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Chakra Healing wi nes Class Office Hours Transcript Healing wi! Crystals & S"nes# Class (Office...

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Chakra Healing wi Crystals & Snes Class (Oce Hours) Transcript Hi, everyone. Welcome to today's Office Hours call. I'm just going to check in. It looks like there's five of us here so far so why don't we go ahead and get started and kick things off. I am super excited about today. As I say, I think I feel like every week but I'm really, really excited about today because I got some super good questions that I'm excited to dive deeper into and share with all of you, and a few of them inspired some ideas for some new blog posts and things like that so that I can really, really expand on the info and give you guys something written that can turn into a little handout or something instead of just what we talked about on our call today. So that being said, why don't you guys give me a little bit of a hello and the wonderful Lucy is here, as always, bright and early in New Zealand. I hope that she's warm and cozy because it is getting chilly down there. So let's say a little hi and a little happy face. Let me know how you are doing today. I hope that you are having a good day. I know I certainly am. I have a log going on today but I'm really excited. I woke up early and took my dog for a walk which was really, really nice. Sissy enjoyed that very much and then I had a Crystal Reiki attunement with someone earlier today and that was great. I did a nice little crystal essence shower which was awesome. Normally, I like to do that in the bath but I was in a little bit of a hurry today so no bath for me but nice little crystal essence shower which was awesome. I got a little bit of rose quartz energy for my day and I feel like I'm all pink and glowy and magnificent. So happy to see you here, those of you who could join me live today. If you have your questions, as always, cued up and ready to go, feel free to pop them in the chat at any time. I'll go through all the little questions that I got in ahead of time and then we will also dive into the questions that come in during the day today. So I just wanted to make myself a little bit of a note here really quick before we get in so I don't forget about this other question that just came in through email, and that should be good. Okay. I see Lucy is here so hey Lucy, thank you so much for coming and helping out like always. Lucy is the best, isn't she? She is my hero right now. I couldn't do things without her. You guys don't even know, our team is so small. It's just me and Lucy and occasionally the wonderful Kelly helps out. For those of you who don't know, Kelly is my super best friend in the whole world and used to teach our pendulum dowsing program when we had that available. Copyright © Ashley Leavy | www.LoveAndLightHealingSchool.com | Page 1
Page 1: Chakra Healing wi nes Class Office Hours Transcript Healing wi! Crystals & S"nes# Class (Office Hours) Transcript! Hi, everyone. Welcome to today's Office Hours call. I'm just going

Chakra Healing with Crystals & Stones Class (Office Hours) Transcript

!Hi, everyone. Welcome to today's Office Hours call. I'm just going to check in. It looks like there's five of us here so far so why don't we go ahead and get started and kick things off. I am super excited about today. As I say, I think I feel like every week but I'm really, really excited about today because I got some super good questions that I'm excited to dive deeper into and share with all of you, and a few of them inspired some ideas for some new blog posts and things like that so that I can really, really expand on the info and give you guys something written that can turn into a little handout or something instead of just what we talked about on our call today.

So that being said, why don't you guys give me a little bit of a hello and the wonderful Lucy is here, as always, bright and early in New Zealand. I hope that she's warm and cozy because it is getting chilly down there. So let's say a little hi and a little happy face. Let me know how you are doing today. I hope that you are having a good day. I know I certainly am. I have a log going on today but I'm really excited. I woke up early and took my dog for a walk which was really, really nice. Sissy enjoyed that very much and then I had a Crystal Reiki attunement with someone earlier today and that was great. I did a nice little crystal essence shower which was awesome. Normally, I like to do that in the bath but I was in a little bit of a hurry today so no bath for me but nice little crystal essence shower which was awesome. I got a little bit of rose quartz energy for my day and I feel like I'm all pink and glowy and magnificent.

So happy to see you here, those of you who could join me live today. If you have your questions, as always, cued up and ready to go, feel free to pop them in the chat at any time. I'll go through all the little questions that I got in ahead of time and then we will also dive into the questions that come in during the day today.

So I just wanted to make myself a little bit of a note here really quick before we get in so I don't forget about this other question that just came in through email, and that should be good. Okay. I see Lucy is here so hey Lucy, thank you so much for coming and helping out like always. Lucy is the best, isn't she? She is my hero right now. I couldn't do things without her. You guys don't even know, our team is so small. It's just me and Lucy and occasionally the wonderful Kelly helps out. For those of you who don't know, Kelly is my super best friend in the whole world and used to teach our pendulum dowsing program when we had that available.

Copyright © Ashley Leavy | www.LoveAndLightHealingSchool.com | Page ! 1

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She comes in and helps out with some stuff from time to time, and then Khan, our webmaster and that's it. We're a really, really small school but I like to keep it that way if possible.

