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Changing Reality (With Constructive Conversations) - John Marshall Roberts

Date post: 06-Jul-2015
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Join John Marshall Roberts as he discusses the urgency for businesses to rethink the way they create, generate and maintain their messages with the consumer public. Radical ideas, entertaining messaging and fundamentally new communications strategies are crucial for communicating sustainability!
Conversations That Change Reality {for fun and for prot} John Marshall Roberts
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Conversations That Change Reality

{for fun and for pro!t} John Marshall Roberts

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Changing Reality

{with constructive conversations} John Marshall Roberts

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Conversations can change reality.

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Radical new “proof of concept”

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Radish, anyone?

Radish = Root = Essence

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How practical can radical thinking be? -Raised over $640 million dollars from more than 3 million donors

(avg. donation < $100 --90% of donations less than $50)

-Largest volunteer network in the history of presidential politics

-First candidate ever to deny public !nancing for general election

and money from PAC's. Outspent opponent $6 to $1 in gen election.

-Background: fresh-faced, relatively unknown African American

“community organizer” with less than 1 full term in the senate

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$640 Million Dollar Question:

How did he pull it o"?

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$640 Trillion Dollar Question:

How can we each replicate it to transform global business and (in so doing) save the


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Obama is just the tip of an iceberg:

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Other “crazy radicals” who sat upon icebergs:

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Today's problems require a global community of visionary radicals ...

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An epic shift in thinking...

ABOUT (=content)


FROM (=context)

{Ontology--it's not just for philosophy students any more!}

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Radical subtext in action:

Reality as we de!ne it is caused primarily by the personal and collective conversations in which

we habitually participate.

(note: the environmental crisis is a twisted tribute to mankind's creative power)

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The TRUE challenge of our times:

Distinguish and remove limiting assumptions of our current--mostly subconscious-- mental

models (or 'contexts') of conversation.

(good news: once this happens, new insight and solutions occur naturally)

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Old-school communication model:

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Habitual assumptions of the old model: 1. Sender and receiver are fundamentally separate and distinct entities

2. Purpose of communication is to transmit info

3. Communication !ows between sender to receiver in a linear, iterative fashion

IMPLICATION: social problems can be solved by increased awareness through top-down education

STRATEGY: create slick, entertaining messages and distribute widely for maximum brainwashing impact

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A quick show of hands....

How many of you believe that our current approach to communicating the urgency of

sustainability is working?

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What if we changed these three assumptions?

1. Sender and receiver are fundamentally uni"ed

2. Fundamental purpose of communication is to create shared context of meaning

3. Communication is a process of instant co-creation

IMPLICATION: Problems must solved through dialogue and collective surrender to a larger vision

STRATEGY: maximize collective issue ownership through listening, transparency, empathetic messaging, and collaborative dialogue

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Food for thought:

What would your company's marketing and communications strategy look like if crafted

from this paradigm?

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Would it look something like this?

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Radical Conclusion: Obama created breakthrough results by

thinking from this new paradigm and by strategically designing every element of his

campaign around these unifying assumptions.

(And so can we)

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Through this lens, everything clicks: 1. Branding/Messaging Strategy: cynicism vs. hope, slogan: “yes we can”, empathy, authenticity, and anti-torture stance (= assumption of unity as fundamental)

2. Activism and Social Media Strategy ( = emphasis on shifting conversation through listening and active co-creation of shared context)

3. Refusal to engage in old-school politics of 'personal destruction' ( = emphasis on creating shared context rather than divisive 'us vs. them' contexts)

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How do I apply this info to solve everyday problems in my own work-life sphere?

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Simple Answer: READ MY BOOK!! :-)

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Trans•for•ma•tion•al De•sign® \'tran(t)s-fer-'ma-shenel, di-'zin\ noun

1. An results-oriented, scienti!cally grounded communication paradigm for the conceptual age 2. A creative communication design framework that helps cause-related communicators systematically overcome cynicism and inspire others to positive, real-world action.

Usage: “Didn’t Bob use Transformational Design to write his new cult-member recruitment speech?”

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A deceptively simple synthesis of:

-developmental psychology

-open systems theory


-common sense

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APPLICATIONS: -Branding, messaging and marketing strategy

-Employee motivation and productivity

-Leadership and communications training

-Transformational media design

-Global negotiations and con"ict resolution

[Insert Sustainable Cause Here]

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Take home message? “If you don't live it, it won't come out your horn.”

~Charlie Parker

contact info: [email protected] www.jmarshallroberts.com
