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Chapter 1 Fluid Mechanics Introduction

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  • 8/13/2019 Chapter 1 Fluid Mechanics Introduction


    CFD Institute of Nuclear Engineering and Scienc

    NPP CFD Modeling and Safety nalysis Lab

    Chapter 1Introduction

  • 8/13/2019 Chapter 1 Fluid Mechanics Introduction


    Institute of Nuclear Engineering and SciencNPP CFD Modeling and Safety nalysis LabCFD

    Main Topics

    1.1 Some Characteristics of Fluids1.2 Dimensions and Units1.3 Analysis of Fluid Behaviors1.4 Measures of Fluid Mass and Weight1.5 Ideal Gas Law1.6 Viscosity

    1.7 Compressibility of Fluids1.8 Vapor Pressure1.9 Surface Tension1.10 A Brief Look Back in History

  • 8/13/2019 Chapter 1 Fluid Mechanics Introduction


    Institute of Nuclear Engineering and SciencNPP CFD Modeling and Safety nalysis LabCFD

    1.1 Characteristicsof Fluids

    Whats a Fluid ? Whats difference between a solid and a fluid ?

  • 8/13/2019 Chapter 1 Fluid Mechanics Introduction


    Institute of Nuclear Engineering and SciencNPP CFD Modeling and Safety nalysis LabCFD

    Definition of Fluid

    Fluids comprise the liquid and gas (or vapor) phaseof the physical forms.

    A fluid is a substance that deforms continuouslyunder the application of a shear stress no matter howsmall the shear stress may be.

    A shearing stress is created whenever a tangentialforce acts on a surface.

  • 8/13/2019 Chapter 1 Fluid Mechanics Introduction


    Institute of Nuclear Engineering and SciencNPP CFD Modeling and Safety nalysis LabCFD


    Fluid and Solid _1

    When a constant shear force is applied:Solid deforms or bends

    Fluid continuously deforms.

  • 8/13/2019 Chapter 1 Fluid Mechanics Introduction


    Institute of Nuclear Engineering and SciencNPP CFD Modeling and Safety nalysis LabCFD


    Fluid and Solid _2

    Vague ideaFluid is soft and easily deformed.

    Solid is hard and not easily deformed.Molecular structure

    Solid has densely spaced molecules with

    large intermolecular cohesive force allowedto maintain its shape.

  • 8/13/2019 Chapter 1 Fluid Mechanics Introduction


    Institute of Nuclear Engineering and SciencNPP CFD Modeling and Safety nalysis LabCFD


    Fluid and Solid _3

    Liquid has further apart spaced molecules, theintermolecular forces are smaller than for solids,and the molecules have more freedom ofmovement. At normal temperature and pressure,the spacing is on the order of 10 -6mm. Thenumber of molecules per cubic millimeter is on theorder of 10 18 .Gases have even greater molecular spacing andfreedom of motion with negligible cohesiveintermolecular forces and as a consequence areeasily deformed. At normal temperature andpressure, the spacing is on the order of 10 -7mm.The number of molecules per cubic millimeter ison the order of 10 21 .

  • 8/13/2019 Chapter 1 Fluid Mechanics Introduction


    Institute of Nuclear Engineering and SciencNPP CFD Modeling and Safety nalysis LabCFD


    Fluid? Solid ?

    Some materials, such as slurries, tar, putty,toothpaste, and so on, are not easily classified sincethey will behave as solid if the applied shearingstress is small, but if the stress exceeds some criticalvalue, the substance will flow. The study of suchmaterials is called rheology.

  • 8/13/2019 Chapter 1 Fluid Mechanics Introduction


    Institute of Nuclear Engineering and SciencNPP CFD Modeling and Safety nalysis LabCFD


    1.2 Dimension and Units

    Primary quantities also referred as basicdimensions

    Such as Length,L, time, T, mass, M, andtemperature, . Used to provide a qualitative description of anyother secondary quantity.

    Secondary quantitiesFor example, area L2,velocity Lt -1 ,density ML -3.