Okay. So I am just making my last little note about something I want to answer. Okay. So why don't we go ahead and get started. I see all of you here. I wish I could see your faces. I wish I could just see all of your happy faces and connect with you that way. I know Google Hangouts gets really, really slow when there's more one than person on the call but I think for our graduation ceremony maybe we'll try something a little new and see if we can get other people on the call itself, on the webinar itself so we have lots of us connecting face-to-face and getting to know one another a little bit better.

Okay. So first question. Do I personally use all of my stones on clients or are some of them maybe because they're rare or delicate or really tiny or really special to me, they're only for me. So there are some crystal healers that have a whole set of crystals that they use for clients and then a whole set that they keep just for themselves. I personally would feel totally comfortable using any of my stones for my clients if they really needed them. That being said, some are pretty fragile. They don't really travel well. So if I were going to do a session outside of my home which I'm not really doing anymore these days because I'm focusing all my attention on teaching you guys, I would be really cautious as to how much I had those crystals travel. So if you do have some that are really, really tiny or very fragile, you might want to just consider okay, is this absolutely 100% the best crystal for the job or is there another one that would work just as well that maybe isn't going to get broken or lost or that kind of thing. And you just have to use your best judgment on that but that's what I do. I'm totally comfortable using any of my stones on any of my clients. That's what cleansing is for, right? I mean the reason some people like to have their own crystals is that they just don't want other people to touch them or imprint their energy on them and I get that but if you're cleansing your crystals, that shouldn't really be any big deal. But I do think that yeah, there are some crystals that are just really special to you that you just want to keep them safe then I understand that too. So it's a personal preference thing but I mean just from a principal standpoint, I am totally fine sharing any of my stones with anyone.

I actually used to do a little crystal show and tell nights at my New Age store where I'd invite people to bring some of their favorite super fantastic exquisite crystals and we pass them around in a group and it was really fun to do those show and tell dates and be able to show off some of those beauties to other people who can really appreciate them. I would bring in big collections of some of my favorite stones and we'd just pass them around and check them out and talk about them and their healing properties and what each of us had used them for. That was really fun. So if you're looking for way to get people more involved in your practice, try having an event night like that where you do a little show and tell.

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I always had the most amazing people come to those events. I never had any crystals gone missing. None of the attendees ever had any crystals gone missing. I think be diligent to know that because every once in a while, you might just get a weird person in the bunch who wants to lift one of the crystals from the group but I never had anything like that happen. It was always just a ton of fun.

The other thing that I did a couple of times were crystal swap nights. So if you had some crystals that were maybe no longer really serving you very well and you knew that it was time to pass them on, you could bring them to the crystal exchange and you could swap them with other people. I know there are even some really cool Facebook groups now where people do this and they mail each other crystals from all over the world which is really, really cool. I love doing that kind of thing and I've done that even in a couple Facebook groups before and it's a lot of fun, just passing something on to someone else and then seeing what comes back to you from the universe. Sometimes, those are really strong messages about things that you might need in your life. It was a ton of fun.

So I encourage you to try a couple of things like that in your healing practice as well and I always had people said, well why do you do this? You sell crystals at your store for a living, why would you have people come and just exchange crystals for free? Because it really is about being of service to people and it's about helping people with their healing and connecting to people who are like-minded and having a lot of fun. So even if you do so, crystals is part of your business, don't hesitate to have somebody swap and exchange nights and ultimately, you might even find and meet someone who is only a little bit interested in crystals really, really into it and then they'll come back and be a customer of yours or come back and want to have a session with you, so it's a lot of fun. I encourage you to give something like that a try.

Okay. The next question that came in said why on the sacral chakra would you use Herkimer diamond instead of a double terminated quartz? Why is Herkimer diamond a good substitute? Well, because Herkimer diamond is a double terminated quartz, it's just a really specific kind of double terminated quartz. The reason I like Herkimer diamonds is because they have great clarity and really, really high frequency energy and they are good for helping you connect to your inner self. I was taught by Melody that the sacral chakra is actually the home of the inner self. So when you think about when you have a gut feeling, that usually comes from the sacral chakra than emotional center and so Herkimer diamond is really good for connecting you with that energy. So if you were going to work with the energy of the sacral chakra and use a double terminated quartz there, then you might want to consider using a Herkimer diamond. I hope that makes sense.

Okay. Someone asked, did I miss seeing more information on the unified chakra energy attunement? I can't find the info but I'd love to learn more and receive the attunement.

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How do I do this? So that's something that I just make available by request. So if that's something that you're interested in, please email me. I'll send you the materials for that attunement. It's a really, really quick easy thing. It takes 15 minutes, maybe 25 minutes at the max with meditation time. Email me, I'll send you the materials. I'll send you a little link where you can schedule your attunement and then I'll get an email and you'll get an email once you schedule so that we both have that in our calendars and we do a little attunement. It's awesome experience. It's a little bit different than what most people are used to when they think of attunement. You might end up reading the materials and go, this isn't really for me and not schedule, and that's okay too. But if it's something that you are interested in, just reach out, email me, let me know and I'll make sure that we connect about that.

