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  • 7/30/2019 Ch 7a Measurement Concepts


    Measurement Concepts and Measuring Atributes with Instruments Ch. 7, page 1

    Measurement Concepts and Measuring Attributes with


    Students Understanding of Measurement

    A report on primary school students understanding of science and technology in

    Australia (Pattie, 1995) revealed that the effect of teaching was evident for the sample

    of 1161 children from 34 government and non-government schools. The study indicated

    that students performed at the higher levels when measuring temperature, length, and

    mass, reading a classification chart, and using space relationshipsmathematical skills

    used in science and technology. However, such skills need to be further related to the

    scientific context. There was no overall difference in performance between males and

    females, or between children in urban, suburban and rural schools but there was a high

    correlation between socio-economic status and childrens understanding of science

    concepts and their performance of science skills.

    Measurement and Conservation

    Piaget originally thought that since pre-operational thinkers cannot conserve, then

    certain learning experiences for measurement should be delayed. It was previously

    considered that students could not explore the attribute, measure directly or indirectly

    until able to conserve but experience in classrooms clearly indicates that the experiences

    assist students to conserve.

    Childrens Development

    Piagets early research suggested that conservation of length, area, volume wereissues in learning. He felt volume was much later than length and area.

    Later research suggested that informal play with capacity (filling containers with

    sand or water) showed that conservation of area is more difficult than expected and that

    volume (cm3 ) is more difficult than litre capacity.

    Mass is also quite difficult to sense without hefting in your hands and is visually

    confused with volume or capacity. A large, light object has a low density, and it has a

    low mass. However, a small, heavy object has a high density, and it has a large mass.

    Experiences with different types of objects is important.

    Later research suggests that the issues of conservation were clouded by perceptual

    dominance and experience and that measuring as a concept needs to link to everyday,situated learning e.g. ruler.

    Creating Space: Professional Knowledge and Spatial Activities for Teaching Mathematics Kay Owens

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    Measurement Concepts and Measuring Atributes with Instruments Ch. 7, page 2

    Learning Tasks for the ReaderSelf-check on Conservation


    Creating Space: Professional Knowledge and Spatial Activities for Teaching Mathematics Kay Owens

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    Measurement Concepts and Measuring Atributes with Instruments Ch. 7, page 3

    Generic Development of Measurement Concepts

    No matter what attribute of measurement, certain critical aspects of measurement need

    to be developed. These are:

    Recognition of the attribute

    The different representations of the attribute,

    e.g. for length, we have length, height, width, distance, curved line, perimeter

    e.g. for area, we have flat, horizontal surface, curved surface, combined surfaces

    The idea of measuring

    comparing size directly

    comparing size indirectly

    needing to be more versatile, precise, non-visual

    The idea of a unit

    The idea of a composite unit made of joined units

    The idea of different base units

    Count Me In Measurementprovides six levels of development. The project provides

    lessons for each level for each attribute: length, area, mass, capacity and volume.

    Level 1: Identification of the attribute includes directly comparing and ordering


    Level 2: Informal measurement includes finding the number of units to cover, pack or

    fill a given quantity without overlapping or leaving gaps; knowing that the number of

    units used gives a measurement of quantity; using these measurements to comparequantities and realising that a quantity is unchanged if it is rearranged (the principle of


    Level 3: Unit structure includes replicating a single unit to cover, pack or fill a given

    quantity, either by drawing or visualising the unit structure; and realising that the larger

    the unit, the fewer units will be needed

    Level 4: Recognise, measure and record in conventional units

    Level 5: Use relationships between units and from the geometry to measure and

    calculate in smaller and larger units

    Level 6: Knowing and representing large units, consolidating and converting units, usescale

    Learning Tasks for the Reader

    Measurement Activities 1

    experiencing Find an interesting object in the room, measure different aspects

    of it and in different ways. What were critical aspects of your


    How many people can stand in the room? Compare the different

    Creating Space: Professional Knowledge and Spatial Activities for Teaching Mathematics Kay Owens

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    Measurement Concepts and Measuring Atributes with Instruments Ch. 7, page 4

    ways people do this and also think about short-cuts, especially

    consider the natural units in the room.

    Make circular, triangular, square, other prisms with the lateral

    faces made by folding an A4 sheet of paper.

    Describe which prism and why has the largest volume from A4


    Show the length of string which is equal to the average height of

    your group of three

    Draw different shapes with an area of 12 square units. What did

    you consider?

