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CHAMPAIGN-URBANA PUBLIC HEALTH DISTRICT · Champaign-UrbanaPublic Health District Proposed Fiscal...

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FILED PubJicHea1th Prevent. Promote. Protect. Cham.paign-Urbana Public Health District JUL 092007 CHAMPAIGN COUNTY CLERK CHAMPAIGN-URBANA PUBLIC HEALTH DISTRICT FISCAL YEAR 2008 BUDGET (Adopted June 11, 2007)
Page 1: CHAMPAIGN-URBANA PUBLIC HEALTH DISTRICT · Champaign-UrbanaPublic Health District Proposed Fiscal Year 2008 Budget Consolidated Financial Summary (All Funds) FY05 Actual FY06 Actual


PubJicHea1thPrevent. Promote. Protect.

Cham.paign-Urbana Public Health District

JUL 092007




(Adopted June 11, 2007)

Page 2: CHAMPAIGN-URBANA PUBLIC HEALTH DISTRICT · Champaign-UrbanaPublic Health District Proposed Fiscal Year 2008 Budget Consolidated Financial Summary (All Funds) FY05 Actual FY06 Actual


Table of Contents

Consolidated Financial Summary (All Funds)

Consolidated Revenue Summary (All Funds)

Consolidated Expenditure Summary (All Divisions, All Funds)

Anticipated Revenues and Spending Authority (Appropriations)For the following divisions (All Funds):

Chronic Disease Prevention & Management

Infectious Disease

Community Health Nursing

Maternal & Child Health

Dental Health

Environmental Health


Financial Summaries & Spending Authority (Appropriations) by Fund:

Public Health (General) Fund

Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund

Audit Fund

Liability and General Insurance Fund
















· \

Page 3: CHAMPAIGN-URBANA PUBLIC HEALTH DISTRICT · Champaign-UrbanaPublic Health District Proposed Fiscal Year 2008 Budget Consolidated Financial Summary (All Funds) FY05 Actual FY06 Actual

Champaign-Urbana Public Health DistrictProposed Fiscal Year 2008 Budget

Consolidated Financial Summary (All Funds)





Beginning Balance 3,722,736 4,225,087 4,560,744 4,949,317

Revenues 7,865,303 8,270,270 8,683,095 9,190,892

Total Available 11,588,039 12,495,357 13,243,839 14,140,209

Expenditures 7,362,952 7,945,684 8,254,694 9,190,892

Adjustments (11,071) 39,828Ending Balance 4,225,087 4,560,744 4,949,317 4,949,317

Consolidated FinancialSummary 1

Page 4: CHAMPAIGN-URBANA PUBLIC HEALTH DISTRICT · Champaign-UrbanaPublic Health District Proposed Fiscal Year 2008 Budget Consolidated Financial Summary (All Funds) FY05 Actual FY06 Actual


Champaign-Urbana Public Hearth DistrictPrepcsed Fiscal Year 2008 Budget

Pubfic Health (Genera£) Fund (All Divisions)

§ [];] ~ecru... ,ern... ~ ...,.,Revenues.

Property TaxesC"rrern Property Ta. C-UPHD 1.574676 1762.665 l,7s.8.273 1,870.803Curren! PropertyTax· CC PHD 363,920 zsa.ses 435.188 esao-cPersonal PropenyTax Replacement saosa 87.625 eaosa 79.528Other Properly Ta><es(rtF SurplUS) ,,,,

Tolal ?ropertyTa>:es 1,991,650 2,144,875 2,275.553 2,419,628

Gmnls '" ContractslDPHGmms

BfOTe«"""", Plann,ng. Preparedness &.S"...... ,Ia""'" (AlB)BIoTermrl$m Prepar8df!ess Plallmng& Respoo-tre(A) ,,~, 143Za 127,000BOOTerro'osm lnvestogat>on, $urve.llance & EpIdemtolO9l' (8) ar zsa sosesB'oTerrtmsm l.aboIalOfy Biologic Agents (C)B...,Terronsm lrt!'aSl'UClul'e /lntmmaltOt1 Ma.....gernent IE) 16,794 8.6178'oTe'ronsm 01$1$ & RlSl< Commun!C3tlO/'l (F) 42,578 34.567 eaestB,oTerronsm Tra,nl"9 & EduealOC>n (G) s.sac '"Pandermc Influenza za.aos "...,ESDA Homelar>d5eoJrolJl 6.651Breast & Cenocal cancer "'''' asassc 260.677 575,575lBCCP Outreach 1.013CUPHD Mobile O......eachDealh cer1d'cate SurchargeDental sealants 11.091 5.867 a ssr '.000o.~~ 11,709 taeoc '.'" "000G<!t The Lea<!Out <00 L=l{earl$matl tor Women 19,52.2 7,661~rt$ma'ltOfTeens 12.457 "'-000Hepalrtl$ PreventIOn f InlegmliOn 29,067 (15,721) '"HIVCa'e Consort,,,", 615.522 6S3.B47 687,937 762,612HIV .lad Protect co.ass ".,.. 48.080 00.000HlV ?reve<rt"", Gay Youth 43.037 60,474 s-ese ro..",HN Preverrt"", lead Agenq 460.361 eee.eea 485.&43 483.557HIV Rapid T=OI'9 Implementat."., "WHIV Testing Survey s.eeoHIVnle IIOutrOOcl'1 20.031 15,466 1&,427HIV /..at,,,,,Outreach Protect sssHo\lSIng Opportumhes·A1DS 91,798 103.685 77.862 93.114lead Screenong 3,~7 eaa '.000L<.>cal Heahh Protect"", 208.332 125.501 193.664 195.868Prostate & Teslocular CaflCef zsse 11.062 11,499 ".000Summe< Food Program '.000 '" soc seeT"""''19 Fao1rt.es 4,150 2,700 3,550Tobaca> Free CommlJflrtoes es.oee ",.. 32,754 ".".ToI:>a<:q) REALITY 1JJJ.,0lS zses ",,. 18.713 ".000Tut>en:::uJrers DOT& OOPT 4,750 14,355 8.037 11,730TWI) B<rds.One $lone 15.024 10.976Vector (M::>squito) Control -e tss 15,500 13.000 13.000wes Nlle Virus (9798) 11,548 20,877V,SIOn & Heanng 7,150 ae.soe 31.861W.,IO>ess <In Wheels (WOW)/M!<>or,ty Heatth ".000 ".000 aa.ase "'.000Wanness()n Wheels (!NOW) / STu ss.see 20.874 41.820 "000Wellness ()11 Wheels ...VI$IOI> '",000 ".000Women's fiealth Inlbat...... '.000

TotilllDPH Grants 2.255.105 2,364.915 2,303370 2,715;>90

IDHS(irams.Coord""'-I"<!Sctoool Health """ 19,553 as.asa "'.000O"'boeles 20.241 17,166 16,696 15,000Fam,1yCase Management 665.213 544,490 """" ses.ecoHea~hWOl1<s (DCFSj ".'" es.ess ss.sa taeocSctlOOI-8asecl Hea~h Cl,mes 128,760 120,393 102.081 110.000Teen Parent SeMces 186,101 177,423 185,366 190.600Women Infants &.Chilctren 472,58& 526,813 357.141 570,900

TotallDHS GrarllS. 1,585,628 1,489,477 1334,674 1,584,700

Othe' Grants & ContractsD>am;>algnCoull!)' BaaFfJoi He;oM 794,198 sss.as raaeoo 530,317Choldcar~ -ca t.vso secCorrt,ngency.New Grants & Contracts '.- 327,000IONS-fladon " 9.511 '" '00lDOT-GPS CooR:l,nato<

"'''' eszealOOT-sale Commun'bestL Ch,l::!'etI'sHea~,e Foundabon 61,620Provena Ccwenant M C Prevent"", P,omary Ca,,, eessa 4£;,150 21,152Stand AQarnst Cancer jAc.::ess) azzs '0,392 ll,750 14,551>Susan G Komer> (tBCCP) ,m 14.537 z.seo 10,550Tobacco \/eOOo<Compl",nce seaeUrbana (CIly)School-Based tieafth Cent", Grant '000 '.000 '000 '.000

Tolal Ottl<o, Grants & Cont,acts ~,~ 816129 779759 888,597

Fee Based Programs &.Other SourcesC & U Ucense tncome 13,011 21,508 25,306 ".,.,Ghn.cal &.rv.ces. Testmg &.Vacon<s 49,640 49,879 66,214 114,250En",ronmenlal Heatltl Permrts 135,45$ teozos aso.zsa 219,875IDPA· MedICaid· Dental scsea 284,588 197,923 287,600lDPA· Med.ca1O/KldCare· Family Hea~h ".%<l 27,800 25,121 "000lDPA· M<od.caJd I MedICa'e - Nu<$lrtg 36,7$1 25,593 ze esc 129,100lDPA· M!;C>ea.!d.50/50 "Match" aso.zot 159,552 435,917 480,163TIPS (Alcohol Server Trn,n,ng) ,.,.. 4,535 '.000VIlaI Stall$l-.:s n,m n,,,,, 78,743 ".000Well wall>r Testing/Assessments """ MOO r.aes t.soolnterest ae.zes ee.sse 190,377 117,000MIscellaneous Receopts '.m 18,048 2,317 W,744Gam on Saleon Equ,pmenl (EKG Madllne) ,"

TOIaIFee Based p,ograms & O".her Sources sea.sos 912.605 1,285,735 1,582,577

Total Revenues 7,420 186 7728001 7,979092 9,190,892


Consolidated Revenue 1

Page 5: CHAMPAIGN-URBANA PUBLIC HEALTH DISTRICT · Champaign-UrbanaPublic Health District Proposed Fiscal Year 2008 Budget Consolidated Financial Summary (All Funds) FY05 Actual FY06 Actual

Champaign-Urbana Public Health DistrictProposed Fiscal Year 2008 Budget

Consolidated Expenditures (All Divisions, All Funds)





08 Budget

Expenditures:Personal Services 3,=,125 3,517,080 3,660,213 4,459,197separanon Payments

Total Personal Services 3,=,125 3,517,080 3,660,213 4,459,197Fringe Benefits (General Fund):

Heatth& LifeInsurance 461,294 618,521 703,809 892,037FnngeBenefits (fMRF Fund):

FICA & Medicare 239,346 258,333 27D,176 358,291IMRF 210,172 265,503 230,892 373,183

FringeBenefits (Liability & Insurance Fund):Workers' Compensation 68,901 33,836 30,006 60,845Unemployment CompensatIOn 24,659 52,995 65,480 59,450OtherFringeBenefits 525 747

Total FnngeBenefits 1.004,372 1,229,713 1,301,110 1,743,806Total Personal Services & FnngeBenefits 4,226,497 4,746,793 4,961,323 6,203,003

Non-Patient Contractual (General Fund):BUilding Leases,Maintenance & Utilities 180,639 166,833 275,255 257,936LegalFees 147,824 86,736 53,093 39,000Postage 33,969 31,983 27,611 25,565PrintingtPhotocopying 27,345 48,150 38,359 36,735Protessonal Meetings 16,462 11,800 13,101 20,668Telecommunications 84,685 89,182 78,471 n,786Non C-U PHD License Payments 21,608 23,363OtherNon-PatIent Contractual 709,164 807,028 584,695 837,347

Total Non-Patient Contractual (General Fund) 1,200,088 1,263,320 1,093,948 1,295,037Non-Patient Contractual (Audit Fund):

Public Accounting Audit 12,020 13,850 21,000 21,000

Total Non-Patient Contractual (AUdit Fund): 12,020 13,850 21,000 21,000Non-Patient Contractual (Liability & Insurance Fund):

MedicalMalpractice Insurance 2,495 3,226 2,745 2,500GeneralLiability Insurance 7,221 39,340 39,035 36,500Automobile Liability Insurance 701 3,750Officers' Bond InsuranceOther Insurance (44) 154 10,436 100

TotalNon-Patient Contractual (LiabiUty& Insurance Fund} 9,672 42,720 52,917 42,850

Total Non-Patient Contractual 1,221,780 1,319,890 1,167,865 1,358.887

IDPH DeathCertificate Surcharge Transfers 26,964 26.722 26,048 26,780Travel 100,290 99,141 106,888 143,499VehicleOperations 1,148 5,044 11,131 7,017Supplies-Office. Building & Other 142,347 106,499 167,736 154,008Supplies-Medical & Dental 158,134 128,673 128,135 153.616Equipment 172,421 11,553 240,278 239,574Contingency forNew Grants& Contracts-SBHCUrbanaSBHC ConstructionContingency forNew Grants& Contracts-OtherSpace NeedsPlanning, Design & Implementation 9,536 24,537 56,915 7,500Subcontract with Champaign CountyBoardof HealthPatientCare & ClientAssistance 738,991 805,264 703,234 897,008

