohio.................. 109 i Okfuskee Co., Okla.......... .1469New Bern, No. Car___ 821, 1050New Boston, Ohio................. 979New Braunfels, Tex_______ 1050New Britain, Conn.745, 821, 1662 New Brunswick. N. J.54,170, 292Newburgh, N. Y__________ HONewburgh, Ohio...... ........... HONewburgh Heights,Ohio.979,

1528, 1792Newburyport, M ass..1279, 1587 New Carlisle, Ohio----- 745,

Oklahoma, 287, 350, 822,894, 1342, 1398, 1469,

1525, 1658Oklahoma City, Okla., 231,

293, 979, 1116, 1401, 1725 Oklahoma City S. D., Okla. 899 Oklahoma Co., Okla.. 1529, 1663Oktibbeha Co., Miss............ 745Oktibbeha Co. ltd. Dist.,

Miss_____________ 1529, 1588Olathe, Colo______________ 1199

899, 1528, 1588 ' Olean, N. V____ _____745, 1199New Ca3tle Co.,Del 292,603, 667 ] Olympia S. ID., Wash_____ 293New Decatur, Ala_________1663 ; Olyphant, P a .............. 293, 1663NewhallS. D., Cal........ 292, | Omaha, Neb___ 899, 979, 1663

479, 82L 1588 Omaha S. 1)., N eb ............1344j Omer Irr. Dist., Colo.......... 512New Hamburg, Ont.. 1055,

1282, 1592New Hampshire.......... 542, 1398 ! Oneonta, N. Y ...... ............... 603New Hartford, N. Y ...821 , 1529 | Onlda, So. IDak., 542, 1051, 1529 New Haven, Minn...1199, 1469 Ontario, Cal., 542, 663, 1199,New Holstein, W is............. 821 1344, 1529, 1725New Jcrscv......................... 165 Ontario Co., Ont..903, 1055,1667 INew Lexington, Ohio.......... 54 , Ontario S. D., Cal., 231, 418,New LIskcard, Ont.............. 1203 j 603, 668, 1792 :Newman S. ID., Cal.............. 354 Opelika, Ala................ 110, 2311Newman S. ID., 111.............. 54 Orange, Cal., 480, 745, 1051,1199Newmarket, O n t.......... ..... 1347 Orange, Va......... ......... 118, 668New Mexico ___________ 1106 ; Orange Co., FD......... 1279, 1663New Norway, A lta...l203, 1667 j Orange Co.. N. Y., 822, 899, 979New Orleans, La.......... 292, 1050 Orange Twp., Ind............... 55New Philadelphia, Ohio.54, Orangeburg, N. Y __1199, 1279

354,745, 1115 Orangeburg, No. C a r ...__899Newport, Ky___ 665, 1398, 1722 i Orangeburg, So. Car., 1051, 1279Newport Dr. Dist., Cal.821,1199 I Orangeville, Ont........ 1203, 1282New Koehelle, N. Y ___ 54, Oregon.........................1274, 1658

HO, 231, 1H6, 1199Newton, la_________1469, 1792Newton, Kan........ .............. 1792Newton Co., Ind.110, 667, 1199Newton Co , MiS3_________979Newton Twp., Ohio___ 54, 1529New Westminster, B. C.57,

296, 826, 1532New York City___ 49, 106,

110, 354, 599, 607, 979

Orlskany Falls. N. Y . ....745Orleans, Neb., 293, 745,

1529, 1725Orleans Co., N. Y...... ..1051Orovlllc, Cal__________ 293Orrvllle, O hio............ 822, 979Osage, la_____ ______ 1792Osborne Ar Russell Counties

Joint S. ID., Kan____ 1401Osnawa, Ont...................827

1274, 1279, 1486, 1588, 1787 , Oshkosh, Wis . 1051New York State -.49, 110, ! Osmond S. D., Ohio . 231

170, 237, 418, 479, 542, Osslnnlng, N. Y., 293, 354,975, 139S, 1658. 1787 ' 745 979

Niagara, Ont........................ 1795jOsyka, Miss., 480, 822, 899,Niagara Co., N. Y_________1529: 979 m gNiagara Falls, N. Y ----54, I Oswegatohie, N. Y ............. ’.1051

231,354, 542, 603 Oswego, N. Y . . 480, 603Niagara Fall3, Ont------296, j otero Co. S. ID., New Mex_.1401

357, 750, 1055 Otero Irr. Dist.. Colo., 418, 899Niles, Ohio.......... 292, 418, Ottawa, I I I_____ 418,603, G68

480,821,979, 1116 Ottawa, Ont___ 113, 671, 1667Niles S. D., O hio..542, 667, Ottawa 8 . D., Ohio............ . 56

899, 1663, 1792 Ottumwa, l a . . . 1279, 1529, 1588NlIremS.D,, A lta............. .1055 Outlook, Sask............... 296, 983NobloCo., Ind________ 170, 542 Outremont. Quo.............173, 235Nokomls, Sask_____ 1317, 1532 Overpeck Twp. S. D., N. J.,Nolan Co., Tex________ 512, 979 1663, 1725Nordhoft IJn. High S. D., I O'Vfttonn.a, Minn___ 1279, 1101

Cal......................1199, 1792 , Owego, N. Y .......... 1792Norlolk, Neb................-899, 979 «.Owen Sound, Ont____ 1203, 1728Norfolk, Va..l70, 480, 542, IJDwosso, Mich ........... 55, 293

745,821,899, 979ADxhow, Sask_____________ 983Norfolk Co., Mass................ 1050, Oxford, Miss................. 480, 745Norlolk Co., Va............ 292, 418 Oxford S. D., Ohio., 170,Normal lights S. ID., C al...1663 | 480, 746Norman, Okla.............. 745, 899 , Oxford Centro S. D., Sask.. 515Norman Co., Minn..............1469 Oyster Bay Un Fr. S. D.,Northampton, Mass.............1469; N. Y ............. 1529Norlh Andover, Mass..822, Ozark S. ID., Mo.................. 231