    Make stacks of 24 cubes. Try making some stacks which are not

    rectangular prisms. Make them with different surface areas.

    Select a surface area and make stacks of different numbers of


    connecting ideas

    What did you have to know about to measure an object? Was it

    the only thing that you could have measured about the object?

    What does that tell you about attributes of objects and


    The area of the room could be measured using rectangular units.

    What does that tell you about units? What does it tell you about

    the development of the formula for the area of a rectangle? What

    did you learn about composite units if you tried short-cuts?

    What did you learn about the number of units needed when you

    measure with smaller units?

    Look at the three attached diagrams of squares on grids. Discuss

    how these require an understanding of a grid and the idea of

    composite units.

    Was the comparing of the volume of different prisms, a taskabout area or volume? Square centimetre paper could be used

    for greater accuracy. How accurate would the measurement of

    the base of the prisms be?

    The average height activity helps in developing the concept of

    addition of lengths and the meaning of average. Explain.

    Can a space measure a square unit but not be a square? What do

    these activities tell you about shapes, the distinction between

    shape and area, and the effect of perception on estimating area?

    Do all the shapes for 12 square units have to be polygons? Whyand why not? How might the variance in shape for 12 square

    Creating Space: Professional Knowledge and Spatial Activities for Teaching Mathematics Kay Owens

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    Measurement Concepts and Measuring Atributes with Instruments Ch. 7, page 5

    units be used in advertising or packaging?

    What do you learn about formulae for area and volume from the



    and record

    What previous experiences helped you with your


    Did you change your procedure/thinking during the

    problems? Why?

    What do these experiences tell you about the value of

    problem solving?

    What concepts did you use in finding the solution? How did

    you refine your understanding of these concepts?

    What do you think an area unit is?

    What might be meant by composite units of area?

    LengthBoulton-Lewis, Wilss, & Mutch (1994) asked students to measure the length of two

    lines made from joined matchsticks; each configuration had a recognisable pattern.Younger students were likely to choose the familiar ruler rather than the unfamiliar

    measurement units (sticks) in order to attempt to compare the lengths of the two lines.

    Boulton-Lewis et al. suggested that the idea of introducing measurement with arbitrary,

    informal units may not be appropriate for students if they are to grasp the concept of

    measuring length because they do not have a mental model based on familiarity and

    past experience of the arbitrary units. By contrast, many syllabus documents have

    suggested that there be experiences with informal units before formal units. Willis

    (2005) suggests that there is much more about using units than what type. To begin with

    a unitis an abstract idea. The stick is only representative of that idea. Similarly, when

    talking about gaps and overlaps in tiling for area, the tile (even if it is 1 square

    centimetre) is a thing not the idea of an area unit that could take any shape. Earlyresearch also showed that young children could recognise that they would need fewer of

    a larger unit than a smaller unit to measure a fixed line.

    AreaThere have been several studies on various issues related to this concept. Doig,

    Cheeseman, and Lindsey (1995) investigated the effects of different materialpaper

    squares, Dienes blocks and wooden tileson children's success in measuring the area

    of a rectangle. They found that children were least successful when they used the paper

    squares and most successful when they used the wooden tiles. Children who used

    Dienes blocks were most likely to confuse measurement of area with that of perimeter

    or length. However, the use of paper squares revealed inadequate understandings of area

    because students were more likely to overlap or leave gaps between the paper squares.

    Consequently, practice in tiling with rigid materials may not help students

    Creating Space: Professional Knowledge and Spatial Activities for Teaching Mathematics Kay Owens

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    Measurement Concepts and Measuring Atributes with Instruments Ch. 7, page 6

    understandings of area (Outhred, 1993). If mathematical concepts are to emerge, it

    seems important that concrete experiences of covering areas should engage students

    visual imagery and analysis (Owens, 1994b) and should also involve student-student

    and student-teacher interaction about the ideas needing development (Hart & Sinkinson,

    1988; Owens, 1994a).

    Clements and Ellerton (1995) interviewed a large sample of students on several testitems used in basic skills tests in Australia. They showed that there were notable

    proportions of mismatches between correct/incorrect answers and non-

    understanding/understanding as probed during interviews. One of the items was to find

    the area of a trapezium consisting of a square and a triangle (half the size of the square)

    with only some lengths given. The study showed a large number of students did not

    understand the concept of area, how lengths relate to area, why different shapes have

    different formulae for calculating, or the value of visual/spatial knowledge. In another

    study Clements (1995) illustrated a lack of conceptual understanding for a student able

    to calculate the area of a triangle.