Total Expenditures 8,798,109 7,274,116 7,569,553 9,190,892

Consolidated Expenditure 3

Page 6: CHAMPAIGN-URBANA PUBLIC HEALTH DISTRICT · Champaign-UrbanaPublic Health District Proposed Fiscal Year 2008 Budget Consolidated Financial Summary (All Funds) FY05 Actual FY06 Actual

Champaign-Urbana Public Health DistrictProposed Fiscal Year 2008 Budget

Chronic Disease Prevention & Management {All Funds)

~~ACTU"'- ACTUALRlJVenues;

Property Taxe$.Current Property Tax _C-U PHD 68"" 182,037 105-.730 102.375Current Property Tax - CC PHD 19.900 21.300 42.012 44,701f>e!SOnal PrCflel1YTa:t Replacement

Total Properly Taxes 88,457 203,337 147,742 147.076

Grants & Gon1ractsIDPH Grants-

BIOTerroosm: Planrring, Prepareeness &. Survemence (AlB)BloTerroosrn: Preparedness, Planrnng &. Response (A) 68.941 143.217 127,000eoreronsm. InvestigatIOn. Surveiuarce &. Epldemlology (£3) 31292 30,629BIOTerronsm' Laboratory BtologIC Agenls (e)BloTeaonsm.lnlrastrocture f lnlOfma!lon Management (E)BloTenonsm Gn.s1S A RISk Gommunteatmn (F)BloTerronsrn' Trail1lng & Education (G)Pandem!c IllfItse<1Za "209ESDA HOII1(lland $eCllnty" 6,657Breast & cervical CancerIBCCP OutreachCUPHD MobIleOutreachDeatttcel1lficale SurCh<ll"gl;lDentalSealants 11,091 5.867 50eenetcsGet The Lead OutH&artSmart1~ Women 19.522 7,661Heart$mart for Teens 12,457 20,000H.epa1ltt:s Ptevootion IlllfegratlOnHIV Care ConsortiumHrvJill! ProjecfHIV Prevermcn Gay YouthHIV Prevenbcn Lead AgencyHIV F\apK:I Testing ImplelnE)OtattonHIV Teslmg SurveyHIV TI!Ie II OutreachHIV Latmo OutreachPmtec!HousIJ'lQOpportunibes-AJDSLead SCl'eemngtoc<» HeaJth Protecllon 52,083 31,376 50,610 48,416Prostate &.Tesllcular Cancer ',996 11,062SummerFoodProgramTannmg FaclllbesTobacco Free Communities esoee "". 32,754 ".53'Tobacco REALITY mlllO<S ',929 2.''' 18.71S 32,000Tuberculosis DOT & DOPTrecaecs. oneStorIeVector (Mosqutto) ControlWest,!lffieV/lusVIS!On&. HeanngWellness on WheM (WOWYMmorl/y HeaJlhWellness on Wheels CHOW> I STDwe::ness on WIlee!s+ V{SIOI1

Women's Health lnlbafive

TC>taI1DPH Giran1:$ """"" 2njl92 2t4.793 '38,950

JDHSGranfsCoordinate<:!ScnooI HeaItl1 30.361 19.553 ",35< 30,000""beresFanlIly Case ManagemarnHeallhWorlc; (DCFS)School-Based Health Climes 128.760 '20.393 1(12,081 110,000Teen Pa1Enf SeMCeSWomen, Inlants &. Chaldren

TotallDHS Grants, 159,121 139.946 138,435 140,000

Other Grants &. Contracts:Champalgll County Board 01Hea1lh 135.551 132.107 167,528 63246cee ceeCOnbngency-New Granls & Corrtracts 1,446 ',000lDNS""""",lOOT-CPS Coordtnat~ 48.943 29,738lDOT-5afe Cornmumt<eslL Children's Heall!lcare FOOndahonProvena covenam M.G. Preventive Pnmary CareStand AgalllM Cancer (Access)Susan G. Kernen (IBCCP)Tobacco venoor Compliance 9,824Urbana (CIty) School-Based Healltl Center Grant 9,000 6,000 6,()()() 6,000

TotalOtherGrants& COntracts 203,318 167,845 174,974 71246

Fee BasedPrograms &.Other SourcesC& U&cel..~lncome

Clmcal servces • Testing & veccnes

'"EnvlrOllmemal Heafttl PermnstCPA - Medicaid, DentallDPA· MedIcaid I KldCare - Family Health10PA· MedlGald I Medicare. NursmgIDPA· MedIcaid _5OISO"Match"TIPS (AIcot1ol $elVer TramlTlg) "'66 '-'" '.000VIIal statescsWen Water Tesbng'AssessmentsinterestMfsceItanoous Receipts 6,000 -

rcea Fee Based Programs & O!tler Sources 12,566 4,667 5,000

Total Revenues 701,493 801,586 730,611 502,272

Chrome DISease 4

Page 7: CHAMPAIGN-URBANA PUBLIC HEALTH DISTRICT · Champaign-UrbanaPublic Health District Proposed Fiscal Year 2008 Budget Consolidated Financial Summary (All Funds) FY05 Actual FY06 Actual

Champaign-Urbana Public Heatth DistrictProposed Fiscal Year 2008 BUdget

Chronic Disease Prevention & Management (All Funds)

~@J Ipr~sed FYIACT\lIU. ACTUAl ,........ExpendnlJres:

Personal Services 275,186 261,719 293,n6 238.68<Separation Payments

Total PelSQnal $elv1Ce$ 275,186 261,719 293,nf> 238,684Fnnge Benefits (General Fund)

Heatltl &.Life Insurance 29.'" 41,654 47.<!12 47,216Fnn!1e Benefrts (IMRF Fund)'

fICA &.MediCare 20.172 19,250 21,576 21,831IMRF 19,48f) ".009 19.826 22,287

Fnnge Benefrts (Liability & InsurallCe Fund)Workers' Compe/lSa!J{JTl ,.<% 2.031 2,186 ',256Unemployment corcereason 2.909 3,946 5.'" ',220Other Fange Beneftts

TotalF~Benelits n,040 OM90 96.282 95,810Tolal Personal ServICes &.Frlllge 8eneflts 3= "'.609 "".D08 334,494

Non·Patl€!nI Contractual (General fund);SUlklTIlg Leases. Malnlenance 8. Utrlrt\es 1.400 2.600 2.404 ""Legal Fees

/>OS"'" 6,864 3,046 2.090 2.650PnnbnglPl'lotocopying 9,072 6,119 6."36 6,979ProfeSS¥J£lal Meetmgs 3,100 "0 2268 2.000Telecommll1\lCatIOr1s 12,318 7,948 6,210 5200Non C-U PHD LICense Payments0Ihef Nco-Patent Contractual 125,037 151,279 62,166 13,092

Total Non-Pallent Contrac:tuaI (Genercll Fund) 157.791 171,712 81,574 90,383NO/1-patlEmtContractual (AUdIt Fund)'

Pubfic AccoiJntlng Aulfrt

Total Non·Patre<rt CoolraCtual (AUdit Fund)Non-Pa~CootractuaI (liability & Insurance FUnd).""""'--Generall.1ab1hty Insurance 251

Automobile LIability InsuranceOfficers' Bond InsuranceOther Insurance

Total Non-PaIl(,nt Contractual (Liability & tns.ura~ FuncI) '"Total Non-Pa%nt ContraClual 158,042 171,712 Ill,574 90.383

IDPH Death CertIfICate Surt:hargf: Tran$;fers

T~" 13,51f 11,865 13,554 11,149VehICle cperatcos ts taSuppl'Jre..OIflCe, Buil<jing & Other 31.082 29,351 53,018 31,871SUpplleS-MecIlcaI &.Dental 29.8:12 11.B07 6,195 14,158EClUIpll1~nt 72,300 2,408 73.917 10.067C¢nbngeflCy for New Grants & CC/ltrac\s-.SBHCUrbana S8HC Conslruc!JOflContmgency for New Grants & Contraets-Ottl<.trSpace Needs P\arlmog, Design & ImplamantatronSubcontractII1thCh~ CCtffityBoardOfHeaIthP<rttenlCare &.cieet Ass'$;1ar1ce ".658 7,067 •.ssa 10,150

TI)taI Expendltures 677.'" 582.837 622,947 90""Net Reveoues Less Expendrtures 23,7/)4 218.749 107.684

Chrome DIsease S

Page 8: CHAMPAIGN-URBANA PUBLIC HEALTH DISTRICT · Champaign-UrbanaPublic Health District Proposed Fiscal Year 2008 Budget Consolidated Financial Summary (All Funds) FY05 Actual FY06 Actual

I Champaign-Urbana Public Health DistrictProposed Fiscal Year 2008 Budget

Infectious DIsease Prevention & Management (All Funds)

[]fJ [];] !FY07 ACTUALI~scru... ecru... '"- "'"-aeeeoes.PropertyTaxes.

Cum!tfPropertyTax C·UPHD

""'" 'OO,<en 30\270 451.507Cu:TerI!PropertyTal<- CC PHD 'm' 33.370 47.305 74.019Pasonal Property Tax RepIaoement

Total Property Taxes 207,432 rn,()47 34$.575 sas.sasGIaIllS& Contracts

IDPHGrants::8>:.>Terronsm P1<Inmng, Preparedness & SUlVeoIance(AIB)Bo;>Terr= ~PJaf1lWllJ&Resmnse(A)

8o:>Terronsm 1nvesl;!QabOn. SuveilIaoce & EPIdemIOlogy (B)So:.>T-erronsm laboratory BtOlogcAgents (C)Bl::>Tel'IOfIStn 1nI<ast<u:;:tUR! Ilntorm3tQn Maragement (£)BQTerronsm CI'lSlS & RISkCommur'llCalt:)n(f')BJ(>Tem;onsm TIilIfllrlg&EdIx:rW:m(GjPandemo:: lnllue'll3ESDA t-\Qrnl!lanrj Secunty


OCCP,,",,"'"C!)PHD Mcbie Ou!ro:ldl~thCertih:;ateSurchargeDentalSealants

"""""~ The Lead OIl~ma'!fer WomenH<llarlSmartfor "reeosHepa1lIisPrevooto::>n/lnlegra\l!:)<l eace- (15,721) ,>5HIV careConsorhtrn 615.52'2 ssasc 667.837 762.612HlV ..taiProjed: "'.266 50,.. ".080 sooocHIVP~GayYOOlll 43,007 60,474 54.321 70.500HIVp~ l.ead Agerr;y "",., see sea 485$43 483.557HIV~ T<!SIolg lmplemeola\o:ln r.aeoHlV Testng Survey zseoHlV Tille II 0u!raadJ 20,031 15.466 18,427HN l<ltR.>ClrJln1achP~HeaIlh ",Hous...g ()pportInues-AIDS {HOPWA} er.rse 103.685 n.se 93.114".,--,Local Healtl PrnteellOO saoea sores 50,610 48.416PfOStale& Tesb::uIarceocer

'1,499 20.000--"""'"'"T<lrwng FaailiesTobacco Free CommUfl¢JeSTccaccc REALITY W-I!IOISneeecese DOT &. DOPT 4,750 14,355 8.037 11,730T!OIO BO'rls, 000 Stone 15,024 10,976V'ldO<(Mosqullo) ControlWeslNileVrusVISion&' l-leamQWt*lesson WheelsIY"OW)lM,romyHeath 35.000 35.000 sa.ee "'.000Weiness on WIleeIs(WOW')(SID 39,968 20,874 41,820 "'.000weeeesonWheels + V""""Women's HealthlntIlIltIIKi

TotallDPH CiJ"arts 1,446163 1,563,662 1,517,409 1,639,929

IDHS GranIsO:>on:linated ScllOOl HealthD......F"",1ly Case Managemedf-/eaflhWOIts (DCFS)Sct>ooI-8ased Health ClnocsT<eenParort SeM::esWomen.. lnlaTlls& ChIldren

tolallOHS Grafts

OtherG~ &. CoI1lracts.~CoIallyBoard of Health 59157 eesaa 43110 aazaaC"""""~NawGmrts & CCmtmcts