899, 979!North Attleboro, Mass.. 110, , Daelllc Co. S. ID. No. 36,

667, 1529; 1 Wash .............. ........... 668North Baltimore, Ohio........ 292 : Pacllle Grove High S. D..Cal. 170North Battleford Public3 .D„ Page Co., Ia .......... 480, 668

Sask........ ........... ............. 1532 ; Pageland Spec. S. D., S. Car. 55 |North Bay, O nt..235. 357, 1795 PalnesvllleTwp., Ohio, IIS, 1344 North BendS. D., N e b ... . . 110 Palaclon Ind. S. D., Tex., North Charleroi S. D., Pa. j 899, 1792

745, 1469; Palestine, Tex., 418, 603, North Cohoeton & Atlanta 745,899, 1116, 1279

Un.S. D ..N .Y ____ 745, 1199 Palmyra, Mo_____________ 55North Dakota___ 110,354, Palmyra Twp., Ind________ 170

667, 1199, 1529, 1725 Paris, N. Y ...................... 55Northeast Borough S. ID., j Pari-City, Utah........ ..........1200

P a......... .................. 292, 480 ; Parker, So. D ak .. . 668, 1200Northfleid S. D., Minn........ 231 Parkman Irr. Dist.,Wyo.,55, 293North Fond du Lac, Wls.899, 1663 Parmer Co. Com. S. ID., Tex., North Ilalnsworth Twp., Ont.7501 745, 1663, 1792North Hempstead, N. Y. ' Parry Sound, Ont., 57, 296, 481

1344, 1169 Pasadena, Cal.................. -1200North Holland S. D , Mich. 1344 Pasadena S. n ., C'al... 170, 793North Manchester, Ind........ 1101 Passaic, N. J _______1116,1279Northport, N. Y........ .. . 822' Passaic Co., N. J ____1401, 1409North Sterling Irr.DIst,,Colo. 1663 Pateraon, N. J ................ ..1344North Toronto, Ont............ 296 Patlermn, La.............. 816, 1279North Vancouver, B. C .515, ! Paulllna, l a . . ........ ............. 293

605, 903, 1592 Pawnee Co., Neb................ 1279North Yakima S. ID., Wash. 1663 Pawtucket, It. I., 55, 110,North York, P a .......... . . . 7451 -ISO, 1200. 1279Norwood, Ohio. .668 1169, Paxvtllc S. I). No. 19,

1529, 1588, So. Car_____________ 55, 231

Page.Peabody, Kan_______ 542, 979Pearsall Ind. S. D., Tex___ 170Pecos. Tex____ 1051, 1200, 1588Pecos S. ID., Tex................... 1051Peel Co., Ont...................... 57Pekin, 111..............................004Pelee Twp., O n t...................421Pelham Twp., O n t------------ 173Pelham Un. Fr. S. D., N. Y. 55Pella, la...................... 293, 354Ppmherton Twp., N. J., 418, 899 Penelope Ind. S. ID., Tex.,

170, 418, 604, 745, 979Penetangtdshene, Ont., 296, 421Pennington Co., Minn------- 1788Pennsylvania________1113, 1398Pensacola, Fla_______418, 1663Penticton, B. C., 57, 671,

1283, 1532, 1795Peoria, 111........ .......... 293, 899Perdue, Sask_____________ 1347Perry, la...............................1588Perrysvllle S. D., Ohio----- 293Perth County, Ont________ 113Peru, Ind.......... ......... 1116, 1200Petaluma S.D.,Cal 354,604, 745Peterboro County, Ont___ 58Peterborougn, Ont___ 1283,

1347, 1472Pettis County, Mo............... .1279Philadelphia, N. Y ...............1200Philadelphia, P a ..106, 170,

231, 1658Philip, So. D a k ...354, 480, S99Phoenix, Arlz.......55, 480, 1113Phoenix S. ID., Man._____ 903Phoenix Un. II. 3. ID., Arlz.

293, 1529, 1588 PhoenixvllIeS. D.,Pa. 1116, 1529Pleton, N. S...... .......... 113Fierce Co., No. Dak__170,

354, 542Pierce Co., Wash.746, 1279, 1401Pigeon, Mich____ 822, 899, 1116Plneher City, Alta__ 1055, 1203Pine Bluffs, W yo....................542l’ lnc City, Minn_______542, 822Pine vllle, La...1051, 1469, 1792Pioneer, Ohio_____________ 55Pipestone, Man.......................421I’lttsburg, Kan____ 55, 231, 739Pittsburg, Pa. 106, 668, 7 46,

979, 1047, 1344, 1401, i529, 1588, 1663,1725, 1792

Pittsfield, Mass.......... ............418Plttsvllle, W is.......... 1663, 1725Placer County, Cal............. .1200Plainfield, N. J . ........ 170, 1200Plalnvlew, Minn_______293, 542l ’labivlew, 'lex____ 55, 480, 899Plalnvlew Ind. S. 1)., T ex.. 170Plalnvllle, Kan_____ _____ 1529Plains Twp. S. D., Pa.822, 1116Plano, lex_____________ . 899Plattsburgh, N. Y 170, 293,

746, 1279, 1603Plattsmouth, Neb_________ 1345Pleasanton, Cal---------1051, 1588Pleasant lUdge, Ohio. .293,

746, 899, 1051Pobeda S. I)., Alta............. .1055Pocahontas County la -----1200Pocatello, Ida___ 231, 740, 1110Point Grey, B. 0.-173, 606, 827Polk County, Mo---------------- H13Poison3. D. No. 23, Mont.. 822 Ponoka, Alta..58, 296, 484, 903 Pontiac 3. D. No. 95, 111.542, 746Pontiac S. D., Mich............. HOPoplar Bluff 3. D., Mo------- 55Poquoson S. ID., Va.......... - 654Portage, Ohio____________ 1603Portage La Prairie, M an... 357 Portage La Prairie 3. ID.,

Man.......... ......... »03Portagevlllc S. D., Mo------- 604Port Arthur, Ont..515, 903,

1055, 1203Port Chester, N. Y__ 1051, 1200Port Clinton, Ohio____ 231, 293Port Hope Twp., Minn-------1529Port Huron, Mich_________ 1342Porterville, Cal----- 642, 668,