Okay. So the next question was asking for a little bit of a clarity on the chakra balancing layout. We did a normal chakra healing layout then I talked about chakra activation layout which was for energizing things and getting those chakra centers open and flowing and moving, and then I talked about a chakra balancing layout which is good more for grounding and calming and helping with overactive energy and that kind of thing. So the person asks, is there not an energy infusion at all in this technique? In the first set of stones or first procedure, the activation technique, we put down the stones and then did the energy infusion while on the chakra balancing. There's the first set of stones and then the second set of stones and you are correct to whoever asked this question that there is no energy infusion with this technique.

So what is the reasoning for that? Well if you look on page 13 of the manual, it says the stones in this technique should not be infused with energy. Instead, they should just be left to transmit their healing energy into your client into their aura and subtle bodies. The reason for this is this is a balancing technique when there's already an excess of energy or overactive energy so you don't need to infuse the chakras because you don't want to add more energy to the situation. You want to just allow the crystals to rebalance those energy centers and make things level out a little bit. So there's no need to add extra energy because this is for bringing somebody back down a couple notches, right. And when things are all amped up and hyped up and the energy is crazy, that's when you do this balancing technique and it just calms and soothes everything and levels everything out. So no need to do the infusion on this technique. So good question, point of clarification.

Okay. Someone asked if I sold a color poster of the minor chakras. I don't sell a color poster of the minor chakras at all. There is one in your bonus handouts on the class materials page, though.

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It doesn't include every single one of those minor chakras that I discussed in the manual because that would be really, really hard to squeeze into a poster but what I did include on that list of major and minor chakras that's in the little poster in the bonus handouts are the most important minor chakras, the ones that I find come up most frequently for healing work. Come to think of it, if I had add one more minor chakra to that poster, it will actually be the past life chakras behind the ears that we talked about in a few of the other classes. So that being said, I hope that that minor chakra poster is helpful.

Excuse me, I'll sip a water before I'll -- okay. A little bit better. I hope that minor chakra poster is helpful for you. It's not by any means complete because depending on the source you look at, there are hundreds to thousands of minor chakras and it doesn't even cover all the ones listed in the manual. And the reason that I outlined all those additional ones in the manual is because if you really start to dive deep into learning about chakra healing and you start exploring other outside resources, you will find references to those chakras. I just wanted to give you a general idea as to where they'll fall on the body but there's no way I could squish all of them on to a poster and honestly, I didn't think that that would be as useful. It's just really pointing out the ones that are going to be most relevant to your healing work. So I hope that helps.

Okay. The next question asked about the group chakra crystal healing and is there a crystal you could substitute in place of the Faden quartz crystal? So there are two crystals that Melody recommends substituting for Faden quartz. She recommends Super Seven which is also known as Melody Stone and she also recommends fulgurite. The main reason that these three crystals can be used is because that they are crystals for connection. They're crystals for unification. They help you really tune in to what's going on with your client and also for the group chakra crystal healing in particular, they help you all attune to one another and connect the energy of one another so that you're working for one goal, one purpose to benefit your client. So the substitutions would be Super Seven which is going to be far more expensive than a Faden quartz and more difficult to find because real Super Seven is a little bit more challenging to find than a lot of what you see being called Super Seven.

Super Seven is a trademarked stone. I am just going to put that out there. A lot of people including myself don't typically like working with trademarked stones but I talked to Melody personally once about why did she trademark Super Seven and she actually had a really good explanation. She said there are so many people out there selling crystals that aren't actually Super Seven as Super Seven, that people were using these Super Seven crystals that weren't real. They weren't the real deal. They didn't have the same crystal composition. They weren't made of the same seven ingredients, so to speak, and they were writing her and saying, "Melody, you talk about all these great benefits as Super Seven but that wasn't my experience at all."

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And so she'd connect with them and try and find out what's going on and what she found out was that all this people were not actually using Super Seven crystals. They were using fakes more or less, great crystals in their own right but not the same energy frequency as real Super Seven has.

So real Super Seven comes from Brazil from Minas Gerais, Brazil and it's a combination of seven minerals. I am supposed to know this off the top of my head from my Melody training but it's been a while since I've had to think about it. So it's goethite, cacoxenite, amethyst, quartz, smoky quartz, that's five. I'm really close. I can't think of the other two but she does list all seven in her books and I'm so sorry, I can't remember that right now. If I had my Melody notes in front of me, I'd be able to tell you. There are seven minerals that make up Super Seven and this is really high frequency, high vibrational stone and the other thing about it is a lot of times when you see a Super Seven, you'll see these crystals and true Super Seven actually doesn't form crystal points according to Melody because it was actually melted.

