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Chapter 01 Engineering Profession

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  • 8/16/2019 Chapter 01 Engineering Profession


  • 8/16/2019 Chapter 01 Engineering Profession


    Engineering: Fundamentals and Problem Solving, 6eEide ⋅ Jenison ⋅ Northup ⋅ i!"elson

    Copyright © 2012 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. ll rights reser!e".

    Chapter Objectives

    # #nderstand the role of engineering in the $orld

    # #nderstand ho$ to prepare for a meaningfulengineering !areer

    # #nderstand the role of an engineer in theengineering $or"pla!e

    # %es!ribe the responsibilities and roles of themost !ommon engineering dis!iplines


  • 8/16/2019 Chapter 01 Engineering Profession


    Engineering: Fundamentals and Problem Solving, 6eEide

    ⋅ Jenison

    ⋅ Northup

    ⋅ i!"elson

    Copyright © 2012 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. ll rights reser!e".

    An Engineering Career

    'uestions to !onsider:

    (  )hat is engineering*

    (  )hat are the !areer opportunities for engineers*

    (  )hat are the engineering dis!iplines*

    (  )here does the engineer fit into the te!hni!al spe!trum*

    ( +o$ are engineers edu!ated*

  • 8/16/2019 Chapter 01 Engineering Profession


    Engineering: Fundamentals and Problem Solving, 6eEide

    ⋅ Jenison

    ⋅ Northup

    ⋅ i!"elson

    Copyright © 2012 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. ll rights reser!e".


    An Engineering Career cont’d

    ore .uestions to !onsider:

    #  )hat is professionalism and engineering ethi!s*

    #  )hat have engineers done in the past*

    #  )hat are engineers doing no$* 

    #  )hat $ill engineers do in the future*

    #  )hat $or"pla!e !ompeten!ies are

    needed to be a su!!essful engineer*

  • 8/16/2019 Chapter 01 Engineering Profession


    Engineering: Fundamentals and Problem Solving, 6eEide

    ⋅ Jenison

    ⋅ Northup

    ⋅ i!"elson

    Copyright © 2012 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. ll rights reser!e".

    The Technolog Team

    ( S!ientist

    ( Engineer

    ( Te!hnologist and Te!hni!ian

    ( S"illed Tradespersons/Craftspersons


  • 8/16/2019 Chapter 01 Engineering Profession


    Engineering: Fundamentals and Problem Solving, 6eEide

    ⋅ Jenison

    ⋅ Northup

    ⋅ i!"elson

    Copyright © 2012 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. ll rights reser!e".


     Scientists !ondu!t resear!h in see"ing ne$ "no$ledgeThe s2stemati! resear!h steps 3or scientific method 4 are:

    1 Formulate a h2pothesis to e5plain phenomenon

    & Condu!t e5periments to test the h2pothesis

    nal27e test results and state !on!lusions

    - 8enerali7e the h2pothesis into a la$ or theor2

    0 Publish the ne$ "no$ledge


  • 8/16/2019 Chapter 01 Engineering Profession


    Engineering: Fundamentals and Problem Solving, 6eEide

    ⋅ Jenison

    ⋅ Northup

    ⋅ i!"elson

    Copyright © 2012 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. ll rights reser!e".



    #  ppl2 "no$ledge of math and s!ien!e

    # Condu!t design and anal2sis

    # Solve problems

    # %evelop

    9  devi!es

    9  pro!esses

    9  stru!tures

    9  s2stems

  • 8/16/2019 Chapter 01 Engineering Profession


    Engineering: Fundamentals and Problem Solving, 6eEide

    ⋅ Jenison

    ⋅ Northup

    ⋅ i!"elson

    Copyright © 2012 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. ll rights reser!e".