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    Institute of Nuclear Engineering and SciencNPP CFD Modeling and Safety nalysis LabCFD


    System of Dimensions

    Mass[M], Length[L], Time[T] MLT systemForce[F], Length[L], Time[T] FLT system

  • 8/13/2019 Chapter 1 Fluid Mechanics Introduction


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    Dimensions Associatedwith Common Physical Quantities

  • 8/13/2019 Chapter 1 Fluid Mechanics Introduction


    Institute of Nuclear Engineering and SciencNPP CFD Modeling and Safety nalysis LabCFD



    All theoretically derived equations aredimensionally homogeneous that is, thedimensions of the left side of the equation must bethe same as those on the right side, and all additiveseparate terms have the same dimensions.

    General homogeneous equation: valid in anysystem of units.

    Restricted homogeneous equation : restricted toa particular system of units.


    2 gt d 24.90 t d

    Valid only for the system ofunits using meter andseconds

  • 8/13/2019 Chapter 1 Fluid Mechanics Introduction


    Institute of Nuclear Engineering and SciencNPP CFD Modeling and Safety nalysis LabCFD

    InternationalSystem (SI)

    Length: mTime: second

    Mass: KgTemperature: K oC+273.15Force: Newton: 1 N (1 Kg)(1 m / sec 2 )Work: Joule ( J ) ; 1 J 1 N m

    Power: Watt (W) ;1 W 1 J / sec 1 N

    m/secGravity: g = 9.807 m / sec 2 Weight: W (N) = m (Kg) g (m/ sec 2) : 1 kg-mass weights9.81N

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    Institute of Nuclear Engineering and SciencNPP CFD Modeling and Safety nalysis LabCFD

    EnglishEngineering (EE) System

    Mass: lb m Force: lb f

    Length: ftTime: secondTemperature: oR (absolute temperature)

    F ma / g c gc : the constant of proportionality1 lb f lbm 32.174 ft / sec

    2 / g cgc lbm 32.174 ft / sec

    2 / lb f

  • 8/13/2019 Chapter 1 Fluid Mechanics Introduction


    Institute of Nuclear Engineering and SciencNPP CFD Modeling and Safety nalysis LabCFD

    Exam p le 1.2

    A tank of water having a total mass of 36 kg rests on thesupport in the equipment bay of the Space Shuttle.Determine the forces (in newtons) that the tank exerts onthe support shortly after lift off when the shuttle isaccelerating upward as shown in Fig.E1.2a at 4.5 m/s 2.







    sm smkg

    a g m F

    maW F or ma F



  • 8/13/2019 Chapter 1 Fluid Mechanics Introduction


    Institute of Nuclear Engineering and SciencNPP CFD Modeling and Safety nalysis LabCFD


    Analysis ofFluid Behaviors _1

    Analysis of any problem in fluid mechanicsnecessarily includes statement of the basic lawsgoverning the fluid motion. The basic laws, which

    applicable to any fluid, are:Conservation of massNewtons second law of motion The principle of angular momentum

    The first law of thermodynamicsThe second law of thermodynamics

  • 8/13/2019 Chapter 1 Fluid Mechanics Introduction


    Institute of Nuclear Engineering and SciencNPP CFD Modeling and Safety nalysis LabCFD


    Analysis ofFluid Behaviors _2

    NOT all basic laws are required to solve any oneproblem . On the other hand, in many problems it isnecessary to bring into the analysis additionalrelations that describe the behavior of physicalproperties of fluids under given conditions.Many apparently simple problems in fluid mechanicsthat cannot be solved analytically . In such cases

    we must resort to more co m pl ica ted num erica lso lu t ions and/or resu l t s o f exper imental t es t s .