1469, 1529Portland, Mo.231, 293, 542,

004, 822, 899, 1725, 1793 Portland, Ore.293, 480, 601,

668, 746, 822, 899, 979,1047, 1279, 1342, 1401,

1529, 1588, l i 25, 1793 Portland 3. D., Ore...1409,

1529, 1725Portland Water Dist., Me . 1603 Port of Coos Bay, Ore.975, 1793 Port of Portland, Ore..822,

1116, 1663, 1793 Port of Toledo, Ore..1200, 1401Porto Rico_____________ _ - 107Portsmouth, N. II-----.231,293Portsmouth, Ohio.604,746, 1345 Portsmouth, Va— HO, 480,

746, 1051, 1345 Port Tampa City, Fla . 418, 899Pottawatomie Co., Okla__ 1663Potter County, So Dak___ 170Pottsvllle, Pa........ ........542,668Prehlo County, Ohio. 1200, 1469Prescott S. ID., Ark...............418Presidio County, Tex.......... 1051Preston, Ont.296, 357, 903, 1055Price, Utah ......... 1726Prince Albert, Sask___113,

5s6, 903, 1118, 1728 Prince Kdward Co., Ont.515, 827 Prince George’s Co., Md.

899, 1279Prince Rupert, 11. C . ............1283Princeton Joint High S. ID.,

C al........ ...................822, 1401Progressive S. D., Sask___ 515Prospect, Ohio...... .......... 822Proton Twp., Ont............... .1667Proviso Twp. II. S. ID., 111.. 180Provo City, Utah..........110, 232Provost, Alta......................... i283Pueblo, Colo................810, 1399Pueblo S. I)., Colo________ 1409Pulaski County, V a .......... 746Punnlchy, Sask.....................1055Putnam Co., Ohio.354, 418,

746, 899, 1469 Puyallup, Wash__________- 822/ ’Yianah Ind. S. ID.,

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J uly-D ecember , 1910. I N D E X XY

Page.Qu’Appelle, Que........... 1007Quinton, Sask............ ..057, 827Quincy, Mass..55, 232, 293,

004, 008, 1051, 1110,1315, 1409, 1529

Quitman Co., Miss.293, 418,740, 1051, 1401

Ractnc, Wls___ 979, 1110,1200, 1401

Radford, Va_______ 232,354Uadwav S. O., A lta ...1472Kalny River, Ont.........1728Ralston, Okla...... ................ 1003KandallCo.Com. S. I).,Tex.

354, 822Randall Co. Com. S. D. No.

20, Tex____ _______ 822, 1529Randoloh S. 1)., Neb .900, 1588 RankinCo., Miss..232, 481,

822, 1003Rappahannock Co., Va___ 900Ravalli Co. S. D., Mont___ 55Raymond, Alta___ 58, 235, 484Raymore, Sask.......... .......... 1347Reading, Ohio.. 1051, 1345,

1529, 1003,1793Reading, Pa___ 740, 1279, 1345Red Dccr, Alta...113, 000,

1055, 1118Red Lodge S. D., Mont___ 900Rcdinon S. D. No. 80, 111.. 354 Redondo Beach S. D., Cal.. 481Red Wing S. I)., Minn____ 900Reeves Co. Com. S. D., Tex. 170Regina, Sask___ 235, GOO, 827Remsen & Trenton Un. Free

S. D., N. Y_____ _____ 55Renfrew, Que___ 903, 1118,

H03, 1728Reno, Nev........ ...... ..1588Reno S. I). No. 129, Kan.. ' 80 Reno S.D.,Nev.1051. 1200, 1529 Rensselaer Co., N. Y.1529, 1663Republic of Bolivia_______ 1525Republic of Cuba.......... 539, 739Rcston S. D., Man___ 1055,

1347, 1592Revelstoke, B. C. .58, 1055, 1403Rhode Island........................ 539, 1793Rhomc S. I )., Tex.................. 293Rice Lake, Wls.1279, 1409, 1529. Richard Rural S. D., Man.,

421, 006Richardson Co. Dr. Dlst.,

Neb.418, 481, 822, 1051, 1793 Richland Center, W1S..900, 1003 Richland & Richland Joint

S. D., Wls___________ noRichland S. D. No. 1944,

Alta........ ...........................1795Richmond, Que...... .............. 1795Rlchton, Miss___ 170, 293, 542Rtchwood, Ohio_____ 1279, 1409Rldgcfarm S. D., Ill___ 355, 418Ridgefield Park, N. J _____ 1663RidgeTwp. S. D., Ohio.900,

120 ), 1345RIppey, la . . . 170, 355, 822, 900Rising Star, Tex__________ 1200Riverside, Cal.. 110, 1279, 1588 Riverside City S. I)., Cal.,

293, 481,746Riverton, Wyo........ ..............293River Vale Twp., N. J ........ 1051Roanoke, Va.......... 55, 418, 1116Roberts Co. Com. S. I).,

T e x ............ ..110, 232, 1200Roby Ind. S. D., Tex.......... 1726Rocanvltte, Sask.....................545Rochester, N. Y ..55 , 170,

232, 293, 355, 418, 481,542, 604, 068, 746, 1345,

1402, 1469Rochester, Pa.......... ......lit), 418Rochester Twp., O nt..827,

983, 1592Rock Falls. Ill..............1402, 1726Rockford, III_________ 746, 1279Rock Grove Twp. S. D., Ia. 1279Rockmart, Ga__ 481, 1200, 1279Itockport, Mass.......... ............542ltockport, Ohio............822, 1200Rocky River, Ohio.........418, 542Rogers, Tex__________ 822, 1279Rome, Ga-.llO , 542, 900,

1663, 1726, 1793Rome, N. Y . . . _____ 1588Romney, W. Va.418, 900, 1529 Ronan S. D., Mont.. 1116, 1279Roosevelt S. I)., Cal...............822Roscoe, Pa_______ 1051Rose S. I)., Cal.................... 822Roseau, Minn________1663, 1726Roseau Co., Minn__________ 822Rosebud Co. S. D. No. 20,

