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Ch16 genetics

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Chapter 16: Genetics Principles of Science II
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Chapter 16:Genetics

Principles of Science II

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This lecture will help you understand:

• What Is a Gene?

• Chromosomes: Packages of Genetic Information

• The Structure of DNA

• DNA Replication

• How Proteins Are Built

• Genetic Mutations

• How Radioactivity Causes Genetic Mutations

• Meiosis and Genetic Diversity

• Mendelian Genetics

• More Wrinkles: Beyond Mendelian Genetics

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This lecture will help you understand:

• The Human Genome

• Cancer: Genes Gone Awry

• Environmental Causes of Cancer

• Transgenic Organisms and Cloning

• DNA Technology—What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

• History of Science: Discovery of the Double Helix

• Technology: Gene Therapy

• Science and Society: Genetic Counseling

• Science and Society: DNA Forensics

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What Is a Gene?

• A gene is a section of DNA that contains the instructions for building a protein.

• An organism's genes make up its genotype.

• The traits of an organism make up its phenotype.

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Chromosomes: Packages of Genetic Information

• A chromosome consists of along DNA molecule wrappedaround small proteins calledhistones. Genes are sectionsof chromosomes.

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Chromosomes: Packages of Genetic Information

• Most cells have two of each kind of chromosome. These cells are diploid, and their matched chromosomes are called homologous chromosomes.

• Sperm and eggs contain only one of each kind of chromosome. They are haploid.

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Chromosomes: Packages of Genetic Information

• Humans have 46 chromosomes (23 pairs).

• One pair—the sex chromosomes—determines the sex of the person.

• Males have one X and one Y chromosome. Females have two X chromosomes.

• All the other chromosomes are autosomes.

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The Structure of DNA

• A molecule of DNA consists of two strands and looks like a spiraling ladder. It is often called a double helix.

• The "sides" of the ladder consist of alternating molecules of deoxyribose sugar and phosphate. The "rungs" are a series of paired nitrogenous bases.

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The Structure of DNA

• Four nitrogenous bases are used in DNA:

– Adenine (A)

– Guanine (G)

– Cytosine (C)

– Thymine (T)

• A binds with T, and G binds with C.

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DNA Replication

• During replication: – DNA's two strands are

separated.– Each strand serves as a

template for building a new partner, following the base-pairing rules.

– Each new DNA molecule includes one old strand and one new strand.

– Each new DNA molecule is identical to the original.

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How Proteins Are Built

• RNA, or ribonucleic acid,plays a key role.

• RNA differs from DNA in several ways:

– Single-stranded instead of double-stranded

– Uses ribose instead of deoxyribose sugar

– Uses the nitrogenous base uracil (U) instead of thymine (T)

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How Proteins Are Built

• DNA provides instructions for cells to build proteins through the processes of transcription and translation.

• During transcription, DNA is used as a template for making an RNA molecule.

• During translation, this RNA molecule is used to assemble a protein.

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How Proteins Are Built

• Transcription

– In eukaryotes, transcription occurs in the cell nucleus.

– The two strands of DNA separate, and one strand serves as a template for building the RNA transcript.

– Transcription follows the usual base-pairing rules except that RNA uses uracil (U) instead of thymine (T).

– RNA polymerase adds the free nucleotides to the growing RNA molecule.

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How Proteins Are Built

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How Proteins Are Built

• RNA processing

– Introns are removed.

– Exons remain.

– A cap and a tail are added.

– The result is an mRNAmolecule ready fortranslation.

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How Proteins Are Built

• Translation

– Translation occurs at ribosomes in the cytoplasm.

– Codons, sets of three nucleotides, are "read" from the mRNA.

– Most codons represent a single amino acid to be added to the growing protein.

– Stop codons tell the ribosome that no more amino acids should be added and that translation is complete.

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How Proteins Are Built

• The genetic code

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How Proteins Are Built

• A tRNA molecule has a set of three nucleotides, called ananticodon, and carries a single,specific amino acid.

• A tRNA's anticodon binds tothe mRNA's codon.

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Genetic Mutations

• Occur when the sequence of nucleotides in an organism's DNA is changed

• May result from errors during DNA replication or from exposure to things that damage DNA (UV light, X-rays, chemicals, etc.)

• May have no effect, some effects, or huge effects

• In eggs or sperm, may be passed down to offspring

• Are the ultimate source of all genetic diversity and provide the raw materials for evolution

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Genetic Mutations

• A point mutation occurs when one nucleotide is substituted for another.

