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Chapter 1 Introduction - UKSW

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1 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Background Nowadays, information technology has been rapidly developing. Information technology has been applied in almost every part of human life. There are many kinds of information technology and mobile phone technology is one of its parts that have most rapidly developing. Mobile phones have transformed the way we communicate with friends and family, coordinate our daily activities, and organize our lives (Dawe, 2007). Figure 1.1 show 4 mobile phones from 2 different times, 2001 and 2011. Figure 1.1 (a) mobile phones on 2001 (b) mobile phones on 2011, Both of them from same vendor Data from Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) show that phone’s user has increased more than ten times and it is proportional with the data of pulse production. From both data, it can be concluded that mobile phone has been rapidly developing. Figure 1.2 shows the data about phone’s user and figure 1.3 show the data about pulse production. This condition makes the market of mobile phone has bigger demands every year, a condition that has positive and negative effects. The positive effect is now people have many options to choose a mobile phone because many companies, old and new comer, compete to produce best mobile phone. And the negative effect from it is the condition sometime makes people feel difficult to decide. So many type of mobile phone from many (a) (b)


Chapter 1


1.1 Background

Nowadays, information technology has been rapidly developing. Information technology has been applied in almost every part of human life. There are many kinds of information technology and mobile phone technology is one of its parts that have most rapidly developing. Mobile phones have transformed the way we communicate with friends and family, coordinate our daily activities, and organize our lives (Dawe, 2007). Figure 1.1 show 4 mobile phones from 2 different times, 2001 and 2011.

Figure 1.1 (a) mobile phones on 2001 (b) mobile phones on 2011, Both of them from same vendor

Data from Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) show that phone’s

user has increased more than ten times and it is proportional with the data of pulse production. From both data, it can be concluded that mobile phone has been rapidly developing. Figure 1.2 shows the data about phone’s user and figure 1.3 show the data about pulse production.

This condition makes the market of mobile phone has bigger demands every year, a condition that has positive and negative effects. The positive effect is now people have many options to choose a mobile phone because many companies, old and new comer, compete to produce best mobile phone. And the negative effect from it is the condition sometime makes people feel difficult to decide. So many type of mobile phone from many

(a) (b)


companies with their own features can make people feel difficult to choose one that they need or they want to.

Figure 1.2 Data of Phone’s user


Figure 1.3 Data of Pulse Production

And now, what people need is a recommender system that can help them to choose one, or maybe more, mobile phone that they need or they want. In this research, the recommender system will applies an algorithm that name is Extended Weighted Tree Similarity Algorithm. This algorithm considers not just the specification of mobile phone but also weighted of the specification. One of reason why people feel difficult to choose a mobile phone is because mobile phone has so many features now. With this algorithm, people can decide how important of every feature, and also other sides of mobile phone, like the price and vendor, so they can get the mobile phone’s recommendation base on the weighted of the specification as they want.

The inputs of this recommendation system are the criteria of the mobile phone, including the mobile phone’s feature, vendor and price, that the people want and the weighted of the criteria. And the output is the similarity value between the input and the mobile phones. The range of the similarity level is from 0 to 1. The mobile phone that has closest value of the


similarity to 1 is the most similar with the criteria that the people have been inputted. It also means that the mobile phone is the most recommended.

This recommendation system must be applied in one or more sites that have enough information about many types and features of mobile phones from many vendors. And the site that is used in this research is the site of Tabloid Pulsa.

1.2 Research Problem

This research have some problems to discuss, they are: 1. How to apply Extended Weighted Tree Similarity in a

recommender system to count the similarity between user’s input and mobile phone’s data from Tabloid Pulsa’ site.

2. How to test and measure that the recommender system has good quality as software.

1.3 Objective and Benefit

The objectives and benefits of this research are: 1. Designing and Building a recommender system that can give

right recommendation for mobile phone selection. 2. Applying Extended Weighted Tree Similarity Algorithm on a

recommender system. 1.4 Problem Scope

The scopes of problem of this research are: 1. The mobile phone data’s is used just from 10 vendors: PC

Tablet, Nokia, Blackberry, Apple, Samsung, Sony Ericsson, Motorola, Nexian, HTC, and LG.

2. The criteria of the mobile phone that will be counted by Weighted Tree Similarity Algorithm are: price, vendor and feature (just main feature, not added feature).

3. The features of mobile phone that will be allowed to count are: Dimension, Sound, Camera, Data, Battery, General (Network), Screen, Memory, and feature.


4. The data of the mobile phones that is used in this research just from the crawling result from Tabloid Pulsa’s site.

5. The mobile phones that will be recommended in this system just best ten, sorted by their similarity value.

6. The application and questioner will be in Bahasa Indonesia because this research was held in Indonesia.

1.5 Organization Study

To make this research’s report easier to read, this research’s report is divided to five chapters. And the previews of each chapter are: Chapter 1: Introduction

This chapter discuss about background, research problem, objective and benefit, and problem scope of this research Chapter 2: Literature Review

This chapter discuss about previous researches and theories of Mobile Phone, Weighted Tree Similarity Algorithm, and Recommender System. Chapter 3: Methodology

This chapter discuss about the research methodology that is used in this research and the design of recommender system application. Chapter 4: Result and Analysis

This chapter contains the result and analysis of this research. Chapter 5: Conclusion and Suggestion

This chapter contains the conclusions and suggestions of this research.