    Engineering !esign Process

    The design pro!ess in!ludes:

    1 %efine the problem

    & !.uire pertinent data

    ;dentif2 !onstraints

    - %evelop alternative solutions

    0 Sele!t a solution based on anal2sis of alternatives

    6 Communi!ate the results


  • 8/16/2019 Chapter 01 Engineering Profession


    Engineering: Fundamentals and Problem Solving, 6eEide

    ⋅ Jenison

    ⋅ Northup

    ⋅ i!"elson

    Copyright © 2012 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. ll rights reser!e".

    Technologist and Technician

    ( Technologists 9 ppl2 their edu!ation

    and e5perien!e

    9 odif2 designs as needed

    ( Technicians 9 Perform !omputations and


    9 Prepare design dra$ings

    9 Perform tas"s as re.uested b2engineers and s!ientists


  • 8/16/2019 Chapter 01 Engineering Profession


    Engineering: Fundamentals and Problem Solving, 6eEide

    ⋅ Jenison

    ⋅ Northup

    ⋅ i!"elson

    Copyright © 2012 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. ll rights reser!e".

    S"illed Tradespersons#Cra$tspersons

    ( %o not need in>depth "no$ledge of s!ien!e andengineering

    ( ?ften trained on the @ob

    ( ?ften serve apprenti!eships

    ( Aearn to build and operate spe!iali7ed e.uipment


  • 8/16/2019 Chapter 01 Engineering Profession


    Engineering: Fundamentals and Problem Solving, 6eEide

    ⋅ Jenison

    ⋅ Northup

    ⋅ i!"elson

    Copyright © 2012 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. ll rights reser!e".

    Engineering Pro$ession

    ( ;nitiative

    ( Professionalism

    ( Engineering "no$ledge( Team$or" 

    ( ;nnovation

    ( Communi!ation

    ( Cultural adaptabilit2 ( Safet2 a$areness


    Engineers must demonstrate:

    # Customer fo!us

    # 8eneral "no$ledge

    # Continuous learning# Planning

    #  nal2sis and @udgment

    # 'ualit2 orientation

    # ;ntegrit2 

  • 8/16/2019 Chapter 01 Engineering Profession


    Engineering: Fundamentals and Problem Solving, 6eEide

    ⋅ Jenison

    ⋅ Northup

    ⋅ i!"elson

    Copyright © 2012 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. ll rights reser!e".

    The Engineering Functions

    ( esear!h

    ( %evelopment

    ( %esign

    ( Produ!tion and Testing

    ( Constru!tion

    ( ?perations

    ( Sales

    ( anagement

    (Consulting( Tea!hing


  • 8/16/2019 Chapter 01 Engineering Profession


    Engineering: Fundamentals and Problem Solving, 6e

    Eide⋅ Jenison

    ⋅ Northup

    ⋅ i!"elson

    Copyright © 2012 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. ll rights reser!e".

    Engineering !isciplines

    (  erospa!e(  gri!ultural

    ( Dios2stems/Diologi!al

    ( Chemi!al

    ( Civil( Computer

    ( Ele!tri!al

    ( Environmental

    ( ;ndustrial( e!hani!al

    ( etallurgi!al

    ( Petroleum

    ( ?thers*


  • 8/16/2019 Chapter 01 Engineering Profession


    Engineering: Fundamentals and Problem Solving, 6e

    Eide⋅ Jenison

    ⋅ Northup

    ⋅ i!"elson

    Copyright © 2012 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. ll rights reser!e".

    Engineering !egrees b !iscipline


    6< &B6 engineering degrees $ere a$arded in &BB

  • 8/16/2019 Chapter 01 Engineering Profession


    Engineering: Fundamentals and Problem Solving, 6e

    Eide⋅ Jenison

    ⋅ Northup

    ⋅ i!"elson

    Copyright © 2012 by The McGraw Hill Companies Inc ll rights reser!e"

    Engineering Challenges

    ( Energ2 

    ( ;nfrastru!ture

    ( Clean )ater

    ( Food suppl2 

    ( 8lobal design

    ( ?thers*