  • 8/13/2019 Chapter 1 Fluid Mechanics Introduction


    Institute of Nuclear Engineering and SciencNPP CFD Modeling and Safety nalysis LabCFD


    1.4 Measurement

    of Fluid Mass and WeightDensitySpecific weightSpecific Gravity

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    The density of a fluid, designated by the Greek symbol (rho), is defined as its mass per unit volume.Density is used to characterize the mass of a fluid system.In the BG system has units of slug/ft 3 and in SI theunits are kg/m 3.The value of density can vary widely between differentfluids, but for liquids, variations in pressure andtemperature generally have only a small effect on the valueof density.The specific volume, , is the volume per unit mass that is, /1

  • 8/13/2019 Chapter 1 Fluid Mechanics Introduction


    Institute of Nuclear Engineering and SciencNPP CFD Modeling and Safety nalysis LabCFD


    Specific Weight

    The specific weight of a fluid, designated by theGreek symbol (gamma), is defined as its weight

    per unit volume.

    Under conditions of standard gravity (g= 9.807m/s2), water at 15C(288K) has a specific weight of9.80kN/m 3. The density of water is 999kg/m 3.


  • 8/13/2019 Chapter 1 Fluid Mechanics Introduction


    Institute of Nuclear Engineering and SciencNPP CFD Modeling and Safety nalysis LabCFD


    Specific Gravity

    The specific gravity of a fluid, designated as SG,is defined as the ratio of the density of the fluid to

    the density of water at some specified temperature.



    H 2O , 4 oC 1.94slug/ft 3 or 999kg/m 3.

  • 8/13/2019 Chapter 1 Fluid Mechanics Introduction


    Institute of Nuclear Engineering and SciencNPP CFD Modeling and Safety nalysis LabCFD


    1.6 Viscosity

    The properties of density and specific weight aremeasures of the heaviness of a fluid.

    It is clear, however, that these properties are notsufficient to uniquely characterize how fluids behave since two fluids can have approximatelythe same value of density but behave quitedifferently when flowing.There is apparently some additional property thatis needed to describe the FLUIDITY of thefluid.

  • 8/13/2019 Chapter 1 Fluid Mechanics Introduction


    Institute of Nuclear Engineering and SciencNPP CFD Modeling and Safety nalysis LabCFD


    Fluidity of Fluid _1

    How to describe the fluidity of the fluid? The bottom plate is rigid fixed, but the upper plateis free to move.

    If a solid, such as steel, were placed between thetwo plates and loaded with the force P , the topplate would be displaced through some smalldistance, a.The vertical line AB would be rotated through the

    small angle, , to the new position AB .

    P A

  • 8/13/2019 Chapter 1 Fluid Mechanics Introduction


    Institute of Nuclear Engineering and SciencNPP CFD Modeling and Safety nalysis LabCFD


    Fluidity of Fluid _2

    What happens if the solid is replaced with a fluid suchas water?

    When the force P is applied to the upper plate, it willmove continuously with a velocity U.The fluid sticks to the solid boundaries and is referredto as the NON-SLIP con ditions.

    The fluid between the two

    plates moves with velocityu=u(y) that would be assumedto vary linearly, u=Uy/b. Insuch case, the velocitygradient is du / dy U / b.

  • 8/13/2019 Chapter 1 Fluid Mechanics Introduction


    Institute of Nuclear Engineering and SciencNPP CFD Modeling and Safety nalysis LabCFD


    Fluidity of Fluid _3

    The shearing stress is increased byP,


    dydu P / The common fluids such as water, oil, gasoline, and air.The shearing stress and rate of shearing strain can berelated with a relationship

  • 8/13/2019 Chapter 1 Fluid Mechanics Introduction


    Institute of Nuclear Engineering and SciencNPP CFD Modeling and Safety nalysis LabCFD


    Viscosity Definition

    The constant of proportionality isdesignated by the Greek symbol (mu) and is called the

    absolute viscosity, dynamicviscosity, or simply the

    viscosity of the fluid.The viscosity depends on theparticular fluid, and for aparticular fluid the viscosity isalso dependent on temperature.