• A nonsense mutation creates a stop codon in the middle of a gene.

• A frameshift mutation occurs when nucleotides are inserted or deleted, shifting the codons that are "read" during translation.

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Genetic Mutations

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How Radioactivity Causes Genetic Mutations

• Ionizing radiation strikes electronsin the body, freeing them from the atoms they were attached to.

• The free electrons may hit and damage DNA directly.

• Free electrons may hit a water molecule, producing a free radical, a group of atoms that has an unpaired electron and is highly reactive. The free radical may thenreact with DNA and damage it.

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How Radioactivity Causes Genetic Mutations

• Frequently dividing cells have less time to repair DNA damage before passing on mutations and so are more vulnerable to radiation damage.

– Examples: cells in the bone marrow, lining of the digestive tract, testes, and developing fetus

• Because cancer cells also divide frequently, radiation is sometimes used to treat tumors.

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Meiosis and Genetic Diversity

• Meiosis is a form of celldivision used to make haploidcells, such as eggs and sperm.

• In meiosis, one diploid celldivides into four haploid cells.

• During sexual reproduction,sperm and egg join to restore the normal diploidchromosome number.

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Meiosis and Genetic Diversity

• At the beginning of meiosis, the diploid cell has already copied its DNA.

• Meiosis takes place in two steps: meiosis I and meiosis II.

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Meiosis and Genetic Diversity

• During prophase I of meiosis,crossing over occurs: Chromosomesexchange parts with their homologouschromosomes.

• The chromosomes in the dividing cellare now different from those in theoriginal cell.

• Crossing over results in recombination,the production of new combinations ofgenes different from those found in theoriginal chromosomes.

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Meiosis and Genetic Diversity

• How does meiosis result in genetic diversity?1. Crossing over2.Independent separation of homologous


• The genetic diversity produced during meiosis is crucial to evolution.

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Mendelian Genetics

• Gregor Mendel's experiments breeding pea plants explained many hereditary patterns.

• Mendel demonstrated the existence of dominant and recessive traits.

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Mendelian Genetics

• Mendel postulated that the genes that determine traits consist of two separate alleles. One allele is inherited from each parent.

• Mendel's principle of segregation: When an individual makes sex cells (sperm or eggs), half the sex cells carry one allele, and the other half carry the other allele.

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Mendelian Genetics

• Mendel bred two pea plantsthat varied in a single trait --for example, round peas (RR)and wrinkled peas (rr).

• The offspring inheritedone R (round pea) alleleand one r (wrinkled pea)allele. They were Rr.

• All of the offspring expressedthe dominant characteristic—they had round peas.

• In the second generation, self-fertilizing the Rr plants resulted in a 3:1 ratio of round-pea plants to wrinkled-pea plants.

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Mendelian Genetics

• Mendel's principle ofindependent assortment:The inheritance of onetrait is independent ofthe inheritance of a second trait.

• Mendel demonstratedthis by crossing plantswith two different traits.

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More Wrinkles: Beyond Mendelian Genetics

• In incomplete dominance, there are two alleles and neither is dominant. The heterozygote has an intermediate trait.

• Example: snapdragon color

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More Wrinkles: Beyond Mendelian Genetics

• In codominance, a heterozygote expresses the traits of both alleles.

• Example: human blood type

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More Wrinkles: Beyond Mendelian Genetics

• Polygenic traits are determined by more than one gene. They tend to show more of a continuum than traits determined by a single gene.

• Examples: human eye color, skin color, and height

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More Wrinkles: Beyond Mendelian Genetics

• Pleiotropy occurs when a singlegene affects more than one trait.

• Example: sickle cell anemia in humans

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More Wrinkles: Beyond Mendelian Genetics

• Linked genes are often inherited together. The closer two genes are to each other on a chromosome, the more likely they are to be inherited together.

• Example: body color and wing size in fruit flies are linked

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More Wrinkles: Beyond Mendelian Genetics

• Sex-linked traits are determined by genes found on the X chromosome. Men, who have only one X chromosome, need only one recessive allele to express a recessive sex-linked trait. These traits are more common in males than females.

• Examples: red-green color-blindness, hemophilia

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The Human Genome

• A genome is the total genetic material of an organism.

• The Human Genome Project determined the DNA sequence of the entire human genome.

• Over 99.9% of the 3.2 billion nucleotide pairs in the human genome are identical in all humans.

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The Human Genome

• Humans have about 22,000 genes.