    Young children often hear the word area referring to place, and may think of area assomewhere to gofor example, the assembly area or the reading areawithout

    considering it as a region. They do not seem to realise that such regions are two-

    dimensional (2D) spaces enclosed by boundaries and that they can be covered with units

    (e.g., sheets of newspaper).

    Students may have covered small regions such as desks, books, and chairs with

    informal units and perhaps compared the two by counting the number of units needed to

    cover them. Such activities, intended to be introductory to the concept of area

    measurement, may in fact confuse students. The use of irregular shapes and informal

    units (e.g., potato prints) may result in the activity being dominated by counting, while

    ideas crucial to the concept of area measurement (e.g., overlaps, gaps, and congruent

    units) are ignored (Outhred, 1993; Willis, 2005). Willis emphasised that students whohad counted to decide on the measure of an objects length or mass were then unable to

    use this information to answer a question about whether the object was heavier than

    another or longer than another. A greater appreciation of the concept of covering would

    seem to be necessary if older students are to calculate areas meaningfully (see

    Mitchelmore, 1983, and Clements, 1995, for examples of typical student difficulties

    with area calculations).

    In observations of pre-school children covering squares, rectangles, and triangles

    with smaller cut-out rectangles, squares, and triangles, Mansfield and Scott (1990) have

    shown that students vary in their ability to choose appropriate unit shapes, in their

    persistence, and in their turning and flipping tactics. The most difficult shape for the

    children to cover was an equilateral triangle with a point facing down. Familiarity with

    the shape to be covered seemed to increase success on the task.

    In a study by Wheatley and Cobb (1990), students were asked to cover a large

    square by selecting shapes from a collection comprising a square, several triangles, and

    a parallelogram. Some students chose only the parallelogram and tried to cover the

    square with it, an approach which suggested to Wheatley and Cobb that the students

    were matching lengths. Alternatively, students may have chosen the shape that appeared

    to be largest. Other errors included leaving gaps, especially on the sides, and

    overlapping pieces or the sides of the square.

    Drawing may be one way of linking experiences with concrete materials to students

    mental models of tessellations. Several researchers (e.g., Mitchelmore, 1983; Outhred,1993; Outhred & Mitchelmore, 1992) have suggested that drawing is an important tool

    Creating Space: Professional Knowledge and Spatial Activities for Teaching Mathematics Kay Owens

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    Measurement Concepts and Measuring Atributes with Instruments Ch. 7, page 7

    in developing students knowledge of rectangular arrays and in making links to

    multiplication. Outhred (1993) found that many students had difficulties visualising or

    drawing tilings of square units to cover rectangles when the squares were only shown

    on adjacent sides of the rectangle or indicated by side marks, particularly for rectangles

    with large dimensions. Some students drawings suggested that they did not understand

    what features of arrays were important in constructing tessellations of squares. Owens(1992, 1993) found that students in Years 2 and 4 had difficulties imagining tilings of

    squares, rectangles, and triangles to cover larger shapes. For example, in the activities

    illustrated in Figures 1a and 1b, they had difficulty in predicting the number of smaller

    triangles that would be needed to cover the larger ones. Very few students commented

    on the amount of space covered when asked what was the same about different

    arrangements of five squares (pentominoes); nearly all focused on the number of tiles

    (Owens, 1993).

    (a) Tangram triangles (b) Pattern-block triangles

    Figure1. Shapes made during spatial activities (Owens, 1993).

    The studies mentioned above, especially those by Outhred (1993) and Owens

    (1993), emphasise the importance of spatial thinking and visualising when students

    cover and compare shapes. To learn about tiling, students need to identify suitable units,

    to transform shapes to other orientations, to recognise and partition shapes, and to

    identify key features of shapes (e.g., matching parts such as right angles or equal


    Owens (1993, Owens & Outhred, 1998) examined the drawings of students in

    Years 2 and 4 who were asked if specific units (squares, rectangles, right-angled

    triangles, and equilateral triangles) could be used to tile figures and how many units

    would be needed. Three factors that seemed to influence children's responses were

    summarised by Owens and Outhred (1998):

    1. Size of tiles. While children seemed to know that there was a pattern for filling

    the space, some seemed to retain the shape but not the size of the tiling unit. Children

    who drew tessellated tiles without regard for size usually felt that the space was beingadequately filled.