So Super Seven formed in Brazil and then there was intense heat and it melted those crystals and then they started turning into this weird crystalline flow and that's how you got all these different minerals that mushed together to make Super Seven. And so the energy of the stone has a lot to do with that change that happened, so when they actually melted and re-solidified and that kind of thing.

Melody really goes into a really in-depth explanation of this in her books in the Kaleidoscope Crystals and that kind of thing. You can find all about Super Seven there but I did just want to talk about it a little bit because it is one of the substitutes for the Faden crystals. Now, there are other crystals that have that same combination or close to it of those seven minerals. So there's a lot of Himalayan amethyst that comes from India that has five, six or sometimes all seven of those minerals but its crystalline structure is different than that of Super Seven so there is still a slight difference in the energy. I actually didn't learn that until just a couple of years ago. So really, really interesting stuff.

And then the other thing that you can substitute for a Faden crystal in the group chakra healing is a piece of fulgurite. Fulgurite is sometimes called fossil lightning or fossilized lightning. What happens, it's normally found in Florida but you can find it a lot of other places wherever there is a lot of sand. Fulgurite is basically a fused sand that's formed when lightning strikes a sandy area, typically a beach. So the lightning comes down and strikes the sand and actually travels under the sand through the earth. And where the lightning bolts went, the sand because of the intense heat actually gets fused together, and so it's almost like a form of natural glass in a way because that's how glass is made. It's all quartz that's heated up and fused together.

Copyright © Ashley Leavy | www.LoveAndLightHealingSchool.com | Page ! 6

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So in these areas of quartz sand where the lightning comes down, it fuses the sand into these little tubes, and that's why fulgurite is a great stone to use for connection just like the Faden quartz because they both have these channels for energy to move from person to person to create that connection and attunement between two people.

Does that make sense, everybody, why those are the recommended stones? I will throw in a little tip. Any stone that you feel is good for connection, empathy, those would make great substitutes for this work as well. Personally, I think something like little rhodochrosite or pink opal could be really well substituted for the Faden quartz. I think there is something really, really special and powerful about using the Faden quartz. That's just been my personal experience when I've used that crystal. It really does create instant group harmony, instant connection and understanding of your client and what's going on with their energy field. I love it for that reason. If you have a hard time finding it, I'd be happy to help you. [Inaudible 23:44] Faden, F-A-D-E-N, so that was in the manual and then there was Super Seven which is trademarked and then there's fulgurite which is right there which is also known as the fossilized lightning. Faden is German for thread and I think I might have talked about this in the basic crystal healing class video. Faden quartz is a normally tabular quartz that actually looks like it has a little piece of string or yarn running through the center and that happens because gases are actually shooting through the quartz' body as it's forming and crystalizing, and all those little gas molecules got trapped in there and made what looks like a little thread.

Let me see if I can just pull up a quick picture and link to it in the chat box so you guys can see a really good example of Faden quartz. When I'm choosing a piece of Faden quartz, I really like to choose one with a nice straight line in it because that's how you get that perfect connection. Oh, here's such a good picture. This is what a typical Faden quartz looks like. Here's the link so you can click that and see an example of a really, really good Faden quartz. It's pretty clear. It's a tabular quartz and then you see that nice strong Faden line going through it. Now, sometimes, you'll see the line be a little bit fuzzy or a little bit curved, that's fine. It will still totally work but you do want to be able to really see the line because sometimes you'll see something labeled as Faden quartz and it's really just like a tabular quartz and the line isn't really apparent or evident. You want to find one with a good clear line in it if you're choosing one. Okay. So I hope that is helpful. I know it's gone some bad -- I probably have 12 of these. I really, really love this crystal. I just feel a really strong personal attraction to it because of all the work that I've done with it. It's probably in my top 20 favorite types of crystals.

Okay. So that being said, let's go to our next question here. In this week's class video, I mentioned near the beginning that there are ways to clear excessive or overactive energies from the solar plexus chakra via the sacral chakra. Just wondering if I could speak a little bit more about that and how to do that. So this is really easy. This is also I think a little bit where I was talking about some of those double terminated crystals.

Copyright © Ashley Leavy | www.LoveAndLightHealingSchool.com | Page ! 7

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You can actually place, say you had excess energy. I was just using this for an example, in the solar plexus chakra that was causing some fear or anxiety or worry and you needed to release that energy. Well, a good point of release is that sacral chakra because it's the home of the inner self. Your inner self really knows what you most need. So by placing a double terminated quartz crystal between the solar plexus and the sacral chakra, you can actually really intend to channel that energy from the solar plexus to the sacral chakra where it can then be released. You can do this all the way from the crown chakra down to the sacral chakra as well.