  • 8/13/2019 Chapter 1 Fluid Mechanics Introduction


    Institute of Nuclear Engineering and SciencNPP CFD Modeling and Safety nalysis LabCFD


    Dimension and Unit of

    The dimension of : Ft/L 2 or M/Lt.The unit of :

    In B.G. : lb f -s/ft2 or slug/(ft-s)

    In S.I. : kg/(m-s) or N-s/m 2 or Pa-sIn the Absolute Metric: poise=1g/(cm-s)

  • 8/13/2019 Chapter 1 Fluid Mechanics Introduction


    Institute of Nuclear Engineering and SciencNPP CFD Modeling and Safety nalysis LabCFD


    Exam p le 1.4 Visc o s i tyand Dim ens ion less Quant i t ies

    A dimensionless combination of variables that is importantin the study of viscous flow through pipes is called theReyno lds num ber , Re , defined as VD/ where is the

    fluid density, V the mean velocity, D the pipe diameter,and the fluid viscosity. A newtonian fluid having aviscosity of 0.38 Ns/m 2 and a specific gravity of 0.91flows through a 25-mm-diameter pipe with a velocity of 2.6m/s. Determine the value of the Reynolds number using (a)SI units.




    N smkg VD

    mkg mkg SG C O H

  • 8/13/2019 Chapter 1 Fluid Mechanics Introduction


    Institute of Nuclear Engineering and SciencNPP CFD Modeling and Safety nalysis LabCFD


    Exam p le 1.5New ton ian Fluid Shear St ress

    The velocity distribution for the flow of a Newtonianfluid between two sides, parallel plates is given by theequation





  • 8/13/2019 Chapter 1 Fluid Mechanics Introduction


    Institute of Nuclear Engineering and SciencNPP CFD Modeling and Safety nalysis LabCFD










    hy2wall bot tom


    where V is the mean velocity. The fluid has a velocity f0.04 lbs/ft2. When V=2 ft/s and h=0.2 in. determine: (a)the shearing stress acting on the bottom wall, and (b) theshearing stress acting on a plane parallel to the walls and

    passing through the centerline (midplane).

  • 8/13/2019 Chapter 1 Fluid Mechanics Introduction


    Institute of Nuclear Engineering and SciencNPP CFD Modeling and Safety nalysis LabCFD

    Viscosity vs.Temperature _1

    For fluids, the viscositydecreases with an

    increase in temperature.For gases, an increasein temperature causesan increase in viscosity.

    WHY? molecularstructure .

  • 8/13/2019 Chapter 1 Fluid Mechanics Introduction


    Institute of Nuclear Engineering and SciencNPP CFD Modeling and Safety nalysis LabCFD


    Viscosity vs.Temperature _2

    The liquid molecules are closely spaced, with strongcohesive forces between molecules, and theresistance to relative motion between adjacent layersis related to these intermolecular force.

    As the temperature increases, these cohesive forceare reduced with a corresponding reduction inresistance to motion. Since viscosity is an index of

    this resistance, it follows that v i scos i ty i s r educedby an inc rease in tem perature .

    The Andrades equation De B/T

  • 8/13/2019 Chapter 1 Fluid Mechanics Introduction


    Institute of Nuclear Engineering and SciencNPP CFD Modeling and Safety nalysis LabCFD


    Viscosity vs.Temperature _3

    In gases, the molecules are widely spaced andintermolecular force negligible.The resistance to relative motion mainly arises due tothe exchange of momentum of gas moleculesbetween adjacent layers.

    As the temperature increases, t he r andomm olecular ac t iv i ty inc reases w i th a co r resp ond ingincrease in v i sc os i ty.The Sutherland equation CT 3/2 / (T+S)

  • 8/13/2019 Chapter 1 Fluid Mechanics Introduction


    Institute of Nuclear Engineering and SciencNPP CFD Modeling and Safety nalysis LabCFD


    Newtonian andNon-Newtonian Fluid

    Fluids for which the shearing stress is linearly relatedto the rate of shearing strain are designated asNewtonian fluids after I. Newton (1642-1727).