'.000 185,000

""s-""""IDOT -CPS Coorc!mtorIDOT -sere CommundleSII Cf*lfen's Healthcare FotnlaIc.>n 61,620Prooena Coven:lnl M C. Prl!W!nt>Ve Primal)' CamStand AgallSl Cancer(~)Susan G KOfI'lIln(18CCP)Tobacco Vendor Compllaro::eUrt:>ana (CiIy)School-Based Heallh ceser Grant

Total OthefGrarts & Contracts 59,157 107,952 46,110 zaazsaFee Based progams & Other~

C & U &.ce lJcense IncomeClncaI SeM::el;, Teslong &.Vaccroes ,,,, aaasr 58,931 61750EII\IIIOM1erta1Heath PermllSIDPA - Medlcaa1- D{mIaI

IDPA - Medl:aK:l/KldCare· Famil'f HeallhIDPA· Medtc:aK:I/MedOCill'e·NlIISl'IQ 4,100Il)f'A· MedcaK:l-5OI50"Malch'TIPS (AlcoholServer TralTlll1g)VlI<IlSlatrstr.:sWei Water Te51"'9!Asses.srr>e<ts..-M=!aoeous~ t.aoo

Total Fee Base<!Programs & Othersecees 4,487 azasz se.sat 67,050

TotaJRfi'\.'eOOeS 1,717,239 1,938,018 1 971,fJ'25 2.455,743

Page 9: CHAMPAIGN-URBANA PUBLIC HEALTH DISTRICT · Champaign-UrbanaPublic Health District Proposed Fiscal Year 2008 Budget Consolidated Financial Summary (All Funds) FY05 Actual FY06 Actual

Champaign-Urbana Public Health DistrictProposed Fiscal Year 2008 Budget

Infectious Disease Prevention & Management (All Funds)

@J @J ~A=~ A=~ ,,-_.~

PilfSClnaI Servi::es 42$,155 540,114 7S6,f33 8f2,f.i97Separa!lonPaynIents

TotalP~Servx:es 425.155 540,114 756,133 812.697Fmge 8e<>eIiIs (Genend FI.O:1dJ

Heath & tse Insurarce 51,237" 95319 1~,449 156,122Fnngs Benefits(lMRf ftnll-

FICA& Medcare 31,605 40,109 se.acs "200'"'' 29,174 sesss 48,104 67,652'FIlIlge Beoelrts(liability & Insuraree FtnI}Wotkefs'~ 6.'" "" 5,051 11,7"77Unemploymert Compensaflon '.9<3 8,400 13185 ,,-Other Fnnge "Benelils

Total Fnnge BeneIlIs 123,619 187,492 ~1,994 312..197Total Personal Servces& Flioge Bene/lIS 548,774 727,606 1.018,127 1,125,094

Non-Pa\Ielll Cooll<>Ctual (General FLn:lJ_6lMlalg l..eases.Mall1tOOance & U1~>es s.sse '.000 "" ""Legal Fees-" s.eea 5,007 ezao s.ess-- '.W> 7,637 ,.= sosaPmlessoo<Iall.AeetJngs ,..", "'" 4,927 s.sooT_""""",,, 1227Q 16,108 17259 ".,.Non C-U PHD Lo::eose PaymentsOther Noo-Pattenl Con!r<lctual aeacee 496,437 418,370 548,077

Total Noo-Pabent ComadU<!1 (Geneo"alFurd) 415.871 saaasr ea.see seaeosNon-PaloenlCo<1IractuaI (Audit Fund)P<.tl«:AccountingAlJiI

Tolal No&PatJeolContraduaI (Aidit FomtNon-Pabe<ll CoroIractuai (liilrobirlty & IoWrance F_)""""--Gene<a1l..Jabay lnstnnc:e

A<*'lmObile l.ab;liIy lrlsurance tsooOtfICe!S' Bon:! \nslr.lnce

"'"'-~Total Non-PatleolConIractIal(U<lbility & InsinnI;e Ftnll >.""Total Noo-PatiefllConl1actuaJ 415,871 528.257 ease ses.acsIDPH Death Cel\lh:ale Sun::harge TranslersT""" ".535 30,089 41,531 71,47'1


.,'" '''' '.000S~ice, BuiI<.W1g & Other ".000 16,044 ".'<>9 es.ssaS~&DeotaI 17,615 50.... eoees 74,608'-'"' "..,. azsa ee.rsc esseCoru1gerq for New GI<Ilts& COrdJacts-SSHCUrbana.S8HC~


SpaceNeeds PIamng, De$ign&~'>"Slboortfacl \WhCt>ampagn eo...y Boardol HeaRh

Pabenl GaTe & CiellI AssisIance 466,946 530,987 46Q.111 514,353

Total E>:perdil~ 1,541.176 1,899.747 2,107,915 2455.743Ne!Revenues Less Exper10llures 176.063 3B;m (1'%,890)

Page 10: CHAMPAIGN-URBANA PUBLIC HEALTH DISTRICT · Champaign-UrbanaPublic Health District Proposed Fiscal Year 2008 Budget Consolidated Financial Summary (All Funds) FY05 Actual FY06 Actual

Champaign-Urbana Public Health DistrictProposed Fiscal Year 2008 Budget

Community Health Nursing (All Funds)

~ [];] ~ACTU"'- Acru",- 00""""aevereesPTCf't"!YTaxe:o

Dmlnl Property TaxC{) """

,,, sse .226.795 162.078 64,887CurTenI: Property Tax- CC PHD 120.666 103.554 108.939 """PelWI\al Property Tall Replacernert

TotafPruperty Taxes'683" sscaas 271.017 110,29()

Grants & ConlJactsIDPH Glarts.

BlOTerronsm Plaro1ln9 Prnparedness& Surv!>.illa!r;e(A/8)Bl;)Terronsm Preparedoess. Plal'lllll'l9 & Response{A)BlOTermnsm lfwesbgaloon. Survdance &.Eplderru0loQ\o' (8)BlOTerromm f..abo!atory 8obgo:: Ager4S(C)BlOTerronsm 1rJl<aslnJdure 11nI0ImatK>nManagement (E)&:lTemmsm Cnss& RQCommuncatlOn(FJBlOTerronsm Trarong & EducallOn (G)PlIll/.lemICIr1fll.oIimzaESDA HomeIa'ldSe<:unlyBreast &.Cerw::al Caocer 324,894 asa.eso zeoen 575,575lBCCP Outreach

1,013CUPHD MobileOulreact>Death Certt"cale SlSCharge

"-'''''-Go_"2%JGetThe Lead W:

HeaI1Srnart tor WomenHearrSmarllOfTeensHepalltlsPreverD:ln IlnIegabon

HNea.e"""""""HIV Jai ProtedHIVPmvenloo Gay YOI,IlhHIV Preverb:ln Lead AgetqHlV Rapd Testonglmplern9nlatl;)HlV TeslJlg &rveyHIVT1!IeIlOt.ftaachHtv l.lllono Odreach Pmled~ Oppol'\ooitles-AlDSLf3<IdScreer""Q as» sssLClCaIHealhPI'(lIectr.>n saosa 30"" 41,834 48.416Prosta:\e & TesllcuIarGaoc.erS\rnmer rcee ProgramTImnIng FadilleST<Jbaco:l FreeCommt.otIes'rceacce REAUlYlImIST~OOT&.OOPT

T \00 BlIl;ls, 000 SloneVedor(~o)CorcroI

WestNieVII'USV'6IDIl &.Hearirlg 7.150 ze.acs 31,861WelnessOl\Wheefs(W~Healh

weeeee OIl Wheels <:NCYN) I SID35.000W~onWheels.. VJS:lOft

100,000 30.000Women's Heae:hlrmlIrve

TOIaf IDPH Gl<lIts 386.'" 410,493 .os.ass see.sstVHSG_

Cooro.nated SctooIHealll-- 20,241 17.166 16.696 15,000Family case ManagementHeaIhWorl<s (OCFS)-....,,"""Teen PareI1l &!M::esWomen. IrIara<; & Chil:lmn ao.sco

TOIal DHS GlanlS au" 17.166 16.696 es.sooO\her Gl<lIts & C<>nlmds

Champaigrl eo.rty Boafll 01Heath 175,351 75.835 aa.ost se.eeGOod""'" '" '.'SO socea.""."..."" .\\ewGranIs& Conlrads 100,000


lDOT-safe Commurllllesll.CI'1ti'en·$~FOlIrIdab:>n

Provena Co\oeoanl M C Pmv.:!rtNe P",""ly CareStand AgaIl'lSl Cancer (Access) '.075 tease 11.750 t-escSusan G Ko<mlIl (18CCf')

"" 14,537 2,940 10.550rcceccc Vendor~Umana ICily) Sc:hool-Based HeaJIh cem.- GIant

Total Other Gmft& & Cortracts 192,S37 102,514 """ te-sseFee Based ?rograms & ceee Sot.II'ces

C&U&CC/.«;ensefncomaClncal ServICes- Testong& Vac.:=es 45,153 'M<; '" 10,000ErMOr'InJeI'ltal Heath Permt,;IDPA - Me<lcald - DenlalIDPA - MetlicalcII KdCare - Famlly Hea~h

12.000ll)PA· MedICa<d I MOOcare - Nursoog ,n 10,000lOPA - MeOCa'<;l- 5Q15O"Match"42,1\;3TIPS (A1c:oholServerTranng)

--~WellWalerT~As:sessmtmls"..,Mtscell:aneous RBee¢;

Total Fee BasEII1 Programs& Other Sourr:es 45,153 10,536 '" 74153

TotalRfM!IllleS 1,.212,925 871.058 rrrsm 1,083.480

CommUllllyHeaJ:l; 8

Page 11: CHAMPAIGN-URBANA PUBLIC HEALTH DISTRICT · Champaign-UrbanaPublic Health District Proposed Fiscal Year 2008 Budget Consolidated Financial Summary (All Funds) FY05 Actual FY06 Actual

Champaign-Urbana Public Health DistrictProposed Fiscal Year 2008 Budget

Community Health Nursing (All Funds}

[];]~ IFYG1 ACTUAl' 1':.::;4ACW,,- Aero"- "'--'--Pe<sonaI SeM::eS 549,377 341.879 226,931 380,727SeparatIOOPi\yI7leI'lS

TOIal Personal Serw;es 549,377 341879 226,931 "'.mFmge Benefts {Gemrnl FIJIIdjHealltl&L!lell\st.lrar>;e sa.see 64,494 ".." 69,337

Fmge Ber>efts(IMRF Fonl)FICA & Medo;are 40813 'S.'" 16.723 25,001- 38,488 26,126 13717 'S.'"Fnnge Beoellls (Liability &.In\;....nce Fund)

W""""'~ 9,116 2,371 2,541 assUnempI::o,r11'leot CompensatOr> 5,407 4,403 '.600 rrsoOther F1IrlQe eeoens

TOIalFrvge 8enefits 157,810 ,"'''' 00.'" 134,784Toial Pen;onaI ser.nces & Fmge Ben.et4s 707,187 464,737 317,324 515.$11

Non-Pat.enl Contractual (Gener;olFlQ1)BI.ik!mgu.ases. MaOltenaroce &.lJlitibes

"" '" 5,182Legal Fees

-"" esrr 5,377 4,937 , sao""."'''''''''''''''' ases asos ases .=ProlesslOl'l;il~ 2,050 1,649 r.rseTelecommuoocallOllS 8,941 -o.ase trzs 12420Non C-UPHD LceosePayme~0l!Je<No"..p",.enl Cor1lJacIual 53,J57 11,140 6,100 73J133

Total Non-!'al",nl CortJacIual (GenenI Fund} 74,600 32,157 za.se tee.escNon-Pabel1l eo..ractwl (Audit Fund)

Pubic AccounIR;I AlJdj

Total Non-F'aJ>ert CortJadwl{Audlt FlZ>d1Noo-P"'oenl ConIJaCtuaI(Liabokty & Inslnnce Fund)MedocalMa~ IttsoraoceGeoeral~Ittsora"""

AUlomobile lJabiIy lnsI.rnrce t.ceoOftoc:ers' BorKlinsuao<:e

"""'"""""'"Total Non-PatrmlCOO:ractuaI {Llabtlify &.Insurance Fund} roseTotal Non-Pafoert Cortractual 74,600 32,157 23,945 103,310