Mont ..................... 822Roseburg S. D., Ore............1200Rosedale S. D., Kan............ 355Rose Plain S. D., Alta........ 1203Rosetown, Sask................ - -1283Roseville, Cal.171, 481, 668, 822Roseville S. I)., Ohio..........1051Ross S. D., Cal.....................1051Rowe S. D., Cal...................1726Roxboro, No. Car.294, 822,

900, 1116Ruggles Twp. S. D., Ohio..1726Rumson S. D., N. J ...............481Runnels Co., Tex______746, 900Rush Co. S. D., Kan.......... 980Rush Co. Com. S. D. No. 13,

T ex ...................................... 604Rushvllle, Ind............. 1588Rushvllle, Neb.....................1280Rusk Co. Com. S. D. No. 11,

Tex ----------- 1280RusklCo. Com. S. D. No. 46,

Tex ....................... 1280Russell Co.,|Va............1051, 1280Russellville, Ala.............355, 481Rutherford S.®D., N. J.,

1469, 1529, 1793Rutherfordton, No. Car----- 418Rye. N. Y .............................1402

Sablnal.Tex........................ 55ac Co., Iowa.............. 822, 900

Sacramento,ICal............171, 1469Sagamore Ind. S. D., T ex.. 746Saginaw, Mich...................... 171St. Albaas, Vt.......................1051St. Albert, Alta___________ 1667St. Augustine,JFla-----746, 1280St. Catherines, Ont.. 1203, 1728

Page.St. Charles, Mich.900, 980, 1051St. Croix Falls, Wls______ 171St. David S .D ., 111____ 55, 1116St. Francis Levee Dlst.,Ark.,

107, 355, 822, 1723 St. Francis Xavier, M an... 357

I St. Ilyactnthe, Que__ 827, 1592I St. John, Kan............. 355, 1663St. John, N. B .......................606St. Johnsvlllc, N. Y .......... . 542St. Joseph, Mich.823, 1200, 1603

; St. Joseph, Mo_____ 1525, 1663; St. Louis Co. S. D. No. 18,' Minn ............................. 604' St. Louis, Mo_____________ 1345j St. Lucie Co., Fla..................232| St. Margaret S. D., Alta____296St. Martin Parish S. D., La. 55

!St. Mary’s ,O n t..113,1592, 1728; St. Matthews, So. Car____ 1663St. Matthews S. D. No. 8,

So. Car________________ 481I St. Michaels. Alta_________ 1283St. Paul, Minn___ 900, 980,

1051, 1200, 1469 St. Paul’s S. D., Man.1203, 1667St. Petersburg, Fla___ 418,

746, 1200, 1402 ISt. Stephens, N. B ...1283, 1592:St. Thomas, Ont___ 1203, 1403Salamanca, N. Y ........ .......... 1529

i Salem, Mass..55, 110, 232, 1280Salem, Ohio___ 418, 481,

1051, 1280, 1345Salem, Ore_____ 355, 539,

1051, 1116, 1200, 15291 Salem Twp., Ind.................. 110I Salem S. D., Ore___________ 355i Sallna, Kan____ 294, 418,

900, 1051, 1200Salisbury, No. Car________ 1469

i Salmon Ind. S.D., Ida.543, 1051Saltllect, Ont...... ....................421Saltfleet Twp., Ont........ ........671Salt Lake City S. D., Utah,

110, 746, 1588Samos S. D., Mo.................. 604Sampson S. D., Alta...............983San Angelo, Tex............... ..1345San Anselmo, Cal..........171, 481San Augustine, T e x . . .___ 1200San Benito Ind. S. D., Tex.,

419, 668, 980, 1345; Sand Creek Twp., Ind____ 419Sanders Co., Mont____ 171, 481San Diego, Cal.355, 481,543, 980 San Diego S. D., Cal.. 1345, 1726Sandusky, Mich................... 1280Sandusky, Ohio.. 110, 171,

232, 481, 668, 1280, 1469Sandusky Co., Mich________ 746Sandusky Co., Ohio___ 668, 746

| Sandwich, Ont_____ 1532, 1667Sandy City Com. S. D., Ky_ 294 San Francisco, Cal..49, 294,

419, 604, 668, 823, 900,980, 1200,1280

Sangerflcld & Marshall Un.If. S. D., N. Y .............. 171

San Joaquin Co., C al..355, 481 San Lorenzo S. D., Cal. .543, 746 San Luis lley S. D., Cal— 355San Mateo, Cal............ 900, 1200San Mateo High S. D., Cal_1588 San Patricio Co., Tex.900, 1663

| San Rafael, Cal_____ ______ 481San Saba Co., Tex__ 1200,

1588, 1793,San Saba Ind. S. D., Tex.

980. 1345Santa Ana, Cal...... ......... — 746Santa Barbara, Cal----- 294,

740, 823, 1051Santa Barbara Co., Cal----- 1722Santa Monica S. D., Cal___ 1793Santa Paula, Cal..294, 481,

746, 823, 1052Santa Paula S. D., Cal_________ 55Sapulpa, Okla_______1052, 1529Saranac Lake, N. Y ...900 , 980Saratoga Co., N. Y ----- 823, 1116Sarnia, Ont. .357, 827,-----

1472, 1728, 1795Saskatchewan ......................1728Saskatoon, Sask..235, 484,

827, 1118Saskatoon S. I)., Sask..58, 113Saugus, Mass...............481, 543Sauk Co., Wls________ 543, 004Sault Stc Marie, Ont............. 1403Savannah, Ga...... ..........— 287Scandla, Kan.................171, 746Scarsdale, N. Y .............823, 980Schenectady, N. Y.55, 294,

355, 747, 980, 1469, 1588 Schenectady Co., N. Y.110, 232Scotia, N. Y ...... ................... lfl)Scotland Co., Mo.....................900Scott, Sask............... 1667Scott Co.. Ky__1280, 1402, 1793 Scott Co., Va..l201, 1530, 1793 Scott Co. Levee Dlst. No. 2,

Mo...................................... 294Scranton, Pa..................355, 1530Scranton S. D., P a ...1116, 1201Scurry Co., T ex ......................823Seaforth, Ont.................357, 421Sea Isle City, N. J.......... 481, 1530Seamans, Sask.........................484Searcy, Ark___________ 55, 1402Seattle, W ash... 110, 232,

419, 823, 1052, 1201,1402, 1530. 1588, 1003, 1726

Seattle S. D., W ash.i........... 1469Sedalla S. D., Mo-------- 55, 419Sedgwick Co. Can-------1052, 1664Sedgwick Irr. Dlst., Colo

1345, 1604Sedley, Sask.......................... 58Sedro-Woolcy, Wash........... 1280Seguln, Tex........ ................. 171Seminary, Miss.............. 294, 481Seneca Co.. N. Y ..1 U , 171,

1588, 1664Seven Mile S. D., Ohio. 171,

355, 481Severy, Kan................ 1280, 1588Sevier Co., Tenn.......... ..........355Seward, Neb.......... .............1052Shackelford Co. Com S. I).

