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Chapter 1 - Campus Design

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  • 7/25/2019 Chapter 1 - Campus Design


    Chapter #1 2007 2010, Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco !"l ic 2007 2010, Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco !"l ic

    Co!rse v Chapter #1

    Chapter 1$

    Analy%ing &he Cisco 'nterprise Camp!sArchitect!re

    CCNP SWITCH: Implementing IP Switching

  • 7/25/2019 Chapter 1 - Campus Design


    Chapter #2 2007 2010, Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco !"l ic

    Chapter 1 Objectives

    (escri"e common camp!s design options and ho) designchoices a**ect implementation and s!pport o* a camp!s +A.(escri"e the access, distri"!tion, and core layers.(escri"e small, medi!m, and large camp!s net)or- designs.

  • 7/25/2019 Chapter 1 - Campus Design


    Chapter # 2007 2010, Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco !"l ic

    Introd!ction to

    'nterpriseCamp!s et)or-(esign

  • 7/25/2019 Chapter 1 - Campus Design


    Chapter #/ 2007 2010, Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco !"l ic

    Enterprise Networ

    Core ac-"oneCamp!s(ata Centerranch3A

    Internet 'dge

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  • 7/25/2019 Chapter 1 - Campus Design


    Chapter # 2007 2010, Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco !"l ic

    Core ac-"one6 interconnects the camp!s access, the data center, and 3A portions

    o* the net)or-.

    Camp!s6 is the portion o* the comp!ting in*rastr!ct!re that provides access to

    net)or- comm!nication services and reso!rces to end !sers and

    devices spread over a single geographic location.(ata center6 is a *acility !sed to ho!se comp!ting systems and associated


    Enterprise Networ

  • 7/25/2019 Chapter 1 - Campus Design


    Chapter # 2007 2010, Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco !"l ic

    ranch83A6 contains the ro!ters, s)itches, and so on to interconnect a main

    o**ice to "ranch o**ices or other main o**ices

    Internet 'dge6 encompasses the ro!ters, s)itches, *ire)alls, and net)or- devices

    that interconnect the enterprise net)or- to the Internet.6

    &he Internet 'dge incl!des technology necessary to connecttelecomm!ters *rom the Internet to services in the enterprise.

    Enterprise Networ

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    7/22Chapter #

    7 2007 2010, Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco !"l ic

    Camp!s "esigns

    #o$!lar9 easily s!pports gro)th and change. Scaling thenet)or- is eased "y adding ne) mod!les in lie! o* completeredesigns.%esilient9 proper high9availa"ility :A characteristics res!ltin near9100; !ptime.&le'ible9 change in "!siness is a g!arantee *or anyenterprise. &hese changes drive camp!s net)or-re

  • 7/25/2019 Chapter 1 - Campus Design

    8/22Chapter #

    = 2007 2010, Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco !"l ic

    #!ltila(er Switches in Camp!s Networs

    :ard)are9"ased ro!ting !sing

    Application9Speci*ic IntegratedCirc!its ASICs>I, ?S@, and 'I> ares!pported+ayer s)itching speedsappro5imate that o* +ayer 2

    s)itches+ayer / and +ayer 7 s)itchings!pported on some s)itches@!t!re$ !re +ayer environmentleveraging ine5pensive + accesslayer s)itches

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    9/22Chapter #

    B 2007 2010, Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco !"l ic

    Cisco Switches

    Catal(st )*++ &amil( !sed in camp!s, data center, andcore as )ell as 3A and "ranch

    6 p to 1 slots and 1 109iga"it 'thernet inter*aces6 >ed!ndant po)er s!pplies, *ans, and s!pervisor engines6 >!ns Cisco I?S

    Catal(st ,*++ &amil( !sed in distri"!tion layer and in

    collapsed core environments6 p to 10 slots and several 109iga"it 'thernet inter*aces6 >!ns Cisco I?S

    Catal(st -*)+ an$ -.*+ &amilies !sed in *i5ed9portscenarios at the access and distri"!tion layers