IOPH Dealt! Certd'Clle S~rgeTransfers

T""'" 14,742 15.613 10,88Q 18,176Vehr;\e Qperi'rtJons

"" sos 600 2,772S~o:;e, B~&Other 8,601 -ecc 3,840 12,000S~I&Dental ro..., 18,655 "''''' "..,,- 11,932 '" ,..., 74,706CorUJgency for New Grafts &.~S8HCUmanaSBHCConstnchonContlogency for New Grarts &.COntrad$-OIherSpace NeedS P1aIlflO"lQ, l."1esql&.lmplelnertat.o;)nSW<:o<tract""'" Champa'90 County eeee 01HeathPat1BnIcare &.CIiert assstaoce 235,470 m.508 2QS3H, a-o.sosT_-"" 1,134,166 ,...aes 591,01.3 1,083,480Net Revenue'SLessExpendllures -azsa 100.773 186,201

C<:.mmurutyHeath 9

Page 12: CHAMPAIGN-URBANA PUBLIC HEALTH DISTRICT · Champaign-UrbanaPublic Health District Proposed Fiscal Year 2008 Budget Consolidated Financial Summary (All Funds) FY05 Actual FY06 Actual

Champaign-Urbana Public Health DistrictPropo~ Fiscal Year 2008 BudgetMaternal & Child Health (All Funds)

~~ ~"""'''- AOW"- " ....,..R~~

Property Taxes.Current Property Tax C.UPHD 262,345 310,000 23'5,456c........eot PropertyTax· CC PHDPersonal Property Ta" Rep~m

Total Property Taxes

"'''' 310,000 zss.eeGrams & Contracts-


610TerTO<""" P"'nnmg. Preparedness & Sul\teil'...ece (NB)6KlTem>flSIl'I Preparedness, Plann,ng & Response (A)BloTerronsm Jnvestlgatloo,Su!\te,TIance & EpodemlOlogy (8)B1OTem:>t<Sffi Laboratory BIOk>gIcAgents (C)BIoTerronsm Inhaslnx:ttlrellnlorma.1"'" u..oagemem (I;:)BIOTerronsm CnSlS& R"il< Commumcahon (F)B!oTemnsm Tr.<mlng&&i<JCiafoOrt{G)Pande".lIc lnlluenzaESDA Homeland St=rnyareas! & Cerv>calCarleet

OBCCPW""",CUPHD Mobile OlJIread\Death ceeeceieSu«:tJa'geDental Sealants

-" 13,005 18,200 6,384 14,000Gel:The Lead OulHeartSmat1 for WomenHear\Smart for Teens

Hepa\ltls Prevent"'" I Integral"""HIV Cafe Consor!lumHN "",IPlOjeClHIV Prevetltlon Gay YouthHN Prevention Lead AgencyHIV Rapod TestIng~HN Teslmg Su!veyHN Tale II o.rtfeachHN Lalone Outreach ProjedHousmg Opportunities-AIDSLead SCfeenmg '.000Local HeaJlhPro!eclionProstlle & TesllCU!arCaI\Ce<Summer Food P,ogramTanrung FaeIlrtleSTobacoo Free Comm""~oes

TOOa<>::o REAlJ1YIlIrnocsTuberCtlli:>slsDOT & DOPTTwo Bmls, One StoneVectOl' (Mosq,,~e}ConUDIWesll'Gle VirusV<SIDIl&Hearr"9Wellness on Wheels (WOW)/Mino<<ty HeallhWellness on Wheels (WCfN)I SIDWeUnesson Wheels + VlSIOOWomen's Heallh IMtalrve '000

TotallDPH Grants 13,005 taecc ,- ee.ooclDHSGranls

Coordrnated SchoolHea~hD_~

Famrly Ca5e Maoagen>el'rt 665.213 f>44.490 .,,-"" ses.eooHeallhWorks (OCFS) "'.'" ea.ess $,531 76,400Sc1looJ.Based HealthCImo:::sTeen Parent Serw:es 186,101 177.423 185,$6 190,600Women, Infants & Chrldr~ -oasse 526.813 357,141 ""."'"

TdaIIDHSGJants; 1,406,266 t aaases 1,179,543 1,399,200

Otlle< Grants & Contrac:lS.

Cl>ampargn CourrtyBoa((j '" Heatth 12,045 aaeeo 12,411 rs.aocChild CareContrngency-New Grants & Contracts '.000-IDOT-cPS~IDOT-5ate Commun~1l'S

II..Cluldren's Heallhcare FoundahOnP,ovena Cove<lafll MC Prevent"", P,,,nary Care 24,998 46.150 21,152Stand Agamst Cance< (A<:::cess)Susan G. Kamen (18CCP)Tobacco Vendor Compt<3nCeUrbana (City) SchooI-Based Heatth Center Grant

Total Other Grants & Corrtraus 37,043 -assc 33,563 21,200

Fee Based Programs & 0tI>ersceces,C & U & CC llCOOSeI<lccmeClinICal $erw:es. Tesrmg & Vaccrnes 4,412 7.286Envuonmeola\ Heatth PermrtsIDPA· MedICaid· DentalIDPA - UedlCard IKrdCare • Famrly Heatth zoasc ar.soo 25,121 "'.000IDPA - Mecbcardf MedIcare ' Nursmg 36,732 24,622 26,860 115.1XlOIDPA· Medfcald • 5OJ5O 'l.ta!ch"TIPS (Alcohol Senterrr.<<ning)VrlalS'.zhSlocsWell Water TesltnglAssessmen!sIrrtereslMISCellaneous Rece¢rts eo

Tolal Fee BasedPrograms & OtherSources 5708:2 eo..,.. 59327 rss ocoTotaiRevenues 1,5133% 1,749,724 1566,817 1,834,656

Mate,nal C!'l,!(Il0

Page 13: CHAMPAIGN-URBANA PUBLIC HEALTH DISTRICT · Champaign-UrbanaPublic Health District Proposed Fiscal Year 2008 Budget Consolidated Financial Summary (All Funds) FY05 Actual FY06 Actual

Expendrture$,.Personal SeMces 996,101 1,170,127 1,077408 1.::n1,3S1$eparatiCm Payments

Total Personal ServICes 996707 1,17!\127 l/J77,4()!J 1,<'H.UlF"nge 6<mellls (Genernl Funa~Hea~f)&.Ue Insurance 39141 230,715 242,599 ~l,783Fnnge B<!:>eflls (lMRF FUnd~

FICA &.MedICaTe 73.718 es.ce 79.267 96,937~C69.229 eszas 68,3.42 00.'"Frmge ~rlS (Uorbllity &.lns.urnnce Fund)

Work",rs Compensatoc>~ 15.693 7,835 7,373 12,610UfIemp!Dymem Com,oe.ns;itl<m If 572 17,785 "'."" 17,4at.lOthe' FrrngeBer>e//tsTotal Fringe 6ene!1\S eos.as 431066 418.045 487,774Total Perwr>al Serv>ees I:. Frrnge Bene/rts 1,206.060 t 601,193 1,495,453 1,699,135

No<>-PatrentContractual (General FUnd~Burldm9 leases Marntenance &.lJ:llrtll!S 6,439 s.ecc s.aco e.eoclegal Fees-,. v.aa 6.519 6,413 e.eaoP"ntrngJPl>olocopymg

,.~ 11,042 9.952 9,877Prol"'lSlOrlal Meetrngs 1,402 a.saz ,~

Tefe<x:>mmu"lCa1fOnS 21.307 12,292 rassa 15,710Non cu PHD ween"" PaY"MfllSOlttef Nor>-Paloent ContraClual 27,780 eo.css 19,311 12612

Total Non.f'a1oentContract",,1 (General FUnd)

""" 58.981 "'.<ro so.zssNon-Patient Contract""l {lwdit FUnd~Pubhc Accounltng Iwdit

TOIaI Non_?at>ent Contractual (Audit Fund)Non-PaWn! Contractual (lJallllzty &.Il\S<Jrnnce FUnd)

Med""'1 Malpmct.ce h'surat'lC<!Ger>eral Ltabloty InsuranceAu!orl'\Obtlel.J3bJJJly~

OffICerS' Bond InsuranoeOll>&rInsurance

as soTOl3I No<>-PallenleornraClual (l.<abllity &.Insuran~ FUnd) as soTO'",l 'b;.Pal1enl Conlraclual ee.eos 58,981 "'.'" SO.619

IDPH DealI!certit=le SUrdla'ge Transie<s,...11,736 11,576 rossa 12.706Vet>oeIeClperat>ons

SuppJles-Otloce, Budd'''9 & Ott>er

'''" 19136 13199 14,753Suppl~ocal&.Dental 9.721 ,,~

"" s.sscEo'''''''''' es.osc '" 11,171 15.591Confrnge'>Cy tor New Grants & Corrtracts,SBIiCUrbana SBHC Corn;lrucloonContmgef>eyfor New Grants& Comrads-Olt>erSpace Needs Plannmg, De$Jgn & lmplemenlat<on 1,717 zsSubcor1lfil<:lWIlt> Cl'lampa'9" CountyBoard of HeaR~Patoen! Care I:. crrent As&s1aoce 15819 39.702 30.174 az.ooeTotal Exp.,oo~ures 1.346,846 1.739,329 1623,495 1.1134856Net RevtltlUeS Less ~rture::; 164550 10395 (,34,6761

Maternal cr"ld 11

Page 14: CHAMPAIGN-URBANA PUBLIC HEALTH DISTRICT · Champaign-UrbanaPublic Health District Proposed Fiscal Year 2008 Budget Consolidated Financial Summary (All Funds) FY05 Actual FY06 Actual

Champaign-Urbana Public Health DistrictProposed Fiscal Year 2008 Budget

Dental Health (All Funds)


Property TaxesCurrent Property Tax C-U PHD 159,517 178,919 129,000 232,152Current Property rc . CC PHD 43,018 36,902 52,571 55,935Personal Property Tax Replacement

Total Property Taxes 202.535 215,821 181,571 2$8,087

Grants 8. ContractsIDPH GranlS:

BloTerrcnsm: Pt3rmmg, Prepareoness 8. Surverllance (AlB)BloT ertcnsm. Preparedness, Plannmg 8. Response (A)aorenonsm. lnvestlgabon, Surveillance & EpldemlOIogy (5)BIOTerronsm' Laboratory BIOlog>cAgents (C)BloTerronsm- Infrastructure rInformattoo Management (E)BloTerronsm: CnSlS & RISlI Commumcation (F)aorencosm, Trarmng 8. Educatoo (G)Penoemc InfluenzaESDA Homeland SecurityBreast & cerveer CancerIBCCP OutreachCUF'HD Mobile oceeacnDeath cemncete SurchargeDental Sealants

3,941 ',000""~""Gel The Lead OutHeartSrnart for WomenHeartSmart for TeensHePatrbs PrevenlIOIlI IrltegratonHIV Care ConsortJumHIV .en PrOjectHIV Preveflbon Gay YO\.IIhHIV Ptevenhon Lead AgencyHJV Rap«! TestmgIm~HIV Testmg SurveyHJVnee II OutreachHN Latino Outreach PrOjOClHousmg Opponunrttes·AIDSteec ScreenmgLOCalHealth ProtecbOrlProstate & 'resecuiar cancerSummer Food ProgramTanllll1g Facl~'hes

Tobacco Free GommunrtJesTobacco REALITY ll1rnOlSTuberCtlIOSISDOT a DO?TTwo Birds, One StoneVector (Mosquito) ControlWest Nlie VirusVI$i{)n 8.Heanngwenoess on Wheels (WOW}/MInority HealthWellness on Wheels ry./OW) I STDWellness 00 Wheels + VISIO!'lWoman's Healllllmtatrve

TotaIlDPH Grants as« '.000

IDHS Grants:ceoesoeree SChool Health

"'-~Family Case ManagementHealI!lWor1<s (DCFS)School-Based HealthcnncsTeen Parent ServiCesWomen, Infants 8. Clnklren

TotaIlDHS Grants:

D!nerGrants& Contracts:Champaign County Board 01 HealthChillj CareCommgency-New Grants & C()I1tracts 35,000fDNS-RilOooIDOT -CPS CoordinalOflOOT-Safe CommunihesIL Children's Healthcare FOUlldatJonPrcvena Covenanl M C Pre"entrve Pnma:y CareStano'Against Cancer (Acc~jSusen G. Komen (IBCCP)Tobacco Vendor ComphaoceUr1:l<tna (Clty) scnco-eesec Health Center Granl

Total Other Grants & Contracts35,000

Fee Based Programs 8. O1ller SourcesC 8. U 8. ce Lcense IncomeC~mcal Services ~ Testing 8. vaccnes 3,545 (976) 42,500Environmental Health PermrtsIDPA _MedIcaid - DentaJ 64,62< 284,588 197,923 28T,6OOlOPA - MedIcaId I KldCare - Family HealltlIOPA - Medicaid I Medicare - NursingIDPA· Medicaid - 51)'50 "Match"TIPS (Alcohol ServerTramllli,l)VitalS!a1Js!icsWell WaterTesll1lglAssessmemsInterestMiscellaneous RecerplS