    2. Recognition of tile features. Students frequently used the sides and corners to

    begin filling in spaces with tiles. The type of corner seemed important to some students

    in deciding if a particular tile would be likely to fit. Students had difficulty recognising

    a trapezium as a composite of tessellated right-angled triangles, despite prior experience

    with concrete materials.

    3. Judgments about drawings. Some students decided that overlaps or size or gaps

    did not matter if the result was "close" enough, that is, they based their judgments on

    their spatial sense and ignored slight discrepancies in their drawings. Children who

    thought the tiles should fit often filled gaps with additional tiles, disregarding shape or

    Creating Space: Professional Knowledge and Spatial Activities for Teaching Mathematics Kay Owens

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    Measurement Concepts and Measuring Atributes with Instruments Ch. 7, page 8

    overlap. Others were influenced by inaccuracies in their drawings and said that the

    shapes could not be made by fitting tiles together.

    While Owens was carrying out her study, Outhred (1993) was independently

    exploring children's difficulties in representing arrays and how such difficulties are

    related to performance on area measurement tasks. Her research suggests that

    knowledge of array structure provides a link between measurement and multiplicationconcepts in the context of rectangular area measurement. She found that knowledge of

    array structure was essential for children to relate the lengths of adjacent sides of a

    rectangle to the number of squares that would cover it. These results indicate why

    activities with concrete materials may not be sufficient to help children understand the

    formula for the area of a rectangle. When measuring the area of a rectangle using

    concrete materials children do not require awareness of row and column structure

    because the structure is determined by the materials, rather than by the child's thinking.

    The effects of specific types of instruction on children's use of lines to represent

    rows and columns was investigated with children in Years 1 and 2 (Outhred, 1993). The

    findings suggested that teaching children that squares in an array were all the same sizewas not the most effective method to help children to perceive array structure. Teaching

    children that the squares are aligned or that there are the same number of squares in

    each row (column) seemed to be more effective methods for moving children from

    drawing squares individually to representing rows (columns) of squares using lines.

    McPhail (1997) has continued to explore how young students develop knowledge

    about tessellations and area. With a series of four lessons she has shown that young

    students in Years 1 and 2 can learn about area. Her lessons allowed students to first

    make their own area enclosed by a length of braid. The children also painted or rubbed

    large triangles and squares which were later used to make large visual displays of

    tessellations. In addition, the students had many small squares and triangles. They were

    asked to make large squares and triangles as well as covering given ones. The cardboardtiles had the edges in black so that arrays were easily seen. This seemed to facilitate

    children drawing tilings using arrays rather than individual tiles. Interestingly, the

    children applied many number facts in telling the teacher how many tiles they had used.

    Some used the ideas of repeated addition of rows of tiles, others counted a number and

    then added on the subitised remaining number of tiles. Students could explain the

    patterns of the triangular covering.

    Willis (2005) provides another challenge in saying that a tile is a measuring

    instrument. Rigid tiles for area may not cover a thinner object without discussing

    cutting up the tile. Unlike the fluid units used in capacity that flow around and fill the

    container, this does not automatically happen with area. They concluded that

    understandings should include:

    (a) the instrument we choose to represent our unit should relate well to the attribute

    to be measured and be easy to repeat to match the thing to be measured;

    (b) to measure consistently we need to use our instrument in a way that ensures a

    good match of the unit with the object to be measured;

    (c) units are quantities and so we can use different representations of the same unit

    so long as we do not change the quantity (Willis, 2005).


    Toh (1993) compared the effectiveness of computer simulated experiments with

    that of parallel instruction involving hands-on laboratory experiments for teaching

    volume-by-displacement concepts. The purpose of the simulation was to have students

    Creating Space: Professional Knowledge and Spatial Activities for Teaching Mathematics Kay Owens

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    Measurement Concepts and Measuring Atributes with Instruments Ch. 7, page 9

    test their misconceptions rather than simply being told about erroneous misconceptions.

