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Ch20 the conservativeorderandthechallengesofreform

Date post: 21-Jan-2015
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Grab a book, read page 660 “Mazzini Defines Nationality” How does Mazzini define Nationalism? What encompasses a national identity? Remind me to talk about WWI
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Grab a book, read page 660 “Mazzini Defines Nationality”

How does Mazzini define Nationalism? What encompasses a national identity? Remind me to talk about WWI

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Chapter 20

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Work to restore order to Europe◦ Recognize balance of

power 5 nation-states Austria, Prussia, Russia,

Great Britain, and France

◦ Gain power at expense of smaller states Austria took some

Italian territories Russia took most of

Poland Britain added territories

in Asia and the W. Hemisphere

Prussia took Rhine River land in W. Germany

Create Kingdom of Netherlands by joining Belgium and Luxembourg together with Holland

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Return to Status Quo◦ Restored old monarchies of Europe

Bourbons on throne in France and Spain Holy Roman Empire

◦ Reduced from 300+ independent states to 39 separate German states

Established a stable Europe which tried to prevent war

Very successful; peace in Europe for the next 100 years

Conservative; Tried to prevent domestic change in Europe

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Grab a book, read page 660 “Mazzini Defines Nationality”

In your own words, define nation and nationality.

What encompasses a national identity? Remind me to talk about WWI

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Groups who shared a common heritage set out to win their own states

A sense of identity and goal of creating their own homeland◦ Side effects? ◦ Intolerance◦ Superiority ◦ Persecution of other groups

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• England brought Ireland under direct rule in 1800s; Irish nationalists want independence

• German nationalists want to unify all German-speaking peoples • What major empire does this conflict with?

• Italians want to unify all Italian-speaking peoples• Need to push some Austrians out

• Poles want a nation again• Czechs, Slovenes, Hungarians, all want free from

Austria• Balkan ethnicities all want autonomy as well

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Supported the political and social structures that existed before the French Revolution◦ Who would this appeal to?◦ Appeal to Monarchs and officials, noble landowners,

church leaders and peasants “Turn the Clock Back”

◦ Congress of Vienna Believe talk of natural rights and constitutional

governments only lead to chaos Prince Klemens von Metternich – foreign

minister of Austria, very strong ◦ Oppose freedom of press, crush protests,

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The Vienna settlement was the work of the representatives of the four nations that had done the most to defeat Napoleon.

Prince Klemens Von Metternich (Austria) ◦ Epitomized conservative reactionsim.

Lord Castlereagh (England) ◦ Principal objective was to achieve a balance of power on

the continent and surround France with larger stronger states.

Karl Von Hardenberg (Prussia) ◦ Goal was to recover Prussian territory lost to Napoleon &

gain additional territory in northern Germany (Saxony). Czar Alexander I (Russia)

◦ Advocated an independent Poland under Russian control

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Periogord Talleyrand, the French Foreign Minister.

Not initially included in the early deliberations

He became a mediator where the interests of Prussia and Russia clashed with those of England and Austria.

By such actions, Talleyrand brought France into the ranks of the principal powers.

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Want governments to be based on written constitutions and separation of powers◦ (no more divine-right monarchies, old aristocracy,

etc)◦ Recognized importance of natural rights,

universal male suffrage, ◦ Support laissez-faire economics and capitalism

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involved in the various revolutionary movements of the early 19th century

It found concrete expression in over ten constitutions secured between 1815 and 1848 in states of the German Confederation

Its power was demonstrated in the reform measures that successive British governments adopted ruling these same decades

It affected German student organizations and permeated Prussian life.

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Full of different ethnic groups who want their own identity and space

Serbia – ◦ First Balkan people to revolt◦ 1804-1813 – Karageorge led guerrilla war

against the Ottomans Unsuccessful, but fostered a sense of

national identity for the Serbians Revival of Serbian literature and culture

◦ Milos Obrenovic – 1815 – leads rebellion Turns to Russia for assistance

Russia allies with Slavic and Orthodox brothers Russia helps them win autonomy by 1830,

within Ottoman Empire Ottoman sultan agrees to formal independence http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Image:Balka


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1821 revolt against Ottoman rule◦ Badly divided ◦ Very bloody, long battles◦ Struggle helps shape identity

“national war, a holy war, a war the object of which is to reconquer the rights of individual liberty”

Seek help from W. Europe – Britain, France, and Russia force Ottomans to grant independence

By 1830 – Greece becomes independent

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The Tory (conservative) government that defeated Napoleon was in control of England. ◦ Facing serious economic problems that had produced large numbers of

industrial unemployed, the conservatives tried to follow a reactionary policy.

The Corn Law of 1815 effectively halted the importation of cheaper foreign grains. ◦ Lead to inflationary bread costs.

Coercion Acts of 1817 suspended “habeas corpus” for the first time in English history. ◦ Provided for arbitrary arrest and punishment of liberals.

The Peterloo Massacre of 1819 ◦ People killed by police in a riot during a protest of the Corn Laws.

The Six Acts of Parliament in 1819 ◦ Repressive measures taken in light of the Peterloo incident.

The Cato Street Conspiracy ◦ An unsuccessful attempt to blow up the entire British cabinet.

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Louis XVIII wished to unify the French populace, which was divided into those who accepted the Revolution and those who did not.

The leader of those who did not was the Count of Artois (1757-1836), brother of the king and leader of the Ultra Royalists.

The 1815 “White Terror” saw royalist mobs murder thousands of former revolutionaries.

New elections in 1816 for the Chamber of Deputies resulted in the Ultras being rejected in favor of a moderate royalist majority dependent on middle class support.

The was indemnity was paid off, France was admitted to the Quadruple Alliance, and liberal sentiment began to grow.

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In Feb, 1820, the Duke of Berri, son of Artois and heir to the throne after his father was murdered.

Royalists charged that the left were responsible and that the king’s policy of moderation had encouraged the left.

Louis XVIII began to move the government more and more to the right: ◦ Changes in electoral laws narrowed the eligible voters. ◦ Censorship was imposed ◦ Liberals were bring driven out of legal political life and

into near-illegal activity ◦ The triumph of reactionism came in 1823, when French

troops were authorized by the Concert of Europe to crush the Spanish Revolution and restore another Bourbon ruler, Ferdinand VII.

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Great powers? Russia, Austria, Prussia, Great Britain, Informal arrangement for resolving mutual

foreign policy issues

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Haiti Creole San Martin (Buenos Aires) Venezuela Brazil Spanish Revolt of 1820 Decembrist Revolt Belgium 1830 Revolutions in France (1830) Great Britain 1832 Reform Bill