TotarFeE!Based Programs & Other Sources ".622 288,133 196,94T 350,100

Total Revenues 267,157 503,954 382,459 681,187

Denta' 12

Page 15: CHAMPAIGN-URBANA PUBLIC HEALTH DISTRICT · Champaign-UrbanaPublic Health District Proposed Fiscal Year 2008 Budget Consolidated Financial Summary (All Funds) FY05 Actual FY06 Actual

ExpemlltuffiSPersonal Services 154,122 216.241 265,376 467,842Separation Payments

Total Personal ServICes 154,122 216,241 265.376 467.842Frmge eeoerns(General Fund)Health & LIfe lnsurartee 7,810 18,910 ,,= 58.192Fnnge Benefits {IMRF Fund)"FlCA & MedICaTe 11,722 16.252 19,967 35,790IMRF 10,617 13,387 15.461 36.538Fringe Benefits {Liability & Insurance Fund}:Workers' CornpensabOn 2,147 t ...... 1.8£1 B.=Unemployn'\ent cceoersanco 2.068 3,279 '.068 '.830Other Fringe Benefits

Total Fnnge BeOefl1s >1.36< sazsa 78,714 142,872Total Personal Services & Fnnge Benefits 188.486 269,533 344,090 610,714

Non-Patient Contractual (General Fund)Bu,ldlllg Leates, Maintenance &.UlIlmesLegal Feesp-,. tse '" 3" 350Pnnting/Photocopylng 306 1,496 '.507 ,,350Profess>orlal Meetings 723 '55 38B ''''TelecommunICations

'" 2,156 926 '.1'00Non C-U PHD ucense Payments765

Other Non·P<tt,ent Conlractual 9,091 '.736 7.704 15.311

Total Non-Pa!le1"Jl Contractual (General Fund) 11,343 n.sea 11,657 18,461Non·Patlenl Contractual {Audit Fuodt

Pubhc AccounlJog Audit

TOlal Noo-Pabeot CootractIJal (Audit Fund):Non-Patienl COTllractUal(llability & Insurance Fund):

MedICal Malpracbce Insurance sea 1,349 2.745 2.500General LIability InsuranceAutomobile Uabllity InsuranceOfficers' BonrllnsuranceOther Insurance eo so

Total Non-f'alIent coneacnsa (Liability &. Insurance Fund) sea 1,409 2,745 2.550

Total Non-Pabant Contractual 12.025 12.771 14,402 21,011

IDPH Dealtl Certlficate Surcharge TransfersTravel zrs zra 2,721 '.050Vehicle OperabonsSUpplles-QfflCe, BU>l(lmg & Other 787 1,514 2471 6.912SuppiJes-Med!caI &.Dental 19,640 ",2<;7 31,078 38.000EQUlplTIE!nt 12,009 " 16,652 1.500Contlllgency fO(NewGrants & Conlraets-SBHCurbana SBHC CoostrocbonContingency fO( NewGrants &.Contracts-OtherSpaceN~ Planmng, Design & ImplementationSuboon!ract with ctlampalgn County Boardof HealthPabent Care & Chentssseeoce 98

Total Expendrtures 233'" 313,442 411,414 681.187Nl:l1Revenues Less Expendttures 33,893 190,512 (28.955)


Page 16: CHAMPAIGN-URBANA PUBLIC HEALTH DISTRICT · Champaign-UrbanaPublic Health District Proposed Fiscal Year 2008 Budget Consolidated Financial Summary (All Funds) FY05 Actual FY06 Actual

Champaign-Urbana Public Health DistrictProposed Fiscal Year 2008 BudgetEnvironmental Health (All Funds)

@] @] ~ACTUAl ACTUAL FY08 BudgetR~~

Property Taxes.Current Property Tax - C·U PHD 66,651 79.011 87,115 85.917Current Pmperty Tax - CCPHD 17,955 15,413 21,847 21737Personal Property Tax l':!ep1acemer'l!

Total Property Taxes "'.W6 94,424- 108,962 107,654

Grams & ContractsIDPH Grants

BooTerronsm Planning. Preparedness & Surve<llar>oe (AlB)

BooTermnsm Preparedness.Planning & ResponsefA}BooTerronsm Investlgallon, Surve<llar>oe& Epldermolo\JY (B)BlOTenonsm l.atlofa.tory BIologic Agel1ts (C)BooTerronsm Infrastructure! Informa\lot1 Management (E}BlOTefTOIlsm Cnsrs & RISkCcrnrnurecanon(F)BooTerronsm Tfilll1lflg & EdLJCatlon(G)PandemIC tntluenzaESDA Homeland SecurllyBreast & Ce<v1Cal CancerIBcep Outreach

OJPHD Mob<le OutrWchDeath Centficate SurchargeDental SealantsG",""",Get The Lead Out '.W<>HeartSmarf lor WomenHeartSmart lor TeensHepatitis Prevention I IntegralJOnHIV Gate ConsortlumHIV Jail ProjectHIV PreYen!lon Gay YOUltlHIV PreventIOn lead At'JeOO'IHIV RapId Testing IlTlplemen\atlonHIV Tes~ng SurveyHIV TIlle II OUlreacl!HIV taero Outreach ?o,ec:tHousmg Clpponurnbes..A1DSlead Screenlnglocal Health Protection ",.083 32,195 50,610 50,620?rostate & Testicular cancerSummer Food Pmgram t.oso '" 300 300Tar>lllng FaCll!beS 4,150 2.700 3.SSOTct>a= Free Comml1ll<besTobacco REAlITY ltIl'IOISTwereulOSlS DOT & POPTTwo Bllds, One SIonI,Vector (MosqUIto) Control 42,195 15,500 13.000 13.000West Nile V'lfUS (9,798) 11.S48 "'.""V1SIOn & HearIngWeltness onWheels (WOW)/MInorIIy Healthwenress onWheels{WOW)J STDwenrese onWheels + VISOO!lWomen'sHealth Inl!lalJve

TolailDPH Grams eeeeo 51 170 75.458 89,997

IOHS Grants

C<:>o«!lnated School HealtheeceteeFamily Case Managemenl.Healt!lWorks iDCFS)SChoo\.-Based Health ClUllCS

Teen Parenl seveeeWomen, Infants & Chktren

Total lOKS Grants

Othef Grants & Contrael$Champatgn County Board 01 Health 250.582 203.477 278,811 186,991cee ceeCon1lngen<;y-New GralJlS & ContractsIONS-Radon es 9,511 m ""IOOT.cPS COOJd,natorrDOT-$ale Commul1lbesIl CIlJIdren's Heallllcare FoundattonProvena Covenalll M C Prevenlrvfl P"mary CareStand Agamst Cancer (Access)Susan G_Kome<l(IBeC?)Tobacco Vendor CompllanceUrbana (City) SchooI-Based Health Cenler Gram

Total oeer Grants & Comracts 250,627 212988 278,982 187171

Fee Based Programs & O!hefSourcesC & U Lcense lnc:om<'! 13,011 21.508 25.306 25.345Cllrncal SelvICeS· Te:;tIng & VaCCInesEmflfonmental Health Perrmts 135,455 150,709 230.234 219.875IDPA· MedK:<lKJ - DemaIIOPA· MedIcaid I kocere . FamIly HealthlOPA· MedICaId I Metircare • NlJI'SIngICPA· MedrcaKl· SQlSO "Match"TIPS (Alc0hoI SelverTra",ong)V'11aI StapsecsWell Water Tesbl'l\1A&sessmell1S (541) 3.500 1.395 '.SOO,"'''"''MISCellaneous Recelpts '.SOO a.zoo 1,940 17,400

Total Fee Based Programs & Other Srurces 149.585 177,917 258.875 264,120

Total Revenues 574498 536,499 722,277 648,942

EOVIfQnmentai Heatth 14

Page 17: CHAMPAIGN-URBANA PUBLIC HEALTH DISTRICT · Champaign-UrbanaPublic Health District Proposed Fiscal Year 2008 Budget Consolidated Financial Summary (All Funds) FY05 Actual FY06 Actual

Experrll\tlresPersonal seevces 397,144 425,540 426,5U1 eoassrseoararonPayments

Total Personal services 397,144 425,540 426.561 403,397Fnnge Benefits (General Fund)

Health & life Insurance 53,410 ea.zs ss.ees 95.767Fnng.;, Benetrts(IMRF Fund)

ACA&MedK:a.rezas'" 30,692 31,085 30,860lMRF 27,530 31,175 ,,-", 3..,'"Fnnge Benefits (Uabilrty & Insurance t'"und)

Worket$' COrnpensabOrlG.'" 5,282 8,507 13,725

UnempIoymEmt Compensation 4,471 6.14$ z.aea 5.520Olher Fnnge BenelllSTotal t'"rmge Benefits 120,654 156,563 158,763 183,876Total Personal servICeS & Fnnge Benefits 517,798 582,103 585,324 "'''''NorH"abent COntractual (General fund)

BUdding Leases, Maintenance & Utikbes tzLegal FeesP_go 3.93G 4,657 3.'" 2,035Ptmtmg/F'hOfQlXJpymg '.503 '-"" 2,314 2,135Protessonat Meetings eaa ss- '-"0Telecommunications 6,407 7,524 5,763 ''''NonC.tf PHD ueeese Payments 18,873 21,683OtherNon-Patient Contractual 6,758 12,837 10.258 25,164

Tota! "lor>-Pabefrt Contractual (General Fund) 19,452 46,459 46,186 29.'"Non-Pabent Contractual (Audit Fund)PlA:>l>c Accountmg Audit

Total Non-Pabent Contractual (AUdIt Fund)Non-Patlent Contractual (uability & Il\$urnnce FUnd)

Medical Malpractice lnsur.mceGeneralLlablhty InsuranceAl1tomobde loaiHlity InsuranceOfficers' Bond Insurance-,-

Total Noo-Patlent Contractual (liability & ln$Urance Fund)

Total Non-Patlent Contractual 19.452 46,459 46,186 29.'"IDPH Deathceutcae Surcl1afge TranslersT~'" 18,490 21575 17,763 zo.essVelltcle Opera1JOnS "0 see 1,t99 =SWPhes-othce. Build",g & Other G."" G-'" e.esa 3,370Supp!IeS-MedJcaI &.Dental eseE_

4018 3.09< 5,328 2.300COnIingency for NewGrams & Contraets--SBHCUrbana SSHC Coostruc::bonContillgenCy for NewGrants & Contraets-OtherSpace Needs Plannl1lg. DesIgn &. ImplememabonSubconrract with Champa'9" County Bo<m:l of HealthPatient Care &.a,ent AssIstance

Total Expendrtufes 566,786 661.2n sea.sse sse.seaNet Revenues Less Expenditures 7,712 /124,n8) 57,839

EnVIronmental Health 15

Page 18: CHAMPAIGN-URBANA PUBLIC HEALTH DISTRICT · Champaign-UrbanaPublic Health District Proposed Fiscal Year 2008 Budget Consolidated Financial Summary (All Funds) FY05 Actual FY06 Actual

Champaign-Urbana Public Health DistrictProposed Fiscal Year 2008 Budget

Administration (All Funds)

~ G§J IProeooo, ITIAOmAL A= oaBudgoolRtI.......ues;

Propel1yTaxasc"....nt Property raJ< _C-U PHD 588.091. 632.881 663.080 6%.509Cumlnt Propel1yTaJ< _CC PHD 99.149 ...- 152,514 221,245Pel'$ONll Property Tex Replacement

".~ a7.625 ea.csa 1fI.528OIher PIoperty Taxas (TIF Surplus)

'''''Total .....p"rtyTa>:;o$ 840.294 ...ssa 907.686 1.005,539

G<3n1!;&. Conlnocls;