No. 15, Tex...... ................ 1793Shackelford Co. Com. S. D.

No. 10, Texas...................1793Shamokln S. I)., Pa...............481

1 Sharon, Mass___ 55, 171, 481

Page.Sharpsvtlle S. D., Pa.......... 171Shawlntgan Falls, Que____ 1203Shawnee, Ohio.... ..........823, 900Shawnee Co., Kan.........9S0, 1469Sheboygan, Wls......... 1530, 1726Shelby, Ohio....................481, 604Shelby Co., K y------------------1470Shelby Co., Ohio------- ---------- 294Shelbyvllle S. D., Ind_____ 1280Shellmouth, Man.983, 1403, 1472Sheridan, W yo........... 111Sheridan Co., No. Dak____ 1280Sheridan Co.S.D.No.33,Wyo. 111 Sheridan Co.S.D.No.34,Wyo. 747Sherman, Tex___ 55, 419, 1793Sherwood, Ohio......... 1345, 1530Sherwood S. D., Ohio--------- 171Shickshlnny, Pa------- -------- 1530Shiner, Tex......................294, 900Shrcve, Ohio__________823, 980Shreveport, La— 171, 232,

668, 816Sigourney, Ia.......... ............. 1201Silver Bow Co., M ont..668,

823, 900Sliver Springs, N. V ------------ 747Sllverton, Ohio.1052, 1345

Page.Superior, W ls............ 1530, 1664Sussex County, N. J__ 481, 543Sutton, Neb................... 543Sutton Un. High S. D., Cal. 747Swanson S. D., Sask.......... 1592Swarthmore S. D., Pa____ 1345Swift Current, Sask...827, 1118 Swift Current S. D., Sask.

421, 545Swoyervllle S. D., Pa. ..294, 419 Sweet Grass Co., Mont.1052,

1589, 1793Sydney, B. C........................ 1795Sydney. N. S ........ 173, 357, 903Sydney Mines, N. S_______ 113Sylvanla,Ga_____ 294, 419, 901Sylvanla, O hio_______ 823, 980Sylvia, Kan...... ................ ..1201Syracuse, N. Y _______ 355, 482

Taber, A lta ..58, 296, 484,903, 1055

Tabor, Ia.............................. 171Tacoma, Wash___ 111, 669,

823, 901, 980, 1116, 1345, 1402, 1530, 1589, 1664

Tallahassee, Fla____ _______ 5431470, 1604 Tallahatchie County, Miss.. 747

Slsseton, So. Dak.......... . 900 Tallmadge, Ohio____ _____ 232Slverly, Pa___________232, 294 : Tallmadge S. IX, Ohio_____355Skagit Co., Wash----- 1470, 1793 Tallmadge Twp. S. D., OhioSleepv Kvc S. D., Minn----- 1280 ! 543, 604Smith’s Falls, Ont. .58, 173, Tarentum, Pa................ 355, 419

296, 903, 15921 Tarpon Springs, Fla__ 355,Snohomish Co., Wash.1588. 1004 j 543, 823Snyder, T ex ...823, 1201, 1470 Tarrant Co. Imp. D., Tex.56, 111Somers & Carmel S. D., N0.8 Tate County. Miss___ 747, 1280

N. Y ...... ......... ......... ....... 1720 Taylor Co., T ex...823, 901,Somerset, P a -- - ........ 1589, 1726 1345, 1589Somerset Co., Md-------355, 419 Taylor Separate S. D., Miss.Somervilles. D ..N .J ---------1726 1052, 1201, 1470, 1664Sonoma, Cal__________543, 747 Tecumseh, Neb............901, 1345Soper, Okla---------------------- 900 Tehama County, Cal__ 419,543South Amboy, N. J ...900, Tckamah S. D., Neb............232

1201, 1720 Temple, T ex ................... 232Southampton, N. Y ----- 55, 111 Terre Haute, Ind .. 171, 294, 419South Bend. Ind.1052, 1201, 1345 Terrell, Tex.. 171, 543, 980, South Bethlehem, P a ..481, 604 1 1470, 1664;South Carolina— 599, 823, 900 < Terrell Co. Com. S. D., Tex.South Dakota......... - ......... 1399 419,747,980,1345!South Haven, Mlch.355, 980,1110 Teton Co. S.D.No.12, Mont.1201 Southern Pines, No. Car.55, 171 Teton Co. S.D.No.15, Mont. 747 Southold Un. Fr. S. D.. N.Y. Teton Co. S.D.No. 19, Mont.