    The study consisted of 389 students from 6 Malaysian schools. The results indicated

    that the computer-assisted group was significantly better in terms of learning gains in

    the cognitive categories of knowledge and application. The computer simulated

    different conditions such as same shape, different masses; or same mass, different

    shapes. While it is not easy to do this with concrete materials, nevertheless theexperience assists in moving students on from limited conception about the volume by


    In summary, teachers

    should be aware of the confusion between area and perimeter because students

    do not develop the concept of area, they do not develop area formulae, or they

    are just told to use the formula (with the meaningless idea of lengths becoming

    area rather than the formula involving numbers only without the unit attachment

    and that it is a formula associated with a specific shape, e.g. rectangle);

    can establish the area concept through painting an area, tiling, discussing no

    gaps, and the nature of shapes; should not use just solid tiles that structure exercise and prevent abstraction, or

    lead to counting exercise rather than an area experience;

    should know the value of tiles that are not square;

    should know the value of recognising patterns and drawing grids (and discuss

    drawing difficulties);

    should recognise the importance of visualising and estimating;

    should build on childrens intuitive dissecting of areas to assist in calculating.


    Students need to develop concepts like area that are measured. Spatial experiences

    and knowledge about shapes will help when comparing informally or directly or when

    selecting a unit for measuring. Later knowledge of the properties of shapes will assist

    students to calculate areas.

    We also use standard units so that there is no confusion. Students need to be

    familiar with these, to know about how big they are, and to be able to estimate in these

    units. In particular, students need experiences in (a) selecting objects that represent the

    unit, (c) estimating, and (d) measuring in order to develop a sense of these units.

    Composite Units

    An important concept in measurement is that of a composite or iterable unit. For

    example, when the young students put tiles in rows and count by rows, for example, 3,

    6, 9, they are using the row as a composite unit made up of 3 units. This idea is also a

    basic concept in both multiplication and our place value system with a ten being a

    composite unit of 10 ones.

    While students first develop a sense of units which are within their grasp, they

    expand these into larger and smaller units using the notion of composite unit. Students

    eventually need to be able to change from one unit into another. A good understanding

    of the composite unit will assist this procedure.

    Creating Space: Professional Knowledge and Spatial Activities for Teaching Mathematics Kay Owens

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    Measurement Concepts and Measuring Atributes with Instruments Ch. 7, page 10

    Metric Units and the Place Value System

    Measurement can assist students to develop their understanding of the place value

    system. For example, students can read off the length of an object from a ruler in (a)

    metres, (b) metres and centimetres, and (c) centimetres. The ruler can establish the idea

    that a metre is a composite of 100 centimetres but also that a hundred is a composite of

    100 ones. More importantly, the idea of one being a composite of 100 hundredths is

    also established. So, for example, a string might be 1.23 m or it can be written as 123

    centimetres or 1 m 23 centimetres. Activities allowing for these various descriptions

    will assist students to make the links. They will take time.

    Recognising Structure

    Students need to recognise structure in order to develop their measurement

    concepts. Mulligan expresses this in the following diagram. See your earlier activities

    on area of a room, making a ruler and area sheets for units.

    Learning Tasks for the ReaderSelf-check on Measurement Sense

    experiencing1. At what temperature does a person suffer from hypothermia?

    a. 25o

    b. 30o

    c. 35o

    d. 40o

    e. 45o

    2. The height of a child in Year 2 is about

    a. 1 cm

    b. 50 cm

    c. 100 cm

    Creating Space: Professional Knowledge and Spatial Activities for Teaching Mathematics Kay Owens

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    Measurement Concepts and Measuring Atributes with Instruments Ch. 7, page 11

    d. 150 cm

    e. 1 000 cm

    3. A small fish tank would hold about

    a. 1 L

    b. 20 L

    c. 100 Ld. 1 mL

    4. The area of floor in front of the desks is about

    a. 1 000 m2

    b. 100 m2

    c. 10 m2

    d. 0.5 km2

    5. A house block has a house with gardens covering the same area

    as the house. The area of the block is about

    a. 0.5 hectares

    b. 1 hectarec. 1.5 hectares

    d. 2 acres

    6. An A4 sheet is about

    a. 10 cm2

    b. 100 cm2

    c. 1 000 cm2

    d. 10 000 cm2

    7. The space taken up by an engine of a small car is about

    a. 1.4 L

    b. 1.4 m3

    c. 1.4 m

    d. 1.4 kg

    8. A litre of water has the same mass as:

    a. a commonly available bag of rice

    b. a house brick

    c. a can of condensed soup

    d. a dozen eggs

    e. 2 apples

    Think about this problem. If you hold a mans handkerchief

    diagonally, how many are needed for the length of a horse?