I also think depending on the situation, you can actually use the solar plexus chakra itself for releasing energy because this is the redistribution center for energy in the chakra system itself. So this is like the powerhouse of energy. It's the Manipura Chakra. This is where a lot of your energy is created, especially linking to confidence, will power, and inner strength. It's like it's the solar chakra for a reason. It's the sun chakra. It's the energy generator. So if you needed to release energy from here or also generate energy at the center and have it sent to chakras with underactive energy, you can use those double terminated crystals and you basically just link the chakra that you're working to either release or pull energy into, link that chakra to the one that's having the issue with double terminated crystals going through the centers.

So for example using similar example, if you had an issue at the throat chakra and you wanted to release that energy out to the sacral chakra, home of the inner self, then you would place a double terminated crystal between the throat and the heart, one between the heart and the solar plexus, one between the solar plexus and the sacral. So you're basically creating a bridge so that you can move the energy all the way out of the system. Does that make sense, everybody? I hope that's a little bit clearer if that was for some reason a little bit more complicated or confusing than the class video.

Okay. Seems like it's probably okay. I'm going to take a look at our next question here. In the video, one of the students who is in the live class raised the discussion about crystals being sentient beings and I agreed. This person also agrees with that and was wondering if I would talk a little bit more about asking the crystal's permission to work with them or checking in with them about whether or not they are willing to be worked with or if they're feeling overworked or do I just go by my own intuition and things like that? I like to, when I get my crystals, dedicate them and bless them for healing because I know that I'm going to be using them for healing work either for myself or my clients or my friends and family and so I go through a little dedication and blessing ritual for myself. There was a handout about that, a bonus handout in class number 1. Here is the link to a similar article on the blog. You can go ahead and check that out. It talks a little bit about awakening your crystals and dedicating your crystals.

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What I'd really like to do and I'd be happy to spend some time talking about this in class right now, I'm totally fine with that but I'd really like to create a blog post all about this topic where I can really, really outline a bunch of different thoughts, and I could have that done by the first week of July. I've already committed my next two to work on Crystals for Children in different ways because I've had a lot of people since my article about Crystals for Sweet Dreams for Children. I've had a lot of people ask about other things to help with children so I committed my next two blog posts to be about that but I'd really like to write in detail about this topic because I do think that crystals have their own inner spirits and I have my own opinions about this that I've formed over the years and I do think that crystals each have their own consciousness. I think that they do have their own spirits that you can connect to directly to work with them.

I think a lot of times when we get information from crystals, it is coming from the spirit of that crystal or sometimes it's coming from an external source, more like your guides telling you how you can work with that energy. But I do think that sometimes the messages come directly from the crystals themselves and I think that's sometimes the most powerful information you can get about a stone. I really like to access that information through meditating with the stone and thinking about how it can best serve me and just waiting for those answers to come and then thinking about how it can best serve my clients and waiting for those answers to come and seeing what kind of information I'd get about the stones and I do think that that comes from building a good relationship with the crystals, treating them with respect and working with those crystal beings.

I would like to work a little bit on that and compile all of my thoughts and resources from over the years. I'd like to go through my crystal journals a little bit and see about some of the experiences I've had and talk a little bit more specifically about connecting with those crystal beings themselves and how to do that and why that's important and how to show our respect and really honor those crystal beings through our healing work. I think I'd like to take that stuff, formulate it into a little blog post article, and then I will make sure to share that in the newsletter and you guys can take a look and I can turn it into a little PDF handout and throw it into the bonus section for these class as well, if that sounds good to everybody. I hope so. I think that would be really helpful and a lot of fun.

Is everybody still with me? I haven't seen anything happen within the chat for a minute so I just want to make sure. But that sounds good too, guys. I think that's really how I'd like to handle that because I'd like to go through my crystal journals and really look at different ways I've connected with those crystal beings over the years and see what I can compile and pass along to you guys. Awesome. Thank you, Brenda. Thank you. Okay.

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I did have a question come from Mel asking about chakra imbalances. Have I ever made a form with those questions on it that could be checked marked? No one likes paperwork but would you think it could give you the additional info to use for what kind of healing work your client may need? That's a good question, Mel. That form in the bonus handouts, I think is what Mel is talking about. It's like the little chakra test results. That was actually shared from the Reiki Rays Institute. They gave me permission to share that with all of you. They were so generous about it. That's something I found a few years ago that I thought was really cool. I haven't thought of tweaking that at all just because it was something that they're allowing me to use and I don't want to take their work and remodel it. But if there's something like that that you wanted to use in your practice, I think yeah, adding some little check boxes next to it and going through those questions and asking them of your clients could be really helpful. I think that's a great idea, Mel. You should definitely give that a try.