355,1530 294,543South Omaha, Neb----- 171, 355 , Texarkana, Tex________232South Palisades Heights Irr. Texarkana Imp. Dlst., Tex. 232

Dlst., Colo........ .............. 29 4 Texas............000, 739, 901,South Qu ’Appelle, Que------1667 1052, 1345, 1722, 1788South River,N. J.................. 1201 Thamesville, O nt...58, 173, 357South St. Paul, Minn---------1470 j Thayer S. D., Mo_________ 1113South San Joaquin Irr. Dlst., ! Thermopolls, Wyo____ 294, 669

Cal_______ 56, 355, 980. 1793 Thief River Falls, Minn___ 669South Vancouver, _B._C.-_-. 235 Thomasvllle, Ala .......... 294, 747South Williamsport S.D., Pa. 1345 Spalding Co., Ga..294, 1052,

1402, 1589Sparta S. D., Wls----- 1402, 1530Spokane, Wash. 1399, 1589, 1788Spallunchwen, B. C....... — 296Springfield, Mass.747. 900. 980 Springfield, Mo— 481, 747,

1116, 1280, 1470, 1589 Springfield, O h io ..I ll, 171,

980, 1280, 1402 Springfield, O re..747, 823, 1280 Springfield S. D., O h io ..I l l , 232Springfield Twp., Pa----------- 1793Spring Hill S. D., Kan. .232, 747 Springvale S. D., A lta ..421, 983Spring Valley, Wls-------232, 543Sprlngwater S. D. No. 1,

N. Y ................ - ................1201Spruce Creek S. D. No. 723,

Man....................... 1795Stafford, Kan___ 111, 1470,

1589, 1664, 1793Stambaugh, Mich................. 1004Stamford, Conn............. 111,232Stamford, T ex ............901, 1589Stanton S. D., Neb----- 232,

294, 1402Staples, Minn_____________ 823, 1052Stark County, No. Dak___ 1793Starkville, Miss____________ 980, 1116St. Agathe des Monts, Que.. 983 Steamboat Springs, Colo.

747, 1280Steele County, Minn............. 1470Stephen S. D., Minn..747, 1345Stephens Co., Okla............... 1402Stephens Co. Com. S.D.,Texl201Sterling, Colo......................... 1280Sterling, 111................ 1530, 1793Sterling Co. Com. S. D.,Tex.

232, 747Stcttler, Alta.545, 071, 827, 421Steubenville, Ohio-------543, 604Stevens Point, Wls.................481Stewart, B .C ...........................671Stewart County, Ga----------- 1793Stlgler, Okla............................ 419Stllwell, Okla.............. 1470, 1589Stockport S. I)., Ia............. .1793Stockton, C al................823, 1664Stoncham, Mass........... 1402,

1470, 1530Stonewall, Man.................... 484Stonewall County, Tex___ 232Storm Lake, Ia____ _____ .1793Story County, Ia..........980, 1345Stouts vllle S. D., Mo______232Stow Twp., Ohio____ 1345, 1589Stratford, Ont___ 296, 750,

1055, 1283, 1347, 1532 Strathcona, Alta..606, 671,

750, 1203Stratton, Neb..............1530, 1664Stromc, Alta........ ................ 1118Stromsburg S. D., Neb___ 355Struthcrs, Ohio...668, 747,

823, 980Stuttgart Sewer Dlst., Ark. I l l Suffolk, V a..232, 668, 823, 1402Sugarcrcek, Ohio..........823, 1345Sugarcreck Twp., Ohio___ 823Sully County, So. Dak........ 1201Sultan, Wash ...............294, 1726Summcrland, B. C.............. 58Summers County, W. Va__ 1402Summit, N.J.355, 669, 823, 1530 Summit Co., Ohio.294, 419,

604, 747, 1280, 1589, 1726Sunnysldc, W ash................. 1664Sun Prairie, Wls.....................901Superior, N eb.........................823

Thorah Twp., Ont.......... .. 173Thornbury, Ont...........903, 1118Thorold, Ont.........................1667Thornton Twp. High S. D.,

I l l ...... ......... 1052, 1201, 1345Thornwell Dr. Dlst., La----- 1589Thurmont, Md...............171, 543Tllsonburg, Ont______750, 1728Tlmmonsvllle, So. Car.901, 1345Tioga, Tex.............................. 419Tioga County, N. Y ________ 294Tippecanoe Co., Ind__ 111, 294Tipton, M o.................. ..56 , 232Titusville S. D., P a . . .747, 1470Toccoa.Ga.......... ....................543Togo. Sask............. 750Toledo, O h io .Ill, 482, 823,

980, 1201, 1280, 1470,1589, 1664, 1794

Toler, Alta.............................. 357Tomah, Wls___________ 482, 543Topeka, Kan__________ 747, 981Toronto, Ont_____________ 1532, 1667Torrance Co. S. D. No. 6,

New Mex........ ..........823, 1052Toulon, 111_______________ 111Tower IIIll, 111........................ 747Townsend, Mont__ 56, 171,

604, 1116Tracy, Minn.........................1470Trail, B. C............................1283, 1532Transylvania Co., No. Car.. 419Trenton, N. J........ 294,355,

419, 482, 604, 669, 747,823, 901, 981, 1052,

1116, 1470, 1664, 1794Trenton, Tenn...... .......... 171,543Trlnchera Irr. Dlst., Colo.

747, 1052Trinidad S. D., Colo_______ 111Trinity County, Cal...............355Troy, N. Y ___ 56, 355, 747,

981, 1402, 1664Troup Co., Ga__ 824, 1402,

1726, 1794Trumbull Co., Ohio.. 1470, 1530Truro, N. S...... ................... 58Trylllo S. D., Cal.......... 355, 1116Tuckahoc, N. Y ..............— 1280Tulare, Cal_____ _____ 232, 356Tulsa, Okla................. 1201Tunica Co., MISs............901, 1052Turlock, Cal___________747, 1052Turlock Irr. Dlst., Cal.232,

669. 1664Turtle Creek, Pa................. .1589Tuscola, 111___________ 482, 543Tuxedo Un. Fr. S I).. N. Y.

I l l , 233Twin Falls, Id a ..747. 1052, 1280 Twin Falls S. D., Ida ..901, 1664 Twin Twp. S. D., Ohio.171. 669 Twlnsburg Twp., Ohio.1470, 1589Tyler, T ex .....................747, 1530Tyndall, So. D a k ............... 56

Uhrlchsville, Ohio — 233, 356matlllaCo., Ore............... I l l

Underwood, Ia------------747. 1280Union. N. J..824, 901, 1052,

1201, 1280Union, Ore....................... 56, 1530Union Co., Miss------------604, 1280Union Co., N. J..482, 824, 1052 Union Co., Ohio.1530, 1589, 1664 Union Co., So. C ar... 1402, 1794 Union Co. S. D.. O r e ...I l l , 233Union Dr. Dlst.. Ill-------------1052Uniontown S. D., Pa.......... 1402United States of Mexico. 165,

1466, 1726

Page.United Twp. of Drury, Deni­

son & Graham, Ont______1592Unity, Sask................. 606Upland, Cal...........................1280Upland S. D., Cal_________ 1589Upper Darby Twp., Pa___ 1201Upper Sandusky, O h io.Ill,

233, 604, 747Upshur Co. Com. S. I). No.