IOPHGfoonwStoTernmm> PlannIng.~... dness &.Surveillance (AlB)BiDTem>nsm P,.,P"ted...,.....l>lannl"9 &.Response (AJBioTem>nsrn In~n. Surveillance &.EPldemfOlogy(B)BlOTennn=,- Laboratory BIOk>gic Agents (C)BIOTeftOnsm:; Jl'Ifr=tnJcI"'" rInf~n Management (E) 16,794 8,617BIOTem>nsm:C<1SIS II< RIsk Communu,ebon (F) 42,578 ".= 88.657BIOTet<Onsm;Tra""ng &. Ed"<:allOn (G) 9,920 '"Pand&~ Infl.... nza

ee.eeeESDA Homeland SeanilyBreast &.Cer.oca! ea""",rIBCCPO~

CUPHD Mobil., OuIreachDealll c..fIlrocele Sun::ha<yeDentals<>a~

GenebC!;Gel The l6ltd 0",HeartSmatl for WOm&nHealtSmarl k>l T.... n$

Hepelrllo;P"''''''nbOn Ilnleg....bonHIV c.... ConsomumHlV Ja~ Pro]OdHIV Praventlon Gay Yo"'"filV Pno_n lead AgencyHIV Rapi<:! TMbng Jm~_ntatio:l

HIVTestmg Su"""yHlV TI!ko II OutAoachHIV Wr.o 0ulJ*&ChPro]'&c:tHOUSIng Opporltmll>es-AlDSlead Sc:reGnI"9l.o<>ol Health Prot..c;bonPn:rstole &.TNtIcularCanes<S"""""r Food ProgramTenning Faahl_Tot..""", F.- Commumlie$TobaGCOREAl.lTY IlImoisTub&r<;ulo=OOT & DOPTTwo Blr<:b. One SloneV&C\ot (Mo&:?uito) ConlR>TWesl Nile ViIUSVISIOn &.HeanngWell"""" on Wh&el$(WOW)II"hnority HealthWe__on_Is~ISTDWellness on Whe(,1$ + V"""",Women'$ HeaIl!>lndioolMl

TolallDPH Gfoon\$ 89.m 43.498 125,523

IDHsGnlnl$Cootdll'al&d School H!>allh

"""mFarnily Ce:;e Manage.....nl~IlhWoslrs{DCFS)

SchooI-Saad Health CIIrnc:sTeen F'af<,nl $eMOIlSWomen, Inf_ &.Ctliktreon

TolallDHS Grants:

Other Grants &.Conlnocl$.Cha"'l"'l9" Colmly Bo8rd of He.alth 161,512 144,850 1112.849 186,205"""~.Cor4ingerqNew Grotnlli&.ConlrB<::bl

'0NS0R000.lDOT.cPS Coord>netorlDOT-sate CommunitiesII Chdd"",'$ H9<1lIl>care Foundeli<>nPn>\OlM Co""'N111lt M-C Pno""lltrve Pntnary CaraStand' Aga=t cancer (A<::ce"",)SusanG Komen(IBCC?)Tobe"""V_ Compban<::eUrbana (CIty) Sd>ool-Elased Hl>allhCenter Glen!

To1lIlOt"", Gnlr¢l; & ContnocI!; 161,512 144,850 1112,849 186,206

F.... BaM PlO9ra.... &.CIIhIOr~C &.U l"",,,,,,, IncomeCli<lIC111 SefVlCeS-T~ & VacoinasEnvm>nrnenllll Heallh Pe<miblOP'" - MedIaIot _DerIeo1IDPA· Medlc"ndlIGdCa... • Family HealthtDPA _Medicaid 1 Med.care _ NUf'SII'IglDPA· Med""",od - 50150 "Metel'l" 2$0.201 159,552 435,1117 ase.cccTIPS (AIcohc>! Server T""rllng:)VllalStalistics n.322 n.~ 78.743 81,000Well WeterTe!'lJnglAsse"""""f1I$,-- 34,785 ee.sse 19o.3n 117.000MisceIla'lllOUS Rece,pls

" ' .eee '" 31,144

TotlIl Fee Ba!;ed Programs &.CIIhIOr Sourc:e$ aea.aeo 33.l,Z62 res'" 667144

Total Re"""""$ 1.433.478 1.321.162 1805,889 1.964,412

Page 19: CHAMPAIGN-URBANA PUBLIC HEALTH DISTRICT · Champaign-UrbanaPublic Health District Proposed Fiscal Year 2008 Budget Consolidated Financial Summary (All Funds) FY05 Actual FY06 Actual


Personal servees 424434 561460 614 028 -,-SeparatIOn Payments

To:al Personal SeMces 424,434 561.460 614,028 944.489Fnoge BenelJts (Geneml FundrHea~h& L~e Insurance 215.733 84,160 es.ese ecaeeoFnnge Be<>eI~. (IMRF FunCIrFICA & Metbca,e 32.416 41,120 <0,,,", 81,606'MRF 15648 45.58.2 38218 ..""Fnnge Benelrb; {Llablhly & Insurance Ftmd;Wo<kers'CompensatiOO

"'" 111m 2,487 5,025UnernpIoymenl CompensatlOl'l (6.711) 9,037 10,416 11,nOOther Fringe Bene/Its sas mTotal Fnnge ~e/.ts 261$32 191,552 196.919 see.esaTalal Personal ServIOes & Fringe 6enelrts 705.968 753.012 810.947 1,330 782

No!>-Paloent C<.>mtaetual (Gene<a! Fund;8u11d....9 Leases., Malnt"""""" & Utdrt,es Hi6415 157,605 267,007 246,192Lesal Fees 147,824 ee.ras saosa 39,000,-"" 5,134 a-ee s.ess zsasP',nhngt'I'I)\OO<JPYlf'g 3,207 16.748 5,453 3,126Profes&\OnillMeet",S" 2.919 1,712 1,502 e.aeaTelecom,,,,,,,.""bons 22.468 ss.aes 28.057 31,102None-u PHD LICense Payments 2735 '"OIher Non·Pa1>entContractual

"""" lDa,SQ3 60,786 69158

T=I Non.p",_ Contractual (General fund) -eazza 414392 422449 419,471Non·Pat...", Omh'aClual {Audrt Ful'ld;PublIC Acoounbng Aud~ 12.020 13.1150 zt coo 21.000

Total Non-Paloenl Conh'actual {Audrt FUnCIJ 12,020 13.1150 21.000" oooNO!1.pa!>ent Coo1ractual (LoabJlrty & lnsural>(:e Fundr

Mecheal Malp'actlCe Insurance t,813 l,anGene<al LOl!>lI<ty Insurance 6.970 ae.aeo 39,035 ,",000Atlfomob>teL.. l>llffy Insurance

'" O,,,,,,Otfcers' Bond InsuranceOtherInsurance '«' .. 10,401

Total NorH'a1>ent Contractual (Liability & Insurance FuM) 8,739 4/.311 SO,137 37,700

Total No:>-Pat_l Cont'actual 472.981 469,5$3 493,586 478,171

IDPH Death Certd!C3te !><J'cM,ge T,ans!ers","", 26,7Z! zscsa 26,780....

5,027 8,148 9.877 ',0;0VehICleOpera:oons

" 3,103 3.025Suppl>eS--O!!lCe, Buuo"'!) & Other 59075 zssea 52.863 19.144$uPPl>es-MedlCaI& Dental sea '" 000"".- 17,547 1,~5 97,767 112.460ConImgency 10<New Grants & Con!racls-$BHCUrl>anaSBHC ConsIfUCfoonConlu>gency 101New GranlS & Cont'acIs-O!l>erSpace Needs Plannrng, Dl!SI9" & Impleme"tat,on 7.812 24,537 ss.eaa ;,;00Subconlract WI1h Champa'9" County Board 01 HealthPat...m Care & CI>er!t Assrstance

Tatal E>;Jench1ures 1,296 OS! 1,313,199 1,548.331 1984,412fI6el Revenues Less &:pendrt",es 137,397 tasea 257.558

Page 20: CHAMPAIGN-URBANA PUBLIC HEALTH DISTRICT · Champaign-UrbanaPublic Health District Proposed Fiscal Year 2008 Budget Consolidated Financial Summary (All Funds) FY05 Actual FY06 Actual

Champaign-Urbana Public Health DistrictProposed Fiscal Year 2008 Budget

Public Health (General) Fund (All Divisions)

@J @J ~ACTUAL ,cr~

~-""-,,,-~ 3.$97.962 4.32003S 4.n-4757 5136.076........ 742:l100 7.728001 7/.nS.092 S 190.892

TOIaIAvailatlle ~~ 12753-849 14.326,968

-~ 6.798,109 7,27-4,11<; 7,5'39553 9,190.692"'- ----""1. -e.eao~

_..-4J?D009~ 5136 076........

Ptopetty Ta»>s:CuffentProperlyT:n; ~~ l,Sl4.675 1,762555 1 7S8273 1,670603=em~T3l<'CCPHD sea sec 29-4.585 -435.188 eea.oacFe"",..1 P<opertyTa~Rept:acemen: sacs- 87.525 eaosa zs.szaOll>e<P1operly Taxes (TJF SurpLs)

5257T013IProperty Taxes ~~ 2275553 2419,628

Grants 8. CororaetsIDPHGmnlS

BooTe"oro;m PIa'-'g Prepa"'<1neS!; 8. S""","",,,,,,, (AlB)BooTetlOr>sm PreparedneSS Pla""'"'>;l 8. Resr>onse (A!

""" 143.217 lV.OOOBooTeffO/'lSfT\ ~!!OfI $<n\teIIIa"""8. Epdemo>logy (!l) sizsa soess&:>Tetttmsm ~~A(;emsIC/BioTel'forlsm ~lln1lm1'1aliOnManaoernentjEI ,,~ 8517BioTetronsrn Criso!;8.RI$IlCommunocabOfl(l"1 e,n ~.~ 88.657BooTetronsrn Tra.-..g 8. 8luca1>:>r> (G) s sai '"f'andem<:1nIlt.Ienza eaaoe se.eeeElIDA H;Jmelart;l SecLriy 6.657Bfeas\&cerv.::alCa""", " s.a~ asassc 2OO.6n 575,575IBCCPOutrea<:n

1013CUPHO M:;>!)ile (luIxeachDealt> Cenilicale Sord\Ofge~,..- 11.091 ,~, assr e oocGo_ 11,709 rasoc ,~ 14.000Gel Thel-"M Out «o i.socHea!1$..""" to<Women rs.szz vestHea1l$m.>l1lNT~

12457 00,""Hepat!tJs PreventionIln1eII"'''''' 29,067 (15,721) sisHIV Care Consortwn "15,522 653.847 6(17,837 762612t-PVJill Pro,ect 00200 '""" -e.oeo ecoooH1VPr~Gay YC<llt> "-", 60,474 sesa zo.sooHlV Pre~ Lead PQeocy

'"''''' 589,9Z! 485.B43 eeasstHlV RaprlTesMC lrnplementabon ,,,.,IWT~SuNey z.ssoHlVTltleKOo.rtreacr> 20.00' 15,46l> '8,427HIV w,tlnO Outreactl Pro,ecl sasHouszngOppo~A1DS 9'796 rcaees nO" 93,114~--.. ,= "" ,."'"Ih;al Heallh Protet:t>:xI zoassa 125.50' 193,6&4 rss...ProslarIe8.T~rca"""" t.sse 11.01l~ '1-499 ~."'"'""""''''"''- t.oso n, eoo '"'TarnngFa.:lit>es 4.150 ,,'" asscTobacco F''''' Conlmuribes e.ose "2~ ".~ ~""ToI>aC<:<>REAl.ITV_ zsa "" 18713 sa.ceoT<k>ef'CUl:l5&sDOT&DOPT

"'" wass ,.", 1F3)Tooofiords. One SI<>ne 15,02-4 tosrs\Jeclot jM:)sq""o) Control

e'~ ts.soc 13,000 13.00<l-...- (9,7ge) 11.548 00$n\If:;Ion&.Hearlng r rso ae.sos 31,661Welhess on WheelsjW~Healm """" "."" 32.458 D."'"W~ <Xl Wheels (!NOW) I $TO as.sse 20874 ""'" esocoW~on Whools+ VISion

100.000 eooccWOfl\en'sHealll1,""""""" s.ocoTOIaI/DPt-t&:mts ~ 2.364.915 2.303.370 ~

IOHSG",nlseoo_edSrJ>ool_ 30,361 wsea se.sse D."'"""""' 20241 17,161;) se.sss ss.cooFamily case Mmagemenl 655.213 ""00 """" 589.800I>eaIthWor!<s(DelOS)

""" eaeaa ~S<, """--- 126.760 120.393 102,061 110,000Teen Parent Se"''CeS 186'01 m", iss ass 190,600Wt>rllen._8.Chi<lren 472.588 525.813 357'141 stcsoa

TOl3IID/£Grams. ~ 1.489.477 1.:334,674 1.584.7(1()

0t1>e< Grants & ContractsQIam"""" Co<nty6oa'" of '*aM 794.196 536.431 zsasoc 530.,317~~.