    Before wheelie bins, how high was the garbage bin?

    connecting ideas

    What role does a sense of size play in measurement?

    How did (a) visualising; (b) experience with the unit; and (c)

    prior experience impact your decision-making?

    What influences the necessary degree of accuracy?

    Creating Space: Professional Knowledge and Spatial Activities for Teaching Mathematics Kay Owens

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    Measurement Concepts and Measuring Atributes with Instruments Ch. 7, page 12

    What are some ways that you can encourage students to develop

    a good sense of volume and area?

    Why should students have many activities to encourage them to

    construct both a sense of area and formulae for the area of a

    rectangle and a triangle, and the volume of a prism.

    Why are square units so useful?


    and record

    Look in the Syllabus at the experiences that students need for

    developing their own area formula for a rectangle, a rectangular

    prism and a triangle

    Include in your summary for area comments on:

    (a) the importance of number of rows and number of square

    units per row

    (b) how to deal with sides that are not whole numbers (e.g.

    folding rectangular areas)

    Include in your summary for volume comments on:

    (c) Number of layers and number of cubic units in each layer

    (d) The link between 1 cm3 and 1 mL.

    Outcomes for NSW Mathematics K-6 Syllabus

    Table 1 gives the NSW outcome statements for measurement.

    Table 1

    Outcome Statements for Measurement

    Early Stage 1 Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3

    Length MES1.1 Describes

    length and distanceusing everyday

    language andcompares lengths

    using directcomparison

    MS1.1 Estimates,

    measures, comparesand records lengths and

    distances usinginformal units, metres

    and centimetres

    MS2.1 Estimates,

    measures, comparesand records lengths,

    distances andperimeters in metres,

    centimeters andmillimeters

    MS3.1 Selects and uses

    the appropriate unit anddevice to measure

    lengths, distances andperimeters

    Area MES1.2 Describesarea using everyday

    language andcompares areas

    using direct


    MS1.2 Estimates,measures, compares

    and records areas usinginformal units

    MS2.2 Estimates,measures, compares

    and records the areas ofsurfaces in square

    centimeters and square


    MS3.2 Selects and usesthe appropriate unit to

    calculate area,including the area of

    squares, rectangles and



    MES1.3 Comparesthe capacities of

    MS1.3 Estimates,measures, compares

    MS2.3 Estimates,measures, compares

    MS3.3 Selects and usesthe appropriate unit to

    Creating Space: Professional Knowledge and Spatial Activities for Teaching Mathematics Kay Owens

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    Measurement Concepts and Measuring Atributes with Instruments Ch. 7, page 13

    Capacity containers and the

    volumes of objects

    or substances usingdirect comparison

    and records volumes

    and capacities using

    informal units

    and records volumes

    and capacities using

    litres, milliltres andcubic centimeters

    estimate and measure

    volume and capacity,

    including the volumeof rectangular prisms

    Mass MES1.4 Compares

    the masses of two

    objects anddescribes mass

    using everydaylanguage

    MS1.4 Estimates,

    measures, compares

    and records the massesof two or more objects

    using informal units

    MS2.4 Estimates,

    measures, compares

    and recordsmassesusing kilograms and


    MS3.5 Selects and uses

    the appropriate unit and

    measuring device tofind the mass of objects


    Passage of

    time, itsmeasurem

    ent and


    MES1.5 Sequences

    events and uses

    everyday languageto describe the

    duration ofactivities

    MS1.5 Compares the

    duration of events

    using informal methodsand reads clocks on the


    MS2.5 Reads and

    records time in one-

    minute intervals andmakes comparisons

    between time units

    MS3.5 Uses twenty-

    four hour time and am

    and pm notation inreal-life situations and

    constructs timelines

    Measuring Instruments

    Students need to understand measuring instruments. For example, the scale on a jug

    looks like a ruler for measuring length but it is indicating volume. How can we get

    students to understand that? Most rulers have gradations that are equally spaced, i.e. 1

    and 2 are spaced at the same distance as 2 and 3. This is not always the case depending

    on the purpose of the instrument. Students also have to understand how to read the

    gradations that are not marked and they need to know that the number is not the point

    but the measure from the start. For example, it is the amount of water in a cup; at zero

    the cup is empty.