Let me see if I can find it again. Now, I know that there are a number of free chakra balancing tests and find out which chakra is out of whack things online but I actually asked some of my students about this a while ago and was told that a lot of those quizzes and things, like if you take them, some of them are just weird and don't really make much sense but a lot of the times it's like if you take the test then they want you to buy something at the end and that's a little bit weird. I actually haven't found a good one for testing the chakras for a while but there was one that used to be available. Let me see if I can find that on my bookmarks bar really quickly. Let me see if I can find it here. Not finding it really quickly, maybe this is it. This is it, okay. This is the crystal test. There was also a chakra test, I believe, on this page at one point and I'm not seeing that one. I'm going to give you a link to this test because this is something that's actually pretty cool. This is a little crystal test that you can check out. Basically, they aren't really good at explaining the answers but you go through these questions and it's basically a yes or no answer to each one. If you answer yes, then just below the crystal test, you'll see the solutions. If you answer yes, like you have difficulty with that thing or you struggle with this thing, it gives you basically a crystal solution for that specific problem. It's not really so much a test, almost like a little prescription thing. If you have ever seen where you find a book where it lists all the crystals by ailment rather than the properties of the crystals themselves, it's like that. It lets you go through these questions and if you're having problems with any of those things then it gives you a little crystal suggestion just below and tells you why that crystal is helpful. That's another neat thing to try and use maybe, incorporate something like that in your practice.

Maybe you could come up with your own questionnaire where you ask people if they're struggling with these certain issues and then maybe you have your own crystal remedy in mind that would be helpful for that situation.

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Everyone's going to really vary on which crystals they gravitate toward to work with for clients. For example, if you ask someone if they struggled with anxiety, you might suggest certain crystals that are different than the crystals I would suggest and just based on your experience and your work with clients and I think that's okay but you might want to consider just having a quick even if it's like 10 or 15 question little thing that asks about specific problems that you had some go-to crystals for, and that we can incorporate those into your session, I think that would be pretty cool. It's a good question.

Okay. Like I said, there are tons and tons of those different chakra tests that you can find online but I don't personally know of a good all-purpose chakra test that gives you information. The other thing that I wanted to make sure all of you had, and I will add this to the bonus handouts I can't believe I didn't think about it. I don't know what is wrong with me but here we go. Here is a link to my quick and easy chakra charts booklet. I will get that added to the bonus section so that you have those easily downloadable but if you don't want to wait for me to get that added, you might want to consider just hopping over to that link and putting your email in so that it gets delivered to you. I think it's 24 or 26 page little booklet that goes through some charts that are all about the locations of the chakras and where you can find them on the body and essential oils that correspond to chakras, crystals for chakras, archangels, and ascendant masters, and spirit guides for chakras, and totem animals for chakras, the different notes or energy frequencies for sound healing and how they're related to chakras. It's more than just crystals. It's branching out a little bit.

I pulled everyone in the Love and Light Student Facebook group a couple of months ago and asked them what kind of actual little fun things would you guys like to see the most and that was one of the things that people asked for. I was sure to get that all created and made. I was just going to have a front and back little chart and it turned into this whole booklet because I got super into it and had a lot of fun with it and this is something that could be really helpful for you to print out and just hang up in your healing space. There's a nice little poster that there's something specific that you want to work with or just have it printed out and stapled and put it in your desk drawers that you can pull it out if you need it, that kind of thing. It's super valuable resource that I think would be really helpful just to have around wherever you do your crystal healing work and your practice.

That said, I also wanted to make sure that I know last week in our Office Hours I shared this link which I'm going to share again, it had all those really fun printable crystal freebies and goodies on it and one of the new things I had last week was the magical monster repellent and then I also added a Magical Citrine Money Manifesting Kit which is a lot of fun. It talks about different ways of using citrine for manifesting prosperity and abundance.

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And then I also really recently added a crystal bagua map which basically uses the principals of feng shui to recommend different crystals for your space. It'd be that your whole home or just your sacred space or just your office space or whatever it is you want to work on but there's just a really quick little bagua map that you can check out. The new things are at the bottom of the page so you'll have to scroll all the way down and check that out but I think that you'll get a kick out of some of the little things that I put on there and I had fun with them definitely for sure.

The one other thing I do want to point out that is available on that page is a crystal meditation for peace. If you have a few minutes to go through this meditation, I first made it when there were the attacks in Paris and I think given what's happened in Orlando over this past week, it would benefit a lot of us who are really sensitive and who are empaths and light workers to just take few minutes and go through this crystal meditation for peace to clear some of that energy and add a little positivity and compassion and empathy into the world right now. If you do have a chance to make some time this weekend to try that crystal meditation for peace, please do that and otherwise just make sure that you get through your quiz and your exam over the weekend.

If you have any questions always give me a shout, let me know what's going on. I'm always happy to help.

And with that, does anybody else have any questions because I only saw one question come in through the chat from Mel. Is there anything anybody else wanted to talk about? We have a little over 15 minutes left. I'd be happy just to answer any chakra related questions or crystal questions or things that are going on in your practice. Anybody got anything or how about just something really cool that happened with your crystals this week, anything like that that you just want to share or comment about or anything else that would be helpful for the program, things that you're liking or disliking? Keep me posted as we go through. Let me know if there's anything I can do to make this better for you, guys. I want to keep it really light and fun and happy but also give you guys some serious education. Nobody? Nobody has any news?