    Most common fluids such as water, air, and gasolineare Newtonian fluid under normal conditions.Fluids for which the shearing stress is not linearlyrelated to the rate of shearing strain are designatedas non-Newtonian fluids.

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    Institute of Nuclear Engineering and SciencNPP CFD Modeling and Safety nalysis LabCFD

    Non-Newtonian Fluids

    Shear thinning fluids .Shear thickeningfluids.Bingham plastic

  • 8/13/2019 Chapter 1 Fluid Mechanics Introduction


    Institute of Nuclear Engineering and SciencNPP CFD Modeling and Safety nalysis LabCFD


    Kinematic Viscosity

    Defining kinematic viscosity = / [Ny]The dimensions of kinematic viscosity are

    L2/T.The units of kinematic viscosity in SI systemare m 2/s.In the CGS system, the kinematic viscosityhas the units of cm 2 /s, is called a stoke,abbreviated St.

  • 8/13/2019 Chapter 1 Fluid Mechanics Introduction


    Institute of Nuclear Engineering and SciencNPP CFD Modeling and Safety nalysis LabCFD


    1.7 Compressibilityof Fluids

    Bulk modulus.Compression and expansion of gases.Speed of sound.

  • 8/13/2019 Chapter 1 Fluid Mechanics Introduction


    Institute of Nuclear Engineering and SciencNPP CFD Modeling and Safety nalysis LabCFD


    Speed of Sound _1

    Another important consequence of thecompressibility of fluids is that disturbancesintroduced at some point in the fluid propagate ata finite velocity .For example, if a fluid is flowing in a pipe and avalve at the outlet is suddenly closed, the effect ofthe valve closure is not felt instantaneously upstream.It takes a finite time for the increased pressurecreated by the valve closure to propagate to anupstream location.

  • 8/13/2019 Chapter 1 Fluid Mechanics Introduction


    Institute of Nuclear Engineering and SciencNPP CFD Modeling and Safety nalysis LabCFD


    Speed of Sound _2

    The velocity at which small disturbances propagate in a fluid is called the speed of sound .

    The speed of sound is related to change in pressure and density of the fluid medium through

    For isentropic process

    For ideal gas



    kP c

    kRT c

  • 8/13/2019 Chapter 1 Fluid Mechanics Introduction


    Institute of Nuclear Engineering and SciencNPP CFD Modeling and Safety nalysis LabCFD

    1.9 Surface Tension _1

    At the interface between a liquid and a gas, orbetween two immiscible liquids, forces develop inthe liquid surface which cause the surface tobehave as if it were a skin or membranestretched over the fluid mass.

    Although such a skin is not actually present, thisconceptual analogy allows us to explain severalcommonly observed phenomena.

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    Institute of Nuclear Engineering and SciencNPP CFD Modeling and Safety nalysis LabCFD


    Surface Tension _2

    Surface tension: theintensity of the molecularattraction per unit length

    along any line in the surfaceand is designated by theGreek symbol .


    2 p p p

    R pR 2


    2 Where p i is the internal pressure and p e is the external pressure

    The force due tosurface tension

    The force due topressure difference


  • 8/13/2019 Chapter 1 Fluid Mechanics Introduction


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    Surface Tension _3

    A common phenomena associated with surfacetension is the rise or fall of a liquid in a capillary tube.

    cosR 2hR 2

    R cos2


    is the angle of cont act between the fluid and tube.

    Balance for equilibrium

  • 8/13/2019 Chapter 1 Fluid Mechanics Introduction


    Institute of Nuclear Engineering and SciencNPP CFD Modeling and Safety nalysis LabCFD


    Surface Tension Effects

    Surface tension effects play a role in many fluidmechanics problems including the movement ofliquids through soil and other porous media, flow ofthin film, formation of drops and bubbles, and thebreakup of liquid jets.Surface phenomena associated with liquid-gas,liquid-liquid or liquid-gas-solid interfaces are

    exceedingly complex.

  • 8/13/2019 Chapter 1 Fluid Mechanics Introduction


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    Fig. 1.10

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