~ '.750 socConIngency-New Grants & Cot<Iracts ,- 327.000

"""""" es 9.511 '" tsoIOOT.cPS Coordinator

"'~ aszaeIOOT.s:.teCommoJ<V!le$1l00000ren'sHe3l:hcareF<I~ 61.6<0Pmvenaeo--ena", M-C PreverfTve Pnrr",,,y care aessa 48,1Sij 21.152Stan:JJlGaltlslCar-ooer{Access) '''' '"= 11,750 '4,550SusanG K(>m""/IBCCPj 7273 14537 a.sso 10,550TotraccoVet>dofCompliarw;:e

'"''Urbana(CiIy) SChooI-Based Hi<allhcenter (;,ant aooo scoo s.cco MOOTOlaIC»er Grams & Contracts ~ 815.1~ 779759 888.597

Fee Based ~ram. &.Other Sou"",,"C8.\JL<:ense1e<:ome 13,011 at.sea es.sos as '"C1rnIcaIserw:es -T~ &.VlIccrnes """ 49.879 86,.214 114250EnvIronmerTtal HealltlPerm.,. ill cs 150.7<>9 "''''' 219/>75IOf"A· I.'edicao:! DenIal ..,.see '" se 197,923 eezsoolDPA_Med!c<>o::!llG:ICare- Family Health xoso zz.eoo 25.121 '''00IDPA.- L4B<ica<l I Medicare· NfJfSIllIl 36.732 """ zs.eso 129'00IDf'A- ",<kaod' 5O/SO"Mate:r\- =2'" ISS,S$<! 435.917 480,1~1lPS(Al:xn:IIStwe,T~) e.sss e.sas s.cce""""""" n.= n.,", 78.743 at.cooWe!l WaIef TestIr'9IAssessmet1\s (541) asoe t.ss r.sco""""'est

~'" 00." 190.377 117,000

-~- "" """ "''' 69.744G<tnonsale<>n~ent(£KG~) no

Tolal Fee Based Progmms & Olhe< Sources ~ 9126l}5 ',285.735 1.582,5n

TotaIRe"""""" ~ 7.728.00' 7,979,092 9.190,81<2

Page 21: CHAMPAIGN-URBANA PUBLIC HEALTH DISTRICT · Champaign-UrbanaPublic Health District Proposed Fiscal Year 2008 Budget Consolidated Financial Summary (All Funds) FY05 Actual FY06 Actual

-=Pe'Wml Servces aze tzs 3.5:7000 3.560.213 4,459197$eparawn f'aymerIt;

TotalPersonalSeI"l'l<:eS ~~ 3,560,213 4459.197Fmije Benefits (General Fund)Hea1lll& l.Je t'lsuoance

'"'''' 61$,5Z1 roaeo ase.cazF""Il" Ile""'lts llMRF Fund~

FICA& Medea...m.~ zs.saa 270,176 358.291-, 210,172 "'50' zso.aaz 373.183F,r,ge BeneIIts (LI3I>il<ty &.Ir>suranee funclt

Workers' Compet>sa""" 68.901 sa... aacos 60.845Unemployment Compens.awn 24.659 2". es.eec sa eoOther Fongoe Benelrts---"'~ '"TOlaI fot'Qe Benefits l.1!O4,372~ 1.301110 1,743.soo

7_1~~&F""Il"Be~4~.497 4746,793 4,001323 6.203.(.103

NorI-Patienl Contta"ual (General FUnd}~ Leases. Ma!nte1'l1l1'l<>e & Ubi!oes teesse ,~= 275,255 257,936-- 147)'l?4 oo'~ 53.093 secoc,-~ aasee at ses 27.611 zs.sss'- m., asrsc ce.as 36,735ProleSSOOMI Meelnos 16.45<! u.eoe 13,0, aosseTelea>mm~ 00.= 99,182 7847, 77786Non e-uPHD!.JCensePayments 21.008 aaseao.ner IIlo<I-PalIen\ ConIraewal 709184 M'-"" 584.695 837347

Total Non.Pabenl Contractual (General Fund) ~~ lD9(J,~ '2951J$'Non-Pa'tienl eom"''''''''1 (Atdil FlIA<l)-"""""'"- 12.020 ra.ese """ 21.000

Total Non-PaberrtCotttra~1 (Aud~ Fune!) ~~ 21,000 21.000~1ientConmClUaI (lIaJ>;Irty & lrKuranc.. F....-.:lJ

MedocaI1!la1ptaCbC:e hs:/1a!>::e 2,495 azes 2.745 a.scoGene<a1l.Ja!)ility nsurance W, "'"" 39.035 se.sooAuIomobole Wbili!y """""""" '" 3.7SOOflicefS' Bond IJ'a.oranceOthe<lnsutance

(~) ,~ 10,436 '00

Total Nor>-Patem Coonra<:Iual (l..iabollty" Insunmce Fur>cI} ~~ 52.917 .e.ssoTotal N""..f'atenl Corn,aClUal ~~ 1167,&;5 1.358 8B7

IDPtl DeatflCe~1e S<HctIarge Translers ee.ss- ~.= <'6,048~'"'"~ '002>' 99141 106.888 143.499\IehcIe Qpe"'tootlS 1,148 ,~ "'31 7,017

~.~&Other 142.347 106,499 1~7 736 ,~OOO~1&0ent;.1 158.134 128.673 128,135 153.616-- 172A21 nsss :240,278 239.574Conbr>.1ency I<>r _ G<3no,; & Conmlt:<s-saHCU'bana SSIiC ConsIrt.cbonConm'>gency 10<New GranlS & Conltaas.-otl>aiSpace Needs PIannng,0esrJn & ImplementalJOo asss 2<,537 56 915 v.soo~Ml'I C/lamPl/ull"Counfy BMn1 OflieallflPuent Care 8.Qerrt Ass<starce

=~, =20< 'ro",'" 000

TotalE><peOOilures 6.798.10$ 7274116 7.569.553 9100.892Nel Revent>esl..es;~~~ eos.sss

Public Heatlh Fund 19

Page 22: CHAMPAIGN-URBANA PUBLIC HEALTH DISTRICT · Champaign-UrbanaPublic Health District Proposed Fiscal Year 2008 Budget Consolidated Financial Summary (All Funds) FY05 Actual FY06 Actual

Champaign-Urbana Public Health DistrictProposed Rscal Year 2008 Budget

Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund (All Divisions)

@] @]~I~=-j"""'~"""'~ ~.--- (1.950) ($8138) (21)9,179) 11~V19),~ ssases 404.401 "'''' 731.474


,-~ 449.517 sssese ~.= 731 474- ~ ------""'-.!l,---- (9tl,'38)~~ (1S30'9J-P'''P'''lYTaxesCut"""P,~T"" c-UPHO

171~ 18a:l39 2n 969 ""mCun'<1lPfOP<'rlyT"" CCPHDP"""",,"P'_Tax~

T"'''P'~rlyT",,,,, ~~~~

ESOA _seccmtyGrams & C<>'>1taClS


6+oTern>nsrn f'1amIng. P"'?a~&~ {AlB) asse 8.192&oTerrol'lSln P'~edness.~&~(AlBtoTe_~.Su"""Iiance&~(6) W,Sur"""""", Lobonr!ory~ Aoenls (C)&oTe<t«>Sm ""'as!tI.o<"-"el"""""""""'~1(Ei~&c>Tem>nsm ens.s&Rtsk~{F) sea 9752B<oT"""""",T_&~(G)

El>e:>st&CervIcaI~ 11.756 14,&47 14'/lD ,=CUPHD1II<Jt:W Qul",adlDeattI Qe<tilca!e Suo::r.a<ge

-""""'""","" r.ese r.ssc ~Ge!TheL.eadOut-.,.. $mie5. -..,. Growth Assessmem~to<W_ 1.313 sea '.217 '.~~P~I\"'eg"""""HlV=~ ,,~ zsaca ~=HIVJalPttject


"'" aeccHIVP~GayYOU!h ao. sse <~HN P'evenli<x\ Lcad A!IeoCv ,W' ,,~ 13,400 83.687HIVFlapdTesbng~

KIVTesl<'ogSunooeyHtVTIl!<tll~ ,,~ 1.596 S3.HnKIVLatn:>OtJt<eacl'IPt'<:!ecl~~-A1DS

""" ""'"'"lOC3I_Pr"""""",Proswe& 7eslot:lAafC3<lce<

'" • '.OSl 10.243~F<IOdP,_

T""'"'IlFao::IitoesT<:lbacco 1'"", Corrrnunrncs

3.4'1 3.715 rt,91a"~Tobaooo REALm' ....-.:..s

7~OOT&00PT ,~ eee '" aeTwOamto. Oro> $loneVecto<~)C<ntroi


V""""&HeannQW_ on Wheels {WOWjIMtnomy I-1eaIlIlW,*""" <:(l Wheels(WOWjISTD '.- e.sea aaseW""",,'$_"""""""

rOla!IDPHG1a>I:< ~~ -n:mJ~IDH~GtanIs.--- -se 1.317 ,.= ,=-.,

'" ,~, ,.... r secFa-ni'yCase Managemem24.1.17 ~=!1eMMWOO<s (lX:l'Sj 2.813 $.'00 8.624- ....~ '.3'6 ,- 12.100

T""" P....... Se<w;esWomen, lnlanl& 8. 0Iil0<m 30.811 4',4034 eazss

ToIaiIDHSGt""", ~ -----",.-~~():tI@<Grams&Q.maelS-~C<>...ty_oI_ '289'3 '05.554 9t.5Z, se.sss""'~Con!lngoency New< G<ants 3. Ca>tractsIl)NS-RadmIOOT..cPS~ seso 1,496!I)QT-$ale ecn-.m.e:;PItIOo'etla~ M C~ Pnma<yeateStar>:! AQaonsl. Qlnce< (Aooess) soss.-, G- _ ~!ICC?J

T<:tIi>:COVend<:I<~lJ.<l:<ou (City/S¢a<t__ """,",G<ant

T~ Ott...-G<.m.; & Conl<3ctS ~~~~


C&U&CC!.Jcense1r<:a\'leCfncalserw:<,s - Teslril:8. Vacc.-e;t"",~_P_

It>PA-t.ledca.d_DenlaIIDPA·_. KldCa"'.Famtv_Il)PA-~IMe<lic<l"'_Nu'sn:IIt>PA- t.Iedocartcl- 5CI'5(l"Ma!cn"


W.... W"""T"S!r9'Ass<=rllems.....--TetalFffBaseOPtOgTan'lS&O'Iher~

,~"-~~ -"""'-~

Page 23: CHAMPAIGN-URBANA PUBLIC HEALTH DISTRICT · Champaign-UrbanaPublic Health District Proposed Fiscal Year 2008 Budget Consolidated Financial Summary (All Funds) FY05 Actual FY06 Actual



T<QIf'efs<naI $eMcesFIYlQe Bene/iIs (G$er<ll Fun<I)o





Nor>-I'aten:CMt'ac1uaI {General Fundf!l:.dIt&>g leases.M~& lJbIlt>es

'-"-"'-.....--.l'roless>:nal"""""':;ls,-",,",C-lJ PI'IDU::<!o'lsePaymetl1sOther N:n-Pat>enlConltac1uaI

T~ No<>-f'al_Conl~ (General Fut'Id)~"""",Contrac!.....(_ I'1.o><l)­PubiicAt;c~Au<fI

T<'loINc:<>-I''''''''''Conl<a::lLoal (Auclll fun<l)Noo-P"""'" Contmcl""l(l..Iat>oIity,,~ Fun<f)­

Me6caIMa!p0lCllCe"""'....",Gene... I..laI:>i/tyI..... 'ilt'ICe




~lc<Ne" G""",,& Co<lt<ac1:s-U~C<nslr"""""~torNewGrants&~

Space Needs Pl1in'ln;). Desogn&~

SUbccrnrac! wiIh O>ampaogn Cc:ur>ly Beard cj' HealthP,,",,",Care&Qerll~

---- ---- ---- ----

---- ---- ---- ----

---- ---- ---- ----



Page 24: CHAMPAIGN-URBANA PUBLIC HEALTH DISTRICT · Champaign-UrbanaPublic Health District Proposed Fiscal Year 2008 Budget Consolidated Financial Summary (All Funds) FY05 Actual FY06 Actual

Champaign-Urbana Public Health DistrictProposed Fiscal Year 2008 Budget

Audit Fund (All Divisions)

@J~ [aJ Ip~FYIA""'... Aero... Aero...08Btldget

"~6egInntng Balance zs-a 3,021 5,413 s.sesR~_

12,498 16,242 21,172 21,000

Total Available 15.{l41 taeea as.ses ",'"E><penctiIures 12,020 13,850

" 000 21,000

EndulgBaIarw;e ace 5413 ,,., ssesR~_

Property Taxes.