15, T e x ..* _________233, 1201Urbana, Ohio...........56, 419, 604Utica, N. Y .................... 233, 747

Vail, Ia.................................. 981aleS. D.. O r e ........... . 56

Vallejo, Cal.419, 482, 901,1280, 1470

VallejoS. D „ Cal..419, 543,747, 1052, 1664

Valley, Neb____ ___________747Vancouver, B. C..58, 1532, 1728 Vancouver, Wash.604,1052, 1664 Vandalla, 111.356,1281,1470,1530 Vandalla S. D., Mont..901. 1664 Van Wert Co., Ohio..747,

901, 1281Vegrevlllo, Alta_______827, 1532Venango Co., Pa.543, 747,

901, 981Venn, Sask________________750Ventnor City, N. J___ 171, •

233, 901, 1281, 1530, 1794Ventura Co., Cal.......... 482, 669Ventura Un. High S. D., Cal.

419, 543, 1052, 1726Verde S. D.. C a l . . . ............. 543Vernon, B. C.357, 671, 827, 1728Vernon; Conn____________ 111Vernon, Tex___ 901, 1345, 1589Vernon Parish, La__ 1052, 1116Vicksburg, Miss................^.1788Victoria, B. C.58, 750, 1288,

1472, 1592Victoria Co., Ont____ 1283. 1403Victoria Ind. S. D., Tex.

356, 824, 1052Vllle St. Paul. Que_________ 296Vlrden S. D., Man__________ 173Virginia.............. 894, 1047, 1658Virginia Beach, Va-------------1589Virginias. D., Minn......... .1470Visalia, Cal.... ..................56, 171Viscount, Sask................... ..1667Vonda, Sask.................671, 1283Voorhccsvlllc,. N. Y __ 824, 901

Wabash, Ind............ 981, 1664abash Co., Ind___ 419, 1402

Waco, Tex________________1794Wadena, Sask.484, 545, 750, 827Wadena S. D., Man_______ 1055Wadcsboro, No. Car________ 171Wagoner, Okla.....................1047Wainwrlght S. D., Alta.235, 545Wakefield, Mass---------------- 1470Wakely, Sask_____________ 1472Waklta, Okla........................1470Waldron. Sask____________ 1592Walker Co.. Tex___________ 901Walker Co., Com. S. D. Tex.

233, 669Wall. Pa........................981, 1052Wallaceburg, Ont................ 1728Walla Walla, Wash_________ 543Walla Walla S. D., W ash ... 233Walpole, N. H ------------------- 1345Waltham, Mass.......................419Walthtll, Neb______________ 604Walworth, W ls..747, 1530, 1589 Wamego S. D., Kan— 171, 294Wapakoneta, Ohio-------------- 901Wapello Co., Ia..824, 1201,

1281, 1470Ward Co. Com. S. D., T e x ..1726Ware, Mass_______________1345Warren, Ohio_____ ..1201, 1530Warren, Pa__________ 824, 981Warren Co., Va_______748, 1345Warren 8. 1)., Ohio___ 171, 233Warren Co. S. D „ 111--------- 1201Warrenton, Mo_______ 8*4, 1664Warrenton, Va______ 1052, 1117Warsaw, N. Y ____________ 111Warwick, It. I .......... .. .5 6 , 111Waseca Co., Minn___ 1402, 1470Washington .......................... 1342Washington, N. J . ................. I l lWashington Co., Ida---------901Washington Co., Pa.56. 234,

748, 1052, 1117 Washington Court House,

Ohio..234, 356.748. 1470,1589. 1664, 1794

Washington S. D., 111..171, 356Washita Co., Okla........ 56, 294Waterloo, Ia_________ 604, 609Waterloo, Ont____________ 1795Waterloo, Wls.......... -.111, 356Waterman, S. D., Cal..824, 981 Watertown, Mass. 171. 1117.

1470. 1589, 1664Watertown, Wls____ _____ I l lWatervllle, Me...... ............... 171Watervllet, N. Y.604, 748, 1345 Watrous, Sask..983, 1347, 1592Watson, Sask................... 173Waukegan, 111___ 234, 901,

1201, 1281Waukegan Twp. S. D., 111.. 295Wawota, Sask____________ 1283Waukon, Ia_________ 1589, 1665Waukesha, Wls-----------234, 824Wausau, Wls---------------------1345Wayland, Mass---------1281, 1346Wayne Co.. Ind.............543, 748Wayne Co., Mich.......... 981,

1201, 1346, 1589Waynesboro, Va______171, 295Waynesburg Spec. Sch. D.,

Ohio________________418, 482Waynesfteld S.D.,OhIo.l402, 1530 Wayne Twp. S. D., Ohio.

111. 172, 981, 1346Weatherford, Tex_________ 56Webb City, Mo..................... 1530WelrS. D.. Tex.............295, 1274Welch S .D .. W. V a................543Welland, Ont........ ..................606Wellesley, Mass.482, 1346, 1794Wellington, Kan_______ 56, 112Wellington, Ohio.............56. 1053Wellington, Ont---------------- 1795Wellsvllle, Ohio.1402, 1530, 1794 Wellsvllle Un. Fr. S. D.,

N. Y .................112, 482, 604

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Page.Wenatchee, W ash ...--------- 172Wentworth Co., Ont— 113,1728West, Tex................................419Westbourne, Man...................296West Bridgewater, Mass— 1053 West Brownsville, P a ..234,West Carrollton, Ohio. .543,

1201, 1402Westchester Co., N. Y ..66 ,

295, 419Westernport, Md.................. 982West Feliciana Parish, L a ..1470 Westfield, N. J. .825, 982, 1589 Westfield, N. Y ..419, 670,