Well, okay maybe you guys are just typing. I'll give you a minute just in case you guys are typing. There we go, okay. Brenda: what do I know about binghamite. Was told it could be substituted for a tiger iron. Binghamite is one of those crystals that's a lot less common. It's usually like in the moderate tier price range. I don't know why it would be considered a substitute for tiger iron. What were you planning on using it for? That might give me a little bit of or insight into why it was recommended as a substitute for tiger iron. There you go. Did you have an intention in mind for that crystal, Brenda? The one thing I would say is, I guess I see how it is maybe considered as substitute for tiger iron because it is similar.

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They told you to try this because you were looking for tiger iron. It's a little bit different, so it does have that calcite-near quartz-based mineral in it and then it does have the hematite but it doesn't have the red jasper the tiger iron also has, so it's giving you part of that energy but not the whole shebang. You could try using it. I'd be interested to know how it works for you. It's interesting that they would have that and not tiger iron because binghamite is not a super common mineral by any means. It's actually just from the US. So with that, it's interesting that you've found it in a local rock shop but yeah, give it a try, see what you think. I can see how it would have a lot of the same grounding properties and that kind of thing but not necessarily all of the things that tiger iron is good for. Tiger iron is super protective and I don't necessarily get that so much from binghamite but I do get the grounding aspect, so I guess it depends on your purpose.

Okay. So they were tumbling a big order for someone who would purchase tiger iron. That's interesting. It's kind of cool. Like I said, a little similar but it's missing some of the components. So if you're really looking for that tiger iron energy, you might want to try using binghamite along with some red jasper, that might help bring some more of those qualities you're looking at. The dynamic for purchase in general, okay.

Mel - talk about the four elements a bit and when you would use a stone for that. Would you ever make a whole layout or grid using the same element for anything? Mel, absolutely. So there are lots of different reasons that you might want to consider doing this. The first thing that I think of is astrological. For example, I'm a fire sign. I'm a Sagittarius. I got a fiery personality, vibrant and passionate but also can have a little bit of a temper at times, be a little bit impatient. I will admit that about myself and I might want to use something to balance some of those aspects like a water element layout. So you could easily add something like that for astrological purposes. On the other hand, there's another reason you might want to use a water layout. For example, the water element is really strongly connected to the emotions and to intuition. If you're looking to balance your emotional centers or wash away negative emotions or enhance your intuition or physic skills, those are other reasons that you might want to incorporate water element stones or even do a water layout or water grid, water element grid. There are lots of different reasons that you could do that. And I think there is some correspondences to those elements. In the first class, you'll find earth, air, fire, and water and then even in, I believe, it was the basic layouts class but it could have been the advanced layouts class, I had those little layouts for individual elements and then one that combined the energy of all four to bring more elemental balance. So yeah, there's a couple of reasons why you might want to consider that.

Was there anything more specific about that, Mel, that you were interested in or if you wanted to do more grounding and protection, you might want to work with an earth element grid, something like that?

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Brenda - would I consider doing a video about dedication of crystals? You know what, how about this Brenda, when I do my little write-up from my blog post for the first week of July about working with the elementals and devas of the crystals, I will definitely throw a dedication video in there. That’s one of the things I would talk about in that little article is how I dedicate stones. I would absolutely love to incorporate that into a little video, definitely. Let me make myself a note so I don't forget. I'm going to put video on dedication. So I'll have that video and then the article come out the same time that first Wednesday in July. I love to do that for you. Thank you for the suggestion.

And Mel - would you still use the color of the stone? Yeah, you can correspond the color of the stone to the elements for sure but I don't exactly know what you're asking. So earth could be black, brown or it could also be green. You could also consider some red stones to be more earthy than fire. Fire stones would usually be oranges, yellows, and reds. Air stones can be light yellow or gold because air is connected to the mental aspect which is usually connected in that golden color or it could also be light blues, light purples, things like that, and then water is typically dark blues and deep purples. If that's what's you're asking, Mel. Oh, for the chakra. Okay.

So would you still use the color of the stone for the chakra in relation to the elements? Okay. So would you use the color of the stone to match the chakra or use the element only? Okay. I see what you're asking here. If you're doing the elemental layouts, you're just going to probably want to stick with the elemental layouts and not so much worry about the color of the chakra because your intention for using the elemental layout is in and of itself its own purpose, whereas using just the colored stone of the chakra is also like its own purpose. You'd have two conflicting things going on if you try to mix the chakra color in with the elemental layout. If you're using those elemental layouts to balance the energy at the different chakra centers, then you definitely just want to stick with the elemental layout itself. Yes, awesome. Sorry, I wasn't getting that at first.