    Ne'!s /+++0 *+++0 an$ .+++ &amilies D9?S "asedmod!lar data center s)itches

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    10/22Chapter #

    10 2007 2010, Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco !"l ic

    EnterpriseCamp!s "esign

  • 7/25/2019 Chapter 1 - Campus Design

    11/22Chapter #

    11 2007 2010, Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco !"l ic

    !il$ing 2ccess0 !il$ing "istrib!tion0 an$ !il$ing Core3a(ers

    !il$ing Core 3a(er: high9speedcamp!s "ac-"one designed tos)itch pac-ets as *ast as possi"leEprovides high availa"ility andadapts

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    12/22Chapter #

    12 2007 2010, Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco !"l ic

    Core 3a(er

    Aggregates distri"!tion layer s)itches.Implements scala"le protocols and technologies and load"alancing.:igh9speed layer s)itching !sing 109iga"it 'thernet.ses red!ndant + lin-s.

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  • 7/25/2019 Chapter 1 - Campus Design


    Chapter #1 2007 2010, Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco !"l ic

    Core 3a(er

    3itho!t a core layer, the distri"!tion layer s)itches need to"e *!lly meshed.

    6 (i**ic!lt to scale and increases the ca"ling re

    As a recommended practice, deploy a dedicated camp!s core

    layer to connect three or more physical segments or *o!r ormore pairs o* "!ilding distri"!tion s)itches in a large camp!s.Core layer constit!ents and *!nctions depend on the si%e andtype o* the net)or-.

    6 camp!s designs can com"ine the core and distri"!tion layer *!nctions

    at the distri"!9tion layer *or a smaller topology.

  • 7/25/2019 Chapter 1 - Campus Design


    Chapter #1/ 2007 2010, Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco !"l ic

    "istrib!tion 3a(er

    :igh availa"ility, *ast path recovery, load "alancing, FoS, and sec!rity

    >o!te s!mmari%ation and pac-et manip!lation>edistri"!tion point "et)een ro!ting domainsac-et *iltering and policy ro!ting to implement policy9"ased connectivity&erminate G+As@irst :op >ed!ndancy rotocol

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  • 7/25/2019 Chapter 1 - Campus Design


    Chapter #1 2007 2010, Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco !"l ic

    2ccess 3a(er

    High availabilit( s!pported "y many hard)are and so*t)are *eat!res, s!ch as

    red!ndant po)er s!pplies and @irst :op >ed!ndancy rotocols @:>.

    Convergence provides inline o)er over 'thernet o' to s!pport I telephony

    and )ireless access points.

    Sec!rit( incl!des port sec!rity, (:C snooping, (ynamic A> inspection, I

    so!rce g!ard.

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  • 7/25/2019 Chapter 1 - Campus Design


    Chapter #1 2007 2010, Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco !"l ic

    Small Camp!s Networ

    H200 end devices

    Collapsed coreCatalyst 0 and 2B0 s)itches *or access layerCisco 1B00 and 2B00 ro!ters to interconnect "ranch83A

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  • 7/25/2019 Chapter 1 - Campus Design


    Chapter #17 2007 2010, Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco !"l ic

    #e$i!m Camp!s Networ

    20091000 end devices>ed!ndant m!ltilayer s)itches at distri"!tion layerCatalyst /00 or 00 s)itches

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  • 7/25/2019 Chapter 1 - Campus Design


    Chapter #1= 2007 2010, Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco !"l ic

    3arge Camp!s Networ

    2000 end !sers

    Stricter adherence to core, distri"!tion, access delineationCatalyst 00 s)itches in core and distri"!tion layerse5!s 7000 s)itches in data centers(ivision o* la"or amongst net)or- engineers

  • 7/25/2019 Chapter 1 - Campus Design


    Chapter #1B 2007 2010, Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco !"l ic

    Chapter 1 S!mmar(

    'vol!tionary changes are occ!rring )ithin the camp!s

    net)or-.'vol!tion re

  • 7/25/2019 Chapter 1 - Campus Design


    Chapter #20 2007 2010, Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco !"l ic

    3ab 141Clearing a Switch

    3ab 14/Clearing a Switch Connecte$ to a 3arger Networ

    Chapter 1 3abs

  • 7/25/2019 Chapter 1 - Campus Design


    Chapter #21 2007 2010, Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco !"l ic



  • 7/25/2019 Chapter 1 - Campus Design


    Chapter #