748, 901, 1201 West Garalraxa Twp., Ont.1795West Hoboken, N. J ............. 56Westmoreland S. D., Cal__ 825Westmount, Qne. .545, 606, fft 1118, 1203, 1283West New York, N. J..543, 1726Weston. Ont........ ................... 235West Palm Beach, Fla........ 1665West Seneca Un. Fr. S. D.F= No. 6, N. Y . . . ......... 1053West Union, O hio............... 1346Wetmore, Kan................... 1053Weyburn, Sask____________ 545Weymouth, Mass.825, 1053, 1117Wharton, N. J............. 483Wharton, Tex_____________ 748Wheatland, W yo.................. 1201Wheeling, W. Va_____ 49, 1113Whitby, Ont___ 357, 484, 671

Page.White Co., Ind..56, 234,

483, 748, 1794WhJteflsh, Mont............. 295White Plains,N.Y49,56,748,1053White Salmon, Wash.......... 1470White Salmon Irr. Dlst.,

Wash.............. ......... 825, 1117Whltesboro, N. Y ................. 56Whlttemore. Ia..................... 1794Whittier, Cal............... 670Wichita, K an ..670, 901,

1201, 1346, 1470, 1589, 1794Wichita Falls, Tex___ 356,

1589, 1665. 1794 Wichita Falls Ind. S. D., Tex.172 Wichita S.D., Kan.234, 1665, 1726Wiggins, Miss...............356, 825Wilbarger Co. Com Sch. D.

No. 15, Tex....................... 1794Wilcox, Sask...........................545Wildwood S. D., N .J ...........356Wilkes-Barre, Pa.........234, 901Willamette, Ore................... 1794Willard, New Mex__________ 748Willard, Utah............... 172, 543Willard S. D., Alta............... 1055Williams Un. High S. D., Cal.

56, 295, 419, 1201, 1664 Williamson,W.Va.56, 543, 1794 Williamson Co., Tex— 172, 825Williamsport S. D., Pa.........1470Wllllston, So. Car...................234Wlllmar, Minn — ...................748Willoughby, Ohio.........356, 419Willow, Cal..................825, 1590

Page.Willow Lake, So. Dak_______ 419Wilmette S. D.. Ill............... 1726Wilmington, Del............... 172Wilmington, No. Car..544,

748, 1281Wilmington, Ohio. 172, 295, 356Wilmont, Minn_______ 234, 748Wills Point, Tex___________ 748Wilson Co. Com. S. D. No. 11,

Texas__________________ 1794Windsor, Mo___ 295, 419, 1053Windsor, Ont_______ 58Windsor Homan Catholic

Separate S. D., Ont.. 173, 296WIngham, Ont_____ 1592, 1728Wlngo Graded S. D., Ky____419Winnebago Co., Ia________ 1281Wlnnemucca, Nov__________ 982Wlnnetka Park Dlst., Ill_____ 56Winnipeg, Man. 1283, 1403, 1532 Wlnthrop, Mass..56, 295,

356, 483, 902, 982, 1726, 1794Wirt Co., W. Va___ 1471, 1665Wisconsin................ .1658, 1788Wise Co., Va ......... 420,1530WlseCo. Com S. D., T e x ... 295Woburn, Mass_________56, 1726Wolf Creek S. D. No. 27,

Ore_______________825, 1053Wolseley, Sask______1403, 1795Woodbury Co., Ia___ 1053, 1117Wood Co., Ohio. 1053, 1201,

1530, 1665Wood Co., W1S..234, 748,

1281, 1471

Page.Wood Co. Com. S. D., Tex.

605, 825, 1471Woodlawn, Pa____________ 356Woodlawn S. D., P a ...........356Woodstock, Ont__ 58, 750,

827. 1118Woodville, Ont.................... 58Woodward, Okla............... 234Woodworth S .D ., Man.671, 903Woonsocket, R. 1...................356Wooster, O h io... 172, 295,

605, 825, 1053, 1202, 1531, 1590 Worcester, Mass.. 172, 420,

748, 1590,1665Worland, Wyo......................1202Worthington, Ia............... ..1794Wright Co., Minn........ 234, 1794Wyandote Co., O h io ...295,

356, 605, 748Wyandotte, Mich..420, 483,

670, 749, 825, 1471, 1722, 1726Wymore, Neb...... ......... 172,

1471, 1590Wynot, Neb.........................1202Wyoming, Ohio...... ............ 1346Wyoming S. D., Ohio_____ 1665

Yacolt, Wash........................ 826aklma Co., Wash________ 420

Yakima Co. S. D. No. 7,Wash............. ...1727

Yakima Co. S. D. No. 10,Wash_____ ________ 172, 356

Yakima Co. S. D. No. 91, Wash____________ ..420, 544

Yakima Co. S. D. No. 92 ,‘' ge'Wash...........................670, 902

Yancy Co., No. Car___605, 902Yazoo Co., Miss.................... 56Yellowstone Co. S. D. No. 8,

M on t....................... 356, 605Yellowstone Co. S. D. No. 14,

Mont........ ......................... 420Yellowstone Co. S. D. No. 28,

Mont...... ............................1202Yonkers, N. Y ___ 420, 544,

982, 1053, 1471, 1531York, Neb............................. 1727Yorkton, Man................... 750Yorkton, Sask________983, 1472Yorktown Ind. S. D., Tex.

295, 749, 1727 York Twp., Ont.545, 1283, 1592 Young America S. D., Minn. 1794 Young Co. Com. S. I)., Tex. 605 Youngstown, Ohio.56, 112,

172, 295, 356, 483, 670,749, 826, 1054, 1281,

1471, 1590,1665, 1727 Youngstown S.I).,Ohlo.l531, 1727Ypsllanti, Mich............... 295Ysleta S. D., Tex...... .......... 1794Yukon, Okla.234, 605, 749, 1794 YumaCo.,Arlz............. 56

Zanesville, Ohio................ 826avalla Co., Tex____ 356, 902

Zavalla Co. S. D. No. 7, Tex.1054♦Sec Fisbklll.

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