It's hard but the chat only lets you put little snippets of text in there, so thank you for clarifying.

Okay. Brenda says, "In a previous class, I mentioned using fluorite for my husband's back pain. Could you use that for other pain in other areas?" Fluorite really relates closely to the spine and that thing which is why I usually recommend it for back pain. If you wanted just general pain relief crystals, I would really strongly suggest blue calcite because it's a good anti-inflammatory. So if your pain is coming from inflammation, that's a good one or if it's other types of pain that you're just feeling more chronic pain, copper, little nuggets of copper are awesome. Those are a couple of things you might want to try just for general pain but if it's like, back neck, spine or pain that you're feeling somewhere else because of anything to do with back, neck or spine then you can still use fluorite.

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For example, I a lot of times, have some shoulder pain that comes from leftover whiplash stuff going on with my spine, in my vertebrate, from some car accidents and so I like to use fluorite there as well even though it's not so much really my back. I like to use that fluorite and then the same with my ribs. All that stuff wraps around and is connected to what's going on with your spinal column. So if you can use some fluorite for anything connected to that, that's really helpful. You might even have some pain that goes down your legs sometimes from something related to spinal issues or back issues. You can use the fluorite on other areas of the body if the root cause of the pain is coming from the spine. Yeah, and selenite before, definitely.

Selenites are good one for relieving pain because it cleanses and clears that energy out, especially if it's something like excess energy at the head causing a headache or migraine, selenite is great for that. And then ocean jasper, I can definitely see that because it's really grounding and it has that water element energy to it that helps wash away pain and brings lot of calmness. So even though your body might still be experiencing the same cause of the pain, it helps you disconnect from it a little bit.

And then the larsenite, I wouldn't have thought to use larsenite. So for those of you who don't know what larsenite is, it's also called bogwood and it's normally green but it also comes in sometimes very rarely pink which is really cool and sometimes it even has little caverns of druzy quartz inside. Larsenite, I can see for similar reasons to the ocean jasper because it's really grounding and helps ground that pain out of the body. So awesome, thanks for sharing that, Brenda. Cool.

Okay. Well, we have about five minutes left. Does anybody have any other crystal goodness they want to talk about or any special request of me or Lucy, any way that we can help you guys as you're moving through the program? We have four classes left, yeah, four. We're going to do working with crystal grids, emotional healing with crystals, using crystals for fertility, and then creating a crystal healing mandala. I'm super duper excited about all those and that reminds me, so you absolutely do not need all of the crystals that I talked about for the crystal mandala class. You can just write down the names of the crystals that I'm going to go through and put them together later if you want to do that. But if you actually want an entire crystal kit of every crystal that we use in the mandala class, I do have some available. I had one of my staff members at mimosa make up. So there's a link to the mandala kit. It is expensive and I'm not just trying to make a big expensive crystal kit. We just cover so many crystals in that class and this is all of them. There's a whole list of what's on that page. You might even have most of these crystals already.

Like I said, this is absolutely not a requirement, not a necessity for going to the class but eventually when you make your mandala, you will need at least the amount of crystals to create your mandala.

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If you want to go through that class and that's the 11th class, so week 11 class. If you want to go through the class and write down the crystals that you choose for each area of your mandala and make a little shopping list, that's just fine. This is every crystal we will ever talk about which is a lot. No need to buy this at all but I just wanted to make it available in case some people were interested in that but you can just make yourself a little crystal shopping list if that's something you want to do as you go through the class. You'll write down what you choose for each area or aspect of your life and then I'll show you how to put together the personal mandala. And if you think that's something that you'd really benefit from and that you'd like to create, it's almost a crystal grid except it doesn't follow sacred geometry. It's a little bit different. It's like a personal representation of you and all the aspects of yourself made out of crystals. It's like doing a painting but with tumbled stones. It's really fun. I just want to throw that out there a couple of weeks before we get to that class.

Okay. With that, we're just about at time, so thank you guys so much for coming to Office Hours again today. I will try and get this video up tonight. If not, it'll be up tomorrow morning. It will be on that archive page that you guys will get emailed about. You'll have access to the replay of course and then we will work on getting the transcript and chat log and all that stuff put up as soon as possible so that you have those things and we're working through all those class resource guides. I think the resource guides for classes 1 through 5 are currently up on each of the class pages. And if there's anything you guys need, in the meantime that would really help support your learning or any special request you want to make, please speak up, that's what I'm here for. With that, I hope you all have a beautiful weekend. Good luck on your test and exams. I know you're going to pass with flying colors and I will talk to you all soon. Thank you so much and crystal blessings.

!!! Energy Healing is not meant to replace conventional medicine, but rather to complement and enhance it. The information within this document is metaphysical in nature and is by no means medical. Energy Healing should only be used with the understanding that it is not an independent therapy, but one that is part of a holistic healing approach.

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