Current Property Tax· C-U PHD 12..211 14913 17,3HI 17,147Curnmt PropertyTax- CC PHDPersonal Property Tax Replacement

Total Propelty Taxes 12..211 14,913 17319 17,147

ESDA Homelim::J SecuntyGrarrs & Contracts

IDPHGrartsBIOTenonsm Pla1nng, Preparedness & SUfVelIance (AlB)BIOTern>nsm Preparedness, Plarnng"R~ (A)BlOTem:>nsm lnvesllgatlon, Surveillanc" & EptdemlOlogy (B)BooTerronsm laboratory&ologlc Ager-ts (C)BloT ern>nsm lnlr.lstn.d<re IlrdormatlOn Managemenl (E)BIOTenonsm Cnsos& RtSkCommurllCabon(f)BIOTerronsm Tranng & Edocalion (G)Breast & Cerv>;:;al CancerCUPHD Mobie CMfeach

Doo1hCertif.eate SlJIl;ha'9"Dental SealantsG.-Gel The Lead 0uIHeathy Smiles. Heathy GrowthAssessmenlHeartSmartfor WomenHepal~1S P_r.>nllnlegrafoonHlV Care Con<;ortll,nl

HIV .la' PmreclHlV Prevention Gay YouthHlV PrevenllOn Lead AgercyHN Rapd Tes1lr'!JImpIemercatlOnHlV Testlng SunteyHlV Tille n OutreachHlV LabnoOulmac:!l Pro/€CtHousoil~IriJes.AlDS..., So""""local Heafth Protectr.>n~e & Teslocular CancerSU'nOlef Food Pn:>gramTarnogFacoIibesTobao;:o Free Commlnl>eS

Tobac:x:oREAUTYIlIn>osTl.Iben;ubsosOOT &DOPTTwo Bll'd$, One StoneVeGlor(Mosquito) CortrolWest NileVlIUSVISIOll&Heanr>gweeesson Wheels (WOW)/M1rJOf'i:y tfualltlW~QIl Wheels(WOW)ISIDWomel1's Healh Ioilialllle


IDHSGranlsCoordinated School HeaD:h


HeallhWorks (DCFS)ScOOoI-Based Heal!ll Cb;;sTeen Parent ServIcesWomen, Infants & 01I11ren

TotallDHS Granls

Other Grarrs & Conlracts.CtoampaognCounlyBooroof HealhC,,",CoreCootIngency·New GrafllS & Coma<;tsIONS-RadonlOOT-CPSCoon:!inalorIDOT-seeComrm.ro\leSF'rc>venace-eeere M C Prever(rve Pnmary CareStaIXl AgaIflSlCancer (Access)Susan G Komen (IBCCP)Tobacco VenclorCompliance

Urbana (City) Scto::>ol Based Heafth Cente, Gr-Ull

Total Other Grants & Contracts

Fee Based Progtams & Other SourcesC & U a CC Lxense Jro;omeClIoo::aIsevces • Tesmg 8< Va=nesE~IHeath PermilsIOPA· Medcad - DentllIOPA • MedICaId I KdCare - Famiy HealthIDPA· Medcald I Medcare· NursngIOPA· Medcald· 5G'5O "Match·TPS {Ak:ohoI Ser.ier TralnlllQ)VIa! StatisOCsWell Water Tesl"'9'Assessments..- '"' t.ses aesa a.esa~<scelIaneol.lS~S

Total Fee Based Programs & 0Iller Sources m t aa aesa a.assToIel Revenues 12,498 16,242 21,172 21,O<Xl

Aud~ Fund 22

Page 25: CHAMPAIGN-URBANA PUBLIC HEALTH DISTRICT · Champaign-UrbanaPublic Health District Proposed Fiscal Year 2008 Budget Consolidated Financial Summary (All Funds) FY05 Actual FY06 Actual

Total Personaf 5eMcesF~Benefu (GerB'a1 FU1d)Heallh&U1e~

Fnnge BeoehIs(lMRF Fo.n:I)·FICA & Medicare

'"''Fringe Senefu (Liability & Insurance Fund)Workefs' Cornpensalo:)n

lJoemploymenl Comperls,'hon

Tolaf Fnnge Benefots

Tolal P9l'SOIIaI Sennces & Fmge Benefits

Non-Palletll Contractual (General Fund)Buidong Leases. Manemro;e & UlifitIlSLegal Feesp"",,,p-Pmfesso:>ralMooIrIgsTelecommlXlCallonsNon C-lJ PHD tJcense Paymentsoee-Noo-Pabenl ConIraclual

Total No".Pat>ent ConIr.JCIual(General Fund)Non-Patoent Conlrac\Ua1 (Aucfd FundI


Total Non-PallOOlConlraclwl (Audrt FurdJNol).f>atoenl ConIJactuaI (UabrtIty & losurarJC« Fund)

Medr.:al Malpractr;e Jnsurarr;eGenemf l.lat*y Insuran:;eA.u1QnJObi1e~ IosuraroeOfIo::ern' BondInsurance

"""'-~Total Nor>-PatJenlConltadual(Llabillty & IrIst.anceFtn::I)

TC't1l1 Noo-Pabet1 Comar::tual

IDPH D<1a1tl Ce<1ieate S..ctIarge Trar"lSlers

T.."Vehicle ()penmonsS!q>lies-OthceBuilcfrng & 0IIJerS~I&DeRalS_'q-~ lor f\kw Grants & CcJllIracts.SBHCCo<tJngeocy for New Grarts & Corotracts..lJrbana Construcl()<JCootIOgellCy for New Gmrts& Confmcts-OttJer$pace Needs Plarnng, DesIg> & Imp!ementabonSI.tlcootract wlIh CfBmpaagn CoI.rotySoard cl HeallhPabenICam & Cienl AssIstance









" 000



AWilFurd 23

Page 26: CHAMPAIGN-URBANA PUBLIC HEALTH DISTRICT · Champaign-UrbanaPublic Health District Proposed Fiscal Year 2008 Budget Consolidated Financial Summary (All Funds) FY05 Actual FY06 Actual

Champaign-Urbana Public Health DistrictProposed FIScal Year 2008 Budget

liability & General Insurance Fund (All DiVisions)

§ § [EJ §~ru~'cru~ 'cru~ """"- ........

Begnl!i'tgBalance24,181 re (10247) m,-~

""'" 121,626 148.554 1'63,145


Ex;:rer'ldl:ur.es103,306 rsa.eaa 139,813 163,145Adjustments

JUl44l (2181)End"gBalance ,.. llOND '" ,~


Prope<tyTalles.CUrTen'Property Tall

""'~ 4\1.910 61,475 71,649 78,019Cunen' Property Tax • CC PHDP.,rsonal Pro»erty Tal Replacement

Tota! P'weil)' r""eoc 49910 61,47$ "'" 78,019

ESDA Homelandse:ourwGrants & Contmcts-

!DPHGfaols.BloTerroran PQrm"1l, Pre;>are<lMss & SulVelian<:e(AlB)BooT"""""", Preparedness, PQrln"1l & Response(A)

,,~ mBo>Terronsm Jrl\l'esbga_. S"""'iiar>ce & Epdenuoi:;>gy(B) ",BooTerronsm lalmaloryBoobgo::Agents(C}BooTe<TO"",,,: In/rasll'UClu,e/tn/onnalon Ua""9""'ent (E)BoTermnstn: eras & RI$l< CoI'n"'unc:ab:>n (F)

,~ l,773BoTe","'s", TIlffi"Il&E~(G)Breast& Co>rw;:al ea.~"", aees s.vco 5.453 5617CUPI-IO Ml>be Out'e:a""Dea!h ~Su,charge-_.""a ,~ sos ""Gel The Lead OutHe:alhySrnies. Heathy GIO'l'\CIl Asse=nerrtHeartSmar1forW"",en aae ". '" zeoHepatitisP'e'Io'eOtonIlntegralxlnHIV Ca,e Consort.:m 3,975 ...'" "" ,.=HNJaiPmjecl

"" """ eooHN Prwmtlon Gay YOIlIil a ,,, ..., ,..HIV Prevento<llead Agency en 3.424 asca s.sesHIV Racll Testng rnplefn!!l'll3l<O<lHIVTestr>9Su!veyHN Hie UOutreach

'M ",HNLalno Outreach ProteCIHous"11Opportunlloes-AIDSLead $c,een"l1LocaIHeaIl'!l ProledlonProstate & Tes1>Oular Cancer ec ~ ees aceS<>rnrner Food PmgoamTann"ll FaciiloesTobat::cQF'ee Communbes sea 1.7"83 ese eooTobat::cQREAl.lTY.",..Tul>erctlIoslsOOT&OOPT aa ,~ ,~ "Two&ds,Of\eStor>eVecI:of(MosqUIto) ControlWestNileVousVocm&Ik-a"'lIWeliness 011 Wh.eeIs (W0W}/U6l0liy HeathWel&iess Ofl Wheels (WOW}/Slb

"" '" ".W"",,,,,'sl1ealthlo_

7C'la!JDPHCklnIs &,9t1 21.l'i33 ee.eee 21.015

IDHSG<an1S-Coo<d<late<j School HealIh

'" ~, -......'" ." aae escFamlyCase~en' eeeo 17.694HeathWo<!<s (OCFS)

'" 3.358 a.asaSc~HeaAhClrlo:s aasTeenParent5erw::esWornen. Hants & Ct>iId'en 10.m

"'" 11.796

To'tlIIDHSGJants~ 12.457 "OM aa.eea

OtherG_ 8,Co:>tracts.Ct>arnpaign County Soan:!<llHeallh

""" ee.eea ~.'" 31,&19ChildC<t'eCon\I'lger>ey-NewGranIS & Cont<ac1s

""""'"""IDOT.(;PSCoon:IotatOlIOOT-5afeCol'nmorutoesProvena CcNena:nI MC P' ........l""l PnnaryCa'e$la:ld Agans! Ca'lcer(Access)


Su5a1l G Komen (lBCCPl'TDl>ac>:oy_~

lhbana (City)SohoolBased Hea~Center Granl

To'tII OtherGranlS &Contr<octs 19,824 26.062 39,634 31,&19

Fee Based Proyrarns & Other Sou",es.C & U .&CC!..£eose tlco<necw.o::at Serve... - Testr\g & Vacc"esEnvrMmellal Heath PermtsIDPA, Me:;I""lI -Dental!Df'A-Me:;Iocad!KtdCare FamilyKeaIl:llIDPA·Medo;ad/llle<l<:a'e _NumngIDPA - Medoc2od • 5lY5Q"Match"TIPS (Aloof\oIServerT"",,,,gj

""-~WeI Water TestnglAssessm...,tsInterestt.loscellaneou.~

Tola! Fee Based P'ogam. & OIlIer Sources

Total Revenues ss.ese 121626 1411,Ss.t 163.145

hsu"",,,,, Fund 24

Page 27: CHAMPAIGN-URBANA PUBLIC HEALTH DISTRICT · Champaign-UrbanaPublic Health District Proposed Fiscal Year 2008 Budget Consolidated Financial Summary (All Funds) FY05 Actual FY06 Actual

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Page 28: CHAMPAIGN-URBANA PUBLIC HEALTH DISTRICT · Champaign-UrbanaPublic Health District Proposed Fiscal Year 2008 Budget Consolidated Financial Summary (All Funds) FY05 Actual FY06 Actual

n :oL n ". m :l m :l & ..

FILEDThe News-Gazette


JUL 09 2007

~.J~------------------------------.c;g~H!llAJo\\lIll''''~IlGGN COUNTY CLERK

The undersigned, THE NEWS-GAZETTE, INC. by its authorized agent, does



Notice eo hereby '.gWen thata 1'roposed. B~ andAppropriation ORrlll8llceto< 1he Q>amoa;",,-U""'.Public HealfhJ>istrict in the90unty of Champaign andState of Illinois for ttie fiscalyear'begmninq Al:1I11 1,2007"and,enl:fing March 31, 2008,

'is on file and convenientlyavailable for public inspec­tion from 8:00 A.M. to 4:00P.M., Monday throuQ!1 Fri~

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Dated May23•.2007,AD: 20)7'C8rof Elliott, aaai:r

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