• Many human genes give rise to RNA transcripts that are processed in different ways. So, one gene can provide the instructions for building multiple proteins.

• The function of more than half of our genes is still unknown.

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The Human Genome

• Single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are locations in the genome where the nucleotide sequence differs among humans.

• More than 3 million SNPs are known.

• SNPs may help scientists identify genes related to human diseases.

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Cancer: Genes Gone Awry

• Cancer occurs when cells in the body divide out of control.

• Mutations in the genes that control cell division result in cancer.

• A mutation in a single gene is not enough to cause cancer—mutations in many key genes are required.

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Cancer: Genes Gone Awry

• Over a lifetime, mutations build up until a combination of mutations in a single cell allows uncontrolled cell division.

• Further mutations expand the tumor cells' ability to divide and spread.

• Cancer is most likely to strike older people, those who have been exposed to mutation-causing agents, and those who have inherited mutations in cancer-related genes.

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Cancer: Genes Gone Awry

• Genes that have been implicated in cancer:

– Proto-oncogenes: When mutated, they become oncogenes that stimulate abnormal cell division.

– Tumor-suppressor genes: They prevent cancer by inhibiting cell division.

• Metastasis is the ability of tumor cells to spread around the body and give rise to secondary tumors. Cancer is much harder to treat once metastasis has occurred.

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Environmental Causes of Cancer

• A person's environment is responsible for about 80%–90% of the mutations that result in cancer.

• Environmental risk factors:

– Smoking

– Diet

– Radiation

– Ultraviolet light

– Chemicals

– Infection by certain viruses and bacteria

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Transgenic Organisms and Cloning

• A transgenic organism is one that contains a gene from another species.

• Typical process for developing transgenic bacteria

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Transgenic Organisms and Cloning

• Examples of transgenic organisms:– Bacteria that produce insulin and other important

products– Plants that

• produce medicines• have resistance to pests, diseases, or herbicides• are drought-resistant or able to grow in salty

soils– Animals that produce products:

• Sheep with increased wool production• Pork with higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids• Salmon that grow faster

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Transgenic Organisms and Cloning

• Cloning is the creation of an organism that is genetically identical to one that already exists.

• In mammals, cloning is done through the process of nuclear transplantation.

• Potential uses of cloning:– A routine part of agriculture– Could generate herds of identical animals with

desirable traits– Cloning of endangered species could help

increase their numbers– Cloning of deceased pets

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DNA Technology – What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

• Some bacteria and viruses are a danger to human health or to natural habitats.

– How likely is an accidental release?

• Potential dangers of genetically modified (GM) plants and animals:

– Is the safety of GM food adequately tested?

– Should GM foods be labeled?

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DNA Technology – What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

• Potential dangers of GM plants and animals (continued):– Plants that are toxic to pests also harm nontarget

species --for example, Monarch butterflies– May lead to the evolution of resistant

"superweeds" that can be controlled only with very toxic chemicals

– Contamination of natural habitats or populations by transgenic plants and animals or their genes

– Cost of GM seeds and products• Effects on human societies

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History of Science: Discovery of the Double Helix

• By 1950, scientists knew DNA was the genetic material, but they did not know the structure of DNA.

• In 1953, Watson and Crick built a model of DNA that was consistent with available evidence.

• Watson and Crick used X-ray photos of DNA taken by Franklin and Wilkins as part of their research.

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Technology: Gene Therapy

• Many genetic diseases occur when people do nothave a working gene formaking a key protein.

• Gene therapy attempts to introduce DNA for thenormal, working gene intoa person's cells.

• Some large setbacks haveoccurred in gene therapy,but there are some recentpromising developments also.

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Science and Society: Genetic Counseling

• A pedigree is a family tree thatshows which relatives are andare not affected by a particulargenetic disease.

• Medical tests can determine whether a person is a carrier of adisease allele.

• Amniocentesis and chorionic villussampling can determine whether a fetus has a genetic disease.

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Science and Society: DNA Forensics

• Forensic scientists use short tandem repeat (STR) analysis to determine whether DNA samples match.

• Between 1989 and 2011, DNA evidence exonerated 272 people who were imprisoned for crimes they did not commit.

• DNA forensics was used to identify the victims of the 2001 World Trade Center terrorist attacks.

• DNA forensics can be used to establish paternity and trace familial relationships.

• DNA forensics can be used to identify disease-causing microorganisms or endangered species.

• Ethical concerns – DNA contains a wealth of private information about family relationships, susceptibility to diseases, and so on.