    What Instruments can we Make for MeasuringIf students are going to appreciate how a ruler works and that the numbers on the

    ruler are representing the length from the start of the ruler, then they need to make a

    ruler. It can be done by lining up some base 10 long blocks and marking off and

    numbering a strip of paper, cloth or plastic. Alternatively they can make lengths of 1

    cm, 2 cm etc, put each length on their long strip of paper with the starts together and

    marking the length and writing down the length on their long strip.

    Figure 1. Lengths of paper being used to make a ruler.

    A volume measure can be made by using a jar and lids. As the student puts in

    another lidful, they mark where the water comes to and the number of lids now in the

    jar. This helps students to see the linear marks on the measuring jar as representing


    Students can bring to school all sorts of measuring instruments that can be found in

    the home and garage. All sorts of gauges are used. These can be discussed even if the

    students do not fully understand what is being measured. They can see the needle

    moving through the numbers on bathroom scales; they can look at the different widthsof the sparkplug gauges; they can watch an amp metre needle swing.

    Creating Space: Professional Knowledge and Spatial Activities for Teaching Mathematics Kay Owens

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    Students can make various time clocks.

    Learning Tasks for Readers

    Making Measuring Instruments


    Make a pair of calipers to pinch the fat on your back to measure


    Make a tapered diameter measure to see how big a ring you

    make when you touch your thumb and forefinger.

    Make a tiny trundle wheel to measure around your leg or waist

    in cm (the wheel can have a circumference of 10 cm.)

    Makea balance - spring balance or an equal arm balance.

    connecting ideas

    What is a measuring instrument?

    Outline some important early and later experiences that students

    should have for establishing the concept of mass,


    and record

    What important concepts in measurement should students learn?

    What are important concerns in teaching about measurement?

    Using Measuring Across the Curriculum

    Clearly measuring is an important skill in Science and Technology. Students

    should investigate in science and use measuring as a tool. For example, take different

    brands of nappies and investigate which is the best.

    For older students, two great tasks are from MCTP Activity Banks (Lovitt &Clarke, 1989) called Danger Distance and Map of Australia. Both encourage

    visualisation with measurement.

    Finding old measuring instruments around the farm, old mine site or dump,

    designing and making measuring instruments can also be fun.

    Measuring and reading measurements and interpreting data are all important ideas

    in investigating nature and studying, for example, animals.

    Human Society and Its Environmentprovides plenty of opportunities for using

    measuring and interpreting information. Map work and built environments are just two


    ForPersonal Development, Health, and Physical Education, there are manyideas. What does it mean to have a pulse rate of 60 beats per minute? What does it

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    mean to have diversity in height at a particular age group? What does it mean to have

    10g of fat per 100g, compared to 1g of fat per 100g?

    Learning Tasks for the Reader

    Mathematics and the Human Body

    experiencingWhat is our lung capacity?

    What is meant by lung capacity?

    How can we find out the volume of air in our lungs?

    There are machines which can be discussed.

    One approximate way is to blow up a balloon with one


    Discuss how you can get the volume of the balloon. One way

    is by putting the balloon in a full bucket of water and

    measuring the displacement of water.

    Remember that fit people and non-smokers improve their

    lung capacity. Lung capacity grows from childhood to


    How much skin do we have?

    Estimate how manysq cm for the sole of your foot.

    What is the skin mathematically and what is meant by the size

    of our skin?

    A discussion on this questions should be about covering of the

    surface and surface area. Areas can be in different forms

    including surface areas and this can be modeled by wrapping

    with newspaper.

    Discuss how to find the area of different parts of the body.

    Arms can be represented by curved cylinders which can be

    flatten out to rectangles (or near rectangles). Discuss ways of

    measuring the rectangles with informal square units.

    If you add up the size of all the parts of the body surface in sq

    cm and try to convert to sq m, ask yourself whether the answer

    seems sensible. How do you convertsq cm tosq m?

    A rule-of-thumb for estimating the total amount of skin is to

    multiply the size of the sole of the foot by 100. This is then a

    quick way of deciding on the percentage of skin burnt on a burn

    victim. Try out this rule-of-thumb and decide what percentage

    of skin an arm would be.

    Compare the sizes and ratios for a small child and for an adult.

    connecting ideas

    Discuss the following suggestions for activities. Think about:

    the equipment that might be needed,

    the different approaches that might be taken,

    questions that students may ask and how to answer theirquestions, and

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    how to get them to investigate.

    How much carbohydrate food is in a packet of crisps? How

    much in a potato? Which is better food?

    (Health note: We need quite a bit of carbohydrates with fibre but

    not much fat each day.)

    Students undertaking this investigation may:

    - investigate the nutrition information

    - ask about why grams are used, learn that g is the symbol for


    - weigh potatoes, decide what an average one might be

    - compare the amount of oil in a packet of crisps by weighing

    that in cooking spoons

    Do we drink enough water?

    (Health note: Children should drink about 8 cups per day.)

    Compare drinking bottles, glasses, and other drink containers.

    Discuss how we can compare - cups, L, mL (depending on


    (Teachers need to think about how they can measure bubbler


    Compare the different shapes of containers with the same

    amount of water.

    Students can extend the activity and measure more accurately.

    Discuss how the perceptions of size are used in marketing and

    how different shapes help storage and handling. And here we

    can link in the eyes and the brain interpreting what we see and

    the effects of stored information.

    How big is your heart?

    The heart is said to be as big as the persons fist.

    Think about and try out how to get its volume (by displacement of


    How flexible is our heart and how does it respond to help us?

    Find your pulse and count how often it beats. Do this when you

    enter the class after running around at recess. It is usually a little

    stronger and it will be easier to find, especially at the neck. Then

    discuss how to count it.

    Discuss the idea of rate. It is not an easy idea but really

    important for some discussion in primary school as it is a major

    idea in later studies. One way of doing this is to show that inquarter of a minute is quarter the number in a full minute. The

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    ratio is the same.

    Take the pulse rate after sitting for awhile and then after some

    vigourous activity the same for the whole class.

    Compare different pulse rates and discuss how adaptable the

    heart is to meet their needs.

    If some studnets are regular swimmers, exercise regularly, or

    run around more than others, you might be able to compare their

    slower rates after exercise (or how much quicker their rate

    returns to normal). Discuss the effect of fitness on heart rate.


    and record

    Why do students learn more about mathematics through:

    investigations and

    real-life contexts?

    How do you make sure that you are covering mathematics and

    other Key Learning Area outcomes when giving students

    investigations like those listed above?

    Can these activities be modified for different age groups? If so,

    give some examples.

    Planning Events, Times and Calendars

    The ancient Babylonians were keen astronomers, astrologers, and travellers. They

    made links between the number of days in a year and the time it took for a cycle of

    seasons to pass and the earth to rotate around the sun.

    We have 365 days as closer to the time taken to complete the cycle but the number360 is more useful because it can be divided up into many different ways.

    Calendars vary from place to place and culture to culture. Yearly and daily periodsof time are described differently in different cultures. A diagram that shows how one

    Indigenous Australian tribe describes the time of the year shows the close links between

    times and knowing when to fire the grass so that bushfires do not start and when to get

    certain food. The overlap of events is easiest represented by segmented concentric

    circles. One circle represents the wind seasons, another the plant seasons and so on. Any

    period can be determined by the coincidence of these events (Harris, 1989).

    Planning Events and Feasts. Many Pacific Islanders organise large feasts. There

    is much mathematics involved in deciding on the quantity of food to prepared in theMarae kitchen, how many bundles (about one for every 50 people) are needed and how

    to go about gathering the food together. For people who are growing the food, months

    of preparation is involved in planning gardens so that the food is ready for the feast.

    Learning Tasks for the Reader

    Planning Events, Times and Calendars

    experiencingDo you know why we have 360o in a circle?

    Whatnumbers go exactly into 360?

    What events or gatherings do you plan? What mathematics do

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    you use when you plan for these events?

    connecting ideas

    Look closely at the lessons on time in the Syllabus. Compare this

    with the set of outcomes in Table 1.

    Which has greater emphasis in Kindergarten: (a) recognising theattribute of time by comparing the time taken for events, or (b)

    reading the clock.

    What are some difficulties that young students will have reading

    analogue clocks?

    summariseand record

    Summarise the new ideas that you have learnt about

    measurement, especially time, as a result of considering the

    differences in cultures.

    Summarise the ideas of

    attribute composite units

    culturally determined measures

    metric system

    links with decimal place value

    C i S P f i l K l d d S i l A i i i f T hi M h i K O
